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Social Science Part 2 50 Items

1. The capital of Denmark

A. Oslo
B. Copenhagen
C. Stockholm
D. Reykjavik

Rationalization: b – is the capital and largest city of Denmark, with an urban population of 1,199,224
(January 1st 2011) and a metropolitan population of 1,918,062 (April 1st 2011). Copenhagen is situated
on the islands of Zealand and Amager.

2. Hans Christian Andersen is a Native of what Scandinavian country

A. Denmark
B. Norway
C. Sweden
D. Finland

Rationalization: D – From Odense, Denmark

3. Known as Ma-I by the early Chinese traders

A. Mindoro
B. Aklan
C. Cebu
D. Manila

Rationalization: A – “Mina de Oro (Mine of gold)

4. The focal theme/agenda of 2009 Earth’s Summit held in Copenhagen, Denmark

A. Sustainable Development
B. Climate Change
C. Poverty
D. Cyder crime

Rationalization: B – What is the Copenhagen climate change summit?

The UN meeting is the deadline for thrashing out a successor to the Kyoto protocol, with the aim of
preventing dangerous global warming. It will run for two weeks from 7 December and is the latest is a
series that trace their origins to the 1992 Earth summit in Rio

5. The host-country of the 1992 Earth’s Summit on Sustainable Development

A. Philippines
B. Brazil
C. Britain
D. China

Rationalization: B – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

6. The longest revolt in the Philippines History

A. Dagohoy revolt
B. Diego Silang revolt
C. Gabriela Silan revolt
D. Palaris revolt
Rationalization: A – Lasted for 85 years

7. What was our government under the 1935 Constitution

A. Revolutionary
B. Monarchy
C. Commonwealth
D. Military
Rationalization: C – Ten-year transition

8. What is meant by the worker’s right to security of tenure?

I. To continue in their jobs
II. Not to be contractual after six months
III. May not be dismissed unless there is just or valid cause provided by law
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I and III

Rationalization: C – Article XIII of the 1987 Constitution

9. Which order of presidents correctly applies to Philippines History

I. Magsaysay
II. Garcia
III. Quirino
IV. Roxas


10. The SONA of the President is being delivered every ___________ Monday of July.
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth


11. The process by which a person learns the requirements of the culture by which he or she is
surrounded, and acquires values and behaviours that are appropriate or necessary in that culture
A. Assimilation
B. Enculturation
C. Cultural relativism
D. Acculturation

ANS: B – By definition


12. The exchange of cultural features that results when groups of individuals having different cultures
come into continuous first hand contact; the original cultural patterns of either or both groups may be
altered, but the groups remain distinct
A. Assimilation
B. Enculturation
C. Cultural relativism
D. Acculturation

Rationalization: D – by definition of Assimilation

13. The process whereby a minority group gradually adapts to the customs and attitudes of the prevailing
culture and customs.
A. Assimilation
B. Enculturation
C. Cultural relativism
D. Acculturation

Rationalization: A – by definition of Assimilation

14. The principle that an individual human’sbeliefs and activities should be understood in terms of his or
her own culture.
A. Assimilation
B. Enculturation
C. Cultural relativism
D. Acculturation

Rationalization: C – By defining of Assimilation

15. The Commanding General of USAFFE

A. General Arthur MacArthur
B. General Douglas MacArthur
C. General Jonathan Wainright
D. General Edward P. King

Rationalization: B – The USAFFE (United States Armed Forces in the Far East) was a military command
formed by the United States in the Philippines during World War II to counter the threat posed by the
Imperial Japanese Army. Major General MacArthur served as its commander. Its headquarters was
established on July 26, 1941,

16. The Commander of the American and Filipinos forces in Bataan

A. General Arthur MacArthur
B. General Douglas MacArthur
C. General Jonathan Wainright
D. General Edward P. King

Rationalization: D – Edward Postell King Jr. (1884-1958) was a Major General in the United States Army
who gained prominence for leading the defense of the Bataan Peninsula in the Battle of Bataan against
the Japanese invasion of the Philippines in World War II.

