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Zharmayne Geslie M.



There's this one boy named Raph who was always different. He can see things that
others cannot. Unlike others he's an anti-social, he prefers observing or watching than
communicating with them. He is the outcast one. His mother passed away due to lung cancer
while his father left them while his only one month old. His feeling sassy, boastful and ignorant
Auntie Zelda adopts him unwillingly. She treats Raph as a slave. She even prohibited Raph to
go to school because she thinks that it's just a waste of money.
One night Raph feels really depressed, the only thing that he know to stop all of his
problems is him being dead. During his breakdown, a gorgeous girl suddenly appeared in front
of him. The girl ask him if his okay. At first he was so shocked but he still manage to answer the
girl's question. As their talk got deeper, Raph feels at ease with the presence of the girl. He
knew that her name is Skye. Little did Raph know that he's the only one that can see the girl
she's talking to. Raph excuse himself to get some food but as soon as he go back there's no
Skye in there. He is wondering where did Skye go so he search every part of their house but
she's still not in there.
As days passed by, Raph recovers from depression by the help of Skye. The only
person that he trusts on everything. Skye is always there for her especially when he's feeling
down. She's like the sunshine of Raph who makes him happy. But she's still unaware that he's
the only one that can see Skye. Until one day Skye suddenly disappeared like a bubble. She
didn't leave anything that can be used to trace her. Raph started to find her, he thinks all the
ways that may help find Skye, he cannot posts in social media sites because they don't have
picture together or even Skye's solo picture. And he cannot even ask people if they knew her
because he has no picture of her. Raph don't know what to do anymore. He misses his
sunshine so much. Every night, he's praying and begging God to bring back Skye to his life.
And on that he realize that he really loves Skye.
In a lovely morning, while Raph is sipping his coffee, Skye appeared in front of him
smiling. He was really shocked and at the same time happy because he finally saw his sunshine
and he has now time to say everything that he had been through while Skye is gone. And he's
also ready to confess his feelings for her. When Raph starts to talk, Skye interrupted him by
saying SORRY. Raph said that it's okay. Skye replied that it's not okay and it will never be okay
because this is the last time that he'll going to see her. Skye's mission is already done and it is
to make Raph happy and safe. Raph cannot believe it so she explained it to him that she's not a
normal person, she's an angel sent from heaven and he is the only one that can see her.
Raph cried in pain because the only girl that she loves/trusts will leave him soon. Skye cried
also because she has feelings for Raph even in the beginning and it makes her heart tearing
apart, seeing Raph cry. It is really harrd for both of them. But it is their fate. The last words that
came to Skye's mouth is "I LOVE YOU, GOODYE" and then she fades out like ash.
A year after, Raph become a different person. Really opposite on what he is before. He
has a lot of friends now. He's a part of a gang named TAU GAMMA. He get involved in a lot of
riots that get him the bruises in his face. He's now a stone-hearted man that makes every girl
cry. He don't trust anyone anymore because he's afraid that they might leave him someday like
what Skye did. He also done a lot of crimes that lead him on being jailed for 150 days. If Skye
would see him, maybe she will not recognize him anymore. The old Ralph is DEAD.
One morning, while Auntie Zelda is cooking for breakfast he commanded Raph to
welcome her boyfriend which is outside their house. Raph stomped first before obeying it. And
as he open their door, he saw a tough guy standing in front of him with an eye of a vulture -- a
pale blue eye, with a film over it. He's so shocked and furious that makes his hands tremble
because he looks like him and he also gave him chills.
"Welcome to your new home." Raph said.

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