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CHAPTER 4 Anger Management with Children _ and Adolescents Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy W. MICHAEL NELSON Ill, A. J. FINCH, Jr, and A. CASH GHEE 3 fia ld wy “one ‘mo in a The net Tita hoy dca bg hon rl tug cl scion nd vlc in hen be dul inthe Une Stes iv shown sneering off or sigh dec Sing the 199 eg, Fagan, Znvag Km 1998 Pager Rican, YE, Soyer & Ske 1985, ew woul age thot ager ad seeion fn among the os sak and de problene fed by a ot, The United Sts cocnser 0 wpa ae ined nan in eo vl iene (Lace & Hay. 197; Roe, Cie, Hae, 995, Anger 2axresion, eer arg ot and dpive Shaves ave onic 1 ‘atk song the mow cm fn orl fr mene es sevice fom the 196 tothe preset (Aceh & Howe 199), Mae special, the alvene mpc thi his oar soy redo in tte Be ™ 4. dormer 115 + Prevalence ite fr const dander range fom 2 eo 6%, o apron yey 14-42 milion clldren inthe United Sats © Thacher 06 of ach severe ating youth ze reed or ou sett etme In fit dupe ggesive, addline hid an aol Pet tehvior account for mn 29% falls evee in school and alo fa ofa juvenile rte to somsmuniey anal heath agence ee, Stewa "fos Meardon, ¢ Cummings, 1980 Stouhamer-Losber, Loser, Thom, 4992) These younptes are "askin tha pproxiutely 06 ae Healy 10 nce the cet fo ome ype of pcs dor the Stare parca The: exemalinng or dieupave drler (eg, oppostionl define disorder, “vst hone, tention defici/hyperactity order, but ako, eo 2 leer en raining donde ep, atsity donde, mood disorder) = Nuunsrous vee consequence flow freer ecading par, sib tings pera iacens well mange, who ae the ngs of och age {ie ad antjorial behvioThove youth wih nary af eere agree td tmtiocil behavior ae gency move Hyco cotinge sach at they gone {poets Iveing tiny sic of mde, rape, robery spouse ad eid se, amooy and drink diving (Faington, Locher, Van Karmen, 199: Kein, 1995), Sich youth have ao Been shown 0 beat igh rk fo al ‘rime, alcholm, dg abuse, uremploynent, divorce, and mene nex Fingon, 1995; Hoe 6 Sager, 1990; McCord & McCord, 1960: Robi 1966), * Enormous scl monetary cvs ao acre, a thee you fin ste pice in pec evasion cave, secu ment eh services a caught uP Inthe jeu jute syste, and eee aon bil cvices over dhe eOUDe oft ives fa fcr, he tagger cous bore by Sic yen in UF UDI Inake hit diorder the mow cowly ment ah problem sm Now America (Cohen, Miler, & Rosen, 194; Lipsey, 197) ta commenting onthe socal tna economics rele 9 severe acting 4, Donna E. Shall noted tat ‘he world emai» theatningflen dngeron plac for hen and youth ‘Andi our sunt tnd, the gree thet to the lves of ilren snd alle ‘ons is nese o starvation or abandonment, but the tebe elt of o= Tence” (US. Depatent of Heath and Hanan Sevies, 2001), Altuoag ral and sl-own commits conn be alae by he segresive, tole acs of thoe sheen the Spel adsexcent homicide all involves inert ethionine an ocurs ies ech dy in the [United Sots (Nona Insitute of Metal Heath, 200), Estralied anger and aggresion within can American boy hs Boon inked to high evel of Societoogial te (eg, joblemen, abension, racism) (Nybors & Cut 203). Vieence hs dapropotionae comequenees for Afcan American yout ‘can Aman gate ne and boys H Her moe likely eo be meres 116 1, ere MALzI osoRDERS snd hee youth conte 67% ofthe ncertdjueaes (Commision ir he Prevention of Youth Violence, 200). Boys, im genera ster mae key 0 “ngage in physical aggresive beavis an othe antic behaviors 3 om fue © gk whose mfequent violent behavior ae oe relied to abe ad lence in thei homes ad etionsips (Chemey-Lind & Brown, 1%), Although only a small petcentge af youth ate if 9 Hospi: ‘fendes (NIMH, 200, carly agreaion seems to frshadow pode it Mlthood (Kain, 1987; Mash 8 Wolf, 20; Sanford ca, 1999), with ach ‘gress pricing lier violnes, ind Regent Sing by Lae le