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The Learner's

B . A. Lapidus and S. V. Shevtsova

with Foreword
and articleon orthography by
Morris Halle


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Copyright © 1963


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

All Rights Reserved

Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 63-21744

Printed in The United States of America


The Russian Alphabet iv

Foreword, by Morris Halle v

Dictionaries Used in Compiling this Book vii

How to Use the Dictionary viii

List of Signs xx
Abbreviations Used in the Dictionary xxi

Vocabulary 1

Grammar Tables and Lists of Suffixes 549

Grammar Tables 551
List of Suffixes

A. Inflectional Endings 601

B. Word-Forming Suffixes 613
A Guide to Russian Pronunciation, by V. A. Vassilyev 629
Essay on the Relationship between Russian Sounds and
Letters, by Morris Halle 681

The Russian Alphabet


Letters Names Sound Values

12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Aa [a] [a, A, 9, — i^ — I - i']

B6 [be [b. b^ p, p^]
Bb [ve] [V, v^ f, p]
rr [ge [g. g^ k, k^]
JXa [de] [d, d^ t, t'']

Ee [ye
[e, ve,
9, ya,

i^.yi®, i, yi, n
33 ze] [z, z^, s, s^]
Hh li] [i, i]

^H ([i-kratkaya]) [y]
Kk [ka] [k, k^ g, g^]
Jlji [el] [I 1^1
Mm [eml [m, m'']
Hh [en] [n, n^]
Oo [0]- [o, A, a]
On [pe] [p. P^ b. b^l
Pp [er] [r, r^]
Cc [es] [s, s\ z, z^]
Tt [te t. t^ d. d^]
yy lu] u]
04) [ef] f, f^ V. v^l
Xx [kha] [kh, kh^ gh, — 1

Uu [tje] [\s, - , d7. -]

qq [ch-e] [ch^ch^ j^ j^]
lllm [sha] [sh, — , zh, -- 1
rUm [sh^:a] [sh^:,sh^:, zh^:,zh^:l
-b ([t^v^ordty —(disjunctive)
bibi [^1 [i]
b ([m^akhkMy l^]
33 [e] [e]
KDk) [yu] [u, yu]
Hh lyai [a, ya, a, ya, i^ yi®, i. yil

There has long been a need for a dictionary designed especially

for the English-speaking student who seeks to gain active
mastery of Russian. Such a student needs much more than the
one or two synonyms, sporadically supplemented by idiomatic
expressions, that are found in most foreign language dictionaries.
He needs detailed indications about how each Russian word is
inflected and about its accentuation in the various inflected forms.
He also needs to be told as much as possible about the usage of
the different words, for words in one language are only too often
used quite differently than their nearest synonynis in a second
language. Information of this type has hitherto been available
only in multivolume dictionaries, which are expensive, hard to
handle, and, moreover, not being compiled with an English-
speaking user in mind, frequently fail to discuss difficulties that
would be encountered by such a user.
This dictionary was planned especially to meet the needs out-
lined, and the compilers have successfully achieved their objec-
tive. Their selection of entries for inclusion in the dictionary is
consistently sound. They have managed to cover quite fully
the everyday vocabulary of the educated speaker of current
standard Russian. Their choice of examples to illustrate the
use of different words is excellent. They have paid special
attention to phrase units, idioms, and compound words whose
meaning, though self-evident to the native speaker of Russian,
presents difficulties to the English-speaking student. Finally,
they have provided extensive information about the inflection
of the words and about their accentual peculiarities. The value
of the dictionary is further enhanced by the supplement, which
contains elaborate grammatical tables, lists of inflectional and
derivational suffixes, a detailed "Guide to Russian Pronuncia-
tion," and an essay on the relationship between Russian sounds

and letters. In short, the English-speaking student of Russian

has here a most useful and badly needed tool. May I express
the hope that it will lessen the drudgery and increase the pleasure
of those who have set out on the by no means smooth road of
mastering the tongue of Pushkin, Tolstoi, and Dostoevski.

Morris Halle
Cambridge 1963
Dictionaries Used in Compiling This Book

Cjioeapb pyccKoro HSbiio b qexbipex TOMax. AKaAeMHJi

HayKCCCP, HHCTHTyT pyccKoro HSbiKa. MocKBa. 1957 —
C. H. OxceroB. CJiosapb pyccKoro nabiKa, hsa. 4-e.
MocKBa. 1960.
PyccKoe jiHTepaTypHoe npoHSHomeHne h yAapenne. Gjio-
Bapb-cnpaBoqHHK no;; peziaKHHefi P. H. ABaHecosa h
C. H, OjKeroBa. MocKBa. 1959.
PyccKO-aHrjiHHCKHH cjioBapb no;; oSiuhm pyicoBOACTBOM
A. H. CMHpHHUKoro, U3ji. 3-e. MocKBa. 1958.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English,
Fourth Ed, Revised by E. Mcintosh, Oxford, 1954.
Webster's New V/orld Dictionary of the American
Language. Cleveland and New York, 1957.
The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English
by A. S. Hornby, E. V. G a t e n b y, H. Wakefield,
London, 1958.?
Thorndike-Barnhart Comprehensive Desk Dic-
tionary, London, 1952.
Chambers's Compact English Dictionary, Edited by
A. M. Macdonald, London and Edinburgh, 1954.
A. R eu m. A Dictionary of English Style. Zweite Auf-
lage. Leverkusen, 1955.
Kenkyusha's New Simplified English Dictionary
(English Through English), Tokyo.
P. M. Roget. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases,
London, 1954.
The Nuttall Dictionary of English Synonyms and Anto-
nyms, Edited by G. E. Christ, London and New
York, 1960.
All the Russian words in this dictionary are entered in
strictly alphabetical order. Each head-word is given in
full with the stress mark ' placed over the stressed vowel.
It is followed by the transcription. (For details on tran-
scription see A Guide to Russian Pronunciation, p. 629).
The grammatical notes are given after the transcription.
The ptft-of -speech designations •are adv, int, cj, etc.
Nouns are designated by m, f, n, or pi (pi is reserved for
cases when the noun has no singular), and verbs, by
imperf or perf. Following the part-of-speech designations
are the requisite grammatical word forms. (For details of
grammatical word forms see chapters on the noun, adjec-
tive, numeral, pronoun, and verb, pp. XIII— XIX).
Stress. All polysyllabic head-words and derivatives
standing separately or occurring in phrases and sentences
bear the stress mark over the stressed vowel. An excep-

tion is made for the sound represented by the letter

*'e", which is only used in stressed syllables and therefore
bears no stress.
Monosyllabic words are accented only in contextual use
when the stress is shifted from the sense word to the form-
Mopje [mor^a] n -h, pi -», -eft sea; Ha Mope at

Homonyms (words that have the same pronunciation

and spelling, but different meanings) are listed as sepa-
rate entries. Each entry is followed by a standard Roman
numeral to remind the consultant to look up the other
entry (or entries) with the same spelling, should he fail
to find the information he is seeking under the first one.
noji I [pol] m -a (-y), pi -u, -6b floor {of a room).
noji II [pol] m -a, pi -u, -6b biol sex;...

Homoforms (words that have the same pronuncia-


-- IX ~
tion in one or more grammatical forms) are treated in
the same way as homonyms.
AHCM I [d^n^om] adv by day,...
HHCM II [d^n^om] see AeHb.
Labels. Usage and subject labels will follow the
grammatical notes of the word if they refer to the word
as a whole.
6a61a [baba] / -bi, ~ col 1. woman; 2....

Should any of these restrictive labels refer to but one

of the meanings, they will be placed after the bold-type
Arabic numeral introducing the particular meaning.
rHnc [g^ips, -bz] m -a 1. min gypsum; 2. plaster
(of Paris); 3. med plaster cast.

If this be rendered in several ways in

meaning can
English and the English equivalents are separated by sem-
icolons, the label following the bold-type Arabic nu-
meral will refer to the whole set of equivalents.
KOMaHflHp [k9mAn^d^ir] m -a, -ob 1. commander;
2. mil commander, commanding officer; captain; leader.
Notes on Type and Arrangement. The head-
word is boldface type. The vertical line
given in in it |

separates the unchanging part of the head-word in the entry;

what is left in most cases does not coincide with the suf-
fix or the ending in the strict sense of the word.

Mcxejilb [m^i^t^eP] / -h -eft snow-storm.

[Read: Mexejib... MeiejiH, MCTeJiefl...]
The absence of the vertical line will indicate that in
the entry the head -word does not change.
To save space a swung dash ^
is used for the unchang-
ing part of the head -word or for the whole head -word if
the latter has no vertical line.

MarasiiH [magAz^in] -a, -cb 1. m

shop, store; ynn-
BepcajibHbiH ~
department shop / store; ..
sanafl [zapat, -d] m
-a west; na ~e in the west;...

In entries having more than one word in boldface

type a swung dash refers only to the first of these.
roBOp|HTb [g9vAr^it^] imperf -i6, -Huib, p -hji, imp
-H, no|roBopHTb [pagavAr'^it^] perf, CKasjarb [skAzat^]
pert ckaHcy, cKajKeujb, p -aji, imp CKajKji 1. \no perf)

X -
speak, talk {say words); ^htb no-pyccKH speak Russian;
~i'iT MocKBa this is Moscow calling;...
[Read: roBopHTb no-pyccKH...; roBopHT MocKsa...]
Hafl [nat...l, Haflo [nada...] prep with instr... over;
above; -~ ropoAOM over the town;... Ha^o mhoh above
me; . .

The meanings
of each head-word .are indicated by bold-
type Arabic numerals with a full stop.
Each part-of-speech designation within one entry is intro-
duced in a new paragraph by a bold-type Roman numeral.
HHane [inach^i] & HHawe [inach^i] I adv differently,
in another way;
II cj or (else), otherwise;...
KcxaxH [kstat^'i] I adv\. to the point, opportunely;...
2. at thesame time, while one is about it;

n parenth by the way, by the by.

If a phrase or combination has more than one meaning,
these meanings are introduced by standard Arabic numer-
als with a bracket.
pocT [rost, -zd] m -a (-y) 1. growth...
<^ BO Becb ^ 1) upright [of standing); 2) full-length
(portrait); 3) fig in all its magnitude {of a problem
facing smb, etc).

Idiomatic phrases, proverbs, etc, are given in bold-

face type after the m.ain entry which is closed by a
"rhombus" <>. Examples illustrating idiomatic phrases are
given, wherever practicable, in standard type.
jiaep [lavr] m -a, -oBbot laurel, bay(-tree);
-0* nojKHHaTb —M reap' laurels; noHHTb Ha '-ax rest
on one's laurels.
jiHUib [l^'ish, -zh] I part...;
«0> ~ only;6bi if -- 6u yexaib ceroAHH if only I

could leave today.

space, square brackets ( ] are used, which make
To save
itpossible to introduce into a given expression a new non-
synonymous element without repeating the whole expression:
6hc [b^is, -z]... HcnojiHHTb [nexb, Hrpaib u m. n.]
Ha — perform [sing, play, etc] an encore.
[Read: HcnojiHHTb na 6hc perform an encore; neib Ha
6hc sing an encore; Hrpaxb aa 6hc play an encorej
- XI -
In instances when square brackets appear only in
the English equivalent, it means that the Russian
phrase has several meanings which can be rendered in
English by substituting one of the words in the particular

ecjiH [yes^'l^'i] cj if... ~ noexaxb k HeMy cePmac, to

MOH^Ho sacraTb ero if you [we, I] go to his place now
you [we, I] will find him at home.
Square brackets are also used to point out the grammat-
ical origin of a word.
3aKJiK)HeHH biH [zakl^uch^onuiyl
I [pa] -oro, -bix pris- m
oner, convict.
The noun "saKJiioqeHHbift" is a substantivized participle.
Parentheses indicate optional elements of a word or
word-combination given in Roman type.
x(aBopoH|oK [zhavaranak, -g] m -Ka, -kob (sky)lark.
jiexa [l^'i^ia] pi Jiex, -m 1.: ... eiviy UHTb jiex he is five
(years old);...

Italics in parentheses following an English word serve

to specify or restrict its meaning. (For methods of restrict-
ing meaning see p. XII).
The italicized explanation refers to the word or words
immediately after the nearest preceding semicolon.
All form and stress variations are given in parentheses.
jiec [l^es, -z] m -a (-y), pi -a, -6b 1. woodland,
wood(s), forest;...
jiHnH|yTb [l^ipnut^I imperf -ex, p j\wn (-yji) stick...
HCKpeHH|HH [iskr^m^n^'iy] a shf HCKpeneH, -a -e(-o),
-H (-bi) sincere, frank;...
Words used preferably or exclusively in set phrases or
combinations are punctuated by a colon which is followed
by the set phrase now in current usage. The English equiv-
alent is given after the set phrase.
rpe4HeB|biH [gr^ech^n^ivtyl a: —an Kpyna buckwheat;
'-aH Kama buckwheat porridge.
rpoM [grom] m -a, pi -bi, -6b 1. thunder; 2.: — an-
jio;;HCMeHXOB a storm of applause;...

Restrictions of Meaning. Methods:

1) Obvious synonyms. For instance, the Russian word"Jio>Kb'*
is translated as "lie, falsehood". The word "falsehood"

shows that the word "lie" means here not "direction, po-
sition" "the state of affairs", but "a false statement".
2) Subject labels, e. g. econ, mil, etc. Thus "ji6>Ka" is ren-
dered as "box", the label theat showing that "box" means
"a small boxlike space with chairs at a theatre", and not
"a container made of wood, etc, to put things in".
3) Designation of the grammatical construction in which the
word (or one of its meanings) is used:
MHoro [mnoga] I adv... 2. with comp much;...
4) Explanations given parenthetically in italic type imme-
d'ately after the English word. These parentheses may con-
tain a preposition specifying the meaning of the English
equivalent, word combinations, short descriptions, etc.

jiOKJaxb [l^i^zhat^] imperf... 1. lie (m a horizontal

position)-, be {in some place, said of things)',...
jtajieKiMH [dAlMk^iy] a... 2. \ong{way, journey, etc);...
Kapn [karp -b] m -a, -ob carp {an edible freshwater
jiaAOHJb [Udon^] / -h, eft palm {of the hand).
njiox|6H [pUkhoy] I a... bad {1) opposite of good;
2) smell, etc;...
saBHBlaTbcji [zav^ivattsa] imperf... 1. curl / frizzle
one's hair; have on2's hair curled / frizzled; 2. curl,
wave {of hair).

The explanation indicates that "curl" means "to be in curls",

and not "play at curling", on the one hand, or "to make
into curls", on the other; the transitive verb would have
been marked "curl, wave {hair)".
3arjiflAbiB|aTb [zAgl^adtvat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,...
1. peep in, peep {into);...

The italicized "into" shows that "peep" does

not mean here "come into view".
If the preposition following a verb is given in Roman
type and without parentheses this serves to indicate that
the corresponding Russian verb requires a direct object.
nojiio6|MTb [paPub^'it^] perf... grow fond of, come to
love; fall in love with.
The dictionary pays special attention to Soviet and
Russian realia and to difficult cases, such as prepositions,
conjunctions, prefixes, etc, which can be rendered only
through description, etc. As a rule, the latter are treated
- xin -
in a specific way since most of them cannot be understood
readily by merely giving their translation. Therefore, the
meanings of Russian relation words and affixes are ex-
plained through definitions and examples.
AC prep with gen denoting 1. distance, extent,
ot MocKBbi j\o JIeHHHrpa;ia mecTbcoT
.limit of time, etc:
HHTbAecHT KHJiOMCTpOB it is 650 km from Moscow to
Leningrad;... 2. precedence in time: ao peBOJiibuHH before
the revolution; aa noA^aca j\o KOHuepxa half an hour
before the concert.

The nouns are given in the nominative singular. The
designations m, /, n indicate the gender. Two gender des«
ignations show that the word may refer to persons of ei-
ther sex.
rjiaB|a I [glAva] m & [ -bi, pi rjiaebi, ~ head {the

Next come the form's of the genitive singular and genitive

plural forregular nouns. For the rest of the forms see
Grammar Tables.
The endings are preceded by a hyphen which stands for
the unchanging part of the head-word*.
jieKUHJn [Pektjiya] / -h, -h lecture.
[Read: jickuhsi... gen sing jickuhh, gen pi JieKUHft]

If there is no vertical line in the head-word, the hyphen

preceding the ending stands for the whole word.
aBT66yc [Aftobus, -z] m -a, -oe bus;...
'[Read: aexoSyc... asTodyca, asToSycoB]
Other case forms are indicated only when there is an
BOA|a [vAda] / -hi, accBojxy, pi bojxu, —', BOAaM wa-
[Read: eoAa... gen sing BOAbi, ace sing BOAy, nom pi
BOAbi, gen pi BOA, dat pi BOAaM]
eaji I [val] m -a, pi -bi, -6b earthen bank.

If the head-word is a monosyllable and the inflection

* The same is true of adjectives, verbs, pronouns, and numerals.

~ XIV -
has no stress mark, the stress in the oblique case form
falls on the first syllable.
aKT [akt, agd] m -a, -ob I. act...
[Read: aKT... aKTa, aKTOB...]

A stress mark on the ending in disyllables and poly-

syllables indicates that the stress has shifted from the stem
to the ending.

flHKaplb [d^ikar^l m -a, -efl 1. savage;...

[Read: AHKapb... AHKapn, flHKapeft...]
In a noun not used in the plural, only the genitive sin-
gular is given.
6ara)K [bAgash, -zh] m -a luggage;...

Nouns occurring in the plural form only are given with

the genitive plural and are designated pi.
Bec|w [v^i^si] pi -OB scales, balance.

Nouns mostly used in the plural are treated in the same

manner as plural nouns. The singular form of such nouns
with the grammatical notes is given in parentheses.
6othh|kh [bAt^ink^i] pi -ok {sing 6othh|ok m -Ka)

If a noun has different plural forms for different mean-

ings the corresponding plural forms are placed after the
Arabic numerals introducing the respective meanings.
jiHCT [l^ist, -zd] m
-a, pi -u (-bh), -6b (-bCB) 1. (pi -bh)
leaf (of a plant, tree, etc); 2. (pi -bi) leaf (in a book);
sheet (of paper, metal, etc); 3. [pi -hi): onpocHbifl -^

If one of the meanings of a noun is used mostly or ex-

clusively in the plural, the nominative plural form is
indicated in the dictionary.
B03M6}KHocT|b [vAzm6zhn9s^t^, -z^'d^] / -H, pi -H, -efi
1. possibility; 2. opportunity, chance;... 3. pi poten-
tialities; means...

Indeclinable nouns have the designation indecl after the

najibTO [pAl^to] n indecl (over)coat.

Adjectives, numerals, and pronouns which may be used

- XV -
as nouns are designated as a noun. The appropriate gender
labels and case forms are also given.
BoeHHJbiH [vAyennty] I a military,...
II as a noun BoeHH|biH m -oro, -wx serviceman,
BTOpoH [ftAroy] I num ord & a 1. second; 2. the
latter {of two);
II as fl noun BTop |6e n -oro, -ux second course
(of a meal).
Hauj [nash, -zh] I pron pers... our; ours;
II as a noun h a m h pi -x our people {relatives).

Adjectives are given in the nominat ve singular mascu-
line.The designation used for adjectives is a.
For adjectives with a stem ending in "r, k, x, u, q, ui,
m, Hi" the feminine, neuter, and plural endings are indi-
cated since they "are formed differently from adjectives
ending in -hh (see Grammar Tables).
[l^ipk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He, sh f jimhok, -a,
-o, -H sticky,adhesive;...
[Read: jihokmh... / jinnKan, n jiHHKoe, pi jinnKHe, sh i
m JiHnoK, / JiHHKa, n jihoko, pi JiHnKHJ

Short adjective forms designated sh f are given imme-

diately after the complete forms or after the designation a
in the following order: masculine, feminine, neuter, plural.
The absence of masculine or neuter forms in the short
adjective forms is indicated as follows: no m, no n.
6o;ibH|6H [bAl^noy] I ashf66jieii, -a, {no n), -u sick...

The dictionary gives only the irregular ^orms of the

comparative and superlative decrees, such as forms not
ending in -ee or -efiiuHii or not having the word "caMbift"
and those derived from different roots; these irregular and
suppletive forms are given as separate entries in their
alphabetical order with reference to the positive form of
the corresponding adjective (the same is true of adverbs).
rjiy6«e [glubzht^] comp of rjiySoKHH & corresp
jiymuJHH [lutshiy] J -an, -ee. -He comp & super l of

The numerals are designated as follows: num card, nam
ord, num collect.
Cardinal numerals are given in the nominative case with
the genitive (which coincides with the dative and preposi-
tional) and the instrumental case form; other forms are
indicated if they prove irregular.
ceMlb [s^em^] num card -h, -bib seven;...

Since ordinal numerals coincide with adjectives having

in the masculine the same endings, the feminine, neuter,
or plural forms are not indicated.
All case forms are given for collective numerals.
flB6|e [dvoya] num collect -hx, -hm, -hx (-e), -hmh,
(o) -HX two.

The pronoun is designated pron. The indication of the
class (pers, poss, dem, reft, etc), the case forms, and gen-
der endings are likewise given.
The description of the possessive pronoun includes the
feminine, neuter, and plural forms.
eauj [vash, -zh] I pron poss corresp to bh -ero, m
-eMy, -' (-ero), -eMy, (o) -eM, eama /, eauie n, eaiUH
pi your; yours;...

The feminine and neuter form as well as the plural with the
endings of the oblique cases are given as separate entries in
their alphabetical order with reference to the masculine form.
Bam I
a [vasha] pron f -eft, -eft, -y, -eft (-eio), (o) -eft

see Bam.
Personal pronoun forms in the oblique cases are to be
found in the general alphabetical list of entries with refer-
ence to the appropriate personal pronoun in the nominative.
BaM [vam] dat of bu.

The verbs are given in the infinitive. The designation
imperf or perf indicates the aspect. The forms of the 1st
and 2nd person singular present tense (for imperfective
- XVII -
verbs) or future tense (for perfective verbs) follow the
rjiOT|aTb [gUtat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib 1. swallow;
gulp down, bolt;...
pHHlyxbCJi [r^inuttsa] perf -ycb, -eiubCH... rush (head-
long), dash.

If the verb is not used in the 1st and 2nd person sin-
gular, only the 3rd person form is indicated.
jiajiJTb [layat^] imperf jiaeT... bark, bay.

In regular verbs without any stress shift only the 1st

and 2nd person forms are given. (The rest of the forms will
be found in Tables 6 & 7, pp. XXX— XXXII).
These are followed by the past tense forms (preceded by
the designation p) and imperative mood forms (preceded
by the designation imp) in all cases when the latter are
at variance with the general rules.
BecejilHTbCfl [v^is^i^l^ittja] imperf -ibcb, -HuibCH, p
-HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb have fun...

Both the aspect forms —

the perfective and the imper-
fective — areentered in the dictionary. They are^ listed as
separate entries in their alphabetical order. The English
equivalents for both aspect forms are given in the infini-
tive entry of the imperfective aspect. The latter also contains
the corresponding perfective aspect form (or forms) with
its (or their) pronunciation, grammatical description, etc.
noxHmlaTb [pakh'^ish^'.at^] imperf -aio, -aemb, noxH-
T|HTb [pAkh^it^it^] perf noxiimy, -Hiub, p -hji, imp h
steal {documents, etc)',...

An infinitive representing both aspects is designated perf

& imperf.
aHHyjiHp|oBaTb [Anul^iravat^] perf & imperf' -yro,
-yeiiib, p -oBaji, imp -yfi annul...
Impersonal uses of finite forms and impersonal verbs
are marked impers.

Kaslaxbcsi [kAzatt^a] I imperf... 2. impers: KajKexcH,

MTO... it seems that...; eMy KajKexcH, qio... if seems
to him that...;...

Verbs of the perfective aspect formed only with the help

of a prefix added to the imperfective infinitive (such verbs


tiave. a dotted line between

the prefix and the rest of the
word) usually have same forms as for
in the future tense the
the present tense of the imperfective. Therefore, their forms
are not indicated separately, unless there is a stress shift.
«epTB|oBaTb [zhertyvat**] imperf -yio, -yemb, p
-OBaji, imp -yfi, noi^epxeoBaTb [pAzhertyvat**) perf
1. sacrifice, offer (up)...
{Read: nowepTBOBaxb... no^epreyK), noHiepTByeuib, p
nojKepTBoeaJi, imp noJKepTeyH]
MWTb [mit^] imperf mokd, Moeuib. p mhji, Mb'ijia, imp
MOH, BbIMbl|Tb [Vimit**] perf BblMOK), BblMOeUIb, p -Jl
-jia, imp BbiMOH,...

If one meanings of a verb is used in one of the

of the
aspects, perfective or imperfective, the English equivalent
is preceded by the no perf or no imperf designation.

MeH|flTb [m^i^n^'at''] imperf -hhd, -aeuib, nolMeHHTb

[pam^i^n^'at^] perf 1. change {1) clothes; 2) money);...
3. (no perf) change, alter {one's opinion, etc).

If an imperfective verb has different perfective forms

for differentmeanings, the corresponding perfective forms
are given in parentheses after the Arabic numeral intro-
ducing the respective meaning.
jien|HTb [l^i^p^'it^J imperf -jiib, jienHiiib, p -hji, imp -h,
BbijienlHTb [vil^'i^pMt''] perf -jik), -Huib, p -hji, imp
-H, cijienHTb [s^l^i^p^'it*'] perf 1. (Bb'ijienHTb) model,
sculpture (in clay, wax, etc); 2. (cjiennrb) make, build
(birds' nests, honeycombs).

When the meanings of both aspects do not fully coincide

the entry contains appropriate reference to the coinciding
noxeMHexb sej xeMHexb 1, 2.

The designations perf also and imperf also indicate that

the English equivalent following this designation may be
referred only to the perfective or imperfective aspect of
the verb.
6ec|HxbCfl [b**i^s*'itt^s9] imperf 6eiuycb, decnuihcsi, p
-HJicfl, -HJiacb, imp HCb, -HTCCb rsifccHTbcn [vzh'^i-
s'^ittsa] perf 1.... 2
//j rage, be in rage, per£ also
get / fly into a rage, get wild.
- XIX -
The most difficult irregular verb forms are given in
their alphabetical order with reference to their basic verb
EHiuy [v^ishu] see BHcexb.

Exception is made only for such cases as:

jibK) [l^'yu], Jibeuib [I'^yosh, -zh] see jiHib.

Russian verb form.s indicating an indefinitely directed

motion, i.e. a motion in various directions, and those
that indicate the same motion in a definite direction are
treated in the dictionary separately and have cross refer-
[b^i^zhat^j imperf 6ery, -Hiiib, 6eryT, p -aji,
imp 6erH a concrete movement in a definite direction 1 —
\cf 6eraTb 1] 1. run {on the feet);... 3. col run / boil
6er|aTb [b^egat^] imperf aio, -aemb [cf 6e>KaTb 1] 1.
run {on the feet); -—aTb naneperoHKH race with one
another: run a race {with smb);. 2.: y Hero rjiasa ~aiOT
he has shifty eyes.
The figure 1 in the square brackets indicates which of the
meanings the above opposition refers to. The figure 1
after, the definition a concrete moiement in a definite direc-
tion shows that this is true only of the first meaning of
the verb 6e}KaTb,

The adverbs are designated adv. The predicative mean-
ings of the adverb are introduced separately and marked
predic or predic impers.
npaEHJibHO [prav'^il'^na] adv correctly; rightly;

II impers predic that's right, right you are, exactly

it is correct.

(vertical line) separates the unchanging part of the
-^ (swung dash) stands for the unchanging part of the
head-word in the entry or for the whole head-word if the
latter has no vertical line.
<> rhombus) introduces expressions phraseology, etc,
connected with the idiomatic uses of the head-word,
(slant) offers a choice of synonyms.
(dotted line) separates the prefix in certain verbs of
the perfective aspect.
B= (sign of equality) between two Russian words indicates
that they are synonyms,
s (sign ofapproximate equality) shows that the English
variant but an approximate equivalent of the given
Russian word or phrase.
( ) (parentheses) may contain additional information, etc,
or indicate optional elements (when printed in Roman
type; also see p. XI).

[ 1 (square brackets) may a) enclose the transcription of

head-words, b) indicate alternatives (see pp. X—
XI) and
c) be used to point out the grammatical origin of a
Used in the Dictionary

a adjective gen genitive case

abbrev abbreviation geog geography
ace accusative case geol geology
adv adverb hist historical
agric agriculture imp imperative
» anat anatomy imperf verb imperfective
arcliit architecture impers impersonal
astron astronomy in dec I indeclinable
attr attributive indef indefinite
augm augmentative inf infinitive
av aviation instr instrumental case
biol biology int interjection
hot botany intens intensifying
card cardinal inter interrogative
cf compare ling linguistics
chem chemistry m masculine
cj conjunction math mathematics
col colloquial med medicine
collect collective mil military
comp comparative degree min mineralogy
corresp corresponding mus music
dat dative case n neuter
def defining naut nautical
detn demonstrative neg negative
dim diminutive nom nominative case
dlpl diplomacy num numeral
econ economics ord ordinal
elect r electrical engineering p past tense
etc et cetera pa participle
/ feminine parenth used parenthetically
.fig figurative part particle
fin finance perf verb perfective
flex flexion pers personal
lut future tense philos philosophy
phys physics relig religion
pi plural restr restrictive
pol political rly railway
poss possessive sh f short form
pr prepositional case sing singular
predic used predicatively stub somebody
pref prefix smlh something
prep preposition superl superlative degree
pres present tense syl syllable, syllabic
pron pronoun technol technology
prov proverb theat theatrical
recip reciprocal VS American usage
refl reflexive V verb
rel relative zool zoology
a [a] denoting 1. con-
cj aSoHCMeHT [Aban^'i^m^ent,
trast or the fact of being con- -d] m -a, -OB season ticket.
fronted but; and; while, where- aSopT [Abort, -d]m -a, -ob
as; He ceroAHH, a saBTpa abortion, miscarriage.
not today, but tomorrow; aSpHKoc [Abr^ikos, -z] m
eMy ABaAuaib Jiex, a MHe -a, -OB apricot; apricot-tree.
TpHAuaxb he is twenty and a6cojiibTHibiH [AbsAl^utniy]
I am thirty; 3to ee Kapan- a sh f aScoJiEOTCH, -a, -o, -h
flaui, a He tboh this is her absolute.
pencil, (and) not yours; oh a6cTpaKTH|biH [Abstraktniy]
noiiieji B KHHO, a h ociaJicH a sh f aCcTpaKTCH, -a, -o, -bi
AOMa he went to the pictures, abstract.
while I stayed at home; ona m
aScypfl [Absurt, -d] -a
saHHxa, a noMoraei naivi she absurdity; nonsense.
is busy, yet she helps us; 2. m
aeanrap;! [AVAngart, -d]
addition and; sto moh chh, -a, -OB 1. /ni/ advance-guard,
a 3T0 MOH Jlo^h here is my 2. fig vanguard.
son, and here is my daughter; aBaHrapflHJbiH [AVAngard-
<> a MMeHHO namely; a to... niy] a vanguard (attr); ^aa
1) =a He to; see below; poJib pol leading role.
2) for (because); saKpofi okho, aeanc [Avans, -z] m -a, -ob
a 10 AyeT shut the window, advance (a loan); advance pay-
there is a draft here; a He ment.
TO... or (else)...; Ha;;eHbna;ib- aeaHcoM [Avansam] adv in
t6, a He TO npocxyAHUibCH advance; nojiyqHTb -- receive
put on your coat, or you'll on account.
catch a cold. aeaHTibpla [AVAn^t^'urs] /
aSawyp [AbAzhur] m -a, -ob -bi, ~ adventure, venture;
(lamp-)shade. pHCKOBannaH --a risky en-
a63a^ [Abzats, -dz] m -a, terprise.
-eB 1.indentation, indention aBapH|fl [Avar^iya] / -h, -h
(in writing or printing); 2. break-down {an accidental
paragraph (a distinct part of stoppage); accident; damage
a text). (harm); crash {of an airplane);
norepnerb --kd meet with an ography; 2. automobile: aBxo-
accident; be damaged; crasti saBOA [aftazAvot, -d] motor
{of an airplane). works; aBiocipaAa [aftastra-
aerycT [avgust, -zd] -a m da] motor highway; main
August. road; 3. automatic: aBTO-
aBHa... first element of pyqKa [aftaruch^ka] fountain-
compounds pertaining to avia- -pen.
tion or aircraft: aBHaxpacca aBToSyc [Aftobus, -z] m-a,
[av^'iatrassa] air-route; aeHa- -OB bus; exaxb na —
e go by
66M6a [av^iabomba] aircraft bus; ride in a bus.
bomb. aBTorpacj) [Aftograf, -v] m
aBHaSasla [av^iabaza] / -bi, -a, -OB autograph.
~ air-base. aBTOMax [AftAmat, -d] m
asHaKOHCTpyKTOp [av^ia- -a,-OB 1. automatic machine/
kAnstruktar] m -a, -ob air- device; slot-machine; public
craft designer. telephone; 2. fig automaton;
aBHajiHHHiii [av^ial^in^iya] 3. mil submachine-gun.
/ -H, -H airline, airway. aBTOMo6Hjiib [AftamAb^'il^]
aBHaHocjeu [Av^iAnos^itj, m -H, -eft motor-car; .nerKO-
-d^] m-ua, -ueB aircraft car- BOH —
b (passenger) car; rpy-
rier. 3ob6h — b' lorry; US truck;
aBHanoHTJa [av^iapoch^ta] exaib Ha —e motor; go by
/ -u air mail. car; ride in a car.
aBHauHifl [AV^iatjiya] / -h aBTOHOMHifl [AftAnom^'iya]
aviation; aircraft, planes. / -H autonomy.
aBocb [avos^, -z^] part col aBTOHOMHJufl [AftAnomniy]
perhaps; a sh f aBTOHOMCH -a, -o auton-
<> Ha -~- on the off-chance. omous.
aecTpajiHlei; [AfstrAl^iyatj, aBTop [aftar] m -a, -ob
-dz] m -Hua, -HueB Austra- author.
lian. aBTOpHTCT [Aftar^it^et, -d]
aecTpajiMHCKlHH [AfstrAlMy- m -a, -OB authority, pres-

sk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -He Aus- tige; 2. authority [an expert).

tralian. aBTopcK|HH [aftarsk^iy] a
aBCxpHJeu [Afstr^iyats, -dz] -an, -oe,-He author's, authors';
m -Hua, -HueB Austrian. — oe npaBO copyright.
aBCTpMHCKlHH [AfstrMy- arcHT [Ag^ent, -d] m -a,
sk^iyj a -an, -oe, -He Aus- -OB agent.
trian. areHTCTBlo [Ag^enstva] n
aBTO. . . element of com-
first -a, ^ agency.
pounds denoting 1. self: arHxarop [Ag'itatar] m -a,
aBTonoprpex [aftapArtr^et, -d] -OB propagandist; canvasser,
self-portrait; aBTo6Horpa(|)HH arHxauHifl [Ag^'itatjiya] /
[aftab^'iAgraf^iya] autobi- -H agitation {mass propagan*

da)\ campaign {for, against' —-y (remarks) about / concern-

smth). ing smb; He no ~y to the
arHTHp|oBaTb[Ag^it^ir8V9t^] wrong quarter; o6paTHTbCfl
imperf -yio, -yeiiib, p -oBaji, He no —y come to the wrong
imp -yft, ciarHTMpoBaxb [sa- shop (with a request).
g^it^iravat^] per/ 1. {no perf) aApecHbiH [adr^isnty] a: ~
campaign {for, against), agi- cTOJi address bureau {a spe-
tate {for, against); carry on cial inquiry office through
propaganda; carry on agita- which one can find out the
tion [cf arHTauHH]; 2. per- address of an inhabitant of
suade {smb to do smth). the town).
arHinyHKT [Ag^itpunkt,-gd] aA'biOTaHT [Ad^yutant, -d]
m -a, -OB propaganda centre; m
-a, -OB aide-de-camp.
canvassing centre. asapT [Azart, -d] -a vehe- m
arpapHbiH [Agrarniyjaagra- mence, heat; ardour; excite-
rian. ment; BOHTH B -— grow heated
arpeccH|fl [Agr^'es^iya] / -h, (of oeople).
-H aggression. a36yK|a [azbuka] / -h, ^
arpoHoM [AgrAnom] m -a, 1. ABC {also fig); alphabet;
-OB agronomist. 2. ABC-book;
aA [at, adj m -a hell. <> ~a Mopse Morse code.
aABOKar [AdvAkat, -d] m a3ep6aHA«aHJeu, [Az^irbAy-
-a, -OB lawyer; advocate {also dzhan^itj, -dz] m -na, -ueB
fig); barrister. Azerbaijanian.
aAMHHHCTpaTHBHlblH [Ad- a3ep6aHAH(aHCK!iiH [Az^'ir-
m^in^istrAt^ivniy] a admin- bAydzhansk^'iy] a -an, -oe,
istrative; B -—OM nopHAKe -He Azerbaijan.
by administrative order. asHaxcKlHH [Az^iatsk^iy] a
aAMHHHCTpaTOp [Adm^in^i- -an, -oe, -He Asian.
stratarj m
-a, -ob administra- asoT [Azdt, -d] m -a nitro-
tor; manager. gen.
aAMHHHCTpau,H|$i [Adm'^in^i- aMCT [aist, -zd] m -a, -ob
stratgiya] / -h, -h administra- stork.
tion, management. aft [ay] int expressing 1.
ajiMHpaji [Adm^iral] m -a, sudden pain, fright, fear, etc
-OB admiral. oh!; ouch!; 2. displeasure, re-
aApec [adr^is, -z] m -a, pi -a, proach, regret, etc oh!; ugh!;
-OB address {on a letter, etc); oh, bother!;
nocjiaTb HHCbMo no —y / Ha <> afi Aa napeHb! there's a
^ send a letter to {smb's) good fellow!
address; AOCTasHTb (nncbMo) aKaACMHK [AkAd^'em^ik, -g]
no — y deliver (a letter) to m -a, -OB academician; mem-
the right address; ber of an Academy.
<^ (saMeHaHHfl) no HbCMy-ji. aKaACMHlii [AkAd^em^'iyaJ /
ana _4_
-H, -H academy (1) of sci- urgent, burning {problem, etc);
ences, etc; 2) a higher educa- timely {article, etc).
tional institution). [Akula]
dKyjija / -bi, ^
aKauH|$i [Akatsiya] / -h, shark; dogfish.
-H acacia. aKyiuepJKa [Akusherka] /
aKBapejijb [AkvAr^el^] / -KH, -OK midwife.
-H, -eft water-colour. aKi;eHT [Aktjent, -d] m -a,
aKBapHyM [Akvar^ium] m -OB accent {foreign, local,
-a, -OB aquarium. etc).
aKKOMnaHCMeHT [Akampa- aKU,HOHep [AktjiAn^er] m
n^i^m'^ent, -d] m -a accom- -a, -OB shareholder.
paniment; nojx -- to the aKi^HCHepHbiH [AktjtAn^er-
accompaniment (of), niy] a joint-stock.
aKKOpjieoH [Akard^i^on] m aKu,H|fl [aktsiya] -h, -h
•a, -OB accordion. econ share.
aKKopAHjbiH [Akordniy] a: aji6aH|eu [Alban^itj, -dz] m
—an njiaxa / onjiaxa piece -ua, -ueB Albanian.
wages; payment by the piece; aji6aHCK|HH [Albansk^iy] a
— an pa66Ta piece-work. -an, -oe, -He Albanian.
aKKpcAHTHs [Akr^id^it'^If, ajire6p|a [alg^ibra] / -bi
-v] m -OB letter of credit.
-a, algebra.
aKKypaxHlbiH [Akuratnry] a ajiiKMp|eu [Alzhtr^itj, -dz]
sh f aKKypaxeH, -u
-a, -o, m -ueB Algerian.
1. accurate; punctual; orderly ajDKMpcKiHH [Alzhlrsk^iy] a
{person); 2. neat, tidy; 3. care- -an, -oe, -He Algerian.
ful {work). ajiMMCHTlbi [Al^'im^entt] pi
aKpo6aT [AkrAbat, -d] m -OB alimony.
-a, -OB acrobat. ajiKor6jibHjbiH[AlkAg61^ntyJ
aKT [akt, agd] m -a, -ob a alcoholic, spirituous; —bie
1. act, action; 2. law deed; HauHTKH strong drinks; spir-
o6BHHHTejibHbiH iudicl- ~ its.
ment; 3. statement, report ajijieJH [Al^'eya] / -h, -fl

{a document summing up an alley (a path in a garden or

investigation, inspection, etc); park); avenue {a walk bor-
4. theat act. dered by trees).
aKxep [Akt^or] -a, m
-ob ajijio [aI^'o] int used in
actor. telephone conversations to at-
aKTHBHlbiH [Akth'vniy] a tract attention or answer a
sh f aKTHBCH, a, -o, -bi ac- call:~, KOMMyxaxop? Hullo,
tive {member, etc). operator?;—! Kxo roBopHx?
aKTpHc|a [Aktr^isa] / -bi, Hullo! Who's speaking?
^ ^ctress. ajiMas [Almas, -z] m -a, -ob
aKTyajibH|biH [Aktual^nty] 1. (rough) diamond (a stone)\
a sh f aKTyaJieH, -a, -o, -bi 2. glazier's diamond.
-5- aHT

aji(|)aBHT [AlfAv^it, -d] m ancKjioT [An^i^gddt, -d] m

-a, alphabet; no ~y in
-OB -a, -OB anecdote; joke.
alphabetical order. aHKexIa [Ank^eta] / -bi, -^
ajibiH [alty] a red, scarlet. form, questionnaire.
ajibCoM [Al^bom] m
-a, -ob aHHyjiMpOBaTb [Anul^ira-
album; sketch-book. vat^j perf & imperf -yio,
aji-bnMHMCT [App^in^ist, -zd] -yeuib, p -OBaji, imp -yii an-
m -a, mountain-climber.
-OB nul; cancel, repeal, abolish.
ajiiOMHHHlH aHOHHMHbiH [AnAn^imniy]
m -H aluminium. a anonymous.
aMdap [Ambar] m -a, -oe aHcaMSjijb [AnsambP] m -h,
barn; storehouse. -efl ensemble; ~b necHH h
aM6yjiaT6pH|5i [AmbulAto- njiflCKH song-and-dance group.
r^iya] f -h, -h dispensary. aHTapKTHHecK|HH [AntArk-
aMepHKaH|ei; [Am^ir^ika- t^Ich^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
n^its, -dz] m
-ua, -ues Amer.- antarctic.
ican. aHxeHHJa [Antena] / -bi, ^
aMepHKaHCKiHH [Am^ir^ikan- aerial, antenna; KOMHaTHaji
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Amer- ~a indoor antenna.
ican. aHTH. first element of com-
. .

aMHHCTHJH [Amn^is^t^iya] pounds denoting opposition,

/ -H, -H arnnesty. rivalry, unlikeness, etc: anTH-
aMopajibHbiH [AmAral^niy] pejiHrHosHbiH [an^t^ir^il^ig^i-
a immoral. oznty] anti-religious; anxH-
aM(j)HTeaTp [Amf^it^'i^atr] caHHxapHbiH [an^t^isan^itar-
m -a, -OB amphitheatre; circle nly] insanitary.
{a set of seats). aHXHBoeHHbiH [An^f'ivA-
anajiHs [Anal^is, -z] -a, m yenniy] a antiwar.
-OB analysis; —
KpoBH blood aHXHKeapHbiH [An^t^ikvar-
test; -~ MOHH urinoscopy; nty] a: ^
MarasHH antique
urine test. shop, curiosity shop.
aHajicrHHH|biH[An3lAg^ich^- aHXHnaxH{n [An^t^ipat^iya]
nty] a sh f aHajioriiqeH, -a, / -H, -H aversion, dislike;
-o, -bi analogous; similar. nnxaxb ~io feel an aversion
aHaxoMHlfl [AnAtom^iya] / (for, to).
-H anatomy (a science). aHXHceMHx [An^t^is^i^mMt,
aHrHH|a [Ang^ina] / -bi d] m -a, -OB anti-Semite;
quinsy. Jew-baiter.
aHrjiHHCKiHH [Angl^iysk^iy] aHXHCOBeXCKiHH [An^t^isA-
a -aH, -oe, -He English; Brit- v^etsk^iy] a -an, -oe. -He
ish. anti-Soviet.
aHrjiHHaH|MH [Angl^ich^a- aHXH(|)aii]HcxdKlHH [An^t^i-
n^'ln]m nna, pi e, Eng- ~ fAshissk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
lishman. anti-fascist.


aHTMHHbiH [AD^'t^ich^niy] apa6 [Arap, -bj m -a, -oq

a antique. Arab.
aHTpaKT [Antrakt, -gd] m apa6cK';HH [Arapsk^iy] a
-a, -OB interval {at the the- -an, -oe, -He Arab; Arabian;
atre). Arabic.
anejiJi^u,H;5i [Ap^i^I^atjtya] ap6y3 [Arbus, -z] m -a, -ob
/ -H, -H /aay appeal; noAaBaxb water-melon.
~K) Ha qTo-JT. appeal against apreHXMHJeu [Arg^i^n^t^i-
smth. n^'itj, -dz] m -ua, -ueB Argen-
anejibCHH [Ap^i^l^s^in] m tinean.
-a, -OB orange. apreHXMHCKiHH [Arg^i^n^-
anjiDUHploBaxb [ApUd'^ira- t^insk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
v^i^\ imperf -yKD, -yeiiib, p Argentine.
-OBa;i, imp
applaud. -yft apenla [Ar^ena] f -u, ^ 1.
anjioflHCMeHT|bi [Apbd^is- arena; (circus) ring; 2. fig
m^enti] pi -ob applause; noA arena, scene.
— bi to amid applause.
/ apeHAJa [Ar^enda] / -bi 1.
anojiHTHHHlbiH [Apal^i- lea^^e; B3HXb b ~y lease, take
t^ich^niyl as/i / anojinTiiHeH, on lease; 2. rent {payment).
-a, -o, indifferent to pol-
-bi apecx [Arrest, -zd] m -a,
itics {of people); neglecting -OB 1. arrest {of a person);
the political side of a mat- B3nxb no;; ~ take into cus-
ter {of a book, article, etc). tody; 2. sequestration; najio-
annapax [^pArat, -d] m-a, TKUTh ~ Ha HMymecxBO se-
-ob apparatus {an appli-
1. questrate/seize property.
ance, piece of machinery); xe- apecxoeaHHibsH [Ar^'i^sto-
jiejoHHbiH ~ telephone (set); vanniy] m [pa] -oro, -ux
4)oxorpac|)HMecKHH -- cam- prisoner.
era; 2. machinery {of the state, apH4)MexHKia [Ar^ifm^'et^i-
etc); 3. staff {employees). ka] / -H arithmetic.
anncHflHUHx [Ap^m^d^'itsi't apHJH [ar^iya] f -h, -h
-d] m -a appendicitis. aria, air.
annexHx [Ap^i^t^'it, -d] m apHJa [arka] / -h, apoK arch.
-a appetite; apKXHHecKJHM [Arkf'ich^i-
<> npHflXHoro —a! bon appe- sk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -ne arctic.
tit! apMHifl [arm^'iya] / -h, -fl

anpejilb [Apr^'el''] m -h army; (armed) forces.

April. apMfiHHH [Arm'^i'^n^in] m -a,
anxcKla [Apt^eka] / -h, ~ pi apMHHe, apMHH Arme-
chemist's (shop); US drug- nian.
store. apMWHCK'iHM |Arm''ansk''iy]
anxeH'iKa [Apt^ech^ka] / a -an, -oe, -ne Armenian.
-KH, -eK medicine chest; first- apoMaxHbiH [ATAmatnty] a
-aid kit. aromatic, fragrant.
^ 7 -^ a(t)p

apcewaji [Ars^i^nal] -a, m accHCxcHx [AS^is^t^ent, -dj

-OB I. arnioury;-2. //g stores m -a, -OB assistant.
(0/). accopxMMeHx [Asart^im^ent,
apTeji|b [Art^el^] / -h, -en -d]m -a, -OB assortmentjVariety.
artel {an association for com- acxpcHOMHifl [AstrAno-
mon work); cejibCKOxosHHCT- m^iyal / -h astronomy.
BeHHaH ~b collective farm. ac(J)ajibx [Asfal^t, -d] m -a
apTepH|fl JArt^er^iya] / -h, asphalt.
-H artery {also fig). axaK|a [Ataka] / -h, ~
apTHjijiepH|fl [Art^'iPer^iys] attack, assault.
/ -H artillery. axejibe [AtePye] n indecl
apxHCT [Art^ist, -zd] m -a, 1. studio {the work-room of
-OB performer; ~ 6ajieTa bal- a painter, etc); 2. {also -'
let-dancer; — ApsMbi actor; moa) dressmaking and tailor-
— onepbi opera singer. ing establishment.
ap(j)la [arfa] / -bi, ~ axMoc4)epia [AtmAs^f^era] /
harp. -bi atmosphere.

apxeojioFHlfl [Arkh^iAlo- axoM [atam] m -a, -ob atom.

g^iya] / -h archeology. axoMHbiH [atamniy] a atom-
apxH... first element of com- ic; atom {attr).
pounds denoting principal, ATC [A-te-es] abbrev (/)
extreme, great: apxHOJiyx (= aBTOMaxH^ecRaH xejie4)6H-
[Arkh^'iplul, -d] arch-rogue; HaH cxaHUHH) automatic tele-
apxHMHJiJiHOHep [arkh^im^'i- phone exchange.
l^'iAn^er] multimillionnaire. axxauie [AtAshe] m indecl
apxHB [Arkh^if, -v] m -a, attache.
-OB archives; axxecxax [At^i^stat, -d| m
<> Cijaxb B —
discard, shelve. -a, -OB certificate {an educa-
apxHTCKTOp [Arkh^it^ektsr] tional document); ~
m -OB architect.
-a, school -leaving certificate.
apxHTCKxypla [Arkh^'it^i^k- ayAHx6pH|j! [Aud^itor^iya]
tura] / -bi architecture {a / -H, -H 1. lecture-hall; class-
science or style). -room; 2. audience {people).
apbeprap;i [Aryi^rgart, -d] ayKUHOH [Auktjlon] m -a,
m -a, -09 mil rearguard. -OB auction; npo^axb c ~a
acnHpaHT fAsp^irant, -d] sell at an auction.
m -a, -OB post-graduate (stu- a(})raH|eu [Avgan^its, -dz]
dent). m -ua, -ucB Afghan.
acnHpaHxypla [Asp^irAn- a(l)raHCK|HH fAvgansk^'iyl a
tura] / -bi 1. post-graduate -an, -oe, -He Afghan.
course; 2. post-graduate stu- a(J)Hiii|a [Af'ishQl / -h, ^
dents. (play)bill, placard.
accaM6jie|fl [ASAmbl^eya] / a(l)pHKaH|eu [Afr'ikan^itj,
-H, -ii assembly. -dz] m -ua, -ucB African.

a4)pHKaHCK;HH "[Afr'^ikan- pounds pertaining to aviation:

sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He African. aspoHaBTHKa- [AerAnaft^ika]
axa|Tb [akhat''] imperf -lo, aeronautics; asponopi [AerA-
-eiiib, axH yxb [akhnut'"] perf port, -d] airport.
-y, -eiiJb, p -yji, imp -h co/ aapojipoM [AerAdrom] -a, m
gasp {with surprise); sigh -OB airfield.
(ay/Y/i regret). aapocTax [AerAstat, -d] m
aapo... first element of com- -a, -OB balloon.

6 see 6bi. 6aHflap|Ka [bAydarka] /-kh,

6a6ia [baba] / -bi, — col -OK kayak.
1. woman; 2. fig sissy; 6aHK]a [bayka] / -h flan-
<> cHeJKHaji —a
snow man. nelette.
6a6|HH [bab'^iy] a -bH, -be, faK I [bak, -g] m -a, -oe
-bH col womanish, women's; tank, cistern.
<> —bejiero Indian summer. 6aK II [bak, -g] m -a, -ob
6d6oH|Ka [babach^ka] / -kh, naut forecastle.
-eK butterfly; HOMHan — Ka 6aKajieHHlbiH [bakAl^eyniy]
moth. a: ~ biH MarasHH grocery (shop);
6a6ym|Ka [babushka] / -kh, — bie TOEapbi groceries.
-eK grandmother. Sanajie 51 [bakAi^eya] / -h
6ara)K [bAgash, -zh] m -a 1. groceries; 2. grocery (shop).
luggage, baggage; cj^aeaTb se- CaKTepHOJiorH Ji [bakt^ir'^iA-
iu,H B —
have one's luggage log'^iya] / -ii bacteriology.
registered. SaKxepHJH [bAkt^er^iya] /
^arpoBJbiH [bAgrovty] a -H, -H bacterium.
sh f — , -a, -o, -bi crimson. 6aji [bal] m
-a, pi -bi, -6b
6a3|a [baza] base, / -bi, ~ ball (a formal social dance); ~-
basis; aBHauHOHHan [soeHHo- -MacKapa/l fancy-ball.
-MOpcKan] ~a air [naval] 6ajiajiaMK|a [baUlayka] /
base; TypHCTCKan -~a tourist -H. 6aJiaJiaeK balalaika (a Rus-
camp; MaiepHajibHan ~a ma- sian stringed instrument).
terial resources; Ha ~e Ha- SajiepHHla [baPi^r'^ina] /
yqubix flaHHbix on the basis -bi, — ballerina, ballet-danc-
of scientific data. er.
6a.3ap [bAzar] -a, -oe m 6ajieT [bAl^'et, -d] m -a bal-
1. market {1) buying and let.
selling; 2) the place); 2, fig 6aji|Ka I [balka] / -kh, -ok
col row, uproar. beam^ girder.
—9— 6ap

SajiJKa II [balk9] / -kh, -ok GaHKCT [bAuk^et, -d] m -a,

ravine. -OB banquet, dinner.
CajiKOH [bAlkon] -a, -ob m 6aHKHp [bAnk^ir] m -a, -ob
1. balcony; 2. theat upper banker.
circle. 6aHKp6TCTB|o [bAnkrotjt-
6^jiji [bal] m -a, -ob 1.: Be- V8] n -a, -~ bankruptcy {also
Tep B mecTb -^ob wind force 6; fig)-
2. mark, grade {at school); 6aHT [bant, -d] m -a, -ob
3. point {in game scores). bow {a kind of knot); saBH-
GaJiJiOTHploBaTbCJi [balAt^i- 3aTb —
OM tie in a bow.
ravattsa] imperf -yiocb, -yeiiib- GaHJH [ban^a] / -h, -b bath-
CH, p -OBaJicH, -OBaJiacb, imp -house.
-yftcH, -yHTecb be a candidate 6apa6aH [barAban] m -a,
(for election); run, stand {for -OB drum{!) a percussion in-
an office). strument; 2) a metal spool or
GajijOBaTb [balAvat^] /mper/ cylinder).
-yio, -yeiub, p -OBaJi, imp 6apa6aH|HTb [barAban^it^]
-yft, H3':6ajiOBaTb [izbalA- imperf -k), -Hiiib, p -hji, imp
vat^] perf spoil, humour. -b drum, beat a drum; beat
6aji|oBaTbCH [balAvattsa] a devil's tattoo; —htb na
imperf -yrocb, -yembCH, p poHJie col thump on the piano.
-OBaJicH, -OBaJiacb, imp -yncH, 6apa6aHiij,HK [barAban^-
-yftxecb be mischievous, be sh^:ik, -g] m
-a, -ob drum-
naughty; He —yflcH don't be mer, a drum player.
naughty. 6apaK [bArak, -g] -a, -ob m
6aM€yK [bAmbuk, -gj m -a temporary wooden structure,
bamboo. barrack; barracks.
6aHaH [bAuan] m -a, -ob 6apaH [bAran] m -a, -oe
banana. ram male sheep).
faHflepoJijb [ban^d^i^rol^] / 6apaHMHJa [bAran^ina] / -bi
-H, -eft postal packet; oxnpa- mutton.
BHTb ~bK) send by book-post. 6apaH|Ka [bAranka] / -kh,
6aHAMT [bAn^d^it, -d] m -OK baranka {a ring-shaped
-a, -OB bandit, cutthroat. roll).
6aHK [bank, -g] m -a, -ob 6ap»}a [barzha] / -h, ~&
fin bank.\si[bArzha] / -h, -en
eanlKa [banks] / -kh, -ok barge (a large, flat-bottomed
1. jar {of glass); tin {a con- boat):
tainer); ^Ka BapeHbH pot of SapHTOH [bar^iton] m -a,
jam; KOHcepBHan — Ka {empty) -OB baritone.
tin; US can; — Ka cap;i,HH tin ^apoMexp [bArom^itr] m -a,
/ can of sardines; 2. med cup- -OB barometer.
ping-glass; nOCTaBHTb ~KH 6appHKaA|a [bar^ikada] /
apply cupping-glasses. -bi, ^ barricade.

6ap 10

SapcyK [bArsiik, -g] m -a, 6au]KMp [bAshk^ir] m -a

-OB zool badger. -OB Bashkir.
6apxaT [barkhat, -d] m -a 6auiKMpcK|HH [bAshk^ir
velveL sk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -He Bash-
6apbep [bAryer] m -a, -ob kir.
barrier {also fig). 6aiiiMaK H [bashmAk^i] p,
6ac [bas, -z] m -a, pi -bi, -OB {sing 6aiuMaK m
-a) shoes
-OB bass; roBopHTb ~om speak boots;
in a bass deep voice.
0 6biTb noA ~6m y Koro-Ji.
SacKCTeoji [bask^i^dbol] m col be under smb's thumb.
-a basketball. 6auj|HJi [bashn^a] / -hh
SacHOCJioBH biH [basoAslov- -en tower.
nty] a sh f 6acHocJi6BeH, -a, 6aflH [bAyan] m -a, -oi

-o, -bi col fabulous {immense); Russian accordion.

no —OH uene at a fabulous 6flHTejibH|biH [bdit^iPniy
price. a sh f CAHiejien, -a, -o, -t

6ac|HJi [bas^n^a] / -hh, -eH vigilant.

1. fable; 2. fig cock-and- 6er [b'^ek, -g] -a runm
-buU story; running; sport (foot-)race; -
<> COJlOBbJI ~HJ1MH He KOp- Ha CTO MCTpOB 100 m(eters


MJiT prov fair = words but- (flat) race; cociHsanHH b

ter no parsnips. foot-race; 6apbepHbiH -~ hur
[bAs^eyn] m -a,
eacccHH die-race; -— no nepeceMen-
-ob: — A-^H uJiaBaHHH swim- HOH MeCTHOCTH CrOSS-COUH
ming-pool; ~ peKH river try race; 3CTa4)eTHbiH ~ re
basin; KaMeHHoyrojibHbifl -^ lay-race; — Ha Mecxe mark
coal-field. ing time.
6acT|oBaTb [bastAvat^] im- 6erla [b^i^ga] pi -6i

perf -yK>, -yeiiib, p -oBaJi, imp (horse-)race.

-yft strike, be on strike, be eerjaxb [b^egat^] imper
out. -aio, -aeuib [cf 6e/KaTb 1

SarajibOH [batAl^yon] m -a, 1. run {on the feet); --aTi

-OB mil battalion; cipeJiKO- HaneperoHKH race with ont
BbiH —infantry battalion. another; run a race {wit!
Saxapelji [batAr^eya] / -h, smb); 2.: y Hero rJiaaa --aio-
-H battery {also mil); —h he has shifty eyes.
napOBoro OTonjieHHH radiator; ^ercMOT [b^ig^i^mot, -d] n
SJieKTpHMecKan —h electric -a, -ob hippopotamus.
battery, dry pile; —h cyxHX eerH [b^i^g^i] see 6e}KaTb
ejieMCHTOB dry battery. eerjieu [b^'i^gl^ets, -dz] n
eaioH [bAton] m -a, -ob -a, -6b fugitive, runaway.
loaf {of bread). 6erJibifi [b^egliy] a \. {alst
6axpOM|a [bakhrAma] / -bi used as a noun 6 e r Ji bi h r/ |

Cringe {trimming). oro, -bix) fugitive; -' npe.

II 6e3

CTynHHK fugitive from justice; ra ib 1] 1. run {on the feet);

2. fluent {speech, etc); 3. su- ^aib CJIOMH roJiOBy run like
perficial, cursory, brief; 6p6- mad; ^axb pbicbio trot; 2.:
CHTb -- BSFJiHA glance (at) in BpcMH — HT time flies; 3. col
passing; shoot a look /
glance run / boil over; mojioko -^ht
{at). the milk is boiling over.
CeroM [b'^i^gom] adv at a eejKCHleu [b^'ezhan^itj, -4?]
run; running; oh npH6e>Kaji m -ua, -ucB refugee.
— he came running. 663 [b^'es; in the first pre-
SercTBlo [b^ekstva] n -a tonic position —
b^i^s, -z; in
flight, hasty retreat, escape. the second and other pretonic
6ery [b^i^gu], Ceryx [b^i^- positions —
b^ls, -z; in a stress-
gut, -d] see 6e)KaTb. ed position —
b^es, -z], 6e30
6eryH [b^i^giin] m
-a, -6b [b^ez9; in the first pretonic
sport runner. position —
b^izA; in the second
6ejK\A [b'i^da] / -bi, pi 6eAbi, and other pretonic positions —
— 6eAaM misfortune, trou-
, b^iza] prep with gen denoting
ble; nonacTb b —-y find oneself 1. the absence of, lack of,
in trouble; b t6m-to h -^a not having: -^ MaxepH with-
that's just the trouble; out (his, her, etc) mother;
<> HC it —a
doesn't matter; ^ Hero without him; in his
Ha ~y
unfortunately. absence; jxeuer without —
6eflH0CTlb [b^ednas't'', (any) money; ^^ comhckhh
-z^d''] / -H poverty. without / beyond doubt, un-
CeAHOTJa [b^iduAta] / -bi doubtedly; 6e3 xoJiKy to no
the poor, the destitute; ^epe- purpose; 6e3o Bcero without
seHCKaH ---a the village poor. anything; 2. the fact that
6eAH|biH [b^edniy] a sh f a time or number is not
6eAeH, -a, -o, -bi (-bi) poor reached: ~ ABa^uaxH xpH
(/) not rich; 2) unfortunate); twenty minutes to three; '-'
--an oScraHOBKa cheap and AByx MecHucB xpH roAa two
scanty furnishings; —an ^au- months short of three years.
TasHH poor imagination. 663..., 6ec... pref of nouns
eeflp|6 [b^iMro] n -a, pi & adjectives denoting the state
6eApa, 6eAep, 6eflpaM thigh; of being deprived of, lack' of,
hip. etc: 6e3BpeAHbifl [b^'i^zvr^ed-
GeACTBHiC [b^etst^v^iya] n nty] harmless; desajiKorojib-
-H, -H calamity, disaster; cth- HUH [b^izalkAgol^niy] non-
XHHHoe — e natural calamity; -alcoholic; 6e3BKycHua [b^i^s-
CHFHaji ~H signal of distress. fkus^itsa] lack of taste, bad
6em\aTb [b'i^zhat''] imperf taste; 6e3Jii6AHHH [b**i®zl^ud-
6ery, -Hiub, 6eryT, p -aJi, imp niy] uninhabited; thinly po-
6erH a concrete movement in a pulated; solitary, lonely.
definite direction — 1 [cf Ce- 6e36ojie3HeHH|i}iH [b^'lzbA-
6e3 12

Pez^n^'inniy] a sh f 6e36ojie3- -a, -o, -bi ruthless; pitiless,

HCH, -a, painless.
-o, -bi merciless.
6e3BKycH|biH [b^i^sfkusnty] 6e3)KH3HeHH|biH [b^'i^zhifz''-
a sh f SesBKvceH, -a, -o, -bi n^inniy] a sh f 6e3/Kr]3HeH,
tasteless. -a, -o, -bi lifeless, dead.
eeSBOSBpaTH'blH [b^lZVAZ- 6e33aC;6TH|biH [b^izzAbot-
vratnty] a sh f SesBOSBpaxeH, niy] a sh f CessaSoxeH, -a,
-a, -0, -bi 1. irrevocable, ir- -o, -bi light-hearted; care-
retrievable; 2.: -~aH ccy^a -free, untroubled.
free grant. 6e33aBeTH!biH [b^izzAV^et-
CeSBOBMeSilHO [b^lZVAZ- nty] a sh f 6e33aBeTeH, -a,
m^ezna] adv gratis, free of -o, -bi selfless, whole-hearted
charge. {love,devotion, etc).
6e3BbixoAHibiH[b^i^zvikh9d- 6e3JiHHH|biH [b^i^z^Pich''-
niy] a sh f 6e3BbixoAeH -a, niy] a sh f SesjiHqen, -a, -o,
-o, -bi hopeless, desperate -bi impersonal.
{position, etc). •
CesMOJiBHlbiH [b^i^zmolv-
6e3rpaHHMH biM [b^izgrA- niy] a sh f gesMOJiBCH, -a, -o,
n^ich^niy] ash f 6e3rpaHHMeH, -bi silent, mute; ~aH HOMb
-a, -o, -bi infinite, boundless. still night.
6e3flapHJbiH [b^'i^zdarniy] a 6e3MsiTe«H|biH [b^izm^i^-
sh f 6e3AapeH, -a, -o, -bi un- t^ezhniy] a sh f 6e3MHTeHieH,
talented; worthless [painter, -a, -o, -bi peaceful, tranquil;
book, etc). happy {childhood, dreams, etc).
6e3fleHCTB|oBaTb [b^i^z^- 6e3HaAe>KHibiH [b^izuAd^ozh-
d^eystyvat''] imperf -yio, niy] a s/z / 6e3HaAe»LeH, -a,
-yeiiib, p -oBaJi, imp -yu be -o, -bi hopeless, past hope.
inactive, be inoperative, do SeSHpaBCTBCHHlblH [b^i^z-
nothing. nrafs^t^v'^mniy] a sh f 6e3-
6e3Ae;iyiii I
Ka [b^iz^d^i^lush- upaBCTBeH, -a, -o, -bi immoral
ka] / -KH, -eK trinket; knick- {conduct, etc); dissolute {per-
-knack. son).
6e3AejibKHK 6630 see 6e3.
n^'ik, -g] m 6e3o6HAH|biH [b^iZAb'^idniy]
-a, -ob col idler,
good-for-nothing. a sh f 6e3o6HAeH, -a, -o, -bi
6e3]iejibHMM|aTb[b^i^z^d''el''- harmless {joke, remark, etc).
n'^ich'^at^] imperf -aio, -aeiub 6e3o6pa3H|e [b^izAbraz^iya]
col idle, loaf. n -H, -H 1. ugliness; deformi-
SesAHJa [b^'ezna] / -bi, ~ ty; 2. outrage, disgraceful
1. abyss; 2. col a great num- behaviour/ practices;
ber/amount {of); ~a paSoTbi «0 3T0 npocTO ~e! it's
lots of work (to do). simply a disgrace!; mto aa
6e3iKa.JiocTH|biH [b*'i^zh:a- ~e! what a shame!
lesnty] a sh f 6e3>Ka/iocTeH, ee3o6pa3HHHlaTb [b^'iZA-
— 13 6eji

braz^n^ich^'at''] imperf -aio, 6e3yMH;biH [b^i^zumniy] a

-aeiub col behave outrageous- sh f 6e3yMeH, -a, -o, -u
ly/disgracefully. 1. reckless {headstrong and
6e3o6pa3H|biH [H^izAbraz- irresponsible); -~^biH nocTynoK
niy] a sh f 6e3o6pa3eH, -a, an act of folly; 2. col dread-
-o, -bi 1. ugly, hideous, de- ful, terrible; 3. col mad, crazy;
formed; 2. disgraceful, out- — biH BsrjiHA wild look; —biii
rageous; ~^biH nocTynoK a npoeKT crazy / hare-brained
disgraceful thing to do. project.
6e3oroB6pOMHlbiH [b^izagA- 6e3ynpeMH|biH [b^lzup-
v6r9ch^ntyl a sh f desoroBO- r^ech^nly] a sh f 6e3ynpeHeH,
poMeH, -a, -o, -h\ unqualified, -a, -o, -bi irreproachable,
unconditional; --aH KanHxy- faultless {work, reputation,
jiHUHH unconditional surren- etc).
der. 6e3ycji6BHO [b^izuslovna] I
eesrnacHOCTJb [b^lzApas- adv undoubtedly, absolute-
nas^t^, -z^'d^] / -h safety; se- ly;
curity {freedom from danger). II parenthoi course; certain-
6e3onacH|biH [b^izApasnty] ly; OH, ~, np:B of course he
a sh f 6e3onaceH. -a, -o, -bi is right.
safe {place, etc). 6e3y--TacTH|biH [b^izuch^as-
6e30TBeTCTBeHHlbIH [b^IZAt- nly] a sh f 6e3yqacTeH, -a,
v^etjtv^inniy] a sh f 6e30T- -0, -bi apathetic, indifferent,
BeicTBeH, -a,, -o, -h irresponsi- 6e3biAeHH|biH [b^izid^ey-
ble (s/a^emen/, behaviour, etc). niy] a sh f 6e3biAeeH, -a, -o,
SespaCoTHUja [b^izrAbot^i- -bi devoid of principles and
tsa] / -bi unemployment. ideals.
6e3pa66TH|biH [b^izrAbot- 6eH [b'ey] see 6HTb.
nly] a {also used as a noun eeficji [b^eys^a], eefiTecb
6e3pa66THlbiH m -oro, [b^eyt^'is^, -z'^j see 6HTbCH.
-bix) unemployed. gejiifjia [b^'i^l^'ila] pi 6e-
6e3pa3JiHHH|biH [b^izrAz''- jiHJi CBHHuoBbie — while
Pich^niy] a sh f 6e3pa3JiH- lead; uHHKOBbie ^ zinc white;
^eH,-a, -o, -bi indifferent, list- 2. ceruse {a cosmetic).
less. 6eji|HTb [b^i^l^it^] imperf
6e3paccyAH| biH [b^izrAssud- -K), CeJIHUIb (-HlUb), p -HJI,
niy] a sh f 6e3paccyAeH, -a, imp no 6ejiiiTb [pab^i^-
-H, j

-0, -bi rash, reckless. Pit^l perf whitewash {walls,

6e3yKOpH3HeHHlbIH [b^izu- etc).
kAr^iz^n^inniy] a sh f 6e3- SejilKa [b^elka] / -kh, ^ok
yKopH3HeH, -a, -o, -u irre- squirrel.
proachable, perfect; —oe no- 6ejiJieTpHCTHKla [b^il^i^tr'i-
Be^eHHe unimpeachable con- s^t^ika] / -H fiction, belles-
duct. -lettres.
6eji 14

6eji|6K [b'^i^lok, -g] m -Ka, peKH on the riverside; cohth

-KOB 1. white {of the eye, of Ha — go ashore; noexaxb na
an egg)', 2. biol, chem albu- ~ MOpH go to the seaside.
men; protein. 6eperoB|6H [b^ir^igAvoy] a
6ejioKyp|biH [b^ilAkuriy] a waterside; riverside; coastal;
sh f ^, -a, -o, -u blond, --aH jihhhh coastline.
fair. 6epeiKjiMB|biH [b^ir^'i^zhPi-
Ccjiopyc [b^iUrus, -z] m -a, viy] a sh / ~, -a, -o, -u
-OB Byelorussian. thrifty, economical.
6ejiopyccK|HH [b^iUrusk^iy] 6epe}KH|biH [b^er^izhniy] a
a -an, -oe, -He Byelorussian. sh f 6epeH<eH, -a, -o, -bi care-
6ejiyrla [b^i^lugg] / -h, ~ ful, cautious; ^oe oTHome-
white sturgeon. HHe careful handling {of
6ejilbiH [b^elty] a sh f ^, things); showing utmost con-
-a, -o (-6), -bi (-bi). white sideration {for people).
{colour); 6epe3|a [b^i^r^oza] / -bi, ^
<> ~biH rpH6 edible boletus birch; KapejibCKan ^-a silver
(a mushroom); —-bih MeAeeAb birch.
Polar bear; —aa ropHMKa de- 6epeMeHHafl [b^'i^r^em^'m-
lirium tremens; cpcflb ~aflHJi naya] I a pregnant;
in broad daylight; aro iuhto II as a noun 6 e p e m e h-
-^biMH HHTKaMH col that is H a H / -OH, -bix expectant

easily seen through. mother.

6ejibrH|eu[b^i^l''g^iyats, -dz] 6ep|eHb [b^i^r^'ech*'] imperf
m -HueB Belgian.
-Hua, -ery, -en^emb, -eryr, p -er,
6ejibrHHCK|HH [b^'i^l^g^'iy- -erjia, imp -ern 1. save {pre-
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, He Belgian. vent against expense, loss, or
6ejib|e [b^i^l^yo] n -h linen waste); spare {avoid using or
{underclothes, sheets, etc); use frugally); —
eMb a^opoBbe
washing {linen sent to the take care of one's health;
wash); HH^nee —e underwear; ~e^b CHJibi spare strength;
nocTCJibHoe ~e bed-linen. ^e^h aeHbPH economize; 2.
6ejibM|6 [b^'i^l^mo] n -a, pi spare {save from pain, harm,
6eJibMa, ^
wall-eye; or misfortune);
<^ KaK —6 Ha rjiasy like an <> ~eHb KaK scHHuy oKa
eyesore. guard as the apple of one's
6ejib3Ta}K [b''i^l''etash, -zh] eye,
m -a 1. first floor; 2. theat 6ep|eHbCJi [b''i^r''ech''s''a]
dress circle. imperf -erycb, -e>KembCH,
6eH3HH [b*'i^n''z^in] m -a -eryiCH, p -ercH, -erJiacb, imp
benzine, petrol; US gas. -ePHCb, -erHTecb: --erH(Te)cb!
6eper [b^er^ik,
-g] -a, pi m look out!, beware!; ~erH-
-a, -OB bank {of a river); (Te)cb aBTOMo6HJiH! watch out
shore, coast, beach; na ^y for the carl, mind the carl

15 -- 6ec

6epH [b^i^r^I] see 6paTb. SecnapTHHHHH [b^ispArt**iy-

6epHCb [b^i^r^is'*, -z^], 6e- niy] I a non-party;
pHxecb [b^'i^r^it^is^, -z^] see 1 1 as a noun 6ecnapTHfi-
dpaxbCH. H I
u H m -oro, -bix non-party
6epji6rla [b^i^rloga] / -h, man.
~ den, lair. 6ecne4H|biH [b^i^sp^ech^-
6epy [b^i^ru], 6epeuib [b^'i^- niy] a sh f Cecne^eH, -a, -o,
rMsh, -zh] see 6paTb. -bi light-hearted, carefree
6epycb [b^i^rus^, -z^], 6e- {person, life, etc).
peiubcfl [b'^i^r^dshs^'a] see 6ecnjiaTH|biM [b^i^splatnty]
6paTbCH. ,- a sh f 6ecnJiaTeH, a, -o, -u
6ec... see 6e3... free (of charge); --bm Chjict
SeceAJa [b^i^s^eda] / -h. -- complimentary ticket; —Mfi
1. talk, conversation; AeJioeaa BXOA free admission.
— a business talk; ApyJKecKan 6ecnji6flH|biH [b^i^splod-
—a friendly talk / chat; saAy- niy] a sh f SecnjioAen, -a,
uieBHaH ~a heart-to-heart -o, -bibarren, sterile {soil,
talk; 2. debate, discussion; etc)', 2. fig vain, futile {at-
npoBecTH -—y hold a discus- tempt, effort, etc).
sion; give a talk. SecnoBopOTHlbiH [b**ispavA-
6eceA|Ka [b^i'^s^etka] / -kh, rotniy] a sh f SecnoBOpoTCH,
-OK summer-house, arbour, -a, -o, -bi final, irrevocable
bower. {decision, etc).
6eceA|oBaTb [b^i^s^edavat^] 6ecnoK6iHTb [b^ispAkoif*]
Imperf -yio, -yeiiib, p -oeaji, imperf -lo, -Hiub, p -hji, imp
imp -yft talk {with, to). -H 1. disturb, troulide, bother;
eec|HTb [b^i^s^it^] imperf He HaAo ~HTb ero no TaKHM
6emy, 6ecHiub, p -hji. imp -ri, nycTHKaw don't bother him
B3i6ecMTb [vzb^i^s^it^] perf with such trifles; 2. worry
enrage, infuriate, madden. {cause anxiety); make anxious
6ec|HTbC5i [b^i^s^lttsa] /m- / uneasy.
pe/-/,6emycb, 6ecHiiibC5i, p -hji- 6ecnoK6{HTbcsi [b^ispAko-
ca, -HJiacb, /mp -HCb, -Hiecb, ittsa] imperf -locb, -HuibCH,
B3:6ecHTbcsi [vzb^i^s^ittja] p -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -Pica
perf 1. go mad, become rabid; -HTecb 1. worry, feel anx-
2. fig rage, be in rage; perf ious / uneasy; oh ^htch o 3ao-
also get /fly into a rage, get poBbe MaTepH he is anxious
wild. for his mother's health; 2.
6ecK0HeMH|biH [b^iskAn^e- bother {trouble oneself).
ch^niy] a sh f 6eCK0HeqeH, GecnoKOHHlwH [b^'ispAkoy-
-a, -0, -bi endless, intermi- nly] a sh decnoKoen, -a, -o,
nable, eternal, perpetual; -bi 1. uneasy, restless, per-
~oe npocTpaHCTBo infinite turbed; 2. troublesome Xper-
space. son, etc).
6ec 16

decnojiesHlbiH [b^ispAl^ez- -o, -bi immortal; undying

niy] a sh f 6ecnoJie3eH, -a, {glory, etc).
-o, -biuseless, of no avail; 6eccMbicjieHH|biH [b^i^ssmt-
— aH Tpara BpeMCHH waste of s^Pinniy] a sh f 6eccMbicjieH,
time. -a, -o, -bi senseless, meaning-
6ecn6MOiij,HlbiH [b^i^spo- less; ~biH BsrjiHA vacant
inash*':niy] a sh f 6ecn6MO- stare.
mcH, -a, -0, -u helpless; im- SeccoBecTHibiH [b^'i^ssov'^is-
potent, feeble. niy] a sh f 6ecc6BecTeH, -a,
SecnopflfljOK [b'lspAr^adak, -o, -bi unscrupulous, shame-
-g] m-Ka, pi -kh, -kob 1. dis- less.
order, confusion; 2. pi disor- 6ecco3HaTejibH|biH [b^issAZ-
ders, riots. naf'il^nty] a sh f 6ecco3Ha-
SecnocaAOHHbiH (b^ispAsa- TCJieH, -a, -o, -bi unconscious
dach^nty] a: -- nepejiex non- (/) deprived of conscious-
-stop flight. ness; 2) unintentional); 6hnh
6ecnoiu,aAHlbiM [b^ispA- B --0M cocTOflHHH be uncou-
sh^:adnty] a sh f 6ecnoma- scious; ~biH jKecT ungoverned
ACH, -a, -o, -bi merciless, gesture.
ruthless. eeccoHHHula [b^i^sson^n^'i-
6ecnpaBHlbiH [b^'i^spravniy] ts9] / -bi sleeplessness, in-
a sh f decnpaBCH, -a, -o, -u somnia.
rightless, without any rights. eeccnopHO [b^i^ssporna] I
6ecnpepbiBH|biH [b^ispr'^i^- adv undisputably, undoubt-
rtvniy] a sh f SecnpepbiBen, edly;
-a, -o, -bi continuous, inces- II parenth to be sure; beyond
sant. question.
6ecnpH36pHluH [b^ispr^'izor- eeccpoHH'ibiH [b^'i^ssroch^-
n*y] a sh f 6ecnpH36peH, -a, nty] a sh f 6eccp6qeH, -a, -o,
-o, -bi homeless {children, etc)\ -bi termless {treaty, etc); per-
neglected {household, etc). manent {passport, etc).
6ecnpHMepH|biH [b^ispr^i- 6eccTbiAHlbiH [b'^i^sstidniy]
m^erniy] a s/i /6ecnpHMepe4, a sh f 6eccTbiAeH, -a, -o, -bi
-a, -o, -bi unexampled, un- shameless, brazen; bifl no- —
paralleled. CTynoK a shameless thing
6ecnyTH|biH [b^i^sputnty] to do.
a sh f SecnyieH, -a, -o, -bi 6ecTaKTH0CTlb [b^i^stakt-
dissolute, dissipated. nas^t^, -z'^d''] / -h, -eft tact-
6eccHJibH[biH [b^'i^s^'s^il^- lessness; piece of tactless-
nty] a sh f 6eccH.aeH, -a, -o, ness; AonycTHTb ~b make a
-bi 1. weak, feeble; 2. power- tactless blunder.
less, impotent. 6ecTaKTH|biH [b^'i^staktniy]
SeccMepTHlbiii [b'^i^ssm^ert- a sh f 6ecTaKTeH, -a, o, -bi

nty] a sh f 6eccMepTen, -a, tactless,

- 17 - 6hji

6ecTOJiK6B|biH (b''istAlk6- cocTOHHHH unconscious; 2. un-

viy] a s/i / --, -a, -o, -bi feeling, callous, heartless.
1. stupid; ~biH MeJiOBCK GcTOH [b^i^ton] -a con- m
muddle-head; 2. incoherent crete.
{speech, report, etc). GeiueHCTBJo [b'eshanstva]
6ecxapaKTepH|biH [b^iskhA- n -a \. med hydrophobia, ra-
rakt^'irnty] a sh f decxapaK- bies; 2. fury, rage; npHHXH
TepeH, -a, -o, -u weak-willed, B ~o fly into a rage; ao-
spineless. BecTH no —a enrage, drive
eeCXOSHHCTBCHHOCxIb [b^IS- wild; B —e in a frenzy, in
khAZ^ays^t^v^inn9s''t^, -z^d^] a rage.
/ -H careless and wasteful 6euieH|wH [b^eshaniy] a
management; wastefulness. 1. med
rabid, mad; --an co-
6eci^BeTH|biH [b^i^stsv^'et- 6aKa rabid dog; 2. furious,
nty] a sh f 6ecu,BeTeH, -a, violent; excessive; —bin tcmh
-o, -bi colourless {also fig). furious pace;
6eci](ejibH|biH [b^i^stsePniy] <> —we ACHbrH easy money;
a sh f 6ecuejieH, -a. -o, -u fabulous sums of money;
aimless; idle {useless); ^bift --bie ueHbi exhorbitant / out-
cnop pointless argument; ~bie rageous prices.
paaroBopbi idle talk. 6eiu^ [b^'i^shu] see 6ecHTb.
6ecueHHlbiH [b^i^stsenniy] Seuiycb [b^i^shus'', -z^] see
a sh f 6ecueHeH, -a, -o, -bi 6eCHTbCH.
priceless {precious). 6H6jiHOTeK|a [b^'ibl^iAt^eka]
decucHOK [b'^i^stjenak, -g] / -H, — library; ny^Jimnaa
m 3a
col: ^ cheap^ for next —a public library; ~a-ne-
to nothing; KynHTb 3a —
buy pe^BHJKKa mobile library.
for a song. 6H6jiHOTeKap|b [b^ibl^'iA-
SecHejioeeHHlbiH [b^'ish^'ch^i- t*'ek9r^] m -h, -eft librarian.
lAv^'ech^niy] a sh f 6ecqe- 6ha6h [b^idon] m -a, -ob
Jioeeqen, -a, -o -bi inhuman, can {for liquids).
brutal. 6HeHH|e [b^iyen^iya] n -h,
6ecMMCJieHH]biH [b^'i^sh^'ch^i- -H beating, pulsation;
s^l^mniy] a sh f 6ecmiCJieH, <> —e ]KH3HH the throbbing
-a, -o, -bi countless, innumer- of life.
able; ~oeMH6:»cecTBO infinite 6hji [b^il] see 6vnh.
number (of); ~oe kojih^cctbo Shjict [b^il^et, -d] m -a,
pas times out of number; -ob 1. ticket {concert, rail-
~bie Bonpocbi a great many way, npoesAHOH ^ ticket
questions. — ao KaJiy-
{for travelling);
6ec»iyBCTBeHH|biH [b^i^sh''- FH ticket to Kaluga; — b
ch*'iis''t^v''mnty] a sh f 6ec- OAHH KOHeu single ticket; —
HyBCTBeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. insen- B TeaTp [b khho] theatre
sible, unconscious: b ^om [cinema] ticket, ticket to the
enji - IS--

theatre [cinema]; ^ Ha koh- battle; --a noA Bopo^HHOM/

uepT ticket for a concert; npH BopoAHHe battle of Bo-
2. card (a document, certifi- rodino; ^a Ha MapHC battle
cate); npo4)coK)3HHft — trade- on the Marne; ^a 3a BepJirin
-union card; MJiencKHH •— battle for Berlin.
membership card; 6htk6m [b^itkom] adv: —
<0> npHrjiacHxejibHbiH ~invi- Ha6HTbift cram-full, packed;
tation card. 3aJi 6biJi — Ha6HT the hall
6HJ1CSI [b^ils^'a], 6Mjiacb was packed to capacity.
[hollas*', -z^] see 6HTbCH. 6HTb [b^it^] imperf 6bio,
eHHOKjijb [b^inokl^] m -h, 6bemb, p 6hji, imp 6eH, no-
-eS: noJiCBOH — b field-glass; 6H|Tb [pAb^it**] perf no6bK),
TeaTpaJibiTbiH — b opera-glass. no6beuib, p -ji, imp no6eH,
6hht [b^int, -d] m -a, -6b npo6H|Tb [prAb^it''] perf npo-
bandage; HajiojKHib — band- 6beT, p -JI 1. (no6HTb) beat,
age, dress. thrash, drub; 2. {no perf)
SHHTloeaTb [b^intAvat^] beat, strike; ^no JiHuy strike
imperf -yio, -yeiiib, p -oeaji, in / across the face; ^b 6a-
imp -yH, 3ai6HHTOBaTb [za- pa6aH beat a drum; 3. {no
b^intAvat''] perf bandage, perf) fig combat; — no hcao-
dress; ciaTKaM combat shortcom-
6Horpa(t)Hlsi [b^iAgraf^iys] ings;4. {no perf) slaughter(ca^
/. -H, -H biography. tie); 5. (no6HTb) break {plates,
CHOJior [b^'iobk, -g] m -a, etc); 6. {no perf) gush out,
-OB biologist. spurt {of water, blood, etc);
6HOJi6rH|$i [b^iAlog^iya] f 7. (npo6HTb) sound {alarm);
-H biology. strike, chime; nacbi 6bioT ceMt
6HpiKla [b^irzha] / -h, ~ the clock is striking seven;
exchange {the place where — TpCBory 1) sound the alarm;
business is transacted by bro- 2) fig raise an alarm; —
kers, e/c); 4)6HAOBa5i --a stock 66h 1) mil give the last-post
exchange; TOBapHan --a com- signal; 2) fig beat a retreat;
modity exchange; ~a Tpy^a <> — B jiaAouiH clap one's
labour exchange; Mepnan ^a hands; -- no KapMany col hit
illegal currency exchange. hard; cost a pretty penny;
6HpMaHleu [b^irman^itj, ^ 6aK;iyuiH col = twiddle
-dz] m -ua, -ucB Burmese. one's thumbs.
6HpMaHCK|HH [b^irmans- 6HTbCJi [b^ittsa] imperf
k**iy] a -aH, -oe, -He Burmese. 6bKx:b, 6beuibCH, p 6hjich, 6h-
6hc [b'^is, -z] int encore!; jiacb, imp 6eHCH, 6eHTecb 1.
HcnoJiH^Tb [nexb, nrpaxb u fight, struggle, battle; 2.
m. n.] Ha ~ perform [sing, knock, strike, batter {against
play, etc] an encore. smth, repeatedly); 3. //^strug-
6uTB|a [b^'itva] / -u, ^ gle {with), contend {with);

-- 19 -~ 6ji€

^ HaA peiueHHeM aa^a^H safely; Bce KonqHJiocb «-'

struggle with a problem; 4. everything ended happily/

beat, pulsate; cep^ue 6beTcyi wel 1

the heart 'is beating; 6jiarono;iyHH|biH [blagapA

<> — 06 saKjiaA bet. luch^niy] a sh f 6jiaronoJiy
6h4 [b^ich^, -j^'] m -a, -efi qeH, -a, -o, -bi happy {end,
1. whip, lash; 2. //gr scourge. etc)', safe {arrival, etc).

6jiar|o [blaga] n -a, pi -a, 6jiaronpH^TH|biH [bbga

'-, -aM good (s/7i//z contribut- pr^iyatniy] a sh f 6jiaronpHH
ing to welfare, happiness, etc); Ten, -a, -o, -bi favourable
blessing; MaxepHaJibRbie ~a fair {weather, etc).
material wealth; ^ejiaw BaM 6jiaropa3yMHlbiH [bbgarA
Bcex/BCHKHX ~ I wish you zumniy] a sh f 6jiaropa3yMeH
the best of luck, I wi'sh you -a, -o, -bi sensible, reasonable
every happiness. prudent.
6jiaroAaplHTb [blagadAr^it^] 6jiarop6flH|biH [bbgArod
imperf -16, -Huib, p -hji, imp niy] a sh f 6jiarop6;ieH, -a
-H, no:6jiaroflapHTb [pabbga- -o, -bi noble {1) action, etc; 2)
dAr^it^^i perf thank; birth, etc; 3) metal).
<> ~ib sac! thank you! ejiarocKjiOHHOCTlb [i)bgA-
6jiaroAapHOCTlb [blagAdar- sklonnas'^t'', -z'^d^] / -h fa-
nas^'t^, -z^d''] / -h, pi -h, -efi vour, goodwill; npoHBJiHTb
1. gratitude; qyBCTBO ~h —b K KOMy-ji. favour smb;
(feeling of) gratitude; ne cto- noJibsoBaxbCH qbeft-ji. —bio
HT -—H don't mention it; 2. pi stand high in smb's favour.
thanks. 6jiarococTO«HHle [bbgasa-
6jiaroflapfl[bl9g8dAr^a] prep stAyan^iya] n -h well-being,
with dat denoting reason, welfare; nojiHHTb -—e raise
cause, dependence on smb's the well-being.
help thanks to; owing to; h CjiaroycxpoeHHlbiH [bbga-
noJiyqHJi sry KHHry ~
BaM ustroyanniy] a [pa] comfort-
I got this book thanks to able, well-appointed; —an
you; ~xopomeft noro^e sk- iCBapTHpa well-built modern
CKypcHH npoiiijia y^awHO apartment.
thanks to the fine weather 6jia«eHCTBlo [blAzhenstva]
the excursion was a success; n -a bliss; HcnbiTbmaTb ~o
-O' — TOMy, HTO... owing to be in perfect bliss; 6biTb Ha
the fact that..., thanks to Bepxy —a =
be in the sev-
the fact that... enth heaven.
6jiaronojiyHH|e [bbgapAlu- 6jiaHK [blank, -g] m -a, -ob
ch^'iya] n -h prosperity, well- (printed) form; hhctbih —
-being. blank form.
6jiaronojiyHHO [bbgapA- 6jieAH|eTb [bl^'i^dn^et^] im-
luch^na] adv well, happily, perf -eio, -eeiub, noiSjieAHexb
6jie SO

[pabl^i^dn^et^] perf grow 6J1H3K HH [bl^'isk'^iy] a -an,

pale; pale (a/so fig)\ 6jieAHeTb -oe, -He, sh f 6.ih3ok, -a, -o,
OT CTpaxa turn white /pale -H (-h) 1. near {not far); na
with fear. ~0M paccxoHHHH at a short "

SjiCAHlbiH [bl^edniy] a sh f distance; at close range; 2.

6;ieAeH, -a, -o, -u (-b'l) pale, dear, intimate {friend, etc);
colourless. ~jie JiioAH the dear ones; 3.
6jiecK [bl^esk, -zg] -a m accurate, faithful {copy, etc);
1. brilliance, brightness; glit- — HH nepcBOA close transla-
ter {of metals); 2. fig bril- tion.
liance (0/ the mind, etc). 6J1H3KO [bPiska] adv near,
6jiecH!yTb [bl'^i^snut^] perf close; H ero ~
3HaK) I know
-y, -euib, p -yji, imp -\\ flash him intimately.
{also fig); ^yjia mojihhh the 6jiH3Heu|bi [bl^iz^nH^tsf]
lightning flashed; --yxb sna- pi -OB {sing Sjihshcu -a) m
HHHMH make a brilliant dis- twins; xpoe [nexBepo] -—ob
play of one's knowledge; triplets [quadruplets].
y Hero ^yjia MbicJib an idea 6jiH30pyK|HH [bl^izAruk^iy]
flashed across his mind;y Hero a -an, -oe, -He, sh f ^, -a,
'-yjia HaAejK^a there was a -o, -H short-sighted {also fig).
flash / ray of hope. 6.JiH30cxlb [bPizas^t*', -z^'d'^J
ejiecTJexb [bl^'i^s^t^et^] / -H 1. closeness, proximity;
imperf 6jiemy, -Huib (6jie- 2. intimacy.
meiub), p -eji, imp -h sparkle, 6jihh [bl^in] m -a, -6b pan-
shine {also fig); glitter {of cake;
metals, etc); oh He Sjiemex <> nepebiH ^ komom prov
yMOM he is no genius. = you must spoil before you
6jiecTHm]HH [bl^i^s^t^a- spin.
sh^'iiy] a [pa] -aH, -ee, -He 6jiok I [blok, -g] m -a, -ob
brilliant {also fig); --ne r;ia- technol pulley.
3a sparkling eyes. 6jiok II [blok, -g] m a,
6jiH)KaHUi|HH [bl^'izhayshty] -OB bloc.
a -aH, -ee, -ne 1. superl of 6jioKaA|a [bUkads] / -u
6jih3khh; 2. next, immediate; blockade.
npHHHMaxb ~ee yqacxHe b... Sjigkhox [bUknot, -d] m
take a personal interest in... -a, -OB notebook, writing-
6jiH«e [bl^izhi^] comp of -pad.
6;iH3KHH & corresp adv. 6J10HAHH [blAn^'d^in] m -a,
6jih3 [bl^is^, -z^] prep with -OB blond.
gen denoting close vicinity, 6jiOH;iMH|Ka [bUn^d^inka] /
position close to smth: -— AOMa -KH, -OK blonde.
near the house, close to the gjioxja [bUkha] / -h, pi
house; ~
;top6rH just off the 6ji6xh, -—, -aM flea.
road. 6jiy)Kfllaxb [bluzhdat^'l im-
21 — 6oJi

perf -aK), -aeiiib roam, wan- imp -yft stay up {the night);
der. keep awake; be awake.
6jiy3|a [bluza] / -bi, ^ eoApjbiH [Dodriy] a sh f
blouse. ~,-,a,-o, -bi (-bi) cheerful; brisk
gjiyaJKa [blusks] / -kh, -ok {pace, etc).
blouse {worn by women). 6oeB|6H [bayi^voy] a 1.
[bl^uda] n -a, pi
6jiid;i|o battle {attr), combat {attr)',
-a, --, -aM 1. dish (1) con- b —'OH roTOBHocTH iu combat
tainer, 2) a kind of food); readiness, combat-ready; ~6h
2. course {of a meal). Ayx fighting spirit, morale;
Sjiibfliue [bl^'uttsaj n -ua, 2. bellicose; militant;
pi -ua, -eu, -uaM saucer. <> ~6e KpemcHHC baptism by
6o6 [bop, -b] -a, m
-6b fire; ~6h napCHb co/ go-ahead
bean {plant and seed); fellow.
<> ocxaTbCfl Ha ^slxcoI get = 66eK [b6y8k, -g] see 66h-
nothing for one's trouble. KHH.
6o6|ep [bAb^or] m
-pa, -poB 66eH [boyan] see 66hhh.
beaver {fur). 6oeu [bAyetj, -dz] m 6oHua,
6o6p [bobr] m
-a, -6b bea- pi 6oHUbi, 6ohu6b soldier {an
ver {an animal). enlisted man).
6or [bokh, -gh] m
-a, pi 6o)KecTBeHHlbiH [bAzhes^'t''-
-H, -6b god; v^mniy] a sh f 6o>KecTBeH,
<0> ~ ere snaex! God knows!; -a, -o, -bi divine.
^ c to66h! l)God bless you!; 6oH [boy] m 66h (66io), pi
2) nothing of the kind! 6oH, 6oeB 1. battle, fight,
6oraTCTB|o [bAgatstva] n action, combat; 2.: 6apa6aH-
-a, — 1. wealth, riches; 2. HbiH -- beat of drum; na- ~
magnificence, richness. c6b striking of a clock,
6oraT|biH [bAgatty] a sh f chimes.
'-.-a, -o, -bi rich {1) people; eoHKJHH [b6yk^iy] a -an,
2) harvest, etc; 3) ornamenta- -oe, sh f 66eK, -a, -o,
tion, etc); cTpana, —
aa yrjieM -H 1. smart, brisk; sharp
a country rich in coal. {fellow); 2. glib {speech, etc);
6oraTbip|b [bagAtlr^] m -n, 3.: ~a5iT0pr6BJiH brisk trade;
-eft 1. hero {in legends); 2. fig --an yjiHua busy street.
a man of exceptional strength, 6ohk6t [bAykot, -d] m -a
athlete. boycott.
Sorane [bAgach^i] comp of 66hh|h [b6yn^a] / -h, 66eH
6oraTbiH & corresp adv. slaughter-house; 2. slaugh-
66ApocT|b [bodras^'t^, -z^d^] ter, massacre.
/ -H cheerfulness; vigour {vi- 66hc$i [b6ys^a], SoHTecb
tality). [boyt^is'', -z^] see 6oHTbC5i.
SoApcTB OBaxb [bodrsty vat*"]
j 6oHua [bAytja], 6ohu6b
imperl -yio, -yeuib, p -osaji, [bAytsof, -vj see 6oeu.
6oK — 22 —
6oK [bok, -g] m -a (-y),p/ eojioTJo [bAlota] n -a, ^
'3, -CB side {of the body or bog, swamp.
of an object); no ~aM on both axb I [bAltat^j imperf
sides; -aio,-aeiub dangle {legs, etc).
O foK 6 6oK side by side; 6ojiTiaTb II [bAltat^] imperf
noa, 60KOM col quite near. -aK), -aemb col chatter, babble,
6oKaji [bAkal] tn -a, -ob prattle; ^aTb B3A0p talk non-
glass, goblet. sense.
Cokob|6h [bakAvoy] a lat- 6ojiT|aTbCR [bAltattja] im-
eral; side (attr); perf -aKDCb, -aembCH col 1.
<> —aji KaHKa naut rolling. dangle {from a string, etc);
foKOM [bokam] adv side- hang loosely {of clothes, etc);
ways. 2. lounge, loiter.
60KC [boks, -gz] m -a sport 6ojiTOBH|fl [baltAvn''a] / -ji

boxing. col chatter, idle talk.

GoKcep [bAks^'or] m -a, -ob 6o.iib [boP] / -H, -eft pain
boxer, pugilist. {physical, mental).
6ojirapiHH [bAlgar^'in] m eojibtMua [bAl^n^itja] /
-HHa, pi -bi, ~
Bulgarian. -bi, ~hospital {for care of
6ojirapcKJHH [bAlgarsk^iy] the sick).
a -an, -oe, -He Bulgarian. 66jibHO [bol'^na] I adv badly
fojiee [bol^iya] arfy used to {hurt oneself, hit smb, etc);
form comp: ,-~ KpacHBbiii more II impers predic: mhc ~ it
beautiful; ^
HHiepecHo more hurts; ~? does it hurt?;MHe
interesting; ~ npocToft sim- ~ BiiAexb... it grieves me to
pler; see...
<C> ~ HjiH MCHee more or CojibHloii [bAPnoy]
I a sh
less; ~ Toro moreover; tcm f 66jieH, {no n), -u sick
~, HTO... all the more so {in poor health); bad {heart,
since...; kc ^ mcm not more tooth, etc); sore {eye, etc);
than. 11 as a noun 6ojibH|6H m
6ojie3HeHH'biH [bAl^ez^n^m- -oro, -bix invalid, patient;
niy] a sh f 6oJie3iieH, -a, -o, <> ~6h Bonpoc sore / burning
-bi 1. sickly {person)) 2. pain- subject / question; ~-6eMecT0
ful. sore spot.
GojiesHlb [bAl^'ez^'n'*] f -h, Cojibiue fbol'^shi^j I comp
-eft illness; disease. of 6oJibUi6H;
fiojiiexb I [bA^et''] imperf (I comp of MHoro;
-eio, -eeuib 1. be ill; 2. fig col \\\ in neg sentences: ^ He
root {for a sports team, etc). no more; no longer; not...
gojijeTb II [b\\^ei^] imperf any more; h ~ Ty;ia He
-HT, p -eji ache, hurt; mo noftAV I shan't go there any
y sac —I'lT? where do you more again; —
/ ne 6yAy
feel pain? I won't do it again;
. '

23 6pa

<> '-' Bcero most of all; best -ojiacfa, imp

-HCb, -HTecb
of all. 1. fight,struggle, combat;
6ojibujHHCTB|6 [bal^shinst- 2. sport wrestle.
v6] n -a majority {greater 6opT [bort, -d] -a, pi m
part); noAasJiHiomee '— 6 over- -a, -OB side, board {of a ship);
whelming majority. Ha —
y on board; Bbi6pocHTb
6ojibm|6H [bAl^'shoy] a -an, 3a 6opT throw overboard {also
-6e, -He 1. big, large {in size, fig); qeJiOBCK 3a ~om man
volume, etc); great {of more overboard.
than ordinary size, extent, 6opb6ia [bAr^ba] / -bi

duration, etc); 2. great {im- I. fight, struggle; 2. sport

portant, eminent, illustrious); wrestling.
^ — aH 6yKBa capital letter; 6ochk6m [bas^'ikom] adv
— HMH 6yKBaMH in block let- barefoot.
ters. [bAsoy] a sh f ^,
66m6\& [bomf a] / -w, ~ -a, -o, barefooted.
bomb 6ocoh6>k|kh [basAnoshk^'ij
6oM6apAHpjoBaTb [bambar- pi -eK {sing 6ocoH6H(K|a / -h)
d^irAvat^] imperf -yK), -yeuib, sandals {light summer foot-
p -osaJi, imp -yfl bomb; bom- wear) .

bard {also fig). eoxamiKla [bAtan^ika] / -h

SoMSapAHpoBiUHK [bambar- botany.
d'^irofsh^'-.ik, -g] m -a, -ob 66thk|h [bdt^ik^i] pi -ob
av bomber. {sing 66thk m
-a) high (rub-
6op|eu [bAr^ets, -dz] m -ua, ber) overshoes.
-UOB 1. champion {a defender 6othh|kh [bAt^ink^'i] pi -ok
of another or of a cause); {sing 6othh|ok m
-Ka) boots;
fighter {one who fights); ~eu US high shoes.
3a MHp peace champion; 66m |Ka [boch^'ka] / -kh, -eK
2. sport wrestler. barrel, cask.
6opMOT|aTb [barmAtat^] im- 6oK)cb [bAyus'', -z^],6oHiiib-
perf 6opMoqy, SopMOMCUib, p ca [bAishs^a] see 6oHTbCH.
-aJi, imp 6opMoqH mutter, 6on3H{b fbAyaz^n^] / -h
mumble. dread, fear.
6opoflla [barAda] / -bi, ace 6onTbcsi [bAyattsa] imperf
66po;^y, pi 66pOAbi, 6op6A, -aM 60K)Cb, ^OHUIbCH, p SOHJICH,
beard {on a man's chin). 6oHJiacb, imp 66hch, SoHTecb
^GpoAaBJKa [barAdafka] / be afraid, fear; BaM neqero —
-KH, -OK wart. you have nothing to fear.
6opo3;tla [barAzda] / -bi, pi 6pa3Hji|eu, [brAz^il^itj, -dz]
66po3;;bi, 6op63A, -aM furrow m -bua, -bues Brazilian.
{made by plough). SpasHjibCKJHH [brAz^il^-
6opl6TbCJi [bArotlja] imperf sk^iy] a -aH, -oe, -ne Brazil-
-loci?, OopepibCH, p -ojicji, ian-
6 a 24 —
6paK I [brak, -g] -a, -ob m perf also take hold of; 3a ~
marriage,- wedlock. pyKH join hands; 2. under-
6paK II [brak, -g] -a m take {to do smth., a task);
damaged or defective articles, get down to, start.
spoilage. 6peBH|6 [br^i^vno] n -a, pi
6paH|MTb [brAnh't^] imperf 6peBHa, 6peBeH, 6peBHaM log
-10, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H scold {of wood).
{a child, etc); abuse {use bad 6peA [br^et, -d] m -a 1. de-
language). lirium; 2. fig col gibberish.
6pacjieT [brAS^l^et, -d] m 6peA|HTb [br^ed'^it^] imperf
•a, -OB bracelet, bangle. 6pe>Ky, -Hiub, p -HJI be delir-
6paT [brat, -d] -a, pi m ious, rave.
-bH, -bCB brother; ABOibpoA- Spesrlaxb
[br^ezgat''] im-
HbiH —cousin. perf -aio, -aeuib 1. be squeam-
Spaxb [brat^] imperf 6epy, ish; 2. in neg sentences: oh
6epeiiib, p 6paJi, 6paJia, 6pa- He — aeT HHKaKHMH cpeACT-
Jio, 6paJiH, imp 6epH, BSjiTb BaMH he does not scruple to
[vz^at^] perf B03bMy, Bosb- use any means.
Meiiib, p B3HJI, BSHJia, imp SpesrjiMBibiH [br^i^zgPivty]
B03bMH take {1) get hold
1. a sh f ^ , -a, -o, -bi squeam-
of, grasp; 2) time, material, ish, fastidious,
etc; 3) the blame, responsi- 6pe3eHT [br^i^z^ent, -d] m
bility, etc; 4) charge by way -a tarpaulin.
of payment); —
BsaflMbi bor- 6peMl5i [br^em^a] n -chh
row, obtain on loan; 2. hire, burden, load.
employ; SpejCTM [br^i^s^t^i] imperf
<> ~- Bcpx take the upper -Ay, -Aeuib, p 6peJi, -Jia, imp
hand; ~ npHMep c Koro-Ji. -AH a concrete movement in
follow smb's example; -— a definite direction [cf 6po-
ceSfl B pyKH pull oneself AHTb I] plod, trudge; stroll.
together; -- cboh cJiOBa o6- epCH [br^'ey] see 6pHTb.
paxHO eat one's words; — 6peHCS! [br^eys^a], SpeHrecb
Koro-Ji. Ha nopyKH bail smb [br^eyt^is^, -z^] see 6pHTbCH.
out; saBOA bbhji ero Ha no- 6peK) [br'^eyu], Speeiub
pyKH he was remanded in [br^eyash, -zh] see 6pHTb.
the care of the plant. 6peK)Cb [br'^eyus^], Speeujb-
6paTbC5i [brattja] imperf 6e- cfl [br^eyashs^a] see 6pHTbc5i.
pycb, 6epembCH, p 6paJicH, 6pHraA|a [br^igada] f -u,
CpaJiacb, 6paji6cb, 6paJiHCb, — brigade {also mil); team

imp 6epHCb, 6epHTecb, BSflib- {a group of people); crew {on

ca [vz^'attja] perf sosbMycb, a train).
B03bMeilIbCH, p B3HJ1CH, B3H- 6pHJiJiHaHT, 6pHJibsiHT [br^'i-
JiaCb, imp B03bMHCb, B03bMH- l^'yant, -d] m
-a, -ob diamond,
Tecb 1. touch {with the hand); brilliant.
- 25 - 5ya

6pHTaHCK|HH [br^itansk^'iy] 6poclaTbCfl [brAsattsa] im-

a -an, -oe, -He British. perf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, 6p6-
6pMTB|a [br^'itva] / -bi, — clHTbcsi [bros^ittja] perf 6p6-
razor; 6e3onacHaH -—a safety UiyCb; -HUIbCH, p -HJICH, -H-
razor. Jiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb 1. {no
6pHTb [br^it^] imperf 6peio, perf): ~-aTbCH qeM-Ji. (Apyr e
6peeiiib, p 6pHJi, imp 6peH, Apyra) throw smth at each
noi6pHTb [pAbr^it^] perf siiave other; 2. throw oneself {at /
{remove hair). upon smb, smth, into smb's
epHTbca [br^itt^a] imperf arms, etc); rush {to smb's
6peK)Cb, 6peembCH, p 6pHJiCH, aid, etc); ~aTbCH 6e>KaTb
imp 6peHCH, 6peHTecb, noj- take to one's heels;
SpMTbCJi [pAbr^ittsa] perf 0 —axbcsi AeHbraMH squan-
shave {oneself). der money; —axbCH b rjiasa
- 6poB|b [brof'', -v^] / -H, pi leap to the eye.
-H, -eft eyebrow; 6p6cHXb see 6pocaxb.
<> nonacTb He b ~b, a b rjias 6p6cHXbC5i see 6pocaxbCH 2.
^ hit the nail on the head. 6p6ui|Ka [broshka] / -kh,
6pOA fbrot,-cl] m-a(-y)ford. -eK brooch.
6po;i|HTb I [brAd^'it^] im- 6poiiiK)p|a [brAshura] / -u,
perf 6po}Ky, 6p6;tHuib, p -hji, — booklet, pamphlet.
imp -H [c/ 6pecTH] wander, SpycHHKJa [brus^n^ika] / -h
i-oam, stroll. red bilberry.
6pOAiHTb II [brAd^it^] im- 6pbi3|raxb [brlzgat^j im-
perf 6p6AHT, p -HJI chem fer- perf ->Ky (-raK)), -:«einb
ment. (-raeuib), p -raJi, imp -mn
[brAd^aga] m
6poflflria -h, (-ran), (5pbi3H|yxb [brlznut'']
~ tramp; US hobo. P^ff -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h
^poHsja [bronza] / -bi splash, sprinkle; HCKpbi —jKyx
bronze (ij an alloy; 2) a sparks are flying.
work or works of art made 6pK)KB|a [br^ukvaj / -bi

of bronze). swede.
6poHXHT [brAnkh^it, -d] m 6pK)KH [br^uk^i] pi 6pioK
-a bronchitis. trousers; slacks.
Spocjaxb [brAsat^] imperf 6pK)Hex [br^un^et, -d] m
-aio, -aeuib, 6p6c{HTb [bro- -a, -OB dark(-haired) man.
s'^it^] perf 6p6my, -Huib, p 6pioHex|Ka [br^un^etka] /
-KJi, imp -h 1. throw (a stone, -KH, -OK brunette, dark
etc); hurl {objects, abuse, (-haired) woman.
etc); abandon, desert (oAie's
2. 6yr|6p [bugor] m -pa, -poe
family etc); 3. give up {an hillock, mound.

idea, bad habit, etc); drop 6.yAex [bud'^it, -d] I see

{doing smth); 6bixb;
«^ -^axb BbisoB challenge. II adv col that'll do, that's
Syn ^%^
enough; ^
Te6e oJiaKaTb! 6yK [buk, -g] m -a, -ob
there, there, stop crying. beech.
6yAMjibHHK [bud'^il^n^ik, -g] eyKamJKa [bukashka] / -kh,
m -a, -OB alarm-clock. -eK small insect / beetle.
6yA|HTb [bud^'it^] imperf SyKBJa [bukva] / -bi, —
6y>Ky, 6yAHmb, p -hji, imp -h, letter {of the alphabet); sa-
pa3:6yflHTb [razbiid^it^] perf FJiaBHaH / nponHCHaH ~a capi-
wake (up), awaken (also fig). tal letter; cxpoqnaH ~a small
SyAJKa [butka] / -kh, -ok letter.
box, cabin, booth; TeJie(i)6HHaH 6yKBajibHbiH [bukval^niy]
-^Ka telephone box /booth. a literal, word for word.
6yAH|H [bud^'n^i] pi -eft 6yKBap|b [bukvar''] m -h,
1. week-day(s); 2. fig routine, -efl school primer, ABC-book.
monotony (of daily life, etc). SyKCT [buk^et, -d] m -a,
6yRT0 [butta] cj 1. as if, -OB bouquet {of flowers).
as though; OH MOJimix, ^ hh- 6yKCHp [buks^'ir] m -a, -ob
qero He snaex he is silent I. tugboat; towing-line;
as if he didn't know any- <C> BSHTb Ha ~
take in tow.
thing; 2. introducing object 6yjiaB|Ka [bulafka] / -kh,
clauses and denoting doubt, -OK pin {1) a pointed instru-
uncertainty: roBOp^T, —• oh ment; 2) an ornament);
66jieH he is alleged to be ill; <C> 6e3onacHaji --Ka safety
it seems he is ill; oh tobo- pin.
pHT, ~OH HanHcaji sxy eyjiJKa [bulka] / -kh, -ok
CTaxbib he professes to be the roll {akind of bread); CAcSnaa
author of the article; ~Ka bun.
<> ~ 6bi allegedly; supposed- 6yjiOMH|afl [bubch^naya] f
ly; KaK —
as if, as though. -OH, -bix baker's, bakery.
6yAy fbudu], 6yjiemb [bu- Syjibsap [bul^var] m -a. -ob
d^'ish, -zh] see 6biTb. boulevard.
6yflym|HH [budush^riy] a I 6yjibBapH|wH [buPvarniy]
-an, ee, -He future; next a cheap, pinchbeck {litera-
{day, week, etc); ture, novel, etc); ~-aH npecca
II as a noun 6y;;ym|ee n gutter press.
-ero the future. 6yj!b6H [bul'^yon] m -a, -ob
6yftymH0CT|b [budush'':- broth, clear soup.
nas^'t^, -z^'d'*] / -h future 6yMar|a [bumaqa] / -h, ^
{chance of success). paper {1) for writing, etc;
6yAb [but'', -d''] see 6br;b. 2) a document);
6y)Ky[buzhu] see 6yAHTb. <> u,eHHbie ~H securities.
6yHH|MH [buyniy] a sh f 6yMa>KHHK [bumazhn^'ik, -g]
6yeH, -a, -o, -bi wild {boy, m -a, -ob pocket-book, wallet.
etc); violent {behaviour, pas- 6yMa«<HbiH I [bumazhniy]
sions, growth, etc). a paper {napkin, etc).
. .

-- 27 — dbt

CyMajKHMH II [bumazhniy] a 6yui|eBaTb [busht^vat''] im-

cotton (attr), made of cotton perf -yK), -yeuib, p -esaji, imp
fabric. -yft rage, storm {also fig).
6yHT [bunt, -d] m -a, pi 6bi [bi], 6 [b, p] part I
-LI, -oB riot, mutiny. used with verbs in the past
6yHT|pBaTb [buntAvat^] im- tense and in the infinitive
perf -yio, -yeuib, p -OBaJi, to form the conditional-sub-
imp -yft revolt, rebel. junctive mood denoting 1. an
6ypaH [buran] m -a, -os action which might take or
blizzard. might have taken place under
GypwyasMlsi [burzhuAz^iya] certain conditions: h nomeji 6u
/ -H bourgeoisie. ceroAHH BeqepoM Ha ciaAHOH,
6yp)Kya3H|biH [burzbuaz- ecJiH 6u y mchh 6biJio BpeMH
niy] a sh f 6yp}Kya3eH, -a, I'd go to the stadium tonight
-o, -fai bourgeois. if I had time; ecJiH 6 h snaJi

eypJHTb [bur^if*] imperf 3T0, H 6bi HasecTHJi ero B^epa

-K), -Hiub, p -HJi, imp -H if I had known it I'd have
bore, drill (a hole). visited him yesterday; 2. an
6ypH|biH [burnty] a sh f action planned or desired'..
6ypeH, -a, -o, -u 1. stormy^ H 6bi c yAOBOJibCTBHeM nomejl
violent {also fig); 2. impet- B TeaTp saBxpa I'd gladly go
uous; rapid {development etc) , to the theatre tomorrow; h 6bi
Syplbiii [buriy] a sh f ~, eme Bb'mHJi naio
I'd like to
-a, -o, -u: -—bift MeABe^b have some more tea; 3. a sug-
brown bear; ~biH yroJib gestion, wish, invitation,
brown coal. mild order, request, advice:
6yplJi [bur^a] / -h, -b Bbi 6bi cejiH you'd better sit
storm, tempest. down; won't you sit down?;
6ycbi [bust] pi 6yc beads take a seat, please; noHHiaJi
(a necklace). 6bi Tbi KHHry I suggest you
6yTep6p6fl [buterbrot, -d] should read a book; noexaTb
m -a, -OB sandwich; -^ c cbi- 6w JieTOM K MopK)! I wish
poM cheese sandwich. I could go / 1 went to the
6yTbiJilKa [buttlka] / -kh, seaside, in summer!;
-OK bottle. forming part of indefinite
6y4)ep [buf^ir] m pronouns: kto 6bi hh whoever;
-a, p/ -a,
-OB buffer {also fig). HTO 6bi HH wliatever; fac 6u
6y(j)eT [buf'et, -d] m -a, HH wherever {denoting posi-
-OB buffet {1) a sideboard; tion); KyAa 6bi hh wherever
2) a special counter) {denoting direction);. KorAa
6yxr:'jiTep [bukhgalt^jr] m 6bi HH whenever; kto 6bi hh
-a, -OB book-keeper. npHuieJi whoever comes; mo
SyxTja [bukhta] / -u, -- 6bi HH cJiyqHJiocb whatever
bay {in a shore, coast). happens.
, .

6bIB 28 —
6biBajio [bivala] parent h: ecTb 6paT he has a brother;
OH, -—, ^acTo npHxoAHJi he y Hero 6biJio mhofo pa66Tbi
often used to come, he would Bwepa he had much work to
often come. do yesterday; 3. happen, oc-
6biB|aTb [bWat^] impsr cur; 3T0 6biJio B^epa it hap-
-aio, -aeiub 1. happen, occur; pened yesterday; BMepa 6biJia
2. be sometimes present; go rposa there was a storm
to a place {from time to time); yesterday; saBxpa 6yAeT co6-
~aTb y xeaipe]
Koro-Ji. [b paHHe there will be a meeting
visit 3. take
[the theatre]; tomorrow; coSpanne 6yAeT
place, be held {of meetings, saBTpa the meeting will be
competitions, etc); held tomorrow; 4.: ~ Bbi-
«C> KaK HH B MCM HC ~aJIO Hy>KAeHHbiM be obliged {to do
though nothing were the mat- smth); ~- B cocTOHHHH CAe-
ter. jiaxb qxo-Ji. be able to do
6biBm|HH [btfshty] a [pa] smth; -^ CBHAexeJieM qero-ji.
-an, -ee, -ne former, late; ex-. witness smth;
6biK [btk, -g] -a, m
-6b <> THK H ^
all right, let it
bull {the male of beef cattle). be so; KaK ~? what's to be
6biji [bil], 6biJia [bila] see done?; 6yAb hto SyAei come
6bITb. what may.
6biJio [b+'b] see 6biTb. 6bio [b^yu], 6betub [b^yosh,
[bib] part nearly; on -zh] see 6HXb.
the point of; qyxb -~ He al- 6bK)Cb [b^yus^, -z^], 6beujb-
most, nearly. cfl [b^yoshs^s] see 6HXbCH.
6bicTpOT|a [bistrAta] / -b'l SioAHcex [b^udzhet, -d] m
quickness; speed (a swift -a, -OB budget {of a country,
movement). family, etc)
6biCTp|biH [btstrty] a sh f 6K)jijiexeH|b [b^uPi^t^en'^]
~, -a, -o, -bi quick, rapid, m -H, -eft 1. bulletin; 2. vot-
swift {current, development ing-paper; 3. medical certifi-
etc). cate {given to a person on
6biT [bit, -d] m -a mode of sick-leave); 6bixb Ha — e be
life; daily life. on sick-list.
6biTb [bit^] imperf 3rd per- 6K)p6 [b^uro] n indecl bu-
son sing ecTb, p 6biJi, 6biJia, reau {an office).
6bi;io, 6biJiH, fut 6yAy, 6y- SropoKpax [b^urAkrat, -d] m
fleiiib, imp 6ynb 1. be {1) -a, -OB bureaucrat.
somewhere, in a certain state, 6k)cx [b^'ust, -zd] m -a, -ob
condition, etc; 2) a link-verb); bust.
OH 6biJi he was at home;
ji,6Ma SiqcTrajibTep [b^uzgal^ter]
OH 6biJi was ill; oh
66jieH he m -OB brassiere.
6biJi pa66qHM he was a work- Sflsjb [b^as^, -z^] / -K
er; 2. have (possess); y nero coarse calico.
— 29 —

B [v, f], BO [vo; in the first knock at the door; TOJiKnyxb
pretonic position — va; in the Koro-Ji. B rpyAb push smb in
second and other pretonic po- the chest; noueJiOBaib kopo-ji.
sitions— V9] prep I with ace B jio6 kiss smb 's forehead; 8.
1. denoting an action or move- denoting periodicity within
ment into'. BOHTH B KOMHa- a certain time: TpH paaa b He-
Ty go into a room; come into AeJiKD three times a week;
a room; bohth bo ABop go 9. denoting passage of a thing
into the yard; come into the from one state into another:
yard; noJio^KHTb b hiuhk put npeBpaiHTb b... turn into...,
in a box; npnexaTb b Khcb change into... / to.. ^.; paao-
arrive in Kiev; 2. denoting pBaib B KJiouKH tear to bits;
movement to, towards a place 10. denoting similarity: xa-
with the aim of reaching it: paKTepoM B OTua a chip of
noexaTb b Mhhck go to the old block; oh secb b MaTb
Minsk; yexaTb b FopbKHH he is the very image of his
leave for Gorki; 3. denoting mother; 11. used with the word
a point of time {hours or days pa3 and comp: b abb pasa
of the week): b nnTHHuy on Bbime two times as high;
Friday; b npoiiijiyio [b 6y]\y- B ABa paaa MeHbiue half
myio] RHTHHuy last [next] (the...); half the size (of);
Friday; b xpH Maca at three B HecKOJibKO pas 66jibuie sev-
o'clock; 4. denoting dimen- eral times as much; several
sions, weight: A-^HHOH B TpH times as many; several times
MCTpa three metres long; bc- the size (of); b HecKOJibKO
coM B TOHHy weighing a ton; pas MeHbiue several times
5. denoting the beginning of less; BO MHoro pas MeHbiue
some activity, occupation or many times as little; m.any
state into which a person is times as few; many times
drawn or enters: npuHTH less; 12. denoting purpose:
B oxqaHHHe fall into despair; B uiyTKy in jest; b HaKasanne
yrJiy6HTbCH b qTenae get ab- as a punishment;
sorbed in reading; BCiynHTb 11 with pr denoting 1. posi-
B paaroBop enter into a con- tion inside of, within: b kom-
versation; 6. denoting dura- HaTe in the room; b KneBe
tion within certain limits: in Kiev; b A6paMU,eBe at Ab-
(3T0 MOJKHO c^eJiaTb) B HeAeJiK) ramtzevo; b KJiy6e at the club;
(this can be done) within 2. a point or period of time:
a week; 7. denoting an action b Mapxe in b stom
directed to some place on the [b npouiJiOM]roAy this [last]
§ur[ace of: cxyK b ABepb year; b hhtom Hacy soon after
Bar 30

four, four and five

between Ba3|a [vaza] / -bi, — vase;
(o'clock); distance from:
3. bowl.
B copoKa KHJioMexpax ot Baji I [val] m
-a, pi -bi,
MocKBbi within forty kilo- -OB earthen bank.
metres of Moscow; 4. a con- Baji II [val] m
-a, pi -bi,
dition, quality,
state, etc: -OB technol shaft; KOJieHHaibift
B 6ecnopHAKe in disorder; ~ crankshaft.
B o>KHAaHHH pending; b hht- BajieHJKH [val^mk^i] pi -ok
Hax stained; b 6ejioM in (smg^BajicHloK m
-Ka) valenki
white, wearing white; b oHKax [high boots made of thick
Wearing glasses; 6biTb b y}Ka- felt with soles of the same
ce be horrified; material)', xoAHTb b ~Kax
CXaJIO wear valenki.
at any price; at all costs. Baji|HTL I [vAl^'it^l imperf
earoH fvAgon] -a, -ob m -K), BaJiHuib, p -HJi, imp -H,
(railway) carriage; (tram-)car; nojBajiMTb [pavAPit^] per/,
6ara>KHbiH —
luggage van; cjBajiMTb [svAPit^] perf 1.
;;eTCKHH ~
carriage for chil- bring down, fell;
2. (cBa-
dren; HcecTKHH hard -seated — JiHTb) heap up,
pile up;
carriage; KynHpoBaHHbift ~ 3. (cBajiHTb) fig col blame
compartment carriage; mhf- {smb), lay the blame [on smb)\
KHH — soft -seated carriage; <> —'MTb Bce B OAHy Kyny
cnaJibHbiH ^ sleeping-car; col lump everything togeth-
— -pecTopaH dining-car; — er; ~HTb C 60JIbH6H rOJlOBbl
fljiH KypjimHx smoking-car. Ha BAopoByK) col lay the blame
BaroHOBO^arlbiH [vAgo- at the wrong door.
navAzhatiy] m -oro, -bix Baji|HTb II [vAl^it*"] imperf
tram-driver. -HT, noiBajiHTb [pavAl'^it^]
Ba}KHHH|aTb [vazhn^ich^at^] perf flock, throng, come in
imperf -aio, -aeuib col put on flocks {of people); fall Ireav-
airs. ily {of snow); pour out {of
Ba»HO [vazhna] impers smoke); Hapo^ BajioM -— ht
predic important; oMCHb
it is the people are coming in
-^ CAe.iaTb 3T0 cerojiHH it is flocks.
very important to do it today; Baji|HTbcsi [vAl^'ittja] im-
— ,MToSbi OHa noBHAaJia Hac perf -K)Cb, BaJlHUIbCH, p -HJI-
it is important for her to see CH, -HJiacb, imp -KCb, -iirecb,
us, it is important that she nO;BajiMTbCfl [pavAl^ittja] perf
should see us. fall {from a standing posi-
eaMtHibiH [vazhnty] a sh f tion);
Ba>KeH, -a, -o, -w (-bi) 1. im- <> ~HTbCSl C HOP col bC
portant; of consequence; 2. falling off one's feet; y nero
self-important, consequen- Bce M3 pyK BajiHTcn col h?
tial; grand, pompous. is very inapt / awkward,
- 31 B6e

BajioB|6H [valAvoy] a gross, perf -ibcb, BapHmbC5i, p -iiJicji,

total; ^an npoAyKUHJi gross -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -HTecb,
output. cjBapHTbcsi [svAr^ittsa] perf
eajibc [val's, -z] m -a, -ob be boiling, be cooking;
waltz. <> —HTbCJI B c66CTBeHHOM
BajiibT|a[vAPut9] / -hi cur- coKy col stew in one's own
rency (money). juice.
Baji|«Tbc$i [vAl^'attsa] im- Bac [vas, -z] gen, ace ~& pr
perf -Hiocb, -neiubCH 1. wal- of Bbl.
low, roll about {in the dust, BacHji|eK [vas^'il^'ok, -g] m
mud), 2. col loll {lie in a -bKa, -biToB corn-flower.
lazy manner); 3. col lie about, Baxja [vata] / -bi cotton
be scattered about; lie {be wool; wadding; najibxo na
somewhere as the result of ~e wadded coat.
negligence) . Ba(l)ljiH [vafPi] pi -Qjib
BaM [vam] dat of bu, {sing Bi^ji\a f -h) wafers.
BaMH [vam'^i] instr of Bbi. BaxT|a [vakhta] / -bi, ~
BaHHla [vanna] / -bi, ^ naut watch {time of duty);

bath; npHHHMaib —y have/ CTOHTb Ha ~e keep watch,

take a bath. be on duty; 2. fig: xpyAOBan
BaHHlaa [vannaya] / -oh, ~a production drive {enthu-
-bixbath-room. siastic work on the occasion
BapBapcKJHH [varv3rsk**iy] or in commemoration of smth);
a -aH, -oe, -He barbarous. CTOHTb Ha ~e MHpa take
BapextlKH [varnish k^^i] pi part in the World Peace pro-
-eK {sing BapoKKJa / -h) mit- duction drive.
tens. Baiu [vash, -zh] pron I

BapeHHKln [vAr^'en^'ik^i] pi poss corresp to Bbi m -ero,

-OB {sing BapcHHK m
-a) va- -eiviy, ~
(-ero), -hm, (o) -cm,
reniki {dumplings stuffed Bauia /, Bauie n, Eaum pi
with cherries, tvorog or pota- your; yours;
toes). II as a noun Bamn
pi -x
BapeHbifl [vAr^oniy] a your people {relatives).
boiled, cooked. Bam a [vasha] pron f -en,

BapeHbje [vAr^'en^'ya] n -h -eft, -y, -efi (-eio), (o) -evi

jam (a preserve). see Baui.
BapHaHT [var^iant, -d] m Baiu|e [vasha] pron n -ero,
-a,-OB version, variant. -eMy, -e (-ero), -hm, (o) -cm
Bap|HTb [vAr^it^j /mperZ-K), see Bam.
BapHUJb, p -HJi, imp -H, ciBa- BauiH [vashi] pron pi -x,
pHTb [svAr^it**] perf 1. boil -M, -- (-x), -mh, (o) -X see
{eggs, fish, etc); cook {din- Bam.
ner, etc); 2. found {steel, etc). B6er|aTb [vb^'i^qat^] imperf
BapJHTbCfl [VAF^ittsa] im- -aio, -aemb, BSewlaxb [vb^i®-
B6e - 32

zhat^] perf B6ery, -Huib, p higher place); ~ no JiecTHHue

-aji run {into a room, etc); up the stairs; noAKHMaxbCH
come running, run in. ~ go up; no^HHXb — lift
B6eH [vb^ey] imp of B6HTb; (up), raise (up); 2.: ~ no
see B6HBaTb. peKe up the river; ~ no xe-
B6epM [vb^i^r^i] imp of qeHHKD up-stream;
Bo6paTb; see BSHpaib. <> ~ HHOM col upside-down;
eSepy [vb^i^^ru], B6epeuib — HoraMH col upside-down;
[vb^i^r^osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd head over heels.
persons of Bo6paTb; see b6h- BBcpxy [v^v^i^rkhu] adv
paTb. above, overhead; at the top.
BSHBJaib [vb^ivat^] imperf BBecTH see bboahxb.
-aio, -aeiiib, BSHxb [vb^it^] BBH^y [v^v^idu] prep with
perf Bo6bK), Bo6bemb, p b6hji, gen in view of; — xoro,
imp B6eH drive in, hammer Mxo... in \iew of the fact
in; drive {into), hammer that...; as, since.
{into); BBOMlMTb [vvAd^it^] imperf
<> BSHTb ce6e b rojioBy BBO>Ky, BBOAHiub, p -HJi, imp
col get into one's head. -H, BRe[cTH [v^'v^i^s^t^'i] perf
b6hp aib [vb^irat^] imperf -Ay, -Aeiiib, p BBeJi, -Jia, imp
-aio, -aeuib, BoSpaJTb [va- -AH introduce, bring in;
brat*"] perf B6epy, B6epemb, ~HXb BOHCKa B ropoA bring
p -Ji, -Jia, -Jio, -JiH, imp troops into a town; 2.: ~HXb
B6epH absorb {;.vater, etc); B SKcnJiyaxauHKD put into
inhale {air). operation {a new railway, etc);
B6HTb see B6HBaTb. —-HXb B 3a6jiyH^AeHHe mis-
b6jih3h [vbl^iz^i] I adv lead, deceive; lead into er-
near by; near here; paccMax- ror.
pHBaib MTO-Ji. ~ examine BB03 [vvos, -z] m -a econ
smth closely; import; imports.
II prep with gen near {of BB03|HXb [vvAz^it''] imperf
distance); -^
ot ^ero-ji. not BBOHcy, BBosHiiib, p -HJI, imp
far from smth, near smth. -Id, BBe3lxM [v^v^iVt^ij perf
B6pofl [vbrot, -d] adv: ne- -y, -eiub, p BBea, -Jia, imp
pexoAHTb (peKy) ford ~
(a -H import {goods, etc).
river). BBbicb [wis'', -z^] adv up,
BBCACHHle [v^v^i^d^en^iya] upwards {toward a higher
n -H, -ft 1. introduction place).
{bringing into use, knowledge, BfJiySb [vglup^, -b^] adv
etc); 2. introduction {a be- 1. depthwise; 2. deep {into).
ginning); preface. BAalBaibCsi [vdAvattsa] im-
BBeSTH see BB03HTb. perf -K)Cb, -eillbCH, p -BaJICH,
BBepx [v^'v^erkh, -gh] adv -BaJiacb, imp -BaftcH, -Bafl-
1. up, upwards {toward a xecb jut out {into);
— 33 BCJl

<^ —BaibCJi B noflp66HO- II prep with gen along {the

CTH / B AcrajiH go into de- street, etc);
tail(s). <> ^ H nonepCK far and
[vdal^i^k^e] adv
BiiajicKe wide {of travelling); snarb
in the distance. HTO-Ji. -~ H nonepeK know
BiiajiH [vdAl^i] adv in the smth thoroughly, know all
distance; ~
ot nero-Ji. far the ins and outs of smth.
from smth; -^ ot kofo-ji. BAOx [^dokh, -gh] m -a,
away from smb. -08 breath, inhalation.
BAajib [vdal^] adv: cmot- BAOXHOBHTb See BAOXHOB-
pexb — look into the dis- JIHTb.
tance. BAOXHOBJi|flTb [vdakhnAV-
BABoe [vdvoya] adu 1. dou- l^at^] imperf -hkd, -Hemb,BAOX-
ble, twice; ^ 66jibme twice HOBlHT-b [vdakhuAV^it^] perf
as much; twice as many; -^ -jiK), -Hiub, p -HJi, imp -H
MCHbiue half (the...); half inspire {put life or force into;
the size (of); -~ TOHbiue rouse).
[jiy^me u m. n.\ twice as BAOXHyTb see BAbixaib.
thin [good, etc]; 2.: cjio- BApeGearH [vdr^eb'izg^i]
HCHTb -^ fold in two. adv 1.: paaSHTb -- smash,
BABoeM [vdvAyom] adv shatter; 2. col: ~ nbHH dead
referring to two people: ohh drunk.
[Mbi, Bbi] — the two of them BApyr [vdruk, -g] adv 1.
[us, you]; AaBaflxe cAeJiaeM suddenly; 2. what if; — oh
3T0 ~ let's do it togeth- He nosBOHHT? what if he
er. doesn't phone?
BABOHHe [vdvAyn^e] adv BAyMaTbcsi see BAyMbieaTb-
1. double, twofold; 2. espe- CH.
cially. BAyMMBJaTbCJi [vdumiva-
BAo6aB0K [vdAbavak, -g] ttsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH,
adv col besides, in addition; BAyMa|Tbcn [vdumattsa] perf
on top of everything. -K)Cb, -euibCH, p -JicH, -Jiacb,
BAOBJa [vdAva] / -bi, pi /mp -HCH, -HTecb ponder, con-
BAOEbi, ~, BAOBaM widow. sider carefully.
BAOBJeu [vdAV^etj, -dz] m BAbix|aTb [vdikhat^] knperf
-ua, -11,6b widower. -aio, -aeuib, BAOxnlyTb [vdAkh-
BAOBOJib [vdovsl^] adv in nut^] perf -y, -euib, p -yji,
plenty, in abundance; to imp -H inhale, breathe in.
one's heart's content. BereTapMaHCKJHH [v^ig^ita-
BAoroHKy [vdAgonku] adv r^'yansk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
in pursuit of, after {of run- vegetarian.
ning, etc). BCACHHle [v^ed^m^iya] n
BAOJib [vdol^] I adv length- -h: b '-h under the author-
ways; ity (of); under the jurisdic
BCfl - 34 -
tion (o/); within {stub's) prov- Beep [v^eyar] -a, pi -a, m
ince. -6b fan {used by ladies).
BeAeHHJe [v^i^d^en^'iya] n Be}KjiHB|biH [v^ezhl^iviy] a
-h: ~e ji,ejia 1) management sh f '^, -a, -0, -bi polite,
of an affair; 2) law con- courteous, civil.
duct of a case; ^e (Aoiviaui- BCSAC [v^i^z^'d^e] adv every-
Hero) xo3HHCTBa housekeep- where.
ing. Bes'iTH I [v^i^s^t^i] imperf
BeAH [v^'i^d^i] see eecxH. -y, -eiiJb, p Be3, -Jia, imp -h,
BeAOMlo [v^edama]: c ~a nojBearH [pav^i^s^t^i] perf
with (smb's) l<no\vledge; 6e3 a concrete action, movement
~a without {smb's) knowl- in a definite direction [cf bo-
edge, without letting {smb) BMTbj carry {to transport)',
know; without (stub's) con- drive {smb in a car, etc);
sent. draw {a cart).
BeAOMOCT|b [v^edamas^t'', BesJTH II [v^i^s^t^i] imperf
-z^'d^] / -H, pi -H, -efl list, -ex, noiBesTH [pav^i^s^'t^i]
register. perf impers: euy [efl u m. d.]
BeAOMCTBio [v^edamstva] n ~eT he [she, etc] is lucky.
-a, ~ department (a branch BCH I [v^ey] see Benxb.
of the state government). BCH II [v^ey] see bhtb.
Be;ip|6 [v^'i^dro] n -a, pi BCK [v^'ek, -g] m -a (-y),
BCApa, BCAep, Be;;paM bucket, pi -a, -OB 1. century {years);
pail. 2. age {a period in history);
BCity [v^i^du], BCfleuib [v^i^- 3. col life, lifetime; na tboh
d^'osh, -zh] see bccth. — XBaxHT it "nil last your
Be;iym|HH [v^i^dush^:iy] a time;
[pa] -aa, -ee, -He leading, <> ~
>KHBM — ~ yqMCb prov
chief, key. live and learn.
BeAb [v^et^, -d**] I part BeKjO [v^ekaj n -a, pi h,
(tnostiy intens): Tbi sito SHa- ~ ~, -aM eyelid.
euib you know this, don't BeKcejiib [v^eks'^il^] m -h,
you?; but you know this; ho pi -H, note of hand; bill
'- stToro He cJivMHJiocb it of exchange.
didn't happen, did it?; BCJi [v^'ol], BCjia [v^i^la]
II cj denoting reason, cause: see BecTH.
OH He npHAGT, ~ OH 66.neH Beji|eTb [v^i^l^'et''] perf Sc
he won't come., he's ill, you imperf -k), -fliiib p -eji, imp
know; ne cnopb c hhm ~ oh -H order, tell {smb to do
npae don't argue with him, ^mth).
he's right, isn't he? BCjiHKaH [v^'il^ikan] m -a,
BcjibMla [v^'ed^ma] t -bi, -OB giant.
— 1. witch {a sorceress); BCjiMK HH [v^i^l**ik'*iy] a
2. col vixen, scold. -an, -oe, -He, sh f ^, -a (-a),

— 35 ~ BCp

-o (-6), -H (-H) 1. great m -a, -ob fan {for ventila-

{important, remarkable, fa- tion); ventilator.
mous); 2. {only sh f) too big Bep|a [v^era] / -bi 1. be-

{of clothes, footwear, etc). lief, faith, trust; 2. religion,

BejiHKOAyujH uii I
[v^il'^ikA- creed
dushnty] a sh f BeJiHKOAy- Bep6|a [v^'erba] / -bi, -^
men, -a, -o, -bi magnani- willow.
mous, clement, generous. Bep6jiK)fl [v^i^rbl'ut, -d] m
BejiHKOJienHlwH [v'll^ikA- -a, -ob camel.
Pepnty] a sh f BennKOJieueK, ^ Bep61oBaTb [v^'irbAvat^]
-a, -o, -H splendid; excellent,, imperf -yio, -yeuib p -obslji,
fine. imp -yfi saJBepGoBaTb [za-
BCJiHHecTBeHHlbiH [v'i^l^'i- v^irbAvat''] perf recruit {peo-
ch^is'^t^v^mnty] a sh f bcjih- ple).
qecTsen -a, -o, -w majestic, BepeBJKa [v^'i^r^'ofka] / -kh,
grand; magnificent. -OK cord, rope, string; ~Ka
BejiHHHH|a [v^il^ich^'ina] / AJiH 6ejibH (clothes-)line.
-bi, pi- BCJiHqHHbi, eejiHmiH, BeplHTb [v^'er^it''] imperf
seJiHqHHaM 1. size {extent, -K), -Huib, p-nji, ifnp -b, noiBc-
amount, dimensions, etc); pHTb [pAV^er^'it^j perf '\.:
2. math value; quantity, ~HTb B Koro-Ji. [bo mo-Ji.]
magnitude. believe in smb [smthj; 2.;
BcnoroHlKH [v'^ilAgonlo] / ~HTb KOMy-Ji. [qeMy-ji.] be-
-KH, -OK cycle race. lieve smb [smth]; trust smb;
BejiocHnefl [v''ibs^ip'*et, -d] 0 ~HTb KOMy-Jl. Ha CJIOBO
m -a, -OB bicycle. take smb's words on trust,
BCHJa [v^en8] / -bi, vein ^ take smb at his word.
(a blood vessel). BepHo [v'^erna] adv 1. I

BCHrepcKlMfi [v*'i^ng*'er- correctly, right; roBoprixb ~

sk^iy] a -aH, -oe, -He Hunga- be right; 2. faithfully, loy-
rian. ally;
BCHrp [v'engr] m -a, -ob II parenth col probably, most
Hungarian. likely; oh, — ,
yexaji he must
BeHecy3Ji|ei; [v^m^isuel'its, have left;
-dz] m -bua, -bueB Venezue- <> coBepuieHHO ~! quite
lan. right!, quite so!
BenecyajibCK |hh [v*'in'*isuel**- BepHJyxb [v^i^rnut''] perf
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne Ven- -y, -eiiib, p -yji, imp -h
ezuelan. 1. return, give back; 2. re-
BCHHK [v^en^ik, -g] m
-a, cover, get back; win back;
-ob besom {a broom). 3. make {smb) return, bring
BeHJOK [vM^nok, -g] -ksl, m {smb) back.
-KOB wreath; garland, BepHlyTbcsi [v^'i^rnuttja]
BeHTH.!iHTOp [v^m^'t^iPatar] perf -ycb, -eiubca, p -yJica,
Bep - 36

-yjiacb, imp -HCb, -HTecb -THTecb 1. turn (round), re-

return, come back; -~yTbCH volve; 2. fidget, move about
K Bonpocy return to a ques- {in a restless way);
tion. <> —TexbCJi B rojioBe col run
BepHJbiH [v^ernjyj a sh f in one's head / mind {of a
BepeH, -a, -o, -bi (-bi) 1. cor- word, idea, etc); ~xexbc« noA
rect, true, right; 2. faithful, HoraMH col be in the way
loyal, true; 3. reliable {source, BepxHKajibHJbiH [v^'irt^ikal^-
etc)', ~oe cpe^CTBo unfail- niy] a sh f BepxHKajieH, -a,
ing remedy / means; 4. cer- -o, -bi vertical {line, etc).
tain (death); sure- (sign); Bepxojiex [v^irtAPot, -d] m
<> HTO -^o, TO --0 there's -a, -OB helicopter.
no denying that. Bep(j}|b [v'^erf^, -v^] / -h,
BepoHcnoeeAaHHle [v^era- -eft shipyard; dockyard.
ispAv^edan^iya] n -h. -h re- Bepx [v^erkh, -gh] m -a
ligion; denomination {a reli- (-y) 1. top {of a house, box,
gious group). etc); 2; height {of ambition,
eepojioMHlbiH [v'^irAlomniy] etc); ^
6jia>KeHCTBa height
a sh f BepoJioMeH, -a, -o, -bi of bliss; ~ coeepmeHCTBa the
perfidious, treacherous. peak of perfection;
eepoMTHO [v^irAyatna] par- <> OAep«axb ^ gain the
enth probably; oh, ymeji ~ upper hand.
probably he has left, he BepxH|HH [v^erkhn^iy] a
must have left. 1. upper; 2.: ~ee nJiaxbe

BepoHTHocTJb [v^irAyat- outdoor wear, street clothes

nas^t^, -z^d^]' / -h probabil- {such as overcoat, raincoat,
ity; no Bcefl ~H
in all prob- etc).
ability. BcpxoBHbiH [v^i^rkhovniy]
BepoflTH|b!H [v^irAyatnty] a supreme.
a sh f BepoHTeH, -a, -o, -bi BepxoBble [v^i^rkhov'ys] n
probable, likely. -H, -en upper reaches; river-
BepcHffl [v^'ers^iya] / -h, -head.
-H version {of an account). BepxoM [v^i^rkhom] adv
BCplxeTb [vH^Ti^ix^\imperf astride; on horseback.
-qy, BepTHUJb, p -leji, imp Bepxyuj|Ka [v^i^rkhushka] /
-TH 1. twirl; twist about, -KH. -eK 1. top {of a tree,
twiddle; 2.: -^-TeTb tojioboh mountain, etc); 2. col the up-
turn one's head hither and per crust; top leaders; npa-
thither; 3. fig col: —xexb BHmaH — Ka ruling clique,
KCM-ji. twist smb round one's BepmHH|a [v^i^rshlna] /
finger. -bi, ~
top, summit, peak.
BeplxeTbcfl [v'i^rt^ettja] Bee [v^es, -z] -a (-y)m
imperf -nycb, BepTHiiibCH, p 1. weight {of a thing); Ha —
-Te^ca, -le^iacb, imp -iHCb, by weight; --cm B Tpn kh-
37 Btt

jiorpaMMa weighing three kil- tion— \, 3 [cf BOAHTb 1, 2]

ograms; npH6aBHTb [y6aBHTb] 1. lead (a horse, blind man,
B -— e put on [lose] weight; etc; smb by the hand, etc);
2. fig influence, authority, 2. conduct, direct, run; -~
weight; co6paHHe preside over a
•0 yjiejibHbiH — 1) specific meeting; ~
xoshhctbo keep
weight; 2) fig share, propor- house; 3. drive {a car); 4. {no
tion. perf) lead {of a road, etc);
BCCejllHTbCJl [V^IS^i^PittS9] 5. {no perf) carry on {nego-
imperf -locb, -HUibCfl, p -hjich, propaganda,
-HJiacb, imp -Picb, -Hxecb have ~
6opb6y wage a struggle;
fun, enjoy oneself, make ~
nepeoHCKy c KeM-Ji. cor-
merry, have a good time. respond with smb;
Becejibiii [v^i^s^olly] a sh f <> ~ ce6H behave.
Beceji, secejia, secejio, ne- BecTH6K)Jijb [v^is^t^ib^uP]
cejibi merry, gay, cheerful, m -51, -en hall, lobby.
lively. BecTJb [v^esH'', -z^'d^] /
BeceHHHH [v^i^^s^en^n^'iy] a -H, -eft news, word;
spring {time, etc). <> nponacTb 6e3 eecxH be
eecjHTb [v^'es^it^] imperf missing (in action).
eemy, -nuib, p -hji weigh Beclbi [v^i^sl] pi -OB scales,
{have a certain weight). balance.
BecK|HH [v^'esk^iy] a -an, eecb [v^es'', -z^] 1 pron
-oe, -He, sh f bccok, -a, -o, def m
Bcero, BceNiy, —
-H weighty {argument, word, BceM, (o6o) BceM, bch /, Bce
etc) . n, Bce all, (the) whole,
Becjito [v^i^slo] rt -a, pi the whole of; no Bceft cxpane
Becjia, Beceji, Bec.TiaM oar; all over the country, through-
scull;paddle {of a canoe); out the country; bo bccm
HATH Ha Becjiax row, row a MHpe all over the world;
boat. II as a noun 1. Bce p/ -x
BCCHla [v^i^sna] / -bi, pi all; everybody; 2. Bce n
eecHbi, BeccH, BecHajvi spring Bcero everything, all;
(a season), <> Bcero xopoiuero! good-bye!
BCCHofi [v^i^snoy] adv in BecbMa [v^'i^s^'ma] adv high-
spring; 6yAymeH [npoiuJiOH] ly, greatly; rather {interesting,
~ next [last] spring. etc).
BecHyiii|Ka [v^i^snushks] / BeTJep [v^et^ir] m
-pa (-py),
-KH, -eK {mostly pi) freckle. pi -pbi, -poB wind {air in
eecTH [v^i^s^t^i] imperf motion);
BeAy, BeAeuib, p bcji, Bejia, O ^pocaxb cjioBa na ~ep
imp BeAH, nojBecTH [pav^i^- speak to the wind; y Hero
s^t'i] perf a concrete action, ~ep B rojioBe col he is
movement in a definite direc- light-minded/ empty-headed.
Bet S8-*

