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1) Go to "Agregar o quitar programas" and remove any python instance that you
have already installed

2) To avoid problems with TensorFlow, install version 3.6.7, which is the one
that I have. Go to and download
the file "Windows x86-64 executable installer" of the corresponding version:

3) VERY IMPORTANT! During the installation you will be asked to "Add python
to PATH". Please check it and select the option "Install Now":
4) Now we have to install the needed packages. First enter to the command
console of the operating system. Go to the Windows bar search and look for

Click in "Símbolo del sistema" and a black console will open.

5) We first need to update the installer: Write python -m pip install --upgrade pip
(and press enter).

6) Now we continue by installing packages, in the command console (Símbolo

del sistema) we should write the following lines, one at each step, and pressing
enter (without the quotation marks “)

Numpy: "pip install numpy"

Pandas: "pip install pandas"
Sklearn: "pip install sklearn"
catboost: "pip install catboost"
Shap: "pip install shap"
TensorFlow: "pip install tensorflow"
Keras: "pip install keras"

Extra packages will be installed during classes if needed

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