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"Good morning, this is the weather forecast for next week.

Hello! I live in the Northern Italy, in Piedmont. Today the weather is wet; it
has been raining for half an hour and now is very cloudy but it's no longer
raining. As it's also windy, clouds could go away and tomorrow it might be
Temperature is not too low, about 8 degrees. It's a temperature not so
typical for Northern Italy's winters. I remember some past winters that were
much colder and much snowier than this one.
Some extreme weather's events, such as storms, tornados, extra-high and
extra-low temperatures in certain countries, in particular where such events
are unusual, might be evidence of a climate change.
I think we'll have to take more care in respecting the nature and to be
prepared for coping with extreme weather.

Hi Mum,

John and I are having a wonderful time here in Ireland. Every day we got
up early and go for a long walk in the country. When we returned we
usually had a very big Irish breakfast which normally consisted of two eggs,
three slices of bacon, toast and jam. We usually ordered a cup of coffee
after breakfast: Colombian coffee, of course.

After breakfast we sometimes go swimming in the river. We

often met children who like to swim there. They was very nice. At night we
nearly always drank a few pints of Guinness in the pub�s bar before
we went bed. We always slept well after that, I can assure you.
Become Became Become
Break Broke Broken
Awake Awoke Awoken
Buy Bought Bought
Dream Dreamt Dreamt
Drive Drove Driven
Drink Drank Drunk
Eat Ate Eaten

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