BerepHHap [v*'it^ir^inar] m Beiuarb II [v^eshat**] im-

-a, -OB veterinary (surgeon). perf -aK), -aeuib, ciBeiijaTb
BerlKa [v^etlo] / -KH, -ok 1. [s'^v^eshat^] perf weigh,
branch {of a tree); twig; 2.: weigh out.
jKejiesHOAopo^Han ~Ka rly BCLuy [v^eshu] see secHTb.
branch line. BemecTBJo [v'^ish^ii^stvo] n
BeTpeH|biH [v^etr^iniy] a sh -a, BemecTB matter, sub-
/ ~, -a, -o, -bi 1. windy stance; oxpaBJiHramHe ~a poi-
{day, etc); fig frivolous,
2. son-gases; BspbiBMaxbie ~a
empty-headed; flighty. explosives.
BerxJHH [v^etkh^iy] a -an, Bemjb [v^esh^:, -zh^:] / h,
-oe, -He, sh f -^, -a, -o, -h pi -H, -eH 1. thing (1) any
decrepit; ramshackle; thread- object; 2) a fact, idea, etc); 2.
bare {clothes). pi things, belongings; clothes;
BeTHHHJa [v'lf'ch^ina] / -bi luggage, baggage; 3. work
ham {food). {a literary, etc, composition);
BCHep [v^ech''ir] -a, m
pi 3T0 xopouian ~b this is a
-a, -OB 1. evening; no '-aw good book [play, piece, etc].
in the evening(s); 2. (eve- BCK) [v^eyu], Beeuib [v^e-
ning) party, social. yash, -zh] $ee BCJixb.
BCMepHHH [v^'i^ch^ern^iy] a BefljiJKa [v^eyalka] / -kh,
evening {paper, dress, etc). -OK winnowing-fan, winnow.
Be«jepOM [v^ech'^iram] adv in BeflHHJe [v'^eyan^'iya] n -h,
the evening; ceroAHH -- this -H 1. blowing {of wind); 2.
evening; tonight {before mid- trend, tendency; HOBbie ~h
night); Bqepa [aaexpa] — new ideas / trends.
yesterday [tomorrow] evening; BCHTb [v^eyat^] imperf bck),
last [tomorrow] night {before Beeuib, p bchji, imp Beii
midnight). 1. blow {of wind); 2. winnow
ne4H|biH [v^ech'^niy] a sh f {grain).
BeweH, -a, -o, -u eternal, B3a;i [vzat] adv: — h Bne-
everlasting; perpetual; na peA to and fro, backwards
— bie BpeMena for ever. and forwards, back and forth.
Bemaji|Ka [v^eshalka] / -kh, BsaHMHlbiH [vzAimniy] a
-OK I. peg {for hanging up sh f BaaHMeH, -a, -o, -h mu-
things); stand {for coats and, tual, reciprocal.
hats); hanger {for clothes); B3aHM0AeHCTBH|e [vzaimA-
2. cloak-room {for coats and d^'eys^t^v^iya] n -h, -u inter-
hats); 3. tab, hanger {of a action; co-operation.
coat, etc). BaaHMooTHomeHM |e [ vzaimA-
Bemlaxb I [v'^eshat*'] imperf AtnAshen^iya] n -h, -h inter-
-BK), aeiub, noBejCHTb [pAV^'e- relation; ^-h Me>KAy cipana-
s^if"] per f -luy, -cHmb,p -chji, MH relations between coun-
imp -Cb hang, hang up. tries.
— 39 — B3M

B3aHMon6Moiu|b [vz8imAp6- B3B0JIH0BaTb See BOJIHOBaTb.

mash^:, -zh*':] / -h mutual B3B0JIH0BaTbCfl SCe BOJIHO-
assistance; mutual aid. BaTbCH.
BsaHMonoHHMaHH e [ vzAima-
B3rjiflA[vzgl^at, -d] m -a, -oe
pan^iman^iya] n -a mutual 1. look, glance; stare, gaze;
understanding. 2. view, opinion;
BsaAMbi [vzAym*! adv: bshtb <> Ha nepBuii —
on the face
^ borrow, obtain on loan; of it; c nepBoro -^a at first
AaTb — lend {money, etc). sight.
BsaMCH .[vzAm^en] 1 adv BsrjisiHlyTb [vzgl^i^nut^]
instead; in exchange; perf -y, BSPJiflHemi?, p -yji,
II prep with gen instead of; in imp -H have a look {at), cast
exchange for, in return for. a glance {at), look {at).
B36epHCb [vzh^'i^r^is^, -z^j, B3flop [vzdor] -a non- m
BsSepHTCCb [vzb^i^r'it^is^.-z^j sense; stuff and nonsense.
imp of B3o6paTbCH; see bsCh- BSAOXHyrb see BSAHxaib 1.
paxbca. B3flparHB|aTb [vzdrag^ivat**]
B36€pycb [vzb'i^rus^, -z^], imperf -aio, -aemb, BSflpor*
B36epeuibC5i [vzb'i^r^shs'a] Hlytb [vzdr6gnut**] perf -y,
Jst & 2nd persons of B3o6paTb- -euib, p -yji, imp -h start,
ch; see BsSHpaibCH. flinch.
B36ecHTb see 6ecHTb. B3AwxliTb [vzdikh^t^] /m-
BsSecHTbCfl see 6ecHTbCH. ^aemb, B3A0XH|yTb
perf' -aK>,
B36HplaTbCJi [vzbMratt^a] [vzdAkhnut^] perf -y, -emb,
imperf -aiocb, -^euJbCH, b30- p -yji, imp -H 1. sigh {with
6pa|TbC5i [vzAbratt§a] perf sadness, etc); 2. {no perf) sigh
B36epycb, B36epembCH, p -jich, {for), yearn {for); be sweet
-Jiacb, imp B36epHCb, B36e- {on);
pHTecb climb (up) (a hill, <> BSAoxHyxb cbo66aho breathe
e/c); climb {on to). freely / again.
B3BeCHT|> see B3BeUIHBaTb. BSHMlajb [vz^'imat*'] imperf
B3BeujHB{aTb [yzv^eshiyat^] -aio, -apuib levy, collect;
imperf -aio, -aeiub, B3Be|ci{Tt> raise {taxes, etc).
[vzv^es^it*] perf -my, -pHuib, B3JieT|aTb [vz^l^i^tat^] im-
p 'CHJi, imp -cb weigh, weigh perf .aio, -§eiiib, B3Jie|TeTb
out. [vz^Pi^t^et'l perf -qy, -THmb,
B3B0A [vzvot, -d] m -a, -ob p -xeji, imp -TH fly up; take
mil platoon. off {of an aircraft);
B3BOJlH6BaHH|blJI [VZVAlnO- <> B3jieTeTb Ha BdsAyx blow
vanniy] a [pa] sh f bsboji- up.
p6BaH, -a, -0, -bi agitated, B3MaxHB|aTb [vzmakh^i-
troubled, perturbed; anxious, vat^] imperf -aemb,
uneasy; excited {by some news, B3MaxH|yTb [vzmAkhnut^i
etc). perf -y, -emb, p -yji, imp -h
B3M — 40 —
flap (wings); wave {hands, 2. view, scene, sight; na ~
a kerchief, etc). Mope view of the sea; Kpa-
BSMOpble [vzmor^'ya] n -h CHBbiH ~
beautiful sight;
seaside; seashore; beach {of beautiful landscape; 3. pi
a sea). views, prospects; 4. sight
B3H0C [vznos, -z] m -a, -ob {space within vision); ckpuxb-
1. mstalment, payment; CH H3 BHAy disappear, pass
2. payment {the amount paid); out of sight; noxepnxb hb
HjieHCKHe -~bi membership BHAy lose sight of; npH —e
dues; BCiynHTeJibHUH en- ~ at the sight {of);
trance fee. <> HMexb B ~y 1) mean,
B3o6paTbCH see esSHpaTbCH. imply; bear in
2) mind;
B30HTH seeBcxoj\mb. 3) intend; HMeiixeB --^, hxo...
B30p [vzor] m -a, -oe look; mind that...; hh uojk KaKHM
gaze; ycxpeMHib ^ Ha kofo-ji. —CM by no means, on no
fix one's eyes on smb; see account; noA ~om under the
--bi 6biJiH npHKoeaHbi k cuene guise {of).
everybody's eyes were fixed BHA II [v'^it, -d] m -a(-y),
on the stage. pi -bi, -OB 1. kind, sort;
BsopBaxb see BspbieaTb. 2. biol species; 3. ling as-
B3p6cjibiif [vzrosliy] a {also pect.
used as a noun B3p6cjilbiH BHAJexb [v^id^'it'*] imperf
m -oro, -bix) grown-up, adult. BH>Ky, -HUJb, p -ejl, yiBHACXb
B3pbiB [vzrif, -v] -a, -obm [uv^id^'it^] perf 1. see {light,

1. explosion; 2. fig burst, things, etc); 2. {no perf) see

outburst, explosion. {have sight); h xopomo [njio-
B3pbiB|aTb [vzrivat^] imperf xo] BHJKy I have good [poor]
-aK), -aeiiib, BsopBlaxb [vzAr- eyesight; 3. meet, see; AaBHO
vat^] perf -y, -eiiib, p -aji, H Bac He —eji! it's a long
-ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, /mp-riblow time since I saw you!; 4. live
up, explode; blast; set off through, see, experience;
(a charge). 5. fig see, realize;
B3bicKaHH|e [vztskan^iya] n <0> BHAeXb KOrO-JI. HaCKBOSb
-H, -H punishment, penalty; see through smb.
formal reprimand. BHAlexbCH [v'^id^ittsa] im-
BSMTJKa [vz^atka] / -kh, perf BHMCyCb, -HUIbCH, P -eACH,
-OK bribe, graft. -ejiacb, y-BHAexbCJi [uv^'id^'i-
B35iTb see 6paTb. ttja] perf see each other, meet.
BsnTbCH see SpaxbCH. BHAMMO [v^id^'ima] parenth
BHfl I [v^it, -d] m
-a (-y), evidently.
pi -bi, -08 1. appearance, look, BHAHO [v^idna] I impers
air; y Hero njioxoft he ~ predic: MHe xe6H ne ^ I don't
doesn't look well; eMy Ha ~- see you; 6biJio xopomo one ^
jiex copoK he looks about 40; could see well; caMOAexa euie
— 41 — BHT

He -- the plane is not in bhh|6 [v^ino] n -a, pi

sight yet; '~', mto oh npHro- BHHa, -~, BHHaM wine.
TOBHji ypoK it is clear that BMHOBaxlbiH [v^inAvatiy]
he's done his lesson; a s/i / — -a, -o, -bi guilty;

II parenth evidently; proba- —biH B3rjiH;^ guilty look;

bly. apologetic look;
bhahIbih [v^idniy]. a sh f <> —I sorry!
BHAen, -a, -o, -bi bhh6bhmk [v^inovn^ik, -g]
(-bi) 1. visi-
ble, seen; conspicuous, notice- m -a, -OB he who is guilty;
able; 2. distinguished, prom- he who is to blame; culprit,
inent; 3. col portly, hand- offender;
some. <> •— TopjKecTBa hero of the
BM«y [v^izhuj see BHAeTb. festivities.
BHJKycb [v^izhus^, -z^] see BHHorpaA [v^inAgrat, -d] m
BH^eTbCH. -a grapes; vine.
BH3r [v'isk, -zg] m -a (-y) BHHorpaAHHK [v^inAgrad^-
squeal, screech; yelp. n^ik, -g] m
-a, -ob vineyard.
BH3)K|aTb [v^izh^:at^] im- BHHT [v^int, -d] m-a, pi
perf -y, -Hiiib, p -aji, imp -h -bi, -OB 1. screw {for fasten-
squeal, screech; squall; yelp. ing); 2. (screw-)propeller.
BH3HT [v^iz^it, -d] m -a, BHHTOBJKa [v^intofka] / -kh,
-03 visit, call. -OK rifle.
BHJi [v^il], BHJia [v^ila] see BHOJIOHHeJilb [v^i8lAn^-
BHTb. ch^eP] / -H, -eft cello.
BHji|Ka [v^ilka] / -kh, -ok BHcjeTb [v^is^et^] imperf
fork {to take up food). BHmy, -Huib, p -eji, imp -h
BHjicfl [v^ils^a], BHjiacb [v^i- hang; be' suspended.
las^, -z^] see BHTbCH. BHcloK [v^isok, -g] m -Ka,
BHjijbi [v^iU] pi —
pitch- pi -KH, -KOB temple {of the
fork, fork; head).
<> ~aMH Ha / no Bojie nHca- BHTpHHla [v^itr^ina] / -bi,
HO ^ it is none so sure, it -~ 1. shop window; 2. show-
is still very vague. -case.
BHHJa [v^ina] / -h guilt; BHTb [v^it''] imperf BbK),
fault, blame; no ~e Koro-ji, BbeUIb, p BHJI, BHJia, BHJIO, BH-
through smb's fault; CTasHTb jiH, imp Beft, CBH|Tb [s^v^it'']
KOMy-ji. B ^y blame smb, perf coBbK), coBbeuib, p -ji,
reproach smb; ceajiHTb ~y -jia, -Jio, -jiH, imp CBCH twist
Ha Koro-ji. lay the blame on {wind together); weave;
smb. <> CBHTb rHe3A6 build a nest.
BHHerpex [v^'in^i^gr^'et, -d] BHTbCJi [v^ittja] imperf Bbex-
m -a, -OB Russian salad. CH, p BHJICH, BHJiaCb 1. CUfl
BHHJHTb [v^in^it^] imperf {of hair); 2. wind, meander;
-K), -Hjub, p -HJi, imp -H blame. 3, hover {of birds, etc).
BHX 42 —
BHXpjb [v^ikhr^] m -h, -eft -OB taste; 6biTb cjia^KHM na —
whirlwind {also fig). taste sweet; y Hero xopoiunft
BHUiJHfl [v^'ishn^a] / -hh, ~ he shows good taste; co
-eH cherry; cherry-tree. ~0M tastefully; npHHTHCb no
BHiuy [v^'ishu] see BHceib. --y KOMy-ji. be to smb's
-a, -ob
BKjiaA [fklat, -d] m taste, suit smb's taste; be
1. deposit {money put in a just what one wants; o ~ax
bank); investment; 2. contri- He cnopHT •
tastes differ;
bution {to science, etc). <> BXOflHTb BO ~
BKJiaAWBlaTb [fkladivat^] begin to enjoy smth.
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, BJio}K|HTb BKycHlwH [fkusniy] a sh f
[vlAzhlt^] perf -y, BJi6>KHiiib, BKycen, -a, -o, -bi (-bi) tasty,
p -HJi, imp -H 1. put in, palatable; delicious {food);
insert; ~aTb MHorocH/i [snep- KaK ^o! it does taste good!
thh] apply much effort [ener- BJiar|a [vlaga] / -h mois-
gy] {to); 2. invest {money). ture.
BKJii04|aTb [fkPuch^at^] im- Bjiaflejileu [vUd^el^its, -dz]
perf -aiO, -aeilJb, BKJIK)4|HTb m -bua, -bueB owner, propri-
[fkl^uch^if]' perf -y, -ikuib, etor.
p -HJI, imp -H 1. include {in); BjiaAJeTb [vlAd^ef*] imperf
insert; 2. include, contain, -eio, -eeiiib 1, possess, own,
embrace; 3. technot engage, have; 2. be able to use, know
start; switch on {make an elec- how to use; wield {a weapon,
tric circuit). etc); BJia^eTb HHOcipaHHbiM
BKjiiOHJaTbcj! [f kPuch^'attsa] HSbiKOM know a foreign lan-
imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, bkjik)- guage; 3. fig possess, occupy
H|HTbCM [fk^uch'^ittja] perf {of a thought, etc);
-yCb, -HIlIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, <> BjiaA^Tb co66fi control
imp -HCb, -HTecb join in; enter oneself.
{engage in). BJiax(H|Mfi [vlazhnty] a shf
BKjuoMan [fkPuch^aya] prep BJiajKen, -a, -o, -bi damp;
with ace including; included. moist, humid; wet {wind, etc).
BKjiioHHTejibHo [fkl^'uch^i- BJiacTHlwH [vlasniy] ashf
t^iPna] adv included. BJiacTeH, -a, -o, -bi imperious,
BKJIIOHHTb see BKJIIOMaTb. commanding; —hh ^ejiOBCK
BKJIIOHHTbCSI see BKJIIOqaTbCH. masterful person; wh toh —
BKocb [fkos^, -z^] adv ob- peremptory tone.
liquely; BJiacT|b [vlasM^, -z^d**] /
<> BKpHBb H ~ 1) in a slip- -H, pi -H, -efl 1. power, au-
shod/disorderly manner; 2) fig thority; coBeicKan ~b Soviet
perversely, in the wrong way. power, Soviet Government;
BKpaTue [fkrats9] adv brief- ~b Ha Mecxax local authori-
ly, in short. ties; CTOHTby ~H be in pow-
BKyc [fkus, -z] m -a (-y), er; 2. pi authorities.
43 — BMC

BJieeo [vl^eva] adv to the BJIKCM fve-el-ka-es-em]

left; —
oTMero-ji. to the left ahbrev (m) (=BcecoK)3Hbm Jle-
of smth; on the left of smth. HHHCKHH KOMMyHHCTH^eCKHH
BjiesjaTb [vPi^zat^] imperf CoK)3 MojioAe>KH) L.Y.C.L.S.U.
-aK), -aeiub, ejieslib [vl^es^t^] (Leninist Young Commu-
perf -y, -eiub, p —, -Jia, imp nist League of the Soviet
-b 1. climb (up) {a tree, etc); Union).
climb {on to); 2. get in, climb BJlOJKHTb see EKJia^blBaXb.
in; get (into), climb (into); BJIH)5HTbC5I see BJlK)6jlHTbC5I.
3. col {when there is
go in BJiK)6jilflTbC5i [vPubPattsa]
enough room); go {into a con- imperf -Hiocb, -neiubCH, bjiw-
tainer). S'lHTbcsi [vl^ub^ittja] perf
[vl^ey] imp of BJiHXb;
BJicH -JIK)Cb,BJllb6HmbCH, p -HJICH,
see BjiHBaTb. -HJiacB, imp -HCb, -Hxecb fall
BjieHeHHJe [vl^i'^ch^en^iya] n in love {with).
-H, -H bent {for), inclination BMecre [vm^es^t^i] adv to-
{for); attraction {to smb); gether;
HMexb ~e K Heuy-Ji. [k ko- <> -- c TCM at the same time.
My-Ji.] be drawn to smth [to BMecTMTejibH|biH [vm^i^-
smb]. s^f'it^il^niy] a sh f bmccth-
BJie|Hb [vPech^] imperf -Ky, TCJiCH, -a, -o, -bi spacious,
-Meiiib, p BJieK, -KJia roomy.
attract {excite interest, etc); BMCcTHTb see BMemaxb.
<> ~Hb 3a co66h involve, BMecTMTbCM see BMemaxbCH.
entail. BMecTO [vm^esta] prep with
BjiHBJaTb [vPivat^] imperf gen instead of, in place of;
-aK), -aeiub, BjiHlxb [vPit^] ~ Toro, HT66bi noHTH ry^a,
perf BOjibK), BOJibeuib, p -ji, OH... instead of going there
-jik, -jio, -jiH, imp Bjiefi 1. pour he...
in {a liquid); pour {a liquid BMeuiarejibCTB o [ vm^i^sha- ]

into smth); 2 fig give, instil t^il^stv9] n -a interference

{courage, etc). {in); intervention.
BJiHjiHH|e [vl^iyan^iya] n BMeiuaibCfl see BMeiuHBaib-
-H, -H 1. influence {on); OKa- CH.
sbiBaib --e exert influence, BMeuiJHBaTbcw [vm^eshiv9-
influence; 2. authority, influ- i\s^]imperf -HBaiocb, -HBaeuib-
ence. CH, BMeiii|aTbC5i [vm^'i^sha-
BjiHnrejibHJbiii [vl^iyat^iP- tts9] perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH in-
niy] a sh f BjiHHTejien, -a, terfere (in); meddle {in); step
-o, -bi influential. {in), intervene.
BJiHl«Tb [vl^iyat''] imperf BMcmlaxb [vm^i^sh^:at'']
-Hio. -Heiub, nojBJiHaTb [pa- imperf -aw, -aeuib, BMecxlHTb
vl^iyat^] perf influence; af- [vm^i^s^t^it^] perf BMemy,
fect, have an effect {on). -Hiiib, p -HJi hold, contain;

BMe — 44

seat (0/ a hall)', accommodate -z^d^j /j-H appearance, look(s);

(0/ a block of flats, etc). exterior.
BMem|aTbCJi [vm^'i^sh^ia- BHH3 [vn^is, -z] adv 1.
ttja] imperf down,
-aK)Cb, -aeuibCH, downwards, below;
BMCCTlHTbCJi cnycKaTbCH — go down, de-
perf BMemycb, -HuibCH, scend; go downstairs; 2.: ^
-HJiCH, -HJiacb go in {when no TeMeHHK) downstream; -^
there is enough room); go no Okc down the Oka.
{into a container). BHHsy [vn^izu] I adv below
BMHr [vmik, -g] adv in an {in a lower place); down-
instant, in no time. stairs {on a lower floor);
BHacM [vnAyom], BHafiMbi II prep with gen at the bot-
[vnAymt] adv: Spaxb — liire; tom of, at the foot of.
rent {from smb); CAaaaxb — BHHKlaib [vn^ikat^] imperf
hire -out; let, rent. -aio, -aeuib, BHiiKH|yTb [vn^ik-
BHanajie [vnAch^'al^i] adv nut^] perf -y, -euib, p bhhk,
at first, in the beginning. BHHKJia, imp -H try to under-
BHe [vn**e] prep with gen stand, go deep {into); scru-
outside, out of; KOHKypca^ tinize, examine carefully (a
hors concours; ~
njiana not matter, etc).
envisaged by the plan; over BHHMaHHJe [vn^iman^iya] rt
and above the plan; no^o- ~ -H 1. attention; o6paTHTb —e
speHHH ^bove suspicion; ~ Ha qTo-ji. pay attention to
coMHeHHH beyond doubt; smth; o6paTHTb qbe-ji. —eHa
<^ — ce6fl beside oneself. qjo-ji. draw smb's attention
BHCApHTb see BHe^pHTb. to smth; 2. kindness {to),
BHCflplflTb [vn^i^dr^'at^] im- consideration{for), ccnsider-
perf -HK), -neillb, BHeflp|HTb ateness;
[vn^'i^dr^'it-^] perf -ib, -Huib, <> npMHHTb BO --e take into
p -HJi, imp -H introduce {new consideration / account.
methods of production, etc, BHHMaTejibH|biM [vn^ima-
in industry, etc); inculcate, f'lPniy] a sh f BHHMaxejieH,
instil. -a, -o, -bi 1. attentive; care-
BHeaanHo [vn^i^zapna] adv ful; 2. considerate, kind {to),
suddenly, all of a sudden. thoughtful {of).
BHeoHepeflHOH [vn^'iAch^'i- BHHHbK) [vn^ich^yu] adv:
r^'i^dnoy] a 1. out of turn, out Hrpa oKOHMHjiacb -- the game
of order; 2. extraordinary, ended in a draw; cbirparb —
special {session, etc). draw {a game).
BHCCTH see BHOCHTb. BHOBb [vnof^, -v^] adv 1.
BHeuiHHH [vn^eshn^'iy] a 1. anew, again; once more; 2.
outward, external; 2. foreign newly, recently; — npH6biB-
{policy, trade). uiHii 1) newly arrived; 2) new-
BHeuH0CT|b [vn^'eshnas^'t'', -comer, new arrival; — Haaaa-
45 — BOfl

qeHHbiH newly appointed; -- spect; ~aTb AOBepHe be trust-

BbJmeAuiaH KHHra recently worthy.
published book. BHflTHlbifi [vn^atnty] ashf
BHolcHTb [vnAs^it*'] itTiperf BHHTeH-, -a, -o, -bi distinct,
-my, BHocHiiib, p -cHJi, imp audible, comprehensible.
-CH, BHec|TH [vn^i^s^t^i] perf BO see B.
-y, -eiiib, p BHec, -Jia, imp
Bo6paTb see B6HpaTb.
1. bring in, carry in; bring Bo6bK) [vAb^yu], Bo6beuib
{into), carry (into); 2. pay [vAb^yosh, -zh] 1st & 2nd
(in); —CHTb ;^eHbrH pay the persons of BfiHTb; see BSHsaTb.
money; 3. introduce, enter BOBJieK|aTb [vavl^i^kat^]
{write); ~CHTb
HSMeHeHHH imperf -aio, -aeiiib, BOBjie|Hb
make alterations; ~cHTb no- [vAvPech^] perf -Ky, -Meuib,
npaeKH insert amendments; p BOBJieK, -KJia, imp -kh
make corrections; 4. move, draw {into social work, etc).
submit {a proposal). BOBpeMfl [vovr^im'^a] adv
BHyK [vnuk, -g] m -a,-0B in time; opportunely; He -^
grandson. inopportunely; at the wrong
BHyipeHHHH [vnutr^m^n'iy] lime.
a 1. inside; internal, BO-BTOpbix [vaftArtkh] par*
{also fig); 2. home, enth secondly.
internal {not foreign). boa] a [vAda] / -bi, ace B6;^y^
BHyTpeHH0CT|b [vnutr^m- pl BOAbi, ^, B6;;aM water;
n9sM^ -zM^] / Pl rasHpoBaHHan ~a aerated
efl 1. interior, inside; 2. pl water; KHnHHenaH ^a boiled
internal organs; entrails. water; uHTbeBan ^a drinking
BHyxpH [vnutr'^i] I adv in- water; cbipaH ~a unboiled
side, in the interior; water;
II prep with gen inside, <> BblBeCTH Ha HHCTyiO
within, in. BOAy —
bring to light, ex-
BHyrpb [vnutr^l I adv in- pose, unmask; bmhth cyxHM h3
side, inward; ~bi fall on ^
one's feet;
II prep with gen inside, into. get away with murder.
BHy4|Ka [vnuch^ka] / -kh, BOAHTeji|b [vAd^it^il^] m
-BK granddaughter. -H, -eft driver {of a mechani-
BHyuijaxb [vnushat^] imperf cal vehicle).
-aio, -aeiub, BHyuilHTb [vnu- BOAlHTb [VAd**it^] imperf
shit^] perf -y, -HUJb, p -hji, Boscy, BOAHiub, p -HJI, imp
imp -H 1. instil {an idea); -H [cf BecTH 1, 3] 1. lead
bring home {to smb that...); {horses, blind people, etc;
impress {on smb that...); 2. smb by the hand, etc); —HTb
fill {smb with a certain feel- Aeieft ryjiHTb take children
ing); OH -~aeT yBa>KeHHehe for a walk; 2. drive {a car,
commands (everybody's) re- etc); pilot {a plane); 3.: -^mb
Bo;i ~ 46 —
3HaK6MCTBO keep up an ac- {with, against), wage war
quaintance (with); keep up {against).
friendly relations (with); ^^Th BoeHHO..., BoeHHO-... first
ApyjK^y c... be friends with...; element of compounds pertain-
<> ~H[Tb KOrO-Jl. 33. HOC ing to war or armed forces:
col fool smb, dupe smb. BoeHHonjieHHbiH [vaymApPen-
BOAJHTbCfl [vAd^ittja] im- niy] prisoner of war.
-HJICH, -HJiaCb, imp -HCb, navAzdushniy] a: ~bie chjiu
-Hxecb 1. {only in the 3rd Air Force; air forces.
person) be found, be; bojihtch BoeHHO-MopcKiOH [vAyena-
JiH 4)ope;ib B 3T0M osepe? are mATskoy] a -an, -oe, -He na-
there trout in this lake?; val; ~6h (})J1ot Navy.
2. col keep company {with), BoeHHOo6«3aHHibiH [vaymA-
associate {with);, h c to66h Ab^azanniy] m -oro, -bix
He Bo»[ycb I'm not playing reservist.
with you {of children). BoeHHOcjiy3Kaui|HH [vaymA-
BOflKJa fvotks] / -H vodka. sluzhash^:iy] -ero, m
BOAOBOpoT [vadavArot, -d] serviceman, soldier.
m -a, -OB 1. whirlpool; 2. //g BoeHHJHH [vAyenniy] I a
vortex. military, war(-); -^oe nojio-
BOAoeM [vadAyom] m -a, >KeHHe martial law; —bift
-OB body of water; reservoir saBOA munition factory;
{for storing water). 11 as a noun BoeHHlbifl m
BOAOjias [vadAlas, -z] m -orOj -bix serviceman, soldier.
-a, -OB diver {working under- BO)KaT|biH [vAzhatiy] m
water) . -oro, -bix 1. Young Pioneer
BOAonaA [vadApat, -d] m leader; 2. col tram-driver.
-a, -OB waterfall. [vosht^, -zhd^]
BoxcAlb m
BOAonpoBOA [vadaprAvot, -H, leader {of a state,

-d] m
-a, -OB water-pipe, wa- party); chief {of a tribe).
ter-main; running water; wa- BOJKy I [vAzhu] see BOAHTb.
ter-supply. BO»y II [vAzhuJ see bo-
BOAOpoA [vadArot, -d] m SHTb.
-a hydrogen. BOKycb I [vAzhus^, -z^]
BOAopocjilb [vodaras^l^] / see BOAHTbCH.
-H, -eft water-plant; sea- BOJKyCb II [vAzhus^, -z^]
weed. see BOSHTbCH.
BOAOxpaHHjiHu;|e [vada- BOS [vos, -z] m -a (-y), pi
khrAn^il^ish^:9] n -a, ~ res- -bi, -OB 1. cart; 2. cartful
ervoir, storage lake. {of), cart-load {of).
BoeBaJTb [vayi'-'vat^] imperf BOG... pref of verbs
B03..., .

BOioK), Boioeiub, p -Ji, imp denoting 1. upward direction

BOK)H be at war {with), fight of an action: BOSBOAHXb

47 —
[vazvAd^it^] 1) erect (a build- B03Bbiui|aTb [vazvish^t**]
ing, etc); 2) elevate {to a imperf -aio, -aeuib, bosbu-
post, etc); 3) raise, lift up c MTb [vAzvfs^it^] perf eosBbi-
{eyes, hands); 2. repetition of luy, -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp -b
an action or restoration to a exalt, elate, ennoble.
previous state: B03po?Kjt5Tb B03BbiiiieHH|e [vazvtshe-
[v9zrAzhdat^] revive, restore; n^iya] n -h, -h 1. rise, ris-
regenerate, revitalize; Boccia- ing; 2. elevation, rising
HaBJiHBaxb [v8sstAnavPiv9t^] ground; 3. platform, dais.
rehabilitate, restore [see the B03BbimeHH0CT|b [VAZVl-
word in Dictionary]. shannas^t^, -z^d**] / -h, -efi
BOsSyAHTb see B036y}KAaTb. hill, height.
BOsSyjKfljaTb [vazbuzhdat^] B03rjiaBHTb see bosfjibb-
imperf -SiK), -aeiub, B036yiAHTb mrh
[vazbud^it^] perf ->Ky, -jxuuib, B03rjiaBjilflTb[vazglAvl^at^]
p -AHJi, imp -AH 1. excite; imperf -hk), -neiub, B03rjia-
arouse, rouse; provoke {feel- B|HTb [vAzglav^it^] perf -jik),
ings); 2. raise (a question, -Huib, p -HJI, imp -b head,
etc); —axb p,eJio npoiHB ko- be at the head of; perf also
ro-ji. take proceedings against put oneself at the head of.
smb. Bosrjiac [vozglas, -z] -a, m
B036y}KAeHH e [V9zbuzhd*'e- -OB exclamation, cry, shout;

n^iya] n -h, -h 1. excitation; ~bi oAo6peHHH cheers of

' 2. excitement, agitation. approval.
B03BpaTMTb sceB03BpamaTb. BosjlBHrjaTb [vazdv^igat^]
B03BpaTHTbC51 See B03Bpa- imperf -aio, -aeiiib, BOSABHr-
maxbCH. HJyTb [vAzdv^ignut''] perf -y,
BOBBpamlaxb [vazvrA- -euib, p B03;tBHr, Bosflsrir-
sh^rat^] imperf -aio, -aemb, Jia, imp -H erect {a monu-
B03Bpa|THTb [vazvrAt^it^] ment, etc).
perf -my, -xrimb, p -thji, imp B03fleHCTBH|e [vAz^d^ey-
-TH return, give back; pay s^t^v^iya] n -h, -h influence,
back. effect {on); 4)H3HMecKoe ~e
B03Bpam,|aTbcsi [vazvrA- coercion; oKasbmaxb —- e na
sh^rattsa] imperf ^aiocb, -aeiiib- Koro-Ji. influence smb, exert
CH, B03Bpa|THTbC5I [VaZVrA- influence on smb, have effect
t^ittsa] perf -mycb, -THiubCH, on smb.
P -THJICH, -THJiaCb, /mp -THCb, B03AeHCXBloBaxb [vAz^d^ey-
-THTecb return (home, etc); styvaf^] perf & imperf -yio,
come back; go back. -yeiiib, p -OBaji, imp -yft
B03Bpaii;eHH|e [vazvrAsh^:e- influence {smb), exert influ-
n^iya] n -h, -h return {home, ence {on smb).
etc); recurrence. BOSflepHcaxbCfl see BOSAep-
BosBbicHTb see BosBbimaTb. HCHSaXbCfl.
BOS — 48

B03Aep}KHB|aTbCSI [VAZ''- sible; ~aTb BHHy Ha Koro-Ji.

d''erzhtV9tts9] imperf -aKx:b, lay the blame on smb.
-aeuibCH, B03Aep*|aTbcji[v8z^- Bosjie [voz^Pi] prep with
d^i^rzhattsa] perf -ycb, bo3- gen near, beside, by.
flepjKHiubCH, p -aJicH, -ajiacb, B03Ji03KHTb sce BOBJiaraTb.
imp -HCb, -HTecb keep oneself B03Me3AH|e [vAz^m^ez**-
{from), refrain (from), abstain d^iya] n -a retribution, re-
(from). taliation; punishment.
Bos^yx [vozdukh, -gh] m B03MeCTHTb See BOSMCmaTb.
-a air {the atmosphere)', B03Meui,laTb [vazm^i^-
<> BbiHTH Ha go— out- sh^:at^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
doors; Ha (oTKpbiTOM) ~e in B03MecT|HTb [vazm^i^s^t^it^j
the open; out of doors. perf B03Memy, -Hiiib, p -hji,
B03AymH|biH [vAzdushniy] imp -H make up for, compen-
a sh f BOBAymen, -a, -o, -u sate; refund.
air {space, mail, brake, etc)', bo3m6«ho [vAzmozhna] I

~oe coo6meHHe air serv- impers predic it is possible;

ice. ~, ^To OH npHAei it is pos-
B033BaHHle [vAzzvan^iya] n sible that he may come, he
-H, -ft appeal {to the public, may come; Bnojine -— it's
masses); o6paTHTbCH c ~eM quite possible; HacKOJibKO -^
K HapoAy address an appeal as far as possible;
to the people. II parenth perhaps, pos-
B03|HTb [vAz^it^] imperf sibly; OH, ~, npHAeT perhaps
BOHcy, BOBHuib, p -HJi, imp -H he will come, he may
[cf BesTH I] carry {to trans- come.
port); drive {smb in a car, B03M6)KHOCT|b [vAZmOZh-
etc); draw {a cart). nas^t^, -z^d^] / -h, pi -h,
B03|HTbC5i [vAz^ittsa] im- -eft 1. possibility; 2. oppor-
perf BOHCyCb, BOSHIlIbCH, p tunity, chance; HMexb ~b
-HjiCH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, have an opportunity, be
-HTecb 1. romp {of children); able; pi3.potentialities;
2. col potter have trou- means, resources;
ble {with), bother {with). <> no (wepe) —
h as far as
F03Jiar|aTb [vazlAgat''] im- possible; npH nepBOft ---h as
perf -aio, -aeiiib, B03jio}K|HTb soon as possible; at the
[vazlAzhit^] perf -y, bosjio- first opportunity.
HCHUib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. place, B03M6}KH|biH [vAzmozhniy]
lay {a wreath, etc); 2. en- \ a sh f B03M6>KeH, -a, -o,
trust {with), charge {with); -bi possible; feasible;
<> -~aTb HaAe«jibi na ko- 1 1as a noun B03M6>KH|oe
ro-Ji. pin one's hopes on smb; n -oro: CAeJiaTb Bce —oe do
'-aXb OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb Ha one's best, do all in one'?
Koro-Ji. make smb respon- power.
— 49 B03

B03MyTHTejibHlbiH [v9zmu- B03H;a [VAZ^n^a] / -PI col

t^it^il^niy] a sh f bosmyth- 1. romping; fuss, bustle;
TejieH, -a, -o, -bi outrageous, noise, racket; 2. trouble,
shocking, revolting. bother.
B03MyTMTb see BOSMymaxb. B0306HOBHXb 866 B03o6hOB-
maxbCH. B0306HOBJllflXb [V9Z9bnAy-
B03Mym|aTb [v9zmush^:at''] l^at^] imperf -hk),-Heuib,
imperf -aio, -aeuib, B03My- B0306H0B|HTb [v9Z9bnAV^it'']
T|HTb [vazmut^it^J perf bob- perf -Jiio, -Huib, p -HJi, imp
Mymy, -Hiiib, p -HJi make -H renew {an agreement, etc)',
indignant, arouse indigna- resume {talks, etc).
tion; exasperate. BOBpaKJaxb [v9zrAzhat^]
B03Mym|aTbCH [v9zmush^:a- imperf -aio, -aeuib, Bospa-
tts9] imperf -aiocb, -aembCH, 3lMTb [v9zrAz^it^] perf bo3-
B03MyT|HTbcji [v9zmut^ittj9i pa>Ky, -Hiiib, p -HJI, imp -h
p6rf BOSMymycb, -riuibCH, p object {to), raise an objection
-HJiCH, -HJiacb be indignant, {to);Bbi He 6y;;exe '—axb,
be filled with indignation; H oxKpoK) OKHo? do you
be outraged. mind my opening the win-
BOswymeHHle [v9zmush'':e- dow?
n^iy9] n -h indignation; re- BOBpacT [v6zr9st, -zd] m
sentment. -a, -OB age {time of life)":,
BOSHarpajiHTb S6e BOSHa- B '-e AecHXH Jiex at the age
> rpajKAaxb. of ten;
B03HarpaH(A|axb [v9zn9- <> BbiHXH H3 --a pass the
grAzhdat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, age limit; be no longer of
B03Ha^pa;^|HXb [v9zn9grA- {some) age; be too old {for
d^it**] perf BOSHarpaHcy, -riuib, smth.).
p -HJI, imp -H reward, re- B03pacT|axb [vazrAstat^]
compense; remunerate. imperf -aex, B03p|acTH [vaz-
B03Harpa)KJieHM|e fv9zn9- rAs^t^i] perf -acxex, p -6c,
grAzhd^en^iyg] n -h, -h re- -ocjia increase, grow.
ward, recompense; remune- B03pOAHXb see BospojK^axb.
ration; 3a He6ojibiii6e —e for B03pOAHTbCJI 866 B03pO«-
a small consideration. AaxbCH.
BosHHKJaTb [vaz'^n^ikat^J B03po)K;i|axb [v9zrAzhdat^]
imperf -aex,B03HHKH|yxb imperf -aio, -aeuib, B03po-
[vAz^'n^iknut^] perf -ex, p flJHXb [v9zrAd^it^] perf bo3-
B03HHK, B03HHKJia arise, pojKy, -Hiub, p -HJi, imp -h
spring up, come into being; revive, restore; regenerate,
y MeHH ~aex noAOspeHHe, revitalize.
1X0... I'm beginning to sus- B03po>KAlaTbCJi [v9zrAzh-
pect that... datt^9] imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibca.
B03 50-
BoapofllHTbca [v9zrAd^itts9] rpa>KAaHCKaH ^a civil war;
perf B03po>Kycb, -HiubCH, p axoMHan ^a
nuclear warfare;
-HJICH, -HJiaCb, imp -HCb, BecTH '-y wage war, wage/
-Hxecb revive {to life, etc). fight a war; o6-bHBJiHTb ~-y
B03po%AeHH|e [v9zrAzhd^e- declare war.
n^iya] n -h 1. revival, re- BOHCKa [vAyska] pi bohck
birth; 2. (B.) hist Rennais- {sing BOHCK o n -a) troops,

sance; snoxa '-H Rennais- forces, force; dpoHexaHKOBbie

sance. ~ armoured forces; Bos^yin-
B03bMH [vAz^m^i] imp of HOAecaHTHbie ~ airborne
BSHTb; iee 6paTb. troops.
BOSbMHCb [vAz^m'^is^, -z^], BOHTH see BXOAHTb.
B03bMHTeCb[vAZ^m^it^IS^, -z^] BOKsaji [vAgzal] -a, -ob m
imp of B3HTbCH; see dpaibCH. (railway) station; peqHofl ~
BOSbMy [vAz^'mu], BosbMeiiib river transport station.
[vAz^m^osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd BOKpyr [vAkruk, -g] prep
persons esHTb; see 6paTb.
of with gen &a(it^ around, round
BOSbMyCb [vAZ^'mus^, -z^] {!) on all sides; 2) in a
B03bMembcji [vAz^m^oshs^a] circle);
1st & 2nd persons of esHTbCH; <> ~ Aa OKOJio col = beating
see 6paTbCJi. about the bush.
BOHH [voin] m -a, -ob sol- BOJi [vol] m -a, -OB ox.
dier, fighting man; warrior BOJiAbip|b [vAldfr^] m -h,
(also poetical). -eft blister {on the skin);
b6hhck|hh [voinsk^iy] a bump, swelling.
-aa, -oe, -He military {hon- BOjiefiSoji [vaPi^ybol] m -a
ours, service, etc); martial volley-ball.
{spirit, etc); ~aH noBHHHOcxb BOJiCH- Heeojiefi [vol^iyn^i^-
conscription, compulsory mil- voPiy] adv willy-nilly.
itary service. BOjiK [volk, -g] -a, pi m
BOHHCTBeHHbiH [vAinstv^m- -H, -OB wolf {an animal).
nty] a bellicose, warlike. BOjiHJa [vAlna] / -bi, pi
BOHHCTByK)lU,|HH [VAinstvU- BOJJHbl, -~, -aM (BOJIHaM),
yubh^'iiy] a -an, -ee, -He mil- -aMH (BOJiHaMH), (o) -ax (boji-
itant,combative. Hax) wave {!) of water, etc;
BOH I [voy] m BOH howl, 2) phys; 3) fig); BspbiBHan
howling; wail. —a blast.
Boii [voy] see BbiTb.
II BOjiHeHH|e [vAln^'en^iya] n
BOHJiOK [voylak, -g] m -a -H, pi -H, -H 1. roughness (o/
thick felt. water); na MOpe ^e the sea
BOHH la [vAyna] / -bi, pi is rough; 2. excitement, agi-
BOHHbi, ~, BOHHaM War; War- tation, emotion; nervousness,

fare; BeJiHKaH OreMecTBeH- being nervous; 3. pi riots,

Haa '^a Great Patriotic War; disturbances.
— 51 -^ BOO

BOjiH|oBaTb [valnAvat^] im- BOJlbK) [VAPyu], BOJIbSuib

perf -yvD, -yeuib, p -OEaJi, imp [vApyosh, -zh] 1st & 2nd
-yn, BsjeojiHoeaTb [vzval- persons of BjiHXb; seeBJiHsaTb.
HAvat^] perf excite, agitate; BOJiifl [v61''9] / -H 1. will
upset (0/ had news, etc)', dis- {1) strong, weak, etc; 2) to
turb, worry; move {smb live, etc); CHJia ^-h will-pow-
deeply, etc). er; liberty, freedom; Ha
BOJiH|oBaTbC5i [ valoAvattja] ~e liberty, free;
at oiny-
imperf -yiocb, -yeiubCH, p CKaxb na ~io set at liberty;
-OBajicH, -OBajiacb, imp -yflcH, <> JiioAH AoSpoH ~H people
-yHTeCb, BSJBOJlHOBaTbCSI of good will; AaBaxb —10
[vzvalnAvattja] perf 1. ripple; give vent to (emotions, etc),
be rough {of water); 2. be nerv- BOH I [von] col I adv out
ous; be excited; t)e disturbed, {outward); Bbirnaxb -- turn
be worried; be upset. ' out, chuck out; Bb'mxH ~ go
BOJioKHTJa [valAk^ita] / -bi out;
red tape; col long and trouble- II inter]' away!, away with
some affair. you!; ~
oxciOAa!, nomeji -~!
BOJioKHJo [valAkno] n -a, get out (of here)!, clear out!
pi BOJIOKHa, BOJIOKOH, BOJIOK- BOH II [von] pa/-^ co/ there,
HaM fibre (a thread or thread- over there; ~
oh H^ex there
like substance). he there he is coming;
BOJioc [volas, -z] m
-a, pi — xaM over there;
-bi, BOJioc, -aM 1. pi hair {of <> BOH OHO Hxo! SO that's it!
people); head of hair; 2. hair BOHsjaxb [vAnzat^] imperf
{of animals); kohckhh -- -aK), -aeujb, BOHSjuxb [vAn^-
horsehair. z'^it^] pert BOHJKy, -Huib, p
bojioc|6k [valAsok, -g] m -HJi, imp -H stick {a pin, etc);
-Ka, -KOB 1, dim of bojioc; thrust, stab {a knife, etc).
2. filament {in electric lamps); BOHJb [von**] / -H <:o/ stink,
hair {in instruments); stench.
<> 6biTb Ha ~6k ot Hcro-Ji. Boo6paiK|axb [vAAbrAzhat'']
be within a hairbreadth of imperf -aio, -aeiiib, Boo6pa-
smth; BHceTb/flepmaxbCfl Ha 3|Hxb [vAAbrAz'^it^] perf boo-
~Ke hang by a thread. 6pamy, -Huib, p -hji, imp -h
B0jiuie6H|biH [vAlshebniy] imagine, fancy; —axb ce6e
a sh f B0Jiiiie6eH, -a, -o, -bi qxo-Ji, take smth into one's
1. magic; 2. enchanting, be- head, imagine smth; —aio,
witching. KaK OH y;],HBHJiCH! col I can
BOJibHJbiH [voPniy] a sh f just imagine how surprised
BOJieH, -a, -o, -bi (-b'l) 1. free he was!;
{thought, etc); 2. impudent, <> (MHoro) ~axb o ce6e col
free, familiar {behaviour, think too much of oneself;
etc). BOo6pa3uxe! fancy!
BOO 52 —
BOo6pa%eHHle [vAAbrAzhe- BOopy»HTbcsi see eoopy-
n^iya] n -h imagination. JKaXbCH.
Boo6pa3HTb see BooSpan^aTb. BO-nepBbix [vAp^ervtkh]
Boo6ii;e [vAApsh^ie] adv 1. parenth firstly, in the first
in general, generally; on the place.
whole; 2. always, on all BonHK)ii;|HH [V9p^iyush*':iy]
occasions; 3. in neg sentences a -an, -ee, -He crying, noto-
at all; oh — ne snaex sto- rious, scandalous; ~ee npo-
ro he doesn't know this at THBOpeMHe flagrant contradic-
all. tion.
BOOAyuicBHTb see eoo/tymeB- BonjioTHTb see BonJiomarb.
JIHTb. BonjiomjaTb [v9plAsh'':at*']
B00flyuieBJieHH|e [vadusht^- imperf -aio, -aeuib, Bonjio-
vPen^iya] n -h 1. inspiring, TJHTb [vaplAt^it^] perf bo-
rousing; 2. enthusiasm, inspi- njiomy, -rimb, p -hji, imp -h
ration. incarnate, embody {an idea,
BooAyuieBjil«Tb [vadushi^v- etc); personify, be the per-
Pat^] imperf -hk), -neiub, sonification of; -~aTb b ce6e
Booji.yiiieB{HTb [vadusht^v^'it^] personify, be the personifi-
perf -jiK), -Huib, p -HJi, imp cation / embodiment of; ~aTb
-H inspire, fill with enthu- B )KH3Hb realize, bring into
siasm. fact.
Boopy}K|aTb [vAAruzhat^] Bonji|b [vopl^] m
-H, -eft
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, Boopy- (loud) cry, howl; wail {of
»CiHTb [vAAruzhtt^] perf -y, sorrow).
-HUib, p -HJI, imp -H arm BonpeKH [vapr^i^k^i] prep
{with); equip {with weapons) with dat in spite of, despite;
{both also fig). contrary to; '^ HheMy-Ji. me-
Boopymjarbcji [vAAruzha- jiaHHK) against smb's desire.
ttj9] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, Bonpoc [vApros, -z] -a, m
B00py}K|iiTbCfl [vAAruzhtttja] -OB question; point {in a de-
perf -ycb, -HiubCH, p -hjich, bate); aa^aib ~
ask a ques-
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -HTecb tion; 3T0 cepbesHbiH — it is
arm, arm oneself (with) a serious matter; -- b tom,
{also fig). mo... the point is that...;
BOopyiKeHHJe [vAAruzhe- <> ~ »H3HM H CMepTH 3
n^iya] n -a, -ft matter of life and death;
1. armament,
equipment, equipping; 2. ar- HTO 3a —! of course!, no
mament, arms; coKpameHHe doubt!; aio eme ~ that is a
^\i reduction of armaments; question; it remains to be
HMCTb Ha — H be armed seen if...; noA ^om undecid-
/e(5uipped with; CHHib c ed.
'-H discard {a weapon). Bop [vor] m -a, pi -u, -6b
BOopyiKHTb see eoopyjKaTb. thief; KapMaHHbift ^ pick-
— 53 — Boe

pocket; ;^ep)KHTe ^a\ stop -y, -Huib, p -5ji, imp -h 1.

thief!; growl {of a dog); 2. col grum-
<0> Ha ~e uianKa ropHT prov ble, growl '{with discontent).
^ an uneasy conscience be- Boc... see B03...
trays itself. BOceMHaAuaTMH [vas^i^m-
B0pBaTbC5i see BpbieaTbCH. nattsatty] num ord eight-
BOpo6|eH [varAb^ey] m-bi, eenth.
-bCB sparrow; BoceMHafluaT|b [vas^i^m-
<> cTpejiHHbifl -~eH col an old nattjat^, -d^] num card -h,
bird, an old hand, an old -bK) eighteen.
stager. B6c|eMb [vos^im'^] num card
Bop|oBaTb [varAvat^] im- -bMH, -bMbK) (-CMbib) eight.
perf -yio, -yeuib, p -oBaji, BOceMbAecHT [vos^im^'d^i-
imp -yft steal {money, etc). s^'it, -d] num
card BOCbMHAe-
BopoH [voran] m
-a, -ob CHTH, BOCbMblOAeCHTblO (bO-
raven. ceMbiOAecHTbio) eighty.
BOpoHla [vArona] / -u, ~ BOceMbcoT [vas^i^msot, -d]
crow (a bird); num card BOCbMHcoT, BOCbMH-
^ nyraHafl --a Kycxa 6ohtcsi CTaM, —, BOCbMHCXaMH (bO-
prov = once bitten, twice CeMblOCXaMH), (o) BOCbMHCXaX
shy. eight hundred.
[vAronka] / -kh, BOCK [vosk, -zg] -a (-y) m
-OK funnel {for pouring
1. wax, beeswax.
liquids); 2. crater {made by BOCKJlMKHlyXb -[vAskl'ik-
a shell, etc). nut^] perf -y, -euib, p -yji,
BopOT [vorat, -d] m -a, imp -H, BocKjiHUJaxb [vaskl^i-
-OB collar a garment).
{of tjat^] imperf -aro, -aeiiib ex-
Bopoia [vArota] pi BOpoT claim, cry out.
gate(s); goal {posts in games). BOCKJiHiJ(aHH|e [vaskPitsa-
[varAt^n^'ik, -g] n^iya] n -h, -h exclamation,
m -OB collar {of a gar-
-a, cry.
ment); oTJiojKHOH turn- ~ BOCKjiHU,axb see bockjihk-
-down collar; ctoh'^hh ~ Hyxb.
stand-up collar. BOCKpecjaxb [vaskr^i^sat^]
BopoHJaTb [vAroch^at**] im- imperf -aK), -aeuib, BOCKpec-
perf -aK), -aeiiib move, shift; HJyxb [vAskr^esnut^] perf -y,
turn {stdhes, pieces of furni- -eiiib, p BocKpec, imp -h
ture, etc). 1. rise from the dead; 2. fig
BopoHJaTbCH [vAroch^att^a] revive {of a feeling, etc);
imperf -aiocb, -aeiubcn turn -—axb B naMHXH recur to
(over) {in bed); 6ecnoK6HHO one's memory.
--aTbCH toss (about) {on the EOCKpeceHH|e [vaskr^i'^s^e-
bed). n^iya] n -h I. relig resur-
BOpHlaTb [vArch^at^J imperf rection; 2. fig revival.
BOC 54 —
BOCKpeceH|be [vaskr^i^s^e- BOcnpexMXb see Bocnpemaxb,
n^ya] n -lh, -hh Sunday. Bocnpemlaxb [vaspr^i^-
BOCKpecHyxb see BOCKpe- sh^:at^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
caxb. BOcnpex'iHXb [vaspr^i^t^it'']
BOCKpecHbiH [vAskr^esnty] perf Bocnpemy, -nmb, p -hji,
a Sunday {aitr); — jxenh imp -H prohibit, interdict;
Sunday. BXOA ~eH no admittance, no
BOcnajieHHi^ [v9spAl^e- entrance.
n'^iya] n -a, -h inflammation BOcnpHHMHMBlbiH [vaspr^l-
{of the lungs, etc). imch^iviy] a sh f ~, -a, -o,
BOcnHTaHHJe [vssp^ita- -bi 1. receptive {mind); intel-
n^iya] n -h 1. education {of ligent {person); 2. suscepti-
the younger generation, the ble {to smth),
masses, etc); upbringing; BOcnpHMMMJaxb [vaspr^i-
training {mental, physical, n^imat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
etc); xpyAOBoe ~-e labour up- BOcnp'iHHHXb [vaspr^in^at^j
bringing, education through perf -nuy-, -HMeiub, p -hhhji,
work; 2. breeding, good -HHHJia, -HHHJIO, -HHHJIH, imp
breeding. -HMH perceive, apprehend;
BOcnHTaHH|hiH [vAsp^itan- absorb, take in, grasp {ideas,
niy] a [pa] sh f BocnHTan, etc); interpret {as); ~axb
-a, -o, -bi well-bred, polite, Hxo-Ji. KaK AOJiJKHoe accept
courteous; Aypno/ njioxo ~biH smth as a matter of course;
ill-bred, rude. —
axb qxo-Ji. c y^oBJiexBope-
BOcnHxaxb see eocnnxbiBaxb. HHeM welcome smth.
BOcnHXbiB|axb [vAsp^itl- BOcnpoHSBecxH see Bocnpo-
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, eoc- HSBOJlHXb.
nHxjaxb [vasp^itat^] perf-aio, BocnpoH3B|oflHxb [vaspraiz-
-aeiiib 1. bring up, educate; VAd^it^] imperf -ojKy, -o^^HiUb,
2. foster, cultivate, inculcate. BOCnpOH3BieCXH [vaspraiz'
BOcnjiaMeHMxbcji see boc- ^bjCgbj-bfj pgf^j: .Qjj^y^ -eAeiub,
HJiaMeHHXbCH. p -en, -ejia, imp -cah 1. re-
BOcnjiaMeHJnxbcji [vaspb- produce {a sound, etc); 2.:
m^i^n^attja] imperf -nexcn, —
oAHXb B naMHXH call to
BOcnjiaMeH nxbca
| [ vaspla- mind.
m^i^n^ittja] perf -hxch, p BocnpoHSBOAcxB o*[ vaspraiz- ]

-HJicH, -HJiacb catch fire, ig- votstva] n -a econ repro-

nite. duction; pacumpeHHoe ^o
BOcnojibsoBaxbcsi see nojib- enlarged reproduction.
SOBaXbCH 1. BOccxalBaxb [vasstAvat^]
BocnoMHHaHHJe [vaspam^i- imperf -lo, -eiub, p -BaJi, boc-
nan^iya] n -h, pi -h, -h 1. cxa|xb [vAsstat^] perf -Hy,
memory, recollection; 2. pi -Heiiib, p -Ji, imp -Hb revolt,
memoirs, reminiscences. rise {against).
55 — Bom

BOccTaHaBjiHB|aTb [vasstA- t^it^il^nty] a sh f bocxhxh-

navPivat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, xejiCH, -a, -o, delightful;
BoccTaH|oBHTb [vasstanAv'^it^j delicious; exquisite {flower,
perf -OBJIK), -OBHUIb, p -OBHJl, etc).
imp -OBH 1. rehabilitate, re- BOcxHiu|axbCJi [vaskh^i-
store (economy, etc); -— aTb sh^:attsa] imperf -aiocb, -a-
CBoe SAopoBbe recover one's euibCH admire, be delighted
health; 2. fig: —aib b na- {with), be carried away {by).
MHTH call to mind; 3. rein- BocxoA [vAskhot, -d] m -a,
state (m former employment, -ob: ~ coJiHua sunrise.
etc); -—aTb kofo-ji. b npaBax BOCbMep|Ka [vAs^m^orka] f
restore smb to his rights, -KH, -OK (an) eight; (the) eight.
rehabilitate smb; 4. set, in- BOCbMHAecflx|biH [vas^m^i-
cite (smb against smb / smth). d^i^s^atiy] numord eightieth;
BoccTaHHle [vAsstan^iya] n '-bieroAbi the eighties.
-H, -H uprising, rebellion, BOCbMOH [vAS^'moy] num
revolt; noAHHXb --e rise in ord eighth,
rebellion. BOX [vot, -d] part 1. de-
BOCCTaHOBHTb See BOCCTa- noting the fact that smth is
HaBJIHBaib. or is taking place before
Boccxaxb see BOCCTaBaxb. smb's eyes, here, etc here,
BOcxoK [vAstok, -g] m -a ~ there; h h here I am; '—
east; na --e in the east; na OHa HAex here she is coming;
^ eastward (s); noexaxb Ha 2. intens (with nouns) there's;
~ go east. — JienxHH! there's a lazy-

Bocxopr [vAstork, -g] m -a, -bones!; ~ MOJio^eu! good for

-OB delight, rapture; 6bixb b you [him, etc]l; 3. intens
~e ox qero-Ji. be delighted (with pron or adv) this / that
with smth; 6bixb BHe ce6H ox is...; -^ Mxo H xoqy that's
--abein raptures; npHBo^HXb what I want; ~ sxox this
Koro-Ji. B ~ delight smb; one; ~ h Bce that's all;
enrapture smb; npHXo^HXb b 0
BOX eiu,e! col indeed!,
~ go into raptures, be de- what next!; '- xe6e (m) na!
lighted. col well, I never!; well, to
Bocxoprlaxbcsi [vsstArga- be sure!; — axo Aa! col that's
ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibOi something like!; I should
be delighted (with); express say!; box oho hxo! there it is!
one's delight (with). BOXKHyxb see BXbiKaxb.
BOcxoHHbift [vAstoch^niy] a BOiiieji [vAshol], Bouijia
east, eastern; oriental. [vAshla] 1st & 2nd persons
Bocxpe6oBaHH|e [vAstr^^ba- of bohxh; see BXOAHXb.
van^iya] n -h: ao -^h poste BOUIb [VOSh, -Zh] / BIUH,
restante. dat BuiH, instr BoiubK), pi
BocxHxHxejibHJbiH [vaskh^i- BuiH. Buiefl louse.
BOH) — 56 —
BOK) [voyu], Boeiub [voyash, BnHxaTb see BnHTbieaTb.
-zh] see BbiTb. BnHTaTbCfl see BnHTbisaTbCH.
BOK)H [vAyuy] see BoesaTb. BnHTWB|aTb [fp^ittvat^j
BOK)K) [vAyuyu], BOibeiub imperf -aio, -aeuib, Bnurlaxb
[vAyuyash, -zh] BoesaTb. [fp'^itat^j perf -aro, -aeiub
BRBAlaTb [fpAdat''] imperf absorb, imbibe {also fig).
-aio, -aeiiib, Bna|cTb [fpas^t''] BnMTbiB|axbcn [fp^itWattsa]
perf -Ay, -Aeiub, -ji, imp -ah imperf -aexcH, BnHx|axbC{i
1. (mo per/) fall {into), dis- [fp^itattsa] perf -aexcH be
charge (m/o) (0/ a river); 2. absorbed, soak {into).
fall {into a reverie, etc); BnjioxHyio [fpUtnuyu] adv
— aTb B oTqaHHHe give way 1. close {to), very near {to)\
to despair. 2. fig col in real earnest.
BnaflHHla [fpad^ina] / -bi, Bnjioxb[fplot^, -d^] adv:
~ hollow, cavity, depression. ~ Ao (right) up to; down to
BnajibiH [fpalty] a sunken, {the smallest details, etc).
hollow. BnojiHe [fpAln^'e] adv quite,
BnacTb see Bna^aTb 2. fully.
BnepBbie [fp'^i^rvtyg] adv Bnonbixax [fpapikhakh, -gh]
for the first time. adv in one's haste; in a
BnepeA [fp^'i^r^ot, -d] adv hurry.
forward; Bnopy [fporu] adv col: 6biTb /
<> njiaxHTb —
pay in advance. npHHTHCb ~ fit {of clothes).
BnepCAH [fp^'ir^i^d^'i] I adv BnocjieACXBHH [fpAs^Petst-
1. in front; BCTaxb -- take v^ii]adv afterwards, later on.
a stand in front; hath -— go BnoxbMax [fpAt^makh, -gh]
in advance; 2.: y Hee mhopo adv in the dark.
BpeMCHH — she has plenty BnpaBO [fprava] adv to the
of time; y nee ueJian >KH3Hb right; --' ot qero-A. to the
~ her whole life is before right of smth; on the right
her; mto ero jkact ~? what of smth.
does future hold in store for BnpeAb [fpr^'et^, -d*"] adv
him?; henceforth, in future; in the
II prep with gen in front future;
of, before; hath ~
Bcex go <> AO until, pending. —
ahead of all; BnporojiOAb [fprogalaf*,
<> 6biTb ~
take the lead. -d''] adv. >KHTb live in ~
BnenaxjieHHle [fp^ich^i^tl^e- (dire) poverty.
n^iya] n -h, -h impression BnpOK [fprok, -g] adv 1.:
{produced on smb, etc); ne- aaroTOBJiHTb ~ store (up)
OTpasHMoe ~e profound im- {for use later); 2.: hath '—
pression; y MCHH TaKoe -~e, do good; eMy sto noHACT —
HTO... I have an impres- this will do him good, he
sion, that... will profit by this.
57 — Bpe

enpoHCM [fproch^im] cj Bpaiujaxb [vrAsh^:at^] im-

however, but; nevertheless. perf -aK), -aeuib revolve, ro-
BnpbicKHB|aTb [fprls'^k^i- tate, turn.
V9t^] imperf -aK), -aeiiib, BpamlaxbCH [vrAsh^:atts9]
Bnpb'icHJyxb [fprisnut^] perf imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH 1. re-
-y, -emb, p -yji, imp -h volve, rotate, turn; -~axbCH
inject {a fluid, medicine). BOKpyr qero-Ji. turn round
BnycK|aTb [fpuskaf] im- smth, circle smth; --axbCH
perf -aio, -aemb, BnycxlHib BOKpyr CBoeft och revolve on
[fpus^t^it^] perf enymy, Bny- its axis; 2. fig: ~aTbcn cpe-
CTHiEfa, p -Hji, imp -H let in, j\A yneHbix [aKxepoB u m. n.\
admit {into a room, etc). mix / mingle with scientists
Bnycxyio [fpustuyu] adv [actors, etc].
col (al!) for nothing, to no Bpefl [vr^et, -d] m -a harm,
purpose. injury; damage, loss; npHHo-
Bpar [vrak, -g] m -a, -6b CHXb / npHqHHHXb ^ do harm;
enemy; opponent [of smth). damage.
Bpa}Kala [vrAzhda] / -u en- BpeflHxejilb [vr^i^d^it^iP]
mity, hostility; oHTaxb ~y m -H, pi -H, -eft 1. agric pest;
K... feel animosity against... pi also vermin; 2. wrecker,
BpaMCAe6H|biH [vrAzhd^eb- saboteur.
niy] a sh f BpajK^eSeH, -a, BpeAH|biH [vr^ednjy] a sh
-o, -bi hostile, inimical. f Bpe;ieH, -a, -o, -u (-bi)
BpajKecKlHH [vrazhask^iy] hurtful, harmful, bad, inju-
a -aH, -oe, -ne enemy {attr)., rious; unhealthy; ~aH npH-
hostile. BbiMKa bad habit; ---oe npo-
epacnjiox [vrAsplokh, -gh] h3b6actbo unhealthy trade.
adv: saciaib / sacTHrnyTb ~ BpeMCHHO [vr^em^mno] adv
take by surprise, take una- temporarily; ~ hcrojikhk)-
wares, surprise. mHH 06H3aHH0CXH (AHpCKTOpa
Bparaplb [vrAtar'*] m -h, u m. n.) acting (director,
-eft goalkeeper. etc).
Bpaxb [vrat''] imperf spy, BpeMeHHJbiH [vr'em'mniy]
Bpeuib,. p BpaJi, Bpajia, Bpa- a sh f {no m), -a, -o, -bi tem-
Jio, BpajiH, imp BpH, coBp|axb porary, interim; provisional
[sAvrat''] perf -y, -eiiib, p {government, measure, etc).
-aJi, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, imp -h BpeM|si [vr^em^a] n -chh,
col lie, tell lies; Bpeuib! it's pi -ena, -ch, -enaM 1. time
a lie! {1) a period or interval; 2) a
Bpan [vrach^, -j^] m -a, point in duration; a precise,
-eft physician, doctor; 3y6- usual, or proper moment; 3)
HOH ~ dentist. duration, continuance); cKOJib-
BpaneCHbiH [vrAch^ebnly] Ko ~eHH? what time is it?;
a medical. eme He Hacxajio ~h the time
BpH - 58 -
has not come yet; 2. time, Bpflfl jiH [vr^atPi] part
epoch; times; 3.: --h ro^a hardly, scarcely,
season {of the year); 4. ling BcaAHHK [fsad^n^'ik. -g] m
tense; npoiiie;tiiiee ~h past -a, -08 rider, horseman.
tense; 6yAymee ~h future Bce [fs^e] pron pi -x, -m,
tense; ~ (-X), -MH, (o, o6o) -X see
•O^ Bce >~fl all the time; al- Becb.
ways; B nocjieflHee '-a lately, Bce I [fs^o] pron n Bcero,
of late, recently; b cbgc -^a BceMy, ~, BceM, (o6o) -m see
1) at one time; in one's Becb.
time; 2) in due course; na Bce II [fs^o] col I adv 1.
"-ji for a time, for a while; all the time; 2. still {up to
Ha nepeoe ~Ji for a start; the present time); yet {in neg
B TO ~fl KaK while; c xene- sentences); ~ eme still {up
HHCM ~eHH in time, even- to the present time); yet {in
tually; CO ~eHeM neg sentences);
in due
course;with the years;TeM~e- n part used in- comparisons
HCM meanwhile; —a ox ^chh for emphasis: ~ Jiyqiue h
from time to time; co —chh JiyHiue better, and better; ~
(HameS Bcxpe^H u m. n.) since 66Jibiiiee KOJiii^ecxBO Jiiojieu.
(our meeting, etc). an ever increasing number
BpH [vr^i] see epaxb. of people; -^ BospacxaiomHH
BpoAe [vrod^i] prep with ever increasing, ever growing;
gen like, such as; He^xo ~ <> ~ xe nevertheless, still.
col a kind of. Bce... first element of com-
Bpo)KAeH|HbiH [vrAzhdMn- pounds, corresp in meaning
nty] a inborn, innate; con- to eecb: BcepoccHHCKHH [fs^i-
genital. rAs^iysk^iy] All-Russian.
Bpy [vru], Bpeiiib [vr^osh, BCeBOSMO^HblH [fs'^IVAZ-
-zh] see epaxb. mozhniy] a all kinds of, ail
Bpynjaxb [vruch^at^] imperf possible, various.
-aio, -aeuib, BpyH|HXb [vru- BcerAa [fs^i^gda] adv al-
ch^'it^] perf -y, -Hiub, p -hji, ways.
imp -H 1. hand, hand in, Bcero I [fs^i^vo] gen & ace
deliver; present {credentials, of Becb & Bce; see secb.
etc); 2. fig entrust {one's Bcero II [fs^i^vo] I adv
fate, etc). altogether, (all) in all;
BpuBJaxbcsi [vrivattja] II part only, only just, but;
imperf -awcb, bo-
-aeiiibCH, <> —-HaBceroonly, only just,
pBJaxbCJi [vArvattsa] perf but.
-ycb, -euibCH, p -aJiCH, -ajiacb, BCCH [fs^ey] gen, dat, instr
-aJiocb (-ajiocb), -ajiHCb (-a- & pr of bch; see Becb.
jiHCb), imp -HCb, -Hxecb burst BcejieHH|aji [fs^'i^Pennaya]
{into a room, etc). / -OH universe.
59 BCK

BcejiHTb see BcejiHib. BceoSmlHH [fs^i^6psh^:iy] a

BcejiHTbCJi see BceJinxbCH. -an, -ee, -He general, univer-
BcejilflTb [fs^i^l^af^] imperf sal {practice t joy, etc).
-HK), -neiiib, BcejiJHTb [fs**!^- Bcepbes [fs'^i^'r^yos, -z] adv
l^it^] perf -10, -Hiiib, p -h;i, in seriously; npH-
imp -H put {tenants into
1. HHMaxb ~
take seriously.
a house)', lodge; hx
install, BcecoK)3HbiH [fs^isAyuznly]
'--HJiH B HOByK) KBapxHpy a AU-Union, national, USSR
they have been given a new {attr).
flat; 2. fig inspire {smh with BcecTOpOHHJHH [fs^istAron^-
smth', smth into stub), imbue n'^iy]a all-round, thorough,
{smh with smth)', ~HTb b ko- comprehensive, detailed.
HaAe>K;iy raise hopes in
ro-Ji. Bce-raKH [fs'^otak^i] cf &
smb's breast; give smb hopes; part nevertheless, still, yet,
— HTb cxpax excite fear. for all that.
BcejijflTbCM [fs^i^l^attja] Bcex [fs^ekh, -gh] gen, ace
imperf -niocb, -nembCH, Bce- & pr of Bce; see bccb.
ji|HTbC5i [fs^i^Pittj9] perf Bceuejio [fs^i*^tsel9] adv
-lOCb, -HIlIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, entirely, wholly.
imp -HCb, -Hiecb move {into BCKaKHBlaxb [fskak^ivat^]
a dwelling); install oneself imperf -aio, -aeuib, BCKOH|Hxb
{in a dwelling). [fskAch^it^] perf -y BCKo^Hiiib, ,

BccM [fs^em] instr of Becb p -HJi, imp -H 1. jump {1)

& Bce, dat of Bce; see Becb. on to a chair, etc, 2) into a
BCCM [fs^om] pr of Becb & tram, etc)', 2. jump up; bcko-
Bce; see Becb. qpixb c nocxejiH jump out of
BceMepHO [fs^i^m^erna] adv bed; BCKoqHXb na hofh jump
in every possible way. up, jump to one's feet.
BceMH [fs^em^i] instr of BCKHnjixHxb see KHnnxHXb.
Bce; see Becb. BCKOjibSb [fskoPs^, -z^] adv
BCeMHpHO - HCTOpHHCCK H H casually, in passing; cKaaaxb

[ fs^i^m^irnaistAr^ich^isk^iy ] qxo-Ji. -- make a casual

a -an, -oe, -He of world his- remark.
torical significance / impor- BCKope [fskor^i] adv soon
tance. {after), shortly {after).
BceMHpHbiH [fs^'i^m^irnty] BCKOHHTb SCe BCKaKHBaXb.
a world {attr), world-wide. BCKpHKHB axb [fskr^'ik^i vat^i

BceMy [fs^i^mu] dat of Becb imperf -aio, -aemb, BCKpHK-

& Bce; see Becb. HJyTb [fskr^'iknut^] perf -y,
BceHap6AH|biH [fs^mArod- -eiiib, p -yji, imp -h cry out,
nty] a sh f BcenapoAeH, -a, scream.
-o, -bi national, nation-wide; BCKpbiB|aTb [fskrivat^] im-
—oe AeJio the common cause perf -aK), -aeiub, BCKp|bixb
of the nation. [fskrtt^] perf -6k), -oeuib, p
BKC — 60 —
-tiji, imp -OH 1. open, unseal; hot-tempered, quicktempered.
2. fig reveal, disclose; BcnbixHB|axb [fsplkh^'ivat^]
BCKpbiTb cepbe3Hbie HeAocxax- imperf -aio, -aeuib, Bcnbix-
KH lay bare serious short- HJyxb [fsplkhnut''] perf -y,
comings. -euib, p -yji, imp -h 1. blaze
BCKphiBJaxbcn [fskrtvattsa] up, take fire; aflash {of
imperf -aexcH, BCKp|uxbcsi light); break out
a fire; {of
[ fskr I tts9 ] p^r/ -oexcH, p -biJi- also fig); 2. flush, blush.
CH, -biJiacb 1. burst, break Bcnbiiu|Ka [fsplshka] / -kh,
{of an abscess); 2.: pen a -CK 1. flash {of lightning,
BCKpbiJiacb the ice in the riv- etc); 2. outburst {of emotions);
er has broken up. fit {of anger, etc).
BCKpbixb see BCKpbisaxb. Bcxajeaxb [fstAvat^] imperf
BCKpbiTbCsi see BCKpbieaxbCH. -K), -eiub, p -BaJi, imp -Ban,
BCJieA [fs^'l^et, -d] 1 adv: Bcxajxb [fstat^] perf Bcxany,
-^ 33 after, following; haxh BCxaHeuib, p -Ji, imp -Hb 1.
'- sa KeM-;i. follow smb; stand up, rise, get up; —Baxb
II prep with dat: CMOxpexb H3-3a cxojia get up from the
'^ KOMy-Ji. follow smb with table; Kor^a oh -~ex? when
one's eyes. does he get up?; h y>Ke ~ji
BCJieflcxBHe [fs^'l^'etjtv^iya] I'm up already; ~Baxb Ha
prep with gen in consequence qxo-Ji. get on smth; 2. fig
of, owing to. rise, rise up {to defend smth).
BCJiyx [fslukh, -gh] adv BCxaBHXb see BcxaBJiHXb.
aloud. BCxaBJi|MXb [fstAvPat''] im-
BCMaxpHBlaxbCH [fsmatri- perf -HKD, -HeUIb, BCXaBJHXb
V9ttj9] imperf -aracb, -aemb- [fstav^'it*'] perf -jiio, -Huib, p
CH, BCMOxplexbCH [fsmAtr^e- -HJI, imp -h put in, fix iji;

ttja] per/-K)Cb, BCMoxpHiubCH, put {into), fix {into); ~HXb

p -eJicH, -eJiacb, imp -HCb, 3y6bi have a set of teeth made.
-Hxecb peer {into, at); scru- BOX ax b see Bcxasaxb.
tinize, look closely. BcxpCBOJKHXb see xpcBO-
Bcnaxaxb see naxaxb. JKHXb 1.
BcnoMHH|axb [fspam^inat^] BCxpexHXb see Bcxpe^axb.
imperf -aK), -aeiub, BcnoM- BcxpexHxbCJi see Bcxpenaxh-
HJHXb (fspomn^it**] perf -kd, C5I.

-HUJb, p -HJi,imp -H recollect, BCxpeHJa [fstr^ech^a] / -h,

recall, remember. ~1. meeting {by accident , etc);
BcnoMoraxejibHbiH ffspamA- 2. sport meeting, meet, match;
gat^iPnly] a auxiliary, sub- 3. reception {1) a formal wel-
sidiary. come; 2) a formal assembly);
Bcnoxexb see noxexb 1. reunion {of friends, etc).
BcnbijibHHBlbiH [fsplPch^'i- BcxpeH|axb [fstr^'i^ch^at*']
viy] a sh f --t -a, -o, -bi imperf -aio, -aeuib, BCxpex|HXb

— 61 — BC$I

[fstr^et^it^] perf BCTpe^y, marry smb; ---aTb b AeficTBHe

-Hiub, p -Hji, imp -b 1. meet come into operation; ~aTb
{smh, a train, etc); 2. receive, b cHJiy come into effect; —ajb
greet {smb)\ —aib rocTefl B CBOM npaBa assert oneself;
welcome one's guests; 3. meet — axb Ha nyib {neeo-A.) em-
with {kindness, etc)', aTb — bark on the path {of).
Ten.HbiH [xoJioAHbm] npHCM BCTynjaTbCH [fstupattsa] im-
get a warm [cold] welcome; perf -aKx:b, -aeiubCH, Bcry-
c n|HTbCji [fstupMttja] perf
welcome; — aTb anjioAHCMCH- -jiiocb,BCiynHmbCH, p -hjich,
TaMH greet with applause; -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb stand
<> ~aTb B uiTbiKM give a up {for), stick up {for).
hostile reception; —aib H6- BCTynHTejibH|biH [fstupM-
BbiH roA see the New Year in. t^iPnty] a introductory; en-
BCTpeHlaxbCJi [fstr^i^ch^a- trance {attr); ~oe cjiobo
tt^a] imperf -aKXb, -aeuibCH, opening address.
BCTpexlHTbCfl [fstr^et^ittsa] BCTynMTb see BciynaTb.
perf BCTpeMycb, -HuibCH, p BcrynHTbCJi see BCTynaxbCH.
-HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -bCH, BCxoAJHTb [fskhAd^it^] im-
-biecb 1. meet {of people, perf BCXO>Ky, BCXOAHUIb, p
lines, etc); meet with, come -HJI, imp -H, b3o|hth [vzAytMl
across; 2. see {each other; lit- perf -HAy, -HAeuib,p -meji,
tle ofsmb, etc); 3. be found -iiijia, imp -HAH mount,
{in some area, of plants, etc). ascend {to), climb {a moun-
BCTpeHHbiii [fstr^ech^niy] I tain); 2. rise {of the sun,
a: — head wind; —
Bexep moon)
noesA train from the opposite BCK) [fs^u] ace of bch; see
direction; ^ njian counter- Becb.
-plan; BCWAy [fs^udu] adv every-
1 1 as a noun BcxpeHHlbiH where.
m -oro, -bix:nepBbiH -^ col BCH [fs^a] pron f bcch,
the first man one
meets; any- Bceft, BtK), Bceft, (o, o6o) BceH
body; {Kamji^bm) h none- — see Becb.
peHHbiH col anybody and ev- BCflKJHH [fs^ak^iy] I pron
erybody. def -an, -oe, -ne 1. any; ev-
BCTynjaxb [fstupat^] imperf ery; 2. all kinds of, all wts
>aK), -aeuib, BCTyn|HTb [fstu-
pHi^] perf -jik), BCTynHuib, p II as a noun 1. bchkIhA
-HJi, imp -H 1. enter, march m -oro, -hx anyone; every-
{into); 2. join {a party, trade one; 2. BCHKJoe n -oro
union, etc); 3. enter {into), anything; ^oe fibiBaex things
start {an argument, conversa- do happen;
tion, etc); ^ BO -~0M cjiywae in any
^ -^axb B 6paK c kcm-ji. case, anyhow; na — hh cjiy-
BTH — 62 ~
Hafi just in case; to make Hoe saBefldHHe) technical col-
sure; to be on the safe side. lege / institute.
BTHXoMOJiKy [ft^ikhAmolku] BxbiKJaxb [ftikat^] imperf
adv col on the quiet. -aio, -aeiiib, BoxKHlyxb [vAtk-
BTOpr|aTbCJi [ftArgattsa] im- nut^] perf -y, -eiiib, p -yji,
perf -aiocb, -aeiubcn, sTOpr- imp -H stickneedle, etc);
JHyTbCfl [ftorgnuttja] perf drive (a stake, etc, into smth).
-Hycb, -Heiuben, p -ch, -Jiacb BxflrHBJaxb [ft^ag^iv9t^]
invade {a country), encroach imperf -aio, -aeuib, BXHHlyxb
(upon), break (into). [ft^i^nut^] perf -y, BXHHeiub,
BTopHHHo [ftAr^ich^na] adv p -yji, imp -H 1. pull in,
a second time, for the second draw in; pull (into, on to),
time. draw (into, on to); 2. breathe
BTOpHHHbiH [ftAr^ich^niy] a in;absorb (a liquid); 3. fig
1. second (reading, etc); 2. sec- draw (into); involve (in).
ondary (symptoms, etc). BxnrHB|aTbcsi [ft^ag^iva-
BTOpHHK [ftorn^ik, -g] m ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH,
-a, -OB Tuesday. BTflHJyxbcsi [ff^i^nuttjs] perf
BTOpoH [ftAroy] I num ord -ycb, BXHHeuibCH, p -yjicH,
& a \. second; 2. the latter -yjiacb, imp -Hcb, -Hxecb get
(of two); used (to); become keen (on).
l\ as a noun Bxoploe n BxJiHyxb see BxnrHBaxb.
-oro^ -bix second course (of BxanyxbCfl see BXHPHBaxbCH.
a meal). Bys [vus, -z] m -a, -ob
BToponflx [ftarAp^akh, -gh] (=Bbiciiiee yMednoe saBe^e-
adv hastily, in a hurry; in HHe) higher educational es-
one's hurry, tablishment.
RTopocTeneHHibiH [ftara- ByjiKaH [vulkan] m -a, -ob
s^t^i^p^'enntyj a sh f exopo- volcano.
cTeneneH, -a, -o, -bi minor BXOA [fkhot, -d] m -a, -ob
(question, etc). 1. entrance (the act or right
B-TpeibHX [ftr^et^ikh] par- of); admission, admittance;
enth thirdly. 2. entrance (door); cjiy>Ke6-
BTpoe [ftroya] adv\. three- HbiH ~ staff entrance.
fold, three times (as much, BxoAJHxb [fkhAd^it^] imperf
mamy, etc); ~ MeHbme a third BXOJKy, BXOAHiiib, p -Hji, imp
(o^2.: cJiojKHTb ~ fold in -H, boh|xm [vAyt^i] perf
three. p Boiueji, Bomjia,
-Ay, -Aeiiib,
BTpoeiM [ftrAyom] adv re- imp -AH 1. enter (a room,
ferring to three people: mm etc); come in, step inside;
[oHH, Bbi] ^ the three of us come (into a house, etc); go
[of them, of you]. in (enter);go (into a room,
BTys [ftus, -z] m -a, -ob etc); 2.go in (when there is
(=Bbicmee xexHHHecKoe yqe6- enough room); go Unto a con-
^ 63 — Bbl5

tainer); 3. go {into details, BuiH [fshi], Buieft [fshey]

stub's interests, etc)', 4. be a see Boiub.
member (of); take part (in); B-bcsA [vyest, -zd] -a, m
~HTb B cocxas be a member -OB 1. entrance (for trans-
(of), be (a) part (of); —HXb port); 2. approach (a way
B qHCjio be (a) part (of), be leading to...).
reckoned (among); BTjCsiKlaxb [vyi^zh^.-at^]
<> ~HTb B MOAy come into imperf -aio, -aeiub, B-belxaxb
fashion; ~HTb b cMjiy / b ach- [vyekhat^] perf -Ay, -jxeuih,
CTBHC come into effect; ~HTb p -xaji 1. ride in, drive in;
B 6biT become usual in our ride (into), drive (into); enter
[their] life; ~HTb b aobc- (on horseback or in a vehicle);
pHe K KOMy-ji. win smb's 2. move (into a new flat).
confidence; -~HTb b nbe-ji. Bbi [vi] pron pers 2nd per-
nojiojKeHHe sympathize with son pi (and polite, respectful
smb, understand smb's posi- sing) Bac, Ban, sac, BaMH, (o)
tion, put oneself in smb's Bac you; 6e3 Bac without
place; --HTb b HcropHio go you; Kxo ji,aji BaM axy KHHry?
down history; -^Hxb c
in who gave you this book?; h
npeAJio^KeHHCM b npasHxejib- BHAeJi Bac I saw you; oh ao-
CTBO submit a proposal to BOJieH BaMH he is pleased
the government. with you; mu roBopHJiH o sac
BIJCIIC [ve-tse-es-pe-es] we spoke about you; Bhkxop
abbrev (m) (=BcecoK)3HbiH ceftqac y Bac? is Victor at
UeHxpajibHbifi CoBex npo4)ec- your place now?
CHOHajibHbix Coiosob) the Bbi... pref denoting 1. com-
Central Council of Trade pletion of an action: Bbmrpaxb
Unions of the USSR. [viigrst^] win, gain; 2. move-
BHepa [fch^i^ra] adv yester- ment to the outside: Bbi6e-
day; -^ yxpoM yesterday morn- >Kaxb [vib^izhat^] run out
ing; ~ HOHbK) last night (of the house, etc); 3. attain-
(after midnight). ment of an end by an action:
BHepauJHHH [fch^i^rashn^iy] BbixpeCoBaxb [vftr'ibavat^J
a yesterday's; Becb — aenb demand and obtain.
the whole of yesterday. BbiSMBJdxb [vib^ivat^] im-
BMexBepo [fch^et^v^irs] adv perf -aio, -aeuib, Bbi6|HXb [vl-
1. fourfold, four times (as b^it^] perf -bio, -beiiib, p -hji,
much, many, etc); -^ MeHbuie imp -eH 1. knock out (a wedge,
a quarter (of); 2.: cjioH^HXb etc); smash (a window); bh-
'- fold in four. 6HXb npoxHBHHKa dislodge the
BHexBepoM [fch^it^v^i^rom] enemy; 2. beat out (the dust);
adv referring to four people: <> Bbl6HXb Aypb H3 rOJlOBbl
Mbi [oHH, Bbi] ~
the four of col knock the nonsense out
us [of them, of you]. of smb.
Bbid — 64 —
BbiSHpjaTb [vib^'irat''] im- BblBCCHTb see BblBeiUHBaib.
perf -aK), -aeiiib, BbiSplaxb BbiBec|Ka [viv^iska] / -kh,
[vibrat^] perf Bbi6epy, Bbi6e- -OK J. sign, signboard; 2. fig:
peuib, p -aji, imp Bbi6epH noA Koii— under the guise
1. choose; select, pick out; (0/).
--aHTe! take your choice!; BblBOAHTb.
Bb'lBeCTH see
2. elect {representatives, etc); BbiBeuiHB|aTb [viv^eshi-
3. take (everything) out. V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, bw-
BbiduTb see BtidHBaxb. BecJHTb [viv^is^it^J perf Bbi-
Bbi6op [vibar] m -a 1. Beiiiy,-Huib, p -HJI, imp -h
choice; alternative; ocxaHo- hang out {a flag, etc); put
BHTb CBOH -- Ha HCM-ji. choose up {an announcement).
smth, fix on smth; no cbo- BbiBHXHlyxb [vtv^ikhnut^]
CMy ^y of one's own choice; perf -y, -eiiib, p -yji, imp -h
2. Bbi6op|bi pi -OB election(s); put out (of joint), dislocate;
HATH Ha ~bi go to the polls; '-yxb Hory sprain one's foot.
<» Ha ~- at choice. BbiBOA [vivat, -d] -a, -ob m
Bbi6opHbiH [vibarniy] a 1. withdrawal- {of troops);
elective {office); electoral. conclusion, inference; cAe-
Bbi6opbi see Bbi6op 2. jiaxb -- draw a conclusion;
Bbi6pacbiB|aTb [vibrastvat^] npHHTH K ~y arrive at a
Imperf -aio, -aeiiib, Bbi6po- conclusion.
cJHTb [vtbras'^it^] perf Bbi- BbiBOA|HTb [vivAd^it^] im-
6poiijy, -HUJb,p -HJi, imp -b perf BbIBO>Ky, BblBOAHlUb, p
1. throw out; discard {give -HJI, imp -H, BblBejCTH [vl-
up); chuck out; —aib b okho v^is^t^i] perf -Ay, -Aeiub, p
throw out of the window; -ji, imp -AH 1. lead out, take
'— axb Ha 6eper cast ashore; out; help out; —Hib BoficKa
2. fig col waste, squander, withdraw troops; 2. expel,
throw away; remove {smb from a commit-
<^ Bbl6pOCHTb H3 FOJIOBbl COl tee, etc); 3. exterminate,
put out of one's head. destroy {vermin); remove
Bbi6paTb see Bbi6HpaTb. grow, raise {ani-
{stains); 4.
Bbi6pocHTb see Bbidpacbmaib. mals); hatch {from the egg);
BbidbiBJaTb [vibivat^] im- <> ~HTb H3 3a6jiy}KAeHHfl
perf -aw, -^eiub, Bbi6|biTb undeceive, open the eyes {of);
[vibU^l perf -y^y, -yAeuib, ~HTb Koro-Ji. H3 ce6M put
p -biji leave, quit; -^arb h3 smb beside himself; —Hib
Hrpbi leave the game, quit, Koro-Ji. H3 TepneHHH try smb's
be out of it; patience; BbiBCCTH Koro-Ji. h3
-<^ Bbl6bITb H3 CXpOfl 1) quit xepneHHfl exasperate smb;
the ranks; 2) mil become a -~HTb M3 CTpOH put OUt of
casualty. action, disable; destroy {mil-
BUBeSTH see BblBOSHTb. itary equipment).
. .

65 BbIA

BbiBos [vtvas, -z] -a econ m [vlgnat^] perf -ohic, -oHHiub,

export; exports. p -Haji, imp -OHH drive out,
BblBOSJHTb [viVAZh't^] im- expel {from home, school, etc);
perf BbiBOHcy, BbmoaHiub, p Bbirnaxb Koro-ji. c paSoxbi
-HJI, imp -H, BbIBe3|TH [vl- col give smb the sack / bird.
v^is^t^i] perf -y, -eiiib, p —-, BbirpyiK|aTb [vtgruzhat^]
-jia, /mp -H 1. take out (0/ imperf -aio, -aemb, Bbirpy-
some place by vehicle); re- 3;HTb [vlgruz^it^] perf bm-
move [garbage, etc); 2. export. rpyjKy, -Huib, p -hji, imp -h
BbirjiaAMTb see rjia^Hib 1 unload {cargo, etc).
BbirjiHAleTb [vlgl^'ad^it^] BbiAaJBarb [vfdAvat''] im-
imperf p -eji,
Bb'irjiHH<y, -HLUb, perf -K), -euib, p -Baji, imp
imp -H look {bad, young; etc). -Baft, BbiAaJTb [vtdat^l perf
BbirJi^AbiB|aTb [viyPadt- -M, -mb, -CT, -;iHM, -AHxe,
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, -AyT, p -Ji, -Jia, imp -h 1.
BbirjiMHJyTb [vlgl^anut^l per} give, hand; distribute; 2. give
-y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h 1. up {a criminal); extradite;
look out (0/ the window, etc); 3. give away, betray {a secret,
2. peep out {through smth), etc); 4. set up {for), make
emerge {from behind smth). pass {for); -^-oaxb3a ce6H
BbirHaTb see BbiroHHXb. Kor6-;i. give oneself out to
BbiroBapMB|aTb [vigAvar^i- be smb, pretend to be smb.
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, bm- BbiAaJBaTbcn [vidAvattsa]
roBop|HTb [vtgavar'^it^] perf imperf -K)Cb, -euibCH, p -Baji-
-K), -Huib, p -HJI, imp -H CH, -Bajiacb, imp -BaftcH,
1. pronounce, utter; 2. {no -Baflxecb, BbiAa|Tbcsi [vfda-
perf) col reprimand, rebuke. tts9] perf -MCH, -iUbCH, p -jicn,
BbiroBOp [vfgavar] m -a, -jiacb, imp -iicH, -Hxecb
-OB 1. pronunciation {the 1. stick out, protrude, jut
mode of);2. reprimand; re- out; 2. be conspicuous {for);
proof; scolding. stand out {among others);
BbiroBopHTb See BuroBapH- 3. occur, happen to be; bm-
Baib I AajiCH xopouiHH AeHb it hap-
BbiroAJa [vig9d9] / -bi, ~ pened to be a fine day; y
advantage, benefit; profit, MCHH Bbl^aJIOCb HeCKOJIbKO
gain; HSBJie^b —y derive ben- qacoB I happened to have a
efit {from); sto ^aeT mhofo few hours to spare.
~ this has many advantages. BbiAaxb see BbiAaBaxb.
BbiroAHibiH [vigadniy] a sh BbiAaxbC5i see BUAaBaxbCH.
f Bbiro;teH, -a, -o, -bi advan- BbiAaHJa [vfd9ch^9] / -h, ^
tageous {position, etc); prof- 1. delivery {handing over);
itable; paying. distribution, issue, payment;
BbiroHlflTb [vigAn^at^] im- 2. extradition.
perf -HK), -Hemb, Bbir|HaTb BbiAaH)ii;|HHCH [vtdAyu-
BWfl — 66 —
sh^:iys^9] a [pa] -ancH, -eecH, BbijtepwaTb see Bhij^epma-
-HecH remarkable, distin- Baxb.
guished; outstanding, emi- Bbi;iep)KHB|aTb [vid^'erzhl-
nent. V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, bm-
BbijlBHrlarb [vidv^igat^] flep)K|aTb [vid^irzhat^] perf
imperf -aio, -aeuib, bwabh- -y, -Hiiib, p -aji, imp -h
H|yTb [vfdv^inut^] perf -y, 1. bear, stand, sustain {also
-eiub, p -yji, imp -h 1. pull fig); BbiAepJKaxb 6ypK) weath-
out, move out; — aib hiuhk er a storm; Bbi;tep>Kaxb
(cTOJia) opendrawer; 2. fig HcnbixaHHe stand
a the test;
put forward, suggest {a theory, BbiAep>Kaxb 3K3aMeH pass an
idea, etc); ^axb Bonpoc raise examination; 2. contain one-
a question; ^-axb o6BHHeHHe self; OHa He BbiAepH^ajia h
npoTHB Koro-ji. bring a charge/ pacnjiaKajiacb she broke down
an accusation against smb; and burst into tears;
—axb Ha nepBbifl njian put in <> BbiflepJKaxb pojib keep up
the forefront; —aib na ne- one's role; Bbi^ep^axb xapaK-
peAHHH njian push into the xep stand firm, be steadfast;
foreground; 3. nominate {to be true to oneself; Bbijiep-
an office; a candidate); pro- }Kaxb TpH H3;iaHHfl run into
mote (to a higher position). three editions.
BHJiejlHTb see Rbl^eJIHTb. Bb'wepjKKJa I [vid^irshka] /
!?tiiflejiHTbcsi see -H 1. self-control, self-posses-
Bbi;ieji|«Tb [vid^i^l^at^] sion; endurance, staying pow-
imperf -hkd, -Heiub, Bbijte- er; photo exposure.
Ji|HTb [vtd^il^it^] perf -lo, II [vld^irshka]
-Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. single / -KH, -eK quotation, excerpt.
out, choose; allot {money); Bbinox [vfdakh, -gh] m -a,
2. portion {give as a share); -OB expiration, exhalation.
3. mark out {as suitable for); BbijipecCHpoBaxb see ApeccH-
distinguish {smb). pOBaxb.
Bbi;ieji|«TbCJi [vid^'i^l^attja] BbwyMaxb see BbiAyMbmaxb.
imperf -^KDCb, -HeuibCH, bw- BbiflyMbiBJaxb [vidumtvat^]
flcji] HTbCM [vld^iPittja] perf imperf -aio, -aeiub, Bbi^y-
-K)Cb -HIUbCH, p -HJICH, -H.TaCb, M|aTb [vidumat^] perf -aio,
imp -HCb, -Hxecb be distin- -aeuib 1. invent, devise; 2.
guished (by), stand out {]) concoct, fabricate, make up;
for smth; from others; 2) <> He ~aH! col 1) do as you
against a background). are told!; 2) stop this non-
BbiAep)KaHH|biH [vid^irzhan- sense!
niy] a [pa] sh f BbiAep^aH, Bbiesfl [vfyast, -zd] m -a,
-a, -o, -bi 1. self-possessed; -OB 1. departure, leaving;
2. ripe {cheese, tobacco, etc); 2. exit, way out {for vehicles);
old (wine). '^ H3 ropoAa town gates.
67 — BblK

Bbie3}KlaTb fviyi^zh^.-at^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, BWHrpIarb

imperf -aio, -aeuib, Bbie|xaTb [vtigrat^I perf -aio, -aeuib
[viyskhat^] perf -jxy, -A'^uih, win, gain; Bbinrpaxb y kofo-ji.
p -xaji 1. leave, go out (of); beat smb, defeat smb {in a
~aTb H3 ropoAa leave the game, etc).
town; —aib na Aany go to BbiHrpbiui [viigrish, -zh] m
the country; Bbiexaib sa rpa- -a, -eft 1. prize {in a lottery,
HHuy go abroad; 2. move, etc); winnings; 2. gain, prof-
change residence; —
axb h3 it; winning {the act of).
KsapTHpbi move, change res- BbiHrpbiuiHbiH [vligrishnty]
idence. a advantageous {position, etc).
BbiSBaxb see BbisbieaTb. Bb'lHTH see BblXOAHTb 1, 2,
BbI3A0paBJIHB{aTb [vizdA- 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
ravPivat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, BbiKHAbiBJaTb [vik^idivat^]
Bbi3;topoB|eTb [vizddv^v^ii^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, BbiKHH|yTb
perf -eio, -eeuib recover, be [vlk^inut^] perf -y, -euib, p
convalescent, get better. -yji, imp -b throw out; discard
Bbi30B [vizaf, -v] m -a, -ob {give up); chuck out; —axb
1. summons, subpoena; 2. B OKHO throw out of the
challenge {to contest, etc); window; ~axb Ha 6eper cast
defiance. ashore.
Bbi3biB|dTb [vizivat^] im- BbiKJid;ibiBlaxb [vikladtvat^]
perf -aio, -aeuib, Bbi3B|aTb imperf -aio, -aeuib, BWJiOH(|HTb
[vlzvat^j perf Bbi30By, sbiso- [vfbzhtt^f perf -y, -HUib,
Beuib, p -aji, imp Bbi30BH p -HJi, imp -H 1. take out
1. call {a doctor, a taxi, etc); {things from a suitcase, etc);
^axb aKiepa call an actor lay out, spread out; 2. fig
before the curtain; ^aib na col tell plainly, unbosom, set
6hc encore; 2. challenge (to (before smb) {one's thoughts,
a contest, etc); 3. summon etc); 3.; —axb Knpinmou
(to a court, etc); 4. arouse, brick; --axb KaMueM face
excite; call forth, provoke, with masonry; ~axb njiHxaMH
cause; —-aib BocnoMHHaHHe flag {a pavement, etc).
y Koro-ji. MCM-Ji. remind BbiKjiioMaxejiIb [vikl^uch^a-
smb of smth; —axb cjiesbi y t^iP] m -H, -eft electr switch.
Koro-ji.. draw tears from smb; BbiKJiK)H|axb [vikPuch^at^I
>-aTb coMHeHHH give rise to imperf -aio, -aemb, BbiKJiio-
doubt. H|HXb [vfkl^uch^it^j perf -y,
Bbi3bi6aK)ii;|HH [vizivayu- -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H switch
sh^:iy] a [pa] -an, -ee, -He off, turn off {electric light,
defiant; outrageous, revolting; gas, etc); cut off {the tele-
provocative {behaviour, etc). phone, etc); ~aTb Moxop shut
BbiHrpaTb see BbmrpbiBarb. off / stop an engine.
BWHrpbiBJaTb [viigriv9t^] BbiKpacHTb see KpacHXb 1.
BblK 68

BbiKpoHK|a [vtkraykal / -h, BbiMneji [vimp^'il] m -a, -ob

BbiKpoeK pattern {for sewing). pennant; pendant.
BbiKynaTb see Kynaib. BblMblTb see MblTb.
BUKynaTbcsi see KynaibCH, BblMblTbCH see MblTbCH.
BblJI [Vil] see BblTb. BbiMbiiijjieHHMH [vfmishPin-
BbiJie3|aTb [vil^i^zat^] im- niy] a [pa] concocted, fabri-
perf -aio, -aeuib, BbiJie3|Tb cated; invented; imaginary,
[vll^is^t^] perf -y, -eiub, p fictitious.
^, -Jia, imp -H 1. crawl out; BbiM|5i [vfm^a] n -chh ud-
climb out; 2. col get out {of der.
a tram, etc); 3. fall out, BblHCCTH see BblHOCHTb.
come out {of hair); wear {of BbiHHMJaTb [vin^imat^] im-
fur). perf -aio, -aeuib, BbiHJyTb [vf-
BMJienHTb see jiennxb 1. nut^] perf -y, -euib, p -yji,
Bbi;ieT|aTb [vtPi^tat^] im- imp -b take out {of a bag,
perf -aio, -aeuib, BbiJierjeTb etc); pull out {a handkerchief,
[vll^it^it^] perf BhiJieny, -Huib, etc).
p -en, imp -h start, leave BbiH|ocHTb [vinAs^it^] im-
(by air); perf -omy, -ocHiiib, p -ocHJi,
<> 3T0 Bbwerejio y mchm h3 imp -ocH, BbiHecJTH [vlnh-
rojioBbi it has escaped me. s^t^i] perf -y, -euib, p ^,
BbiJie4HB|aTb [vtl*'ech^iv9t^] -jia, imp -H 1. carry out,
imperf -aro, -aeiub, BbiJie- take out {of some place);
H|HTb [vil^ich^it^] perf -y, bring out; —ocHTb mto-ji, bo
-Hiiib, p -HJi, imp -H cure {a ;;BOp take smth into the yard;
patient; a disease). ~ocHTb mo-Ji. Ha yJiHHy take
BbiJiHB|aTb [viPivat''] im- smth into the street; — ochtb
perf -aio, -aeiiib, BbiJiJHTb Ha 6eper wash ashore;
[vll^'it^] perf -bK), -beiub, p 2. submit {for discussiony,
-HJI, imp -eft 1. pour out, 3. stand, bear, endure {pain,
empty; 2. cast, mould, found. smb, etc); 4. pass {a resolu-
BbiJiHB|aTbC5i [viPivattj9] tion, sentence, etc);
imperf -aeicn, Bbiji|HTbcsi [vf- <> —ocHTb Ha cbohx njie-
l^ittsa] perf -bexcH, p -hjich, nax bear {the brunt).
-HJiacb 1. run out, 4Dour out; BbiH6cjiHB|biH [ vinos ''l^i-

overflow; 2.: HCHSBecTHO, bo viy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -u

HTO 9T0 BbiJibexcH it's not hardy, tough {able to endure
known what will come of fatigue, hardship, etc).
it/how it will shape. BbinyflHTb see BbiHy>KAaTb.
BblJIHTb see BblJIHBaTb. BbinyiKfllaTb [vtnuzhdat^j
BblJlHTbCSI ^SeeBblJIHBaTbCH, imperf -aio, -aeuib, Bbiny-
BblJIO%HTb see BMKJiaAblBaXb, ;i|HTb [vlnud^it^] perf bw-
BbiMor|aTb [vimAgat^] im- Hyxcy, -Huib, p -HJI, imp -h
perf -aio, -aeujb extort. force, compel; make {smb do
69-- BUP

smth); OH Bhmymjxen CAejiaxb BunpaBHXb see BbmpaBJiHXb.

9T0 he has / is forced to do it. BbinpaBji|flxb [vtprAvl^at'j
BbiHyTb see BbiHHMaxb, imperf -hk), -neuib, Bbinpa-
BbinaA [vtp9t, -d] -a, -ob m BjHXb [vlprav^it^] perf -jik),
attack, calumny. -Hiub, p -HJI, imp -b 1. straight-
BbinaA arb [vipAdat^] im-
en {a nail, etc); 2. correct (a
perf -aio, -aeuib, Bbina|cTb manuscript, etc); nxb nojio- —
[vlpas^t^] perf -jxy, -Aeiiib, jKCHHe remedy the situation.
p -j\, imp -Ah 1. fall out {of Bb'inpsiMHxb see BbinpHM-
smth); drop out {of smb's JIHXb.
hands); 2. fall {of rain, etc); BbinpflMjiJHxb [vipr^i^m-
BbinaJio MHoro cnery there V'ai^] imperf -hk), -aeuib, bm-
has been a heavy fall of npMM|Hxb [vfpr'sm^it^j perf
snow; 3. fall out, come out -jiio, -Hiub, p -HJI, imp -H
{of hair); 4.: eMy Bbmajia straighten {a piece of wire^
qecTb... he had the honour...; etc).
CMy Bbmaji yupiCnvi the lot BbinyKJilbiH [vipukliy] a
fell on him; sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi 1. salient,
^ BbinacTb Ha a^jik) KOMy-ji. prominent, bulging; 2. con-
fall to smb's lot. vex {glass); 3. fig vivid.
BbinHcaTb see BbmHCbiBaxb. BbinycK [vlpusk, -zg] m -a,
BbinHCWBlaTb [vip^istvat^] -OB issue {of money, etc);
imperf -av), -aeuib, BbinHJcaxb output; 2. number, instal-
[vfp^isat^] perf -my, -meiiib, ment
{of a serial story, etc);
p -caji, imp -urn I. copy out
graduates; co-graduates;
{of a book, etc); 2. subscribe students finishing school; b
{to a periodical); order {a 3X0M roAy fioJibuioH -- the
commodity by mail); 3. dis- number of graduates this
charge {from the hospital). year is large.
BbinHxb see nnxb. BbinycKJaxb [vipusk^t^] im-
BbinjiaBJKa [vlplafks] / -kh, perf -aio, -aeiub, BbinycxlHXb
-OK 1. smelting {of iron, etc); [vlpus^t^it^] perf Bbinymy,
2. smelt, smelted metal. -Huib, p -HJI, imp -H 1. let
BbinOJIHHXb see BbmOAHJiXb. out {people, water, etc); let
BbinojiHtilxb [vipAln^at^] go {of); 2. set free, release;
imperf -hk), -j^euib, Bbinoji- 3. graduate, turn out; 4. turn
H|Hxb [vlpaln^'it^] perf -lo, out, produce; 5. publish, issue
-HUJb, p -Hji, imp -H carry {books, etc); release {films);
out, fulfil, implement; carry 6. issue {money, etc); 7. leave
into effect, accomplish; '-HXb out, omit.
AOJir do one's duty; HXb —
Bbipa6axbiBlaxb [vlrAbdti-
o6eui,aHHe keep one's prom- V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, Bbi-
ise; '-HXb ynpaacHeHHH do ex- paSoxjaxb [virabatat^] per^
ercises. -aio, -aeuib 1. produce, manu-
Bblp — 70

facture, make; generate (pow- [virAzhda-

er); 2. work out, draw up tt^a]imperf -aexcH, Bbipo-
(a plan, etc); 3. form, culti- A|Hxbc« [vtrad^ittsa] perf -wi-
vate {a habit, strong will, etc). CH, p -HjicH, -HJiacb degener-
BbipaSoTJKa [virabatka] / ate.
-KH, -OK 1. manufacture; BbipoH'iHXb [viran^it^] perf
2. output; 3. col make (qua- -K), -Hiub, p -HJI, imp -H let
lity). fall, drop.
BbipaJKJaxb [virAzhat^] im- Bbipyraxb see pyraxb.
perf -aio, -aemb, ewpaslHTb BbipyraxbCfl see pyraxbCH 1.
[vlraz^it^] perf Bbipa>Ky, BbipyMJaxb [viruch^at*'] im-
p -HJi, imp -H express
-Hiiib, perf -aK), -aeiub, BbipynJHxb
(an idea, desire, etc). [vfruch^it^] perf -y, -Huib,
Bbipa^eHHle [virAzhen^iya] p -HJI, imp
1. come to -H
n -H, -H expression. (smb's) help;
rescue, save;
BbipaSHieJlbHlblH [virAz^i- help (smb out of trouble);
t^il^niy] a sh f BbipasHxeJieH, 2. gain, make (money); clear
-a, -0, -bi expressive (gesture, (a profit).
etc); significant (look, etc). BbipbiBJdxb [vtrivat^] im-
BbipasHTb see Bbipa}KaTb. perf -aio, -aemb, BbipBJaxb
BbipacTldrb [virAstat^j im- [vlrvat^] perf -y, -emb, p -aji,
perf -aio, -aemb, BbipacTJH imp -H 1. tear out, snatch
[vtrss^t^i] perf -y, -eiiib, p (out), pull out; -~axb c Kop-
Bbipoc, BbipocJia, imp -h HeM uproot (also fig); — axb
1. grow, grow up; 2. col grow 3y6bi have one's teeth pulled
(out of a coat, etc); 3. in- out; 2. fig col wring, wrest
crease (of wages, etc); Bb'mycK (consent, etc, from smb).
npo/;yKu,HH Bb'ipoc Ha 12°/o Bbica;iHXb see BbicajKHBaxb.
the output increased 12 per BbicaiKHB|axb [vtsazhivat^]
cent; 4. grow (into), develop imperf -aio, -aemb, BbicaA|HXb
(into); 5. arise, appear, [visad^it''] perf Bbica>Ky,
spring up. -Hmb, p -HJI, imp -H 1. make
BbipacTHTb see Bbip^mHsaib. (smb) get off tram, etc);
BbipamHB|aTb (virash^.i- set down, drop (passengers);
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, Bbipa- land (troops); disembark, put
cxlHTb [viras^t^it^] perf bh- ashore; 2. plant, transplant.
pamy, -Huib, p -HJI, imp -h BbicejiHXb see BbicejiHXb.
1. rear, breed, raise; grow, Bbicejijaxb [vis^i^Pat^] im-
cultivate; 2. fig train (per- perf -HK), -nemb, BbicejiJHxb
sonnel, etc). [vts^iPit^] perf -lo, -nmb, p
BbipBarb I see Bbipbrnaxb. -HJI, imp -H evict (tenants).
BbipBaxb II see pBaxb II. BbicKasaxb see BbiCKasbmaxb.
BbIpOAHXbC5I see BbipOH<AaTb- BbicKasaxbCfl see BbicKasbi-
ca. BaXbCH.

71 BbiC

BucKasbiBaHHJe [viskaziva- BbicoT|a [vtsAta] / -b'l, pi

n^'iya]n -h, -h statement, BbicoTbi, BbicoT 1 height {of
pronouncement. a mountain, etc); altitude;
BbicKaBbiBJaTh [vtskazivat^] 2. height, ridge;
imperf -aio, -aeiub, BbicKa|- <> 6biTb / GKasaxbCJi na ~e
saTb [vlskazat^J perf -my, nojioKeHHM be equal / rise to
-»eiiib, p -3a;i, the occasion; 6biTb na ~e be
imp ->kh
tell, state; express {in words); equal to the occasion; Ha
BbicKasaTb npejinoJiojKeHHe ii6ji«H0H ^e up to the mark.
suggest {as a supposition). BbicnaxbCfl see BbicbmaxbCH.
EbicKa3biB|aTbCfl [viskazi- BbicxaBHxb see BbicxasJinxb.
vattja] imperf -aiocb -aemb- Bbicxas'iKa [v+stafka] / -kh,
CH, BbiCKajsaTbCfl [viskazattja] -OK exhibition, show; display,
perf -}Kycb, -:H<:embCH, p -sajicji, exposition.
-aajiacb, imp -jKHCb, -H<HTecb BbicxaajiJHxb [vistAvl^at^]
speak {one's mind, opinion, imperf -hk), -nemb, Bbicxa-
etc), have one's say; — 3a B|HXb [vlstav^it^] perf -jikd,
[npoTHs] declare oneself in -Huib, p -HJi, imp -b 1. put
favour [against]. in front, put forward, ad-
Bbicjiaib see BbicbiJiaTb. vance; 2. fig col chuck out,
BbicjiyiuaTb see BbicJiymn- turn out {of the room, etc);
Baxb. 3. exhibit, display, show;
BbicjiyujHBlaTb [vislushi- 4.: ~HXb Mbfo-Ji. KaHAHfla-
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, bm- xypy nominate smb, propose
cjiym|aTb [v^slushat^JperZ-aio, smb's candidature; ~flxb
-aeuib 1. listen {to smb), hear CBOK) KaHAH;iaxypy run {for
{smb)', 2. med sound; examine. president, etc); 5.: —^xb
BbicMeHB axb [ V is^m^ei vat'']
Koro-Ji. B xopomeM [hjioxom]
imperf -aio, -aeiub, Bbicivie|- CBexe represent smb in a
Jirb [vis^'m^iyat'^] perf -k>, favourable [unfavourable]
-eiub, p -HJi, imp -H make light; —HXb Koro-Ji. b CMem-
fun of, ridicule; deride. HOM BHAe expose smb to rid-
BbicMopKaTbcn cMopKaib-
icule; 6.
see adduce,, put for-
CH. ward; raise {objections).
BbicoKJHH [vtsok^iy] a -an, BbicxHpaxb see cxHpaxb.
-oe, -He, sh f --, -a, -o (-6), BbicxpaHBJaxb [vistraivat^]
-H (-H) 1. high, tall; highland; imperf -aio, -aeuib, Bbicxpo|Hib
2. high {prices, quality, etc); [vtstrait^] perf -lo, -rHuib, p
3. high,
lofty {aims, style, -H Ji imp -ii\,(no imparl) build,
etc); high, high-pitched
4. erect; 2. draw \i^ {troops, etc).
{voice, note, etc). Bbicxpeji [vtstr^il] m
-a, -ob
BbicoKOMepH|biH [visakA- shot; report {of a shot).
m^erniy] a s/i / BbicoKOMepen, BbicxpoHXb see BbicxpaH-
-a, -o, -u arrogant, haughty. l saxb.
fibIC 72 -
BbiCTynjaTb [vtstupat^] im- {command, organs of govern-
perf -aio, -aeuib, BbiCTyn|HTb ment, etc); 2. higher {educa-
[vlstup^it**] perf -n\o, -Hiub, tion, etc);
/) -HJT, imp -H 1. come / step <> B ~eH creneHH highly, ex-
forward; come / step out {of tremely; ~afl Mepa naKasa-
a line, rank); 2. speak {at a HHji capital punishment.
meeting); perform {during a BbicbiJijarb [visilat^] im-
concert, etc); ~aTb c AOKJia- perf -aio, -aeuib, Bbicjiarb
AOM deliver a report; give a [visbt^j perf Bbimjiio, Bbim-
lecture; ~aTb c peMbio make Jieuib, p Bb'icjiaji, imp BbiujJiH
a speech; ~aTb Ha cuene act, 1. send {a parcel, etc); ban- 2.
play; appear on the stage; ish, exile; deport, expel.
~aTb B ne^aTH write (for the Bbicbinarb see Bbicbmaxb.
press); —axb no paAHO broad- Bbicbinlaxb [vtslpat''] im-
cast; speak [perform, etc] perf -aio, -aeujb, BbiCbin|aTb
over the radio; —aib no xe- [vfstpat^j perf -jiio, -Jieuib,
JieBHAGHHio televise; speak p -aji, imp -H 1. pour out
[perform, etc] on TV; 3. come {sand, sugar, flour, etc); spill
out {in favour of smth, {sugar, etc); 2. col pour out
against smth); —axb b samHTy {into the street, said of people).
Koro-Ji. take smb's part, stand FbicbinjaTbCfl [vistpattsal
up smb; ~aTb b aamHxy imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, bw-
Mero-Ji. advocate smth; come cnjaTbCJi [vispattjs] perf
out in favour of smth; ~aTb -JlK)Cb, -HUJbCH, p -aJlCH,
c npH3biB0M appeal, make an -ajiacb, imp-ncb, -Hxecb have
appeal, make a plea {for smth); a good sleep; sleep enough.
'— axb c npoTecTOM protest, BbixeKJarb [vit^i^k^t**! im-
make a protest; 4. stand out perf -aex, BbiTe|Hb [vft^'ich'"]
{of sweat); start {to one's perf ^^eT, -Kyx, p -k, -KJia
eyes, said of tears); 5. {no perf) 1. run out, flow out, leak out
jut out, run out. {said of liquids); 2. {no perf)
BbiCTynjieHHJe [vistupl^e- have its source {of a river);
n^iya] n -h, -Pi 1. speech {at 3. {no perf) result, follow
a meeting); performance {on {as a consequence); co bccmh
the stage); -— e b neqaxH ar- ~aK)mHMH oxcKDAa nocJieACX-
ticle {in a newspaper, etc); BHHMH with all ensuing con-
2.: pcBOJiiouHOHHbie -~h revo- sequences.
lutionary actions / movement. Bbirepexb see BbiXHpaxb.
BbicyiuHTb see cyuiHTb. BbiTCHb see BWxeKaxb 1.
bmciu|hjI [vfshiiy] I superl BbiTHpjaxb [vif'irat^] im-
of bmcokhh; TOBapbi ~ero perf -aio, -aeuib, Bbirleperb
Ka^ecTBa goods of superior [vtt^ir^it^l perf -py, -peuib,
quality; p -ep, -epJia, imp -pH wipe,
II a -an, -ee, -He 1. supreme wipe dry; '-aib nujib dust.
73 — BblH

BbiTpaBHTb see xpaBHTb 1. teacher; aaAa^a ne Bumjia the

BbiTb [vtt^] Itnperf bok), sum has not come out; h3
Boeuib, p BbiJi, imp boh howl sxoro HHqero ne BbiHAex noth-
(of a dog, etc); wail (of wind, ing will come of it; y nero
etc). HHMero He bwuijio he failed;
BbiyH|HTb [vluch''{t''l perf 7. be by origin; oh BbimeJi
-y, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. H3 pa66MHX he is a worker by
learn (a poem, etc); —HTb origin; 8, {no perf) give on,
HBHsycTb learn by heart; look on, overlook {of win-
2 teach, train. dows, etc);
Bbixofl [vtkhat, -d] m -a, <> ~HTb B OTCxaBKy resign
-OB 1.: npH ~e when
h3,.. {an office, etc); retire {from
going out of..., when coming business, etc); ~iixb h3 ceSn
out of...; ~ Ha pa66Ty ap- lose one's temper; ~HTb h3
pearance at work; ~ h3 nip- xepncHHH lose patience; ~Hxb
THH leaving a party; ~ b ot- H3^eHHji find a way out;
CTaBKy resignation {from of- — Hxb H3 SeperoB overflow the
fice, etc); — Ha nencHK) retire- banks; bbixoahx, hxo... it ap-
ment on a pension; ~ h3 pears that...; 3X0 ne BbixoRHX
BOHHbi withdrawal from a y Hero h3 rojioBbi he can't
war; 2. exit, street door; —a get it out of his head; he
Hex no exit; 3. fig way out; can't help thinking about it.
4. appearance {of a book); BbixoA|Ka [vfkhatka] / -kh,
^ Aaxb ~
give vent {to); -OK trick {of a child); prank.
3HaTb Bce xoAbi M ~bi know BbixoAH|6H [vikhAdnoy] I a:
all the ins and outs. — an ABepb street door; ~6h
BbixoAJHTb [vtkhAd^it^] im- KOCXK)M Sunday suit; ~6h
perf Bbixomy, BbixoAHiiib, p AeHb day off, rest-day;
-HJI, imp -H, BbiH|TH [vtyt^i] II as a noun bmxoahIoh
perf -Ay, p Bbimeji,
-AeiHb, m -oro, -bix day olf, rest-day;
BbiiuJia, imp -AH 1. go out <> -~6e noc66He discharge
{of a house, etc); come out pay.
{of a house, etc); get out {of BbiHepKHBJaxb [vich''6rk''i-
a car, etc); 2. leave {a trade V9t^] imperf -ara, -aeuib, bw-
union, party, etc); bbihth h3 HepKH|yxb [vfch^'irknut^] perf
BOHHbi drop out of a war; -y, -emb, p -yji, imp -h cross
3.: ~HTb Ha pa66Ty come to out, strike out; --axb h3
work; ^-HTb b Mope put CHHCKa strike off a list;
to sea; 4. be published, ap- <> BbiHepKHyxb H3 naMHXH ef-
pear, be out; ^htb b CBex face from one's mind.
be out, be published; 5. run Bbinecxb see BbiMHxaxb.
out, come to an end; 6.: hs Bbinex [vfch^'it, -d] m -a,
nee BbiftACT xopouiHH ymi- -ob deduction {from smb'$
xejib she will make a good wages, etc);
Bbiq 74 —
<> 3a ~0M minus, allowing BbiJiBji|flTb [viyi^vPat^] im-
(for), with the deduction {of). perf -HK), -Heillb, BblSIBlHTb
BblMHCJlHTb see BblMHCJIHTb. [vfyav^it^] perf -Jiio, -HUJb, p
BbIHHCJl|aTb [Vich''is''l^at^] -HJI, imp -H 1. reveal, bring
imperf -hk), -^emb, ebmnc- to light; 2. bring out, make
ji|HTb [vich^is^l^it^] pert -lo, known.
-HUJb, p -HJi, imp -H calcu- BblflCHHTb see BblHCHHTb.
late, compute. Bbi5icH|flTb Iviyi'^s^n^at'']
BbiHHTJaTb [vich^itat*'] im- imperf -hio, -neujb, Bbijic-
perf -aio, -aeiiib, BbiMJecxb HJHTb [vfyas^n'^it*'] perf -lo,
[vlch^is'^t^] perf -ly, -Teuib, -HUJb, p -HJI, imp -H find out;
p -cJi,, imp TH 1. deduct, clear up, elucidate.
keep back {money); 2. math BbeTHaM|eu [v^'yi^tnam'^itj,
subtract. -dz] m -ua, -ues Viet-Na-
[vishi^] I comp of
Bbiuje mese.
BbicoKHH & corresp adv; BbexHaMCKJHH [v^yi'^tnam-
II adv 1. above (m a text); sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Viet-
2.: ~
no TeqeHHK) farther up -Namese.
the stream; BbCTCH [v^yot^a] see BHXb-
III prep above, over; ^to CH.
— MOHx CHJi it is beyond BbK) [v^'yu], Bbeuib [v^yosh,
my power; sto — Moero -zh] see BHXb.
noHHMaHHH it is beyond me. Bbsbrja [v^yuga] / -h, -^
Bbiiueji [vishal], Bbiiujia snow-storm; blizzard.
[vishla] p of BbiHTH; see BbibmlHAcfl [v^yush'':iys^9]
BblXOAHTb. a [pa] -ancH, -eecH, -hcch:
8biiiiHB]aTb [vishivat^] im- — eecH pacxeHHe climber {a
perf -aro, -aeujb, Bbiiii|HTb plant); ~Hec5i bojiocu curly
[v+shit^] pcrf -bio, -beuib, hair.
p -HJI, imp -eft embroider, [v^i^zhf] see BHsaxb.
BbiiiiHHla [vishina] / -bi BJDxy [v^i^zhu], BR>KeiiJb
height {of a pole, etc); ~6h [v^azhash, -zh] see BHsaxb.
B nHTb^ecHT MexpoB fifty me- BJi3',axb [v^i^zat^] imperf
tres high. BH>Ky, BH^euib, p -aji, imp
BblLUHTb see BblUJHBaXb. BHJKH, clBflsaxb [s^v^i^zat^j
Bbim|Ka [vhhka] / -kh, -ck perf 1. bind, tie up {sheaves,
tower; fiyposan -— Ka derrick. etc); 2. knit {with needles);
BwiiijiH [vfshPi] imp of crochet.
BbicJiBTb; see Rbicbi-naTb. R«3H|yxb [v^aznut^] imperf
BbiujjiK) [vfshl^uj, Bbimjieiub -y, -emb, p -yji (bhs), BHSJia,
[vfshPish, -zh] Jst & 2nd imp -H stick (/) in the mud;
persons of Bbicjiaib; see bu- 2) to one's teeth).
CbiJiaib. BJiJi [v^al], B»jia [v^alaj
BblflBHTb see BblHBJI^Tb. see BflHyxb.
— 75 — rap

Bflji|biH [v^aliy] ashf^, -a -y, -eiub, p BHJi (-yji), bhjib,

-o, -bi 1. withered (flowers, saiBflHyTfa [zAv^anut^j per}
etc); 2. languid, sluggish, fade, wither;
slack, inert. <> yuiH -~-yT col it makes one
BflHJyTb [v^anut''] imperf sick to hear {smb talk).

ra [ga] m indecl abbrev (= lawn; no —-y He xoAHTb! keep

reKiap) ha, hect. off the grass!
raBaHjb [gavan^] / -h, -en rasonpoBOA [gazaprAvot, -d]
harbour. m -a, gas-main.^
.^ raAlaib [gAdat^] imperf raHK|a [gayka] f'-n, racK
-aio, -aeuib, noiraAarb [pagA- (screw-)nut.
dat^] perf 1. "tell fortunes, rajiaHTepeHH|biH [galan^t^i^-
tell smb's fortune; 2. {no perf) r^eynty] a: bift MarasHH—
guess, surmise; haberdasher's shop; —bie to-
0- ~aTb Ha KO(j)efiHofi ryiu,e Bapbi haberdashery {goods).
= make wild guesses. rajiaHTCpe|fl [galan^'t^'i^-
raAKJMH [g^tk'^iy] a -a9i, r^eya] / -h haberdashery
-oe, -He, sh f ra^OK, -a, -o, {goods).
-H nasty {disgusting, very rajiepejfl [gal^i^r^eya] / -h,
unpleasant); bad, naughty, -H gallery.
wicked. rajiJKa [galka] / -kh, -ok
raflocT|b [gadas^t^, -z^d^] (jack) daw.
/ -H, -efl 1. muck (smth dis- rajioiuH [gAloshi] pi rajioui
gusting); abominable stuff; {sing raji6ui|a / -h) galosties,
2. vile act / thing, dirty trick. rubbers.
raAK)Kla [gAd^uka] / -h, r£fiCTyK [galstuk, -g] m -a,
-- viper {also fig). -OB (neck)tie.
raa [gas, -z] m
-a, -ob gas raMaK [gAmak, -g] m -ii, -6b
(/) an air like substance; 2) for hammock.
heating, etc; 3) used in war- raHCKJHH [gansk^iy] a -aa,
fare). -oe. -He Ghanaian.
raaeTJa [gAz^'eta] / -m, ~ rapaiK [qArash, -zh] m -a,
newspaper; cTeHHan —a wall -en garage.
newspaper. rapaHTHploBarb [garAn^f*!-
rasHt^HKauHJH [gaz^if^ika- ravat^] psrf & imperf -yio,
tsiya] / -H 1. gasification; -yeiiib, p -oBaji, imp -yii
2. installation of gas pipe- guarantee.
lines {in a populated area). rapAep66 [gard^i^rop, -bj
rasoH [gAzdnJ m -a, -oa m -a, -OB 1. wardrobe ([or
rap 76

holding clothes)', 2. cloak-room -H, pi FBOSAH, -efi nail {for

(for coats and hats); CAaxb fastening)', tack (a small nail).
najibTO B — leave one's coat
• FAC [gd'^e] adv where {de-
in the cloak-room; 3. clothes, noting position); ^ 6bi hh
wardrobe. wherever.
rapMOHHKJa [gArmon^'ika] / rjie-jiH6o [gd^'el^iba], rae-
-H, -^ accordion; concertina. -HM6yAb [gd^en^ibut^, -d^],
rapMOHHploBaTb [garmAn^i- FAe-xo [gd^'eta] adv some-
ravaf*] Imperf -yex, p -oBaji where, in / at some place;
harmonize (ay/Z/i), be in keep- anywhere {in inter sentences).
ing {with). FCKxap [g^i^ktar] m
-a, -ob
rapHHsoH [garn^izon] m -a, hectare.
-OB garrison. reHCpaji [g^in^i^ral] -a, m
rapHH^ [gArn^ir] m a, -ob -OB general {a military offi-
garnish, trimmings. cer); —-Maftop major-general;
rapHHTyp [garn^itur] m -a, ~-jieHxeHaHx lieutenant-gen-
-ob: — Me6ejiH set / suite of eral; —-nojiKOBHHK colonel-
furniture; ~6ejibH two-piece/ -general.
three-piece underwear. FeHepa;ibHlb!H [g^m^'i^ral^-
rac|.HTb [gAs^'it''] imperf niy] a general {secretary,
ramy, racHUib, p -hji, imp assembly, etc); —
bift mxa6
-H, noiracHTb [pagAS^'it^] perf General Staff; —an penexH-
put out (a fire, etc); turn off UHH dress rehearsal; ~oecpa-
{the gas, tight, etc). »<eHHe bnttle royal.
racHlyib [^asnut^]
imperf rcHepaxop [g^m^i^ratar] m
-ex, p rac, racjia, imp -h go -a, -OB generator; dynamo;
out {stop burning)', become -— K0Jie6aHHH oscillator.
dim / dark. reHHajibH|biH [g^m'^ial^niy]
racTpoHOM [gastrAnom] m a sh f rcHHajieH, -a, -6, -bi
-a, -OB gastronom {a provi- of genius; great, brilliant.
sion store). fchhIh [g^en^'iy] m -h, -ea
racTpoHOMHHecK;Hfl [gastra- genius.
nAm^ich'^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, reoFpa4)Hlji [g'lAgraf^'iya] /
-He: ~HH MarasHH racxpo- = -H geography.
HOM. reojior [g^i^olak, -g] m -a,
rauiy [gAshu] see racHXb. -OB geologist.
rBapAH|ji [gvard^iya] / -h, reojioFHlfl* [g^'iAlog^iya] /
-ft Guards; -H geology.
<> cxapafl ~fl old guard. reoMexpMJJi [g'*iAm^etr*'iya]
rB03flHK|a [gvAz'^d'^ika] /
I / -H geometry.
*H, -^ carnation {a flower). reopFHH [g^iAtg^'in] m -a,
reosAjiKla 11 [gvAz'^d^ika] -OB dahlia.
/ -H clove {spice), rep6 [g^erp, -b] m
-a, pi
r§03A|b Igvps^'t'', •z^'d''] m rbi, -OB (coat of) arms, rocy-
- 77 rjia

AapcTBeHHbiH ~ national em- anthem; rocyAapcTeeHHbia ~

blem. national anthem.
repKyjiec [g^irkul^es, -z] m rHMHacTHK|a [g^imnas'^t^i-
-a porridge oats. ka] / -H gymnastics; xy^o-
repMaHCK|HH [g^'i^rman- >KecTBeHHaH ~a callisthenics.
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He German. THnc [g'^ips, -bz] m -a 1.
repMCTMHecK^HH [g^irm^^i^- min gypsum; 2. plaster (of
t''ich'*isk''iy] a -an, -He
-oe, Paris); me^. plaster cast.
hermetic; —an Ka6HHa pres- rHpji«HA|a [g^irPanda] / -bi,
surized cabin. ~ garland {of flowers); fes-
rep6|ft [g^i^roy] -h, -eem toon.
1. hero {a noble and brave PHpisi [g^ir^a] / -h, -b
man); 2. character, personage"; weight {used in weighing).
rjiaBHbiH ~H hero {of a nov- FHTapla [guitars] / -bi, --
el, etc). guitar.
rH6eji|b [g^ib^il^] / -h rjiaBJa I [glAva] m & f
death; ruin (also fig); wreck -bi, pi FJiaBbi, head ~ {the
(of a ship); downfall, fall {of chief);
an empire, etc). <> 80 ~e at the head (of).
rH6K|HH [g^'ipk^iy] a -an, rjiaeja II [gUva] / -bi, pi
-oe, -He, sh f rH6oK, -a, -o, iJiaBbi, —
chapter {of a book).
-H" flexible, supple {also fig). rjiaBHOKOMaHAyioml MH[gl3V-
rvi6H\yTb [g'^ibnut^] imperf nakAmanduyush^iiy] m -ero,
-y, p -yji (rH6), rnbjia,
-euib, -Hx Commander-in-Chief.
imp -H, no|rH6HyTb [pAg^ib- rjiaBHJbiH [glavnty] I a
nut**] perf [cf norH6aTb] per- main, chief; principal; --bifl
ish (i) die; 2) be destroyed); Bpaq head doctor; ~oeynpaB-
be killed, lose one's life; be jieHHe central administration;'
lost, sink {of a ship); crash ~biH noMTaMT Central Post-
{of an aircraft). -Office;
FHrdHT [g^igant, -d] m -a, 11 parenth r Ji a b h o e above
-OB giant; saBOA--^ giant all; the main thing is...;
factory. <> ~biM 66pa30M mainly,
rHrHeH|a [g^ig^iyena] / -u chiefly.
hygiene. r;iar6ji [gUgol] m -a, -ob
PHfl [g^it, -d] m -a, -ob verb.
guide {conducting tourists, rjiifllHTb [gUd^it^] imperf
etc). rjiaHcy, -Huib, p -hji, imp -h,
rHAp.o... element of
first BbirjiaAJHTb [vlglad^it*"] perf
compounds pertaining to water Bbir;ia>Ky, -Huib, p -hji, imp
hydro...; rHAposjieKipocTan- -b, nolrjiaAHTb [pAglad^it^]
UHH [g^'idraePiktrAstantjtya] perf iron, press; smooth

hydroelectric station. (down) {a drpss, etc); 2. (no-

FHMH [g^imn] m -a, -ob rjiaAHTfa) stroke, caress;
rjia 78

-0~HTb npoTHB luepcTH stroke imp -H, oifjioxHyxb [Aglokh-

the wrong way against the nut*'] perf become deaf.

grain. FjiySiKe [glubzht^] comp of

rjiaAK|HH [glatk^iy] a -an, FJiydoKHH & corresp adv.
-oe, -He, sh f rjiaAOK, -a, -o, FjiySHHJa [glub^ina] f -bi,
-H 1. smooth; 2. plain {with- pi rjiy6HHH, FJiy6HH 1. depth
out ornament). {also fig); 2.: e '-e Jieca
rjias [glas, -z] m-a, pi -a, [cxpaHbi] in the heart of the
-- eye {the organ of sight); forest [country];
<> (CKHSaTb HT0-.1.) B ~a <> B — e AyuiH at heart; ao
(say smth) to {smb's) face; -~bi AyuiH to the bottom of
3a ^a behind smb's back; one's heart.
Ha --ax y kofo-ji. / Ha HbHX-ji. FJiySoKlHH [glubok^iy] a
^ax before smb's eyes; xoxb -an, -oe, -He, sh f ~, -a,
-- BbiKOJiH = it is pitch-dark; -6 (-0), -h(-h) 1. deep {river,
c ~y Ha rjids tete-a-tete; snow, etc); -^-aH xapejina
HeBoopyjKeHHbiM ~om with soup-plate; 2. fig deep, pro-
the naked eye. found; 3.: ~0H HO'ibK) in the
rjia3yHb|si [gUzun^ya] / -h dead of night; -^oii oceHbK)
fried eggs. in the late autumn;
rjiacHocTlb [glasnas^t^, <> ~HH cxapHK very old man;
-z^d'] / -H publicity {being — aji cxapocxb extreme old
public); npeASTb ~h give age; venerable age.
publicity to, make public. Fjiynocxlb [glupss^t^', -z^d^]
rjiacHbiH [glasniy] a ling / -H, -efi 1. stupidity, foolish-
vowel. ness; 2. col foolish thing,
rjiHHJa [gPina] / -bi clay foolishness; nonsense, rub-
{an earthy material). bish; Sojixaxb —H talk non-
rJioTlarb [gUtat^] imperf sense; ~h! nonsense!
-ivy, -aeiiib 1. swallow; gulp FJiynlbiH [glupiy] a sh f
down, bolt; 2. fig devour, ~, -a, -o, -bi foolish, stupid,
swallow up; silly.
< — dib cjiesbi choke down FjiyxjOH [glukhoy] I a -an,
one's tears / sobs. -oe, -He, sh f ^, -a, rjiyxo,
rjioxlKa [gl6tk8] / -kh, -ok rjiyxH 1. deaf {also fig); 2.
1. anat gullet; 2. col throat; toneless {voice, etc); 3. re-
<^ BO BCK) --Ky col at the mote, out-of-the-way; godfor-
top of one's voice. saken; lonely, solitary {place,
rjioxloK (glAtok, -g] m -Ka, etc); 4. wild, dense {forest);
-KOB gulp; sip; AafiTe eMV 5. blind {window); blank
—OK BO^bi give him a drink {wall);
of water. II as a noun r ji y x 6 fi m

r^oxHlyxb [glokhnut^] im- -oro, -hx, r ji y X a h / -ofl,


perf -y, -eiijb, p rjiox, rjioxjia, -HX deaf person;

79 rny

^0^ — ofi corjiacHbiH ling voice- rHa|TbCJi [gnatts9] imperf

less consonant. roHK)Cb, roHHUibCH, p -jica,
rjiyxoHeMOH [glukhan^i^- -JiaCb, -JlOCb (-JlOCb), -JIHCb
moy] I a deaf-and-dumb; (-jiHCb),imp roHHCb, roHHTeck
1 1 as a noun rjiyxoHeMJoH a concrete action, movement
m -oro, -b'lx, r Ji y X o H e- in a definite direction [cf ro-
M a H / -OH, -bix deaf-and-
HHTbCH] 1. pursue, run (a//er);
-dumb person, deaf mute. 2. fig col seek (wealth, fame^
rjiyui|MTb [glushit^] imperf etc).
-y, -Hiub, p -HJi, imp -H THeB [gn^'ef, -v] m -a anger,
1. muffle, deaden (sounds); rage, wrath.
drown (sounds); 2. stun (of or rnesAlo [gn^i^zdo] n -a, pi
with a blow); 3. fig choke, FHes^a, rnesjx 1. nest (1) for
suppress, stifle (protests, etcy, laying eggs; 2) a place that
4. jam(broadcasts); throttle swarms); 2. technol socket.
down (an engine). rnex [gn^ot, -d] m -a 1. op-
rjiyuijb [glush, -zh] / -h, pression, yoke; 2. fig weight,
instr -bK) i. backwoods; 2. burden (of sorrow, etc).
out-of-the-way corner. rHexymJHH [gn^i*^tush'':iy]
rjibiSja [gl+ba] / -bi, block~ a [pa] -an, -He oppres-
(of ice, etc); KaMeHHan ~a sive (overburdensome); -^an
boulder. TOCKa anguish,
rjiflA|eTb [gl^i^'d^et^] imperf rnemb [gn^osh, -zh] see
rjiHH<y, -Huib, p -eji, imp -h, FHyXb.
noirjiflJiexb [pagl^i^d^et''] perf FHH [gn*'i] see rnyib.
1. look (at), stare (at); 2. col: FHHJiiOH [gn^iloy] a sh f
rjiHAexb 3a kcm-ji. look after ~, -a. -0, -bi 1. rotten, de-
smb; rjiH^eTb sa neM-ji. see cayed; putrid; 2. wet, muggy
to smth; (weather); 3. fig rotten, cor-
<> (hath) KyAa rjiasa —at rupt.
(walk) without choosing one's rHHjXb [gn^it^] imperf -ib,

way, (walk) aimlessly; xoro -emb, p -JI, -jia, -jio, -jih,

H --ii col at any moment; it c'lFHHxb [zgn'^it^] perf rot,

looks as if. decay (also fig); putrefy.
rnaxb [gnat^] imperf fohk), fhoIh [gnoy] m -h pus.
roHHUib, p iHaji, FHajia, imp rHycHfbiH [gnusniy] a sh f
roHH a concrete action, move- FHycen, -a, -o, -w, infamous,
ment in a definite direction foul, vile.
— 1 {cf roHHTb 1] 1. drive FHyxb [gnut''] imperf rny,
(urge along); drive out, turn FHeuib, p FHyji, imp phh,
out (send away); 2. hurry on, cornlyxb [sAgnut^] perf -y,
urge on; ~
jiouiajib ride a -emb, p -yji, imp -h 1. bend,
horse hard; 3. pursue, chase bow; 2. (no perf) fig col drive
(an animal). (at), aim (at);

ro6 - 80

-0- ~
cnHHv nepCA kcm-ji. roBfljiHHla [gAV**ad'in9] /
kowtow to smb; '-' cbok) jih- -M beef.
HKK) col have it one's own rofl [got, -d] m -a, pi -u
way. (-a), -OB year; b stom — y
ro66|H [gAboy] m -h, -es this year; b dy^ymeM —
oboe, hautboy. next year; b np6m.fioM —'y last
roBOplHTb [gavAr^it'*] im- year; eMy rpw -~a he is three
perf -K), -Hiiib, p -HJi, /mp -h, years old; (rpH paaa) b ^
nojroBOpHTb [pragavAr^it^j (three times) a year; Asa ~a
perf, cKaajaTb [skAz^t''] perf TOMy HaaaA two years ago;
CKajKy, CKasceiub, p -aji, imp qepes ABa ^a in two years;
CKajKH 1. {no perf) speak, copoKOBbie ~bi the forties;
talk {say words); ~HTb no- BHcoKocHbifl -— leap-year; xe-
-pyccKH speak Russian; ~ht KyinHH —
this year, current
MdcKBa this is Moscow call- year; ypojKaHHbiii ~
ing; (cKaaaTb) say, tell;
2. crop year;
OH —'HT, MTO... he says that; <> c HoBbiM ~om! a happy
— HTb npasAy tell the truth; New Year!; scrpena HoBoro
~HTb HenpasAy tell lies, tell ~a New- Year's party; Kpyr-
a lie; 3. (noroBopHib) speak, jiwfl ~all the year round;
talk {to, with smb); 4. {no H3 ~a B ~
year in, year
P^^f) f^S indicate, mean, out; B MOM ~u
at my age;
betoken; ~HTb b nojibsy B ^Ax elderly; He no ~aM
Koro-Ji. [qero-Ji.] do smb beyond one's years; Sea ro-
[smth] credit; 3to mhc HHqero Ay HeACjisi col =for a short
He '-HT this doesn't mean time.
anything to me; roAiHTbCfl [gAd^ittsa] im-
-0- -^-HT, HTO... they say perf ro^ycb, -HiubCH, p -hjich,
that...; HHane —
« in other -HJiacb, imp -HCb, Hxecb be
words; ne ~fl y^KC o... not fit {for), fit, be suitable,
ito mention..., to say nothing suit; do;
of...; coScTseHHo ~« as a <> arc (HHKyAa) ne ~Hrcfl
matter of fact; HeHero (h) that won't do; raK nocry-
-^ATbit goes without saying; narb/ ACJiarb He ~Hrcfl one
HTO H — MTb col there's no mustn't do such things, one
denying it; KaK cKasarb it mustn't behave this way.
depends; KaK saw cKasarb roAHHHUH [gAd^'ich^'niy] a
who knows; it's difficult to 1. a year's, of a year; for a
say; raK cKasarb so to say; year;B ~ cpoK within a year;
TpyAHo CKasarb there is no 2. annual, yearly.
telling; cKasaHo —
cAejiano roAH'ibiH [godniy] a sh f
col no sooner said than done; roAen, a, -o, -bi (-bi) fit {for),
HCHero CKasarb! well, to be suitable (/o/-); good {for), val-
sure) id {for).
^ 81 - rofl

roflOBOH [gadAvoy] a annu- ~biH roA year of famine;

al, yearly. ~bifl naeK starvation rations.
roAOBiu,MH|a [gadAfsh^iina] rojiojieAHma [gaUPed^itja]
/ -bi, ~anniversary. / -bi glazed frost; ice-covered
roMcycb [gAzhus^, -z^] see ground.
rO^HTbCH. rojioc [gobs, -z] m -a, pi
roji [gol] m -a, pi -u, -6b -A, -OB 1. voice (/) a sound;
goal {score); 3a6HTb — score 2) of a particular person;
a goal. 3) opinion); rp6MKHM ~om in
rojiJiaHA|eu [gAlan^d^its, a loud voice; bo Becb.— at
-dz] m -ua, -uee Dutchman. the top of one's voice; 2.
rojijiaHACKlHH [gAlansk^iy] vote (1) a formal expression
a -aH, -oe, -He Dutch. of a wish or choice; 2) the
rojiOBla [galAva] / -bi, ace right to give such an expres-
rojiosy, pi rojiOBbi, rojioB, sion); peuiaiomHH -- casting
-aM head {1} of the body; vote; noAaTb / OTAaxb -' aa...
2) the foremost part; 3) the give one's vote for...; npaBO
brain; 4) an individual ani- peiuaKDmero [conemaxejibHoro]
mal); ~a voting [speaking] right;
O BblKHHyXb H3 '-bl col put <> B OAMH — with one voice,
out of one's head; BCKpyxHTb unanimously; roBopHXb / nexb
rojiOBy KOMy-Ji. turn smb's c HyjKoro ~a repeat slav-
head; b n^pByio r6.iOBy first ishly.
of all; GHepT^ rojioBy rashly, rojiocoBaHH|e [galasAva-
headlong; cjiom^ rojiOBy like n^iya] n -h, -h voting, vote;
mad, at breakneck speed; he x^flHoe ~e secret ballot;
CBOM) rojioBy to one's own det- nocxaBHXb na '-e put to the
riment/disadvantage; ^6h vote; npoBecxH -~e hold / take
pynaxbcfl aa Kor6-Ji. answer a vote; Ka6HHa ajih ~5i poll-
for smb with one's life; ing-booth.
OKyHyrbCJi / yfixH c ~6ft b... rojiocloBdxb [galasAvat^]
be utterly absorbed in... imperf -yio, -yeuib, p -ob^ji,
rojioBOKpymeHHle [galava- imp -yfi vote (for).
kruzhen^iya] n -si, -u giddi- rojiySoH [galuboy] a light
ness. blue, sky-blue.
ro^iofl [gobt, -d] m -a 1. rojiy6i;|bi Jgaluptst] pi -6b
hunger, starvation; 2. famine. {sing rojiy6\en m -ua) golub-
rojioA|aTb [galAdat^] imperf tsy {stuffed cabbage-rolls).
-aio, -aeiub 1. starve, suffer r6jiy6|b [g61up'', -b^J m -h,
hunger; go without food; 2. pi -H, -eft pigeon, dove.
be on hunger-strike. r6ji|biH [g61iy] a sh f '^^
roji6AH|biH [gAlodniy] a sh -a, -o, -bi naked; bare.

f rojioAeH, -a, fojioaho, ro- roHCHHle [gAn^'en^iya] n -h,

jiOAHu (-bi) 1. hungry; 2.: -H persecution; victimiza-

roH -82-
tion; noABepraxb ~k) perse- «xb ~6h 3a... defend with
cute; victimize. might and main; stand firm
roHH [gAil^i] seernaib. by {smb)\ — a c njien col a load
roHHCb [gAH^i's^, -z^], ro- off smb's mind.
HHxecb [gAn^it^is^, -z^] see ropasAo [gArazda] adv
rnaTbCH. much, far {with comp).
roHJKa [gonka] / -kh, pi rop6dx|biH [gArbatiy] a sh
-KH, -OK 1. hurry, haste; 2. f '-, -a, -o, -bi 1. hunch-
pi sport race {of vehicles or backed, humpbacked; 2.: -~biH
boats)', rpe6Hbie ~kh boat- HOC acquiline nose;
-race(s); n^pycHbie ~kh re- <> --oro MorHJia HcnpdeHx
gatta; prov =
can the leopard
"^ —Ka BOopyHceHHH arms change his spots?
r^ce r6p6lHXbc« [gorb^ittsa] im-
roHopap [gariArar] m-a, perf -JlKDCb, ^HUIbCH, p -HJICH,
-OB fee; royalties; author's -HJiacb, imp
-bCH, -bxecb,
emoluments. [zgorb^ittsa] perf
roHK) [gAn^u], roHHuib stoop {bend the body, etc);
[gon^ish, -zh] see rnaxb. perf also become bent.
roHibcb [gAn^us^, -z^], ro- ropAJiixbCJi [gArd^itt^sa] im-
HHuibcn [gon^ishs^a] see perf rOpJKyCb, -HHIbCH, p -HJI-
FHaXbCH. CH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb
roHlflTb [gAn^at^] imperf be proud {of); pride oneself
-Hio, [cf THaib
-neujb 1] 1. {on).
drive {from one place to an- ropAocxlb [gordas^t^, -z^d^]
other, urge along); 2. col send / -H pride {in smth; the ob-
on errands {repeatedly), make ject of).
run {for smth). ropAJwH [gordiy] a sh f ~,
rOH|«Tbcsi [gAn^attjs] im- -a, -o, -bi (-bi) proud.
perf -HK)Cb, -HerubCH [r/rnaxb- rople [gor^a] n -n grief;
ch] 1. pursue, run {after)-, 2. misfortune;
fig col seek {wealth, fame, <> eMy H ^51 Majio col he
etc). doesn't care a fig; y6HxbiH
rop|d [gAr^j / -bi, ace ropy, ^CM broken-hearted; --e mhc
pi ropbi, -aM — , mountain;
1. c to66h col what trouble
hill, HflXH noA ropy go down- you give me!
hill; HATH B ropy go uphill ropjeBaxb [gar^i^vat^] im-
[also see <>]; KaxIxbCH c ^u perf -WK), -loeuib, p -eBAji,
slide downhill; 2. col heap, imp -K)H grieve {for); mourn
pile; {over).
•<> HAxil B r6|iy do well, pros- ropjexb [gAr^et^] imperf -lo,
per; rise up in the world; He -Huib, p -eji, imp -H 1. burn.
3a '-aMH at hand; nnp ~6h {also fig); 2. shine {of the
great / sumptuous feast; cxo- face, etc); sparkle {of eyes).
— 83 — rop

ropeHJb [gor^ich^, -j^] / -h ^HTb 3a ropoAOM live out of

1. bitter taste; 2. bitter stuff, town, live in the country.
bitter thing; 3. fig bitterness. ropOACKloH [garAtjkoy] a
ropHSOHT [g9r^iz6nt, -d] m -an, -6e, -He urban, town
-a, -OB horizon {also fig); {attr), city {attr); municipal;
skyline. —He mmejin townsfolk.
ropH30HTajibH bifi [ gar^izAn-
ropox [gArokh, -gh] -a m
tal^niy] a sh f ropHSOHTa- peas.
jieH, -a, -o, -bi horizontal. ropcoBeT [garsAv^^t, -d] m
ropHcxlbiH [gAr^istly] a sh -a, -OB (= ropoACKOH coeeT)
f ^y -a, -o, -bi mountainous, Town / City Soviet; Town /
hilly. City Council.
ropjijo [gorla] /i -a, ~ ropcT|b [gors^t^, -z^d''] /
throat; AwxaxejibHoe ~0
anat -H, pi -H, -efl handful {also
windpipe; y MeHH b —e
pecoxjio my
throat is dry; ropHHula [gArch^itja] / -u
•0 KOMOK / KJiyGoK B —-e lump mustard,
in the throat; no —o
col ropHMHHHK [gArch^ishn^ik,
more than enough; 6biTb cbi- -g] m -a, -ob mustard plaster;
TbiM no ~o HCM-Ji. be
col cxaBHTb — apply a mustard
sick and tired of smth; npH- plaster.
craTb c ho}k6m k ~y k ko- ropuiloK fgArshok, -g] m
My-Ji. worry the life out
col -Ka, -kcb (earthenware) pot.
of smb {demanding smth). ropbKJHH [gor^k^iy] a -an,
r6pjibiiii|Ko [g6rHshk9] n -oe, -He, sh f ropeK, -a, -o,
-Ka, -eK neck {of a bottle); -H 1. bitter {of taste); 2. fig
mouth {of any vessel). bitter, unpalatable; 3. fig
ropH [gorn]
I -a,m -ob miserable {lot, etc);
technol furnace, hearth. <> ~HH nbflHHua inveterate /
ropH II [gorn] m -a, -ob confirmed drunkard.
bugle {a small trumpet). ropiOHlee fgAr^uch^iya] n
ropnlbiH [gornty] a \.: ~-aH -ero fuel; petrol, gas.
uenb chain / ridge of moun- ropqHJHH [gAr^ach^iy] a
tains; ~-oe ymejibe mountain -an, -ee, -ne, sh f -^ -a, ,

gorge; 2. mining {industry, -6, -H 1. hot {having a high

engineer, etc); —oe AeJio min- temperature, very warm); 2.
ing. fig hot, ardent, fervent; hot-
ropHflK [gArn^ak, -gj m
-tempered, fiery; heated {ar-

-OB miner; mining gument, etc); very

engi- warm,
neer. hearty {welcome, etc); 3. fig
ropoA [gorat, -d] m -a, pi busy {time);
-a, -OB town, city; Bbiexaib / <> no — HM cjiCAaM hot on
noexaib aa ropo^ go to the the heels {of); close in the
country, go out of town; tracks (of), without delay.
rop - 84 -
ropjmlMTbcn |g9r''i^ch^itts9] rocTHH|aji [gAS^t^inaya] /
imperf -ycb, -HuibCH, p -p'ijich, -oii, -bix drawing-room.
-HJiar.b, imp -I'lCb, -Hiecb, rocTMHHU,|a [gAs^t'^in'^itsa]
paslropJiHHTbCJi [razgar^i^- / -bi, ~ hotel; inn; ociaHo- ^

ch^ittss] perf get excited; get BHTbCH B ~e put up / stay at j

angryT a hotel.
roc6aHK [gozbank, -g] m rocT|HTb [gAs^'t^it''] imperf
-a, -OB (= rocyAapcTBeHHbiH romy, -Hiub, p -Hji, imp -h
6aHK) State Bank. stay {with smb); be on a vis-
rocHHTajilb [gosp^ital^jm -h, it {to smb, some place).
pi ,-H, -efl (military) hospital. rocT|b [gos^'t'', -z*'d*'] m -h,
rocno;i!HH [gaspAd^in] m pi -H, -eft guest, visitor;
-HHa,/7^ -a, rocno;!, -aM 1. gen- 6biTb B ~HX on a y... be
tleman; 2. Mr; sir; ;iaMbi h viiit to...; go on
~a! ladies and gentlemen!; a visit, go visiting; pay a
3. master {one who controls); visit; npHXOAHxe (k HaM) b
caM ce6e --hh one's own ~h! come to see us!
master-^ rocyAapCTBeHH|biH [gasu-
^O' ~HH cBoero cjioea man of darstv^'mniy] a state; nation-
one's word. al {anthem, etc); -^bift ag-
rocnoACTBlo [gAspotstva] n HTeJib statesman; ~bift cxpoft
-a 1. supremacy; rule, domi- regime, state system; ~bift
nation {over)\ 2. prevalence, 5i3biK official language; —bift
predominance. nepeeopoT coup d'etat; ~aH
rocn6ACTB!oBaTb [gAspotst- HSMena high treason; acao
yv9t*'] imperf -y\o, -yeiub, p ~0H BaH<H0CTH a matter of
-osaji, imp -yft 1. rule {over); national importance.
2. prevail, predominate; 3. rocyAapCTB|o [gasudarstva]
command dominate
, {of a hill, n -a ~ State; country, na-
etc). tion.
rocnoAb [gAspot**, -d''] m roTOBlHTb [gAtov^it^] im-
rocnoAa the Lord, God; perf -JiK), -HUJb, p -HA, imp
<> ~ c to66h! 1) God bless -b 1. prepare, make ready;
you!; 2) nothing of the kind! train {teach); 2. cook {food);
rocno)K|a [gaspAzha] / -h, make, fix {dinner, etc);
-eft 1. lady; 2. Mrs; Madam; 3. have {smth) in store {for
Miss. smb).
rocTenpHMMHtbiH [gas^t^i- roTOBlHTbcsi [gAtov'^iitja]
pr^iimniy] a sh f rocxenpn- imperf -Jiiocb, -HuibCH, p -hji-
HMCH, -a, -o, -bi hospitable. CH, -HAacb, imp -bCH. -biecb
rocTenpHHMCTB|o [gas^t^i- get ready (for), prepare
pr'^iimstva] n -a hospitality; {for).
OKasbiBaTb ~o give / show roTOBlbiH [gAtovty] a sh f
hospitality. ~, -a, -0, -bi 1. ready, pre-
85 — rpa

pared; tu —
? are you ready?; rpa3KAaHCTB|o [grAzhdanst-
OH -~- Ha Bce he is ready / V9] n -a citizenship, nation-
willing to do anyttiing; 2. ality; noJiy^HTb npasa ~-a
finished {articles, etc); ~oe be admitted to the citizen-
nJiaTbe ready-made clothes; ship [also see <>];
MocT ~ the bridge is finished; <^ nojiyHHTb npaea —a re-
<> Ha BceM —CM with board ceive universal recognition.
and lodging. rpaM3dnHc|b [grAmzap^'is^,
romy [gAsh^:ul seerocxHib. -z^] / -H, -efi (gramophone)
rpSL6\'em [grAb*'6sh, -zh] m recording; MysbiKa b --h re-
-e>Ka, -e>KeH robbery {also fig corded music.
col); plunder(ing). rpaMM [gram] m -a, -ob
rpa6|HTb [grab^it^] imperf gram(me).
-jiK), -Huib, p -HJi, imp -b, rpdMOT|a [gramata] / -h,
oirpaSHTb [Agrab^'it^] perf ^ 1. reading and writing;
rob; sack (a town, etc); yqHTbCH —e learn to read
imperf also plunder, loot. and write; 2.: BepHTCJibHue
rpa6|jiH [grabl^i] pi -ejib --bi credentials; noxBa^bHafl
(-Jiefl), -JiHM rake (a tool). ^a (school) certificate of
rpdBH|fl [grav^iy] m -« encouragement; noHeTHan ~a
gravel. diploma (of honour);
rpaBibp|a [grAV^ura] / -bi, <> ({)HJibKHHa —a col use- ^
^ engraving, print; etching less scrap of paper.
{an impression). rpaMOTH|bifl [gramatnty] a
rpaA [grAt, -d] m -a hail sh f FpaMOTen, -a, -o, -bi 1.
{frozen rain). literate; educated; 2. compe-
rpaflyc [gradus, -z] -a, m tent, skilful.
-OB degree {a unit of meas- rpaHarja [grAnata] / -m, ^
urement); CKOJlbKO ceroAHfl grenade.
--0B? what's the temperature rpaHAHOsHlbift [gr^n^d^'idz-
today?; A^cHib -— ob lenjia niy] a sh f rpaHAHoaen, -a,
[xojiojia] ten degrees above -0, -bi grandiose, grand;
[below] zero. immense, vast.
rpaAycHHK [gradus^'n^'ik, -g] rpaHHT [grAn^it, -d] m -a
m -a, -OB thermometer. granite.
rpaKAaHHH [grazhdAn^in] rpaHMula[grAn^'itsa] / -u,
m -a, pi rpa>KAaHe, rpaynjxaH, ~ border; frontier; bound-

rpaiKAdHlKa [grAzhdanka] / ary; noexaxb aa --y go

-KH, -OK citizen {a member abroad; sa —efl abroad {in
of a state); ~! hello!, I sayl another country); H3-3a ~bi
rpa>RAaHCK|HH [grAzhdan- from abroad; 2. fig limit;
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne civil, nepeuTH Bce ~bi overstep the
civic; civilian; ~aH naRHXH^a limits; 3TO nepexoAHTBce ^U
civil funeral ceremony. it's the limit.
rpa 86

rpaHMHlHTb [grAn^'ich^it^] rpejiJKa [gr^elka] / -kh, -ok

imperf -ht border {on) {also hot-water bag; footwarmer;
fig)- ciaBHTb --Ky apply a hot-wa-
rpaH|b [gran^] / -h, -efl 1. ter bag / footwarmer.
facet, side; 2. fig border, rpcMleib [gr^i^'m^et''] im-
verge, brink; npoBOAHTb -^-b perf -JiK), -i^mb, p -eji, imp
Me>KAy... draw a distinction -H rattle; clatter; clank;
between... resound, ring out {also fig);
rpa(l)la [grAfa] / -bi, pi -bi, ~HT rpoM it is thundering,
— , -aM column {in printing). it thunders.
rpa(|)HK [graf^'ik, -g] m -a, rpeHJiaHA|eu [gr^i^nlan^-
-OB graph, diagram; time- d^i(s, -dz] m -ua, -ues Green-
-table, schedule; tomho no lander.
~y according to schedule. rpeHjiaHflCKiHM [gr^i^^nlan-
rpa(})HKla [graf^ika] / -h sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Green-
black-and-white art. landic.
rpa(})HH [grAf^in]
-a, -ob m rpelcTH [gr^'i^s^t^i] imperf
decanter; carafe. -6y, -6emb, p rpe6, -6Jia, imp
rpau,H63H|biH [gratsioznty] -6h 1. row {with oars); scull;
a sh f rpauHoaeH, -a, -o, -bi paddle; 2. rake {hay, etc).
graceful. rpCTb [gr^et^] imperf rpero,
rpan [grach^, -j^] -a, m rpeeiub, p rpeji, imp rpeft 1.
-eii rook {a bird). give out warmth; coJiHue
rpeSeHJKa [gr^i^b'^onka] / CHjibHo rpeer it's very warm
-KH, -OK comb {for the hair); in the sun; 2. warm, heat;
«0* CTpHHb Bcex noji OflHy warm up; 3. keep warm {of a
'-^ Ky^ (try to) make everyone coat, etc).
fit into the same pattern. rpex [gr'^ekh, -gh] I m -a,
rpeSjeHb [gr^eb^m^] m -hh, -OB sin {moral offence); co-
-HCH 1. comb {for tfie hair); EepiuHTb — nepcA... sin
2. comb {of a cock); 3. crest against...;
{of mountains, etc). 11 predic col it's a sin {to
rpe6|eu [gr''i^b*'etj, -dz] m do smth); — o6H>K^Tb pe6eHKa
-ua, -UOB oarsman, rower. it's a sin to treat a child
rpeSeuijoK [gr^ib^i^shok, badly; ne -- h oiAOXHyxb it
-g] m -Ka, -kob see rpedenb wouldn't be bad to have a
1, 2. rest;
rpe6ji|ji [gr^ebl^a] / -h <> c '~6m nonojiaM col hard-
rowing. ly, barely {manage to do smth).'
rpesJHTb [gr^ez^it^] imperf rpCMaH|Ka [gr^i^ch^anka] /
rpejKy, -Hiub, p -hji dream, -KH, -OK Greek woman; Greek
day-dream. gill-
rpCK [gr^ek, -g] m -a, -oa rpenecKlMH [gr^ech^isk^iy]
Greek. a -an. -oe, -He Greek.

