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Complete reportof Animal Development Practicum with title “Medicine Injection on

Animal Laboratory” that arranged by:

Name : Dwi Rahmaniar

ID : 1314441013

Class : Biology Education of ICP A

Group : III

After checked and consulted by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report was

Makassar, December 2014

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Anggra Alfian Paewa Panennungi

ID. 101404007 ID. 1214441027

Lecture of Responsibility

Drs. H. Adnan, M.S

ID : 19650201 198803 1 003

I. Basic Theory
Mice or Mus musculus is including to rodentia order and muridae familia. It
is mice house. Normal adult mice the weight between 25-40gram and has a many
variety of colors. The majority of strain is albino laboratory mice that had white
feather and eye color pink. Mice has no sweat glands, the heart is 4 room, there are
thin atrium wall and the ventricle wall is thick.with knom the characteristics of animal
laboratory, practican can do good things and can control their animal laboratory. In
amount of medicine dosis that will use must knew well in kuantitatif because of the
dosis in human diferent with mice and this must adapted with the extensive surface
body. (Tim Pengajar, 2014).
The use of experimental animals in scientific research in medicine or
biomedical been running decades ago. Animal models or experimental means must
meet certain requirements, among other genetic or hereditary conditions and adequate
environment in its management, in addition to economic factors, is whether or not
obtained, and able to provide a similar biological reaction incidence in humans. (Tjay,
T.H and Rahardja, K, 2002).
How to hold the animal as well as the method of determining the sex should
also be known. How to hold the animals of each kind of animal is different and is
determined by the nature of the animal, the physical state (large or small) as well as its
purpose. Errors in the way it will be able to cause an accident or hips or pain to
animals (this will make it difficult to perform injections or blood sampling, for
example) and also for the people who hold them. (Katzug, B.G, 1989).
These drug delivery, can be administered orally, subcutaneously,
intramuscular, intravenous, and intraperitoneal. These can be given orally by mixing
the drug with food, can also with a special needle size 20 and a length of
approximately 5cm to enter the compound directly into the stomach through the
esophagus, needle. (Tim Pengajar, 2014).
The rounded edges and holes to the side. Subcutaneous route is most easily
done in mice. Medicinal drugs can be given to mice with panjangnya0,5-1,0 needle
and size 22-24 cm (22-24 gauge). Drugs can be injected under the skin area back or in
the abdominal area. Disadvantages of this route is in the liquid medication must
dapatlarut as to be injected. Intramuscular route of drug administration is more
difficult because the muscles are very small mice, the drug can be injected into the
back of the thigh muscle with a needle length of 0.5-1.0 cm and 24 gauge sizes, bo not
inject into a blood vessel that is not exposed. These intravena administration of drugs
in mice state can not move this can be done by mencitdimasukkan into plastic tube is
large enough so that mice can not be rolled back and that its tail out of the tube, which
is used measuring 28gauge needle with a length of 0.5 cm and inject the lateral tail
vein, this method can not be done because there are so pigmented skin vein mice are
small and difficult to see even though white mice. Intraperitoneally almost the same
way with caraIM, injections performed in the abdominal area between the pubic
symphysis and cartilage xiphoidea. (Tim Pengajar, 2014).

II. Purpose
Students can know and learn about how to give medicine injection in animal
especially mice (Mus Musculus) properly by way intra muscular, intra peritoneal, “sub
kutan” and oral.

III. Methods of Experiment

A. Place and Time
Day/Date : Tuesday/December 9th 2014
Time : 3 pm – 5 pm
Place : Biology Laboratory on east 3rd floor, FMipa UNM
B. Tools and Materials
1. Tools :
a. Mice cage (1 peice)
b. Feeding tube (1 piece)
c. Syringe (1piece)
2. Materials :
a. Water (1 bottle)
b. Mus Musculus (2)
C. Work Procedure
1) How to hold the mice and ready to give medicine injection
1. The tip of mice’s tail was lifted by the right hand
2. The mice was taked in the table and then the skin on the neck of mice was
pinned by the left hand (thumb and forefinger).
3. Then, faced up the mice to our
2) How to medicine injection in mice
a. By oral : 1. Entered water in the blunt tip syringe slowly and
injected the medicine by oral or mouth.
b. By Subcutaneous : 1. Medicine injected by subcutaneous exactly at the
nape of the neck’s mice and behind the ear skin quickly to prevent bleeding.
c. By Intra muscular : 1. Medicine injecting by intra muscular exactly at the
thigs of mice used a sharp syringe.
d. By peritoneal : 1. The injecting mice by peritoneal used a sharp mice
and give injecting carefully and slowly.

IV. Observation Result and Discussion

A. Observation Result
Picture : how to give medicine injection on animal laboratory (Mus Musculus)
a. Oral
b. Subcutaneosus

c. Intra muscular

d. Peritonial
B. Disccussion
On our observation, we was observed how medicine injection on animal
laboratory. The animal laboratory is female and male mice (Mus Musculus). Firstly,
actually we was prepared two diferent organism male and female because we want to
know how the react of two diferent animal in one principal work and same action.
Based on the theory, there are factor that affect in react the mice or animal in injection,
environment factor, how we hold and handle the animal when we are observed and
when still in the mice cage, genetics, and phisical or physic condition (Tjay,T.H dan
Rahardja,K, 2002). We can not give medicine injection on stress mice. The stress
feeling is because how we control and handle the mice when we will give injection.
So, on our observation, we just used one organism of male mice, because we was
woried about the condition of female mice. We tried repeatedly to give medicine
injection in female mice, but it’s too dificult. The female mice is too dificult in control
and we woried if the female mice going to be stressfull.
To male mice that we was observed, we gaved four act, there are injecting
medicine by oral, subcutanpus, intramuscular, and peritoneal. Injection by oral is the
medicine (in our observation, we just used water because we can not give the mice
alcohol if we don’t know the dosis and we are not expert about it) that through from
mouth and then in the esophagus. Injection by oral was used a blunt tip syringe (but,
can use sharp tip syringe) because the water just enter by mouth. Although, injection
by subcutanous with the principal work is injection at the nape skin (near it’s ear). We
was used a sharp syringe for through the skin and enter in their body by epidermis
layer and will absorb by their body in cells. Injection by intramuscular is at the thigh
use a sharp tip syringe. It’s must carefully and quickly and exactly because the tight of
mice is very small adn it’s dificult. For injection by peritoneul is at the abdomen
exactly near of their symphisi pubis “selangkangan”. On our observation we just
observed and learne d how medicine injection on animal laboratory.
V. Closing
A. Conclussion
There are four type of medicine injecting in animal laboratory (mice) by oral,
subcutaneous, peritorial and intramuscular. Every type has the different in how to
give injecting, the type syringe and the principal work. Injection by oral is must use
blunt tip of syrnge and for subcutaneous, intramuscular and peritoneal must use
sharp tip of syringe because the spoit tip must through the skin.
B. Sugestion
Every “praktikan” or student who will observed and doing practicum, they are
must know and understand the work procedure for eficient and effective


Katzung, Bertram G. 2001. Farmakologi Dasar dan Klinik. Jakarta: Salemba

Tim pengajar. 2014. Praktikum Perkembangan Hewan Pemberian Obat pada
Hewan Uji. Makassar: Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM
Tjay,Tan Hoan dan K. Rahardja, 2007, Obat-obat Penting, PT Gramedia, Jakarta.

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