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American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 100 (May 2010): 30–34

Understanding the impact of fiscal policy

Some Fiscal Calculus

By Harald Uhlig*

What is the impact of fiscal policy on the econ- $3.40 of output is lost eventually for every dol-
omy? How large are the “multipliers” of govern- lar of increased government spending, when dis-
ment spending and tax cuts? This old question has counting them to the current period. By contrast,
recently received considerable attention, in par- for a tax cut and each discounted dollar given up
ticular in the context of the American Recovery in terms of taxing labor, one obtains an increase
and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. of $2.40 in discounted output eventually.
I contribute to answering that question by Typical fiscal stimulus debates concentrate on
calculating fiscal multipliers in a baseline neo- output effects and not on the consequences for
classical growth model with endogenous labor overall welfare. This paper follows that practice.
supply and fiscal policy, allowing for govern- It is therefore a positive, not a normative analy-
ment spending transfers, government debt and sis. Whether these output responses are desir-
distortionary taxes on labor and capital income. able or not needs to be evaluated by other means.
The policy experiments are conducted holding For example, while the model here features
transfers, consumption taxes and capital income a representative agent, it is not hard to derive
taxes fixed, i.e., changes in taxation require this model from a heterogeneous agent model,
changes in the distortionary labor tax. The model in which agents possess different amounts of
is simple and fairly standard. As an additional capital and care about government goods differ-
contribution, I provide the model in an elegant ently, resulting in heterogeneous welfare effects
and tractable form, starting from a fairly general across the population. One therefore should not
formulation and pointing out the key functional draw welfare conclusions from the consumption
form properties for characterizing the dynamics. and leisure path for the representative agent.
The formulation of the model here or versions Despite these caveats, the results here point
thereof may be useful for a variety of purposes. to potentially drastic long term consequences
I shall argue that short run fiscal multipliers of fiscal stimuli. These long term consequences
can be dramatically misleading. In the model ought to receive more and sufficient attention
here, the initial effect of a government spending in the debates. Without their discussion, these
as in the ARRA stimulates output, see Figure 3, debates appear to be severely incomplete.
initially generating net present fiscal multipliers The model is very stylized. Richer features
well in excess of unity, see Figure 2. However, may be desirable to provide a fully adequate
this turns into a prolonged below trend perfor- discussion of fiscal policy effects. For example,
mance of output, as the tax increases neces- much of the current debate appears to argue that
sary to repay the increased debt impact on the Keynesian features such as sticky prices and
economy, see figures 4 and 5. The net present rules-of-thumb consumers lead to a larger and
fiscal multiplier for government spending turns more positive effect of a fiscal stimulus. The
negative too, as the horizon increases. Indeed, issue is taken up in Thorsten Drautzburg and
according to this model and its parameterization, Uhlig (2010), who employ a New Keynesian
model to study the issues raised here. It turns
out that the initial impact on output is actually
* Department of Economics, University of Chicago, more muted in the New Keynesian model, as
1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 (e-mail: huhlig@ This research has been supported by the
the wealth effect on labor supply is diluted in
NSF grant SES-0922550. I am grateful for the excellent a Keynesian environment of sticky wages and
research assistance of Thorsten Drautzburg. demand-driven labor markets. Furthermore, the
VOL. 100 NO. 2 Some fiscal calculus 31

long run feature of typical New Keynesian mod- where yt denotes output and At is a (labor aug-
els is neoclassical in nature: therefore, the long menting) technology parameter. I assume that
run issues raised here are surely not a matter of f is positive, concave, and differentiable thrice.
principle, but a matter of degree. The usual first-order condition delivers wages
and capital rental rates,
I.  The Model
At nt
wt  =  At  f ′ a​ ____ ​  
Time is discrete, counting quarters. The rep-
resentative agent enjoys consumption and lei- rt kt  =  yt  −  wt nt.
sure according to
I assume that ζ t = At /At−1 is a stationary exoge-
nous stochastic _
process. In   the nonstochastic case,

(c Φ(nt))   −  1
ζ t ≡_ζ ​  ​. With this, define _​ δ 
˜​  = ​ζ  ​ − 1 + δ and β​    
U  =  E s​∑   ​ β​ t   _____________
​  t     ​ t
   ​ ˜ 
1  –  η = β​   ζ  ​ . I assume that β, ​ζ  ​and η__
t=0 are such that 0
< ​ β​
˜  < 1. I assume that mt /At ≡ m ​ ​  .
plus possibly a separable term in government Defining the auxiliary variable dt (for “defi-
spending (gt ​)​t=0

