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A Fallout: PnP Adventure
For 3-6 Characters
Levels 5-9

Document written, compiled,

And edited by Jason Mical
Introduction I should note that this adventure is
based very closely (it's almost a
direct translation) of an adventure
Whispered Shadows is an adventure that I wrote for 2nd Edition AD&D's
for the Fallout: Pencil and Paper "Ravenloft" campaign setting. That
Roleplaying Game. The game itself, adventure was based on the House of
and this module, are both available Lament, a micro-domain outlined in
for download at http://www. the "Darklords" accessory for A copy of Ravenloft. Anyone interested in the
the 2.0 core rules book and the background of the story can find
rules errata are required to play more information there. The picture
this module. of the house and the map are both
original artwork by The Kargatane,
For the GM’s Eyes Only! and you can find their website at
Thanks for checking out this stand-
alone adventure. This is not I’d like to take a minute and thank
planned to be part of any campaign, all the great authors and
unless I get more requests for illustrators who made Ravenloft a
"horror"-style adventures. For that roleplaying institution: you’re the
is what Whispered Shadows is: a reason 2nd Edition still exists, and
horror story, with the characters as will continue to do so. Your
the victims. It is an extremely original ideas and style were the
story-driven adventure, with almost single-largest influence on me as a
no combat at all (unless the gamer and RPG writer. Thanks also
characters decide to initiate to Elizabeth, because without her
combat). Whispered Shadows is support, this never would have made
designed to draw the party in it past the raw text stage.
innocently, and slowly tighten the
vise-grips until the players are Questions? Comments? Email the
practically choking along with their author at
characters. It involves elements
not traditionally found in Fallout: Adventure Overview and
one could call them "magic," or
simply "supernatural." Whispered
Shadows is a haunted house story, a
mystery, and a great way to humble Whispered Shadows is an ideal
an arrogant party all rolled into adventure for a party of 3-6
one. characters levels 5-9. Although
there will be no experience points
Should the GM wish to play Whispered awarded for combat, surviving the
Shadows, he or she can have a great night in the House will be reward
deal of fun torturing the PCs. But itself (with some XP, too).
this is a warning to all sadistic Whispered Shadows is a great
Gamemasters: a little bit of horror adventure to humble an overconfident
goes a LONG way. Characters whose or arrogant party, and (as will be
control is wrenched suddenly from outlined below), a great way to
them won't feel horror, they will allow a character who no longer
feel frustrated. By the time the wished to play to leave the
players realize they are trapped, it campaign. Whispered Shadows is not
should be very late in the part of a campaign, and since the
adventure; good GMs will have to be action takes place over one evening,
on a closer guard than normal, it can easily be incorporated into
careful not to send the PCs packing any group's adventures. It will
before it's too late - and not to typically play about 4-5 hours to
frustrate them too early. GMs play (more if the GM builds the
should read through the entire mood), so it's a great one-night
adventure and be familiar with adventure.
different possibilities, as the
events in Whispered Shadows are It should be noted that Whispered
not necessarily linear. Shadows relies heavily on the
supernatural and events that
2 cannot be explained by science,
as it is a haunted house story. although victims are fewer and more
This may be enough to put some far between these days.
players off, but it's also a great
way to draw the focus of a campaign The adventure finds the characters
away from giant killer robots for a stuck in a storm, looking for
night. Characters investigating the shelter. They find a pre-War house,
various phenomenon in the house will still standing off of a lonely farm
either find them to be road in the middle of nowhere. As
scientifically possible, or their it seems to be the only option as
science skill fails them completely. the storm builds, the characters
How the GM chooses to address this will (perhaps with some gentle GM
is completely up to him or her; some prodding) take refuge in the house.
suggestions are made along the way. Soon after they arrive, they begin
to realize that things aren't quite
Once in the house, the adventure right; strange sounds come from
progresses in two ways: the empty rooms, and other odd,
exploration of the house, and a unexplainable events occur around
series of "events" that happen them. As the night progresses, the
either as the characters are house "chooses" one of the
exploring or as they hunker down for characters — the “Focal Character” —
the night. Once inside the house, to "welcome home." After this
every room and area is described point, the only way out of the house
first, allowing the characters to is for that character to die.
explore at their leisure. After Whether that death is real, or
that, the series of events is merely something that knocks the
listed. Since some of those events character into a deep coma, is up to
might happen while the characters the GM. Morning only comes when the
explore the house, it's important character sacrifices himself or
for the GM to be familiar with both herself to the house, or the entire
sections, as players might be party is dead, as the house will
running rapidly from room to room to eventually begin to mount its attack
investigate. on the party. Once the phenomenon
begin to occur, they grow
The house itself has a strange and progressively worse until the
unusual history. Built by a wealthy characters have no choice but to
businessman for his new trophy wife, leave, as the house will kill the
Mara, it was completed but hardly entire party.
ever lived in. Mara did not love
her husband, as she was forced into A note about healing in the
marrying him by her father. Mara house:
loved another, a handsome soldier in
the pre-War Army. When he was sent Since it would be easy for a party
abroad to fight, she began to waste with loads of stimpaks to simply
away with worry. Her husband, heal themselves, the characters will
growing suspicious, began to ask find these drugs to be much less
around and discovered his wife's effective in the house. Stimpaks
affair. Enraged, he killed her in and other healing chems only give
the house he built for her, and one-quarter of their normal benefits
buried her body in the bottom level (the final number of healed hit
of the tower, covering the hole with points is divided by four and
bricks. Soon after, he began to rounded down). In addition,
have strange hallucinations and whenever the characters attempt to
dreams, seeing his wife, and the use the First Aid or Doctor skills
house, as they tried to "get" him. to heal, the house itself attacks
One day, the neighbors came over and them through some devious means; it
found him dead, a look of pure might be a cold breeze that
terror on his face. The house had distracts the healer, or another
claimed its first victim. It will incident occurs elsewhere in the
continue to kill one member of each house. Only as a last resort, or
group (or a solitary wanderer) very late in the adventure,
that enters, as the house itself should the house directly attack
searches for a friend for Mara. the party.
The War has not slowed it down, 3
Part One: The Coming clothes and allow yourself to dry
If that isn't enough to convince the
When the characters are traveling players to enter the house, stress
between places, read the following. that there is nothing else in any
direction, either labeled on any of
Far off in the late afternoon sky, the party's maps or on an PIPBoy
you notice that storm clouds are display.
forming fast. Their tall, menacing
anvils hangs over you, threatening As the players approach the house,
to open the skies on your head and read the following:
soak you with hammer-like rain. It
what seems like only a few moments, The house rises out of a hill like a
the clouds get much closer, and welcoming hand. Its three stories,
menacing sound of lighting reaches in a stately (if wet) red brick and
your ears. tan stone, stand proud and strong
against the wastes around it. A
That was just a taste of things to single tower rises on the house's
come. Allow the party time to left side, as if a point of defiance
discuss plans, etc. If they decide at the blasted surroundings. The
to make camp for the night, then double-wooden front doors still
read the next passage and then the stand shut, and the glass windows
passage after immediately. If they all appear to be intact.
decide to press on towards their
destination, read below. The characters should be allowed to
make the final decision: go in, or
The rain begins to patter your face brave the storm. Note that the
as the storm finally breaks. The characters must choose for
clouds nearly drown out the setting themselves between the house and the
sun, leaving everything in a purple, torrent outside. Of course, that
shadowy glow. The rain instantly doesn't mean the GM can't (unfairly)
soaks you to the bone, cutting make the house seem to be a better
through clothes and armor with equal option: rather than focusing on the
abandon. It gets in your eyes, house's safety, as it is anything
stinging them with the dust of the but, focus on the peril the storm
Wastes. Discomfort becomes misery presents. Different character (or
with every step you take, and all party) shortcomings might be
you can think of is getting dry and sensitive areas the GM could exploit
warm again. (but not overdo). If the characters
decide to leave, the adventure never
If that isn't enough encouragement takes place: instead, make the storm
for the party to begin seeking a truly hellish experience for them,
shelter, the GM can throw something perhaps dosing them up with
else in as well; perhaps Geiger radioactive particles or forcing
counters (or sensitive characters) them to fight some hunter-killer
can detect that the storm is robot tanks.
spreading some radioactive dust, or
a giant twister might be sighted in When the characters go inside, read
the distance. Once the players are the following. A clever GM might
convinced they need to find a place even play up the stereotypical
to ride out the storm, read the "haunted house" elements, putting
following passage. the characters in a lighthearted
mood - and creating a false sense of
In the brief moment when lighting security or even superiority.
cuts the sky, you notice the outline
of a large brick house sitting As you approach, the house seems to
slightly off the road. Definitely a sigh a little, accepting its new
pre-War building, it looks to be charges. The wooden steps leading
both secure and intact. Inside, up to the porch creak slightly,
you imagine a place where you but still appear to be strong and
might be able to build a fire, or secure. The large, dark front
at least peel off your armor and 4 door opens at the first try, a
heavy movement that makes it creak described in the "Phenomenon"
on hinges that have not been used in section, below.
years. You cannot see anything
inside, but the darkness seems much The house is complete and total
more inviting than the raging storm master of its environment, although
behind you. it won't let the characters know
that until much later. The front
This is the player's last chance to door, once closed against the storm,
avoid their fate. If they continue, will never open again. Characters
begin by allowing them to explore trying to open the door will find it
the house, or to find a room where locked. Characters trying to break
they can sleep for the night. Once the door down find that it doesn't
the characters enter the house, read move and damage mysteriously fixes
the following and then proceed to itself when they aren't looking.
Part Two: The Rope Tightens Characters who attempt to break
windows will find that cracks
Stepping through the doorway, you disappear when they avert their
feel a slight chill pass through eyes, and that the glass seems to be
you, and then just as suddenly, it made of some extremely resilient
vanishes, replaced with a sense of substance (much like a very thin
safety. It feels very good not to bulletproof glass). The house is
be pounded with little drops of rather dark, although flares and
water, although the rain still makes other unnatural light sources
tinkling noises on the windows and function normally; the shadows they
roof. The interior smells dusty but cast, however, will always seem to
clean, and as your eyes slowly move and dance just out of the range
adjust to the light, you begin to of normal vision. Anyone who
fumble for your things and get your attempts to light the house's
bearings. electrical lights will find that the
power switch either doesn't work or
Part Two: The Rope that all the light bulbs break
because of a power s u r g e.
Tightens Character-lit lights, such as oil
lamps, torches, or fires, will go
Now that the characters have entered out in anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes
the house of their own free will from the time they were lit.
(even if they were "convinced" to do
so), the only way out is for one Characters may eventually become
character to die. Read the frustrated enough with the lack of
following sections to learn the escape options that they set the
rules of the house, and then allow house on fire. C haracters
the character to explore at will. attempting this find the wood to be
You might want to remind them of the rotten and damp, and very difficult
need to sleep, as dreams (can) play to light. Laser and plasma blasts
a very important part in what likewise will not ignite the
happens next. The room descriptions suddenly damp wood. If a character
are below, after the rules. successfully lights a fire, the
house will see that it does not burn
This Old House for long.

