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hello my name is reiva giovansyah, you can call me gio , i am 22 years old, i was

graduated from gunadarma university, majoring in computer system with GPA 3.28. iam
a fresh graduate.
i finished the thesis entitled sistem pengendali crossbow menggunakan module
bluetooth dan sensor infrared.

February 24, 2019

Attention to : Head of BPJS Kesehatan

in place

Dear Sir/Madam

Based on information that I get through the internet, BPJS Kesehatan provides
employment opportunities for new employess in the Administrasi Perluasan
Kepesertaan , i hereby interested and motivated to apply as administrasi perluasan
Kepesertaan of BPJS kesehatan.

I am fresh graduated from Gunadarma University and majored in computer system with
GPA 3.28, i have database and networking skills from my experiences from practicum
during collage.

it is my hope to get the opportunity to be able develop my potential and get work
experience in the position needed, and i hope my skills can be one of BPJS
Kesehatan Assets. Thank you for your consideration and atention.

Sincerely Yours,

Reiva Giovansyah

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