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THE TREE OF LIFE ANO SEX _EXPERTENCE How many students of Qabalah suspect of realice that the Tree of Life is interpretable as an idealised sex story? It cen, indeed, be Seen as such in symbolic sense along both Macre end Micro-cosmic levels of Life. To Follow this tale, we have only to trace the Spheres sequentially downwards, reading each as = specialised stage of the entire generative action, This naturally begins with Zoic Zero, or Ain-Soph-Aur as a universal Nil-ctate. Herein, pure po- tential power is at peace, preparatory to being directed wherever and however mey be willed by whatever entity uses it, whether at Divine or human ends of existence . Energy emerges initielly as condition called: 4. KETHER, the Crown or Summit. We shall term this the "In- itiating intention". Hare, it says cimply something Liki "I will Fulfil and find myself through sex activity". Just thet imperative alone. To attain such Fulfilment pro- erly, successive Factors must eventuate this way: 2. CHOCKMAH, Wisdom, or Creative Male-motivated Consciousness. This supplies an outgoing drive which must meet with = 3. SINAH, Understanding, or Creative Female-Formed Conscious- pees. This affords an intake for the preceding principle, and together they offer opportunity For 4. CHESED, Mercy, or Grace of Giving, This amounts to the "giving out" ef a sex act through love and affection con Sidered as Compassion. 5. GEBURAH, Severity, or Terms of Taking, This means what- ever disciplines and controls ere appiled to make the act most effective. 6. TIPHERETH, Boauty, or Held Harmony, The central climax itself, ss all energy equates and balances in perfect poise oF power. NETZACH, Victory, or Awareness of Achievement. The sense of satisfaction which should Follow naturally upon spini- tuslly successful creative climaxes. HOD, Glory, or Beatific Brilliance. Otherwice an intimation of increasing intelligence through whatever extra entity is being invoked into existence. YESOD, Foundetion, or Evidence of Establishment. Ac, For exemple someone might say "I have founded @ Family", or sensed real spirituel] solidity in something done for its own sake, 19. MALKUTH, Kingeom, or Concretion of Consciousness. The end product of effort, or "coming down to earth” which closes any particular creative cycle. THE TREE OF LIFE ANO SEX EXPERIENCE It should be noted thet all this is actually a continuum of senscious experience leading From "Light" into "Life". Here it has been translated inte very highly idealised stages of human sexual Tealisations, mainly For the sake of comprehension within a famillar Frame of reference. Granted we are looking at a sex-sequence from @ rather lofty angle, but such are the Fundamental basics behind creativity per se. They apply in principle throughout all cycles of creative consciousness operating along every level of Life. The whole oF this process is Fer more than merely biological. Tt takes place in us all individually ae we uce our living energies suto-creatively, We are intrinsically male-female creatures, nor_ mally having 9 polarised bias determining which sex-side comes upper- Most, as it were. As individual entities, however, sex relationships are constantly taking place within us between the mele and female Side of our natures. It is of great spiritual importance that such a relationship should be as perfect es possible. Only when and if ones own internal polarities become properly balanced together, can even a semblance of sound spiritual health be maintained. This point is of very great importance. Tt means thet most of our sexual troubles and difficulties we bleme on others are, in Fact, due te Faulty and inadequate functioning inside ourselves. ‘The Tree of Life provides a plan of auto-sexal arrangement for releting the bi-sexual natures of individuals harmoniously, It alse operates jong similar lines conjoining individuals with each other. One might almost say that For those abl= to respond with its sophisticated symbology, the Tree of Life is the sexiest of all symbols imaginable. Te study this in detail could take quite a large volume. However, if wo reduce it here to the briefest review of the process, we might get an overall view of the picture something like this. 0. We are in = normally negative state of unauthoritetive Life-acceptance. Nothing is especially intended spert From anything else. 4. An imperative emerges as an suto-authorised concentration oF consciousness. This has to come Fram highest level of entity as a positive "T WILL" drive derived From the Self- source directly. For emergence into existence past thie point, thie will split between: 2. The mele side of consciousness working with calculation, and 3. The female side of consciousness working with intuition, The resultant equetion of this must now crass the "Abyos!! between Further action or re-negation. such an Abyss should be crossed by Experience and Knowledga of Life. The power Of purpose prajects past the Abysc on the male side as: 4. All the "pres! concerned with the original intention. on the Female side it becomes: EE OF LIFE ANO SEX EXPERTENCE All the "contrast! concerned with the original intention. Both these "Fors and againete" have to react with each other in rhythmicsl conscious activity relatable with a sex act until e centrel climax is reached which decides the issue st = point of 8. Poised power, at which the polarised energy resolves itcelF inte @ single iesue again es en outcome of the previous pro- Bess. At this point there is leo = decisive impact From the Self-source along = direct centre line of connecting consciousness. This brings @ "purpese-pius" Factor into Foous. TF this were = phycicel aex act, it would be an im- Pregnation inviting another being inte inearnation, Sub- sequent upon this, the containing consciousness palarises again into: 7. A realisation of accomplishment amounting to a sense of victory and echievement. This should autometically announce the success of the enterprise so fer, end encourege further projection towards eventual emergence inte existence on more limited levels, Complementation of 211 this comes From: 8. A sense of increased intelligence and inner brillience, beceuse the purpose of the process is coming so much closer to ite intended objectivication. This enhances its devel- opment as favourably ss possible. In © humen sex act, it would amount to "womb-welfare'. Both thece lect tages should new combine in a comman point af: 8. Establishment, or arrival at a certainty that everything hes come to a conclusion just one point removed Fram eetual materialisation or finalisation of Focus. If this were a Sex act, it would be the mutual agreement of both perties cencerning their shared responsibility towards their welcome effepring., It would also be the point where that emerging entity itself began establishing links of connecting con- sciousness with life along its projected lines of progress. To complete the cycle, only a last stags is needed, which is: 40. Arrival at actuality, in the sense that the projection now enters its intended life-level as an individualised item @perative in those dimensions or states of being. Thic "birth-entry" is pushed through by @ combination of the polarised powers and the objectifying entity itselF pro- Pelled slong 4 central line of overall direction From its eriginal source. Once "out", It continues with its career Becording to circumstances, and so the story goes on. Such are, or rether should be, the stages or "Spheres", through which creative consciousness ought te operate through us according to the Tree of Life plan of projection, Whether the outcome is another Fumsn being or a concept of pure consciousness focussed inta our ordin— ary living levels, the principles involved are the sana.

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