At the time the characters enter the Direct attacks on the house result
house, it chooses one of them as its in the walls, doors, or other
victim. This character will never affected areas to begin bleeding.
leave the house alive - or if he The flow is first a trickle, and if
does, he will be significantly attacks persist, finally a gush, as
changed. The house will never if from an artery. This "wound"
directly attack this character, does not actually damage the house
although it will focus much of its (it cannot be killed by traditional
phenomenon around him. That means, except perhaps detonating a
character must realize that he nuclear device inside of it), but
must give his life so that the does create a slippery area and a
others can leave; this is certain kind of critter, found
5 only in this house. Initial
attempts to damage the house will walls. Everything is covered with a
not produce blood, as this effect is thick layer of dust, and it is
meant to horrify a desperate party, obvious this room has not been used
not stun a character who is simply in quite a while. It seems like the
exploring his resting place (or light has a hard time penetrating
prison). If the house suffers an this room, and the pegs sticking out
equivalent of 100 HP of damage, the from the walls cast strange shadows
blood collects into a Blood Monster in the low light.
(see description at the end of the
adventure), which then attacks the Aside from the pegs on the walls,
party. which are nothing more than what
they seem, this room is empty. It
Guided Tour might be an ideal place for the
party to attempt to spend the night,
The following map and location but a gentle suggestion from the GM
descriptions should be used as the might convince them to try and look
characters explore the house. for beds elsewhere.
Remember that some of the
phenomenon, listed afterwards, might 3. Front Parlor
occur during this exploration,
depending on how the GM decides to A spacious parlor that opens off of
pace the adventure - and how soon the main hallway, filled with tiny
the GM wishes the characters to couches and chairs, this room looks
realize that all is not what it as if it once belonged to a prim and
seems. proper lady. The lace has long
since faded to white, and the
See the Map of the house, in couches smell a little musty. A
Appendix 1, for a layout (and a map tiny hand-mirror sits on one of the
for the players, if necessary). tables, long since corroded, its
glass broken and gone.
1. Foyer
The mirror has no value, although if
This entry hall stretches two floors a character wishes to take it,
up, and a large, spiral staircase that's his or her prerogative.
ascends into the shadows above. A Otherwise, there is nothing in this
large, crystal chandelier hangs room.
directly over your heads, its
thousands of glass parts reflecting 4. Gallery
a dull, red light from a stained-
glass window high above the door. Small statues line the walls, their
The effect is strange, like a shadows dancing across several
spider's compound eyes slowly framed paintings. It looks as
glowing and spinning around you. though whoever owned this house was
quite the art collector.
There is nothing of interest in the
foyer, except for an old, rotted This room actually contains several
umbrella in a jar by the door. This original paintings that might be
curiosity might interest some PCs, considered unique items. However,
and can serve as a way to decrease the house has no plans to give them
tension and lull the characters into up; should a character attempt to
a sense of security. Note that take a frame down, he or she will
these stairs are one of only two find that it is nailed or bolted to
ways to the second floor, and this the wall. If the character attempts
room will become the focal point for to tear it off, see rules for
several of the phenomenon damaging the house, above. If the
experienced later. character gets to desperate that he
or she tries to cut the painting
2. Receiving Room out, they slip and ruin the art.
Statues can be removed, but weigh a
A small, cozy room, this little minimum of five hundred pounds
niche holds a few benches and each.
several coat racks along the
6 Should any character examine the
artwork closely, read the following. make a roll against Luck and find a
book called "This Old House,"
What looked to be simple paintings containing a letter that might shed
of landscapes turn out, on closer some light on their c u r r e nt
inspection, to be pic tures of situation. The letter falls out of
several macabre scenes from the book. A copy of the letter can
religious literature. There are be found as Prop "A", at the end of
woodcuts depicting sinners in Hell, the book. GMs should copy this
a sand mandala with Mara's head letter for the PC that finds it.
consuming the Wheel of Life, and
Shiva destroying people by the 7. Music Room
thousands. The colors have not
faded over time, and in the dim A large piano sits in the corner of
light, the images appear almost to a long, comfortable music room. Its
have a life of their own. You lacquer top has faded with age, and
shudder uneasily, wondering who the tables and chairs surrounding it
would collect such strange artwork. sit empty, waiting for someone to
come and hear it make music once
5. Parlor again.