17. The Commander of the American and Filipino forces in Corregidor


A. General Arthur MacArthur
B. General Douglas MacArthur
C. General Jonathan Wainright
D. Genaral Edward P. King

Rationalization: C – The Battle for Corregidor was the culmination of the Japanese campaign for the
conquest of the Philippines. The fall of Bataan on 9 April 1942 ended all organized opposition by the U.S.
Army Forces Far East to the invading Japanese forces on Luzon in the Northern Philippines.

18. The president of the Japanese-sponsored government

A. Sergio Osmena
B. Manuel L. Quezon
C. Jorge B. Vargas
D. Jose P. Laurel

Rationalization: C – Jose Paciano Laurel y Garcia (March 9, 1891 – November 6, 1959) was the president
of the Republic of the Philippines, a Japanese-sponsored administration during World War II, from 1943
to 1945

19. The Chairman of the Japanese-sponsored Executive Commission in 1942.

A. Sergio Osmena
B. Manuel L. Quezon
C. Jorge B. Vargas
D. Jose P. Laurel

Rationalization: C – BY 1942, Vargas became chairman of the Japanese-sponsored Philippine Executive

Commission. During the collaborationist Second Philippine Republic, he was once asked by the Japanese
to assume the Presidency, but he declined. He instead serve as the regime’s Ambassador to Japan. In that
position, he was quoted shortly before Japanese troops were driven from Manila as Stating that “we know
Japan is destined for sure victory and prosperity for ages to come

20. The island of Corregidor is part of the province of

A. Cavite
B. Bataan
C. Zambales
D. Pangasinan
Rationalization: A – Region IV. Corregidor Island, locally called isla ng Corregidor, is a lofty island located
at the entrance of Manila Bay in southwestern part of Luzon Island in the Philippines. Due to this location,
Corregidor was fortified (For Mills) with several coastal artillery and ammunition magazines to defend
the entrance of Manila Bay and the City of Manila, from attacks by enemy warships in the event of war.
Located 48 kilometers (30 mi) inland, Manila has been the largest city and the most important seaport in
the Philippines for centuries --- from the colonial rule of Spain, the United States, and Japan and after the
establishment of the Republic of the Philippines in 1946

21. The government that was interrupted by the Japanese occupation.

A. First Republic
B. Second Republic
C. Third Republic
D. Commonwealth

Rationalization: D – Commonwealth was interrupted by the Japanese occupation


22. In economy, __________ is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a
period of time.
A. Inflation
B. Mercantilism
C. Depression
D. Free trade

Rationalization: A – In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in
an economy over a period of time. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer
goods and services. Consequently, inflation also reflects an erosion in the purchasing power of money – a
loss of real value in the internal medium of exchange and unit of account in the economy.

23. What event in history followed when the Katipunan movement was discovered?
A. Philippines revolution/Cry of pugadLawin
B. Treaty of Paris 1898
C. Execution of Rizal
D. Capture of Aguinaldo

Rationalization: A – August of 1896

24. The first American civil Governor

A. William Howard Taft
B. Wesley Merrit
C. Arthur Mac Acthur
D. Murray Barlet

Rationalization: A – William Howard taft (September 15, 1857 – March 8, 1930) was the 27th President
of the United States (1909-1913) and later the tenth Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930). He is
the only person to have served in both offices.

25. The first American military governor.

A. William Howard Taft
B. Wesley Merrit
C. Arthur Mac Arthur
D. Murray Bartlet

Rationalization: B – Wesley Merrit (June 16, 1836—December 3,1910) was a general in the United States
Army during the American Civil War and the Spanish-American War. He is noted for distinguished service
in the cavalry.