87 — rpy

rpeHHeB|biM [qr^ech^n^iviy] cpe;i,H flCHoro He6a a

<> ^
a: ~aH Kpyna buckwheat; from the blue; Merarb
— an Kama buckwheat por- ~bi H MOJiHHH rage, storm.
ridge. rpoMaflH|biH [grAmadniy] a
rpeuilHTb [gr^i^shit^] imperf sh f rpOMaACH, -a, -o, -bi
-y, -Hiub, p -Hji, imp -H huge, enormous, vast, im-
1. sin; 2. sin {against), mense.
violate {the truth, etc). rpoMKlHH [gromk^iy] a
rpH6 [gr^ip, -h] m -a, -6b -an, -oe, -He, sh f rpoMOK,
mushroom; toadstool. -a^ -o, -H 1. loud {sound); 2.
rpHB|a [gr^'ivo] / -bi, — fig famous, celebrated; oe —
mane. I'lMH famous / great name;
rpHBCHKHK [gr^fv^m^'ik, -g] ~aH cjiasa great fame; 3.:
m -a, -OB ten-copeck coin --He cjiOBa fine words, high-
piece. flown talk; 6e3 ~hx cjiob
rpHM [gr^im] m -a make-up without a fuss.
{of an actor). rpoMKoroBopMTeJi|b [grom-
rpHMac|a [gr'^imasa] / -bi, kagavAr^it^il*'] m -h, -en loud
'- grimace; Aejiaib ~bi make speaker.
faces. rpoMosAKlHK [grAmostk^iy]
rpHnn [gr^^ip, -b] m -a flu, a -an, -oe, -ne, sh f rpoMoa-
influenza, grippe. AOK, -a, -0, -H cumbersome,
rpo6 [grop, -b] -a, pim bulky, unwieldy.
-b'l, -OB coffin; rpoMHC [gromch^i] comp of
<> flo ~a till death. rpoMKHH & corresp adv.
rposla [grAza] / -b'l, pi rpoxoT [grokhat, -d] m -a
rp63bi, ~
(thunder)storm; nac crash {a noise); rattle; rum-
sacTaJia —a we were caught ble; roar, thunder.
in a (thunder)storm. rpySocTlb [grubas^t^, -z^d^]
rpo3fl|b [gros^t^, -z^d^] / / -H, -eft rudeness; roughness;
-H, pi -H (-bH), -eft (-bee) roBopHTb ~H KOMy-Ji. be rude
cluster {of grapes, etc). to smb.
rposlHTb [grAz^it^] imperf rpySjbift [grubiy] a sh f —
TpOHcy, -Huib, p -HJI, imp -h -a, -o, -bi coarse,
1. rough
1. threaten; 2. shake {one's {skin, material, etc); crude
finger, fist at smb). {workmanship) ; 2. harsh
rposHlbiM [grozniy] a sh f {voice); 3. rude, coarse {words,
rpoaeH, -a, -o, -u (-bi) ter- etc); flagrant, gross {viola-
rible, formidable; threaten- tion, blunder, etc).
ing, menacing; stern. rpyAJa [gruda] / -bi, ~
rpoM [grom] m -a, pi -bi, heap, pile.
-OB 1. thunder; 2.: ^ anjio- rpyAMHK|a [grud^inka] /
flHCMGHTOB a storm of ap- -H brisket; bacon.
plause; rpyAHJOH [grudnoy] a; — 4n
rpy 88 —
KJiexKa anat thorax; -^oPi pe- rpw)K|a [grfzha] / -h med
6eH0K baby. hernia, rupture.
rpyfllb [grut'', -d^] / -h rpbi3|Tb [gris^t^] imperf
(-h), pi -H, -efi breast; chest -y, -euib,/7 — , -Jia, imp -h 1.
{of the body)', bust, bosom; gnaw {bite); nibble {like a
KopMHTb ^hvi nurse, suckle rabbit, etc); eat {nuts, etc);
(a baby). 2. fia nag.
rpya [grus, -z] m -a, -ob rpRfllna [gr^atka] / -kh, -ok
1. load {what is carried)', bed {with vegetables or ber-
freight, cargo, goods; 2. bur- ries).
den, weight. rt)$i3H|HTb [gr^'i^z^n^it''] im-
rpysHH [gruz^in] m -a, ^ perf -i6, -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp
Georgian. -H, sairpHSHATb [zagr^i^z**-
rpysHHCKlHfi [gruz^insk^'iy] n^it^] perf soil, make dirty.
a -an, -oe, -He Georgian. rpH3H0
[gr^azna] I adv
rpy3|Hrb [gruz^if*] imperf dirtily; untidily;
rpyxy, rpyaniub (-Hiub), p II impers predic: na yjiHue
-TAji, imp -H, nojrpyaHTb — it's muddy outdoors; b
[pagruz'^it'*] perf load {goods, KOMHaie ~ it's dirty in the
etc); embark {cargo, etc); room; the room is untidy /
entrain; emplane. of litter.
rpysoBHK [gruzAv^'ik, -g] m rp^3H|biJI [gr^azniy] a sh f
-a, -OB lorry; US truck. rpflscH, -a, -0, -bi (-bi) 1.

rpy34HK [grush^:ik, -g] m dirty; filthy; ~oe 6ejibe dirty

-a, -OB loader; stevedore, linen; washing; 2. muddy
longshoreman. {road);
rpyHT [grunt, -d] m -a, -ob <> —an jiHHHOCTb dirty
soil; ground, bottom. character {a person).
rpynn|a [gruppa] / -bi, ~ rpji3|b [gr'^as^, -z''] / -h
group; cluster {of trees, etc). 1. dirt; mud, slush; 2. fig
rpycT|HTb [grus't^it^] im- filth; corruption; 3. pi -h,
perf rpymy, -Huib, p -h;i, -eu med mud;
imp -H be sad; feel blue; <> cMeuidib c ~bK) defame,
long {for), yearn {for). vilify;besmirch {smb's) name.
rpycTHo [grusna] I adv ry6|a [guba] / -bi, pi ry6bi,
sadly; — -aM lip {of the mouth);

II impers predic it is sad; BepxHHH —a upper lip; hh>k-

CMy —, MTO... he is sorry HHH —a lower lip.
that...; MHe ^ cJibimaTb sto I ry6MTejibH|biH [gub^if'il*'-
am sorry to hear that. nty] a sh f rySHiejieH, -a -o,
rpycTHlbiH [grusniy] a sh f -bi pernicious, ruinous, disas-
rpycTCH, -a, -o, -bi (-bi) sad. trous, fatal.
rpyui|a [grusha] / -h, ~ ry6|HTb [gub^'it''] imperf
pear; pear-tree. -jiv), ry6Hmb, p -hji, imp -h,
m-^ Aa

noiry6HTb [pagub^'it^] perf sh f ryManeH, -a, -o, -bi hu-

ruin, destroy; spoil. mane.
ry6{Ka [guplo] / -kh, -ok ryMHJo [gumno] n -a, pi
sponge {!) an animal; 2) an rywHa, ryMen (ryMen), ryM-
absorbent). HaM threshing-floor.
' ryfllcTb [gud^et^] imperf ryceHHuja [gus^m^itss] /
-HT, p -eji buzz; drone; hoot. -bi, ~ zool 8c technol caterpil-
ryAloK [gudok, -g] -Ka, m lar.
-KOB 1. hooter; whistle {on an rycT|eTb [gus^t^et^] imperf
engine, etc); horn; 2. hooting; -eex thicken, become thick
whistle {of an engine, etc). (-er) / dense(r).
ryji [gul] m -a rumble, rycjloH [gustoy] a sh f ~,
rumbling; hum, buzz; roaring -a, rycTO, rycxbi (-bi) thick,
{of the wind). dense.
ryjiflHb|e [gul^an^'ya] n -h, ryc|b [gus^, -z^] -h, pim
ryjiHHHH 1. walking {for pleas- -H, -eft goose;
ure);2. outdoor fete; merry- <> KaK c ~si BOfla col like
-making. water off a duck's back.
ryjil«Tb [gul^at^] imperf ryxajiMH [gutApin] -a m
-HK), -Heiub, nojryjiqTb [pa- shoe polish, blacking.
gul^at^] perf 1. walk {for ryiu|a [gush^:9] /-h 1. sed-
pleasure); go for a walk; have iment; the thickness; 2. thick-
a walk; be out of doors; 2. et, thick {of a forest); b
col have a good time, make ~e Mace in the midst of
merry. masses {of the people).
ryjiflui [guPash, -zh] m -a rSC [ges] abbrev (/)(= tha-
goulash. poajieKTpocTaHUHH) hydroelec-
rywaHHlbiH [gumannty] a tric station.

Aa I [da] part 1. a word position —
dA; in the second
of affirmation or consent yes; and other pretonic positions
«0h «Aa»- "Has he
yexaji?» — da] denoting intensifica-
left?" "Yes, he has"; «Pa3Be tion but, oh but; Aa Hex y
OH He yexaji?» ^JXa, ue yexaji». Hero sxofl KHHrn! but he
"Hasn't he left?" "No, he doesn't have the book!; o mcm
hasn't"; 2. denoting surprise ero HH cnpocH, oh BcerAa
in question form really?, in- Mx6-HH6yAb Aa anaex what-
deed?; «0h yexaji». «ila?» "He ever you ask him, he always
has left". "Really?" / "Has does know something / is sure
he?"; 3. [in the first pretonic to know something; Aa hxo
Aa — 90

c HUM roBopHTb! there's no imp col let's, let us; ~aH(Te)

sense in talking to hiim!; Aa noHACM TyAa let's go there;
Hy ero! col oh, bother him!; — aft H noMory leSe come,
4. used when one suddenly I'll help you;
recalls smth or changes the <> ~aTb ornop rebuff, re-
subject of conversation by the pulse; ~aTb cjioBo 1) prom-
way, that reminds me; Aa! ise, give one's word; 2) give
Bbi BH^eJiH ero? by the way! / (smb) the floor; Aaxb SHaxb
that reminds me! have you let know, let hear; aib —
seen him?; 5, denoting disbe- ct6a 3HaTb make itself felt;
lief, strong doubt, irony, etc~dTb xoA HeMy-ji. advance /
not likely; catch him [her, promote smth; set smth go-
etc] doing it; I don't believe ing; efi HejibSfl Aatb Sojibuie
it;^«OH npHflei 3aBTpa», «Aa, ABaAUaiH JiCT she does not
npHZieT. SaBTpa oh 6y.AeT sa- look more than twenty; kh
HHT». "He'll come tomorrow". Aaxb HH B35iTb col cxactly =
"Not likely! I don't believe
/ the same, as like as two peas;
it! Tomorrowhe'll be busy"; — afl, ~aH! col go ahead!;
6. used with imperative to get on!; come
express a wish: Aa sApaBCT- AaelHTb [dAv^it^] imperf
Byer..! [dAzdrastvuyat] long -Ji\b, AaBHUJb, p -Hji, imp -n
live..! I. lie heavy (on), weigh (on)
Aa [da; in the first pre-
II {also fig); 2. press, hurt {of
tonic position dA\ in the — footwear, parts of clothing,
second and other pretonic po- etc); 3. crush {snakes, etc); 4.
sitions —
d^] cj denoting 1. squeeze, press, crush {a lem-
addition and; and besides; on, grapes, etc).
Mbi Aa Bbi you and we; 2. AaBKJa [dafk9] / -n crush
contrast and, but; oh o6emaJi {a mass of people).
npHHTH, Aa He npHiueA he AaBJieHHJe [dAvPen^iya] n
promised to come but failed. -H, -H pressure {also fig);
Aaeldrb [dAvat^] imperf OKasbieaTb --^e na kofo-a.
AaK), Aaeuib, p -an, imp -Aik, exert pressure on smb.
Aaxb [dat^] perf AaM, Aamb, AaBHiHfi [davn^iy] a old,
AacT, AaAHM, AaAHie, AaAyx, ancient; bygone; of long
p Aa-^, flaAa, AaJio (AaAo), standing; c -^hx nop for a
imp Aafi 1. give {1) smth to very long time,
smb; 2) milk, said of a cow; AaBHO [dAvno] adv 1. long
fruit, of a tree, etc; 3) a concert, ago; 2. for a long time {of
lessons, evidence, etc); -~aTb waiting, knowing, etc);
TejierpaMMy send a telegram; <> ~nopa it's high time.
wire; 2. let, allow; CMy He AaAHM [dAd^im], AaAHre
--aAH roBopHTb they didn't [dAd^it^'il 1st & 2nd persons
let him speak; 3. {no perf) pi of Aaxb, see Aasaib,
91 - AaM

Aame [dazha] part intens AajibHjHH [dal^n^iy] a 1.

even though one would
(1) distant, remote; ~ee pac-
not expect it; 2) used with CTOHHHe long / great distance;
comp). — ero AeHCTBHH long-range
flafi [day] imp of Aaih; see {aircraft, etc); 2. distant {of
;iaBaTb. relatives);
m^ [dal], AaJia [dAla] p <> flajibHHH BocTOK the Far
of iiaxb; see AaeaTb. East.
Aajiee [dal^iya] adv 1. fur- flajibH0BH;;HlbiH[d9PnAv^id-
ther, farther; 2. then, further; niy] a sh f AajibHOBHAeH, -a,
<> H xaK — and so - on, -0, -bi prescient, far-sighted,
and so forth; et cetera. far-seeing.
AajieK|HH [dAl^ok^iy] a -eh, AajibHosopKlHH [dal^nAzor-
-oe, -He, sh f -^ ^ajieKa, , k'^iy] a -an, -oe, -He, sh f
ABjieKo (-o), flaJieKH (-h) 1. AajibHoaopoK, -a, -o, -h long-
remote, distant, far-away; 2. -sighted, far-sighted {able to
long {way, journey, etc); 3. see far).
fig far (from), far removed [dal^shl^] I comp
(from); ~Hfl ot ueJin [ot & corresp adv;
of jxaJieKnik
FiCTHHbi] wide of the mark II adv then, next; mto ~?
[truth]. what next?; a 6biJio —?
AajiCKO [d9Pi*^k6] I adv far what happened next /then?;
away, far off, a long way MTO 6yAeT ~? what is going
off; —
nosajxn far behind; to happen?, what will happen
II impers predic 1. it's a next?;
long way to...; eme -~? do <> — ! go on!
we have to go much farther?; AaM [dam] 1st person of
Ao SToro eme -~ this is still Aaxb; see jtaBaxb.
a long way off; 2.: eMy [efi AaMJa [dama] / -bi, ~ 1.
u m. d.] ~ Ro Mero-ji. he lady; 2. partner {in danc-
[she, etc] is far from being ing) .

smth; eMy [efl u m. d.] ~ flo AaMCKlHH [damsk^iy] a -an,

Koro-Ji. he [she, etc] is much -oe, -He ladies'.
inferior to smb; flaHHlbie [danntya] pi -bix
<> —
3a nojiHOHb long after 1. data, facts; uH4)poBbie ~bie
midnight; (cjihuikom) sa- — figures {of production, etc);
xoAMTb go too far; '- ne... npHBOAHTb ~bie cite data; no
far from being...; ~ HAyiUHH ~biM... according to..., ac-
far-reaching {plans, etc). cording to the data {of)\
jxajibH^fiui'HH [dAl^n^ey- 2. makings (o/ a person).
shty] a -an, -ee, -He further fldHHJbiH [dannly] a given,
{explanations, etc); subse- present; b — oe speMfl at pre-
quenl; sent, at the (present) mo-
-^ B -^CM later on; in future. ment.
WM 92

AaHlb [dan^] / -h contri- ;iamb [dash, -zh] 2nd per-

bution, tribute {also fig); son of A^Tb; see Aaeaxb.
^ OTAaTb —b BpeivieHH take AaK) [dAyu], Aaeiiib [dA-
cognizance of tJie age / time. yosh, -zh] see Aaeaxb.
Aap [dar] m -a, pi -bi, -6b ABa [dva] nam card m &n,
1. gift, donation; npHHecTH ABC [dv^e] / AByx, AsyM, ~
mo-ji. B ~ make a gift of (/ ABe) & AByx, ARyMH, (o)
smth; 2. gift, talent. Asyx two; b ~ paaa 66jibme
AaplHTb [dAr^it^] imperf -ib, twice as much; twice as many;
AapHUib, p -HJi, imp -H, noi- twice the size {of); b ~paaa
flapAib [padAF^it^] perf make MCHbiiie half (the...); half the
a present of, present; give {as size {of);
a present); imperf also make <> -~-xpH one or two, a
presents; --HTb na naMHTb give couple {of); b AByx cAOBax
as a keepsake. very briefly; b AByx uiarax
flapoBaHH|e [darAvan^iya] n near by; a few steps away;
-H, -H talent, gift. B '-' CHexa col in a jiffy, in
AapoM [daram] adv 1. free no time.
(of charge), for nothing; 2. ABaAuaxbiH [dvAttsatty] num
for next to nothing, for a ord twentieth.
trifle {of buying); 3. no
to ABaAUaxjb [dvattjat^, -d'']
purpose, in vain; ~ TpaTHTb nam card -h, -bib twenty.
waste {time, etc); ABa}KAbi [dvazhdi] adv
«> 5to CMy ~ He npofiAer two times, twice.
he'll pay for it. ABe see Asa.
jiacT [dast, -zd] 3d person ABeH^AUaxbiH [dv^i^nattja-
of A^Tb; see AasaTb. t*y] num ord twelfth.
AdTJa [d^ta] / -bi, date ~ ABeH^Ai^axjb [dv^i^nattsat^,
{on a letter, etc). -d^] num card -h, -bK) twelve.
AaTCK|Hfl [da^k^iy] a -aH, ABep|b [dv^er^] / -h, pi -h,
-oe, -He Danish. -eft door {of a room, etc);
AaTH^H|HH [dAt^ch^^n^in] BXOAH^H ~b front door; en-
m -HHa, pi ~ Dane.
-e, trance {to a house, etc)\ b
Aaxb see Aaeaib 1,2. ~HX in the doorway;
Aanja [dach^a] / -h, ~ <> npH saKpbixbix ~flx be-
country cottage; summer hind closed doors; in private
house; JKHXb na — e live in (session).
the country; noexarb na ~y ABCcxH [dv^es^t^i] num card
go to the country. AByxcox, AByMcxaM, ~, ABy-
AaHHJbiH [dach^niy] a: ~biH MHCxaMH, (o) AByxcxax two
nocejioK suburban settlement; hundred.
'-biH noesA suburban train; AEHraxejiLb [dv^igat^iP] m
'--biii ceaoH summer holiday -H, -eft 1. engine, motor; pe-

season. aKXHBHUH —b jet engine; —-b

93 — JK^y

BHyTpeHHcro cropaHHH inter- ABOp

I (dvor] m -a, -6b 1.
nal-combustion engine; 2. fig yard, courtyard; npoxoAHofl
motive force, ^ communicating courtyard;
jiBHr|aTb [dv^'igat^] imperf 2. household, farmstead;
-aio, -aeuib, flBHH|yTb [dv^i- <> Ha ~e out of doors, out-
nut^] perf -y, -eiub, p -yji, side; nocTOiijibiH ~ inn; mo-
imp -b move {cause to change HCTHbiH ~
mint; hh kojiA hh
place); set going; advance, ~d neither house, nor home.
promote; ~aTb pyKofl [najib- ABOp II [dvor] m -a, -6b
ufiuum.n.] mo\:e one's hand court {of a sovereign).
(finger, e^c]. ABOp|eu[dvAr^etj, -d^] m
ABHrjaTbCJi [dv^'igattja] im- -ua, -uoB palace.
perf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, abh- ABopHHK [dv6rn^ik, -g] m
H|yTbcji [dv^inuttja] perf -ycb, -a, -OB care-taker {of a buildr
-eiubCH, p -yJiCH, -yjiacb, imp ing); janitor.
-bCH, -bxecb move {change ABy..., AByx... first element
position); ~aTbCH Bnepe^ ad- of compounds denoting 'two'
vance, move forward. {consisting of two, having
ABH«eHHle [dv^izhen^iya] two, etc): AByKpaTHbiH [dvu-
n -H, -H 1. motion, move- kratni'y] twofold, double;
ment; nocTynaxeJibHoe — e on- AByxHeAeJibHMH [dvukhn^'i^-
ward movement; npHBO^HTb d^'el^'niy] two-week, bi-week-
B ^e set in motion, set ly; AByxsTa^cHbiH [dvukh-
going; npHxoAHTb b ~e 1) etazhniy] two-storey.
begin to move; come into AByjiH4H|biH [dvul^ich^niy]
operation; 2) fig be stirring a sh f AByJiHHeH, -a, -o, -u
to action; 2. traffic {of ve- double-faced.
hicles, etc); 3. fig movement AByM [dvum] dat of Asa &
{social); —e 3a MHp peace ABe; see Asa.
movement. AByMcraM [dvumstam] dat
ABHHyTb ABHraxb.
see of ABeCTH.
ABHHyTbCfi see ABHraibCH. AByMq [dvum^a] instr of-
flB6|e [dvoya] num collect ABa & ABe; see ABa.
-HX, -HM, -HX (-e), -HMH, (o) AByMflCTaMH [dvum^asta-
-HX two. m^i] instr of ABecTH.
flBOHKla [dvoylo] / -h, abo- ABycMbicjieHH|biH [dvusmis^-
eK 1. two (a figure); 2. black Pmnty] a sh f ABycMbicJien,
mark, "poor", "two". -a, -o, -bi 1. dubious, equiv-
ABOHHHK[dvAyn^ik, -g] m ocal; 2. indecent, obscene.
-a, -OB double{of a person). AByx [dvukh, -gh] gen, ace
ABOHHOH [dvAynoy] a dou- & pr of ABa & ABe; see Asa.
ble (/) door, etc; 2) share, AByx... see ABy...
amount, etc; 3) meaning, AByxcoT [dvukhs6t, -d] gen
game, etc). of ABCCTH,
flBy -- 94 —
flByxcrax [dvukhstakh, -gh] AeBflTHaAuaTbiH [d^iv^i^t-
pr of ABecTH. nattsatty] num ord nine-
fleBJaTb [d^i^vat^] perf & im- teenth.
perf -aio, -aeuib, fleib [d^et^] AeBHTHaAUarlb [d^iv^i^t-
perf Aeny, AeHeiub, p a^ji, ndtt§at^, -d^] num card -h,
flejia, imp aghb put, do with; -bK) nineteen.
KyA^ oHa -^ajia pyqKy? where AeBMTbiH [d^i^v^atjy] num
has she put the pen?, what ord ninth.
has she done with the pen?; AeBflxlb [d^ew^ii^ -d^] num ,

OH He 3HaeT, Ky^a ~aTb CBoe card -h, -bib nine.

BpeMH [CBOH AeHbFH U TU. tl.] AeBHTbcoT [d^iv''i^tss6t,.-d]
he does not tcnow what to do num card AesHTHcoT, AeeHXH-
with his time [money, etc]\ cxaM, —
AeeHTbKDcxaMH, (o)

<> ~aTb HCKyAa col plenty AeBHXHCxax nine hundred.

of, lots of. AerjOTb [d^ogat'', -d^] m -xh
ACBlaTbCfl [d^'i^vattja] perf (-TK)) tar, pitch.
& imperf -aKx:b, -aeiubCH, AeA [d^et, -d] m -a, -ob 1.
flCTbCM [d^ettja] perf Aenycb, granddad, grandfather; 2. col
AeneuibCH, p A^Jicfi, AeJiacb, old man;
imp AGHbCH, AeHbTecb 1. dis- <> ~-M0p63 Father Frost; Fa-
appear, get to; KyAa ~ajicH ther Christmas, Santa Glaus.
6jiokh6t? where has the pad AeAyuiJKa [d^edushka] m
disappeared / got to?; KyA^ -KH, -CK granddad.
'-aJiCH MHuia? what has be- AewyplHTb [d^'i^zhur^it^]
come of Misha?; where has imperf -k), -Huib, p -hji, imp
Misha disappeared?; 2.: eMV -b 1. be on duty; 2. watch
HeKyAa -^-aibCH he has no- (beside a sick-bed, etc).
where to go; OH He 3HaeT, xyAa AemypHbiH [d^i^zhurniy] 1
~aTbC5i OT nocexHTejieft he a on duty; ^
does not know how to escape 11 as a noun AejKypHJbiH
from visitors; oh ne snaex, m -oro, -bix one on duty; -^
KyA^ -—^TbCH OT CTbiAa he no cxaHUHH assistant station-
does not know what to do -master.
with himself for shame. AcaepTHp [d^'iz^i^rt^'ir] m
AeBOH|Ka [d^ev9ch'*k9]/ -KH, -a, -OB deserter.
-CK (little) girl. Ae3HH(t)^KUHiji fd**iz''inf''ek-
AeByui|Ka [d^evushks] / -kh, tsiya] / -H, -H disinfection.
-CK girl, lass. ^AeHCTBHle [d^'eys^t^v^iya]
;ieBHH6cT|o [d^'iv^i^nosta] n -H, pi -H, -H 1. action,
num card -a ninety. operation; Mecxo -~h scene of
ACBHHocTbiJi [d^iv^i^nostty] action; npHBOAHTb b ~e put
num ord ninetieth. in action; BBOAHXb s ~e put
AeB^TJKa [d^'i^v^atka] /-KH, into effect, implement (a law,
K)K nine (a figure). etc)\ 2. action, deed; pi also
- 95 — fleji

activities, activity; conduct, play, etc); —aa apMHa army

behaviour; 3. effect {of a med- in the field.
icine, etc); 4.act {of a play); AeKa6p|b [d^i^kabr*"] m -ji

5. mathoperation; nexbipe December.

-—H apH4)MeTHKH tlic fouT rules ACKaflla [d^'i^kada] / -bi ^
of arithmetic; ten-day period.
<> BoeHHbie —
H hostilities, flCKaH [d^i^kan] m -a, -ob
military operations; CBoSoAa dean {of a faculty).
--H a free hand. ACKaHar [d^ikAnat, -d] m
flCHCTBHTejibHo [d^i^ys^t^- -a, -OB dean's office {at a fac-
vMt^'iPna] I adv really; ulty).
11 parenth really, indeed, to AeKopauHJfl [d^ikAratsiya]
tell the truth. / -H, theat scenery. ^

fleftcTBHTejibHocTlb [d^i^y- ACKpex [d^i^kr^et, -d] m

s^t'v^it^il^nas^t^, -z^d^] / -h -a, -OB decree {of the govern-
reality. ment, etc).
fleficTBHTejibHJbiH [d^'i^y- Acji [d^'el], ACJia [d^ela] p of
s^t^v^it^il^niy] a sh f ach- Aexb; see Aesaxb.
CTBHTejieH, -a, -o -bi 1. real, ACJijaxb [d^'elat^] imperf
actual, true; 2. valid, avail- -aio, -aeiub, clACJiaxb [z'M^e-
able {ticket, etc); laf*] perf 1. make, produce;
<> -~biH 3aji6r ling active 2. do {act); oh Bce ~aex no-
voice; ~biH HJien AKaACMHH -CBoeMy he does everything in
HayK Member of the Academy his own peculiar way; he has
of Sciences; —aa cjiyjKSa mil everything his own way; 3.
active service. do {one's work, lessons, etc);
fl,eFCTB| 0BaTb[ d^eystyvat*"] make {an attempt, mistake,
imperf -yio, -yeiiib, p -oeaJi, report, etc); —-axb yxpeHHioio
imp -yft, noifleHCTBOBaTb [pA- THMHacxHKy do morning exer-
d^eystyvat^] perf 1. {no perf) cises; cAeJiaxb bh3hx pay a
act; work, function; run {of — axbSbiroBop
visit /call; re-
a machine); pa^HonpHeMHHK primand, reprove;
He —yei the radio set is out O ~axb necxb KOMy-ji. [ne-
of order; 2. have an effect My-ji.]do credit to smb [smth];
{on); take effect; sto JieKap- — axb BHA pretend, feign;
CTBO xopoiuo -—yex this med- --axb Henero it can't be help-
icine is efficacious; this med- ed; ox Henero -^axb col to
icine has a favourable effect while away the time.
{on smb). ACJilaxbCfl [d^'elattsa] imperf
flCHCTByiomlHH [d^eystvuyu- -aiocb, -aeiubCH, c:AeJiaxbca
sh^riy] a [pa] -an, -ee, -He: [z^d^elattsa] perf 1. become,
~HH saKOH law in force; ~aH grow, get {also impers); ~aex-
MOA^Jib working model; CH npoxJiaAHo it's getting
^O' ~ee jiHi;6 character {of a cool; 2. go on, happen; mxo

AeJi 96 -
3Aecb —aexcH? what's going AejifO [d''ela] n -a, pi -a,
on here?, what's up here? ~, -ajvi 1. work {activity);
ACjierar [d^iPi^gat, -d] m
~ocnopHTCH the work is in
-a, -OB delegate. swing; 2. affair, business;
AejierauH(ji [d^il^i^gatstya] concern {of mine, domestic,
/ -H, -H delegation (a group);' etc); y mchh k eaivi ~o I have
B cocTaee —h
on a delega- some business with you;
tion. y Hero mhofo ~ he has many
AejieHHJe [d^i^l^en^iya] n things to do; ne BMGiiiHBaiicH
-H, -H 1. division {the act of); He B CBoe —0 mind your own
2. point {of a scale); ynacib business; 3. deed, act; AoSpoe
[nOAHHTbCH] Ha ipH ~H gO ~o good deed; c^ejiaxb 6o;ib-
down [up] three points. moe ~o achieve a great feat;
flejijeu, [d^i^Petj, -dz] m 4. cause {of peace, of the
-bua, -buoB business man. working class, etc); 5.: HH>Ke-
flejiHKaTH|biH [d^iPikatnty] nepHoe —o engineering; cJie-
a sh f AeJiHKaieH, -a, -o, -bi capHoe —0 metal working;
1. delicate, tactful, consider- cTOJiapHoe —o joinery; anarb
ate; 2. delicate, ticklish. CBoe — o know one's job; 6.
Aeji|HTb [d'^i^Pit'^] imperf case {in a court); 7. {mostly
-K), AejiHUib. p -HJi, imp -h, pi) the state of affairs; things;
KaK ~a? how are you?, how
noJAejiHTb [pad'^i'^l'^it^] perf,
are you getting on?, how do
pasJAejiHTb [raz^d*'i*^l^it''] per}
1. divide {into parts, etc); matters stand?; Kan BaujH
'-HTb Ha... divide by {a cer- ~a? how are you getting on?;
tain number); ~HTb noposHy ero ~a hjioxh things are bad
divide equally, divide into with him; he is rather poor-
equal parts; ~HTb nono.iaM ly; 8. matter {of habit, taste,
divide into halves; 2. (pas^e- of great importance, etc); b
JiHTb) fig share {with smb); MeM ~o? what is the matter?;
-^HTb c KCM-Ji. rope [paAocTb 9. file, dossier; Jiri^Hoe —
u m. n.] share smb's grief personal file; {smb's) record;
[joy, etc]. <0> 3a ~o according to one's/

Aeji|MTbCJi [d^i^l^ittja] im- smb's deserts; eMy nonajio

perf -K)Cb, Ae/lHUibCH, p -HJICH, 3a -~o he got his deserts;
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb, Ha ~e in fact, in reality; in-
noiAeJiHTbCfl [psd^i^l^ittsa] deed; Ha caMOM JKC -^e but
perf, pa3:AejiHTbC5i [raz^dM^- in fact; but the fact is (that...);
Pitts9] perf 1. (pasAeJiHTbCH) B caMOM ^e?
really?, you
divide {of a stream, certain don't say so!; -~o e tom, hto...
number); be divided; 2. (no- the point /thing is that...;
AejiHTbCH) fig share {smth B t6m-to h ~o, hto... the
with smb); tell {one's impres- whole point is that.,.; He
sions, etc); confide {in smb). B 3T0M --0 that's not the
97 — ACH

point; TO H ~-o perpetually, parade; 2. display, show,

incessantly; every now and showing.
then; He y ^
out of service, AeHe}KH|biH [d^en^izhniy]
out of work; nepebiM ~om a monetary, pecuniary; —bin
in the first instance, first of nepeBOA money order; b —om
all, firstthing; roBopHTb ~o Bbipa>KeHHH in terms of mon-
col talk sense; HivieTb -~-o ey.
c KCM-ji.have to do with smb; ACHy [d^enu], Aeneiub [d''e-
KaKoe eiviy —gag aTcro! what n^ish, -zh] ht & 2nd per-
does he care for this!; bot sons of AGTb; see Aesaib.
810 ~o! (that'-) good!; axo Aenycb [d^enus^, -z**], Ae-
--o ero pyK this is his hand- HeiubCfl [d^en''ishs''9] 1st &
iwork; it's his doings; 6jih- 2nd persons of Aexbcn; see
we K ~y! come to the point!, AeBaTbca.
stop beating about the bush! AeHb I [d^'en^] m AHH, ahk),
flCJioBOH [d'^ilAvoy] a 1. busi- — , AHCM, (O) AHe, pi AHH,
ness; ~ paaroBOp talk on AH eft, AHHM day; b stot on —
business matters; 2. busi- this day; on that day; na
ness-like, efficient. cJieAywmHH —
(the) next day;
AeJicfl [d^'els^'a], flejiacb 3ar~.-:^~~Ao... a day before...;
[d°ebs^, -z^] p of ;teTbCH; qepe3 ~ every other day; the
see fleeaTbc.'i. day after tomorrow; e tph
jiejibHlbiH [d^'ePniyj a 1. qaca ahh at 3 p. m., at three
efficient, business-like; 2.: in the afternoon; ~ po>KAe-
--biH paaroBOp serious talk; HHH birthday;
'--biH coBer practical advice; <> AoSpwH --! good morning!;
'-an MbicJib sensible idea; good afternoon!; hbo aha b -^
-~oe npeA^OH^eHHe sensible/ day in, day out; co ahh na
practical proposal. ACHb 1) from day to day; 2)
AeMHJiHTapHaauHJH [d^'im^i- any day {in the future); ~ oto
Pitar'^izatstya] / -h demili- AHH with every passing day;
tarizationT Ha AHflx 1) the other day,
AeMo6HJiH3au,H|n [d^imab'^i- recently; 2) one of these days,
Pizatslya] / -h demobiliza- in a day or two; ~ h H04b
tion." all the time; Tpexbcro ahh
AeMOKpaTHHecKJHH [d^ima- the day before yesterday;
krAt^ich^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, fleHb-AeHbCKOH col all day
-He democratic. long; cHHTaHHwe ahh very
AeM0KpaTH|5i [d^imAkra- little time, very few days.
t^iya] / -H democracy; crpaHbi AeHb II [d^en^] imp o/Aeib;
HapoAHOH ~H People's De- see AeeaTb.
mocracies. AeHbrJH [d^en^g^i] pi Ae-
ACMOHCTpauHlfl [d^imAnstra- ner, -aM money; Kpynnue -^h
^tya] / -H 1. demonstration, big bank-notes;

<> HH 3a KaKHe ~h col not {in some way); —axb asbiK

for the world, not for any- sa 3y6aMM col hold one's
thing. tongue.
AeHbcsi [d^en^s**8], AeHbxecb Aep}K|axbCJi [d^i^rzhattsa]
[d'^en^'t^is'', -z^] imp 0/ Aeib- imperf -ycb, Aep^nmbCH, p
ch; see AesaxbCH. -ajiCH, -aJiacb, imp -HCb,
jienyxat [d^iputat, -d] -a, m -Hxecb 1. hold on {to smth);
-OB deputy {of the Supreme 2. rest {on), be held {by), be
Soviet, etc). supported {by); 3. behave,
Aeprjaib [d^'orgat^] imperf conduct oneself; 4. stand
-aio, -aeiub, AepHJyxb [d^or- firm, hold out; hold one's
nut^] perf -y, -eiub, p -yji, ground;
imp -H 1. pull, tug; 2. {no <> —axbcfl B cxopGHe 1) stand
perf) pull out {teeth);. 3. {no aside; 2) fig keep aloof; ejie
perf) fig harass, worry. --axbcfl Ha Horax be on one's
AepeEeHCK|Hfi [d^'ir^i^v^en- last legs.
sk'^iy] a -an, -oe, -He rural; liepsKHM [d^ersk^iy] a -an,
— HH >iHreJib villager, coun- -oe, -He, sh f AepsoK, -a, -o,
tryman. -H 1. impertinent, saucy; 2.
Aep6BH|H [d^i^r^evn^a] /-h, daring, bold {plan, etc).
pi -H, AepeR^Hb, -HM village. AepMCb [d'^i^r^is'', -z^], ac-
fl^peBJo [d^er^iva] n -a, pi pHxecb [d'^i^r^it^is^, -z^j see
;;epeBbH, AepesbeB 1. tree; AP^XbCH.
XBOHHoe —o
conifer; jiHcxBen- Aepnyxb see Aepraxb 1.
Hoe ~o foliage tree; 2. wood Aepycb [d'^i^rus*', -z^], jxe-
{as a material). penjbCH [d^i'^r^oshs^a] see
flepeBMHHbiH [d^ir'^i^v^an- ApaxbCH.
niy] a wooden. AecaHx [d^i^sant, -d] m -a,
Aepmaela [d^i^rzhava] / -bi, -OB 1. landing (0/ troops);
-- power, state (a country). BbicajKHBaxb —
make a land-
jiepwl^xb [d^i^rzhat''] im- ing, land troops; 2. landing
perf -y, A^ipJKHUib, p -an, imp force / party.
-H hold {]) in the hand, etc; Aecepx [d^i^s^ert, -d] m -a
2) the head straight, etc; 3) dessert.
in readiness, etc); keep (/) ACCHla [d^i^sna] / -bi, pi
hands in the pockets, etc; 2) AecHbi< AeceH, AecnaM gum
smth in order; 3) a dog, etc); {around the teeth),
<> -^aib 3K3aMeH take an Aecnox [d^'espat, -d] m -a,
examination; — axb nyxb e... / -oB despot.
Ha... head for..., make for...; Aec5ixH66pb|e [d^'is^it'^ibd'
be bound for...; ~axb nypc r'^ya]n -h sport decathlon.
Ha... 1) head for...; 2) fig Aecjix|Ka [d^'i^s'^atka] / -kh,
pursue a course of...; —axb -OK 1. ten {a figure); 2. col
ce6fl behave, conduct oneself ten-rouble note.
99 AH3

flecnTJOK [d^i^s^atak, -g] m figure / worker; noJiHTH^ecKHH

'Ka, pi -KH, -KOB 1. ten ~b political figure; b na- —
{1) ten similar objects; 2) pi yKH scholar, man of science;
the number next to the unit); --H Kyjibxypbi cultural work-
2. pi scores, dozens. ers.
;;ecflTbiH [d^i^s^'atty] nam AeflTejibHOCTJb [d^eyat^il**-
ord tenth. nas^t^, -z^d^] / -h activities,
AecjiT|b [d^es^it^, -d^] num activity; oSmecToeHHaH ~b
card -H, -bK) ten. social work.
;ieTaji|b [d^'i'^tal^] / -h, -efi MM [d^eyat^il'^nty]
ACflTejibH I

1. detail; 2. technol part, a sh AenxeJieH, -a, -o, -bi

component. energetic, active; npHHHMaxb
AeT'iH [d^et^i] pi -efl, -hm, ~oe y^acxHe b... take an
-eft, -bMii, (o) -HX {sing ah- active part in...
Ta n) children. Awa3 [dzhas, -z] m -a, -ob
AeicKJHH [d^'etjk^iy] a -an, jazz.
-oe, -He children's, child's, AweMnep [dzhemper] m -a,
childish; infantile; -OB jumper; pull-over.
<> -~HH ca^ kindergarten; AHaroHajijb [d^iagAnal^] /
-~aji njiom^AKa playground. -H, -eft diagonal.
AeTCTBJo [d^'etjtva] n -a AHarpaMMJa [d^iAgramma] /
childhood; -bi, -- graph, diagram.
<> Bna;jaTb b ~o become a AHajieKx [d^iAl'^ekt, -gd] m
dotard, be in one's dotage. -a, -OB dialect.
ACTb see Aeeaxb. AMajieKxHK|a[d*'iAl^ekt^ikaJ
AeTbCH see AeeaTbcn. f -H dialectics.
Ae4)eKT [d^i^Pekt, gd] m AHajicKTHHecKJHH [d^ia-
-a, -OB blemish, defect. l^i^kt^ich^isk^iy] a -an, -oe,
AeuieBJeTbfd^ishf^v^et^] im- -He dialectical.
perf -eei, noJAemeBeTb [pad^i- AHaMexp [d^iam^'itr] m -a,
sht^v^'et^'J perf become cheap- -OB diameter.
er, fall in price. AHBaH [d^ivan] m -a, -ob
AeuieBJie [d^i^shevPi] comp sofa.
of AemeBbiH & corresp adv. AHBCpcaHx [d^iv^i^rsant, -d]
AeineBO [d^'oshava] adv m -a, -oB wrecker, saboteur.
cheap {also fig); 3to oqenb ahbh3h6h [d^iv^iz^ion] m
^ it's very cheap; -- OTAe- -a, -OB mil battery; 6^5
jiaTbCH get off cheap. (artillery) battalion.
AeiueBJbiH [d^i^shoviy] a AHbh3m|ji [d^iv^iz^iya] /
sh f AemeB, AemeBa, AemeBo, -H, mil division.
ft cheap {also fig); —^bie AHex|a [d^ieta] / -bi diet

ueHbi low prices. {special food).
Ae5iTeji|b [d^eyat**!!^] m -h, AHseHxepHJfl [d^iz^in'^t^i®-
•efl: oSmecTBeHHuft --b public r^iya] / -h dysentery.
flHK 100

AHKap|b [d^ikar''] m-A, -eft AHCKpeAHTHploeaTb [d^isk-

1. savage; 2. fig very shy r^id^if'iravat*^] perf & imperf
fellow/ person. -yro, -yemb, p -osaJi, imp -yft
AHk|hh [d^ik^iy] a -aH, -oe, discredif, disgrace.
-He, sh f —, -a, -o, -Hwild, AHCKpHMHHau,H{$i [d^iskr^'i-
savage; shy, unsociable; out- m^'inatjiya] / -h discrimina-
rageou*^, preposterous; '-aa tion.
MecTHocTb wilderness; --Hfi AHCKyccHlsi [d^iskus^iya] /
KpHK yell, scream. -H, -ft discussion, debate
flHKTaTyp|a [d^'iktAtura] / {mostly scientific).
-bi dictatorship. AHcnaHcep [d^ispAnser] m
AHKTloBaTb [d^'iktAvat''] -a, -OB dispensary {for the
imperf -yio, -yeiiib, p -oeaji, prevention and treatment of
imp -yfl, npoJAHKTOBaTb [pra- tuberculosis, veneric diseases,
d^iktAvat''] perf dictate. etc).
AHKTOp [d'^iktar] m -a, -od flHcncTHep [d^'isp^et^ch^'ir]
announcer {in broadcasting), m -a, -OB (traffic) dispatcher.
flHOJioM [d^iplom] m-a, -ob AHcnyx [d^'isput, -d] m -a,
diploma; HMexb o6 okoh- — -OB (public) debate.
qaHHH Bysa be a university AHCceprauH,! « [d^is^i^rta-
[college] graduate. t§iya] / -H, -ft thesis, disser-
AHnjioMax [d^'iplAmat, -d] tation.
m -a, -OB diplomat. AHCu,HnjiMH|a I [d^'istsipl'^i-
;iHnjioMaTH4ecK|Hft [d^ipla- na] / -bi discipline {military,
mAt''ich.^isk*'iy] a -an, -oe, school, etc).
-He diplomatic. AHCi;HnjiHH|a II [d^istjip-
AHpeKTHB|a [d^ir**i^kt**iv9] l^ina] / -bi, — subjecT, a
/ -H, ~ directive, instruc- branch of science.
tion, AHT« [d^'it^'a] n {pi acth)
AHpcKTOp [d^ir^ektar] m -a, child, baby.
pi -a, -OB director, manager. AHHJb [d^'ich^, -j^] /' -H
AHpeKU,H|fl [d^ir'^ektjiya] / game {wild animals and
-H, -ft management (persons); birds).
director's / manager's office. AJiHH|a [dl^ina] / -bi length;
AHpHHcep [d^'ir^izhor] m -a, B -^y lengthwise; ~6ft b ceMb
-OB conductor {of an orches- MexpoB seven metres long.
tra). AJiHHHJbiH [dl^innty] a sh f
AHpHWHploeaTb [d'*ir'*izht- AJiHHeH, -a, -o (-6), -bi (-bi)
ravat''] imperf -yio, -yeuib, long (/) street, hair, e:c;
p -osaji, imp -yfi conduct {an 2) legs, etc; 3) story, etc).
orchestra). AJiHTejibHJbiH [dl'^it^il^'niyj
AHCK [d^isk, -zg] -a, -ob m a sh f A^HTeJien, -a, -o, u
disk; discus; dial (o/ a tele- lasting, enduring; long, pro*
phone). longed,

— 101 — Ao

AJiH|Thcsi [dPittsa] imperf fluorescent lighting; 2. daily

-TCH, p -JiCH, -Jiacb, npoj- {quota, earnings, etc).
AJiHTbCH [pFAdl^ittsa] perf AHCM 1 [d^n^om] adt; by d^y,
last, continue {for some time). in the day-time; in the after-
AJ15I [dl^a; in the first pre- noon; ceroAHH '- this after-
tonic position —
dPi^; in the noon; BMepa —
second and other pretonic po- afternoon; saBipa -- tomor-
sitions —
dl**i] prep with gen row afternoon.
denoting 1. purpose, aim, or AHCM II [d^n'^om] see ACHb.
intention: npH66p -- H3Mepe- AHO [dno] n ^na 1. bottom
HHH TeMneparypbi instrument {of the sea, etc); nycKaxb ko
for' measuring temperature; AHy sink, send to the bottom;
Bbi M6>KeTe c;tejiaTb sto — 2. {pi AOHbH, AOHbCB, AOHbHM)
MeHH? can you do it for me?; bottom {of a container).
OHa c^eJiajia 9To ~ cbma she AHfl [d^n^a], AHCH [d^n^'ey]
did it for her son's sake; oh see AGHb.
npHiueJi — o6cy}KAeHHH sToro AC [do; in the first pretonic
Bonp6ca he's come to discuss position dA; in the second —
this matter; hu;hk --- nHceM and other pretonic positions —
letter-box; 2. fitness or suita- da] prep with gen denoting
bility: 3T0 Bpe^HO ~ SAOpOBbH 1. distance, extent, limit of
this is bad for the health; time, etc: ox MocKBbi j\o Jle-
§To He nojixoj^m ~ nero this HHHrpaAa mecxbcox nnxbAe-
won't do for him; 3. the fact cflx KHJiOMexpoB it is 650 km
that certain conditions and from Moscow to Leningrad;
circumstances are considered: Ao BnyKOBa A^CHXb khjiomcx-
oqeHb xojioAHO" — OAeccbi it poB it is ten km to Vnukovo;
is very cold for Odessa; §to 51 6yAy H<AaTb ao hhxh qacoB
THnHHHO ~ Hee this is typi- I'll be waiting till five
cal of her; 9to HMeex 6oJib- (o'clock); H >KAaJi Bac c xpex
moe 3HaMeHHe ~ nac it is of AO nnxH I waited for you from
great importance to us; three to five; ox ccmh ao ag-
<> He jiJia Hero... col it's no CHXH KHHF [KHJIOMeXpOB, AHefi
use {doing smth). u m. n.] from seven to ten
AHa [dna] see flHo. books [kilometres, days,e^c];
flHeBHHK [d'h^i^vn^ik, -^] m AO Baiuero BOSBpameHHH until
-a, -6b 1. diary; BecxH — you return; noesxc^ftxe ao
keep a diary; 2. pupil's day- Kp^CHofi nji6maAH go as far
-book, homework and marks as the Red Square; i66Ka ao
book. KOJien a skirt reaching the
AHeBH|6H [d^n^i^vnoy] a 1. knees; a^xh ao mecxnaAuaxH
day {attr); '-aH CMena day- jiex children under sixteen;
-shift; ~6h cneKiaKJib mati- AO AecHXH KHJiorpaMM up to /
nee; ~6h CBex daylight; no more than ten kg;A0K0H-
no — 102

ua to the end; ao 66jih till imp -eHCH, -CHTecb achieve,

one feels a pain; 2. precedence obtain, secure, score, get;
in .time: ao peBOJiibuHH before imperf also strive for, seek.
the revolution; 3a nojinacaAO Ao6Hp|aTbCfl [dab^'irattja]
KOHuepxa half an hour before imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, ao-
the concert. 6|paTbcsi [dAbrattja] perf -e-
flo... pref I of verbs denot- pycb, -epeujbCH, p -paJicH, -pa-
ing 1. completion of an action, Jiacb, -paJiocb (-pajiocb), -pa-
achievement of a goal, result, JiHCb (-paJiHCb), imp -epncb,
etc: AoroBopHTb [dagavAr^it^j -epHxecb: ---aTbCH ao get to,
finish speaking; AoSejKaib [d9- reach, get as far as; ~aTbCH
b^i^zhaf*] run as far as, reach AO AOMy get / reach home.
{runn/ngy, AosBOHHTbCH [da- Ao6HTbCJ! see A66HBaTbCH.
zvAn^ittja] get a call through; Ac6paTbCJi see Ao6HpaTbCH.
2. replenishment till smth is Ao6pi6 I [dAbro] n -a 1.
complete: AonoJiy^HTb [dapa- good {opposite of evil); me-
luch^'it^] receive in addition, jiaTb ^a KOMy-Ji. wish smb
receive the remaining {things, well; 2. property, goods;
etc); 3. negative result: oh <> HCT xyAa 663 ~a prov ^
AonpbiraJiCH! col it serves every cloud has a silver lin-
him right!, now he has done ing.
it!; Ao6p6 II [dAbro] adv: ^
II of adjectives denoting pre- noH^ajioBaxb! welcome!
cedence in time: AOpesojiK)- AoSpoBOJilei^ [dabrAv6Pit§,
UHOHHbiH [dar^'ival^'utjionniy] -dz] m-bu,a, -bucB volunteer.
pre-revolutionary. Ao6poB6jibH|biH [dabrAvoP-
Ao6aBHTb see Ao6aBJiHTb. niy] a sh f AoSpoBOJien, -a,
io6aBJieHH|e [dabAvl^e- -0, -bi voluntary.
n'^iya] n -h, -h addition Ao6pOAeTeji|b [dabrAd^e-
(/) the act of; 2) the thing f'll*'] / -H, -eft virtue {good-
added); appendix, addendum. ness, moral excellence).
Ao6aBJi|flTb [dabAvl'^at^] Ao6pOAyuiHlbiH [dabrAdush-
imperf -hio, -Heuib, Ao6aBiHTb nty] a sh f Ao6pOAymeH, -a,
[dAbav^it^] perf -jik), -Huib, -0, -bi good-natured.
p -HJi, imp -b add {1) one Ao6po}KejiaTejibH|biH [dabra-
thing to another; 2) say fur- zhi^lat^il^niy] a sh f Ao6po-
ther). jKejiareJieH, -a, -o, -bi benev-
Ao6aBOHHbiH [dAbavach^- olent, kind, well-disposed,
nty] a additional, supplemen- well-wishing; — oe OTHOiue-
tary. HHe benevolence, goodwill.
Ao6HB|aTbCfl [dab^ivattja] Ao6poKaqecTBeHH|biH [da-
imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, ao- brAkach^is^t^v^mnty] a sh f
6|MTbcji [dAb^ittsa] perf-bKich, Ao6poKaHecTBeH, -a, -o, -bi of
-beUIbCH, p -HJICH, -HAacb, high /good quality.
-^ 103 — flOB

Ao6poc6BecTH|HH [d9brAs6- KOMy-Ji. worm oneself into

v^isnly] a sh f ;i,o6poc6Be- smb's confidence.
CTCH, -a, -o, -bi conscientious. AOBCpHTb see AoeepHTb 1.
AoSpoTHlbiH [dAbrotniy] a AOBepHHB|biH [dAv^er^ch^i-
sh f Ao6p6TeH, -a, -o, -bi of viy] a sh f --, -a, -o, -bi
high / good quality and du- trustful; credulous.
rable. AOBepjflTb [dav^i^r^at^] im-
AoSpIbiH [dobriy] a sh /^, perf -HK), -Hemb, AOB^pJHTb
-a, -0, -bi (-bi) kind, good [dAV^er^it^] perf -lo, -Hiub, p
{people, etc); —bie jiioah no- -HJi, imp -b 1. entrust; 2.
MorJiH MHe some kind / nice {no perf) trust, place confi-
people helped me; dence {in).
<> 6yAb(Te) ~(bi) please, be AOBecTH see AoeoAHTb.
so kind as to...; ecero -~-oroI AOBOA [dovat, -d] m
-a, -ob
good-bye!; no —oft eojie of argument, reason.
one's own free will. AoBOA|HTb [davAd^it^] im-
Ao6biBiaTb[d9blvat^] imperf perf AOBOJKy, AOBOAHUIb, p
-aio, -aeiub, Ao6|biTb [dAbft''] -HJi, imp -H, AOBe|cTH [da-
-yAeuib, p -biJi
perf -yAy, p^f.^ .^^^ -Aeuib, p
(A66biJi), -biJia, -bijio (A66biJio), AOBeJi, -Ji6, imp -ah 1. lead
-h'lJiH (A66biJiH) imp -yAb 1. get,
, {smb as far as, to); see {smb
obtain, procure; 2. mine, as far as,^ to); 2. bring {to
extract (mmera/s, etc). perfection, to an end, etc); re-
AodbiHJa [dAbkh^s] / -h duce {to poverty, despair, etc);
1. extraction {of minerals, drive {to tears, despair, etc);
etc); output {of minerals, etc); <> —HTb HTG-JI. AO CBeAeHHSI
2. booty, loot; plunder; spoils; Koro-Ji. inform smb of smth,
catch {of fish); bag {of game); let smb know smth.
cTaTb —
efi... fall a prey to... AOBlcsHTb [davAz^it^] im-
AOBCSTH see AoeosHTb. perf -OHCy, -OSHmb, p -03HJ1,
AOBepeHHocT|b [dAv^er^m- imp -03H, aobcsIth [dav^i^s^-
nas^'t^, -z^d*"] / -h, -efi power t^i] perf -y, -eiiib, p aobcs,
of attorney; warrant {to get -Jia, imp -H take {as far as,
money, etc, for smb). to; in a vehicle); bring {as
AOBepHle [dAv^er^iya] n -h far as, to; in a vehicle); carry
confidence, faith, trust; a vote {as far as, to; in a vehicle).
of confidence; nHTaxb --e k AOBOJibHo [dAvol'nal I adv
KOMy-Ji. have confidence/ faith 1. rather, quite, fairly; 2.
in smb; OKasbieaTb KOMy-ji. enough;
^e give one's confidence to II impers predic: --! 1) that
smb; nojibsoeaTbCH qbHM^Ji. will do!, it's enough!; 2) stop
'-CM enjoy srab's confidence; it!; ^ cnopHTb! stop arguing!
sacjiyscHsaTb ~h be trust- AOBOJibHlbiJf [dAvol^niy] a
worthy; BKpaCTbCH B — 6 K sh f AOBOJieH, -a, -o, -m
Aor — 104 —
1. content, satisfied; pleased; AoroH|flTb [dagAn^at^] im-
H oqeHb AOBOJieH I'm very perf -Heuib,
-HK), AorJHaTb
glad, I'm highly pleased; [dAgnat^] perf -ohk), -ohhiul,
2. contented, satisfied {look, p -HaJi, -Hajia, -najio, -uaJiH,
etc). imp -OHH 1. {no perf) be aft-
AoraAaxbCJi see AO^a;^b^ er, run after; 2. {no imperf)
BaTbCH. overtake, catch up (with)
florafllKa [dAgatlo] / -kh, {also fig);
-OK conjecture, guess; <> AorH^Tb H nepernaTb over-
<> TepflTbCM B '-Kax be lost take and outstrip.
in conjectures. AOXAlb [dosh^:, -zh**:] m
floraAJiHB|biH [dAgad^Piviy] -H, -en rain; hact —b
Or sh f ~-, -a, -0, -bi quick- raining, it rains; hact npo-
witted; shrewd, quick, bright. JiHBHOH ~b it's pouring; it
floraAbiB|aTbcji [dAgadtva- pours.
ttsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, AoiilTb [dAit^] imperf aok),
AoraAlaxbcsi [dagAdattja] perf AOHUib (-iiib), p -Ji, imp --,
-aiocb, -aeuibCJi guess, con- nojAOHTb [padAit^] perf milk
jecture; suspect, surmise. (a cow).
AorHaib see AoroHHTb 2. AofixH see AOXOAHTb.
AoroBdpHB|aTbCJi [dagAva- AOKasdTejibCTBJo [dakAza-
r^ivsttja] imperf -aiocb, -a- n -a, -- 1. proof,
euibCH, floroBoplHTbcsi [daga- evidence; demonstration {of),
VAr^ittja] perf -ibcb, -HuibCH, testimony {of); b --o in wit-
p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, p -HCb, ness {of); npHBOAHTb —a give
-HTecb 1. arrange {with smb evidence / proof(s); 2. math
about smth, for smth); 2. {no demonstration;
perf) negotiate {about)', 3.; <> BemecTBeHHbie '^a mate-
AoroBopHTbCH fl,o a6cypAa rial evidence.
reach the point of uttering AOKasarb see AOKaauBaTb.
an absurdity, fall into absurd- A0Kd3biB|aTb [dAkazivat^]
ity; 4. {no imperf) come to imperf -aio, -aeiub, AOKajsaTb
an agreement; AoroBOpHJiHCb? [dakAzat^] perf -Hcy, AOKa-
agreed? ^eiub, p -3aji, imp -thk prove,
AoroBop [dagAvor] m
-a, pi demonstrate; imperf also
-hi,-OB treaty, pact; agree- argue {that...);
ment, contract; ^
o Hena- <> HTO H Tp660BaJ10Cb AOKE-
naAeHHH non-aggression pact. 3dTb which was to be proved.
AoroBopeHHocT|b [dagavA- AOKJiaA [dAklat, -d] -a, m
r^onnas^t'', -z^d^] / -h agree- -OB 1. report, lecture; paper
ment, arrangement, under- {on a scientific subject); ot-
standing. qeTHbiH ^
(main) report {at
AorcBopHTbcsi see Aorosa- a conference, congress); 2. re-
pHsaTbca 1, 3, 4. port {to one's chief)]
— 105 -^ flOJI

-0--6e3 ^a He exoAHTb no AOJiro [dolga] adv long,

admittance without previous (for) a long time {of writing,
announcement. pondering, etc).
AOKjiaAHHK [dAkiat^'ch^ik, Aojiroxla [dalgAta] / -fai,
-g] m -a, -ob lecturen (main) pi AOJiroTbi, AOJiroT, AOJiroTaM
speaker. geog longitude.
AOKJiaAWBlaxb [dAkladtvat''] AOJiiKJeH. [dolzhan] predic
imperf -aio, -aeiub, A0Ji03K|HTb -Ha, -HO, -Hb'i 1. modal, ex-
[dalAzhlt^] perf -y, ;ioji6- pressing obligation, necessity
acHiub, p -HJi, imp -ri 1. re- must; should; ought {to); no-
port {on smih), make a re- e3A ~eH npH6biTb b nnrb the
port {on smth); 2. report train is to arrive at five; no-
{smb or smth to smb), inform e3A -^eH 6biJi npH6biTb b njiTb
{of smth); 3. announce (sm6's the train was to arrive at
arrival, etc). five; OH —en yiiTH he must
AOKTOp [doktsr] -a, pi m leave, he has to leave; oh
-a, -OB 1. doctor, physician; ~eH 6biJi yiiTH he had to
2. doctor {a degree). leave; 2. modal, expressing
AOKyM^HT [dakum'ent, -d] probability: «rj\e HHHa?» «OHa
m -a, -OB document, paper. ~Ha 6biTb B caAy». "Where's
AOJiSjiiTb [dAlb^'it^] imperf Nina?" "She must be in the
-JIK), -HLUb, p -HJI, imp :H garden"; 3. owe{s) {as a debt);
hollow {a depression in smth); oh MHe ~eH 6biJi ABa py6jiH
gouge, chisel. he owed me two roubles;
AOJir [dolk, -g] -a (-y),m <> --HO 6biTb parent n prob-
pi -H, -OB 1. duty {to one's a>ly, apparently; oh, —ho
country, etc); 2. debt; 6paTb 6biTb, norepHJi cboh Kapan-
B '-' borrow {money , etc); Aam probably, he's lost his
AaBaTb B -- lend {money, etc); pencil, he must have lost his
<> Bjiesarb e -^ii col run pencil.
into debt; 6biTb e ~y nepCA AOJiJKHHK [dAlzhn^ik, -g] m
KeM-ji. be in smb's debt; be -a, -6b debtor.
indebted to smb; OTAarb no- A6ji»cH0CT|b [dolzhnas^t^,
cjieAHHH pay —the last -z^d^] / -h, pi -H, -eft post,
honours. office, position, job.
AOJirJHH [dolg^iy] a -an, AojikhIwh [dolzhniy] I a
-oe, -He, sh f AOJior, -a, -o, due, proper; —mm
-H long {time, silence, way, properly; na —oft Bbicore up
etc);Ha ^ne roAw for years to the mark;
to come; II as a noun AOJUKHJoe n
<> OTKAaAblBaTbB ^HH aUl^HK -oro: KaK —
oe as a matter
^ shelve {put off indefinite- of course; BosAaxb --oe ko-
ly); let {a matter) stand My-Ji. do justice to smb, pay
over. tribute to smb.
IIOJI — 106 —
AOjiMHJa [dAl^'ina] / -h, ~ vren**iya] n -h, -h house-
valley. -manager's office.
AOJio)KHTb see AOKJiaAbmaxb. AOHeCTM see AOHOCHTb.
AOjioH [dAloy] adv down AOHeCTHCb see AOHOCHTbCH.
with, away with. . AOHoc [dAnos, -z] m -a, -ob
flOJibuie [doPsht^] comp of information {against smb).
AOJirHH & corresp adv. AOH ocHTb [danAs^it^] imperf

AOJIJH [d61^9] / -H, pi -H, -ouiy, -ocHiub, p -ocHJi, imp

-eH 1. share, part; 2.: -^h -ocH, AOHec|TM [dan^i^s^'t'^i]
ceKyHAbi a fraction of a sec- perf -y, -eiub, p aohcc, -Jia,
ond; B 3T0M eCTb --H HCTH- imp -H 1. report, inform
Hbi there is some truth in it. {of smth); 2. inform {against
AOM [dom] -a m(-y), pi smb).
-a, -OB 1. house (a building); AOHOclHTbCJi [danAs''ittj9]
2, home, house {of a family); imperf aohochtch, p -hjich,
3. house, home (a special -HJiacb, AOHec|THCb [dan^i^s**-
establishment); ~
OTAbixa f'is^] perf -excH, p aohccch,
rest-home; holiday centre; ~ -jiacb be heard, come {of
Kyjibiypbi palace / house of sounds).
culture; AOHbjr [d6n^y9], AOHbCB
<> cyMacmeAuiHfl ~
col luna- [don^'yaf] see aho.
tic asylum; ACcxaBKa Ha aom Aonjiaxja [dAplata] / -u ad-
home delivery, delivery to ditional charge / payment.
smb's address; Ha ~y at AonjiaxMxb se^AonJia^HBaxb.
home. AonjiaHHB|axb [dAplach^'i-
AOMa [doma] adv at home; vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, ao-
«0 6biTb KaK ~ feel at njia|xHXb [daplAt^it^] perf
home; SyAbxe KaK ~ make p -xhji, imp
-qy, AonjiaxHiub,
yourself at home. -XH pay extra, pay the re-
AOMauiH|HH [dAmashn^'iy] mainder, make up the differ-
a house (attr), home, do- ence {in money).
mestic; ~ee X03HHCTB0 house- AonojiHeHH|e [dapAln^e-
keeping; — jiH xo3HHKa house- n^iya] n -h, -h 1. addition
wife; ~HH pa66THHua house- {the thing added); supplement,
maid; ^HH nxHua poultry; addendum; 2. ling object.
no ~HM o6cTOHTejibCTBaM for AonojiHuxejibH|biH [dapAl-
domestic reasons, owing to n^it^iPniy] a 1. additional,
family affairs. extra, supplementary; 2. ling:
AOM Ha [domna]
/ -hm, -ch ~oe (npHAaxo^Hoe) npeAJio-
blast-furnace. jKCHHe object clause.
AOMOH[dAmoy] adv home AonojiHHxb see AonoJiHHXb.
{of coming, going, etc); nopa AonojiH|«xb [dapAln^at*"]
~ it's time to go home. imperf -hio, -Heuib, aohoji-
AOMoynpaejieHHle [damauprA- .
HJaxb [dApoln^it^l perf -w,
— 107 — floc

p -HJi, imp -H supple-

-Hiiib, <> no ~e
on the way {to);
ment, add to; 2): d.] no ~e
HaM [hm u m.
<> ^flTb Apyr Apyra supple- we [they, etc] are going the
ment each other, be mutual- same way; Aaxb ycrynHTb /

ly complementary. ~y let (smb) pass; make

flonpaiiiHB|aTb [dAprashi- way {for) {also fig); cxaxb /
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, ao- cxoHXb nonepeK ~h KOMy-ji.
nplocHTb [daprAS^'it^] per/ stand / be in smb's way;
-omy, -ocHuib, p -ochji, /mp MAxii cBoeH ~0H go one's
-ocH interrogate. own way; xyAa CMy h --a
Aonpoc [dApros, -z] m -a, col it serves him right, he
-OB interrogation. got his deserts.
AonpocHTb see AonpauiHeaTL. AOporo [doraga] adv 1. dear
AonycK|aTb [dapuskat^] im- {of selling, etc); 2. fig
perf -aK), -aeujb, Aon|ycTHTb dearly, dear;/~ MHe 'Aocxaji-
[dapus^'t^'it^] perf -ymy, CH MOH onbix I've paid dear
-ycTHUib, p -ycTHJi, imp -ycTH for my experience, my ex-
1. admit (/o); —aib Koro-Ji. perience has been dearly
K 3K3aMeHaM enter smb for bought; H 6bi ~ }\aji j aa-
examinations; 2. permit, nJiaxHJi, qx66bi... I'd give
allow, tolerate; 3. assume my ears to...
{that smb is right, etc); oh AOporcH [dArogay] adv on
He — aex raKoft mucjih he the way.
thinks it impossible; AOporloH [darAgoy] a -an,
<> ---aTb 0iUH6KH make mis- -6e, -He, sh f Aopor, -a
takes, commit errors; Aonyc- Aoporo, AopoPH 1.expensive,
THM, HTO... let's assume dear; costly; 2. dear {friend^
that... etc).
Aoporja [dAFoga] / -h, ~ 1. AopoKe [dArdzht^] compof
road; way {to a place); rpyn- AOporoH & corresp adv.
TOBan —a earth / dirt road; AOpoiKlfixb [darAzhlf*] im-
npoceJioqnaH ~a country perf -y, -Huib, p -HJI, imp -H
road; ne cxoHCie) Ha ~e get 1. value, appreciate, treasure;
out of the way; 2. journey, 2. take care {of).
trip; oxnpaBHTbCH b ~y start AopOKHbiH [dArozhniy] a
on a journey / trip, go on a road {attr)\ travelling (dress,
journey / trip, take the road; expenses, etc).
Mbi np66biJiH B -^e Asa ahh AocaAJa [dAsada] / -bi: Ka-
the trip took us two days; KaH -^a! what a nuisance!;
B — y, Ha ~y for a journey/ what a pity!
trip; B -^e on a journey/ AocaAHo [dAsadna] impers
trip; HanHcaTb (nHCbMo) c ~h predic: -~, mxo... it's a pity
write a letter while on a that...; cMy ~ he is vexed
journey / trip; {to hear that, etc).
floc — 108 —
AOcaAH|uH [dAsadniy] a 3a onosAaHwe he [she, etc] is
sh f AocaAeH, -a, -o, -bi: ~oe late, and he'll [she'll, etc]
HeAopaayMeHHe regrettable catch it; he'll [she'll, etc]
misunderstanding; —an one- be punished / scolded for
qaTKa unfortunate misprint. being late.
AocK|a [dAska] / -h, ace AocxaBHXb see AOCxaBJiHTb.
flOCKy, pi AOCKH, AOCOK, -aM [dastAvPat^l
board [l) used in building, imperf -hk), -neuib, Aocxa-
etc; 2) for ironing on, etc); BJHxb [dAstav^if*] perf -jik),
rpH4)eJibHaH ~^ slate (for -Huib, p -nji, imp -b 1. deliv-
writing on); ~a aJih oe-bHB- erer parcel, etc); 2. give {smb
jieHHH notice-board; pleasure, trouble, etc).
<> KJiaccHafl ~a black-board; AocxaxOHHO [dAstatach^na]
~a noHera honour roll; board I adv enough, sufficiently;
of honour; ox ~h ao ~h II impers predic it is enough;
col from cover to cover; suffice, be enough; ~ AByx
cxaBHTb Ha OAHy AOCKy put pyfijieft two roubles is enough;
on the same level. sxoro ~ that will do.
AocjioBHbiH [dAslovniy] a AOCxaxoHH|biH [dAstat9ch^-
word for word, literal. niyl a sh f Aocxaxo^en, -a,
AocpoHHbiA [dAsroch^niy] -o, -bi sufficient {enough).
a ahead of time / schedule Aocx^xb see AocxaBaxb.
(output, fulfilment, etc). AocxaxbCH see AocxaBaxbCH.
Accra learb [dsstAvat^] im- AocxHrlaxb [das^t^igat^l im,-
perf -K), -eiiib, p -eaji, imp perf -aio, -aeuib, AOCXH|rHyxb
-Bafi, AOCTaJTb [dAstat^l perf [dAs^t^ignut^] & AocxHiHb[dA-
-Hy, -Heuib, p -ji, imp -Hb s^t^ich^] perf -Tuy, -rnemb,
1. take out, get out; take, p -r, -rjia, imp -fhh 1. reach
get {out of, from); 2. get {the summit of a mountain,
{tickets, etc); 3. reach {the etc); 2. reach, achieve, ajt-

ceiling, etc). tain.

AocTa|BaTbCJi [dastAvattsa] AocxHKeHHie [das^t^izhe-
imperf -ctch, p -eajicH, -ea- n^iya] n -h, -h 1. reaching;
jiacb, AocTalTbCfl [dAstattja] achievement, attainment; 2.
perf -HexcH, p -jich, -Jiacb 1. achievement, progress.
fall to smb's lot; sxo Aocxa- AocxHMb see AocxHraxb.
Jiocb eMy [eft u m. d.] this AOcxoBepH|MH [dastAv^'er-
fell to his [her, etc] lot; it nly] a sh f AocxoBepeH, -a,
was he [slie, eta] who won -o, -w reliable {information^
it; it was he [she, etc] who source, etc).
received it; 2. impers col: AOCxohhcxbIo [dAstoinstva]
CMy [eft u m. d.] Aocxanexcn n -a, ~
1. merit, quality;
he'll [she'll, etc] catch it; 2. dignity {of mind or char-
CMy [efl u m. d.\ AocTaneTCH acter); qyscxBO c66cTBeHHoro
- 109 Jipa

^a self-respect; proper pride; AoxoA [dAkhot, -d] -a, m

3. value {of bank-notes and -OB income, revenue, profit.
coins); AoxoA|HTb [dakhAd^it^] im-
<0> oueHHTb no ~y
estimate perf Aoxo^y, AOXOAHUib, p
at {smb's, its) true worth. -Hji, imp -H, AOHTH [dAytM]
AOCTOMHlbifi [dAstoyniy] a perf AOHAy, AOHAeuib, p ao-
sh f jiocTOHH; -a, -o, -bi 1. meji, AomJia, imp aohah 1.
worthy deserving; 6biTfa
{of), reach, come {to); xeJierpaM-
-^biM be worthy {of), deserve; Ma He AoiUJia ao MeHH the
'-biH Jiy^uiero npHMeneRHH wire did not reach me; xe-
worthy of a better cause; JierpaMMa He Aoui-^a the wire
2. merited, deserved; fitting, was lost; xeJierpaMMa Aouijia
adequate; 3.; --bm qeJioBCK the wire was received; ne

worthy man person. /

^9L... just before you reach...;
;tocTonpHMeHaTejibH o c t |
b 2. reach, amount {to); 3.:
[dsstapr^im^i^ch^t^iPnas't^, AOHTH AO cJiea end in tears;
-z^d^] / -eft place of AOHTH AO 6euieHCTBa fly into
interest, sight a rage;
flocTonHHJe [dastAyan'iya] <> pyKH He Aox6;iJiT col = no
n -H property {of the masses, time for it.
etc); BceHap6AHoe ~e nation- AoxoahIwh [dAkhodnty] a
al property. sh /AoxoAeH, -a, -o, -u prof-
fl6cTyn [dostup, -b] m -a itable, paying.
access {to the archives, etc). Aou^HT [dAtsent, -d] -a^ m
AOCTynH|biJi [dAstupniy] a -OB lecturer lat a universi-
sh f ;iocTyneH, -a, -o, -u 1. ty, etc).
accessible, available; attaina- AOHJb [doch^, -]^] f gen,
ble, within (the) reach; 2. sim- dat & pr AOMepH, ace -b, instr
ple, easy to understand; 3. AOHepbK), pi Ao^epH, -epefi,
moderate, reasonable {price). -epHM, -epefi, -epbMH (-epH-
Aocyr [dAsuk, -g] m -a mh), (o) -epnx daughter.
leisure, spare time; Aouieji [dAshol], Aomjia|dA-
< Ha ~e at (one's) leisure, shla] p of aohth; see aoxo-
in one*s spare time. AHTb.
Aocbira [ddsita] ac?:; 1.: na- AOK) [dAyu] see AOHTb.
ecTbCH ^
eat one's fill, be AOflp|Ka [dAyarka] / -kh,
satisfied; 2. fig col to one's -OK dairymaid, milkmaid.
heart's content. Aparou^HHOcT b [dragAtsen-

AOTparHB|aTbCfl [dAtrag^i- nas^t^, -z^d^] / -h, -efl jewel;

vattsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, treasure; -^h jewelry.
AOTpoHlyrbCfl [dAtronuttss] AparoueHHluH [dragAt^en-
perf -eiubCH, p -yjiCH,
-ycb, niy] a sh f Aparouenen, -a,
-yjiacb, imp
-bca, -biecb -0, -h\ precious {stone^ etc, also
touch {with a finger , etc).
Apa — 110 —
Apa3H|HTb[drAz^'n^it*'] im- small shot; 2. (p/ -h, -efl)
perf ApasHimib, p -hji,
-K)^ math fraction; AecHXHMHaH
imp -H tease {smb with jests); ~b decimal fraction; npo-
excite (a rfo^, e/c). CTaH ~b vulgar fraction;
flpaKJa [draka] / h, -- npasHJibHaji ~b proper frac-
fight, fighting; scuffle. tion.
ApaMJa [drama] f -u, ~ ApoBJa [drAva] pi ^, -m
drama. (fire)wood.
ApaMaTHHecK|Mft [dramAf*!- Apo)K|aTb [drAzhat^] imperf
ch**isk'*iy]a -an, -oe, -He -y, -Huib, p -aJi, imp -h 1.
dramatic. tremble, shiver, shake, quiv-
ApaMaxypr [dramAturk, -g) er; quaver; --aTb or CTpaxa
m -a, -OB playwright, dram- [xojiOAa u m. n.] tremble
atist. with fear [cold, etc]; ^axb
ApaJTbCM [drattja] imperf BceM TeJioM shake / tremble
flepycb, AepeiubCH, p -jich, all over; 2. fig tremble {for
-JiaCb -JlOCb (-JlOCb), -JIHCb smb, smth).
(-JiHCb), imp AepHCb, AepH- AP6«)k|h [drozh^'ii] pi -eft
Tecb, nOjflpaTbcsi [pAdrattsa] yeast.
perf 1. fight {with), beat Apowlb [drosh, -zh] / -h
\smb), knock {smb) about; trembling, shiver(ing), shak-
struggle {with); 2. {no perf) ing, quivering; tremor; qua-
fight (/or), struggle {for). ver; thrill {vibration).
ApeBHJHft [dr^'evn^'iy] a sh Apyr I [druk, -g] m -a, pi
f ApeseH, -H, -e, -h 1. an- Apy3bH, Apysefl, ApysbHM
cient; antique; 2. very old; friend; dear friend; 6jih3khh
< ~He sisbiKH classical ~ close friend; aaKaAbmnwH
languages. ~ bosom-friend.
ApeM|aTb [dr^i^mat^] imperf Apyr II [druk, -g]: ^ ~a
-JiK), ApeMJieuib, p -aji doze; each other, one another; —
nod {when sleepy). 3a ~0M one after another;
ApeccHp|oBaTb [dr''is'*irA- — npoTHB —a face to face;
vat^] imperf -yio, -yeuib, p against each other; ~ c -^om
-OB^Ji, imp -yfi, BMApeccHplo- with each other.
earb [vldr'^is^'iravat'*] perf Apyrjofl [drugoy] I a -an,
-yio, -yeuib, p -osaji, imp -yft -6e, -He other, the other,
train {animals). another; different; kt6-to /
Apo6|HTb (drAb^'it^'j KT6-HH6yAb ~6h somebody
-JIIO, ~-HUIb, p -HJI, f>ip na —oHAenb (the) next
-H, else;
pa3;Apo6MTb [razdrAb^'it'^] perf day; b —-oe speMH some other
1. Crush {into fine pieces); time; b ~6h paa another
splinter; 2. fig divide up, time, some other time; e
split up. '-OM MecTe somewhere else,
Apo61b [drop^ -b**] / -h 1. j in / at some other place;

— Ill — flyp

II as a noun 1. Apyrjoft Ay6jiMp|oBaTbfdubPir8vat*']

m -oro somebody an- else, imperf -yio, -yeiiib, p -oeaji,
other person; 2. a P y rJH e pi imp -yii 1. duplicate; double
-Hx others, other people; (a par^); 2. dub (a ///m).
the others, the rest; Ayr a (dugaj /-h, p/ Ayrn,

<> 3T0 ~6e ACJio it's differ- •~ AyraM arc {of a circle, etc).

ent, that's another matter; Aj/H [duy] see AyTb.

c -~6h cTOpoHM on the other Ayficji [duys^a], Ayfixecb
hand; hhkto ~6h nobody [duyt'^is^, -z^] see AyTbca.
else. Ayji [dul], Ayjia [dub] see
ApyjK6|a [druzhba] / -bi AyTb.
friendship; HepymHMaH~a un- Ayji|o [dub] n -a, ~ muz-
breakable / inviolable friend- zle {of a gun).
ship; Ayjicfl [duls'^a], Ay>'iacb
<> He B cjiy)K6y, a b -~y as a [dubs' z°j see AyTbCH.
favour, for friendship's sake. AyMJaTb [dumat^j imperf
Apy)KejiK)6Hlbifi [druzhi^- -aK), -aeuib, nolAyMaTb [pA-
l^'ubniy] a sh f APy^e;iK)6eH, dumat^j perf 1. think (o/,
-a, -0, -fai friendly, amicable. about, over)', think {that...),
ApywecKlHH [druzhask'^iy] a believe {that...); 2. {no perf)
-an, -oe, -He friendly {serv- intend, think {of doing
ice, etc)\ ~HH mapn^ friendly smth);
jest <> MHoro —axb o ce6e be
flpyMcecTeeHH'ibiH [druzha- conceited, think no small
s^t'^v^'mniy] ash /Apy^KecxBeH, beer of oneself; He AOJiro
-a, -o, -bi friendly, amicable. ~aji v/ithout a moment's
r^pyac'iHTb [druzlut^] imperf thought.
-y, -Huib (Apyn^Huib), p -hji, Aynji|6 [duplo] n -a, pi
imp -H be friends {with), be AynAa, AyneJi, AynJiaM hollow
on friendly terms {with). {in a tree, tooth, etc).
Apy%H|biH [druzhnty] a sh AypaK [durak, -g] m -a,
f Apy>KeH, -a, -0, -bi (-bi) 1. -OB fool, idiot;
close-knit, united {family, <> HaSHTWH ^ col perfect
etc); 2. unanimous; ~bie fool;BajiHTb —a co/ play the
anji -^HCMCHTbi a burst of fool; B —ax col
applause; — bift CMex a burst fool/dupe smb;
ocTaxbCJi b
of laughter. ~ax col be fooled / duped.
ApMHHOH [dr^i^nnoy] a col AVpHo [durna] I adv badly,
bad, rotten, wretched, worth- ill;
less, good-for-nothing. 11 impers predic: mhc [eMy
ApflxjilbiH [dr^akhlty] a sh f w m. ^.] ~ I feel [he, etc,
'-, -a, -o, -bi decrepit. feels] bad / faint. .

ny6 [dup, -b] m -a, pi -h, AypHJoH [durnoy] a sh f

-6e oak- AypeH. -a, Aypno.AypHbi (-bi)
pyr 112 —
1. bad {opposite of good); flyxorla [dukhAta] / -bi
^6h MeJiOBeK wicked man; closeness, stuffiness; oppress-
~bie MbicJiH evil tlioughts; ive heat.
'-an cJiaea ill fame, noto- Ayui [dush, -zh] m -a show-
riety; 2.: /typeH co66h ugly er(-bath).
{of a person's looks). flyuil^ [dush^] / -H, ace
Ayib [dut^I imperf flyio, Aymy, pi flyuiH, ^, ^ymaM
fl,yeiiib, p Ay-^, Ay-^a, irnp 1. soul; 2.: Ha Ayuiy nacejie-
AyH, noUyTb [pAdut^] perf HHH per capita, per head;
blow (a^ or into smth)\ (sAecb) <C> no -~6 to {smb's) liking;
AyeT there is a draught OT (Bcefl) --H with all one's
here. heart; b ~6 at heart; roBo-
jiyxbcfl [dut^sa] imperf pHTb [Hrp^TbJ c ~6h speak
Ayiocb, AyeiubCH, p Ay«nc5i, [play / act] with feeling; no
AV^acb, /mp AyHCH, AyHiecb, — dM frankly, candidly; bcch
HajAyxbCH [nAdutts9] perf col ~6ft OTAaTbCH HeMy-ji. go
be sulky {with stub). heart and soul into smth;
flyx [dukh, -gh] m -a 1. KpHBHTb — 6fi play the hyp-
philos spirit; 2. courage, ocrite; be insincere; act
spirit; npHcyicTBHe —a pres- against one's conscience;
ence of mind; 3. spirit {of cKOJibKo ~e yr6AHo to one's
the times, etc); 4.: y Hero -~ heart's content; y nero ~a
saxBaTHJio it took his breath yuiJid b n^TKH he has his
away; heart in his boots, his heart
<^ BO eecb ~ at full speed; failed him.
OAHHM —CM at one go; ne flyuiHcxIbift [dushtstiy] a
B ~e in a bad mood; nacxb sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi fragrant,
^OM lose one's courage; be sweet-scented.
despondent; HcnycTHTb ~ jiyiii|HTb [dushlt^] imperf
breathe one's last; hh cjiy- -y, AyuiHuib, p -HJi, imp -h,
xy HH ~y o... col nothing is saiAyuiHTb [zadushlt^] perf
heard of ...; ht6-to b 3tom 1. suffocate, stifle; strangle,
— e something of the kind. choke; 2. choke, suffocate
AyxJH [dukh'i] pi -6b per- {of coughing, etc; also fig);
fume, scent. 3. fig stifle, suppress.
flyxoBeHCTB|o [dukhAv^enst- flymlHTbCH [dushlttja] im-
V9] n -a clergy. perf -ycb, p^yuiuuibca, p -hji-
flyxoBHbift [dukhdvnly] a CH, -HJiacb, imp -ikb, -uiecb,
1. spiritual; 2. spiritual, ec- HaUyuiHTbcM [nadushfttja]
clesiastical. perf use scent; scent oneself,
AyxoBloH [dukhAVoy] a: perfume oneself.
— OH opKecip brass band; flyuiHO [dushna] impers
— bie HHCTpyMCHTbi wind-in- predic: sjxech oneHb ~ it's
struments, very close /stuffy in here; b
- 113 - em
KOMHaxe ~ it's close /stuffy --, -a, -o, -bi full of holes
in the room; eMy ~ he is having hole/ holes.
suffocating. AbixaHMJe [dikhan^'iya] n
AyuiHJbiH [dushniy] a sh f -H breathing, breath, respira-
;^ymeH, -a, -o, -bi stuffy, tion;
close. <> saraHB -~e with bated
AyK)[duyu], Ayeuib [duyash, breath.
-zh] see AYTb. Abiiu|dTb [dish^t^] imperf
Aywcb [duyus^, -z^], ^yeuib- -y ,
AbiiiiHiiib, p -an, imp -h
CJi [duyashs^af see AyTbCH. breathe; TH^eJio ~aTb pant;
flbiM [dim] m -a (-y), pi <>,ejie —dxb be at one's last
-bi, -OB smoke {from a burn- gasp.
ing substance). Aib>KHH|a [d^uzhtna] / -bi,
AWMOxoA [dimAkhot, -d] m ~- dozen;
-a -OB flue {for smoke). <> HepTOBa ~-a baker's dozen.
Abffllfl [dfn^a] / -H, -b AK)H|a [d^una] f -bi, ^
melon, musk melon. dune, down.
Abipja [dira] / -u, ~ hole A«A|H [d^ad^9] -h, -efl m
{in a piece of cloth, in the uncle {a relative).
roof, etc; also fig). flflTJeji [d'^at^il] m -Jia,

AbipflB|biH [dir^'avtyj a sh f -jioB woodpecker.

eepejii [yi^vr'^ey] m -h, -eB e^a [yi^da] / e;^bi food;

Jew. meal {food or an act of tak-
eBpeHCK|HH [yi^vr^eysk^iy] ing food); 3a caoh during
a -an, -oe, -He Jewish. a meal.
eBpone|eu, [yivrAp^eyatj, dz] CABa [yi^dva] I adv 1. hard-
m -Hua, -HueB European. ly, with difficulty; 2. hard-
eBpon6HCK|HH fyivrAp^^y- ly, scarcely; 3. just, bare-
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Euro- ly;
pean. II cf: ^..., KaK... scarcely/
erHnexcKlHH [yi^g^ip^itj- hardly... when..., no soon-
k^iy] a -an, -oe' -He Egyp- er... than...;
tian. <> — jiH hardly, it's doubt-
erHnrflHJHH [yig^ipt^an^in] ful whether...; — He
m -HHa, pi -e, ^ Egyptian. ~ jiH He almost, nearly.
ero [yi^'vo] I gen & ace of CA^M [yi^d'^im], cahtc
OH & oho; see oh; [yi^d^'it^i] see ecxb I.
II pron poss corresp to oh eAHHHi^ja fyid^in^itja] / -bi,
& OHO his; its. ~ 1. one; math unity; 2. unit

feAM 114

(standard quantity or amount); tme... first element of com-

3. black mark, "poor", "one"; pounds denoting 'every' ejKe-
4. individual; tojibko ~bi,.. roAHo [yizhi^godna] every
only a few... year, annually.
cAHHHHHlbiH [yid''in''ich''- e)Ker6;iHbiH [yizht^godnty]
niyl a sh f eAHHriqen, -a, -o, a annual, yearly.
-bT 1. single, only one; 2. iso- ejKeAHeBHbiH [yizhf^d^n'^ev-
lated, rare. nty] a daily; everyday {com-
e;iHHorjiacHO [yid^inAglas- mon, usual).
nal adv unanimously {with CMieMecsiHHbiH [yizhi^m^e-
the support of all). s^'ach^niy] a monthly.
eAHHOAyu]H|biH [yid^inA- ejKeneAejibHbift [yizhan^i^-
dushnty] a sh f eAHHOAymeH, d^el^'niy] a weekly.
-a, -0, -bi unanimous {having ejKHTbcvi [ydzhtttja] imperf
the agreement of all). e>Kycb, e>KHmbCH, p cjkhjich,
e;iHHCTBeHHlbiH [yi^d^in''- e>KHJiacb huddle oneself up
s^t*'v**mniyl a sh f eAHHCi- {with cold, etc).
BeH, -a, -0, -bi only, sole; e3A|a [yi^zda] / -b'l driving,
OAHH-eAHHCTBeHHbiH Only one; riding; b Asyx qacax —b'l
~biH B CBoeM pojie unique; OT... two-hour journey from...
<> -~oe HHCjio ling singular eaAl.HTb [yez'^d'^it''] imperf
(number). e3>Ky, -Huib, p -HJi, imp h
eAHHCTB|o [yi^d^instval n [cf exaxb 1] drive, ride {in
-a unity {harmony, agreement; a car, etc); go {by train,
solidarity) sea, etc); travel, journey.
e;iHHlbiH [yi*-'d^inty] a sh f CH [yey] dat & instr of
~, -a, -0, -bi 1. indivisible; OHa; see oh.
united {front, etc); single, eH-66ry [yi^ybogu] int col
common; —-oe ueJioe a single really!, really and truly!;
whole; 2.: hh '-oro not a I swear!
single; Bce ao ~oro one and eji [yel], ejia [yeb] see
all. ecTb I.

cflKlHft [yetk^iy] a -an, -oe, eJie [yel^'i] adv 1. hardly,

-He, sh f CAOK, -a, -o, -h 1. with difficulty; 2. hardly,
caustic {also fig); 2. acrid, scarcely;
pungent {also fig). O 6jie-6Jie hardly, with dif-
[yedu], CAeuib [yed'^ish,
ejyy ficulty; — JKHBoft more dead
-zh] see exaxb. than alive.
ee [yi^yo] I gen & ace of ejiKJa [yolka] / -h, e.noK
OH a; see oh; 1. fir-tree; HOBoroAHHH ~a
II pron poss corresp to oHa New Year's tree; 2. New
her; hers; its. Year's party.
e}K [yosh, -zh] e>Ka,m ejib [yel**] / eJiH, ejieii fir-
eHceft hedgehog {an animal). -tree.
. -

— 115 eii;e

CM [yem], euib [yesh, -zh] mhh -- HayKa chemistry is

see ecTb I a science; 2.there is, there
eMKOCTJb [ydmlos''t^, -z^d''] are; h3 3Toro noJioJKeuHn
/ -H, -eft capacity {of a con- — BbixoA there is a way out
tainer, etc). of this situation;
eMy [yi^mu] dat of oh & II impers 1.: y mghh [y Hero
oho; see oh. u m. d.] — 3Ta KHHra I have
epyHfl|a [yirunda] / -bi col [he, etc, has] this book;
1. nonsense, rot, rubbish; 3Ta KHHPa -- B 6H6jIHOTeKe
2. trifle, nothing; very easy they have this book at the
thing, child's play. library.
ecjiH [yes^'l^i] cj if (/) on e(})peHTop [yi^fr^eytar] m
the condition or supposition -a, -OB lance-corporal; US
that', 2) even though; grant- private 1st class.
ing that; 3) whenever); 6bi — exarb [yekhat*'] imperf eAy,
if {with hypothetical condi- eAeuib,p exetJi a concrete move-,
tions); —
6bi He but for; ment in a definite direction
— HATH TyAa, to tojibko [cf e3AHTb] 1. drive, ride {in
ceftqac if we [you] are to go a car, etc); go {by train, sea,
there, we {you] must do it etc); 2. go, leave {for) {in a ve-
now; noexaib k neiviy
-- hicle) H eAyaaBipa I'm leav-
ceflqac, to m6>kho aacTaxb ing tomorrow.
ero if you [we, I] go to his exHAH|biH [yi^kh^idniy] a
place now you [we, I] will sh f exHACH, -a, -o, -bi mali-
find him at home. cious, spiteful; caustic, ven-
ecT [yest, -zd] see ecTb 1. omous.
ecT^CTBeHH biH I
eiu,e [yi^sh'':6] adv 1. some
v^mniy] a sh f more; ~ pas once more;
-a, -o, -bi natural {1) science, ^ TpH AHH three more days;
etc; 2) death, etc; 3) state, ~ OAHH one more, another;
gesture, etc); — bie fioraTCTsa another one; hto ^? what
natural resources / wealth. else?; — MT6-HH6yAb some-
ecTecTB03HdHHie [yis^'t^ist- thing else; -- h -~ again and
VAznan^'iya] n -a natural again; more and more; —
science; natural history. cTOJibKo >Ke as much again;
ecTb I [yes^t^] imperf cm, as many again; 2. {with comp)
euib, ecT, eAHM, eAHTe caht, still, even; 3. still {up to
p eJi, eJia, imp euib, cbiecib the present time or time in
[s^yes^t*"] perf 1. Q2i\{l)chew question); yet {with negations);
and swallow; 2) take food); ~ hqt not yet; Bce still—
2. {no perf) make smart {of {up to the present time or
smoke, etc). time in question); noKa •— so
ecTb II [yes'^t^] pres of far, for the present; mh -^
6biTb I 1. as a link-verb: xh- ,
ycnecM we've got enough time,

eio 116 -^

we still have time; there's <> ~ 6bil col I should think

no hurry (about it); 4. as so!, you bet!
far back as, only {yesterday, eio [yeyu] instr of ona;
etc); see OH.

}K \ see me I. wretched, poor, shabby; HMeTb
m II see me II. — HH bh;i cut a poor figure;
3Ka6|a [zhaba] / -u, toad. ~ 3. miserable {coward, etc).
}Ka6p|bi [zhabril pi ^, }KajiKO [zhalka] impers pre-
-au {sing iKa6p|a / -u) gills die =:7KaJlh.
{of fish, etc). )Kajilo [zhala] n -a, ^
«aBopoH|oK [zhavarsnak, sting (of a bee, etc).
-g] m -Ka, -kob (sky)lark. )Kajio6|a [zhalaba] / -bi, ^
>KaAH|biH [zhadniyl a sh f complaint.
TKP.jxeH, -a, -0, -bi (-bi) greedy; >Kajio6H|biM [zhabbniy] a
covetous {avaricious). sh f >Kajio6eH, -a, -o, -bi sor-
msi7Kjx\a. [zhazhda] / -u rowful, mournful; sad, plain-
thirst {also fig); HcnbiTbiBaxb tive, doleful;
~y be thirsty; yroJiHib — <> ~aji KHHra complaints
quench one's thirst; ~-a ana- book.
HHH thirst for knowledge. >KajiOBaHb|e [zhabvan^ya] n
waji I [zhall, wajia [zhala] -H salary.
see JKaxb I. wa^njOBaTbCji [zhabvattja]
mdJi II [zhal], JKBJia [zhala] imperf -yeuibCH,
-yKXih, p
see ^aib II. -OBajiCH, -OBaJiacb, imp -yft-
JKajijCTb [zhi^i'^et^] imperf CH, -yHxecb, no|>KajiOBaTbC{i
-eio, -eeiiib, noj^KajieTb [pa- [pAzhabvattja] per/ complain,
zhi'-'Pet^] perf 1. feel sorry make complaints; —OBaxbCH
for, pity; 2. be sorry {that), B cyA go to law.
regret {that); 3. spare (ef- wajiocTib [zhabs^t^, -z^'d^j
forts, etc); grudge (wS y, / -H pity {for smb, etc); hc-
etc). obixbisaxb qyBCXBo h feel —
>Kaji|HTb [zhal**it^] imperf pity.
-K), -Huib, p -HJi, imp -b, Majib [zhaP] impers pred-
ylJKajiHTb [uzhal^it^] perf ic 1.:MHe ~ xe6H [ero
sting {of bees, etc); bite {of u m. d.] I feel sorry for you
snakes). [him, etc]; ^ ero! poor beg-
>KajiK|HH [zhalk'^iy] a -an, gar!, he is much to be piti-
-oe, -He, sh f H<ajioK, -a, -o. ed!; 2. it is a pity; — xepHxb
-H 1, pitiful, pitiable; 2. BpewH it's a pity /shame
~ 117 )Ke

to waste tirrie; 3.: eMy [eft perf coH^Hy, coJKHeuib, p -Ji,

u m. d.] ^ AeHer he [she, -jia, imp co>KHH reap, cut.
etc] grudges the money; eiviy mm
[zhg^i] see menb.
[efl u m. 5.] — 3T0 naJibTo mrjia. [zhgla] see me^b.
he [she, etc] spares this coat; jKry [zhgu] see meHh.
4.: --, mo... f^cjiH...] it is mjidTb [zhdat^] imperf mjiy,
a pity that... [if...]. JKAeuib, p TKjxaji, yKjiajia, mjxk-
)Kap [zhar] m -a 1. heat Jio, 7Kji,aJiii, imp ^AH 1. wait,
(warmth); 2. tempera-
high wait for; await; aacTasHTb
ture, fever; y pe6eHKa ^ the Koro-Ji. — make smb wait;

child has a high tempera- keep smb waiting; 2. expect

ture; 3. fig heat, ardour; {look forward to);
<> HyjKHMH pyKaMH sarpe-^ <> Bp^MH He )KfleT time
6aTb =
make a cat's-paw of presses; ~ He jxomjiaTbcn
other people. wait impatiently; xoro h
wapji [zhAra] / -bi heat 7Km at any moment; on the
{warmth); cTOHjia CHJibHan point of...
'-a there was a great heat, me I [zha], m [zh, sh] cj
the days were very hot. denoting 1. contrast: Tbi ocxa-
jKdpeHbifl [zhar^iniy] a eaficH, H me yfi^y you stay
fried; roast(ed) {meat, etc). here and I'll leave; ecjiH >Ke
jKapJHTb [zhar^it^] imperf Tbi He ocTaneuibCH... but if
-K), -Hiub, p Hji, imp -b, you're not going to stay...;
aajiKjlpHTb [zAzhar^it^] perf, H >K He BoapajKaK) but I have
HSJHiapHTb [izh:ar^it^] per} no objections; 2. addition:
fry; roast {meat, etc). Korjia OH npHiiieJi, npHuieji
jKapKiMH [zhark^iy] a -an, >Ke OH paHO, Mbi HaMajiH 3a-
-oe, -He, sh f s^apoK. -a, -o HHMaTbCH when he came, and
-H 1. hot {day, weather, etc); he came early,we began to
tropical {countries, etc); 2. study.
fig hot; heated. me II [zha], m [zh, sh]
jKapKJoe [zhArkoya] n -oro part denoting 1. intensifica-
roast (meat). tion: KOFAa 7K Tbi jxauib mhc
jKaxBJa [zhatva] / -bi, ~ KHHry? when will you give
reaping; harvest. me the book, after all?,
jKaxb I [zhat^] imperf whenever will you give me
jKMy, H^Meuib, p H<aji, :a^ajia, the book?; hah ^e cKOpee
imp >KMH 1. press, saueeze; be quick; roBOpHTe >Ke will
squeeze out {juice, etc); 2. you speak, after all?; h. cAe-
pinch, hurt {of foot-wear); be Jiaio 9T0 ceftqac me I'll do
too tight {of clothes). it right now, I'll do it now
jKarb II [zhat^] imperf without fail; nosBOHHie eMy,
>KHy, jKHeuib, p jKaJi, xcajia, OH me AOKTOp ring him up,
imp JKHH, ciKaJTb [zh:at^j he is a doctor, isn't he?^
wee 118 —
ring him up, after all he is ~biH nyTb
(railway) track;
a doctor; 2. sameness: stot ~oe nojioTHo permanent
>Ke, TOT >Ke, TaKOH me the way; US right of way {for
same; TaM me, sAecb >Ke at railroad tracks); —-uh yaeji
the same place, in the same (railway) junction.
place; TaK >Ke in the same «e.ie3H|biH [zht^l'^eznty] a
way; b to me BpeMH, Tor^a iron {also fig);
me at the same time; Ty^a <> —
asi Aopora railway; 6^5
>Ke to the same place. railroad; no --oh Aopore by
^eeaxb [zht^vat^] imperf train,
myio, H<yemb, p jKeeaji, imp )Kejie3|o [zhi^I'^eza] n -a
jKyii chew {with the teeth); iron {a 'metal).
ruminate (of animals). HtejiesoCeroH [zhi^Pezab^i®-
mer [zhok, -g] see me^h. ton] m
-a ferro-concrete, re-
)KejiaHH|e [zhi'^lan^'iya] n infprced concrete.
-H, -H 1. wish, desire; npH mejio6 [zholap, -b] -a,' m
BceM '-H matter how
no pi meJio6a, mejio66B gutter,
much I want to; no ero [ee trough.
u m. d.] ~-K) in accordance jKejiTJoK [zhi^ltok, -g] m
with his fher, etc] desire; at -Ka, -KbB yolk.
his [her, etc] request; no --kd 3KejiT|biH [zholtiy] a sh f
by request; 2. lust {a sensual ~, jKejiTa, -o (jKeJiTo), -u
desire). (jKejiTfai) yellow {colour).
xejijaTb [zhi^lat^l imperf jKejiyAloK [zhi'^ludak, -g]m
-aio, -aeiiib, nolwejiaTb [pa- -Ka, -KOB stomach; necBape-
zht^lat^] perf 1. wish, want, HHe --Ka indigestion.
desire; — aTb, qT66bi kto-ji. jKejiyAOHHbiH [zhi^ludach^-
CAeJiaji qTO-Ji. wish / want smb nty] a stomachic; gastric.
to do smth; 2. wish {smb »ejiyA|b [zholut*', -d**] m
smth); ^aio cqacTbn! good -H, pi -H, jKejiy^eH, HceJiyflHM
luck!; ~aK) y^aqH / ycnexa! acorn.
good luck!; »ejmH|biH [zholch^'niy] a
<> ocTaejiHeT —arb Jiymuero sh f s<eJiMeH, -a, -o, -u 1.
leaves much to be desired. bilious {pertaining to bile);
}Kejie3|a [zhaPi^za] / -bi, ~biH nySbipb gall-bladder;
pi meJieshi, meJiea, -m anat 2. fig bitter, bilious; ~biH
gland; noj^meJiyAOHuaa ^a HeJiOBeK acrimonious man.
pancreas. )KejiH|b [zholch'', -j^] / -H
wejiesHOAopojKHHK [zhal^'iz- gall, bile {also fig).
nadArozhn^ik, -g] -a, -ob m iKCMHyr [zhemch^uk, -g] m.
railwayman. -a, pi -a, -OB pearl(s) {gems).
}Kejie3HOjiop6)KHlbiH [zha- >KeMHy}KHH|a [zht^mch^'u-
TiznadArozhniy] a railway zhina] / -bi, ~
pearl (/) a
iattr); US railroad {attr)\ gem; 2) the finest example).

)KeH|a [zhi^na] / -bi, pi imp -yfl, noijKepTBOBaTb [pA-

5KeHbi, ^eH, jKCHaM wife {a zhertyvat^] perf 1, sacrifice,
married woman). offer (up), give (up); 2. make
>KeHaT|biH [zhi^natty] a sh a donation of, endow.
f ~, [no /, n), -bi married HcecT [zhest, -zd] m -a,
{of a man). -OB gesture {also fig).
>KeHH b6|a [zhi^n^id^ba] / »ecTK|HH [zhosk^iy] a -an,
-bi, ~ marriage. -oe, -He, sh f hccctok, jKecTKa,
weK HTbCM [zht^'n^itts9] perf -o, -H 1. hard, stiff; —oe
& imperf -ibcb, JKeHHUibCH, p MHco tough meat; ~oe Kpecjio
-HJicH, imp -HCb, -Hxecb mar- unupholstered chair; ~He
ry, get married {of a man). BOJiocbi coarse hair; 2. fig
iKCHMx [zht'^n^ikh, -gh] m tough {policy, etc); 3. fig rig-
-a, -6b bridegroom; fiance; id, strict {terms, etc).
H HCBecTa they are wecTOKJHH [zht^^stok^'iy] a
engaged. -an, -oe, -He, sh f jKecxoK,
jkchckIhh [zhensk^iy] a -a, -o, -H 1. cruel; brutal;
-aa, -oe, -He 1. female; wom- 2. fig severe {frost, pain,
an's, women's; ladies'; girls' etc); savage {resistance, etc);
{school, etc)', womanlike; 2. hard {fighting, etc); brutal
ling feminine. {exploitation, etc).
^teHCTBCHHbiH [zhenstv^m- jKecTOKocTlb [zhi^stokas^t**,
niy] a feminine, womanlike. -z^d^] / -H, -efi cruelty; bru-
weHmHHJa [zhen''sh*':in9] / tality.
-bi,~ 1. woman; 2. married Hcecrlb [zhes't^, -z^d^] /
woman. -H tin(-plate).
d^] / -h, pi
jKepji'ib [zhert'', jKeHb [zhech''] imperf jKry,
-w, pole, perch.
-efi JKJKemb, »<}KeT, jkhccm, mme-
mepeSeHJOK [zhar^i^b^'dnak, re, mryj, p mer, jKPJia, imp
-cj] m-Ka, pi >Kepe6HTa, ;Ke- JKFH, c>Ke4b [zhrech^j perf
pe6HT foal. cojKry, cojKmeuib, p cJKer, co-
wepTBJa [zhertva] / -bi, -- TKFjia, imp cojKFH 1. burn (coa/,
1. sacrifice; victim {to a etc); perf also burn up; 2.
deity, etc); npHHocHTb ~y {no perf) burn, be very hot
make a sacrifice, offer a WHBH [zhtv'i] see >KHTb.
sacrifice {to smb); npHHOCHTb )KHB|6ft [zhJvoy] a sh f -^y
HTO-ji. B ~y
sacrifice smth. -a, 5KHB0, JKHBbi 1, alive,
make a sacrifice of smth; 2. living; 2. lively, vivid; 3.
victim {of an accident, etc); lively, animated, brisk; ~6h
ciaTb ~0H qero-Ji. [kopo-ji.] oTKJiHK ready response; -~6e
fall a prey to smth [smb], Aejio live work; ~6e yqac-
fall a victim to smth [smb]. THe active part;
>KepTB|oBaTb [zhertyvat^] <> — bie uBCTbi natural (low-
imperf -yio, -yeiub, p -OBaJi, ers; '^ H SAOpoB $afe and
JKHB — 120 —
sound; ocTaibCJi b ~bix sur- to the death; --b Sber kjiio-
vive, escape with one's life; HOM life is in full swing.
saflCTb sa -~6e sting to tlie iKHJi [zhil], mnjia. [zhila]
quick; Ha —
yio HMTKy col = see mmb.
anyhow, hastily. )KHji|a [zhfb] / -bi, ~ 1,
MHBOnHCHJblft [zhiVAp^is- tendon, sinew; 2. vein {a
niy] a sh f H^HBonHcen, -a, -o, blood vessel); 3. mining vein;^
-bi picturesque. lode.
»HBonHc|b [zhivap^is^. -z^] HiHJier [zhiPet, -d] m -a,
/ -H 1. painting {an art); 2. -OB waistcoat, vest.
paintings, pictures. iKHJijeu [zhil^et§, -dz] m
iKHBOT [zhivot, -d] m -a, -bua, -buoB lodger, tenant.
-OB stomach, belly. iKHjiHm|e [zhiPish'ia] n -a,
)khbothob6actb|o [zhWat- ~ dwelling.
HAVotstva] n -a animal" hus- }KHji|Ka [zhflka] / -kh, -ok
bandry, cattle-breeding. vein {J) a small blood vessel;
wHBOTHloe [zhivotnays] n 2) a particular character or
-oro, -faix animal. tendency).
)KHBy [zhivu], }KHBeuib [zW- mHJijOH [zhiloyj a inhabit-
v'osh, -zh] see mmh. ed; habitable, fit to live in;
»HAKJHH [zhltk^iy] a -an, ~6ft ;i,0M apartment house,
-oe, -He, sh f jkh^ok, -a, -o, block of flats; ~6h KBapiaji
-H 1. liquid {soap, air, etc); residential quarter.
2. thin, weak, watery {milk, jKHJinjiomaKJb [zhilplo-
coffee, porridge, etc); 3. thin, sh^iat^, -d^] / -H (= jKHJiaH
scanty, thinning {hair, etc). njiomajlb) dwelling space;
wHAKocTlb [zh+tkas^t'', floorspace; dwelling, flat.
-z^'d^] / -H, -efl liquid (a sub- mHJible [zhil^yo] n -h dwell-
stance). ing; lodging(s); habitation.
)KH>Ke [zhfzht^] comp of >kha- map [zhir] -a m
(-y), pi
KHH & corresp adv. -hi, -6b fat, grease, oil; pbi-
iKH3HeHHlbiH [zhiz^n^mniy] 6hh — cod- liver oil.
a sh f >KH3HeH, -a, -o, -bi »MpH|biM [zhi'rniy] a sh f
1.: ~biH onbiT life experience; >KHpeH, -a, -0, -bi 1. fat {cov-
knowledge nyxb
of life; —bifl ered with or having much
life {of ~bie chjim
a person); fat); rich {food); 2. greasy
vitality; ~biH ypOBeHb stand- {covered with grease); 3.: —biH
ard of life; 2. fig vital, uipHcJ)! bold type.
fundamental, of vital impor- >KHTeji|b [zhft^il^] m -fl,

tance. -eft inhabitant, resident; ro-

>KH3H|b [zhiz'^n^] / -11, -eft pOACKoft --b townsman; cejib-
life;3apa6aTbiBaTb na ~b CKHH ~b countryman, villag-
make one's living; er; KopeHHoft -~b native {ol
<^ He Ha ^b, a Ha cMepTb a town, etc).
— 121 — sa

)KHTejibCTB|o [zhlt^il^stva] wyHOKJdTb [zhuzh^raf] im-

n -a: mccto ~a (place of) perf -y, -Hmb, p -aji, imp -li
residence, domicile. hum {lik2 a bee); buzz, drone.
«HTb [zhit''] imperf >KHBy, jKyfi [zhuy] see ^esaTb.
5KHBeiIIb, p JKHJl, HCHJia, >KHJIO, HcyK [zhuk -g] -a, m
»HJiH, imp >KHBH 1. live; beetle {an insect).
2.: OH }KHBeT paSoTOH his jKyjibHHHlaib [zhuPn^i-
work is meat and drink to ch^at^] imperf -aw, -aeuib
him; 3.: mm c hhm jkhbcm col swindle, cheat.
ApyJKHO we are oil friendly )KypaBJi|b [zhuravP] m -h,
terms, my relations with him -eft crane (a 6/rd).
are friendly. xtypHaji [zhurnal] m -a, -ob
JKMH [zhm^i] see >KaTb I. 1, magazine, journal; 2. reg-
)KMy [zhmu], jKMeiub ister, diary, journal.
[zhm^osh, -zh] see Hcaxb I. jKypHajiHCT [zhurnAl^ist,
»HH [zhn^i] see >KaTb II. -zd] m
-a, -OB news-man,
jKHy [zhnu], >KHemb journalist.
[zhn^osh, -zh] see JKaxb II. 3KyTK|HH [zhutk^iy] a -an,
jKOHFJiep [zhAngPor] m -a, -oe, -He, sh f »:yTOK, -a, -o,
-OB juggler. -H terrible, uncanny, sinister.
wpe6H|H [zhr^eb^iy] m -h, jKyK) [zhuyu], jKyeiiib [zhu-
-eB 1.: Spocaxb --ft cast/throw yosh, -zh] see JKCBaib.
lots; THHVTb ~ft draw lots; >KK)pM [zhur'^i] n indecl ju-
2. fig fate, destiny lot; ry {a committee of examin-
<> ~H 6p6iiieH thedie is cast. ers).

3a [za; in the first pretonic close to smth for the sake of

position —
za; in the second some action; the state of be-
and other pretonic positions — ing engaged in some action:
za; in a stressed position za] — 3a cTOjioM at the table; at
prep I with instr denoting 1. table; CH^eib 3a khhfoh be
position, location behind, be- reading a book, read a book;
yond, or across smth: 3a Ase- be at one's books; 3a pa66-
pbK) behind the door; 3a Aepe- Toft at work; 3a maxMaxaMH
BOM behind a tree; 3a to66h at chess; npoBOAHTb BpeMH
behind you; 3a toh ropKofl 3a meHHeM spend one's time
beyond that hill; 3a peKofi reading; 3. succession, se-
across / beyond the river; 3a quence, pursuit, etc: nepBbiM
yrjioM round the corner; 3a BbicTynnJi OeTpoB, 3a hhm
66pTOM overboard; 2. position CasoHOB the first speaker was
122 —
Petrov, then spoke Sazonov; action; the beginning of some
Pfinb 3a AHCM day after day; activity: cecTb 3a ctoji sit
6e>KaTb 3a kcm-ji. run after down at a table; cecTb 3a
smb; CJiejioBaTb sa kcm-ji. KHHpy start reading a book;
[sa^eM-ji.] follow smb [smth]; start working at a book;
oxoTHTbCH 3a MCM-ji. 1) hunt BSHTbCH 3a padoxy 1) under-
smth; 2) fig hunt after/ for take to do a job; 2) set about
smth; 4. purposp or aim: cxo- some work; 3. purpose or aim:
AHTb 3a MCM-Jl. [3a KeM-Jl.] 6opb6a 3a Mnp struggle for
fetch smth [smb]; nocJiaib sa peace; rojiocoBaxb 3a mto-.i.
AOKTopoM send for the doctor; vote for / in favour of smth;
OH npHuieji 3a khhfoh he came 4. the exceeding of some
to take /get the book; hohth quantity, limit, etc: euy aa
3a xjie6oM go to buy some HHTbAecHT he is over past /

bread; go {to the kitchen, etc) fifty; 3a nojiACHb afternoon;

to fetch some bread; 5. di- aa nojiHOMb past midnight;
rection of an action: npHCMai- 5. distance from: sa jxecHib kh-
pHBaTb take care of...,
3a... jiOMCTpoBOT... ten kilometres
look after...; keep one's eye away from..., at a distance
on...; cjieAHTb / Ha6jiioAaTb 3a of ten kilometres from,..;
qeM-ji. [3a kcm-ji.] watch 6. time separating one action,
smth [smb]; cjieAHTb 3a mh- event, etc, from another: aa
CTOTOH see that it is clean; ABa AHH AO SToro two days
CJieAHTb / Ha6;iK)AaTb 3a no- before this; 7. duration of an
pHAKOM keep order; yxa>KH- action: OTAOXHyxh aa oxnycK
BaTb 3a KCM-ji. 1) nurse smb, have a good rest during one's
tend smb; 2) pay court to holiday; 3To m6>kho CAejiaTb
smb; 6. cause or reason: 3a 3a ABa Maca this can be done
HeHMeHHCM for want of; 3a in /within two hours; aa no-
HeAOCTaTKOM for want of; 3a cjieAHHe ipH roAa for the last
OTcyTCTBHeM in the absence three years; aa nocjicAHee
of; for want of; BpeMH of late; 8. the object
II with ace denoting: 1. move- of a feeling, emotion, etc:
ment farther than or to the ApoHcaib 3a Koro-Ji. tremble
back of smth: bmhth 3a Asepb for smb; paAOBaxbCH aa ko-
leave the room [house, etc]; ro-Ji. be glad for smb; 9. a
nocxaBHTb 3a 6y4)eT put be- taking, grasping, etc, move-
hind the sideboard; yexaTb ment; a touching or hold-
sa peKy go beyond the river; ing contact: B3HTb kofo-ji. aa
saBepHyib 3^ yroji turn a uJie^d take smb by the shoul-
corner; Bb'iKHHyTb 3^ 6opT der; Aep>KaTb Koro-ji. aa,
throw overboard {also fig) 2. pyKy hold smb by the hand
movement to the close vicinity arm; ymHOHyTh Koro-Ji. aa
of smth for the sake of some pyKy pinch smb's hand / arm;
123 3a6

flepjKaibCH 3a mo-ji. hold on AOM ride behind a house; saHiH

to smth; 10. cause or reason: sa yroji turn a corner; saro-
HarpaAHTb Koro-ji. sa mto-ji. HHTb [zagAn^at^j drive in
decorate smb smth; reward
for {cattle; a nail, etc), 5. an action
smb for smth;
naKasaxb done in passing: saflxH sa
Koro-Ji. sa HTo-ji. punish smb KCM-Ji. call for smb {to take
for smth; sa mto? for what?; him away)',
why?; 11. exchange, compen- 1 1 of nouns & adjectives denot-
sation, payment, etc: oiAaxb ing position, location behind^
[nojiyHHTb] MTO-Ji. sa mo-ji. beyond, or across smth: sape^be
give [receive / take] smth [zAr^ech^ya] part of a town,
for smth; KynHib sa nnib etc, on the other side of the
py6jieH buy for five roubles; river;sanncxbe [zAp^as^t^ya]
sa nojiueHbi at half-price; 12. wrist; saropoAHbiH [zagarad-
substitution, performance of niy] out-of-town {attr), coun-
smb else's functions: h CAejiaio try {attr).
3T0 sa Te6H I'll do it instead 3a6aBji|aTbCH [zabAvPattja]
of /for you; 13. equation of imperf -HKXib, -HeiubCH amuse
smb's activity, work, etc, with oneself; make merry.
the usual quota: pa66TaTb sa 3a6aBH|biH [zAbavnty] ashf
TpoHX work enough for three, sa6aBeH, -a, -o, -bi amusing;
do the work of three; funny.
III as an adv predic: h uejin- saCacTloBaxb [zabastAvat^]
KOM sa 3T0 I 'm all for it; h — perf -yio, -yemb, p -oeaji, imp
sa col I don't mind, I agree, -VH go on strike, down tools,
I'm for it; come out.
<> sa ropofl to the country, 3a5acT6B|Ka [zabAstofka] /
out of town; sa ropo;ioM in -KH, -OK strike {of work-
the country, out of town; sa ers).
py6e»(6M abroad {in foreign 3a6HB|axb [zab^ivat^j im-
lands). perf -aio, -aeiub, 3a6|HTb
3a... pref J of verbs denot- [zAb^if^] perf -bib, -beuib, p
ing beginning of an ac-
t. -Hji, imp -eft 1. drive in
tion: saneTb [zAp^et^j begin {nails, etc)', drive {nails, etc,
to sing; 2. completion of an into smth)', 2. stop up,
action: sanbijiHibCH [zap U^i- up {a window, nail down;
ttja] become dusty; 3. an in- 3. sport drive {the ball into
tensive and vigorous action; the goal)', score (a goal); 4.
an action overdone: saKopMHTb {no imperf) gush {of oil).
[zakArm^it^j overfeed; sapa- 3a6HHTOBaxb see 6HHX0Baxb.
CoxaTbCH [zarAbotattja] over- 3a6HTb see 3a6HBaxb.
work oneself; 4. the fact that 3a6jiaroBpeMeHHo [zablagA-
an action is directed behind vr^em^mna] adv good time,
or beyond smth: saexaib sa in advance; ahead of time.
3a6 — 124 —
3a6ji|y;i,HTbC5i [zablud^ittsa] KaMHHMH stone smb; 3a6po-
perf -yH<ycb, -y;iHiiibCH, p -y- caTb ueexaMH pelt smb with
;iHjiCH, -yAHJiacb, imp -yAHCb, flowers; 3a6pocaTb BonpocaMH
-yflHiecb .lose one's way,- get ply with questions.
lost. 3a6pacbiB|aTb II [zAbrasi-
3a6jiy7Kji\aTbca [zabluzhda- V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, sa-
ttja] imperf -anxF, -aeiufcCH be 6p6c|HTb [zAbros^it^] perf
mistaken, err. 3a6p6uiy, -Huib, p -hji, imp
3a6jiy«fleHH|e [zabluzhd'^e- -b 1. throw / hurl / cast far
n**iy9] 11 -H, -H error, mistake, away; cyAt.6a 3a6p6cHJia er6
delusion. B 9T0T ropoA fate has brought
3a6ojieBaHH|e [zabaPi^va- him to this town; 2. neglect,
n^'iya] n disease.
-h, -h abandon; give up, drop.
3a6ojieB|aTb [zabal^i^vat^] 3a6pocaTb see 3a6pacbi-
imperf -k\o, -aeuib, 3a6ojie|Tb Baib I.