You find yourself in a large parlor, The piano actually works, if any of
with a fireplace on one wall and a the characters can play it (although
musty deer's head on another. it's a bit out of tune). This room
Everything seems to be made from a becomes an important focus of
dark wood, and intricate carvings of phenomenon later.
mermaids and dolphins cover the
mantle. A large couch sits on one 8. The Game Room
wall, surprisingly free from the
dust and dampness that seem to have This large, dark room contains a
affected the other furniture. A billiards table and a half-rotten
large pile of wood, dusty but bearskin rug. It looks as though
otherwise dry, sits beside the the master of the house enjoyed his
fireplace. games; a chessboard, a go table, and
some intricately-carved dominoes lie
This would be an ideal place for the along the walls, and several stuffed
characters to attempt to spend the deer heads watch you though lifeless
night. The fireplace is fully eyes.
operational, and the flue opens with
ease. The wood will build a large The pool table has no balls or cues,
fire that burns for approximately and the felt has long since
six hours; more conservation-minded decomposed. The bear skin rug is
characters can make it last about hardly recognizable beneath its
eight. Either way, it will run out layers of grime and dirt, but the
before the end of the night (and deer heads are very well-preserved
mentioning this might prompt further in a way that is almost uncanny. Do
exploration). not mention this fact unless one of
the PCs specifically asks about it.
6. Library Other than that, there is nothing of
interest here (although a PC might
Shelves greet you as you step into a want to take the chess set, the go
room that obviously served as a set, or the dominoes - which is
library. The books appear to be in fine. They are in excellent
decent shape, and the wing backed condition and would probably sell
reading chairs still look for a decent price, to an interested
comfortable, if somewhat worn. party). Otherwise, this room holds
nothing of interest.
PCs who search the books can make a
roll against Luck to find a volume 9. Smoking Room
that will increase one skill (GM's
choice) by 3 skill points. One This small room contains several
PC can only find one book. After overstuffed wingback chairs and
the PCs begin to experience the numerous ashtrays. The smell of
phenomenon in the house, they can 7 stale cigarettes and cigars still
lingers here years after the last windows replace the walls, and you
one was extinguished. Copies of old can see the storm in full fury
newspapers from the time before the outside. The plants themselves
War sit on a small end table. still have an earthy stink to them,
the scent of loam makes you want to
If the PCs try to pick up a sneeze.
newspaper, it will instantly
disintegrate. None of the plants can be harvested
for anything useful, although the
10. Ladies' Sitting Room topsoil is still good, if a
character has a green thumb (and
Well-crafter wicker chairs surround actually cares enough to take some).
a single large table in the middle
of this room. A small basket with a 14. Morning Room
hunk of something that might have
once been yarn sits by one of the The large windows along the walls of
chairs, untouched in years. A this room were designed to let in
Tiffany lamp hangs from the ceiling, the morning sunlight, but now only
but a large crack down the middle show the occasional flash of
mars its otherwise intricate beauty. lighting. Cabinets sit at various
heights, and a table and chairs sit
Other than the broken lamp and a passively, waiting for a family that
knitting needle (treat as a shiv, will never return. There don't seem
should a character decide to pick it to be any appliances or other usual
up as a weapon), there is nothing kitchen furnishings here, though.
else in this room.
A search of the cabinets will reveal
11. Ballroom only a few crumbs of dust.

