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Compos Animi sanguis (Blood self-control):

1) Basic Hemomancy:
System: Blood sorcery + Strength
Solidify a small stream of blood into a thin stabbing weapon. This weapon cannot block
metal or natural weaponry and cannot pierce body armor. If the stream comes into contact with
a real weapon it is broken, and the blood used to fuel the stream is lost as hunger. For example,
if the stream is extended a distance of 3 units and is broken at the base 3 hunger is gained. The
blade can be extended a number of feet equal to remaining hunger up to the maximum. The
blood can stream from any surface of the user’s body. The blood cannot be coated in poison or
transmuted into any other substance such as a poison. Once molded the blade follows the
normal rules for striking with a normal weapon.
2) Fluid Hemomancy:
System: Blood Sorcery +Dexterity
Create a fluid limb of blood that can extend from any surface of the user’s body. The
limb can extend a number of meters equal to remaining hunger. As with the previous ability if
the limb is struck a number of hunger equal to the distance extended is gained. The limb is not
strong enough to strike with or wrestle things away from opponents but can be used to hold
onto objects. While the limb itself is not strong enough to strike with as a bludgeon it can grip
and use a weapon to attack with. If used under duress the limb suffers from a +1 difficulty to
use. This includes using the limb in a direct fight to strike with a weapon or use a firearm. No
weapons that require two hands can be used by this limb.
3) Projectile Hemomancy:
System: Blood Sorcery +Wits
Blood can be condensed and fired as a projectile out of any surface on the user’s body.
When using this ability, the user can choose to fire the pellets in a number of ways. The first
method is fired in the same way as a pistol. Every three rounds fired in this way generates a
single hunger. The second method is to fire the pellets as a shotgun. Every other shot generates
a single hunger. For these first two methods the pellets are fired in the same way as a regular
firearm. If the pellets are fired from a part of the body that isn’t in the direct line of sight of the
user, the shot is taken at a +2 Difficulty. The final method is to fire pellets as a claymore
explosion, firing pellets in an uncontrolled spread. If the final firing mode is used it can either
focused in a single direction generating a hunger every shot or can be fired in every direction at
once generating 3 hunger. The damage of the pellets from any of these methods are
determined by Blood potency+ Blood Sorcery, for example if the user’s blood potency is 1 and
blood sorcery is 2 the damage of each shot that hits is 3. The damage for the shotgun and
explosive method is multiplied by 1.5 rounding up, in the previous case the damage would be
4.5 which would round to 5.
4) Blood condensation:
System: Blood Sorcery + Resolve
The user’s blood can be concentrated to make it more potent increasing blood
potency by 1 for a scene. If the user scores a critical success blood potency is increased by 2 for
the scene instead.
5) Hemomancy:
System: Blood sorcery + Intelligence
If the roll for this ability is successful the user can use any of the prior abilities remotely
through any source of their own blood. For example, if the user spills their own blood on the
floor or smears it on a wall, they may solidify it into a blade or form it into a limb as per the first
two abilities. Using this ability does not incur any additional penalties for not having line of sight.
For example, if the user decides to try and fire their blood as pellets remotely from around a
corner, they wouldn’t have any additional penalties beyond those normally incurred by blind
firing as per Projectile hemomancy’s rules. The user can only use this ability equal to a distance
of 3 meters X Blood potency.

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