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1. What are your justifications for asserting that these actors, processes, or institutions are
related to education?
2. What are the contributions of these actors, processes, or institutions to improve our
education system?
3. Are the actors or processes interconnected?

1. As the African proverb it takes a village to raise a child taught us, education should
not only come from teachers or school staffs. The whole community will build and
develop the beliefs and principle of a child. All of these agents; roles are vital.
Teaching and learning process should not stop in the four corners of the classroom.
These people and institutions will once in their lives affect the education of a child.

2. Each has their own contributions and roles. I already included it in the synthesis of my
concept map. Please refer to that.

3. Communication among these institutions and people is also essential. For them to do
their jobs, they need to have the same end goals. Without the help of each other,
they will not be able to achieve the goal of education.

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