A large, hardwood floor makes your 15. Servant's Room

footsteps echo in this spacious
ballroom. The storm outside pounds As you enter this room, you notice
the windows, and you get the idea that the chairs and cabinets here
that one could cave in at any point are of significantly less quality
in time. You can almost see the men than in the rest of the house. The
in tuxedoes and women in fine gowns chairs are falling apart, and the
dancing the night away here, so many wardrobes sag in on themselves.
years ago. It's funny, but you can Here more than anywhere you can
almost smell champagne and hear smell dust and mildew; you can't
little pieces of party conversation decide whether to sneeze or cough.
as you walk around, but it's
probably just your mind playing This room originally housed the
tricks on you. servants during the daytime, while
they waited upon the family. There
This open room can become the focal is nothing in it now save a few
point for a major phenomenon. cobwebs.

12. Ballroom 16. Pantry

This room is identical to the one Rows and rows of shelves sit empty
above, and the two can be connected along the walls in this room. The
by opening the large pair of French floor is a cold stone, and you see
doors between them. Like the room the reason: in the corner, stairs
above, there isn’t much of interest lead down into the cellar. A cold
here, except for the mood — and the draft seeps up from below, causing
phenomenon later. you to shiver slightly with the
13. Conservatory
PCs who ask specifically about the
The dead remains of large plants temperature will notice that this
are all that is left of what once room is about ten degrees (F)
might have been a beautiful colder than the rest of the
conservatory. Large glass 8 house. This is not because of
some supernatural occurrence, but This is Mara, and this picture
merely the cellar. becomes the focal point of one of
the phenomenon later in the
17. Kitchen adventure.

