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Unique Gift Ideas For Birthday

Everybody loves birthdays regardless of their age. It is

perfect for the occasion for a get together for family and
friends. Even though as we age the idea of ”Perfect
Birthday changes and the same happens with the idea of
a “Perfect Gift”.
So here are some birthday gift ideas for your loved ones
according to their age:-
● Infants (1-4 yrs) - ​The kids in this age group are
constantly learning. So, the best gift idea would be a
toy or any product that will help them learn new
things. Even if you want to give them something apart
from these things, there are zillions of toys in the
market to choose from. The best gift for a kid who just
turned 1 this year is a walker or any other item that
will help them in their “learning to walk” process. If
you are gifting something to a 2-year-old then some
audio toy is the best gift because it will help in
increasing the vocabulary of the kid because at this
stage the kid knows the basic language but to enlarge
his spectrum in vocabulary, this would be the best gift.
If you are gifting a 3 or 4-year-old then a colour book
or any book that will help him in learning the basic
school knowledge would be a good idea.
● Child (5-12 yrs) - ​If you are gifting something to a
child then at this stage something which is for their
fun is a good idea because even though the brain of a
child is still developing but no major changes are
happing in a child in the mental aspect. So something
which helps them in their physical growth is the best
idea because at this stage the kid is gaining height
and physical development is much faster than mental
development. So a skipping rope is a pretty good idea
because regardless of gender every kid loves to skip
and play various games with skipping rope. If the kid
has siblings then a trampoline would be an amazing
idea because they’ll enjoy it with their siblings. If you
want to gift them something which is helpful for them
then school supplies would be an amazing idea for

● Teen (13-18 yrs)- ​Teenage is the stage where there

are endless ideas for gifts. You can gift them clothing
items, accessories, something related to their
hobbies, etc. But also the tricky part is that they might
not like all of them. So the best solution for this is to
gift them a piece of clothing. Even if its a boy or a girl,
clothes are the best option to gift them because at this
stage they are a lot of conscious about a lot of things,
so the only thing that can make them feel better is
most of the time is their looks and the most important
part about looks is clothes. But while gifting them
clothing make sure that you gift them something
which suits or go along with their style or else there is
a huge possibility that they won’t even wear your gift.

● Young Adults (19-21 yrs) ​This the age where fancy

and funky stuff attracts people a little less because
most of them mature and by this age. The matter of
fact is some of them even move out of the house and
start living on their own. So gifting them funky clothes
won’t help them anymore, hence the better idea is to
gift them something that they actually use. Some of
the ideas are- home decor because it will help them in
settling their new places, some kind of gadget that will
help them in their career and if you are really close to
the person then you can help them in either their
college funds or stuff like that.

● Adults (22-55 yrs) ​At this stage, gifting them

something which is useful for them is a perfect idea or
you can gift them something which they were looking
forward to buying because the thing is fancy clothing
and other stuff won’t attract them anymore (well not
most of them) but things which will help them in
households would be a better option for gift. But if you
really want to gift them something fancy or something
with just “feel good” vibe then here are some ​gifting
ideas for women.
● Old Age (above 56 yrs) ​The best gifting ideas for old
age are things that are comforting for them because
there are many aspects through which they may be
facing the problems. So a shawl or blanket or stuff like
that would be a good idea. If you really want to gif
them clothing then gift them something decent and in
soft shades, not something funky.
These were the pretty basic idea of what you should
gift someone according to their age or just a fair idea
of what you should keep in mind while choosing a gift
for someone.
For more ideas and products check out ​Happy
Shappy​ App on ​Android​ and ​IOS​.

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