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In 13th June 1231, St. Anthony died in Padua, Italy at the age of 36.

This holy man

performed miracles during his life and after his death. He was even canonized in less
than one year after his death

Known to be the Patron saint of the poor and of the lost, he is one of the 35 Doctors of
the Church in the Catholic Church and proclaimed by the Venerable Pope Pius XII the
title Doctor Evangelicus “Evangelical Doctor.”

Here are the 15 Characteristics of Saint Anthony.

1. Obedience to God

 He simply answered yes to the calling of God. Thou he came from a wealthy and
noble family of Lisbon in Portugal, he left his comfort zone and followed his vocation —
to live his life for Christ.

2. Purity of heart

 Anthony of Padua is a chaste man. Most of the paintings attributed to him was
represented with a lily flower the symbol of chastity.

3. Passion for the Holy Scriptures

 He studied the Word of God with passion. He was fifteen when he entered in the
community Canon Regular under the Augustinian monks.

4. Love for the Holy Eucharist and devotion to the Blessed Mother Mary

 Anthony has such a great love for these two. He has also a great devotion to the
Blessed Sacrament.

5. Prayerful

 He contemplates and meditate the Word of God. The infant Lord Jesus shown
himself and talked to St. Anthony during his time of prayer.
6. Total Humility

 A humble man. He was attracted in the lifestyle of the Franciscan Order because
of their humility.

7. Disciplined

 He was a disciplined man. Especially when it comes to his prayer time, fasting
and meditating the Word of God.

8. Courageous

 He was a courageous man because he knew that God is with Him also the Blessed
Mother Mary. His great compassion to people brought him to intermediate even it has a
great percentage of having a war between two parties.

9. Love for the poor and sick

 He met different people in the walks of life. He was compassionate to people. He

healed the sick and helped the poor.

10. Passion for learning and teaching

 He stayed late at night to study and reflect. He studied theology and Latin during
his early years. He was known for his eloquence of preaching in any subject given to
him. St. Francis of Assisi asked him to teach theology to the Franciscan minor order. He
knows Greek. He spoke Latin, Portuguese, Italian and French.

11. Patient

 He endured the pain because he was not able to walk especially the last days of
his life.
12. A man of integrity

 In the time St. Anthony was known for his outstanding honesty. He stood for
what is true.

13. Sanctity of life

 He lived a holy life. He rose the dead. Preached to the fishes in Adriatic Sea. He
has the gift of bilocation.

14. Good servant leader

 He became the superior and founded monasteries in the northern Italy. He led by
example. He was grateful of the blessings he received.

15. Unbreakable commitment for evangelization

 He was inspired by the first 5 martyrs of Franciscans that was beheaded in

Morocco. His desire was to go there and evangelize the people and to become also
martyr but he was fled to Sicily. Miraculously survived when their ship was blown off

 He travelled in the towns of Italy to preach the Gospel to the people who lost their
faith in Christ. Brought many souls back because of his commitment and zeal for
spreading God’s Word.

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