A large, black stove sits on one 20. The Cellar

side of the room, across from a
modern-looking sink and oven set. As your eyes adjust to the space in
Everything here is covered with dust the darkness, it becomes clear that
and grime, and some decomposed your light source only penetrates a
substance sits in the sink and on few feet in any direction. You hear
the stove, making you second-guess the sounds of rodents scurrying back
any notions you had of eating in and forth, and other noises that are
here. probably just the house settling.
You seem to be in a large, open room
The kitchen would be functional, if with a dirt floor. Pieces of junk,
it had power. The substance on the such as broken chairs, children's
stove and in the sink is actually rusted bicycles, and unidentifiable
some of the house's blood; any things covered by white cloth litter
character who decides to analyze it the area, casting shadows
will only be able to identify it as everywhere.
blood, not any specific kind of
blood. The cellar is spooky, but not out
rightly dang erous. If the
18. Butler's Pantry characters choose to explore it,
they find a door sealed with brick
This narrow room holds a few empty at one end, leading to the tower.
wine racks, a broken box of flaked This is, in fact, the only entrance
cigars, and a large chair for a to the tower, and must be broken in
servant to sit in. by inflicting 50 points of damage to
it (note that firearms are useless
There is nothing much of interest against the brick). If the
here. The cigar remains will characters search the junk, they
crumble if touched. have a 5% chance of finding one item
from the Core Rules with a value of
19. Dining Hall 50 or less. Each character can only
search once, and each character can
Photographs of different people line only find one item. Subsequent
the walls here, the members of a searches, regardless of how the
family staring out over the enormous first turned out, will always be
walnut table. Chairs sit around it, fruitless.
and in a mockery of past ritual,
corroded silverware still remains at In addition, for each minute spent
each place setting. The lace searching around the cellar, each
napkins are twisted and yellow, and character must make a roll against
there seems to be an air of perception. Those that fail have
tightness and sadness in this room. tripped and take 1d6 of falling
For some reason, you have the damage, in addition to having a 50%
strange urge to leave, or else you chance of breaking a limb.
might cry at what has been lost.
21. The Tower
Of course, this is a double
entendre, but don't tell the players Unlike the rest of the house, the
this: it was in this room that Mara tower smells of old, wet earth and
was murdered by her husband. One of moss-covered stone. The dampness
the photographs on the wall is of mixes with the cold, chilling you
her. Close inspection of the like the storm outside. Your
photographs will reveal that mold or footsteps seem to disappear into the
fading has removed the faces on all gloom above, and the only
but one of the pictures: one of a outstanding feature besides the
young woman in her early almost endless blackness is a
twenties, blonde, but with a sad narrow staircase that wraps along
expression behind her smile. 9 the outside of the tower.
The tower holds Mara's tomb, 22. The Upstairs
underneath the stairs at the very
bottom, behind a crude brick wall. Narrow hallways spider off in almost
Any character searching the tower every direction as you near the top
will notice the bricks at the base of the stairs. For some reason,
of the stairs do not match the rest this area of the house seems bigger
of the stonework; should anyone than the downstairs, despite the
inflict 70 points of damage on the lack of moving room. Plush, red
brick wall, they uncover a small carpet crunches softly underfoot,
chamber with a skeleton in it. This and you can almost feel some of the
does not count as an attack on the moisture seeping out of it.
house, and firearms will have no
effect on the wall. The upstairs, as one can see on the
map, is divided into several suites
Intrepid players may think that of bedrooms. Each contain a four-
burying the skeleton may put the poster canopy bed, a trunk or
spirits in the house to rest, but dresser, and other items of
this is not the case - the skeleton furniture like chairs or loveseats.
is not actually Mara, but her This is the most likely section of
husband's, and the house itself is the house for the PCs to attempt to
responsible for this discrepancy. spend the night. The larger suites,
Anyone examining the skeleton labeled for the colors in which they
closely can make a roll against are furnished, have nicer beds that
Intelligence or their Science skill; have actually managed to survive the
success indicates they realize the decaying environment. They are
skeleton is male (its pelvis is too remnants of a time before the War
small to be a female's). This (in fact, LONG before the War), and
information alone will not lead the many characters might have never
PCs to determine who the skeleton experienced such opulence.
is, but will indicate that it is NOT
Mara. Individual room descriptions are not
supplied or necessary; the GM can
Climbing to the top of the tower fill in the details as he or she
represents only the threat of sees fit.
falling three stories from the small
landing, and the possibility of 23. The Children's Rooms
finding an important clue to solving
the riddle of the house. On the A sense of innocence fills you as
wall opposite of the stairs, a loose you look around this small room,
brick conceals a lockbox containing filled with old teddy bears, a
a simple letter folded into a cradle, and a tiny bed. Blue ducks
yellowed envelope. That letter is are painted on the wall, and a small
Prop “B”, at the end of the mobile hangs from the ceiling, but
adventure, and should be photocopied everything is faded, jaundiced, and
and handed out to any player who covered with dust. You can almost
happens to find it. This is not an imagine the sounds of children's
easy task; climbing the stairs feet and the toys that must have
requires two consecutive successful filled the toy box in the corner.
rolls against Agility to avoid
rotting pieces of wood; should one Although there is nothing of
of these rolls fail, the player interest in this room (all the toys
falls and takes 1d10 points of are, in
damage for each story (consider the fact, gone, and a search will turn
first roll the second story, and the up nothing), it will become the
third roll the third story - center of
European players might want to several phenomenon, described below.
remember that Americans count
stories of buildings from one, and 24. The Attic
have no "ground" floor before we
begin counting, thus making our The wind outside whistles from
third story your second level). unseen holes in the roof as you
finish the narrow climb to the
10 attic. The storm seems much
closer, and the timpani beats of the harmless ones happen first, and
rain on the roof sound almost as if the more intense and deadly ones
it threatens to come down on top of happen later. This works because
you at any moment. Outlines of you can't immediately t h r ow
various pieces of furniture and everything at the party at once -
boxes slowly come into view as your they will simply try to leave the
eyes adjust to the open darkness, house and realize they are trapped,
and you can barely make out the which makes for more frustration
windows at the front end of the than actual horror (and, if the
house across from you. party isn't aware of the nature of
the adventure, they are in for a BIG
There is nothing of interest in the surprise - it's best to keep it
attic except for some old pieces of close to your chest as long as
junk. The GM might want to seed it possible). There is also the
with items, as described in "The believability factor: people are
Cellar," above, or provide some much more willing to accept strange
other reward for characters who stuff later on if you throw some
manage to make it this far, such as gentle, possible things in front of
an unusual weapon (that will, it. For example, having walls drip
ironically, be of no use in the blood immediately is just plain
struggle against the house). weird, but if the party heard a far-
off sound outside that seemed to
Phenomenon grow closer, until they realized it
sounded like a heartbeat, and the
While the characters are exploring walls started to pulse a little bit
the house, and while the settle in in time with the sound and then the
for the night, various supernatural walls dripped blood, it would be a
phenomenon will begin to manifest. more believable scenario. A tip to
In the beginning, these will be remember: if you toss a frog in a
simple distractions that can easily pot of boiling water, it will leap
be dismissed as rodents, the storm, out. If you toss a frog in a pot of
or an old building. Later, however, room-temperature water and slowly
they begin to get worse, growing turn up the heat, it will simply sit
more personal and eventually more there until it is completely cooked,
deadly. The house should have because by the time it realizes what
selected one of the PCs to be the is happening, it's too late. The
focus of its attacks; the house will same goes for people when
never try to hurt that character, constructing a horror story.
but the only way for the
manifestations to stop (and for the Keep in mind that these phenomenon
party to leave) will be for that are only suggestions; GMs should be
character to willingly sacrifice as devious and cunning as they wish,
himself (or herself) to the house. so long as it follows the storyline.
If you are planning on actually Also, remember that you don't need
killing off the character (see to run every one of these mini-
"Endgame," below, for alternatives), encounters or mini-puzzles; if you
did, the adventure would take much
make sure the player knows in
advance - but don't tell that player longer than one session.
the specifics of what will happen.
This can be an excellent plot device Some other techniques of producing
for a campaign, allowing a character tension can also be used. Asking
to make a noble exit, but it can be for rolls against a particular stat
disastrous if you actually kill off or skill when it is not necessary,
a PC for no reason. If the party is and then jotting down a fake "note"
traveling with NPCs, and the GM to yourself, is a great way to make
still wants to kill a character, the characters think something is
then it's much better to pick an NPC going on. In addition, asking a
for death. character "What's your [stat]
again?" and then making a secret
The phenomenon listed below run roll yourself works, too.
in five categories, which happen Passing notes to players creates
in a basic, chronological order - a degree of suspicion, and can
11 send the party on a wild-goose-
chase. Notes might include things 6. The entire party suddenly
like "You have a strong feeling that notices the distinct odor of pipe
you should leave the room," or tobacco. Then, just as quickly, it
"[Player] seems to be looking very is gone, and no trace of it can be
unusual." GMs will, no doubt, think found anywhere.
of other ploys to create mood; the
key, however, is that each technique 7. When in one room, a snuffling
should not be overdone. sound, like a dog sniffing the air,
is noticed by all characters who
Level One: Welcome Home make a successful roll against
Intelligence with a -1 penalty. The
1. When walking though a room, the sound disappears as soon as it is
party notices a cold spot. As the mentioned to another character.
party stands in the room (or moves),
the cold spot passes through them 8. One character, and one character
and out the door. Only characters only, hears a few piano notes. This
who are inside the cold spot can encounter works best if the party is
feel it, and a roll against not in the same part of the house as
Constitution might be necessary to the music room. If anyone goes to
notice in the first place. investigate, everything is
undisturbed, and no piano music can
2. When a character opens a door, a be heard.
wind brushes his or her face. Roll
against perception is necessary to 9. The pass the Focal Character's
notice this. player a note saying "You hear a
far-off voice whisper your name,
3. Far off in the house, either although you can't be sure if it was
upstairs or downstairs depending on in your head or not." None of the
the party's position, the characters other characters heard it, and the
hear a footstep or two, and then all Focal Character cannot pinpoint the
is silent. Might require a roll direction the sound came from.
against Perception to notice, and
then a roll against Intelligence to 10. As the party wanders though the
determine the direction it came from house, they can make a roll against
(you can pull players aside and tell Intelligence to notice that the
the group that made the successful drafts are not necessarily
roll against IT "You heard the noise consistent; they tend to move back
from your left!" while the failing and forth across areas. This is, in
group noticed the noise from the effect, the house "breathing" as if
right. It is important to make it was a living thing, but do not
these rolls secretly, so the tell the players this - let them
characters do not know who is right determine it on their own.
and who is wrong).
Level Two: Take Off Your Shoes
4. One of the characters, while
dozing off, has an unusually vivid 1. The players notice that certain
dream about being chased by a shadows tend to flit along the walls
familiar enemy. This should be an opposite the direction the other
enemy that bested the party in shadows are moving, as if an animal
combat, or is too strong for the like a cat or dog was running
party to fight, such as a band of around, although no such animal can
Super-mutants or a killer robot. be seen.