fence, parter asa, an convicion for violent aft by the eaty 3 (Fangzon, 1991, 1994, Statin & Maguasion, 198). The National ete of Mental Heals (200) ade git ing» vent hill proie:intea,evca ‘cos most be considered, ineeding met eth and ognitive dts expo set abuse an violence, tefl neighborhood, home conditions hat spot olene, and inal 61% increase ae for len ofenes between 988 and 1994, the juve sires ete for homicide ineesed a taggerng 9% fom 1987 to 19, a i Temaied fly constneehreafer (Snyder Siku, 1995), Ako the stems and conequences of agrenion and wolnce may vty according tothe {ender and nce ofthe perpestor, th inset of youth sare re. Cars, Cais, 200, {Chen who ar vient phyaly wr avery ead expense ner tae diss, which may en to dificult in contoling thie mge and pose ‘oppositional behavior deced aur their agqrewor (Cask & Bghse, 199; Chick, Grospeter, & Rockhill, 1999, Indias and communis safer in both sinatins, wheter social aggre wed to once, deme sted contol ot ysl agaesion med 6 abate and ern. Climates ffs, inition, and depevaton in any communis rs om the det or realty of lence (here Marines, 193), Even though sich beavior decreas wth age chien wh exibic hes behaviow maint thi velaive waning item of ores ren Ley, Kah 20, which mak ogee behavior about as stable as some reports of IQ. ae ‘Although tere appease be sabi of ggrion over sine, his dos moe ‘mean tht sch bebswoc in chien apd adoleents nme fc, hee issome evidence de physi aerctons and aggenive acing out general 4. foe Mamgmen 117 secret fm chilthood to adlhood (ex, Loeber & Stoutbamer-Locer, 1998), There appear to be ce developmental pe of aggreive, woke Youngster: (0) Me-couseponssent, 2) imed-doration, and (3) lne-ose [cher & Stoutamer-Losber, 199% Medi, 1998, MotB, Capi, Dickson, Siva Stanton, 19), The fecoune-peniee (LCP) path descabes young Stem who engige in arene socal beawir sta ec ge an contin {loo nv adlthood. Such wevere acting ove with thee ealren begins eat, likely dhe to see neuropryeolopl defi that my eee with thes ane ‘pings and slécontal, suing in cognitive day and tempersentl ical ths thas at eideat by the age of 3 or younger. Sach dec eigen the chil’ ‘ulnenbiliy to exvionmentl dss sch a poor pacing or abuse, which Fuck eppoutonl and conde problems (Laon ea, 2002: Mott, 193) Sich chidhen account fr the lange proportion of Rghly agree persons merging in ter Me. The adolacen lied (AL) ph involes Young Stews how aggresive acting out egine sound pukery and continues ito Ablacence, although they osyrove ther agresion ding young adulthood ‘Favingon, 1986) Ths acting out emote ted tothe eeage Yeas they pi hs xem agpesion and acting ou tha those onthe LCP path Such youngster spon to have tanger fly tes and are len ily to drop oot fschool Tir agesion and sting oa are general not consent aro Stonsons as with tier LCP counterparts. Ie should be noted, however, that tome yous on the AL path continue to exhbic aggresive and anol ‘chavo well io ti 2 before wich behavior diminishes Sel ote do nat sein thir 2 Bu conn to exit such severe acting out mpubsy, substance abuse, propery xine, and el Heath problems (Mit, Cas, orngon,& Nie, 200) In ening het UCP ad AL path Younger i Should be remembered shat a adoecens donot go ont become aso dls (bin 178), Atte cowronds of ey adethood, they diferencia, Clverge, and go deren wayeapaeon and sci Behar being sable foc LCP youth they continue on theme rad, but daconation chance feng the AL path Fal, violent behavior ina sale subset, the le-onset S3pe. emerges nly dung adulthood and may be faneion of overonta ‘shih dimnithes = inhbone apa anger abate ‘Overly agareive behav scopable to change wilh tema ner ‘rentons (, Southin-Getow & Kendal 1997. Tate Reppuce, & Maley 1995; Waweman & Mile, 1988). Ths, the notion that ey enst and able fons of