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Lesson Cycle

Lesson Title/Topic: Vocabulary

Concept: How to explain new vocabulary words in correct context

Standards/Rationale: TEKS 110.24 (b)(2)(B)

Learning Target: Given 10 new Assessment: Completed answers.

vocabulary words from chapter 1 of “The
Outsiders” book, the students will interpret
and define the meaning on a sheet of paper
with 85% accuracy.

Materials: “The Outsiders” book, Webster’s Dictionary, sheet of paper, pencil or pen.

Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)

The teacher will: The student will:

Focus/Mental Set: Assign each student a Watch the trailer to the movie “The
number as they come into the classroom Outsiders,” work with groups to define the
and then split them up into 5 groups of 6. meaning of the vocabulary words and draw
After the students get into their groups the 3 images that represent each word.
teacher will play a trailer of “The
Outsiders” movie to introduce the book to
the students and capture their attention. The
teacher will ask the students to assign a
leader in their group and the leader will
need to grab a few sheets of paper and
something to write with. The teacher will
hand out the list of the new vocabulary
words to the students.

Teacher Input: Listen to the summary. Brainstorm and

Tells the brief summary of the book “The give the teacher examples of the
Outsiders”. The teacher will then find the vocabulary words. Students will then find
next 3 vocabulary word in the first chapter the vocabulary words in the dictionary and
and read the sentence it is given in out loud help choose a sentence and 3 images
to the class. Afterwards, she will question associated with the word. Students will
the class on what they think the word write the sentences and draw the images on
means and have them discuss it within their the board.
group. After they discuss the meaning the
leader will be asked to share their thoughts
of what they think the vocabulary word
means. Next the teacher will ask the
ystudents to look up the vocabulary word
in the Webster’s Dictionary and have the
leader read it out loud to the group. Next,
she will tell the groups they have 3 minutes
to come up with a sentence of their own
using the vocabulary word in its correct
meaning and 3 images representing the
term. The leader in each group will share
their sentence and the images with class
and the teacher will have a leader from
each group come write and draw the
images on the board.

Guided Practice: Read the chapter and find the all the
The teacher will tell the students they have vocabulary words. Interpret what the
10 mins to read chapter 1 and list all the vocabulary word means and how it’s used
vocabulary words seen. They will then within the sentence. Uncover the true
discuss the meaning of the words within meaning of the vocabulary word in the
their groups. After the students agree dictionary. Discuss a new sentence using
within their group what the vocabulary the vocabulary word and three images that
means the teacher will ask each leader to give the vocabulary word meaning.
share the meaning. Next the teacher will
tell the groups to look up the word in the
dictionary and the leader to write the
definition on the sheet of paper. The
teacher will ask the team leader from one
group to share the dictionary meaning of
the vocabulary word. Next the teacher will
tell the groups to come up with a sentence
and 3 images associated with the
vocabulary word and the leader to write it
down on the paper. Each leader from all
the groups will write the sentence and the
three images on the board for the class to

Independent Practice: Students will be divided in five groups with

The teacher will observe each group as six people in each group.
they work together. If the teacher notices a Cooperatively participate in reading the
group struggling, she will act as a resource chapter quietly to themselves and finding
and guide them to a solution. Teacher will the rest of the new vocabulary words. Each
observe that each student is participating in group will interpret the meaning of the
the group. vocabulary word and the discover the direct
meaning in the dictionary. The leader of
each group will write the definition down
on the paper. The groups will create a
sentence to use the new vocabulary word in
and create 3 images that describe the word.
The leader will write the sentence and draw
the images on the sheet of paper.
Closure: As an assessment student will turn in their
Teacher will clarify the list of vocabulary papers at the end of class and formulate an
words and have the class answer with the answer to the open-ended question at the
definitions. The teacher will ask the class bottom of the paper.
an open-ended question. “Why it is
important to learn new vocabulary and how
can the importance be applied outside of

Bloom’s Level (s) Technology Integration:

 Knowledge: define, tells, discuss Teacher uses the computer to watch a
 Comprehension: questions trailer on youtube.
 Application: interpret
 Analysis: observe
 Synthesis: formulate
 Evaluation: clarify
Extension: Reteach:
The students will create a mini poster by I will point out the vocabulary word and
hand drawing, making a collage or by pronounce the word and have the group
compiling ideas digitally by using repeat after me. I will read the definition of
connections that help them understand the the word and have a context clues to help
vocabulary words. We will use the posters the students develop their own sentence
to create a word wall. using the word.
The student will make a word map.
Accommodations / Modifications: IEP

Special Education:
Hearing Impairment

I will have the student sit where I give most
of my instruction. I will use visual aids in
class such as a poster, charts, pictures and
graphic organizer to illustrate the
vocabulary concepts. If available their
would be a sign language interpreter and/or
hearing aids available for the student(s). I
will give the student a shortened list of
vocabulary words.

