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‫סיפורים על האש‬

Fire Svarozhich

The third brother of the Sun and Lightning, the third son of
Heaven and Earth for the ancient Slavs was Fire. Until now,
we have a special feeling when we speak about the fire of
our homelands ”- although most of us do not have fireplaces
at home, but gas or electric stoves. In ancient times, the Fire
was truly the center of the world in which all human life
passed, and even after death his body often awaited a
North Russian Povin - a place of worship funeral pyre. In the deepest antiquity, the Fire drove away
of Fire Svarozhich darkness, cold and predatory animals. Later, he collected
several generations of the genus around himself — a large
family, symbolizing its inseparable community (for more details, see the chapter “In a single bread”).

During the meal, Fire was served with the first and best piece. Any wanderer, a complete stranger,
became “his”, as soon as he warmed up at the hearth. He was defended as his own. Evil forces did not
dare approach the Fire, but the Fire was able to cleanse anything defiled. The fire witnessed the oaths,
and this is where the custom is to jump in pairs over the rostra: it was believed that if a boy and a girl
were able to fly over the flame without disengaging their hands, then their love would be destined for a
long life. Yes, and the very love of man and woman was considered similar to Fire, It was not for nothing
that we still say: “Love broke out in their hearts ...”

What was the name of the God of Fire? Some scientists believe that the Western Slavs, who lived along
the southern coast of the Baltic Sea, called it Radogost (Radigost). These researchers have serious
evidence, their no less learned opponents have refutations, so the final word has not yet been
said. Most likely, the name of the God of Fire was so holy (still, after all, this God dwelt not somewhere
in the seventh sky, but directly among the people!) That they tried to seldom say it out loud, replaced it
with allegories. And over time, it just forgot ...

But the great multitude will not be forgotten and will accept beliefs associated with Fire. In the presence
of Fire, it was considered unthinkable to swear: "I would tell you ... yes, you can't: bake in the hut!"

The Russian matchmaker, who appeared to woo the bride, by all means stretched her hands to the
furnace, warming her palms, no matter what time of the year this happened: by doing so she called on
Fire as her allies, enlisted his support. The newlyweds young husband solemnly circled around the
hearth three times. And if at the time of the birth of a child, the Fire unexpectedly died away, then this
was a sure sign of the birth of a future villain. And now, finally, why a plate is broken before the bride
and groom, but before that they broke the pot that had just been on Fire: “How many pieces, would
there be so many sons!”

Now most often do not remember the meaning of this action. One and can answer: for happiness. A
custom lives.
Special sacred power was attributed to the Fire,
received in the most primitive way - by friction. And
here, perhaps, it is necessary to say a few words,
why all the most ancient used this honor, and even
today still enjoys it: the best advertising is “made
according to old-fashioned recipes”. The fact is that
the forefathers and foremothers of living people, as
it was believed, learned all the most ancient
Getting the sacred "living" Fire.
customs, techniques and skills, directly from the
Since the reconstruction of 1928
Gods. Recall the blacksmith tongs and plow, "fallen
from heaven", or the "first" laws! Accordingly, all
subsequent technical and social progress was partly a distortion of the great-grandfather "divine"
wisdom, above which, according to ancient people, nothing could be.

So, the Fire, obtained by friction, was considered "clean", not in contact with any nasty. Burning such a
fire each time marked the onset of the new year. At the same time, they believed that all the sins of the
past remain last year together with the extinct old Fire: thus, every year the world is given a chance to
be reborn, to become kinder and better ... We note in passing that the beginning of the new year in
Russia was repeatedly transferred, it was celebrated in March, then in September, but one of the oldest
scientists still recognize the New Year, celebrated during the winter solstice, December 22-23.

With Fire, the pagan Slavs associated and the emergence of people. According to some legends, the
gods created a man and a woman of two sticks, between which the fire burned - the very first flame of
love ...

And this is not all that can be said about Fire. There are a lot of interesting examples. Where, for
example, came our "cheesecake"? This is from the ancient word "Vatra", that is, "hearth".

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