26. The first president of the University of the Philippines

A. William Howard Taft
B. Wesley Merrit
C. Arthur Mac Arthur
D. Murray Bartlett

Rationalization: D – 1911 – 1915

27. Are traditional courtship songs in the Mexican-Spanish tradition based on the habanera rhythm
A. Harana


B. Kundiman
C. Jazz
D. Modern

Rationalization: A –Harana are traditional courtship songs in the Mexican-Spanish tradition based on the
habanera rhythm

28. Teacher Alejandro would like to discuss among his students about Philippine National Artist. The
following are all National Artist in the field of visual arts EXCEPT:
A. Pablo Amorsolo
B. Benedicto Cabrera
C. Federico Alcuaz
D. Vicente Manansala

Rationalization: A – Pablo Amorsolo is a famous Filipino painter although not yet a national artist.

29. The First Year students of Esteban Abada High School went to the National Museum as part of their
field trip in MAPEH. Katrina’s attention was particularly caught by an ethic instrument composed of four
large hanging gongs used in Maguindanao. This is instrument is known as:
A. Kubing
B. Gandingan
C. Tambuli
D. Gangsa

Rationalization: B – Gandingan or Maguindanao’s Gong is usually made up of 4 hanging brass gongs as

part of their Kulintang ensemble.

30. JV was assigned by his teacher to report about Renaissance Art as part of Art Appreciation Week in
their school. Among the following paintings, which is the best example of Renaissance Art era?
A. La Gioconda
B. The Starry Night
C. The Kiss
D. Spolarium

Rationalization: A – La Gioconda is also known as Moa lisa of Leonardo Da vinci. This is painting is
considered as the best example of Resaissance Art.

31. The Following are materials used in painting EXCEPT:

A. Canvass
B. Palette
C. Linseed Oil
D. Alabaster

Rationalization: D – Alabaster is a white compact gypsum mineral often used in sculpture and carvings

32. Filipinos have song for every occasion, during the Pre-colonial Philippines, Filipinos would sing this
song in preparation for war or battle:
A. Oyayi
B. Diyona
C. Kumintang
D. Kundiman


Rationalization: C – Kumintang are songs intended in preparation for battle

33. Atimonan National High School will conduct a Filipino Dance Week as part of the Arts Month. Who
among the following is NOT a National Artist for Dance?
A. Lucresia Reyes Urtula
B. Fransisca Reyes Aquino
C. Lucrecia Kasilag
D. Ramon Ubusan

Rationalization: C – LucresiaKasilag is a National Artist for Music

34. The male Filipinos during Pre-Spanish period wore a collarless short-sleeved jacket as the upper part
of their clothing.
A. Bahag
B. Kanggan
C. Putong
D. Baro

Rationalization: B – Because kanggan was the upper garment and bahag is the lower garment wore by the
Filipinos during Pre-Spanish era.

35. What is the survey method of research?

A. An intensive study of one individual. Typically, this may involve interviews, observation, experiments
and test.
B. It involves the acquisition, synthesis, organization and presentation of information.
C. The research manipulates variables, randomly assign participants to various conditions and seek to
control other influences.
D. Involves going out and asking questions about the phenomenon of interest.

Rationalization: D – If you are considering poverty and province of origin as factors for literacy rate then
you have to go back to your respondents and include them in your survey.

36. What is the case study method of research?

A. An intensive study of one individual. Typically, this may involve interviews, observation
B. It involves the acquisition, synthesis, organization and presentation of information.
C. The research manipulates variables, randomly assign participants to various conditions and seek to
control other influences.
D. Involves going out and asking questions about the phenomenon of interest.

Rationalization: A – Completeness of information recorded is critical to gain a complete understanding of

the accuracy of the case study.

37. Not many students are aware that Jose Rizal, the Philippine’s National Hero is also a sculpture. Which
among the following is a sculpture of Rizal?
A. The oblation
B. The power of Science over Death
C. LapuLapu Monument
D. The Philippines map Relief

Rationalization: B – The Power of Science over Death was sculpture by Rizal when he was still a student.


