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THERE'S SUBSTITUTE FOR ACCURACY Read recipe carefully. Assemble all ingredients and vtensils lnct pans of proper bind and sire, Measure inside, from rim to rim sl stand wins cup anil ayoone, Use quid measuring eups (sim above Lcup line) for liguids, Use nested or dry measuring cups (1-cup Tide even with top) for dry logredionta " heck liquid measuremonte at eye level. Sift all flour except wholegrain types before measuring. Spoon Hehily into measuring. cup. Dovnot jar cup. evel dry. jonsuremonts with straightedge Anite or spatuia or Preheat oven 12 to 207 at required temper- ature, Leave oven door open first 2 min Beat whole eggs until thick and piled softly when recipe ealls for well-beaten eggs, ‘Phe covering of foods which are stored inthe tefeigcrator will depend upon the type of rele grater used a conventionsl or moisiccold refrigerator. FOR THESE RECIPES—WHAT TO USE DREAD CRUMBS — one slice fresh bread equals about | cup soft crumbs or cubes, One shies dry oF toasted bread equals about 34 cup dry cubes or 34 cup fine, dry crumbs. BUTTERED CRUMBS soft or dry bread or er ccunils tossed in anelted butter or mar rine. Use 1 to 2 tablespoons butter or margarine for | cup soft crumbs and 2 to 4 teblespoons butter or margarine for 1 cup dry crumbs. CREAM light, table or coffee cream—contain- ing not less than 18% butter fat, HEAVY or WHIPPING CREAM containing not less than 36% butter fat FLOUR—all-purpose (hard wheat) Nour, (In some southern areas where a blend of soft wheats is used, hetter products may result when minor adjustments are made in recipes. A little less Tiquid or more flour may be needed.) GRATED PEEL—whole citrus fruit peel finely fated oust cles prt only. (Wate pet iter. GROUND POPPY SEEDS—freslly ground by grocer using special grinder or ground at home in Clectric blender. If using electric blender, place into blender container about ?4 cup whole poppy Seods at one timo, Cover container, turn on motor and grind 3 to 5 min., or until poppy seeds are very finely ground. Y4 Ib, whole poppy seods—about 134 cups, whole (about 2!4 cups, ground) jg fithes AND SrIcts—ysound unless reeipeapee: ‘fice otherwise. © MUSHROOMS—fresh; use canned if specified in recipe. ott—salad, cooking. Use olive oil only when recipe states ROTARY BEATER hand operat (Dover typ) SHORTENING —a yrozonated ygetble short ning, altpurpose. shortening, butter or mar faring. Use Taft or ail whem specified SUcAR—granilatal (beet oF cane), VINEGARS cher vinggr. HOW TO DO IT BASTE—spoon lig cooking food to add BLANCH ALMONDS ‘The flavor of almonds is est maintainel when almonds ace allowed, to it water the shortest possible time during Hanching. Therefore, blanch only about 1 cup t's Limes repeat process as many times as neces sary for larger eons. ‘ . Jing to rapid boiling enough water to, wel cover shelled almonds. Drop in almonds. Turn i heat and allow almonds to remain in the water shout mins drain or remove with fork orsltted Spoon, Place between falds of absorbent papers Pat dry. Gently squeeze almonds with kagers to Tomove skins, Place on dry absorbent paper. To dry thoroughly, frequently shift almonds to dry spots on paper PTOASTNUTS—place blanched nuts ina shallow baking dish ov pie pan and beush lightly with cooking oil, Heat in aven at 250°F until delicately Srowned, Stir and. turn occasionally. Or add Maced guts a heany chillet in which Buttor @r margarine (about | tablespoon per cup of nuts) faa'been melted or use oil Brows nut lightly, stirring constantly, 0 BOIL ook in hig continually and. break © id (or use baster) over lies ise tirface, Boiling level is 212°P. - ta deep, pan on Thang sl in pa an 10 loval of mist farther boiling by usin oven tack and pl Pour boiling, wate in baking dish. Prevent ven oven temperature. BOCLEAN CELERY. trim roots and out off leaves. Leaves may be used for added flavor in soups and stuffings; inner leayes may be left on stalk when serving as relith. Separate stalks, remove blem- shes and wash. Proceed as directed in recipe. CLEAN GARLIC separate into cloves and re move outer (thin, papery) skin CLEAN GREEN’ PEPPER—rinse and cut into quarters: Remeve stem, all white fiber and coeds SEAN Spoon or knife; rinse, Prepare as directed GLEAN and SLICE MUSHROOMS wipe sith @ clean, damp cleth and ent offtips of stems: slice Tengthwise through stems and caps. ‘GLEAN ONIONE (Bry) cut off root end and a slice from stem end; peel and rinse. Prepare tel in recipe. DICE cut into small cubes. 5 Staff Home Economisis CULINARY ARTS INSTITUTE MELANIE DE PROFT Director BARBARA ALBRECHT » RUTH BELL + ELIZABETH BUCHANAN + KATHRYN CUFFORD LIUAN FULDE + MITZI INOUYE + MARY JANSSEN + JERRINE LEICHHARDT ‘YWONNE NEHIS + PHYLLIS VAN LEER + RUTH RUST + ROSELYN. WHITE IMRE SZEGO, Consultant Chef, Saint Géllert Hotel and Confiserie Réthy, Budapest, Hungary Mlastrated by KAY LOVELACE

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