[zabAl^et^] perf -lo -emb, p 3a6p6cHTb see 3a6pacbi-

-j\, imp -H fall ill. Baxb II.
3a6ojieTb I see sadojieeaTb. 3a6biB|aTb[zabivat^] imperf
3a6ojie|Tb II [zabA^et^] -aio, -aemb, 3a6|biTb [zAbtt^]
perf -K), -eiiib, p -ji, imp -ft perf y^y, -yAeiiib, p -biJi,

begin to hurt, begin to ache. imp -yAb 1. forget; neglect

3a66p [zAbor] m -a, -ob {to do smth); ne. 3a6biTb 6bi
fence (a barrier). (MHe)... I must remember
3a66T|a [zAbota] / -bi, 1. ~ to...; 2.leave behind, leave.
concern {for), care {for, of); 3a6bIBHHB|bIH [zAbifch^i-
6biTb 0Kpy>KeHHbiM ~oS be viy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi
given every support encour- / forgetful {easily forgetting);
agement; 2. anxiety, con- absent-minded.
cern; ~bi no xosHHCTsy house- saSbiTb see 3a6biBaTb.
keeping duties. 3aBdpHB|aTb [zAvar^ivat^]
3a66jTHTbc» [zAbot^itt^a] imperf -aio, -aeuib, 3aBap|iiTb
imperf -Mycb, -THmbCH, p -thji- [zavAr'^it^] perf -ib,3aBapHiiib,
CH, -THJiaCb, imp -TbCH, p HJi, imp -H make, brew
-Tbiecb, noi3a66THTbCJi [pazA- {tea, etc);
bof'ittja] perf 1. take care <> saBapHTb Kdmy col ^ stir
{of), show concern {for), look up trouble, start trouble,
{after); 2. trouble {about). make a mess.
3a66TjiHB|biH [zAbotl'^iviy] 3aBe;ieHH|e [zav^i^d^'en^lya]
a sh f --, -a, -0, -bi solicitous n a, -H institution, estab-
considerate, thoughtful. lishment; Bbicmee yqe6Hoe
3a6pacbiB|aTb I [zAbrasi- ~e higher educational insti-
vat''] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, 3a- tution. '
6poc|aTb [zabrAsaf"] perf -aio, 3aBeA|oBaTb [zAv^edovat*"]
-aeuib: saSpocaxb Koro-Ji. imperf -yp, -yeuib, p -oBaji,

— 125 — sas

imp be in charge of,

-yH 3aBHB|aTbC5I [z9v^ivatts9]
manage, be at the head of. imperf -aeiubcn, sa-
saBCflyiomlMH [zAv^eduyu- B|HTbCfl [ZAV^lttj9] perf -bVJCh,
sh^:iy] m -ero, -hx manager, -bembCH, p-HjicH, -HJiacb, -h-
chief, head. Jiocb, -HJiHCb, imp -eficH,
saeesTH see aasosHTb. -eiiTecb curl /frizzle one's

saBepSoB^Tb see Bep6oBaTb. hair; have one's hair curled/

saBepHTb see BasepflTb. frizzled; 2. curl, wave {of
saBepHyxb see saBepTbiBaib. hair)
saBepTbiBJaxb [zAv^orti- 3aBHB|Ka [ZAV^ifk9] / -KH,
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, sa- -OK 1. curling, frizzling {the
BepnlyTb [z9v^i^rnut^] perf act of); 2. wave {hair-do).
-y, p -yji, imp -h 1.
-eiub, SaEHAlOBaXb [ZAV^id9V9t^]
wrap up, wrap; 2. screw up imperf -yio, -yeuib, p -OBaji,
(a nut, etc); ^axb Kpan turn imp noisacHAOBaTb [p9-
off a 3. roll up, tuck
tap; ZAV^id9V9t^] perf envy, be
up; turn (to the left, etc);
4. envious of; (h) ne ~yio efl
saBepnyTb aa yroJi turn a corn- [cMy u m. d.] I wouldn't be
er. in her [his, etc] place.
3aBepui|aTb [zav^i^rshat^] 3aBHc|eTb [zAv^is^it^] im-
imperf -^lo, -^euib, saBcp- perf saBHuiy, -Hiub, p de-
uj|HTb [zav^i^rshit^] perf -y, pend {he caused or controlled
-Huib, p -HJi, imp -H complete, by); H c^eJiaio Bce, hto ot
conclude. MeHH ~HT I'll do all in my
saBCpl^Tb [zav^i^r^at^] im- power.
perf -HK), -Heiub, saBeplHTb 3aBHCHM0CTlb [ZAV^lS^l-
[zAv^er^it^] perf -lo, -uuih, p m9s^t^, -z^d^] / -H depend-
-HJI, imp -b 1. assure (smb); ence {on circumstances, etc);
2. witness, certify. <> B ~H OT... depending
saBecHTfa see saBeiUHBaTb. on..., subject to...
saBCCTH see saBOAHTb. SaBHCTJlHBlblH [ZAV^lS^Pi-
saBeuiUB arb [zAv^esh ivat^]
viy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi
imperf -aio, -aeiub, saBeclHXb envious.
[zAV^es^it^] perf saBemy, 3aBHCT|b [zav^is^t^, -z^'d^]
-Huib, p -HJI, imp -b curtain / -H envy {a feeling).
off, curtain; veil, cover {a 3aB6Tbcfl see saBHBaTbCH.
portrait, etc). 3aB6i^ I [zAv6t, -d] -a, -ob m
3aBemaHH|e [z9v^i^sh^:a- factory, mill, works; refinery;
n'iys] n -h, -h will {at KHpnHHHbiH ^
death); will and testament. caxapHbiH — sugar refinery;
saBemiaxb[zav^i^sh^iat^] nocJie ujKOJibi oh nomeJi na
perf & imperf -aio, -aeiub be- ~ when he had finished
queath; devise, leave by school he became a (factory)
will. worker.
3aB 126 —
SEBOA II [zAVot, -d] m -a saBTpaK [zaftrak, -g] -a, m
1. winding mechanism; 2. -OB breakfast; lunch; luncheon.
winding up {of a timepiece). sasTpaKlaTb [zaftrakat^] im-
saBOflJMrb [zavAd^it^] im- perf -aio, -aeuib, noisaBTpa-
perf 3aB0}Ky, aaBOAHUib, p Kaxb [pAzdftrakat^] perf have
-H.n, imp -H, saBejcTH [z9- breakfast.
pg^^ .^^^ -Aeuib, p 3aBTpauiHHH [zaftrashn^iy]
aaeeJi, -Jia, /mp -ah 1. bring, a tomorrow's.
lead [smb somewhere); take, 3aBsi3aTb see 3aBfl3biBaTb.
lead {smb somewhere) {both 3aB^3|Ka [zAV^aska] / -kh,
on foot, to the wrong place or -OK 1. string, lace; 2. begin-
very far); 2. acquire, buy; 3. ning of the plot {of a novel,
establish, introduce {a rule, etc).
etc); 4. start (a business, con- 3aB^3biBlaTb [zAv^'azlvat'']
versation, etc); 5. wind up imperf -aio, -aeiub, 3aB$i;3aTb
{a timepiece); start {an en- [zav^'i^zat^] perf -my, saBH-
gine). jKeiub, p -3aJi, imp ->kh 1.
saBocBarb see saBoeBbieaTb. tie up; tie {smth with a
saBoeBUBJaTb [zavAyovt- string, etc); knot; —atb 6o-
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib sa- THHKH lace up one's shoes;
BojeBaTb [zavayi^vat^] perf 2. start {a conversation, etc);
-K)io, -ibeiiib, p -CBaji, imp set up {an acquaintance, etc).
-K)H J. conquer {a country, 3aBflHyTb see BHHyib.
etc); 2. fig win {freedom, a saraAJKa [zAgatka] / -kh,
victory, etc); imperf also try -OK 1. riddle, puzzle; 2. mys-
to win, struggle for. tery, enigma.
3aB03|HTb[z9VAz*'ft^] imperf saraAOHHlbifl [zAg^dach^-
3aB0>Ky, 3aB63Hmb, p -hji, niy] a sh f saraAoqen, -a,
imp -H, 3aBe3|TH [zav^i^s^t^i] -0, -bi mysterious, enigmatic.

perf -y, -eiub, p 3aBe3, -jia, sarap [zAgar] m -a sun-

imp -H 1. bring; take {both burn, tan.
by vehicle, on one's way, very 3arjiaBHie [zAglav'iya] n
far, or to the wrong place); -H, -H title, heading.
2. supply, deliver; bring {sup- sarjiaAHTb see 3arAa}KH-
plies). Baxb.
3aB0paHHB|aTb [zavArach^'i- 3arjid}KHB|aTb [zAgl^zht-
vat**]imperf -aio, -aeiiib=3a- vat*'] imperf -aeuib, sa-
BepTbiBaTb. rjiaA|HTb [zAglad^it''] perf 3a-
saBxpa [zaftra] adv tomor- rAa>Ky, -Hiub, imp -b
p -hji,
row; ~yTpOM tomorrow morn- 1. iron down, smooth
ing; ~ HOMbK) tomorrow down; 2. fig make amends
night {after midnight); ao — for; expiate; 3arJiaAHTb BHHy
tilltomorrow [also see <>]; redress one's wrong act, re-
<^ AO ^ see you tomorrow, deem one's fault.
— 127 — 3afl

sarjiyuilaib [zaglushat^] vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, sa-

imperf -aio, -aeiiib, aarjiy- roTOBiHTb [zagAtov^it*"] perf
lu'iHTb [zaglushlt^] perf -y, -jiio, -Hiiib, p -HJI, imp -b 1.
-Hiufa,p -HJi, imp -H 1. muf- lay in, store up, stock up;
fle, deaden {a sound); drown 2. prepare {in good time).
(a sound); 2. //g still, soothe 3aroT6BlKa [zagAtofka] /
(a pam, e^c); suppress {one's -KH, -OK storage; rocy^apcT-
feelings); 3. //^ choke, sup- BeHHbie' ~KH state purchases
press, stifle (a protest, etc); {of agricultural produce).
4. jam {broadcasts). 3arpaHHHHbiH [zagrAn^ich''-
sarjiMflbiBJaTb [zAgl^adi- nty] a foreign {goods, etc);
vat*'] imperf -aio, -aeuib, sa- foreign-made; ~
rjiJiH|yTb [zagl^i^nut^] per/ -y, passport (/or going abroad).
aarJiHHeiub, p -yji, /mp -h 3arrfl5r;HTb see rpHSHHTb.
1. peep peep {into); glance
in; sarc [zaks, -gz] m -a, -ob
in, look in; glance {into), registry office, registrar's
look {into); 2. col call, drop office.
in {at a place, at smb's place); sajiaJBaTb [zadAvat^] imperf
call {on smb); -K), -eiiib, p -Baji, imp -Baft,
<> ^aib enepcA anticipate, saAJaTb [zAdat''] perf -aM,
look forward. -aiiib, -acT, -aAHM, -a^HTe,
aaroBop [zagavar] m -a, -aAyi, p saAaji, -ajia, aa^ajio,
-OB plot, conspiracy; 6biTb b saAaJiH, imp -aft: —BaibypoK
—e plot {against). Ha AOM give / assign a home-
sarojiOBlcK [zagAlovak, -g] task / home-work; mo aaAaHO
m -Ka, -KOB headline; title, Ha ceroAHH? what is the
heading. home-work for today?; aa^axb
3aropa}KHB{aTb [zagArazht- aara^Ky set a riddle;
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, sa- <> aa^axb Bonpoc ask a
ropofl|HTb [zagarAd'^it^] perf question; --BaTb toh set the
3aropo>Ky 3arop6;iHmb (-riuib), tone / fashion; a reoe aa^aiwl

p -HJi, imp -H 1. fence in; col I'll give you what-for!,

enclose (a garden, etc); 2. you'll catch it!
block up, bar {the entrance, aaflaHHJe [zAdan^iya] n -h,
etc); stand {in smb's light); -H task, job; no -— lo kofo-ji.
barricade. on smb's instructions.
aaropjaTb [zagArat^] imperf saAaTJoK [zAdatak, -g] m
-aK), -aeiiib, aaropl^xb [zagA- -Ka, pi -KH, -KOB 1. advance,
r''et^lperf -ib, -Hiub, p -eji, deposit, earnest; 2. pi in-
imp -H get sunburnt; imperf clinations {for), makings {of),
also bask in the sun. aa^arb see saAasaTb.
saropojiHTb see saropajKH- saAanja [zAdach^a] / -h, ^
BaTb. 1. problem {a difficult ques-
3aroTaBJiHB|aTb [zagAtavl^i- tion); sum (a problem in
safl 128

arithmetic); 2. task, aim, [zAdumat^] perf -aio, -aeuib

object; oMepeAHan ~-a imme- 1. plan, conceive; 2. intend,
diate task; nocxaBHTb ~y have the intention (to do
nepeA KeM-Ji. set smb a task; smth).
ueJiH H— H aims and purposes. saAyMbiBJaxbCJi [zAdumiva-
saAeBJaTb [zad^i^vat^] im- ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiiib-
perf -aio, -aeuib, saAJeTb CH, 3aAyM|axbcji [zAdumattsa]
[zAd^et^] perf -eny, -eHeiiib, perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH fall to
p -en, imp -enb 1. touch, in- thinking, become thoughtful;
jure slightly (said of a mov- be thoughtful; be lost in
ing object); come (against), thoughts; muse, ponder, med-
brush (against); be caught itate; o MeM xbi aaAyMaJiCH?
(in); knock (against); 2. fig what are you thinking of?;
hurt, offend. <> He ~ajicb without a mo-
saACpataTb see 3aAep}KH- ment's hesitation.
Baxb. saAyuiHTb see AyuiHXb.
3aAep)KHB|aTb [zAd^erzhi- saAbixjaxbcsi [zadtkhattsg]
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, 3a- imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, 3a'
Aep>K|aTb [zad^'i^rzhat^] perf AOXHlyibca [zsdAkhnuttja]
-y, 3aAep>KHmb, p -aJi, imp perf -ycb, -euibCH, p -yJiCH,
-H 1. delay, detain, keep off; -yjiacb, imp -iicb, -Hxecb
keep back, retard; — axbpas- choke, suffocate (also fig);
BHXHe hamper the develop- pant (breathe hard); gasp lor
ment (of); 2. arrest, detain. breath; --axbCH ox rneBa [ox
3aAeTb see 3aAeBaxb. CM^xa u m. n.] choke with
saAHJHH [zad^n^iy] a back, anger [laughter, etc].
hinder, rear; hind; 3ae3Klaxb [zayi^zh^iaf*]
<> ~flji Mbicjib secret pur- imperf -aio, -aeuib, saexjaxb
pose, ulterior motive; noMe- [zAyekhat^] perf 3aeAy, sa-
THTb -^HM HHCjiOM antedate. eAeuib, p -aji 1. come (by
3aA6ji2KeHHOCT|b [zAdolzhan- vehicle) and stay (with smb
nas^'t*', -z^d''] / -h, -efl debts, or at a place for a short time);
liabilities, arrears. call on the way (by vehicle,
saAoxHyTbCJi see saAHxaxb- on smb or at a place); visit
CH. (smb or some place); 2. get
saAyMaxb see saAyMbmaxb. (somewhere, into), reach (some
saAyMaxbCfl see 3aAyMbi- place) (by vehicle, very far or
BaXbCH. the wrong place); 3. fetch
3aAyMMHB|biH [zAdumch^i- (smb), call (for smb) (by ve-
viy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi hicle, on one's way); 4. go;
thoughtful, pensive; melan- come (both round, from the
choly. left or the right, or from be-
saAyMbielaxb [zAdumivat^] hind); 3aexaxb 3a yroJi turn
imperf -aio, -aemb, saAyMJaxb a corner (in a vehicle).
— 129 saji

sacM [zAyom] m
aaftMa, pi no small beer of oneself; put
saHMbi, saHMOB loan {of mon- on airs, give oneself airs.
ey). 3aHK|axbC5i [zaikattsa] im-
aaexaxb see saesKaxb. perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, sa-
samapHTb see H^apHTb. HKH|yxbCfl [zaiknuttsa] perf
saataxb see sajKHMaib. -ycb, -embCH, p -yjicH, -yjiacb
3a%e4b see aajKHraxb. 1. {mostly imperf) stutter;
3a}KHB|aTb [z9zhtv^t^] im- stammer, hesitate in speak-
perf -aex, sajKJ^Tb [zAzhtt^] ing; 2. mention, touch {upon).
perf -HBCT, p 3a>KHJi, -HJia, sa- sai^McxBJOBaxb [zAimst-
yKHJio, saMCHJiH heal, close, be- yvat^] imperf -yio, -yeuib, p
come well {of wounds, etc). -OBa Ji, imp -yft, nojsaHMCXBo-
3aasHraji|Ka [zazhigalka] / Baxb [pazAimstyvat^] perf
-KH, -OK (cigarette-)lighter. adopt, borrow.
sajKHrjaTb [z9zhtgat^] im- 3aHHxepec|oBaxb [zain^t^ir^i-
perf -aio, -aeuib, 3a3K|eHb sAvat^] perf -yio, -yeiiib, p
[zAzhech^] perf -ry, -}Kemb, -OBaji, imp -yft cause to take
-mo-T, -H^exe, -rvT, p -er, -rjia, interest, interest; excite
imp -FH light {a candle, a fire, {smb's) curiosity; mchh -^OBa-
etc); — axb sJieKXpHHecTBO / Jia axa KHHra I took an in-
CBex turn on the light; sa- terest in that book.
HiCHb cnH^Ky strike a match. 3aMHxepec|oBaxbcji [zain^t^i-
3a»HM|axb [zazhimat^] im- r^isAva-ttja] perf -yiocb, -yeiiib-
perf -aio, -aeuib, saacjaxb [za- CH, p -OBaJicH, -OBaJiacb, imp
zhat^] perf -My, -Meiub, p -aji, -yflcH, -yuxecb get inter-
imp -MH 1. clutch, squeeze; ested {in), take an interest
sajKaxb B pyKe grip close {in).
one's hand over; 2.: '-axb saHCKHBJaxb [zAisk^ivat^]
Koc hold one's nose; ^axb imperf -aio, -aeuib: --axb ne-
yiuH stop up one's ears; 3. pe^ KCM-ji. fawn upon smb,
fig suppress {criticism, etc); curry favour with smb.
keep down {initiative, etc); 3aHMa [zayma], 3aHM0B
<> 3a»axb pox KOMy-ji. col [zaymaf, -v] see aaeu.
stop /shut smb's mouth. saHMH I [zAym^i] imp of
3a3KHXOHH|bIH [ZAZhltsCh^- saHHXb; see 3aHHMaxb I.
nly] a sh f sa^KHxoHeH, -a, -o, 3aHMH II [zAym^i] imp of
-bi well-to-do, prosperous. 3aHHXb; see 3aHHMaxb II.
3a%HXb see sajKHsaxb. 3aKMHCb [zAym^'is^, -z^],
sasHaJBaxbcsi [zaznAvattja] safiMHxecb [zAym^it^is^, -z^j
imperf -locb, -euibCH, p -Baji- imp of saH^xbCH; see saHH-
C5I, -BaJiacb, imp -BaftcH, MaXbCH.
-Baftxecb, 3a3H|axbC5i [zAzna- 3aHMy I [zAymu], 3aJiMeuib
ttsa] perf -aiocb, -aeuibcn col [zAym^osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd per-
be too proud of oneself, think sons of 3aHflTb; see saHHMaxb I,
saH 130 —
saHMy [zAymu], safiMeuib
II 3aKJiaAbiB|axb [zAkladivat'']
[zAym^osh, -zh] 1st & 2 nd imperf -aio, -aeuib, 3aji03K|Hxb
persons of saHHTb; see saHH- [zalAzhit^] perf -y, aaJio-
Maxb II. jKHiub, p -HJI, imp -H 1. put,
safiMycb [zAymus'', -z^j, lay {mostly behind smth. or
saMMeuibca [zAym^oshs^a] 1st deep into smth); put in, push
& 2nd persons of saHHTbcn; in; put {into), push {into);
see aaHHMaxbCH. 2. mislay, put {in the wrong
safiTH see aaxoAHXb. place making it difficult to
saftua [zaytsa], safiueB [zay- find); 3. place /put a (book-)
tsaf, -v] see aanu. mark at a page; mark (a
Sanaa [zAkas, -z] m -a, -ob page); 4. stop up, fill up {a
order {made at a store, etc); void or an opening); 5. heap,
Ha ~ (made) to order; (made) pile {with smth); 6. lay the
to measure; ctoji -~ob order foundation of {a house, etc);
counter; order department. lay the foundation-stone of;
sakasaib see aaKaabisaxb. 7. pawn; mortgage; 8. impers
saKasHHK [zAkash^:ik, -g] col: ewiy [une u m. d.] sajio-
m -a, -OB customer, client. >kh;io hoc [vuih] his [my,
saKasbiBlaxb [zAkazivat^] etc] nose is [ears are] stuffed.
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, saKaajaxb 3aKjieHB|axb [zAkPeivat*"]
[zakAzat^] perf 3aKa>Ky, 3a- imperf -aK), -aeuib, 3aKji6|HXfa
KajKeiub, p -aji, imp aaKajKH [zAkPeit^] perf -lo, -Huib
order {dinner, etc); saKasaxb glue up; seal up {a window,
6HJiex book a ticket. envelope, etc).
saKajieHHbiH [zakAl^onniy] saKjiefiMHXb see KJieflMHXb.
a {pa\ sh f saKaJicH, saKaJiena, saKjnoHJaxb [zakl'^uch^at^]
saKajiCHO, saKajieHb'i hardened imperf -aio, -aeuib, 3aKJiH)H|iiTb
{also fig); tempered {steel). [zakl^uch^it''] perf -y -Huib,
saKaHHHBiaxb [zAkan^ch^i- p -HJI, imp -H 1.: ~axb b
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, sa- xiopbMy imprison, put into
KOHHJHXb [zAkon^ch^it''] perf prison; —axb noA cxpan^y
-y, -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp -H fin- take into custody; 2. close
ish, end, complete; conclude (down), wind up {a speech,
(a speech, etc). etc); 3. conclude, infer, gath-
3aKaHHHB|axbC5i [zAkan''- er; 4. conclude {peace, a
ch^ivattja] imperf -aexca, sa- treaty, etc); contract {a loan,
KOHwlHxbCH [zAkon^'ch^itlsa] etc); ~axb napH bet, make a
perf -HXCH, p -h;ich, -HJiacb bet; 5. {no perf) contain
come to an end, finish; end {meaning, words, etc); — axb
{in, with). B ce6e contain {meaning,
3aKax [zAkat, -d] m -a, -ob words, etc).
1. sunset; Ha -^e at sunset; 3aKjiK)H|aTbCJi [zakPuch^'a-
2. fig decline. ttja] imperf -aexcfl consist (m),
— 131 — saK

be; m,€jio —
aeicn, b tom, hto... 3aKpenji|HTb [zakr^i^pPat^]
the thing /point is that... imperf -hk), -neuib, saKpenJHTb
3aK.iM)HeHM|e [zakl^'uch^e- [zakr^i^p^it''] perf -jik>, -riiiib,
n^iys] n -h, -h 1. imprison- p -HJi, imp -H 1. fix, fasten,
ment; confinement, detention, secure; 2. consolidate {success,
commitment; iiojKHSHeHHoe positions, etc).
~e life imprisonment; 2. con- 3aKpbiB|aTb jzakrivat^] im-
clusion {of a treaty, etc); perf -aK), -aemb, 3aKp|biTb
3. conclusion, inference; find- [zAkrit^] perf -oio, -oeuib, p
ings, resolution; -hiji, imp -OH 1. shut, close;
<> B —
e in conclusion. ~aTb Ha saMOK lock (up)
3aKJiK)HeHHlbiH [zakl^'u- {the door, etc); ~aTb Ha sa-
chMnniy] m [pa] -oro, -bix coB [Ha ?.ajiBH>KKy] bolt {the
prisoner, convict. door, etc); —
ajb Ha KpioqoK
3aKJiK)HUTejibH|biH [zakPu- hook {the door, etc); saKpb'iTb
ch'^it^il'^niy] a final {concert, KpbiuiKy close the lid; aa-
etc); concluding {remarks, etc). Kpb'iTb KpbiujKofl put the lid
saKjiioHHTb see saKJiioHaTb on (a stew-pan, jar, etc);
1. 2, 3. 4. 2. cover (up) {thoroughly);
saKOH [zAk6n] m -a, -ob 3. shut off, turn off {the gas,
law {1) of a state; 2) of na- etc); 4. lock in, lock up {smb
ture, etc; 3) of honour, etc); in a room, etc); 5. close, break
act, statute; cboa ~ob stat- up / off (a meeting, etc); 6.
ute-book, code; no -~y ac- shut down, close down {an
cording to the law; enterprise, etc); suppress (a
O o6-b5iBHTb BHC -~a outlaw, publication);
proscribe. O
—aib rjia3a na hto-ji. shut
saKOHHibiH [zAkonniy] a sh one's eyes to smth; — arb
f saKOHCH, -a, -o, -bi legal pOT KOMy-ji. shut smb up, si-
{actions, etc); legitimate, lence smb.
lawful {also fig). 3aKpbiT|bifl [zAkritiy] a [pa]
saKOHOAaTejibHibiH [zakanA- sh f -~, -a, -o, -bi closed;
dat^il^nly] a legislative. --oe saceAaHHe closed meet-
3aK0H0MepH|biH [zakanA- ing; private / secret session;
m^ernty] a sh f saKOHOMepeH, <> B —CM noMemeHMH in-
-a, -o, -bi natural, regular, doors.
law-governed. saKpbiTb see saKpbmaTb.
saKOHonpoeKT [zAkonaprA- saKycHTb see saKycbisaTb.
ekt, -gd] m -a, -ob bill {a 3aKyc|Ka [zAkuska] / -kh,
proposed law). -OK hors d'oeuvre, appetizer;
See saKaH^HBaxb. snack, bite; refreshments;
saKOHMHTbCJi see saKaHHH- xoJiOAHan -~Ka cold dish,
BaTbCH. hors d'oeuvre; ropaqaH --Ka
saKpeniiTb see aaKpenjiSTb. hot appetizer; na --Ky for an
saK 132 —
hors d'oeuvre [also see <>]; imperf -aio, -aeuib, 3aMaH!HTb
<> Ha ~Ky for a titbit. [zamAn^it''] perf -lo, 3aMa-
3aKycoHH|aH [zAkusach^- HHUib, p -HJi, imp -H decoy
naya] / -oh, -lix snack bar. [into), entrap; entice Jure,
3aKycbiB|aTb [zAkusivat^] attract.
imperf -aio, -aeiub, saKycjMTb 3aMaHHHB'jbiH [zAman^ch^i-
[zakus^if^] perf saKyiuy, 3a- vty] a sh f --, -a, -o, -bi
kycHiub, p -HJi, imp -h 1. have tempting, alluring.
a snack; 2.: ~aTb pbi6oH 3aMacKHpoBaTb see MacKH-
have some fish {with one's pOBaxb.
brandy, etc). 3aMeAJiHTb see saMeA^iHib.
aaji [zal] m -a, -ob hall (a 3aMeAJi|flTb [zam^i^dPat^]
large room or building); ~ imperf -iv), -nemb, 3aMeflJi|HTb
o^HAaHHH waiting-room; [zAm^edPit^] perf -k), -Huib,
waiting-lounge. -HJI, imp -H slow down; retard,
sajiHB [zAl^if, -v] m -a, -ob delay.
bay, gulf. 3aMeH|a [zAm^'ena] / -bi, ~
3ajiHB|aTb [zal^ivat^] imperf 1. replacement, substitution;
-aio, -aeiub, saji'iMTb [zAl^it^] 2. substitute.
perf -bK), -beuib, p sajiHJi (-hji), saMeHHTb see saivieHHTb.
-HJia, saJiHJio (-HJio), saJiHJiH 3aMeH|flTb [zam^i^n^at^]
(-hjih), /mp -eft 1. flood, inun- imperf -hk), -Heuib, 3aMeH!HTb
date; 2. fig fill with [fresh air, [zam^i^n^it''] perf -ib, saMe-
sun, etc); 3.: saJiHXb ctoji qep- HHiub, p -HJi, imp -H 1. re-
HHJiaMH spill ink on the table; place, substitute; 2. take the
4.: ~aTb ac4)aJibT0M lay as- place of; oh saMeHHJi pe6eHKy
phalt {over a road). OTua he was a father to the
sajior 1 [zAlok, -g] -a, m child.
-OB 1. deposit, guarantee; se- 3aMep3|aTb [zam^i^rzat**]
curity, caution money; ocxaB- imperf -aio, -aeiub, 3aMep3l-
jiHTb B ~leave as a deposit; Hyxb [zAm^orznut^j perf -ny,
noA — on a deposit; on the -Heuib, p ~, -Jia, imp -hh
security (o/); 2. //g guarantee, freeze up, become frozen; be
pledge. frozen; die of cold.
sajior II [zAlok, -g] -a, m 3aMecTMTejilb [zam^i^s^t^i-
-OB ling voice; cipa^aTejib- t^iP] m -H, -eft deputy {act-
Hbifl ~' passive voice. ing for another).
3aJiOH(MTb see saKJiaAbiBaib. saivieTHTb see aaMenaTb.
3aji6)KHHK [zAlozhn^ik, -g] 3aMeT|Ka [zAm^etka] / -kh,
m -a, -OB hostage. -OK 1. paragraph, short item
sajin [zalp, -b] m -a, -ob {in a paper); 2. note {a short
volley, salvo; ^aTb ~ fire a record).
volley/ salvo. 3aMeTH|biH [zAm^etniy] a
3aMaHHB|aTb [zAman^'ivat^J sh / aaMeren, -a, -o, -ti vis-
— 133 — 3aH

ible, noticeable; appreciable, [zamAlch^at^] perf -y, -rimb,

marked. p -aji, imp -H become silent;
saMeHaHHJe [zam^i^ch^a- stop speaking [singing, read-
n^iya] n -h, -h 1. remark, ing, etc]; break off, cease {of
observation; 2. reprimand, a conversation, etc).
reproof; cAeJiaxb --e KOMy-ji. saMOposKlH [zamarask^i] pi
rebuke / reprimand / reprove -OB slight frosts.
smb. 3aMy}K [zamush, -zh] adv.
aaMeHaTejibHJbiH [zam^i^- BbiHTH -^ 3a Koro-Ji. marry
ch^'at^iPniy] a sh f saMe^a- smb {of a woman); BbiAaib ~
TeJieH, ra, -o, -bi wonderful, marry off {a woman).
remarkable, splendid. 3aMy>KeM [zamuzham] adv.
saMeHJaxb [zam^i^ch^at^] oHa ~ she Is married; 6biTb
intperf -aio, -aeuib, saMeilHTb ~ 3a KeM-Ji. be married to
[zAm^et^it^] perf saivieqy, smb {of a woman).
-Huib, p -HJi, imp -b 1. notice, saMyHHTb see My^HTb.
see, get siglit of; 2. take no- saMbicjeji [zamis^d] m -Jia
tice of, mark; 3. remark, ob- -JiOBintention, plan; scheme,
serve. conception; npecxynHbift -~eJi
3aMemaTejibCTB|o [zam^i^- criminal design.
n -a confusion,
shat^il^'stva] saMbicjiHTb see saMbiuiJiHTb.
embarrassment; npHBecra b 3aMb]uiJi|flTb [zamishl^at^]
~o throw into confusion; imperf -iio, -Hemb, saMbicji'iHTb
npHHTH B —o become embar- [zAmis^l^it^] perf -k>, -Huib,
rassed / confused. p -HJI, imp -H contemplate,
saMcmldib [zam^i^sh^:at^] intend, plan; hto bh nexe? —
imperf -aeuib 1. replace,
-aio, what are you up to?
substitute; 2. .act for {smh). saHaeec [zanav^is, -z] m -a,
3aMKHyT|biH [zamknutiy] a ony-
-OB curtain {a cloth);
[pa] sh f ^, -a, -o,- -u 1.: cTHTb — drop the curtain.
— bifl Kpyr exclusive circle; 3aHaBec|Ka [zanAv^eska] /
2. reserved {disposition, etc); -KH, -OK curtain(s) {at a win-
^biH 66pa3 JKH3HH a secluded dow or door); saAepnyib — Ky
life. draw the curtain(s).
3aMloK [zamak, -g] m -Ka, SaHCCTH SSe 3aH0CHTb.
-KOB castle (a fortress; resi- 3aHHM|aTb I [zan^imat**]
dence) . imperf -an), -aeuib, 3aH|flTb
3aM|6K [zAmok, -g] m -Ka, [zAn^at^] perf 3aiiMy, aaft-
-KOB lock {to fasten doors^ MeUlb, p SaUHJI, -HJI^, 3aH5IJI0,
etc); padlock. aauHJiH, imp aaPiuE borrow
3aM0JiKlaTb [zamAlkat^] im- {money, etc).
perf -aro, -aeuib, saMOjiKJHyTb 3aHHMlaTbII [zan^imat^]
[zAmolknut^] perf -Hy, -neuib, imperf -aro, -aeuib, sanj^Tb
p --, -Jia, imp -HH, 3aM0JiH|aTb [zAH^at^] perf saiiMy, aaH-

- 134

Meiub, p aaHHJi, -HJia, saHHJio, insolent; overbearing, haugh- I

saHHJiH, imp safiMH 1. occupy; ty.
KapTHHbl ~aJlH BCK) CTCHy 3aHflTH|e [zAn'^at^iya] n -h,
the pictures took up the pi -n, -H 1. seizure, occupa-
whole wall; ~aTb A6Ji>KH0CTb tion; 2. occupation, business,
hold an office/ a post; 2. en- work, pursuit; 3. pi studies,
gage, keep, secure (a seat, lessons; qacu ~h school hours.
etc); 3.: sto aafiMeT HCMHoro 3aHnTH|biH [zAn'^atniy] a
BpeMeHH it won't take much sh f saHHTeH, -a, -o, -u amus-
time. ing, entertaining.
3aHHM|aTbCfl [zan^imattja] aaHHTOH [zan^i^toy] a busy
imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, 3a- {man).
HlflTbCH [zAn^attja] perf saft- saHHxIbiH [zan^at+y] a [pa]
Mycb, saHMeiiibCH, p -hjich, sh f —
-a, ,-0, -bi: xbi —
-HJiacb, imp saiiMHCb, saHMH- are you busy?; Mecxo —o the
xecb 1. be engaged {in), en- seat is occupied; ~o! en-
gage {in), be occupied {with); gaged!, the line is busy! {in a
indulge {in); devote oneself telephone call); na sxom saBo-
{to); go in {for); 2. do, be Ae ~o ABe xbicHMH pa66qHX
busy {with); be busy {doing two thousand workers are em-
smth); study {medicine, etc); ployed in this factory.
perf also take up {a question, saHMxb I see saHHMaxb I.
etc); neM bm ^aexecb? what 3aHflXb II see sauHMaxb II.
are you doing?; what do you 3aHnTbCH see saHHMaxbCH
do?; 3. {no perf) study {at 1. 2.
school, etc). saoAHo [zAAdno] adv 1. in
saHOBO [zanava] adv anew. concert {with), together, at
saHOBJa [zAnoza] / -u, ^ one {with smb); 2. col at the
splinter {a sharp piece of same time, while one is about
wood, etc). it; KynH xjie6a, a ~ saftAH
aaHocJHTb [zanAs^it^] /mpe/-/ sa KHHFOH go and buy some
saHOuiy, saHocHuib, p -hji, bread, and fetch the book, too.
imp -H, aaHcclTH [zan^'i^s^t^i] saocxpHxb see saocxpnxb.
perf -y, -euib, p saHec, -Jia, 3aocxp|Hxb [zAAstr^at^] /m«
imp -H 1. bring {1) smth perf -HK), -Heiub, 3aocxp|Hxb
somewhere or to smb, mostly [zAAstr^it^] perf -ib, -Huib, p
on one's way; 2) smb to a -HJi, imp -H 1. sharpen (a
remote or strange place); pencil, etc); 2. fig stress,
2. register, enter {in the emphasize; ~HXb BHHMaHHe
minutes, etc); 3.: bck) Aopo- Ha qeM-ji. direct one's [smb's]
ry sanecjio chcfom the road attention to smth.
is snow-bound. 3a6HH|biH [ZAoch^nty] a
3aH6cHHB|biH [zAnosh^'-.ivly] correspondence {attr) {teach-
a sh '^, -a, -o, -bi arrogant, ing, courses, etc).
— 135 — san

Sanaa [zapat, -d] m -a 3anHp|axb [zap^irat^] im-

west; Ha ~e in the west; na perf -aio, -aeiub, 3anep|eTb
^ OT... to the west of...; [zap^i^r^et^] perf sanpy, sa-
exaTb Ha -— go to the west. npeiub, p sanep, -jia, sanep-
sanaAHbiH [zapadniy] a jio, sanepjiH, imp sanpH 1.
west, western; occidental. lock {the door, etc); ~axb na
3anaflH|H [zapAd^n^a] / -i5, sacoB [na sa^BiiJKKy] bolt
-eft trap, snare, pitfall {also {the door, etc); ~a.xb na Kpio-
^6k hook {the door, etc); 2,
aanac [zApas, -ob
-z] m -a, lock in, lock up.
1. stock, supply, reserve; ne- 3anHp|axbCH [zap^irattja]
npHKocHOBeHHbiH -^ emergen- imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, sa-
cy store; emergency ration; nep |eTbc$i [zap^i^^r^'ettja] perf
2. mil reserve; yeojiHTb s -^ sanpycb, sanpeiubcn, p -ch,
discharge; dismiss; transfer -jiacb, -jiocb, -JiHCb, imp sa-
to the reserve. npHCb, sanpHxecb lock oneself
sanacjdTb [zapAsat^] irnperf up.
-aio, -aeiub, 3anac|TH [zapAs^- sanHcaxb see sanHCbmaxb.
t^i] perf -y, -euib, p aanac, sanHcJKa [zAp^'iska] / -kh',
-jia, imp -H lay in a stock, pi -KH, -OK 1. note {a very
stock up, store (up), hoard. short letter); 2.: AOKJiaAHaK
3anac|aTbCfl [zapAsattja] ~Ka memorandum, written
imperf -^locb, -aembCH, aa- report {to one's chief, etc);
naclxHCb [zapAs^'t^is^] perf 3. pi notes {for a speech, etc);
-ycb, -eiiibCH, p aanaccH, 4. pi memoirs; 5. pi: yqenbie
-jiacb, imp
-HCb, -iiTecb lay ~KH transactions.
in {for the winter, etc); pro- sanHCbiBJaxb [zAp^islvat^]
vide oneself with (cer/Z/Zra/es, imperf -aio, -aeuib, sanHcjaxb
etc); [zap^isat^] perf sanHiuy, sa-
<> ~aTbcii repn^HHCM be pa- HHmeiub, p -&Ji, imp sanHuiH
tient, arm oneself with pa- 1. put down, take down,
tience. write down; jot down; put on
sanacHJofl [zapAsn6y] & 3a- record; 2.: ~axb na nJieHKy
nacHbifl [zApasnIy] a spare record (on tape), make a
{parts, etc); ~6h HrpoK sub- recording {of smth); 3. enter
stitute {in games); sanacHbifl {on a list); register {in the
BbixoA emergency exit. minutes, etc).
3anacTH see sanacaxb. sanHcjb [zap^is^, -z^] / -h,
aanacTHCb see aanacaibCH. -eft 1. writing down; 2. re-
3anax [zapakh, -gh] m -a, cording {on tape, etc); 3. en-
-OB smell, odour. try {in a book, etc).
sanaHKaTb see na^KaTb. aanjiaxja [zAplata] / -bi, -^
aanepexb see sanHpaxb. patch {on a hole); b ~ax all
sanepexbCfl seesanHpaxbCH. patched.
san — 186 ^
san.iaTHTb see njiaxHTb. crlHTb [zapus^t^it^] perf 3a-
3anoBe;;HHK fzapAV^'ed^n^ik,nymy, sanycTHiub, p -hji,
-g] m -a, -ob preserve; reserve,
imp -H \. col fling, throw,
reservation. shy {a stone, etc); 2. start
sanosflajiwH [zapAzdaliy] a {an engine); 3. launch (a
belated, delayed. rocket, etc).
sanoJiHHTb see aanojiHHTb. 3anycK|aTb II [zapuskat^]
3anojiH|nTb [zapAln^'at''] imperf -aio, -aemb, 3any-
imperf -hio, -neiiib, sanoji- CT|HTb [zapus^t'^it^] perf sa-
HlHTb [zApoln^it^] perf -k), nymy, sanycTHiub, p -hji, imp
-Hiiib,p -HJi, imp -H fill (up, -H neglect {one's household
in); pack {a hall, etc). duties, etc).
sanoMHHJaTb [z9p9m^inat^] sanycTHTblsee sanycKaib I.
imperf -aio, -aeiub, sanoM- sanycTHTb II see sany-
HjHTb [zApomn^it^] perf -lo, CKaxb II.
-Huib, p -HJI, imp -H memo- 3anyTaTbcji see sanyibi-
rize, remember. BaibCH.
3anoH|Ka [zapanka] / -kh, 3anyTbiB|aTbCJi [zAputtva-
-OK cuff-link. ttsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH,
sanpCTHTb sanpeinaib.
see 3anyT|aTbcn [zAputattsa] per/
sanpeii^jaTb [z9pr^i^sh^:at^] -aiocb, -aeuibCH 1. ^tangle,

imperf -aio, -aeiiib, sanpe- get entangled; entangle one-

TJMTb [zapr^i^t^it^] perf sa- self {in a net, etc); 2. fig
npemy, -Hiub, p -hji, imp entangle oneself {in debt, etc);
-H forbid; prohibit, ban; get into a difficult position;
sanpexHTb raseTy suppress a 3. fig confuse everything
newspaper. [things], get everything
sanpoc [zApros, -z] m -a, [things] mixed up.
pi -bi, -OB 1. inquiry {an 3ansiT|afl [zap^i^taya] / -68,
official question); CAeJiaxb -- -b'lx comma.
ask [write] for information; 3apa6aTbiBlaTb [zarAbati-
make an inquiry {about)', 2. vat^j imperf -aio, -aeuib, sapa-
pi requirements, needs; in- 66T|aTb [zarAbotat^] per/-aK),
terests {spiritual, etc). -aemb earn, make {money).
[zApruda] / -bi,
sanpyflja 3apa6oT|oK [zarabatak, -g]
-- 1. dam,
weir; 2. pond m -Ka, -KOB earnings; jicfkhh
{formed by a z£;e/r); mill-pond. •~0K easy money.
sanpflrjaTb [z3pr^i^gat^]/m- 3apam\dLTb [zarAzhat^] im-
perf -aio, -aeiub, sanpfllwb perf -aio, -aemb, 3apa3|HTb
[zApr^ach^] perf -ry, ->Keiiib, [zarAZ^ft^] perf 3apaH<y, -rimb,
-ryx, p -r, -rJia, imp -fh p -HJI, imp -H infect {also
harness {a horse). fig); contaminate; pollute'
sanycKJaTb I [zapuskat^] {the atmosphere, etc).
imperf -aio, -aemb, aany- sapajKJaTbCfl [zarAzhattsa]
— 137 — sac

imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, sapa- col (= 3apa6oxHaH njiaxa)

sJHTbcs! [zarAz^itbsa] perf wages; pay, salary.
8apa>Kycb, -HuibCH, p -hjich, 3apy6e»HbiH [zarub^ezhnly]
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb a foreign {country, etc).
catch [a disease); be infected 3apbiB|axb [zarivat^] imperf
by (a/so fig). -aio, -aeiijb, 3ap|bixb [zArtt^]
3apajKeHH|e [zarAzhen'^iya] perf -OK), -oeiub, p -biJi, imp
n -H, -H infection {the act or -OH bury {a treasure, etc).
state o/); contamination; pol- 3SLp\a [zAr^a] / -h, pi sopH,
lution [of the atmosphere, 3opb, -HM (aopHM) 1. dawn,
etc); ~e KposH blood-poison- daybreak; sunset, evening
ing. glo\v; Ha -~e at dawn; 2. fig
aapasja [zAraza] / -bi in- outset, start;
fection, contagion {a disease). <> ox ~M
Ao --H 1) all day
sapasHTCJibHlbiH [zarAz^i- long; 2) all night long; hh
t^iPnly] a sh '/
sapasHTCJieH, cBex HH —fl before dawn,
-a, -o, infectious.
-bi very early.
sapasHTb see aapa^Kaib. 3apflA [zAr^at, -d] m -a,
sapasMTbcfl see aapajKaxbCH. -OB charge, load.
3apa3H|biH [zArazniy] a 3apsiAHxb see sapHjKaxb.
sh f aapascH, -a, -o, -bi in- 3apH;i|Ka [zAr^atka] / -kh,
fectious, contagious {disease, -OK 1. loading, charging; 2.
etc). sport setting-up exercises;
sapanee [zAran^iya] adv morning exercises.
beforehand, in advance; in 3apfl>Klaxb [zar^i^zhat^] im-
good time. perf -aio, -aeiub, sapHAlHxb
3apeB|o [zar^iva] n -a glow [zar^i^d^if"] perf sapHJKy,
(0/ a fire, etc). -Huib (sapHAHUJb), p -HJi, imp
3aperHCTpHpOBaTb see pe- -H load, charge.
THCXpHpOBaTb. 3acafl|a [zAsada] / -bi,,'-'
saperHCTpHpoBaxbcsi see pe- ambush; ycxpOHXb --y make
FHCXpHpOBaXbCH. an ambush. '••

3ape3axb see pesaxb 2. 3aceAaHHle [zas^i^dan^iya]

3apHHu|a [zArn^itsa] / -bi, n -H, -H sitting, session,
— summer lightning; US conference, meeting.
heat-lightning. 3acjiyr|a [zAsluga] / -h, —
3ap6Abiiii [zArodish, -zh] m service {to one's country, etc);
-a, -eft embryo {also fig); «C> no —aM according to smb's
noAasHXb B ~e nip in the deserts; cxaBHxb KOMy-ji. b
bud. — y put down to smb's credit.
3apocji|b [zaras^l^] / -h, sacjiyiKCHH biH [z/vsluzhaniy ]

-eii brush, thicket, under- a [pa] well-deserved, mer-

growth. ited; honoured, merito-
3apnjiaT[a [zArplate] / -u rious {as part of a title).
3a c — 138 —
3acjiy}KHB|aTb [zAsluzht- 3acTerHB|aTb [zAs^t^og^i-
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib V9t^] imperf -aeuib, sa-
sacjiymJHTb [zasluzhtt^] perf CTerHJyTb [zas^'t^i^gnut'^] perf
-y, sacjiyjKHiub, p -hji, imp -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h do
-H deserve, be worthy of. up (a button, etc); button
aacMelHTbCfl [zasm^i^yattsa] (up); hook (a dress, etc).
perf -K)Cb, -embCH, p -h;ich, 3acTe3K|Ka [zAs^t^oshka] /
-Hjiacb, imp aacMeflcjl, sacMeft- -KH, -eK fastening {mostly a
Tecb begin laughing; burst hook or button); clasp, hasp.
out laughing. 3acTeH4HB|bih [zA$'*t''en^-
aacHyib see aacbinaxb I. ch^iviy] a sh f ^, -a, -o,
sacopHTb see aacopHTb. -bi shy, coy, bashful.
3acop|flTb [zasAr^at''] im- sacTolfi [zAstoy] m -h, -es
perf -HK), -Heiub, sacoplHTb stagnation {the state of); de-
[zasAr^'it^] perf -ib, -riiub, p pression, slack.
-HJi, imp -H 1. litter (up); sacTpejilHTb [z8str^i^l''it*']
2. obstruct, jam {the passage perf -K), sacTpejiHiiib, p -hji,
of a tube, etc); ~HTb meJiy- imp -H shoot (down), kill by
ji,OK constipate the bowels; shooting.
cause constipation; h ~hji sacTpejijiiTbCJi [z9str^i^l''i-
^ejiy^oK I have constipation. tts9] perf aacTpeJiHiub-
sacrdBJa [zAstavs] / -bi, — CH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, imp -HCb,
1. (town) gate; 2.: norpaHHM- -Hxecb shoot oneself.
Han ~a frontier post; frontier sacTpejibmHK [zAstr^el''-
guards. sh^rik, -g] -a, -ob m
sacral Barb [zastAvat^] im- initiator.
perf -K), -eiiib, p -saJi, imp sacTynjaTbcq [z9stupatts9]
-safl, 3acT|aTb [zAstat^j perf imperf -arocb, -aembCH, sa-
-any, -anemb, p -aji,- imp CTyn|HTbCfl [z9stup''ittS9] perf
-aHb 1. find, catch (smb in, -jiiccb, aaciynHuibCH, p-HJiCH,
at home, etc); 2. catch {smb -HJiacb, imp HCb, -Hiecb
doing smth). stand up {for smb), take
sacraBHTb see sacraBJiHTb. {someone's) part; intercede
sacTaBJijiiTb [zastAvl^at**] {with smb for smb).
imperf -aio, -Heuib, sacra- sacyxja [zasukhg] / -h, ~
B|HTb [zAstav^it*"] perf -jik), drought {want of rain).
-HUJb, p -HJi, imp -b make, sacb'maTb see aacbmaib II.
force, compel; aaciaeHTb aa- sacwnjaTb I [Z9sipat^] im-
AyMaibCH set thinking; oh hc perf -aio, -aeuib, sacHlyxb
aacxaBHJi ceSa npocHTb we [zAsnut''] perf -y, -emb, p
[they, etc] didn't have to -yji, imp -H fall asleep.
persuade him; he was will- 3acbin|aTb II [z^sipai^] im-
ing enough. perf -aio, -aeujb, 3acbm|aTb
sacraTb see sacTaeaTb. [zAStpaf*] perf -Jiio, -Jieuib,
— 139 — sar

p -aji, imp -b 1. fill up saipyAHHTb see saTpy^HHTb.

{jsDith sand, earth, etc); 2. cov- sarpyAHHTbCH see saxpy^-
er {with sand, leaves, etc); HflTbCH.
3.: ~aTb BonpocaMHply with saTpyAHJflTb [zatrud^n^at^]
questions; sacbinaTb noAap- imperf -hk), -neuib, sarpyA-
KaMH load with presents. H|HTb [zatrud^n^it^j perf -k),
aaxcM [zAt^em] adv 1. then, -Huib, p -HJi 1. give trouble,
after that; 2.: -^, HT66bi... trouble; embarrass {of a
in order that... question, etc); Bac He —ht
aareMHeHHle [zat^i^mn^e- npHHTH saBxpa? col would
n^iya] n -«, -ii mil black-out. you mind coming tomorrow?;
saTHxjaxb [zat^ikhat^] im- 2. hamper, impede; make
perf -aK), -aeuib, saTHXHJyTb difficult.
[zAt^'ikhnut''] perf -y, -euib, 3axpyAH|flxbCfl [zatrud^n^a-
p saTHx, saxHxjia, imp -ii ttsa] imperf -Hiocb, -Heuib-
calm down, lull; die away. CH, 3axpyAH|HxbC5i [zatrud^-
aaxKHyTb see saTbiKaxb. n^'ittsa] perf -wcb, -HuibCH, p
3aTMeHH|e [zAtm^en^'iya] n -HjicH, -HAacb find it difficult,
-H> -H 1. as/ron eclipse; 2. col: hesitate.
Ha Hero namjio -~-e his mind saxxjijbiH [zatkhliy] a sh f
has gone [went] blank. ~, -a, -o, -bi stuffy, close
3aT6 [zAt6] cj denoting {air); musty {room, etc).
compensatory comparison or 3axbiK|dxb [?attkat^] im-
consequence', sia KOMHara Ma- perf -aio, -aeuib, saxKHJyxb
jieHbKaa, — yibxHaH this [zAtknut^] perf -y, -euib, p
room is small, but cosy. -yji, imp -H 1. stop up, plug
sarop [zAtor] m -a, -ob jam, (up); cork up (a bottle); 2.
obstruction; (traffic) jam, thrust {into), push {into),
congestion. shove {into);
SaTOpMOSHTb SCC T0pM03HTb. <> 3axKHyxb Koro-Ji. sa none
sarpaeliTb see xpaBHTb 2, 3. col ^
be one too many for
3aTpdrHB|aTb [zAtrag^ivat''] smb, outdo smb.
imperf -aio, -aeuib, sarpo- 3axbijiloK [zAtllak, -g] m
H|yTb [zAtronut^] perf -y, -Ka, -KOB back of the head;
-euib, p -yji, imp -b 1. affect <> B ~0K in file, one behind
{smb's interests, etc); 2. touch another.
on (a subject, etc). saxflrHBJaxb [zAt^ag^ivat^]
saTpyflHeHHJe [zatrud^n^e- imperf -aio, -aemb, 3axnH|yxb
n^'iya]n -h, -h difficulty; [zat^i^nut^] perf -y, saxH-
embarrassment; b ~h at a Heuib, p -yji, imp -h 1. tight-
IpSS; BblHTH H3 ~H
get Out en {a knot, etc); 2. drag in,
of trouble / a difficulty; Hcnw- suck in {of a swamp, etc);
TbiBaxb —51 be in a diffi- 3. cover, close {the sky, said
cult position. of clouds)^ 4. delay, drag out.

sax ^ 140 -^

saTii^KHOH [z9t^i^zhn6y] a 3am jia, imp -ah 1. drop in

long, protracted, delayed. {at some or smb's place),
saxflHyTb see sax^rHBaxb. call {on smb or at some place);
3aypnAH|biH [zaur^adniy] a ~HXb 3a KeM-Ji. fetch smb,
sh / 'SaypHAeH, -a, -o, -u call for smb {on one's way);
ordinary, commonplace; lih — 2. get,come {very far or to
qeJiOBCK mediocrity, the wrong place); find oneself
aaxeaxHxb see saxsaxbiBaxb. {in a strange place, etc);
3axBaxbiB|axb [zAkhvati- 3. go; come {both mostly
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, behind smth or from some
3axBax|Mxb [z9khvAt^it^] per/ side); saftxH 3a yro;i turn a
saxBa^y, saxBaxHiub, p -hji,. corner; 4. set {of the sun);
imp -H 1. take along, take 5. turn {on smth, of a con-
{with oneself); bring {with versation).
oneself); 2. seize, capture; 3. 3axoxexb see xoxexb.
col', ero saxBaxHJi ao^a^ he 3aHaxHyxb see waxnyxb.
was caught in the rain; 4. 3aHeM [zAch^'em] adv inter &
carry away, captivate, thrill, rel what why {do it, etc).
charm; aaneM-xo[zAch''emt9] adv
<> aaxBaxHXb epacnjiox take for some reason or other, for
by surprise, take unawares. some purpose or other.
saxjieSHyxbCfl see 3ax;ie6bi- 3aHepKHB|axb [zAch^ork^i-
BaXbCH. V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
3axjie6biB|axbCJi [zAkhPobi- saHepKHJyxb [z9ch^i^rknut^J
V9tts"9] imperf -aiocb,- -aeiiib- perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h
CH, 3axjie5H|yxbCfl [z9khl''i^b- cross out, strike out.
nutts9] perf -ycb, -eiubCH, 3aHex [zAch^'ot, -d] m -a,
p -yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp -HCb, -OB (course) credit test; --
-Hxecb choke {with water, etc); no pyccKOMy HSbiKy credit
swallow {water, etc) the test in Russian; cAaxb —
wrong way. pass a credit test; nojiymixb
saxjionHyxb see saxJionbi- — get credit for a course.
Baxb. 3a4HCJlHXb see 3aHHCJlHXb.
saxjionbiBJaxb [zAkhlopt- 3aHHc;i|«xb [z9ch^is''Pat^]
V9t''] imperf -aio, -aeuib, imperf -hk>, -neuib, 3aHHC-
3axji6nHlyxb [zAkhlopnut^] jiJHXb [zAch^is^Pit''] perf -k),
perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h -Huib, p -HJI, imp -H take on
slam, ijang {the door, etc). (the staff); put on the list.
saxoA [zAkhot, -d] -a, m sameji [zAshol], sauijia
-ob: —
coJiHua sunset. [zAshla] p of saftxH; see aaxo-
saxoAlHxb [z9khAd^it^] im- AHXb.
perf 3axo>Ky, saxoAHLUb, p 3aiuHB|axb [z9shivat''] im-
-H.T, imp -H, 3aH|xH [zAyf^i]. perf -aio, -aeuib, 3am|Hxb
perl -Ay, -Aeiiib, p aauieji, [zAshtt^] perf -bib, -beiiib, p
— 141 3Be

-HJi, imp -efl sew (up); mend exaxb saftueM stow away
{smth made of fabric). {without a ticket);
aaiuTonarb see uiTonaTb. <> norHaTbCJi 3a AByMfl 3aH-
3aii;HT|a [zAsh^n'ta] / -u UaMH ^ want to kill two
protection, defence {also sport birds with one stone; sa ARy-
& law); safeguard. Mfl 3aHi^aMH noroHHuibcsi, hh
saujHTHTb see 3am.HmaTb oflHoro He noHMaeiub prov ^
1. 2. grasp all, lose all.
samMTHHK [zAsh^^n^ik, SBaHHJe [zvan^iya] n -h,
-g] m -a, -ob 1. protector, -H rank, title.
defender; 2. law counsel for 3Ba|Tb [zvat^] imperf soey,
the defence; 3. sport (full-) soBeuib, p -Ji, ssajio,
back. 3BajIH, imp nO':3BaTb
samHmjaTb [z8sh^:ish^:at^] [pAzvat^] perf 1. call {to
imperf -aio, -aemb, samH- make smb hear or come); ~Tb
T|HTb [zash^^it^] perf sa- Ha noMomb cry for help; sac
iUHmy, -HiKb, p -HJI, imp -h soBVT you are wanted; 2.
1. defend {one's country, a invite, ask; no3BaTb b Tearp
protect {smb,etc);
child, etc); [b khho u m. n.\ invite to
2. defend, stand up for, the theatre [cinema, etc]; 3.
speak in support of; 3. {no {no perf): KaK sac soByT?
perf) law plead for. what's your name?; Menn 30-
sasiBHTb see sansJiHTb. Byr... my name is...
saHBJKa [zAyafka] / -kh, 3Be3flla [zv^i^zda] / -b'l, pi
-OK demand {for), claim (/or); 3Be3Abi, 3Be3;^, 3Be3AaM star
KOHuepT no ~KaM listeners' {also fig);
choice concert. <> OH 3Be3A c He6a He xBa-
aaflBJieHHJe [zayi^vPen^'iys] raer col ^he's no genius;
n -H, -H 1. statement, decla- he won't set the Thames on
ration; 2. application {a writ- fire.
ten request). SBenlexb [zv^i^n^et^] im-
saflBJilnxb [zayi^vl'at^] im- perf -K), -Huib, p -eJi, imp
perf -HK), -Heuib, SaflBJilTb -H ring, clang; clank, jangle,
[zayi^v^it^] perf -jiib, sa- clink, jingle.
HBHUib, p -H.i, imp -H declare, 3BeH|6 [zv^i^no] n -a, pi
state; announce, let know; 3BeHbH, 3BeHbeB 1. link (of a
saHBHTb npoxecT make a pro- chain); 2. team, group {in
test; ~^Tb npasa na mo-Ji. farming).
claim smth, claim one's 3BeHbeB|6H [zv^m^'yi^voy]
right to smth. m -oro, -bix field-team leader
saau [zayats, -dz] m 3aH^a, {in farming).
pi 'saflubi, 3aHu,eB 1. hare; 3BepHHbiH [zv^i^r^inty] a
2. col stowaway {one who 1. of a beast; 2. fig savage,
wants to get a free passage); wild.
3Be 142 —
SBepCKJHH [zv^ersk^iy] a 3AaHHie [zdan^'iya] n h,
-an, -oe, -He brutal, savage, -H building, edifice.
atrocious. 3Aecb [z^d^es^, -z^] adv
3Bepib [zv^er^] -h, pim here (/) in this place; 2) at
'H, -eft, -HM (wild) beast. this point).
3B0H [zvon] m
-a ringing, 3AeujKHH [z^d^'eshn^iy] a
clanging, clang; clank, tin- local, of this place; >kh- —
kling; chime {of bells). TCJib resident of this place;
sBOHiHTb [zvAn^it^] ittiperf H He —
I'm a stranger here.
-K), -Hiiib. p -HJi, imp -H, 3Aop6B|aTbC5i [zdArovattsa]
nojSBOHMTb [p9zvAn^it^] perf imperf -awcb, -aeuibcn, no:-
1. ring {at the door, of the 3AOp6BaTbCfl [p9ZdAr6V9ttS8]
telephone, etc); — HTb e sbo- perf greet, say "how do you
HOK [b kojiokoji] ring the do"; —
aibCH c KeM-Ji. 3a pyKy
bell; ~HT there's a ring, shake hands with smb.
somebody is ringing; 2. 3Aop6B|biH [zdAroviy] a sh
phone, ring up; bh He xy^a / — -a,,-o, -bi 1, healthy
~HTe you've got the wrong {person, etc); strong, robust;
number {said over the tele- 2. healthy, wholesome; sa-
phone). lubrious {air); 3. fig sound
SBOHKJHH [zvonk^iy] a -an, {idea, etc); 4. col huge, big;
-oe, -He, sh f bbohok, -a, -o, strong, hard;
-H ringing, clear {voice, etc); <> Synbie —
bi! 1) good-bye!;

<> ~HH cor,iacHbiH ling good luck!; 2) keep well!;

voiced consonant; ~aji mo- bless you! {said when a per-
Heia hard cash. son sneezes).
3bqh|6k [zvAnok^ -g] m 3A0p6Bb|e [zdArov^ya] n -h
-Ka, -KOB 1. bell {at the door, health; KaK Bame e? how —
etc); 2. ring {of a bell); flaxb are you?; no coctohhhk) ~5I
—OK ring, ring the bell; for reasons of health;
pa3AaJiCH ~6k a bell rang; <> 3a Bame —el (to) your
the telephone rang; —ok no health!; na —el to your pleas-
Tejie^ony / Tejie4)6HHbiH —ok ure!; you're welcome!
telephone call. 3jipaBHHu|a [zdravn^itsa] /
3ByK [zvuk, -g] m -a, -ob -bi, — health resort.
1. sound; 2. ling: rjiacHbift 3flpaBooxpaHeHM|e [zdravA-
— vowel; corJiacHbiH — con- AkhrAn^'en^iya] n -h public
sonant; health; health service.
<> nycTOH —
merely a sound. 3flpaBCTByfi(Te) [zdrastvuy
sByHJaTb [zvuch^'at^] im- {-i^i)] int how do you do!
perf -HT, p -aji, npo;3ByHaTb 3eB|aTb [z^'i^vat'"] imperf
[pr9zvuch^at^] perf sound -aK), -aeuib, seeHlyrb [z'^i^V-
{of music, smb's voice, etc); nut''] perf -y, -euib, p -yji,
be heard. imp -H, npoiseBaxb [pr9z^i^-

— 143 — 3JI0

vat^] perf 1. (seBHyTb) yawn <0> KpHBoe ~o crooked/ dis-

{in sleepiness); {no perf)2. torting mirror.
col gape {at)\ be idle {not 3epH|6 [z^i^rno] n -a, pi
busy); 3. (npoaesaTb) col miss, aepna, sepeH.sepHaM 1. grain,
let slip; He ~aft! look sharp! seed; K6(|)e b sepnax coffee-
*3ejieHbiH [z''i^l''6niy] a shf -beans; 2. corn, food grains,
sejieH, aejiena, aejieno, ae- cereals; 3. fig kernel, core;
jieHbi green {also fig). ~6 HCTHHbi grain of truth.
seJieHJb [z^'ePin^] / -h 1. 3HM|a [z^ima] / -bi, ace
verdure; 2. greens, vegetables. BHMy, pi SHMbl, SHMaM — ,

3eMeJibH|biH [z^i^m^el^'niy] winter.

a ~aH pe(i)6pMa land reform; 3HMHHM fz^imn^'iy] a winter.
--biH yqacTOK plot of land. 3HM|oBaTb
[z^'imAvat''] im-
seMJieBJiajiejileufz^imPivlA- perf -yemb, p -osaji,
d*'el''its, -d?] m
-bua, -bues imp -yft, nepej3HM0BaTb (p^i-
landowner. r^iz^imAvat^] perf, npojaHMo-
seMJieACJiMJe [z^iml^i^d^'e- Baxb [praz^imAvat^j perf
Piya] n -h agriculture, farm- winter, pass the winter; hi-
ing. bernate;
seMJiCTpflceHHle [z^iml*'i- <> noKasarb KOMy-ji., rAepaKH
tr^'i^s^en^iya] n -h, h earth- -^yiOT ^
give it hot to smb.
quake. 3hm6h [z^imoy] adv in win-
3eMJi|fl [z^i^ml^a] / -h, ace ter; npomjioH ~ last winter;
SCMJIK), pi SCMJIH, seMejib, 6yflymeH ~
next winter.
seMJiHM 1. earth {our planet); 3jia I [zla] see 3jio.
2. earth, world; 3. ground, 3Jia II [zla] see -djiou.
earth; 4. land {1) property; 3JiaK|H [zlak^i] pi -ob ce-
2) opposite of sea); 5. soil reals.
{mould) 3JIH|Tb [Z^l^it^] /mp^A/ 3JIIO,
"^ cpoBHflTb c efi raze to — -lUb, p -Jl, imp ~, pa30|3JlMTb
the ground. [razAz'^Pit^] perf vex, anger;
[z^i^mPak, -g] m
scMJiflK tease, irritate.
-a, (fellow-)countryman;
-OB 3.iM]Tbcn [z^l^ittja] imoerf
fellow-lownsman; fellow-vil- SJUOCb, -lUbCH, p -JICH, -jiacb,
lager. imp -Cb, -Tecb, pa^o;3jiHTbcfl
3eMJiflHHK|a [z^iml^'i^n^ika] [razAz^l^ittja] perf be angry
/ -H wild strawberry. {with), be cross {with); be
[z^i*^mPank9j /
seMJiflHJKa in a bad temper, be irri-
-KH, -OK mud-hut; dug-out. tated.
scMHOH [z^i^mnoy] a earth- 3JI0 I [zlo] n sjia, pi only
ly; ~ map the globe. gen 30JI evil; harm; npHMH-
3epKaji|o [z^erkab] n -a, HHTb ~ do harm, injure; co
pi -a, 3epKaji, -au looking- 3Jia with anger; ero fee
-glass, mirror {also fig); u m. d.] -^ 6epeT col he [she,^
3JI0 — 144 —
etc] feels vexed, it makes 3JiK)cb [z^l^us^, -z^] see
him [her, etc] wild. SJIHTbCH.
3J10 II [zlo] see 3jioh. sMe'i^ [z'^m^i^ya] / -h, pi
3Ji66|a [zlobaj / spite
-bi SMEH, -H snake {also fig)', ser-
{ill-will)', anger; no ~e out pent.
of spite; 6eccHJibHaH ~a im- 3HaK [znak, -g] m ra, -ob
potent rage; I. sign, mark; symbol; 4)a6-
<> ~a
Ana the evil of the pHqHbiH -- trade mark; 2.
day; Ha ~y akh concerning omen; 3. signal {given by
the news of the day. smb);
3Jio6oAHeBHlbiH [zlabA- <> ~H OTjiHHHJi decorations,
d^'n^'evniyl a sh f 3jio6oAHe- orders and medals; — h pas-
BeH, -a, -0, -bi: -~biH Bonpoc jihhhh mil insignia; ~h npe-
burning question / problem; nHHaHHfl punctuation marks;
~aH TCMa burning topic. B ~ flpyjKSbi in token of
3Jiofle|H [zlAd^ey] -h, -eem friendship; noA —cm... in an
villain, scoundrel, rascal. atmosphere of...
3J10H fzloy] a sh f 3oji, 3Jia, 3HaK6M|HTb [znAkom^it^]
3;io,3Jibi wicked, malicious; imperf -jiio, -Hiub, p -hji, imp
vicious {look, etc)', bad-tem- -b, no;3HaK6MHTb [paznAko-
pered; ~
yMbiceji evil intent; m^it^] perf I. introduce {smb
— H3biK bitter tongue; h 3o;i to smb); 2. acquaint, let
Ha Hero I'm angry / cross with know; —HTb Koro-ji. c ropo-
him. AOM show smb round the
3JionaM$iTH|biH [zlApam^it- town; ~HTb c nporpaMMOH
nty] a sh f sjionaMHxeH, -a, show the programme.
-o, -bi vindictive and ran- 3HaK6M|HTbCJi [znAkom^'i-
corous. ttja] imperf -JiKDCb, -HUJbCH,
sjiocTH'ibiH [zlosniyj a sh f p -HJica, -Hjiacb, imp -bcH,
sjiocxeH, -a, -o, -u 1. mali- -bTecb, nobnaKOMHTbCfl [pa-
cious-, ill-natured; 2. invet- znAkom^'itt^aj perf 1. get
erate, persistent. acquainted {with), make the
3JiocT|b [zlos^t^, -z^'d^] / acquaintance {of), meet; 2.
-H malice; fury, anger. acquaint oneself {with), get
3JioynoTpe6HTb see sjioyno- to know; visit, see {museums,
Tpe6jiflTb. etc).
3JioynoTpe6ji|flTb SHaKOMCTBlo fznAk6mstv9]
imperf -hk), -h-
tr'^i^bl^'at''] n -a, ~ acquaintance {with);
eiub, 3JioynoTpe6|HTb [zlaupa- knowledge (o/); noAAep^cH-
tr^'i^b^it^] perf -jiib, -HUJb, Baib -~o c KeM-ji. keep up
p -Hji, imp -H abuse {one's friendly relations with smb.
power, position, smh's confi 3HaK6M|biH fznAkomty] I a
dence, etc). sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi 1. famil-
3J1K) [z^'Pu] see 3JIHTb. iar {word, etc); 2. familiar,
145 — 30H

acquainted (with); h xopouio don't know; KaK ^ col who

'- c HHM know him well; knows; Kan
I sHaeuib (it's)
II as a noun sHaKOMibifl up to you.
m -oro, -bix 3HaHeHHle [znAch^en'iya] n
{a person). -H 1. meaning, sense;
3HaMeH^TejibH|biiH [znam^i^- 2. significance, importance;
nat^il^niy] a sh f SHaMena- HMeib 6ojibm6e '-e be of great
TejieH, -a, -o, -bi significant, importance / significance.
important. 3HaHHT [znach^it] parenth
3HaMeHHTlbiH [znam^i^n^i- col so, then, well then.
tiy] a sh f -~, -a, -o, -bi fa- 3HaHHTejibH|biH [znAch^'f-
mous, celebrated. t^iPniy] a sh f SHaMHTejien,
3HaM|ji[znam^9] n -enH, -a, -o, -bi
1. considerable,
pi SHaMena, SHaMen, anaMe- substantial; 2. important, sig-
HaM banner {also fig); colours, nificant.
standard; nepexoAnmee ~5i sHaHlHTb [znach^it^] imperf
prize banner. -y, -Huib,p -HJi mean, signify.
3HaHHie [znan^iya] n -h, 3HaH|6K [znAch^ok, -g] m
-H knowledge; co ~eM jxejia -Ka, -KOB 1. badge {that is
skilfully, with expert knowl- worn); 2. small mark / sign.
edge. 3Ho6|HTb [znAb^it''] impers:
3HaTH|biH [znatniy] a sh f MeHH -~HT 1 feel chilly, I'm
SHaTCH, -a, -0, -bi 1. well- shivering.
-known, renowned, distin- 3ho|h [znoy] m
-h (exces-
guished; 2. noble {birth, etc). sive) heat.
SHaxoK [znAtok, -g] m -a, 30BH [zAV^i[ see SBaxb.
-OB expert, connoisseur; 6biTb aoey [zavu], soeeuib [za-
-—OM CBoero /^ejia know one's v^osh, -zh] see SBaxb.
business. 30J1 I [zol] see sjio.
3HaTb [znat^] imperf SHaio, 30J1 II Jzol] see sjiou.
SHaeuib 1. know {1) some facts, 30ji|a [zAla] / -bi ashes
etc, about smth; 2) a lan- {dust).
guage, one's lesson, etc; 3) life, sojiotIg [zobta] n -a gold.
etc); 2. know; be acquainted 3ojiot|6h [zalAtoy] a 1.
with; gold; 2. fig golden;
<> ~ ce6e ueny know one's <> ^an MOJiofleKb gilded
own value; have a high opin- youth; -~a5i cepeflHHa the
ion of oneself; ^ tojik b golden mean. an expert in smth, aoHJa [zona] / -bi, — zone.
be a good judge of smth; ^ 30HT [zont, -d] m -a, -6b
Mepy know when to stop; umbrella; parasol, sunshade.
SHaere (jih) you know; na- 36hthk [zon^t^ik, -g] m -a,
cKOJibKo H sHaio as far as I -OB umbrella; parasol, sun-
know; kto ero SHaer col I shade.

800 — 146 —
300JiorHMecK|HH [zaaIaq^'i- 3pHTejibHbifl [zr^it^iPnty] a
rh^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He zo- 1. visual, optic; 2.: saji ~
ological; -~hh can/ napKZoo, hall {in a cinema, etc).
zoological gardens. [zr^a] adv col in vain;
30onapK [zAApark, -g] m for nothing; tbi ~
-a, -OB Zoo. Tyaa you shouldn't have gone
sopH [zor^i], 30pb [zor''] there; you needn't have gone
see 3apH. there.
sopKlHfl [zork^'iy] a -an, -oe, 3y6 [zup, -b] m -a, pi sydbi,
-He 1. sharp-sighted; 2. fig -OB {technol -bH, -bes) tooth;
vigilant. BCTaBHbie ~bi artificial/ false
3paM|6K [zFAch^ok, -g] m teeth;
-Ka, -KOB pupil (of the eye). <> cKB03b — through clench-

3p6jiHm|e [zT^e\^[sh^:d]n -a, ed teeth; — w 3aroBdpHBaTb

— sight, spectacle; perform- col fool smb by fine words.
ance, show; jKajiKoe ~e a [zubn6y] a: ~aH
sorry spectacle. 6ojib toothache; 6h mexKa —
3peJi|biH [zr^eliy] a sh f ^ tooth-brush; --an nacra tooth-
-a, -0, -bi ripe, mature {also -paste; ~6h nopomoK tooth-
3peHHle [zr^en^iya] n -h 3yA [zut, -d] m -a itch {al-
eyesight; so fig)
4^ nojie ~fl field of vision; 3H6HlyTb [z^abnut^] imperf
B nojie ~fl in sight; roHKa ~« -y, -euib, p 3h6, 3H6;ia, imp
point of view; noA yrjioM ~fl -H, oJ3H6HyTb [Az^'abnut*'] perf
from the standpoint {of). feel chilly, shiver.
3pe|Tb [zr^et**] imperf -kd, 3fl6|b [z*'ap*', -b^l / -H, -eft
-enib, p -Ji, co!3pfTb [sAzr^et^j agric plough-land.
perf ripen, mature {also fig). 3siT|b [z^at*", -d^] -h, pi m
3pHTeji!b [zr^it^iP] m -h, -bH, -beB, -bHM 1. son-in-law;
pi -H, -eft'spectator, onlooker; 2. brother-in-law {the hus-
pi also audience. band of one's sister).

H, H
H I c] denoting 1. con-
\\] OH no;iajT CHrnaji, h pa3;iajicH
nexion, addition and; and Bbicxpeji gave the signal
then; h h oh he and I; mbi and then a shot was heard;
CHflejiH H MHxajiH we sat and OH co6HpajicH yexaxb h yexaji
read; see sto snajiH, h Bce he was going to leave and so,
6bi;in paAbi everybody knew he did; 6bijio hos/^ho, h oh
it and everybody was glad; yuieji it was late and he left;
— 147 — Hrp

it was late and so he left; 2. He Mory h no;;yMaTb o6 stom

enumeration: h khhph, h xex- I can't even think of this.

pa/lH, H cJioeapH books, note- h6o [iba] cj denoting cause

books, and dictionaries; h... for.
H... both... and...; 3. empha- Hoa [iva] / HBbi, HB willow
sis, sometimes also connexion {a tree).
with the preceding statement Hrji|a [igla] /
-b'l, pi rirjibi,

{mostly used at the beginning —, HFjiaM needle [1) for sew-

of exclamatory and interroga- ing, knitting, etc; 2) for a syr-
tive sentences): h KaK tu cm6- inge; 3) of a fir or pine);
euib Tax roBopHTb!? how dare prickle, thorn {of plants);
you say such a thing!; h bh quill {of porcupines, etc).
corjiacHbi?! and you agree?; HrHopHp|oBaTb [ignAr^ira-
4. emphatic surprise, emphatic V9t^] perf & imperf -yio, -y-
disapproval coupled with the eujb, p -OBaji, imp -yw ignore,
idea of connexion even, and disregard.
even; see ono3Aa;iH, h tu (t6- Hro [iga] n Hra yoke {bond-
jKe) everybody was [is] late, age).
(and) even you; oh ymeji h Hr6ji|Ka [igolka] / -kh, -ok
He npocTH^iCH he left without = Hr;ia;
even saying good-bye; 5. con- <> CHACTb KaK Ha ~Kax be
cession {in sentences with the on pins and needles.
other clause having a, ;ia, xaK Hrpjd [igra] / -bi, pi Hrpbi,
or HO at the beginning): w ~, HrpaM 1. game {of chess,
Hy)KHo MHe noflTH TyA^, Aa tennis, etc; also fig); na-
HeKor;ia though I should go cTOJibHbie Hrpu indoor / table
there, I haven't the time; games; asapiHan —a gamble;
(h) h noexaji 6bi, ]\^ speMeHH 2. acting, performance (o/ a/i
Hex I'd like to go, but I actor, musician, etc);
haven't the time; 6. the idea <> -—a c-ioB pun, play on
of 'too', 'likewise': h b stom words; —a ne ctoht cbch the
caynae oh 6biJi npas in ,that game is not worth the candle.
case too he was right; Anna Hrpjaxb [igrat^l imperf -avi,
He 3HaJia SToro, TorAa uu -aeuib, cbirplaxb [sigrat^j
CnpOCHJlH BHKTOpa, HO H OH perf -aio, -aeuib 1. {no perf)
He anaji Anna didn't know play {of children)} 2. play
it, and so we asked Victor, {1) games, cards, etc; 2) mu-
but he didn't know either; sic, a musical instrument;
7.: TaK... H... that's (just/ 3) with a person's affections,
exactly) what...; raK h h ^y- etc; 4) on smb's feelings,
Maji that's exactly what I nerves, etc); ,^aTh b hphtkh
thought; 3T0 H ecTb... that's play hide-and-seek {also fig);
just... ~aTb qecTHO [He^ecTHo] play
H II [i] part intens even; fair [loulj; 3. theat act, play;
Hrp — 148 —
<> --aTb nepBVK) CKpHnny itations); HACT cner it is
play first fiddle; -^axb na snowing; 9. be on {of a play,
pyKy KOMy-ji. col play into negotiations, etc); 10. suit, be-
smb's hands. come {of a dress, coat, etc);
HrpoK [igrok, -g] m -a, -6b 11. be required. (/or), be used
1. player {in games)', 2. gam- {in); Ha koctiom hact xpH
bler. Meipa MaxepHH three metres
Hrpyui|Ka [igrushka] / -kh, of material are required for
-eK 1. toy, plaything; 2. fig a suit; Tpjinbe hact na H3ro-
pawn (a person). TOBJieHHe 6yMarH rags are
Hjieaji [id^i^al] m -a, -ob used in paper-making;
ideal. <> AeJlO / pCHb HACT O TOM,
HAeajiMCT [id^iAl^ist, -zd] a/z HTO... the question is that...
-a, -OB idealist. H)KAHBeHHle[izhd^iv^en^iya]
HAeajibH|biH [id^i^al^niy] a n -h: 6biTb Ha MbeM-Ji. --h be
sh f HAeajieH, -a, -o, -bi ideal. smb's dependant; HMexb na
H.neHHlbiH [id^eyniy] a sh f ~h have to provide for {par-
HAeeH, -a, -o, -u 1. ideologi- ents, etc).
cal {content); 2. (high)prin- H3 [is; in all pretonic posi-
cipled {person, etc). tions — iz, is; in a stressed
Hfleoji6rH|fl [id^'iAlog^iya] / position — iz], h30 [iza; in the
-H, -H ideology. first pretonic position — izA;
HAejJi [id'^eya] / -h, -h 1. in the second pretonic posi-
idea, notion, concept; 2. tion —
iza] prep with gen de-
thought, idea; plan, scheme; noting 1. movement oat of
noflaib ~K) suggest an idea; smth; the starting point of a
3T0 -~5i! capital idea!; 3. movement: bwhth h3 AOMy go
idea {of a novel, etc). out of the house, leave the
]\m [id^i] see h^th. house; go outdoors; npHexaxb
HATH [it^'t^'i] imperf H^y, H3 KHCBa come /arrive from
HAeiiib, p meji, lujia, mjio, Kiev; nnxb hs qaujKH drink
lujiH, imp HAH a concrete move- from a cup; 2. a source of
ment in a definite direction information, etc. ysnaxb hs
— 2 [cf xoAHTb 1,2] 1. go
1, rasex learn from the papers;
{move, pass on foot); come 3. material of which smth is
{on foot towards the speak- made: KyBUJHH hs cxcKAa a
er, etc) walk, move {along); jug made of glass; sapeHbe
2. go, run {of a bus, etc); 3. HS BHiuen jam prepared from
start, leave {of a train, etc); cherries; sxox xa6ypex cAe.naH
4, lie, go,run {of a road, etc); HS HiUHKa this stool is made
5, enter {school, etc); join out of a box; 4. a whole from
{the army, etc); 6. pass, elapse which some part is singled
{of time); 7. go, work {of a out; also with the superlative
watch, etc); 8. fall {of precip- degree: oahh hs mohx ApyseM
— 149 — RSd

one of my friends; h3 66mero p -Hji, imp -b save, deliver,

MHCJia,paBHoro ;;ByMCT£M out rid of; ~HTb kofo-ji. ot xjio-
of a total of two hundred; noT save / spare smb the trou-
HH OAHH H3 cTa uot oue in a ble.
hundred; jiy^iuHH us xyAOHC- H36aBJi|«Tbcsi [izbAvPattja]
HHKOB the best of the artists; imperf -Hiocb, -HeuibCH, h3-
5. reason or cause: c/iejiaTb 6aB|HTbCJi [izbav^ittja] perf
qio-ji. H3 jik)6bh k... do smth -jiK)Cb, -HuibCH, p -h;ich, -h-
for the love of...; do smth jiacb, imp -bCH, -biecb get
for the sake of...; hs CTpaxa rid {of).
for fear, out of fear; hs ne- H36ajioBaTb see 6aji0BaTb.
HaBHCTH through hatred; hs M36a-HHTajibHfl [izbach^i-
6;iaroAapHOCTH in gratitude; tal^n^a] / H36bi-qHTa;ibHH, ace
6.: HSOBcexcHJj with all one's HsSy-qHXaJIbHK), pi H36bI-qH-
might; hso ahh b ]\QUh day TajibHH, H36-qHTajieH village
in, day out; every day; reading-room.
H3..., H30..., H3T>..,, HC... HsSerjaxb [izb^i^gat^] im-
pref of verbs denoting 1. move- perf -aio, -aeiub, HsCerHJyrb
ment out of smth; extraction [izb^egnut^] perf -y, -euib,
of a certain part of smth: h3- H36er (-yji), HsSerjia, imp -h,
rnaTfa [izgnat^] drive {smh) H36el»axb [izb^i^zhat^] perf
out, drive {smb) away; nsBJie- -ry, ->KHUIb, -H<HX, -JKHM,
KaTb [izvl^i^kat^] extract, -jKHxe, -ryx, p -JKaji, imp -ra
take out, draw; 2. an action avoid {doing smth, danger,
affecting or covering the whole etc); escape {punishment, etc).
of a thing or carried beyond HsSHpaxejijb [izb^irat^iP]
the normal limit: Hspesaxb m -H, pi -H, -eft voter, elec-
Becb CTOJi cut up the whole tor; pi also electorate.
table; ns-besj^Hib [iz^yez^d^it''] HsSHpaxejibHJbiH [izb^ira-
travel all over; HSHocHXb [iz- t^il'^niy] a election {attr),
HAs^it^] wear o\xi {clothes, etc); electoral;~oe npaBO suffrage;
HCHHcaib [isp^isat^] tover ~biH ueH3 electoral qualifi-
with writing; 3. the perfec- cation; — biH oKpyr election
tive aspect: H3>KapHTb [izh:a- district; —-bift yqacxoK 1)
r^it^] perf of jKapHXb. election precinct; 2) polling
H36|a [izba] / -bi, ace -y station; —uh6iojiJiexeHb vot-
(Hs6y), pi Hs6bi, ~, H36aM ing-paper; —an ypna ballot-
hut, peasant house. -box.
H36aBHTb see HSfiaBJIHTb. Hs^Hplarb [izb^irat^] im-
H36aBHTbCfl see H^6aBjiHTb- perf -aK), -aeuib, H36|paxb
CH. [izbrat^] perf -epy, -epeuib,
HsSaejiiflTb [izbAvI^at^] im- p -paji -pajia, -pajio, -pa;iH,
perf -mo, -nemb, H36aB|HTb imp -epH 1. choose, select,
[izbav^it*'] perf -jiio, -Hiiib, pick out; 2. elect \by voting).
H30 — 150

H36HT|biH [izb^itiy] a [pa]: n^iya] n -h, -h notification,

'-an 4)pa3a hackneyed stock / notice; summons (a writ\.
phrase; ~aH HCTHHa truism. HSBMBJaTbcfl [iz^v^ivattja]
H36paHH|biH [izbranniy] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH 1. coil,
[pa] I a: ~bie npoHSBeAeHHH wriggle {of snakes, etc); 2.
selected works; twist, wind; meander {of a
1 1 as a noun H36paHH|bie road, etc).
pi -bix the elect. H3BHHeHHle liz''v''in^en''iyaj
H36paTb see HsCHpaib. n -H, -ft apology, excuse;
H36biTloK [izbitak, -g] m npocHTb ~H y Kor6-Ji. apolo-
-Ka surplus, redundancy; gize to smb.
B ~Ke in plenty; ot -~Ka H3BHHHTb See H3BHHHTb.
his feelings were too strong H3BHHiflTb [iz'^v^in^at'']
for him to speak. imperf -Ak), -neuib, H3BHH|HTb
M3BecTH|e [iz'^v^es^t^iya] n [iz^v^'in^'it''] perf -k), -Huib,
-H, -H news, (piece of) infor- p -HJi, imp -H excuse, pardon
mation; nocJieAHHe ^n the {forgive); —Hie! (I am) sor-
(latest) news. ry!, excuse me!;
H3BecTH0 [iz^v^'esna] impers <> HCT, yjK — HTc! oh no,
predic it is known (that...), that won't do!
it is common knowledge HSBHHJflTbCfl [iz^'v^in^attja]
(that...); ciajio ~ it became imperf -Hiocb, -fleiiibCH, h3-
known; sto naM ~ this is BHHJHTbca [iz*'v^in*'ittjaj perf
known to us; -K)Cb, -HUlbCH, p -HJICH, -H-
<> KaK ~ as is known. jiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb apol-
H3BeCTH0CTlb[iz''V^esn8S^t^, ogize, make an apology;
-z'^d^] / -H reputation, fame; <> ~flK)Cb! col sorry!
notoriety; H3BJieK|aTb [izvl^i'^kat^]
<> nocTaBHTb Koro-Ji. b --b imperf -aio, -aeiub, MSBjieiHb
o HCM-Ji. inform smb of smth. [izvl^'ech^] perf -Ky, -qeuib,
u3BecTH|biH [iz^v^'esniy] -qeT, -qexe, -KyT, p H3B.neK,
a sh f HssecTeH, -a, -o, -u -KJia, imp -KH 1. extract, take
1. well-known, famous; noto- out, draw; derive {profit,
rious; 3T0T paCCKaS HHKOMy etc); 2.: ~aTb ypoK learn a
He H3BecTeH this story is lesson.
known to nobody; 2. certain H3BHe [izvn^'e] adv from
{not named). without, from
outside; no-
H3BeCT|b [iz^v^is^'t^, -z^d''] Momb -~ outside help.
/ -H whitewash {for
lime; H3BOp6TJIHB|biH [izVArotl^l-
walls)', ramenaH '^b slack vty] a sh f —•, -a, -o, -bi
lime; nerameHaH --b quick- tricky, dodgy, resourceful.
-lime. H3BpaTHTb see n3Bpam,aTb.
ji3BeineHHle [iz''v''i^sh'':e- usBpainjaTb ^iZYFAsh^'iaf]
— 151 — R33

imperf -aio, -aeuib, H3Bpa- pers, etc); 2. edition; nepHo-

TJHTb [izvrAt^it^] perf H3Bpa- AH^ecKoe -~-e periodical.
my, -Huib, p -liji, imp -H H3AaTejibCTBio [izdat^il**-
pervert, distort, twist {mean- stva] n -a, ~ publishing
ing, words, etc); misinter- house.
pret. H3AaTb I seeHBAaBaxb I.

HarHaHHJefizgnan^iya] n -h HSAaxb II seeHBAaBaxb II 1.

1. banisliment, expulsion; 2.: HBAeBaxeJibCTBlG [iz^d^i®-
5KHTb B ~H live in exile vat^iPstvg] n -a, — mock-
{abroad). ery, jeering; insult, humilia-
H3ropoJilb [izgarat^, -d^] / tion.
-H, -eH fence (a wall, railing); H3AeB|dxbcsi [iz^d^i^vattsa]
5KHBafl ^b hedge. imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH jeer,
HSrOTOBHTbSee HSrOTOBJlHIb. mock, scoff; insult, humili-
H3roTOBJi|flTb [izgatAvl^at^] ate.
imperf -hk), -neiub, H3roT6- HSAeJiMJe [iz^d^el^iya] n -n,
BJHTb [izgAtov^it^] perf -Jiio, (manufactured) article,

-Huib, p -HJi, imp -b make, ware; rjiHHHHbie —h earthen-

manufacture. ware; KycxapHbie ~h handi-
HSAaJBETb I [izdAvat^] im- craft wares.
perf -K), -euih, p -BaJi, imp H3Aep)K|KH [iz^d^ershk'i] pi
-Bafi, H3A|aTb [izdat^] perf -CK cost(s) {of production, etc);
-aM, -aiiib, -acT, -aAHM, -aAH- cyAe6Hbie ~kh costs {of a
Te, -aAYT, p -aJi, -ajia, -^jio, lawsuit); c 6ojibmHMH ~KaMH
-ajiH, imp -aft publish (feoo/js, at great cost.
etc);issue {orders, etc); pro- H3%apHXb see >KapHXb.
mulgate {laws, etc). H3-3a in the first
H3AalBaTb II [izdAvat^] pretonic position izzA; —
imperf -ib, -emb, p -Baji, imp the second pretonic position —
-Baft, H3fl|aTb [izdat^] perf izza] prep with gendenoting
-aM, -aujb, -acT, -aAHM, -a^H- 1. movement from behind or
Te, -a^yT, p -aji, -ajia, -ajio, from around smth: oh BbiuieJi
-ajiH, imp -aft 1. utter {a •~ AOMa he came from behind
sound); 2. {no perf) give out/ the house; Bcxaxb —' cxojia
off {a smell); -^saTb bjiobo- rise from the table; 2. cause
HHe stink, stench. or reason: n onosAaji nero ~
H3AajieKa [izdaPi^ka] adv I'm late because of him,
from afar, from a distance. I was late because of him;
H3AaJiH from
[izdal^i] adv Mbi He noexaJiH '- ao)kah we
afar, from a distance. didn't go because of / owing
H3AaHH|e [izdan'^iya] n -h, to the rain; ~
-ft 1. publication {the process HocxH through carelessness;
of); promulgation {of laws, ccopHXbCH '^ sero-Ji. quarrel
etc); publishing {o( newspa- over smth*

HSJI — 152 —
HSJiarlaib [izlAgat^] imperf H3MeH|«Tb II [izm^i^n^at^]
-aK), -aeiiib, HSJiOKJHTb [IzIa- imperf -hk), -neiub, H3MeH!HTb
zhtt^] perf -y, H3Ji6>KHiiib, p [izm'^i^n^it^J -i6, HSMe-
-HJi, imp -H state {a request, HHuib. p -HJI, imp -H betray
one's point of view, etc); {one's country, etc); be false
dwell on (a subject). to; be unfaithful; fail {of
H3JiHiij|eK [iz^l'^ishak, -g] m one's memory, strength, etc).
-Ka, -KOB surplus, excess. H3MeH I
flTbCJi [ izm'^i'^n^attja]
H3JioiKeHH|e [izlAzhen^iya] imperf -nwcb, -neiubCH, h3-
n -H, -H account {of smb's MeHiHTbca [izm^i^n^ittja] perf
speech, etc); statement {of -K)Cb, HSMeHHlUbCH, p -HJICH,
facts, etc); b ero [ee u m. d.] -Hjiacb, imp -HCb, -rixecb
~H according to him [her, change {become different).
etc]. K3MepHTbSee H3MepHTb.
H3JioiKHTb see H3JiaraTb. HswepiflTb [izm^i*-'r^at^] im-
HSJiyHJaTb [izluch^af^] im- perf -HK), -HeUIb, H3Mep|HTb
perf -aio, -aeiiib, HSJiyniMTb [izm^er'^it^] perf -k), -Huib, p
[izluch^'it^] perf -y, -riuib, imp -b measure, i^auge.

p -h;i, imp -\i radiate {also H3MyHeHHbiH izmuch^mnty] [

a \pa\^ haggard, exhausted.

H3JiyHHHia[izluch^in9] f -u, H3MyMHTb see MyqnTb.
'^ bend, curve {of a river). H3MflTb see MHTb 2.
H3JiK)6jieHHbiH [iz^l^ubl^m- H3M«TbCJI see MHTbCH 1.
niy] a [pa] favourite. H3HaHlKa [iznanko] / -kh
HSMeHja [izm^'ens] / -bi, -~ wrong / reverse side.
treason, treachery, betrayal; H3Haii]HB|aTbCJi [iznashiva-
adultery. ttja] /mpe/-/-aeTCH,H3HociHTb-
H3MeHeHHle [izm^i^n^e- CH [iznAs'^ittsa] perf h3h6-
n^'iya] n -h, -h change, al^ CHTCH, p -HJicH, -HJiacb Wear
teration. out {of shoes, machine parts,
I etc).
II H3HyTpH [iznutr**!] adv from
HSMCHHTbCfl see HSMeHHTbCH. within; on the inside.
H3MeHHHK [izm^en^n^ik, -g] H30 see H3.
m -a, -oB traitor. H30... see H3..^
H3MeH4HB|biH [izm^cn^ch^i- H3o6MJiHle [iz^Ab^il^iya] n
viy] a sh f '^, -a, -o, -bi -H abundance, plenty.
changeable {weather, etc); H3o5pa>KlaTb [izabrAzhat^]
fickle. imperf -aio, -aemb, H3o6pa|-
MSMeHJ^Tb I [izm^'i^n^at^'j 3MTb [izabrAz^it*'] perf -my,
imperf -hio, -Heiiib, H3MeHJHTb -3H[iib, p -3HJI, imp -3H depict,
[izm^i^n^'it''] perf -io, nsMe- portray; theat represent;
HHuib, p -Hji, imp -H change, 0 ~aTb H3 ce6a make one-
alter. self out to be.
— 153 — HSU

HSoSpajKCHHle [izabrAzhe- tonic positions — isp^t, -d]

n^iya] n -h, -h depiction, 1. prep withgen denoting 1.
portrayal {the process of)', 2. movement from below or from
image, picture. under smth: — cTOjia from un-
M3o6pa3MTb see H3o6paH<aTb. der the table; — cnera from
H3o6pecTH see HSodpexaTb. beneath the snow, from un-
HSodpexaTejilb [izabr^i^ta- der the snow; 2. movement
t^.il''] m -H, inventor.
-eft from the vicinity of smth: -^
H3o5peTaTejibH|biM [izsbr'^i^- MocKBbi from near Moscow;
tatil^niy] a sh f H3o6peTa- 3. the former purpose of a re-
TeJieH, -a, -o, -bi inventive, ceptacle: 6yTbiJiKa '- MOJioKa
ingenious. milk bottle; Kop66Ka -~ ch-
H3o6peT|aTb [izabr^i^tat^] rapeT cigarette box; KyBuiHH
imperf -aio, -aemb, H3o6p|e- ~ BHHa jug in which there
CTH [izabr'^i^s'^t^i] perf-ery, was wine.
-CTemb, p -eji, -ejia, imp -cth H3paHJibCK|HH [izrail^sk^iy]
invent {a new instrument, etc). a -an, -oe, -He Israeli.
HsoSpeTeHHje |izabr^i^t^e- HspacxoAOBaxb see pacxo-
n^iya n -a, -H invention {a flOBaib.
new device, etc). H3peAKa [izr^itka] adv now
H30JiHploBaTb [izA^iravat^] and then, from time to time.
perf & imperf -yio, -yeiub, p HSpCHCHH |e [izr^i^ch^en^iyaj
-OBaJi, imp -yft isolate; tech- n -H, -ft apothegm, maxim.
nol also insulate. H3yMHTejibH|biH [izurfi^i-
H30JiflTop [izApatar] -a, m f'lPniy] a sh f HsyMHTe-
-OB 1. technol insulator; 2. jieH, -a, -o, -bi amazing, won-
isolation ward (m a hospital, derful.
etc). H3yMJieHHle [izumPen^'iya]
h30ji«uh1« [izAPatjtya] -h n -H amazement, wonder.
1. isolation; 2. (p/ -h, -h) H3yH|aTb [izuch^at^] imperf
technol insulation. -aio, -aeujb, HsyHJHTb [izu-
H30MHeTCJi [izAmn^ottsa] ch^it^] perf -y, H3yqHiiJb, p
3d person of H3MHTbCH; see -Hji, imp -H 1. study, mak-e a
MHTbCH. study of; master {a language,
H30MHH [izAmn^i] imp of etc); 2. {no imperf) learn;
HSMHTb; see MHXb. come /
get to know.
H30MHy [izAmnu],H30MHeuib H3'b... see H3...
[izAmnMsh, -zh] 1st & 2nd H3'bflTb see H3bIMaTb.
persons of HSMHTb; see MHTb. MSbiMJaTb [iztmat^] imperf
HSOTon [izAtop, -b] -a, m -aio, -aeuib, H3iifl|Tb [iz**-
-08 isotope. yat^] perf HSbiMy, HSbiMemb,
H3-noA [ispot; in the first p -Ji, imp H3biMH withdraw,
pretonic position jspAt, -d; — remove {Jrom sale, circulation,
in the second and other pre- etc).
H3bl 154 —
H3bicKaHHle [iziskan^iya] n tslya] / -H, -H illumination
-n, pi -H, -H 1. finding, pro- {for a festival, etc).
curing; 2. {mostly pi) inves- HJiJiK)CTpauH|5i [il^ustra-
tigation, research; geol pros- tslya] / -H, -H illustration.
pecting. HJIJlK)CTpHplOBaTb[il^UStr^i-
HSbicKaHHJbiH [izislonnty] ravaf*] perf & imper4 -yio,
a [pa] sh f H3bicKaH, -a, -o, -bi -yeiiib, p -oBaJi, imp -yft il-
refined {taste, manners, etc); lustrate.
dainty {dish). HM [im] I instr of oh & oho;
H3K)M [iz^um] m -a (-y) rai- see oh;
sins. II dat of ohh; see oh.
H3iiii^HlbiA [iz^ash^iniy] a HMCHH [im^in^'i], hmSh
sh f H3HiueH, -a, -o, -u ele- [im*'6n] see hmh.
gant, graceful, refined. HM^HH'ie [im^^n^iya] n -h,
HKaTb [ikat^] imperf hkAio, -H estate, landed property.
HKaeiiib, HKHlyxb [iknut''] HMeHHo [im^inna] part 1.
perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h denoting specification, indi-
hiccup, hiccough. emphasis, etc. mhc
HKOHia [ikona] / -bi, — icon HyjKHo ~ 3T0 this is exactly
(a sacred image). what I want; sTa KHHra —
HKp|d I [ikra] / -bi 1. roe, just this very book; Bhk- —
spawn; 2. caviare {food); 3. Top c;ieJiaJi sto it was Victor
paste [made from vegetables). who did it; hot — TaM h na-
HKpla II [ikra] / see HKpbi. iiieji ero just where I found
HKpw [ikri] pi HKp {sing him; it's just the place where
HKpja / -bi) calfs {of the leg). I found him; kto [mto, r^e
HJi [il] m HJia silt. u m. n.] ^? who [what,
HJiH [il^'i] cj denoting!, an where, etc] exactly?; 2. used
alternative, sometimes cou- in explanatory parts of a sen-
pled with addition, connexion tence and before enumeration
or with warning, threat or; namely; that is; viz; 3.; bot
Tenepb ~ HMKor^a now or — ! that's it!; exactly!
never; na 6epery peKH, npy^a HMeJTb [im^et^] imperf -lo,
'- osepa on the bank of a riv- -emb have {1) possess; own;
er, pond, or a lake; ~... --... 2) possess as a quality, etc);
either... or...; — >Ke or (else); ~Tb 3HaHeHHe be of impor-
2. explanation {always pre- tance ;

ceded by a comma): asponJi^H, <> ~Tb MecTo take place.

~ caMOJieT, 6biJi H3o6peTeH... HMe|TbCJi [im^ettja] imperf
the airplane, or the aircraft, -ctch: ~TbCH HajiHuo be avail-
was invented... able; be on hand; be present;
HJiJiioMHHaTop fiPum^ina- B 6H6JiHOTeKe —ctch necKOJib-
tarjm -a, -ob porthole, scuttle. Ko KHHf no sTOMy Bonpocy
H^iJiiOMHHanHlfl [il^'um'^ina- there are several books on
— J55 — HHe

the subject at the library; -H stock, equipment; xop-


the library has several books roBbiH -~b stock-in-trade

on the subject. {tools, materials); 2. invento-
HMH [imi] instr of ohh; ry, catalogue.
see oh. HHAe|eu [in^d^ey9tj, -dz] m
HMnepHajiHSM [imp^ir^iA- -Hua, -HueB (American / Red)
Pizm] m -a imperialism. Indian.
HMnepHajiHCTMHecK|HH [im- HHAeflcK|HH [in^d'eysk^iy]
p^ir^iaPist^i'ch^isk^iy] a -aH, a -an, -oe, -He (American/
-oe, -He imperialist(ic). Red) Indian.
HMnopT [impart, -d] m -a HHAHdH|Ka [in^d^iank9] /
econ import; imports. -KH, -OK 1. [c/ HHAHeu] Indian
HMnopTHploBaTb [impArt^i- woman; Indian girl; 2. (Amer-
r9V9t^] perf Sc imperf -yio, ican Red) Indian woman; /

-yeiub, p -oBaji, imp -yH econ (American /Red) Indian girl.

import. HHAHBHAydjibHibiH [in^d^i-
HMymecTB|o [imush*':istv9] v^iduaPniy] a sh f hhahbh-
n -a property {things owned); Ayajien, -a, -o, -bi individ-
belongings, possessions; ne- ual.
ABHJKHMoe ~o real estate. HHAH|eu [in^d''iy9tj, -dz] m
HMH [im^9] n HMCHH, pi -Hua, -HUCB Indian {a native
HMCHa, HMCH, HMCHaM 1. name or inhabitant of India). •
{an appellation)', name,
2. hhahhck|hh [in'^d^iysk^iy]
fame; npHo6pecTH — become a -an, -oe, -He Indian {of In-
famous; 3. ling: ~ cymecxsH- dia) .

TCJibHoe noun; -- npHJiara- HHAOHesMJeu [ind9n^i^z^i-

TCJibHoe adjective; '- qHCJiH- y9tj, -dz] m -Hua, -hucb In-
TCJibHoe numeral; donesian.
<0> ox HMCHH on behalf of; HHAOHesHHCKJHH [indan^i^-
Hasbiearb eemH cbohmh HMe- z^iysk^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne
HaMH =
call a spade a spade; Indonesian.
c HMeHCM well-known. HHAycxpHajiH3ai;Hlji [indust-
HHane [inach^i] & uname r^i9Pizatjiy9] / -h industri-
[inach^i] I arfo differently, in alization.
another way; HHAycxpHlH [industr^iy9] /
II cj or (else), otherwise; -h industry {light, heavy).
<> xaK HjiH ~
in any case; HHAK)K [in^d**uk, -g] -a, m
in one way or another; ne -OB turkey (-cock).
~ KaK OH cflejiaji axo col it's HHAH)ui|Ka [in^d^ushk9] f
he who has done it. -KH, -eK turkey(-hen).
HHBajiHA [invAPit, -d] m HHe|H [in^iy] -h hoarfrost.m
-a, -OB invalid; ^ xpy^a HHepxH|biH [in^ertnty] ash
disabled worker. f HHepxeH, -a, -o, -bi inert
HHBeHxap|b [inv^i^ntar'J m {also fig).

hhx — 155 —
HHJKCHep [inzhi^n^er] m g^entniy] a sh f HHieJiJiHreH-
-a, pi -OB (civil) engineer
-bi, TCH, -a, -o, -bi cultured, edu-
{with college education). cated.
HHHi;Haji|bi [in^'itsiali] pi HHTCjiJiHreHUHlR [in^t^iPi-
-OB {sing MHHUHaji -a) ini- m g^entsiya] / -h intelligentsia,
tials. intellectuals.
HHHUHaTHBla [in^itsiAt^i- HHTepBeHUH|fl [int^i^rv^en-
V8] / -bi initiative. tjiya] / -H, -H intervention
HHorAa [inAgda] adv some- {invasion).
times. HHTepBbK) [interv^yu] n in-
HHOH [inoyl a 1. different decl interview {for the press).
{shape, approach, etc); hkhmh HHiepec [in^t^i^r^es, -z] m
CJioBaMH in other words; -a, -OB interest {1) concern or
2. some {certain but unspeci- curiosity; 2) importance).
fied); B HHbix cJiy^aHx in HHTepecH|biH [in^t^i^r^es-
some matters; nty] a sh f HHTepecen, -a,
O HHoe Aejio (it's) another -o, -bi 1. interesting (fact,
matter; ~ pas sometimes, etc); 2. attractive {woman,
at times; He kto -^j naK... etc).
none other than... HHxepecloBaTbcsi (in^t^ir^i-
HHOCTpaHJeu [inAstran^itj, SAvattja] imperf -yiocb, -yeuib-
-dz} m -ua, -ueB foreigner. CH, p -OBaJiCH, -OBajiacb, imp.
MHocTpaHHbiH[ inAstrannty] -yflcH, -yflxecb be interested
a foreign {language, etc). {in), care {for).
HHcneKTOp [insp^ektar] m HHxepHax [int^i^rnat, -d] m
-a, pi -a, -OB inspector. -a, -OB boarding-school.
HHCTHHKT '[ins^t^inkt, -gd] HHxepHauHOHaji [interna-
m -a, -OB instinct. tjtAnal] m
-a 1. {pi -u, -ob)
MHCTHxyT- fin^s^'t^'itut, -d] International {the organiza-
m -OB 1.' college {of high-
-a, tion); 2. (H.) the Internatio-
er learning); institute {edu- nale.
cational or scientific); 2. in- HHxepHau,HOHajibH|biii [in-
stitution {established law, ternatsiAnal^'niy] a sh f hh-
custom, practice, etc). xepHauHOHaJieH, -a, -o, -bi
HHCxpyKTOp [instruktar] m international.
-a, pi -bi (-a), -OB (-6b) in- HHXHMH|biH [in^f'imnty]
structor {mainly in sports). a sh f HHXHMeH, -a, -o, -u
HHCxpyKUH^si [instruktjiya] intimate, familiar.
/ -H, -H instructions, direc- HHxpHrla [intr^iga] / -h,
tions, orders. ~ intrigue.
HHCTpyMCHT [instrum^cnt HH(l)eKUM|fl [inf^ektjiya] /
-d] m -a, -OB instrument, -H infection {a disease).
tool {also fig); implement(s). HH^JJiflUHifl [infl'^atstyaj |
iiHTejijiHreHTH|uH [in'^t^'iPi- -H econ inflation.
— 157 — ncK

HH(t)0pMauHl5! [infArma- Hmy, Hmeuib, p -aji, imp

tsiya] / -H, -H 1. information, HiuH look for, search for;
news; 2. data, information. seek {employment etc). ,

HH4)opMMp|oBaTb [infArm^i- HCKjiK)H|aTb [iskl^uch^'at^]

ravat^] perf & imperf -yio, imperf -aio, -aeiub, hckjik)-
-yeiiib, p -oBaJi, imp -yft in- HJMTb [iskl^uch^it^] perf -y,
form {acquaint with a fact). -Hiub, p
-HJI, imp -H 1. ex-
HHUHACHT [intjid^ent, -d] clude, rule out, preclude;
m -a, -OB incident, happen- 2. expel {from school, etc).
ing. HCKjiioHeHHle [iskPuch^e-
H.o. [i-6] abbrev (= HcnoJi- n^iya] n -h, -h 1. exclusion,
HHiomHH o6H3aHHOcTH) acting elimination; 2. expulsion
{for another); h.o. AHpeKTopa {from school, etc); 3. excep-
acting director. tion {to a rule).
HnnonpOM [ipAdrom] m -a, HCKjiioHHTejibHQ [iskl^uch^i-
-OB hippodrome, racecourse, t^il^na] 1 adv exceptionally;
the turf. II part exclusively, only.
HpaKCKJHH [iraksk^iy] a HCKJIK)4MTejIbH|bIH [iskPu-
-an, -oe, -He Iraqi. ch'^it^il^'niy] a sh f hckjik)-
HpaHJeu [iran^itj, -dz] m HHTeJieH, -a, -o, -bi exception-
-Ubi, -ueB Iranean. al; ~oe npaBo exclusive
HpaHCK|HH [iransk^iy] a right.
-an, -oe, -ne Iranian. HCKJIIOHHTb see HCKJlKDHaXb.
HpJiaHAleu [irlan^d^its, -dz] ucKonaeMbiH [iskApayamly]
m -na, -ues Irishman. I a fossil;
HpjiaHflCKJHH [irlansk^iy] a II as a noun h c k o n a e -

-an, -oe, -He Irish. M I

bi e pi -bix minerals.

HpoHHHecKlHH [irAu^ich^i- HCKOpeHHTb see HCKOpeUHTb.

sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He ironical. HCKOpeHJaTb [iskar^'i'^n^at'']
Hp6HH|fl [iron^iya] / -h imperf -hk), -neuib, HCKope-
irony. H|HTb [iskar^i^n^it**] perf -k>,
Hc... see H3... -Hiub, p -HJI, imp -H eradi-
HCK [isk. izg] m -a, -ob cate.
law action, lawsuit. HCKpja [iskra] / -bi, ^
HCKaMJaTb [iskAzhat^] im- spark; fig also gleam;
perf -aK), -aeuLib, ucKaslHTb <> y Hero ~bi h3 rjias no-
[iskAz^it^] perf HCKascy, -Hiiib, cbinajiHCb ^
he saw stars.
p -HJi, imp -H distort, misrep- HCKpeHH|HH [iskr^m^n^iy]
resent. a sh f HCKpeHeH, -a, -e (-o),
HCKaweHHle [iskAzhen^iya] -H (-bi) sincere, frank, can-
n -H, distortion,
-H misrep- did; unaffected.
resentation. HCKpHBjieHH|e [iskr^ivl^e-
HCKasMTb see HCKajKaxb. n^'iya] n -h, -h I. bend,
HCKiaxb [iskat''] imperf curve; 2. med curvature;
HCR 155 —
3. fig distortion {of apolitical HcnaHKaib see naqKaib.
line, etc). HcneHb see neMb I 1.
HCKyniaxb I see Kynaxb. McnoBeflloBaTb [ispAv'^eda-
HCKvn axb II [iskupat''] vat^] perf & imperf -yio,
imper'f -aio, -aeiiib, HCKynlMib -yeiub, p -OBaji, imp -yfl 1.
[iskup^it^] perf -Jiib, HCKy- confess {hear a confession);
RHLUb, p -HJi, imp -H 1. expi- 2. {no perf) profess {beliefs,
ate, atone for; 2. make up etc).
for, compensate. McnoATHiiiKa [ispat^t^ishka]
HCKynaTbCH see Kynaibcn. adv col stealthily, in an un-
HCKynHTb see HCKynaib II. derhand way; CMenxbCH --'
HCKycH|biH [iskusniy] as/i / laugh in one's sleeve.
HCKyceH, -a, -o, -bi skilful, HcnojiKOM [ispAlkom] m -a,
clever, expert. -OB ( =
HCKyccTBeHH|biH [iskus^t^- Tei) executive comrriittee/
v^mniy] a sh f HCKyccxBen, board.
-a, -0, -bi artificial. HcnojiHeHH|e [ispAln^e-
HCKyccTB|o [iskustva] n -a, n^iya] n -h 1. fulfilment,
— art {1} painting, sculp-
1. execution; 2. performance
ture, etc; 2) of medicine, war, {of a play, etc); b ~h.., per-
etc); H3o6pa3HTe.ibHbie ~a formed /
played by...; sung
fine arts; 2. skill, art, crafts- by...;
manship. <> npHBOAHTb B ~e carry
HCJiaHfljeu, [islan^dhtj, -dz] out, execute, put into effect.
m -ua, -ueB Icelander. Hcno.iHHTeji|b[ispAln^it*'il^]
HCJiaHACKJHH [islansk^iy] a m -H, pi -H, -eft 1. executor
-an, -He Iceland(ic).
-oe, {a person who does smth); 2.
HcnaHJei; [ispan^itj, -dz] m theat performer; pi cast; kto
-ua, -ues Spaniard. ~b rJiasHOH poJiH? who plays
McnaHCK|HH [ispansk^iy] a the leading part?;
-an, -oe, -He Spanish. cy^eSHbiH -~b bailiff. O
HcnapeHHJe [ispAr^en^iya] HcnojiHHTejibH|biH [ispAl-
n -H, pi -H, -H 1. evapora- n^it^il^'nty] a sh f hchojihh-
tion; 2. pi fume(s), vapour; TCJieH, -a, -o, -bi 1. executive
BpeAHbie —
H miasma. {committee, power, etc); 2.
ucnapHTbcn see HcnapHTbCH. industrious, painstaking;
Hcnap|HTbCfl [ispAr^dttja] <> ~biii jiHCT writ of execu-
Imperf -^locb, -HeiiibCH, Hcna- tion.
p|HTbc$i [ispAr^ittja] perf McnojiHHTb see HcnoJiHHib.
-K)Cb, -HUIbCa, p -HJICH, HcnojiHUTbCfl see HcnoJiH^Tb-
-H.iaCb, imp -HCb, -HTeCb 1. CH.
evaporate {become vapour); McnojiHl«Tb [ispAln^at^'l
2. fig col disappear, vanish, imperf -hk), -Heuib, Hcnoji-
evaporate. uluTb [ispoln^'it^J perf -w.

— 159 — HCT

-Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. carry Hcnyr [ispuk, -g] m -a (-y)

out, fulfil, execute; 2. theat fright, scare.
perform. Hcnyraxb see nyraxb.
HcnojiH|flTLCJi [ispAln^attja] HcnyraxbCfl see nyraxbCH.
imperf -HeTCH, HcnojiHJHTbCfl HcnbixaHMJe
,i^ [ispitan^iys]
[ispoln^ittja] -htch 1. n -H, -H
perf test, trial; 2.
be fulfilled; come true {of examination {for students)',
dreams, etc); 2. impers {of 3. test, trial, ordeal.
age, time): saBxpa MHe Hcnoji- Hcnuxaxb see Hcnbixbmaxb.
HHTCH ABaAuaxb jiex I'll be HcnbixbiBJaxb [ispltivat^]
twenty tomorrow. Imperf -aio, -aeuib, Hcnbixjaxb
Hcn6jib3|oBaTb [ispol^za- [ispitat**] perf -aio, -aemb
V9t''] perf & impsrf -yio, 1. test, put to the test, try;
-yeiiib, p -OBaJi, imp -yft use, 2. experience, feel {fear,
utilize, make use of; make pleasure, etc).
the most of; take advantage HccjicAOBaHHle [is^s^l^eda-
of; exploit, turn to (one's) van^iya] n -h, -h 1. investi-
account. gation, research; exploration
HcnopTHTb see nopxHTb. {of a country); analysis {of
HcnopTHTbca see nopTHTbCH. blood, etc); 2. paper, essay,
Hcn6pHeHH|bm [isporch^m- dissertation.
niy] a [pa] sh f Hcnopqen, HCCJieflOBaxejilb [is^s^Pe-
-a, -o, -bi 1. spoilt; rotten, davat^il''] m investi-
-h, -eft

bad, decayed; 2. vicious, gator, explorer.

spoilt {child, etc). HccjicAJOBaxb [is^s^l^eda-
HcnpaBHTb see HcnpaeJiHTb. vat^] perf & imperf -yio,
HcnpaBHTbcsi see Hcnpas- -yeuib, p -OBavX,imp -yft 1.
JIHTbCn. investigate, make a thorough
Hcnpaejij^Tb [isprAvl^at^] study of; explore; 2. med
imperf -hio, -neuib, Hcnpa- examine; analyse {blood, etc).
B|HTb [isprav^it^] perf -jifo, HCC5iK|axb [is^s^i^kat^] im-
-Hiub, p -HJI, imp -b 1. re- perf Aqt, HccnKH|yxb [is^-
pair, mend; 2. correct {a s^'aknut^] perf -ex, p hcchk,
mistake, etc); ~HTb nojio>Ke- HCCHKJia be exhausted {of
HHe improve the situation; supplies, patience, etc).
3. reform, correct {smb). HcxcKiaxb [is^f'i^kat^] im-
HcnpaBJi|nTbcn [isprAvl^a- perf -aio, -aeuib, HCx|eHb[is^-
ttsa] imperf -^locb, -neuibCH, t^ech^] perf -exy, -CMeuib, p
HcnpaB HTbcsiI
[isprav'itts9] -eK,, -CKJia, imp -ckh 1. elapse,
perf -Jiiocb, -HUJbCH, p -hjich, expire; BpeMH ~-ji6 the time
-HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb im- is up; 2.: —axb KpoBbK) bleed
prove, change for the better, profusely.
reform {of a child, criminal, HcxHHJa [is^t^ina] / -u, —
etc). truth, verity.
HCT — 160

HCTHHH|biH [is^t^innty] a HCHesjaxb [ishch^i^zat^]

sh f HCTHHCH, -a, -o, -bi Ver- imperf -aio, -aeiub, hchcs-
itable, true. HJyxb [ishch^eznuf^] perf -y,
HCTOpHK [istor^ik, -g] m -einb, p HCHea, Hcnesjia, imp
-a, -OB historian, student of -H disappear, vanish.
history. HCHepnaxb see HCMepnbiBaxb.
HCTopHMecK|HH [istAr^ich^i- HCHepnbiBJaxb [ishch^erpi-
sli^iy] a -an, -oe, -He 1. his- V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiub,
torical {science, epoch, etc); 2. HCHepn|axb [ishch^erpat'']
historic {figure, speech, etc). perf -aio, -aeuib exhaust, use
HCTopHJJi [istor^iya] / -h, up; Bonpoc Hcqepnan the
-H 1. history {of a nation, question is settled.
etc); 2. story (1) a happening; HCHepnbiBaK)iu,|HM [ishch^er-
2) a narrative, tale). piv9yush^:iy] a [pa\ -an, -ee,
HCTOHHHK [istoch^'n^ik, -g] -He exhaustive, comprehen-
m -a, -OB spring {of water); sive.
source {also fig). HxaK [itak, -g] cy denoting
HCTomjaTb [istAsh^:at^] im- conclusion, summing up thus,
perf -aio, -aeiiib, HCTOiu,iHTb so.
[istAsh'^iit^] perf -y, -Hiiib, p HxajibflHlei;[itApyan^its,
-HJi, imp -H 1. exhaust, use -dz] m -ueB Italian.
up; 2. exhaust, tire out, wear HxajibnHCKJHH [ItAPyan-
out. sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Italian.
HCTpaxHTb see xpaxHTb. H X. A. [i-te-de, itAgdaPiya]
HCTpeSHTejijb [istr^i^b^i- abbrev (=h xaK Aajiee) and
t^iP] -H, m-efl av fighter. so on, and so forth; etc (et
HCTpe6HTb see HCTpe6jiHTb. cetera).
HCTpeSjilflTb [istr^i^bl^at^] Hxor [itok, -g] m -a, -ob
imperf -hhd, -aemb, Hcxpe- sum, total; result {also fig);
6lMxb [istr^i^b^it^] perf -Jiib, <> B -~e as a result; in the end.
-Huib, p -HJI, imp -H destroy, H X. n. [i-te-pe, itAmCipA-
annihilate; exterminate. dobnaya] abbrev (=h xomv
Hcxfl3|axb [is^f^i^zaf"] im- noAofinoe) and the like; and
perf -aio, -aeiub torture. so on, and so forth.
Hcxofl [iskhot, -d]m-a out- Hx [ikh, igh] I gen & ace
come, result; of ohh; see oh;
<> 6bixb Ha ~e be coming II pron poss corresp to ohh
to an end, be nearing the end. their; theirs.
HcxloflHxb [iskhAd'^it^] im- HiuH [ish^'.i] see HCKaxb.
perf -o>Ky, -oAHiiib, p -oAHJi, Hmy [ish'^iu], Hmeuib
imp -OAH 1. issue {from), come [ish^:ish, -zh] see HCKaxb.
{from); originate {from); 2. KK)Ji\b [iyul^] m -H July.
proceed {from) {an assump- HK)Hib fiyun''] m -h June.
tion, etc). iiOA [yot, -d] m -a iodine.
^. 161 KSLH

K g], KO [ko; in the
[k, ;iio66Bb K... love of...; love
first pretonic position — k a; for . . AOBepHe k KOMy-ji.
. / to. .
. ;

in the second pretonic posi- confidence in smb, trust in

tion —
ka] prep with dat de- smb; 7. appeal, call: k h6-
noting 1. an action or move- BbiM ycnexaM! may we [you]
ment directed to, towards smb, score further successes!
smth: noAOHTH k aockc go up Ka6aH|6K [kabACh^'ok, -g]
to the black-board; come up m -Ka, -KoB vegetable marrow.
to the black-board; hath KaSejijb [kab^iP] m -h, -eft
K cTOJiy go to the table, go cable.
towards the table; npH6jiH- KaSiiHla [kAb^ina] / -bi, ^
3HTbCH K qeMy-Ji. [kkomy-ji.] booth, box; bathing-hut; ~a
approach smth [smb]; noS- rpysoBHKa [Kpana u m. n.]
TH K Bpa'iy go to the doc- box / cab of a lorry [crane,
tor, go and see the doctor; etc]; ~a JiemnKa cockpit.
o6paTHTbCH K KOMy-ji. address Ka6HHeT [kab^in^et, -dj m
smb; turn to smb {for smth); -a, -OB 1. private office;
o6paTHTbCH K Bpauy consult study (a room); 2. med con-
a doctor; take medical advice; sulting room, surgery; 3. pot
KO MHe npHiuJiH ApysbH my cabinet.
friends have come [came] to KaSjiyK [kAbluk, -g] -a, m
see me / to my place; saftxH -OB heel {of the shoe);
K KOMy-Ji. call on smb; 2. con- <> 6biTb noA ~6m y Koro-ji.
tiguity: npHCJiOHHTbCH K CTCHC col ^
be under smb's thumb.
lean against the wall; 3. ad- KaBajiepH|ji [kavAl^er^iya]
dition, joining, belonging, / -H cavalry.
etc: K OAHOMy npH6aBHTb xpn KaeuHlKH [kAvkh^k^i] pi
add three to one; npHMKHyTb -CK {sing KaebiHKla / -h) in-
K KaKOH-Ji. rpynne join a verted commas, quotation-
group, side with a group; -marks; b ~Kax in inverted
np^coeAHHHTbCH K HbeMy-Ji. commas [also see <>];
MHeHHK) subscribe to smb's <> B ~Kax so-called.
opinion; npHHaAJieJKarb k Ka- KaAp [kadr] -a, -ob shot, m
Koii-Ji. napTHH be a member sequence {in motion pictures);
of a party; A. time limit: k still {a photograph).
TpeM MacaM by three o'clock; Kaflplbi [kadri] pi -ob 1.
5. purpose: roTOBHTbCH k ne- personnel {skilled specialists
My-Ji. get ready for smth, and workers in a certain field);
prepare for smth; nepeoAexbCH noAroTOBKa --ob training of
K o6eAy change for dinner; specialists /personnel; 2. mil
6. attitude to, treatment of: cadre.
Kax 162 —
KaKAJWH [kazhdty] I pron -CK Kazakh woman; Kazakh
every, each; ~bie nHTb ahch girl.
every five days; KaseHHbiM [kAz^onniy] a 1.
II as a noun Ka»A|biH m public {property, money, etc);
-oro, -bix everyone; ot —- oro 2. fig bureaucratic, formal;
no cnoc66HOCTHM, ~0My — no 3. commonplace, trite.
ero Tpy^y from each accord- Ka3HaHe|H [kaznAch^ey] m
ing to his ability, to each -Ji, -CB treasurer; paymaster.
according to his work. KasHJHTb [kAz^n^it^] perf
KaiKycb [kAzhus^, -z^], na- & imperf -ib, -Huib,- p -hji,
KeuibCJ! [kazhashs^a] see Ka- imp
-H execute, put to death.
saxbCH. Ka3H|b [kaz^n''] / -h, -eft
KasaK [kAzak, -g] m -a, pi execution, capital punish-
-11 (-H), -OB (-ob) Cossack. ment; npHFOBOpHTb K CMCpT-
KasjaTbCH [kAzattja] 1 im- HOH ~H sentence to death.
perf Ka»<ycb, KajKeuibcn, p KaK [kak, -g] I adv inter,
-aJicH, -aJiacb, nolKasaxbcji ret & def how; ~ mhc npoHTH
[pakAzattja] perf 1. seem, Ha KpacHyio njiomaflb? how
appear, look; -^-aibCH cxpan- do J get to the Red Square?,
HUM [cMemHbiM u m. n.] seem can you tell me the way to
strange [ridiculous, etc]; 2. the Red Square?; ^ Baiue
impers: Ka>KeTCH, mto... it SAopoBbe? how are you?; —
seems that...; eiviy Ka>KeTCH, Bac 30ByT? what is your
»iTo... it seems to him that...; name? ~ sto HasbiBaexcH?
II as parenth Ka>KeTCH it what do you call it?; — na-
seems (that); KasaJiocb it 3biBaeTCH 3T0T ^^HjibM? what
seemed (that); Ka>KeTC5i, hh- is the title of the film?; ^
KTo He ono3AaJi it looks like Bbi CKasaJiH? what did you
everybody was in time; ~a- say?; ~ Bbi oTHocHxecb k
o6 3T0M it seemed (that) no- what do you think of going
body knew about it; Bce, to the cinema?; 51 3a6biji, ~
'-aJiocb, ujjio xopoiiio all 9T0 ACJiaeiCH I forget how to
seemed to be going well. do it; BOT ~ Mbi nyTemecT-
Kasax [kAzakh, -gh] m -a, BOBaJiH that's how we trav-
-08 Kazakh. elled; BOX — HaAO 9T0 CAe-
KasaxcKJHH [kAzakhsk^'iy] jiaTb that's the way to do
a -an, -oe, -He Kazakh. it; ^ xoJioAHo! how cold it
Ka3au,KiHH [kAzatjk^iy] a is!;-~ BaM He ctuaho! you
-an, -oe, -He Cossack. ought to be ashamed of your-
Ka3aM]Ka [kAzach^ka] / -kh, self!; ^ >Kajib! what a pity!;
-en Cossack woman; Cossack II part denoting 1, surprise,
girl. indignation: ~, oh eme He
KaaauilKa [kAzashka] / -kh, npHuieji? what, Ke hasn't
163 KaK

come yet?; 2. a sudden and however difficult it is, it

vigorous character of an ac- must be done; -- oh hh
tion expressed by perf: ona -~ Ao6p,... kind as he is...;
saKpHMHT! all of a sudden <> ~
6bi as if, as though;
she screamed yelled; -- 6bi He Tan! co/ not likely!,

III cj 1. denoting comparison nothing of the kind!; 6w ^

like; as; oh roBopHT, ~ pyc- TO HH 6biJio be that as it
CKHfl he speaks like a Rus- rnay; ~ KorAa it depends;
sian; roBoppo Te6e -' Apyr ~ pas just, exactly; 2)
I'm telling you this as a fit {of clothes, etc); TOJib- ^
friend; 6yAbTe ~ AOMa make Ko as soon as.
yourself at home; CHfleib ~ KaKao [kAkao] n indecl co-
Ha HFOJiKax be on pins and coa.
needles; 2. denoting manner. KaK-jiH6o [kakPiba] adv =a
OH nocTynHJi, ~ eiviy cKaaaJiH KaK-HH6yAb 1.
he did as he was told; h c^e- KaK-HH6yAb [kakn^ibut'',
jiaK) TaK, ~ H 3T0 cfleJiaJi b -d^] adv 1, somehow, in some
npoiiiJibiH pa3 I'll do it the way; 2. col anyhow, in a
way I did it last time; 3. slipshod manner; 3. col some
introducing clauses of time'. time, some day.
^ npHeAy B Omck, (xaK) KaKOB [kAkof, -v] pron pred-
saHAy K HCMy when as soon / ic -a, -6, -bi 1. inter what;
as I arrive in Omsk, I'll -^bi HOBOCTH? what is the
call on him; -~
saKOH^Hiiib, news?; ~ oh co66h? what
no3BOHH MHe give me a ring does he look like?; 2. def:
when you're through; npouiJio BOT ~bi AeJia this is how
TpH ro^a, ~
-ivibi paccxaJiHCL matters stand; 3. rel: hhtc-
three years have passed since pecHo, ~bi ero njianbi I won-
we parted; 4. used with the der what his plans are (like);
pronoun kto and a negation <> -^l col how do you like
in the sense of 'but', 'besides': Him!
He TbI? KaKJOH [kAkoy] pron -aH,
who'll do it but you?, who'll -6e, -He 1. inter & rel what;
do it besides you?, there's ~yK) raaeTy AaTb eaivi? what
nobody to do it besides you; newspaper shall I give you?;
5. introducing object clauses: ~6e ceroAHH ihcjio? what is
H BH^eJi, ~ OH Boiiieji I saw the date (today)?; h 3a6biJi,
him come in; h cJibimaji, -^ —6e ceroAHH qncjio I forget
OH neji I heard him singing; what is the date (today); 2.
6: ~OH HH cTapajicH, oh ne def {in exclamatory sentences)
Aocraji KHHrH however hard what; how; ~6h KpacHBbiH
he tried / try as he would, ropOAl what beautiful
he failed to get the book; ~ city!; ~6ii sto KpacHBbiH
HH ipyAHo, 9T0 HaAO cAeJiaxb ropoA! how beautiful the city
KaK — 164 —
is!; ~6h Bbi yMHbift! how yatj, -dz] m -Hua, -HueB Cam-
clever you. are!; 3. rel\ (la- bodian.
koh)..., -~6h... such... as...; KaMSoAJKMHCKJHH [kambA-
-O ~6h whatever. ..;~6h
hh... dzhtysk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -ne
6bi TO HM 6biJi(o) any what- Cambodian.
soever. KaMeHH|biH [kam^mnty] a
KaKiOH-jiHSo [kAkoyl'^iba] 1. stone (attr); 2. fig hard,
pron indef -a9i-Jiii6o, -6e-jm6o, stony, relentless;
•He-;iH6o=KaK6H-HH6yAb 1. <> ~oe cepAUe a heart of
KaK|6H-HH6yAb [kAkoyn^i- stone; ~biH yrojib coal.
but^, -d^] pron indef -an-HH- KaMeHiu,HK [kam^m^sh^:ik,
6yAb, -6e-HH6yAb, -He-HH6yAb -g] m -a, -ob mason, brick-
1. some, some kind of; any, layer.
any kind of {in inter or neg KaMJeHb [kam^in^] m -hh,
sentences); 2. (with numerals) pi -HH, -Heft 1. stone, rock;
col (only) about, some; ~He- TomiJibHbift —eHb whetstone;
-HH6yAb flBaAUaTb py6jieH 2. pi med stones;
some twenty roubles. <> —CHb npeTKHoeeHHfl stum-
KaK|6H-T0 [kAkoyta] pron bling-block; KpaeyrojibHbiH
indef -aa-xo, -6e-T0, -ne-TO --CHb corner-stone; np66HbiHi
1. some, a; 2. a kind of; ~eHb touchstone.
something like. KaMcpja [kam^ira] / -bi, -'
KaK-TO [kakta] I adv 1. 1. cell, chamber; ~a xpane-

indef somehow, in someway; HHH (pyHHoro) 6ara>Ka cloak-

2. of time once, one day; 3. -room {at a railway station);
inter & rel how; ~- ero npH- TiopeMHan ~a cell, ward; 2.
MyT? I wonder how they will inner tube {of an automobile
take him, I wonder what tyre); bladder {of a ball); 3.
welcome he will get; photo camera.
II as a particle {before enu- KaMnaHH|5i [kAmpan^iya] /
meration) col that is. -H, -H campaign, drive; h3-
KajieKJa [kAPeka] m Sc f SHpaxejibHaH ~-h election
-H, ~ cripple, maimed per- campaign.
son. KaM4)ap|a [kamfAra] / -bi
KajieHAapjb [kal^i^ndar^] m camphor.
-H, -efl calendar; HacTOJibHuft KaMbiui [kAmish, -zh] -a, m
~b loose-leaf calendar; oipuB- pi -H, -eft can, rush, reed.
HOH ~b tear-off calendar. KaHaBJa [kAnava] / -bi, —
KajiMTJKa [kApitka] / -kh, ditch; cTOMHaa ~a gutter.
-OK wicket {in a gate or Kanaji [kAnal] m
-a, -ob 1.
fence). canai; channel {also fig);
KajibcoHlbi [kAPsoni] pi ~ opocHTejibHbiH ~
drawers, underpants. can3l; 2. bore {of the gun
KaM6oA«Hieu [kambAdzhf- barrel).
— 165 — Kap

KaHajiH3au,H|$i [k^ngPiza- ficer);2. master, captain {of

tsiya] / -H sewerage, sewer- a ship); 3. sport captain (of
age system, a team).
Kanax [kAnat, -d] m -a^ KanHxyjiHpioeaxb [kap^itu-
-OB rope, cable. l^iravat^] perf & imperf -yio,
KaHAHAar [kan^d^idat, -d] -yeuib, p -Obaji, imp -yft ca-
m -a, -OB 1. candidate; -^ b pitulate, surrender.
MJieHbi Knee probation mem- KanHxyjiflu,H|$i [kap^ituPa-
ber of the Communist Party tsiya] / -H capitulation, sur-
of the Soviet Union; 2.: — render.
HayK Candidate of Science Kan|jifl [kapPa] / -jih, pi
(a scientific degree); — xh- -JIH, -ejib 1.drop {of liquid);
MHqeCKHX [4)HJI0JI0rH^eCKHX 2. fig col a bit, a little;
u m. n.] HayK Candidate of HH ~JIH He HcnyraxbCH not
Chemistry [Philology, etc]. to be a bit frightened; 3.
KaHAHAarypla [k8n^d^idA- med drops;
tura] / -bi, ~ candidature; <> nocjieAHjiH —jiji the last
VS candidacy. straw; noxo^H KaK abc —jih
KaHHKyjibi [kAn^ikuli] pi BOAbi as like as two peas;
KaHHKyJi vacation, holidays. ^jiH B poT He 6paxb never
KaHHTeji|b [kan^it^el^] / -h touch wine.
col tedious and long business; Kanpiis [kApr^is, -z] m -a,
waste of time. -OB whim, caprice.
KanyH [kAnun] m -a eve; KanpH3H|biH [kApr^iznty]
B -- on the eve {of). a sh f KanpHsen, -a, -o, -bi
KaHi^ejiflpH|5i [kantsi^l^a- capricious {also fig).
r^iya] / -h, -h seal and cor- KanpoH [kApron] m -a kap-
respondence office. ron {a kind of synthetic ma-
Kanjaxb [kapat^] imperf terial) .

-acT drip, dribble, fall in Kanycx|a [kApusta] / -bi

drops. cabbage(s); KHCJiafl/KBameHaH
KanHxaji [kap^'ital] m -a, ~a sauerkraut; uBexHan --a
-OB econ capital. cauliflower.
KanHxajiHSM [ksp^itAl^izm] KapaKyji|b [kArakuP] -h m
m -a capitalism. astrakhan.
KanHxajiHcxHHecKlHH [ka- KapaHAaiu [karAndash, -zh]
p^itaPis^t^ich^isk^iy] a -an, m pencil {for writing);
-a, -efl
-oe, -He capitalist(ic). UBexHOH ~
coloured pencil;
KanHxajibHbiH [kap^itaPniy] XHMHqecKHH -^ ink pencil;
a capital {repairs, construc- npocxoft ^
lead pencil.
tion, etc); ~
TpyA funda- Kapac|b [kAras^, -z^] -h, m
mental work. -efi crucian (carp).
KanHxaH [kap^itan] m -a, Kapajxb [kArat^] imperf
-OB 1. captain (a military of- -K), -euib, nojKapaxb [pakA-
Kap — 166 —
rat^] perf punish, inflict pen- KapTHHlKa [kArt^inka] /
alty on. -KH, -OK (small) picture; ne-
Kapayji [karAul] I -a, -ob m peBOAHbie ~KH transfers.
guard, watch; KapTOH [kArton] m -a paste-
II as an int help! board, cardboard.
KapayjilHTb [karAuPit^] im- KapT64)eji|b [kArtof^iP] m
perf -K), -HUJb, p -HJi, imp -h -H potatoes; potato plant.
1. guard, keep watch over; KapT04|Ka [kartach^ks] /
2. col watch for, lie in wait -KH, -CK card (a piece of pa-
for. per or thin pasteboard); (|)o-

Kap6T|a [kAr^ets] / -bi, Torpa4)HqecKaH ~Ka photo-

~ coach (a kind of carriage)', graph.
<> --a cKopoH noMOiAH am- KaprouiKla [kArtoshks] /
bulance (car). -H co/=KapT64Dejib.
KapHKarypla [kar^ikAtura] Kapbep|a [kAr^yers] / -bi
/ -bi, — caricature, cartoon. career {1) in life; 2) a profes-
KapjiHK [karl^ik, -g] m -a, sion).
-OB dwarf, pigmy. KacaJTbcfl [kAsattja] imperf
KapMaH [kArman] m -a, -ob -K)Cb, -euibCH, p -jicH, -jiacb,
pocket (m a suit, etc); imp KOCH}yTbCSl
<> 3T0 eMy He no ~y col it [kAsnuttja] perf -ycb, -embCH,
is more than he can afford. p -yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp -HCb,
KapHaBaji [karnAval] m -a, -lixecb 1. touch {with a fin-
-08 carnival. ger, etc); 2. fig touch {upon
Kapn [karp, -b] m -a, -ob a matter, etc); 3. fig concern,
carp {an edible freshwater affect, apply to; sto ero ne
fish). ~eTCH does not concern

KapTJa [karts] / -u, ~ 1. him; xe, Koro sto --excH

geog map; MopcKan ~a sea those concerned;
chart; 2. (playing-)card; ko- O HTO ~eTCfl as to, as con-
ji6;i,a pack of cards;
-~ cerns; HTO ~eTCJi MCHfl as to
<> craBHTb Ha ~y stake me, as far as I'm concern-
{one's all, etc); pacKpbiTb cboh ed.
~bi show one's hand; ero Kacc|a [kasss] / -bi, — I.
—a 6MTa his game is up. cash-box, till; pay-desk,
KapraeiHTb [kArtav^it^] im- cashier's desk; SHJieiHaH -—a
perf -jiK), -HUJb, p -Hji, imp booking-office; xeaTpajibHan
-h burr. -~a box-office; ticket-agency;
KapTMHla[kArt^ina] / -bi, 2. cash, receipts; 3.: c6epera-
'- 1. picture, painting, can- TCJibHaH —-a savings-bank;
vas; 2. fig picture; laKOBa ~a B3aHMon6Mou;H mutual
'-a such is the picture; benefit fund.
3. theat scene (a part of an KaccMp [kAs^'s^ir] m -a, -ob
act). cashier.
— 167 ^ Kan

KacTpK).Fi|fl [kAstr^uPa] / -Hxecb, noJKaxHxbCJi [pakAt^i-

-H, pan, stew-pan.
-b pot^ ttsa] perf a concrete move-
Karajior [katAlok, -g] m -a, ment in a definite direction
-OB catalogue. [cf KaxaxbCH 1] roll {of a
KaTacTp6(j)|a[katAstrofa] / ball, etc).
-bi, —catastrophe, disaster; KaxjOK [kAtok, -g] -Ka, m
»ejie3Ho;i,op6HCHaH --a rail- -KOB 1. skating-rink; 2. tech-
way accident. nol steam-roller.
KaxjaTb [kAtat^] imperf KaxyiuJKa [kAtushka] / -kh,
-aio, -aeuib [cf KaxKib] 1. roll -CK 1. reel, bobbin, spool; 2.
(smth along); wheel (a bar- electr coil, bobbin; HH;^yK^H-
row, etc); 2. take for a drive / OHHan ~Ka induction coil.
ride. KaynyK [kauch^uk, -g] m
KaxlaTbCJi [k A tattja 1 /m per/ -a (India)rubber; cHHxexHqe-
-aiocb, -aeiiibCH [cf KaxHTbCH] CKHH ~
synthetic rubber.
1. roll {of a ball, etc); 2. roll Ka4)e [kAfe] n indecl cafe,
{over and over); 3.: -— axbCH coffee-house, '— -KOH^HxepCKaH
Ha MaiiiHHe have a ride (in tea-room.
a car); —axbCH na jio^Ke Ka(|)eflpla [kaf^idra] / -bi,

boat, go boating; ^axbCH Ha — 1. rostrum, pulpit; 2. de-

KOHbKax go skating; -^axbCH partment {of law, philology,
BepxoM ride on horseback; etc, a university,
at etc);
'-axbCH Ha BeJiocHne^e bicy- chair {at a university, etc).
cle, ride on a bicycle; Kanjaxb [kAch^at^] imperf
<> KaK cbip B Macjie -—axbcsi -aio, -aemb, KaHH|yxb [kAch'*-
col ^live in clover. nut^] perf -y, -euib, p -yji,
KaxeropHHecKJHH [kat^igA- imp -H 1. rock, swing, sway;
r^'ich^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He 2. impers: JiojxKy —aex the
categorical, absolute; --hh boat is rolling (and pitching);
oxKaa flat refusal. ero —
ajio h3 cxopoHbi e cxo-
KaxeropHJH [kat^i^gdr^iya] pOHy he was reeling; 3. {no
/ -H, -ft category. perf) pump {water, etc)\
Kdxep [k^t''ir] m
-a, pi -a, <^ ~axb rojioBOH shake one's
-OB launch, motor boat. head.
Kax|iixb [kAt^it^J imperf KaHJdxbCH [kAch^'attja] im-
Kaiy, K^XHUJb, p -Hji, imp -h, perf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH, Kan-
noJKaxHxb [pakAt^it^] perf H|yxbcsi [kAch^nuttja]
a concrete action, movement -ycb, -embCH, p -yjicH, -yjiacb,
in a definite direction [cf Ka- imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1. rock,
xaxb 1] roll {smth along); swing; 2. reel, stagger.
wheel (a barrow, etc). KanejilH [kAch^el^i] pi -en
KaxjiixbCfl [kAt^ittja] im- swing {a hanging seat).
perf Ka^ycb, KaxHuibCH, p KaHecxBJo [kach^istva] n
-HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -a, ^ quality U) philos;

Ka4 168 —
2) high, low, etc); nepexojii ified, skilled, expert; — xpyA
KOJiH^iecTBa B -~-o philos tran- skilled labour.
sition from quantity to qual- KBapraji [kvArtal] m -a, -ob
ity; 1. block {in a city); 2. quar-
<> B ~e in the capacity {of). ter {of a year).
KEHHyTb see Ka^aTb 1,2. KBapTHp|a [kvArt^ira] / ^bi,
KaMHyxbcn see Ka^axbCH. ~ flat, apartment.
Kany [kAch^u] see KaiHib. KBac [kvas, -z] m -a kvass
Kanycb [kAch^us^, -z^] see {a kind of brewed soft drink).
KaTHTbCH KBepxy [kv^'erkhu] adv up,
Kauj|a [kasha] / -h, — upward(s).
(cooked) cereal, porridge, gru- KBHTaHi;H|fl [kv^itantsiya]
el; MaHHan -~a semolina; ob- / -H, -H receipt {a document);
CHHan —a oatmeal; 6ara}KHaH ~H luggage /bag-
<>- caM aaeapHJi ~y, caM h gage ticket.
pacxjie6biBaH col you made KCAp [k^edr] m -a, -ob ce-
the broth, now sup it. dar.
Kauijejib [kashal^] m -jih KeM [k^em] instr of kto.
cough. KenJKa [k^epka] / -kh, -ok
KaiujiMHyTb see KamjiHib. cap {vi sored).
KauiJijnTb [kashPat^] im- KepocMH [k^irAS^in] m -a
perf -HK), -Heuib, KauiJiJiH|yTb kerosene.
[kashp9nut^] perf -y, -eiiib, KCTJa [k^eta] / -bi Siberian
p -yji, imp -H cough; have a salmon.
cough; perf also give a cough. Ke(J)Hp [k^i^f^ir] m -a kefir
KauiHe [kAshne] n indecl {made from milk by fermenta-
muffler, scarf. tion).
KaiuraH [kAshtan] m -a, KHBJArb [k^ivat^] imperf
-OB chestnut; chestnut-tree. -aio, -aeiiJb, KHBHJyTb [k^iv-
KaK)T|a [kAyuta] / -bi, nut^] perf -y, -euib, imp -yji,
/^ naut cabin; state-room. -H 1.nod {in agreement etc); ,

Keaflpar [kvAdrat, -d] m 2. motion {with the head in

-a, -OB 1. square (a figure); some direction).
2. math the second power; KKA|aTb [k^'idat^] imperf
B03BecTH B ~ raise to the -aio, -^eiiib, KHHlyxb [k^inut^]
second power. perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -b
KBaAparHbiH [kvAdratniy] a throw, cast, fling;
square {in shape). <> -^axb )Kpe6HH cast lots.
KBajiM{j)HKauHJJi [kvaPif^i- KHAJ^Tbcti [k^id^ttja] im-
katsiy.9] / -H, -H qualifica- perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, kh-
tion, skill; npoHSBOACTBeHHaH H|yTbCJi [k^inuttja] perf -ycb,
~fi professional skill. -eiubcfi, p -yjicH, -yjiacb, imp
KBajIH4}HUHpOBaHHbIH [kV9- -bCH, -bxecb 1. {no perf):
l^if^itj+ravannty] a [pa\ qual-, ---aTfaCJi HCM-Ji. throw /fling/
169 — KHUI

shy smth {stones, smb); imp -H, BciKHnflTtiTb [fsk^i-

etc, at
2. throw /fling oneself {at pMn^ft^J perf boil {water,
smb, on smb's neck, etc); etc).
-~aTbCH H3 CTOpOHbl B CTOpO- KHHJlTlHTbCH [k^ip'i^t^l-
Hy rush from side to side; ttsa] imperf KHnaqycb, -Huib-
--aTbCH B peKy plunge into CH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, imp -HCb,
the river; KHHyTbCH 6eH<aTb -HTecb 1. boil {of water, etc);
rush off; KHHyTbCH KOMy-Ji. 2. fig col get excited.
Ha noMomb rush to smb's aid. KHnflT|6K [k^ip^i^tok, -g]
KHJiorp^MM [k^ilAgram] m m
-Ka boiling water.
-a, -03 kilogram(me). KHprH3 [k^irg^is, -z] -a, m
KHJioMCTp [k^ilAm^etr] m
-OB Kirghiz.
-a, -OB kilometre. KHprHscKJHJi [k^irg^issk^iy]
KHJibK|a [k^iPka] / -h, pi a -an, -oe, -He Kirghiz.
-H, KHJieK sprat; pi spiced KHpnH4 [k^'irp^ich'', -j^] m
sprats {tinned). -a, -eft brick {used in build-
KHHO [k^ino] n Indecl 1. ing, etc).
cinema, picture palace; 2. cin- KHcejijb [k^is^eP] -h m
ema, motion pictures; 3By- kissel, thin jelly.
KOBoe -— sound-films. KHCjiopofl [k^isUrot, -d} m
KHHO... first element of -a oxygen.
compounds pertaining to 'cin- KHCJioTJa [k^isUta] / -w,
ema Vmotion pictures', 'films': KHCJioT 1. sourness, acidity;
KHHO(})ecTHBaJib [k^inaPis^t^l- 2. chem acid.
vaP] film festival; KHHOce- KHCji|biH [k^isliy] a sh f
aHC [k^lnas'^i^ans, -z] (cine- KHceji, -a, -o, -bi acid, sour
ma) show. {also fig).
KHHyTb see KH^aTb. KHCT|b[k^is^t^, -z^d^] f -H,
KHHyTbCfi see KHAaTbCH 2. pi -H, -eft 1. hand {of the
KHOCK [k^iosk, -zg] -a, m arm); 2. bot cluster, bunch
-03 stall, stand, booth, kiosk; {of grapes, etc); 3. brush
raseTHbiH ~ news-stand. {used in painting); 4. tassel.
KHn|eTb [k^ip^et^] imperf KHT [k^it, -d] -a,m -6b
-nib, -Hiub, p -eji, imp -h whale.
seethe, boil {also fig); kh- KHTilei; [k^'itaygts, -dz] m
nexb 3ji66oH boil with hatred; -Hua, -HueB Chinese.
pa66Ta ^ht work is in KHTaHCK|HH [k^itaysk^iy] a
full swing. -an, -oe, -He Chinese.
KHnpHOT [k^ipr^idt, -d] m KHTaflHlKa [k^itAyanka] /
-a, -OB Cypriot. -KH, -OK Chinese woman;
KHnpcKJHH [k^iprsk^iy] a Chinese girl.
-an, -oe, -He Cyprian. KHUieHHHK [k^'ishech^n^ik,
KHnflTJHTb [k^ip^i^t'it^] -g] m -a, -ob anat bo.vels,
imperf KHnnqy, -Huib, p -h;i, intestines.
KHIU 170 —

KHuilKa [k^ishka] / -kh, base oneself on smth; ~CTb

-OK 1. anat gut intestine; flHua lay eggs.
2. hose {for water). KjieBajTb [kPi^vat**] im-
KjiaA^Hiuje [kladb^isli^'.a] perf KJIIOK), KJHOeUIb, p -Jl,
n -a, -- cemetery, grave- imp KJiioH, KJiK)H|yTb [kl^u-
yard. nuf*] perf -y, -euib, p -yji,
[kladAvaya] /
KJiaAOB[afl imp -h 1. peak; 2. bite {of
-OH, -bix pantry;
larder, fish);
store-room, lumber-room. <> ~Tb HocoM col nod, be
KJiaHJHTbCfl [klan^attjg] im- drowsy; y Hero flener nypw
perf -HKDCb, -HeuibCJi, noKJio-- He KJiK)K)T col ^
he is rolling
HJHTbcsi [pakUn^ittja] perf in money,
-K)Cb, nOKJTOHHUIbCH, p -HJICH, KJiCBcp [kl^ev^ir] -a, pi m
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1. -a, -6b clover.
bow {in respect, recognition, KJieBeTJa [kPiv^i^ta] / -m
etc); 2. send one's respects / slander, calumny, libel,
compliments; ^-HHTecb hm KJieBexalxb [kPiv'^i^tat^J
OT MCHH remember me to imperf KjieBemy, KjieBemeiiib,
them. p -JI, imp KJiesemH, HaiKJie-
KJianaH [klapan] m -a, -ob Bexaxb [nakl^iv^i^tat^] perf
1. 'technol, anat valve; 2. flap slander, calumniate,
{of a pocket). KjieeHJKa [kPi^yonka] f
Kjiacc [klas, -z] m -a, -ob -KH, -OK oilcloth.
1. class {1) a group, divi- K.iielHXb [kl^'eif] imperf
sion, etc; 2) a social group); -K), -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp -ft glue;
2. class-room. paste.
KjiaccHHecK|Hfl [klAs^ich^i- KJielfl [kPey] m -a (-ra)
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He clas- glue; paste {for sticking to-
sic(al). gether).
KJiaccoBbiH [klass9viy] a KJieHMJHxb [kl'i^ym^it*']
class {consciousness, struggle, imperf -Jiib, -HUJb, p -hji, imp
differences, etc), -H, sa'.KJieHMHXb
KJialcTb [klas^'t^] imperf perf 1. stamp, mark,

-fly, -fleujb, p -ji, Kjiajia, imp brand; 2. fig brand, stigma-

-flH, nojioKlMTb [palAzhtt**] tize.
perf -y, nojioHcnmb, p -hji, kjichmIo [kl*'i^ym6] n -a,
imp -H 1. place;
put, lay, pi KjieftMa, '-, KJieHMaM
•~cTb Ha MecTO put in place; stamp, mark, brand; 4)a6-
--CTb HTO-ji. ce6e Ha xapejiKy pHMHoe —6 trade mark.
help oneself to smth {at ta- Kjien [kPon] m -a, -ob
ble); —
CTb Hory Ha Hory cross maple(-treeV
one's legs; 2. lay {bricks, KJiexJKa [Kl^'etka] / -kh, -ok
the foundation, etc); 1. cage {for birds and ani-
<> ~CTb HTO-Jl. B OCHOSy mals); 2 check {on cloth);
— 171 — KHO

square {on paper); 3. biol KjiibKB|a [kPukva] / -u

cell. cranberry.
KJi6m|H [kl^esh^:i] pi -eft KJiioHyTb see KjiesaTb.
technol pincers, nippers, tongs. KJiioH I [kl^uch^, -j^] m
KJiHeHT [kPient, -d] -a, m -a, -eft 1. key {to a lock);
-OB client, customer. 2. fig key, clue; 3. technol
KJiu3M|a [kl^izma] / -u, span;ier, wrench.
~ enema, clyster. KJiK)H II [kPuch^, -j^] m
KJiHMax [kl^imat, -d] m -a -a, spring {of water);

climate. <> fiiTb —OM spout, jet.

KjiHH [kPin] m -a, pi -lh, KJiKJK) [kPuyu], Kjiioeiiib
-beB wedge; [kPuy6sh, -zh] see KJieBaib.
<> ~~0M BblUlHdaiOT ^ KJi«Kc|a [kPaksa] / -bi, ~
like cures like. blot (of ink).
KJiHHHK|a [kl^in^ika] / -h, KjiH|cTbCH [kPastjg] im-
'- clinic, hospital. perf -Hycb, -HeuibCH, p -ncn,
KJion [klop, -b] m -a, -6b -jiacb, imp -HHCb, -HHiecb,
(bed-)bug. noiKJiflCTbcsi [pAkl^^st§9] perf
KJioyH [kl6un] m -a, -ob swear, vow; —
cibCH b sep-
clown. HOCTH vow fidelity.
kjio4|6k [klAch^ok, -g] m KJiflTB|a [kPatva] / -bi,

-Ka, -KOB 1. scrap {of paper, ^ vow, oath; jiomaasi ~a

etc); 2. patch
{of land). perjury.
KJiyS [klup, -b]
I -a, pi m KHHrja [kn^iga] / -h, —
-bi, -OB puff {of smoke); cloud book
a literary, scientific, {1)
{of dust). etc, work; 2) a part of such;
KJiy6 II [klup, -b] m -a, 3) for keeping accounts, re-
pi -bi, -OB club {1) an organ- cords, etc); dyxrajiTepcKaH
ization; 2) the premises of -—a ledger.
such). KHHKJKa [kn^ishka] / -kh,
KJiy6HHK|a [klubn^ika] / -h -CK book {1) a literary, sci-
garden strawberry. entific, etc, work; for 2)
Kjiy6|6K [klubok, -g] -Ka, m notes, records, etc; 3) of bus,
-KOB 1. ball {of thread or sanHCHan --Ka
etc, tickets);
yarn); 2. fig tangle; notebook, diary; HjieHCKan
<> ceepHyTbca ~k6m roll — Ka membership card.
oneself up into a ball. KUHMHuPi [kn^izhniy] a 1.
KJiyM6|a [klumba] / -bi, book {attr); — nepenJiex
-- (flower)bed. book-cover; 2. bookish, ab-
KJibiK [kllk, -g] m -a, -6b t. stract.
canine (tooth); 2. fang; tusk. KHM3y [kn^izu] adv down,
KJiiOB [kPuf, -v] m -a, -ob downward(s).
beak, bill. KHdn'iKa [kn6pka]/-KH, -ok
Kjiioft [kPuy] see KJiesaTb. 1. drawing-pin; US thumb
KHy — 172 —
-tack; 2. press-stud; US KOFAa-TO[kAgdata] adv
snap-fastener; 3. electr but- 1. once,one time, for-
ton; merly; 2. in the future; -^
<> HajKaxb (he) Bce — kh col OH eme npHAex! but when will
pull the wires. he come!, it'll be a long time
KHyr [knut, -d] m -a, -6b before he comes!
whip, lash. Koro [kAvo] ace & gen of

Ko see K, KTO.
KoSypja [kabura] / -u, ko- KorjOTb [kogat^, -d^] m -th,
6yp holster. pi -TH, -reft claw, talon;
KOB^pHjbifi [kAvarnty] ash <> noKasbiBaTb cboh ~th s
f KOBapeH, -a, -o, -bi insidi- show one's teeth.
ous, perfidious, crafty. KOAeKc [kodeks, -gz] m -a,
KOBa|Tb [kAvat^] imperf -OB code {!) of laws; 2) of
KyK), Kyeiiib, p -Ji, imp Kyft, rules, principles, etc).
noAiKOBaTb [patkAvat^] perf Koe-rAe [koyagd^e] adv here
1. {no perf) forge {also fig); and there.
2.: -~Tb jiomaAb shoe a horse; Koe-KaK [koyakak, -g] adv
<0> Kyft »ejie30, noKa ropHHO 1. carelessly, anyhow; 2. with
prov strike while the iron is difficulty.
hot. Koe-KaKloH [koyakAkoy]
KOBlep [kAv^or] m -pa, pron indef -an, -6e, -rie 1.
-poB carpet, rug. some, certain; 2. some, a
KOBiu [kofsh, -vzh] m -a, little; pi also a few.
-eft 1. dipper, ladle; 2. tech- Koe-KJTO [koyakto] pron
nol scoop, bucket. indef -oro, -OMy, -oro, -cm,
KorAa [kAgda]adv 1. in-
I Koe KOM some people;
ter & rel when; ~
oh npH- somebody.
flCT? when will he come?; Koe-KyAa [koyakuda] adv
H He 3H§K), — OH npHACT somewhere, to some place.
I don't know when he will koc-hIto [koyashto] pron
come; 2.: — b "cySfiory, ~ indef -ero, -eiviy, -to, -eM, Koe
B BOCKpeceHbe sometimes on o qe.M something; a little.
Saturday, sometimes on Sun- K6«|a [kozha] / -h, --
day; 1. skin {of the body, fruit,
II cj of time when; as; while; etc); 2. leather;
O — 6bi HH whenever; ~ 6bi O --a na KOCTH col a bag ^
Bbi HH no3BOHHJiH... whenever of bones; hs ~h boh jiesxb
you rang me up...; ecTb ~! col ^
lay oneself out.
col no time for it! KowaHbiH [kozhaniy] a
Korfla-jiH6o [kAgdaPiba], leather.
KOFAa-HHSyflb [kAgdan^ibut'', Kosja [kAza] / -b'l, pi kosh,.
-d''] adv some time, some — , KosaM goat {an animal}i
day; ever {in inter sentences). she-goat.
— 173 — KOJl

Kosjeji [kAz^6l] m
-Jia, -jiob KOJl I
en [kaPi'^ya] / -en, -eft
he-goat; 1. rut; 2. (railway) track;

<C> ~eji oxnymeHHJi co/ scape- <> BOHTH B ~eK) settle down;
goat. BbiSHTb H3 ~eH unsettle
KoflKJa [koylo] / -h, kock {make smb insecure or uncer-
1. cot, bunk, berth; 2. bed tain) .

