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By Hector Vera
The decimal metric system of weights and measures was officially adopted in
Mexico on 15 March 1857. Until then, people in Mexico had used hundreds of
measures that came from Medieval Europe, the Islamic culture, and pre-Columbian
by Don Hillger, PhD civilizations. These measures coexisted from the 16th to the 19th centuries in
a metrological melting pot formed in the three centuries of Spanish colonial
USMA Web Site Traces “Metric in domination. Eventually, those measures were replaced by the metric ones, but
the Press” Back to the 1940s not immediately. As was the case in many other countries, for decades the official
adoption of the meter actually meant very little—if anything—to lay people.
Actually, in Mexico, meters, liters, and kilograms were not seen in markets and
Some readers might not know that the
homes until the 1890s.
USMA Web pages contain a section
listing articles that have appeared The measures employed in the New Spain and during the first few decades of
in newspapers and magazines in independent Mexico were inexact, poorly standardized, and often used only at a
the past 10 years. This effort is in local level. Every city and every guild had its own standards and its own inspectors
conjunction with the giant Metric of weights and measures. Different sets of measures were utilized for different
Bibliography that USMA maintains, products: wine barrels varied from those of oil, dry measures (such as fanegas and
arrobas) for corn were not identical to those used for beans, the units to weigh
containing articles about the metric gold were not the same units used to weigh silver, and so forth.
system and related topics dating
back as far as the 1940s. The variety of local measures complicated commerce, science, and taxation, and
growing demands for metrological unification, exactness, and standardization arose
The bibliography can be a great among scientists, large-scale merchants, and government agents. In the 1840s the
resource for anyone searching for Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics (Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y
historical information or recent trends Estadística) prepared a report on weights and measures that recommended—not
without heated debates among the members of the scientific community—the
in metric adoption. Articles have adoption of the decimal metric system as the only official system of weights and
been added to the Web page since measures in Mexico.
1996, with links to online versions
of the articles when possible. Those But it wasn’t until 1857,
links may die over time, of course, after liberals controlled
but some of them remain active for the government and
undertook numerous
modernization reforms, that
the suggestion of adopting
The metric articles page can be the metric system was
found at finally accepted. The new
while legal disposition stipulated
describes the Metric Bibliography. that by 1 January 1862,
Each year about a hundred articles only metric measures could
be used in commerce and
on the metric system appear in legal contracts; all non-
journals and newspapers, and metric measures should be
readers can help by notifying the destroyed, and those who The official reception of the kilogram and liter
USMA Webmaster at hillger@cira. failed to obey the new law standards in Mexico City, ca. 1891, with minister of when they find articles would be fined. The same development Manuel Fernández Leal presiding.
that seem appropriate for the list. MT law also implemented the
decimal system of currency for the Mexican peso. A National Bureau of Weights
and Measures (Dirección General de Pesos y Medidas) was created to design and
carry out policies to disseminate the new decimal weights, measures, and money.
World Standards Day
But despite the Mexican government’s best intentions to metricate the country,
World Standards Day com- the metrological customs of the people remained intact. The government had
memorates the first meeting of an extremely problematical task. There were at least four big challenges for the
the International Organization Mexican state in this matter:
for Standardization (ISO)
on 14 October 1946. In the • To enforce the new metric legislation: A large number of well-trained inspectors
U.S., activities are planned and local offices of weights and measures was required.
for 18 October 2007; visit • To teach the population how to use the metric system: Names and magnitudes
for pointers to some Web of the metric units were completely unknown to lay people, and their decimal
character was an arithmetic oddity; most pre-metric measures in Mexico used
pages on the topic. MT
duodecimal, hexadecimal, and vigesimal systems that have greater divisibility than
the decimal system. This required a large education system that did not exist at
the time.
(to page 6)
4 2007 • Sept–Oct • Metric Today
AWARDS PROGRAM • To persuade people to use the metric system: In addition to teaching the
(from page 3) metric system, the state needed to persuade people that the metric system was
more useful than the old measures. A convincing ideological campaign was
local judges to evaluate the projects. needed.
We frequently receive requests from
science fairs to provide USMA members • To provide measuring instruments: It was necessary to import or build
to do the judging, and we occasionally metric measuring and weighing instruments for commerce and government
hear from USMA members interested in agencies (stores, workshops, mines, customs, etc.). With the new law, millions
judging at science fairs. Unfortunately, of measuring tools and implements would become obsolete and illegal, and
we’ve sometimes not been able to millions of replacements had to be provided.
coordinate such requests. At times,
there is no USMA member available to These were complicated and expensive matters. The vast majority of the
act as judge where there is a requesting population was illiterate, and there were no factories in the country to produce
metric instruments, nor were there technicians to calibrate the existing tools
fair, or there is no fair where there is a
nor inspectors to verify that merchants weren’t taking advantage of buyers. The
member willing to judge. government lacked the economic and human resources to carry out such a big
enterprise. To make things worse, the country was entering a long period of
But we are always interested in social and political instability due to a civil war and a foreign invasion.
hearing from members who would
like to volunteer for such duties. Those It was in the last decade of the 19th century, in the middle of the 30-year
interested should send me (hooperbill@ presidency of Porfirio Díaz, when political stability and economic growth their name and email created the conditions needed for an effective introduction of the metric system.
address or other contact information, In addition, the unification of weights and measures was a pressing necessity.
plus the areas where they would be The increasingly economic exchange with other nations and the economic
willing to travel to judge. Whenever we integration of different regions within the country required a standard way to
find a judge and a fair “looking for each measure and value commodities that were consumed in distant places.
other,” we provide contact information
The Díaz administration was more effective than its predecessors in enforcing
and they work out the arrangements if
the law and had a better organized and financed bureaucratic apparatus.
possible. Growing networks of telegraph and railway systems made it easier for the
National Bureau of Weights and Measures to coordinate its activities with local
I feel that this project gets a lot of governments and to monitor the progress of metrication. Communication with
publicity for USMA. Every award governors was now quicker and more consistent, and inspectors and technicians
certificate issued means there’s one could travel from Mexico City to the provinces faster than before. The arm of
more student who knows about USMA the law became longer and longer; it was much more difficult to ignore the
and the metric system. Furthermore, legal requirement for using the metric system than in previous decades.
their teachers, their schoolmates, and
their families hear about USMA and the At the same time, international use of the metric system had significantly
metric system. In addition, most awards increased. By then almost all of continental Europe and Latin America had
are made at an awards ceremony where adopted it, and there were serious plans to do so in the United States. The
Díaz regime was very interested in connecting Mexico with the “most advanced
an auditorium full of people hears the
countries of the world,” and the introduction of the metric system was seen as a
metric award being given and hears the way to enhance commercial and intellectual exchanges with those nations—as
name of the U.S. Metric Association. On well as an instrument to “civilize” Mexico.
top of all that, there is the reporting of
winners of various awards, including These ideas gained force in the First International Conference of American
the USMA award, in newspapers and States, held in Washington in 1889–1890. Among the topics discussed were the
on radio and TV. It’s not a hard sell, foundation of an American Customs Union; improving communication among
but it is name recognition. In a number the countries on the continent; the adoption of a common silver coin; laws
of instances, someone has contacted to protect copyrights; and the adoption of a common system of weights and
USMA to ask about metric information, measures, i.e., the metric system. A single, global market was emerging, where
saying they heard about USMA at a manufactured products became more and more important in comparison with
science fair. raw materials. This required an international system of measures to produce
standardized commodities that fit the technical requirements of both producer
countries and consumer countries. That year (1890), the Mexican government
The publicity for USMA and the metric took actions to incorporate Mexico among the members of the Meter Convention,
system is worthwhile, I believe, and the and to buy standards of the meter and kilogram from the International Bureau
cost is relatively small. I am pleased of Weights and Measures in Paris.
to continue coordinating this project,
which I think is valuable to metrication In 1895 the Congress passed a new Weights and Measures Act. With the new
in the U.S. legislation, the government launched a national campaign to promote the use
of metric measures. Brochures and handouts were widely distributed. These
USMA’s Web page at printed materials were both pedagogical, showing the rudiments of the metric
science.htm has additional information system, and ideological, stressing that use of metric measures was a symbol of
for the science fair awards program. MT progress and civilization. The campaign was effective among urban populations,
but in rural areas, where the majority of the population lived, people continued
(to page 7)
6 2007 • Sept–Oct • Metric Today
Samuel E. Chappell died 28 June 2007 to use traditional measures.
at the age of 76. He spent 38 years with
the National Institute of Standards and New social disturbances—the revolution of 1910–1917—stopped the metric
Technologies (NIST), including 13 years campaign. In 1917, as part of a reform in the Ministry of Development, the
as head of the Technical Standards National Bureau of Weights and Measures was closed and the efforts to
Activities Program, where he was one of continue spreading the use of the metric system ended. As a result, people
the country’s foremost experts on legal in small towns and indigenous communities did not learn how to use metric
metrology. measures.

