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For correcting Pectus Excavatum stretching is very important
because the extent of pectus is further emphasised by poor
posture and weak and tight chest muscles associated with the
condition & stretching will help correct this.

Typically, postural problems associated with pectus include

rounded shoulders & kyphosis of the spine resulting in an
accentuation of the condition as this posture promotes and
further emphasises the sunken chest and potbellied
appearance. (See diagram below)

Normal Posture Pectus Posture

As you can see in the diagram on the previous page the
‘pectus posture’ greatly contributes to the cosmetic
significance of the condition. I can almost guarantee that you
can relate to that posture in particular the rounded shoulders
and kyphotic spine.

I have created a stretching routine for you on the following

page with 4 simple and effective stretches that can help
improve pectus posture through stretching the chest &
creating tension on the chest wall. You should aim to complete
that routine daily.

This routine is specifically focused on opening up the chest

and does not address the anterior pelvic tilt, nor does it have
any focus on the stretching of the lower body & arms at all. I
have no specialty in entire body stretching so have decided
not to provide with you a routine on this. I would recommend
getting into yoga & just doing simple common stretches that
feel good for you. Google is your friend.
Complete this stretching routine daily.

Ex 1. Chest Wall Stretch

Hold for 15 seconds per side then relax for 20 sec-
onds. Repeat 3-5 times

Ex 2. Prone Superman
Hold for 8-15 seconds then relax for 5 seconds. Re-
peat 6-10 times

Ex 3. Cobra stretch
Hold for 15 seconds whilst maintaining a big breath
out putting pressure on your chest wall. Then relax
for 20 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times

Ex 4. Arm Stretch kneeling

Hold for 20-30 seconds as you slowly get deeper in
the stretch then relax. Repeat 3 times

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