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Sakhawat Hossen Rakib, Lecturer

M.Sc.(ongoing) (EEE, IUT), B.Sc. (EEE, UAP)


Mobile: +8801677174722

Sakhawat Hossen Rakib completed his B.Sc. degree with Honors (Securing First Position) from University of Asia
Pacific (UAP) in 2015. He is now pursuing his M.Sc. degree in Islamic University of Technology(IUT). His
undergraduate thesis was “Development of 3D printed Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand for upper limb amputees”.
Currently he is working on “Smart grid development for smart city”.

He has extensive research experience in Biomedical Instrumentation, Embedded systems, Human Machine Interface,
mobile computing, modelling, scheduling, planning, and simulations of large discrete event dynamic systems with
applications to manufacturing systems, computer networks and RFID applications, Biometric Systems, modelling and
control of robots and mechatronics, and neural networks.

He has worked as research engineer at Biomedical physics and technology Research Lab, Dhaka University and
achieved more than five national awards for outstanding achievents in manufacturing unique biomedical products.

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