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= BIBLIOTECA S 5 $ Leia de Bipliote Gloria Anzaldia Borderlands La Frontera The New Mestiza rss. RSH ANNIVERSARY FOURTH EDITION HUMANIDADES ®) x 63992} aunt lute books SAN FRANC Library of Congress Cataloging i Publication Dat Anzai, Gloria. Borderlands the new mesiza =a frontera by Gloria Anal. ~ hed pcm Includes bibWographical references, ISHN 9781879960855 Gall paper) 1. Mexican American women-Poctry.2. Mexican American Bond Region oct. {Tie I 51.N9SN6 2012 Sezs 15413 109.87 Acknowledgments To you who walked with me upon my path and who held out a hand when I stumbled; to you who brushed past me at crossroads never to touch me again; to you whom I never chanced to meet but who inhabit borderlands similar 10 mine; {0 you for whom the borderlands is unknowa territory; to Kit Quan, for feeding me and listening to me ind rave; to Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz, for believing in me and being there for me; of impossible de: ‘excellent copy-edit ‘more readable and cohesive; Debra DeBondt who worked long and hard to keep the ‘book on schedule; Pam Wilson and Grace Harwood; to Frances Doughty, Juanita Ramos, Judith Waterman, Irena Klepfisz, Randy Conner, Janet Aalphs, Mirtha N. Quintanales, Mandy Covey ia Dykewomon for their support and encouragement, 2 ‘memory of my fat isa (Locha) and Ramona, gracias a toditos ustedes. THIS BOOK is dedicated a todos mexicanos on both sides of the border. GEA. Contents Introduction to the Fourth Edition by Norma B, Cant and Aida Hurtado 3 Coatlatopeub, She Who Has Dominion Over Sexpents For Waging War Is My Cosmic Duty ‘Sueno con serpientes ‘The Presences La facultaa 41a berencia de Coatlicue /The Coatlicue State, page 63 Enfrentamientos con et alma Elsecreto terrible y la rajadura Nopal de castilla ‘The Coatticue State ‘The Goaaticue State Isa Prelude to Crossing ‘That Which Abides 5. How to Tame a Wild Tongue, page 75 Overcoming the Tradition of Silence Oy€ como ladra-el lenguuaje de ta frontera Chicano Spanish tic Terrorism s" corridos, y comidas: My Native Tongue Si le preguntas ami mamd, “zqué eres?”

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