{in hospital). KOJiHHecTB|o [kAPicH'istva]

KOKJiibui [kAkPush, -zh] m n -a quantity, amount; (the)
-a (w)hooping-cough. number.
KOKC [koks, -gz] m -a coke. KOJijierHajibH|biH [kal^ig^i-
K0Ji6ac|a [k^lbAs5] / -m, pi arniy] a sH f KOJiJierndJieH,
K0Ji6acbi, K0Ji6ac, K0Ji6acaM a, -o, -bi collegiate, joint;
sausage; BapeHan [Kon^eHaH] —oe pyKOBOACTBO collective
~a boiled [smoked] sausage; leadership.
JiHeepnaH ~a pluck sausage. KOJiJierH|fl [kAl^eg^'iya] /
K0Jie6aHH|e [kal^i^ban^iya] -H, -ft board {of a ministry);
n -H, -H 1. oscillation, vi- ^n aABOKaxoB College of
bration; ^e MaHTHHKa swing Barristers.
of the pendulum; 2. fluctua- KOJiJicKTHB [kal^i^kt^if, -v]
tion {of temperature, prices, m -a, -OB collective, body;
etc)', 3. hesitation, wavering; group {of performers); CTyAOH-
6e3 ~H unhesitatingly, with- qecKHH — student body.
out hesitation. KOJiJiCKTHBRbift [kal^i^kt^iv-
KOJieSjaTbCJi [kaPi^battja] niy] a collective, joint; -'
imperf KOJie6,niocb , K0Jie6- AoroBOp collective agreement.
jieuibCH, p -ajiCH, -ajiacb KOJiJieKUH|ji [kAp^ktjtya]
1. oscillate, vibrate, vacillate; -H, -ft collection {of paintings,
2. fluctuate {of temperature, etc).
prices, etc); 3. hesitate, wa- KOJioAleu [kAlod^its, dz] m
ver; He K0Jie6jiHCb without -ua, -ueB well, draw-well;
hesitation, unhesitatingly. maxTHbift -— eii. pit, shaft.
KOJieH|o [kAl^^na] n -a, pi KOJiOKOJi [kolakal] -a, pi m
-H, -eft 1. knee; cTaib na '-h -^, -OB bell {of a church, etc).
kneel; no ~o knee-deep; KOJiOK6jib4HK [kalAk61^-
2. pl\ MaTb c pe6eHK0M Ha ch^ik, -g] m
-a, -ob 1. hand-
~5ix mother with a child in bell, bell; 2. bot bluebell.
her lap; 3. {pi -bH, -bee) KOJioHHin [kAlon^lya] / -h,
Jechnol elbow; -ft i. colony; 2. settlement,
<)v M6pe no --G col ^ devil- community.
-may-care attitude, K0Ji6HH|a [kAlona] / -bi, -^
Kojiec|6 [kal^i^so] n -a, pi 1. archit column, pillar; 2
KOJieca, KOJiec, KOJiecaM wheel column {of demonstrators, etc).
{of a cart, etc); MaxoBoe ^6 KOJioc [kolas, -z] m -a, pi
fly-wheel. Kajiocbfl, KOJiocbeB bot ear.
KOJI 174 —
KOjijoTb I [kAlot*'] imperf KOM II [kom] pr of kto.
'K>, KOJieiub, p -oji, imp -h KOManjlla [kAmands] / -bi,
1. prick, stab; 2. impers: ~ 1. command, order; 2. m//
y Hero KOJiex b 6oKy he has party, detachment, crew;
a stitching pain in the side; 3. (ship's) crew, company;
-<^ npaBAa rjiasa kojict prov 4. sport team.
^ home truths are hard to KOMaHflHp [kamAn^d^ir] m
swallow. -a, -OB 1. commander; 2. mil
koji)6Tb II [kAlot^] imperf commander, commanding of-
-ib, Kojieiiib, p -OJI, imp -h, ficer; captain; leader.
pacjKojiOTb [rasKAlot''] perf KOMaHflMpoelKa [kaman^d^i-
break, chop (wood); crack rofka] / -KH, -OK mission,
(nuts). business trip.
KOJiyMSHJeu [kalumb^iyatj, KOMaHAloeaTb [kAmanda-
-4z] m -Hua, -HueB Colui;n- vat''] imperf -yK), -yeuib, p
bian. -OBaJi, imp -yfl 1. give or-
KOjiyMSHHCKlHH [kslumb^iy- ders, command, order; 2. be
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Co- in command {of); 3. fig col
lumbian. order about, boss.
KOJixos [kAlkhos, -z] m -a, KOM^p [kAmar] m -a, -6b
-08 collective farm. gnat, mosquito.
KOJix63HHK [kAlkhoz^n^ik, K0M6aHH [kAmbayn] m -a,
-g] m -a, -oe collective farm- -OB combine {in farming or
er (a member of a collective mining).
farm). KOMSaMHep [kAmbayn^ir] m
KOJixosHbiH [kAJkhozniy] a -a, -OB combine operator {in
collective farm (attr). farming).
K0jibi;|6 [kAPtjo] n -a, pi KOMSHHar [kamb^inat, -d]
KOJibua, Kojieu, KOJibuaM 1. m -a, -OB 1, works, plant;
ring (a circle); o6pyqaJibHoe group — 6bi-
of enterprises;
--6 engagement ring, wed- TOBoro o6cjiy>KHBaHHH com-
ding-ring; 2. fig ring {of en- bined service shop, every-
circlement, etc). -day service centre; 2. train-
kojik)h|hh [kAl^uch^iy] a ing centre.
-aH, -ee, -ne, sh f ^, -a, -e, K0M6HHau,Hlji [kamb^'ina-
-H 1. prickly, thorny; aH — tsiya] / -H, -H 1. combina-
npOBOJioKa barbed wire; 2. fig tion; 2. (underwear) slip; com-
biting. binations.
KOJiac|Ka [kAl^iska] / -kh, K0M6jiHlfl [kAm^ed^iya] /
-OK 1. carriage {a horse-drawn -H, -H comedy {also fig);
vehicle); 2. perambulator, ba- <> pasbirpweaTb ~k) play the
by carriage. fool.
KOM I [kom] m
-a, pi -bH, KOMeHAaHT [kam^i^ndant,
•bee lump, clod {of earth). -d] m -a, -OB 1. commandant;
175 —
2. superintendent, official in -H, 5H 1. company (1) of peo-
ciiarge of quarters. ple; 2) companionship); bo-
KOMHccHOHHbiH [k^m^is^ion- AHTb — K) c KeM-Ji. col asso-
niy] I a comrnission (attr); ciate with smb; 2. company,
— ' MarasHH commission sfiop firm.
(selling second-hand goods on KOMnapTH|n [kompart^iya]
commission); / -H, -H ( =
II as a noun komhcchoh- napTHH) Communist Party.
H|bie pi -bix commission K6Mnac [k6mpas, -z] m -a,
{a payment made to smb for -OB compass {for showing di-
selling goods, etc). rection).
KOMMccHJfl [kAm^is^iya] / KOMneHcai^HJH [kamp^i^nsa-
-H, commission, com-
-H 1. tsiya] / -H, -H compensa-
mittee, board; 2.: 6paTb na tion.
— K) take on commission. KOMneKCHploeaTb [kam-
komht6t [kam^if'et, -d] m p^i^n^s^iravat^] perf & im-
-a, -OB committee, board. perf -yio, -yeuib, p -oBaji,
KOMM^pHccK uPi [kAm^er-
imp compensate, make
ch^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He com- up for; indemnify for.
mercial. KOMnjiCKT [kAmpl^ekt, -gd]
KOMMyHJa [kAmuna] / -bi, m -a, -OB complete set.
— commune. KOMnjiHMeHT [kampPim^ent,
KOMMyHajibHJbiH [kamun^l^- -d] m -a, -OB compliment.
n*yl a municipal; communal; KOMnosHTop [ka'mpAz^itar]
--bie npeAnpHHTHH municipal m -a, -OB composer.
services; — bie ycjiyrH public KOMnoT [kAmpot, -d] m -a,
utilities. -OB stewed fruit.
KOMMyHH3M [kamun^izmj m KOMnpecc [kAmpr^es, -z] m
-a communism. -a, -OB compress.
KOMMyHHCT [kamun^ist, -zd] KOMnpoMeTMp|oBaTb [kam-
m -a, communist.
-OB pram^i'-'t^'iravat'] imperf -yio,
KOMMyHHCTHHecKJHH [kamu- -yemb, p -oBaji, imp -yfl,
a -an, -oe,
n^is^'t^'ich^isk^iy] c'lKOMnpoMeTHpoeaTb [skam-
-He communist; --an napTHH pram^'i^t^iravat'] perf com-
Communist Party, promise (a person).
KOMMyraTop [kamutatar] m KOMnpoMHcc[kamprAm^is,
-a, -OB electr switchboard; -z] m compromise;
-a, -OB
commutator, HATH Ha ~ compromise,
KOMHarla [komnata] / -bi, make a compromise.
~ room {in a house, etc); KOMcoMOJi [kamsAmol] m -a
BaHHan ~a bath-room. (=BceCOl63HbIH JleRHHCKHii
KOMOA [kAmot, -d] m -a, -ob K0MMyHHCTH4eCKHft C0K)3 Mo-
chest of drawers. jioAejKH) Komsomol, Young
KOMnaHHJfl [kAmpan^'iya] / Commurtist League.
KOM — 176

KOMCoMOJileu o AByx —uax a two-edged

l^its, -d^] m -bua, -bueemem- weapon.
ber of the Komsomol, mem- KOHeHHO [kAn^eshna] par-
ber of the Young Communist enth & part of course, cer-
League, YCL'er. tainly, sure(ly); j^al —of
K0MCOM6jibCK|HH [kamsA- course!, you betl; Hex! ~
mol^sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He certainly not!, no fear!
Komsomol {attr). koh6hhoct1h [kAn^ech^'nas^-
KOMy [kAmu] dat of kto. t^i] pi -eft {sing KOH^HHocTlb
KGHBefiep [kAnv^§y9il m -a, / -h) anat extremities.
OB technol conveyor, produc- KOH^MHlbifl [kAn^ech^niy] a
tion line. sh f KOH^qen, -a, -o, -bi 1. fi-
KOHBepr [kAn^v^'ert, -d] m nal, last; ~aH cxanuHH ter-
-a, -OB envelope {for letters), minal, terminus; 2. ultimate,
KOHrojiesleu, [kengAl^ez^itj, eventual;
-d?] m -ua, -ueB Congo- <> B --0M HTore in the end.
lese, KOHKp^THJbiii [kAnkr^etniy]
KOHrojie3CK)HH [ksngAl^es- a sh f KOHKpereH, -a, -o, -bi
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, »He Congo- concrete, specific.
lesct KOHKypeHUHiH [kankur^'en-
KOHrpecc [kAngr^es, -z] m tjiya] / -H competition {busi-
-a, -OB congress, ness rivalry).
KOHflMTepCK|HH [kAn^d''!- KOHKypHploBaxb [kankur^i-
t^irsk^iy] I a -aH, -oe, -He: ravat''] imperf -yio, -yeuib, p
--HH Mara3HH=K0HAHTepcKaH; -OBaji, imp -yft compete {in
II as a noun KOHAHTep- trade, etc); vie {in some qual-
ck| aH / -OH, -HX confection- ity).
er's, pastry-cook's^ KOHKypc [kdnkurs, -z] m -a,
KOHflyKTop [kAnduktsrj m -OB competition {for a posi-
-a, pi -a, -OB conductor {on tion, prize, etc).
a tram, train, etc). KOHHbiH [konnty] a 1. horse
KOHlen [kAn^etj, -dz] m -ua, {attr),equestrian; 2. mount-
-iioB 1. end {of a rope, book, ed {army, police); 3. horse-
winter, etc); 2. distance^ way -drawn;
{from one place to another)] <> ~ saBOfl stud farm.
B 66a ~ua there and back; KOHonjilH [kanApl^'a] / -i5
both ways; 3. fig death, end; bot hemp.
O 6e3 ~u,a endless, without KOHcepBaropMlfl [kans^irvA-
end; ao -~ni to the end; tor^'iya] / -h, -h conserva-
B ~ue ~u6b in the end; toire.
CBOAMTb ~UbI C -~U,aMH COl KOHcepBlfai [kAn^s^ervi] 'pi
make both ends meet; Ha -OB tinned / canned food;
xyflofl ~eu. col if the worst oBomubie -~bi canned vege-
comes to the worst; najiKa tal) k.s.
— 177 — KOH

KOHcncKT [kAnsp^'ekt, -gd] r^iVAl^utslya] counter-revolu-

m -a, -OB summary, synop- tion.
sis, abstract; notes {of a lec- K0HTpa6aHfl{a [kantrAban-
ture). da] /-bi 1. smuggling; 2. smug-
KOHCTHTyu,H|fl [lonst^itu- gled goods.
tsiya] / -H, -H constitution KOHTpaKT [kAntrakt, -gd]
(i) pol; 2) physical make-up). m -a, -OB contract, agree-
KOHCTpyKUHJin [kAnstruk- ment.
tsiya] / -H, -H 1. design {the KOHTpojiep [kantrAl^or] m
relation of parts of a ma- -a, -OB controller, comptrol-
chine); 2. construction, struc- ler; ticket-collector.
ture. K0HTp6ji|b [kAntrol^] -h m
KOHcyji [konsul] m
-a, -ob control {1) supervision;
consul. 2) power, authority; 3) means
KOHcyjibCTBlo [konsuPstva] of suoh); 3T0 He noflAaerca
n -a, ~ consulate. --K) it is impossible to ver-
KOHcy.ibTau,H|ji [kansuPta- ify it; OTAeji TexHHqecKoro
tsiya] / -H, -H 1. consulta- —H checking department.
tion, advice; 2. consultation K0HTy3H|ji [kAntuz^iya] /
office;HceHCKan —h materni- -H, -H confusion, shell-shock,
ty centre. concussion.
KOHcyjibTHploeaTbCH [kan- K0H4)epeHUH)H [kanf^i^r^en-
sul^t^iravattja] imperf -yiocb, t§*y9] / -H, -H conference
-yeiubCH, p -oeajiCH, -OBajiacb, {a formal meeting).
imp -yftcH, -yflxecb, npOiKOH- K0H4)eT|a [kAnf'eta] / -bi,
cyjibTHpoeaTbCfl [prakansul^- ~ sweet, sweetmeat; US can-
t^iravattsa] perf consult dy.
{smb)\ consult together. KOH4)HCK|oBaTb [kanf^iskA-
KOHxaKT [kAntakt, -gd] m vat^] perf & imperf -yio,
-a, -03 contact {also fig). -yeiiib, p -OBaji, imp -yfl con-
KOHTHHCHT [kstt^t^in^ent, fiscate, seize.
-d] m -a, -OB continent, KOH^jiHKT [kAnfPikt, -gd]
mainland. m -a, -OB conflict.
KOHTHHCHTdjibHbiH [kan^t^i- K0H(j)y3lHTbCfl [kAnfuz^ittsa]
n^i^ntaPniy] a continental. imperf K0H4)y}Kycb, -HUibCH,
KOHTOpja [kAntora] / -bi, -~ p -HjiCH, -HJiacb, imp -bCH,
office, bureau; ~a cbhsh -bxecb, ciKOH4)y3HTbCfl [skAn-
post-office. fuz^ittja] perf be embarrass-
KOHTp... first element of ed, be shy; become embar-
compounds denoting opposi- rassed, become shy.
tion to what is expressed by KOHi^eHTpHploBaTb [kan-
the second element: KOHTpMe- tsi^ntr^fravat^] imperf -yio,
pbi [kontrm^eri] counter-meas- -yeuib, p -OBa;i, imp -yfi,
ures; KOHTppeBOjiKDUHH [kontr- ciKOHi^eHTpHpoeaTb [skan-
KOH 178

tst^ntr^'iravat^l perf concen- ~H consumers* co-operative

trate; mil also mass. societies.
KOHuepT [kAntsert, -d] m KonjaTb [kApat^] imperf
-a, -OB 1. concert; 2. concerto. -aK), -aeuib 1. dig (a hole,
KoHHJaTb [kAn^ch^at^] itn- etc); 2. dig out {potatoes, etc).
perf -aio, K6HH|HTb
-aeiub, KoneMK)a [kAp'^eyka] / -h,
[kon^ch^'it^] perf -y, -huib, p KoneeK copeck {the hun-
-HJi 1. end, finish; 2. grad- dredth part of the rouble).
uate from {an educational es- KonHjilKa [kAp^ilka] / -kh,
tablishment); finish (school). -OK money-box.
KOHH|aTbCfl [kAn^ch^dt1^9] KonHp|oBaTb [kAp^iravat^]
imperf -aeicji, kohhIhtbcsi imperf -yio, -yemb, p -osaji,
[kon^ch^ittja] perf -htch, p imp -yft, ciKonHpoBaTb [skA-
-HJiCH, end, finish,
-HJiacb p'^fravat^] 'perf copy, imitate
come to an end, terminate; {also fig).
imperf also be drawing to a Kon|HTb[kAp^it^] imperf
close. KonHiub, p -Hji, imp -ft,

KOHHHTb see KOH^aTb. HaJKonHTb [nakAp^it^] perf

KOHHHTbCH See KOHMaXbCJI. accumulate, amass, hoard;
KOH|b [kon^] m -H, pi kohh, HaKOUHTb onbiT gain experi-
-eft, -HM 1. horse [an animal); ence.
2. knight;
chess 3. sport KonHJJi [kop^iya] / -h, -ft
vaulting horse; 1. copy, replica, duplicate;
<> flapCHOMy ~H) B 3y6bi He 2. col image.
cMOTpax prov never look a KonHJa [kApna]/ -b'l, pi
gift horse in the mouth. KonHbi, KOneH, -aM shock,
KOHbK|H [kAn^k^i] pi -6b stook; --a cena (hay)cock.
{sing KOHJeK m
-bKa) skates. Konoilb [kopat^, -d^] / -h
KOHbKoSeJKleu [kan^kAb^e- soot, lampblack.
zh9t§, -4?1 f^ -na» -ueB skat- KonT|HTb [kApt^it^] imperf
er. Konny, -ftmb, p -hji, imp -ft
KOHb«K [kAn^yak, -g] m -a 1. smoke, cure in smoke;
(-y) cognac, brandy. 2. smoke {of an oil lamp,
kohk)iii|hh [kAn*ushn*'a] / etc).
-HH, -eH stable, mews. KonHeHUH [kApch^only] a
KOonepaTHB [kAAp^irAt^if, smoked, smoke-dried, cured,
-v] m
-a, -OB 1. co-operative kippered.
society, co-operative; 2. col Kop|a [kAra^ / -bi 1, bark
co-operative store. {of a tree); 2. crust {of the
KoonepauH|« [kAAp^'i^ra- earth, etc);
tstya] / -H, -ft 1. co-opera- <> ^a
rojiOBHoro Mosra anat
tion, collaboration; 2. co-op- cortex.
eration, association; co-opera- Kopa6jilb [kArabl''] m -h,
tive system; noTpeCHTejibCKan -eft ship, vessel;
— 179 — KOp

<> cwHraTb CBOH ~H burn perft noiKopMHrb [pakArmMt^]

one's boats. perf 1, feed {a baby, a horse,
KOpajiji [kAral] m -a, -ob etc); 3Aecb xopomo KopMHT
coral. the fare /food is good here;
Kope|ei; [kAr^'eyats, -dz] m 2. {no perf) fig keep, support,
-Hua, -HueB Korean. provide for;
KOpeHCK|HH [kAr^eysk^iy] a <> ~HTb
o6eii;aHHflMH col
-an, -oe, -He Korean. feed with promises.
KopcHHloH [kar^i^nnoy] a Kop66|Ka [kAropka] / -kh,
1. native, aboriginal, indig- •OK 1. box {of or for matches,

enous; 2. radical, fundamen- etc); 2.: — Ka sa^hhh frame

tal; -^bie HHTepecbi vital in- (of a building)!
terests; <> ~Ka CKOpocT^H technol
<> ~6fi 3y6 molar. gear-box; Hepennaa — na
KopleHb [kor^m^] m -hh, pi cranium.
-HH, -Heft, -HHM root (1) of a KopoBJa [kAr6va] / -bi^ -^
plant, etc\ 2) of some matter, cow; AOHHan —a milch cow
trouble, etc\ 3) math & ling); {also fig).
<;> B —He radically; basical* Kop6ji|b [kArol^] m -h, -eS
ly; yHHHTOJKHTb B ~He erad- king.
icate, uproot; Jiec na ~hk) Koponla [kArona] f -hi, ^ '

standing timber; CMOTpexb b crown {of a monarch).

'—eHb get at the root. KopoHlKa [kAronka] / >-kh,
K0p3HH|a [kArz^ina] / -u, -OK crown {for a tooth).
~ basket. KopoTKJHH [kArotk^iy] a
KopHA6p (ksr^'idor] m -a, -an, -oe, -ne, sh f KopoToK
-OB corridor, passage. (KOpOTOK), -a, -0 (KOpOTKO,
KOpiiHHeBbiil [kAr^ich^n^'i- -6),~-H (KopoTKH, -h) 1. short
viy] a brown. {!) street, hair, etc; 2) legs,
KOpJKa [korka] / -kh, ^ok etc; 3) life, etc; 4) story, etc);
1. crust {of the bread, etc)\ 2. prompt and resolute^ sum-
2. rind, peel {of fruit, etc)\ mary;
«C> OT ~KH AO ~KH col ^ <> ~oe
saMbiKaHHe electr
from cover to cover. na —oh
short circuit; Sbixb
KopM [korm] m -a (^y), pi Hore c KCM-ji. col be on^
-a, -OB 1. forage, feed, fod- friendly terms with smb;
der; Ha noAHOJKHOM ~y at pyKH KopoTKH! col ^
try and
grass; 2, feeding {of ani- get it!

mals). KopoHC [kAroch^i] comp of

KopMld [kArma] / -bi stern KOpOTKHH & corresp adv.
{of a boat or ship), Kopnyc [korpus, -z] m -a,
KopMJHTb [kArm^'it^] imperf pi -a, -OB 1. {pi -bi, -oB)body
-jiK), KopMHiub, p -Hji, imp {of a man or animal); 2. hull
-H, HaJKOpMHTb [nakArm^it**] {of a ship or tank); 3. build-
KOp — 180 —
ing; 4. mil corps; 5. technol CiKocHTb [skAs'^it^] perf
frame, case. squint; imperf also be cross-
KoppecnoHfleHT [kar^ispAn^- -eyed.
d^ent, -d] m -a, -ob corres- K0CMH4ecK|HH [kAs^m^ich^i-
pondent (o/ a newspaper, sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He cosmic,
etc). space (attr); —Hft kopaSjib
KoppecnoHAeHi;Hlji [lor^is- spaceship; ~oe npocTpancTBO
pAn^d^'entstya] / -h, -h 1. (cosmic) space,
mail, correspondence; saKaa- KOCMOflpoM [kasmAdrom] m
HaH ~H registered mail; 2. cosmodrome.
-a, -OB
report (in the pressy KocMOHaeT [kasmAnaft, -vd]
K6p4|HTbCJi [korch^ittj9] m -a, -OB sj^aceman, cosmo-
imperf -ycb, -HiubcH, p -hjich, naut.
-HJiacb, clkopHHTbcji [sk6r- k6cmoc [kosmss, -z] -a m
ch^'ittsa] perf writhe, squirm. space, cosmos.
KopuiyH [korshun] m -a, -ob KocHyxbCJi see KacaibCH.
(black) kite (a bird). KocTjep [kAs^t^or] -pa, m
KOpbiCTH|biH [kArtsnly] a -poB fire, bonfire, camp-fire.
Sh f KOpblCTCH, -a, -O, -bl KOCTOHlKa [kostach^ka] /
mercenary, selfish. -KH, -eK 1. dim of KOCTb; 2.
KopbiTlo [kArfta] n -a, ~ stone {in fruit); US pit;
trough, wash-tub; «0 nepeMbiBarb --kh col ^
<>OKaadTbcn y pasdiiTGro pick to pieces.
~a^be no better off than KOCTbIJl|b [kAsttl''] m -H,
at the start. -eft crutch {used by lame
KOp|b [kor^] / -H measles. people).
Koc|a I [kAsa] / -bi, ace KocTJb [kos^t^, -z^d^] / -H,
Kocy, pi K6cbi, ~, KocaM pi -H, -eft, -HM 1, anat bone;
plait, tress, braid. 2. pi dice {in gambling); 3.:
KOc|a II [kAsa] / -bi, ace cjiOHOBan ^b ivory;
Kocy (-y), pi Kocbi, ^.KocaM <> AG ~eft to the bone / mar-
scythe; row; $i3biK 6e3 --eft col ^
<> Haiujia --a ua KaMeHb loose tongue.
prov diamond cut diamond. KGCTioM [kAs^t^um] m -a,
KOCBeHHJbiH [kos^v^mnty] a -OB costume, dress; suit {of
indirect {1} result, tax, etc; clothes).
2) ling); ^bie yjiHKH circum- KGCUHJKa [kAsfnka] / -kh,
stantial evidence. -OK (triangular) kerchief;
Koc|HTb I [kAs^it**] imperf scarf {worn about the head,
Komy, KocHiiib, p -HJi, imp -h, etc); neckerchief.
:iK0CHTb [sk.As^it^] perf 1. KOT [kot, -d] m -a, -oe
mow, cut; 2. fig mow down. tom-cat;
KOc|HTb II [kAS^'it*'] imperf <> '-' Hanjiaxaji col ^ next
Kom>^, -Huib, p -HJI, imp -h, to nothing; KyniiTb --a b
181 ~ Kpa

MeuiKe ^ buy a pig in a (Communist Party of the

poke. Soviet Union).
KOT|eji [kAt^ol] m -jia, -jioB Kpa6 [krap, -b] m -a, -ob
1. copper, cauldron; 2. tech- zool crab.
nol boiler. KpacBOH [krayi^voy] a re-
KOTeH|oK [kAt^onak,^ -gl m gional [cf KpaH 3].
-Ka, -pi KOTHTa, KOTHT kit- KpiKJa [krazha] / -h, -^
ten. theft, larceny.
KOTJiexja [kAtPeta] / -u, KpaJH [kray] m -h (-io), pi
'-: 0T6HBHaH —a cutlet, chop; -H, -en, -HM 1. edge, brim,
py6jieHaH —a rissole. brink; ~h Tpoxyapa curb; 2.
KOTOplbiH [kAt6riy] pron 1. land, country; 3. territory,
inter which; —-hh ^ac? what's region {an administrative di-
the time?; b ~-om Macy? vision);
when?, at what time?; 2. rel <> Ha ~K) r"u6ejiu on the
introducing attributive clauses brink of ruin; h3 ~ji b — ii
that; who; which; KHHra, from one end to another;
'-'yio OH noiepHji the book B HauiHX — flx in our parts;
(that) he lost. xBaxHTb qepes —ft col ^
K6(J)e [k6f'9] m indecl cof- overdo, lay it too thick.
fee. KpaHHc [kr^yn^i] adv ex-
ko(|)6hhhk [kAf'eyn^ik, -g] tremely; ~ HyjKAaxbCH B
m -a, -OB coffee-pot. qeM-ji. need smth badly.
K6(|)T[a [kofta] / -bi, -- wom- KpdfiH|HH [krayn^iy] a 1.
an's jacket, blouse. extreme {!) north, right, etc;
K04erap [ksch^'i^gar] m -a, 2) views, measures, etc); ~hh
-OB stoker, fireman. AOM cjiesa the last house to
KOHeHjerb [kach'i^n^et^] the left; ~hh cpoK dead-line,
imperf -e}o, -eQuih, oiKOHeHeTb time limit; the last date; ?.
[Akach^i^n^et^] perf become dire {need, poverty, etc); utter,
numb (with cold). uttermost {surprise, etc);
KouiejijeK [kashi^l^ok, -g] <> B ~eM cjiynae at a pinch,
m -bKa, -bKOB purse {for car- in an emergency; na ~hh
rying money). cjiynafi if the worst comes
K6m|Ka [koshka]/ -kh, -en to the worst; no —eft Mepe
1. cat (an an/ma/); pussy-cat; at least.
2. technol grapnel, drag. KpaHH0CT|b [kraynas^'t^,
Kouiy I [kAshu] see ko- -z^d^] / -H, -eft 1. extreme
CHTb I. {an excessive degree); sna-
KOuiy II [kAshu] see ko- Aaxb B —b run to extremes;
CHTb II. 2. extremity {an extreme
Knee [ka-pe-es-es] abbrev necessity, danger, etc).
(/)(=KoMMyHHCTH4ecKaH nap- KpaH I [kran] m -a, -ob
THH CoyeTCKoro CoK)3a) CPSU^ tap, cock; US faucet; no>Kap-
Kpa 182 —
HbiH ~ fire-cock; BOAOpas- KpacHJbiH [krasniy] a sh f
66pHbiH — hydrant. KpaceH, -a, -o, -u. red;
KpaH II [kran] m -a, -ob <>• ~biH yrojioK room for
crane {a machine). reading and recreation; --asi
KpanHB|a [krAp^ivaJ / -u cTpoKa new paragraph; ~oe
(stinging) nettle. (
A6peB0 mahogany.
KpacaBJeu [krAsav^itj, -d^] KpacoT|a [krasAta] / -h\,pl
m -ua, -ueB handsome man. KpacoTbi, KpacoT, KpacoTaM
KpacaBHUja [krAsav^itja] / beauty {of a face, voice, na-
-bi, ~ beauty, beautiful wom- ture, etc).
an; beautiful girl. Kpa|cTb [kras^t^] imperf
KpacHB|bifi [krAs^iviy] ash -ay, -fleiub, p -ji, -jia, imp
f —, -a, -o, -bi beautiful, -AH, yiKpacTb [ukras^t^j perf
handsome; steal, practice theft.
O—biecjioBa fine words; fair Kpa|cTbC5i [krastsa] imperf
words. -Aycb, -AeiiibCH, p -JicH, -jiacb,
Kpac|HTb [kras^it^] imperf imp -AHCb, -AHxecb steal,
Kpaiiiy, -HUib, p -Hji, imp -b, slink, sneak.
BbilKpacHTb [vfkras^it^] perf, KpdTKJHH [kratk^iy] a -an,
ojKpacHTb [Akras^it^] perf, -oe, -He, sh f KpaxoK, -^, -o,
noJKpacHTb [pAkras^it^] perf -H short, brief, concise.
1. paint, dye; 2. {no perf) KpaxKO [kratka] adv briefly.
adorn, make beautiful. Kpax [krakh, -gh] m -a 1.
Kpac|HTbcji [kras^ittja] im- crash, bankruptcy; 2. fig
perf Kpamycb, -HiiibCH, p break-up, collapse;
-HJicH, -Hjiacb, imp -bCH, <> noxepnexb — go bankrupt;
-bxecb, HaJKpacHTbCH [nAkra- fail {of plans, etc).
s^ittsa] per/ make oneself up, KpaxMaji [krAkhmal] m -a
use cosmetics. starch {powder).
KpacJKa [kraska] / -kh, pi KpaxMaji( HXb [ krAkhmal^it^]
-KH, -OK 1. paint, dye; 2. imperf -lo, -Huib, p -hji, imp
{mostly pi) colour {also fig); -b, HaiKpaxMajiHXb [nakrAkh-
<> crymaxb --kh exaggerate; mal^it^i perf starch.
BOFHaTb B ~Kyco/make smb KpcAMx [kr^i^d^it, -d] m
blush. -a, -OB fin credit.
KpacHldib [krAs^n^et^] im- Kpeficep [kr^eys^ir] -a, m
perf -eio, -eeiiib, noiKpacHeTb -OB cruiser {a warship).
[pakrAs^n^et^] perf 1. redden, KpeM [kr^em] -a,m -oe
grow red; flush, blush; 2. cream {1} a sweet food', 2) a
(no perf) blush {for), be cosmetic).
ashamed {for). KpewaxopHJH [kr^imAtor^'iy]
KpacHopeHHB|biH [krasna- m -H, -eB crematorium.
r^'i^ch^iviy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, KpeMjilb [kr'^em!^] m
-n, -eft
-w eloquent, expressive. 1. kremlin {in old Russia,
183 — KpO

the citadel of a city); 2. (K.) <>nocjieflHHH ~ MOAbico/ the

the Kremlin {of Moscow). lastword in fashion.
KpeHflejijb [kr^en^d^iP] m KpMKHyTb see KpHHaXb.
-H, pi -H, -eft knot-shaped KpHcxajiJi [kr^istal] -a,m
roll. -OB crystal {a form of sub-
KpenK|HH [kr^epk^iy] a -an, stance) .

-03, -He, sh f KpenoK, -a, -o, KpHTHK [kr^it^ik, -g] -a, m

-H strong, sturdy,firm; oe — -OB critic; xeaTpajibKbifl -^
SAOpoBbe sound health; art critic.
— oro cjiojKeHHH of sturdy KpHTMKJa [kr^it^ika] / -h
build; ^HH Mopoa hard frost. 1. criticism; ne BbiAepJKHBaib
KpennyTb see oKpennyTb. ~H be beneath criticism,
KpenocT|b I [kr^epas^t^, hold no water; 2. critique.
-z^'d^] / -H strength (o/ dru^s, KpHTHK|oBaTb [kr^it'^lkA-
liquors, etc). vat^] imperf -yio, -yemb, p
KpenocT|b II[kr^epas^t^, -OBaji, imp -VH criticize.
-z'^d^] / -H, p/ -H, -eft strong- KpHTMHecKJMH I [kr^it^i-
hold; mil fortress. ch^'isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
Kpenne [kr^epch^i] comp of critical {mind, approach, es-
KpenKHH Sccorresp adv. say, etc).
Kpecjjio [kr^esla] n -Jia, -eji KpHTHHeCKiHH II [kr^lt^l-
arm-chair, easy chair. ch^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne
KpecT [kr^est, -zd] m -a, critical, crucial.
-OB cross {also fig); KpHH|aTb [kr^ich^at^] im-
<> nocTaoHTb ~Ha
hcm-ji. [hr perf -y, -Hmb, p -aji, imp
KOM-ji.] col ^
give up smth -H, KpHKH|yTb [kr^iknut^]
[smb] as hopeless. psff'-y, -eiub, p -yji, imp -h
KpecTbaH|HH [kr^i^s^t^ya- 1. cry, shout, scream, yell;
n^in] m -una, pi -e, -- peas- 2. shout {at smb); 3. call out

ant. {to smb).

KpHejoH [kr^ivoy] \ a sh f KpoeaTJb [krAvat^] / -h,
'^, -a, KpHBO, KpHBbi 1. crook- -eft bedstead, bed.
ed, curved, wry; 2. one-eyed; Kp68H|biH [krovniy] a 1.
II as a noun k p h b a h / blood {attr) {relatives, etc);

-OH, -b'lx math curve, curved 2. fig vital {interests^ etc);

line; <> — aH MecTb blood feud;
<> ~aji yjibiSKa crooked ~biH Bpar deadly enemy.
smile. KpOBO... first element of
KpHSHc [kr^iz^'is, -z] m -a, compounds pertaining to
-OB crisis. 'blood': KpoBOo6pameHHe[kr9-
KpHK [kr^ik, -g] -a (-y), m VAAbrAsh^'.en^iya] circulation
-OB 1. cry, shout, yell, scream; of the blood.
2. fig- — AyuJH a cry from KpoBOTeHeHH|e [kravat^i®-
the heart; ch^en^iya] n -a med haemor-
KpO — 184 —
rhage; extravasation; bleed- Kpyr [kruk, -g] -a (-y), m
ing. pi -H, -OB 1. math circle; 2.
KpOBJb [krof**, -v^] / -H fig sphere, range, domain;
blood {in the body); §T0 He BXOAHT B MOHX ~
<> 3T0 y Hero [y nee a tn. d] o6fl3aHHOcTeH this is outside
B —
H it runs in his [her, the range of my duties; 3.
etc] blood; -— b c mojiokom ^ fig circle {of people);
the very picture of health. O rojioBd Hfl§T --0M col s
KpoJHTb [kvAii^] imperf -k), I'm all in a whirl.
-HUJb, p -HJI, imp 'H, C'iKpOHTb Kpyrji|bifl [kruglty] a sh
[skrAit^] peri cut (out) (a — , -a, -o, -bi 1. round {in
garment). shape); 2. whole {year, etc);
KpoKOAMJi [krakAd^il] m -a, 3. col perfect, utter, com-
-OB crocodile. plete.
KpojiHK [krol^'ik, -g] m -a, KpyroBloH [krugAvoy] a
-OB rabbit. circular {movement, etc);
KpoMe [krom^i] prep with <> -aa nopyKa 1) mutual re-
gen used 1. in the 'sense of sponsibility/guarantee; 2) mu-
*not including', 'apart from'i tual shielding/ saving {from
Bce ^ Hero everybody except punishment, etc).
he, everybody but he; 2. in Kpyro36p [krugAzdr] m -a
the sense of 'in addition to'i mental outlook; hcjiobck c
KTO TSM 6biJi -~ Te6H? who uiHpoKHM ^OM broadminded
was there besides you?; person.
<0> -' Toro besides, in addi- KpyroM [krugom] I adv 1.
tion, furthermore; ^ uiyTOK round {of turning, etc); 2.
joking apart. around, all round; 3. col
KponoTJiHB|biH [krapAtl^i- entirely, wholly; b AOJirax ^
viy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi 1. heavily in debt;
laborious, toilsome; 2. pains- II prep col with gen denot-
taking, laborious. ing movement in a circle
Kpocc [kros, -z] m
-a, -ob about smth round.
sport cross-country race. Kpy«eBJo [kruzhava] n -a,
Kp6TK|Hft [krotk^'iy] a -an, pi -a, —
-aM^lace, point-lace.

-oe, -He, sh f KpoTOK, -a, -o, Kpy)K|MTbcji [kruzhlttjaj/m-

-H gentle, meek. perf -ycb, Kpyn^HuibCH (-Hmb-
KpoiulHTb [kr Ashtt^] /mper/ ch), p -hjich, -HJiacb, imp
-y, KpOLUHuib, p -HJI, imp -h, -HCb, -HTecb 1. whirl, spin,
HalKpoiuHTb [nakrAshit^] perf go round; 2. circle {of birds,
crumble, crumb. airplanes, etc);
Kp6u]|Ka [kroshks] / -KH,-eK <> rojioea Kpy)KHTcsi I feel
1. crumb [of bread, etc); 2. m giddy.
& / col little one; darling;' Kpy^lKa [krushka] / -kh,
-^ HH ~KH not a bit. -eK mug, tankard,
— 185 — KTO

KpyjKiOK [kruzhok, -g] -Ka, m KpK)K [kr^uk, -g] -a, pi m

-KOB circle, society; hobby -H (KpiOHbH), -OB (KpIOMbeB)
group. 1. hook {for hanging heavy
Kpynja [krupa] / -bi, pi things on); 2. col detour.
Kpynbi, -— groats. KpionloK [kr^uch^6k, -g] m
KpynHJbifi [krupnty] a sh f -Ka, -KOB small hook; pbi6o-
KpyneH, -a, -o, -bi 1. large, jioBHbiH ~6k fish-hook; bh-
big; large-scale; 2. great, aajibHbiH —OK crochet; sa-
important; 3. prominent, cxernyTb -^6k do up a hook;
outstanding, major; 4. big, sacxerHyTb Ha —ok hook (a
tall, well-grown; dress, etc).
<> —biH pasroBop col high KcraTH [kstat^i] I adv 1. to
words. the point, opportunely; o^ieHfa
KpyT|HTb [kfut^it^] imperf —
most welcome; 2. at the
Kpyqy, KpyiHiub, p -hji, imp same time, while one is
-H turn (a handle, wheel, etc). about it;
KpyrjOH [krutoy] ashf ^, 11 parent h by the way, by
-a, KpyTo, Kpyibi 1. steep the by.
(descent, bank, etc); 2. sud- KTO [kto] pron Koro, KOMy,
den, abrupt; ^oft nepeJioM Koro, KCM, (o) KOM 1. inter
drastic change; 3. strict, who; — 3TO HAeT? who is it
stern, severe; coming?; kopo tm BHAeji?
<^ -^OH KHnsiTOK boiling wa- whom did you see?; KOMy bm
ter (just off the fire); ~6e AajiH raaery? whom did you
fliiuo hard-boiled egg; ~asi give the newspaper?; 2. rel
Kama thick gruel. who; he who; h He 3HaK), —
Kpyne [kruch^i] comp of 3T0 6mji I don't know who
KpyTOH & corresp adv. it was; xo^ct hohth na —
KpymcHHle [krushen^iya] n SKCKypCHK), AOJIJKCH BHeCTH
-H, -H 1. wreck (of a ship); ABaAuaib KonecK he who
crash [of an aircraft); ~e wants to go on an excursion
noesfla railway accident; 2. must give twenty copecks;
fig ruin {of one's hopes, etc). 3. indef col some {of people);
KpbiJi|o [krtlo] n -a, pi — neji, — some sang,
KpbiJibH, KpbijibeB some were silent; He noft^eT
KpHjibujo [krtl^tjoj n -a, JIH — CO MHOH B TeaTp? will
pi Kpbijibua, Kpujieu, -a.M someone go to the theatre
porch. with me?; — mto jik)6ht tastes
Kpbicla [kriS9] / -bi, rat ~ differ;
{a rodent). <> — HH whoever; — 6bi
Kpbimla [krisha] / -h, -r HH whoever
roof (of a house, etc). comes...; ~ 6bi to hh 6biJi
Kpbiui|Ka [krtshka] / -kh, whoever it may be; ~ Koro?
-CK lid, cover. who will win?; — a oh — ,
kT6 - 186-
jtoJixeH 3T0 3HaTb he should sh f —, -a, -0, -bi curly,
know it, if anybody does. curly-headed.
kt6-jih6o [ktol^iba] pron= KysHci; [kuz^n^etj, -dz] m
KT6-HH6yflb. -a, -OB (black)smith, ham-
KT6-HH6yAb [kton^ibut^, mersmith.
-d^] pron indef Kor6-HH6yAb KysHCHMK [kuz^n^ech^ik, -g]
somebody, someone; anybody, m -OB grasshopper,
anyone {in inter sentences). KysoB [kuzaf, -v] -a, pi m
kt6-to [ktota] pron indef -a, -OB body {of a car or car-
Koro-To somebody. riage).
Ky6 I [kup, -b] m -a, pi Kyft [kuy] see Kosaxb.
-bi, -OB math cube. KyK|jia [kukb] / -jibi, -oji
Ky6 II [kup, -b] m -a, pi doll {also xeaxp ~oji
-bi, -OB boiler {for boiling, puppet theatre;
distilling, etc). KyKypyaja [kukuruza] / -bi
KySHHjeu [kub^In^its, -dz] maize; US corn.
m -ua, -ueB Cuban. KyKym|Ka [kukushka] / '•kh,
KySHHCKJHH [kub^insk^iy] a -eK cuckoo.
-an, -oe, -He Cuban. KyjiaK [kulak, -g] m -a, -6b
KySjoK [kubak, -g] m -Ka, 1. fist {a clenched hand);
-KOB 1. goblet; 2. sport cup. 2. technol cam;
KyeiuiiH [kufshtn] -a, pi m <> CMeHTbcji B col ^
laugh ^
-bi, --OB jug, pitcher. in one's sleeve,
Kyjia [kuda] adv 1. inter & KyjiHHapH(ji [kuPinar^iyaj
indef where, which way; — / -H cookery.
OH noexaji? where did he go?; KyjiHcja [kul^'isa] / -bi, pi
•— HAex 3T0T aBT66yc? what's -bi, ~- {mostly pi) theat wing,
the route of the bus?; ro- side-scene;
pOA, ^
OH yexaji the town <> 3a '-aiMH behind the
where he has gone; 2.: ~ scenes {of).
(6bi) HH wherever {denoting KyjibT [kul^t, -d] m -a, -ob
direction); ~- oh hh
noHAex 1. cult, worship; 2. fig cult
wherever he goes; — 6bi oh {of beauty, etc);
HH nomeji wherever he may <> cjiy^KHrejib minister —a
go; of religious worship.
<> xoTb —I col couldn't be KyjibT... first element of
better! compounds pertaining to 'cul-
KyAa-JiH6o [kud^l^iba], Ky- ture': KyjibXXOBapbi [kiil^'t-

fla-HH6yAb [kudan^ibut^, -d^], tAvari] articles for cultural

KyAa-TO [kudata] adv some- needs.
where, to some place. KyjibTHBHp|oBaTb [kul^t^i-
KyAp|H [kudr^i] pi -efl v^iravat''] imperf -yio, -yeiub,
curls, curly hair.. p -OBaji, imp -yft cultivate
KyApflBJbiH [kwdr^avi^] a {also fig).
— 187 Kyc

KyjibTyp]a [kuPturs] / -bi," Kypopx [kurort, -d] m -a,

-- 1. culture (1) of a man; -OB health-resort.
2) of a given people in a Kypc [kurs, -z] m -a, pi
given period, etc); 2. agric -bi, -OB 1. course
{1) of a
culture, crop; xexHHqecKHe ship, etc; 2) of lectures; 3) at
--bi industrial crops; KOpMO- a university, etc); 2. pi (in-
Bbie ~bi forage crops. struction) courses; 3. fin rate
KyjibTypH|biH [kul^turniy] of exchange;
a sh f KyjibxypeH, -a, -o, -bi O 6bixb B —e ;iejia be well-
1. cultural {level, standard, -informed (on the matter).
revolution, etc); 2. cultured KypcHB [kurs^if, -v] m -a
{person); 3. agric cultured italics, italic type.
{plants). Kypc6B(Ka [kursofka] / -kh,
KynajibHbiH [kupal^nty] kursovka {a sanatorium
a -OK
bathing {cap, suit, etc). voucher entitling to board
Kyn|aTb [kupat^] imperf and medical treatment with-
-aio, -aeuib, BbiKynjarb [vl- out lodging).
kupat^] perf -aK), -aeiub, KypxJKa [kurtk9] / -kh,
HC;KynaTb [iskupat^] perf -OK jacket {a short coat).
bathe, give a bath to. Kypbep [kur^yer] -a, -obm
KynjarbCfl [kupattja] imperf messenger, courier.
-aiocb, -aeiubCH, BbiKynjaibCfl Kycajxb [kusat^l imperf
[vtkupattsa] perf -aiocb, -K), -euib bite {of a dog, flea,
-aeinbCH, HciKynaTbcsi [isku- etc).
pattja] per/ bathe, go bathing; KycdlxbC5i [kusattsa] imperf
take a bath. -K)Cb, -euibCH bite {with the
Kyne [kupe] n indecl (sleep- teeth).
ing) compartment {on a train)^ KycloK [kusok, -g] m -Ka,
Kyn|eu [kup^ets, -dz] m -KOB piece, bit; slice{of
-ua, -uoB tradesman; trader, bread); lump {of sugar); cake,
merchant. bar {of soap);
KynHTb see nOKynaxb. <> jiaKOMbiM ~6k titbit.
Kynoji [kupal] m
-a, pi -a, Kycx [kust, -zd] -a, -6b m
-OB cupola, dome. bush, shrub;
Kyp|HTb [kur^it^] imperf <> cnpHxaxbCM b --bi col ^
-K), KypHUJb, p -HJi, imp -H show the white feather.
smoke {cigarettes, etc). KycxapHHK [kustarn^ik, -g]
KypH^|a [kur^itja] / -bi, pi m -a, -OB bushes, shrubbery,
Kypbi, Kyp, KypaM hen, chick- undergrowth..
en; • KycxapH'ibiH [kustarniy] a
<> KypaM Ha cmcx col = 1.: —
bie H3AejiHH handicraft
enough to make a cat laugh. wares; —
bift npoMbiceji do-
KypHocjbiH [kurndsiy] a sh mestic craft; 2. fig primitive,
i --, -a, -0, -u snub-nosed. amateurish {methods, etc).

Kyx — 188 —
KyxaplKa [kukharka] / -kh, KymaJTb [kushat^] imperf
-OK cook. -K), -eiiib eat {food); have,
KyxJHsi [kukhn^a] / -hh, take {food); -~Tb noAano din-
-OHb, -HHM 1. kitchen; 2. cook- ner [supper, etc] is served;
ing, cuisine. ~HTe DHpor have some pie,
Kynja [kuchma] / -h, ~ please.
1. heap, pile; 2. fig col heap KymeTJKa [kushetka] / -kh,
{of), heaps {of). -OK coucn {furniture).
KyuiaH|be [kushan^ya] n Kyib [kuyu], Kyeuib [kuyosh,
-bH, -HH, -bHM food, dish. -zh] see KOBaib.


jiadopaTopHiJi [bbarAtd- jiajKy, -Huib, p -HJi [of

r^iya] / -h, -h laboratory. jiesTb 1] climb, clamber.
jiaBMHJa [lAV^ina] / -bi, — [lay]
jiafl m
JiaH bark(ing).
avalanche {also fig). jiaK [lak, -g] m
-a (-y), pi
jiaBJKa I [lafka] / -kh, -H, -OB lacquer, varnish.
-OK bench {a seat). jiaKelfi [Uk^ey] m -h, -cb 1.
jiaB|Ka II [lafka] / -kh, footman, man-servant; 2. fig
-OK (small) shop; US store. lackey, flunkey.
jiaep [lavr] -a, m
-ob bot jiaKHpoBaHHlbifl [bk^iro-
laurel, bay(-tree); vanniy] a [pa] varnished,
O noKHHaib ~bi reap lau- lacquered; -—an Koma patent
rels; noHHTb Ha ~ax rest on leather.
one's laurels. jiaMnja [lampa] / -bi, —
jiarepjb [lag^ir^] m -h, pi 1. lamp; (electric) bulb;
-H (-H), -en (-efl) camp {also 2. valve, tube {in radio, etc);
fig); pacnojiaraxbcH ~eM <C> ~a flHeBHoro CBera fluo-
camp; CHHMaibCH c ~h break rescent lamp.
camp. ji^MnoHJKa [lampach^ka] /
[ladna] part col denot-
jiaflHo -KH, -CK dim of jiaMna 1.
ing consent, affirmation all ji^HAbiui [landfsh, -zh] m
right, (very) well, agreed; -a, -eft lily of the valley.
US O.K. jiaoccKJHH [lAossk^iy] a
;iafl6H|b [Udon^] / -h, -eft -an, -oe, -ne Laotian.
palm {of the hand). jianja [laps] /. -bi, 1. ^
jiaflb|« [Ud^'ya] / -h, pi paw {1) of a bear, wolf, etc;
'ii, JiaAefl, -HM chess rook, 2) col a human hand); 2. tcch-
castle. nol claw, dovetail;
jia)Ky [lazhu] see jiasHTb. <> nonacTb b --w k KOMy-ji.
AasJHTb [laz^it^] imperf col fall into smb's clutches.
— 189 — jier

jianiu|a [Upsha] / -ri noo- jiryH [Igun] m -a, -6b liar.

dles. jieSe^lb [Peb^it^, -d^] m
jiapjcK [Ur^ok, -g] m -H, pi -H, -eft swan {a wa-
-bKa, -bKOB stall {for selling ter-bird).
things). jieB [Pef, -v] m jibBa, pi
jidcKJa [laska] / -h 1. ca- jibBbi, jibBOB lion.
ress, endearment; 2. kind- jieBuijd [Pi*^fsha] m & f
ness. -H, -eft left-handed person.
jiacK|dTb [lAskat^] imperf jieB|biH [P6v*y] a 1. left,
-aio, -^euib 1. caress, fondle; left-hand; ^aa ciopona left-
2. fig caress {of a voice, mu- -hand side [also see <>]; 2. pol
sic, etc). left, left-wing;
jiacKOBlbiH [laskaviy] a sh <0> — aa cTOpoHa the wrong
f — , -a, -o, -bi 1. affection- side a material, clothe
ate, tender; 2. fig caressing etc); BbiBepHyxb Ha —yio cto-
{wind, sun, etc). pOHy turn inside out.
jiacTOH|Ka [lastach^ka] / jier [Pok, -g], jierjia [Pi^-
-KH, -eK swallow {a bird); gla] p of jie^b; see jio^HTbcn*
<> nepeasi --Ka ^
the first jierajibHJbiH [l^i^gal^niy] a
sign(s). sh f jierajieH, -a, -o, -bi le-
jiaTBHflcK|Hfi [Utv^iysk^iy] gal {party, methods, etc).
a -aH, -oe, -He Latvian. jierdHA|a [Pi^g^6nda] / -bi,
jiaTyH|b [lAtun^] / -H brass -- legend.
{an alloy). jierKJHe [Pokhk^iya] pi -hx
jiaTbim [Utish, -zh] -a, m {sing jierK|oe n -oro) anat
-eft Lett. lungs; BocnaJieHHe hx pneu- —
jiaTUiuicK|HH [Utlshsk^iy] a monia.
-an, -oe, -He Lettish. jiePKlHft [Pokhk^iy] a -an,
jiaypeax [laur^i^at, -d] m -oe, -He, sh f jieroK, JierKa,
-a, -OB laureate {of a poet, jierKo, jierKH light (-h) 1.
artist, etc); ~ JleHHHCKOH {not heavy); 2. easy {not dif-
npeMHH Lenin prize laureate /
ficult); ^an pa66Ta easy/
winner. light work; 3. light, slight;
jiaHJTb [layst^] imperf ~Hft cjiyqaft mild case {of
jiaer, p -ji, -jia, imp Jiaft wanton;
illness); 4. light,
bark, bay. 5. companionable, sweet-
Ji6a [Iba], ji6ob [Ibof, -v] -tempered, friendly;— rift xa-
see Jio6. paKxep sweet temper;
jiraJTb [Igat^] imperf jiry, <> ~afl axjicTHKa track and
jijKeuib, JiryT, p -ji, -jia, Jira- field athletics; y nero —aa
jio, jirajiH, imp jifh, coji- pyKa col he brings .luck; jie-
r|aTb [sAlgat^] perf -y, coji- roK Ha noMHHe! col talk of
Hceiub, -yT, p -aji, -ajia, -ajio, the devil / angel (and he is
'^m, imp -h lie, tell lies. sure to appear)!
jier — 190 —
jierKOMbicjieHH|biH [l^ikhkA- «0 —axb B ocHOBe underlie
mis''l''inniy] a sh f jierKO- {of a principle, etc); axb —
MbicjieH, -a, -0, -bi light- noji cyKHOM be shelved;
-minded, fri/olous. flyuia / cepAue ne ~hx feel
jierne [Pekhch^i] I comp a distaste, have no liking
of jierKHH & corresp adv; {for smth or smb).
II impers predlc it is easier; jie3BH|e [l^ez^v^iya] n -h,
-~ cKaaaTb, mcm CACJiaxb eas- -H blade {of a knife, for
ier said than done; shaving, etc).
<> Mac 6t Hacy He ~ col jiealjb [l^es^t^] imperf -y,
(things are going) from bad -eiiib, p ~, -jia, imp -b a
to worse; eiviy or axoro He concrete movement in a defi-
~ he's none the better nite direction 1 {cf jiasHXb]—
for it. 1. climb {a tree, through a
jiefl [IM, -d] m Jibfla window, etc); 2. fig col thrust
(jibAy), pi Jibflbi, JibAOB ice oneself {upon); interfere,
{frozen water). meddle; --xb He b CBoe Aejio
jieflHHK [Ped^n^ik, -g] m poke one's nose into other
-a, -OB ice-house; ice-box. people's affairs; 3. get {into
jie^HMK [I'^i^d^n^ik, -g] m some place, for burglary, etc)',
-a, -OB glacier. 4. fall out {Of hair);
[PidAkol] m
jie;ioK6ji -a, <> —xb KOMy-ji. B jiyuiy col
-OB ice-breaker (a ship). = worm oneself into smb's
.neflMHJOH [l^'id^i'^noy] a confidence.
1. icy, glacigl; —an cocyjib- jiefi[l^ey] see jiHXb.
Ka icicle; 2. ice-cold, chill- jieHK|a [l^'eyka] / -h, jieeK
ing; 2. fig icy {welcome, watering-pot.
stare, etc). jieftxenaHx [l^iyt^i^nant,
jiecK [l^'eyak, -g] see jieftKa. -d] m -a, -OB lieutenant
jiejK|aTb [l^i^zhat^l imperf {a military officer).
-y, -Hiub, p -aji, imp -h jieKapcxBlo [l^i^karstv9] n
1. lie a horisontal posi-
{in -a, —
m.edicine {a drug).
tion); some place, said
be {in jiCKxop [l^'ektar] -a, -os m
of things); --arb b hoct^jih lecturer {a person who gives
lie in bed; keep the bed; lectures).
~aTb B jiHXopaAKe be laid jieKUH|fl [l^ektstya] / -h,
up with fever; ^axb b 6ojib- -H lecture.
HHue be in hospital; 2. lie, .len [l^on] m jibua flax; —
be situated {of a town, road, -AOJiryneu flax-fibre.
lake, etc); 3. tig rest {with jieHHBJbiH [l^'i^n^iviy] a sh
smb, of responsibility, etc); f — -a, -o, -bi lazy.

be the duty {of smb); 4. fig jieHHHHSM [Pm^in'^izm] m

weigh heavily {on one's con- -a Leninism {the teaching of
scimae, etc); Lmn),
^ 191 — JieT

jieHHHCKJHH [Pen^insk^iy] prov =

one pulls one way
a -asi, -oe, -He Lenin (attr), and the other pulls the other
Leninist. way.
jicHlHTbCH [l^i^n^ittsa] im- jiec|a [Pi^sa] pi -6b scaf-
perf -K)Cb, jieHHUibCH, p -hji- fold(ing) {used in construc-
CH, -lijiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb tion, etc).
be lazy. jiecHHK [Pi^s^n'^ik, -g] m
jieHTJa [l'ent9] / -bi, — -a, -OB forest-guard, forester.
1. ribbon (1) for trimming, jiecHJOH [Pi^snoy] a forest;
etc; 2) a symbol of honour); timber; — 6e xoshhctbo for-
(hat) band; 2. fig: BHTbCH estry; --bie Haca>KAeHHH af-
--0H wind its way {of a river, forested areas.
road, etc); 3. technol tape, jiecTHHuja [Pes^n^itja] /
band {of steel, paper, etc); -bi, ~ stairs, staircase; lad-
ryceHH^Han —a caterpillar der {for gQing up and down;
track; 4. film {of celluloid, also fig); cKJiaflnan step- ^a
used in cinema). -ladder;. noHcapnaH ~a fire-
jieHTH|H [Pi^n^t^ay] m -h, -escape; napa^Han ~a main
•eB col idler, lazy-bones. staircase; Mepnan ~a back-
jieHJb [Pen^] I / -h lazi- stairs.
ness, indolence; jiecTHJbiH [Pesnly] a sh f
II predic col be (too) lazy jiecxeH, -a, -o, -bi compli-
{to do smth); euy —b pyKoft mentary {words, etc); flatter-
nomeBeJiHTb he is too lazy ing {to one's vanity).
to lift a finger; jiecxjb [Pes^t^, -z^d*'] / -h
<> see KOMy He ~b col any- flattery.
one who feels like it. jiexa [Pi^ta] pi Jiex, -m
jienJHTb [Pi^p^it^l imperf 1.: CKOJibKO eMy jiex? how
-jiib, JienHUib, p -HJi, imp -h, old is he?; eMy nnxb jiex he
BbiJienJHTb [vtl^ip^it^l perf is five (years old); c agxckhx
-jiKD, -Hiub, p -HJI, imp -H, Jiex from / since
CiJienHTb [s^l^i^p^it^] perf cpeAHHX middle-aged;
1. (BbiJienHTb) mode!, sculp- 2. years {time); npomjio mho-
ture {in clay, wax, etc); ro Jiex many years passed;
2. (cjienHTb) make, build <> B --x elderly; Ha cxa-
{birds' nests, honeycombs). pocxH Jiex in one's old age.
jiec [Pes, -z] m
-a (-y), pi jiexjaxb [Pi'^tat^j imperf
-a, -OB 1. woodland, wood(s), -aio, -aeuib [cf jiexexb 1] fly
forest'j CMemaHHbiH -^ mixed {through the air).
forest; 2. timber, lumber; jiex|exb [Pi^t^et''] imperf
<> -~ pyGsiT —
luenKH jiexflx jieqy, -Hiub, p -eji, imp -A
prov ^ you cannot make an a concrete movement in a de-
omelette without breaking finite direction 1 [cf —jie-
eggs; KTO B '^, KTO no Apoea xaxb] 1. fly {through the air);
Jier — 192 —
2. fig fly (0/ time); 3. tear 'false': ji>KeHayKa [IzhenAuka]
along at breakneck speed; pseudo-science; ji>KecBHAe-
<> jiereTb CTpejiofl fly like Tejib [Izhes^v^id^et^il''] false
an arrow from the bow. witness, perjurer.
jieTKHH [l^'et^n^iy] a sum- jiMteuib [Izhosh, -zh] set
mer {attr). JiraTb.
[l^otnty] a flying
jieTH|bifi ji}KH [Izhi] see .no>Kb.
{field, weather, etc); ~biH jDKHBibiH [Izhtviy] u sh f
cocT^B air crew; US flight ^, -a, -o, -bi lying, un-
personnel; ~oe flejio aero- truthful; false, deceitful.
nautics. jiH [I'^i], Jib [1^1 I part
jieT|o [Peta] n -a summer; used 1. in general questions:
<> CK6jIbK0 ~, CKOJIbKO 3HM 6biji JIH OH B xe^xpe? was he
it's ages since we met; I at the theatre?; He Aauib jih
haven't seen you for ages. xbi MHe cxaKan boaw? will
jiexoM [l^'etam] adv in you kindly give me a glass
summer. of water?; 2. in combination
jiexHHK [Pot^ch'^ik, -g] m with some words
to express
-a, -OB flyer, pilot, aviator. doubt, uncertainty, etc: spHA
jieH66HHu|a n^i^ch^^ebn^'i- JIH hardly, scarcely; e^Ba jih
tj9] / -bi, ~ hospital, nurs- hardly, it's doubtful wheth-
ing home. er...; ^y^h jih He almost,
jieneSHbifi [l^i^ch^ebniy] a nearly;
1. medical {establishment, II cj 1. introducing an indi-
aid, etc); 2. medicinal {herb, rect question if, whether; h
etc). He 3Haio, xaM jih oh I don't
jieH|HTb [Pi^ch^if] imperf know if / whether he is there;
-y, jieHHUib, p -ifji, imp -u 2.: JIH,.., JIH... whether...
treat {medically). or...
jiCHJIiTbCJi [l^i^ch^ittja] jiHSepaji [l^ib^i^ral] m -a,
imperf -ycb, jie^HiiibCH, p -OB liberal.
-H^cn, -HJiacb, imp -iicb, jiHSepajibHJbifi [l^'ib^i^ral^-
-rixecb undergo a cure, take niy] a sh f jiH6ep^JieH, -a,
a treatment, receive treat- -o, -bi pol liberal.
ment {for). [l^iba]
jih6o cj denoting
jiCH^ I [Pi*ch''u] see Jie- 1. alternative, sometimes
TeTb. coupled with addition, connex-
jieny II [l^i^ch^u] see Jie- ion or with warning, threat
qHTb. or; — ..., ^... either... or...
JICHb see J10>KHTbCfl. forming indefi-
-jih6o part
jiem [I'^esh^:, -zh'^:] -a, m nitepronouns or adverbs when
-efl bream {a freshwater fish). added to kxo, qxo, etc: kxo--'
jiiKc... first element of com- somebody, someone; FAe- —
pounds denoting 'pseudo-', somewhere, in some place.
— 193 -^

jiHeaHJei; [l^ivan^its, -dz] CKan —a slide rule; 2.: 6y-

n -ua, -ueB Lebanese. Mara b —y lined paper;
jiHBaHCKJHH [l^ivansk^iy] a <> nHOHepcKafl —a Young
-aji, -oe, -He Lebanese. Pioneer parade {line-up).
jiHBJeHb [l^iv^in^] m -hh, jiHHHJfl [l^in^iya] / -h, -ft

-Heft heavy rain, downpour. line (/) straight, carved, etc,

jiHBHJei; [Piv^iyats, -d^] m 2) of a railway, etc; 3) tele-
-Hua, -Hues Libyan. graph, telephone; 4) of con-
jiHBHHCKJMH [l^iv^iysk^iy] duct, etc); npoBOAHTb -~io
a -an, -oe, -He Libyan. draw a line [also see <>];
jiHrja [l^iga] / -h, — league <> npoBojiHTb ~K) pursue a
(a society). policy; hath no ~h HaHMCHb-
jmmvi [Pizht] see jiH3aTb. uiero conpoTHBJieHHa follow
jiH)Ky [Pizhu], jiHjKeuib the line of least resistance.
[Pizhash, -zh] see JiHsaxb. jiHHa|Tb [l^in^at^] imperf
jiH3|aTb [Pizat^] imperf -ex, noljiHHHTb [pal^in^at^j
jiH^y, jiHJKeuib, p -aji, imp perf 1. ifade, lose colour {of
JIH}KH, jiH3H|yTb [Piznut^] materials); run {of colours);
psrf -y, -eiub, p -yji, imp 2. {no perf) shed hair, cast
-H lick {of a cat, dog, etc). the coat {said of animals);
jiHKBHAMploBaxb [l^ikv^i- moult, shed feathers {said of
d^iravat^] perf & imperf birds); slough {of snakes).
-yio, -yeiiib, p -oBaji, imp jiHn|a [Pipa] / -hi, ^
-yft liquidate, eliminate, do lime(-tree), linden.
away with. jiHnK[HH [l^ipk^iy] a -an,
jiHKcp [l^ik^or] m
-a, -ob -oe, -He, sh f jihrok, -a, -o,
liqueur. -H sticky, adhesive; ~Hft
jiHK|oBaTb [l^ikAvat^l im- njiacTbipb sticking-plaster.
perf -yK) -yeujb, p -OBaji, .iHnHJyTb [l^ipnut^] imperf
imp -yft rejoice, exult. -CT, p jiHH (-yji) stick {re-
jiHJi [l^il], JiHJia [Pila] see main fastened by adhesion).
JIHTb. jiHc|a [l^isa] / -bi, pi jihcm,
jiHjiHlfl [l^il^iya] / -h, -h —, jiHcaM, jiHCHu,|a [l^ls^itsa]
lily; BOAHHan —h water- / -bi, ~ fox {also fig).
-lily. jiHCT -zdj
[l^ist, -a, pi m
jiHjioBbiH [l^ilovly] a violet. -b'l (-bH), -OB (-bes) 1. {pi -bH)
jiHjicH [Pils*'a], jiHJiacb [l^i- leaf {of a plant, tree, etc);
las^, -z^] see jiHibcn. 2. {pi -hi) leaf {in a book);
jiHMOH [I'^imon] m -a, -ob sheet {of paper, metal, etc);
lemon; lemon-tree. onpocHbiH — ques-
3. {pi -bi):
jiHHeHKJa [IMn^eyka] / -h, tionnaire; noAnHCHoft — sub-
jiHHeeK 1. ruler {for drawing scription list;
straight lines, measuring <> HPpaTb c ~a mus play
length, etc); JiorapH(J)MHHe- at sight.
JIHC 194 ^
jiHCTBeHHbiH [l^is^t^v^m- jiHxopaAOHH|biH [l^ikhAra-
niy] a leaf-bearing; Jiec ~ dach^niy] a sh f jiHxopa;;o-
foliage forest. Hen, -a, -o, -bi feverish {also
.jiHCTOBiKa [l^istofka] / -kh, fig)-
-OK leaflet {printed matter). jiHueMepHJbiH [Pitst'^m^er-
jiHTeHHbiH [l^it^eyniy] a niy] a sh f JiHueMepen, -a,
foundry (attr); ^ aaBOA found- -o, -bi hypocritical.
ry (a works). jiHi^jo [l^itjo] n -a, pi
jiHTCparypla [l^it^irAturs] / jiHua, -~, jiHuaM 1. face {of a
-u literature; xyAomecTseH- person); 2. fig individuality,
Han --a fiction {novels, etc). individual character; noKa-
jiHTepaTypH|biH [Pit^irAtur- 3aTb CBoe ~6 show one's
niy] a sh f jiHiepaxypeH, -a, real worth; 3. person {any
-o, -bi literary (language, individual); ^acTHoe —6 pri-
style, etc). vate person; AOJDKHocxHoe -^6
jiHTOBleu [l^itov^its, -dz] m official, functionary; 4. the
-ua, -ueB Lithuanian. right side {of a material, of
jiHTOBCKJHH [l^itofsk^iy] an article of clothing); 5.
-aH, -oe, -He Lithuanian. ling person;
jiMTp [Pitr] m
-a, -ob litre. <> B ~e in the person {of); na
jiHTb [l^it^] imperf jibio, oflHO ~6 as like as two peas;
JIbeillb, p JIHJl, JIHJia, JIHJIO, HeBSHpaji Ha jiHu,a without
jiHJiH, imp Jieu 1. pour {a liq- respect of persons; b ~6 to
uid or of a liquid); jihji cHJib- smb's face; anarb b ^6 know
HbiH AO>KAb it was pouring; by sight; axo eiwy ne k '-y
2. technol cast, mould {mol- this doesn't become him {also
ten metal, etc); fig); noKaaarb roBap ~6m col
<> ~cjiesbi shed tears; ~ show smth to advantage; ne
BOfly Ha MbK)-ji. MejibHHU.y ^ y^apHTb — 6m B rpfl3i> col =
draw water to smb's mill; not disgrace oneself; be up
play into smb's hands. to standard|the mark.
jiMTbca [l''ittj8] imperf jiHHHo [I'^ich^na] adv per-
JlbeiCH, p JIHJICH, JlHJiaCb, sonally, in person.
JIHJlCCb, JIHJlHCb 1. flow, jiMHHOCTlb [Pich^'nas^t^,
stream, pour {of water, tears, -z^'d^] / -H, -eft 1. person
etc); 2. fig stream {of light, {any individual); HciopHqe-
etc); pour {of words, a song, cKan ~b historical figure;
etc). HenpHKocHOBeHHocTb per- ~H
jiudj^T [l^ift, -vd] m -a, -ob sonal immunity; 2. personal-
Hfi, elevator. ity, individuality.
jiH^HHK [I'^ifch^'ik, -g] m -a, jiUHHbiH [Pich^nty] a per-
-ob brassiere, bra. sonal {affair, hygiene, etc)-,
jiMxopafllKa [l^'ikhAratka] / private {life, property, etc);
-KM fever {also fig). <> ^ cocidB mil personnel.
195 JlOfl

jiHiujaTb [Pishat^l imperf after a short rest; 2.: ^

-aio, -aenib, jiMui|HTb [l^i- TOjibKo as soon as;
shlt^] perf -y, -Hiiib, p -hji, <> ~
6bi if only; ~ 6bi
imp -H deprive
of {rights, yexaxb ceroAHH if only I could
property, etc); deny {pleasure, leave today.
etc); --aTb CBo66Abi imprison; jio6 [lop, -b] m Ji6a, pi
~aTb BOHHCKoro SBaHHH re- Ji6bi, ji6oB forehead {of the
duce to the ranks; face) .

<> jiHuiHTb ce6fl )KH3HH Com- jiOB|HTb [lAv'^it'^] imperf

mit suicide. -jiK), p -HJI, imp -H,
jiHui|aTbCJi [Pisliattja] /m- noHMJaTb [pAjmat^] perf -aro,
perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, jiHuiJHTb- -aeuib 1. catch {a ball, mice,

cfl [Pishfttsa] perf -ycb, -Hiiib- etc); capture {a thief, butter-

CH, p -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp flies, etc); pick up {signals);
-HCb, -HTecb lose, be depriv- 2. fig seize {an opportuni-
ed {of), forfeit; jiHUiHTbCH ly)\ 3, fig catch {snib's eye);
3peHHH lose one's sight; jih- <> — HTb Ha cjioee col
iiiH^CH HyscTB faint; jih- take smb at his word; b
lUHTbCH pe^H be deprived of MyTHOH BOAC pbi6y ~HTb fish
speech, lose one's tongue. in troubled waters.
jiHuicHHle [l^ishen'^iya] n jiOBKJHH [lofk'^iy] a -an,
-H, pi -H, -H 1. deprivation -oe, sh f jiobok, -a, -o,
{the act of); ~e rpajKAancKHx -H 1. deft, dexterous, adroit;
npaB disfranchisement; 2. 2. ingenious, dodgy, tricky;
{mostly pi) privation, hard- ~HH xoA clever stroke.
ship. jiOBjiiM [16vp9] / -H hunt-
jiHuiHTb see JiHiuaTb. ing, catching; fishing; bird-
JIHIUHTbCSI see JIHUJaTbCH. -catching.
jihuihIhh [l^ishn^iy] a 1. jioBym|Ka [Uvushka] / -kh,
spare, extra; 2. superfluous, -CK trap {for animals, etc;
unnecessary; oh sjxecb ~hh also fig).
he is not wanted here; jiorHKla [locj^ika] / -h logic.
<> c ~HM col more than; jiorHHecK|HH [lAg^ich^'i-
TpH KHJioMeTpa c -~HM more sk^iy] a -an, -oe -ne logi-
than three kilometres, three cal {approach, result, etc).
kilometres odd. jiorHHHlbiH [lAg^'ich^niy] a
jiHiub [l^ish, -zh] I part sh f jiorHMen, -a, -o, -bi logi-
denoting restriction, limita- cal {argument, action, etc).
tion only, but; jiOAJKa [lotka] / -kh, -ok
11 c/ 1. introducing an ad- boat {a small open vessel);
ditional thought: Mbi noHACM noABOAHan ~Ka subma-
TyAa, -~ HCMHoro otaoxhcm rine.
we'll go there, only first we'll jiOAbipjb [lodir^] m -a, -en
rest a little; we'll go there idler, loafer.

nom — 196

jiojKJa [lozha] / -h, -- theat 2. (nojiOMaTbCH) col grimace;

box. put on airs.
[lAzhitts9] im-
jiojK|HTbCJi jiOM6apfl [lAmbart, -d] m
perf -ycb, -Hiubcji, p -hjich, -a, -OB pawnshop.
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb, jioM|6Tb [Umot^, -d^] m
jiewb [l^ech''] perf jinry, jih- -TH, pi -TH, -Ten slice {of
jKCLUb, jiHryT, p jier, Jierjia, bread).
imp Jinr 1. lie down; '-HTbCH jionaTJa [lApata] / -bi, —
cnaTb go to bed; 2. cover {of spade {for digging);
snow); fall (o/ folds in a ji6n|aTbCfl [lopattja] imperf
dress, etc). -aiocb, -aeuibCH, ji6nH|yTb
jioiKlKa [16shk9] / -kh, -ck [lopnut^] perf -y, -euib, p
1. spoon (for eating, etc); 2. -yji, Imp -H 1. break, burst
spoonful (of); {of a rope, string, etc); crack
<0> ~Ka Acrxji SoHKC Me^a
B (of a glass, bottle, etc); 2. fig
^ a fly in the ointment. col go bankrupt {of a busi-
ji6«h1wh [lozhniy] a sh f ness, policy, etc):
jio/KeH, -a, -0, -bi false (i) <> ero repncHHe JionHyjio
theory, rumour, etc; "2) pride, his patience was exhausted,
shame, etc). he lost all patience.
jio}Kb [losh, -zh] / ji>KH lie, jiococHH|a [lasAS^ina] / -bi
falsehood. salmon {the flesh of).
jioaynr [lozunk, -g] m -a, ji6coc|b [16s8s^, -z**] m -h,
-OB slogan, catchword. -eft salmon (a fish).
ji6K|oTb [lokat^, -d^] m -th, jioc|b [los' H, pi
pi -TH, -Teft elbow {of the -H, -eft elk {a kind of deer).
arm); jiOTepe|ji [bt^i^r^eya] / -h,
<> HyBCTBO -^TJi feeling of -ft lottery.
fellowship. jioxMaxbiJI [lAkhmatiy] a
jioM I [lorn] m -a, pi -bi, shaggy; tousled, dishevelled.
-OB crow-bar. jioxMOTblM [lAkhmot'ya] pi
JIOM II [lorn] m -a scrap -eB rags {old, worn clothes),
metal. jiouwaH [lotsman] m -a, -ob
jioMJaTb [Umat''] imperf naut pilot.
-aio, -aeiiib, ciJioMdTb [sIa- ji6iiiaA|b [loshat^, -d^] / -h,
mat^] perf break {1) a chair, pi -h, -eft, -HM horse {an
arm, etc; 2) traditions, etc); animal).
<> — axb rojioBy Han hcm-ji. jiyr [luk, -g] m -a, pi -a,
col =
puzzle over smth. -OB meadow.
jioM|aTbC5i [lAmattja] im- jiy)K|a [luzha] / -h, ^ pud-
perf -aKx:b, -aeuibCH, noijio- dle {of water);
Maxbcsi [paUmattja] perf, ^ cecTb B ~y col = get
cijiOMaTbcji [slAmaltja] perf into a mess; disgrace one-
I, break, crack, smash, burst; self.
197 — JIK)6

jiyxaHKJa [luzhayka] / -h, jibBHu|a [Pv^itja] / -bi, ^

jiyjKaeK lawn, grass-plot. lioness.
jiyK [luk, -g] m
-a (-y) jibrorla [l^gota] / -bi, --
onion(s). privilege (a favour not en-
jiyK^BlbiH [lukaviy] a sh f joyed by others).
'-, -a, -0, -bi 1. cunning [per- jibroTHJbiH [Pgotniy] a:
son); 2. sly, arch. — bie n6iiiJiHHbi preferential
jiyHJa [luna] / -bi, pi jiyHbi, duties; Ha -~bix ycjiOBHHX
'-, jiynaM moon {a satellite). on favourable terms; no ~oft
jiyHHbiH [lunniy] a lunar; ueH^ at a reduced price.
moonlit {night). jibfla [l^'da], jibAOB [l^'dof,
jiyn|a [lupa] / -u, mag- ~ -v] see JIQ.JX.

nifying glass. jibAHHJa [l^d^ina] / -bi, —

jiyn [luch^, -j^] -a, -eftm block of ice, ice-floe.
beam {from a lamp, etc); ray jibercii [l^yottsa] see jiHXbCH.
{of light, etc). jibHa [l^na] see jich.
jiyHUiC [lutshi^] I comp of jibHHHl6ft'[l^n'i^n6y] a flax-
xopoiKHH & corresp adv; en; -~6e nojioTHo linen; -^66
II impers predic it is better; M^cjio Unseed oil.
BMy -- he feels better; eMy — jibCTHBlbifi [Ps^'t^iviy] a
yHTH it would be better for sh f •~, -a, -0, -bi smooth-
him to go away; he had bet- -tongued; obsequious, fawn-
ter go away; ing.
«0> TCM ~
so much the better. jibcrlHTb [l^s^t^it^] imperfi
jiynuilHH [lutshiy] I -an, jibmy, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H,
-ee, -He comp & super I of nojibcrlHTb [pAl^s^t^it^] perf
XOpOIIIHH; nojibuiy, -HUib, p -HJI, imp
II as a noun ji y q e e n m ]
-H flatter {!) praise; 2) grati-
-ero (the) best; (the) better; fy the vanity of).
3a HeHM^HHCM --ero for want jibw [l^'yu], Jibeiiib [Pyosh,
of smth better. -zh] see jiHTb.
jibi3KH-[lizhi] pi JibiJK {sing jiK)5e3H|biH [l^ub^ezniy] a
jibiiK|a/ -H) skis. sh f jiK)6e3eH, -a, -o, -bi kind,
jibiiKHHK [Hzhn^ik, -g] m obliging, considerate;
-a, -OB skier. <> Syflbxe ~bi please, would
jibijKHbiH [Hzhniy] a ski you be so kind.
{attr)\ — cnopT skiing. jiroSHMJei; [Pub^imhts, -dz]
jibicHH|a [Hs^ina] / -bi, '^ m -ua, -ues favourite.
bald spot. jiK)5HMbiH [Pub^imiy] [pa]
jibiclbiH [Hsiy] a sh f —, I a favourite; dear, dearly-
-a, -o, -bi bald, bald-headed. -loved, beloved;
Jib see jiH. II as a noun ji lo 6 h m bi h |

jibBa [Pva], JibBOB [l^vof, m -oro, -bix darling, dear,

-v] see jiee. dearest.
jiio6 198

jiK)6HTejilb [l^ub^it^iP] m TejieH, -a, -o, -u inquisitive

-H, -eft 1. amateun 2. fan, {eager to learn).
lover {of music, etc). jik)56h [l^uboy] I a any
jiK)6|HTb [l^ub^it^] imperf {no matter which);
-jiK), jiK)6Hmb, p -HJi, imp -h 1 1 as a noun Ji lo 6 6 ft -oro,
1. love (a c/i//rf, e^c); 2. like, -bix anyone; either {of two).
be fond of{ love {music, etc)\ jiK)6onbiTHlbiH [PubAptt-
3. fig need, require; sth niy] a sh f jiio6oribiTeH, -a,
UBexbi jik)6ht Bo^y these flow- -0, -bi 1. inquisitive, curious;
ers require much water; 2, curious, unusual, odd.
KapT6(|)ejib jiioSht necManyK) jiio6onbiTCTB{o p^ubApttjt-
noHBy potatoes thrive in V9] n -a curiosity, inquisi-
sandy ground; tiveness.
<> JiK)6Hiiib KaraTbcsi, —h h jik)a1h [l^ud^i] pi -eft, -hm,
caHOHKH BOSHTb prov aft- ^ -bMH, (o) -Hx people, men;
er dinner comes the reckon- <> BbiHTH B ~H
make one's
ing. way in life.
jiio5|oBaTbcsi [PubAvattja] jiiOAHJbiH [l^udniy] a sh f
imperf -yKx:b, -yeuibCH, p jiiOAeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. densely
-OBajiCH, -OBajiacb, imp -yftcH, populated; 2. crowded {street,
-yfiiecb, noiJiH)6oBaTbcsi [pa- meeting, etc).
PubAvattja] perf admire, feast [Puk, -g] m -a, -ob
one's eyes {on)\ 1. manhole; 2. naut hatch-
<> nojiK)6yHTecb Ha ce6a! way, hatch; 3. theat trap.
col just look at yourself! jiiocTpla [Pustra] / -bi, -'
jik)66bhhk [l^ubovn^ik, -g] chandelier {hanging from the
m -a, -08 lover, paramour. ceiling).
jiioSoBHHula [l^ubovn'^itja] ji5ir [Pak, -g] imp of Jienb;
/ -bi, ~
mistress, paramour. see JI0>KHTbCH.
jiK)6|6Bb [Pubof^ -v^] / jiflry [Pagu], jiR»eiub [l^'a-
-BH, instr -oBbKD love; H3 ~bh zhash. -zh] 1st & 2nd persons
K... out of love of... / for... of AeHb; see jiomvnbCfi.
jiK)6o3HaTejibH|biH [l^ubA- jijiryui|Ka [l^i'^gushka] f
znat^il^nty] a sh f jiKD6o3Ha- -KH, -eK frog {an animal).

MaBsojielfi[m9vzApey] m store; npOMTOBapHbifl <— dry
-fl, mausoleum.
-eB goods shop; 2. technol supply
MarasHH [magAz^in] m -a, chamber {in a rifle, etc).
-OB 1. shop, store; yHHsep- MarHcxpajilb [mag^'istral^]
cajibHbiH ~ department shop / / -H, -eft 1. highway {the
199 — Maji

main route); >jceJie3Ho;];op6}K- MajicHbKlHH [mapin^k^iy]

Han ^h rly main line, trunk a -an, -oe, -He 1. small,
line; 2, main {for water, gas, little; 2. young; 3.
etc). little, slight; ordinary {man).
MarHHT [mAgn^it, -d] m -a, Ma.iiHH|a [mApina] / -bi rasp-
-OB magnet {also fig). berry.
MarHHT0(j)6H [magn^itAfon] Majio [mala] I adv little;
m -a, -OB tape-recorder. II as a nam few {books, etc);
MaeK [mayak, -g] see MaHKa. little {tea, etc);
Mimy [mazhu], Ma»ceiiib <> — Toro moreover; ~ jih
[mazhash, -zh] see Masaib. 4To! col what of it!
Mawb [mash, -zh] see ui- Majio... first element of com-
3aTb. pounds denoting insufficiency^
MasaJTb [mazat^] imperf a small degree of, etc: Majio-
Ma>Ky, Ma>Kemb, p -ji, imp jiexHHH [malA^et^n^iy] young
MajKb 1. oil, grease, lubricate; {boy, etc); juvenile; Majiorpa-
butter; cover / soil with
2. MOTHbiH [makgramatniy] al-
smth greasy / dirty; 3. col most illiterate, uneducated;
miss the mark. MaJioonbiTHbiH [mabopttnty]
Masjb [mas^, -z^] / -h, -eft of little experience, inexpe-
ointment, liniment; can6>K- rienced.
Haji ^b shoe polish. MajiOAyuiHlbiH [malAdush-
Man [may] m Man May. niy] a sh f MaJioAymen, -a,
MaHK[a [mayka] / -h, MaeK -0, -bi cowardly, faint-hearted.
undervest, singlet, T-shirt; MajioKpoBH e [malAkrov^iya]

sports shirt, jersey. n -H med anaemia.

Maflop [mAyor] -a, -ob m Majio-noMajiy [mabpAmalu]
major {a military officer). adv little by little, gradu-
MaftcKlHH [maysk^iy] a -an, ally.
-oe, -He May {attr). MajiOHHCJieHHlbiH [malAch^i-
MSLK [mak, -g] m -a (-y), s^Pmniy] a s/i/Majio'^HCjien,
-OB 1. poppy {the plant and -a, -o, -bi small in number.
flower); 2. poppy seed. Maji|biH [maliy] a sh f —-,
MaKapoHbi [mskAroni] pi -a, -6, -bi 1. small {in size,
MaKapoH macaroni. quantity); 2. {only sh f) too
MaKCHMajibH|bifi [msks^i- small, tight; najibxo '-6 the
maPniy] a sh /MaKCHMajien, coat is too small,
-a, -o, -bi maximum {attr). Majibraui [mAl^gash, -zh]
Majiajei; [mAlayats, -dz] m m -a, -eft Malagasy.
-Hua, -HueB Malay, Malayan. MajibramcKJHH [mApgash-
MajiaHCKlHH [mAlaysk^iy] sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne Mala-
a -an, -oe, -ne Malayan. gasy.
MajieHiulHH [mAPeyshty] a MajibMHK [mal^ch^ik, -g] m
-an -ee, -He least, slightest. -a, -OB boy.
Maji 200 —
MajiMp [mAl^ar] m -a, -6b HHBMa the classics of Marxism-
(house-)painter, -Leninism.
MajinpM|fl [maPi^r^iya] / MapKCMCT [mArks^ist, -zd]
-H malaria. m -OB Marxist,
MaM|a [mama] / -u, •— Mapji|« [marina] / -h
mother {a female parent); cheese-cloth, gauze.
mummy, ma. MapOKKaH|eu [marAkan^its,
MaHAapHH [mandAr^'m] m -dz] m -ua, -ueB Moroccan.
-a, -OB tangerine. MapOKKaHCKJHH [marAkan-
Maneep [mAn^ovr] m -a, sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Moroc-
-OB mil manoeuvre {also fig). can.
Manepja [mAn^era] / -bi, /?/ MapT [mart, -d] m -a
-bi, -~ 1. manner {customary March.
behaviour); 2. style {in liter- Mapiu [marsh, -zh] m -a,
ature, etc); 3. pi manners -efl march {1) movement; 2)
{good, bad, etc). music).
MaHweTJa [mAnzheta] / Mapmaji [marshal] m -a,
-ti, ~ cuff {of a sleeve). -OB marshal {a military of-
MaHH(|)ecT [man^if'est, -zd] ficer) .

m -a, -GB manifesto. Maprnpyr [mArshrut, -d] m

MaHy4)aKTyp|a [manufAktu- -a, -OB route, itinerary.
ra] / -bi 1. {pi -bi, ~) econ Mac|Ka [maska] / -kh, -ok
manufactory; 2. textilG(s), mask {also fig).
drapery. MacKapaA [maskArat, -d] tn
MaprapHH [margAr^in] m -a -a, -OB masquerade, fancy-
margarine. -ball.
MapHHoeaHHbifi [mar^ino- MacKHploeaTb [mask^irA-
vanniy] a {pa\ preserved in vat^] imperf -yra, -yeiub, p
pickle, piclded. -oBaji, imp
I (marka] / -kh, -ok
MapJKa eaib [zamask^irAvat^] perf
1. (postage) stamp; 2. mark, 1. mask {also fig); 2. mil
brand, label; trade mark; camouflage.
<> noA —KOH under the guise MacjieHJKa [mAs^l^onka] /
{of). -KH, -OK 1. butter-dish; 2.
Map'|Ka II [marka] / -kh, technol lubricator, oil cup.
-OK mark (a monetary unit). Mac;i|o [masla] n -a 1.
MapKCHSM [mArks'^izm] m butter; oil {vegetable and
-a Marxism. mineral); 2. oil colour/ paint;
MapKCH3M-jieHHHM3M [mArk- <> HACT KaK no ~y col ^
s^izml'^in^'in^izm]m MapK- it goes like clock-work.
CH3Ma-JieHHHH3Ma Marxism- Maccja [massa] / -bi, pi -bi,
-Leninism {the teaching of ~ 1. phys mass; 2. paste (/)
Marx, Engels and Lenin); a substance; 2) a food-stuff);
KJiaCCHKH MapKCH3Ma-JieHH- pulp {of wood, etc); 3. a
201 Mam

large amount / quantity (of), ues, etc; 2) philos); ^oe nojio-

a lot (of), a great deal {of); ^enne financial position;
4. col mass, the bulk {of); 5. ~aH noMomb pecuniary aid.
pi masses {of the popula- MarepHK [mat^i^r'^ik, -g] m
tion). -a, -OB mainland, continent.
MaccoBbiH [massaviy] a MaTepMHCTB|o [mat^i^r^in-
mass {attr), popular. stva] n -a maternity, mother-
Macrep [mas^t^ir] m -a, pi hood.
-a, -OB 1. foreman {in a fac- MarepHsi [mAt^er^iya] /
tory, etc); 2. expert; 3. sport -H, -H 1. philos substance,
master; matter; 2. cloth, fabric.
<> OH — Ha Ece pyKH he's a MaTOBbiH [mataviy] a 1.
Jack of trades.
all dull, lustreless; mat {skin)',
MaaepcKlan [mas^t^i^r- 2. opaque, frosted {glass).
skaya] / -oh, -hx workshop, Marpac [mAtras, -z] m -a,
studio {of an artist). -OB mattress.
MacTepcTBJo [mas'^t^i^rstvo] Marpoc [mAtros, -z] m -a,
n -a 1. handicraft, trade; 2. -OB seaman, sailor.
skill, mastership, workman- MaTH [mach^:] m -a, -eS
ship. sport match.
MacuiTaS [mAshtap, -b] m MaTJb [mat^, -d^] / -epH,
-a, -OB scale {of a map, etc); instr -epbK), pi -epn, -epefl
B wajieHbKOM ~e mother {a female parent).
on a small
scale. wax [makh] m -a: oahhm
Mar [mat, -d] m -a chess — OM col at one stroke.
checkmate, mate. Max|aTb [niAkhat^] imperf
MaiewaTHK [mat^i*^mat^ik, Mamy, Mameiub, p -aji, imp
-g] m -a, -ob mathematician. MaiiiH, MaxH|yTb [mAkhnut^l
MarcMaTHKla [mst^i^mat^i- perf -y, -eiub, p -yji, imp -h
ka] / -H mathematics. wave {one's hand, handker-
MarepHaji [mat^i^r^yal] m chief, etc); wag {the tail)',

-a, -OB material. flap {wings);

MarepHajiHSM [mst^ir^iA- Maxnyrb KyAa-ji. col go

l^'izm] m -a philos material- somewhere; waxnyxb py-off

ism; AHajieKTH4ecKHH -~ di- KOH col give up as hopeless,
alectical materialism; hcto- give up as a bad job.
pH^ecKHH — historical mate- Manexja [mach^ikha] / -h,
rialism. ~ stepmother.
MaTepHajlHCTHHeCKJHH [m9- MaHTJa [mach^ta] / -h, -'
t^'ir^iA^is^'t^ich^isk^iy] a -an, mast {on a boat).
-oe, -He p/i//os materialist(ic). MauuH [mAsht] see Maxarb.
MaTepHajibHJbiM [mat^i*^- MamiiH|a [mAshfna] / -u,
r'^yaPniy] a sh f MaiepHa- ~ 1. machine, mechanism;
JieH,-a,-o, -bi material {1) val- engine; 2. motor-car; lorry;
Mam — 202 —
US truck; AaeaH noeAeM na [m^etpunkt, -gd] dispensary;
—e let's take a car; let's aid post.
drive {in a car); MeAajijb [m^'i^dal^] / -h,
<> rocyAapcTBCHHafl ~a ma- -efl medal;
chinery of state. <> oSopOTHaSI CTOpOHa ~H
MauiHHHCT [mashin^ist,-zd] the reverse side of the med-
m -a, -OB 1. machinist, al.
machine-operator; 2. engine- MeABCAJb [m^i^d'^v^et^, -d*']
-driver, locomotive-driver. m pi
-H, -H, -eft bear {an
MaiuHHHCT|Ka [mashin^ist- animal).
ke] / -KH, -OK (girl) typist. MeAHUHHJa [m^'id^'itji'na] /
MamHH|Ka [mAshinka] / -bi medicine {a science).
-KH, -OK 1. dim of MauiHHa; MeAHU.MHCK[MH [m^id^itjfn-
2,: nHiuyman —Ka typewriter; sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He medi-
clippers. MeAJieHHJbiH [m^'ed^l^mniy]
MauiHHOCTpoeHH e[m9shina- a sh f
MeAJieH (MeAJieneH),
strAyen^iya] n -h engineer- -a, -0, -bi slow {horse, jour-
ing industry. ney, worker, poison, march,
Mauiy [mAshu], Mauieuib etc).
[mashash, -zh] see Maxaib. MeAH|biH [m^edniy] a cop'
MaslK [mAyak, -g] m -a, per {attr), coppery;
-OB lighthouse; beacon {also <> —biH BCK the Brazen Age.
MCAJb [m^et^, -d^] / -H 1.
MaflTHHK [mayat^n^ik, -g] copper {a metal); 2. col cop-
m -a, -OB pendulum. per coins.
MFJija [mgla] / -bi haze, =
Me«... MeHiAy...
mist. MejKAOMeTHJe [m^izhdAm^e-
MrHoeeHHle [mgnAv^en^iya] t^iya] n -h, -h ling interjec-
n -H, -H instant, moment; tion.
<> B ~e
OKa col in the twinkl- MCjKAy [m'^ezhdu] prep with
ing of an eye. instr {sometimes gen) corre-
MrHOBeHH|biH [mgnAV^en- sponding to the English 'be-
niy] a sh f MrHOBeneH, -a, tween' and 'among';
-o, -bi instantaneous, im- <0 ~ TCM meanwhile, in the
mediate. meantime; a -- tcm never-
McSeJilb [m^eb^'il^] / -h theless; ~ TeM KaK while;
furniture {in a room, etc). whereas; ~ npoHHM 1) in
MCA [m^ot, -d] m -a (-y) passing {say smth, etc) 2) by
honey {made by bees). the way, by the by; ~ Ae-
MCA... first element of com- jiOM at odd moments.
pounds pertaining to 'medi- Me/KAy... fifst element of
cine: MCAcecipa [ni^ets'^i^stra] compounds denoting position,
(hospital) nurse, MCAnyHKT location between smth or rela-
— 203 — Men

tions between, among smth, MCJioHlb [m^elach^, -j^] /

smh: MejKAyBeAOMCTBeHHbiH -H, -efi 1. small / miscella-
[m^izh duv^'eda ms^t^v^in niy] neous things / articles; 2.
interdepartmental; Me}K6H- small change {money); 3. tri-
6jiH0TeHHbiH [m^ezhb^ibPiA- fle, trivial thing-.
t^ech^'nty] inter-library(fl//r); MCJijb [m^el''] / -H, -eft
Me>KAypHflbe [m^izhdur^a- shoal, shallow; bank {in the
d^ya] agric space between sea); cecxb na ~b run
rows. ^u aground
aground, na
Me^AynapOAHbiH [m^izhdu- [also see <>];
HAFodniy] a international. <0> Ha ~H in low water, on
MeKCHKaH|eu [m^iks^'ikd- the rocks.
n^its, -dz] m -ua, -ueB Mexi- MejibKJaTb [m^i^l^kat^] im-
can. perf -aex, MCjibKHlyxb*
MeKCHKaHCKlHft [m^iks^i- [m^i^Pknut^] perf -ex, p -yji
kansk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He 1. flash; be seen an for
Mexican. instant, appear for a mo-
MCji [m^el] m -a (-y) chalk ment; 2. fig: y Hero —nyjia
{1} chem; 2) for writing); Mbicjib an idea flashed across
whitening. his mind.
MCJi [m^ol], Mejia [m^i^la] MCjibKOM [m^el^'kam] adv
see MecTH. in cursorily; ysH-
Mejie|Tb [m^i^l^et^] imperf Aexb ~
catch a glimpse;
-ex, o6:MejieTb [Abm^'i'^Pet^] BsrjiHHyxb '- give a cursory
perf shallow, become shallow. look.
MejiM [m^i^Pi] see MOJioxb. MCjibHHK [m^ePn^'ik, -g] m
MejiKJHH [m^elk^iy] a -an, -a, -OB miller {a flour mill
-oe, -He, sh f mcjiok, -a, -o, operator or owner).
-H 1. small {in size, value, MCjibHHula [m^ePn^itsa] f
etc); ~HH necoK fine sand; -bi, ^ 1. flour mill; 2. coffee-
2. econ petty, small, small- -mill.
-scale; --hh c66cTBeHHHK MCJibHC [m^el^ch^i] comp o/
small owner; 3. minor, insig- MejiKHH & corresp adv.
nificant; 4. //g- petty, narrow- MCjiK) [m^i^l^u], MCjieuib
-minded, mean; 5. shallow [m^ePish, -zh] see MOJioxb.
{river, pond, etc); ^an ra- MCHce [m^en^iya] adv used
pejiKa flat plate, dinner-plate; to form comp less; ~ KpacH-
<> —lie flCHbrH small change BbiH less beautiful;
{money). <> TCM He ~ nevertheless.
mcjioahIji [m^i^lod^iya] / MCHbuie [m^en^shi^] I comp
-H, -H melody, tune. of MajibiH & MajieHbKHH;
MCJioiHlbiH [m'elach^niy] II comp of Majio;
a sh f MejioHCH, -a -o, -bi <> ~ Bcero least of all.
petty, small-minded, mean. MeHbuiJHH [m^en^shiy] -aa,

— 204 —
-ee, -He 1 comp of Majibift & -aH, -oe, -He, sh f MepaoK,
MajieHbKHH; -a, -o, -H 1. vile, disgusting,
II superl o/MajibiH & MajieHb- loathsome; 2. co/ nasty (very
KHH unpleasant).
-<0> no --eM Mepe at least; Mep3|HyTb [m^orznut''] im-
caMoe -~ee not less than. perf -Hy, -Heuib, p —, -;ia,
MCHbuiKHCTBlo [m^in^sliin- imp -HH freeze, feel cold.
stvo] n -a, pi MeHbiuHHCTBa, MepHAHan [m^ir^id^ian] m
MeHblUHHCTB, MeHblllHHCTBaM -a, -OB gecg meridian.
minority; Mep|HTb [m^^r^'it^] imperf
•^ HauHOHajibHoe --'O nation- -K),-Huib, p -HJi, imp -b 1.
al minority. measure, get / take measure-
MCHK) [m^i^n^u] n indecl ment; 2. try on (a dress etc); ,

bill of fare, menu. <> ~HTb Ha CBOH apUIMH Col

MeHfl [m'^i^n^a] gen 8c ace = measure others' corn by
of H. one's own bushel.
MeHlflTb [m^i^n^at^^] imperfMep|Ka [m^erk9] / -kh, -ok
-HK), -Heiiib, noiMeHHTb [pa-
measure, measurement;

m^i^n^at^] perf 1.CHHTb ~Ky c Koro-Ji. take

\l) clothes; 2) money); 2. ex- smb's measurements; 2. in-
change {gifts, stamps, etc); strument for measuring (a
3. (no perf) change, alter measuring rod, yardstick, etc);
(one's opinion, etc). 3. fig yardstick.
MeHlflTbCJi[m^i^n^attj9] im- MeponpHflTHle[m^ir9pr^iya-
perf -Hiocb, -neiiibCH, noiMe- t^iy9] n -H, -H measure,
HHTbCH [p9m''i^n^attS9] perf undertaking.
1. {no perf) change {become MepTBlbiH [m^ortvty] a sh
different); 2. exchange. f ~, MepTBa, -o (MepTBo),
Mepja [m^era] / -bi, — 1. -bi (MepTBbi) 1. dead; 2. fig
measure {standard); ^u }\Jiu- dead; lifeless;
Hbi linear measures; ~bi no-
<> --a.a nexjifli av loop; ~aji
sepxHocTH square measures; XBaxKa mortal grip; hh )khb
2. measure, step; npHHHTb HH ~ col more dead than
cpoqHbie ~bi take prompt alive.
action; npHHHTb HaAJieH^amHe Mepulaxb [m'i^rtjat^] im-
'-bi take proper measures; perf -aer twinkle, flicker,
take adequate measures; shimmer, glimmer.
^ Bbicmasi ~a HaKasaHnn Mec|HTb [m^i^s^it^l imperf
capital punishment; ceepx Memy, Mecnmb, p -hji, imp
'-hi to excess; b -— y within -h knead (dough, clay, etc).
reasonable limits; no ~e roro iwecTH [m^'i^s'^t^i] imoerf
KaK as (while); no ~e chji MCTy, Mexeuib, p mcji, Me;ia
as far as possible. imp MeiH 1. sweep (with a
Mep3KiHM [m^'ersk^iyl a broom)\ 2. impers snow hard.

205 — MCT

MecTKOM [m'^i^stkom] m -a, possessive pronoun; yiosa-

-OB (=MeCTHbIH KOMHXeT xeJibHoe ~e demonstrative
npo4)co{b3HOH opraHHsauHH) pronoun; onpeAejiHxejibHoe
local trade-union committee. —e defining pronoun.
MecTHOCT|b [m^esnas^t^, MecxonojiomeHHJe [m^esta-
-z^d''] / -H, -eft 1. country palAzhen^iya] n -h position,
{wooded, open, etc); 6o;i6th- location, situation.
CTan ~b marshland; 2. local- Mecxonpe6biBaHH|e [m^esta-
ity, district, n -h, -h resi-
;;a4HaH —b country place. dence, dwelling-place {per-
MecTHJbiH [m^'esnty] a lo-manent or temporary); ~-e npa-
cal; — biH >KHTejib native; BHxejibCxea seat of govern-
'-oe caMoynpaBJieHHe local ment.
government. MecxopoiKAeHHle [m^istarA-
MecT[o [m^esta] n -a, pi zhd'^en'^iya] n -h, -h geol de-
Mecxa, —, -aM 1. place, spot, posit, layer.
locality; '— o HasHaneHHH des- Mecx|b [m^es^t^, -z^d^J /
tination; —o p0H<AeHHH -H vengeance, revenge.
birth-place; —o ctchhkh Ma- Mecni; [m^es^atj, -dz] m -a,
iiiHH parking place; 2. seat -CB 1. month; 2. moon;
{in a theatre, at the table, etc); <> MeflOBbiw -~ honeymoon.
berth {on a train, ship); 3. MecflHHbiH [m^es^ach^'nty]
space, room; 4. post, posi- a monthly.
tion, office, situation; 6e3 Mexajiji [m^i^tal] m-a, -ob
'-a out of work; 5. place, metal.
passage {in a book, maga- MexajiJiHHecKlHH [m^itAPi-
zine, etc); 6. standing, place ch^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
{in society, history, sports, metal {attr); metallic.
etc); 7. piece of luggage; MexajiJiyprMHecK|HH [m^ita-
<> Ha BauiCM --e if I were lurg^ich^isk^iy] a -an, -oe,
you; K —y pertinent, apt; -He metallurgical.
He K --y out of place; He Mex|axb [m'^i^tat^l imperf
HaxoAHTb ce6e ^a ^
eat Meuy, Meqeuib, p -aji, imp
one's heart out; sacTaxb / sa- MeMH, MexHJyxb [m^i^tnut^]
CTHHb / noHMarb Ha ^e npe- perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h
cxynjieHHa catch red-handed, 1. sport throw, fling, cast;
catch in the act. —
aXb AHCK [KOHbe, mojiox]
MecxoiKMxejibcxBlo [m^esta- throw the discus [javelin,
zhit^iPstva] n -a, —
(place hammer]; 2. {no perf): —axb
of) residence, domicile. HKpy spawn;
MecxoHMeHH|e [m^istoim^e- <> -^axb wpeSHH cast lots.
n^'iya] n -h, -h ling pronoun; Mcxejilb [m^i^t^'el*'] / -h,
:303BpaxHoe ~e reflexive pro- -eft snow-storm.
iioun; npHXHJKaxejibHoe -— MexeopoJiorM4ecK|MH [m^i-
Met 206 —
a -an
t^iAralAg^ich''isk''iy] MexaHH3ai;Hl5i [m^ikhan^i-
-oe, -He meteorological. zatjiya] / -h mechaniza-
MeTeopoji6rH|H [m^it^iAFA- tion.
log^iya] f -h meteorology. MexaHHSM [m^ikhAn^izm] m
MCTH [m^i^t^i] see MecTH. -a, -OB mechanism (a/so //g^);
MeT|HTb I [m^et^it^] im- machinery, gear(ing); works
perf Mewy, -Hiiib, p -hji, imp {of a clock); MacoBofl ~
-b, noiMeTHTb [pAm^et^it''] -work; nepeAaxoMHbift -^
perf mark {a page, linen, etc). transmission gear.
McrlHTb II [m^et^it^] im- McxaHHK [m^'i^khan^ik, -g]
perf Me^iy, -Huib, p -hji, imp m -a, -OB mechanical engi-
-b 1. aim [a weapon, blow, neer, mechanic.
etc);2. fig aspire {to a post). MexaHHKJa [m^i^khan^ika]
McrlKa [m^etka]/ -kh, -ok / -H mechanics; npHKJiaA-
mark, sign. nan —a applied mechanics.
mctkIhh [m^etk^iy] a -an, MexaHMHecKJHH [m^ikhAn^i-
-oe, -He, sh fmctok, -a, -o, a -an, -oe, -ne 1.
-H 1. well-aimed (blow, etc); mechanical, power-driven;
accurate (fire); ~hh cxpeJioK ~oe c6opyAOBaHHe machin-
good marksman; ~Hn rjias ery; 2. fig mechanical, ma-
keen eye; 2. fig neat, point- chinelike.
ed, apt {remark, etc). McxoBOM [m^ikhAvoy] a fur
MCTJila [m^i^tla] / -b'l, pi {attr).
MCTJibi, Mexeji, MexjiaM broom. MCHH [m^i^ch^i] see Mexaxb.
MCTHyTb see Mexaxb 1. MCHxja [m^i^ch^ta] / -bi
Meioji [m^'etat, -d] -a, m dream; day-dream, fancy.
-OB method. MeHx|axb [m^i^ch^tat^] /m-
MCTp [m^etr] -a, m perf -aK), -aeuib dream, day-
-OB metre; KBaApaTHbift -^ -dream.
square metre; Ky6HtiecKHH Meny I [m^ech^u] see Me-
--- cubic metre. XHXb I.

MeTpHKJa [m^etr^ika] / -h, Meny II [m^ech^u] see Me-

"^ birth-certificate. XHXb II.
iwexpo [m^i^tro] n indecl MCHy [m^i^ch^u], Meneuib
the underground, metro; [m^ech^ish, -zh] see Me-
exaxb Ha / B go by the ^ xaxb.
underground; travel by the Meiujaxb I [m^'i^shat^] im-
underground. perj -aio, -aeuib, nolMeiuarb
Mcry [m^'i^tu], Mereuib [pam^i^shat*"] perf prevent,
[m^i^t^osh, -zh] see MecxH. hinder, hamper; obstruct,
Mcx [m^ekh, -gh]m -a (-y), bar; ecjiHnnqxo He noMemaex
pi -a, -OB 1. fur; 2. furriery; if nothing interferes;
furs {garments, neck-pieces, <> He —ajio 6bi it would be
etc); 3. wineskin; water-skin. advisable.
— 207 — MHM

Mem|aTb II [m^i^shat^] MHKpo6HOJi6rHH [m^'ikrab^'iA-

imperf -aio, -aeuib, noiivie- log^iya] microbiology.
uiaxb [p9m^i*^shat^] perf, MMKp66 [m^ikrop, -b] m -a,
ciMemaxb [s^m^i^shat^] perf -OB microbe.
\. (noMemaxb) stir [coffee, MHJiHxapH3M [m^il^itA-
etc, with a
spoon); 2. (cMe- r^izm] m -a militarism.
maib) mix
(up), mingle, MHJiHUHOKep [m^il^'itjiA-
blend; 3. (cMeuiaxb) col con- n'^er] m -a, -ob militiaman
found, mistake {one for an- [cf mhjihuhh].
other). MHJiHUH'ifl [m^il^'itslya] / -h,
MeiujoK [m^'i^shok, -gl m -H militia {a governmental
-Ka, -KOB 1. bag; sack; Be- body in the USSR
meBOH ~6k rucksack, knap- for maintaining public order).
sack; 2. sack(ful) (o/po/ato<?s, MHJiJiHapfl [m^il^iart, -d]
etc); nam card -a, -ob milliard-
<0> cnajibHbiH ~6k
sleep ing- 's billion.
-bag; —KM noji rjiasaMH bags MHJiJiHMexp [m^il^im^etr] m
under the eyes. -OB millimetre.
Mcuiy [m^i^shu] see ue- MHJiJiHOH [m^il^ion] nam
CHTb. card -a, ob million.
Mem,aHCK|HH [m^i^sh^:an- MHjiocxlb [m'^Ilas'^t^, -z^'d^]
sk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -He 1. / -H, -CH 1. favour, grace;
petty bourgeois {attr)\ 2. fig 2. mercy, clemency; charity;
Philistine (attr), narrow- H3 ~-H out of charity;
-minded, vulgar. <> ~H npocHM! welcome!;
MHr [m'^ik, -g] tn -a mo- cKaHiHxe Ha b col you don't —
ment, instant; say; cAeJiafixe —-b be so
<> B OAHH —
in a flash, in kind.
a jiffy. MHJi|biH [m^iUy] I a sh f
MHrjaxb [m^igat^] imperf ^, -a, -0, -bi (-bi) 1. nice,
-aio, -aeuib, MHrH|yTb [m^ig- sweet, 2, dear, darling;
nut^] perf -y, -eujb, p -yji, 1 1 as a noun m h ji bi h |
imp -H 1. blink; —-yxb ko- -oro, -bix sweetheart, darling,
My-Ji. wink at smb; 2. twin- lover.
kle, flicker. MMjija [m'^il^a] / -h, -b
MwroM [m^igam] adv col in mile.
a flash, in a jiffy. MHMO [m^'ima] adv & prep
MM3MH|ei; [m^'iz^in^itj, -dz] with gen past, by; nonacxb
m -ua, -uee little finger; lit- — miss (one's aim); ~ uejiH
tle toe. beside the mark, wide of the
MHKpo... element of
first mark;
compounds denoting small- <0>-nponycxHXb ~ yuieri pay
ness, minuteness: MHKpoa.Mnep no attention to, take no heed
[m^ikraAmp^er]microampere; of, give no ear to.
208 —
MHMOXOAOM [m'^imAkhodam] leave behind {a place, town,
adv 1. in passing (by); by the etc); imperf also be in the
way; 2. in passing {say smth, act of passing / going through
etc). (a place, town, etc); 2. {with
MMMJa 1 [m^ina] / -bi, ~ neg) escape {danger, death,
mil, naut mine. etc); 3. be over, be past;
MHHla II [m^ina] / -bi, ~ 3HMa —oBajia winter is over;
countenance, expression; c^e- <> —yji noAp66HOCTH omit-
jiaTb KHCjiyK) ~y col pull a ting details.
wry face; MMHOMCT [m^'inAm^'ot, -d] m
<> Aejiaxb xopomyK) ~y npH -a, -OB (trench) mortar.
njioxoH Hrpe put a good face MHHOHOcleu [m^'inAnos^'itj,
on the matter. -dz] m -ua, -ucB naut torpe-
MMHAajilb [m^indaP] m -h do-boat; scKaApeuHbiH ~eu
almond; almond-tree. destroyer.
MMHCpaji [m^in'^i^ral] -a, m MHHyc [m^inus, -z] m -a,
-OB mineral {an inorganic sub- -OB 1. math, electr minus;
siance). 2. drawback, shortcoming.
MHHepajibHbiH [m^in^i^ral^- MMHyTJa [m^'inuta] / -bi, -^
nty] a mineral {attr). minute;
MHHHMajibH|biH [m^ln^i- <> B ojiHy ~y in no time, in
mal^niy] a sh f MHHHMajieH, an instant; c ~bi Ha — y ev-
-a, -o, -bi minimum {attr). ery minute; '-as ~y to a
MHHHCTepcTBlo [m^'in^is^- minute.
t^erstva] n -a, ^^ ministry, MHp I [m^ir] (-y),
board {a branch of govern- pi -hi, -OB world, universe;
ment); US department; Mh- globe, earth; bo bccm ~eall
HHCiepCTBO HHOCTpaHHblX A^JI over the world; -~ ^kubothux
Ministry of Foreign Affairs; animal world; ~ pacxeHHH
MHHHCTepCTBO 4)HHaHC0B Min- vegetable kingdom;
istry of Finance; MHHHCTep- <> He OT '-a cero col un-
CTBO BHyipeHHHx AeJi Minis- worldly.
try of Internal Affairs; Mh- MHp II [m^'ir] -a peacem
HHcrepcTBO couHajibHoro o6e- {!) freedom from war or civil
cne«ieHHH Ministry of Social disorder; 2) a treaty to end
Maintenance. war); ohjiot --a stronghold
MHHHCTp [m'^in^istr] m -a, of peace; aaKjiioMHTb — make
-OB Minister {head of some peace.
department of state); MHplHTb [m^'ir^it^] imperf
<> -- 6e3 nopT^ejifl Minister -lb, -HUJb, p -Hji, imp -H,
without portfolio. noJMHpHTb [pam^ir^'it''] per^
MHH|oBaTb [m'^inAvat*'] reconcile, restore peace.
perf -yio, -ycmb, p -OBaji, MHplHTbcji [m^'ir'^ittso] im-
imp -yti 1. go past, pass, perf -ibCb, -HUIbCH, p -HJlCa,
— 209 — MHO

-lijiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb, MJianuiiHH [mlatshiy] a

noJMHpHTbCfl [p9m^ir*'itts9] -an, -ee, 1. younger;
perf, npH';MHpHTbC5i [pr^im^i- the youngest; 2. junior {of
r^'ittsa] perf 1. make it up lower position, rank, or stand-
{with, smb), be reconciled ing).
(with smb); 2. (npHMMpHTbcn) MHC [mn^'e] dat & pr of h,
reconcile oneself {to smth); MHeHH|e [mn'^en^iya] n -h,
put up {with smth); ~HTbCH -ft opinion, judgement, esti-
c cosAaBiUHMCH nojio»:eHHeM mation; o6iuecTBeHHoe ~e
accept the situation; c 9Thm public opinion; 6biTb o cede
HejibSH --HTbCH it cannot be BbicoKoro —H think highly /
tolerated. too much of oneself; no mo-
MHpHJbiH [m^irnty] a sh f eMy ~K) in my opinion.
MHpeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. peace MHH [mn^i] see MHXb.
{attr), peaceful; ~oe ypery- MHMTejibH|biH [mn^it^il^-
jiHpOBaHHe peaceful settle- niy] a sh f MHHiejieH, -a, -o,
ment; -^-oe cocymecTBOBa- -bi overanxious about one's
HHe peaceful coexistence; 2. health.
peaceful, peaceable; tranquil, MH6r|He [mnog^iya] I a
placid. pi many; bo ~hx oxHOuie-
MHpoB033peHHle [m^'irsvA- HHHx in many respects;
zr^en^iya] n -h, -h world II as a noun m h 6 r h e pi |

outlook; ideology {doctrines, -Hx many (people).

opinions, way of thinking); MHoro [mnoga] I adv 1.
MapKCHCTCKO-JieHHHCKOe ~e much, a lot, a great deal;
the Marxist-Leninist outlook. 2. (with comp) much;
MHpoBOH [m^irAVoy] a II as a num many, plenty
world {attr). of, a lot of; much;
MHpojiK)6HBlbiH [m^iral^u- <> HH ~ HH Majio no less
b^ivty] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi than.
peaceable, peace-loving. MHoro66pb e [mnagAbor^'ya]

MHc|Ka [m^iska] / -kh, -ok n -H sport combined compe-

basin {a kind of bowl); (soup) tition.
tureen. MHoro3HaHHTejibH|biH [mna-
mhcch|si [m^is^iya] / -h, gaznAch^it^il^niy] a sh f
-H 1. mission {a special task, MHorosHaHHTejieH, -a, -o, -u
work); 2. dipt mission, lega- significant {look, etc); mean-
tion. ingful.
MMTHHr [m^it^'ink, -g] m MHorojieTHHH [mnagAl^et^-
-a, -oB (mass) meeting, rally. n^iy] a 1. of many years;
MHUjeH|b [m^ishen''] / -h, ~ TpyA many years' work;
-eft target {also fig). 2, bot perennial.
MjiaflCHleu [mlAd^en^'itj, MHoroceMeHH|b!H [mnaga-
-dz] m -ua, -ueB baby, infant. s^i^m^eyniy] a ^h f MHoroce-
MHO — 210 -
MeeH, -a, -o, -bi having a -an, -ee, -He, sh f —-, -a, -e,
large family. -H powerful, mighty.
MHorocTOp6HH|iiH [mnaga- Moryiii,ccTB|o [mAgush^^.i-
stAFon'Ti^iy] a sh f Mnoro- stva] n -a power, might.
CTopoHeH, -H, -e, -H 1. math MOflja [moda] / -bi,~ fash-
polygonal, multilateral; 2. ion, vogue,
multilateral {treaty, etc); 3. [mAdel^] / -h, -eft
many-sided, versatile. 1. model
{of a ship, etc);
MHoroMHCJieHH|biH [mn9- 2. pattern, model; 3. style,
gAch'*is^l''mnty] a sh f mho- model.
roMHCJieH, -a -o, -bi numer- Moe [mAyo] pron n Moero,
ous. MoeM-y, ~, MOHM (o) -M see
MH6)KecTB|o [mnozhastva] MOH.
n -a great number {of), great Moero [mayi^vo] gen & ace
deal {of), lots (o/); 68Cko- of MOH, gen of MOe; see
HeHHoe ---o infinite number MOH.
{of). Moeft [mAyey] gen dat,
MH6)K[HTb [mnozhtt^] im- instr & pr of moji; see moh.
perf -y, p -hji, imp
-Hiub, MoeiM [mAyom] pr of moh.
-b, noJMHo^HTb [pAmnozhU''] MoeMy [mayi^mu] dai of
perf, yJMHOJKHTb [umnozhit*'] MOH & Moe; see moh.
perf 1. math multiply; 2. MoeK) [mAyeyu] instr of
(yMH6>KHTb) increase, mul- moh; see moh.
tiply, augment. MOJKHO [mozhna] impers
MHOH [mnoy], mhok) predic one can; it is pos-
[mnoyu] instr of h. sible; one may; sto — cj^e-
MHy [mnu], MHeujb[mn^osh, jiaTb one can do it, it can
-zh] see unih. be done; sAecb ~ KypHib
MHycb [mnus** -z''], MHeuib- one may smoke here; smok-
cji [mn^oshs'^a] see MHibcn. ing is allowed here, ecjiH ^
M06HJiH3auH|fl [mab'^il'^i- if (it is) possible; KaK -'
z^tjtya] / -H mobilization 66jihiuQ as much as possible;
{also fig). as many as possible; KaK -'
Mo6HjiH3loBdTb [m9b'*il''i- CKopee as soon as possible;
ZAVat^] perf & imperf -yio, •~- BOHTH? may I [we] come
-yeiub, p -OBaji, imp -yfl in?;
mobilize {forces, means, etc). <> KaK ~! col it's out of
Mor [mok, -g], Morjia [niAg- the question!
la] see Moqb. M03r [mosk, -zg] m -a (-y),
MorMJi|a [mAg^ib] / -bi, ^ pi -OB brain; kocthmh
-H, ^
grave, tomb. marrow {of the bones);
Mory [mAgu], M6)Kemb <0> AG ~a
KocTeM col to the
[mozhas'i, -zh] see MOMb. bone; uieBCJiHTb —awH col
MoryH|HH [mAguch^'iy] a = use one's brains.
211 — MOJl

M036jl|b [mAzol^] / -H. pi ning-cable; 3. special issue

-H -eft corn, callus, callos- (<)/a newspaper); 4. zipper,
ity. slide fastener.
MOH [mAi] pron pi -x, -m, MOJioAe)K|b [malAd^osh, -zh]
'-' (-x), -MH, (o) -X see moh. / -H youth, young people.
MOMM [mAim] Instr of moh MOJioA|eTb [malAd^et^] im-
& Moe; see moh. perf -eK), -eeiub, noJMOjiG-
Moii I [moy] I pron poss flexb [pamaUd^et''] perf look
corresp to ^ m Moero, MoeMy, younger, feel rejuvenated /
^ (MOero), MOHM, (o) MOeM, younger; grow young again.
Moa /, Moe n, mom pi my; MOJiOAlei; [maUd^etj, -4z]
mine; m -ua, -uoB brick, fine fel-
II as a noun moh pi -x my low/lad; fine girl; BecTH
p&o^\% Xrelatives). ce6H ~u,6m behave magnifi-
moh II [moy] see mmtb. cently; ~eu! col well done!,
MOHCfl [moys^a], MOHxecb good for you [him, etc]\
[moyt^is^, -1^] see Mbixbcq. mojioaIoh [mslAdoy] a sh f
MOKHlyxb [moknuf'J im- MojiOA, -a, mojioao, mojioau
perf -y, -euib, p mok (-yji), 1. young {of age); 2. new
MOKJia, imp-H become wet; {potatoes, wine, etc).
soak {remain in liquid); -^-yxb MOJiOAOcxlb [mobdas^t^,
noA AO>KAeM be out in the -z^d^] / -H youth, young age;
rain. <> He nepBOH ~h not in
MOKpoTJa [mAkrota] / -bi one's first youth.
phlegm {mucus). Mojiome [mAlozhi^] comp
MOKplbiH [mokrty] a sh f of MOJIOAOH.
'— , -a, -o, -bi wet, soggy; Mo.riOK|6 [maUko] n -a
<> — bIM flO HMTKH wet to milk.
the skin; y nee rjiasa Ha MOJiox [molat, -d] m -a,
--0M Mecxe col = she is a -OB hammer a machine
cry-baby; she is close to for beating, breaking, etc; 2)
tears. ^port); napOBOH steam- ~
[mol] m -a, -ob pier,
MO.JI -hammer.
breakwater. MOJioxHJiJKa [malAt^ilka] f
MOjiBJa [mAlva] / -bi 1. ru- -KH, -OK threshing-machine.
mour, general talk; HAet —a MOJIOX Hxb [malAt^it^] im-

it is rumoured that; 2. fame perf MOJio^iy, MOJioxHuib, p

{reputation). -HJi, imp -H thresh.
MOJiAaeaHlHH [maldAva- mgjiox|6k [m3lAt6k, -g} m.
n^in] -Hna, m Moldavian. — -Ka, -KOB hammer {for driv-
MOjiflaBCKJHH [mAldafsk^iy] ing^ in nails, etc); mallet;
a -an, -oe, -He Moldavian. gavel.
m6jihh|s! [moln^iya] / -h, MOJiolxb [mAlot^] imperf
-H I. lightning; 2. col light- MeAK), MCJieuib, p -A, imp
MOJI — 212 —
MejiH, cjMOjioTb [smAlot^] <> npHHRTb HTO-JI. 3a HH-
perf grind, mill; cxyio ~y take smth at its
<> ~Tb B3A0p col talk non- face value; (0T)n,jiaTHTb toh
sense. iKC ~0H pay smb in his
Moji6HH|biH [mAl6ch''nfy] a own coin.
1. milk {attr), dairy; 2. milch MOHonojiHifl [manApol^'iya]
{cow). f -H, -ft monopoly.

M0jiHajiH3|biH [malch^'i^l*'!- MOHTa>K [mAntash, -zh] m

viy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -u -a. pi -H, -eft 1. technol
1. taciturn, reticent; 2. tacit, assembly, mounting, install-
unspoken, silent. ing; 2. montage.
MOJiHaHH|e [mAlch^'an^'iya] MOHxep [mAn''t''6r] m -a,
n -H silence {not talking, -OB 1. fitter (a person who
etc); xpaHHTb —e keep si- installs, etc, machinery); 2.
lence; electrician.
^O' 060HTH '-CM pass over in MOpaji|b [mAral^j / -h, -eft
silence. 1. morals, ethics; morality;
MOJiM|aTb [mAlch^'at^] im- 2. moral, moral lesson;
perf -y, -Huib, p -aji, imp <> HHTaib ~b KDMy-ji. lec-
-H keep silent / silence, be ture smb.
silent. MOpajibHlbiH [mAral^niy] a
[moP] / -H, -eft sh f MOpajieH, -a, -o, -bi

(clothes-)moth; Hs-beAeHHbm 1. moral, ethical; 2. spirit-

~bK) moth-eaten. ual, mental; ~bifl Ayx mo-
MOMCHT [mAm^'ent, -d] m rale.
-a, -OB 1. moment, instant; Mopr|aTb [mArgat^j imperf
2. feature, peculiarity; point -aKD, -aemb, MOprH|yTb [mArg-
(m a report, etc); sto HHie- nut*'] perf -y, -eiub, p -yji,
pecHbiH ~
that is an inter- imp -H blink, wink (at);
esting point; <> He ~HyB rjiaaoM co/ with-
<* xeKymHH —
the present out batting an eyelid.
situation. M6p;i|a [morda] / -bi, -'
MOMeHrajibHO mam^rn- 1. muzzle, snout; 2. col mug,
t^l^na] adv instantly, on the ugly face.
spot, immediately. MOple [mor^'a] n -h, pi -h,
MOHapxHJfl [mAnar^kh^'iya] -eft sea; Ha Mope at sea; y
/ -H, monarchy.
-fl — H by the sea; by the sea-
MOHFOJi m -a, side; 3a MopcM overseas,
-OB Mongolian. beyond the sea;
M0Hr6;ibCK|HH [mAngol**- <> Kanjin b ~e a drop in
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Mon- the bucket.
golian., MOp|HTb [mAr^'it''] imperf
MOHeT|a [mAH^eta] / -bi, -K), -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1.
~ coin; exterminate {vermin, pest.
— 213 — MOM

etc); exhaust, bore, tire;

2. MOpMK [mAr^ak, -g] m -a,
~HTb rojiOAOM starve, cause -OB sailor, seaman.
to starve. M0CKBH4 [mAskv^ich^, -j**]

MOpKOBJb [mArkof^, -v^] / m -a, -efl Muscovite, inhab-

-H carrot(s). itant of Moscow.
Mop6iKeH|oe [mArozhanaya] mock6bck|hh [mAskofsk^iy]
n -oro ice-cream. a -an -oe, -He Moscow (a//r).
Mopos [mAros, -z] m -a MOOT [most, m-a(-a),
(-y), -OB frost {extreme cold); pi -bi, -OB bridge {across a
<> ~no KOHce noAHpaex col stream, etc); noATjeMBbiH -^
= it makes one's flesh drawbridge.
creep. M0CT0B|iji [mastAvaya] /
MopoclMTb [marAS^it**] im- -OH, -bix roadway.
perf -HT drizzle; (AO>KAb) —HT MOTHB [mAf'if, -v] m -a,
it's drizzling; it drizzles. -OB 1. motive, cause, ground;
MopcK|6H [mArskoy] a -an, 2. mus tune.
-6e, -He sea {attr), marine, MOTop [mAtor] m -a, -ob
nautical, naval; —annexoTa motor, engine.
marines; -^an CBHHKa zool motoi;hkji [matAtslkl] m -a,
guinea pig; -^an aeesAa 200/ -OB motor-cycle.
starfish; Mox [mokh, -gh] m Mxa
<> —OH BOjiK old salt; —aa (-a), pi MXH, MXOB bot moss.
6ojie3Hb seasickness. MoxHarlbiH [mAkhnatty] a
Mopui,MH|a [mArsh^'iina] / sh f --, -a, -0, -bi 1. hairy;
-bi, —wrinkle (m the skin). shaggy; 2.: ~oe nojioienue
MopmJHTb [m6rsh^:it^] im- Turkish towel.
perf -y, -Huib, p -hji, imp-h, MOHJa [mAch^'a] / -h urine.
HaJMopmHTb [nAmorsh^^j MOHaji|Ka [mAch^alka] /-kh,
per/.feiMopmHTb [smorsh'^.it^] -OK wisp of bast {used in
perf 1. (HaMopmHTb): — HXb taking a bath).
no6 one's
knit brow; 2. MOH|HTb [mAch^it''] imperf
(cMopiUHTb) wrinkle, pucker, -y, MOHHiub, p -HJi, imp -h
contract. 1. wet, make wet; 2. soak,
MopmlHTbCJi [m6rsh^:ittja] saturate.
imperf -ycb, -HiiibCH. p -hjich, MOHb [moch''] imperf Mory,
-HJiaCb, HaJMOpIMHTbCfl [nA- M6>Keiiib, MoryT, p Mor, Mor-
morsh^iittja] perf, ciMOp- Jia, ciMOMb [smoch^] perf be
ij^HTbcn [sm6rsh^:itt^sa] perf able; oh cAeJiaex Bce, mtomo-
1. (HaMopmHTbCH) knit one's JKCT he'll do all he can; oh
brow; (cMopmHTbcn) screw M6H<eT noHTH c BaMH? can he
up one's face, make a wry go with you?; may he go
face; shrivel; oh CMopmHJiCH with you?;
OT 66jih his face was distort- <> MOJKCT 6biTb perhaps,
ed with pain. maybe; Momei 6wTbH...; mo-
MOID — 214

JKCT 6bITb OH H B ropOAC, HO —', -a, -o, -bi wise, sagacious,

H He ysepeH he might be in judicious.
town, but I'm not sure; hc MyjK [mush, -zh] m -a, pi
MOHcex 6wTb! it's impossit)le!; -bH, -eft husband.
you don't say! MyiKecTBeHH|wH [muzhast-
moui6hhhk v^mniy] a sh f MymecTBCH,
-g] m -a, -ob swindler. -a, -o, -bi manly, courageous.
MoiUHocTlfa [mosh^-.nas^t^, MyjKecTBJo [muzhastva] n
-z^d**] / -H, -eft technol out- -a courage, valour, fortitude.
put, capacity; power, horse- MyjKCKioH [mushskoy] a -5h,
power; HOMHHaJlbHaH ~b -6e, -He 1. male; man's,
rated capacity. men's; gentlemen's; 2. ling
M6iu,H|b!H [mosh^miy] a masculine.
sh f Momen, -a, -o, -bi power- MyiKHiiaja [mush^n'na] m
ful. -bi, — man, male.
MOK) [moyu], Moeuib [mo- MyaeJH [muz^ey] m -h, -cb
yosh, -zh] see Mbiib. museum.
MOK) [mAyu] dat of moh; My3biK|a [muzika] / -h mu-
see MOH. sic (/) sweet sounds; 2) the
MOiocb [moyus^, -z^], m6- art of producing such).
euibcfl [moyashs^a] see MbiTb- My3biKajibH|biH [muztkal^-
CH. n*y] a sh f MysbiKajien, -a,
MOfl [mAya] proti f Moefl, -o, -bi music (attr), musical;
MOeH, MOK), Moeft (Moeio), (o) ~oe conpoBO^ACHHe accom-
Moeft see moh. paniment; HMCTb ~bift cjiyx
MpaK [mrak, -g] m -a gloom,
have an ear for music.
darkness, blackness; My3biKaHT [muzikant, -d]
<C> noKpbiTO --CM HCHseecT-m -a, -OB musician.
HocTH it is shrouded in MyKJa [mtjks] / -h, -^ tor-
mystery. ment, torture; --h cobccth
MpaMop [mramar] m -a mar- pangs of conscience; ^-h
ble. TBopqecTBa throes of creation.
MpaHH|biH [mrach^niy] a MyK|a [muka] / -h meal,
sh f MpaMCH, -a, -o, -bi 1. flour; KapT6(j)ejibHaH ~a po-
dark, gloomy, sombre; 2. tato-starch.
gloomy, dismal. MyHAHp [mun^d^ir] m -a,
MCTHJib [ms^t^it^] imperf -OB full dress coat.
MLuy, -uib, p -ji, imp ~, Mypaelefi [murAV^'ey] m
OTOMCTlHTb [AtAmS^t^it^] per/ -bCB ant.
OTOMmy, -Huib, p -HJi, imp MycKyji [muskul] m -a, -ob
-H revenge oneself {upon), muscle.
avenge; ~Tb Bpary take Mycop [musar]/n -a 1. de-
veng3ance on one's enemy. bris, rubbish, refuse; (75 gar-
IviyAPlb'H [mudrly] a sh f bage; 2. sweepings^ rubbish:
~ 215 — MbIT

KopsHHa fl,Jisi --a place now; oh 6hiJi c naMH

per-basket. he was with us; hto oh ro-
MycoponpoBOA ImusarsprA- BOpHJi Te6e o nac? what did
vot, -d] m -a, -ob refuse he tell you about us?; 2. in
chute; US garbage chute. combination with the prep c
MyTHlbiH [mutniy] a sh f and another pron pers or noun
MyieH, -a, -o, -u 1. turbid, denoting 'smb else and I': mm
muddy; 2. fig dull, lacklus- c 6paT0M my brother and I;
tre. y Hac c HUM ecTb 6HJieTbi he
Myxja [mukha] / -h, ^ fly and I have
{an insect); Mbiji [mil], Mbijia [mfla]
<> ACJiaTb H3 —H CJIOHa ^ see MbiTb.
make a mountain out of a MbijilHTb [mll^it^] imperf
nolehill. -K), -Huib, p -HJI, imp -b, Hai-
MyneHHle [much^en^iya] n MbijiHTb [nAmfl^it^] perf soap;
-^n, -H torture, torment. 0
HaMbijiHTb rojioey KOMy-ji.
MyHJHTb [much^it^l imperf col =
give smb a good rat-
-y (-aio), -Hiub (-aeiub), p -hji, ing.
imp -b (-aft), saiMyHHTb [za- Mbijijo [mlla] n -a, pi -a,
much^it^] perf, HBJMyHHTb [iz- ~, -aM soap.
much^it^j perf 1. torture, MbiJicn [mils^a], Mbijiacb
torment; ero —-ht noAarpa [mHas^, -z^] see Mbixbcn.
he is martyr to gout; 2. har- MbijibHHu,|a[mtPn^itja] /
ass, worry, tease. -hi, ~soap-box, soap-tray.
Mxa [mkha], mxob [mkhof, MbijibHbiH [mtPniy] a soap
-v] see Mox. {attr), soapy;
MHaJTbcji [mch^attsa] im- <> -- nysbipb soap-bubble.
perf IvmyCb, MMHIUbCH, p -JICH, Mbic [mis, -z] m -a, pi -u,
-Jiacb, imp MHHCb, ivwHTecb -OB cape, promontory.
rush / speed along; -—tlch Mbicjilb [mis^P] / -H, -eft
cjioMH rojioBy rush headlong; thought, idea; nppBOAHTb ~b
BpeMH M^HTCH time flies. adhere to an idea; no — h
Miii,eHH|e [msh^:en^iy8] n ^BTOpa according to the au-
-H vengeance, revenge. thor; eMy npHmJia b rojiosy
Mmy [msh^m] see MCTHXb. ~b a thought occurred to
Mbi [mi] pron pers pi 1st him;
person nac, HaM, uac, HaMH, <> 66pa3 -—CH way of think-
(o) Hac 1. we; 6e3 Hac without ing; (one's) views.
us; Hac TaM He dbiJio we MbiTb [mit^] imperf mok),
weren't there; sry KHHry AaJi Moeuib, p MhiJi, Mbijia, imp
HaM OH it was he who gave MOH, BbiMbiJTb [vlmit^] per/
us the book; Tbi rhacji nac? BblMOK),BblMOeUIb, p -Jl, -Jia,
did you see us?; Bhktop ceft- imp BblMOH, nG|MbITb [pAmit^j
^ac y Hac Victor is at our perf wash {clean with water).

MbIT — 216 —
MbiTbcsi [m+ttsa] imperf m6- MHcjo [m^asa] n -a flesh;
lOCb, MOeillbCH, p MblJlCH, Mbl- meat {food);
i/iacb, imp MOHCH, MOHxecb, <> nyiueHHoe ~o
BblMlblTbCH [vim*ttS9] pe/f -fodder.
-OKDCb, -OeUJbCJI, p -bIJICH, MjiTejK [m^'i^t^esh, -zh] m
-biJiacb, imp -OHCH,
-OHTecb, -a, -eft mutiny, revolt.
noiMbiTbCfl [pAmittsa] per] MHTb [m^at^] imperf MHy,
wash, wash oneself; b Ban- ^ MHeujb, p MHJi, MHjia, imp
He have / take a bath. MHH, HSMHJTb [\z^m^ki^\ per
MbiMJaTb [mich^at^] imperf H30MHy, H30MHemb, p -Ji, imp
-y, -Hiiib, p -aji, imp -h 1. H30MHH, noMH|Tb [pAm^af*]
low, moo, bellow; 2. fig col perf noMHy, noMHemb, p -r^
mumble, hem and haw. imp noMHH, pasMnJTb [rAz**-
MbiiiijieHH|e [mtshPen^iya] m^at^] perf pasoMHy, paso-
n -H thinking, thought. MHeiub, p -JI, imp pasoMHH,
Mbiuiuja [m+shtja] / -bi, ~ CMJi|Tb [s^'m^'at^j perf coMHy,
anat muscle. coMHeiiib, p -ji, imp comhh 1.
Mbiui|b [mish, -zh] / -H, (pasMHTb) knead; 2. (HSMJiTb,
-efl mouse; noMHTb, CMHTb) crumple,
<> jiexyMaji ~b zool bat. rumple, muss.
M^rK|HH [m^akhk^'iy] a-an, MHTbcsi [m^attja] imperf
-oe, -He, sh f mhfok, -a, -o, MHyCb, MHeiUbCH, p MHJICH,
-H soft;gentle, sweet, mild; MHJiacb, H3MH{Tbcii [iz^m^'a-
-~aH Me6ejib upholstered fur- ttsa]per/ H30MHeTC5I, p -JICH,
niture; ~HH x;ie6 fresh bread; -.nacb, noJMHTbCH [pAm'^attja]
~HH xapaKTep sweet temper. perf, cMfl|TbC5i[s*'m^attja]per/
MMji [m^al], Mfljia [m^ab] coMHeicH, p -;icH, -jiacb 1. get
see MHTb. crumpled, become rumpled;
Mnjicfl [m^als^a], MHJiacb 2. (noMHTbCH) fig col hesi-
[m^alas^, -z^] see MHTbCH. tate, waver, display indeci-
mhch|6h [m^'i^snoy] a meat sion.
{attr)\ ~aH nnma animal MH4 [m^'ach'', -j^] m -a,
food; ~faie KOHcepBbi tinned /
-eftball {of rubber or leather)',
canned meat. Hrpaxb B —
play ball.

Ha I [na; in the first p re- denoting 1. position, location
tonic position nA; in —the on the surface of: Ha cxojie
second and other pretonic po- on the table; Ha 6yMare on
sitions —
na; in a stressed po- paper; na noxojiKe on the
st tiori — na] prep I i^'ith pr ceiling BHcexb Ha noxojiKe
— 217 Ha

hang from the ceiling; 2. po- on the third day; na pOHC-

sition, location in some area, AecTBo at Christmas; nasna-
etc, at the scene of some action, MHTb mo-Ji. Ha cpeAy [Aecnxoe
etc: Ha ypajie in the Urals; um.n.] fix smth for Wednes-
Ha yjiHUe in the street; out- day [the tenth, etc]; nojio-
doors; Ha ceeepe in the north; menue na nepBoe Mapxa situ-
on the north; Ha co6paHHH at ation as on the first of March;
a meeting; Ha npeAnpHHTHH 3. purpose, aim, etc: pacxoAbi
in a factory, at a factory; Ha BoeHHbie nyjKAbi war ex-
3. means of communication, penditure; npaBO Ha TpyA
instrument of performing an [Ha o6pa30BaHHe u m. n.]
action: exaib na noesAe go right to work [education,
by train; exaib na MauiHHe etc]; na ^^o §to Te6e nyjKHO?
drive / ride in a car; KaxaTbCH col what do you need it for?;
Ha KOHbKax skate; Hrpaxb na 4 quantity, measure, limit,
CKpHHKe play the violin; etc: KynHib khmf na nnxb
rOBOpHTb Ha (})paHUy3CK0M py6jieH buy five roubles'
H3biKe speak French; 4. the worth of books; pa3AejiHTb
time of an action: na jiecArou Ha HecKOJibKo qacTeft divide
roAy CBoeft »h3hh in one's into several parts; o6eA na
tenth year; na npoiujiOH ne- HHTepbix dinner for five; h3-
neJie last week; na toh hc- BecTHocTb Ha Becb MHp world
ACJie last week; na stoh hc- renown; no abc khhfh Ha
AeJie this week; na 6y;^yI^eH KajKAoro two books for each;
He^ejie next week; 5. the fact npoAasaTb ^to-.t. na sec [na
that smth is made with smth, MCTp u m. n.\ sell smth by
that smth is used as a fuel, weight [by the metre, etc]; 5.
etc: BapeHbe na caxape jam quantative difference Sc ratio:
made with sugar; ABHrarejib Ha RHTb HejioBCK 66jibme[MeHb-
pa66TaeT na 6eH3HHe the en- mejfive people more [less];
gine works on petrol; na MecHU paHbuie [n63Hce] one
II with ace denoting 1. move- month earlier [later]; onos-
ment directed to, towards smth: AaTb na AecHib MHHyi be ten
nOJIOJKHTb MTO-Jl. Ha CTOJI put minutes late; naceJienHe bo3-
smth on the table; noeecHib pocjio [yMeHbuiHjiocb] na oahh
q,To-Ji. Ha BepesKy hang smth MHJiJiHOH the population in-
on a line; noHTH na paSoiy go creased [decreased] by a mil-
to work; noexaxb na roctok lion; OAHH Ha TbiCHMy one in a
go (to the) east; go east- thousand; 6. mode of action:
wards; noes;! na JleHHHPpaA roBopHTb Ha naMHTb speak by
a train to / for Leningrad; 2. heart; BepHXb KOMy-Ji. na cjio-
a period of time, the time of BO take smb's word [for smth);
an action: njian na roA a plan 7. multiplier, factor, or divi-
for a year; aa TpeiHH ;teHfa sor by;
Ha 218

<> Ha MOHX rjiasax before my collect {a certain quantity of);

eyes; in my presence. 2. recruit {workers, etc);
Ha II fna] part imperative <> ~aTb HOMep Tejie^ona.
col here, here you are, take it. dial a telephone number;
Ha... pref of verbs denoting HaCpaib BOflbi B pox col ^
1. direction of an action onto keep mum.
smth or to smth: Ha6p6cHTb Ha6HXb see HadHsaxb.
[nAbros^it^] throw {on, over)\ HaSjiioflaxejibHlbiH [nabPu-
HaKJieHTb [nAkl^'eit^] stick on, a sh f m6j\\o]\i'
paste on; HaAasPiTb [nadA- xejieH, -a, -o, -u 1. observant,
v^it^] press, exert pressure keenly watchful; 2. obser-
on; 2. a full, intensive, or vation {attr); ~biH nyHKx ob-
excessive character of an ac- servation post.
tion: HaKH^aTb [nak^idat^] Ha6jiK)Alaxb [nabl^udat^]
throw about; litter a place imperf -aio, -aeuib 1. observe,
{with smth); 3. a small degree watch; 2. take care (o/), look
of an action'. naneBaxb [na- {after), keep an eye {on); 3.
p^i^vat^] hum, croon; sing supervise, control, watch.
softly; 4. {with -ch) an action Ha6jiK)fleHHie [nabl^ud^e-
resulting in complete satis- n^iya] n -h, -ft 1. observa-
faction: HaecTbCH [nAyestja] tion, watching; 2. superin-
eat one's fill; 5. the perfec- tendence, supervision, con-
tive aspect: nanoHib [na- trol; 6bixb noA ~eM be under
pAit^] perf of noHTb. observation; be under con-
HaSejio [nab^ib] adv: nepe- trol.
nHcaxb — make a clean copy. Ha66p [nAbor] m -a, -oe 1.
HaSepe^HJan [nab^ir^izh- admission, enrolling, enrol-
naya] / -oh, -bix embank- ment; recruitment, taking on
ment, quay. {of workers, employees); 2. en-
Ha^HBlaTfa [nab^ivat^] im- rolment, admitted candi-
perf -aio, -aciub, HaSJHjb [nA- dates; 3. complete set, col-
b^it^] perf -bib, -beiiib, p -hji, lection; ^
HHCxpyNienxoB tool
imp -eft stuff with, fill with; kit,
•0 HaSHTb pyKy na hcm-ji. <> ~ cjioB jumble of words.
col get knack of doing
the Ha6pacbiB|axbCH [nAbrast-
smth; HaSHTb ocKOMHHy set vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH,
one's teeth on edge {also fig); Ha6p6|cHXbCJi [nAbros^ittja]
—arb Heny drive up the perf -iiiycb, -CHuibCH, p -chji-
price. CH, -CHJiacb, imp -Cbcn, -cb-
HagHplaib [nab^irat^] im- xecb fall (upon), pounce (on);
perf -aio, -aeiiib, Ha6plaTb attack, assault.
[nAbrat^] perf Ha6epy, na- HaSpaib see Ha6Hpaxb.
6epemb, p -an, -ajia, -ajio, Ha6p6cHXbCH see Ha6pacbi'
-aJiH, imp Ha6epH 1. gather, BaXbCH.
— 219 — Has

HaeeflaTbCfl see HaBCAbi- s^t^i] perf -Ay, -Aeiub, p Ha-

BaTbCH. BeJi, -Jia, imp -ah direct, head;
HaBeflbiBJaxbCJi [nAV^ediva- aim (a gun, etc); ~0AHXb Ha
tts9] imparf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH, cjieA put on the track; --'OAHXb
HaeejljaTbCJi [nAV^edattsa] Ha Mbicjib suggest the idea;
perf -aiocb, -aeiubCH co/ visit, make [smb) think {that...);
pay a call. <> --OAHxb nop^AOK introduce
HaeepHO [nAV^erna] parenth proper order; put to rights;
probably, most likely; oh, •~OAHTb cxpax inspire fear;
--, 3a6oJieji probably he has —'OAHxb KpHXHKy criticize;
fallen ill, he must have fall- — OAHTb cnpaBKH make in-
en ill. quiries.
HaeepCTaTb see HaBepcTbi- HaBOAHeHH|e [navAdn^e-
eaxb. n^iya] n -h, -h flood, inun-
HaeepCTbiBlaxb [nAV^orsti- dation.
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, Ha- Haeos [nAvos, -z] -a ma- m
BepcTJaTb [nav^i^rstat^] perf nure, dung, muck.
-aro, -aeiub make up for, HaBOJioM|Ka [navalach^ka]
catch up on; HaeepcxaTb no- / -KH, -eK pillow-case.
TepHHHoe speMji make up for HaBcerAa [nafs^i^gda] adv
the time lost; HaeepcraTb forever.
ynymeHHoe make up for the HaecxpeHy [nAfstr^ech^u]
opportunities missed. adv: ABHraxbCH KOMy-Ji. be ^
Haeepx [uAV^erkh, -gh] adv moving to meet smb; oh
1. up, upward(s); 2. upstairs, nomeji efi — he went to
up the stairs. meet her; — exajia MauiHHa
Haeepxy [nav^i^rkhu] adv a car was coming from the
1. above; 2. upstairs (on an opposite direction;
upper floor). <> HATH — KOMy-ji. meet
Haeec [uAv^es, -z] m -a, smb half-way.
-OB penthouse, a sloping HaBbiK [navtk, -g] m -a,
roof; awning. -OB habit, skill {in doing
Haeecejie [nav'is^i^l^e] adv smth.).
col a bitdrunk. HaBHsaxb see HaBHSbmaxb.
HaeecTH see HaBOAHXb. HaBflSHHBJbiH [nAV^ash'".i-
HaeecxHxb see HaBemaxb. viy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -u
Haeemlaxb [nav^i^sh^iat^] 1. obtrusive, importunate; 2.
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, Haee- fig: -— an hach fixed idea,
cx|Hxb [nav^i'^s^t^'it^] perf idee fixe.
Hasemy, -Hiiib, p -iiJi, imp -h HaBHSMBJaxb [nAV^aztvat^]
visit, pay a call. imperf -aio, -aeiub, HaBsi|3aTb
HaB|oAHXb [navAd^it^] im- [nav^i^zat**] perf -JKy, naBH-
perf -omy, -oflHUIb, p -OAHJI, x^euib, p -3aji, imp -jkh im-

imp -OAH, HaeeicTH [nav^i^ pose (one's ideas, etc, on smb).