5. While walking down a hallway or 2. A door the party just walked

through a room, anyone who rolls a through slams shut on its own and
successful Perception check notices cannot be opened, except with a
a strange noise coming from the successful lockpicking attempt with
wall. It sounds like a faint a -50% penalty. This can be a good
scraping sound, much like a mouse or way to separate the party to create
small animal would make if it tension and isolate certain
were trying to scratch through characters (especially the Focal
something. Character).
3. While upstairs, the characters notes to different players.
hear laughter and the clinking of
glasses coming from the ballroom. Level Three: Stay For Dinner
An investigation yields nothing.
1. While walking through the foyer,
4. The character's hear a baby the characters find a noose dangling
crying in the Children's room at the from the chandelier, just out of
back of the second story of the reach. Should the characters find a
house. Investigation reveals an way to get it down, it is simply a
empty room, but the crib will be normal length of rope, tied into a
rocking slightly when the first hangman's noose.
character arrives.
2. The house begins to communicate
5. When one character is away from with the party, in the form of
the party, tap that person on the messages found scribbled on the
shoulder and say that another walls. These messages say things
character is tapping his shoulder, like "Mara is Lonely" and "Mara is
trying to get his attention. This Sad."
should create quite a stir when the
other character denies it; simply 3. When in the gallery, the
inform the player that the character characters actually notice one of
SWORE it was the other character the statues moving in a subtle way.
tapping his shoulder. This can either be an arm movement,
an eye movement, or something else
6. While sleeping, one of the minute. Any examination of the
characters has a dream about the statue reveals that is appears to be
Focal Character. In this dream, the perfectly normal.
Focal Character is hanging from a
tight noose, struggling in vain to 4. In the floor of the house the
get free. Waking from this dream characters are not currently
causes the character in question to occupying, doors begin to slam shut
experience a great deal of trauma, (even if the characters shut them
dealing two hit points of damage due all). This sound progresses from
to the tightening of the muscles. the farthest point from the party to
the nearest point, stopping when it
7. While the characters are in one gets directly beneath them. After a
room, footsteps are heard walking moment of silence (allow the party
through the hall outside or the next to discuss the occurrence), the door
floor up. An investigation yields to whatever room they are in also
nothing, but the sound was slams shut; the GM might want to
unmistakable. If the characters drop a heavy book on the table for
ask, tell them the footsteps are emphasis here.
heavy, like a man's.
5. The sounds of a children's game
8. If the party walks through the follow the characters though a
dining room, the picture of Mara hallway; suddenly, the sounds of
leaps off the wall and shatters at merriment stop, and are replaced by
the feet of the Focal Character. cries of "No! No, anything but
that!" in a little boy's voice.
9. The entire party hears a strange Then, a long, low cry, which is
voice whisper the Focal Character's choked off into silence.
name. It is impossible to tell
whether the voice is a man's or a 6. While the characters are in a
woman's. room, they hear footsteps belonging
to no one begin to cross the floor.
10. The party's light sources all The footsteps advance towards the
go out simultaneously, plunging the Focal Character, and stop right
party into darkness. After two before they reach him or her. The
minutes, the light normally again. party will notice that the dust on
During that two minutes, the GM the floor is not disturbed by
might want to drop some hints whatever is walking through it.
like "you think you see
something, but can't be sure" via 13
7. The Focal Character, if asleep, characters wait, nothing else
has a dream that he is sitting on a happens.
bed, and several pairs of hands pop
out of the sheets and grab him, 3. The house leaves messages for
dragging him down into the pillowy the Focal Character, in the same
softness. The grips are so strong, charcoal-burn style; these messages
he cannot break free, and the will read things like "Welcome Home,
character screams as he wakes up. [Focal Character]" and "Do You Want
to Play With Me?"
8. If the Focal Character passes by
a mirror, she cannot see her own 4. If the characters wander through
reflection. This effect only lasts the gallery again, one of the
for a moment, and everything is statues stabs a passing character
normal again as soon as she mentions for 2d8 points of damage. After
it to the party. that, the statue always wears a
grimace of hatred and anger on its
9. A character who happens to be face, but remains nothing more than
separated from the party is grabbed a statue if examined. The attack
by an unseen hand at the ankle and automatically hits, but damage is
trips; this fall might cause 1d4 dealt with normally.
points of damage (roll against AG to
avoid). 5. When in the library, the
characters are bombarded with books
10. A woman's scream rips through that fly off the shelves. Each
the entire house, so loud that the character caught in this storm of
party must cover their ears or books suffers 2d8 points of damage;
suffer 1d4 points of damage from the roll against Agility for half
intensity. Any party member who damage, but otherwise this attack
didn't cover their ears (warn them automatically hits. This might be a
that they feel like they should - if good time to drop Prop “A” if the
the players simply pantomime this party has not found it yet.
action, that's fine) suffer from
temporary hearing loss for 30 6. As the Focal Character passes a
minutes. mirror, instead of her own
reflection, she sees the sad,
Level Four: A Little Dessert? tearful reflection of Mara staring
back at her. This happens long
1. Walking past the piano, a wire enough for Mara to beckon with her
breaks and injures one of the PCs finger, after which she vanishes,
for 1d8 points of damage. This leaving the character's normal
slice will also result in a scar, reflection; any other party members
possibly lowering the character's looking at that moment see this
Charisma by 1 point until the wound phenomenon, too.
heals. This attack automatically
hits, and bypasses any armor. 7. A cold spot moves through the
room with the party, causing 1d8 hit
2. If the characters are in a room points of damage to anyone who comes
with the door shut, they hear into contact with it (once the party
stomping footsteps outside and in realizes what is happening, allow
another part of the house. They them to "fight" as normal, moving
come closer, and whatever is causing out of the way. The cold spot can
the noise stops to pound on every move ten hexes per round, and
door along the way. Finally, the vanishes after three rounds).
footsteps, so loud they cannot
possibly be human, arrive at their 8. The party begins to hear the
room and the door almost bends from sounds of a heart beating, and they
the force of the pounding. Any realize that the house appears to be
character stupid enough to open the pulsing in time with those sounds.
