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Narrative writing : Unintentional

The wailing of the ambulance siren insistently penetrated her confused mind. Lee was
frightened, so frightened that the tissue paper she was holding had been torn into sheds and floated
ignominiously onto the floor of the ambulance. She stared at the pale face of the boy lying so still on the
stretcher. He was her best friend. “If only he would listen to me”, she sobbed, “I could explain
everything.” Anguished tears wracked her body again as a fresh spasm of pain overwhelmed her.
The day had started like any other. It was bright and no clouds were in sight. She had arranged to
meet Kenny at the school gates before entering school to get their results. The results were important to
all the students, but more to Kenny. He was on a scholarship and needed to do well in examinations to
have it extended.
Kenny came from a single-parent family. His father passed away when he was in a young age.
Due to that, his mother was taking on three jobs a day and onto night to support the financial of the
whole family. Kenny was very close to her mother and was hoping that the scholarship would see him
through (support him) school without further burdening her mother. Actually, everyone was very certain
that Kenny would excel in the exam because he was not only clever but also the most diligent among his
Lee had sneaked a look at the results since she was early and she saw that Kenny had again
topped the school. Lee was a happy-go-lucky person and she liked her best friend very much. She
wished that Kenny could lighten up instead of being so serious all the time. She felt that he did not enjoy
life enough as he always thinking how he could further improve his results so that he could get a good
job in the future. Lee had no such concerns. She came from an affluent family and need not to worry
about where her next meal would come from.
As she stood idly kicking the stone on the pavement, an idea began to take form in her
mischievous mind. She would play a joke on Kenny! “I will tell him that he had not done well in the
exam. When he finally sees the results, he would jump with elation”, Lee thought and he believed that
could bring joy to her friend.
When Kenny’s thin frame was discernible (seen) in the distance, Lee pretended her features into
a mask of sadness. Kenny saw it and ran to her, worried for his friend. “What is wrong? Are you
alright?” His face was lined with great concern as he looked at her. “It’s not me but your results….” Lee
stammered. Within seconds, Kenny’s face clouded with shock. He looked as if he was going to faint for
he had turned so pale.
Lee began to realize that perhaps her joke was not a good idea after all. Kenny suddenly whirled
around and ran into the street. In his despair, he did not see the truck coming down the road and was
directly in front of it when it was merely metres away. Lee shouted as loud as she could to stop him and
asked him to listen to her. However, he just turned a deaf ear on Lee as anguish had filled his head.
“Bang!” the sound of sickening crunch of the massive wheels over Kenny’s body tore though
Lee’s senses and she stood there, shocked at the result of her joke. She heard hysterical screaming
somewhere close by and started mumbling over and over again. “Listen to me. I can explain everything.
Listen to me…..”

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