 ​,​  where ct denotes consump- cit remaining”), I write the government budget
tion, nt denotes labor, 1/η > 0 is the intertem- constraints as
poral elasticity of substitution, and Φ(⋅) is strictly
positive, decreasing, concave, and thrice differen- dt  =  gt  +  st  + ​R​bt​ ​bt−1  −  τ cct  −  τ k(rt  −  δ)kt
tiable. As is well known for time separable pref-
erences, this form of preferences is necessary in =  bt  +  τtⁿ wt nt .
order to be consistent with long run growth, i.e.,
to be consistent with a balanced growth path of For the simulations, I shall specify an exog-
growing consumption and constant labor. enous stochastic process for gt and st in Section
The agent maximizes his or her lifetime util- II. I assume that excess deficits are repaid at
ity, subject to the constraints 1 and 2. The bud- speed ψ per
get constraints are _ ____ __
τt ⁿwt nt  −  At τ 
​  ​ ⁿ w ​​
​ n ​
     =  ψ(dt  −  At d ​ 
​  )
(1) (1  +  τ c )ct  +  xt  +  bt  = ​R​bt​ ​ bt−1  +  st
for some ψ ∈ (0, 1]. Thus,
+  mt  +  (1  –  τt ⁿ)wt nt  __ __
bt  −  At b ​
​    =  (1  –  ψ)(dt  −  At ​d ​  ).
+  (rt  − τ  k(rt  −  δ)) kt
Aggregate feasibility is
where ct, xt , bt, wt, nt, rt, kt, ​R​bt​ ​, st and mt denote
consumption, investment, real government ct  +  xt  +  gt  =  yt  +  mt .
bonds, wages, labor, capital rental rates, capi-
tal, government bond returns (fixed at t − 1), Equilibrium is defined in the usual way.
lump sum transfers from the government, and For the calibration, I follow Mathias Trabandt
(unmodeled) lump sum transfers from the rest and Uhlig (2009). _The basic parameters and
of the world due to a nonzero international asset their calibration
__ are ζ 
​  ​= 1.005, δ = 0.02, η = 2,
position. Further, τ c, τtⁿ, τ k are taxes on con- and β per ​R ​ = 1.01. The steady state levels of taxes,
sumption, wage income, and capital income. debt,
spending, and payments on foreign __ _ assets are​
Capital is accumulated according to τ   ​ ⁿ = 0.28, τ c = 0.05, τ k = 0.36, ​b ​ /y ​
__ _ __ _
​  = 4 × 0.63,
​_  /_y ​
g ​ ​   = 0.18,_and _

m ​  /y ​
​   = 0.04. This implies
_ _
(2) kt+1  =  kt  +  (1  −  δ )xt. ​  /y ​
c ​ ​  = 0.59, ​x ​ /y ​
​  = 0.27, s ​ ​  /y ​
​  = 0.07. A crucial
parameter is the speed of tax adjustment. I set it at
Production takes place in a competitive sector of a rather slow pace, ψ = 0.05, still assuring stabil-
firms with the production function ity. Key characteristics of the functions like the
labor share θ or labor supply and demand elastici-
At nt ties ω S , ωD are given in Table 1. I assume a labor
yt  = f a​ ____ ​  
b kt share of 62 percent and a Frisch elasticity of 1.

Table 1— Key Characteristics of the Functions 0.8


Abbrev. Expression Value 0.7


__ _ __ _
f ′(​n ​/  k ​
​  )n ​
​ /  ​k ​  __ __ _
θ ________
​  __ _     ​   = ​w ​ ​ n ​/  y ​
f (​n ​ /k ​
​  )

Percent of GDP
__ _ __ _

−f ′′(​n ​/  k ​​  )n ​

​ /  k ​
1/ω D  = __________
​      ​
__ _  
f ′(​n ​ /k ​
​  ) 0.38
__ __ _ _
−Φ′(​n ​ )n ​
​ )  1  – ​τ  ​ ⁿ __ ​y ​ 
κ  = ​ ________
__     = ​ ______c 
​    ​  
θ ​   ​   0.2
(Φ(​n ​)  1  +  τ  c 0.72
__ __
1/ω S  = Φ′′(​n ​)  n ​
​ ) 
a​ _______
​b  +  κ 0.64 0
Φ′(​n ​)  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(  =  1/“Frisch elasticity” –(1  –  1/η)κ)
Figure 1. Fiscal Stimulus: Data per Cogan et al
(Forthcoming) versus the simulation here