Har — 220 —
HarH6|aTb [nag^ibat^] im- <> Harpeib pyKH col = line
perf -aio, -aeuib, HarnlyTb one's coat.
[nAgnuf] perf -y, -euib, p Harpy>K|aTb [nagruzhat'']
imp -H bend (a tree, one's
-yji, imperf -aio, -aeuib, Harpy|-
head, etc). 3HTb [nagruz^it^] perf -my,
HarH6|aTbCJi [nag^ibattsa] HarpysHuib (-SHiijb), p -3hji,
imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, na- imp -3H 1. load (a ship, horse,
rHJyTbCJi [nAgnuttsa] perf etc); 2. burden, load {with
-ycb, -eiubCH, p -yjicH, -yjiacb, work, etc).
imp -HCb, -Hxecb stoop, bow, HaA
[nat; in the first pre-
bend. tonic position —
UAt, -d; in
Harjiocxlb [naglas^t'', -z^d^] the second and other pretonic
f -H impudence, insolence, positions —
nat, -d], HaAO
effrontery, brazenness. [nada; in the first pretonic ;

HarjijbiH [nagliy] a sh f --', position —

nadA] prep with
-a, -0, -bi impudent, insolent, instr denoting 1. position, lo-
brazen; ~ayi jio>Kb blatant lie. cation, or movement above or
HarjiflAH|biH [nAgl^adniy] a over smth over; above; -~ ro-
sh f HarJiHAeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. poAOM over the town; — HaMH
visual {methods of teaching, above us; naAO mhoh above
aids, etc); 2. graphic, obvious; me; 2. superiority, domina-
---oe AOKaaaTCjibCTBO visual tion, prevalence over; 3. the
evidence; graphic demonstra- fact that an action is directed
tion. at smth; pa66TaTb MeM-Ji.—
HarnyTb see HarH6aTb. work at / on smth; saAyMbi-
HarHyrbCfl see HarH6aTbC5i. BaxbCH '^ qeM-ji. meditate
HaroTOBe [nagAtov**!] adv on smth; ponder over smth.
in readiness, all set and HaA..., HaAO... pref I of
ready. verbs denoting 1. addition:
Harpa;i|a [nAgrada] / -bi, HaAcrpoHTb [uAtstroit''] raise
-^ reward; award {for smth). {a building); build a super-
HarpaAMTb see Harpa^AaTb. structure; 2. partial character
Harpa>KA|aTb [nagrAzhdat''] of an action: HaAopeaTb [na-
imperf -aio, -aeuib, Harpa- dArvat^] tear slightly; naA-
jtJMTb [nagrAd^'it^j perf na- KycHTb [natkus^'it''] give a
rpa>Ky, -Huib, p -hji, imp -h bite, nibble {at smth);
1. reward, give a reward {to)\ II of nouns and adjectives
award {a decoration, prize, denoting position, location
etc); 2. fig endow with {tal- above, over smth: HaAseMHbifi
ent, etc). [uAdz^'emnty] overground;
HarpcBJaTb [nagr**i^vat^] HaACTpoHKa [UAtstroyka] su-
imperf -k\o, -aeiub, Harpe|Tb perstructure.
[uAgr^'et*'] perf -k>, -eiiib HaAeeiaxb [nad'^i^vat^] im-
warm, heat; perf -aK), -aeuib, HaAeJTb [nA-
221 — Hae

d^et'*] perf -ny, -Heiub, p -ji, Sunday and he need not come;
imp -Hb put on {clothes, etc). sqepa npH-
Te6e He — 6bijio
HaAejKflla [nAd^ezhds] / needn't
-bi, xoAHTb
have you
'^ hope; noTepHTb BCHKyio come yesterday; you shouldn't
— y Ha... lose all hope of...; have come yesterday; ~ 6biJio
HH MajieftuieH --bi not the BHAeTb, KaK OHo6paAOBaJiCH!
slightest hope. you should have seen how
HaACiKHlbiH [nAd^ozhniy] glad he was!; hto saM --?
a sh f HaAe>KeH, -a, -o, -bi what do you want / need?;
1. reliable, safe; dependable; <> raK eMy h ~I col serves
2. reliable, trustworthy. him right!
HaflCTb see HaAeBaib. HaAO II see naA-
Hafle|5iTbC5i [nAd^eyattja] HaAo... see HaA...
imperf -euibCH, p-HjicH,
-locb, HaAoeAJaTb [nadayi^dat'']
-HJiacb, imp -HCH, -fixecb 1. imperf -aK), -aeuib, HaAolecTb
hope; 2. rely (on), trust. [nadAyes^t^] perf -eM, -euib,
HaA36p [nAdzor] -a 1. su-m -ecT, -eAHM, -eAHxe, -eAHT, p
pervision, control; surveil- -eJi, imp -eiiib 1. pester,
lance; 2.: caHHTapHbiH '- bother; plague, annoy; bore
sanitary inspection; npoKy- {smb)\ 2. impers: euy naAoe-
popcKHH — the procurator's
' jio... he is sick and tired of...
supervision; the procurator's HaAOJiro [nAdolga] adv for
office. a long time {arrive, leave, etc).
HaAMeHH|biH [nAdm^enniy] HaAnMcjb [natp^is**, -z^]t/-H,
a sh f HaAMeHeH, -a, -o, -u -eft inscription; superscrip-
haughty, arrogant, supercil- tion {on a letter, etc).
ious. HaAyB|aTb [naduvat^] im-
HaAO [nada] impers predic perf -slk), -aeuib, HaAyJTb [nA-

it is necessary; —
npoHHxaTb dut^] perf -K), -eujb 1. in-
siy CTaxbK) it is necessary to flate, blow up, puff out; 2.
read this article; this article col dupe, swindle;
must / has to be read; CMy <> HaAyxb rySbi col pout one's
[eft u m. d.] -^ npoHHTaib lips.
3Ty CTaTbK) it is necessary HaAyTbCfl see AyTbcn.
for him [her, read
etc] to HaAyuiHTbCJi see jxymmbcn.
this article; ~
6biTb octo- HaeAHHC [nayid^'in^'e] adv
p6>KHbiM one should be care- in private, privately, tete-
ful, one ought to be careful; -a-tete.
MHe ~ HATH I muot / have Haesmjarb [nayi^zh^iat^]
to MHe
go; ~ 6biJio hohth imperf -aio, -aeujb, Hae|xaTb
TyAa I had to go there, I [nAyekhaf*] perf -Ay, -Aeuib,
should have gone there; ce- p -xaJi run {into, against),
roAHH BocKpeceHbe, h CMy collide {with) {while driving
He — npHXOAHTb today is or riding); Ha Hero naexajj^
Hae 222 —
MaiUHHa he was run over by HasoHJiHBlbiH [nAzoyl^'iviy]
a car. a sh f ~-^, -a, -0, -bi impor-
HaeM [nAyom] m HafiMa 1. tunate {person, thought, etc),
hire, hiring {of workers, etc); Ha3UB|aTb [nazivat^] im-
paSoxaTb no naftMy work for perf -aio, -aemb, Ha3B|aTb
hire; 2. renting {of a room, [nAzvaf*] perf Haaosy, Haao-
etc). eeiiib, p -aji, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH,
Haexaib see HaesHcaxb. imp HaaoBH 1. call {smb by
HajKaxb see HajKHMaxb. some name, etc); name, give
HaMiHMJaTb [nazhimat^] im- a name to; ee HaasajiH Ah-
perf -aio, Ha^jaxb HOH she was named Anna;
[nAzhat^] perf -My, -Meiiib, p 2„ name, mention, give the
-an, imp -mh 1. press (a but- name of, call by name; oh
ton, the door, etc); 2. fig col Haaeaji ceSn he gave his name.
put pressure {on), bring pres- HaH... pref forming superl
sure to bear {on); pull wires. and denoting the highest pos-
Hasaji [nAzat, -d] adv 1. sible degree of smth: HaHjiyq-
back, backward(s); 2.: xoMy uiHH [nailutshty] the best;
~ ago {past); xpH ro^a TOMy HaHMenee KpacnsbiH the least
~ three years ago; beautiful.
<> nepeeecxM nacbi put the ~ HaHSojiee [naibol^'iya] adv
watch back; —! stand back! used to form superl: —
HasBaHHJe [nAzvan^iya] n HbiH the most convenient; -^
-H, -H name {of a town, etc); npocxoH the simplest.
title {of a film, etc); reorpa- HaHBHJbiH [nAivnty] a sh §
(|)H4ecKHe ~H geographical HaHseH, -a, -o, -bi naive.
denominations. HaHSHaHKy [naiznanku] adv
HasBaxb see Hasbieaxb. inside out, en the wrong
nasjio [nazb] & nasjio [nA- side; sbiBopaqHsaxb -- turn
zlo] adv out of / from spite; inside out.
to spite {smb); HaHsycTb [naizus^t^, -z^d'']
<> KaK ^
as ill luck would adv by heart, by rote; mh-
have it. xaxb -^ recite (from mem-
HasHaHJatb [naznAch^at^] ory).
imperf -ara, -aeuib, iiasHa- HaHMCHee [naim^'en^'iya] adv
HJHTb [nAznach^it^] perf -y, used to form superl least.
-Huib, p -HJi, imp -b 1. fix, HauMeHOsaHHte [naim^'mA-
set (a price, term, etc); ap- van^'iya] n -a, -h name, de-
point {a time, place, etc); nomination, designation.
~axb neHCHKD fix a pension; HaHCKocb [naiskas**, -z^)
grant a pension; 2. appoint, adv obliquely.
nominate {for an office, etc); HaHwa [nayma] see HaeM.
3. prescribe {medicine, treat- HaH MM [nAym""!] imp of na-
ment). niik; see HauuMai^.
— 223 — Haji

HaJiMy [nAymu], naHMeuib HaKjioHl^xbcsi [naklAn^'a-

[nAym''6sh, -zh] 1st & 2nd ttja] imperf -Hiocb, -HeiiibCH,
persons of HaHHXb; see naHH- HaKjioH|Mxbcji [nakUn^ittsa]
Maxb. perf -KDCb, HaKJlOHHUIbCH, p
HaHTH see naxoAHTb. -HJICH, -HJiaCb, imp -HCb,
HaifTHCb see naxoAHTbCH 1. -Hxecb stoop, bend; -—nxbCH
HaKaaaHHJe [nakAzan^iya] K KOMy-ji. bend forward to
n -51, -H punishment, punish- smb.
ing; penalty {for a crime, HaKOHeu [nakAn^etj, -dz] I
etc); noHecTH —e be punished; adv 1. at last; 2. finally;
<> HTO 3a -^•e! col what a I! parenth after all; at last;
nuisance! <> — xo! at last!
HaKonHXb see Konnxb.
HaKasarb HaKasbiBarb.
HaKa3biB|aTb [nAkazivat^] HaKOpMHXb see KOpMHXb 1.
imperf -aio, -aeiub, HaKaj- HaKpaCHXbCH see KpaCHTbCH.
saxb [nakAzat^] perf ->Ky, na- uaKpaxMajiHXb see KpaxMa-
KaHceiiib, p -saji, imp ->kh JIHXb.
punish, inflict penalty on. HaKpoiuuxb see KpoiuHXb.
HaKanyHe [nskAnun'^il I HaKpbielaxb [nakrtvat^] im-
adv the day before; perf -aio, -aeiub, HaKp|bixb
II prep with gen on the eve [nAkrt't^] perf -oio, -oemb, p
of. -b'lji, imp -OH 1. cover {with
HaKjiaAbiB|aTb [nAkladt- a blanket, cloth, overlay
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, Ha- with a covering; catch
2. co/
jio}K|MTb [nalAzhit^] perf -y, in the act {of); catch smb
Haji6»:Hmb, p -hji, imp -h 1. red-handed;
put {on, over), superimpose; <C> '-axb Ha cxoji lay the
2. put {a certain quantity of table.
into smth or on smth); 3. im- Hajiarjaxb [nalAgat^] im-
pose {a tax, fine, etc); perf -aio, -aeiub, HajiojKlHxb
<> najiomuTb Ha ce6fl pyKH [nalAzhtt^] perf -y, Hajio-
col commit suicide. jKHUib, p -11 Ji, imp -H impose
HaKjieBcxaTb see KJieBexaTb. {a fine, tax, responsibility)',
HaKJIOHHTb see HaKJIOHHXb. — axb sanpex prohibit, ban.
HaKjioHHTbCfl see HaKJio- najiaAHxb see Hajia>KHBaxb.
HHTbCH. Hajia}KH8|axb [nAlazhivat^]
HaKjioHHOCxIb [nAklon- imperf -aio, -aeuib, Hajia|-
nas^t^, -z^d^] / -h, -efl incli- AHXb [nAlad^it^l perf ->Ky,
nation, leaning, propensity. -AHuib, p -AHJi, imp -Ab put
HaKjioHlflxb [naklAn^at^] right, adjust; repair, fix;
imperf -hk), -neiub, naKjio- — axb put things right;
H|HXb [naklAn^it^] perf -ib, set things going.
HaKJioHHUib, p -HJI, imp -h Ha^ieeo [nAl^eva] adv left,
tilt, bend. to the left; on the left.

Haji 224 —
Hajierne [nal^i^kh^k^e] adv HaiviepeH [nAm^er^m] predic
1. without luggage; 2. lightly -a, -o, -bi: qxo sbi ~bi ^e-
clothed / clad. jiaTb? what are you going to
HajiCT [nApot, -d] -a, m do?; OHa —a ocMOxpeib ropoA
-OB 1. raid, attack; 2. thin she intends to do the town's
coating; —
b ropjie patch sights.
{in the throat); 3. fig touch HaMepeHHle [nAm^er^m^'ya]
(of sentimentality, etc). n -H, intention, purpose;
HajiHsjaTb Inal^ivat*'] im- A66pbie —H
good intentions,
perf -aio, -aemb, HajiJHTb good resolutions; TsepAoe —
[nAl^i't^] perf -bib, -beiiib, p fixed/ steady purpose; firm
HajiHJi (-HJI), -HJia, HajiHJio resolve; c sapaaee o6AyMaH-
(-HJio), HajiHJiH (-HJiH),/mp -eft HbiM ~eM deliberately.
pour {liquids); fill {with a HaMCTHTb see naivieqaTb.
liquid). HaMeHJarb [nam^i^ch^at^j
HajiMHHJe [nAl^ich^iya] n imperf -aio, -aeuib, HaMeJTHTb
-H availability; npH ~h jie- [nAm^et^'it^] perf -My, -THuib,
Her if money is available. p -THji, imp -Tb 1. plan, pro-
HajiMHH|bm [nAl'^ich^'niy] I ject; map out {concrete meas-
a: ~bie AeHbrH ready money; ures, etc); schedule
{for a
3a —biH pacqer for cash certain day nominate,
etc); 2.
(payment); name, suggest (for an office).
1 1 as a noun HaJiHHHJbie HaMH [nam'^i] instr of Mbi.
pi -bix ready money. HaMOpflHHK [nAmordn^ik,
Hajior [nAlok. -g] m -a -ob -g] m -a, -ob muzzle {over
tax {on income, property, etc); the mouth of an animal).
noAoxoAHbiii —
income-tax; HaMopiuHTb see MopmHib 1.
'— c oSopora turnover tax; HaMopiuHTbCfl see MopmHTb-
o6jio>KHTb -^-OM tax, impose CH 1.

a tax. HaMblJIHTb see MblJIHXb.

HajioKHTb see HaKjiaAbmaib HaHecxH see HanocHXb.
& HajiaraTb. HaHHMJaxb [nan^imat^] im-
HaM [nam] dat of Mbi. perf -aio, -aeiub, HaH^xb [nA-
HaivieK [nAm^ok, -g] m -a, n'^at''] perf HaHMy, naftMeuib,
-ob hint, allusion. P HaHHJI, HaHHJia, HaHHJIO,
HaMeKJaxb [nam^i^kat^] HaHHjiH, imp HaHMH 1. hire,
imperf -aio, -aeu.ib, HaMCK- engage; 2. rent {a house,
H|yTb [nam^'i^knut^] perf -y, etc).
-emb, p -yji, imp -h hint, HaHoc|Hxb [nanAs^it''] im-
allude. perf HaHomy, HaHocHUib, p
HaMepeBJaTbcsi [nam^ir^i^- -HJi, imp -H, HaHec|xH [na-
vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib- pg^^ .y^ -euib, p
CH intend, plan, be going HaHec, -Jia, imp -h 1. bring
{to do smth). {a certain quantity of); 2. plot
225 Han

(on a map)\ 3. inflict {pain, -Ka, -KOB drink, beverage;

wounds, etc)\ ^mh ocKop6jie- npoxjiaAHxejibHbie -~kh soft
HHe insult; ~HTb ypoH cause drinks.
damage; HaHecxH y^ap deal HanHXbcsi see uanHBaxbCH.
a blow {also fig); 4. impers: HanjibiB [nApHf, -v] m -a
Hanecjio cnery much snow- influx (of visitors, etc).
has drifted; HanoMxb see noHXb.
<0' -~HTb BusMTbi make calls, HanoKaB [napAkas, -z]
pay visits. for show.
HaHHTb see HaHHMaTb. HanojiHHXb see HanojiHHXb.
HaoSopOT [nAAbAFot, -d] HanojiHlnxb [napAln^'at^]
I adv 1. the wrong side out; imperf -hk), -neiub, uanoji-
back to front; 2. the other H|HXb [nApoln^it^] perf -k>,
way round; the wrong way -Huib, p -Hji, imp -H 1. fill,
round; make full; 2. fig fill (with
U parent h on the contrary; joy, etc).
<> KaK pas ^ quite the re- HanojioBHHy [napalAV^fnu]
verse. adv half (done, etc).
HanaAlaTb [napAdat^] im- HanoMHH|axb [napam^inat**]
perf -aio, -aeuib, HanjacTb imperf -aw, -aeuib, HanoM-
[nApas^'t^] perf -aAy, -aAeuib, H|HXb [nApomn^it^] perf -k)
p -aji, imp -aAH 1. attack, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. re-
assault; 2. come over {of mind (cause to remember); 2.
fear, etc); 3. come (across). remind (smb of one's father,
HanaACHHle [napAd^en^'iya] etc); imperf also resemble.
n -H, -H 1. attack, assault; HanpaBHXb see HanpaBJiHXb.
2. sport forwards. HanpasHXbcn see HanpaB-
HanacTb see HanaAaxb. JlflXbCH.
HanepCKOp [nap^ir^i^kor] HanpaBjieHH|e [napxAvl^e-
prep with dat in defiance of. n^iya] n -h, -h 1. direction
HanepCTJOK [nAp^orstak, (of movement, development,
-g] m -Ka, -kob thimble (for etc); 2. trend, tendency; ~e
sewing). nojiHXHKH orientation of pol-
HanenaxaTb ne^axaTb.
see icy; jiHxepaxypHoe — e lit-
HanHB|axbcji [nap^ivattsa] erary school; 3. order, permit
imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, na- (a document); ~e Ha pa66xy
n|HxbCJi [nAp^'ittja] perf assignment to a job.
-bibCb, -beUIbCH, p -HJICH, HanpaBji|nxb [napxAvl^at^]
-HJiacb, imp -eficH, -efixecb imperf -hk), -neiub, nanpa-
1. have (some tea, milk, etc); BJHXb [nAprav^'it^] perf -jik),
quench one's thirst; 2. get -Huib, p -HJI, imp -b 1. direct
drunk. (a movement ^development,

HanHcaxb see nncaxb 1, 3. etc); 2. send, direct (a person

HanHxloK [nAp^itak, -gj m somewhere); 3, dispatch, send,
Han — 226 —
forward (a letter, telegram, HanpH>KeHH|e [napr^i^zhe-
etc); 4. fig&im, direct (one's n^iya] n -h, effort,
actions, etc). strain; 2. p/zi/s tension; strain,
HanpaBji|flTbCH [naprAv- stress.
l^attsa] imperf -hkdcb, -neiub- HanpsiMeHH|biH [napr^i^-
CH, HanpaBJHTbCH [nApra- zhonntyj a [pa] sh f Hanpn-
v^ittsa] perf -Jiiocb, -HUibCH, JKCH, -a, -o, -bi strained,
p -HjicH, -HJiacb, imp -bcn, tense; strenuous {work); in-
-bTecb make one's way {to), tense {struggle, etc).
direct one's steps {to)\ be HanpflMHK [napr^i^m^ik,-g]
bound {for). adv col 1. straight (without
Hanpaeo [nAprava] adv a detour); 2, fig frankly,
right, to the right; on the bluntly.
right. HanpsiHb see HanpHraib.
HanpacHO [nAprasiia] I adv Hanyraib see nyraxb.
1. in vain, nothing; 2.
for Hanyrarbcfl see nyraxbCH.
wrongfully, unjustly; bh -^ HanyflpHTbCfl see ny^pHTbCJi.
TaK flyMaeie you are mis- HapaBHe [narAvn^'e] adv
taken; on a level {with); on an equal
II impers predic it is useless. fooVmg {with), equally {with).
HanpdcH|biH [nApr^snty] a HapBlaxb I [nArvat^j perf
sh f HanpaceH, -a, -o, -bi -y. -eiiib. p -aji, -ajia, -ajio,
1. vain, futile; useless {effort, -ajin imp -h pluck, pick {a
etc); 2. wrongful, unjust. certain quantity of flowers^
HanpHMep [napr^im^er] par- apples, etc).
enth for example, for in- HapBaib II see HapbiBaxb.
stance. HapeHHJe I [nAr^ech^iya] n
HanpoKax [naprAkat, -d] -H, -H (local) dialect.
adv for / on hire; B3HTb ~ HapeHHJe II [nAr^ech^iya]
hire {a car, etc); A^Tb ~ hire n -H, -H ling adverb.
out. HapHCOBaTb see pHcoBaxb.
HanpoTHB [nAprof'if, -v] Hapofl [nArot, -d] -a (-y), m
I adv 1. opposite; across the -OB 1. people, nation; 2. peo-
road; 2. on the contrary; ple {considered indefinitely);
II prep with gen opposite. xaM 6bi;io mhofo ~y there
Hanp«r|aTb [napr^i^gat^] were many people there.
imperf -aio, -aeuib, HanpjMHb HapoAHOcxIb [nArodnas^t'',
[nApr^ach^] perf -5iry, -z^d''] / -H, -eft 1. national-
-HH<euib, -HryT, p -ar, -nrjia, ity, people; 2. national
imp -HFH 1. strain, exert, character {of poems, etc).
tax to the utmost; —axb see Hapo^iHJwH [nArodniy] a sh
CHJibi strain every nerve; 2. f HapoAeH, -a, -o, -bi peo-
fig strain {one's voice, mem- ple's, popular, folk; —bift
ory, etc). no3x national poet.

227 Hac

HapoHHo [oAroshna] adv 1. sh f HapHAeH, -a, -o, -bi

on purpose, deliberately; 2. smart, well dressed.
for fun. Hapji^y [nar'^i^du] ac?o: c —
Hapy}KHOCT b [n Ar uzhnas^t'
on a level with, equally with;
-z'^d''] / -H 1. appearance, at the same time with; side
look(s); 2. exterior, outside. by side with; — c sthm side
HapyjKHbiH [nAruzhniy] I a by side with it; at the same
1. external, outward; 2. os- time.
tensible, affected {calm, etc); Hac [nas, -z] gen, ace & pr
II as a noun Hapy}KH|oe of Mbl.
n -oro "not to be taken" Haca}KfleHHle [nasAzhd^e-
{on a bottle of medicine). n^iya] n -h, -h 1. planting;
Hapyui|aTb [narushat^] im- 2. plantation {of trees).
perf -aK), -aeiiib, Hapyiii|HTb HaceKOMloe [nas^i^komaya]
[nArushit^] perf -y, -Huib, p n -oro, -bix insect.
-HJi, imp -h 1. break, disturb HacejieHHJe [nas^i^l^en^iya]
{peace, silence, etc); 2. violate n -H population; inhabitants.
[a treaty, law, etc); infringe HacejieHHbiM [nas^i^l^'onnty]
on {smb's rights, etc); Hapy- a [pa] sh f HacejieH, nacejie-
lUHTb KJiHTBy break one's Ha, HacejieHo, HacejieHu pop-
oath. ulated; inhabited.
HapyuieHH|e [narushen^iya] HacH^nHJe [nAs'^il^iya] n -h,
n -51, -ii breach {of law, obli- -H violence, brute force; coer-
gation, etc); violation {of a cion, constraint.
'treaty, etc); —
e o6ineCTBeH- KacKBosb [nAskvos^, -z^\
Horo nopHAKa breach of the adv 1. through (and through);
peace. npoMOKHyTb get ~
HapyiuHTb see HapymaTb. through; 2. fig throughout;
Hapb'iB [nArff, -v] m -a, -ob nporHHBUJHH rotten —
abscess, boil. throughout.
HapbiBJaTb [narivat^] im- HacKojibKO [nAskol^ka] adv
perf -aeT, HapBJarb [nArvat^] 1. as far as, so far as; 2.
perf -ex, p -aji, -ajia, -ajio, {in exclamatory sentences with
-ajiy gather (to a head) {of comp) how much; 3Aecb ^
an abscess); najieu. —aer jiyMUje! how much better it
there is a boil on my [his, is here!
etc] finger. HacKopo [naskara] adv col
HapflA 1 [nAr^at, -d] -a,mhastily; AeJiaTb hto-ji. -- do
-OB dress, attire. things hastily,
HapflA II [nAr^at, -d] m -a, HacjiaflMTbCfl see Hacjianc-
-OB 1. warrant {for the re- AaxbCJi.
ceipt of goods); 2. mil duty; Hacjia>Kfl|aTbCfl [nasUzhda-
fatigue; detail. ttsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH,
HapaAHJbiH [nAr^adnty] a HacjiaAlMTbCfl [naslAd^ittsa]
Hac 228

perf Hacjia>Kycb, -riuibCH, p HacTOJibKO [nAstol^ka] adv

-HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -hcb, so, thus much.
-HTecb take pleasure (in), HacTOflTejibH|biH [nastAya-
delight {in), enjoy. t^iPniy] a sh f HacTOHxejieH,
HacjiawAeHHle [nasUzhd^e- a. -o, -bi 1. insistent {de-
n^'iya] n -a, -h delight, mands); 2. urgent, pressing,
enjoyment. imperative.
HacjiCAHHK [nAS^'Ped^n^ik, HacTOMTb see HacxaHBaTb.
-g] m
-a, -ob heir (also fig). HacTOflm'HH [nastAyash^.iy]
KacjieACTBJo [nAs^'l^etstva] a -an, -ee, -He 1. present
n -a inheritance, heritage, {moment, etc); b ~ee speMH
legacy {also fig). at present; 2, real, true,
HacMepTb [nas'Tn^'irt*', -d''] genuine; 3. (the) given {ar-
adu 1. mortally, to death; ticle, paragraph, etc).
2. fig to the last man, to HacTpaHB|aTb [nAstraivat^]
the last ditch. imperf -aio, -aeuib, HacxpoHTb
HacMeui|Ka [nAs^m^eshka] [nAstroit^] perf -lo, -HUJb,
/ -KH, -CK mockery, derision; p -Hji, imp -ft 1. tune, tune
sneer, gibe. up {musical instruments); tune
HacMopK [nasmark, -g] m in; 2. dispose {a person to a
-a cold in the head; y pe- certain mood or attitude);
6eHKa the— child's nose -~aTb Koro-Ji. npoTHB kofo-ji.
runs. set smb against smb; — axb
HaCOpHTb see COpHTb. npoTHB ce6H antagonize, in-
Hacoc [nAsos, -z] m -a, -ob cur the dislike of.
pump {for raising liquids, HacTpoeHH|e [nastrAye-
etc). n'^iya] n -h, -h mood, hu-
Hacnex [nas^p^'ikh, -gh] mour, frame of mind; feeling,
adv in a hurry, hastily; any- sentiments {of the public, etc).
how, carelessly. HacrpoHTb see HacTpaHsaTb.
HacnjieTHHHaTb see cnjiei- Hacxynlarb I [nastupat^]
HHMaTb. imperf -aio, -aeiiib, Hacry-
HacTaHBJaTb [nAstaivat''] ri|HTb [nastup^it''] perf -jiib,
imperf -aio, -aeiub, HacTo|jiTb HacTynHuib, p -hji, imp -vi 1.
[nastAyat*'] perf -k), -Huib, tread {on); step {on); ~HTb
p -5iji insist; persist (m); KOMy-ji. Ha Hory tread on
'-axb Ha CBoeM insist on smb's foot; 2. {no perf) mil
having one's own way. advance, be on the offensive.
HacTOHHHBlbiH [nAstoych^i- HacTynlarb II [nastupat^]
vty] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi imperf -aer, HacTynlMTb [nas-
1. insistent {person); persist- tup^it*'] perf HacryoHT, p -hji
ent {man, efforts, etc); 2, ur- come {of morning, etc); set in
gent, pressing, insistent {de- {of a period, etc); fall (o/
mands, etc). silence, night).

— 229 Hax

HacrynHTb I see HacTynaxb HaxoMHxb see xo^HXb.

I 1. HaxomaK [natAsh^:ak, -g]
HacxynMTb II see Hacxy- adv on an empty stomach.
HHXb II. HaxpeHHpoBaxb see xpeHH-
HacxynjieHH|e I [nsstupl^e- poeaxb.
n^'iya] coming, ap-
n -h, -h HaxpeHHpOBaxbca see xpe-
proach; c -~eM AHH at day- HHpoeaxbCH.
break; c ~eM Ho^H at night- HaxarHB|axb [nAt^ag^ivat^]
fall. imperf -aio, -aeuib, Hax5iH|yTb
HacxynjieHHle [nastup- II [nat^'i^nut^] perf -y, Haxa-
l^'en^iyg] n -h, -\Cmil offen- Hemb, p -yji, imp -h 1.
sive, attack; nepefixH b —- stretch (a rope, etc); draw
assume the offensive. {a bow, etc); 2. col pull on
Hacyiij,H|biH [nAsush^:niy] a {stockings, etc); c xpy^oM na-
s/i/nacymeH, -a, -o, -u vital, xHHyxb Ha ce6H struggle into
urgent. {tight clothes, etc).
HacHex [nAsh^:6t, -d] prep Hayrafl [naugat, -d] adv
with gen concerning, as re- col at random, by guess-work.
gards, about. HayK|a [nAuka] / -h,-' sci-
HacHUXbiBJaxb [nAsh^:itt- ence.
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub num- HayMJHxb [nauch^it^] perf
ber, amount to. -y, HayMHiub, p -hji, imp -h
Hacb'maxb see Hacunaxb. teach {smb a language, to do
Hacbin|axb [nastpat''] imperf smth, etc); --HXb kofo-ji.
-aio, -aeiiib, Hacb'injaxb [nAsl- FpaMOxe teach smb to read
pat^] perf -Jiio, p -aji,
-jieiiib, and write.
imp -b 1. pour {sand, grain, HayHJHxbCJi [nauch^ittsa]
etc); 2. fill up {with sand, perf -ycb, HayqHuibCJi, p
grain, etc). -HJicH, -Hjiacb, imp -HCb,
Hacbin|b [nastp^, -b^] / -h, -Hxecb learn {a language, to
-eft embankment {of a road, do smth, etc).
etc). HayHH|biH [nAuch^nty] a
Haxepexb see naxHpaxb. sh f HayqcH, -a, -o, -w sci-
HaxHp|axb[nat^irat^] imperf entific.
-aio, -aeiiib, Hax|epexb [na- HayuiHHK|H [nAushn^ik^i]
t^i^r^et^] perf -py, -peuib, pi -OB {sing HayiuHHK -a) m
p -ep, -epjia, imp -pH 1. rub 1. ear-flaps {to protect
{smth with ointment, etc); against cold); 2. headphones.
2. rub sore; 6oxhhok naxep Haxaji [nAkhal] -a, -ob m
MHe Hory the boot has given impudent fellow.
me a blister; 3. polish HaxajibcxBlo [nAkhaPstva]
{brighten by rubbing). n -a impudence, insolence,
HaxHCK [nat^'isk, -zg] m -a effrontery.
onslaught, charge. HaxMypHxb see XMypHXb.
nax — 230

HaxMypHTbCJi see XMypHXb- Hau,H0HajiH3Hp|oBaTb [nd-

CH. t^ianal^iz^irovat^] perf &
HaxoflJHTb [n9khAd''it^] im- imperf -yio, -yeuib, p -osaji,
perf Haxo>Ky, HaxoflHiiib, p imp -yft nationalize {indus-
-HJi, imp -H, HaH|TH [nAyt^i] tries, etc).
perf -Ay , -fleiiib, p Haiiieji, HauHOHa;ibHocx|b [natjiA-
Hamjia, imp -m 1. find {1} nal^nas^t'', -zM^] / -H.^-efi
smth lost; 2) smb in a certain nationality.
condition); 2. find, discover HauHOHajibH|biH [natjtA-
{new deposits, etc); ~HTb nal^niy] a sh f HauHOHajien,
npHMeHCHHe find application -a, -o, -bi national; —bift
(for); HaHTPi b ce6e chjim (be OKpyr autonomous region.
able to) muster sufficient HaMHlsi [natjiya] / -h, -h
courage; 3. consider, find, be- nation, people.
lieve; H HaxojKy, HTOOHnpaB HaHajijo [nAch^ala] n -a, pi
I believe him to be right. -a, -- beginning, com-
HaxoAlHTbca [nDkhAd'^ittja] mencement; c caMoro —a
imperf HaxoM<ycb, HaxoAHUib- from the very beginning;
CH, p -HJIC5I, -HJiacb, imp from the very outset, right
-HCb, -Hxecb, HaH|THCb [nAy- fi^om the start; b — e qexBep-
f'ls*'] perf -AercH, p HamejiCH, xoro soon aiter three; 2. pi
Haiujiacb 1. be found, turn principle, basis; Ha KOjijieK-
up; HauiJiHCb >KeJiaK)mHe some xHBHbix -'ax on a collective
people volunteered (to do it); principle; na Ao6poB6jibHbix
paSoxa HaflAexcH ajih ecex ~ax voluntarily, on a vo-
we will find work for every- luntary basis;
body; there will be work for <> nOJlOKHXb ^O HCMy-JI.
everybody; He HaftAexcn jih start smth, initiate smth;
y Bac? do you happen to mark the beginning of smth;
have..?; can you spare..?; nOJIO^KHXb ^O HOBOH dpbl
2. {no perf) be, be situated; usher in a new era; noA
3. {no perf) be {in a certain ~-0M under the command of.
^mood, state, etc); —HXbCJi noA HanajibHHK [nAch^'aPn^ik,
Bne^axjieHHeM be under the -g] m -a, -ob head, chief,
impression {of, that). superior; — cxanuHH station-
HaxoAlna [nAkhotka] / -kh, -master; ~ uexa shop super-
-OK 1. find; godsend, wind- intendent; '-' luxaSa mil
fall; 2. fig boon, treasure. chief of staff.
HaxoAHHBJbiM [nAkhot^ch^i- HaHajibHlbiii [nAch^al'nty]
viy] a sh f —-, -a, -o, -bi a 1. initial, first, opening;
resourceful. 2. elementary, primary
HauHCHajiHsauHlii [ndtjiana- {school, etc).
l^izatsiya] / -h nationaliza- HaHajibCTB|o [nAch^al^'stva]
tion. n -a 1. authorities, higher
231 He

quarters; the heads; 2. col He I [n^'e; in the first pre-

chief, boss. tonic position — n^i^; in the
HanaTb see Ha^HHaTb. second and other pretonic
HaneKy [nach^i^ku] adv on positions —
n^i] part neg 1.
the alert, on one's guard. denoting complete negation:
HanepHO [nach^irna] adv He ceroAHH, a saBipa not
roughly; HanHcaxb ~ write today but tomorrow; sasTpa,
out roughly, make a rough a He ceroAHH tomorrow and
copy {of). not today; ne xoah xy^a
HanepTHTb see nepTHTb. don't go there; h ne xo>Ky
HaHHHJaTb [nach^'inat^] im- xyAa I don't go there; h He
perf -aio, -aeuib, Hanjarb 6y]\y xoAHXb xyAa I won't
[nAch^at*"] perf -ny, -Heuib, go there; ne noHHManaxoro...
p Haqaji, -ajia, naqajio, Ha- not understanding this...; oh
naJiH, imp -hh begin, start, ymeji. He npocxHsmHCb he left
commence; HaMaxb see c ua- without saying good-bye; h
Majia begin all over again; He HHcaxejib I'm not a writ-
start anew; er; I'm no writer; aasxpa
<> HanaTb c loro, hto «... co6paHHH He 6yAex there
to begin with, I... will be no meeting tomor-
Ham [nash, -zh] I pron row; KHHT xaM He 6biJio the
poss corresp to mh m -ero, books were not there; xaM ne
-eMy, <^ (-ero), -hm, (o) -cm, 6biAo KHHr there werenobooks
Hauia /, Hauie n, HauiH pi there; y Menn ne 6biJio Bpe-
our; ours; MCHH I had no time; eMy ot
II as a noun h a m h pi -x sxoro He Jierne he is none
our people {relatives). the better for it; He... h He...
Haul a [nasha] pron
I f -efi, neither... nor...; oh ne ycxaji
-eft, -y, -eft (-eio), (o) -eft H He 66jieH he is neither
see Ham. tired nor ill; 2. in conjunc-
Haii]|e [nasha] pron n -ero, tion with an infinitive, de-
-CMy, -e (-ero), -hm, (o) -cm noting inability, etc: CMy
see Ham. 3X0X0 He CACJiaxb he won't
Hauieji [nAshdl], uauijia be able to do this; ero He
[nAshla] p of naflTH; see na- yanaxb one would not recog-
XOAHTb. nize him; 3. in conjunction
Haujejicsi [nAshols^a], na- with HCJibSH, HeBOSMOHiHO or
uijiacb [nAshlas^, -z^] p of the neg form tf MOMb, denot-
HaftiHCb; see HaxoAHXbCJi. ing affirmation: nejibsg ne
uaujH [nashi] pron pi -x, jiio6HXb nymKHHa one can't
-M, -— (-x), -MH, (o) -Hx see but like Pushkin; h ne Mor
Ham. He yjibi6HyxbCH I couldn't
HaJiey adv in
[nayi^vu] help smiling; 4. in conjunc-
reality, when one is awake. tion with the prep 6e3, denot'
He 232 —
ing partial affirmation: He He6ojibiiil6H [n^ibAPshoy]
6e3 HHTepeca not without a -an, -6e -He small, not
interest; with a certain in- big, not great; ~6e paccTO-
terest. HHHe short distance; --an
He II forming part
[n*'e] BbicoTa low altitude;
of the pron
HeKOro, Henero <> c ~HM odd, a little over.
in conjunction with a prep: He6peiKHlbifi [n^'i^br^ezh-
euy 6biJio He Ha mo jkhtl niy] a sh f He6pe)KeH, -a, -o,
he had nothing to live on; -bi 1. careless, negligent;
HecKeM noroBopHTb (there's) 2. casual {smile, handshake,
nobody speak to; He na
to etc).
Koro nojio^HTbCH (there's) He6biBa,nbiH [n^ibtvaliy] a
nobody to rely upon; He k unprecedented, unheard-of.
^eMy there's no need; He 3a HeeaKHO [n*'i^vazhn9] 1 adv
MTo! don't mention it!, it's poorly, indifferently; so-so;
all right! II impers predic 1. it is unim-

He... pref of nouns and portant; 2. it's all right,

adjectives denoting 1. the never mind.
opposite of what is expressed HeBe%A|a [n''i^v^ezhd9] m
by the stem: nenopHflOK [n^i- & f -bi, -— ignoramus.
pAr^'adgk, -g] disorder; nese- HeBe}KecTB|o [n**i^v^ezh9-
ce.TbiH [n*'iv**i^s*'6Uy] sad; stv'9] n -a ignorance {lack
2. a moderate degree of the of knowledge, education).
opposite of what is expressed HeBejhJiHBJbiH [n**i^v''ezh-
by the stem: nerjiynbift [n^'i^- l^iviy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -u
glupjy] having common impolite, rude, uncivil.
sense, sensible; Henjioxoft HeBepHJbifl [n^'i^v^'ernty] a
[n^iplAkhoy] rather good; 3. sh f HesepeH, -a, -o, -bi (-bi)
lack of what is expressed by 1. unfaithful, disloyal, false;
the stem: neceMeftHbiH [n^is^'i^- 2. incorrect, wrong.
m^eynty] having no family, HeBecTJa [n^i^v''est9l / -u,
single; necneuHajiHCT [n**!- -- bride; fiancee.
sp^itjtAl^ist, -zd] layman HeBecTJKa [n^'i^v^estkg] /
(a non-professional man). -KH, -OK daughter-in-law
He6|o [n^'eba] n -a, pi -eca, {son's wife); sister-in-law
-ec, -ecaM sky, heaven; {brother's wife).
•O nofl OTKpbiTbiM ~0M in the HeBHHH|biH [n^i^v^inniy] a
open; 6biTb Ha ceflbMOM ~e sh f HesHHeH, -a, -o, -u 1.
col be in the seventh heaven; innocent, guiltless; 2. ingen-
npeB03H0CHTb Ao --ec praise uous, naive; 3. harmless,
to the skies; c --a ceajiHTb- inoffensive; 4. virgin {attr),
CH col fall from the moon. virginal.
He6|o [nMba] n -a anat HeBMemdTejibCTBlo [n'T-
palate. n
vm''iShat''il''stv9] -a non-
— 233 — Heji

-interference, he has a short way to go;

tion. Ao ropoAa '-' the town is
HeBHHMaTejibHJbiH [n^'ivn^i- not far away.
mat**il'*niy] a sh f HeBHHMa- HeAapoM [n^'i^daram] adv
TejieH, -a, -o, -bi 1. inatten- 1. not for nothing, not with-
tive; careless, thoughtless; out reason; 2. not without
2. uncivil, unobliging; incon- purpose; not in vain.
siderate. HeAeHCTBHTejibH|wH [n^i-
HeB03M6»ll|bIH [n^'lVAZ- dMS'sn'^v^ifil^niy] a sh f
mozhniy] a sh f HCBoaMOHceH, HeAeflcTBHTe/ieH, -a, -o, -bi
-a, -o, -bi impossible. invalid, void, null.
HeBpeAMM|biH [n^ivr^i^d**!- HeAeJil« [n''i^d''el**a] / -H, -b
miy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi week; na sxoii —e this week;
unharmed, safe; ueji h — Ha npouiJiOH [na cjieAyio-
safe and sound. men] —e last [next] week;
HeBbIHOCHM|blH [n^'ivinAs^'i- Ha TOH ~e col next week.
mty] a sh f -^, -a, -o, -bi HeAO... pref denoting the
intolerable, unbearable. partial character of an action,
Herjie [n^egd''!] adv (there lack of completeness: hcao-
is) no room, (there is) no Aaxb [n^idAdat^] give less;
place {to sit, put, etc); — HeAo6paTb not
B3HTb there is nowhere I get the full amount;
can /could get it. apejibiH [n^idAzr^'eliy] unripe,
Hero [n^i^vo] gen & ace of green; HCAOoueHKa [n^idA-
OH & oho; see oh. Atsenka] underestimation.
HeroAOBaHH|e [n^'igadAva- HeAOBepHJe [n^'idAv^'er^iya]
n**iy9] n -h indignation. n -H distrust, mistrust.
HeroA^|fi [n^igAd^ay] -h, m HeAOEOJlbCTBlo [n^'idAvol''-
-es scoundrel, villain. stva] n -a dissatisfaction,
Herp [n^'egr] -a,m-oe discontent, displeasure.
Negro. HeAOJiro [n'^i^dolga] adv
HcrpaMOTHlbiH [n^i^gramat- not long {of time).
niy] a sh f HerpaMOTen, -a, HeAOMoraHHie [n^idamAga-
-o, -bi illiterate. n^iya] n h, -h indisposition
HerpHTflHJKa [n^igr^'it^an- {a slight illness).
ka] / -KH, -OK Negro woman; HCAonycTHMlbiM [n^idapus^-
Negro girl. t^imiy] a sh f --, -a, -o, -u
HerpHTflHCK|HH [n**igr**it^an- inadmissible, intolerable.
sk^'iy]a -an, -oe, -He Negro. HeAopaayMeHHJe [n^'idarazu-
HeAaBHO [n^i^davna] adv m'^en'^iya] n -h, -fi misunder-
not long ago, recently. standing.
HCAajieKo [n^'idal^'i^ko] I adv HeAOCMOTp [n^idAsmotr] m
not far, near, close; -a o^'ersight; no --y through
II impers predic: eMy hath ^ oversight / negligence.
HCfl — 234

HenocTalBaTb[n^id9stAvat^] He>KeH, -a, -o, -bi (-bi) 1. ten-

imperf -ei impers 1. be miss- der, loving, fond, affectio-
ing, lack, be wanting in; eMy nate; 2. sweet, gentle; ten-
—ex AeHer he is short of der {skin, etc); 3. delicate
money; eMy — ct onbixa he {creature, etc);
lacks the experience; 2. miss <>~biH noji the fair sex.
{smb who is absent); He3a6yA|Ka [n^izAbutka] /
<> 3Toro eme —Bajio! col -KH, -OK forget-me-not.
that would be the limit! He3aBHCHM0Cx|b [n^IZAV^i-
HeAOCTaTtoK [n^idAstatak, s^imas't^, -z^d^] / -h inde-
-g] m -Ka, -kob 1. lack {of), pendence; sovereignty.
shortage {of), deficiency (m); He3aBHCHM|bIH [n^IZAV^l-
3a -~K0M BpeMeKH for want s^imty] a sh f ~-, -a, -o, -bi
of time; HcnbiTbieaTb —ok be independent.
short {of); 2. shortcoming, HesaypHAHJbiH [n^izaur^ad-
defect; ^aamecKm ~ok de- nty] a sh f HesaypnAen, -a,
formity. -o, -bi outstanding {talent,
HeflocTOHHlbiH [n^idAstoy- personality, etc); out of the
niy] a sh f neAocTOHH, -a, -o, common/ ordinary.
-bi 1. unworthy {of love, etc); He3aHeM
adv [n^'ezach^im]
2. worthless, unworthy; mean no need {to do
col there is
{action, etc). smth); there is no point {in
HeAOCxynHlbiH [n^idAstiip- doing smth).
nty] a sh f HeAocxyneH, -a, nesAOpOBHlxbCfl [n^izdAro-
-o, -bi 1. inaccessible; 2. d'lf- v^ittja] imperf -xch, p -jiocb
iiculi {for understanding); be- impers: Mne [hm a m. d.\ ~xch
yond comprehension; 3; out I [they, etc] don't feel well.
of reach of smb's purse. He3Aop6B|biH [n^izdAroviy]
HefloyMeB|axb [n^idaum^i^- a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi un-
vat^i imperf -aio, -aeiub be healthy {look, climate, etc);
puzzled, be perplexed. sickly.
HefloyMCHHle [n^idaum^e- HesnaKOMleu, [n^iznAko-
n*'iya] n -h, -h bewilderment, m^itj, -dz] m
-ua, -neB stran-
perplexity. ger {not an acquaintance).
HCAOHex [n^idAch^ot, -d] tie3HaHMxejibH|biM [n^iznA-
m -a, -05 defect, shortcom- ch^it^il^'niy] a sh f He3Ha'ii5-
ing. xejien, -a, -o, -bi inconsider-
He;tpa [n^edra] pi HCAp: ~ able; negligible; small, slight.
seMJiH bowels of the earth; He3bi6jieM|biH [n^i^ztbl'^i-
6oraxcxBa neAp (aeiviJiH) min- mty] a sh / ~, -a, -o, -bi
eral wealth. firm, stable, unshakable {ba-
Hee [n^i^yo] gen & ace of sis, etc).
OH a; see oh. HeH36e)KHlbiH [n^iizb^ezh-
HejKH|biH [n^ezhnty] a sh f nty] a sh f HeH36e}KeH,-a,

— 235 — H&n

-o, -bi inevitable, unavoid- HeKOTOplbifi [n^eka^arty] I

able. pron indef 1, some, certain;

Hei«MeHHlbiH [n^iizm^en- c ^bix nop for some time;
niy] a s/z/HeHSMCHeH, -a, -o, B / Ao '-OH cieneHH to a cer-
-bi 1. invariable; 2. unfail- tain degree, to some extent-;
ing {friend, etc). \\ as a noun bie HCKOTop |

HeHcnpaBHlbiH [n*'iisprav- pi -bix some, some people.

niy] a sh f HCHcnpaBeH, -a, HeKpojior [n^ikr-Alok, -g]
-o, -H 1. defective, in disre- m
-a, -OB obituary (notice).
pair; 2. careless, unpunctual. HeKcxaxH [n^i^kstat^i] adv
Heii [n^ey] dat, instr & pr 1. inopportunely, malapro-
of OHa; see oh, pos; 2. irrelevantly, ©Bit of
HeHTpajiHTCT [n^iytral^'i- place; not to the point;
t^et, -d] m
-a neutrality. npHftxH ~' be unwelcome.
HefiTpajibHlbiH [n^i^ytral^- HCKxc [n^^kta] pron indef
niy] a sh f HeftTpajieH, -a, indecl someone; llexpoB ~
-0, -bi neutral {country, etc). a certain Petrov.
HCKeM [n^ek^im] instr of He«yAa [n^ekuda] adv no-
HeKoro. where {to 0.0, etc); CMy ~
HeKJHfi [n^'ek^iy] pron in- noHXH he has nowhere no /

def -an, -oe, -He some, a place to go;

certain. <> flajibuie exaxb —I col
HCKorfla I [n'ekggda] im- that's the limit!
pers predic there is no time; HCJienlbiH [n^i^l^epiy] a sh
MHe — I have no time. f -— -a, -0, -bi absurd,
, ri-
H^KorAa II [n^ekagda] adv diculous, incongruous.
in former times, in the old HCJioBKO [n^i^ldfka] I adv
days. awkwardly, ill at ease;
HeKoro [n^ekava] pron neg II impers predi-c it feels
gen {no nom), dat HCKOMy, awkward do smth).
instr HCKeM, pr He o kom Hejibsa [n^i^Pz^a] in^pers
there is nobody one can...; predic 1. it is impossible {to
-- nocjiaxb sa.BpaHOM there's do smth); one cannot; hx —
Hobody we can send for the ocxauoBHXb it is impossible
doctor; we have nobody to to stop them; — jih ua^
send for the doctor; HCKOMy noHXH xyaa cefliac? can we
HrpaTb c HHM there is nobody go there now?; — jih noMOMb
to play with him; He k KOMy CMy? is it possible to help
o6paTHTbCH I [we, etc] have him?; 2. it is not allowed,
nobody to apply to; mhc He it prohibited; one [you,
c KCM Hrpaxb I have nobody etc] niustn't [shouldn't, etc]
to play with; CMy ne o kom {do smth); sxoro AeJiaxb ^
3a6dTHTbCH he has nobody it is not allowed to do it,
to take care of. one mustn't do i*t, na nero
HeM — 236 —
^ nojiO)KHTbCH he cannot be <> ~afl Kapxa skeleton map;
trussed; '-OH (J)HJibM silent film.
-<> KaK -- jiyHuie in the best newy [n^i^mu] dat of oh &
way possible; -— He CKaaarb OHo; see oh.
one cannot help saying. HenaBM ,neTb [n^'mAv'id^it^I
HCM [n^om] p'r of oh & oho; imperf -my, -AHiiib, p -^eJi
see OH. hate; abhor, detest.
HCMijio [n^i^mala] adv not HeHaBHCT|b [n^enav^'is^t^,
a little, much; not a few, -z^d^l / -H hate, hatred;
many; oh ^
nopa66Taji he abhorrence.
has worked a great deal; HeHacTHJbiH [n^'i^nasniy] a
ecTb ~ CTaieft na siy leMy sh f HenacTeH, -a, -o, -bi
there are many articles on rainy, inclement, foul {weath-
the topic. er, etc).
HCMefljieHHO [n^'i^m^edl^'ma] Heo6xoflHMO [n'lApkhAd^i-
adv immediately, at once, ma] impers predic it is neces-
right away. sary; — npo4HTaTb aiy ciaTbib
HeMJeu [n^em^itj, -dz] m it is necessary to read this
-ua, -ucB German. article; this article must /
HeMCUKlHM [n''i^m''etsk''iy] has to be read; eMy [eft
a -aH, -oe, -He German. u m. d.] -' npoHHiaTb sxy
HeMHorJHH [n^'i^mnog^iy] 1 cxaibK)
necessary for it is
a -an, -oe, -He 1. pi few; him
to read this [her, etc]
B —Hx cjiOBax
in a few article; ~ Bce c^eJiaxb k se-
words; 2.: ~hm {used with nepy it is necessary that
comp) a little {larger, older, everything should be done
etc); by the evening; mhc hath ~
1 1 as a noun HeMHorJHe I must / have to go; MHe -^
pi -Hx few people. 6biJio noftiH xyAa I had to
HeMHoro [n^i^mnoga] adv go there.
1. a little, some; a few; HeoexoAHMJbiH [n^iApkhA-
little; Few; 2. somewhat, d^'imiy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -u
slightly; y Hero ~ 6oMt necessary, indispensable.
rojiOBa he has a slight head- He06WKH0BeHH|bIH[n^IAbik-
ache. nAv^^nniyl a sh f Heo6biKHo-
HCMHOXKO [n^i^mnoshka] BeHeH, -a, -o, -bi extraordi-
adv co/=HeMH6ro. nary, remarkable.
hcmIoh [n^'i^moy] \ a sh f HeorpaHHHeHH|biH [n^iAgrA-
---, -a, HeMo, HCMbi 1. dumb n^'ieh^mniy] a sh f neorpa-
{unable to speak); 2. mute HHqen, -a, -o, -bi unlimited,
{appeal, reproach, etc); unrestricted; ^aH BJiacxb
11 as a HQun h e m 6 |
ft m absolute power.
-ODO, -b'lx, HCM an I
/ -OH, HCOAHOKpdXHO [tt^'lAdttA-
-ux dumb person; kratna] adv repeatedly, more
— 237

than once, over and over d^ash^:iy] a -an, -ee, -hc,

again. sh f ~, -a, -e, -H unsuitable,
HeojKHiiaHHO [n'lAzhtdana] inappropriate.
adv unexpectedly; suddenly. Hen6jiH|biH [n^'i^polniy] a
HeonpeAejieHH|biH [n^iApr^i- sh f HenojioH, -a, -o (-6),
d^i^l^onnjy] a sh f Heonpe- -bi (-bi) incomplete; short
flejiCHeH,-a, -o, -bi 1. indefi- {weight, etc); —
hh paSoMHH
nite, indeterminate; 2. vague, ACHb short hours; no —um
uncertain; AaHHbiM according to prelimi-
<> —aji $6pMa rjiarojia in- nary data.
finitive. HenocpeACTBeHHibiH [n^i-
HeonpoBepmHMlbiH [n^iApra- pAsr^etjt^v^innf^T] a sh f ne-
v^i^rzhlmiy] a sh f ~, -a, nocpeACTBCH, -a, -o, •-bi I.
-o, irrefutable, undeni-
-bi immediate, direct; 2. spon-
able, incontrovertit)le. taneous, ingenuous.
HeOCTOp6«H|bIH [n^IAStA- H€nOCTOflHH|b!H [n^ip3StA-
rozhniy] a sh f neocTopo- yanniy] a sh f nenoCTOHHeH,
>KeH, -a, -0, -bi careless, in- -a, -o, -bi inconstant, change-
cautious; imprudent, rash. able, variable.
HeoTJi6}KH|biH [n^iAtlozh- HenpasHJibHO [n^i^pra-
niy] a sh f HeoTjioH^eH, -a, v^iPna] ac?u wrongly, errone-
-0, -bi pressing, urgent; --aH ously; in the wrong way;--
(MeAHUHHCKaH) noMomb first noHHTb misunderstand; -^
aid. npoHSHocrixb mispronoun5,e.
HeoTi>eMJieM|biH [n^iAtyem- HenpaBHJibHJbiH [n^i^pra-
Pimiy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi v^il^'nty] a sh f HenpaeHjien,
inalienable; --an qacxb in- -a, -a, -bi 1. anomalous;
tegral part. 2. erroneous, wrong, incor-
Henajijei; [n^i^paPitj, -dzj rect;
m -bua, -buee Nepalese. <> ~biH rjiaroji irregular
HenajibCK|HH [n'i^paP- verb.
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Nepa- HenpeMCHHO [n^ipr'i^m^en-
lese. na] adv without fail; cer-
HenoSeflHMlbiH [n^ipab^'i^- tainly; OH —
onosAaex he
d^imiy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi will certainly be late; he is
invincible, unconquerable. sure to be late.
Henor6;i|a [n^ipAgoda] / -bi He,npepbiBH|bifi [n^ipr^i®-
foul weather. rfvnty] a sh f HenpepbiBeH,
HenOABH3KH|blH [n^ipAd^- -a, -o, -bi continuous, unbro-
v'izhnty] a sh f HenoflBH>KeH, ken, uninterrupted.
-a, -0, -bi immovable, mo- HenpHFOAHlbiH [n'lpr^igdd-
tionless, still; fixed, station- niy] a sh f HenpHroAen, -a,
ary. -o, -bi unfit, ifseless; unsuit-
HenoAxoflflmJHH [n^'ipatkhA- able, ineligible.
Hen — 238

HenpHKOCHOBeHHOCTJb [n**!-" ch^at**] imperf -aio, -aeuib be/

pr^ikasnAv^ennas^t^, -z^d^] / feel nervous.
-H inviolability; AHnjiOMaiH- HepBHlbiH [n^'ervnty] a sh
qecKan --b diplomatic im- f HepseH, -a, -o, -bi nerv-

munity. ous; --bift yseji nerve-knot.

nenpHHymjieHHlbiM [n'^ipr^i- HepeiiiHTejibH|biH [n^ir^i®-
nuzhd^onniy] a sh f Henpn- shlf'il^niy] a HepernHxejieH,
Hy>KAeH, -a, -o, -bi natural, -a, -0, -bi irresolute, indeci-
free and easy; -^bm paaro- sive; ~biM xoHOM in a hesi-
Bop free and easy talk; tating manner.
small talk. Hepflxja [n^i^r^akha] & m
HenpHCTynHJbiH [n^ipr^i- / -H, ~
col sloven.
stupn^y] a sh f HenpHcxy- HecKOJibK|o I [n^eskal^'ka]
neH, -a, -0, -u 1. inacces- num -Hx several; some, a
sible, impregnable; 2. unap- few;
proachable, haughty. <> B ~MX cjioBax in a few
HenpHflxeji'ib [n^'ipr^iya- words.
t*'il^] m
-H mil enemy. HecKOJibKO II [n^eskal^ka]
HenpHflTHOCT|b [n''ipr''iyat- adv somewhat, a bit.
nss*'t*', -z'^d''] / -H, -eft trou- Hecjib'ixaHHbift [n^'i^sH-
ble, annoyance, nuisance; khannty] a unheard-of, un-
KaKaH ~bl how annoy- precedented.
ing! HecMoxpfl [n^ismAtr^'a] prep
HenpH^TUJbiH [n^ipr^'iyat- with ace: —
na in spite of,
niy] a sh f HenpHHTen, -a, despite, notwithstanding;
-o, -bi unpleasant, disagree- <> ~ HH Ha HXG in spite of
able, objectionable. everything, despite every-
HenpOMOKaeM|biH [n^ipra thing.
raAkayamiy] a sh / ~, -a, HeeoBepmeHHOJierHHH [n'l-
-0, waterproof.
-bi sav^irshanAl^et^'n^iy] I a un-
He[>aBeHCTB|G [n^i^rav'm- der age;
stva] n -a inequality (/) in 11 as a noun Hecosep-
rights, circumstances, etc; lueHHOJiexHJHH m -ero,
2) math). -HX minor {below 18).
Hepa366p*tHB{Mft [n^irAZ- HecoBMecxHM|biH [n^isav-
borch^iviy] ashf '^, -a, -o, m^i^s^'t^imiy] a s/i / —, -a,
-bi 1. illegible {handwriting, -o, -bi incompatible.
etc); 2. not fastidious; 3. un- HecoMHeHHo [n^isAmn^en-
scrupulous. na] parenth undoubtedly,
Heps [n^'erf, -v] m -a, -ob beyond all question.
anat nerve; Hecocxo^xejibH|biH [n'^isa-
<> AeiicTBOBaTb KOMy-ji. na stAyafrPnty] a sh f neco-
'-W get on smb's nerves, cxo^xejiCH, -a, -0, -bi un-
HepBHHHJaTb [n^crvH^'i- founded, groundless, un-

239 Hey

sound; —
bih aqboji, uncon- n -bH, -HH misfortune, dis-
vincing argument. aster;
HecfiM [n^i^s^t^i] imperf <> K — bK) unfortunately.
-y, -euib, p Hec, -Jia, imp -d] Her
I impers[n^et,
-H, nolHecTH [pan^i^s^t^i] y mchh -^ BpeivieHH
perf, cjHecTH I have
[s^n^i^s^t^i] no time; khhf xaM
perf a concrete action, move- — the books are not there;
ment in a definite direction 1 —
xaM ^ KHHr there are no
[Cf HOCMTb 1] 1. (nOHeCTH)books there; b 6H6jiHoxeKe
carry {on one's person, in 3XHX KHur '^ they don't
one's hands); 2. (nonecxH) im- have these books at the li-
pers col: ox OKHa ~e.T xo^to- brary; Koro ceroAHH ~? who
AOM there is a cold draught is absent today?;
from the window; ot Hero I a word of negation or dis-
-—eT Ta6aK6M he reeks of agreement no; «Th H^euib
tobacco; 3. (noHecxH) bear, c HaMH?» «Hex». "Are you
suffer, sustain {loss, punish- coming with us?" "No, I'm
ment, etc); 4. {no perf) per- not"; «Bbi He BH/iejiH axox
form {duties, etc); ^xh ^e- 4)HjibM?» «Hex, BHAeji». "Have
^ypcxBO be on duty; 5. {no you seen the film?" "Yes,
perf) bring, cause, carry I have"; xbi HAeiUb hjih ~?
{death, sorrow, etc); 6. (cHe- are you coming or not?;
cxh) lay {eggs, of hens, etc); H Aocxaji KHHPy, a oh -'
<0> ~TM BSAOp col talk non- I got the book and he didn't;

sense. BOBce ~
not at all; -- eu;e
He.c|THCb [n^i^s^t^is^] im- not yet;
perf -ycb, -eiubCH p HeccR, <> ~KEK — no trace of...;
-jiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb, Hd -~'nought, to nothing
noi«ecTHCb [pan^i^s^t^is**] {of reducing,
etc); Ha ~ h
perf, cjHecTHCb [s^n'^i^s^t^is^j cyAa -^ prov if ^
perf a concrete movement in isn't any, we must do with-
a definite direction I —
[cf out.
HOCHXbCH 1] 1. (nOHeCXHCb) HeTpyAocnoc66H|biH [n^i-
move at great speed; 2. {no trudaspAsobniy] a sh f hc-
perf) pass very quickly, fol- xpyAOcnoc66eH, -a, -o, -m
low in quick succession {of disabled, invalid.
time, events, etc); 3. (cne- HeyAanja [n^tudach^a] f
cxHCb) lay eggs {of hens, -H, -- failure; misfortune,
etc). bad luck; noxepnexb —
y fail
HecHacTH|biH [n^i^sh^:as- {in smth.); suffer misfortune.
niy] a sh f Hecqacxeu, -a, HeyAaHHJbiH [n'^iudach^'niyl
-o, -bi unhappy, unfortunate, a sh f HeyAaqen, -a, -o, -u
miserable. unsuccessful; -—wh npHM^p
Hec4acTlbe[n''i^sh'':asH^y9] unhappy example.
Hey 240

read; eMy ~ MHTaib he has

Heyfl66HlbiH [n**iud6bnty] a
sh f HeyA66eH, -a, -o, -bi nothing to read; HeqeMy
uncomfortable, awkward; in- yAHBJiHTbCH (there is) nothing
convenient (time, etc); 2. fig to be surprised at; neqcM
embarrassing {situation); 3. HHcaxb (there is) nothing to
fig improper. write with; He c qeM hath
HeyjKCjiH [n^iuzliel^i] part K HeMy we have nothing to
inter denoting surprise, dis- take to him; He o qeM roBO-
belief, etc really?, is it pos- pHTb (there is) nothing to
sible?; '- 3T0 npaBAa? can talk about; we have nothing
it be true?; — oh 3a6ojieji? to talk about;

can he have fallen ill? <> ~ cKasarb! well!, well

HeyKjijbw'iHH [n^iukl'^uzhiy] I declare!
a -aH, -ee, -He, s/i/ -a, -e, —
Henero II [n^'ech^'iva] pred-

-H clumsy, lumbering, awk- ic col it's no use {doing

ward. snith), it's no good {doing
HeyMecTHJbiH [n^ium^esnly] smth); there's no need {to do
a sh f HeyMecieH, -a, -o, -bi smth); — o6 stom paaroBa-
irrelevant, inappropriate, pHBaxb it's no use talking
out of place. about this; eMy bojiho- ~
HeypoKaJH [n^iurAzhay] m BaxbCH there's no need for
-H, -eB bad harvest crop him to worry; he needn't
failure. worry.
He4)TenpoB6A [n^'ift^'iprA- HeHeM [n^ech'^im] instr of
vot, -d] m -a, -ob pipeline, neqero I.

oil-conduit. HencMy [n^ech^imu] dat of

Het|)Tlb [n^efM^ -vM^] / Heqero I.

-H (mineral) oil. HeneTHbifi [n^i^ch^otnty] a

Hexopouio [n^ikharAsho] I odd {of numbers).
adv badly {opposite of well); HCHTG [n^ech^'ta] pron in-
U inipers predic it is bad, def something; ~ BpoAe SToro
it is wrong; it is wicked; something like this.
-- TaK AejiaTb it is wrong HH I [n^'i] I part intens
to do things like that. {used with a noun in the sing,
HexoTfl [n*'ekhat''9] adv often in con fund ion with omH
unwillingly, reluctantly. or eAHKbiii) not a (single);
HenanHHo [n^'i^ch^'ayana] Ha yjiHue hh jxymn there is
adv inadvertently, acciden- not a soul in the street;
tally; unintencionally. y MCHH Hef HH OAHOH (|)paH-
HCHero I [n''ech''iV9l pron uyacKOH KHHTH I have not a
neg gen {no nom), dat HeneMy, single French book;
instr He4£M, pr He o mcm W cf: HH.... HH... neither...
there is nothing to...; ~ qw- nor...;hh h, hh oh hc no-
Taib (there is) nothing to meji xyAa neither he nor I
241 — HHK

went there; hh tot hh Apy- prices, etc); 2. bad, low, poor,

roH neither. inferior; 3. base, mean', low.
HH [n^i] forming part
II HH3MeHH0CT|b [n^iz^'m^iii-
of the pronouns HHKaKOH, hh- nas^'t*', -z^d^] / -h,
-eft low-
^ev^, hhkto, hhhto in conjunc- land, depression.
tion with a prep: h hc bh- hh30ct|i. [n^izas^t^, -z^d^]
AejiCR HH c KeM I didn't see / -H, -eft baseness, meanness;
anybody; BCe sto hh k i^eMy 3T0 -— b it is despicable.
it is all no good; it is all hh3ui1hh [n^ish:iy] I superl
xn vain; sto hh Ha mto He of HH3KHH;
roAHTCH it is good for noth- II a -an, -ee, -ne elementary,
ing; OH HH 3a MTO He peiiiHT primary {education, etc).
sry sa^aMy he will never hhrek [n^ikak, -g] adv: ^
solve the problem. He in no way, by no means;
HHFAe [n'igd^e] adv no- — HejibSH it is quite impos-
where; ee —
HeT she [it] is sible.
not to be found anywhere. HHKaKJoft [n^ikAkoy] pron
HHrepH|eLi [n^ig^i^r^iyatj, neg -aH, -oe, -ne no {with a
-dz] m -fiua, -Hues Nigerian. noun following); none; — hx
HHrepHHCK'iHH [n^ig^'i^r^iy- BOspaH^eHHH no objections
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Nige- (whatsoever); «EcTb B03pa-
rian. >KeHHH?» «HHKaKHx!» "Any
HHwe [n'izhi^] I cotnp of objections?" "None (what-
HH3KHH & corresp adv; ever)!"
II adv below {in a text);
1. HHKCM [n^ik^em] instr of
2.: — no TeqeHHK) farther HHKTO.
down the stream; HHKorfld [n^ikAgda] adv
III prep with gen below; never {not ever).
HHTb FpaAycoB ~ HyjiH five HHKoro [n^ikAVo] gen &
degrees below zero; ace of HHKTO.
<> ~ HberO-Jl. AOCTOHHCTBa HHKOMy [n^ikAmu] dat of
beneath smb's dignity. HHKTO.
hhm(h|hji [n^izhn^'iy] a low- HHKTO [n^ikto] pron neg
er {in position, elevation, HHKOrO, HHKOMy, HHKOro, HH-
rank, etc); —hh STajK ground KCM, HH o KOM nobody, no
floor; — eeTeqeHHe peKH lower one; ero — He BCTpeTHji no-
reaches of the river. body met him; HHKoro He
HH3 [n^is, -z] m -a (-y) 6bijio AOMa no one was at
bottom, lower part {of a col- home; oh ne j\aji khhfh HH-
umn, etc). KOMy H3 HHX he gave the
hhskIhh [n^isk'iy] a -aa, book to none of them; oh a
-oe, -He, sh f hh30k, -a, -o, HH o KOM He 3a66THJiacb she
-H (-H) 1. low {1) wall, ceil- didn't take care of any-
ing, etc; 2) temperature. body.
HHK — 242

HHKyAa [n^ikuda] adv no- have anything; 3to ^cm ne

where (to no place); KOHMHjiocb it came to noth-
<> ~ He roAHTCfl it won't ing; H He CnopHJI C HHM HH
do; -^ He rOAHUH worthless, MCM I didn't argue about
useless. anythin^j with him;
HHM [n^im] I instr of oh II as fl noun m indecl nought,
& oho; see oh; nothing.
II dat of ohh; see oh. HHHTOWHlbifi [n^ich^tozh-
HHMH [n^im^l] instr of niy] a sh f HHHioHieH, -a, -o,
ohh; see oh. -bi insignificant; paltry.
HHCKOJibKO [n^iskol^lo] adv HHHyxb [n^'ich^ut^] adv col
not at all, not in the least. not a bit, not at all;
HHT|Ka [n^itka] / -kh, -ok <> -^ He SbiBajio col not at all.
thread {used in sewing); Bi;e- HHHb|q [n^ich^ya] / -eft,
Baxb -~Ky B HFOJiKy thread -Hx sport a draw, drawn
a needle; game.
O Ha wHByK) ~Ky col hastily. HHmeTJa [n^ish'':i^ta] / -b'l

HHTJb [n^t^, -d^l / -h, destitution, poverty.

-eft 1. see HHTxa; 2, elect r, hmii;|hh [n^ish^iiy] I a -an,
hot filament; -ee, -He, sh f -^, -a, -e, -h

O ~b paccKasa thread of a beggarly, poverty-stricken;

story. II as a noun h h m.|HH m -ero,
HHx [n^ikh,-gh] gen & pr -HX beggar, mendicant.
of ohh; see oh. HO [no] cj denoting contrast,
HHwero I [n^ich'i'^vo] col \ xoth y>Ke
restriction, etc but;
adv so-so, not bad; nosflHO,HO H xony noryjiHTb
II predic it doesn't matter, though it is late, I want to
it's all right, never mind. go for a walk.
HHHero II [n^'ich^i^vo] gen HOBarop [nAvatar] m -a,
of hhmto. -OB innovator.
HHH|eH [n^ich^ey] pron poss HOBUH|Ka [nAv^'inka] / -kh,
neg -bH, -be, -bH nobooiy's, -OK novelty.
no one's. hobhhIok [nav^ich^ok, -g]
HHHCM [n^ich^em] instr of m -Ka, -KOB col novice, be-
HHMTO. ginner, tiro.
HHH€My [n^'ich^i^mu] dat H0B03ejiaHA|ei; [navaz^i^-
of hh»it6. lan^d^itj, -4z] m -u,a, -uee
hhh|t6 [n'^ishto] I pron New Zealander.
neg -ero, -eMy, -to, -cm, hh HOBoaejiaHACKlHH [navaz^'i^-
o MCM nothing; anything {in lansk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -He New
neg sentences); ~t6 He mofjio Zealand {attr).
yteiuHTb ee nothing could HOBopo>KAeHH|bifi [navarAzh-
console her; y nero —ero Hex dMnnty] I a new-born;
he has nothing, he doesn't II as a noun HOBopo«-
— 243 — HOC

AeHH|biH m -oro, -bix new- <> cBecTH K HyjiK) bring to

-born child. nought.
HOBOceji|be [navAs^ePya] n Howep [nom^ir] m -a, pi
-bH, -HH house-warming party. -a, -OB 1. number {of
H0B0CTp6|HKa [navAstroy- a telephone, ticket, etc); 2.
ka] / -HKH, -eK 1. newly number, issue {of a period-
erected building [works, etc]; ical); 3. room {at a hotel,
2. new construction site. etc); 4. size {in clothes, shoes,
HOBOcrlb [novas^t^, -z^d''] etc); 5. turn, item, number
/ -H, pi -H, -eft 1. news, {of concert, program, etc);
tidings; 2, novelty; latest 6. fig col trick; BbiKHHyxb —
achievement. do / play a trick;
HOBuiecTBlo [nofshastva] n <> 3T0T ~
He npOHflex col
-a, -^ innovation, novelty. that trick won't work here.
HOBlbiH [noviy] \ a sh f HOpja [nAra]/ -bi, ace -y, pi
^, -a, -o, -bi (-bi) new, nov- Hopbi, -— , HopaM burrow, hole.
el, modern; HopBe}K|eu [nArv^ezhatj,
II noun h 6 b|o e n -oro:
as a -dz] m -ues Norwegian.
HTO -^-oro? what's the news?; HOpBeiKCK|HH [nArv^esh-
<>H6BbiH rofl New-Year's day. sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Nor-
Horjd [nAga] / -h, ace Hory, wegian.
pi HorH, -~, -aM leg {of a H6pM|a [norma] / -bi, -' 1.
man, animal); foot {of the leg); norm, standard; npaBOBbie
<> HjlTH / mararb b Hory — bi legal regulations; 2. rate,
keep step /pace {with); Bcxaxb quota {in production, etc);
c jieBOH ~H col get out of <> BOHTH B — y return to the
bed on the wrong side. normal {routine, way of life,
HorjOTb [nogat^, -d^] m size, etc).
-TH, pi -TH, -Teft nail, finger- HopMajibH|biH [nArmaPnty]
-nail; toe-nail. a sh f HOpMaJien, -a, -o, -bi
HO)K [nosh, -zh] m
-a, -efl 1. normal, standard, regular,
knife; nepomiHHbiH ^ pen- 2. sane.
knife. HOC [nos, -z] m -a (-y), pi
HOiKlKa [noshka] / -kh, -ck -bi, -OB 1. nose {on the face
1. dim of Hora; 2. leg (o/ or muzzle); 2. prow {of a
furniture); 3. 60/ stalk. ship, airplane, etc); 3. beak
HoxcHHUbi [nozhn^itsi] pi {of a bird);
Ho^HHU (pair of) scissors. <> OCTaTbCH C --0M col ^
H03flp|a [nAzdrM] f -h, pi be duped; Bemaxb ^ col be
H63;ipH, -eii nostril. discouraged; sa^Hpaxb ~ col
HOH [noy] see HbiTb. put on airs; coBaxb cboh ^
Hoji|b [nol^] m
-H, -eft & col poke one's nose, pry.
Hyjijb [nuP] m -h -eft 1. hochjiIkh [nAs^ilk^i] pi -ok
math nought, zero; 2. nil; stretcher, litter.
HOC — 244

HOCH^ibmHK [HAs'^ii^sh'^iik, HOHHOH [nAch^'noy] a night

-yl m -a, -ob porter {at a {attr).
station, etc). HOH|b [noch**, -j^] / -H,
HOCJHTb [nAs^it^] imperf -efl night {mostly after mid-
HOiiiy, HccHiub, p -HJi. imp night); ocxaibCH Ha-HOMb stay
-H \cf HecTH 1] 1. carry {on overnight; bck) — b nanpo-
one's person, in one's hands); Jie? all night through; b
2. wear (/) ABa ^aca — h at two a.m.;
clothes, rings,
etc; 2) a beard, etc); 3. bear O
nk HOHb before going to
{traces, marks, etc); bed; na noHb rjiflAfl col at this
<> ~MTb Koro-ji. Ha pyKax time of night, so late at
^ make much of smb. night.
HOc|HTbcsi [nAs'^ittsa] im- HOHbK) [noch^'yu] adv at /
perf HOIliyCb. HOCHlUbCH, p by night, in the nighttime.
-HJICH. -HJiaCb, imp -HCb. Homja [nosha] / -h, ~
-HTecb HecTHCb 1] 1. move burden, load {carried by a
along /about very quickly; person).
move very quickly {along the Hoijuy [nAshu] see HOCKTb.
street, etc; about the town, Hoiiiycb [nAshus*', -z^] see
etc); 2. col\ —riibCH c kcm-ji. HOCHTbCH.
make much of smb; —HXbCH Hoto [noyu], Hoeuib [no-
c MbicjibKD cherish an idea. yash, -zh] see HbiTb.
hockIm [nAsk^'i] pi -6b HOflSplb [nAyabr^] m -a
{sing HOC OK m -Ka) socks November,

{short stockings). HpaB [nraf, -v] -a, pi m

HocoK I see hockh. -bi, -OB 1. disposition, tem-
hoc|6k II [nAsok, -g] m per; 2. {mostly pi) morals
-Ka, -KOB toe {of the foot, and manners, customs.
shoe, etc); Ha —
Kax on tip-toe. HpaB|HTbcn [nrav^'ittsa] /m-
Horla I [nota] / -bi, pi -u, perf -JlHDCb, -HUJbCH, p -HJlCH,
^ 1. mas note; 2. pi music -HJiacb. no:HpaBHTbcji (pAnra-
{musical score); v^'ittsa] perf: mhc [hm u m. d.]
O KaK no —aiM like clock- — HTCH 3T0 [they, etc] like

-work. it; I am [they are. etc]

HOTJaII [nota] / -u, ~ charmed / delighted by it.
dipt note. HpaBCTBeHH|biH [nrafs^'t'*-
HOTau,H|fl [nAtatjiya] / -h, v^'inniyj a sh f HpaBCTBCH,
-H lecture, scolding. -a, -o, -bi moral {principles,
HOHJeBaTb [nach'^i^vat'^l action, etc).
perf & imperf -yvd, -yeiiib, p [nuzhda] / -b'l, pi
-eBaji, imp -yft spend the HyH<Abi, 1. ~
want, indi-
night. gence, poverty; ?. need,
HOHjier [nAch^Pek, -g] m want, requirement; 6e3 ~bi
-a, -OB lodging for the night. without necessity.
245 —
HyMCAaJTbCH [nuzhdattsa] Hy>KeH, -a, -o, -bi (-bi) neces-
imperf -locb, -embcn 1. live in sary; CMy [eft u m. d.] ny-
poverty, be hard up; 2. need, HieH 3X0X cjioBapb [--a sxa
want, require. KHHra] he [she, etc\ needs
HyHCHO [nuzhna] impers this dictionary [book]; mxq
predic it is necessary; — npo- BaM -^0? what do you want /
MHTaxb 3Ty ciaTbK) it is nec- need?; eMy ^o cxo pydjieft
essary to read this article; he wants / needs a hundred
this article must / has to be roubles; oh HyHieH 3Aecb he
read; eMy [efl a m. d.] ^ is wanted here.
npo^iHTaxb aiy cxaxbib it is Hyjlb = H0JIb.
necessary for him [her, etc] Hbiji [nil], HMjia [n4l9] see
to read this article; -^ Bce HblXb.
CAeJiaTb K Benepy it is neces- HblpHyXb see HblpHXb.
sary that everything should Hbip|flTb [nir^at^] imperf
be done by the evening; — -HK), -Heuib,' HMpHJyxb [nlr-
6biTb 0CT0p6)KHbiM one should nut^] perf -y, -euib, p -yji,
be careful, one ought to be imp -H dive {into water).
careful; Tbi npocTy^HjiCH? -^ HWTb [nit^] imperf hok),
6biJio Ha^eTb najibTo have you Hoeuib, p HbiJi, HbiJia, imp
caught cold? you should have HOH 1. ache, hurt; 2, col
put on your coat; MHe ~' complain, belly-ache.
HflTii I must have to go;
/ Hibxjaxb [n^ukhat^] imperf
MHe — 6faiJio noHTH Ty^a -aio,-aeuib, nOjHibxaxb [pA-
I had to go there; I should n^ukhat^] perf smell [use the
have gone there; ceroAHH sense of).
BocKpeceHbe, h eMy He ~ HnHHJHXb [n'an^ch^'it^l im-
npHxoAHTb today- is Sunday perf -y, -Huib, p -HJi, imp^-H
and he need not come; Te6e nurse, take care of (a baby).
He — 6biJio B^epa npHxoAHXb HHHH|HTbcsi [n^an^'ch^lttsa]
you needn't have come yes- imperf -ycb, -HiiibCH, p -hjich,
terday; you shouldn't have -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1.
come yesterday; ^ 6bijio take care {of babies)-, 2. col
BHAexb, KaK OH o6paAOBajic5i! fuss {over).
you should have seen how HnHJJi [n^'an^a] / -h, -b 1.
glad he was! (dry-)nurse; 2. col nurse {in
HyxH|biji [nuzhniy] a sh f hospital).

o I [o; in the first pretonic [op; in the first pretonic
position — a; in the second position —
hh\ in the second
pretonic position — d], o6 pretonic position —
^h] in a
— 246 —
stressed position —
op, 6b], 060 a mistake made: ocjibimaTbCH
[oba; in the first pretonic po- [AsHshattja] not hear aright,
sition — AbA] prep I with ace mishear; oroBopHTbCH [Aga-
denoting contiguity, collision, VAr^'ittja] make
a slip (in
etc:YAapHTbCH tojioboh o cie- speaking); the imparting^
Hy strike one's head against of a quality, feature, etc:
the wall; cnoTKHyxbCH o Ka- ocjio>KHHTb [AslAzhn^'it^] com-
MeHb stumble over a stone; plicate, render complex; 03e-
onepeTbCH o ctoji lean on jieHHTb [AZ^iPi^nMt^] plant
the table; onepeTbCH o ABepb trees and shrubs {in a town,
lean against the door; street, etc); 6. the perfective
II with pr denoting the object, aspect: orjioxHyxb [Aglokh-
aim of a conversation, smb's nut^] perf of rjioxHyxb.
solicitude, etc, or the subject, 06 see o I,
theme of a book, etc: ue^raTb 06... see 0...
o qeM-ji. dream of smth; 3a- 66a [oba] nam collect m &
66THTbCH o KOM-Ji. take care n o66hx, o66hm, — (o66hx),
of smb; co>KajieTb o hcm-ji. o66hmh, (06) o66hx, 66e f
regret smth; KHrira kocmh- both; OHH ^ MOH ApysbH
MecKHX nyTemecTBHjix a book they are both my friends; oh
on /about space travels; jieK- jik)6ht o6eHX Ao^epeft he
UHH 06 3JieKTpHqecTBe a lec- loves his two daughters;
ture on electricity; ohh <> o6eHMH pyKaMH col readily,
roBopHJiH 060 MHe they spoke eagerly; CMOTpexb/rJiJiAeTb b
about me. ~ col be on one's guard,
o' II [o] int expressing a keep one's eyes open.
strong feeling or intensifying o6BHHeHH|e [Abv'^in^en^iya]
smth oh! n -a, -H 1. charge, accusation;
o..., o5..., 060..., o6t> —K) B... on a charge of...;
pref of verbs denoting 1. the 2. law the prosecution.
fact that the action applies o6BHHMxeJilb [Abv^in^'it^il^]
to a number of or many peo- m -H, -eft law prosecutor.
ple, things: o6eraTb [Ab^e- 06BHHHXb see 06BHHHXb.
gat**] call on, see {many peo- oSBHHJflXb [Abv^in^at''] /m-
ple, everybody)', visit, drop perf -HK), -Heillb, 06BHH|HXb
in at {many or all the shops); [Abv^in^it^] perf -ib, -Hiub,
2. the fact of surpassing, p -HJi, imp -it 1. accuse,
getting the upper hand: 06- blame, put in the wrong;
cKaKaTb [ApskAkat^] outgal- 2. law accuse, charge, indict;
lop; o6birpaTb[Abtgrat*'] beat, bring charges against.
win a victory over {at a o6roHH [AbgAn''i] imp of
game, etc); 3. damage caused: o6orHaxb; see o6roHHXb.
o6BecHTb [Abv^'es'^it*'] cheat oSroHH) [AbgAn^'u], o6r6-
(in weighing); 4. {with -ca) HHiiib [Abgon^ish, -zh] 1st Sc
247 — o6e

2nd persons of o6orHaTb; see o6eH [Ab^ey] imp of o6HTb;

06r0HHTb. see o6HBaTb.
o6roH]HTb [AbgAn^at^] im- *o6epHyTb see o6epTbiBaTb.
perf -HK), -Heiiib, oSorHJaTb o6epHyTbCJi see o6opaqH-
[AbAgnat^] perf o6roHK), 06- BaTbCH.
roHHiub, p -aji, -ajia, -ajio, o6epTbiB|aTb [Ab^6rtiv9t^l
-ajiH, imp o6roHH 1. outrun, imperf -aio, -aeiub, o6epH|yTb
outspeed, outdistance, out- [Ab^i^^rnuf] perf -y, -eiiib, p
strip; leave behind, pass; 2. -yji, imp -H 1. wrap up, do
fig outstrip. up in a wrapping; 2. fig
oSAyMaxb see o6AyMbiBaTb. turn {change the trend of);
o6flyMbiB|aTb [Abdumivat^] o6epHyTb B CBOK) n6jib3y turn
imperf -aio, -aeuib, o6flylMaTb to account / to one's own ad-
[Abdumat''] perf -aio, -aeuib vantage;
consider, think over. <> oSepHyxb Koro-Ji. Bonpyr
66e [6b ^1] num f o6eHx, najibi^a col twist smb round
o6eHM, —• (o6eHx), o6eHMH, one's little finger.
(06) o6eHX see 66a. oSecneHeHH e [ Ab^'i^sp^ech^i-

o6eA [Ab^et, -d] m -a, -ob n^iya] n -a. 1. providing

dinner; SBanbiH ^ dinner- {with), supplying {with); 2.
-party;NAo ~-a before dinner; guaranteeing, securing; ~e
in the morning; n6cjie -~-a MHpa safeguarding of peace;
after dinner; in the afternoon. 3. maintenance {by the state,
o6eA|aTb [Ab^edat^] imperf etc); 4. guarantee, security.
-aio, -aeiiib, noioSeflaTb [pA- o6ecneMeHHbiH [Ab^i^sp^e-
Ab^edat''] perf have one's ch^innly] a [pa] well-to-do.
dinner, dine. o6ecneHHB|aTb [Ab^i^sp'^e-
o6e3..., o0ec... pref of ch^'ivat*'] imperf -aio, -aeiub,
verbs denoting deprivation of o^ecnenlHTb [Ab^i^sp^ech^if]
smth, freeing of smth: o6e366- perf -y, -Huib, p -hji, imp -b
jiHTb [Ab^'i^zboi^It^] anaesthe- 1. provide {with), supply
tize; o6ecKp6BHTb [Ab^i^skro- {with); provide for {smb); 2.
v^it^] drain of blood, bleed secure, ensure, guarantee;
white. o6ecneMHTb MHp bo bccm MHpe
o6e3BpeflHTb see o6e3Bpe- ensure world peace.
JKHSaib. o6eccHJi|eTb [Ab^i^s^sM-
oSesBpemHBJaTb [Ab^i^z- l^it^] perf -eio, -eeiub lose
vr'^ezhtvat^} imperf -aio, strengh, grow weak.
-aemb, o6e3Bpe;i|HTb [Ab'^i^z- o6eu;aHHle [Ab^'i^sh^ia-
vr^ed^'it''] perf o6e3Bpe>Ky, n^iya] n -h, -h promise {to
-Huib, p -Hji, imp -b render do smth); KJiHTBCHHoe e —
harmless. oath; ASTb —
e promise, make
o6e3bflH|a [Ab^'i^z^'yana] / a promise; cACpHcaTb / bu-
-ti, -' monkey, ape. noJiHHTb ~e keep a promise.
o6e 248 —
o6em|aTb [Ab**i^sh^:at^] p -e;i, imp -b 1. offend, hurt
perf & imperf -aio, -aeuib smb's feelings; 2. col treat
promise. badly and unjustly.
o6}Ka;iloBaTb [Abzhalavat'*] o6H>K|aTbCJ! [Ab^'izhattja]
perf -yK), -yeiiib,p -oeaji, imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, o6h-
imp -yft lodge a complaint fl|eTbCJi [Ab^'id^ittja] perf
against. 06H>KyCb, -HlUbCH, p -ejlCH,
odweHb see o6>KHraTb. -ejiacb, imp -bCH, -biecb take
o6)KHr|aTb [Abzhigat**] im- offence, feel hurt; be offend-
perf -aio, -aeiub, o6>Ke4b [Ab- ed, feel angry.
zhech''] perf o6oHcry, 060- o6HJibH|biH [Ab^fl^niy] a
p o6>Ker, o6o>Krjia,
>K>Keiiib, sh f o6HJieH, -a, -0, -bi abun-
imp o6o>KrH 1. burn, scorch, dant plentiful.

scald; 2. bake {bricks, pot- o6HTb see o6HBaTb.

tery, etc). oSKpaAy [ApkrAdu], o6Kpa-
0636P [Abzor] m -a, -ob Acuib [ApkrAd**6sh, -zh] 1st
survey {of a subject)', review & 2nd persons of o6oKpacTb;
{of events, etc). see o6KpaAbiBaTb.
o6HB|aTb [Ab^'ivaf] imperf o6KpaAbiB|aTb [Apkradivat^]
-aio, -aeiub, o6H|Tb [Ab^it''] imperf -aio, -aeiub, 060-
perf o6o6bK), o6o6beiiib, p -ji, Kp|acTb [AbAkras^'t''] perf
imp o6eH upholster {furni- o6KpaAy, o6Kpa;ieiiib, p -aji
ture)', ~aTb jKejieaoM bind rob (a house, etc)', ero o6o-
with iron. Kpa;iH he had all his things
o6HBlKa [Ab^'ifka] / -kh, stolen.
-OK 1. upholstering {the pro- o6jiaB|a [Ablava] / -bi, —
cess of)', 2. upholstery. round-up {of suspected per-
o6MA|a [AbMda] / -bi, ~ sons, etc).
1. offence, insult, injury; oSjiaAlarb [AbUdat^l im-
HanecTH --y komv-ji. offend perf -aio, -aeuib possess,
smb, hurt smb's feelings; 2. have; '^axb xopouiHM 3ao-
resentment, grudge; 6biTb b p©BbeM enjoy good health.
~e Ha Koro-ji. bear smb a 66jiaK|o [oblaka] n -a, pi
grudge; aaiaHib — y nurse a -a, -OB cloud {in the sky);
grudge; noKpbiBaTbCH --aMH be over-
<> HC B — y 6yflb CKasaHO cast;
col no offence meant; He <> BHTaxb B ^dx be up in
Aaxb ce6fl b ~y stand up the clouds.
for oneself. o6jiacTH6H [AblAsnoy] a
o6HiieTb see o6H>KaTb. regional, district {attr).
odHACTbcn see o6H>KaTbca. 66jiacT|b [oblas^'t'', -z^d^]
o6H}K!aTb [Ab''izhat''J im- / -H, pi -H, -eft 1. region,
perf -aio, -aeujb, oSiijileTb district {part of a country);
(Ab''id'*it''J pe/-/o6H>Ky, -Huib, 2. field, province, sphere.
— 249 o6m

[obbch^niy] a
oCjiaHHJbift ch'^ivattja] imperf -aKx:b,
sh 66jiaqeH,
f -a, -o, -u -aeiUbCH, 06jl0K0T|MTbC51 [Ab-
cloudy {day, etc). bkAt^ittsa] perf o6jioKOHycb,
ofijierHlaTb [AbPi^khch^at**] 06jI0K6THUIbC5I (-HlUbCH), p
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, oSjier- -HJICH, -HJiaCb, imp -HCb,
KiHTb [Abl^i^khchMt''] perf -Hiecb lean one's elbows
-y, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. {on); He —aTbcn! no lean-
lighten weight,
{the etc); ing!
2. facilitate, make easier/ oGjiomIck [Ablomak, -g] m
easy; 3. relieve {pain); alle- -Ka, pi -KH, -KOB 1. fragment
viate {sufferings, etc). {of smth broken); 2. pi de-
o6jiefleH } exb [ Abl^id^'i^n^et*'] bris,wreckage.
perf -eio, -eeuib become cov- o6MaH [Abman] m -a, -ob
ered with ice. fraud deception; deceit;
o6jiHB|aTb [Abl^ivat^] im- <> ^speHHJi optical illusion.
perf -aio. -aeiub, o6jiiHTb c6MaHyTb see o6MaHbiBaTb.
[AbPit**] perf o6ojihV), o6ojib- o6MaH4HBlbiH [Abman^ch^'i-
eiub, p 66jiiiji (-HJi), -HJia, vty] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi
66J1HJI0 (-HJI0), 66JIHJIH (-HJIH), deceptive, deceitful, deceiv-
imp -efl pour {water, etc) over ing.
{smb, smth); o6;iHTb ctoji Mep- oSMaHbiBlaxb [Abmaniv9t']
HHJiaMH spill ink on the imperf -aio, -aeuib, oSMaHlyxb
table; [AbmAnut^j perf -y, o6Ma-
<> -—axb rpnsbK) kofo-ji. col Heiiib, p -yji, imp -h deceive;
sling mud at- smb; o6jiMTb cheat, swindle; o6MaHyTb
npespeHHCM col treat with Hbe-Ji. AOBepne betray smb's
scorn. trust; oSManyTb HbH-ji. na-
o6jiHrau,H|ji [Abl^^igatjiya] Ae^Aw disappoint smb's
/ -H, -H bond {of a state hopes.
loan, etc). oSMejiexb see Mejiexb.
66jihk [obl^ik, -g] m -a o6MeH [Abm^'en] m -a, -ob
1. appearance, look; j2. cast exchange {of commodities,
of mind; MOpajibHbiH ^ mor- greetings, etc);
al make-up. O ~ eemecxB metabolism.
odjiHTb see odjiHsarb. o6MeHHB|axbCfl [Abm'en**i-
o6jiHq|aTb [Abl''ich''at^] vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib-
imperf -aio, -aemb, oSjiHHlHTb CH, o(5MeHlflxbc« [Abm^i^-
[Abl^ichMt^] perf -y, -riuib, n'^attsa] perf -Hiocb, -HeiubcH
p -HJI, imp -H expose and exchange {opinions, greetings,
condemn, denounce. etc); o6MeHHTbCH Bneqaxjie-
o6ji6}K|Ka [Abloshka] / -kh, HHHMH share one's impres-
-CK cover, wrapper; folder, sions.
dust-cover. 66MopoK [obmarak, -g] m
o6jiOKaHHB|aTbCfl [AbUka- -a, -OB faint, fainting-fit.
o6m 250 —
oeMyHflHpoBaHHJe [Abmun^- 2nd persons of o6iiTb; see
d^'irAvan^iya] n -h, -h uni- 06HBaTb.
form. oScraTHTb see oSoramaxb.
o6Harji|eTb [AbnAgl^et^] o6oramiaTb[AbagAsh^.at'']
perf -eio, -eeiub become inso- imperf -aio, -aeuib, o6ora-
lent / brazen. TJHTb [AbagAt^it^] perf o6o-
o6Hap6flloBaTb [AbnAroda- ramy, -Hiub, p -hji, imp -h
vat^] perf -yio, -yeiiib, p -o- 1. enrich {one's experience,
BaJi, imp -yft promulgate, knowledge, etc); 2. concen-
make public. trate, dress {ore, etc).
o6»apyiKHB|aTb [AbnAruzhi- o6orHaTb see o6roHHTb.
vat**] imperf -aio, -aeiub, oScFH^Tb see orHCaxb.
o6HapyjK|HTb [AbnAruzhit^] o6ojpHTb see o6oflpHTb.
perf -y, -Hiiib, p -hji, imp -b o6o;ip!flTb [AbAdr^^t^] im-
1. find, discover, detect; 2. perf -5§IO, -HeiUb, 060Ap|HTb
display, reveal, show; —aib [AbAdr^it^] perf -k), -Hiub, p
CBOib- paj^ocTb betray one's -HJI, imp -H encourage, reas-
joy. sure.
o6HHM|aTb [Abn^imat^] im- o6o«laTb [AbAzhat^] im-
perf -aio, -aemb, o6H|flTb perf -aio, -aemb adore, wor-
[Abn^'at*'] perf -HMy, -HMeiiib, ship.
p 66hhji, -Jijia, 66HJ1JIO, 66- oSoKPH [AbAzhg'']] imp of
HHJiH, imp -HMH embrace, o6>KeMb; see o6}KHraTb.
clasp in the arms; put one's o6o)Krjia [AbAzhgla] p of
arms round. o6>KeHb; see o6>KHr^Tb.
o6HHM|aTbC5i [Abn^imattja] o6o)Kry [AbAzhgu], o6o-
irj^perf -aKx:b, -aeiiibCH, c6- )K>Keuib [AbAzh:6sh, -zh] Jst
HJnTbCfl [Abn^attja] perf & 2nd persons of o6»^eqb; see
-HMyCb, -HMeUIbCH, p -HJICH ofijKHraTb.
(-HJICH), -HJiaCb, -HJlOCb, -H- o6o3HaHiaTb [AbaznAch^'at^]
JlHCb, imp -HMHCb, -HMHTeCb imperf -aio, -aeuib, o6o3Ha-
embrace, hug one anoth- HJHTb [j\bAznach^it^] perf -y,
er. -Hiiib, p -HJI, imp -b 1. de-
06HflTb see 06HHMaTb. signate, mark (out); 2. {no
06HHTbCfl see 06HHMaTbCH. perf) mean, signify.
o6o see o I. o6o3peBaTejilb [Abazr^i^va-
o6o... see o... t^il''] m -H, -eH reviewer;
o6o6m|aTb [AbApsh'':at'*] observer {of a newspaper,
imperf -aio, -aeiub, o6o6m|HTb etc).
[AbApsh^.it''] perf -y, -HUJb, o6o3peHHle [AbAzr^'en^'iya]
p -HJi, imp -H generalize, n -H, -H 1. review {literary,
summarize. critical, etc); 2. theat revue.
c6o6bib[AbAb^'yu], o6o6b- o66|h [Ab6i] pi -es wall-
eujb [AbAb*'y6sh, -zh] 1st & paper.
— 251 — o6p

o66hm [Aboim] dat of 66a. Ha —

e P.T.O. (please, turn
o66hmh [Aboim^'i] instr of over);
66a. O AeJIO npHH5IJI0 AypHOM —
o66hx [Aboikh, -gh] gen, the affair took a bad turn;
ace & pr of 66a. BSJiTb B ~
col put to task.
060HTH see o6xoAHTb. o6opyAOBaHH|e [AbAruda-
060HTHCb see 06x0AHTbCH. van^iya] n -h, -h 1. equip-
o6oKpacTb see o6kp aAW- ping, equipment; 2. equip-
BBTb. ment, furnishings, machinery.
o6oji64|Ka [AbAloch^ka] / o6ocHOBaHH|e [AbasnAva-
-KH, -eK 1. cover, jacket; n^iya] n -h, -h 1. substantia-
2, technol jacket, casing; tion {of a theory, etc); 2. rea-
3.: cjiii3HCTaH ~Ka anat mu- son, basis, ground.
cous membrane. oSocHloBaTb [AbasnAvat^]
o6ojibK) [AbAl^yu], o6ojib- perf -yib, p -OBaji,
euib [AbAPyosh, -zh] 1st & imp -yft substantiate {a the-
2nd persons of o6jiHTb; see ory, argument, etc).
06jIHBaTb.. o6ocTpeHH|e [AbAstr^en^iya]
o6oH^HH|e [AbAn^an^iya] n n -H, -H aggravation {of con-
-H sense of smell. tradictions, etc).
o0onpHCb [AbApr^is^, -z^], oSocTpHTb see 060CTpHTb.
o6onpHTecb [AbApr^it^is^, -z*"] 060CTpHTbCSI see 060CTpHTb-
imp of onepeTbca; see ohh- CH.
paTbCH. o6ocTplflTb [AbAstr^at^] /m-
o6onpycb [AbAprus**, -z^], perf -HK), -Hemb, o6ocTplMTb
o6onpeiiibC5i [AbApr'6shs^9] [AbAstr^it^] perf -kd, -Hiub, p
1st & 2nd persons of onepexb- -Hji, imp -H sharpen, bring
ch; see onHpaxbcn. to a head; aggravate {contra-
oSopaHHBJaTbCM [AbArach^i- dictions, etc); — HTb OTHome-
V9ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiiib- HHH strain the relations.
CH, o6epH|yTbC5i [Ab^i^rnu- o6ocTp|flTbCfl [AbAstr^a-
ttja] perf -euibCH,
-ycb, p ttsa] imperf -hctch, 060-
-yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp -HCb, CTplHTbCfl [AbAstr'^ittsa] perf
-Hiecb turn (rouad), turn one's ^HTCH, p -HJicH, -HJiacb 1. be-
head. come more sensitive {of the or-
o6opBaTb see o6pbiBaTb, gans of perception); 2. become
oSopoHJa[AbArona] / -u aggravated, become acute.
1. defence; 2. mil defensive o6oK)AH|biH [AbAyudniy] a
position; defences. sh f o6oibAeH, -a, -o, -bi mu-
oSopoT [AbArot, -d] -a, m tual, reciprocal; no ~0My
-OB 1. revolution, turn; 2. corjiacHK) by mutual consent.
econ turnover; 3. turn (of o6pa6aTbiBlaTb [AbrAbati-
speech), phrase; 4.: Ha ~e vat^j imperf -aio, -aeuib,
pn the back {of a page); cm. oSpaSoTlaxb [AbrAb6tat^] perf

o6p 252 —
-aio, -a«mb 1. work (up), pro- set up(a committee, etc); 2.
cess (a material for use); treat make up, constitute.
{with a chemical agent, etc); o6pa36BbiB|aTbC5i [AbrAZo-
2. till, cultivate; 3. col work vivattja] imperf -aeica, o6-
on, influence {a person, etc); pasloBaTbCM [AbrazAvattja]
perf also persuade, get (a per- perf & imperf -yercji, p -o-
son) to think [act] in a cer- BajiCH, -©Bajiacb form, ap-
tain way. pear; be generated {come
oSpaAOBaTb see pajiOBaTb. into being).
o6paAOBaTbC5i seepaAoeaTb- o6pa3yMJHTbCsi [AbrAzum^i-
CH. ttja] perf -jiiocb, -HuibCH, p
-z] m -a, -ob
66pa3 [6br9s, -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -bCH, -b-
1. image {in the mind); 2. Tecb col come to see reason,
mode, manner; ~ >kh3hh come to one's senses.
way/ mode of life; 3.: KaKHM cSpasuoBWH [AbrAstjoviy] a
~0M? how?; HHKOHM ~0M by model {attr), exemplary.
no means; HaAJieHcamHM ~om o6paTHTb see o6pamaTb.
in the proper way, prop- o6paTMTbCfl see o6pamaTb-
erly. CH 1.

oGpaalei; [AbrAz^etj, o6paTHO

-dz] [Abratna] adv
m -u,a, -uoB 1. sample, spe- back, backwards; xyAa h —
cimen; HOBeftmero ~ua of there and back; noesAKa xyAa
the latest pattern; 2. stand- H ^ round trip.
ard, model, pattern {to be o6paTH|biH [Abratniy] 1. re-
imitated). verse {motion, etc); return
o6pa30BaHH|e I [AbrazAva- nyxb return
{ticket, etc); --bift
n^'iya] n -h, -h formation journey, way back; 2. oppo-
{the process of). site {direction, meaning, etc).
o6pa30BaHH|e II [AbrazAva- oGpamlaTb [AbrAsh^.af]
n*'iy9]n -h education {sys- imperf -aio, -aeuib, o6paTlHTb
tematic instruction); HapoA- [AbrAt^'it^j perf odpamy,
Hoe ~e public education. -riiiib, p -HA, imp -H 1. turn
o6pa36BaHH|MH [AbrAZova- {one's eyes, etc, on, to); 2.
niy] a [pa] sh f o6pa36BaH, convert {to another belief, etc);
-a, -0, -bi (well-)educated. 3. convert {into), turn {into);
o6pa30BaTb see oSpasoBbi- <> ~aTb B GercTBO put to
saTb. flight; ~aTb Ha ceSa BHHMa-
o6pa30BaTbC5i see o6pa36- HHc attract attention.
BblSaTbCH. oGpamjaTbCJi lAbrAsh'*:a-
o6pa36BbiB|aTb [AbrAzovt- ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH,
vat*"]imperf -aio, -aemb, o6- o6paT|HTbC5i [AbrAt^'ittja]
paajoBaTb [AbrazAvaf*] perf & perf oGpamycb, -HUibCH, p
imperf -yio, -yeuib, p -OBaji, -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb,
imp -yii 1. form, organize, -Hxecb i. apply {for help.
253 — o6c

etc); {^b)\ 2. {no

address o6pbiB|axb [Abrtvat^] im-
per}) treat {a person or ani- perf -aio, -aeuib, o6opB|axb
mal in a specified manner); [AbArvat^] perf -y, -eiiib, p
•— axbCH c KCM-Ji, xopomo -aji, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, imp
[njioxp] treat smb well [bad- -H tear off {leaves, etc);

ly]; 3. {no perf) handle, op- pluck, pick; 2. break {a wire,

erate; etc); 3. fig col cut short;
<> —axbCJi B 6ercTBo take snub, rebuff.
to one's heels, beat a hasty o6pflfl [Abr^at, -d] -a, m
retreat. -08 rite, ceremony.
o6paiu,eHH|e [AbrAsh^.e- oScjieAloBaxb [Aps^'l^eda-
n^'iyg] n -h, -h 1. address V8t^] perf & imperf -yio,
{a speech);appeal {to the peo- -yeiub, p -oBa.T, imp -yft
ple, 2.
etc); treatment {of inspect, inquire into; exam-
people, animals); 3. handling ine {a patient).
{of tools, appliances, etc); 4. o6cjiy>KHBaHH|e [Apsluzht-
circulation {of commodities, van^'iya] n -h, -h 1. service
etc); 5. ling address. {in a restaurant, hotel, etc;
o6pe3aTb see oSpeaaxb. medical, etc); 2. maintenance,
oSpeslarb [Abr^i^zat''] im- servicing {of cars, etc).
perf -aio, -aeuib,
oSpes'iaTb o6cjiyjKHB|axb [Apsluzht-
[Abr^'ezat^] perf o6pe>Ky, o6- vat^l imperf -aio, -aeiub,
pe>Kemb, p -aji> imp o6pe>Kb o6cjiy>K|HTb [Apsluzh+t**] perf
1. cut off; clip, pare; 2. {no -y o6cjiy>KHmb, p -ilji, imp
imperf) col snub, rebuff. -H 1. serve, attend to; cater
oSpeKJaxb [Abr^'i^kat^] im- for; 2. (no perf) operate {ma-
perf -aio, -aeuib, oSpelnb chine-tools, etc).
[Abr^'ech^] perf -Ky, -Meuib, p o6cxaH6BK|a [ApstAnofka] /
d^pcK, -K;ia, imp kh doom, -H 1. furniture {in a room,
destine; ~axb Ha .HeyAany etc); 2, conditions, situatioii;
doom to failure. B ~-e ;ipy>K6bi in an atmos-
66pyH [obruch^, -j^] m -a, phere of friendship.
pi -H, -eft hoop (a circular oScxoflxejibcxBlo [ApstAya-
band). t^il^stva]n -a, 1. circum- —
o6pyuiHBlaxbC5i [Abrushiva- stance {an external condition);
ttsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, no ceMeHHbiM ~aM for fami-
o6pyuilHXbC5i [AbrushUtja] ly domestic reasons; hh npH

perf -ycb, -Huibcji, p -hjich, KaKHX —ax under no circum-

-HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb 1. stances, in no case; 2. ling
collapse, fall in, cave in; 2. adverb; adverbial modifier
fig befall {of misfortunes); 3. {of place, time, etc);
fig col pounce {upon), attack. O CMOxpfl no ~aM it depends;
odpuB [Abrff, -v] m -a, -ob npH xaKOM cxeHCHHM '-' in
precipice. .such a contingency.
o6c 254

oScTojflTb [ApstAyat^] im- -H instruction, training; Bce-

perf -ht: KaK --ht ^eJia? how 66mee o6H3aTejibHoe —e uni-
do matters stand?; KaK ~«t versal compulsory education.
BauiH Ae^ia? how are you get- oSyHHTb see o6yqaTb.
ting on?; Bce ~ht 6jiarono- o6x6a [Apkhot, -d] m -a,
jiyqHo all is well. -OB 1. round {of a watchman,
o6cTpeji [Apstr^el] m -a etc); 2. roundabout way;
mil firing, fire; shelling. 3. mil turning movement.
o6cTpejiHB|aTb [Apstr'^el^i- o6xoA|HTb [ApkhAd^'it'*] f/n^
vat**] imperf -aK), -aeiiib, perf o6xo>Ky, o6xoAHUjb, p
o6cTpejil«Tb [Apstr^i^l^af^] -HJI, imp -H, O0OHJTM [AbAyf^i]
perf -HK), -jieuib fire at; shell; perf -Ay, -Aeuib, p o6omeji,
machine-gun. o6oiijJia, imp -ah 1. go / pass
o6cyfl,HTb see o6cyH<AaTb, round, round; mil turn (a
o6cy)KA|aTb [Apsuzhdat^] flank); 2. give a wide berth
imperf o6cyA|HTb
-aio, -aeuib, to; 3. make one's round(s)
[Apsud^it^] per/ o6cy>Ky, 06- {of a doctor, watchman, etc);
cyAHiiib, p -HJi, imp -h discuss; 4. spread (all over) (0/ news,
consider {the pros and cons); etc); 5. fig avoid, leave out;
debate {smth). pass over (a question, ete);
oSyejb [obuf'', -v^l / -h 6. col outspeed.
foot-wear; shoes, boots. o6xoA|MTbCH [ApkhAd^ittsa]
o6y3AaTb see o6y3flbiBaTb. imperf o6xoHcycb, oSxoAHiiib-
oSyaAbiBJaTb [Abuzdtvat^] CR^ p -HACH, -HJiaCb, imp -HCb,
imperf -aw, -aeiub, odyBAJaTb -Hxecb, o6oH|THCb [AbAyt'^is'']
[Abuzdat^] perf -an), -aeuib perf -Aycb, -AeuibCH, p 060-
curb, restrain, keep in check. me/iCH, o6oiiijiacb, imp -AHCb,
oSycjioBHTb see o6yc;i6BJiH- -AHxecb 1. treat {smb in a
Baib. specified manner); 2. col cost,
o6ycji6BjiHB|aTb [Abuslov- come {to); 3. manage {with),
Pivat''] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, do {with); —
HTbCH 6e3 do
qSycjiOBlHTb [Abusl6v''it'']jc7er/ without.
-JiK), -Huib, p -HJI, imp -b 1. o6iLiHpHlbiH [Apshtrniy] a
stipulate, make a reservation s/i /o6uiHpeH, -a, -0, -bi vast,
for; 2. condition, determine; extensive (a/so //g); ~oe 3Ha-
cause, bring about, call KOMGTBO numerous acquaint-
forth; make for {some develop- ances.
ment, etc). 06 me... first element of
o6y4|aTb [Abuch'^at*'] /mper/ compounds denoting 'com-

-ara, -aeiub, o6yH|HTb [Abu- mon', 'single': *o6meropoACK6H

ch^'it^l perf -y, o6yqHmb, p [6psh'':igarAtjk6y] all-city
-HJi, imp -H teach, instruct, {attr); townspeople's; 2. 'con-
train. cerning everybody', 'charac-
o6y4eHH|e [Abuch''en'*iy9] n teristic of everybody': o6me-
— 255 — oC-b

o6H3aTejibHbift [6psh^:iAb^i^za- joint efforts; 2. total {sum,

t^il^nty] compulsory for all; etc);
o6menpH3HaHHbiH [Apsh^'ii^- <> ~ee MecTO commonplace;
pr'iznaniy] universally re- B -~eM on the whole; b ~eH
cognized. cjioJKHOCTM in sum; He Hwexb
o6me)KHTH|e [Apsh^:i^zhi- HHHero --ero c... have noth-
t^iya] n -h, -h 1.hostel {for ing in common with...; have
students, etc); 2. everyday nothing to do with...; bear
life. no resemblance to...
06lU,eH3BeCTHlbIH [Apsh^.i- o6mMTejibHlbiH[Apsh^:it^iP
izv^esniy] a sh f o6meH3Be- niy] a sh f o6inHTejieH, -a
CTCH, -a, -0, -bi well-known, -o, -bi sociable, companiable
generally known. 66mHocT|b [6psh^:n9s^t^
oSmcHapoAHibiH [Apsh^.inA- -z^d'^] / -H community {of in
rddniy] a sh f 06meHap6;ieH, teres ts, ownership, etc).
-a, -0, -bi public, national o6t>... see o...
{property, cause, etc). oSTjeAHHeHlMbiH [Abyid^i-
o6meHH|e [Apsh^ien^'iya] n n^onnty] a [pa] sh f ^, 0611-
-H (social) intercourse; nm- eflHHeHa, ofi-bCAHHeHo, 0611-
Hoe -—e personal conl)act(s). eAHHeHbi united {forces, ete);
o5mecTBeHHHK [Apsh^'.es^t^- amalgamated {organizations);
v^m^k, -g] m -a, -ob pub- joint {command, etc); combin-
lic-spirited person; public ed {efforts, etc).
worker. oS-besHHeHHle [Abyid^'in^e-
©SmecTBeHHocT'ib [Apsh^:e- n^iya] n -h, -h 1. unification
s^t^v^inas^t^, -z^d^] / -h {the process of); amalgama-
eommunit^y, public; public or- tion^ merger, joining up; 2. un-
ganizations; public opinion. ion, society.
o6mecTBeHH|biH [Apsh^:e- o^-bCflHHHTb see oS-beAHHHTb.
s^t^v^iniy] a 1. public, social; o6T>eAHHHTbC5i see oS-beAH-
—biH CTpOH social system; 2. HHTbCH.
common {animal husbandry, oe-bejiHHlHTb [Abyid^in^at^]
etc). imperf -hk), -nemb, 06'beflH-
66mecTB|o [6psb'':istv9] n HJHTb [Abyid^in^it^j perf -10,
-a, -- society {l)a group
1. -Hiiib, p -Hji, imp -H unite
of people; 2) a social system); {people, etc); SLxm Igamate {com-
2. econ company. panies, etc); pool {resources,
66ii;|hh [6psh':iy] a -aa, etc); combine {efforts, etc).
-ee, -He, sh f ^, -a, -e, -h oSTjejiMHlflTbCfl [Abyid^i-
1. common {property, inter- n^attsa] /mper/ -Hiocb, -nemb-
ests, etc); general {princi- CH, oS-bejiHHlHTbCJi [Abyid^i-
ples, crisis, etc); — hh 3HaK6- n^'ittja] perf -ibcb. -HiiibCH, p
MbiH mutual acquaintance; -HJiCH, -Hjiacb, imp -HCb, -h-
~HMH CHJiaMH [yCHJIHHMH] by xecb unite, join hands {with).
od-b 256

od-besAHTb see oe-beamaTb 1. account for {smb's behaviour,

oS-besjKlaTb [Abyi^zh^:at^] etc).
imperf -aio, -aemb, oSbea- o6bHTH|e [Abyat^iya] n -h,
fllHTb [Abyez^d^it^] per/ o6b- embrace; 6p6cHTbCH ko-
eajKy, -Hiub, /? -hji, o6'bex|aTb My-Ji. B ~H throw oneself
[Abyekbat^] perf oe-beay, into smb's arms;
oSbeAeiiib, p -aji 1. travel <> C pacnpOCTCpTblMH ~S1MH
(all) over; 2. (o6bexaTb) go With open arms.
round, make a detour round. o6biBaTejiib [Abivat^il^] m
oS-beKT [Abyekt, -gd] -a, m -H, -eft Philistine (a smugly
-OB 1. object (i) philos; 2) of conventional person).
study, admiration, etc); 2. oSbirparb see oSbirpHBaTb.
unit, enterprise; mil objec- o&birpbiBlaTb [Abtgfivat^
tive. imperf -aio, -aemb, odbirpjarb
od-beKTHBHlbiH [Abyi^kt^iv- [Abigrat^] perf -aio, -aemb
niy] a sh f o6beKTHBeH, -a, beat, win a victory over
-o, -u 1. philos objective; [at a game, etc),
2. unbiased, objective. o6biKHOBeHH|e [AbtknAv^e-
oe-bCM [Abyom] m -a, -ob n^iya] n -h: HMexb ~e be
1. volume {1} math; 2) of out- in the habit {of); no —
K) as
put, etc); 2. fig extent. usual; npoTHB -~h contrary
o^-bexaxb see o6be3>KaTb. to one's habit.
06b51BMTb see 06bHBJIHTb. o6biKHOBeHHibiH [AbiknA-
o6i>5iBjieHH|e [Abyi^vl^e- v^enniy] a sh f o6biKHOBeHeH,
n^'iya] n -h, -h 1. declaration -a, -0, -bi usual, ordinary,
(the process of);' announce- common.
ment, announcing; 2. an- 66bicK [obtsk, -zg] m -a,
nouncement, notice; adver- -OB (forcible) search.
tisement. o6biHalH [Ablch^ay] m -si,
oC-bMBjilHTb [Abyi^vl'^at^l -CB custom, habit, usual
imperf -hk), -neiiib, oC-bsiBlHTb practice.
[Abyi*^v^it^] perf -jiib, o6bH- cSbWHlbiH [Abtch^niy] a
BHuib, p -TAJ], imp -H declare, sh f o6bneH, -a, -o, -bi usual,
announce; ~^Tb djiaro^ap- ordinary, customary.
HocTb thank officially. o6n3aHHOCT|b [Ab^aza-
oG-bflCHCHHle [Abyi^s^n^e- nas^'t*', -z''d*'] / -h, -eft duty,
n^iya] n -h. -h explanation; responsibility; jie>KaTb hb
<> ~e B jik)6bh confession of —H Koro-Ji. be smb's duty / re-
love. sponsibility; BMCHHTb KOMy-JI.
06l>SICHHTb see 06bHCHHTb. B ---b make it smb's duty
o6-bflCH|flTb [Abyr^s'^n^at''] {to do smth); HcnojiHHiomHft
imperf -hk), -nemb, oC-bJic- — H ::cting {for another).
HlHTb [Abyi^s^'n^it^] perf -k>, o6fl3aH|HbiH [Ab^'azannty]
-Huib, p -HJI, imp -H explain; a sh f -^, -a, -0, -bi obliged;
— 257 — orH

Bbl ~bl HBHTbCH K ACBHTH OBHaplKa [Afch^arka] / -kh,

qacaM you must come here -OK sheep-dog; HeMeuKan — Ka
at 9 a. m.; 6biTb — hum ko- Alsatian dog.
My.-Ji. be indebted to smb; orHSlaxb [Ag^ibat^] imperf
H MHorHM -- CBoeMy yqHTejiK) -aio, -aeuib, o6orH|yTb [AbA-
I owe much to my teacher; gnut''] perf -y, -eiub, p -yji,
qyBCTBOBaib ce6H ^-hhm ko- imp -H go round, round;
My-Ji. feel obliged / indebted skirt.

to smb. orjiaB;ieHH|e [AgUvPe-

o6fl3aTejibHO [Ab^i^zat^il^- n^iya] n -h, -h table of con-
n9] adv without fail; by all tents.
means. orjiacHTb see orjiamaxb.
o6fl3aTejibH|biH [Ab^i^za- orjiauijaTb [AglAshat*"] im-
t^il^'niy] a sh f o6H3aTejieH, perf -aio, -aeuib, orjiac|HTb
-a, -o, -bi 1, obligatory; [AglAs^it^] perf orjiauiy,
compulsory {education, etc); -Huib, p -HJi, imp -M an-
binding;. 2. col conscientious nounce, read out.
{person). onfioxHyxb see rJioxHyxb.
o6»3aTejibCTB|o [Ab'^i^za- orjiymjaxb [Aglushat^] im-
n -a, — obligation,
t*'il''stva] perf -aio, -aeuib, orjiymlHXb
engagement; commitment {to [Aglushtt'*] perf -y, -Huib, p
do smth); 6paTb (na ccSh) —a -HJI, imp -H 1. deafen {smb);
undertake obligations; make 2. stun {of or with a blow).
pledges. orjisiAexbCH see orjiHAbi-
oRec [av'os, -z] m OBca BaxbCH 2.
oats. orjinAbiB|axbCfl [AgPadtva-
OBeu [AV^'ets, -dz] see OBu,a. ttsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibcfl,
OBjiaAeB|aTb [Avlad^i^vat^] orjiMfllexbCJi [Agl^i^d^ettja]
imperf -aio, -aeiub, oBjia- perf orjiH>Kycb, -HiubCH, p
AJexb [AvlAd^et^] perf -ew, -ejic5i,-4Jiacb,/mp-HCb, -Hxpcb,
-eemb 1. seize, take posses- GrjiJiH|yxbCJi [Agl^i^nuttsa]
sion (o/); 2. master (ffl sub- perf -ycb, orjiHHeiiibCH, p
ject, machinery, etc); become -yjicq, -yjiacb, imp -licb,
an expert {in). vHxecb (orjiHHyxbCH) turn

OBomlH [6v9sh^:i] pi -eft back {to look at smth); 2.

{sing oBou; m
-a) vegetables. (oFJiHAexbCH) look round /
OBpar [Avrak, -g] -a, m about;
-OB ravine. <> He ycneji orjiJiHyxbCfl,
OBca [Afsa] see obcc. KaK... =
before he could
OBuja [Aftja] / -bi, pi 6b- say Jack Robinson...
Ubi, OBeu, OBuaM sheep {an orHeonacH|biH [Agn^'iApas-
animal). nty] a sh f orneonaceH, -a,
OBUeBOACTBlo [Aftji^VO- -o, -bi inflammable {sub-
tstva] n -a sheep-breeding. stance, etc).
orH 258

orHeTyiiiHTejilb[Agn^itushl- orpaHMq|HTb [AgrAn^ich^'it^]

t^iP] m
-H, -eft fire-extin- perf -y, -Hiub, p -hji, imp
guisher. -blimit, restrict; —axb ce6a
orHfl [Agn^a], orHcfi [aq- BO BceM stint oneself in
n^ey] see oroHb. everything.
oroBapHBjaTb [AgAvar^i- orpoMHlbiii [Agromniy] a
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, oro- sh f orpoMeH, -a ~-o, -bi

Bop|MTb [AgavAr'^it^'J perf -k), enormfflus. huge.

-Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. stip- orpbi3|oK [Agrizak, -g] m,
ulate, make a reservation -Ka, -KOB col bit, end; ~0R
for; 2. col slander, speak KapaHAama pencil stump.
ill of. orypjeu, [Agur^'etj, -dz] m
oroBoplKa [AgAvdrka]/ -kh, -ua, -uoB cucumber.
-OK reservation, stipula-
1. OAajiKHBJaTb [Adalzhivat^]
tion; slip of the tongue.
2. imperf -aw, -aeuib, oaoji-
oroHb [Agon^] m ofhh, pi jKJMTb [AdAlzhtt^] perf -y,
OFHH, oFHeft I. fire {active -Huib, p -HJI, imp -H lend
burning); 2. light (a lamp, {money, etc).
etc); 3. mil fire; GAeBJaTb [Ad^i^vat^] imperf
«0* H3 OrHfl Ad B nOJlblMSI -aio, -aeuib, ofle|Tb [Ad^ef*]
^ out of the frying-pan into perf -Hy, -neuib, p -Ji, imp
the fire; npoHTW h BOAy — -Kb dress, clothe.
= go through thick and ojieB{aTbCJi [Ad^'i^vattja]
thin. imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH,
oropofl [AgArot, -d] m -a, OAeiTbCJi [Ad^ettja] perf
-OB kitchen garden; -nycb, -neuibCH, p -jich,
<> KaMeiueK b hch-ji. --^ -jiacb, imp -HbCH, -HbTecb
a dig at smb. 1. dress (oneself); axbCH —
oropHlaTb [AgArch^at^] im- BO mo-ji. put smth on; 2,
perf -aio, -aemb, oropM|HTb {no perf) dress {well, badly
[AgArch^'it^] per^ -y, -Huib, etc).
p -HJI,imp -H pain, grieve. [Ad^ezkda] / -bi
oropMMTb see oropqarb. ~ garments;
clothes; ^6p
orpaSHTb see rpa6HTb. MCHHaH —a uniform.
orpaflla [Aflrada] / -bi, — ojiepiRaTb see 0Aep>KHBaTb
fence (round a house, garden, o;iep}KHB|aTb [Ad**erzht
etc). vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
crpaHMMeHH|b,iH [AgrAn^i- o;jep>KlaTb [Ad^'i^rzhat^] perf
ch'^mnty] a \pa] sh f orpaHH- -y, oAepJKHUib, p -aji, imp
MeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. limited, -h: 0Aep>KaTb Bepx [no6eAy
scanty [funds, means, etc); u m. n.] gain the upper
2. narrow-minded. hand [victory, etc].
orpaHHHHB|aTb [AgrAn^'i- oAexb see oAesaxb.
ch^'ivat*'! imperf: -aio, -aeujb, OA^TbCfl see OAeBaibCH 1.
— 259 — OAH

[Ad^i^yab] n -a,
ofleflji|o the other; oahhm cjiobom in
'- blanket [for covering in one word; to sum it all up;
bed); cieraHoe -~o quilt. in short; no OAHOMy by
oflHH [Ad^'in] I num card ones, one by one.
& pron indef m oAHoro, oj\- OAHHaKOB|biH [Ad^lnakaviy]
HOMy, — (oAHoro), oahhm, a sh f ^, -a, -0, -H iden-
(06) OAHOM, oflHa /, oflHo n, tical; the same.
OAHH pi 1. one {not many); OAHMHaAuaxbiH [Ad^inatsa-
o^Ha KHHra one book; o;^- tiy] num ord eleventh.
HH qacbi one watch, one 0AHHHaAUaT|b [Ad^inatjat^,
clock; OAHH HOHCHHUbi one d''] num card -h, -bio eleven.
pair of a cer-
scissors; 2. oahh6k|hh [Ad^inok^iy] a
tain, a one; one thing; ~- -an, -He, sh f -^^ -a, -o,
MejiOBCK CKasaji mhc, mto... -H solitary, lonely; 2. un-

one / a man told me that...; married, single.

oflHo BpeMH at one time, at OAHHOHecTBlo [Ad^lnoch^i-
some point; time was when. .; . stva] n -a solitude, loneli-
3. one (0/ us, etc); h3 hhx-^ ness; oKaaaTbCH b ^e find
one of them; oneself in isolation.
li as an adjective 1. alone, by ©AH la [Adna] / -oh, -oh,
oneself; h noHAy -~ I'll go -y, -OH (-OK)), (06) -OH see
alone; TbiMOJKeiiib c^ejiaTbSTo OAHH.
~? can you do it alone /by OAHaKAw [Adnazhdi] adv
yourself?; can you do it on once, one day; — yxpoM
your own?; 2. the same; mh c [se^epOM, HoqbK)] one morn-
HHM OAHoro MHeHHH he and I ing [evening, night].
are of the same opinion- ~ oAHaKo [AdnakaJ I cj de-
H TOT JKe the same; one and noting contrast, incongruity
the same; 3. only; nothing with the previous statement
but; OH HbeT oaho mojioko but; still; and yet;
he drinks only milk /nothing II parenth however.
but milk; b KOMHaTe 6biJiH OAHH [Ad^n^i] pi -X, -M,
OAHH AeTH there were only ~ (-X), -MH, (06) -HX see
children in the room; OAHH.
III as a noun 1. oa h 6 n | OAHHM [Ad^'n^im] instr ofj

-oro: 3T0 OAHO h to H<e it OAHH & OAHo; see oahh.

is the same thing; 2.: oah^ oahIo [Adno] n -oro, -OMy,
3Aecb, ApyrHe TaM some are -6 (-oro), -HM, (06) -6m see
here, others are there; OAHH.
<> -- Ha ~
1) in private, OAHO... first element ofj
privately; 2) face to face compounds pertaining to the
[in fighting); (see) kuk — numeral 'one': oaho66khh [Ad-
unanimously; --' sa ApyrHM nAbok^iy] one-sided; oaho-
one after another; one after KOJieiiHbifi [AdnakApeynty]
OflH -- 260

single track {railway); ofl- short breath / wind; cxpaAaxb

HOCJiojKHbiH [AdnAslozhniy] — OH be short-winded.
monosyllabic; oAHonojiKxzHbift 0}KHB|aTb [Azhivat''] im-
[AdnApoPusnty] unipolar. perf -aK), -aeuib, 0}KH|Tb
oflHoro [AdnAvo] gen & ace [Azht't^] perf -By, -Bcuib, p
of OAHH & OAHo; see oahh. omnJi, -Jia, 6>khjio, imp -bh
oflHOM [Adnom] pr of oahh come back to life, revive.
& oAHo; see oahh. 0}KHAaHH|e [Azhtdan'^iya]
oAHOMy [AdnAmu] dat of n -H, pi -H, -H 1. waiting;
OAHH & OAHo; see oahh. 2. expectation, anticipation;
OAHOo6pa3HiwH [AdttAAbraz- 3. pi expectations; oCManyrb
niy] a sh f OAHoo6pa3eH, MbH-Ji. —
H disappoint smb.
-a, -o, -bi monotonous {with- OKHUJaTb [Azhtdat**] im-
out variety), perf -aK), -aeuib I, wait for;
oAHop6AH|biH [AdnArodniy] 2. expect, anticipate; 3.: mo
a sh f OAHopoAen, -a, -o, -bi Hac -^aei? what is in store
1. homogeneous, uniform; 2. for us?
similar. O^KHTb see 0>KHBaTb.
oahoctop6hh|hh [AdnastA- OKor [Azhok, -g] m
-a, -ob
ron^n^iy] a sh f OAHocTopo- burn {an injury).
HeH, -H, -e, -H one-sided 03a66MeHH|uH [AZAboch^m-
{also fig); unilateral. niy] a sh f 03a66MeH,
GAodpHTb see oAo6pHTb,, -a, -o, preoccupied {with

OAo6p|aTb [AdAbr^at^] itn- one's thoughts); worried, anx-

perf -HK), -Heuib, OA66p|HTb ious.
[Adobr^it^] perf -lo, -nmb, p osarjiaBHTb see oaarAaBJiH-
-HA, imp -H approve, endorse; Baib.
approve of. oaarjiaBjiHBlaTb [AZAglav-
OAOJieBlaxb [Adal^i^vat^] l^'ivat''] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
imperf -aw, -aemb, OAOtiieTb osarjiaBlHTb [AZAglav^it'']
[AdAl^'et**] perf -eio, -eeuib perf -AK), -Hmb, p -ha, imp
li overpower, overcome -h entitle {a book, etc).
{one's enemy); 2. fig col 03aAaHHB|aTb [AZAdach^'i-
cope with {a book, work, V9t^] imperf -ara, -aeuib, oaa-
etc); 3. fig overcome {ojf AaMiHTb [AZAdach''it^] perf -y,
fear, etc). -Huib, p -HA, imp -b puzzle,
oAOJi>KeHH|e [AdAlzhen^iya] perplex.
n -H, -H favour (a kind, osejieHHTb see oaeAeHHTb.
obliging, or generous act). 03ejieH|«Tb [Az^il^i^n^'at*']
oAOjijKHTb see OAaA>KH- imperf -hk3, -neuib, oseAC-
BaTL. H|HTb [Az^il^'i^n^'it^] perf -k>,
oAyeaHHHK [Aduvan^ch^'ik, -Huib, p -HA, imp -H plant
-g] m
-a, -ob dandelion. trees and shrubs {in a townt
OAbiUiK|a [Adishkd] / -h street, etc).
— 261 OKO

63eplo [oz^ira] n -a, pi ish, end; be through with;

osepa, oaep, oaepaM lake. OKOHMHTb HHCXHXyX [yKHBCp-
oauMJbie [Az^imiya] pi -bix cHiex] graduate from an
winter-crops. institute [a university].
o3Jio6jieHH|e [AzUbl^e- oKaHMUBlaxbcn [Akan^ch'i-
n'iya] n -a bitterness, ani- vattsa] imperf -aexcH, okom-
mosity. HH;xbCJi [Akon^ch^ittsa] perf
osHaMeHJOBaTb [Aznam^i- -XCH, p -JiCH, -.lacb end, fin-
HAvat^] perf -yio, -yeiiib, p ish; terminate, be over.
-OBaji, imp -yfi mark (a holi- OKeaH [Ak^'i^an] m -a, -ob
day, etc, with new successes, ocean.
etc). OKKynHp|oBaxb [Akup^fra-
osHawiaTb [AznAch^at''] im- vat^] perf & imperf -yio,
perf -aex mean, signify, de- -yeiub, p -oeaji, imp -yft oc-
note. cupy (a country, etc).
03h66 [Aznop, -b] m -a OKJiafl[Aklat, -d] -a, -ob m
chill, of shivering.
fit pay, (rate of) salary.
03fl6HyTb see 3H6HyTb. oKjieHBJaTb [AkPeivat^]
0Ka3aTb see oKasbiBaxb. imperf -aio, -aemb, oKjielHib
OKasdrbcsi see OKasbieaTbCH. [Akl^eit^] perf -k), -Huib paste
OKasbiBJarb -fAkaztvat*"] over {with); -—axb KOMHaxy
imperf -aio, -aeiub, 0Ka|3aTb o66hmh paper a room,
[AkAzat^] perf -}Ky, OKancemb, OKHJo [Akno] n -a, p/ oKHa,
p -3aji, imp ->kh; —- axb co- OKOH, oKHaM window.
flCHCTBHe render assistance; OKOJio [okala] I adv near,
OKasaxb ycjiyry do a service; near by;
oKasaxb npcAnoMxeHHe give II prep with gen denoting
preference to; — axb conpo- 1. proximity, nearness near,
THBJieHHe put up resistance; close to; ^ AOMa near the
OKasaxb Hecxb do an honour. house, close to the house; oh
0Ka3biB|aTbCJi [Akaztvattja] 6hiJi —- MeHH he wasnear me;
imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH, oKa]- he was beside me; 2. approx-
saxbcii [AkAzattsa] perf imateness of an amount
-}Kycb, OKajKeiubCH^ p -sajicn, about; '— cxa KHJiOMexpoB
-sajiacb, imp -H<HCb, -»Hxecb about a hundred kilometres.
1. find oneself {in some place OKOH [okan] see okho.
or condition); 2. turn out, oKOHHaHHle [AkAn^ch^a-
prove (to be), be found n^iya] n -h, -h 1. finishing,
(that...); —aexcH, qxo... it termination; no ~h yHHsep-
appears that... CHxexa on graduating from
0KaHHHB| axb [Akan^ch^'i- the university; 2. end {of a
vat**] imperf -aio, -aeuib, book, etcj; 3. ling ending.
OKOHHiHTb [Akon^ch^it^] perf OKOHHaTejIbH|UH [AkAn^-
-y, -Huib, p -H.n, imp -H fin- ch^'at^il'niy] a sh f OKOHna-

OKO 262 —
TCJieH, -a, -o, -u final, con- OKpyjKHTb see oKpyjKaxb
clusive. 1, 2.
OKOHHHTb 566 OKaHMHBaTb. OKpyjKHOCT b [ Akruzhnas^'t^

OKOHHHTbCSI 566 OKaHHH- -z^d^l / -H, -eft circumfer-

BaXbCH. ence; Ha ;;Ba KHJiOMerpa b
oKon [Akop, -b] m -a. -ob — H within a radius of two
mil trench, entrenchment, kilometres.
OKopoK [okarak, -g] m -a, 0KTH6p|b [Akt^abr^l m -a
pi -a, -OB ham, gammon. October.
OKoneHeTb 566 KoneHeTb. 6KyH|b [okun'^l m -h, pt
OKpaHH|a [Akraina] / -bi, -H, -eft perch {a fish).
~ outskirts {of a city, 6ic); OKyploK [Akurak, -g] m -Ka,
outlying districts {of a coun- -KOB (cigarette) end, (cigar-)
try). stub.
OKpaCHTb 566 KpaCHTb 1. ojienlb [Apen^] m
-h, -eft
OKpaclKa [Akraska] / -kh, deer.
-OK 1. painting (0/ a roof, ojioBJo [olava] n -a tin {a
6tc); coloration,
2. colour, metal).'
colouring. OH [on] pron pers sing 3rd
0Kp6nH|yTb [Akr^epnut^] person m
ero, eiviy, ero, hm,
perf -y, p OKpen, ok-
-euib, (o) HCM {after a prep Hero, ne-
penjia, imp -h, KpenlHyxb My. Hero, hhm), ohe /, oho n,
[kr^epnut^] /mper/ -ny, -He lub, OHM pi: «rAe BopHC?» «0h
p ~, -jia, imp -HH become 66jiph». "Where's Boris?" "He
strong {also fig). is ill"; «rfle CTyji?» «0h b ko-
OKpecTHOCT|b [Akr^'esnas^t'', pHA6pe». "Where's the chair?"
-z^d^] / -H, -eft environs, "It is in the corridor"; «r;te
vicinity. Bhktop?» «Er6 hct ji6Ma».
OKpyr [okruk, -g] m -a, pi "Where's Victor?" "He isn't
-a, -OB region, district {a in"; «rfle Be;ip6?» «Er6 B3a-
territorial divi5ion for admin- Jia 3HHa». "Where's the buck-
istrative or other purposes). et?" "Zina took it"; r^e
OKpy»jaTb [Akruzhat**] im- HsaH?, qxo c hhm? where's
perf -aio, -aeuib, OKpym|MTb Ivan? what's the matter
[Akruzhlt^] perf -y, -Hmb, p with him?; npHCMHHK He pa-
-HJi, imp -H 1. surround, 66TaeT; hto th c^eJiaji c hhm?
enclose; hedge in; 2. mil the radio doesn't work, what
surround, encircle; 3. {no l;ave you done with it?; «rAe
perf)'. ero ~ajiH HHiepecHbie AHHa?» «OHa 6ojibHa».
jiioAH he was among inter- "Where's Anna?" "She is ill";
esting people. «rAe KHHra?» «OHa na noJi-
OKpy}KeHH|e [Akruzhen^'iya] Ke». "Where's the book?" "It
n -H 1. encirclement; 2. en- is on the shelf"; «rjxe HHHa?»
vironment, surroundings. «Ee HCT AOMa». "Where's Ni-
263 —
na?" "She isn't in"; r^e khh- a prep nee, neu, nee, hch)
ra?; ee HHrAe Hex where's the see OH.
book? it is not to be found OHH [An^f] pron pi hx, hm,
anywhere; r^e Jlena?, mto HX, HMH, (o) HHX {after a
c Heft? Where's Lena? what's prep HHX, HHM, HHX, HHMh)
the matter with her?; pyMKa see OH.
He nHuieT; mo tli CAejiaJi OHO [Ano] pron n ero. eMy,
c HeS? the pen doesn't write, ero, HM, (o) HeM {after a prep
what have you done with Herd, HeMy, nero, hhm) see
it?; npHHecH Be;ip6, oho na OH.
KyxHe fetch the bucket, it OOH [o-6n] abbrev (/)
is in the kitchen; jxau euy (OppaHHaauHH OSTjeAHHenHbix
CTanaH boaw give him a glass HauHft) UNO (United Nations
of water; 3to Ay6, eMy cxo Organization).
jiei this is an oak, it is one ona3AbiB|aTb [Apazdtvat^]
hundred years old; sto QAe- imperf -aio, -aenib, ono3-
jiaHo HM it is done by him; AJaxb [ApAzdat^] perf -aio,
3T0T K;iy6 nocTpoen kojixos- -aemb be late; be overdue;
HHKaMH, H OHH FOpAHTCH HM onosA^Tb Ha noesA [b uiKOJiy
the club has been built by u m. n.] be late for the train
the collective farmers, and [for school,, etc].
they are proud of it; Bhktop onac|atbCji [ApAsattsa] //n-
He 66jieH, He CecnoKOHcn o perf -aiocb, -aenibCH flar, be
HCM Victor is not ill don't apprehensive {of).
worry about him; a^h efi onaceHH|e [ApAS^en^iya] n
cxaKaH BOAbi give her a glass -fl, -ft fear, misgiving; bm-
of water; sxo apcbhhh py- sbiBaxb ^-H excite apprehen-
KOHHCb, eft ABe xbiCHUH Jiex sion.
this is an ancient manuscript, onacHOCT|b [Apasnas^t^,
it is two thousand years old; -z^d^] / -H, -eft danger, per-
3X0 HanHcano eio it is writ- il; noABepraxb -~h expose
ten by her; noesAKa 6biJia to danger; endanger, jeopard-
OMeHb HHXepeCHOH, H OH AO- ize.
BOJien eio the trip was very onacHJbiH [Apasntyj.a sh f/
interesting and he is pleased onacen, -a, -o, -bi dangerous,
with it; OHH b xoft KOMHaxe perilous.
they are in that room; qxo onepja [op^ira] / -u, ^
c HHMH? what's the matter opera.
with them?; hm CKaaajiH, onepaxHBHlbiH [Ap^irAt^fv-
qxo... they were told that...; niy] a sh f onepaxiiBeH, -a,
qxo xu 3Haemb o hhx? what 0, -bi 1. operative, effective,
do you know about them? efficient; 2. nied surgicalj
ona [Ana] pron / ee, eft, 3. mil strategical; opera-
ee, eft (eio), (o) neft {after tion(s) {attr).
one — 264 —
onepduH|ji [Ap^l®ratsty9] / -eft list, catalogue, schedule;
-H, -ft operation {surgical, inventory {of books, etc).
military, financial, etc). onjiaxja [Aplata] / -bipay-
onepejiHTb see onepe>KaTb. ment, remuneration; noAen-
onepe)K|aTb [Ap^ir^i^zHat^] HaH ^a pay by the day;
imperf -aio, -aeuib, onepe- cAejibHan ^a payment by the
fl|HTb [Ap^ir^i^d*"!!**] perf one- piece.
pe5Ky, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -h onjiaxHXb see onjiaqHBaxb,
1. pass / get ahead {of), onjiaHHB|axb [Aplach^ivat**]
outstrip; 2. forestall, antici- imperf -aio, -aeuib, onjiajxHxb
pate. [ApUt^it''] perf -qy, onjia-
onepexTla [Ap^i^r^6t9] / -bi, xHuib, p -XHJi, /mp -xrf repay,
~ musical comedy. pay {for goods services)',
onepexbcji see onHpajbCH. ~axb pacxoAbi meet the
onepHp|oBaTb [Ap^i^r^ira- costs:
vat''] perf & imperf -yio, onji6uiHocx|b [Aplosh-
-yeiiib, p -OBaji, imp
op- -yft nas^t^, -z^'d''] / -h, -eft mis-
erate {1} on a patient', 2) with take, blunder {caused by over-
facts, etc). sight or negligence).
oneHaxlKa [Ap''i^ch*'5tka] / onoBeii;|dxb [Apav^'i*-
-KH, -OK misprint. sh'^'.at^] imperf -aio, -^euib,
oniijilKH [Ap^'ilk^i] pi -OK onoBecx|Hxb [Apav'^i^s^'t^it*']
sawdust. perf onosemy, -riuib, p -hji,
onHp|aTbCfl [Ap^irattsa] imp -H notify, inform.
imperf -aiocb, -aeuibcn, one- ono3flaHH|e [ApAzdan^iya]
plexbCJi [Ap^'i^r^'ettsa] perf n -H, -ft being late; delay,
o6onpycb, o6onpeuibCH, p retardation; 6e3 --h in time;
onepCH, -Jiacb (onepjiacb), c —CM Ha nojiqac^ half an
-jiocb (on&pjiocb), -jiHCb (on^p- hour late.
jiHCb), imp oConpHCb, o6o- onosfldxb see onasAbieaxb.
npHxecb lean {upon), rest on6MH|HXbC5i [Apomn^ittsa]
{upon) {also fig). perf -KDCb, -Huibca, p -hjich,
onHcaHH|e [Ap^isan^iya] n -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1.
-H, -ft description {of a fact, come to one's senses; 2. think
phenomenon, etc); account {of better of it; come to one's
a trip, etc). senses.
onHcaxb see onftcbiaaxb. onopja [Ap6ra]/ -m, ^ sup-
onHCbiBJaxb [Ap^isivat''] port {a person or thing that
imperf -aio, -aeuib, onMc|dxb supports);
[Ap'^is^f'l perf ooHUiy, onft- ^
xoHKa '-bi fulcrum; Hafi-
meuib, p -aji, imp onHuiri 1. XII xowKy ~'bi gain a foot-
describe, depict; 2. make an hold.
inventory. onno3HuH|fl [ApAz^'itsiya]/
6nuc|b [op^'is*', -z^] f -h, -H, -ft pol opposition."
— 265 — ony

onnoHeHT [ApAn^ent, -d] {answer^ meaning, etc); 2. cer-

m -a, -OB opponent {in a tain {unspecified).
debate, etc). onpej;ejiHTb see onpeAe-nnxb.
onnopryHHSM [Apsrtu- onpe;ieji|«Tb [Apr^id^i^-
n^izm] m -a opportunism l^at^] impe-rf -hk), -neiiib,
{the policy of adapting work- onpeAejilHTb [Apr^id^i^Pit^j
ing class interests to the inter- perf -K), -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp
ests of the bourgeoisie). -H 1. define; determine; 2. de-
onpaBJa [Aprava] / -bi, — termine, fix (precisely).
setting, mounting, casing; onpoBepr|aTb [Aprav^i^r-
rim {of spectacles, etc). gat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, on-
onpaBAaHH|e [AprAvda- poBeprHJyTb [AprAv^ergnut^]
n^'iya] n -a, -h 1. justifica- perf -y, -eiub, p onpoeepr
tion; 3T0 He --e tiiat is no (-y/i), imp -a refute, disprove
excuse; 2. law acquittal. onpoBep}KeHH|e [Aprav^'i^r
onpaB;iaTb see onpaeAbi- zhen^iya] n -a, -h refutation
eaxb. denial.
onpaBAaTbCH see onpaB;;bi- OnpOKHAblBJaTb [AprAk-1
saxbCH. dWat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib
onpaBAUBJaTb [Apravdt- onpoKHH|yTb [AprAk^'inut''
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, on- perf -y, -eiiib, p -yji, imp -i
paBA|aTb [AprAvdat^] perf 1. overturn, upset, tip over
-aio, -aeuib 1. justify; war- 2. fig upset, frustrate.
rant; —axb ce6H 1) justify onpOMeTMHBJbiJi [AprA
oneself; 2) prove its value m^'et^ch^iviy] a sh f -a — ,

{of a new method, etc); pay -0, -bi rash, hasty.

