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It happened years ago, yet it still bugged me. I was in my college dorm with my dorm
mates doing some homework and my computer was very slow and it kind of annoyed me for the
most of the time I used it. So this was also the time I had to delete my old and unused files, but I
have to be sure before I call it “old and unused” so I scrolled and looked through EVERY kind of
document, photo, download, and video folder I ever have in this computer. Nothing seemed to
catch my eye until I saw this video file called “h3lp_me.m4a” It was also located in the photos
folder which looked very suspicious to me since I am a very organized person and I would never
put those types of files in the wrong folder.

My dorm mates called me for dinner and I came to them. While eating, I told them what I
saw, they saw the file name in disbelief and shock. We ate as fast as we could and dashed
through the old and dusty computer. We saw it, and we opened it with fear. As I double clicked
with the trusty mouse, all we just saw was a black screen. “Meh, that’s just it? Nothing,
perhaps.” stated by my other dorm mate. I turned off the computer, and then we went to our
bunk beds with disappointment. I was on my bed, thinking what would have alternatively
happened earlier. “Meh, let’s just forget about it.”

It was the next morning, I woke up, I forgot to finish the homework just because of all the
deleting and the other stuff. I was very mad at the computer since it was very slow, and had just
64 megabytes of RAM. Once again I opened it, and it started to show some weird stuff at bootup
which it does not normally do. It keeps on saying “help me…help me…” It just display that text
repetitively which I also remembered, the file name was ”h3lp_me.m4a” I quickly woke up my
friends and told them that file last night, I think we might’ve activated a virus. We ran to the
desktop and saw. Something displayed on the computer screen.

“It….It…It is a…girl? What the hell is that?!” A mysterious figure appeared onto the
screen. All I remember was a girl, with black eyes. It haunted us with text showing “help
me…help me…” again. We screeched like girls, because we never encountered anything,
anything like that before! The computer also started to become hot, the PC might overheated.
That made us even more terrified than ever. I turned off the computer again, and turned it back
on. It booted back up, and once I opened the system, and realized that all of my files, were lost! I
slowly looked back with fear because all my data and school files were there.

As I looked back, my friends were gone! Everything seems getting darker and darker to
my point of view, I know this isn’t realistic for what happened because it was just a computer
virus. That girl I saw from the computer a while ago was looking at me, she was near the main
door, I was terrified! She has been saying the same words “Help me, Help me,” over and over
and over again. I didn’t know what to do, I was in a world of terror, then the room started to
crumble, and the room was getting smaller and the walls had weird text written, this could be it,
the end of my life, “Spare me, woman!” I shouted, she answered me with a remarkable smirk,
“only you can stop me, release me from this madness and I will spare you.” I just remembered
all of this was just caused by a virus, then, the computer started to burn, maybe this was the
cause. She was crying with black tears. I know that this is the only chance that I could escape.
My vision had blacked out, all I can see is darkness, and darkness only, I escaped the whole
apartment and dashed through the hallway, then I hear screaming and smell something burning.
Then the last thing I had to do was to escape.

As I left the building, my darkness vision started to lessen out, and I had just witnessed
something unexpected and all along, weird. I found my friends outside the burnt building sitting
down worried, I told them what I have seen, such chaos caused. If I had just deleted and ignored
that file, none of these would have happened in the first place.

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