door at this point suffers 3d8
points of damage from inhaling a 9. The party realizes that the
toxic cloud that reeks of decay, drafts moving through the house
but sees nothing outside. If the are more regular, and are coming
14 at a faster pace, as if the house
is "excited." enough so that the character is
trapped between floors; it looks as
10. The sounds of a man's laughter though the character is up to his
echo throughout the house, stopping waist in floor, and if the party
with "[Focal Character] Is Finally explored below, they see legs
Home!" and immediately cutting off. dangling from the ceiling. The
floor then begins to constrict the
Level Five: Leaving So Soon? character, squeezing the life out of
him. The character takes 1d8 points
1. As the characters are coming of damage for every minute in the
down the stairs, the entire floor, and after 8 minutes, finally
staircase shifts, sending the party falls through to the level below -
tumbling to the bottom. Characters if he or she is still alive. All
suffer 2d10 points of damage, and attempts to free the character fail,
armor does not stop any of it. although the house might begin to
bleed and spawn a Blood Monster (see
2. Messages scribbled in blood above).
appear on the walls, including
"[Focal Character] Will Die!" and 7. One of the windows breaks out,
"No One Escapes!" No amount of showering the party with tiny shards
rubbing removes the bloodstains. of glass for 2d8 points of damage.
The glass will worm its way into the
3. Floorboards curl up and stab at skin, causing all characters near
the characters; this attack bypasses the window to suffer -10% penalties
armor and only hits for one round to all to-hit rolls for the next
(in other words, it is a surprise week. If the characters attempt to
attack and combat immediately ends, escape, they find a new pane of
and is an automatic hit). The glass already in place in the
floorboards pierce skin and armor window, unbreakable as all the other
for 5d6 points of damage - roll glass in the house.
against Agility for 1/2 damage.
8. The party's light sources go
4. A guillotine blade falls from a out, and no longer work for the
doorway as a character walks through remainder of the adventure.
it; this attack has a 50% chance for
a critical hit, and instantly 9. The Focal Character begins to
inflicts 6d6 points of damage. If feel cold to anyone who touches him,
the critical hit succeeds, the and his breath makes frost clouds
character is knocked comatose and even if the room is warm, although
cannot be revived without medical he does not feel any differently.
attention (use of Doctor skill for 4
hours - see the Core Rules for 10. If the party walks through the
details). After the bloody attack, foyer, the front doors are suddenly
the blade is nowhere to be found. open. As the party approaches, they
slam shut and a giant, invisible
5. Furniture flies up and hits the fist punches everyone who was
characters; these attacks have a 90% running for them. The force of the
chance to-hit, and get no modifiers blow knocks the party back and
for light or range. Each successful inflicts 4d10 points of damage from
hit deals 4d6 points of damage from the powerful hit and the velocity at
the force of the impact. As this which the characters hit the wall.
can be potentially lethal to the This attack is an automatic hit,
entire party in a short period of although armor works normally.
time, the GM might want to consider
keeping the active furniture Part Three: The Driving
confined to one room.
6. One of the characters actually
falls into the floor of the house, Eventually, the players will begin
swallowed by the wood (note: this to piece together the puzzle of
CANNOT be the Focal Character). escape: one of them (the Focal
The wood simply becomes pliable Character) must sacrifice himself
15 so that the party can leave. The
actual game mechanics of this can surviving player gets 10,000
vary; the most likely scenario, experience points as soon as the
especially if the GM is running this party leaves the house. If the GM
adventure as a way for one of the wants to add a little comic relief
players to bow out of a campaign and give the party a "reward," read
gracefully, is that the character the following special encounter:
will actually die. Other
possibilities include: the character Special Encounter: Man With a
becomes comatose for three weeks, Plan
but manages to survive; the
character loses one point of Walking down the path towards the
Strength and one point of road, you never felt so happy to
Constitution permanently; the feel the warming rays of the
character loses his will to live, Wasteland sun. As you bid the house
becoming a walking zombie who flies one last look, you almost skip as
into rage during combat, or the familiar, dry dust fills your
whatever. The sacrifice, if it is nostrils. The storm has passed, and
not to be death, must be something here and there, tiny green plants
debilitating that will have a major are poking their way out of the
effect on the character's person - ground.
or that character's psyche. This
presents a great opportunity for the Standing on the road, next to an
player to roleplay well, and can ancient boat of a car, stands a
also be a way to trim a "super- dark-haired man, his face covered
character" down to size a little with dried blood. He gives you a
bit. It is also very good karma, wan smile, and says, "oh, that
and the person who makes the place, huh? There's a cabin in the
sacrifice (if it's made willingly woods about a hundred miles to the
and without complaint) gets 300 east - if you thought that house was
Karma points (if they manage to bad, you should try staying there
survive - and this survival should for the night!"
be in question up until the moment
the character "gets up" and walks Getting closer, you see that his
away, if that's the GM's wish). right hand has been replaced with a
robotic fist, and he's got a sawed-
The sacrifice must be made by the off shotgun and a chainsaw strapped
Focal Character lying down on the to his back.
dining room table. As soon as this
happens, the character writhes in "The name's Ash," he says.
pain and immediately takes 3d10
points of damage (or dies). Read Ash doesn't know much about
the following: anything, but will stay and talk
with the party for a while. He'll
[Focal Character]'s body writhes and try to figure out where he is, as
twitches, and you can almost imagine he's lost (as usual). He'll ask if
clawed hands coming out of the table they've seen an ancient, bound book
and tearing flesh and spirit from called the "Necronomicron"; when
[him/her]. Then, as quickly as it they answer in the negative, he
began, [focal character] lies still, quickly looses interest.
and you can barely make out the
first signs of sunrise out of the "Good luck, then. You'll need it."
windows. You also notice the storm With a nod and a smile, he turns
has passed, and can smell the away, heading back the way you came
pleasant scent of fresh rain. the night before - or was that a
lifetime ago?
The party will likely check to see
if the Focal Character survived; As the mysterious man disappears
either way, the party can now leave into the wastes, you cannot help but
the house at their leisure. It think, "Groovy."
should have been a furious
struggle, and the party will be
changed forever, either for the
better or the worse. Each 16
Appendix A: Map of the House