Dr. Chappell was the U.S. representative The government made no further progress in the metrication process until
to the International Organization of Legal the 1930s, when the Ministry of Economy conducted a census of measures.
The census showed that people in the countryside did not use metric units to
Metrology (OIML), and was also active
measure their land or to weigh
in the American Society for Testing and
grain and other products.
Materials (now ASTM International),
Peasants and farmers instead
the International Organization for used more than 200 pre-
Standardization (ISO), the National metric units of measurement.
Conference on Weights and Measures To eradicate those vestiges
(NCWM), and the American National of ancient measures, a new
Standards Institute (ANSI). MT national metric campaign
was launched during the
A high school science class test presidency of Lázaro Cárdenas
question: If a boy has a mass of 60 (1934–1940). The campaign
kilograms and he climbed a ladder targeted rural and popular
classes, and disseminated A 50-centavo postage stamp commemorating
12 meters high in 25 seconds, what
more accessible materials the centenary of Mexico’s adoption of SI.
was the work done by the boy?
than in previous campaigns.
One student’s answer:
A window cleaner. Combined with an increasing access to formal education, where teaching
of the metric system was mandatory, this campaign succeeded in turning
the metric system into the most widely used system of measurement in the
METRIC TRAINING & country. Today, some pre-metric units can be found in remote areas, and due
to the influence of the American economy on Mexico, inch-pound units are
EDUCATION (from page 5) used in some industries. But these are minor exceptions; the metric system is
the prevailing system in everyday life, commerce, and industry.
The LCD display is very easy to read.
The digits displaying degrees are 2 cm In 1992 the Federal Government created a new central agency of weights and
high; those displaying tenths of degrees measures: the National Center of Metrology (Centro Nacional de Metrología).
are 1 cm high. Two velcro squares The center holds the national standards and carries out scientific and technical
are provided if you wish attach the research in metrology. MT
thermometer to something. MT

USMA Membership Application

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