38. Teacher Jenny, BSED Gradute resigns in her current teaching position as high-school teacher because
she has been force to teach in preschool department by the Principal in this school year. Teacher jenny’s
voluntary resignation resulted to:
A. Structural Unemployment
B. Frictional Unemployment
C. Cyclical Unemployment
D. Unemployment

Rationalization: A –Structural unemployment is a mismatched between the skills of Teacher Jenny and
the available teaching position offered by her principal.

39. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law popular as CARL is the lawful basis of the full
implementation of the comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program CARP. This was during the
administration of:
A. Fidel V. Ramos
B. Corazon Aquino
C. Ferdinand Marcos
D. Joseph Estrada
Rationalization: B – CARP is one of the priority programs of Pres. Corazon Aquino.

40. What is the topical method of research?

A. An intensive study of one individual. Typically, this may involve interviews, observation, experiments
and tests.
B. It involves the acquisition, synthesis, organization and presentation of information.
C. The research manipulates variables, randomly assign participants to various conditions and seek to
control other influences.
D. Involves going out and asking questions about the phenomenon of interest.

Rationalization: B – Completeness of information recorded is critical to gain a complete understanding of

the topic.

41. What Filipino trait is known for warm welcome to guest?

A. Hospitable
B. Respectful
C. Kind
D. Hard-working

Rationalization: A – Filipinos are much known as very hospitable.

42. What is the experimental method if research?

A. An intensive study of one individual. Typically, this may involve interviews, observation
B. It involves the acquisition, synthesis, organization and presentation of information.
C. The research manipulates variables, randomly assign participants to various conditions and seek to
control other influences.
D. Involves going out and asking questions about the phenomenon of interest.

Rationalization: C – Example: experimental research in psychology involves defining a research problem,

describing a hypothesis, describing a process to be followed, gathering date, analyzing the data, reporting
the findings and stating the conclusions in relation to the hypothesis.


43. Who wrote the Philippines Anthem?
A. Jose Palma
B. Julian Felipe
C. Felipe de Leon
D. Delfina Herbosa

Rationalization: A – Julian Felipe compose the Philippines National Anthem 1898. Jose Palma wrote the
poem and became the lyrics. The Spanish lyrics was officially translated by Felipe de Leon and now sung
in Pilipino.

44. Which of the following are characteristics of capitalism EXCEPT?

A. Government ownership
B. Profit driven
C. Laissez-faire
D. Pure competition

Rationalization: A – Choices B,C and D are characteristics of a Capitalist market.

45. In economics, recession is characterized by the following EXCEPT:

I. Unemployment rate rises
II. Inflation fall
III. GDP decreases
IV. Increasing money supply
A. I & II only
B. I only
C. I,II,III only

Rationalization: C – Increasing money supply is government recourse during recession.

46. As a result of People Power I in 1986, the Philippines was ________.

A. Change its form of government to parliamentary
B. Intensifies its participation in international affairs
C. Impeachment of Joseph Estrada
D. Became known worldwide for its People’s Revolution

Rationalization: D – EDSA 1 on February 22 to 25, 1986

47. The words “Charter Change” and “ Constituents Assemble” are related to?
A. Imposition of Martial Law
B. Return to dictatorial form of government
C. Amendment or revision of the present constitution
D. Division of the house

Rationalization: C – Article XVII Amendments or Revisions

48. Cooperatives eventually put up banks of their own. What are evidences of success?
A. Cooperatives are not heavily taxed
B. Opening of rural banks is allowed on a cooperative concept
C. Several rural banks started out as cooperatives.
D. Many banks in Metro Manila and Bulacan started out as cooperatives


Rationalization: C – Rural banks started out as cooperatives.

49. The impeachment proceedings in December 2000 and January 20001 have helped the Filipinos to
A. Understand the Judge’s comments
B. Hate administration trails
C. Appreciate democratic process of government
D. Listen to the proceedings

Rationalization: C – Impeachment proceedings against Pres. Estrada in December 2000 and Pres. GMA
took over on Jan 20, 2001

50. How will you classify the practice of “pamanhikan” in the Phil?
A. Value
B. Law
C. Mores
D. Folkways



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