Appendix B: Bestiary Appendix C: Props
Blood Monster Prop A

The blood monster is a unique To Who mever is unl uc ky enough to find this
creature, an avatar of the negative
energy in the house with one letter,
purpose: defend it against those who
seek to destroy it. The blood Kn o w that I a m Squi r e N athan, of the Brotherhood
monster has no definitive shape, and
of Steel. Four me mbers of my co mpany, myself
can range in height from 1 meter to
4 meters, depending on the room it’s incl ude d, have been trapped in this accursed house
in. It looks like a gigantic, for what see ms to be but one evening, although by my
slightly humanoid creature made reckoning it has been several days. We took s helter
entirely from blood, although it has
no legs — more of a single “foot,”
fro m a violent storm here, the likes of which I have
like a snail, that it moves around never seen. Only three of us are left: myself, Brother
on. The monster reeks of the copper Al p h us, an d Scribe Beeman . B e e man is pl agued
smell of a fresh wound. Anything it with horrible nightmares, and the writing on the
touches has a thin layer of red
blood on it, and the sight, smell walls... no man shoul d have to endure that horror.
and presence of one of these
monsters can cause even the most O ur mo r ale is weakening and we can no longer
steadfast of characters to turn tail sleep, except in ten-or-fifteen mi n ute segments as the
an run. When the blood monster
initially forms, every character nightmares have grown too bad to do otherwise. I
within 10 hexes of it is forced to kn o w the key to our escape is at my fingertips, but
make a roll against Endurance; damn al l i f I c an’t figur e o ut what it is!
failure means the overwhelming urge
to flee out of sight of the monster
for 1d10 rounds. During that time, If you find this letter, and can identify our
the character will do everything in condition, I i mplore you only to listen, as the
his or her power to avoid the blood an s wers must be right in front of us.
monster, and if trapped, cannot
function enough to fight. When the
horror of the creature has worn off, Signed,
then the character can fight
normally. Squi r e N athan
Blood Monster
To Whomever is unlucky enough to find this
HP: 100 letter,
SQ: 9
AP: 9 Know that I am Squire Nathan, of the
XP: 1 Brotherhood of Steel. Four members of my
company, myself included, have been trapped
CC: 10% in this accursed house for what seems to be
AC: 30 DR DT but one evening, although by my reckoning it
Normal: 0 100% has been several days. We took shelter from
Laser: 10 30% a violent storm here, the likes of which I
have never seen. Only three of us are left:
Fire: 5 20% myself, Brother Alphus, and Scribe Beeman.
Plasma: 10 30% Beeman is plagued with horrible nightmares,
Explosion: 5 50% and the writing on the walls... no man
PR: 100% RR: 100% GR: 100/100 should have to endure that horror.

Our morale is weakening and we can no longer

Special defenses: cannot be harmed sleep, except in ten-or-fifteen minute
by regular melee or projectile segments as the nightmares have grown too bad
weapons (100% DT), only AP bullets to do otherwise. I know the key to our
escape is at my fingertips, but damn all if I
hit normally. can’t figure out what it is!

Attacks: Punch (110%, 3 AP, If you find this letter, and can identify our
D:2d8+2); Strangle (90%, 5 AP, condition, I implore you only to listen,
as the answers must be right in front of
D:3d6+2, roll against EN. or go us.
unconscious for 1d4 rounds) 18 Signed, Squire Nathan
Prop B upon his impulses.

July 24, 2021, Jacques, if you find this, know that

I’ll love you always, you and no
Dear Diary,
Richard’s anger burns like the storm that
rages outside. I worry that he’s found out “Whispered Shadows” and the Fallout
about Jacques; Richard is downstairs, and PnP RPG copyright © 2001 and
copyright © 2000 Jason N. Mical,
he’s drinking; I can small his cigar smoke up respectively. This adventure can be
here. Occasionally, I can hear thuds. I distributed in it s original,
know that soon I’ll have to go downstairs unaltered Adobe PDF format. Any
questions or comments regarding this
and find out what’s the matter with him. adventure should be addressed to
Jason Mical at
He keeps talking about a “housewarming For more details, see the home of
present,” and something about “sanctifying” the Fallout Pencil And Paper RPG at
our new home. I never should have married
the old man; if only I had the strength to tell “Darklords,” “The House of Lament,”
my father “no!” and “Ravenloft” are all copyright ©
TSR and The Kargatane. Used with
implied permission. Image (map)
It’s nothing you haven’t heard before, dear copyright The Kargatane, used and
diary. But tonight, I fear Richard might slightly altered with implied
actually act upon his impulses. permission.

Look for more great adventures from

Jacques, if you find this, know that I’ll love Jason Mical and other authors at the
you always, you and no other. home of the Fallout PnP RPG website.


July 24, 2021,

Dear Diary,

Richard’s anger burns like the storm

that rages outside. I worry that
he’s found out about Jacques;
Richard is downstairs, and he’s
drinking; I can small his cigar
smoke up here. Occasionally, I can
hear thuds. I know that soon I’ll
have to go downstairs and find out
what’s the matter with him.

He keeps talking about a

“housewarming present,” and
something about “sanctifying” our
new home. I never should have
married the old man; if only I had
the strength to tell my father “no!”

It’s nothing you haven’t heard

before, dear diary. But tonight,
I fear Richard might actually act

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