(for itself); 2. law acquit, onpoc [Apros, -z] m
-a, -ob
onpaBAbiB|aTbC5i [Apravdi- interrogatory, inquest, refer-
vattsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib- endum; poll {to find out the
CH, ^npaBA|aTbcj! [ApfAvda- opinion of the population).
ttsa] perf -awcb, -aeiubCH onpflTHJbiH [Apr^atniy] a
iT justify oneself; ~aTbCH sh f onpflxeii, -a, -o, -bi neat,
nepcA KCM-ji. set oneself tidy.
right with smb; 2. come true, onxoM [optam] adv whole-
realize {of hopes, etc); prove sale.
to be correct. onySjiHKOBaxb see ny6jiHK0-
onpeflCJieHHle [Apr^'id^'i®- Baxb.
Pen^iya] n -h, -h 1. deter- onycKiaxb tApuskat^] im-
mination, determining; defi- perf -aio, -aeiiib,onycx|MXb
nition, defining, 2. ling at- [Apus^f'it''] per/onymy, ony-
tribute, modifier. cxHUJb, p -HJI, imp -H I. low-
onpeAejieHHJbiH [Apr^id**!^- er, put down; drop {one's
l^onniy] a {pd\ sh f onpe^e- eyes, a coin in the slot, etc);
jieneH, -a, -o, -u 1. definite onycxHXb rojiosy hang one's

ony — 266 —
head; 2.: onycTHTb nHCbMo / -H, -H hothouse, conserva-
post a letter; 3. omit, leave tory.
out; opaTop [Aratar] -a, -ob m
<> onycTHTb pyKH ^ lose orator, speaker.
heart. opraH [organ] m
-a, -ob 1.
onycK|aTbCfl [Apuskattsa] organ {1} of perception, di-
imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH, ony- gestion, etc; 2) a newspaper^
cxlHTbCM [Apus^t^ittse] perf magazine); 2. body, agency
onymycb, onyCTHiiibCH, p {of government, legislation,
-HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, etc); cjieACTBeHUbie ~bi inves-
-Hxecb lower, sink,
1. go tigating authorities.
down; 2. fig degenerate, de- opraHHsaxop [Argan^izatar]
teriorate [morally). m -a, -ob organizer.
onycTHTb see onyeKaxb. opraHHaauHifl [Argan^iza-
onycTHTbCH see onycKaTbCH. tstya] / -H, -ft 1. organizing,
onycTouijaTb [ApustAshat^] organization; 2. organization
imperf -aio, -aemb, onycTO- (a public, political, or gov-
iii|HTb [ApustAshtt^] perf -y, ernment body- or its struc-
-HiiJb, p -HJi, imp -H devas- ture); OpraHH3au,HH 06i>eAH-
tate, ravage, lay waste. HCHHbix HauHH (OOH) the
onyxjaTb [Apukhaf*] im- United Nations Organization
perf -aio, onyxH|yTb
-aeuib, (UNO).
[Apukhnut^] perf -y, -eiiib, p opraHH3M [ArgAn^izm] m
onyx, onyxjia, imp -h swell -a, -OB organism.
{of a part of the body). opraHH3|oBaTb [Argan^'izA-
6nyxoji|b [opukhai^] / -h, vat**] perjf & imperf yio,
-efi swelling, tumour. -yeuib, p -oBaJi, imp -yS or-
onwT [opU, -d] m -a, -ob ganize; arrange (a meeting,
1. experience, knowledge, etc).
prpficiency; mchtchckhh — 6pj?eH [ord^'m] m -a, pi -a,
knowledge oSmch --^om -OB order {a decoration); —
of life.;

sharing of knowledge [expe- «3HaK noMeTa» the Badge of

rience]'; nepcHHMaTb neft-ji. ^ Honour.
adopt smb's methods; 2. ex- opfleHOHGc|eu [Ard^'mAno-
periment, test. s^its, -dz] m-ua,-u,eB person
6nbiTH{biH [opttniy] a sh f decorated with an order
onbiieH, -a, -o, -bi 1. expe- [orders].
rienced; 2. experimental. opeji [Ar^ol] m opjia, pi
onbsiHeTb see nbHHexb. opjibi, opjioB eagle.
onflTb [Ap*'at^, -d*'l adv opex [Ar^'ekh, -gh] m -a,
again, once more. -OB nut; nut-tree.
opaHjKeBbiH [Aranzhaviy] a opHrHHajibH|biH [Ar^ig**!-
orange {colour). nal^'niy] a sh f opHrHHajien,
opaHiKepe|si [Ardnzhi^r^eya] -a, -o, -hi 1. original, genu-
— 267 OCB

ine, authentic; 2. new, novel, aKTHBHbie ~KH Fadioactivtt

original, unortiiodox. fallout.
Oi HeHTHp|OBaTbCSI [Ar**i- ocawAlaTb [ASAzhdat^'l im-
yi^nt^iravattja] perf & imperf perf -aio, -aeuib, ocaA HTb
-yKDGb, -yeiubCH, p -OBajicn, [ASAd^it*'] perf ocaJKy, -Huib,
-OBajiacb, imp -yficH, -yHiecb p -HJI, imp -H 1. lay siege
Grient(ate) oneself; osaTbCH — to, besiege; 2. fig col beset,
Ha MecTHocTH find one's beleaguer.
bearings; —oBaTbCH Ha... ocaHK|a [Asanka] / -h car-
be guided
by..., pattern riage, bearing.
one's beJiaviour [policy] on... ocBaHBJaTb [Asvaivat^] im-
opKecTp [Ark^estr] -a, m perf -aio, -aeuib, ocBOlUTb
-OB orchestra {1) a group of [Asvoit^] perf -k), -Huib, p
musicians; 2) instruments). -HJi, imp -H 1. master (a sub-
opjia [Aria], opjioe [Arlof, ject, machinery, etc); become
-v] see opeji. an expert in; ~aTb npoH3-
opocHTb see opomaxb. BOACTBo Hero-ji. organize pro-
opouilaTi. [ArAshat^] imperf duction of smth; 2.: ^axb
•aio, -aeujb, opOGlHTb [afa- uejiHHHbie 3eMJiH bring hew
B^it^] perf opomy, -i5mb, p lands under the plough.
•HJi, imp -H water, irrigate. ocBaHB|aTbcsi [Asvaivattsa]
opyAHJe [Arud^'iya] n -h, imperf -aK)Cb, -aeuibCH,
H 1. instrument, implement, ocBolHXbCH [Asvoittsa] perf
tool; 2. fig instrument, tool; -K)Ct>, -HIHbCH, p -h:)1CH,
3. mil gun, piece of ord- -Hjiacb imp -HCH, -Hxecb get
nance. familiar with {one's work,
opyiKH|e [Aruzhiya] n -h 1. surroundings, etc); oh y>Ke
arm, weapon; arms; weapons; ocBOHjiCH he feels quite at
or-HecTpejibHoe ~e fire- ease.
-arm(s); 2. fig weapon; ocBeAOMHTbCfl see ocbcaom-
-^ SpJiuaTb —CM rattle the JIHXbCH.
sabre. ocBeAOMJilflxbCfl [as^v'*!-
op(J)orpa(j)H|5i [ArfAgraf'iya] dAmPattsa] imperf -niocb,
/ -H orthography, spelling. -HeuibCH, ocBeflOM|HTbCfl [as^-
oca [Asa] / ocbi, pi ocu, v^edam^ittja] perf -juocb,
oc, ocaM wasp. -HUibCH, p -HJicH, -HJiacb in-
ocaAJa [Asada] / -u siege quire, make inquires (about).
{ofa fortress, etc). ocBexHTb see ocBeu;axb.
ocaAHTb see oca^^axb. ocBeii^|a.Tb [as^ •:at^]
ocaAJOK [Asadak, -g] m -Ka, imperf -aio. -aeuib, ocBe-
pi -KH, -KOB 1. sediment, X|HXb [as** v'^in^it^] perf oc-
deposit; 2. fig feeling of re- Bemy, -HUib p -HJi, imp
sentment; pi precipitation
3. light up, illuminate;
{rainfall or snowfall); paAHo- [fig elucidate, throw light on
OCB — 268

ocBeiu,eHHte [As^v^i^sh^.e- ocHH|a [As^'ina] / -bi, ^

n^iya] n -h 1. light, light- asp, aspen.
•ing, illCimination; 2. fig elu- ocHHOBbiH [As^in9vty] a
cidation, interpretation. aspen;
0CB060AMTejIbHbiH [AsvabA- <> flpOKaXb KaK ~ JIHCT
d^it^iPniy] a liberation {move- tremble like an aspen leaf.
ment, war, etc). ocKOJiloK [Askolak, -g] m
ocBo6oAHTb see ocbo6ohc- -Ka, -KOB splinter, frag-
Aaxb. ment.
ocBo6ox(A|aTb [AsvabAzh- OCKOp^MTb see 0CK0p6jIHTb.
d^t^] imperf -aio, -5eiiib, 0CK0p6jiiaTb [AskArbl^at*"]
ocBo6oA|HTb [AsVabAd^it'^i imperf -hio, -^euib, ocKop-
perf ocBodoJKy, -i^iiib,p -hji, 6|HTb [AskArb^if*] perf -jiib,
imp -H 1. liberate; emanci- -Huib, p -HJI, imp -H insult,
pate; set free; 2. free {from outrage.
taxation, obligation, etc); ocjia [Aslal, OCJIOB [Aslof,
excuse {from classes, etc); -v] see oceji.
exempt; 3.: —axb kofo-ji. ot GCJia6eB[aTb [Asbb^'i^vat^I
saHHMaeMOH aojijkhocth re- imperf -aio, -aeiub, ocjia-
lieve smb of his post; ocbo- djexb [AsUb^et*'] perf -^lo,
6oAHTb OT o6H3aHHocTeH re- 1. weaken, grow weak/
lease from duties; 4.: —axb feeble; 2. slacken, relax {of
noMemeHHe vacate the prem- attention, strain, etc).
ises; ocjia66xb see ocJiadeBaxb &
^ --eHHbiH ccKperapb napi- CJia6exb.
opraHHsauHH [npo({)coK)3HbiH ocjia6HXb see ocJia6jiHXb.
padoTHHK. u in. d.] full-time ocjia6ji|«xb [AslAblMt^] im-
secretary of a party organi- perf -HK), -HeiUb, 0CJia6|HXb
zation [trade'union official, [Aslab'^it*'] perf -jiio, -Hiiib,
etc]. p -HJI, imp -b 1. weaken;
ocBOHTb see ocBaHsaTb. 2. relax {one's attention, ef-
OCBOHTbCSI SeeOCBaHBaTbCH. forts, muscles, etc).
oceji [as^oI] m ocjia, pi ocjienHxejibH|biH [As^'l^i^-
ocjib'i, ocjioB donkey, ass. p^it^'il^'nty] a sh f ocjienn-
oceHHHH [As^en*'n''iy] a xejiCH, -a, -o, -bi blinding;
autumn. dazzling {also fig).
6ceH|b'[6s^m''] / -h autumn; ocjienHTb see ocjienjiHXb.
US fall. ocjienji|«xb (As^l^'i^pl^at**]
oceHbK) [6s^m'*yu] adv in imperf -^lo, -neuib, ocjie-
autumn. n|Mxb [AS^l^'i'^p^'it''] perf -jiib,
oceTp [As^otr] m ocerpa, -Huib, p -Yin, imp -H I. blind,
ocexpoB sturgeon {a fish). make blind; 2. dazzle (also
oceTpAHla [As''i^tr''ina] / fig)-
•u sturgeon {the [les'h of). ocjienHyxb see cjiennyxb.
269 ~ OCT

ocjiojKHeHHJe [AslAzhn^e- ochobh|6h [AsnAvnqy] a

n'^iya] n -h, -h 1. complica- fundamental, basic, princi-
tion (stnth that makes things pal; — an Macca khhf the
more difficult, etc); 2. com- bulk of the books;
plication, after-effect {of a O B ~6m on the whole in
disease). _
the main.
ocMaTpHB|aTb lAsmatr^i- i
ocHOBbiBlaTb [Asn6viv9t^]
vaf*] imperf -aio, -aeiub, imperf -aio, -aeiiib, och|o-
ocMOTpjexb [AsmAtr^et^] perf Barb [AsnAvat^] perf -yib,
-K), ocMOTpHiub, p -eJi, imp -yeuib, p -OBaji 1. found
-H examine, view, survey; {a city, etc); 2. base {research,
see {an exhibition, etc); in- etc, on smth); sto hh na mcm
spect {a building, luggage, He ocHOBaHO it is unfounded.
etc); do {a city). oc66eHHO [Asob^inna] adv
0CMejiHB|aTbCfl [As^m'^el^i- 1. especially, particularly; 2.
V9ttj9] imperf -aiocb, -aeiub- unusually, more than, usual;
CH, ocMejilHTbCM [As'^m^cl'^i- <> He —
not very (much).
ttjS] perf -K)Cb, -HlUbCH, p oc66eHHOCTib [Asob^mas'^t^,
-HJIC5I, -HJiaCb, imp -bCH, -z^d''] / -H, -eft peculiarity,
-bxecb dare {do smth); take feature;
the liberty {of saying, etc), <> B —
H especially, in par-
venture {a remark, etc). ticular.
ocMOTpeTb see ocMaxpHBaTb. ocoCeHHJbiH [Asob^'mnty] a
ocHoela [Asnova] / -bi, pi sh f {no m), -a, -o, -u parti-
-bi, '-' 1. base, basis, foun- cular, special; peculiar {man-
dation; npHHHTb 3a —y as- ner, etc);
sume as a basis; 3ajio:»cHTb <> HHHero —ore nothing in
~y lay (down) the founda- particular, nothing much.
tions; 2. pi principles, funda- oc66[uH [Asobiy] a special,
mentals; 3. ling stem. specific, peculiar, particu-
ocHOBaHH|e [AsnAvan^iya] n lar; —oe MHeHHe dissenting
-H, -H 1. foundation {the pro- opinion.
cess of); 2. foundation, base 6cn|a [ospa] / -u smallpox;
{of a wall, building, etc); BCTpHHan —a chicken-pox.
foot {of a mountain); 3. ocnapHB|aTb [AsparMvot^]
grounds, reason; 6biTb jih- imperf -aio, -aeiijb, ocno-
lueHHbiM BCHKoro ~H be abso- pJHTb [Aspor^it''] perf -k),
lutely unfounded; c noji- -Hijjb, p -HJi, imp -b 1. dis-
HbiM --eM with good reason, pute {a matter, rights, etc);
ocHOBarejibHlbiH [AsnAva- call in question; 2. {no perf)
t^'il'^nty] a sh f ocHOBaiejieH, contend, contest.
-a, -o, -bi 1. well-grounded; ocTa|BaTbCfl [AstAvattga]
2. solid, sound, thorough. imperf -ibcb, -eiubCH, p -Baji-
ocHoeaTb see ocHosuBaTb. CH, -Bajiacb, into -BaHCH.-Bafl-
OCT 270 —
Tecb, ocT|aTbCfl [Astattsa] perf -jiK), ocTaHoBHiiib, p -hji,
perf -anycb, -aHeuibCH, p imp bring to a stop;
-H stop,
-ajicH, -ajiacb, imp -anbCH, —-axb BsrjiHA Ha kom-ji. rest
-aHbjecb 1. remain, stay; 2. one's gaze on smb.
be left {of a certain amount, OCXaHaBJIHB|aXbCfl [AStA-
etc); y nac ociaJiocb naib navl^ivattja] imperf -aiocb,
MHHyT we have five minutes -aembCH, ocxaHOBlHxbcsi [Asta-
to go; H^TH ocrdjiocb He- UAV^ittja] perf -Jiibcb, ocxa-
MHoro there only a little
is HOBHUIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb,
way to go; 3.: no6eAa ocxa- imp -itcb, -Hxecb 1. stop,
jiacb 3a HaMH the victory was come to a stop; come to a
ours; 3a hhm ocxajiocb AccHib standstill; 2. put up, stay
py6jieH he owes me ten rou- {at a hotel, etc)', 3. dwell
bles; {on a subject, etc);
<> ocraTbCji HH c hcm suffer <> KM nepcfl HCM He —-axbCH
a fiasco; He ocTaeTCJi HMHero stop at nothing.
jipyroro, KaK... nothing else ocxaHOBHXb see ocxanaBJiH-
is left but... Baxb.
ccraEHTb see ociaBJiHib. ocxaHOBHXbcsi see ocxanaB-
ocTaBjil«Tb [AstAvl^at''] im- JIHBaXbCH.
perf -HK), -^eiiib, ocTaelHTb ocxaHOBJKa [AstAnofka] f
[Astav^it^] perf -jiio, -Huib, -KH, -OK 1. stop, stoppage;
p -HJi, imp leave {delib-
-h \. 2, stop, station; KOHe^HaH
erately or through careless- ~Ka terminal, terminus;
ness)', 2. reserve, keep {for <> ~Ka 3a... all that is want-
future use)', 3. abandon, for- ed is...
sake; ocxax|oK [Astatak, -g] m
<> ~«Tb B noKoe leave -Ka, -KOB remainder, the

alone; KaMHji na KaMHe ne rest, remnant; ~kh CAbi

ocxaBHTb leave no stone le It -overs of food; 2. math
unturned. remainder.
ocxajibHloH [AstAl^'noy] I a ocxaxbCJi see ocxaBaxbCH.
the rest of; ~6e BpeMH the ocxeperjaxbcsi [As^'t^ir^i'^ga-
rest of the time; ^-b'le ahh ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH,
the rest of the days; ocxepe|HbCJi [As^f'i^r^ech^s^a]
II as a noun 1. o c t a Ji b- perf -rycb, -JKeuibCH, -ryxcH,
HJbie pi -b'lx the others, the p ocxepercH, -rjiacb, imp
re?t; 2. ocTajibHJoe n -oro -FHCb, -FHxecb beware (o/j,
the rest; Bce •~-6e every- be careful {of)\ be careful
thing else; b ~6m in other not to (catch cold, etc); be
respects. on one's guard {against).
ocTaHaBJiHB|aTb [AstAnav- ocxop6)KH|biH lAstArozhniy]
l^ivat''] imperf -aio, -aeuib, a sh f ocxop6>KeH, -a, -o, -bi
ocTaHOBJMTb [AstanAv^it''] careful, cautious.
— 271 — OT

ocTplMTb [Astr^it^] imperf -HJi, imp -H carry out, real-

-K), -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H, ize; fulfil, put into practice;
ciocTpMTb [sAstr^'it^] perf joke, implement {a decision, etc);
make jokes. exercise {control, etc); ~HTb
ocxpoB [6str9f,,-v] m -a, pi pe>KHM SKOHOMHH practise
-a, -OB island, isle; Heo6H- economy; ocymecTBHTb cBoe
TaeMbifl ~' desert island. HaMepeHHe make good one's
ocTpOTJa [Astrota] / -bi, pi intentions.
-bi, — , -aM witticism, witty ocbinarbcn see ocbmaxbcn.
remark. ocbin|aTbC5i [Asipattja] im-
ocTpoyMHJbiH [AstrAumnty] perf -aexcH, ocbinlaTbcji [ASt-
a sh f ocTpoyMCH, -a, -o, -bi p9ttj9] perf -JiexcH, p -ajiCH,
1. witty; 2, clever, ingenious. -a„iacb 1. crumble {of plaster-
6cTp|biH [ostriy] a sh f ^, ing, etc); 2. fall {of flowers,
-a, -o, -bi 1. sharp {pin, cor- leaves).
ner, pain, etc); keen (knife, OCb [os'', -Z^] / OCH, pi
interest, etc); acute {pain, ocH, oceft 1. axis; 2. technol
corner, etc); ~-oe cjiobuo wit- axle, pin.
ticism; —oesaMcqaHHe point- ocfi3aHn|e [As^i^zan^iya] n
ed remark; ~oe nojion^eHHe -H sense of touch.
critical situation; 2.: ~oe OT [ot; in the first preton-
6jik)Ao savoury dish; -~-biH ic position At, —
Ad; in the
coyc piquant sauce. second pretonic position —
ocTbiB|aTb [Asttvat^] im- at, ad; in a stressed posi-
perf -aio, -aeuib, ocTbiJTb tion —
6t, od], OTO fota; in
[Asttt^l perf -Hy, -neuib, p the first pretonic position —
-ji, imp -Hb 1. get cold, cool; AtA] prep with gen denoting
2. fig cool, lose interest. 1. the starting poirit of a
ocyAHTb see ocys^AaTb. movement from; ox OiMCKa ao
ocyjKAlaTb [Asuzhdat^] im- ToMCKB from Omsk to Tomsk;
perf -aio, -aeuib, ocyAlMTb nojiymirfa nncbMO ox Koro-Ji.
[Asud'^it^] perf ocy>Ky, ocy- receive a letter from smb;
AHUib, p -HJI, imp -H 1. law 2. Hanpaso ox AOMa to
convict, condemn; ero ocy- the right of the house; on
AHJiH na TpH roAa he was the right of the house; cnpa-
sentenced to three years of Ba ox Bac on your right;
prison; 2, condemn, censure, 3. cause or reason: 6AeAHbiH
denounce. ox cxpaxa pale with fright;
ocymecTBHTb see ocyme- njiaKaxb ox paAocxH cry for
CTBJIHTb. joy; yMepexb ox roAOAa die
ocymecTBJiJHTb [Asush^:i^- of hunger; 4. a state, condi-
stvl^at^] imperf -hk), -^euih, tion, etc, against which some
ocymecTBliiTb [Asush^:i^- precautions, etc, are taken:
cexKa OT KOMapoB mosquito-
OT — 272 —
-net; jieKapcTBo or rpHnna -ajiH, imp0T6epH 1. take
remedy for the flu; 5. the away (against a person's
fact that a thing forms part will); 2. choose, select.
of smth or belongs to smth: 0T6HTb see oTdHsaTb.
KpbiiiiKa OT KacTpiojiH the lid 0T6dp [Adb6r] m -a 1. se-
of a saucepan; a saucepan lection, selecting; 2. biol
lid; 6. date: «npaBAa» ot 4 selection.
anpejiH "Pravda" of Ap/il 4, oxGopHlbiM [Adbornty] a
"Pravda" dated April 4; 1. select, choice; 2. col: ~bie
<> OT pyKH by hand (of writ- Bbipa>KeHHH refined expres-
ing, etc). sions; ~aH pyraHb vile abuse.
oT..., OTO..., ottj... pref of OTCpacbiBJaTb [Adbrasfvat^]
verbs denoting 1. movement imperf -aio, -aeiiib, OT6p6-
away from smth: otdejKaTb cJHTb [Adbros^'it^] perf ot-
[Adb^'i^zhat^] run off (a few 6p6iiiy, -Hiiib, p -HJI, imp -h
steps, etc); OT-bexaib [At- 1. throw (to a side, back,
yekhat^] drive off (a short etc); toss away; 2. mil hurl/
distance, etc); 2. detachment, throw back; 3. fig give up, re-
separation: OTBHHTiiTb [At- ject, dismiss (ideas, theories,
v^in''t'it^] unscrew; 3. com- etc); 4. fig: ~aTb TCHb throw
pletion, cessation of an action: a shadow.
OTueecTii [Attsv^i^s't'i] finish OT6p6c|bi [Adbrosi] pi -ob
blossoming; OT^ejKypHTb [Ad^- garbage, refuse; waste matter.
d^'i^zhur^il*'] come off duty. 0T6biB|aTb [Adbtvat''] im-
0T6epH [Adb^'i^r^i] imp of perf -5k), -6euib, 0T6|biTb
OTo6paTb; see 0T6HpaTb. [Adbtt*"] perf -y^y, -yjieuib,
0T6epy [Adb^i^ru], OT^e- p -b'lji, imp -yAb 1. depart,
peiub [Adb^i^r*»6sh, -zh] Jst leave; 2.: '-aTb HaKaaaHHe
& 2nd persons of OTo6piTb; serve one's sentence.
see oT^HpaTb. OTBdrja [Atvaga] / -h cour-
or6HB|aTb [Adb^ivat^] im- age, valour.
perf -aib, -aeuib, 0T6JMTb [Ad- OTBa)KH|biH [Atvazhniy] a
b'lt^] perf oToCbK), oTo6beiiJb, sh f oTBan^eH, -a, -o, -bi cour-
p -HJi, imp -eft 1. break ageous, brave.
off (with a hammer, etc); OTBesTH bee OTBoaiiTb.
2\ beat off, repulse (an at- OTBeprjaTb [Atv^i^rgat'']
tack, etc); 3. col take away imperf -aio, -aeuib, OTedpr-
(the smell, taste); HJyTb [Atv^ergnut''] perf -y,
<> 0T6HTb oxoTy col discour- -euib, p OTBepr (-yji), OTBepr-
age (from doing smth). jia imp -H reject, turn down.
0T6HplaTb [Adb^iraf*] im- OTBepHyTbCJi see otbop^mh-
perf -aio, -aeujb, OTo6p|aTb BaTbCH.
[AtAbrat**] perf oT6epy, ot- OTBepCTHJe [Atv^'ers^'t^'iyaJ
Oepeiub, p -aji, -a;ia, -ajio, n -H, -H opening, hoi?; sjpt
— 27a — OTB

(for coins, etc); BxoAHoe ^-e tts9] imperf -aiocb, ^eiubCH,

inlet; BbixoflHoe ~e
outlet. oxBJie|HbCH [Atvl^ech^'s^a]
OTBecHJb/H [Atv^'esniy] ash perf -Kycb, -MeuibCH, p ox-
f oTBeceH, -a, -o, -u plumb; BJieKCH, imp -KHCb,
steep, sheer. -KHxecb be distracted / di-
OTBCCTH see OTBOAHTb. verted; digress {in talking or
OTBCT [Atv^'et, -d] m -a, writing); 2. abstract oneself
-OB answer,
1. reply; b ~ {from).
Ha... in reply to... [also see OXEJieieHHiblH [Atvl^i^-
<>]; 2,: npHSBaxb k ~-y call ch^onnty] a {pa\ sh f oxBJie-
to account; MCH, -a, -o, -bi abstract (tfifea,
<> B ~
Ha... in response to... etc).
OTBeTHTb see oTBeqaib 1, 2. oxBjieHb see oTBJieKaxb.
OTBeTCTBeHHOCT|b [Atv^e- oxB.ieqbCft seeoxB.JieKaxbCH.
tsf'v^inas^t^, -z^d^] / -h re- dXB0A|HXb [AtvAd^it^] im-
sponsibility; 6paTb qro-Ji. na perf OXBO^y, OXBOAHUJb, p
CBOK) ~b
do smth on one's -HJi, imp -H, OXBe|cXH [At-
own responsibility, take smth
upon oneself; npHBjieKaxb k oxBeji, -j\a, imp -ah 1. lead,
'-H call to account. take {to some place, in a cer-
OTBeTCTBeHH|blfi [Atv^Ctst''- tain direction); -— HXb soficKa
v^mnty] a sh f OTBexcxBen, withdraw the troops; 2.:
-a, -o, -bi 1. responsible; 2. ~HXb BOAy drain; oxBecxH
important, crucial; ~-biH mo- rjiasa look aside \also see OJ;
MCHT crucial point. 3. parry {a blow); 4. fig re-
OTBeH|aTb [Atv^i^ch^'at^] ject {a candidacy); 5. allot,
imperf -aio, -aemb, OTBexJHTb destine {land, premises for
[Atv^et^it**] perf oxBeny, smth);
-HU!b, p -HJi, imp -b 1. an- <> ~Hxb pojib assign a part;
swer, reply; 2. be responsi- OTBecTH Ayuiy unburden one's
ble (for); --axb tojioboh 3a heart; oxBecxH rjiasa Koiviy-Ji.
Mxo-Ji. stake one's life on =
deceive smb.
smth; 3. {no perf): — axb oxBoalHXb [AtvAz^it^] im-
Tpe6oBaHHHM [HasHa^eHHio perf OXBOJKy, OXBOSHIIIb, p -HJI,
u m. n.] meet the require- imp -H, OTBcajxH [Atv^i^-
ments [purpose, etc]; ~axb s^t^'i] perf -y, -euib, p ox-
HHxepecaM... accord with the Bes, -Jia, imp -h take away
interests of... {in a vehicle).
oxBJieK|axb [Atvl^i^kat^] oxBOpaHHB|axbcsi [AtvAra-
imperf -aio, -aeuib, oxBjie|Hb ch^ivattsa] imperf -aracb,
[Atvl**ech^] perf -Ky, -weuib, -aeuibCH, 0TBepH|yxbCH [At-
p oxBJieK, -KJia, imp -kh dis- v''i^rnuttj9] perf -^Cb, -euibCH,
tract, divert {attention, etc). p -yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp -HCb,
OTBJieKlaxbcsi [Atvl^i*^ka- -Hxecb I. avert one's face /
0TB — 274 —
eyes; look the other way; 2. -K), -rfuib, p -HJi, imp -H dis-
fig break (with smb). suade talk out {of).
OTBpaTHTeJlbH|blH [AtvrA- OT;ia|BaTb [AddAvat**] im-
t^it^'il^nly] a sh /oTEpaTrite- perf -K), -euib, p -saji, imp
jieH, -a, -o, -bi disgusting, -Baft, OTA|aTb [Addat^l perf
loathsome. -aM, -aujb, -acT, -aAHM, -aAH-
OTBpameHHie [AtviAsh^ie- Te, -aAyT, p oTAaji, -a;ia, 6t-
n^iya] n -h aversion, disgust, Aajio, OT^ajiH, imp -avi 1. re-
repugnance; BHyiiiaxb ~e fill turn, give back; 2. give up,
with disgust; nHTaxb -^e k... hand over, relinquish; 3. fig
loathe... give up, sacrifice, devote
OTBbiKJaTb [Atvlkat^] im- wholly; 4. send, put (a child
perf -aio,-aeuib, OTBbiKH|yTb to school, a kindergarten, etcy^
[Atviknut^] perf -y, -euib, p 5. col let have (in selling)-,
OTBbiK, oTBWKJia, imp -H fall 6.: —BaTb npHKasaHHe issue
out of the habit of, lose the an order, give an order;
habit of. — BaTb npeAnoMxeHHe show
OTBJISaTb sec 0TBH3bIBaTb preference (to), give pref-
OTBSJSaTbCfl see 0TBH3bI- erence (to); 7. (no perf)
BaTbCH. taste (of), savour (of); smell
0TBfl3biB|aTb [Atv^'aztvat^l (Of)',

imperf -aio, -aeiiib, 0TBsi|3aTb <> -^Baib ;i6ji)KHoe KOMy-ji.

[Atv^i*^zat^] perf -my, ot- [HeMy-ji.] do justice to smb
BflH<eiiib, p -3aji, imp -jkh [smthl; --BaTb noA cya pros-
untie, unfasten [separate ecute.
from). oTAajieHHibiH [AddAl^onniy]
0TBn3biB|aTbcsi [Atv^aziva- a [pa] sh f oTflajieH, -a, -o,
ttj9] imperf -aioGb, -aeiubCH, -bi remote, distant.
0TBfl|3aTbCfl fAtv^i^zattja] OTjiaTb see oT^aBaTb 1, 2,
perf ->Kycb, 0TBHH<embCH, p 3, 4, 5, 6.
-3ajicH, -sajiacb, imp -M<HCb, OTAeji [Ad^d^ell m -a, -ob
->KHTecb 1. come untied, come (office) department; — Ka;;-
loose, get undone; 2. fig col poB personnel / staff depart-
get rid (of); 3. fig cot leave ment.
alone, leave in peace; stop OTAejieHH|e [Ad^d^i^Pe-
nagging.^ n^iys] n -h, -h 1. separation
OTraitaxb see OTra;ibiBaTb. (the process of)', 2. compart-
OTraAbiB|aTb [Adgadtvat^] ment, section; MauiHHHoe ~e
imperf -aio, -aeuib, OTrafljaTb engine room / compartment;
[AdgAdaf*] perf -aio, -aeuib --e nHCbMCHHoro CTOJia pi-
guess (a riddle, etc). geon-hole (in a desk); 3. de-
OTroBapHB|aTb [AdgAvar^i- partment, (local) branch (of
V9t''l imperf -aio, -aeuib, ot- a bank, etc); — e mhjihixhh
roBoplMTb [AdgavAr^it*'! perf local militia station; 4» part
^ 275 — OTK

(of a concert, etc); 5. mil sec- persons of oToasaxb; see ox-

tion; US squad. 3bIBaXb,
OTACJlHTb see 0TA6JlHTb. OXSOByCb [AdzAvus^, -z^],
OTAejibH|biH [Ad^d^el^niy] a OXSOBeUlbGH [AdzAV^6shs^8]
separate; ~biH bxoa private 1st & 2nd persons of oxosBaxb-
entrance; —
bie jiHua individ- ch; see ox3biBaxbC5i.
uals. 6x3biB [odztf, -v] m -a, -ob
OTflejiiaxb [Ad^d^i^l'at^] opinion, reference; review
imperf -hk), -neuib, 0Tfleji|HTb {of a book, article, etc); aaxb
tAd^d^i^l^it^] perf -ib, otac- xopoiiiHH —
/o KOM-ji. give a
jiHuibi p -HJi, imp -H separate, good reference to smb.
detach, disjoin; — HTb 3a- ox3biB|axb [Adzivat^l im-
HaseCKOH [neperopoAKofi] cur- perf -aio, -aeuib, oxo33|axb
tain [partition] off. [AtAzvat^l perf 0T30By, ofab-
OTflOXHyTb see oT^bixaxb. fieujb, p -aji, -ajia, -ajio, -aJiH,
OTAbix [oddjkii, -gh] m imp 0X30BH 1. take / call
-a rest, repose; relaxation aside; 2. recall {an ambassa-
{amusement)', rest and recre- dor, etc).
ation. oxswEJaxbCJi [Adztvattsa]
OTAbix|aTb [Addikhat^] /m- imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, oro-
perf -mi, -aemb, 0TA0XH|yTb 3B|axbcji [AtAZvattja] perf
[AddAkhnut^] perf -y, -euib, 0X30ByCb, OXSOBCUIbCH, p -3J\-

p -yji, imp have a CH, -ajiacb, -ajiocb (-a.nocb),

-H rest,
rest; -^axb y'MopH spend one's -ajiHCb (-ajiHCb), imp 0x3o-
holidays at the seaside. BHCb, oxsoBHxecb 1. answcr
oxei; [At^ets. -dz] m oTua, {when one is called); 2. speak
pi OTiibi, OTUOB father {of a (0/ smb, smth, in a specified
family). way).
OTeHecTBeHH|bifl [At^'ech*'!- 0X3bIBHHB|bIl! [Adz+fch^i-
s^t^v^inniy] a home {attr) viy] a sh f ~, -a, -0, -bi re-
{industry, etc); Toeapbi ~or,o sponsive, sympathetic.
npoHSBOACTBa home-made oxKas [Atkas, -z] m
-a, -ob
goods; refusal, repudiation; He npH-
<0^ ~aji BOHHa patriotic war. HHMaxb ~a not to take "no"
OTeHecTBlo [At'ech^'istva] n for the answer; oxBexHXb —om
-a native land, fatherland. deny (a request);
[AdzAv^i] imp of
0T3QBI1 <> pa66xaxb 6e3 ^a run
OTosBBTb; see oTSbiBaxb, smoothly {of an engine, etc);
OXSOBHCb [AdZAV^is^, -Z^], flo —a 1) overflowing / sa-
OXSGBHXeCb [AdzAv^'if'is^, -z^] tiety; as far as it will
imp of oxosBaxbCH; see ox3bi- go {of a screw, etc).
BaXbCH. oxKa3axb see oxKasbmaxb.
OX30By [AdzAVU], OXSOBeUIb oxKa3axbcsi see oxKa3bi-
[AdzAV^osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd BaXbCH.
OTK — 278 —
OTKdsbiBJaTb [Atkazlvat''] OTKjiHK [6tkl''ik, -g] -a, m
imperf -aio, -aeiub, OTKaajaTb pi -H, -OB 1. -response (a feel-
[AtkAzat^] perf oTKa^Ky, ot- ing); HaftTH lUHpoKHH meet ~
Ka>Kemb, p -aji, imp oTKajKH with a warm response; 2. pi
1. deny (a pleasure, etc)\ re- comments {on a political
fuse (a request, etc); —aib statement, etc).
KOMy-ji. B qcM-Ji. deny smb OTKJIHK axbcsi [AtkPikattsa]

smth; 2. 'col not work; nacoc imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, ot-

OTKaaaji the pump wouldn't KJiHKHJyTbCfl [Atkl^iknutts9]
work; perf -ych, -euibCH, p -yjiCH, -y-
^ ^arbce6e bo eceivi stint jiacb, imp -HCb, -HTecb 1. an-
oneself everything; eiviy
in swer {when one is called); 2.
HCJibsn oTKasaTb e Be^jiHBo- fig respond {to an appeal,
CTH [ocTpoyMHH u m. n.] etc).
there's no denying that he OTKJlOHHTb See OTKJIOHHTb.
is polite [witty, etc]; He ot- OTKJioHJflTb [AtklXn^^at^]
Ka^KHTC B jiK)6e3HOCTH be imperf -hk), -neiiib, otkjio-
so kind {as to). HJHTb [AtkUn^it^] perf -ib,
0TKa3bIB|aTbCJI [AtkaZfV9- OTKJlOHHIUb, p -HJI, imp -H
ttj9] imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, 1. deflect; 2. fig decline (a
0TKa3|aTbc$i [AtkAzatts9] perf request, proposal, etc).
OTKaJKycb, 0TKa>KembCH, p otkoc [Atkos, -z] m.-a,-0B
-ajiCH, imp oTKa-
-ajiacb, slope {of a hill, etc);
jKHCb, 0TKa>KHTecb 1. refuse, <> nycTHTb noA ^ derail.
decline, repudiate; —axb- OTKpoBeHH|biJf [AtkrAv^^n-
CH OT CBorix CJIOB eat one's nty] ashf oTKpoBeneH, -a, -o,
words; go back on one's word; -bi frank, outspoken, candid.
—-aTbCH OT CBOefi nOAHHCH 0TKpbiB|aTb [Atkrivaf*] //n-
deny one's signature; OTKa- perf -kK), -^eiub, OTKp|biTb
saTbCJi Haoxpea refuse point- lAtkrtt^l perf ^oio, -oeuib, p
-blank; 2. relinquish, give up; -biji, imp -6ft 1. open (a door

~aTbCH OT npHTHSaHHH Ha... window, etc); —

aTb HacTe>Kb
renounce one's claims to.,.; open wide; 2. inaugurate {an
OTKaaaTbCH ot aojdkhocth re- exhibition, monument, etc);
sign one's post; ^aTbCJi ot open {a theatre, meeting, etc);
6opb6bi give up struggle. 3. discover {a new land, de-
oTKjiaAbiBlaTb [Atkladivat''] posit, etc); 4. let out, reveal
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, oTJioKJHTb {a secret);
[AtlAzhft''] perf -y, otjio- <> OTKpbiTb flyuiy KOMy-ji.
jKHUib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. put / open one's heart to smb.
lay aside; 2. hoard, put by; OTKpbiTH|e [Atkrtt^iys] n
3. put off, delay, postpone; -fi, 1. opening (//le process

oTJio>KHTb napTHK) adjoum a of); inauguration- 2. discov-

game (of chess). ery {scientific, geographical).
^277 —
OTKpMTlKa [Atkr+tks] /-kh, -HJI, imp -H distinguish, tell
-OK postcard; picture post- {one from another).
card. 0TJiH4|aTbC5i [Atl^ich^attgaJ
OTKpbiT|biH [Atkrttty] a[pa] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, ot-
sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi 1. open {1) jiHH|HTbc$i [Atl^ich**ittsa] perf
window, etc; 2) country, etc; -yCb, -HIUbCH, p -HJICH, -H-
3) car, etc); 2. frank, open- jiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb 1. {no
-hearted; perf) differ {from); 2. {no
<> ^oe rojiocoBaHHe open perf) be notable {for), be re-
ballot. markable {for); 3. distinguish
OTKpblTb see OTKpblBaTb. oneself {also ironically).
OTKyna [Atkuda] adv \. in- OTJiMHHle [Atl^ich^iya] /I -H,
ter where from; ^ bm npH- -H 1. difkrence, distinction;
exajiH? where do you come 2. merit, distinguished serv-
from?; ^ sbi 3to SHaexe? ices; AHnjioM c —eM honours
how do you (happen to) know diploma;
it?; 2. rel from which; <> B ^e ox... as distinct
<> ~ HH BosbMHcb col Sud- from... ^
denly. 0XJIH4HXb see OXJIHMaXb.
OTKyncpHB|aTb [Atkupar^i- OXJlHHHXbC» see OXJIHMaXb-
vat''] imperf -aro, -aeuib, ot- CH 3.
KynoplHTb [Atkupar^it^] perf oxjiHHH|biH [Atl^ich^niy] a
-K), -Huib, p -HJi, imp 'U un- sh f oxjiMMeH, -a, -o, -bi 1.
cork. different {from); 2. excellent,
OTKycHTb oTKycbisaTb.
see perfect; ~oe Hacxpoenne high
OTKycbiB|aTb [Atkusivat^l spirits.
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, axKycliiTb oxjiojKHXb see oxKjiaAUBaxb.
[Atkus^'it^] perf oTKymy, ot- oxMejijb [otm^iP] / -H, -efi
KycHuib, p -vLJi, imp -h bite (sand-)bar, shallow, shoal.
off. oxMeHHxb see oxMCHHXb.
OTJiefl [AtPey] imp of ot- oxMeH|HXb [Atm^i^n^at^]
jiHTb; see oTjiHsaxb. imperf -hk), -Jieujb, oxMeHJl^xb
OTJlHB [AtPif, -V]m -a, -OB [jvtm^i^nMt^] perf -ib, oxm^-
ebb {also fig); ebb-tide. HHuib, p -HJI, /mp -H abolish,
OTjiHRJaTb [Atl^ivat^] im- repeal, abrogate; cancel; re-
perf -aio, -aeujb, OTJi|HTb verse, disaffirm.
[AtPit^J perf oTojibK), oxo- oxMCXHXb see oxMenaxb.
jibeiub, p -HJI, imp -efl 1. cxMexlK-a [Atm^etka] / -kh,
pour off / out (a certain quanr -OK 1. mark, notch; 2. mark,
tity of some liquid); 2. found, grade {at school).
cast in mould. oxMenlaxb [Atm^'i^ch^at^]
OTJiH4|aTb [Atl^'ich'aJ^] im- imperf -aio, -aeiiib, oxMex|MXfa
perf -aio, -aeiiib, OTJiHH|HTb [Atm^'et^it^] perf oxMe^y,
(AtPich^it^'J perl -y, -Hiub, p -uiub, p -liJii imp -b 1. mark,

OTM — 278 —
note; mark off {with a tick, {by the wind, current); 3. at-
marker, etc); 2. mention {fa- tribute {to), ascribe {to); h
vourably or unfavourably); He oxHomy sxy KHHry k mhc-
cjieAveT OTMexHTb, hto... it jiy HHxepecHbix I don't think
should be noted that...; 3. / consider the book to be
mark, celebrate. interesting.
OTMOpajKHBlaxb [AtmAra- oxHoclHxbCfl [AtnAs^ittja]
zhiv9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, imperf oxHomycb, oxHocHmb-
OTMoposiHTb [AtmAroz^it^j CH, p -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb,
perf 0TM0p6>Ky, -Hiiib, p -hji, -Hxecb, oxHec|xMCb [Atn^i^-
imp -hi oTMoposHTb ce6eD;e- s^t^is^] perf -ycb, -eiiibCH, p
KH [hoc u m. n.] get one's oxHeccH, -jiacb, imp -HCb, -h-
cheeks [nose, etc] frostbitten. xecb 1. treat {smb kindly,
OTHeCTH see OTHOCHTb. badly, etc); 2. regard {in a
OTHeCTHCb see OXHOCHIbCH certain light); --HXbCH cepb-
1, 2. e3Ho take seriously; KaK Bbi
OTHHMlaxb [Atn^imat^] im- oxHocHxecb K sxoMy? what do
perf -aio, -aeiiib, OTHfl[|Tb [At- you think of it?; 3. {no perf)
n^k\^\perf oTHHMy.orfiHMemb, concern, have to do {with);
P OTHHJl, -Jia, OTHHJIO, OTHHJIH, 9X0 K jiejiy He oxhochxch it's
imp OTHHMH 1. take (away) neither here nor there; sxo
{smth from smb); 2. col sub- B OAHHaKOBOH MCpe OXHOCHXCH
tract; 3. col amputate; 4. take K... it applies equally to...;
{time, energy, etc); 4. {no perf) date {from); axo
<> —
axb OT rpyAH wean {a OXHOCHXCH K XOMy BpCMeHH,
baby); HCJibsn oTHMTb y Hero KorAa... dates back to the

[y Hce u m. d.\ ocTpoyMHH time when...

[cKpoMHOCTH u m. n.\ it can't oxHoujeHH|e [AtnAshen^iya]
be denied that he [she, etc] n -H, pi -H, -H 1. attitude {to
is witty [modest, etc]. smb, smth); 6e3AyuiHoe ~-e
OTHOCHTeinbHO [AtnAS^It^ll''- callous attitude; 6=jiaro}Kejia-
na] I adv relatively; xejibHoe ^e good will; Jiio-
II prep-with gen concerning, 66BHoe ---e k A^Jiy enthusiasm
relative to, about. about one's work; 2. pi re-
OTHOCHTeJIbHJblH [AtnAS^l- lations; 6bIXb B XOpOUIHX ~HX
t^il^'niy] a sh f oxHOCHxejieH be on good terms; 3. relation,
-a, -0, -bi relative {position, connexion; 4. (official) letter;
success, etc). 3X0M ~H i'n this respect;
<> B
oxHoc|HXb [AtnAS^it^] im- no ~io K... in respect to...
perf OXHOUiy, OXHOCHlUb, p -HJI, oxHHXb see oxHHMaxb.
imp -H, oxHeclxH [Atri^'i^s^'t^i] 0X0 see ox.
P^^f -y, -euib, p oxHec, -jia, oxo... see ox...
imp -H 1. take {smth some- oxo6paxb see ox6Hpaxb.
where on feat); 2. carry away oxo6bio [AtAb^'yul, oxo6beuib
— 279 -- OTn

[AtAb^yosh, -zh] 1st & 2nd ~0K leave a mark, imprint.

persons of 0T6HTb; see ot6h- oxnHp|axb [Atp^irat^] im-
Baxb. perf -aio, -aeiijb, oxnepjexb
OTOBCibfly [AtAfs^udu] adv [Atp^i^r^et^] perf oxonpy,
from everywhere, from every oxonpeuib, p oxnep, -jia, 6x-
quarter. nepjio, oxnepJiH, imp oxonpH
OTOflBHrjaxb [Atadv^igat^] unlock; unbolt; open {a door,
imperf -ara, -aeuib, otoabh- etc).
HJyTb [AtAdv^inut^l perf -y, oxnjiaxMxb see oxnjiaqHBaxb.
-eiiib, p -yji, imp -b 1. move/ oxnjiaHHBJaxb [Atplach^i-
push aside; 2. fig col put off V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, ox-
postpone, njiaxlHxb [AtplAt^it^] perf ox-
0T03BaTb see OTSbmaib. njiaqy, oxnjiaxHuib, p -hji,
OTosBaxbcsi see OTSbmaTb.cH. imp -H pay back, repay.
OTOHTH see OTXOAHTb. oxnop [Atpor] m
-a rebuff,
OTOJlbK) [AtAl^yu], OTOJIbeiUb repulse.
[AtApyosh, -zh] 1st & 2nd "oxnpaBHxb see oxnpasjiHXb.
persons of oTjiHTb; see otjih- oxnpaBHxbCii see oxnpaB-
saTb. JlHXbCH.
OTOMCTHTb see MCTHTb. oxopaBjijaxb [AtprAvl^at^]
OTonjieHHle [AtApPen^iya] imperf -hhd, -nemb, oxnpa-
n -H heating {in a house, etc). BJHXb [Atprav^it^] perf -jik),
OTonpH [AtApr^i] imp of -Hiiib, p -HJI, imp -b send, dis-
OTnepexb; see oinHpaxb. patch.
OTonpy lAtApru], OTonpeuib oxnpaBji|flxbCfl [AtprAvl^a-
[AtAprMsh, -zh] 1st & 2nd ttj9] imperf -Hiocb, -HeiiibCH,
persons of oxnepeTb; see ot- oxnpaB|HxbCM [Atprav^ittja]
nHpaxb. perf -jiiocb, -HiubCH, p -hjich,
OTOpBarb see OTpbieatb. -Hciacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb set
oTopBaxbCJi see oipbiBaxbCH. off / out, go {to a place); no-
oxocjiaxb see oxcbijiaxb. e3A —HexcH b AecHXb the
oxnafllaxb [AtpAdat^] im- train leaves at ten; -— HXbCH
perf -aex, oxnajcxb [Atpas^t^] noesAOM go by train.
perf -Aex, p '-ji 1. fall off / oxnpdsAHOBaxb see npasA-
away; 2. become unnecessary, HOBaXb.
pass; Bonpoc ~aex the ques- oxnycK [otpusk, -zg] -a, m
tion no longer arises; Heo6- pi -a, -OB holiday, leave,
xoAHMOcxb oxnajia there is no leave of absence; — no 6o- -

need for it any longer. jiesHH sick-leave; ACKpexHufi

oxnepexb see oxnupaxb. — maternity leave.
oxneHax|oK [Atp^i'^ch^'atak, oxnycKJaxb [Atpuskat^] im-
-g] m-Ka, -kob imprint, im- perf -aio, -aeuib, oxnycx|HXb
press {also fig); ~ok najibua [Atpus^t^it^] perf oxnymy,
finger-print; HaKJiaAbiBaxb oxnycxHuib, p -hjt, imp -h
OTp — 280
1. let go, let off; release; set oxpeKlaxbCJi [Atr^i^kittsa]
free; 2. slacken, loosen {one's imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, ox-
grip, a rope, reins, etc); 3. pel Hbcn [Atr^ech^'s^a] perf
grow {a beard, moustache, etc); -KyCb, -MSlIIbCH, -KyxcH, p
4. serve; issue {supplies
sell, OTpeKCH, -KJifiCb, imp -KHCb,
from a warehouse); ~aTb cpe;i- -KHTecb renounce {one's be-
CTBa allocate funds {for con- liefs, a wicked son, etc); dis-
struction, etc); own, repudiate;
<> --arb ccTpoTW col crack <> oxpeHbCfl ox npecxojia ab-
jokes; --aTb KOMnjiHMeHTbi dicate.
col pay compliments. oxpeMOHXHpoBaxb see pe-
OTpaSaTbiBiaxb [AtrAbati- MOHTHpOBaib.
vat^i imperf -aio, -aeiiib, ot- oxpeHbCfl see oxpeKaxbCH.
pa^oTJaTb [AtrAbotat''] perf oxpHuaHH|e [Atr^itsan^iya]
-aio, -aemb 1. clear / repay by n -H 1. denial, negation; 2.
working; work off {a debt); ling negation.
2. work {for a certain period); oxpHudxejibHlbiH [Atr'itja-
3. {no imperf) col finish (one's t^ii^'niy] a sh f oxpHuaxejien,
work); 4. master {by practis- -a, -0, -bi 1. unfavourable
ing). {estimate^ opinion, etc); neg-
orpaBHTb see oipaejiHTb. ative {answer, etc); 2. nega-
OTpasjilflTb [AtrAvl^at^] im- tive {character, results, etc);
perf -HK), -nemb, oxpaelHTb 3. phys negative.
[AtrAV^it^] perf -jitb, orpa- oxpHujaxb [Atr^itjat^] im-
BHUJb, p -HJi, imp -H poison perf -aio, -aeuib deny, dis-
{also fig). claim; ^axb CBOK) BHHy 1) de-
oTpawlaxb [AtrAzhat^] im- ny one's guilt; 2) law plead
perf -aio, -aeiiib, oxpaalHTb not guilty.
[AtrAz^it''] perf OTpa^^y, -Huib, oxpbiB|axb [Atrivaf] im-
p -HJi, imp -H 1. repulse, re- perf -aw, -aemb, oxopB|axb
pel, parry; 2. reflect {1) light, [AtArvat**] perf -y, -euib, p
heat, etc; 2) an image, etc; -aji, -ajia, -^Jio, -ajiH, imp -h
3) life, reality, etc). 1.tear off / away; 2. interrupt,
oxpacjijb [otras^l''] / -h, -eft disturb; oxopBaxb kofoji. ot
branch, field, sphere. pa66xbi distract smb from
oxpejtaKxMpoBaxb see pe^aK- work,
THpOBaXb. oxpbiB|axbcsi [Atrivattsa]
oxpeaaxb see oxpeaaxb. imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, oxo-
oxpesl^xb [Atr^'i'^zat^] im- pBlaxbCfl [AtArvattja] perf
perf -aio, -keuib, oxpeajaxb -ycb, -eujbCH, p -ajicH, -ajiacb,
[Atr^ezat**] perf orpewy, ot- -ajiocb (-ajiocb), -ajiHCb (-a-
p6}Kemb, p -aji, imp oxpe>Kb JlHCb), imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1.
1. cut off, snip off; 2. col tear off, come off {of a but-
snub, cut short. ton, etc); Z take off {of a

— 281 —
plane); 3. tear oneself away HlHTb [AtstrAn^it^] per/ -ib,

(from); lose touch {with); -Huib, p -HJi,imp -H 1. push

<> He —
aacb without stop- aside; 2. remove (from a post);
ping {work, etc). suspend (from one's duties).
OTpbiB|oK [Atrtvsk, -g] m OTCTynjaTb [Atstupat^j im-
-Ka, 'KGB fragment, extract, perf -aio, -aeuib, 0TCTyn|HTb
passage, excerpt. [Atstup^'it^] perf -jito, OTCTy-
OTpflA [Atr'at, -d] -a, m HHuib, p -HJI, imp -H 1. step
-OB detachment, unit. back, recoil; 2. mil retreat,
OTCpOMHBlaTb [Atsroch'i- fall back; 3. fig retreat; 4.
vat^l imperf -aw, -aeuib, ot- deviate, depart (from the let-
cp6H|HTb[Atsr6ch*'it^] perf -y, ter of the law, the truth
-Huib,p -HJi, imp -b postpone, etc).
put off. oTCTynjieHHle [Atstupl^e-
OTCTalBaxb [AtstAvat^] im- n^iya] n -h, -ft mil retreat
perf -K), -euib, p -eaji, imp (also fig); oTpeaaTb ce6e nyxb
-Baft, OTCTalxb [Atstat^j perf K -— K) burn one's boats;
-Hy, -Heuib, p -Ji, imp -Hb 1. 2. departure (from the rules,
fall/ lag behind {also fig); be etc); digression.
(a certain distance) behind; OTcyTCTBHJe [Atsutst^v^'iya]
He — Baxb OT JKH3HH keep n -H absence; lack (of), want
abreast of the times; 2. be (of); 3a —CM BpeMCHH for lack
slow {of a timepiece); 3. come / of time.
peel off {of wallpaper, paint, OTcyTCTBloBaTb [Atsutstva-
etc); 4. col leave / let alone. vat^] imperf -yio, -yeuib, p
oTCTaelKa [Atstafka] / -kh, -oBaji, imp -yfl be absent; o- —
-OK resignation {from a post, Baxb Ha co6paHHH [jickuhh
etc); B ~Ke retired {officer, u m. n.\ be absent from a
etc); yftiH b ~Ky resign meeting [lecture, etc].
{one's post). OTCbiJilaTb [Atstlat^] imperf
OTCTaHB|aTb [Atstalvat^] im- -aK), -aeiiJb, 0T0CJi|aTb [AtA-
perf -aK), -aeiiib, 0TCT0|HT.b slat^l perf otouijik)/ oxOmjieuib,
[AtstAyat^] perf -k>, -riiub, p p -aji, imp oTouiJiH 1. send
-HJi defend, advocate, cham- away / off; send back; 2. refer
pion, uphold; —
aTbCBoe mhc- (a person to smb or smth for
HHC persist in one's opinion. aid, information, etc).
[Atstaliy] a back-
OTCT-ajibifi 0TCH)jKSi[Ais^ud9]adv\. from
ward, retarded; underdevelop- here; 2. hence (therefore).
ed. 0TTajiKHB|aTb [Attalk^ivat*']
OTcraTb see OTCTaBaib. imperf -aip, -aemb, ottojik-
OTCTOflTb' see OTCXaHBaTb. H|yTb [AttAlknut^l perf -y,
OTcrpaHHTb see OTCxpaHHTb. -euib, p -yji, imp -h 1. push
oTCTpaHlflTb [AtstrAn^at'l away; 2. alienate, antago-
imperf -hio, -neuib, oicTpa- nize.
— ZS2 —
ottchIok [At^t^enak, -g] m be aware of smth, realize
-Ka, -KOB nuance, shade (also smth; He OTAaBaxb ce6e ^a
fig)' fail to realize.
OTTenejijb [ot^t^'ip^il^] / -h, OTHeTJlHB|bIH [At^ch^otl^i-
•eft thaw, thawing. viy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -u
OTToro lAttAvo] adv that's distinct (articulation, etc).
why; -- MTO because, since. OTHHM [ot'^ch'^im] m -a, -ob
oTTOjiKHyib see orrajiKH- stepfather.
BaTb. OTMHTarbCfl see oxMHTbi-
oTxoAJHTb [AtkhAd'^it^] im- BaXbCH.
perf oTxo>Ky, oTxoAHUib, p oxHHxbiBlaxbcji [At^ch^'iti-
-i5ji, imp -H, otoh|th [AtAyt^i] vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH,
perf -fly, -Aeiub, p oTomeji, OTMHx|axbcji [At^ch^itattja]
OTouijia, imp -ah 1. move perf -aipcb, -aeiiibCH give an
away / off; leave, start {of a account (of), report (on).
train, etc); depart (according 0TmjiH4)0Baxb see iujih^k)-
to schedule)', 2. mil withdraw, Baxb.
fall back; 3. step aside; 4. OTi.... see ox....
fig deviate, digress [from a ox-besA [Atyest, -zd] -a, m
subject, etc); 5. come
off [of -OB departure, going away.
a fixture, fitting, etc); 6. col oxbicKaxb see oxb'iCKHBaxb.
recover, come to oneself. oxbicKHB|axb [Atlsk^'ivat^]
0Tx6A|bi [Atkhodi] pi -ob imperf -aio, -aemb, oxbicK|axb
waste (material). [Atiskat^] perf oxbimy, oxbi-
oma [Attja], OTUOB [Attjof, meujb, p -2lj\, imp oxbimH
-v] see oTeu. find (discover by search); im-
OTHaHBJaTbcsi [At^ch^aiva- perf also look for, search for.
ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, c(|)Huep [Af^itser] m -a, -ob
OTHa|flTbCJi [Af'ch^ayattja] (commissioned) officer.
perf -locb, -eiiibCH, p -hjich, o4)Hi;HajibH|biA [Af^itjtal^-
-HJiacb despair (of); give way niy] a sh f o^wixaajieu, -a,
to despair. -o, -bi official; formal (call,
oTHacTH [At^ch^as^'t'^i] adv etc).
partly. o(t)HUHaHX [Af^itjtant, -d] m
OTHajiHH|e [At^ch^ayan^iya] -a, -OB waiter (at a restau'
n -H despair (the state of). rant, etc).
cTMajiTbcji see omaHBaxbCH. o(j)HUHaHx|Ka [Af^itjtantka]
OTHero [At*'ch''i^v6] adv / -KH, -OK waitress.
inter & rel why. o(|)6pMHXb see o^^opivijiHXb.
6THecTB|o [ot^ch^'istva] n o4)opMJilHXb [AfArmPat'']
-a, ~ patronymic. f'mper/ -HK), -HeiiJb, 0(J)6pM|HXb
OTMCT [At^ch^'ot, -d] m -a, [Aform^it''] perf -jik), -Huib,
-OB account, report; p -HJi, imp -H 1. put into
<^ OTAaBaTb ce6e ^ e hcm-ji. shape, get up; 2. register of-
— 283 — OMK

ficially, make official; o(|)6p- oHapoBdTb see o^apoBbi-

MHTb Ha pa66Ty put on the Baxb.
staff. 0Hap6BbiB|axb [Ach^i^r6v4-
oxBaTHTb see oXBaibiBaTb. vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub,
oxBaTbiBJaTb [Akhvativat^] 0Hap|0Baxb [Ach^irAvat^l perf
imperf -aro, -aeiub, oxeaTlHTb -yK), -yeuib, p -oBaji, imp
[AkhvAt^'it^] perf oxBaqy, -yft charm, fascinate.
oxBaTHiiib, p -HJi, imp -h 1. 04eBM;ileu,[Ach^i^v^id^its,
envelop, embrace; 2. seize, -dz] m -ues .eyewitness.

grip {of feelings, etc); 3. in- OMeBHjiHo [Ach^i^v^idna]

clude, embrace, cover. pare/i/Zz obviously, apparently.
oxoTJa I [Akhota] / bi oHCHb [och^m^] adv very;
hunt, hunting, very much, greatly.
oxoTJa II [Akhota] I / -bi OHepeAHloH [Ach^ir^i^dnoy]
wish, inclination; a 1. next, next in turn; 2.
I! impers predic col: ~a re- usual, regular; —oft njienyM
6e §THM aaHHMaxbCH? what regular plenary session.
makes you do it? OHCpejlIb [och^ir^it^, -d^j /
oxoTHHK [Akhot^n^ik, -g] -H, pi -H, -eft 1. turn {in
m -a, -OB hunter, sportsman; doing smth. etc); --bsaBaMH
trapper. it's your turn; 2. queue, line;
oxoTHo [Akhotna] adv will- 6e3 ~K without queuing up;
ingly. <> Ha — H next (in turn);
oxpaHJa [Akhrana] / -bi 1. B nepByio --b in the first
guarding, protection; 2. guard place; no ~h in turn, one
(of soldiers, etc); norpa- after another.
KHMHaH —a frontier guard. oHepK [och^irk, -g] m -a,
oxpaHifltb [AkhrAn^at''] im- -OB sketch, essay.
perf -HK), -Heiub guard, pro- OMepxaHH|e [Ach'^i^rtan^iya]
tect, safeguard. rt outline {of an object).
-H, -H
oxpHnlHyxb [Akhr^ipnut*'] OMHHMXb see qHHHXb I 2.
perf -Hy, -Heiiib, p — , -jia, OHMcxHxb see o^nmaxb.
imp -HH grow /get hoarse. OHHm axb 1
[ Ach^ish^ : at*'] im-
oueHHB|aTb [Atjen^ivat''] perf -aio, -aeuib, OHHcxiHXb
imperf -aio, -aeuib, oi;eH|MTb [Ach^is^tMt*'] perf OHHiuy,
[Atjt^n^it^l perf -ib, oueHHuib, -Hiub, p -Hji, imp -h\. clean,
p -HJi, imp -H 1. fix the clear; .2. refine {alcohol, oil,
price of; state the value of; etc); 3. peel {an apple, etc);
estimate, evaluate; 2. appre- 4.: -— axb TKeji-^j^oK evacuate
ciate, appraise. the stomach.
oueH|Ka [Atjenka] / -KH, -ok ohkIh [Ach^k^'i] pi -OB spec-
I. estimation, estimate; val- tacles, eye-glasses; goggles.
uation; appraisal; 2. mark, oHKJo [Ach^ko] n -a, -6b
grade {at school). sport point;
OMH — 284 —
<> BTHparb ^U KOMy-JI. perf also make a mistake;
col = humbug smb. be at fault.
0MH|yTbcn [Ach^'nuttsa] oiiiH6|Ka [Ashfpka] / -kh,
perf -ycb, -euibCH, p -yjicH, -ok mistake, blunder; no Ke —
-yjiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb by mistake.
come to oneself, regain con- ouiTpa(}}OBaTb see mTpa4)o-
sciousness. Baxb.
OHyTJHTbCJl [Ach''ut^itts9J ouiTyKaxypHTb see iiixyKa-
perf OMyTHuibCH, p -hjich, xypHXb.
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb find omyxHxb see omymaxb.
oneself (somewhere unexpect- omym|axb [Ash'':ush^:at^]
edly). imperf -aio, -aeiiib, oiuy-
oiBH6|aTbcsi [Ashibattsa] xlHXb [Ash'':ut^it^l p^A-/ Oiny-
imp'erf -aiocb, -aeuibcn, ouih- my, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H
6|HTbC5i [Ashib^ittss] perf- feel, sense.
-ycb, -embCH, p oiuhSch, omymeHHle [Ash^:ush^:e-
omH6jiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb n^iya] n -h, -h sensation {of
make mistakes, be mistaken; heat, joy, etc).

naBHJibOH [pav^il^yon] m 2) of a fortress, etc); nacxb
-a, -OB pavilion (1) a light ^epxBOH qero-ji. fall a victim
building; 2) part of an ex- to smth.
hibition or fair). nsLjiim [pAd^esh, -zh] m
naBjiHH [pAvl^in] m -a, -a, -efi ling case.
-OB peafowl, peacock. nafleHH|e [pAd'^en^iya] n
na^laxb [padat^] imperf -H, -ft 1. falling, fall; 2.
-aio, -aemb, nacxb [pas^f^] drop (in prices, etc); 3.: mo-
perf naAy. naAemb, p naJi, pajibHoe ~e moral degrada-
najia, ynajcxb [upas^t''] perf tion; 4. downfall, fall (of a
'}xy, -AGiiib, p -ji -jia, imp government, etc).
-AH 1. fall (/) from a higher naAy [pAdu], naAeuib
place; 2) from a standing [pAd^osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd
position; 3) become lower or persons of nacxb; see naAaxb.
less; 4) to come as one's lot, naAHCpHula [pat^'ch^ir^'itsa]
duty, share, etc); ynacxb / -bi, —
HaB3HHMb fall flat on one's nacK [pAyok, -g] naflKa, m
back; 2. (no perf) fall (of pi naftKH, naftKOB ration (of
snow, etc); 3. (nacxb) die,' food).
perish (of cattle); 4. (no im- na3 [pas, -z].m -a, pi -bi, -6b
perf) (nacxb) fall (/; in battle; technol slot, groove.
— 285 — nam

naayxja Ipazukha] / -h, ~: iiioH ~eu thumb; big toe;

33 --0H in one's bosom; aa 6e3biMHHHbiH ~eu fourth fin-
~y into one's bosom. ger; yKaaaxejibHbiH --eu
nafi [pay] m
nan, pi nan, forefinger; 2. technol pin,
nacB share portion to be
(a cam, finger;
contributed by smb)\ BCxynH- <> eiviy ~bu,a e pox He KJia-
lejibHUH —
initial shares. m col ^
he is not to be
naHKa [pAyka], naHKoe trifled with; if you give him
[pAvkof. -v] see naeK. an inch he'll take an ell;
naKCT [pAk^et, -d] m -a, SHaxb Hxo-Ji. KaK CBOM nnxb
-OB 1. packet, parcel; 2. of- — bu,eB col know smth thor-
ficial letter {with the enve- oughly, have" smth at one's
lope); finger-tips; CMoxpexb wa
<> HHAHBHAyajibHUH '^ first- HXO-JI.CKBOsb -~bUbi wink at
-aid kit. smth, connive at smth, turn
naKHCxaHleufpak^'istan^itj, a blind eye to smth; — eu, o
-dz] m -ua, -ueB Pakistani. ~eu He yjiapHXb col not
naKHCTaHCK'iHH [pak'istan- stir a finger {to do smth).
sk^iy] a -an. -oe, -He Paki- najiJKa [palka] / -kh, -ok
stani. stick (/) a piece of wood;
naKT Ipakt, -gd] -a, -ob m 2) for walking, etc);
pact; -~' o HeHanaAeHHH non- <> H3-nofl --KH col undex the
-aggression pact; -- o Bsan- lash(o/ dom^sm//i); BcxaBjiflxb
MonoMomH mutual assistance KOMy-ji. —
KH B KOJieca col
pact. put spokes in smb's wheel.
naji [p^l], najia [pala] p najiySja [paluba] / -bi, ^
o/ nacTb; see na^axb. deck a ship).
najiarla [pAlata] / -bi, -- najibM|a [p^l^'ma] / -h, -^
1. ward {in a hospital); 2. palm(-tree);
chamber, house {of a parlia- <> ycxyniixb Kowy-ji. ^y
ment, etc); ~a 66mHH
House nepBCHcxBa yield smb the
of Commons; 3.: xoproBan palm.
~a Chamber of Commerce. najibxo [pAl^to] n indecl
najiaxJKa [pAlatka] / -kh, (over)coat.
-OK 1. tent {a portable shel- naM^ixHHK [pam''9t^n^ik,
ter); 2. stall, booth; npoAO- -g] m -a, -ob monument; me-
BOjibcxBeHHan ~Ka food- morial {a stone, etc; both also
-stuffs stall. fig); tombstone; nocxaBHXb ^
najidn [pAlach^, -j*',] m -a, set up a monument; —h cxa-
-eft 1. executioner, hangman; pHHbi relics of the past.
2. fig butcher. naM5ix|b [pam^it^, -d^] -h
n^jijei; [pal^itj, -dz] m 1. memory {the power of re-
-bua, -bueB 1 finger (o/ the membering); ecJiH MHe He
hand); toe {of the foot); Cojih- nm^ni^T —b if memory
nan 286 —
doesn't fail me; 2. recollec- oua eMy ne ^a col she is not
tion, memory, remembrance; is equal;
not good
his she
<> Ha ~b 1) enough for him; 4. couple
as a keepsake;
2) by heart, by rote; no ~h of, one or two, a few;
from memory; by heart; <> --a nycTHKOB col a mere
Ha HbCH-ji. ~H within one's trifle, child's play; aea ca-
recollection; no crapOH ~-h nora -—a col they make =
by force of habit; 6e3 ~h a pair.
unconscious, in a faint; 6biTb naparpa(j) [pAragraf, -v] m
6e3 ~H OT Koro-Ji. col like -a, -OB paragraph (a section
smb immensely, be in rap- of a book or the sign § mark-
tures oversmb; be overhead ing off such a section).
and ears in love with smb. napaA [pArat, -d] m -a.
naHHKJa [pan^ika]/ -h pan- ^OB parade (a procession); mil
ic, scare; b --e panic-strick- parade, review, march past;
en; BnaAaxb s become ~y BOSAyiuHbifl —
fly-past; npH-
panic-stricken. HHMaxb ~
take the salute.
nancHOH[pans^ion] m -a, napajiH3|oBaTb [paraPizA-
-OB boarding-school;
1. 2. vat''] perf & imperf -yip,
boarding-house; 3. board and -yeujb, p -OBaji paralyse
lodging. (also fig).
nanja I [papa] m -bi, — napajiMH [parA.l^'ich^, -j^]
col dad(dy), papa. m -a paralysis; ero pasSHJi
nan^a II [papa] m -bi, ~ ^ he is [was] paralysed.
pope. napajiJieji|b [parAPel^] /-h,
nanHpocja [pap^irosa] / -bi, -eii 1. math parallel; 2. geog
— cigarette {with a card- parallel (of latitude).
board mouthpiece). napajijiejibH|MH [parAl^el^-
nanJKa [papka] / -kh, -ok nty] a sh f napajijiejien, -a,
paper-case, attache case. -o, -bi parallel.
nanopOTHHK [paparatn^ik, napauiiOTHCT [parashut^ist,
-g] m -a, -ob bot fern. -zd] m -a, -OB parachutist,
nap I [par] m
-a (-y), pi parachute-jumper; paratroop-
-bi, -OB steam (vapour); er.
<> Ha Bcex ~ax col at full nap|eHb [par^m^] m -hh,
speed. pi -HH, -Heft col fellow, lad,
nap II [par] m
-a, pi -bi, chap, guy.
-OB ^gric fallow; qepHbift napH [pAr^i] n indecl bet;
[qHCTbiH] -^ bare fallow. AepHcaxb —
bet, lay a bet.
nap|a [para] / -bi, 1. pair ~ napMK [pAr^ik, -g] -a, m
(i )a set of two; 2) a thing -OB wig.
of two parts); 2. pair, couple napHKMaxep[par^ikmakh^ir]
(husband and wife); cynpyyKe- m -a, -OB hairdresser; bar-
CKafl ^a married couple; 3.; ber,
287 — nac

napHKMaxepcKlasi [par'ik- principles of the Party {said

makh^irskaya] / -oft, -hx of literature, etc).
hair-dressing saloon, the hair- napTHHHbiH [pArt^iyniy] a
dresser's; barber('s) shop. party {attr); —
6HJieT party
napK [park, -g] m
-a, -ob (membership) card; c-besA ~
1. park (a garden); paaSnTb party congress.
~ lay out a park; 2. fleet {of napTH|fl [part^iya] / -h,
tractors, etc); stock {rolling, -ft 1. pol party; 2. group,
etc); 3. depot {for city trans- detachment; 3. batch, lot,
port). consignment {of goods); 4.
napJiaMCHT [pArlam^int, -d] game, set 5. mus part; —lo

m -a, -OB parliament; diet poHjiH HcnojiH^ex Bhkxop

{an assembly). CeMepHXHH at the piano (is)
napoBOs [parAVos, -z] m Victor Semerikhin.
-a, -OB engine, locomotive napxopr [pArtork, -g] m
[on a railway). -a, -oB (=napxHftHbift opra-
napoeloH [parAVoy] a steam; HHsaxop) Party organizer.
— an MaiiiHHa steam-engine napxopraHHsauHlfl [part-
{stationary); —oe OTonjieHHe Argan^izatjiya] / -h, -ft

steam heating; central heat- (=napxHftHa5i opraHHsai^Hsi)

ing. Party organization.
nap6ji|b [pArol^] m -h, -eft napyc [parus, -z] m -a, pi
password, watchword coun- -a, -OB sail {on a ship); no^-
tersign. HHXb — hoist a sail [also
napoM [pArom] m -a, -ob see <>];
ferry(-boat). <> Ha Bcex ~ax in full sail,
napoxoA [parAkhot, -d] m with all sails set; noAHqxb
-a, -OB steamer, (steam)ship; —a set sail.
(steam)boat. nacMypH|biH [pasmurniy]
napT... first element of a sh f nacMypen, -a, -o, -m
compounds pertaining to 1. dull, cloudy; overcast; 2.
•party' {mostly the Commu- fig sullen, gloomy.
nistParty of the S. U.): napx- nacnopx [paspart, -d] m
6HJieT [pardb^il^et, -d] party -a, pi -a, -OB 1, passport
(membership) card. {an identity card); 2. certifi-
napxep [pArter] m
-a theat cate {of a machine, etc).
pit; stalls. nacca)KHp [pasAzhtr] -a, m
napTHsan [part^izan] m -a, -OB passenger {of a train, etc).
-OB guerilla, partisan. naccHBH|biH [pAs^s^ivniy]
napTHHHocTlb [pArt^iy- a sh f naccHBen, -a, -o, -w
nas^t^, -z^d^] / -h 1. party passive {inactive).
affiliation, party member- nacxSHmje [paz^b^ish^:a] n
ship; 2. party spirit, party -a, ~ pasture, grazing land.
principle; fidelity to the naclxH [pAS^'t^iJ imperf -y.
nac — 288 —
-eiiib, p ~, -jia, imp -h jia smell {1} of smth; 2) give
shepherd, graze, pasture, terfd. off an odour); --ex rapbio
nacJTMCb [pAs^t^is*'] imperf there is a smell of burning.
-eicH, p naccH, -Jiacb browse, nauHCHT [patjient, -d] m
graze, 'pasture. -a, -OB patient.
nacTyx [pAstukh-, -gh] m nanlKa [pach^ka] / -kh,
-a, -OB herdsman; US cow- -CK bundle {of letters, etc),
-boy; shepherd. packet, package, pack, par-
nacTb I see na^axb 1, 3, 4. cel.
nacT|b II Ipas'^t'*, -z^d^] / nanKJaTb [pach^kat'*] im-
-H, -eft mouth {of an animal). perf -aK), -aeiub, aajnaHKarb
nacx|a [paskha] / -h [zApach^kat^] perf, MClnan-
Easter. Kaxb [ispach^'kat^] perf soil,
nacbiH|oK [pasinak, -g] m dirty; stain {the cloih with
-Ka, -KOB stepson. wine, etc);
nareHToeaHHlbiH [pat^i^n- <> --axb Hbio-Ji. penyxauHK)
tovannty] a [pa] patent {pills, smear smb's reputation, stain
etc); ~oe cpeAcreo patent smb's good name.
medicine. naujH [pAshf]see naxaxb.
naTe(j)6H [pat^i^fon] m -a, nam|Hn[pashn^'a] / -hh,
-OB gramophone. -en arable land.
narpHOT [patr^'iot, -d] m nauixex [pAsht^et, -d] m
-a, -OB patriot, -a, -OB pate.
naTpH0TH3M [patr^iAt^izm] nauiy [pAshu], naiueiiib
m -a patriotism. [pashash, -zh] see naxaxb.
narpoH [pAtron]m -a, -ob nanxb [pAyat^l imperf
1. mil cartridge; round {of na^K), nanemb solder {metal
ammunition); 2. electr lamp- parts, etc).
-socket, lamp-holder; 3. tech- neejeu [p^i^v^ets, -dz] m
nol chuck. -ua, -uoB singer.
naxpyjilb [pAtruP] m -h, neAaror [p''idAg6k, -g] m
-eftpatrol {of soldiers, etc). -a, -OB teacher, instructor;
nays] a [pauza] / -bi, ~ educationist.
pause, interval. [p^'ey] see nnxb.
nayK [pauk, -g] -a, -6b m neH3a)K [p^i^yzash, -zh] m
spider {an animal). -a, -eft landscape, view,
nayTHHJa [pauf^ina] / -bi neK [p^'ok, -g], neKjia [p^'i^k-
cobweb, web {also fig). la] see ^e^b I.
nax|aTb [pAktiat^] imperf neKap|Hfl (p*'i^karn*'a] /
nauiy, fiamemb, p -aji, imp -HH, -CH bakery, bakehouse.
nauiH, Bcinaxarb [fspAkhat**] ncKH [p'^i^k^'i] see ne^h I.
perf plough, till. ncKy [p''i^kul see nenb I.
naxHjyTb [pakhnut**] imperf neji [p^'el], nejia [p**ela] see
-y, -euib, p nax (-yji), nax- nexb.
289 — nep

nejieHJaxb [p^'iPi^nat''] itn- nepBHHH|biH [p^i^rv^ich**-

perf -aio, -aeuib, cinejieHaxb nty] a sh f nepBH^en, -a, -o,
[s^p^iPi*^nat^l perf swaddle -bi 1. primary; initial; 2. lo-
(a baby). cal {party or trade-union
nejibMeHJH [p^'i^l^m^en^'il organization).
pi -eft (s/rtg" nejibMen b
m -h) nepBo6biTHbiH [p^irvAbft-
pelmeni {meat dumplings). niy] a primitive {society,
neH|a [p^'ena] / -bi foam, man); primeval.
spume, froth, scum'; (soap-) nepBOHaHajibH|ufi [p^'irva-
suds; cHHMaTb ~y skim off nAch^al^niy] a initial, orig-
(the) scum; inal; ~oe HaKonjieHHe Kann-
<0» c — ofi y pra furiously, Tajia primary accumulation
passionately, foaming at the of capital.
mouth. nepBocTeneHHbiH [p^irva-
neHH|e [p^'eri^iya] n -h sing- st^i^p^enniy] a paramount
ing. {importance, etc).
n^HJKa [p*6nka] / -kh, -ok nepBJbift [p^erviy] I num
skin {on milk). ord & a 1. first; —bift HOMep
ncHCHOHep [p^m^s^iAn**er] number one; — hh axajK
m -a, -OB pensioner, old-age ground floor; US first floor;
pensioner. ~oe MHCJio the first of {May,
neHCHJfl [p^en^s^iys] / -h, etc); '-biH qac past twelve
-H pension; ~h no HHsajiHA- (o'clock); B ~0M Macy after
HOCTH disability pension; — h twelve; oh ymeji -~-biM he
no CTapocTH old-age pension; was the first to leave; ~aH
yfiiH Ha —K) retire on a cTpaHHua raaexbi the front
pension. page of a newspaper; 2.
ncHb [p^en^] m hhh, pi prime {necessity, etc); first,
RHH, nneft, hhhm stump, stub best;
{of a tree); n as a noun 1. n ep bImh
<> CTonxb KaK — col ^
stand m -oro, -bix the former; the
like a stone image. first; 2. nep B|oe n -oro,
nenjeji [p'^ep^il] m *jia ash, -bix first course {of a meal);
ashes {dust); 3.: nojioBHHa ~oro half past
<> o6paTHTb B ~eji reduce to twelve; HeTBepTb —oro quar-
ashes. ter past twelve;. AsaAuaTb
neneJibHHu|a [p^ep**il^n''i- MHHyT ~oro twenty minutes
tsa] / -bi, ~ ash-tray. past twelve; rpH MereepTH
nepBeHCTB|o [p^erv*'mstva] —oro a quarter to one;
n -a spor^ championship; ~o <> —06 BpcMJi at first; Rep-
cTpaHbi no (|)yT66jiy national Boe MaH May Day; —aw no-
football championship; 3a- MOLUb first aid; He —oii cbc-
BocBaib ~o win a champion- JKCCTH not quite fresh.
ship, take first place. nepe... pref of verbs denoU

nep — 290 —
ing I. an action directed [p^'ir^'i^b^it^J perf -bK>,-heuih,
from one place over to another, p -HJi, imp -efl 1, kill, slaugh-

from one side over to another, ter {everybody or many); 2.

or across smth: nepe6e>KaTb break {everything or much);
[p^'ir^'ib^i^zhat^] run across 3. break, fracture {mostly
{the street, etc), nepececTb into two, as a limb, stick,
[p^ir^'i^s^esMb] change one's etc); 4. interrupt {smb, a
seat, move (to another seat); speech)
exchange seat^; 2. repetition iiepeSHplaxb [p^ir^'ib^irat^]
of an action anew or in a imperf -an), -aeuib, nepe|-
different way: nepecipoHTb Spaxb [p^'ir^i^brat^] perf -6e-
[p^ir^i^stroit''] 1) rebuild; py, -Sepeiub, p -6paji, -6pajia,
reconstruct; 2) reorganize; 6pajio, -6pajiH, imp -6epH 1.
nepeAejiaTb [p^ir^i^d'^elat^j sort out; look through / over;
do anew; change, alter; 2. fig recall, call to mind;
3. an action carried to excess bring up, touch upon {in a
or a negative result: nepe- conversation); — axb e nawHXH
spexb [p'^ir^'i^zr^et^] grow turn over in one's mind.
overripe; nepexeajiHTb [p^i- nepe6Hxb see nepe6HBaxb.
r^'fkhvAl^it^] overpraise; 4, nepe6o|H [p^'ir^i^boy] m -h,
the fact that the doer of the -eB irregularity {of sup-

action has got the upper hand, ply); interruption, stoppage

has outdone smb: nepecno- {in work); 2. med intermis-
pHTb [p**ir''i^sp6r''it''] out- sion,
-argue; 5. an action directed nepeSopjoxb [p^'ir^ibArot'*]
at many objects, one after perf -K), nepe66pemb, p -oji,

another: nepeqHTaxb [p^'ir^i- imp -H overcome (a feeling

ch^itat*'] read {all the or state); —oxb ce6H master
books); nepejioBHTb [p^ir^i- oneself.
lAV^'it''] catch {all the birds); nepe6pacbiBJaxb[p*'ir'*i^br5-
6. a one-time action or an sivat**] imperf -aio, -aeuib, ne-
action of short duration: pe6p6|cHXb [p''ir'*i®br6s''it**]
nepeKypHTb [p^ir^'ikur^it^] perf -my, -CHUJb, p -chji,
have a smoke; nepeKycHib imp -cb 1. throw (over), fling
[p^ir^'ikus^'it''] have a bite; (over); 2. transfer, move.
7. a reciprocal action: nepe- nepe6paxb see nepe6Hpaxb.
nHCbiBaTbCH [p^'ir^'i^p^isiva- nepeSpocHxb see nepe6pa-
ttj8]correspond {with smb); CblBaXb.
write to each other; nepe- nepeeapHBlaxb [p'*ir*'i^va-
rjiHAbiBaTbCH [p^'ir^'i^Ql^'adlva- r^'ivat^i imperf -aio, -aeuib,
ttsa] exchange glances, look nepeeapliixb [p'^ir^'iVAr'^it'']
afone another. perf -K), nepeBapHuib, p -h;i,
nepe6HB|aTb [p'*ir''ib'*ivat^] imp -H 1. cook anew again, /

imperf -aio, -SiQiiib, nepe6[HTb boil anew /again; 2. overdo,

— 291 nep

spoil by overdoing; 3. di- -a, 1. transference, trans-

gest (food); 4. fig col stand, fer; 2.translation {into anoth-
bear {in neg sentences). er language); interpretation
nepeeesTH see nepeBOSHib. (oral translation); 3. remit-
nepeeepHyTb see nepesep- tance {of money); postal or-
TbisaTb. der, money order.
nepeBepHyxbCfl see nepe- nepesojiJHTb [p^ir^ivAd^it^]
BepTblBaTbCH. imperf nepeBOJKy, nepeBo-
nepeBepTbiBJaxb [p^ir^i^- aHiiJb, p -HJI, imp -H, nepe-
v^ortivat^] imperf -aro, Be[cTH [p^ir^'iv^i^s^t^i] perf
-aeiub, nepeeepHJyTb [p^if^i- -Ay, -Aeuib, p nepeseji, -Jia,
v'^i^rnut^l perf -y, -eiub, p imp -AH 1. take, lead {smb
-yji, imp -H 1. turn over across the street, etc); 2.: ~HTb
{move so that the other side crpejiKy ^acoB BnepeA [na-
is up; cause to roll over); 3aA] put a watch [a clock]
2. col upset, turn over, forward [back]; —HTbCipejiKy
knock over; 3. fig col trans- rly switch, shunt; 3. move,
form, change thoroughly. transfer {to another post,
nepeBepTbiBJaTbCH [p^ir^i^- another school, a higher or
v^orttvattsa] imperf -aiocb, lower grade, another town,
-aembC5i,nepeBepH|yTbCfl [p^i- etc); pass {a student to anoth-
r'^iv^i^rnuttja] perf -ycb, er course); translate [into
-eiubCH, p -yjicH, -yjiacb. another language); interpret
imp -HCb, -Hiecb turn over {translate orally); 5. remit,
(change one's position by roll- remit by post {money, etc);
ing over); --aTbCH c 66Ky Ha 6. convert {measures, etc);
6oK turn from side to side. <> nepeBccTH Ayx/AwxaHHc
nepCBec [p^ir^i^v^es, -z] m take breath; He —h AUxanHH
-a preponderance; MHCJieHHbiH without pausing for breath.
^ numerical superiority. nepcBOAHHK [p^'ir^i^vot^-
nepcBecHTb see nepeBeuiH- ch^ik, -g] m -a, -ob trans-
BaTb. lator; interpreter {one who
nepcBecTH see nepeBOAHTb. translates orally).
nepeBemHB|aTb [p^ir^i^v^e- nepcBOslHTb [p^ir^iVAZ^it^]
shivat'']imperf -aio. -aeuib, imperf nepeBO>Ky, nepCBO-
nepeBeclHTb [p^ir^i'^v^'es^it*'] 3Hmb, p -HJI, imp -H, nepe-
perf nepeBemy, -Hiub, p -hji, BcalxH [p^ir^iv'^i'^s^t^i] perf
imp -b
1. hang somewhere -y^ -euib, p nepCBes, -Jia,
else;move from one place imp -H 1. put, take {across
and hang in another [some- a river, etc, in a boat, etc);
where, etc]; 2. weigh anew/ 2. transport; carry, take {by
again; 3. outbalance, over- vehicle, from one place to
balance, outweigh {also fig). another).
nepeeofl [p^ir^i^vot, -dj m nepeB63[Ka [p^ir^i^voskaj /
nep — 292

-KH, -OK transportation, con- etc) somewhere drive

veyance; MopcKHe ~KH sea {cattle, etc) from one
shipping. to another; 2. outdistance,
nepcBOpOT [p^ir^iVAFot, -d] outstrip, outspeed, leave be-
m-a,-OB revolution, uplieav- hind {also fig); outrun; out-
al (a complete change); boch- walk; 3. technol, chem distil;
HbiH — military coup d'etat. sublimate.
nepeBM6op|u [p^'ir^'i^viba- neperopoAJKa [p^'ir^'igArdt-
ri] pi -OB (re-)election. ka] / -KH, -OK partition {a
nepcBbinojiHHTb see nepe- wall).
BbinOJlHHTb. neperpy>K|axb [p^ir^'igru-
nepeBwnojiHlflTb [p^'ir^ivi;- zhat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib,
pAln^at''] imperf -hk), -Heuib, neperpysJHxb [p^ir^'igruz^it'^j
nepeBbinojiHlHTb [p'^ir^i^vl- perf neperpy>Ky, neperpy-
p9ln''it^] perf -lo, -Huib, p 3HUIb (-HUIb), p -HJI, imp -H
-Hji, imp -H overfulfil, ex- 1. overload, surcharge; 2. fig

ceed {the plan, etc). overwork; overburden.

nepeBJi3aTb see nepesHabi- nepeA [p^er^'it, -d], nepcAO
BaTb. [p'^er^ida] prep with instr
nepeB«3biB|aTb [p''ir*'i^v''a- denoting 1. position in front
ztvat''] imperf -aio, -aeuib, of; MaiiiHHa ocxanoBHJiacb -'
nepeBJilaaxb [p^ir^iv^'i^zat^j AOMOM the car stopped before /
perf -my, nepeBHjKeiiib, p in front of the house; npHMO
-3aji, imp -JKH 1. bandage, n^pcAo MHOH peKa there's a
dress (a wound); 2. tie (up), river straight in front of
cord (up) (a parcel, etc). me; ~
9thm cjiobom Hex 3a-
neperH6|aTb [p^ir^ig^'ibat^] HHxoH there is no comma
imperf -aio, -aemb, nepe- before this word; 2, preced-
FHlyxb [p^'ir^i^gnut''] perf-y, ence in time; qHxaxb chom ~
-euib, p -yji, imp -h 1. fold read before going to bed; ^
{paper, etc, in two); 2. bend xeM, KaK before; -- xeM, KaK
(over), bend too much; noHXH B KHHo before going
<0> -^axb najiKy col go too ^ to the cinema; 3. the rela-
far; run into extremes. tion of an action to a certain
nepepHarb see neperoHHXb person or object; HSBHHHXbCH
nepernyxb see neperH6axb. ~ KCM-Ji. apologize to smb;
neperoBopIbi [p'*ir**igAv6ri] He oxcxynaxb ~ xpyAHocxH-
pi -OB negotiations talks. MH boldly face difficulties;
neperoHJflXb [p*'ir''igAn''at*'] npeKJiGHHXbCH ~ KCM-Ji. Wor-
imperf -^k), -neuib, nepe- ship smb; npeKjioHCHHe ~'
THJaxb [p''ir*'i^gnat''] perf KCM-ji. worship for smb.
neperoHK), neperoHHUJb, p nepeAaJBdxb [p''ir''idAvat'*l
-aj?, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, imp imperf -k), -eiiib, p -saji, imp
neperoHH 1. drive {cattle. -BaH, nepcAJaTb lp''ir''i^dat'*]
293 — nep

perf -m, -aiiib, -act, -bahm, place to another; nepeABH-

-aAHxe, -aAyT, p nepeAa.i, Hyxb cxpejiKy qacoB BnepeA
-ajia, nepeAajio, nepeAajiH, [HasaAl put a watcTi [a clock]
imp -aid 1. pass (over), pass on / forward [back]; 2. col
on, transmit {to smb), turn postpone.
over {to smb), give {over to nepeABH^KCHHle [p^ir^idv^i-
smb), hand {to smb); transfer, zhen^iya] n -h, -h movement,
hand over {to smb); 2. tell, moving; cpeACXBa — h means
communicate; nepeAaftxe eMy of communication / convey-
npHBCT remember me to him; ance.
my love / best regards to him; nepeABHHyxb see nepcABH-
~BaTb 6jiaroAapHOCTb ko- raxb.
My-Ji. give one's thanks to nepcAHlHii [p^i'^r^ed^n^iy]
smb; 3. reproduce {what was a front; —He K0He4HocxH
said, etc); 4.: —Baxb no pa- forelegs, forefeet; ~hh njian
AHp broadcast; transmit; foreground;
'-BaTb no xejieBHAeHHK) tele- <C> ~HH Kpafl (oSopoHbi) mil
vise; show on TV; 5.: nepe- main line of resistance.
Aaxb ACJio B cyA bring the nepcAHHK [p^i^r^ed'^n^ik,
case before the law; nepe- . -g] m-a, -OB apron; pinafore.
Aaxb saKOHonpoeKX b komhc- nepcAHlflJi [p^i^r^ed'^'n^aya]
CHK) refer a bill to a com- / -efl, -Hx ante-room, hall.
mittee. nepCAO see nepcA.
nepeAaxMHK [p^ir^i^dat''- nepcAOBHK [p^ir^idAV^'ik,
ch^ik, -g] m -a, -ob (radio) -g] m -a, -6b: ~h npoHSBOA-
transmitter. cxBa shock-workers, front-
nepcAaxb see nepcAaBaxb. -rank workers; foremost peo-
nepeAanja [p^ir^i^dach^9] / ple in industry; ~h cejibCKO-
-H, ~
1. transmission, pass- ro xosHHCXBa front-rank col-
ing (over); transfer, handing lective farmers, foremost peo-
over; 2. broadcast (pro- ple in agriculture.
gramme); TV programme; bca nepcAoeloH [p^ir^idiwoy] a
— y riexpoB your narrator 1. foremost, forward, advanc-
was Petrov; nporpaMMa — ed, leading; -—oh oxpHA mil
radio schedule; 3. parcel advanced detachment; 2. ad-
{for a patient in hospital, vanced; progressive; ~6h ox-
etc); 4. technol gear, drive, pHA vanguard; — bie jiioah
transmission. progressive-minded people;
nepeABHr|axb [p^ir^idv^i- foremost people; ~aH xexHH-
gat^i imperf -aio, -aeiUb, Ka up-to-date machinery;
nepeABMH|yxb [p^'ir^i^dvinut''] — bie npeAnpHHXHH foremost
perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp enterprises;
-b 1. move, shift; move <> ^ka cxaxbH leading ar-
somewhere, move from one ticle, editorial.
nep — 294

nepeayiviaTb see nepeAyMbi- KanHTajiH3Ma b coanaHHH Jiio-

BaTb. Aeft the survivals / relics of
nepeflyMbiBJaTb fp^ir^i^du- capitalism in people's minds.
miv9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, nepejKHTb see nepejKHBaTb.
nepejiyMJaTb [p^ir'^i^dumat^j nepesHMOBaxb see SHMOBaxb.
perf -aio, -aemb change one's nepeHsSHpjarb [p^ir^iizb^i-
mind, think better of. rat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, ne-
nepeAbiiu|Ka [p^ir^i^dtshka] peH36|paTb [p^ir^iizbfat^] perf
/ -KH, -CK breathing-space, -epy, -epeuib, p -paji, imp
respite: He Aaeaji hh MHHyibi -epri re-elect.
'— KH without a moment's re- nepeHMCHOBaTb see nepe-
spite. HMeHOBblBaXb.
nepee3fl[p^ir*'i^yest, -zd] m nepeHMeHOBbiBJaxb [p^ir^i-
-a, -OB 1. removal {to a new im^i^novtvat^] imperf -aio,
flat, etc); 2. passage {the act -aeuib, nepeHMeH|oBaxb [p^i-
of); crossing {the act of); r^iim^'inAvat^l p^rf -yio,
3. (level) crossing; highway -yeuib, p -oBaJi, imp -yft re-
crossing. name, give a new name.
nepeesjKlajb [p^ir^iyi^- nepefixH see nepexoAHTb.
zh^at^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, nepcKjiaAbiBJaxb [p^ir^i^kla-
nepeexjarb [p^ir^'i^yekhat^] dtvat**] imperf -aio, -aeiub,
perf nepee^y, nepeeAeiob, p nepejiGJKJHxb [p^ir^iUzhft'']
-aji 1. cross {a bridge, river, perf -y, nepejiojKHuib, p -hji,
etc, by vehicle); 2. move, re- imp -H put / place some-

move a new flat, etc);

{to where take from one
3. run over {a person in the place and put / place in anoth-
street). er; 2. interlay {with); 3. shift
nepe)KHBaHH|e [p^ir^izhiva- (off) {the responsibility, etc).
n^iya] n -n, pi -h, -h {most- nepeKpecxjoK [p^ir^'i^^kr^o-
ly pi) sufferings, troubles; stak, -g] m -Ka, -kob cross-
feelings, emotional experi- -road, crossing.
ences. nepeKpbiBJaxb [p^ir^ikrt-
nepeKHBJaxb [p^ir^izhivat^] vat^] imperf -ara, -aeiiib, ne-
imperf -aio, -aeuib, nepe- pcKplbixb Ip^ir^'i^krft''] perf
}K|HTb[p^ir''i^zhit^] per/-HBy, -OK), -oeuib, p -biji, imp -.oh
-Heeuib, p -HJi, imp -hbh 1. re-cover; 2. col exceed
1. experience, go through; {a plan, etc); 3. stop up,
suffer, endure; TH>Keji6 ~aTb shut off; block {a road), dam
MTO-ji. feel smth keenly; suf- {a river).
fer greatly because of smth; nepejiex [p^ir^'i^l^ot, -d] m
2. outlive, survive {smb,smth). -a, -OB 1. flight {of aircraft,
nepe>KHT|oK [p^ir^'i^zhltak, a long one or over smth); 2.
-g] m-Ka, -kob remnant, (trans)migration {of birds);
vestige; survival, relic; ~kh 3. shot over the target.
— 295 — nep

nepejiexjaTb [p^ir^il^i^tat^] nepeMeiiiHBlaTb[p^ir^i^m^e-

imperf -aio, -aeiub, nepejiej- shivat'']imperf -aio, -aemb,
Texb [p^ir^il^i^t^et^] perf -^y, nepeMeui|aTb [p^ir^im'^i^shat^j
-THiub, p -TCJi, imp -TH 1. fly perf -aio, -aeuib intermix,
(over, acros'i); 2. fly some- mix (up), intermingle.
where else; fly from one nepeMUpH|e [p^'ir^i^m^'i-
place to another. r^iya] n -h armistice, truce.
nepejiHB|aTb [p^ir^iPivaf'] nepenecTH see nepeHocHTb.
imperf -aio, -aeiUb, nepejilHXb nepeHOc|HTb [p^'ir'^mAs^it^]
pQj.1 .j^j5^ -beiUb, imperf nepenouiy, nepeno-
p -HJi, -HJia, -Hjio, -HJiH, imp CHiiib, p -HJI, imp -H, nepe-
-eft pour somewhere else; Hec|TH [p^ir^m^i^s^t^i] perf
pour from one vessel into -y, -eiub, p nepenec, -Jia,
another; 2.: -—axb KpoBb med imp -H 1. carry somewhere
transfuse blood; 3. take somewhere else,
let over- else,
flow. carry from one place to
nepejiOJKHTb see nepeKjia- another; transfer somewhere
;;biBaTb. else {change the seat of, etc),
nepejioM [p^ir^i^lom] m -a, transfer from one place to
-OB 1. break, fracture {of a another, ~-HTb oroHb mil
bone, etc); 2. //^crisis {of an shift /lift fire; 2. put off,
illness); turning-point; great postpone; adjourn {a meeting);
change; AO^HTbCH KopcHHoro 3. endure, bear, stand; h hc
'-a bring about a fundamen- nepeHomy SToro I can't stand/
tal change/ improvement, bear it.
nepeMeHJa [p^ir^i^m^enaj / nepCHOCHula [p^ir^'i^nos^i-
-w, -- 1. changing, change; tsa] / -bi, bridge of the ~
2. change, alteration; 3. in- nose.
terval, break, recess {between nepeHOCHbiif [p^ir^i^nosnty]
lessons). a 1. portable; 2. figurative
nepeMeHHTb see nepeMCHHTb. {of meaning).
nepeMeH|HTbC5i [p^ir^'im^i^- nepeH04|eBaTb [p^ir^ina-
n^'ittja] perf -ibcb, nepcMe- ch^'i^vat^l perf -yio, -yeuib,
HHuibCH, p -HjicH, -HJiacb, imp p -cBaji, imp -yft spend / sleep
-HCb, -HTecb change {become the night {somewhere).
different). nepeofleB|iTb [p^ir^iAd^i®-
nepeMeHJflTb [p^ir'Tm^i^- vat*'] imperf -aio, -aemb, ne-
n^at''] imperf -aio, -Heuib, peoAe|Tb [p^ir^iAd^et^] perf
nepeMeHJHTb (p^ir^im^i^n^it''] -Hy -Hemb, p -Ji, imp -Hb
perf -K>, nepCMeHHiub, p -hji, 1. change (smb's) clothes;
imp -H change {1) replace; 2. disguise {smb); 3. col
2) make different). change {one's coat, etc).
nepeMeuiarb see nepeMeuiH- nepeoACB axbCH [p^ir'^iAd^i^- ]

paxb. vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib-

nep — 296 —
CH, nepeofleJTbCfl [p^ir^iAd^e- penjielcTH [p^ir^ipl^i^s^t^i]
ttsa] perf -Hycb, -HeuibCH, p perf -ly, -leujb, p nepenjieji,
-JlCH.-JiaCb, /mp -HbCH, -HbTeCb -jia, imp -TH 1. bind (a book,
1. change (one's clothes); etc); have (a book, etc) bound;
2. dress up; disguise oneself. 2. interknit, interlace.
nepeoACTb see nepeoAeeaTb. nepenojiHHTb see nepenoJi-
nepeofleTbCJi see nepeoAe- HHTb.
BaibCH. nepenojiHJMT.b [p^ir^ipAl-
nepeou,eHHB|aTb [p^ir^iAtse- n^at'*] imperf -hk), -neiub,
n^ivat''] imperf -aio, -aeiub, nepenojiHlHTb [p^'ir^i^pol-
nepeoueHJHTb [p''ir^;Atsi^- n^it^] perf -k), -Hiiib,p -hji,
n^it*'] perf -k), nepeoueHHiub, imp -H 1. overfill; overcrowd;
p -HJi, imp -H 1. revalue, 2. fig fill (of a feeling).
reappraise; 2. over-estimate, nepenojiox [p'^ir^ipAlokh,
overrate. -gh] m -a commotion, flurry,
nepenHcaxb see nepenHCbi- alarm; noAHHTb — raise an
Baib. alarm"; give rise to commo-
nepenHCbiBJaxb [p^ir^i^p^i- tion.
sivaf^l imperf -aK), -aemb, nepenpoHSBOACTBJo [p^ir^i-
nepenH|caTb [p^ir^ip^isaf*] praizvotjtva] n -a over-pro-
perf -my, nepenHuieuib, p duction.
-caji, imp
-iiiH 1. rewrite; nepenyrarb see nepenyxbi-
(re)type;have smth (re)typed; Baxb.
^aib HaqHCTo write out fair; nepenyxbiBlaib [p'^'ir^i^pu-
make a clean copy of; ttvat^] imperf -aio, -aeujb,
2. copy {make a written copy nepenyxjaTb [p^'ir^i^putat'']
of); 3. make a list of. perf -aK), -aemb 1. entangle,
nepenHCbiB|aTbC5i [p^ir^i*-'- tangle (threads, etc); 2. mix
p^isivattja] imperf -aiocb, (up), confuse, muddle up.
-aeujbCH correspond (with nepepeaaxb see nepepeaaxb.
smb)\ write to each other. nepepe3|axb [p^ir^ir^'i^zat^J
n6penHc|b [p^er^ip^'is^, -z''] imperf -aio, -aeuib, nepepel-
/ -H census. 3axb [p^ir^i^r^'ezat^] perf
nepenjiecTH see nepenJie- -my, -H<emb, p -3a ji, imp -mb
Taxb, 1. cut (mostly into two);
nepenjiex [p^ir^'i^pPot, -d] 2. cut off, intercept.
m -a, -OB binding, (book-) nepepbiB [p^ir^i^rlf, -v] m
cover; KHHra-^e bound
b -a, -OB interval, break, in-
book;x3TAaTb mto-ji. b -^ have termission; recess, adjourn-
smth bound; ment; — Ha HHXHaAUaxb mh-
<> nonacTb e ^ col ^ get Hyx fifteen minutes' break.
into trouble /a scrape. nepecaAJKa [p^'ir^'i^satka] /
nepenjierlaTb [p''ir'*ipPi^- -KH, -OK transfer, change (of
tat**l imperf -aw, -aeuib, ne- train, etc); AeJiaxb ~Ky trans-
— 297 — nep

fer, change trains [buses, nepecjiixb see nepecbuiaxb,

ttc]. nepecMaTpHBlaxb [p^ir^i®-
nepecaxHB|aTbcsi [p^ir^i®- smatr^ivat^] imperf -aio,
lazhivattsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib, nepecMOTplexb [p^ir^i-
-aeuibCH, nepece|CTb [p^ir**!^- smAtr^et^] perf -lo, nepecMOT-
s^es^t^] perf nepecH^y, ne- pHuib, p -eji, imp -H 1. look
pecHAeuib, p -Ji, imp nepe- over, look through, go over;
CHAb 1. change one's seat, 2, revise {review and amend)',
move (to another seat); ex- reconsider.
change seats; nepececTb 6m- nepecralBaxb [p^ir^istA-
me [Aajibuie] take seats closer vat^] imperf -ib, -euib, p
[farther] {in a theatre, etc); -saJi, imp -Baft, nepecxlaxb
2. transfer, change trains [p^ir^i^stat^] perf -any,
[buses, etc\\ '-aTbCH Ha aSTo- -anemb, p -aJi, imp -anb: ne-
6yc change for a bus, pecxaxb AeJiaxb mxo-ji. stop /
nepeceKJaTb [p^ir^is^i^kat^] cease doing smth; Ao^K^b ne-
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, nepece|Hb pecxaji the rain (has) ceased;
[phr^i^s^ech'*] perf -Ky, He ~BaH incessantly, con-
-Heiub, p nepeceK, -KJia, imp tinuously.
-KH cross, intersect; cross, go nepecxaBHXb see nepecxas-
across, move across. JIHXb.
nepecejiHTb see nepecejiHTb. nepecxaBJiJHxb [p^ir^ist/«v-
nepecejiHTbCfl see nepece- Pat^] imperf -hk), -Hemb,
JIHTbCH. nepecxaBJHXb [p^ir^i^stav^it^]
nepeceji|HTb [p^'ir^is^i®- perf -Jiio, -Hoib, p -HJI, imp
Pat^] imperf -hio. -neuib, ne- -b 1. move somewhere else,
pecejilHTb [p^ir^is^i^l^it*'] perf move one place to
-K), -Hiub, p -HJi, imp -H another, shift, rearrange (/«/•-
move {smb to a new flat, nit'ure, etc); 2. put on / for-
etc). ward [back] {a watch, etc);
nepeceji|flTbCfl [p^ir^is^i^- <> ejie HorH --flxb be hardly
Pattsa] imperf -Hiocb, -nemb- able to drag one's feet along.
CH, nepeceji|HTbcji [p^'ir^is^i'^- nepecxaxb see nepecxasaxb.
l^ittsa] perf -ibcb, -HuibCJi, p nepecxpaHBJaxbCsi [p^ir^i^-
-HJiCHj -HJiacb, imp -HCb, straivattsa] imperf -aiocb,
-HTecb move, remove {to a -aembCH.nepecxpolHXbcji [p^i-
new flat, etc). r^i^stroittsa] perf -locb, -Huib-
nepececTb see nepecascH- Cfl, p -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp
BaibCH. -HCH, -Hxecb change one's
nepeceHb see nepeceKaTb. views; improve one's methods
nepecKas [p^ir^'i'^skas, -z] of work; reform {become bet-
m -a 1. retelling, narration; ter).
2. reproduction, exposition nepecxpaxoBmHK [p^'ir^i-
{of smth heard, etc). strAkhofsh'';ik, -g] m -a, -ob
nep — 298 —
eol overcautioul person, peiiijia,imp -ah 1. cross, get
hedger. (over), go (across), go (over);
nepecTpdjilKa [p'ir'i*str*'el- 2. pass on / over {to smth),
ks] / -KH, -OK skirmish, fire proceed {to smth); pass {from
tngagement, exchange of fire. smth to smth, into smb's
nepecTpoHTbCH see nepe- hands, etc); turn {to smth);
CTpaHBaTbCH. go on / over {to smth, smb);
nepecxynlaxb [p^ir^istu- 3. turn (into a new state);
pat''] imperf -aio, -aeuib, ne- 4. assume, initiate, launch
pecTyn|HTb [p^ir^istup^it^] {an offensive, attack);
perf -jiK), nepecxynHuib, p <>• — HXb M3 pyK B PyKH
-HJi, imp -H 1. step (over), change hands (many times).
overstep; 2. fig transgress nepexoflHbiH [p'^ir^i^khod-
(a bound, etc), exceed {one's niy] a 1. transition(al); 2. ling
powers, a limit, etc); 3. {no transitive.
perf): -^axb c hofh Ha Hory nepjeu [p*'er^its, -dz] m -ua
shift from one foot to the pepper.
other. nepeHJeHb [p^'er^ich^m''] m
nepecbuilaxb [p^ir^'isilat''] -HH, -HCH list, register, in-
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, nepecji|axb ventory.
perf nepemJiio,
[p'^ir^'i^slat^] nepeHMCjiHxb see nepcHH-
nepemjieiub, p -aji, imp ne- CJlHXb.
peiuJiH send, send over {smth); nepeMHCjijnxb [p^ir^'ich^'is''-
forward {a letter, etc); remit l^at^] imperf -hkd, -nemb,
{money). nepeHMCjilHXb [p'^ir'^i^ch^'is'*-
nepeyji ok [p^ir^i^ulak, -g] Pit**] perf -K), -Huib, p -HJi,
m -Ka, -KOB side-street, by- imp -H 1. enumerate (name
street. over); 2. transfer {money).
nepexofl [p^ir^i^khot, -d] nepHjia [p^'i^r^ib] pi nepHji
m -a, -08 1. passage, crossing rail, railing; banisters'(o/ a
{the act of passing across on staircase).
foot); mil (one day's) march; nepMOA [p^i^r'^iat, -d] m -a,
npH ~e Mepea yjiHuy [py- -OB period {of time); b ~,

^eli u m. n.] while crossing the 3a ~during, in the course

street [brook, etc]; 2. crossing of; 33 ~
c... since..., aa ko-
{the place of); .3. transition poxKHH —
in a short space
{from one state to another); of time; 2. geol period, epoch,
~ B jipyryio Bepy conver- age.
sion to another faith. nepjo [p^'i^ro] n -a, pi
nepexofl|MXb [p^ir^ikhA- nepbH, nepbCB 1. feather {of
d^it^] imperf nepexo>Ky, ne- a bird); 2. pen {for writing).
pexoAHUJb, p -HJi, imp -h, neppoH fp'^i^ron] m -a, oe
nepeHJxM [p^'ir'^i^yt^i] perf platform (of a railway, etc,
-Ay, -fleuib, p nepemeji, ne- station).
— 299 — nen

nepcoHEJi [p^irsAnal] m -a 3) of a kettle, etc); crow {of a

personnel, staff. cock); ~ BnoJirojioca hum
nepyaHCK|HH [p^iruansk^iy] {sing); 2. {no perf): — 6acoM
a -an, -oe, -He Peruvian. [xenopoM u m. d.] have a bass
nepySHJeu [p^'iruan^'its, -dz] [tenor, etc]; sing the bass
m -ua, -ueB Peruvian. [tenor, etc\.
nepMar KH [p^i^rch^atk^i] nexoxja [p^i^khota] / -u
pi -OK {sing nepMaTKJa / -h) infantry.
gloves. neHajibHJbiH [p'^i^ch^aPniy]
necJHji [p^es^n^a] / -hh, pi a sh f neMajien, -a, -o, -bi
-HH, -en, -HHM song {a poem 1. sad, sorrowful, mournful,
set to music); HapoAHan ~h5i dismal; 2. regrettable, unfor-
folk-song; tunate, grievous.
<> flojirasi —Hsi col a long nenaxjaxb [p^i^ch^atat^J
story; cxapaji —hh col ah old imperf -aK), -aeuib, Ha;neHa-
story. xaxb [nap''i*^ch^at^t^] perf 1.
necjoK [p^i^sok, -g] m -Ka print {1) impress on paper;
(-Ky), -KOB sand; 3bi6yHHe 2) publish); type; ~-aTb na
'-'KH quicksands; MauiHHKe type; 2. have {one's
•0 caxapHbiH —OK granulated article) published {in a mag-
sugar. azine, etc); imperf also write
necTpjbiH [p'^ostriy] a sh f {articles for a magazine, etc);
-^, necTpa, -o (necipo), -bi 3. carry {of a newspaper, etc).
(necTpbi) motley, particol- neHax|b [p^i^ch'^at^] / -h,
oured; multicoloured; gay, -en 1. seal, stamp {also fig);
gay-coloured. 2. press {periodicals and the
nexjiHlua [p^i^tPitja] f -u, people who work for them);
-^ 1. buttonhole; 2. tab {on HMeXb XOpOUIHe 6x3bIBbI B -~H
a uniform). have a good press; .3. press,
neT|jifl [p^etl^g] / -jih, pi printing, print; Bb'iHXH h3 h —
-JIH, -ejib, -JiHM 1. loop, be published, appear.
noose; 2. loop, buttonhole; nencHlb [p^'ech^in^] / -h
3. stitch {in knitting); 4. av anat liver.
loop. neHeHb|e [p^i^ch^en^ya] n
nexyx [p^i^tukh, -gh] m-a, -H pastry {small flat cakes);
-OB cock {ihe male of a hen); biscuits {cakes).
US rooster; neH|Ka [p^ech^ka] / -KH, -eK
<>BCTaBaTb c — aMH rise at co/=neMb II.
cock-crow. ncHb I [p^ech^] imperf ncKy,
neib [p^et^] imperf noib, neneuib, p neK, ncKjia, imp
noeuib, p imp noH,
neji, nejia, neKH, HcincHb [isp^ech^] per/
npoinexb [prAp^et^] perf, 1. bake {in an oven); 2. {no
cinexb [s^p^et^] perf 1. -sing perf) scorch, be hot (o/ the
{!) a song, etc; 2) of birds; sun, etc).
neq 300

neHJb II Ip^ech'^, -j^] / -h. nHp [p^'ir] m -a, pi -bi,

-eft stove {for heating or cook- -OB feast {a meal or banquet);
ing)', oven; technol furnace; <> ~
Ha eecb mho sump- =
AOMeHHan ~b blast-furnace; tuous feast.
MapTCHOBCKaH ~b open- nnnor [p^irok, -c|] -a, m
-hearth furnace. -OB pie, pasty; tart {food).
neuiexoA [p^'isht^khot, -d] nHpojKHloe [p'^irozhnayal n
m -a, -OB pedestrian. -oro, -bix (fancy) cake.
neui|Ka [p'^eshka] f -kh, oHpoK^OK [p^'irAzhok, -g]
-CK chess pawn {also fig). m -Ka -KOB patty, pie.
neiiiKOM [p'^i^shkom] adv nHcaTeji|b [p^'isat^il^] m
on foot; HATH ~ walk, go -H, -eft writer, author.
on foot. nHc|aTb [p^isat^] imperf
nemep[a [p^i^sh^:er8] / -bi, HHiiiy, nHmeiub, p -aji, imp
^ cave, cavern. nHuiH, HainHcaxb [nap^isat^J
nHaHMHo [p^'iAn^ina] n in- perf 1. write; 2. {no perf)
decl (upright) piano; nrpaib write {for a magazine, etc);
Ha ~- play the piano. 3. paint {1) a picture, etc;
nHBH|aH [p^ivnaya] / -oft, 2) in oil, etc).
-bix pub, beerhouse; US bar- nHCTOjiex [p^istAl^et, -d]
room, saloon. m -a, -oB pistol, gun.
nHBJo [p^iva] n -a beer. nHCbMeHHJbiH [p^'is^m^m-
HHA^aK [p^idzhak, -g] m niy] a 1. written {work, re-
-a, -OB coat, jacket. quest, etc); 2.: —bift ctoji
nH>KaM|a [p^izhama] / -bi, desk, writing-table; —bift npH-
^ pyjamas. 66p writing set.
nHJi [p^ii], HHJia [p^ila] nHCbMlo [p^is^mo] n -a, pi
see HHTb^ HHCbMa, nftceM, nricbMaM 1.
nHJija [p^ila] / -b'l, pi nft- letter {a message); oTKpbiToe
Jibi, ~, HHJiaM saw (a tool). ~-6 postcard; 2) open let-
nHji|MTb [p^il^it^l imperf ter; aaKasHoe —6 registered
-K), nftjiHuib, p -HJi, imp -H letter; peKOMeHAaxejibHoe —6
1. saw; 2. fig col nag, pester. letter of recommendation; 2.
nHjioT [p^'ilot, -d] m -a, writing {the art of).
OB pilot {of an aircraft). nHxaHHle [p'^itan^'iya] n -h
oMjiibjilji [p^iPul^a] / -H, 1. nourishment, nutrition,
-b med pill; feeding, diet; ycftjieHHoe -~-e
<> no30JiOTHTb — K) sugar the nourishing diet, high-caloric
pill. diet; 2. technol feeding;
HHOHep [p^iAn^er] m -a, <> oCmecTBeHHoe —e public
-OB Young Pioneer, pioneer catering.
(a member of the voluntary nHTaTeJibHJbiH [p^itaf'il^-
communist organization of niy} a sh f nHTaieJieH, -a,
children). -0, -bi nourishing, nutritious.
— 301 — njia

HHTlaxb [p^itat^] imperf njiaBJaxb [plavat^] imperf

^aK), -aeuib 1. feed, nourish -aio, -aeiub [cf njibixb] swim
{also fig); 2. fig feel, have {1) in water; 2) on the water);
{sympathy, confidence, etc); float, drift; sail {on board a
'-axb Hajxemj^y cherish the ship).
hope; 3. iechnol feed. njiaBH|biH [plavnty] a sh f
nHT|aTbCH [p^itattsa] im- njiaBCH, -a, -o, -bi smooth {not
perf -aiocb, -aembCH feed {on jerky); flowing {speech).
smth), live {on smth); xopomo njiaKax [plAkat, -d] m
[njioxo] -— axbCH have good -OB poster, bill, placard.
[bad] food; —aTbcn b ctojio- njiaJKaxb [plakat^] imperf
BOH have one's meals at a -^y, -qeiiib, p -Kaji, imp -Mb
dining-room. 1. cry weep; sob (m d/s/ress);

nHTb [p^it^] imperf uhio, ~Kaxb HaBspbiA sob; 2. weep

Hbeiub, p HHji, HHjia, nHJio, {for), cry {for); mourn, grieve
oHJiH, imp nefl, obinHTb {for);
[vfp^it^] perf Bb'mbK), Bbi- <> xoxb ~Hb! col it is
nbeiub, p BbmHJi, imp Bbmeft enough to make you cryl
drink, take {tea, etc); gulp njiaM|ji [plam'^a] n -eHH
{a liquid); sip; h xoMy — flame, blaze; BcnuxHyxb — e-
I'm thirsty; BbinHXb cxaKaH HCM blaze out {of a fire).
qaio have/ take a glass of njiaH [plan] m -a, -ob 1.
tea; — aa Koro-Ji. drink to plan {for the future, etc);
smb; ~ 3a Hbe-ji. sAopoBbe target [a quantity set for out-
drink smb's health. put); scheme, project; ccmh-
nHuiH [p^ishl] see nHcaxb. jiexHHH — seven-year plan;
nHuiy [p^'ishu], niiiiiemb nepcneKXHBHbiH ~ long-term
[p^ish9sh, -zh] see nHcaxb. plan; —
BbiriycKa npo^y^iUHH
nHm|a [p^ish^:a] / -h food output plan; cxpoHXb ~bi
(a/50 fig); make plans; 2. plan, map^
<> Aaeaxb ~y noflOspcHHRM CHHMaxb -~- qero-ji. make a
JcjiyxaM u m. n.\ feed suspi- plan of smth; 3.: saAHHH —
cions [rumours, etc]. background; na nepe^HeM [na
nHmjaxb [p^ish^:at^] im- aaflHCM] ~e in the foreground
perf -y, -Huib, p -aji, imp [background]; na nepBOM -'e
-H squeak; peep, chirp; whine in the forefront.
{of children), njianep [plAn^or] m
-a, -oe
nHii;eBapeHH|e [p^ish^iivA* glider {an aircraft).
r^en^iya] n -h digestion; pac- njiaHejxa [pUn^ets] / -bi,
cxpoflcxBO ~H indigestion. — planet.
nHmeeloH [p^ish^-.i^voy] a: njiaHOB|biH [plansviy] a
'-bie opoflyKXbi food-stuffs; planned, systematic; '— oe xo-
~a5i npoMbmiJienHocxb food 3HHCXB0 planned economy;
industry. -^biH oxfleji planning section;
iiJia — 802 —
— oe saflaHHe target (figure), njiailoK [pUtok, -g] m -k5,
(production) plan. -KOB shawl; kerchief; HocoBoa
njiaHOMepHtbiM [pbnAm^er- ~6k handkerchief.
niy] a sh f njianoMepeH, -a, njiaT4)6pM|a [plAtf6rm8] /
-o, -bi systematic, planned, -bi, ^
1. platform {1) on a
balanced, regular. railway; 2) pol); 2. (railway)
njiacTHH|Ka [pUs^t^inlo] / truck; US flat-car.
-KH, -OK 1. plate (2) o/me/a/; njiaTbje [plaf'ya] n -n, -ea
2) in photography}; 2. (gram- 1. clothes, clothing; BepxHee
ophone) record; nocxaBHTb —e outdoor wear, outer
'-Ky put on a record. clothes; 2. dress, frock,
njiacTMaccja [plAstmassa] / gown.
-bi plastic. njiauKaprla [pUtskarta] /
njiacTbip|b [plastir^] m
-h, --bi, —
reserved seat (ticket)
-eft med (sticking-)plaster; {for passage); berth {for sleep-
npHJioHCHTb ~b
apply plaster. ing); BSHTb —
y book a re-
njiarja [plata] / -bi pay, served seat; book a ticket.
payment; fee, charge; —a 3a njian [plach'', -j^] m -a
npoesA fare passage; sapa- weeping, crying.
6oTHaH —a wages; pay, sal- njianeBHlbiH [plAch^evniy]
ary; KBapTHpHan —a rent a sh f njianeBen, -a, -o, -bi
{for dwelling); --a aa bxoa deplorable, lamentable; b
entrance fee. ~0M nojioHceHHH in a sorry
njiaTHHJa [plaf'ina] / -u plight, in a deplorable posi-
platinum. tion; ~biH HcxoA failure;
njiarlMTb [pUt^it^] imperf HMexb ~biH BHA cut 3 sorry
njia^y, njiaxHiiib, p -hji, imp figure.
-H, sainjiaxHTb [zapUt^it^] njiam[plash^:, -zh^:] m
perf, yinjiaiMTb [upUt^it^] -a, -efi raincoat, water-

perf 1. pay {give money, make proof coat, makintosh; 2.

a payment, etc); —Hib Hajiijq- cloak {an outer garment).
HbiMH pay in cash/ ready mo* njieearejibKHula [pl^i^va-
ey; —Hib no c^eTy settle an t^iPn^itsa] / -bi, -^ spittoon.
account, pay a bill; —Hib b njieBJaxb [pl^'i^vat^J imperf
Kaccy pay at the cash-box; n;iK)K), njiioeuib, p -aji, imp
~HTb B .paccpo^Ky pay by njDoPi, njiK)H|yTb [pl^unut^]
instalments; 2. (sanjiaTHTb)//^ perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -b
pay;~HTb ycjiyroft aa ycjiyry 1. spit {throw out saliva); 2.
return a service/ a kindness, fig co/^spit {on), not care a
payback; ~HTb KOMy-ji. Bsa- fig / straw; eMy Ha Bce —axb
liMHocTbK) return smb's love. he doesn't care a fig /straw.
njiaxHbiH [platniy] a 1. re- njieMJii [pl^em^'a] n -chh,
quiring payment; 2. paid pi -cHa, -en, -enaM tribe
{.work, etc). {a community).
— ws — IIJIO

njieMflHHMK [pPi^m^an^- shoulders; He no ~y KOMy-ji.

n^'ik, -g] m -a, -ob nephew. beyond smb's power; BbiHccxH
njieMsiHHHula [pPi'^m'^an''- Ha CBOHx ~ax (bcw xflacecTb
B^itsa] / -bi, —
niece. Mero-ji.) bear the brunt of
njicH [pl^en] m
-a captivity smth; c -' aojioh that's^
[also fig); BSHib b take ^ done, thank goodness.
prisoner. njiHTJa [pPita] / -b'l, pi
njieHJKa [pl^onka] / -kh, njiHTbi, —', njiHiaM 1. plate,
-OK film [used in photography, slab, flag(stone); MorHJibHan
etc); sacHHTb Ha —
Ky pho- ~a gravestone, tombstone;
tograph; npOHBHTb -~Ky de- 2. (kitchen-)range; rasoBan
velop a film. —
a gas-cooker.
njieHHbiii [pl^ennty] I a njioBJeu [plAV^ets, -dz] m
captive; -ua, -uoB swimmer.^
1 1 as a noun n Ji e h h bi h m |
ojioji [plot, -d] m -a, -ob
-oro, -bix prisoner (of v/ar). fruit {also fig); npHHocHXb
njienyM [plenum] m -a, ~bi bear fruit {also fig); no-
-OB plenum, plenary session. jKHHaxb —bi MyjKoro xpy^a
njieceH|b [pl^es^m^] / -h reap where one has not sown;
mould {on leather, cheese, etc). -— HeAopasyMeuHJi result of
njiecK [pPesk, -zgj -a m misunderstanding.
splash, swash; lapping {of njioflop6;iH|biH [pladArod-
waves). niy] a sh f njioj^opojieH, -a,
njielcTH [pl^i^s^t^i] imperf -o, -bi fertile, rich {soil, etc).
-Ty, -Teuib, p njieji, -Jia, imp nji0A0XB6pH|biH [pbdAtvor-
-TH, cinjiecTM [spl^i^s^t^i] perf niy] a sh f njioAoxBopen, -a,
1. braid, plait; weave {bas- -o, -bi fruitful {idea, etc).
kets, etc); twine {a wreath, nji6M6|a [plomba] / -bi, --
etc); spin {a web, etc); 2. {no 1. seal, stamp, lead {on the
perf) fig col: --cth epyHAV door, etc); 2. stopping, filling
[B3A0p] talk nonsense. {for teeth); cxaBHXb —y fill/
njielcTHCb [pPi^s^t^is^] /m- stop a tooth.
perf -Tycb, -xembCJi, p njieji- n.iOM6Hp [plAmb^ir] m -a
CH, -jiacb, imp -THCb, -THxecb (fancy) ice-cream.
col drag oneself along, walk nji6cK|HH [plosk^iy] a -an,
slowly; -oe, -He, sh f njiocoK, -a, -o,
<> --CTHCb B xBocTe lag be- -H 1. flat {ground, etc); 2. fig
hind; trail along at the back. trivial, stupid, flat {joke,etc).
iijieH|6 [pPi^ch^o] n -a, pi njiocKor6p|be [pbskAgor^-
njieqH, ~, -aM 1. shoulder ya] n -bH, -hh plateau, table-
{part of the body); 2. technol -land.
arm; nji6cKocx|b [ploskas^t^,
<» HMCTb rojioBy Ha '-ax -z^d*'] / -H, -eft math plane
have a good hfead on one's {also /f^); HBKjiOHHaa --bin-
njio S04 —
clined plane; b toh jkc ~h ground; CTpoHTejibHan ~Ka
on the same plane (also fig); construction / building site;
B onpeAejieHHOH --h from a 2. landing {of a staircase).
certain angle; nji6maA|b [pl6sh^:9t^, -d^j
<> KaTHTbCfl no HaKJIOHHOH / -H, -eft 1. square {in a pop-
'--H (morally) go downhill. ulated area); 2. areai space;
njiOT [plot, -d] m -a, -6b jKHjiaH ~b dwelling space;
raft, float. floorspace; dwelling, flat; 3.
njiOTMH|a [plAt^ina] / -bi, math area.
-- dam. weir; dike, dyke. njiyr [pluk, -g] m -a, pi
njioTHMK [plot^n'^ik, -g] m -H, -OB plough {used in farm-
-a, -OB carpenter. ing).
njiOTHlbiH [plotnty] a sh f njiyr [plut, -d] m -a, -6b
nJioTCH, -a, -o, -bi 1. com- cheat, swindler, knave;
pact, dense, close; 2. thickset rogue, rascal.
{person); 3. col: —bifi o6eA njibiJTb [plit^] imperf -By,
[saBTpaK u m. n.] square -Beiiib, p -JI, -jia, njibijio,
meal. njibiJiH, imp -BH a concrete
njioxo [plokha] adv bad-
I movement in a definite direc-
ly; -— ce6H MyBCTBOBaTb feel tion HJiaBaTb] swim {1)
bad/ unwell; in water; 2) on the water);
II impers predic that's bad; float; dtift; sail {of a ship,
MHe ^ I feel bad / unwell; en etc); boat; -~Tb no TeMeHHK)
CTajio -- she fainted; she go down stream [a/so see <>];
felt unwell; ^Tb np6THB TeqeHHJi go up
III as a noun n indecl bad stream [also see <>];
mark {at school). <>'^Tb no TCHeHHio go with
njiox|6H [plAkhoy] I a -an, the stream/ tide; ~Tb npo-
-6e, -He, sh f ^, -a, njioxo, THB TeneHHA go against the
njioxH bad {1) opposite of stream.
good; 2^ smell, etc; 3) clothes, njiiOH [pl^uy] see njieBaTt.
etc); ~6e HacTpoeHHe bad njnoHyrb see njiCBaxb.
mood, low spirits; ^6e a^o- njiioc [pl^us, -z] m -a, -ob
poBbe poor health; '-oe yie- 1. math, elect r plus; 2. ad-
meHHe poor consolation; vantage {smth to the good).
II as a noun n Ji o x 6 e n |
njiiom [pl^'ush^:, -zh^:] m
-oro: HTo Tyx --oro? what's -a ivy.
wrong about that?; njiioib fpl'uyu], njiioemb
<> C HHM uiyrKH njIOXH ^ [pl^uy6sh, -zh] see njieBaxb.
he is not to be trifled with; njiam [pl'^ash, -zh] -a, m
he isi dangerous customer. -eft beach.

n;ioiuaA|Ka [pUsh^iatka] / njiJic|aTb [pl^i^sat''] imperf

-KH, -OK 1. ground {for some njiHuiy, nJiHuieiub, p -aji, imp
purpose); playground; sports njiHUJH col dance, caper.
- 305 — no

nHJi [pn^a] nHefi [pn^ey] one's own free will; no npa*

see neHb. BHJiaM in accordance with the
[po; in the first preton- rules; according to the rules;
ic position —
pA; in the sec- no npHKaay by order; cyAHTb
ond and other pretonic posi- no BHeuiHocTH judge by from /

tions— pa; in a stressed posi- (smb's) appearances; h^htb no

tion — p6] prep I with dat cpeACTBaM live within one's
denoting \. a thing, place, means; 5. cause, reason: no
etc, along or on whose sur- 6ojie3HH through illness; no
face an action, a movement, pacceHHHocTH through absent-
etc, takes place: hath [exaTb] -mindedness; no neoSxoAHMo-
no yjiHue [Aopore u m. n.] CTH of necessity, necessari-
go [walk, drive] along the ly; no omnSKe by mistake;
street [road, etc]; hath no no qbeft-Ji. Bnne through smb's
Tpaee walk on the grass; fault; no npHBb'mKe by force
cnycKaTbCH no jiecTHHue go of habit; no o6biKHot!eHHio
downstairs, come downstairs; as usual, usually; 6. a thing
no KpaHM along the edges; by means of which or with
no KpaHM AopoFH pocjiH Ae- the help of which an action
peBbH there were trees on is performed: roBopHTb no
both sides of the road; 2. a Tejie4)6Hy speak over / on the
thing, place, space within telephone; no noMTC by post;
which an action, movement, no >Kejie3H0H Aopore by -

etc, takes place: ryjiHTb no train; 7. a field, sphere of

caAy walk /stroll in the gar- activity: HccjieAOBanHe no
den; xoAliTb no KOMHaTe walk 4)H3HKe an essay in physics;
to and fro in a room; nyTe- jieKUHH no Bonpocy o... a
iiiecTBOBaTb no cTpane tour lecture on the problem of...;
a country, journey through saHHTHH no reorpa4)HH geo-
a country; xoAHTb no MyseHM graphy classes; cneunajiHcx
do museums, visit museums; no pyccKOH JiHTepaType a
xoAHTb no anaKOMbiM pay specialist in Russian litera-
visits to one's friends/ ac- ture, an authority on Rus-
quaintances; no BceMy cBeTy sian literature; ^leMnHOH no
all over the world; 3. some njiaBaHHK) swimming cham-
direction that is followed: pion; 8. a thing as a portion
njibiTbno TeqeHHK) go down of smth that is equally di-
stream; hath no cJieAaM... vided in the course of an
follow (in) the tracks of...; action: ohh BbmnJiH no CTa-
4. smth in accordance with Kany q^io they had a glass
which an action is perform- of tea each; sanjiaTi^Tb no
ed: no coBCTy Bpaqa on the py6jiK) pay a rouble apiece;
advice of the doctor; no 9. time, term, etc (with plu-
c66cTBeHH0My meJiaauK) of ral nouns): no BOCKpecenbHM
no — 306 —
on Sundays; no yxpaM in the nocMepxHbifl [pAs^m'ertnly]
morning {as a rule); no ho- posthumous; 2! position class
qaM at night {as a rule); oh to smth or along smth: node*
He HHcaji HaM no MecHuaM pe>Kbe [pab^'i^r^ezhya] (sea)
we received no letters from coast, seaboard; norpanHq*
him for months; HbiH [pagrAn^'ich^niy] fron-
II with ace denoting 1. dis- tier {attr)^ border {attr);
tribution: no ABa in twos; two III of adverbs denoting 1.
each; no ABoe in twos, two mode of action: no-HOBOMy
by two; 2. time or space [pAnovamu] in a new fashion;
limit: no rpyAfa b cnery up roBopHXb no-pyccKH speak
to one's chest in (the) snow; Russian; 2. conformity to
c 1958 no 1961 roA from 1958 smb's or one's desire, opin-
to 1961; no nnioe iviapxa ion, etc: no-MOCMy [pAmoya-
up to the fifth of March; no mu] l)to my mind; I think
cen AGHb up to / till now; (that...); 2) as I would have
3. place: no sry cTopoHy on it; in accordance with my
this side {of); no xy cxopo- suggestion / advice.
Hy on that side {of); no6er [pAb^ek, -g] m -a
III with pr denoting succes- flight, escape.
sion in time: no OKOH^aHKH noSeAJa [pAb^eda] / -bi, —
yHHBepcHxexa on graduating victory; triumph {over smth).
from the university. nc6eAHTeji|b[pab^i^d^it^il^]
no..., no-... pref 1 of verbs m -H, -eft winner; conqueror,
denoting 1. the beginning of victor; — eM hs...
an action: no6e>Kaxb [pab^i^- emerge victorious from...
zhat^] start running, break no6eAHTb see no6eJKAaxb.
into a run; norHaxb[pAgnat^] no6eAOH6cHibiH [pab^idA-
start driving, drive {along); nosnty] a sh f no6eAOH6ceH,
2, the continuation of an ac- -a, -o, -bi victorious, trium-
tion for some time: nopa66- phant.
xaxb [parAbotat^] do some noSejKAlaib [pab^i^zhdat'']
work, work for some time; imperf -aio, -aeiiib, no6e-
3. the perfective aspect: no- AJHXb [pab^'i^d^it'^l per/ -niiib
6pHXb [pAbr^it^] perf of \. defeat, conquer; win a
6pHxb; 4. acquirement of victory over; win {in a
a quality or of a greater game, etc); 2. fig triumph
degree of a quality: no6e- (over), prevail; 3. fig over-
jiexb [pab^i^Pet^] . grow come, conquer.
white; noAemeBexb [pad'T- no6ejiHTb see 6ejiHXb.
shi^v^et''] become cheaper; noSepewlbe [pab^i^r^ezhya]
II of adjectives & nouns de- n -bH, -HH (sea) coast, sea-
noting 1. occurrence after board.
yiihat is expressed by the stem: ao6uTb see 6aTb 1, ^
— . 807 —
noSjiaroflapHTb see 6jiaro- n^iya] n -h behaviour, con-
;^apHTb. duct, deportment.
no6.«eflMeTb see 6jieAHeTb. noBesTH I see Beax^ I.
no6jiH3ocTH [pAbl^'izas^t^'i] noBesTH II see sesTH II.
adv near by, near at hand; noBepHTb see sepHTb,
'-' OT qero-ji. near smth. noBepHyrb see noBOpaiH-
no66|H [pAboi] pi -es beat- Baib.
ing, thrashing. noBepHyTbCfl see noBopaqH-
noSpHTb see 6pHTb, BaXbCH.
no6pHTbC5i see 6pHTbCH. noBepx [pAv^erkh, -gh]
no6yAMTb see no6y/KAaTb. prep with gen: njiam — ko-
noSyMfllaib [p8buzhdat^] CTioMa a raincoat over one's
Imperf -aio, -aeuib, no5y- suit; CMOTpexb —- o^^kob look
flJHTb [pabud^it^] perf no6y- over the top of one's spec-
3Ky, -Hiiib, p -HJi impel, in- tacles.
duce, prompt {smb to do n OBepxHOCTH bi H [ p A v^erkh-

smth). nasniy] a sh f noBepxHO-

no6y}KAeHHie [pabuzhd^e- CTCH, -a, -0, -bi superficial
n^iya] n -h, -h motive, in- (also fig); surface (attr).
centive, inducement; h3 ca- noBepxHOCT'ib [pAv^erkh-
Mbix jiymuHx — H from the n9s^t^, -z^d^] / -H, -efi sur-
most laudable motives. face.
no6biBJaTb [pabivat^] perf noBecHTb see Beuiaxb I.
-aK3, -aeiub visit, be (to some noeecTH see bccth 1, 2, 3.
place, somewhere). noBecT'iKa [pAv^estka] /
no61biTb [pAbtt^] per/-yAy, -KH, -OK 1. summons, writ;
-yAeuib, p n66biji, -biJia, no- subpoena; mil call-up papers;
6biJio, n66biJiH, imp -yAb 2. (also ~Ka ahh) agenda,
stay, remain (for some time). order of the day; cxojiTb na
noeajiMTb I see eajiHTb I 1. ~Ke AHH be on the agenda.
noBajiHTb II see saJiHTb II. noBecxIb [pov^is^t^, -z^d^]
noBajiHTbCfl see eajiHTbCH. / -H, -eft story, narrative.
noeap [p6v9r] m -a, pi -a, no-BHii,HMOMy [pAv^id^ima-
-OB cook. mu] parenth apparently, in
no-Bauieiviy [pAvashamu] all probability; oh, --, sa-
adv corresp to bh [cf no- 6o„ie;i in all probability he's
-TBoeMy] 1. to your mind, in fallen ill, he must have fall-
your opinion; you think en ill.
(that .); 2. as you would have
. . noBHHJOBiTbcsi [psv^inA-
it; in accordance with your vattja] imperf -yiocb, -yeuib-
suggestion / advice; nycTb 6y- CH, p -oBajicH, -OBajiacb, imp
Aex ~ let it be your way, -yftcH, -yftxecb obey, submit.
have it your own way. noBJiHflxb see BJiHHXb.
uoBOA Lpovat, -dj m -a,
noB — 80S —
-OB occasion, reason, ground; noBceAHeBHJbiH [pafs^i®-
no —-y qero-Ji. connexion
in d^n^evniy] a sh f noBce^He-
with smtii, on tiie occasion BCH, -a, -o, -bi daily, every-
of smth; 6e3 bchkopo ~a day; day-to-day (concern, etc).
apropos of nothing; without nOBCioAy [pAfs^'udu] adv
any reason; cJiy>KHTb ~om everywhere.
give rise (to). noBTopHTb see noBTop^ib.
noBOpaHHB|aTb [p9VAra- noBTOp|flTb [jjaftAr^at*']
ch'^ivat''] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, imperf -hkd, -neuib, noBTO-
noBCpHlyTb [pav^'i^rnut^i p|HTb [paftAr^it^] perf -vd,
perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h -Hiiib, p -VLJi, imp -H 1. re-
turn (1) a handle, etc\ 2) peat; reiterate; 2. review,
one's head, etc; 3) to the right, recapitulate, revise (one's
etc); ~aTb sa yroji turn a lessons, etc).
corner; 2. fig change, turn; noBbicHTb see noBbimaxb,
HejTb3H noBepHyib BcnHTb ko- noBbiCHTbCfl see noBbimaTb-
jieco JiCTopHH one can't re- CH.
verse the course of history. noBbiiii|aTb [pavishat^]
noBOpaHHBJaTbcsi [pavAra- imperf -aio, -aeiiib, noBbi-
ch^ivattja] imperf -aiocb, c|HTb [pAWs^it^] perf noBb'i-
-aeiiibCH, noBepHiyxbcsi [p9- my, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -b
v^i^rnuttja] perf -ycb, -eiub- 1. raise, increase, heighten;
CH, p -yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp improve (well-being, skill,
-Hcb, -Hiecb turn (change etc); enhance (responsibility,
one's position); turn round; prestige, etc); 2. advance,
swing (round); --axbCH chh- promote (smb).
HOH K turn one's back upon. noBbiuj|aTbCfl [pavtshattja]
noBOpOT [pavArot, -d] m imperf -aeiCH, noBMc|HTbCsi
-a, -OB 1. turn (a change in [pAvts^ittja] perf -htch, p
direction};- 2. turning, turn; -HJicH, -Hjiacb rise, increase;
bend, curve; 3. fig change, improve (of smb's mood,
turn, turning-point. etc).
noBpcAHTb see noepe^K- noBflslKa [pAv^aska] / -kh,
AaTb. -OK bandage; Ha;io»HTb ~Ky
noBpe}KA|aTb [pavr^i^zh- bandage, dress (a wound).
dat^] imperf -k\o, -aeuib, n©- noraAaxb see raAaxb 1.
BpeAJHTb [pavr^i*^d^it^l perf noracMTb see racHTb.
noBpejKy, -Huib, p -liji, imp norH(5|aTb [pag^'ibat^] im-
-H damage; spoil (a car, etc); perf -aio, -aeiub, norH6H|yTb
injure, hurt. [pAg^ibnut''] perf -y, -euib,
noBpe}KAeHH|e [pavr^i^zh- p norH6, noFHfijia, imp -h
d^en^iya] n -h, -h damage, [cf THdHyxb] perish (1) die;
injury; nojiyMHib ~e be dam- 2) be destroyed); be killed,
aged; get injured / hurt. lose one's life; be lost,
— st^ — nott

sink (of a ship); crash (of an norpyiK|aTbCfl [pagruzha-

aircraft). ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH,
norjiaAHTb see rjia^HTb. norpy3(HTbCfl [pagruz^i-
norjiOTHTb see norjiomaxb. ttja] perf norpy^ycb, norpy-
norjioimaxb [p3glAsh^:at^] SHIUbCH (-HIUbCH), p -HJICH,
imperf -aio, -aeuib, norjio- -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1.
T|HTb [paglAt^it^] perf no- plunge (into), sink (into);
rjiomy, norjioTHuib, p -hji, submerge, dive (of a subma-
imp -H absorb, take up rine); sink (of a ship); 2.
(also fig); oh ~eH CBoeft pa- fig be absorbed (in), be lost
66toh he is absorbed in his (in), be buried (in), be plung-
work; oh —en co66h he is ed (in); norpysHXbCH b coh
wrapped up in himself. go to sleep, subside into
^o^JlJ^;^eTb see rjiH^eTb. sleep; ropoA norpysHJiCH e
noroBopuTb see roBopHXb 3. XHiiiHHy quiet descended
noroBoplKa [pagAvorka] / on the town.
-KH, -OK saying, saw; bohth norpysHxb see norpy^axb
B ~Ky 'become proverbial. & rpysHXb.
noroflja [pAgoda] / -bi norpysMxbCJi see norpy-
weather; HejiexHan -^-a non- HCaXbCH.
-flying weather; npornoa ~bi nory6HXb see ry6HXb.
weather forecast; ~a paary- noryjinxb see ryjiHXb.
jiHJiacb the weather has clear- nofl [pot; in the first pre-
ed (up). tonic position —
^hi, -d; in
noroHJfl [pAgon^a] / -h 1. the second and other pretonic
pursuit, chase; 2. pursuers. positions —
pat, -d; in a
norpaHHHHHK [pagrAU^ich^- stressed position —
pod] noAo ,

n^ik, -g] m-a, -ob frontier- fpoda; in the first pretonic

-guard, border-guard. position —
padA] prep I with
norpaHHHH|biH [pagrAn^'ich^- ace denoting 1. direction of
niy] a frontier (attr), border an action beneath smth:
(attr); ^aH nojioca border, jiesxb -- cxoji get under a
borderland. table; cecxb — AepeBo sit

n6rpe6 [pogr^ip, -b] m -a, under a tree; noA ropy down-

pi -a, -OB cellar. hill; 2. a state, position
norpyHijaTb [pagruzhat^] into which smb or smth is
imperf -aio, -aemb, norpy- placed, put: ox^axb cyA ~
3|MTb [pagruz^it^] perf no- prosecute, bring to trial; ox-
rpyjKy, norpysHiub (-Hiiib), Aaxb —
cxpa}Ky give into
p -HJi, imp -H 1. dip (into), custody; nonacxb — AO)KAb
submerge (m/o); plung-e (into) be caught in the rain; no-
(also fig); 2. load (goods, nacxb noA Mbe-ji. bjihrhhc be
etc); embark; entrain; em- under smb's influence; 3. an
plane. event or state very near to
nos — flO ^
some time, the eve of smth: [padAbrat^] pick up, take
— HoBbiH roA on New-Year's up; 2. approaching: noA6e-
Eve; — BCMep towards eve- jKaxb [padb^i^zhat^] run up
ning; ~ npasAHHK on the {to smby, 3. a secret actioni
eve of the holiday; eMy —- noACJiyuiHBaxb [pAtslushl-
HHTbAecHT he is close upon V3t^ ] eavesdrop; noArjiHAbiBaxb
fifty; 4. accompaniment: -^ [pAdgl^adivat^] watch fur-
anJioAHCMeHTbi to / amid ap- tively, spy {on smb); 4. addi-
plause; nexb — MysbiKy sing tion: noAJiHBaxb [padl^ivat'']
to music; — AHKTOBKy from pour some more, add {some
dictation; 5. resemblance, liquid);
imitation: BbiKpacHTb ^Bepb II of nouns and adjectives
~ Ay6 paint the door in denoting 1. position beneath
imitation of oak; my6a — smth: noASCMejibe fpadz^i'^-
KOTHK an imitation sealskin m'^el^ya] cave {beneath the
coat; 6. purpose: 6yTbiJiKa ~ surface of the ground); noA-
MOJioKo a bottle for milk; Komwuk [pAtkozhniy] hypo-
II with instr denoting 1. po- dermic; 2. being in smb's
sition beneath smth: cxo^xb charge, under smb's control,
— AepeBOM stand under a etc: noALue(bHbiH [pAtshefnty]
tree, stand beneath a tree; aided, assisted; under the
noAO JibAOM under the ice; 2. patronage {of); noAonbixHbiH
state, condition: paSoxaxb — [pAdopitniy] experimental;
^bHM-ji. pyKOBOAcxBOM work 3. a rank or title one degree
under smb's guidance / lead- below what is expressed by
ership; 6bixb ~ HaAsopoM the stem: noAnoJiKOBHHK
be under surveillance; 6bixb [patpAlkovn^ik, -g] lieuten-
— BonpocoM be undecided; ant colonel; noAMacxepbe
^ AOHCACM in the rain; 3. a [padmAs^'t^er^ya] apprentice.
place near which smth is noAaleaxb [padAvat^] im-
situated or an action takes perf -K), -eiub, p -Baji, imp
place: jkhxb ~- Mockboh live -Bafl, noAJaTb [pAdat^] perf
in the suburbs of Moscow; -aM, -aiiib, -acx, -aAHM, -a-
live in the environs of Mos- AHxe, -aAyx, p noAaJi, -ajia,
cow; 6HXBa ~- BepjiHHOM the noAaJio, noAaJiH, imp -afl 1.
battle of Berlin; 6bixb ~ py- give, hand (over) {with the
KOH be at hand; noA 6okom aim of helping or obliging
col quite near. smb); -— Baxb najibxo KOMy-Ji.
nOA..., noAo... pref I of help smb on with his [her]
verbs denoting 1. upward di- coat; noAaxb pyKy KOMy-ji.
rection of an action: noA- offer / hold out one's hand
6p6cHib fpAdbros^it^] toss to smb; ohh noAa^H ApyP
up; noAnpbiTHyxb [pAtprlg- Apyry pvKH they shook hands;
put^J jump up; noAoCpaxb 2. serve {^dinner etc}; 3, drivs
^ ftl —
up to the a car,
door {of 6p|axb [p9dAbrat^] perf noA-
etc)', 4.: ^BaTb
saHBJieHHe 6epy, noA6epemb, p -aji, -ajia,
hand in an application; -ajio, -ajiH, imp noA^epH 1.
^Baxb >K5jio6y lodge / make pick up, take up; 2. select,
a complaint; —
Baxb e cy;; sort out; choose smth to
go to law, bring an action match.
{'against smb); — saTb b ot- noASop [pAdbor] m -a selec-
CTasKy resign, hand in one's tion {of personnel, etc);
resignation; 5.: no^axb coBex <> (KaK) Ha -- choice {attr).
give advice; He —Baxb npH- noA6op6A|oK [p9dbAr6d9k,
sHaKOB ^H3HH show no sign -g] m -Ka, -kob chin.
of life; He —
Baxb BHAy make noABaji [pAdval] m -a, -ob
no sign, remain imperturb- 1. basement; 2. cellar.
able; noABepr|axb [padv^i^rgat^]
<> noAaib 3HaK give a sign; imperf -aio, -aeinb, noABep-
pyKofi noAaxb col a ^ rH|yxb [pAdv^ergnut^] perf
stone's throw {from, to). -y, -euib, p noABepr (-yji), noA-
noAi^BHXb see noflaBjiHXb. BepFjia, imp -h sutjject {to
noAaBlMXbcsi [padAV^ittsa] torture, etc); expose {to dan-
perf -jiibcb, noAaBHuibCH,- p ger, etc); —axb comhckhk)
'^jicn, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, call in question; ~axb Hcnw-
-6xecb be choked; choke xaHHKD put to the test.
{with a bone, etc). noABepr|axbC5i [padv^'i^r-
noflaBjieHHbiH [pAdavl^m- gattsa] imperf -aiocb, -aemb-
ntyj a [pa] depressed, dis- Cf[, noABeprH|yxbCJi [pAdv^er-
pirited. gnuttsa] perf -ycb, -euibCH,
noflaejilflTb [psdAvPat^] p noABeprcH (-yjicn), noABep-
imperf -hk), -^eiub, noAa- FJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb be
B|HXb [padAv'it^] perf -jik), subject {to), undergo; ~axbCH
noAaBHiiib, p -HJi, imp -h 1. onacHOCXH be exposed to dan-
suppress, put down {a rebel- ger; run the danger {of
lion, etc); restrain, choke smth).
down, stifle; 2. overwhelm, noABeprnyxb see noABep-
crush; depress, dispirit. raxb.
noAaBjiflK)ii^|HH [psdAvPa- noABeprHyxbCfl see noABep-
yush^:iy] a [pa] -an, -ee, -He raxbCH.
overwhelming, overpowering. noABecxH see noABOAi^xb.
noAapHXb see AapHTb. noABHr [podv'ik, -g] m -a,
noAaploK [pAdarak, -g] m -OB heroic deed, exploit, featj
-Ka, -KOB present, gift; b ^ok coBepuiHXb ^
perform a ha»
as a present. roic deed.
noAaxb see noAaBaxb. noABHrjaxb [padv^igat^]
noA6Hp|axb [padb^irdt^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, noABH-
imperl -4k), -aewb, noAo- H[yTb [pAdv^inut^J perf -y,
fio« SI2-

-euib, p -yji, imp -b move, [padgAtov^ittsa] perf -jirocb,

move aside, move up (to). -HUJbCH, p -HJICH, imp -bCH,
noABH^KHJOH [padv^izhnoy] -biecb prepare, get ready.
a 1. mobile, movable; —an noAroTOBHTb see noAroxaB-
lUKajia sliding scale; 2, agile, JIHBaXb.
lively, active; noAroxoBHXbcsi see noAro-
<> —oft cocTaB r/i/ rolling- XaBJlHBaXbCH.
-stock. noArox6BK|a [padgAtofka] /
noflBHJKHJMH [pAdv^izhniy] -H 1. preparation, preparing;
a sh f noABHHceH, -a, -o, -bi = training, education
{of per-
nOABHJKHOH 2. sonnel, etc); schooling,
noABHHyTbsee noABHraxb. grounding, background, pre-
noflBOA|HTb [padvAd^it^] paration.
imperf nofleojKy, noABOAHuib, noAAaHHlbift [poddanniy] m
p -HJi, imp -H, noABelcTM -oro, -bix subject {a citizen).
[padv^i^s^t^i] perf -Ay, -Aeiiib, noAAaHCXBJG [poddanstva]
p noABeji, -Jia, imp -ah 1. n -a citizenship, nationality;
lead up {to), bring (to); 2. npHHHXb ~o become be /

col let (smb) dov/n, do an ill naturalized, become a citi-

turn; 3.: ~HTb HT6r(H) sum zen.
up {also fig); noAACJiaxb see noAAeJibisaxb.
<> ~HTb SpoBH pencil one's noAAejiJKa [pAd^d^elka] /
eyebrows. -KH, -OK imitation, forgery,
noABOAHibiH [pAdvodniyj a falsification.
submarine; —biH KaMeHb reef noAAeJibiB|axb [pAd^'d^'elt-
{a rock); ~bie pacTeHHH subi vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
merged plants; ~oe leqeHHe noAAeJijaxb [pAd^d^elat^] perf
undercurrent, underset. -aio, -aeiijb counterfeit, fal-
noAroplaxb [padgArat^] im- sify; forge, fabricate.
perf -aei, noAropjeTb [pad- noAAepJKaxb see noAAepJKH-
gAr^et^] perf -ht, p -eji get eaxb.
a little burnt / scorched; be noAAepiKHB|axb [pAd^d^er-
a little burnt / scorched {of zhfvat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib,
food, etc). noAAep)K|axb [pad^d^i^rzhat^j
noAroTaBJiHB|aTb [padgA- perf -y, noAAepJKHuib, p -aji,
tavPivat''] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, imp -H 1. support, hold up,
noAroTOBlHTb [padgAtov^'it^j bear; 2. support, back (up),
perf -JiK), -Hiub, p -HJI, imp second; encourage {support
-h prepare, make ready; train morally); 3. maintain, keep
{personnel, etc); -~aTb noMBy up {a correspondence, conver-.
fig pave the way {for}-. sat ion, etc).
noAroTaejiMBlaTbCJi [pad- noAA6p>KK|a [pAd^'d^'ershka]
gAtavl'^ivattja] imperf -aiocb, / -H support, backing; sup-
•a^iWbca, noAroTOBlHTbca porting, seconding; encoyr-
— S1^ — B^A

ageroent (moral support); npn 2. fig win (over), greatly

•^e... with the support of... touch (smb).
noACHCTBOBaTb see achct- noAJiejKam ee I
BOBaib 2. sh^:iya] n -ero, -hx ling sub-
noflCJiHTb see jiemrh 1. ject.
noflejiMTbCJi see AeJiHTbCH 2. ^OAJle^ [pA.dPets, -dz] m
nofleujeBeTb see jXQUieBerh. -a, -OB blackguard, scoun-
nojimeHb see noA>KHraTb. drel, villain. •

nojimiiraTeji\b [padzhtga- noAJiHHHHK [podPin^n^ikr

t^il-^] m -H, -eft: —h BoftHbi -g] m -a, -ob original (of a
warmongers, instigators of book, etc).
war. noAJiHHHbiH [podl^inniy] a
noAHCHrlaxb [padzhigat^] 1. authentic, genuine; origi-
imperf -aio, -aeuib, noAiKeHb nal (text, etc); 2. true, real.
[pAdzhech^] perf noAOJKpy, noAJior [pAdlok, -g] -a, m
noAO>K>Kemb, p noA>Ker, no;^o- -OB forgery (an act of).
jKFJia, imp noAOJKFH set fire noAJiOKHTb see noAKJiaAU-
to, set on fire. BaTb.
noA3eMH|bifi [pAdz^emniy] noAJio^KHJbiH [pAdlozhniy]
a underground, subterranean; a sh f noA^oH^e-H, -a, -o, -bi
--biH xoA underground pas- false, counterfeit.
sage; ~aH >Ke;ie3HaH AOpora noAJijbiH [podliy] a sh f
the underground, tube; VS ~, -a, -o, -bi mean, base. foul.
subway; —bift nepexoA sub- noAMeHHTb see noAMeHHXb.
way (across the street). noAMeHiflTb [padm^i^n^at^]
noAKjiaAlKa [pAtklatlo] / imperf -hio, -Heiub, noAMe-
-KH, -OK lining (of a coat, HiHTb [padm^i^n^it^] per/ -k>,
etc). noAMeHHiub, p -HJI, imp -h 1.
noAKjiaAbiBJaTb [pAtkladt- substitute secretly, substitute
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, noA- imperceptibly (sm//2 for smth);
jio}K|HTb [padlAzhtt^] per/-y, 2. substitute (for smb).
noAJio^KHuib, p -HJi, imp -h noAMCCTM see noAMeiaTb.
1. put (under), lay (under); noAMexlaTb [padm^i^tat^]
2. add, put some more. imperf -aio, -aeuib, noAMe|cTH
noAKOBJa [pAtkovs] / -bi, [padm^i^s^t^i] perf -ly, -Teiiib,
^ (horse)shoe. p noAMeji, -Jia, imp -th sweep
noAKOBaxb see KOBaib 2. (the floor, etc); ~aTb b kom-
noAKpenjieHH|e [patkr^i®- naxe sweep the room.
pPen^iya] n -h, -h mil rein- noAMex|Ka [pAdm^otka] /
forcement(s). -KH, -OK (half-size) sole (of a
noAKynjdxb [patkupat^] im- shoe);
perf -aio, -aeiub, noAKynJHTb <> B --KH HerOAHXCJI KOMy-Jl.
[pstkup^it^] perf -jiib, noAKy- col sis not fit to hold a
nHiiib, p -HJI, imp -H 1. bribe; candle to smb.
noa - 814 -
noAMbiuilKa [pAdmlshka] / revolt; 5. begin, start; b sa-
•KH, -CK (in oblique cases roHe noAHHjicH uiyM the car-
spelt separately) arm-pit; ne- riage became noisy;
CTH noA Mb'iLUKOH Carry under <> y Hero pyna He ^-^ercji
the arm; }Kafl> noA MbiiuKaMH cACJiaib 3T0 he can't bring
be rather tight in the arm- himself to do it.
-pits (of clothes). noAHoc [pAdnos, -z] m -a,
noAHHM|aTb [padn^'imat^] -OB tray (for carrying arti-
imperf -aio, -aeuib, noAHJHTb cles) .