agnion during shilshood and adolescence develop ito sable ns ise nd SSO Dy ‘vast of intervention sate Ive een erie for more seis scting-out, conver donde chien, sch a pychohenpetic mediation inervenons and homes schook ad consmanity-baed programs, wel 8 bos ‘18 exerwauens soRnERS Pita and ssi reste fe eviews, te Band & Zlotick, 1988; Duos, 1088, Fybery, Boggs, & Alin, 1995; Kad, 2005; Milt, 194; Nelon, Finch, & Hart, in pres; Peper & Rabin, 199; Sif, Being. & Maser.) US. Congres, 1991): Init, Kain (1998) describe sever ite in eat ing the promi of intervention progr, incadng (= theoreti conceals tation ofthe dsoder that guides treatment, (2) 4 Conceal oboe supported by research, @) a eharcterition of how outome reseach poet the tetmen’s effin, and (8) explication of how te outcome relied to cee ened inthe conception of the doer. Canty. here ‘ne so trestments that adequtly meee all of thse cri, though two Inereentions seem mote promising fr severely acing ou clten--the nye “grent-focued therapies derived fm vocal eatng theory al te eh focised cogntve-bohavioel erento. (Kaan, 23, Miler Pie, 190 Soutam-Gerow & Kendal, 1997), Thi chapter focoes pimarly ot the ognitve-bebavor incrvertions, THEORIES, CONCEPTS, CENTRAL FEATURES, AND THE CATEGORIZATION OF ANGER AND AGGRESSION “The vale of any pychologi theory meanest in pat, by its wel es in improving asesiment nd heap intervention provede Inte seven tational theories of arson has diminkbed,prclryo deiien {ein thse coneptional and derived herpetic tecnigus Bare. becone patent. Among these ae teois that vier agave havo like vt ally all other social behavior at ander intial contol finial theory MeDoogll 1981; the view that agresoa san eapresion of dent ct (ayant ther: Freed, 1929 ehe nation tha geese havo con ‘of clea ongnized sponse pattems eleted inex species by speci exer “sgn” sci (etologia theory: Loren, 1968); and the view that ego sion i futon produced deve (sao -aggresion hypatises, Dale, ood, Mile, Mower, Seas, 198) a addin, ome of de There eno angle ruse theory about the toy fang, aggre, an conduct pcblens Aihough cach may highlghe a pocenllysparant Sstor or detenian ‘oor soci-cogetve and rbletaning sll, oor sf regulon and perceived ocr cnet well ‘kis in eevsing peer pres) (sey Trembley, 2000 fsserman 8 Set, 2001) ity (pate wel and soc eters, local goverment dc 4 owe iapornt 18 yr a 01 rome cle, hte) rene 183 ey a, Cop 2500, Rane 208 coding ch walle Pee ho veneer dat Oath We, 2108) note «+ Aggrenion and nssocia Behavior may Be 4 faction ofthe behavior fetvon sem (OAS) the simulates bekusoe and responses to gals Se rewaed or nonpunktiment, coupled ih dec ia dhe behrsior ‘nhibton sem (US), reponsble fr ans and inhibiting ongoing Seal a ise oni aly lation, Pareual criminsiy and anno pons, mil inal, vores, tncocilfanly ves, and unemployment may abo conesbute to the soblem 16 Conmmuniy Gow such poverty, nsighborkood time, amily dup tio, redental mobi, and low acoeconomvc wats may provide 2 ele groan for the esgic of ggrenon ae Severe ating ut Shook pee and ned sence sho sem o be poten ik tn, te wells minorig-poup sts and ety 35 itor sats as been “nied wih aggtesive/antiocltehuvor in he United Stats, Sch findings however ae Ulyrshted to economic harp, ited nploymene opportunities, idence im high-risk urban neighborhoods sd membership ms Veh ipl ca hia tpi do? Oe pectoia shone a an ay ens 98 nd opt eae thr own, 197197 es cme snr eda the ot Wis apr ber nent oistcene (on TRE Chuan nen Ron Foch 199, Sa ane to int sep in the therapies 4 seco that cher ate 2 a= cay of term wd to dese actingoot behamoe so chren ard adlescens, ‘rer he rol being contson and hk of precion. Our dius in under nding sing ou im youth comes no only function ofthe entanglement of

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