I assume the production function to be Cobb-

Douglas, f (x) = x θ. With this, κ, ω S, ωD can be Capital accumulation and returns satisfy
calculated.   ˆ              ˆ
I log-linearize the detrended equations around ​ k ​ t  =  (1  – ​ δ​
˜ )​ k ​
    + ​ δ​
ˆt−1 ˜ ​ x ​
    − ​ ζ 
ˆ t−1  ​ t
the steady state. Hats normally_denote log-devia-
tions, e.g., ​   c ​ ˆ t = log(​   c ​
˜  t) – log(​c ​ ) ≈ (​   c ​
˜  t − c ​
_ _
​  )/​c ​ . I ​ ˆ     θ      
r ​ t  =  – ​ _____  
​ ˆ  
use (hundredth of) 1  –  θ t
percentage points   ˆ   ˆ the
for tax    ˆ (k) _
rate, ​   τ  ˆ t​ⁿ = τtⁿ − ​τ  ​ ⁿ. Furthermore, ​ b​ ​   t   g​
 t, d​ ​ ˆ t, and ​​ R​  t​​  ​  =  (1  –  (1  –  (1  –  τ k )δ)β​ζ  ​ −η )​   r ​
ˆ t 
​   s ​
ˆ t are   expressed
   __ relative
to steady state output,    
e.g., b​ ​ ˆ t = (​b​
 ˜  t− b ​
​  )/​y ​ . ​ ˆ  t  =  –η​   c ​
λ​ ˆ  t  −  (1  –  η)κ​  n​
 ˆ  t
The labor market equilibrium is given by        ˆ
0  =  Et[​ λ​     −  λt  + ​ R​
ˆ t+1  t+1]
w​ t  =  ___
​ ˆ      ˆ t  + ​ ______
​ ω1  ​ ​    n​ 1 _    ​ ​   τ 
ˆ​ ⁿ  + ​ ˆ 
c ​ t
S 1  –  τ  ​ ​  ⁿ t    ˆ
where the last equation    
shall hold    for R​ ​   t+1
w​t   =  ___
  ˆ    ˆ (k)
​ ˆ  ​ ω1   ​  (​ k ​ t   − ​ ˆ 
n​t  ).
= ​​ R​ t+1
​  ​​  as well as Rt+1 = ​​ R​​t+1 ​​ = Et[​​ R​
ˆ (b) ​t+1 ​]​ . The
ˆ (b)
model can be solved with standard methods as,
Production and feasibility are e.g., Uhlig (1999). Code for the latter is available
  ˆ at the AER Web site.
y ​t   =  θ​  n​
​ ˆ   ˆ t   +  (1  –  θ)​ k ​
_ _ II.  Results
​ ˆ  ​c ​
y ​ t  =  ​ __
_  ​     
​ c ​ ​x ​
ˆ    +  ​ __
_  ​​    
 x ​ ˆ   + ​ ˆ 
g​ t .
​  t
y ​ ​ t
y ​
To capture the fiscal stimulus of the American
Government policy follows Recovery and Reinvestment act (ARRA), I
assume that the date t = 0 of the fiscal surprise
s ​ t  + ​ __ 1   ​ ˆ 
 ​ d​  t  = ​ ˆ 
g​ t  + ​ ˆ 
      ​ b​ corresponds to the second quarter of 2009. I
__ β​
​ ˜  t−1
assume that ​   g​ ˆ t follows an AR(2) with the two
+ ​ ___ ​   (      ˆ
​  t )  –  τ c __​_  ​     ​ c ​ roots ξ1 = 0.933 and ξ2 = 0.72, or, equiva-
    _  ​   ​ ˆ ​ bt​ ​  − ​ ζ  ​ c ​
b ​ R​ ˆ  
​    y ​
β​˜ ​  ​  t
y ​ lently,   g​​ ˆ t = 1.653   g​ ​ ˆ t−1 − 0.672 ​   g​ˆ t−2. As initial
δ  ​ __
​   ​  b​   k ​ conditions, I pick   ˆ
g​   = 0 and   ˆ
g​   = 0.32 percent
–  τ k a1 −  θ − ​ __    ​ _
x ​ ˆ   −  τ k(1  –  θ)​   r ​ _ 0 1

​  t
˜​ δ​  y ​
ˆ t  of ​y ​ . Initially, the resulting path for government
_ spending follows closely the path documented
ψdt  =  θ​   τ 
ˆ  t​ⁿ  +  θ​τ  ​ ⁿ(​    
ˆ  t  + ​ ˆ 
w​ n​ t)
by John F. Cogan et al. (forthcoming), reaching
  ˆ   ˆ a peak of 78 percent of y ​ ​  in the sixth quarter,
(1  –  ψ)​d​
   t  = ​ b​  t . i.e., the second quarter of 2010; see Figure 1.
VOL. 100 NO. 2 Some fiscal calculus 33

3 1
Gov.spending Output
Tax cut Gov.spending


% output
1.5 0.2



0 −0.6
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Figure 2. Fiscal Multipliers: 3 years Figure 3. Output and Government Spending: 3 years

