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I am Syed Suhail Hussain . I am 21 Years old . I am a student . I am

basically from Jammu & Kashmir , but currently residing at Meerut
in Uttar Pradesh .
I have completed my Senior Secondary Education from a Govt.
School in Kashmir , and right now I am persuing B.Tech from Abdul
Kalam Technical University in Meerut . Besides , I have a Diploma in
Basic Computers .
I have Parents and Three Siblings . My Father’s name is Mr. Syed Ali
Shah . He is a Bussiness Man . My Mother’s name is Mrs. Zarina .
She is a Housewife . All the Three Siblings are Younger to me and
are Studying .
I like Reading Spritual Books that provide the truth about the God
and Creation . I also like spending time with my Family .
As far as my Skills and Strengths are concerned . I am a Good Writer
, Reader , Speaker , Listener , Thinker , Communicator and a Cricket
Player .Also I am a Hard Working individual who would like to do
things with Perfection .
If I would talk about my Nature then I would say that I am an
Honest and Straight Forward man who would not compromise with
any Dishonesty in Life or in Work .I am also Polite and Introvert
person , which is why I have just few Friends but good ones .
I live a simple life keeping God as my priority in all aspects of my
life , because I believe that without God the life is Empty,
Meaningless, Worthless,Ruthless and Hopeless. Therefore, it is
must to know God and keep a healthy relationship with him in
order to live a Blessed, Peaceful, and Joyful Life .
That is all about my Introduction

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