504 Accommodations:

Student will have extra time to complete

the assignment and I will shorten his/her

Low self-esteem:

I will provide reassurance and

encouragement during activities and
compliment positive behavior and work. I
will also send positive notes home.
Lesson Cycle (Gradual Release of Responsibility)

Lesson Title/Topic: Crime Scene Investigation / Forensic Science

Standards: TEKS 130.338 (2) Criminal Investigation: The student explores criminal
investigative procedures, investigations, and follow-up according to the profession and its job

The student is expected to:

Lesson Objectives: Assessment:

The student will record in his/her journal 3 Completed journal entries and activities.
different roles of a forensic scientist with
85% accuracy.

Materials: Handwriting analysis activity, finger print ink pad, index cards

The teacher will: The student will:

Focus:  Watch the video
 Show a short video on YouTube
introducing the kids to Forensic
Science and what it is about.

Teacher Input (I Do):  Listens to the teacher.

[Intro to career]  Responds to questions the teacher
 Tells students information about the asks.
career of a Forensic Scientist.  Interprets and solves the mystery of
: Forensic science technicians help matching the handwriting of the
investigate crimes by collecting and students’ name and the word
analyzing physical evidence. Many “wonderful” on the board.
technicians specialize in either  Interprets and solves the mystery of
crime scene investigation, the two pictures on the projector by
laboratory analysis or medical explaining what the differences are.
 Tells students of the average salary
of the career.
: $57, 850/ yr
 Tell students the about the
education and training required for
the career.
:Forensic science technicians
typically need at least a bachelor’s
degree in a natural science, such as
chemistry or biology. On-the-job
training is usually required for those
who investigate crime scenes and
for those who work in labs.
 Demonstrates handwriting analysis
by choosing 3 students to come to
the bored and write their name on
the board and then the word
“wonderful” on the board out of
order, the other students will turn
their backs to the board as the
students are writing.
 Demonstrates fingerprint analysis.

Guided Practice (We Do):  Students will match the handwriting

 Divides the class into 5 groups of 2. styles.
 Hand out handwriting analysis  Students will match their
activity to students and explain the fingerprints to the examples on the
activity. fingerprint analysis sheet.
 Allow 5-7 minutes for the activity.  Demonstrates use of knowledge by
 Pass out ink pads and index cards. matching their fingerprints with
 Monitor the students during ink pad either the whorl, loop or arch.
analysis activity.
 Acts as a resource for the students
as they complete the activities.
 Observes students during activities.
Independent Practice (You Do):  Complete a Nearpod interactive
 Assign a criminal investigation lesson on forensic science.
Nearpod activity. The Nearpod
activity will highlight handwriting
and fingerprint analysis.

Closure:  Discuss answers with partner.

 Reflects on the lesson using Kagan  Relates lesson to own interests
structure “Mix, Pair, Share”
 “What are 3 roles of a Forensic
Scientist and which one relates to
what you could see yourself doing
if you had that career?”
 “Would add any other education or
training to be a forensic scientist,
why or why not?”
 “Share 2 things that you learned
about a Forensic Scientist that you
didn’t know before.”
 Clarifies any questions the students
may have or any

Bloom’s Level(s) Technology Integration:

 Knowledge: Tells/Responds YouTube
 Comprehension: Demonstrates / Nearpod
 Application: Observes/ Solves
 Analysis: Acts as a resource /
 Synthesis: Reflects / Relates
 Evaluation: Clarifies / Compares
Extension: Reteach:
Have the students describe in a drawing (no Provide a short video, small direct
words) how a crime scene could be solved instruction and do a matching activity.
using other methods besides handwriting
and fingerprint analysis.

Accommodations / Modifications: IEP References:
Special Education: Educators/Online-Activities.html
Speech or language impairment
Modification: The student will create a
photo essay on criminal investigation.
Student can choose photos that illustrate
the information about a crime scene and
key roles needed to solve a crime.

504 Accommodations:
Memory: I will provide simultaneous
visual, auditory, and kinesthetic

The student will listen, watch and apply the

directions on how to do the handwriting
and fingerprinting analysis.

Social skills: small group instruction,

group work, team teaching.

The student will work with a buddy when

doing the handwriting and fingerprint

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