Spending then falls off more slowly here than in the dynamics of output and government spend-
Cogan et al. (forthcoming), due the rather simple ing during that time. The model generates an
​ ˆ t . Less technically, it reflects a skep-
AR(2) for   g​ initial boost in output due to the anticipation of
ticism that stimulus spending will truly return the increase in government spending and taxes.
back to normal as quickly as envisioned by the The reduction in wealth leads the representative
ARRA. It may be appropriate to build this skep- agent to consume less leisure, i.e., supply more
ticism into a rational expectations model such labor, thereby boosting output initially. One
as this one, and therefore I do. I also experiment may be tempted to conclude from this picture
using the process above for ​   s ​ ˆ t :
ˆ t rather than ​   g​ that government spending is successful in stim-
the results will be reported in an extended ver- ulating the economy and generating large fiscal
sion of this paper. Furthermore, I calculate the multipliers. Indeed, these numbers are somewhat
effects of an initial tax cut. similar to the multipliers for a permanent fiscal
Figure 2 shows net present value fiscal mul- change provided in the Appendix of Christina
tipliers. To calculate the net present value fiscal Romer and Jared Bernstein (2009), the official
multiplier at date t, I sum output up to that date, White House document providing an economic
discounted at the steady state interest rate, and analysis for the ARRA.
divide by government spending calculated the This, however, is a misleading interpretation.
same way, The expansion in government spending needs to
be financed. It is financed by debt initially and by
t __ t __   
φt  = ​∑ 
  R ​​
​ −s   ˆ
  ​ y ​s /​
∑   ​ ​ ​R ​​−s
  g​ ​ ˆ s  higher taxes eventually. Figure 4 shows
the result-
s=0 s=0 ing debt dynamics (in percent of y ​ ​  ) and labor
tax rates (in percentage points) over the next 40
noting that   g​ ​ ˆ t is expressed relative to y ​ ​  . I pro- rather than the next 3 years. The increased tax
ceed likewise for the fiscal multiplier for taxes, _
burden in later years leads to disincentives on
replacing   g​ ​ ˆ_ s by the tax revenue loss relative to ​y ​ , the labor market, creating a very persistent and
 –θ​ τ s ​ⁿ − θ ​τ  ​ ⁿ(​ w​ˆ t  + n​
​ ˆ t ). The figure shows the tax
prolonged below trend performance for output.
fiscal multiplier to start at about one and reach This can be seen in Figure 5. That figure shows
1.3 at the beginning of 2012. By contrast, the net the output dynamics and government spending
present government spending multiplier starts dynamics for the next 40 years, rather than 3
at infinity (cut off at 2.5 for the figure) and years as in Figure 3. The net present value gov-
remains initially higher, gradually declining to ernment spending multiplier for this experiment
0.15 at the beginning of 2012. Figure 3 shows converges to a value of −3.4 eventually, i.e., for

8 1
Debt Output

7 Tax rate Gov. spending

% output(debt) / % (tax rate)


% output


1 −1

−1 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Figure 4. Debt and Taxes: 40 years Figure 5. Output and Government Spending: 40 Years

every dollar of extra government spending, $3.40 and debate should be devoted to this important
of output are lost eventually, when discounting aspect of fiscal stimulus.
them to the beginning of 2009. By contrast, the
limit value for the net present tax multiplier is References
2.4, i.e., each dollar given up in terms of tax-
ing labor generates nearly $1.70 in extra output, Cogan, John F., Tobias Cwik, John B. Taylor, and
when discounted to the beginning of 2009. Volker Wieland. Forthcoming. “New Keynes-
ian versus Old Keynesian Government
III.  Conclusions Spending Multipliers.” Journal of Economic
Dynamics and Control.
I have presented an analysis of a government Drautzburg, Thorsten, and Harald Uhlig. 2010.
spending stimulus similar to the one employed “Fiscal Stimulus and Distortionary Taxation.”
in the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act and of a tax cut. I have shown that, ini- conferences/10fiscal_policy_uhlig.pdf.
tially, net present value fiscal multipliers for Romer, Christina, and Jared Bernstein. 2009.
government spending may exceed unity for “The Job Impact of the American Recovery
several years and possibly substantially so. and Reinvestment Plan.” http://www.ampo.
But these fiscal multipliers may be highly mis- org/assets/library/184_obama.pdf.
leading, as eventually $3.40 of output are lost Trabandt, Mathias, and Harald Uhlig. 2009.
for each dollar spent on government stimulus, “How Far Are We From The Slippery Slope?
according to this model. The analysis here is a The Laffer Curve Revisited.” National Bureau
positive one, not a normative one: the “price” of Economic Research Working Paper 15343.
of the output loss later on may well be worth Uhlig, Harald. 1999. “A Toolkit for Analysing
“suffering” in order to “gain” the initial boost Nonlinear Dynamic Stochastic Models Eas-
in output. But a discussion of fiscal stimulus ily.” In Computational Methods for the Study
without pointing out this price, i.e., the even- of Dynamic Economies, ed. R. Marimon and
tual and prolonged growth slowdown in output, A. Scott, 30–61. Oxford: Oxford University
appears incomplete. I argue that more attention Press.
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