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The “Speak less – say more” programme

The purpose of this report is to assess the “Speak less – say more” Programme by Hutson and
Co. and to state the skills one might acquire during the course.

The “Speak less – say more” programme is a five day course organised by Hutson and Co.
which aims to show people how to be able to communicate more effectively without the need to
speak a lot, relying more on the vibes and meaning their behaviour and appearance convey. The
course was well-organised to a certain extent, not considering the quite long gaps between the
different seminars and activities. Moreover, the course was not specifically designed for professional,
so there were a lot of tips for general communication.

Moreover, the course proved to be very beneficial for further development of certain skills
an individual employed in the marketing sector might want to shape. Within the duration of the
course, all the participants were involved in a wide variety of activities, each of them focusing on the
importance of factors for instance, the body language, the outfit of a person, jewellery and hairstyle,
etc. Additionally, the aforementioned factors can definitely be of use in any social sphere of life.
There were also four seminars which guided us through the basics of successful communication.

All in all, the “Speak less – say more” programme was very helpful and while not being able
to cover every aspect of verbal and non-verbal communication, it certainly broadened the horizons
of the many ways people speak without saying a word.

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