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The wrath do thou sing, O goddess, of Peleus* son,

\chilles, that baneful wrath which brought countless

voes upon the Achaeans, and sent forth to Hades
nany valiant souls of warriors, and made themselves
to be a spoil for dogs and all manner of birds ; and
thus the will of Zeus was being brought to fulfilment
�sing thou thereof from the time when ^ at the first there parted in strife Atreus'
son, king of men, and
goodly Achilles. Who then of the gods was it that brought these two together to
contend ? The son of Leto and
?,eus ; for he in wrath against the king roused
iiroughout the host an evil pestilence, and the folk ere perishing, for that upon
the man Chryses, his
riest, had the son of Atreus wrought dishonour.
i�r he had come to the switt ships of the Achaeans
I free his daughter, and he bore with him ransom
tst counting ; and in his hands he held the fillets Apollo, that smiteth afar,^ on
a staff of gold, and

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