[pAdn^at^jper/ -HMy, -HMemb, noAHflTb see noAHHMaxfa.

p noAHHJi, -Hjia, noAHHjio, noAHHTbCfl see noAHHMaTb-
noAHHJiH, imp -HMH 1. pick ca.
up, take up; 2. raise, lift; noAO see noA.
uplift (eyes, etc); hoist (a flag, noAO... see noA...
etc); ~aTb bopothhk turn up
noAoSHlbiH [pAdobniy] a sH
one's collar; ~aTb miopbi
noA66eH, -a, -o, -u like,
draw up the blinds; 3. wake similar; such a / an, such;
up, rouse; 4. raise, increase; OH He BHACJi HHqero -~oro he
enhance (prestige, etc); 5.: hasn't seen anything like it;
'--axb KpHK myM 1) raise a B ~bix cjiynanx in such

clamour, make a noise; 2) fig cases; in similar cases;

col raise hue and cry; ~aTb <> HHHero ~oroI nothing of
TpeBory give the alarm, raise the kind!; h Towy ~oe and
an alarm; ~aTb 6yHT start a the like; and so on, and so
mutiny; stir up rebellion; forth.
6.: ~aTb uejiHHy plough up noAoSpaxb see noA6HpaTb.
virgin soil; noAo6py-no3AOp6By [padA-
•<0> ~aTb Bcex Ha hofh ^
brupdzdArovu] adv col before
raise a general alarm; noA- it's too late, while it's safe
HHTb opyjKHe take up arms; for you.
'-aib Ha 6opb6y stir to ac- HOAorpeBlaTb [padagr^i®-
tion; ~aTb Koro-Ji. Ha CMex vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, noAO-
make a laughing-stock of rpjexb [padAgr^'et''] perf -eio,
smb; — axb Hbe-ji. HacTpoe- -eeiiib warm up (food, etc).
HHC cheer up smb. noAO«A|axb [padAzhdat^]
noAHHMJaTbc« [padn^ima- perf -y, -emb, p -aji, -ajia,
ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aembcn, -ajio, -ajiH, imp -i5 1. wait
noAH|^Tbcn [pAdn^attja] per/ (a little for smb, etc);
-HMyCb, -HMeUJbCH, p -HJICH 2. col wait a little (witk
(-HJICH), -HJiaCb, imp
-HMIiCb, smth).
-HMHtecb 1. get up,
rise, riOA03peBldxb [padazr**!*-
stand up; 2. rise, increase, v^f"] imperf -aio, -aeuib sus-
go up; 3. climb, ascend; rise pect (smb of smth, that smth
^/ a hill, eicy, 4. ri^ (u;t), has happened, etc).

— 815 — ox
noflospdHHJe [padAzr^e- Tecb 1. sign {one'snams); 2. sub-
n**iy8l n -h, -ft suspicion scribe {for a newspaper^
(1) mistrust; 2) a vague be- etc).
Ha --H under suspicion;
lief)'. noAHHclb [p6tp''is'*, -z^] /
no ^K) B... on suspicion of... -H, -eft signature {on a doo
nOA03pHTejIbH|bIH [p9dA- ument, etc); aa —bio HBa-
zr^it^iPniy] a sh f noAoapH- HOBa signed by Ivanov.
Tejien, -a, -o, -li 1. suspi- noAnojiKOBHHK [patpAlk6v-
cious; suspicious-looking; n^ik, -g] m -a, -ob lieute-
shady {person, etc); 2. sus- nant colonel.
picious, mistrustful. noAnojibHUH [pAtpoPnly] a
noAOHTb see ji,OHTb. underground {organization,
noAOHTH see uojxxomih. etc).
noAOKOHHHK [p9dAk6n^n^ik, noApajKiaTb [padrAzhat**]
-g] m -a, -ob window-sill. imperf -ajo, -aeiiib imitate,
noAopBarb see noApbieaTb. copy; cjieno —axb KOMy-ji.
noA6iiiB|a [pAdoshva] / -bi, slavishly imitate smb.
'- 1. sole {of a shoe, foot, noApaayMeBiaxb [padrazu-
etc)', 2. foot {of a mountain). m^i^vat^] imperf -aio, -aemfa
noAnHcaTb see noAUHCbi- imply, mean, implicate.
saTb. noApaTbCfl see ApaTbCH 1.
noAnMcaTbCfl see noAOHCbi- noAp66HocTlb [pAdrob-
BaTbCR. nas^t^, -z.^d^] / -h. pi -h,
noAnHclna [pAtp^iska] / -efl detail {of an account
-KH, -OK subscription {to
1. adventure, etc); pi also par-
a newspaper, etc); 2. written ticulars.
promise, signed statement, noApoSHJbiH [pAdrobniy] a
engagement. sh f noApc56eH, -a, -o, -u
noAni«:HHK[pAtp^ish^: ik,-gl detailed, minute.
m -a, -OB subscriber {to a noAp6cT|oK [pAdrostak, -g]
newspaper, etc). m -Ka, -KOB teen-ager; juve-
noAnHCbiB|aTb [pAtp^i'st- nile; youth, young boy;
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, young girl.
noAnHCJaxb [patp^isat^] perf noApyrja [pAdruga] / -h,
noAnHiuy, noAnHuieuib, p -aji, ~- (female) friend; playmate
imp noAnHUJH 1. sign {a let- {a girl); uiKOJibHan ~a school-
ter, etc); 2. subscribe {smb -mate {a girl).
for a newspaper, etc). noApy%|MTbcsi [padruzhf-
noAnHCbiB|aTbC5i [pAtp^isi- ttja] perf -ycb, -iimbCH, p
vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib- -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb,
CH, noAnHc|aTbC5i [patp^isa- -Hiecb make friends {with
ttsa] perf noAUHiuycb, noAUH-
uieuibCH, p -ajiCH, -ajiacb, noApbiBldrb [padrivat^] /m-
imp BOAnHiuucb, no^QHuiii- perl -aio, -aeuib, QOAopB|aTii
nofl — S16 —
[p9dArvat^] perf -y, -eiub, noACTaB|Ka [pAtstafka] /
p -aji, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, -KH, -ok support, prop, rest,
/mp -H 1. blow up, blast, pedestal.
explode, sap; 2. fig under- noACTeperjaTb [pats^t^ir^i^-
mine, sap; noAopBaTb qbe-Ji. gat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib,
flOBepHe K KOMy-ji. shake noACTepjeHb [pats^t'^i^r^ech^j
smb's faith in smb. perf -ery, -ememb, p -er,
noAp«A [pAdr^at, -d] adv -erjia, imp -erH lie in wait
running, in succession; on end. {for smb), be on the watch
nojlCBeHHHK [pAts'^v^esh- (for smb); perf also catch,
n^ik, -g] m -a, -ob candle- seize.
stick, candleholder. noACTpCKlaTb [patstr^i^-
noACKasarb see noACKasbi- kat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub,
BaTb. noACTpeKH|yTb [patstr^i^k-
noflCKa3biB|aTb [pAtskazi- nut^] perf -y, -emb, p -yji,
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aemb, imp -H 1. incite, instigate,
noiicKalsaTb [patskAzat^] perf set on; 2. excite {smb's curi-
->Ky, noACKajKeuib, p -aaji, osity; etc).
imp ->KH prompt {whisper, noAcyAMMlbiH [patsud^i-
etc; also fig); suggest (a prop- miy] m -oro, -bix defendant,
er decision, etc); ue -~aTb! the accused; prisoner at the
no prompting! bar.
noAcjiyiuaTb see noACJiyuiH- noACHCT [pAtsh^:6t, -d] m
BaTb. -a, -OB calculation {to find
noACJiymHB|aTb [pAtslushf- a result); ~
fojiocob poll,
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, noA- counting of votes.
cjiyiii|aTb [pAtslushat^] perf noATBepAHTb see noATBep-
-aio, -aeiiib overhear; imperf >KAaTb.
also eavesdrop, listen (at the noATBepJKAJaTb [patt^v^i^r-
keyhole, etc). zhdat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub,
noAcMaTpHB|aTb[pAtsmat- noATBcpAlHTb [patt^v^i^r-
imperf -aio, -aemb,
r^ivat''] dh't^] perf noATBep>Ky, -HUib,
noACMOTp|eTb [patsmAti^et^j p -Hji, imp -H confirm, cor-
perf -lb, noACMOTpHmb, p -eji, roborate; reaffirm; ~aTb
imp -H spy {through keyholes, nojiyHeHHe Mero-ji. acknow-
etc). ledge the receipt of smth.
noACHe}KHHK [pAts^n^ezh- noATBepjKAeHHje [pat-
n^ik, -g] m -a, -ob hot snow- f'v^i^rzhd^en^iya] n -h,
drop. confirmation, corroboration;
noAc66HbiH [pAtsobnty] a ~e noJiyqeHHH Mero-ji. ac-
subsidiary, auxiliary. knowledgement of the receipt
noAcojiHeHHHK [pAtsoln^i- of smth.
ch'^n^ik, -g] m -a, -ob sun- noATflwlKH [pAt^t^'ashk^iJ
flower. pi -eK braces, suspenders.

- 8ft- HM
noA^M|aTb [pAdumdi^] per HHHeni, noA'4[HHeH6, hoa^h-
-aw, -aeiufa 1. see AyMaTb 1; HCHM subordinate {position,
2. think (a little), think (for etc);
a while); H as a noun noA^HHCH-
-<> '-axb / ~afi(Te) rdjiBKo! HJbiH m -oro,- -wx subordi-
col just fancy!; well!; h hc nate.
—aio! col I wouldn't think nOAHHHHTb see nOA^HHHTb.
of doing such a thing! noAHHHHTbCH sce noAHH-
noflyxb see AYTb. HHTbCH.
noflyui|Ka [pAdushka] / -kh, noAHHH|HTb [patch^in^at^]
-eK pillow (^0 s/eep 0/1); cush- imperf -hk), -neuib, noAHH-
ion. H|HTb [patch^inMt'l perf -k>,
noAXOA [pAtkh6t, -d] m -a, -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp -H subor-
-OB 1. approach {the act or dinate.
place of)\ mil approach march; noAHHHlHTbCJi [patch^in^a-
2. method of approach, ap- ttja] imperf -Hiocb, -neuib-
proach; point of view. CH, noAHHHJHTbCfl [patch^i-
noflxolflHTb [patkhAdMt^] nMttsa] perf -locb, -HiubCH,
imperf -w.y, noAXOAHuib,
p p -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb,
-mR, imp noAOH|TH -HTecb submit oneself {to),
[padAyt^i] perf -Ay, -Aeiub, p submit {to); obey {an order,
noAomeji, noAomjia, imp -ah etc).
1. come up {to), go up {to), noA'besA [pAdyest, -zd] m
approach; pull in, come in -a, -OB entrance, porch.
{of a train); 2. draw near(er) noA'besjKJaTb [padyi^-
{of time, etc); 3. approach, imperf -aio, -aeiiib,
consider, treat {from a cer- noATjexlaxb [pAdyekhat^j perf
tain point of view); 4. do noAT^eAy, noA'beAemb, p -aji
{for); suit {1) the occasion, drive up {to), ride up {to);
etc; 2) smb). approach, near {in a vehicle).
noAXOAHii])|HH [patkhAd^'a- noATieM [pAdyom] m -a,
sh^:iy] a [pa] -an, -ee, -He •OB 1. lifting; hoisting {of a
suitable, proper, appropriate; flag, etc); 2. ascent {of a
~HH MOMCHT the right mo- mountain); 3. rise, slope
ment. upgrade; 4. upsurge, upheav-
noAHepKHBJaTb [pAtchMr- al; progress, advance, rise;
k^ivat'] imperf -aio, -aeuib, raising {of the cultural, etc,
noAHepKHlyxb [patch^i*^rk- level); 5. enthusiasm, anima-
nut^] perf -y, -euib, p -yji, tion;
imp -H underline, score
1. <> jieroK Ha ~ col light on
under; 2. fig emphasize, lay one's feet.
stress on, underline. noA'bexaTb see noA'beajKaTb.
noAHHHeH|HbiH [patch^in^o- noeAHHJOK [payi^dMnak, -g]
nniy] [pa] I a sh -, no;^-
f tn -K3, -Kop duel,
!•• 818

^6e3;^ [poyast, -zd] -a, m n -H, -ft wish, desire; HaH-

pi -a, -Of; rly train; Kypbep- jiymuHe ~h best wishes.
CKHft '^ jxpress (train); to- nowejiarb see jKejiaxb.
BapHbiH —
goods train; US noHcepTBOBaTb see HcepTBO-
freight train. saxb.
noe3AlKa [pAyestka] / -kh, nojKHBlaTb [p9zhivat^I
-OK trip, journey, tour. imperf -aio, -aeiub: KaK bm
noexjaTb [pAyel<li3t^] perf ~aexe? how are you?, how
noeAy, noe;ieiiib, p -aji, imp are you getting on?
noesjKaft go (by vehicle in a no%H3HeHHbiH [pAzhfz^n^i-
certain direction, etc); come niy] a for life, life {attr).
{by vehicle towards the speak- no»(Hji]6H [pazhHoy] a el-
er, etc); start {[or some derly; B -~6m Bospacxe eld-
place by vehicle); -~aTb co erly.
cjie^yiomHM aBiodycoM tal<e noMHMlaxb [pazhimat'*]
the next bus; ~ajiH! col imperf -aio, -aeuib, no»|aTb
come along!, let's start! [pAzhat''] perf -My, -Meuib.p
noxcajieTb see JKajiexb, -aji, imp -MH press {for a
noKajioBaTbcsi see TKajio- while); nojKaxb pyKy KOMy-ji.
BaXbCH. shake smb's hand;
nomajiyH [pAzhaluy] parenth <> —^axb njienaMH shrug one's
perhaps, very likely; I shoulders.
think...; would rather; had noBaSoTHXbcsi see 3a66-
better. XHXbCH.
nowajiyficTa [pAzhali^sts] no3aBHAOBaTb see saBH^o-
part used in polite requests,
1. Baxb.
etc please; 2. with a polite no3aBTpaKaTb see saBxpa-
consent certainly; with pleas- Kaxb.
ure; 3. in an answer to an no3aBMepa [pazafch^i^ra]
expression of gratitude don't adv the day before yester-
mention it; not at all; you're day.
welcome; 4. in giving way to no3aAH [pazAd^'i] adv 8c
smb you first; prep with gen behind {at the
-<> CKa}KH(Te) —I col just back of).
fancy!, I say! no3aHMCTBOBaxb see saliM-
nojKap [pAzhar] m -a, -ob CXBOBaXb.
fire, conflagration. no3anp6uijibiH [pazAprosh-
no%apH|biH [pAzharniy] I Uy] a before last; ^
roA th»
fire- {attr); ^aa KOMaHAa year before last.
fire-brigade; no3Bdxb see ssaxb 1, 2.
II as a noun noxcipH|biH n03B0JieHH|e [p9ZVAl^4-
m -oro, -bix fireman. n^iya] n -h permission; c sd-
noJKaTb see no>KHMaTb. mero ~h with your permis-
iio«ejiauu|e [pdzhi^lan^iyal sioa, by your leavo.
— 819 — noft

nosBOJiHTb see nosBOji^Tb 1. n63«e [p6zh^:i] comp o/

n03B0Jl|flTb [p9ZVAl^at''] nosAHHH & corresp adv.
Imperf -hio, -Heiiib, nosBo- no3HaK6MHTb see SHaK6-
flJHTb [pAzvol^it^]perf -lo, MHTb.
-Hiiib, p -Hji, imp -fc 1, allow, no3HaK6MHTbCfl see 3HaK6<
permit; 2.: —bxe mhc allow MHTbCH.
me, let me {do smth); nosop [pAz6r] m -a shame,
<> --flTb ce6e 1) permit one- disgrace, infamy.
self; venture (a remark, etc)] no36pH|biH [pAzorniy] a
2): OH He MOMceT no^^BOJiHTb sh f nosopen, -a, -o, -bi
ce6e KynHTb sto he can't shameful, disgraceful;
afford to buy it; —flxb ce6e <> npHrBOSAMTb K ~OMy
cjiHiuKOM MHoro take liber- CT0Ji6y put in the pillory.
ties. noHCKlH [poisk^i] pi -ob
n03B0HHTb See 3B0HHTb. search (for smth).
nosBOHOHHHK [pazvAnoch^- noH|Tb [pAit^] imperf noK>,
n^'ik, -g] m -a. -ob anat -uib (noHuib), p -ji, imp ~,
backbone, spine. HajnoHTb [napAit^] perf give
nosAHJHH [poz^n^iy] a late to drink; water {animals);
(1) autumn, dinner, etc; 2) HanoHTb HaeM treat to tea,
guest, etc); ao -—eft Ho^Htill give some tea.
late at night. noH [poy] see nexb.
nosAHO [pozna] I adv late noHMaTb see jioBjixb.
(1) after the time expected; noHMH [pAym^i] imp of
2) at or up to an advanced noHHTb; see noHHMaxb.
hour); noHMy [pAymu], noHMeuib
II impers predic it's late; [pAymMsh, -zh] 1st & 2nd
it's too late. persons of noHHXb; see dohh-
nosAopOBaTbcsi see SAOpo- Maxb.
BaTbCH* nofllxM [pAyt^i] perf -Ay,
nosApaBHTb see nos^paB- -Aeaib, p nomeji, nomjia, imp
JIHTb. -AH 1. go {on foot in a cer-
no3ApaBji(,flTb [pazdrAv- tain direction, etc); come {on
l^'at^] imperf -hk), -Heuib, foot towards the speaker, etc);
no3ApaBlHTb [pAzdrav^it^i start (for some place on foot);
perf -jiio, -Huib, p -HJI, imp 2. start, leave (o/ a bus, etc);
-h congratulate; greet {smb 3. enter {school,' etc); join {the
on the occasion of); ~HTb army, etc); 4. be required
Koro-ji. c HoBbiM roAOM wish {for), be used {in); na ko
smb happy New Year; CXK)M nouiAO xpH Mcxpa Maxe
'-aiO BaC C AHCM p0>KAeHHH pHH three metres of material
[c npasAHHKOM] (I wish you) were used in making the suit
many happy returns of the 5. begin {to rain, etc);
day. <> noiueji! col off with you!
noK — 820 —
nouieji boh! col clear out!, read (of a meter, etc); 5. law
begone!; ecjiH y* Ha to no- give evidence, testify; bear
uiJio col for that matter, as witness, swear;
far as that goes; He noHAer! <>noKa3aTb ce6« 1) prove one-
col that won't do!, that won't self to be (a good worker,
work! etc); 2) prove one's worth; (h)
noKa [pAka] I adv so far; for BHAy He noKasaib show no
the present, for the time be- sign.
ing; for a while; Bce that's — noKasbiBJaTbCfl [pAkazlva-
all for the time being; ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aembCH,
II cj while (as long as);
1. noKa3laTbCJi [pakAzattja] perf
2. till; —
He until; noKa}Kycb, noKmembCH, p
<> — HTo co/ in the meantime, -ajicH, -ajiacb, imp noKaH<HCb,
in the meanwhile; (ny) ~! noKamHTecb 1. show oneself;
col bye-bye!, so long! come in appear,
sight; 2.
noKa3aHH|e [pakAzan^iya] turn up; oh AaBHone ~aeTCH
n -H, -ft 1. evidence, testi- he hasn't come for a long
mony; 2. reading {of a meter, time, we haven't seen him
etc); CHHMaTb ~h CMemHKa for a long time; 3.: ^aTbCH
[npH66pa] read an electricity epaqy see a doctor.
[gas] meter [a gauge]. noKapaTb see Kaparb.
noKasarejibHlbiH [pakAza- noKaTHTb see KaiiiTb.
t^iPnty] a sh /noKaaarejieH, noKaTHTbCM see KaTHTbCH.
-a. -o, -bi 1. significant, sig- noKHAlaxb [pak^idat^] im-
nificative; 3T0 BecbMa ~o perf -aio, -aeiiib, noKHHJyTb
this is very significant; 2. [pAk^inut^] perf -y, -eujb,
model exemplary; 3.
{attr), p -yji, /mp -b leave {a place);
demonstrative, demonstration abandon, forsake, desert.
(attr); ~bifl cyjx show-trial. noKjiajiHCT|biH [pAklad^i-
noKasaTb noKasbiBaxb,
see stiy] a sh f '-, -a, -o, -u le-
noKasaTbcsi seenoKasbieaTb- nient, easy, forbearing, com-
CH & KaaaibCH I 1, 2. plaisant.
noKasHoA [pakAznoy] a os- noKjioH [pAklon] m
-a, -oe
tentatious, for show. 1. bow {a greeting); oTsexHTb

noKa3biB|aTb [pAkazivat^] Ha qefl-Ji. —

return smb's
imperf aio, -aeujb, noKalsarb bow; 2.: nepeitaib KOMy-ji.
[pskAzat^] perf ->Ky, noKa- ~ give smb one's love/ com-
JKeiub, p -3aji, imp ->kh 1. pliments / best regards.
show (/) bring before the nOKJiOHHTbCSI SeeKJiaHHTbCH.
sight; 2) point out, indicate; 3) noKjioHHHK [pAklon^n^ik,
exhibit, demonstrate); 2, point -g] m -ob admirer,
(at, to); noKasaib pyKOH na... noKji^CTbcn see KJiHCTbCH.
motion to...; 8,display {cour- noK6|H [pAkoy] m -h rest,
age, etc); 4. show, register, peace;
— 321 — noji

<> npHCMHbiH —H reception- etc); roof; paint {with), coat

-room {in a hospital); yfiiH {with); 2. cover (a certain
Ha — H retire. distance); 3. pay off, meet.
noKOHHHK [pAkoyn^ik, -g] noKpbiuilKa [pAkrtshka] /
m -a, -OB the deceased. -KH, -eK tyre {on a wheel).
noKOjieHHJe [pakAPen^iya] noKynaTeji|b [pakupat^il^]
n -H, -H generation {people); m -H, -en customer, client
<> H3 ~ji B ~e from gene- {at a shop); buyer, pur-
ration to generation. chaser.
noKOHHlMTb [pAkon^ch^it^] noKynjaTb [pakupat^] im-
perf -y, -Hiub, p -hji, imp perf -aio.-aemb, Kyn|HTb [ku-
-H finish {with), be through p^it^] perf -JiK), KynHuib, p
{with), have done {with); do -HJI, imp -H buy, purchase.
away {with), put an end {to); noKyn|Ka [pAkupka] / -kh,
<> —
HTfa c co66h commit -OK 1. buying, purchasing,
suicide. purchase; 2. purchase (a thing
noKopHTb see noKopHXb. bought); AeJiaib — kh do
nOKOpMHTb see KOpMHIb 1. shopping.
noKopHlbiH [pAkorniy] a sh noKyuieHH|e [pakushen^iya]
f noKopcH, -a, -o, -bi obedi- n -H, -H 1. attempt {on smb's
ent, submissive; resigned Ito life); 2. encroachment {upon),
one's fat§i etc.) infringement {upon).
noKOpjsiTb [pakAr^at^] im- qoji I [pol] m -a (-y), pi
perf -HK), -Hemb, noKO- -hi, -OB floor {of a room).
p|HTb [pakAr^it^] perf -ib, noji II [pol] m -a, pi -u,
-Hiiib, p -HJI, imp -H 1. sub- -OB biol sex;
jugate, subdue {also fig); <> npeKpacHbiH ~ the fair
2. fig win smb's heart, fasci- sex; cjiaSbiH '- the weaker
nate, charm, captivate. sex.
noKpacHTb see KpacHXb 1. noji..., noji-... first element
noKpacHCTb see KpacHexb 1. of compounds denoting 'haW:
noKpoBHTejibCTB|oBaTb [pa- nojinaca [palch^i^sa] half an
krAv^it^il^styvat^] imperf hour; nojiAepeBHH [pald^i^-
-yio, -yeuib, p -osaji, imp r^evn^i] half the village;
-yft patronize, protect. noJi-oSopoxa [polAbArota]
noKpbiBaji|o [pakrivala] n half-turn; nojiBioporo [pal-
-a, — bed-spread, counter- ftArova] half past one.
panei' veil {to protect or hide); nojiarjaTb [palAgat^] im-
shawl. perf -aK), -aeiub think, be-
noKpbiB|aTb [pakrivat^] lieve, suppose, consider; a
imperf -aio, -aeuib, noKp|biTb -^aK), MTO... I think / suppose
[pAkrlt^] perf -oio, -oemb, p that...;
-biJi, imp -OH 1. cover (/) with <> Haflo —axb it is to be
a blanket, etc; 2) of snow, supposed / believed.
noji — 322 —
nojiarjaTbCfl I [pslAgattsa] -aio, -aeuib [cf nojiairi 1]
imperf -aeicH: sAecb KypHTb crawl, creep.
He ~aeTC5i one is not sup- noji3|TH [pAls^t^i] imperf
fiosed to smoke here; no smok- -y, -euib, p — , -jia, imp -h,
nghere; KaK ~aeTCH 1) prop- nojnojiSTH [papAls^t^i] perf
erly, in a proper manner; a concrete movement in a
2) as required {by)\ sa bxoa definite direction 1 [cf noji- —
~aeTCH njiaxa admission re- saTb] 1. crawl, creep; 2. fig
quires payment; eMy ~aeTCH col crawl along, creep along
DHTb py6jieH five roubles is {of a car, etc); 3. fig col
due to him, he is to have spread {of rumours).
five roubles. nojiMBJarb [pal^ivat^] im-
nojiar|aTbCJi II [paUgattja] perf -aio, -aeujb, nojijurb
imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, no- [pAl^It^] perf -bK), -beuib, p
;io}K|HTbC5i [p9lAzhlttj9] perf nojiHJi (-HJi), -HJia,
-ycb, nojiojKHiiibCH, p -hjich, (-HJio), nojiHJiH (-hjih), imp
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -HTecb rely -eftwater {flowers, etc); pour
{upon); pin one's hopes (wpon). {some water, etc) upon.
nojiAeHb [pold^m^] no- m nojiMHMTb see JiHHHib 1.
jiyAHH (noJiAHH) noon, mid- nojiMTHK|a [pAl^'it^ika] /
day; nocjie nojiyAHH in the -H policy {a course of action);
afternoon. politics; BHyxpeHHHH ~a
nojije [p61^9] n -h, pi -h, home internal policy; Bneiii-

-eft 1. field {also fig); mn- HHH ~a foreign policy.

poKoe ~e
AeHTeJibHocTH wide noiHTHHecKlHH .
sphere of action; 2. {mostly ch'^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
pi) margin (of a book, etc); political.
3. pi brim {of a hat); 4. phys nojiMTb see nojiHBaTb.
field; nOJlMT3KOH6MH|fl [pAPlt-
^ ^
OAMH B ~e He BOHH prov ekAnom^iya] / -h political
^ the voice of one man is economy.
the voice of no one. nojiK [polk, -g] m -a, -6b
nojie3H|biH [pAl^ezniy] a regiment.
sh f nojieseH, -a, -o, -bi use- n6ji|Ka [polka] / -kh, -ok
ful, helpful; healthy, whole- 1. shelf (/or things); KHH>KHaa
some; ~aH Harpy3Ka technol ~Ka bookshelf; 2. rly berth.
pay(ing) load. nojiKOBHHK [pAlkovn^'ik,
nojieHJo [pApena] n -a, pi -g] m -a, -ob colonel.
-bH, -bee log, billet. nojiHOMOHHie [palnAmo-
nojier [pAl^'ot, -d] m
-a, ch^iya] n -h, -h power, au-
-OB flight {also fig); thority {to do smth); cpoK
•()> c (BbicoTbi) nTMHbero ~a ~H term of office; nepCAaxb
from a bird's-eye view. CBOH ~H
KOMy-ji. resign
a6ji3\siTb [polzat^l imperf \

one's commission to smb.

323 — noji

nojiHOCTLK) [p61n9s^t^yu] -<> oHa B —H she is in tha

odv completely, wholly, in family way; Ha ebicoxe —a
full; up to the mark; Bbixo;i h3
^ i;ejiHK6M H —
entirely. ~5i a way out; no —lo 1) ac-
n6jiH04|b [polnach^, -j^] / cording to the regulations;
-H (nojiyHOMH) midnight; b 2) in accordance with smb's
--b at midnight; ji,<iJieK6 sa [one's] position.
'-b in the small hours. nojio}KHTejibH|biH [palAzhf-
nojiHlbiH [polniy] a sh f t^il^nly] a'sh f nojioH^HTejien,
nojiOH, -a, -o (-6), -bi (-h) -a, -o, -bi 1. favourable {es-
]« full {backet, etc); packed timate, reply, etc); affirma-
(hall, etc); 2. complete, total; tive {answer, etc); 2. positive
B — OM cocxase in a body, {character, results, etc);
in full strength {of a group 3. phys positive;
of people); 3. absolute {rest, <> -^aa creneHb cpaBHeHua
etc); perfect {security, etc); ling positive degree.
full, complete {independence, nojiojKHTb see KJiacib.
etc); 4. stout {person); plump nojioKHTbCfl see nojiaraxL-
{child, etc); 5.: na ~om
xoAy CJI II.
at full speed; b -—cm pac- nojioMaTbcsi see JioMaxbCH.
UBexe cHji in the prime of nojioc|a [paJAsa] / -b'l, ace
one's life; b -~oh Mepe fully, -y (nojiocy), pi nojiocu, no-
in full measure; jioc, -aM 1, stripe; strap,
•0 y HHX flOM asi qauia band; 2. zone, region, belt;
e they live in plenty., 3. period, spell.
nojioBHH|a [palAv^ina] / nojiocaT|uH [palAsatiy] a
-bi half; ~a qeiBepToro half sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi strip-
past three. ed.
noji6r|HH [pAlog^iy] a -an, nojiocK|aTb [palAskat^] im-
-oe, -He gentle, gradual, perf nojiomy, nojiomeuib, p
gently sloping. -aji, imp nojioinH 1. rinse;
nojio}KeHH|e [palAzhen^iya] 2. gargle.
n -H, -H 1. position, location; nojioTeHli^e [paUt'entsa] n
reorpa(|)HqecKoe ~e geograph- -ua,-eu towel; nocyAHoe —ue
ical situation; 2. attitude, dish-cloth,
position, posture; 3. condi- nojiOTH|6 [palAtno] n -a,
tion, state; situation, posi- pi nojioTHa, nojioxeH, nojiox-
tion; standing, status; 6€j\- HaM 1. linen {cloth made of
CTBeHHoe ~e distress; KaKOBo flax); 2. rly permanent way,
'-e AGJi? how do matters railway bed; 3. canvas {paint-
stand?; 4. point, thesis; tenet; ing).
clause, provision {of a trea- nojixopa [paltAra] nam card
ty, etc); 5. regulations, statute m & n nojiyxopa, nojixopbi
{of elections, etc); [paltAriJ / nojiyxopa one and
noji 324 —
a half;one... and a half, CH,
p -HJiCH, -lijiacb turn out,
a..: anda half. pHcyHOK —hjich xopo-
nojiTOpacxa uiHM the drawing is good /
nam card nojiyTopacxa one turned out to be good; H3
hundred and fifty. SToro HHqero He ~aeTcji
nojiy... first element of nothing comes of it.
compounds denoting 1. 'half: nojiyHHTb see nojiynaxb.
nojiyKpyr [palukruk, -g] sem- nojiyHHTbCfl see nojiyqaiL-
icircle; nojiyofiopoT [poUi- CH.
AbArot, -d] half-turn; 2. nojiy4|Ka [pAluch^ka] /
'partially', 'not completely': -KH, -eK col 1. pay {salary,
nOviyrpaMOTHbiH [palugra- wag^s); payment (of waget,
matniy] semi-literate; no;iy- salary); pay-day; b -~Ky on
jie>KaTb [palul^i^zhat*'] re- pay-day; after pay-day.
cline (lean); 3. 'half-mixed nojiyiuapHle [palushar^iya]
with smth': noJiyiiiepCTb [p^- n -H, -H hemisphere.
lushers^t^, -z^d^] wool mix- nojibsja [pol^'za] / -bi use
ture, not all wool. (of doing smth); benefit (ad-
nojiyroAHle [palugod^'iya] n vantage, good); npHHocHTb
-H, -H half-year, six months. ~y do good, be of use, be
nojiyocTpOB [paluostraf, of benefit;
-v] m-a, pi -a, -6b penin- <> B —
y in favour (of), in
sula. behalf (of), for; axo He roBO-
nojiynpoBOflHHK [polupra- pHx B ero ~y it does not do
VAd^n^ik, -g] m -a, -6b phys him credit.
semiconductor. n6jib3|oBaxbCJi [p6l^zava-
nojiyH|aTb [paluch^'at^] //n*. ttsD] imperf -yiocb, -yembCH,
perf -aio, -aeiiib, nojiyH|MTb p -oBajicH, -oBajiacb, imp
[paluch^'it''] perf -y, no.ny- -yHCH, -yiixecb, Bocinojibso-
MHiiib, p -HJi, imp -H get, BaxbCJi [vAspol^'zavattsa]
receive (1) presents, orders, perf 1. use, make use (of);
etc; 2) an education, etc); profit (by); perf also take
obtain; acquire (a s/e///); take advantage (of), avail oneself
in (a newspaper, etc); ~HTb (of); —oBaxbCH cjiyqaeM take
BbiroBop [saMenaHHe] be rep- an opportunity; 2. (no perf)
rimanded; —-aTb yjioBOJibCT- enjoy (rights, smb's confidence
BHe derive pleasure; —riib etc); 3. (no perf): —oBaxbCH
M3BecTH0CTb become known; asxopHxexoM have authority
become famous; ~HTb orjiac- (with); have prestige (with);
Ky become known; be given — oeaxbCH ycnexoM be a suc-
publicity. cess.
nojiyHJaTbCH [paluch''atts9] n6^bK|a I [p6i^ka] / -h, pi
imperf -aexcH, nojiyHJHTbCfl -H, nojieK, -aM Polish woman;
[paluch'^ittsaj perf nojiymii- Polish girl.
— S25 — noM

nojibRJa II [pol^ka] / -h, noMemy, -Huib, p -hji, imp

pi -H, nojieK, -a.M polka (a -H 1. place, put, locate; in-
dance). vest [money)', 2. accommo-
nojibCKJHH [p61^sk^iy] a date, put up, lodge; 3. carry
-an, -oe, -He Polishi {of a newspaper etc). ,

nOJIbCTHTb see JIbCTHTb. noMem|aTbC5i [pam^i^sh^td-

nojiK)6|MTb [pd\^ub^ii^]perf ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH,
-jiK), noJiib6Hiub, p -HJi,' imp noMecTJHTbCJi Ipam^i^s^'t^i-
-H grow fond of, come to ttsa] perf noMemycb, -HLUbCH,
love; fall in love with. p -HJiacb, imp -HCb,
nojiK)6oBaTbCfl see jik)6o- -HTecb find room; go in {of

BaXbCH. things); 2. {no perf) be, be

nojiioc [pol^us, -z] m -a, situated, be located.
pi -bi, -OB pole (1) of the noMemeHH|e fp9m^i^sh^:e-
earth; 2) phys\ 3) fig ex- n^iya] H, -H 1. placing,
treme). location {the act of); 2. prem-
nojiflK [pAPak, -g] m -a, ises, housing; apartment,
-oB Vo\q {a native of Poland). room, lodging; jkhjioc -~e
nojinH|a [pAl^anaj / -u, ~ living accommodation, habit-
glade, clearing; jiecHan ~a able premises.
glade. noMemHK [pAm^esh^:ik, -g]
nojiflpHHK [pAl^arn^ik, -g] m -a, -OB landlord, lord of
m -a, -OB Arctic worker. the manor.
nojiflpHMH [pAl^arniy] a noMHJiop [pam^idor] -a, m
polar, arctic; FIoJinpnaH sBe- -OB tomato.
3Aa the North Star. noMHJi|oBaTb [pAm^ilavat^]
noMCHflTb see MeH^fb 1, 2. perf -yio, -yemb, p -oBaji,
noMeHflTbcsi seeMeHHTbCJi 2. imp -yfi pardon, forgive.
noMecTHTb see- noMemarb-. noMHMO [pAm^ima] prep
noMecTHTbcq see noMemaib- with gen denoting 1. 'in ad-
CH 1. dition to'lABeKHHrH 3T0fi ~
see I. two books besides this one;
noMexja [pAm^ekha] / -h, — ApyrHX coo6pa>KeHHH apart
pi -H, — hindrance, ob-
1. from other considerations;
stacle; 6biTb ~oH stand in 2. 'excluding' or 'notwith-
the way, hinder, be a hin- standing, in spite of: sto
drance; 2. pi interference {in 6biJio CAeJiaHo ~
Menn this
radio). was done without my knowl-
noMciuaTb I see Memajb I. edge; nojiymiTb o6pa30BaHHe
noMeuiaxb II see MeuiaTb ^ mKojiH receive an educa-
II 1. tion without attending
noMeiul^Tb [pam^i®sh':at'] school; ~
ero bojih in spite
imperf -^ro, -aemb, noMe- of himself.
CT|HTb [pam^i^s^t^it^] perf nOMHpHTb see MHptiXb,

noM S26 —
nOMHpHTbCfl SeeMHpHTbCH 1. nOMbIXbC5I see MblXbCH.
noMHJHTb [p6mn^it^[ im- noMaxb see MHXb 2.
perf -K), -HiiJb, p -Hji, imp noM«xbC5i see MHXbca.
-H remember, bear in mind. noHaAo6|HXbC5i fpAnadab'I*
nOMHOWHTb see MHOn^HTb 1 tts9] perf -Jiiocb, -HiiibCH, p
noMorjaTb [pamAgat^] im- -HjicH, -HJiacb col; euy [eft
perf -aro, -aeuib, noM|6Hb u m. d.] 3X0 He -'HJiocb
[pAmoch^j perf -ory, -ojKeinb, he [she, etc] did not need
-oryT, p -or, -orjia, imp -ofh this; MHe [eMy u m. d.] He
1. help, assist, aid; 2. re- --HJiocb HAXH xyAa I [he,
lieve (of a medicine); help etc] didn't need [didn't have]
(be of use); sto He noM6>KeT Ae- to go there; sa^eM xe6e
jiy this won't mend matters. — Hjiocb Aejiaxb sxo? what
no-MoeMy IpAmoyamu] adv did you do it for?, you
1. to my mind, in my opin- shouldn't have done it; ec-
ion; think (that...); 2. as I
I jiH —HXCH if necessary.
would have it; in acco'rdance noHCAejibHHK [pan^i^d^eP-
with my suggestion / advice. n^ik, -g] m -a, -ob Monday.
noM6|H [pAmoi] pi -eB noHeMHory [pan^'i^mnogu]
slops (liquid garbage); adv 1. little, a little (at a
<> 06jIHBaTb ~JIMH Koro-Ji. time); little by little.
col throw / sling mud at smb noHecxH see hccxh 1, 2, 3.
noMOJiOjieTb see MOJio^exb. noHecxHCb see necxHCb 1.
noMOHb see noMorarb. noHHJKJaxb [pan^izhat^] im-
noMOiUHHK [pAmoshn^ik, perf -aio, -aemb, noHMslHxb
-g] m -a, -ob assistant; help- [pAn^iz^it^] perf noHH>Ky,
er, help; mate (a helper);-^ -Huib, p -Hji, imp -b 1. lower
AHpeKTopa assistant direc- (1) rents, etc; 2) one's' voice);
tor; —- KaoHTaHa naut mate. reduce (prices, speed, etc); 2.
noMOii^lb [pomash^:, -zh^:] col demote, degrade.
/ -H help, assistance, aid; noHHMlaxb [pan^imat^] im-
relief (to the poor, etc); oKa- perf -aK), -aemb, noHJnxi*
sbiBaib ~b
help, give help, [pAn^at^j perf nOHMy, noft-
render assistance; ~b na ao- Meuib, p noHHJi, -HJia, no-
My out relief, home visiting HHJio, noHHJiH, imp hohmh
(medical) service; 6e3 nocxo- 1. understand, comprehend;
poHHeft ^H unassisted; Ha realize (one's mistakes, etc);
-b! help!; ~axb MysbiKy understand mu-
•<> noflaxb / npoTMHyxb pyny sic; — aio!, noHHji! I seel; h
~H KOMy-ji. give smb a helpr sac — aio I understand you;
ing hand; npH ~h c —bio / I can see your point; noHHXb
with the help (of), by means HaMCK take a hint; 2. (no
{of). perf): ~axb s MysbiKe
nOMblTb see MblXb. [b HCKyccTse u m. n.\ be a

327 —
good judge of music [art, ner; fac nonajio anywhere
etc]. (denoting position); KyAa no-
no-HOBOMy [pAnovamu] adv najio anywhere (denoting
in a new fashion. direction); KOMy nonajio to
•noHoc [pAnos, -z] m -a med anybody;
diarrhea. <> nonacTb BnpocaK col be
noHpaBHTbCfl see HpasHTb- taken in, be trapped; put
CH. one's foot in it; nonacTb
noHibxaTb see HibxaTs. najibucM B He6o col ^
noHflTHle [pAn^at^iya] n -n, have the wrong sow by the
-H 1. philos conception; 2. ear.
idea, notion; pacxHHCHMoe ~e nonaAlaTbcn [papAdattsa]
loose concept; hh MaJieftiuero imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, no-
— H 6 MeM-Ji. not the slightest najCTbCfl [pApastsa] perf
idea/ notion of smth. -Aycb, -AeujbCH, p -jicH, -jiacb,
noHHTHO [pAn^atna] impers imp -AHCb, -AHiecb 1. be
predic it is clear; I see. caught, be taken; nonacTbCH
noHflTb see noHMMaib 1. c nojiHMHbiM be caught red-
nooSeflaxb see o6e;iaTb. -handed; 66;ibiiie He ~aHCH
nona^laTb [papAdat^] im- don't let me [him, etc] catch
perf -aio, -aeuib, nonajcTb you again; 2. col: mhc no-
[pApas^t''] perf -j\,y, -Aeuib, p najiCH no Aopore JiHUJb oahh
•Ji, imp -AH 1. hit (the mark, ^ejioBCK on the way I met /
etc); 2. get (somewhere); find ran into only one man;
oneself (somewhere); nonacTb <> nonacTbcsi KOMy-ji. ua
Ha noeoA [na asToSyc u m.n.] rjiasa catch smb's eye; nep-
catch a train [bus, etc]; Kan BbiH nonaBiuHHCJi the first
nonacTb na BOKsaji? what's person one comes across, any-
the way to the station?, how body; HTO ~-eTCfl col any-
can I get to the station?; thing.
KyAa 3T0 H nonaji? col where nonacTb see nonaAaib.
on earth am I?; nonacxb noA nonacTbcsi see nonaAaxb-
AOJKAb be caught in the rain; CH.
nonacTb b njien be taken nonepcK [pap^i^r^ok, -g]
prisoner; nonacTb noA cyA be adv & prep with gen across
brought to trial; 3. col be (from side to side);
admitted (to); 4. impers col: <> (B)cxaxb KOMy-ji. ~ ropjia
eMy [efi u m. d.] nonaAex! he col stick in smb's throat.
[she, etc] will catch it!; eMy noneqeHH|e [pap'^i^ch^e-
[eft u m. d.] nonajio he [she, n^iya] n -h: Ha ~h in the
etc] caught it; he [she, etc] charge (of); HMexb kofo-ji.
has caught it; 5. (no imperf) Ha ~H have smb to take care
col: KaK nonajio anyhow, of; ocxaBHXb Ha Hbe-Ji. '—
carelessly, in a slipshod inan- leave in smb's care.
non 328

nono.aaM [papAlam] adv 1. nonp66oBaTb see np66o-

in two, in half, into two eaxb.
parts; 2. mixed (with smt'h nonpocHTb see npocHXb.
fifty-fifty)- nonpoiu,aTbC5i see npomajb-
nonojisTH see noJiaiH. CH.
nonpafiHTb see nonpasjisTb. nonyraJH [papugay] m -a,
nonpaBHTbcsi see nonpae- -en parrot.
JlHTbCH. nonyjiflpHlbiH [papul^'arniy]
nonpaelKa [pAprafka] / -kh, a sh f nonyjiapcH, -a, -o, -u
-OK 1. correction {of a mis- popular (poet, etc).
take, etc); 2. amendment {to nonyTH|biH [pAputniy] a:
a resolution, etc); 3. col re- ~biH Bexep fair wind; ~aH
covery {of health); ^ejio hact MauiHHa passing car; — oe aa-
Ha ~Ky he [slie, etc] is on MenaHHe passing remark.
the way to recovery. nonyTHHK [pAput''ch'*ik, -g]
nonpaB;i|flTb [paprAvl^af*] m -a, -OB fellow-traveller.
imperf -hio, -Heiub, nonpa- nonbiraTbCH see nbixaibCH.
B|HTb [pAprav'it''] perf -jiio, nonhiT|Ka [pApttka] / -kh,
-HLUb, p -HJi, imp -b iix, -OK attempt, endeavour.
repair, mend; 2. correct {mis- nonflTHTbcii '^see nHTHTbCH.
take'i, a person, etc); put (smb) nopja [pAral / -bi, aceI

right; 3. put straight, adjust, nopy, pi gen ~ time, peri-

readjust; smooth {one's hair); od; BenepHeH '--o'a of an eve-
4. improve, better; restore ning;
(one's health); mend (fi- impers predic it is time
nances, things in general). do smth); eaM ~a c^ejiaxb
noHpaBji|flTbcsi 3T0 it is time you did it;
<> c KaKHx ~? since when?;
I'attsa] imperf -flKx:b, -Heiub-
CH, nonpaB|HTbcsi c rex — since then; ao Ka-
v'ittsa] perf -jiKXb, -HUJbCH,KMX — ? till when?, till what
p -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -bCH, time?; ao rex --, noKa un*
-bxecb 1. correct oneself; 2. til; as long as; jig chx ~- 1)
improve, become better; 3. up till / to now; hitherto; 2)
get well, recover; perf also up to this point; up to here;
be well again; 4. put on c xex —, KaK ever since;
weight, gain weight. c AaBHHx — long, for a long
no-npe)KHeMy [pApr^'ezh- time; na nepobix ~ax at
n*'imu] adv as before; as first; AG ~bi, flo speivieHH
usual. until a certain time; for the
nonpHmie [p6pr''ish'':8] n time being.
-a walk of rife, field; Ha nopawjaxb [parAzhat''] im-
$TOM ~e in this walk of life; perf -aio, -aeujb, nopa3|Hxb
Ha HayMHOM -— e in the field [parAZ^'it''] perf nopa^iy,
of science. -HUJb, p -HJI, imp -H 1. mil
— 329 — nop

h'li (the target, etc); 2. affect, nopoceH|oK [parAs^onak, -gj

strike (of an illness); 3. strike, m -Ka, pi nopocHxa, nopo-
startle; stagger; impress CHx sucking-pig, piglet.
greatly; amaze. nopox [porakh, -gh] m -a
nopa>KeHH|e [parAzhen^iy?] (-y) (gun)powder.
n -H, -H defeat (the act of de- nopoHH|biH [pAroch^'niy] a
feating); HaHecTH ~e defeat, sh f nopoqeH, -a, -o, -bi 1.
inflict a defeat upon. depraved, vicious; wanton
nopasHxejibHlbiH [parAz^i- (woman); 2. faulty, fallacious.
t^il^niy] a sh f nopasHieJieH, nopoui|6K [parAshok, -g] m
-s, -o, -bi striking, startling; -Ka, -KoB powder (a fine sub-
amazing; staggering. stance);
nopasHTb see nopajKaib. <>• cxepexb Koro-ji. b --^ok
nopearb see nopbiBaxb & grind smb to dust.
pBaib I 1, 3. nopx [port, -d] m -a, pi
nopejaaTb [pAr^ezat^] perf •bi, -OB port, harbour.
-Mcy, -JKeuib, p -3aJi, imp nopxJHXb [port^it''] imperf
-)Kb 1. cut [one's finger, etc); nopqy, -HUib, p -hji, imp -b,
2. cut (into pieces); slice. HcinopxHXb [isporf'it^] perf
nope|3aTbCJ! [pAr^ezattsa] spoil; corrupt (a person, etc);
perf -jKycb, -:H^eiiibCH, p -aaji- HacxpoeHHe KOMy-ji.
CH, -aajiacb, imp -»<bCH, smb, put smb into a
-mh- upset
xecb cut oneself. bad mood; HcnopxHXb mejiy-
nopHi;aHH|e [par^'itsan^iya] AOK upset the stomach.
n -H, -H blame, reproach, n6px|HXbcsi [port^ittsa] im-
reprimand; censure, reproof; perf nopqycb, -HmbCH,^p -h;i-
BbiHecFH — e reprimand; cen- CH, -Hjiacb, HcinopxHXbCfl [is-
sure; AocTOHHbiH —-H repre- port^'ittsa] perf 1. rot, go bad
hensible. (of food-stuffs); 2. spoil, get
nopOBHy[poravnu] adv spoilt; 3.: noroAa ~Hxca the
equally, in equal parts /
por- weather changing for the
tions; into equal parts /
por- worse; Hero HcnopxHJiocb
tions. HacxpoeHHe he has lost his
nopor [pArok, -g] m -a, good spirits, he is in a bad
-OB 1. threshold {also fig); mood.
2. rapid(s). nopxHHxja [pArtn^'ikha] /
nopoflja [pAroda] / -w, ~ H, -- dressmaker.
1. breed, species, race; 2. nopxHJoJf [pArtn6y] m -ore,
kind, sort, type; 3. geol rock. -bix tailor.
nopoK [pArok, -g] m
-a, nopxpex [pAftr^'et, -d] m
-OB 1. vice (moral fault); -a, -OB portrait, picture.
2. defect, vice, fault; nopxcHrap [parts^'igar] m
•0" ~ cepAUa med heart dis- -a, -OB cigarette case.
ease. nopryrajileu [partugal^i^f,
nop — 330 —
-dz] m -bua, -bucB Portu- [pArvat^] perf -y, -eiub, p aji,

guese. imp -H break (off) {with).

nopTyrajibCK|HH [partu- nopbiBHCT|biH [pAr J v^'istty]
gaPskMy] a -an, -oe, -He a sh f '^, -a, -0, -bi 1. gusty
Portuguese. {wind); 2. jerky {movements);
nopT(t)ejilb [pArtPel^] m 3. impetuous {people).
-H, -eft brief-case; papcr-
I. nopflAJoK [pAr^'adak, -gj
-case; 2. portfolio. m -KB, -KOB t. order {in a
no-pyccKH [pArusk'^i] adv room, in public places, etc);
in Russian; roBopHTb [hh- npHBOAHTb B —OK put in or-
caib] -^ speak [write] Rus- der, arrange, tidy; npHBo-
sian. AHTb ce6H B -—OK tidy one-
nopyHJaTb [paruch'*at^] self up; CJieAHTb sa —kom
imperf -aio, -aeuib, nopy- keep order; He b ~Ke
out of
H'lHTb [p9ruch''it*'] perf -y, order; there is smth wrong
nopyMHiiib, p -HJi, imp -h with; 2. order, sequence; no
ciiarge {smb
with smth), —Ky in succession, in turn,
entrust ( smb with smth); in- one after another / the other;
struct (smb to do smth). B —
Ke onepejiH in turn;
nopyHeHHJe [paruch^e- waiting until one's turn; 3.
n^iya] n -h, -ii commission, procedure {of voting, etc);
errand; mission; message; jxa- —OK padoTbi procedure, rou-
eaxb —-e charge (smb with tine; B 06H3aTeJlbH0M — Ke
smth), instruct {smb to do without fail; obligatorily;
smthy, cliarge witii a -^
opraHHSOBaHHbiM — KOM in an
mission; no — kd authorized organized manner; b AHCKyc-
{by); af {smb'<i) request, on CHOHHOM — Ke open to dis-
the instructions {of); on be- cussion {of an article); b — Ke
half {of). KyjibiypHoro o6MeHa by way
nopywHTb see nopyqaxb. of cultural exchange; b — kc
nopyHHTbCM see pyqaTbCH. o6cyHCAeHHH as a matter for
n6pUH|5i fportjiya] / -h, discussion; b ycTanoBJieHHOM
-H portion {of food, etc); — Ke in accordance with es-
helping {of food). tablished procedure; 4. sys-
nopMla [porch^a] / -h spoil- tem, regime, order;
ing, damage. <> npH3BaTb Koro-Ji. k —ny
n6pu]|eHb [porshan^] m -hh, call smb to order; ece b ~-
-HCH technol pistpn; sucker. KC all is well, everything is
nopUB [pArIf, -v] -a, m all right.
-OB 1. gust, rush; 2. fit, gust, nopnjiGHHibiH [pAr^'adach'*-
burst; 6jiarop6AHbiH noble ~ nty] a sh" f nopHAOMen, -a,
impulse. -0, -bi 1. decent, honest, re-
nophiBlaTb-[parivat''] im- spectable; 2. considerable
perf -aio, -aeuib, nopBJaTb {distance, etc).
— 331 —
noca^HTb see cajKarh. cejiJHxbCJi [pas^i^Pittja] ;9er/
nocaflJKa [pAsatke] / -kh, -K)Cb, -l5mbCH, p -HJICH, -H-
-OK 1. planting (of trees, -jiacb,imp -HCb, -Hxecb set-
etc); 2. boarding, entrain- tle,take up one's residence
raent; embarkation {of pas- {somewhere).
sengers); BHHMaHHe! HaMH- nocepeAHHC [pas^ir^i^d^i-
HaeTCH -^Ka! attention! pas- n^ij I adv in the middle;

sengers are invited to take II prep with gen in the mid-

their seats!; 3. av landing; dle of.
BbiHyjKAeHHan —
Ka forced nocexHxejijb [pas'i^t^i-
landing; coBepiuHTb ---Ky t^iP] m-H, -eft visitor,
make a landing, land. caller; guest.
no-CBocMy [pAsvoyamu] adv nocexHXb see nocemaxb.
in one's own way / man- nocem|axb [pas^i^sh^:at^]
ner. imperf -aio, -aeuib, noce-
nocBJiTHTb see nocBjimaTb. xJHXb [pas^i^t^it^] perf no-
nocB5mi,|aTb fpas^v^i^- ceiny, -Hiub, p -HJi, imp -h
sh^:at^] imperf -aio, -aemb, 1. visit {friends, museums,
nocBHT|HTb [pas^v^i^t^it^j etc); call on {go to see); 2. at-
perf nocBHiAy, -Hiub, p -hji, tend {lectures, etc).
imp -H 1. initiate {into), nocejixb see cenxb.
let {into); 2. devote, dedi- nocKOjib3H|yxbC5![ paskAPz-
cate {oneself, one's life to nutt^a] perf -ycb, -euibCH,
smth); 3. dedicate {a book, p -yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp -HCb,
etc). -Hxecb slip {lose one's foot-
noccB [pAs^ef, -v] m -a, hold).
-OB 1. sowing {of seeds); nocKOjibKy [pAskol^ku] cj
2. crops {products grown, so long as; since, as,
sprouts). nocjiaHHPiK fpAslan^n^ik,
noceBHOH [pas^i^vnoy] a m -g] -a, -ob minister, en-
sowing {campaign, area, etc). voy.
noceflCTb see ce^^exb. nocjiaxb see nocbiJiaxb.
nocejiHTb see nocejiHTb. nocjie [pos^Pi] I adv aft-
nocejiHTbcsi see nocejiHxbCH. erwards, later (on);
nocejijoK IpAs^obk, -g] m II prep with gen denoting
-Ka, -KOB settlement, small 'later in time' or 'next in
town. order': BepnyxbCH — naxH
noccilflxb [pas^i^l^at^] return after five; coSpaHHe
imperf -hk), -aeuib, noce- cocxoHXCH ~ saH^XHft the
jiJHxb [pas^i^l^it^j perf -ib, meeting will be held after
-iiiub, p -HJi, imp -H settle classes; -^ co6paHMH 6yAex
(people); lodge {people). KOHuepx the meeting will be
noceji|^xbcn [pas^'i^l^'attsa] followed by a concert; oh
imperf -^locb, -aembCH, no- ymeji ^ Bcex he was the
noc — 332 —
last to leave; h He BHAeJi nocjiywHTb see c;iy»:HTb.
ero ~ ero BQSBpameHHH I nocjiyuiaTb see cjiymarb
haven't seen him since he 1, 3.
returned; -^ ccero after all; nocjiyuiaTbCJi see cjiymaTb-
when all is said and done. CH.
nocjie... element of
first nocjiyiuHihiH [pAslushniy]
compounds denoting 'later a sh f nocjiyiueH, -a, -o, -bi
than the period indicated by obedient, dutiful.
the second element': noc;ie- nocMexb see CMeib.
BoeHHbiH [pas^'PivAyenniy] nocMOTpeTb see CMorpeib
post-war; nocJieo6eAeHHbiH 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
[pas^l^'iAb^ed'^miy] after-din- noc66H|e [pAsob^'iya] n -h,
ner. -H 1. grant, allowance; bene-

nocjieAHJHH [pAs^l^'ed''- fit, relief {for unemployed,

n''iy] {page, day,
a 1. last etc); 2. textbook, manual,
etc); B ~HH pa3 for the last study guide; yqe6Hbie -~h
time; last time; ao ~ero teaching aids; training ap-
BpeMCHH until recently; 2. pliances; HarJiHAHbie — h vis-
new, the latest; 3, the lat- ual aids,
ter {opposite of the former); nocoBeTOBaTb see coBeio-
4. worst, lowest {grade, kind, BaTb.
etc); pyraxbCH ~hmh cjio- nocoBeTOBaTbCM see coBe-
BaMH use foul language; TOBaibCH.
~ee Aejio col the worst so- nocjoji [pAsol] m -jia,
lution. -JioB ambassador; qpesBbi-
nocjieAOBaTeji|b [pAs^'l^e- MaHHblfl H nOJIHOMOMHblH
davat^^il^l m -h, -efi follow- ~6ji ambassador extraor-
er, adherent. dinary and plenipotentiary.
noc;ieAOBaTejibH|biH [pA- nocojiHTb see cojiHxb.
s''i*'ed8vat^iPniY] a sh f no- noc6jibCTB|o [pAsoPstva]
cjieAOBaiejieH, -a, -o, -bi n -a, ~ embassy.
1. successive, consecutive; nocneB|aTb I [p9s''p*'i^-
2. consistent {person). vai^] imperf -aex, nocn|eTb
nocjieziOBaTb see cJie^oBaxb [pAs^p*'et''l perf -eer ripen,
1, 2, 3. get ripe, grow ripe.
nocjieACTBHJe [pAs''l''etjt*»- nocneBJarb II [pas*'p''i^-
v^iya] n -h, -h consequence, vat**] imperf -aio, -aeuib.
sequel; ~h 6o;ie3HH after-ef- nocnjCTb [pAs'^p^'et^] perf
fects of an illness. -eio, -eemb col be in time
nocjiesaBTpa [pas'^l'^i^zaf- {for); nocnexb Ha noesA
tra] adv the day after tomor- catch the train; —axb aa
row. KeM-ji. keep up with smb.
nocji6BHij,|a [pAslov'^itja] / riocneTb I see nocneeaxb I.
-bi. ~ proverb, saying. nocneTbll see nocneaaTb II.
333 noc

nocneuiH|biH [pAs^'p'esh- nocTaHOBUTb see nocTanoB-

niy] a sh f nocnemcH, -a, JlHTb.
-o, -bi 1. hasty, hurried, nocraHOBlKa
prompt; 2. thoughtless, rash, / -Kii, -OK 1 theat produc-
hasty. tion; staging; play, perform-
nocnopHTb see cnopHTb. ance; 2,: —Ka Bonpoca the
nocpe^H [pasr^i^d^i] adv way I a question is formulated;
in the middle; in the midst, statement of a question; ~Ka
amidst; AeJia the way of doing things;
II prep with gen in the mid- organization {of work, etc).
dle of. nGCTaHOBjieHH|e [pastanAv-
nocpeAHHK fpAsr^'ed^n^ik, l^en^iya] n -h, -m decision,
-g] m -a, mediator, in-
-ob resolution; decree.
termediary; negotiator, go- nocTaHOBJijiiTb [p^stanAv-
-between. l^'at'^] imoerf -r\o, -aeiub,
nocpeflCTBeHH|wH fpAsr^e- nocTaHOBJMTb [pastanAv^it^]
tjtv^mty] a sh f nocpeACT- p_erf -jiK), nocraHOBHiUb, p
BeH, -a, -o, -bi mediocre; -YiJi, imp -H decree, enact; de-
satisfactory {mark). cide, resolve.
nocpeflCTBOM [pAsr^etjt- nocTapaTbcsi see CTapaib-
vam] prep with gen by CH.
means of; by the use of. nocTapexb see cxapexb 1.
noccopHTbCfl see ccopHTb- nocxejiMXb co/=nocxjiaTb.
CH. nocxejijb [pAs^'t^'el''] / -h,
nocT I [post, -zd] m -a, -efl 1. bed, bed-elothes; 2.
-6b post (1) mil station, bed {with bedding); Bcxaxb
guard', 2) job, position, of- c ~H get up, get out of bed.
fice);CTOHTb Ha ~y be at nocxencHHo [pas^'t^'i^p^'en-
one's post; be on point-duty. na] adv gradually, little by
nocT II [post, -zd] -a, m little.
-6b fast, fasting; BeJiHKHH ^ nocxecHflxbCfl see cxecHHXb-
Lent. CH 2.
nocraBHTb I see craBHTb. nocxjiaxb see cxjiaxb.
nocTaBHTb II see nocraB- nocxojibKy [pAstoPku] cj
JIHTb. in so far as, inasmuch as;
nocTaB|KH [pAstafk**!] pi <> ^, nocKOJibKy so far as.
-ok: rocyAapCTBeHHbie -^kh nocxopOHHlHH [pastAron''-
state deliveries, deliveries n^iy] I a \.strange {peo-
to the state. ple)', 2. outside {matters, as-
nocTaB.n|^Tb[pastAvPat^] sistance, etc); irrelevant;
imperf -hk), -Heuib, nocxa- ~ee xejio foreign substance/
BfHTb [pAstav^it^] perf -jiio, body;
-Huib, p -wji, imp -b supply, II as a noun nocTop6H-
deliver. H 1 H H m -ero, -hx stranger;
noc 334 —
outsider;— hm bxoa Bocnpe- nocTyHaxb see cxy^axb I.
mcH no admittance. nccxyHaxbCH see cxy^axbCH.
nocTo^HH;b!H [postAyanniy] nocy;i|a [pASuda] / -bi
a '^h f nocTOHHeH, -a, -o, -bi plates and dishes; MaHHan
pe-'manent; constant; contin- ~a tea-things; KyxoHHan —a
tous; regular {visitor, army, kitchen utensils; cxeKJiHHHan
etJ) -^a glassware; 4)ap4)6poBaH
nocTo|flTb [pastAyat^] perf ~a china.
-K), -Huib, p -HJT, imp no- nocHHxaxbcsi see CMHxaxb-
CTOH 1. stand (for a wiiile); CH 1.
2. stand up (for), upliold; nocbiJi|axb [pasilat^] im-
3.: nocT6H(Te)! wait a min- perf -aK), -aeuib, nocji|axb
ute!; stop! [pAslat^] perf nouijiib, no-
nocTpaAaxb see cxpaAaib 2. mjieuib, p -aji, imp noiujiH
nocTpHHb see cxpH^b. send (a letter, etc; smb or
nOCTpHHbCfl see CTpHWbCH for smb); dispatch (send off).
nocTpoeHHle [pastrAye- nocbiJiJKa [pAstlka] / -kh,
n^iya] n -si building, con- -OK 1. sending (of a letter,
communism, etc).
struction (of etc); 2. parcel (for the post).
nocTpoHTb <:ee cxpoHTb. nocbinaxb see nocwnaxb.
nocTp6HK|a [pAstroylo] / nocbinjaxb [pasipat^J im-
-H, nocTpoeK 1. building, con- perf -ara, -aeuib, nocbin|axb
structing, construction, erec- [pASi'pat^] perf -jik), -jiemb,
tion; 2. building (a thing p -aj\, imp -b sprinkle, strew,
built). powd&r (smth with smth).
nocxynlaTb [pastupat^] nox [pot, -d] m-a(-y), -OB
imperf -aio, -aemb, nocry- sweat, perspiration; o6jih-
n|HTb [pastup^it^] perf -j{\b, Bancb --OM running /wet
nocTynHUJb, p -hji, imp -h 1. with sweat;
act, behave; KaK HaM xenepb <> ~-0M H KpoBbK) in blood
— HTb? what shall we do and sweat; e ~ejiHi;a in the
now?; 2. treat (smb in some sweat of one's brow.
juay); enter (the universi-
3. no-xBoeMy [pAtvoyamu]
ty, school,
etc), join (the adv corresp to xbi [cf no-
army, etc)', take on (a job); -BameMy] 1, to your mind,
~aTb Ha pa66Ty go to work; in your opinion, you think
get a job; 4. be received, (that...); 2, as you would
come in; '-aib b npoAa>Ky have it; in accordance with
be on sale, be in the market; your suggestion advice; /

— axb B npoH3B6;icxBO go nycxb 6yflex ~ let it be

into production. your way, have it your own
nocxynloK [pAstupak, -g] m way.
-Ka, pi -KH, -KOB act, deed, noxeM|KH fpAt*'6mk''i] pi
action; pi also behaviour. -OK darkness, the dark.
— 335 —
noTCMHeTb seereMHeTb 1, 2. cause, for, as; -'..., mxo
noTepn|eTb [pat^i^^rp^et''] because, for, as.
perf noTepnHuib, p -eji,
-JiK), noxoHyxb see xoHyxb.
imp -H be patient, keep
1. noxonMxb see xonnxb III.
one's patience {for some noxoponHxb seexoponnxb 1.
time); 2. suffer {damages, a de- noxoponHxbCJi see xopo-
feat,etc)\ noiepnexb DHXbCH.
KpymeHHe be sliipwrecked; noxoHHlbiH [pAtoch^niy] a:
3. {inneg sentences, mostly ~a5i jiHHHH production jline;
in fut) stand, tolerate; h He ~biH MexoA line produc-
-—JIK) SToro I won't stand / tion.
tolerate it. noxpaxHXb see xpaxHXb.
norepiji [pAt^er^a] / -h, noxpe6Hxeji|b [patr^'i^b'''-
p/ -H, -b 1. loss {of smth); t^iP] m -H, -eft consumer.
waste {of time); ~h Tpy^o- noxpe6jieHH|e [patr^i^bPe-
cnoc66HOCTH disability {the n'^iya] n -h consumption, use.
state of); 2. {mostly pi) noxpe6jilflxb [patr^i^bPat^]
losses; casualties; — h b mu- imperf -hio, -neiub consume,
BOH CHJie H xexHHKe losses use.
in manpower and materiel. noxpe6HOCx|b [pAtr^eb-
norepflTb see Tepnib. nas^t^, -z^d^j / -h necessity,
noTepflxbCH see xepHTbcn. requirement, need; demand
noTJCTb [pAt^et^] imperf {for raw materials, etc).
-eio, -eeiiib, BcjnoTeTb [fspA- noxpe6oBaxb see xpeSo-
t^et^] perf 1. sweat, perspire; Baxb.
2. {no perf) fig col toil {at), noxpeSoBaxbcji see xpe6o-
grind (away) {at). BaXbCH.
noTHxoHbKy [pat^'ikhon^'ku] noxpeB6}KHxb see xpeBo-
adv col 1. slowly; gradually; »CHXb 2.
2. noiselessly, silently; on noxpsicaK)m|HH [patr^i^sa-
the sly, secretly, by stealth. yush^:iy] a [pa] -an, -ee,
noTOK [pAtok, -g] m -a, -He tremendous, staggering;
-oB stream, torrent, current, startling.
flow {also fig). noxyxHyxb see xyxnyxb I.
noTOji|6K [patAlok, -g] m noxyiuHXb see xyuiHXb.
-Ka, -KOB ceiling. noxsiHyxbCJi see XHHyxbCH
noTOJicxeTb see xojicxexb, 3, 5.
noxoM [pAtom] adv then, noywHHaxb see yjKHHaxb.
afterw?[rds; later (on). noxBa./i|a [pakhvAla] / -bi,
nox6McxB|o [pAtomstva] n noxBaji praise, commenda-
-a posterity. tion; C '-OH 0X03BaXbCH
noxoMy [patAmu] 1 adv & o KOM-Ji.^ praise smb, speak
cj that's why; favourably of smb,
II as part of c/: — qio be- noxBajiHxb see xBajiHxb.
nox 336 —
noxea^UTbCfl see xeajiHTb- ~H KOMy-ji. wave a kiss to
Cfl. smb.
noxBacTaibCfl see xsa- n6HB|a fpoch^va] / -u, ^
cxaTbCji. soil (i) the surface of the
noxHiHTb see noxHiuaib. earth; 2) a particular kind
noxHimaxb [pakh^ish^'.at^] of earth);
imperf -aw, -aeiiib, noxHT|HTb <> BbiSHXb --y H3-noA Hor
[pAkh^it^'it^] perf noxHiuy, y Koro-ji. col cut the ground
-Hiub, p -HJi, imp -h steal from under smb; —aycKOJib-
(documents, etc); kidnap. saex y hhx hs-hoa Hor col
noxjionoTaxb see xjiono- the ground is slipping from
Taib 2, 3. under them; naiuyobiBaxb /
noxoA [pAkhot, -d] m -a, soHAHpOBaxb ~y explore the
-OB march (the act of march- ground; na ~e Her6-.n. be-
ing); naut cruise, trip; ly- cause of smth, owing to smth.
pHCTHHecKHH ~ hiking tour, noHeM fpAch^'om] adv col
hike, tramp; jibiH^Hbift ski- ^ 1. how much?, what's the
ing trip; BbiciynHTb b — set price?; — mchoko? how much
out; take the field; b — e on is the milk?; 2.: — anaxb?
the march. who can tell?, how should
noxoiilKa [pAkhotka] / -kh, we know?; -- h sHaio? how
-OK gait, step. should I know?
nox6}K|HH [pAkhozhty] a noHCMy adv [pach^'i^mu]
-an, -ce, -He, sh f ~, -a, -e, why; ~ bm hc
inter & rel
-H alike; ohh oneHb ^HApyr npHUJJiH Bqepa? why didn't
Ha Apyra they are very much you come yesterday?; h ne
alike; --hh Ha resembl- 3Haio, -- OH He npHUieji I don't
ing, looking like; like (gold, know why he didn't [hasn't]
etc); 6biTb ~HM Ha resemble, come; — 6bi ne hohxh xyAa?
look like, be like; sto — e na why not go there?
Hero it's just like him, that's noHeiviy-xo [pach^'i^mutaj
him all over; adv for some reason, for some
<> — e Ha TO, HTO... it looks reason or other.
as if...; Ha Koro tw ~I col noHepK [poch^'irk, -g] m -a,
just look at yourself! pi -H, -OB hand(writing).
noxopoHHTb see xopoHHib. noHccaxb see Mecaxb 1.
n6xopoH|bi [pokharant] pi noHecaxbCH see qecaxb-
noxopoH, -aM funeral, burial. CH 1.

noxy;ieTb see xy^exb. noHCT [pAch^ot, -d] m -a

nouejioeaxb see uejiosaxb. honour (high respect); respect,
nouejioBaxbCJi see uejio- esteem.
BaXbCH. noHexHlwH [pAch^'otnty] a
nouejiyiH [patjt^luy] m-H, sh f noHexen, -a, -o, -bi hon-
-en kiss; nocjiaxb BoaAyuiHbm ourable; honorary; --wflrocxb
— 337 nod

guest of honour; ~biH Ka- age) stamp; — oe 0T;iejieHHe

payji guard of honour. post-office; ~aH oxKpbixKa
nOMHHHTb see qHHHTb I 1. postcard.
nOHHCTHTb see HHCXHTb. noHyBcxBOBaxb see qyBcx-
noHJKa I [poch^'ka] / -kh, BOBaXb.
-CK bot bud. noHyjixb see Myaxb.
noHlKH II [poch^'ka] /-kh, nouieji [pAshol], nouiJia
-eK anat kidney; BocnaJieHHe [pAshla] see noflxH.
~eK nephritis. noiujiM [pAshl*"!] imp of
noMTJa [poch^ta] / -bi 1. noc/iaxb; see nocbiJiaxb.
post-office; 2. post, majl; no noiujiHHJa [poshl'^ina] / -bi,
~e by post; nocjiaxb -~oh — duty, tax; customs duty;
post, send by post. o6jiar^xb —oh impose tax
noHxajibOH [pach^tAl^yon] on, tax.
m -a, -OB postman, letter- nouijijuH [poshliy] a sh f
-carrier. —, -a, -0, -bi vulgar, banal,
noHxaMT [pAch^tamt, -d] commonplace.
m -a, -OB post-office. nouijiK) [pAshPu], no-
noHTeHHJe [pAch^t^en^'iyaJ uijieuib [pAshPosh, -zh] 1st Sc
n -H respect, esteem, con- 2nd persons of nocjiaxb; see
sideration. nocbiJiaxb.
noHTdHHlbiH [pAch^t^enniy] nouiyxHxb see myxHXb 1.

a sh f noMTCHeH, -a, -o, -u nomajlja [pAsh'^.ada] / -bi

honourable, respectable; ven- mercy, quarter; MOJiHXb o
erable {of age). ~e beg for mercy.
noHTH [pAch^'t^i] adv al- nom,a;iHXb see luaAHTb.
most, nearly, practically; nomcKoxaxb see meKOxaxb.
<> — HTO almost, nearly, nomeHHHla [pAsh*':6ch*'ina]
practically. / -bi, ~a slap in the face
noHTHTejibHlbiii fpAch'^t^i- {also fig); a box on the ear;
t^iPnty] a sh f noHiHiejieH, Aaxb KoMy-Ji. ~y
slap smb
-a, -0, -bi 1. respectful, defer- in the face; box smb's ears.
ential; 2. fig col respectful, nomynaxb see mynaxb.
considerable {distance, etc). no33H|n [poez^iya] f -h
noHTiHTb [pAch^t^it^] perf poetry.
-y, -Hiub, p -HJi, imp -H hon- noaivila [poema] / -bi,
our {smh by, with stnth); poem {a narrative composi-
pay homage {to smb); —HXb tion in verse; a composition
naMHXb BCxaBaHMeM stand up of great beauty).
in honour of smb's mem- no3x [poet, -d| m -a, -ob
ory. poet.
noHx6B|biM [pAch^'toviy] a noaxHHecKMH [poet^ich''i-
postal, post {attr)\ ~biH Hm.HK sk^'iyj a -an, -oe. -He poet-
letter-box; ^aa MapKa (post- ic(al).
no9 338 -
noaxoMy [pAetamu] adv what was said); §xo ^a it is
therefore, that's why; and the truth; it is true; 2. jus-
so. tice (rightness);
noK) I [pAyu], noeiub [pA- I! as an adv really, indeed;
yosh, -zh] see nexb. xbi ~a are you
noK) II [pAyu] see noHXb. really leaving?; h sbohhji
nOHBHXbCJl see nOHBJIHXbCH. eMy, OH —a 66jien I rang
nojiBjieHHle [payi^vPe- him up, he is really ill;
n^iya] n -h appearance, emer- III parenth true; though; oh,
gence. — a, y^e yexaji true, he has
nosiBJij^xbcn [payi'^vl^'a- H, ~a. He ycxaji, ho...
ttj9] imperf -nracb, -nembCH,
though I'm not tired,-still...;
noflB|HxbCfl [payi^v^ittja] IV as a cj though; HHorjta,
perf -Jiibcb, noHBHiiibCH, p — a peAKo sometimes, though
-H.iCH, -gjiacb, imp -HCb, seldom;
-Hxecb appear, make one's <> BceMH -^aMH H HcnpaB-
appearance, show up; emerge AaMH by hook or by crook;^
{come into view). Hxo ~a, xo -^a there's no
none [poyas, -z] m -a, pi denying the truth; no ~e
-a, -OB 1. belt, girdle; 2.: no roBOpfl / cKaaaxb... to tell
'^ up to the waist, waist- the truth...; He — a jin? isn't
-deep, waist-high; 3. geog it so?
zone, belt; npaBAHBJbiH [prAvd^iviy] a
<> cnacaxejibHbiH — lifebelt. sh f — , -a, -0, -bi 1. truth-
no5icHeHH|e [payi^s^n^'e- ful, upright; 2. true {story,
n^iya] ti -h, -h explanation, etc); ~biH oxBex honest / up-
elucidation. right answer.
noflCHHxb see noHCHHXb. npaBAcnofloSHlbiH [pravda-
noHCHHula [payi^s^'n^itja] pAdobniy] a sh f npaB^ono-
/ -bi, ~ the small of one's A66eH, -a, -o, -bi verisimilar;
back. probable, likely.
no5icH|HXb [payi^s^n^at^] npaBHJi|o [prav^ila] n -a,
imperf -hkd, -nemb, noac- ~ 1. rule {of grammar, etc);
HJHXb [payi^s^n^it^J perf 2.: ^a BHyxpeHHero pacno-
-K), -HUib, p -HJi, imp -H pH^Ka office [factory, etc]
explain, elucidate; exemplify, regulations; ~a yjiHMHoro
illustrate by example. ABH}KeHHH traffic regulations;
npa.... pre f corresp /o 'great-' 3. principle, rule, maxim;
in words like: npa6a6ymKa y Hero ~o —
ne BMeiiiHBaxb-
[prAbabushka] great-grand- CH B qyjKHe AeJia it is a prin-
mother; npaBHyK [pravnuk, ciple/maxim with him not
-g] great-grandson. to interfere in other people's
npaB^la [pravda] I / -bi 1. affairs; 3xo ne b mohx —-ax
truth (that is told, etc, or of this is contrary to my prin-
— 339 — npa

ciples; BSHTb 3a --o make it npaBonHcaHH|e [pravsp^i-

a rule; bshtb ce6e aa ~o san^iya] n -n orthography.
make a point of (doing smth); npaBOcyAH|e [pravAsu-
O KaK —o
as a rule, usual- d'^iya] n -a justice (adminis-
ly. tration of law).
npaBHJibHo [prav^il^na] I npaB|biH I [praviy] a 1.
adv correctly; rightly; right (handf side, etc); right-
II impers predic that's right, -hand; 2. po/ -right-wing.
right you are, exactly; it is npaB|biH II [praviy] a sh
correct. / ~-, -a -o, -bi 1.; Bbi — bi
npaBHjibHlbiH [prav^il^niy] you are right; kto ~? who
a sh f npaBHJieH, -a, -o, -bi is right?; 2. righteous, just,
1. correct, right; proper right (cause, etc).
(correct); regular
2. (1) fea- npaBsmi,|HH [prav^ash^iiy]
tures, etc\ 2) ling). a [pa] -an, -ee, -He ruling
npaBHTejibCTBJo [prAv^i- (classes, etc).
t^'il^'stvaj n -a, ~ govern- npasAHHK [praz^n^ik, -g]
ment (the ministry); US ad- m -oB holiday, festival;
ministration. feast, festive occasion; 3to
npaslHTb [prav^'it^] imperf doJibuioH ~- /iJiH Hac this is
-JiK),-HEib, p -HJ7, imp -b 1. a great occasion for us; c
rule, govern; 2. drive, steer — om! many happy returns
(a car, etc). of the day!, besi wishes of
npaBjicHHJe [prAvl^en^iya] the season!;
n -H, -H 1. rule, government; O Sy^eT H Ha Haiiiefi yjiHU,e
2. management, board. ~! ^
our day will come.
npaBJo [prava] n -a, pi -a, npasAHJOBaTb [praznavat^]
--, -aM 1. right (1) a just imperf -yio, -yeiiib, p -osaji,
claim; 2) a thing justly claim- imp -yft, OTjnpasAHOBaTb
ed); ~o Ha xpyA the right [AtpraznSvat^] perf celebrate
to work; ~o rojioca the right (a victory, holiday, etc).
to vote, suffrage; Bceofimee npa3AH|biH [praznty] a sh
HsSHpaxejibHoe --o universal f npasACH, -a, -o -bi 1. idle;
suffrage; nopasceHMe b ~ax 2. fig useless, unnecessary,
disfranchisement; c nojiHbiM idle.
-—OM rightfully; Bocnojibso- npaKTHKla [prakt^ika] / -h
eaxbCH CBOHM '—OM exercise practice (ij contrasted with
one's right; 2. law (a sci- theory; 2) at the piano, etc,
ence); 3. pi: BOAHxejibCKHe 3) of a doctor, etc); na ~e 1)
~ a driver's license; in practice {in action), 2)
<> 6biTb B --e have the 'through practice; saHHMaibCH
right (to do smth); na ~ax MeAHUHHCKOH —OH practisc
Koro-ji. as smb, as if I [he, medicine; bohth b —y become
etc] were smb. customary; 2. practice, meth-
npa — 340 —
od; 3. practical (work), prac- <> npeBsoHTH caMoro ceSa
tice; npoxoAHTb ~ydo
prac- surpass oneself.
tical (work). npCBOCXOAHlblH [pr^'lVAS-
npaKTHMecKlHii [prAkf'i- khodniy] a sh f npeeocxoAeH,
ch^'isk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -He -a, -o, -bi splendid, magnif-
practical (activity, man, train- icent, excellent, perfect, su-
ing, etc). perb;
npaKTHHHlbiH [prAkt^'ich''- <0> — aw creneHb ling super-
nty] a sh f npaKTHHeH, -a, -o, lative degree.
-bi 1. practical {man, etc); 2. npeBOcxoACTBlo [pr^ivAs-
efficient [method, etc); wear- kholstva] n -a superiority; mh-
ing well {of a fabric, etc). cjiCHHoe ~o numerical supe-
npax [prakh, -qhj -a m riority.
ashes, remains; 3Aecb no- npeBpaiMTb see npeepa-
KoHTCH ~ repoH here lies a maib.
hero {of a grave). npCBpaTHTbCJi see npeepa-
npaHeHHjaji [prach^ishnaya] maTbCH.
/ -OH, -bix laundry {an estab- npcBpamlaxb [pr^ivrA-
lishment). sh^iat''] imperf -aio, -aeiub,
npaHJKa [prach^'ka] / -kh, npeBpaTJMTb [pr'^ivrAt^'it*']
'CK laundress, washerwom- perf npcBpamy, -Huib, p -hji,
an. imp -H turn {to, into), con-
npe... pref I of verbs de- vert (into); reduce (to, into),
noting an excessive action: npeBpamlarbCJi [pr^ivrA-
npeyMeHbuiaTb [pr^'ium'^i^n''- sh'':atts8] imperf -aiocb, -a-
shat''] underestimate, belit- embCH, npeBpaT|HTbC5] [pr^i-
tle; npeB03HccHTb [pr^'ivaznA- vrAf'ittsa] perf npeepamycb,
s^if*] extol, exalt; -HUIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb,
II of adjectives and adverbs imp -HCb, -Hiecb turn (into),
denoting a high degree of the change (into, to), pass (into),
quality: npeA66pbiH [pr^i^- become;
dobriy] extremely kind. <> ripeBpaTHTbCJi b cjiyx be-
npe6biBaHH|e [pr^'ibtva- come all ears.
n''iy9] n -h stay, sojourn. npeBwcHTb see npeBbimaTb.
npeBsoHTH see npesocxo- npeBbiuijaTb Ipr^'ivishat'']
AHTb. imperf -aio, -aemb, npCBu-
npcBOcxofllHTb [pr'^ivaskhA- cJHTb [pr^i^vls^'it^'l perf npe-
d^'it''] imperf npeeocxojKy, Bbiiuy, -Hmb, p -HJI, imp -b
npeeocxoAHmb, p -hji, npe- exceed (the target figures,
B30HJTM lpr''ivzAyt*'i] perf one's authority, etc).
-Ay, -Aemb, p npeesoiiieji, nperpaAJa [pr^'i^grada] /
npeeaoiiiJia, imp -ah exceed, -bi, ~ barrier, obstacle.
surpass, outdo, excel; hhc- nperpaAHTb see nperpax-
;ieHHo ~HTb outnumber; Aaib.
— 341 — npe

nperpawfllaxb [pr^igrAzh- npcA^Tb see npeAaBaib.

dat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, npeABapMTejibH|biH [pr^i-
nperpafl'HTb [pr^'igrAd^it**] dvAr^it^rPntyl a prelimina-
perf nperpa}Ky, -Hiub, p -h.i, ry; no ~biM noACMeraM by
imp -H bar, block (up), stop rough calculation; -~aH npo-
(stub's way, etc). AajKa 6HjieT0B advance tick-
npefl... pref I of verbs ets sale.
denoting 'before in time': npeAB3flT|biH [pr^i^dvz^a-
npcABHAexb [pr^i^dv^id^'it^] tiy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi
foresee; biassed, preconceived.
II of adjectives and nouns de- npcACJi [pr^iM^el] m -a,
noting 'before in place' or 'in -OB limit, bound; b —ax...
front of: npeAropbe [pr''i^d- within..., within the limits/
gor^ya] foot-hills; npcAno- bounds (of)\ BbiftxH sa ~bi
cjieAHHH [pr^itpAs**l^ed^n^iy] overstep the limits (of), ex-
ast but one, next to last. ceed the bounds (of); ~ )Ke-
npefla|BaTb [pr^idAvat^] .naHHH summit of desires;
imperf -ib, -euib, p -bslji, imp noJioHCHTb — qeMy-ji. put an
-Baft, npefljaxb [pr^i^dat^l end to smth.
perf -aM, -aiub, -aci, -aAHM, npcAejibHbift [pr^i^d^el^nty]
-aAHTe, -aAyT, p npeAaJi, -ajia, a maximum, utmost; ~ cpoK
npeAajio, npeAajiH, imp -aft time-limit.
1. betray (to the enemy); 2.: npcAHCJioBHle [pr^id^islo-
~BaTb orHK) commit to the v^'iya] n -h, -ft preface, fore-
flames; —
eajb cyAy bring word.
to trial; —eaTb rjiacHOCTH npCAJiarjaTb [pr^idlAgaf"]
make known, give publicity imperf -aio, -aeuib,
to; ~BaTb 3a6BeHHio bury jKJHTb [pr^'idlAzhtt^'l perf -y,
in oblivion. npeA-noacHiiib, p -hji, imp -h
npeAaHHOCT|b [pr'^eda- 1. offer (to help, etc); 2. pro-
nas^t*', -z^d^] / -h devotion, pose, move;suggest (doing
loyalty. smth, aplan, etc); —axb
npeAaHHJbiH [pr^'edaniy] a BHHMaHHK) bring forward,
[pa\ sh f npeAaH, -a. -o, -bi call (smb's) attention (to
(npeAaH, npeAana, npeAano, smth); 3. order (command);
npeAaHbi, when used with an eMy npeA^OHCHJiH CACJiaib
object) devoted, staunch; 310 HeMeAJieMHo he was or-
--bift BaM yours faithfully, dered to do it immediately.
yours truly (in a letter). npcAJior I [pr^i^dlok, -g]
npcAaxejilb [pr^'i^daf'il''] m -a, -OB pretext, pretence,
m -H, -eft traitor, betrayer. excuse, plea.
npeAaTejibCTB|o [pr^i'^da- npcAJior II [pr^i^dlok, -g]
t^'il^stva] n -a, ~ treachery, m -a. -OB ling preposi-
betrayal, perfidy. tion.
npe 342

npejiJioweHHle I [pr^idU- eMy npe^ocTaBHJiH caMOMy

zhen'^iya] n -h, -h 1. offer; peiiiHTb 3T0 the decision was
2. proposal, motion; sugges- left to him;
tion an act of; 2) an
(1 ) <> ~«Tb cjioBo Koiy-ji. give
idea); bhccth — e put forward smb the floor, let smb have
a proposal, make a motion, the floor.
move, propose; 3. proposal npefl0CTeper|aTb [pr^ida-
(of marriage); cAejiaxb e — 3b|bjj.fajeg^^bj
itnperf -aio, -a-
AeeymKe propose to a girl; euib, npeflocTepe|Hb [pr^ida-
4. econ supply. s^'t^i^r^ech^] joe/-/ -ry, -H<euib,
npcfljioKeHHe II [pr^idU- p npe/tocieper -rjia, imp
zhen^iya] n -h, -h lin^ sen- -FH caution {against), warn
tence; clause. {against).
npeAJiojKMTb see npeAOCTepe«eHH|e [pr'^ida-
raib. s^t^ir^i^zhen^iya] n -h, -h
npeflMecTJbe [pr^'iMm^e- warning, caution.
s'^f'ya] n -bH, -hh suburb. npeiiocTepeHb see npcAO-
npeAMCT [pr^iMm'^et, -d] cieperaxb.
m -a, -OB 1. object (a thing); npeAOCTOpojKHocTlb [pr^i-
article (a commodity); —u dastArozhnas'^t^, -z^d^] / -h,
LUHpoKoro noipeSjieHHH con- -eft precaution; h3 ~h out
sumer goods; 2. subject, top- of caution; Mepu —h precau-
ic, theme; — cnopa issue, tions, precautionary meas-
pofnt at issue; 3. subject ures.
(of instruction). npe;iOTBpaTHTb see npeAOT-
npeAHasHanjaTb [pr^idnaz- Bpamaxb.
nAch^'at'^l imperf -aio, -aeiub, npeAOTBpamiaTb [pr^idat-
npejlHaBHanlHTb [pr^iduAzna- vrAsh^at^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib,
ch^'it''] perf -y, -Hiub, p -hji, npeAOiBparlHTb [pr^'idalvrA-
imp -b intend {for), destine t'^it'^J perf npeAOTBpamy,
{for), mean (for); set aside -Hiiib, p -HJI, imp -H avert,
ifor), earmark (for). stave off, ward off, pre-'
npefljoK [pr^edak, -g] m vent.
-Ka, -KOB ancestor, forefather. npeAoxpaHHTejijb [pr^'ida-
npeflocTaBHTb see npeAocia- khrAn^if'il^] m-H, -eft technol
B.THTb. safety lock, safety (device);
npeAOCTaBji|«Tb [pr^ida- safety-bolt; electr (safety)
stAvl^'at''] imperf -hk), -neujb, fuse.
npe;iocTaB HTb [pr'^idAsta- npeAOxpaHHTb see npeAo-
v'^it''] perf -j\K), -HUJb, p -hji, xpaHHTb.
imp -b 1. give, grant; place npeAoxpaH|flTb[pr^idakhrA-
at smb's disposal; 2.: —nib n^'at^i imperf -hkd, -neiub,
KOMy-Jl. Bbl6op " B MCM-JI. npcAoxpaH HTb fpr'^idakhrA-
leave smth to smb's choice; n'^it''] perf -w, -Huib, p -hji,
343 npe

imp -H protect (from, -MH undertake {a journey,

against), preserve (from). etc);launch {an attack, etc);
npe^nojiar |aTb [pr^itpalA- --axb uiarH take steps.
gat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, npeAnpH^THie [pr^itpr^iya-
npCAnojioaciHTb [pr^itpalA- t^iya] n -h, -ft 1. enterprise,
zhlt^] perf -y, npeAnojio- factory, works; 2, undertak-
jKHiiib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. sup- ing, enterprise, business.
pose; believe, think (that...); npeApaccyA|0K [pr^idrAssu-
surmise, conjecture; assume dak, -g] m
-Ka, -kob preju-
(that...); 2. {no perf) intend, dice {religious, etc).
contemplate, plan, propose npcAceAaxeji b [pr^its^i^da-

{to do); going {to do); 3.

be t^il^] m -H, -eft chairman;
{no perf) presuppose. chairwoman.
npeAnojio«eHH|e [pr^itpa- npcACKasaxb see npcACKa-
lAzhen^iya] n -h, -h supposi- sbiBaxb.
tion, speculation; assump- npeACKa3biB|axb [pr^i^tska-
tion. imperf -aio; -aeuib,
npertitojioKHTb see npe^no- npeACKajsaxb Ipr^itskAzat"^]
jiaraxb 1. perf -y^y, npeACKa}Kemb, p
npe;inocjieAHlHM [pr^itpA- -saji, imp -JKH foretell, pre-
s^Ped^n^iy] a last but one, dict, forecast.
next to last. npeAcxaBHxeji|b [pr^itstA-
npeiinoHecTb see npe^no- v^itiP] m
-H, -eft represent-
HHTaib. ative {of a firm, class, etc);
npe^moHHTJaTb [pr^itpa- spokesman.
ch^itat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, npeAcxaBHxejibH'ibiH fpr^it-
npeAnoHJecTb [pr^itpA- stAv^it^iPniy] a sh f npeA-
ch^es^t^] perf -xy, -xemb, p cxasHxejieH, -a. -o, -bi 1. {no
-eji, -jia, imp -th prefer, like sh f) pol representative; 2.
better; h —aio hati^ neiuKoM impressive, dignified, impos-
1 prefer walking, I'd rather ing {appearance, etc).
walk. npcACxaBHXb see npeACxae-
npeflnpHHMHHBJbiH [pr^it- jiHXb 1, 2, 3, 5. 6.
pr^iimch^ivty] a sh f — , -a, npeACxacHXbCH see npeA-
-0, -bi enterprising. cxaejiflXbCH.
npeflnpHHHMaTeji|b [pr^it- npcACxaBJiCHHle [pr^itstAv-
pr^in^imat^iP] m -h, -eft l^en^'iya]n -h, -ft 1. presen-
employer, proprietor. tation, handing in {of docu-
npennpHHHMlatb [pr^itpr^i- ments, etc); theat perform-
nMmat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, ance; 3. notion, idea {of,
npe;inpHJH«Tb [pr^itpr^in^at^j about smth); hh Majieftmero
perf -My, npeAnpHMeuib, p ~H not the slightest idea.
npeAnpHHHJi, -HJiJia, npCA- npeACxaBjijflxb [pr^itstAv-
npHHJiJio, npeAnpHHHJjH, imp Paf^l imperf -hk), -neuib,
npe 344

npcAcxaBHTb [pr^'i^tstav^'it^] ~HT... we [you, etc] are

perf -R\o, -Muib, p -HJi, Imp to {do smth), we [you, etc]
-b 1. produce {evidence, a are faced with {smth), we
document); present, hand in [you, etc] will have to {do
(a document, etc); submit {for smth).
consideration, etc); 2. present, npeflySe^fleHHJe [pr^idub^i^-
offer {some difficulty, etc); zhd^en^iya] n -h, -h preju-
— HTb HHxepec [ueHHOcTb] be dice (a^a/Ms/), h'ms {against);
of interest [value]; 3. intro- OTHOCHTbCH K KOMy-JI. C
duce {smb to smb); 4. [no ~eM be biassed against
perf) represent {smb, smb's smb.
interests, etc); 5.: npeAcra- npeAynpeAHTejibHJbiH [pr^i-
BHTb Koro-Ji.K Harpafle re- dupr^i^^it^il^niy] a sh f
commend smb for a decora- npeAynpeAHTCJieH, -a, -o, -bi
tion [reward]; 6. imagine, 1. {no sh f) precautionary,
conceive, fancy, picture, real- preventive; 2. obliging, atten-
ize; npeACTaBb(Te) ce6e Moe tive; courteous.
BosMymeHHe imagine how npeflynpeflHTb see npCAy-
indignant I was; Tbi caM npejKAaxb.
~Hemb, MTo H3 3Toro nojiy- npeAynpe)KA|aTb [pr^'idu-
MHTCH you yourself realize /
pr^i^zhdat^] imperf -aio,
you can imagine what will -aeuib, npe;iynpefl|HTb [pr^i-
come of it; h —hio ce6e ero dupr^'i^d^it^] perf npcAynpe-
eapocjibiM I imagine him as >Ky, -Huib, p -HJI, imp -H
a grown-up man; 7. {no perf): 1. let know (beforehand);
'-HTb co66h MTo-Ji. be smth; give notice, n6tify; warn
represent smth; mo oh co66h {1) that..., about; 2) against);
'—HeT? what is he like?, what 2. prevent, avert {an accident,
kind of person is he?; etc); 3. anticipate, forestall
«0^ npeflCTaBb(Te) (ce6e) just {smb, events, etc).
imagine. npeAynpoKAeHHJe [pr^idu-
npeflCTaBJi|«TbCJi[pr^itstAi^- pr^i^zhd^en^'iya] n -h, -h 1.
l^'attja]imperf -Hioch* -Heiub- warning; notice, notification;
CH,npeACTaB|HTbca [pr^i^tsta- 2. prevention.
v^ittja] perf -Jiracb, -Huib- npCAycMaTpHBlaxb [pr^'idu-
CH. p -HJicH, -Hjiacb, imp smatr^ivat^] imperf -aio,
-bCH, -bxecb 1. introduce -aeiiib, npeAycMOTpjexb [pr^^i-
oneself; 2. present itself, dusmAtr^et**] perf -k>, npe-
occur, arise, offer itself {of AycMOTpHuib, p -eji, imp -h
an opportunity, etc). for, make
foresee; provide
npeACTOJ^Tb [pr^itstAyat**] provision for; envisage, stip-
imperf -ht, p -hji be in pros- ulate.
pect, be coming, will take npcAHyBCTBHle [pr''i^t''ch''u-
place; HaM [eaw u m. d.\ s''t''v''iya] H, -H pre-
- 345 - npe

sentiment, foreboding, mis- <> ^ Bcero first of all; first

giving. and foremost; above all; ^
npeAuiecTBCHHHK [pr'^i^t- HCM before.
shes^t^v^m^ik, -g] m -a, -ob npeiKH|HH [pr'^ezhn^'iy] a
predecessor, fore-runner, pre- previous, former; b ^-ee spe-
cursor. MH in the old days, in form-
npe;mjecTB|oBaTb [pr^i^t- er times.
shestyvat^] imperf -yex, p npesHjieHT [pr^iz^id^ent,
-oBaji precede, forego, fore- -d] m -a, -OB president {of
-run. a republic, academy of sci-
npejimecTByiomlHH [pr^i^t- ences).
shestvuyush'^-.iy] a [pa] -an, npesMflHyM [pr^i'^z^'id^iumj
-ee, -He former, previous, m
-a, -OB presidium.
preceding. npesHpjaTb [pr^'iz^irat^j
npeATjABHTb see npeAi^HB- imperf -aio, -aemb 1. despise,
JIHTb. scorn, disdain, hold in con-
npCfl-bflBjilHTb [pr^idyi^v- tempt; 2. defy, disdain.
Pat^] imperf -hk), -neiub, npe3peHH|e [pr^i^zr^e-
npcfl-bJiBlHTb [pr^idyi^v^it^] n^iy9] n -h I. contempt,
perf -jiK), npeA'tHBHuib, p -h;i, scorn, disdain; 2. defiance,
imp -H 1. produce, show {docu- disdain.
ments, proofs, etc); 2.: --HTb npe3pHTejibH|biH [pr^i^zr^i-
npexeHSHH put forward pre- t^il^nty] a sh f npeapHxe-
tensions / claims; lay claim jiCH, -a, -o, -bi contemptuous,
{to smth); — HTb npaBO Ha scornful, disdainful.
HTO-ji. lay claim to smth; npeHMymecTBJQ [pr^iimu-
--HTb BblCOKHe [60JIbIlIHe] sh^:istva] n -a, ~ advantage
Tpe6oBaHKH K... make high {over), superiority {over);
[great] demands on..., de- <> no ~y mostly, chiefly,
mand much of...; ~-HTb o6- for the most part.
BHueHHH KOMy-ji. charge smb npeKJiOHHbiH [pr^i^klonnty]
{with smth). a: ~ Bospacx old age.
npeAbiityiUJHH [pr^ididu- npeKjioH|«TbC5i [pr^iklA-
sh^'iiy] a -an, -ee, -He pre- n^attja] imperf -Hiocb, -Heuib-
vious {letter, lesson, etc); ch: ~HXbCH nepe;^ kcm-ji.
Ha —efl HCAeJie last week; [nepeA ^em-Ji.] worship, ad-
B ~eM roAy [MecHue] last mire smb [smth.].
year [month]. npeKpacHJbiH [pr^'i^krasnty]
npCMiie [pr^ezhd^i] 1 adv a sh f npeKpaceH, -a, -o, -u
before, formerly, in former 1. beautiful, fine; 2, excel-
times; ~naAO npoHHxaTb lent;
3TO first you must read this; <> B OAHH ~biH ACHb one
11 prep with gen before fine day; b oaho —oe yrpo
{smb); one fine morning.
npe - 346-

npcKpaTHTb see npexpa- oerf -ery, -e)Keuib, p npene-

maTb. 6per, -erJia, imp 1. neg-
npeKpaxHTbCH see npeKpa- lect, disregard {one's duties,
maxbCH. etc); 2. ignore, scorn {smb's
npCKpamlaTb [pr^'ikrA- opinion, advice, etc).
sh^'^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, npeHeSpewHxejibHJbiH [pi'^'i-
npeKpaT|HTb [pr^ikrAt^'it''] n^ibr^i^zhft^iPniy] q sh f
perf npeKpaiuy. -Hiub, p -hji, npeHe6pe>KTiTejieH, -a, -o, -bi
imp -H stop, cease, discon- scornful, slighting.
tinue; put an end to; break npeneSpeHb see npenedpe-
off, sever; drop (an argu- raxb.
ment, inquiry); npenpaTHTb npeHHJfl [pr^en^iya] pi -i*
noflany sjieKiposHeprHH -cut debate, discussion.
off the electricity. npeo6jia;i|axb [pr^iAblA-
npeKpamlaxbCH [pr^ikrA- dat^] imperf -aex prevail,
sh^:atts9] imperf -aeiCH, npe- predominate {over).
KpaT{HTbC5i [pr^ikrAt^itts^] npeojiojieB axb [pr^iAdaPi^-
perf -HTCH, p -HJICH, -H- vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
jiacb cease, end, come to npeoAOJi|exb [pr^iAdApet^j
an end. perf -ho, -eeiiib overcome,
npejiecTHibiH [pr^i^l^esnty] get over {difficulties, etc);
a sh f npeJiecTCH, -a, -o, -bi surmount, negotiate {obsta-
charming, delightful, lovely. cles); npeoAOJiexb oTCxaeaHHe
npejiecT|b [pr^el^is^t^, make good a lag.
-z^d''] / -H charm, fascina- npenoflaBaxeji|b [pr^ipadA-
tion; KaKan ~b! charming!, vaf'il*'] m -51, -eft teacher;
lovely! instructor.
npeMHpJGBaTb [pr^im^irA- npenoAaleaxb [pr^ipadA-
vaf*] perf & imperf -yio, vat^] imperf -ib, -eiub,/? -Baji,
-yeiub, p -osaji, imp -yft imp -Ban teach {!) Russian,
give a bonus /
premium {for mathematics, etc; 2) at an in-
good work, etc); ~OBaTb stitute, etc).
»ieM-ji. award smth as a npenoflHecxH see npenoA-
prize. HOCHXb.
npeMHJfl [pr^em^'iyo] / -h, npenoAHOcJHxb [pr^ipadnA-
-H prize, reward, imperf npenoAHomy,
bonus; s^it'']
premium; npHcy^HTb — lo npenoAHocHiub, p -hji, imp
award a prize / bonus. -H, npenoflHec'iXH [pr^ipad-
npewbepla [pr^'i^m^'yera] / j^bjegb^bj-j pg^^ .^^ -euib, p
-H, ~ theat first night; new npenoAHec, -Jia, imp -h 1.
production. present, make a present of;
npcHeSperjaTb [pr^in^i- 2, fig col: npenoAHCCXH ciop-
br'' ^gat** ] /mper/ -aio, -aemb, npH3 KOMy-ji. give smb a
npeHe6p|e4b [pr''in^i^br^ech''l surprise; npenoAHecxH ho-
— 347 — npH

BOCTb KOMy-Ji. bring smb -OBaji, imp -yft lay claim

news (mostly bad). (to), have a claim (on), pre-
npennrcTBHle [pr^i^p^atst^- tend (to).
v^iya] n -h, -h obstacle, im- npeieHSHlfl [pr^i^t^en^-
pediment, hindrance; npe- z'iya] / -H, -ft claim, pre-
oflojiexb ~e overcome an ob- tension; comp-laint, griev-
stacle (also fig); surmount / ance; aaHBHTb -^-K) no noBO-
negotiate an obstacle. Ay Meroji. make a complaint
npenflTCTB|oBaTb [pr^i^p^a- about smth;
<> 6biTb B —11 Ha Koro-ji.
tjtyvat^] imperf -yio, -yeiiib,
p ' -osaji, imp -yft hinder, have a grudge against smb,
hamper, lay obstacles (to). bear smb a grudge.
npepBaxb see npepbisaTb. npeyBejiHHHBJaTb [pr^iu-
npepbiBJarb [pr^irivat''] im- v^i^l^ich^ivat^] imperf -aio,
perf -aio, -aeuib, npepB|aTb -aeuib, npeyBejiHH|HTb [pr^iu-
[pr^i^rvat^] perf -y, -euib, v^i^Pich^it^] perf -y, -Hiiib,
p -an, -ajia, -ajio, -ajin, imp p -HJi exaggerate, magnify,
-H interrupt, break (off); cut overstate.
off (a telephone connexion). npH [pr^i; in a stressed
npecjieflloBaxb [pr^i^s^Pe- position — pr^i] prep with pr
d8V9t^] imperf -yio, -yeiiib, denoting 1. close vicinity: —
p -osaji, imp -yfi 1. pursue, Aopore near / by the road;
chase, be after; 2. fig haunt 6HTBa — BopOAHHe battle of
(of thoughts, etc); 3. perse- Borodino; npri CMepxH on the
cute, victimize; 4. law pros- verge of death, dying; no- —
ecute; 5. pursue (one's own cjie^HeM HSAbixaHHH at one's
ends, object, etc). last gasp, dying; 2. the state
npecjiOByTbiH[pr'islAvutiy] of being attached to: -^
a notorious. HHCTHTyxe (ecTb) o6me^HTHe
npecH|biH [pr'esniy] a sh f there is a hostel attached to
npeceH, -a, -o, -u fresh, sweet the institute; oh hchbct —
(water)', unflavoured, insipid. cxaHUHH his house is attached
npeccja [pr^essa] / -w press to the station; 3. the fact
(periodicals and the people who that smth is taking place in
work for them). a person's presence: AaBaftie
npecTynjie^HJe [pr^istup- cAe.JiaeM sto —' hhx let's do
l^en^iya] n -a, -fl crime, it in their presence; -- ;;e-
offence, felony; yrojiosHoe T5IX [nOCTOpOHHHX u m. n.\
'-e criminal offence. in front of / before children
npecxynHHK [pr^i^stupn^ik, [strangers, etc]; 4. an epoch:
-g] m-a, -ob criminal, of- ~' HBane FposHOM under
fender, felon. Ivan the Terrible; — Flyiii-
npereHAloBaTb [pr^it^mdA- KHHe in Pushkin's time; -^
vat''] imperf -yio, -yeiub, p coBexcKOH BjiacxH under So-
npH — 348

viet Government; after the bt^] attach {to), fix {to);

Revolution; aom cxpo- npHiBHTb [pr'ishft^] sew {on,
HJiH — MHe this house was to); 5. addition: npHKyuHib
built when I was lived Ipr^ikup^it^] buy some more;

there; 5. the circumstances 6. partial character of an

of an action: ~ ceeie 4)o- action: npHOiKpb'iTb [pr^'iAt-
HapH by the light of a lan- krit^] open slightly, half-
tern; CHjibHOM Bexpe when
~- -open; set ajar;
a strong wind is blowing; 11 of nouns & adjectives de-
6. possession, availability of noting position close to smth:
smth: CKoJibKo y Te6H flener npHMopbe [pr^imor^ya] sea
-— ce6e? how much money country, littoral; npHropoA-
have you got about you?; HbiH [pr^igaradnty] subur-
~ ^eJiauHM given the de- ban.
sire; ~ ero cnoc66HocTHx oh npH6aBHTb see npHdaBJiHXb.
Mor 6bi cAeJiaib 3to JiyMUie npHSaBjij^Tb [pr^ibAvl^at^]
with his abilities he could imperf -hk), -neuib, npH6a-
have done it better; ~ Bceft elHTb [pr^ibav^'it*'] perf -jiio,
CBoeft CHJie OH He mop ot- -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp -h 1. add

Kpb'iTb- ABepb for all his {smth to smth); 2.: ~HTb

strength he could not open aapnjiaxy raise the wages;
the door; 7.: ~ noMomn ~HTb mary hasten one's
with the help {of); ~ coach- steps, increase one's pace;
CTBHH Apyaefl with one's ~HTb cKopocTb increase
friends* assistance / help. speed.
npM... pref I of verbs de- npH6er|aTb I [pr^'ib^'i^gat*']
noting 1. completion of an imperf -aio, -aemb, iipM-
action at a certain point: 6em\aTb [pr^'ib^i^zhat^] perf
npHUJibiTb [pr^'ipHt*'] swim npH6ery, -Huib, p -aji, imp
up, come swimming; npH- npH6erH come running / hast-
rnaxb [pr^ignat^] drive home, ily.
bring home {cattle, etc); npHSerjaxb II [pr^ib^i^-
2. achievement of a certain gat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
result: npHyqHTb[pr*'iuch*'it^l npM6er|HyTb [pr^'ib^egnut**]
train, school {to smth, to be perf -ny, -neuib, p -nyji (~),
smth); npHKOHMHTb [pr^ikon''- -jia, imp -HH resort {to), fall
ch^it**] finish off; 3. conti- back {upon).
guity, contact, approaching, npH6emaTb see npHSeraxb I.
drawing near: npHCxasHTb npM6MB|aTb fpr'^ib'^ivat^J
lpr''istav*'it*'] set {against), imperf -aio, -aeujb, npMSlHTb
put {against); npHTp6HyTbC5! [pr^ib^'it'^l perf -bib, -beuib,
[pr^itronuttja] touch {smth); p -HJI, imp -eft 1. nail, fas-
4. connecting, fastening to- ten with nails; 2. {mostly
gether: npHAejiaxb (pr^'id^'e- impers) wash ashore, drive
349 npH

ashore, throw on to the adherent, follower, support-

shore. er.
npH6;iH%!aTbc$i [pr^ibl^i- npuBecTH see npHSOAHTb.
zhattjaj linperf -aiocb, -aeiub- npHBCT [pr^iv^et, -d] m
CH, npH6jiH3|HTbC5i [pr^'ibl^'i- -a. -OB regard(s); nepe^aBarb
z^'ittsa] perf npH6jiH}Kycb, ~ KOMy-Ji. send / give smb
-HlUbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, one's (kind) regards; nepe-
imp -bCH, -bxecb approach, iiaftxe —
Bameft cecxpe my
come / draw nearer, near. (best) regards to your sister,
npH6;iH3HTejibHO [pr^ibl^i- my love to your sister, re-
z^'it^il^na] adv approximate- member me to your sister.
ly, roughly; sHaxb mo-j\. secb- npHBeTjiHB|biH [pr^iv^et^-
Ma -' have a vague idea of l^iviy] a sh f ~, -a, -o^ -u
smth. friendly, affable.
npH6jiM3HTejibH|biH [pr^i- npnBexcxB|oBaxb fpr^iv^e-
bl*'iz^it'il''nty]as/i/ npH6;iH- tstyvat^] imperf -yio, -yeiub,
SHxejieH, -a, -o, -bi approxi- p -OBaji, imp -yfi 1. greet;
mate, rough. welcome, hail (also fig); 2.
npH6jiH3HTbCfi see npH6jiH- mil salute.
waibCH. npHBHB|aTb [pr^iv^'ivat'']
npM66|H [pr^ib6y[ m -h imperf -aio, -aeuib, npHBHib
surf; breakers (waves). [pr^iv^'it^] perf -bib, -beiub,
npH66p [pr^ibor] -a, -ob m p -HJi, -HJia, -HJio, -HJiH, imp
1. instrument, apparatus; -eft bot (en)graft; 2. med
2. set {dinner, tea, etc). inoculate with; vaccinate
npM6biBlaTb [pr^'ibtvat^] with; 3. fig inculcate, im-
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, npM6|biTb part {a habit, love for, etc).
[pr^ibtt^J perf -yjiy, -yjiemb, npHBHB|Ka [pr^iv^'ifka] /
p npH6biji, -bijia, npH6bmo, -KH, -OK 1. bot inoculation,
npridbiJiH,imp -y^b 1. arrive, grafting; 2. med inoculation;
come; increase, grow; rise;
2. vaccination.
swell (of water). npHBHXb see npHBHsaxb.
npH6bi;i|b [pr^ibil^] -h, m npHBKyc [pr^'ifkus, -z] m
-eft profit{s). -a smack, flavour (also fig).
see npHfiHBaxb. npHBjieKaxejibHJUH [pr^i-
npHBaji [pr^'ival] -a, m vPi^kat^il^nty] a sh f npH-
-OB halt (during a march, BJieKaxejieH, -a, -o, -bi attrac-
hike). tive, winning; alluring, in-
npHsesTH see npHBOSHib. viting.
npHBepeAJiHB|biH [pr^iv^i^- npHBjieK|axb [pr^ivl^i®-
r^ed^l^iviy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, kat*"] imperf -aio, -aeiiib,
-bi fastidious, squeamish. npHBJie|Hb [pr^ivl^'ech''] perf
npHBepKCHJei; [pr^iv^er- -Ky, -qemb, -Kyx, p npHBJieK,
ghan^its, -d^j m -ua, -uee -KJia, imp -KH 1. draw, al-
npH 350 —
tract; 2. draw in, enlist; p npHBea, -Jia, imp -h bring
~aTb Ha CBOK) CTopOHy win (by vehicle).
over / round; 3.: ~-aTb k npHEbiKJaTb [pr^ivikat^]
cyAy put on trial, bring to imperf -aio, -aetub, npHSbiK-
trial, take to court; —axb k H|yTb [pr^ivfknut^] perf -y,
yrOJIOBHOH OTBeiCTBeHHOCTH 'euib, p npHBbiK, npHBbiKJia,
start /take criminal proceed- imp -H get accustomed / used
ings against; prosecute. (to); get into the way (of
npHBOfl|HTb [pr^ivAd^it^] doing smth); be accustomed /
imperf npHBOJKy, npHBOAHiub, used (to).
p -HJi, imp -H, npHBelcTH npHBbiHlKa [pr^ivtch^ka] /
Ipr^iv^'i^s^t^i] perf -Ay, -KH, -CK habit (of doing
-AeiiJb, p npHBeji, -Jia, imp smth, etc); no (cxapoH) ~Ke
-AH 1. bring {smh somewhere, out of habit, by force of hab-
mostly on foot); 2. lead {of it; HMCTb ~Ky AeJiaxb mo-Ji.
footprints, etc, also fig); sxo be in the habit of doing
npHBCJio K neqajibHbiM no- smth, be accustomed to doing
cJieACTBHJiM it led to unfor- smth; 9T0 Bomjio y Hero s
tunate results; 3. adduce, — Ky it has become a habit
cite; npHBecTH npHMep give with him. /

cite an example; npHsecTH npHB^3aHH0CT|b [pr^iv^a-

HTo-Ji.B npHMep cite smth zanas^t^, -z^d^] / -h, -eft at-
as an example; 4.: htb b — tachment (to, for), affection
6emeHCTB0 throw into a rage, (for, towards).
drive ~HTb b npocib
mad; npMBflsaTb see npHBHSbi-
infuriate; ~HTb b y>Kac hor- Baxb.
rify; ~HTb b HsyMJieHHe sur- npHB^3biB|aTb [pr^iv^azi-
prise, astonish; ^-htb b ot- vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
qaHHHe drive to despair; npHBH3|aTb [pr^'iv^i^zat^]
^HTb- Koro-Ji. b qyecTBO perf npHBHHcy, npHBH^euib,
bring smb to his senses; p -aji, imp npHBH>KH tie,
~HTb b HeroAHOCTb put out bind, fasten (to smth).
of commission, make useless; npHFjiacMTb see npnrjia-
bring to conformity with npHrjiamjaTb [pr^iglAshat^]
smth; bring in correspond- imperf -aio, -aeuib, npHrjia-
ence with smth; 5. math: c|HTb [pr^iglAS^'it^] joer/ npH-
~HTb K 66meMy anaMena- rjiamy, -Huib, p -hji, imp -h
TCJiio reduce to a common 1. invite, ask (to dinner, etc);
denominator. 2. engage (for service); — aib
npMB03|HTb [pr^ivAz'^it^] Ha pa66Ty offer work.
imperf npHBO>Ky, npHBosHuib, npMrjiauieHHle [pr^'iglAshe-
P -HJI, imp -H, IlpHBe3|TH n^'iya] n -h, -ft 1. invitation;
(pr''iv''i^s''t''i] perf -y, -euib, 2. engagement (for service).
351 — npH

npHroBapMB|aTb [pr^igAva- pocTH / Ayxy encourage, put

r^ivat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, heart {into smb); 3. impart
npHroBOp|MTb [pr^igavAr^it^] {a quality, state); — BaTb4)6p-
perf -K), -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp My mapa u m. n. shape
-H sentence {to), condemn into a ball, etc ; 4.: — Baxb
ito). sHaneHHe attach importance
npHroBop [pr^igAvor] m -a, {to).
-OB 1. law sentence, judge- npHAaH|oe [pr^idanaya] n
ment; verdict; BbinecTH ~ -oro, -bix 1. dowry; trous-
pass (a) sentence (on); npH- seau; 2. layette.
secTH -- B HcnojiHCHHe exe- npHAaxb see npH^aBaxb.
cute a sentence; 2. fig con- npHflHp|axbc« Ipr^'id^ira-
demnation, verdict. ttjaj imperf -awcb, -aembCH,
npHroBopHTb see npHrosa- npHAplaxbCfl [pr^'idrattja] perf
p'HBaxb. npH^epycb, npH^epeiiibCH, p
npHroAJHTbcsi [pr^igAd^i- -ajicH, -ajiacb, imp npH^e-
tts9] perf npHFOH^ycb, -iimbCH, pHCb, npH^epHTecb find fault
p -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, {with), cavil {at), carp {at).
-Hxecb be of use, come in npH^yMaxb see npH^yMbi-
useful, come in handy, prove Baxb.
useful, stand (smb) in good npHflyMbiBJaxb [pr^idumi-
stead. vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib,
npHropo;; [pr^igarat, -d] m npHflyM|axb [pr^idi^mat^] perf
-a, -OB suburb. -aio, -aeiub think up, think
iipHroTaBjiHB|aTb [pr^igA- of, invent, devise.
tavl^ivat^] imperf -am, -aemb, npHesA [pr^iyest, -zd] m
npHroTOBlHTb [pr^igAtov^it^j -a, arrival, coming {by
perf -JiKD, -Huib, p -HJI, imp vehicle); b npouiJibiH during ~
-b 1. prepare, make ready; one's previous/ last stay; c
2. cook (food); make, fix {din- --om! welcome!, glad to see
ner, etc). you!
npMroTOBji|flTb [pr^igatAv- npHe3)KiaTb [pr^iyi^zh^iat^]
Pat^] imperf -hk), -neuib = imperf -aio, -aenib, npH-
npHroTaBJiHBaTb. exiaxb[pr^iyekhat^]per/npH-
npHflaJBaTb [pr^idAvat^] e^y, npHe^eiiib, p -aji arrive,
imperf -i6, -eiiib, p -Baji,imp come {by vehicle).
-Bafl, npH;i|aTb [pr^'idat^] npHCM [pr^iyom] m -a, -ob
perf -aM, -auib, -acr, -a^.M, 1. reception (1) of food, sig-
-a/niTe,-aAyT,p npH^aJi, -ajia, nals, patients, etc; 2) warm,
npHnajio, npH^ajiH, imp -afi cold, etc; 3) a party); -^ jie-
1. ^jnil attach; 2.:. — Baxb KapcxBa 1) the taking of a
ciLnbi give {smb) strength; medicine; 2) a dose of medi-
Baib cMeJiocTH make {smb) cine; ycipoHXb "- give a re-
bold, embolden; — eaxb 66a- ception; HaM oKaaajiH pa^ym-
npH 352

HbiH -' we were given a p -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb,

warm/cordial reception wel- / -HTecb av land, touch down.
come; 2, enrollment, admis- npH3Ha|BaTb [pr'^iznAvat'']
sion, admittance {to a trade imperf -ib, -emb, p -Baji, imp
union, etc); 3.: b oahh — at -Bafl, npH3H'aTb Ipr^iznaf']
one go, at a stretch; b Asa perf -aio, -aemb 1. recognize
fipH u m. d.] ~a in two (a state, smh's right, etc);
[three, .etc] motions / stages; 2. admit, acknowledge (one's
4. method, technique, device. guilt, mistakes, etc); ^Baxb
npHeMjieMJbiH [pr'^iyeml^i- Ce6« BHHOBHbIM, —Baxb CBOIO
miy] a sh f -, -a, -o, -bi BHHy law plead guilty; 3. vote,
acceptable, admissible. pronounce {smth. to he...);
npHeMHHK [pr^iyomn^ik, -g] — Baxb Heo6xoAHMbiM consider
m -a, -OB radio/ wireless set; (smth) necessary, consider it
(radio) receiver. necessary; Baxb —
npHeMHJbiH [pr^iyomnty] I BHHOBHbIM law find smb
a 1.: ~biH fleHb reception guilty; — Baxb HeAeftcxBHieJib-
day; — bie Macbi reception/ HbiM declare invalid, nullify.
calling hours; consultation npH3Ha!BaxbC}i [pr^'iznAva-
hours; 2.' ~aH komhcchh ad- ttja] imperf -ibcb, -embCH,
mission committee (at an p -BaJicH, -Bajiacb, imp -Baft-
institute, etc); —bie SKsaivieHbi CH, npH3H|aTbC{i
admission / entrance examina- [pr*'iznatts8] perf -aiocb,
tions; -aeuibCH I confess, admit, own
II as a noun npHCMHlaH (up); make a clean breast
/ -OH, -bix reception-room; of it; ~BaxbCH b qeM-Ji. con-
waiting-room; fess srnth; — saxbCH b jik)6-
<> ~biH oxei; foster-father; Bi5 make a declaration of
~ an Maxb foster-mother; — wh love;
CbiH adopted son, foster-son. 1 1 parenth npHsnaxbCH
npHexaxb see npHesMcaib. (also npHSHaiocb, ~ibcb)
npH3 [pr^'is, -z] m -a, pi to tell (you) the truth.
-b'l, -OB prize (to a person npHSHaK [pr^'iznak, -g] m
winning a contest); npHcy- -a, -OB sign, indication;
flHTb — award
a prize. symptom (of a disease); o6-
npH3BaHH|e [pr^'izvan^'iya] Hapy>KHBaxb -~h Mero-Ji. show
n -H, -H vocation, calling. signs / indications of smth;
npHSBaTb see npHSbiBaib. cJiy>KHTb —
OM Merd-Ji. be a
npHseivfjiHTbcsi see npnaeM- sign of smth; K;iaccH4)HUHpo-
JlJ^TbCH. Baxb no ~y qero-Ji. classify
npHseMjilnrbcsi[pr^'iz^i^m- on the basis of smth.
I'^attja] imperf -aiocb, -nemb- npM3HaHH|e [pr''iznan'*iya]
CH,npH3eMJi|HTbCJi [pr^iz^'i^m- n -H, -H 1. acknowledgement,
l^'ittsa] perf -ibcb, -HiiibCH, L recognition; nojiymixb —e
353 — npH

win recognition; 2, admis- npHKac|aTbCJi [pr^ikAsattja]

sion, confession, declaration; imperf -awcb, -aembCH, npH-
— e BHHb'i avowal of guilt. KOCHyTbCH [pr^ikAsnuttsa]
npH3HaTejibH0CT|b [pr^izna- perf -ycb,
-eujbCH, p -yji-
t''Il^n9sM^ -z^'d^l / -H grati- CH, -yjiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb
tude, thankfulness. touch (slightly) (with the
npHsnaTb see npHSHasaTb. hand, a stick, etc).
npHSHarbCfl see npHsna- npHKjiaAbiBlaxb [pr^'ikladi-
BaibCH. vat^] imperf -aw, -aemb,
npH3paK [pr'^izrak, -g] m npHJio>K|HTb [pr^ilAzhtt''] perf
-a -OB spectre, ghost, appa- -y, npHJiojKHmb, p hji, imp
rition, phantom; illusion (of -H put (close to smth); apply
happiness, etc). (a compress, etc);
npH3biB [pr^izif, -v] m -a, O npHjiojKHTbpyKy K... l)take
-OB 1. mil
call-up, call to a hand in...; 2) sign, add
military service; 2. call, ap- one's signature to...
peal; OTKJlHKHyTbCH Ha -^ — lHpHKjiK)HeHH|e [pr^ikl^u-
respond to a call, take up a ch^en^iy9] n -h, -h adventure
call; 3. slogan [of a party). (of a hunter, etc).
npHSMBlaxb [pT^\ziwai^]im- npHKOJiOTb see npHKa.iH-
per) -aio, -aemb, npH3B|aTb BaTb.
[pr''izvat*'l perf npnaoBy, npHKOCHyTbCfl see npHKa-
npHsoBeiiib, p -aji, -ajia, -ajio, caxbCH.
-ajiH, imp npHsoBH 1. call (for npHKpenHTb see npHKpen-
smth; upon smb to do smth; JIHTb.
to smth); 2. mil call up. npHKpenji|flTb [pr*'ikr*'i^p-
npHHTH see npHxo;tHTb. l^at**] imperf -nemb,
npHHTHCb see npHXOAHTbCH npHKpen'iHTb [pr^ikr^'i^p^it**]
1. 2, ?. perf -JiK), -Hmb, p -hji, imp
npHKas [pr^ikas, -z] m -a, -H 1. fasten, fix, secure, at-
-OB order, command. tach; 2. attach, assign (a
npHKa3aTb see npHKasbi- teacher, etc, to a class, etc).
BaTb. npHKpbiBJaTb [pr^ikrivat*"]
npHKa3biB|aTb [pr^'ikazt- imperf -aio, -aemb, npH-
vat''] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, KpjbiTb [pr^ikrtt''l perf -ofo.
npHKasjarb [pr^'ikAzat*'] perf -oemb, p -hiJi, imp -oh 1. cov-
npHKascy, npHKaxceuib, p -aji, er, protect, shelter, shield;
imp npHKajKH order, com- 2. fig conceal, screen; 3.
mand. close/ shut softly, close / shut
npHKajibiB |aTb [pr^ikalivat*'] slightly; cover, screen; 4, col
imperf -aio, -aemb, npHKo- liquidate, shutdown (a facto-
jijoTb [pr^ikAlot^l perf -kd, ry, etc).
npHKOJieiiib, p -oji, imp -ojih npHJiaBJOK [pr^ilavak, -g]
pin, fasten with a pin. m -Ka, -KOB counter (m a
npH — 354 —
shop, etc); pa66THHK -^-Ka n^iya] n -h application, use,
salesman, distributive worker. employment; nojiy^HTb uih-
npHjiaraTejibHJoe [pr^ilAga- poKoe ~e be [become] wide-
t^il^'naya] n -oro, -bix ling ly adopted.
adjective. npHMCHHTb see npHMeHHTb.
npHJiarjaxb [pr^iUgat^] npHMCHiflTb [pr^im^i^n^at^]
imperf -aio, -aeuib, npHjio- imperf -hk), -nemb, npHMe-
HtjiiTb [pr^ilAzhit^] perf -y, HJHTb [pr^im^i^n^It''] perf
npHJi6>KHmb, p -HJi, imp -h -K>, npHMeHHUJb, p -HJi, imp
apply {one's knowledge, etc); -H apply, use, employ; ~HTb
~aTb ycHJiHH make efforts; Ha npaKTHKe put into prac-
— aib cTapaHHJi take pains, tice.
exert oneself; ~-aTb Bce chjih npHMep [pr^im^er] m -a,
do everything in one's pow- -OB example, instance; no^a-
er, do one's best; make every BaTb —
set an example; CTa-
effort. BHTb Koro-Ji. B -- hold smb
npHJiejKHlbiH [pr^il^'ezhniy] up as an example; noKasaTb
a sh f np»JieMceH, -a, -o, -bi ~ give the lead; no ~y qe-
diligent, industrious; assid- ro-Ji. [Koro-Ji.] after the
uous, studious. example of smth [smb]; in
npHJiHB [pr^'iPit, -v] m -a, imitation of smth [smb];
-OB 1. flow, flood (of tide), <> He B -- KOMy-ji. col un-
high tide; — h otjihb flow like smb; K ~-y col 1) by
and ebb, high and low tide; way of illustration; 2) par-
-^bi H OTJIHB bi tides; 2. fig enth suppose, say.
surge, flow; ^h otjihb flux npHMepHTb see npHMepHTb.
and reflux; 3. med rush {of npHMepHJbiH [pr^im^erniy]
blood). a sh f npHMepeH,. -a,.-o, -u
npHJiMMMJe [pr^il^ich^iya] 1. exemplary, model; 2. ap-
n -91, -H decency, decorum; proximate.
propriety {correctness of man- iipHMeplflTb [pr^im^i^r^'at'']
ners). imperf -hk), -aeiub, npHMe-
npHJiHHHJbiH [pr^'il^ich^nJy] pJHTb [pr^im^'er^it^] perf -ra,
a sh f npHJiHMen, -a, -o, -bi -HLUb, p -HJi, imp -b try on
1. decent, proper, becoming; {a dress, etc); fit {a dress,
seemly; decorous; 2, col de- etc).
cent, rather good, tolerable. npHMec|b [pr^im^is*', -z^]
npHJio}KeHH|e [pr^'ilAzhe- / -H, admixture, infu-
-efi 1.

n^iya] n -h, -h 1. appendix, sion, foreign matter; dash {a

supplement; 2. ling apposi- slight admixture); tinge (of
tion. colour); 2. fig touch, tinge.
npH;io}KHTb see npHKJiaAbi- npHwerja [pr^'im^eta] / -m,
saTb & npHJiaraTb. ~ sign, token, omen; (dis-
npHMeHeHHJe [pr^im^i^n^'e- tinctive) mark;
355 npH

<> HMCTb Ha ~e know, have •^-axb HTO-Ji. B luyxKy take

in mind; have an eye to /
smth as a joke; -~-aTb {na
upon. Ce65l)pyKOBOACTBO [KOMaHAO-
npHMcnaHHle [pr^im^i^ch^a- BaHHe u m. n.] assume lead-
n^iya] n -h, -h note, com- ership [command, etc]; ^aib
ment; foot-note; annotation rpaHCAancTBo be naturalized;
(a note). become a {Soviet, etc) citi-
npHMHpeHHle [pr^im^ir^e- zen; ~-aTb XpHCTHaHCTBO
n^'iya] n -a, -h reconcilia- adopt Christianity; -rarb aa
tion, reconcilement; concilia- npaBHJio make it a rule; 3to
tion. laK npHHHTO it is the cus-
npHMHpHTbCSl 866 MHpHTbCH. tom; 6. take {smb for smb);
npHHaAJieJKJaTb [pr^inad- 7. assume {a certain charac-
l^i^zhat^'i imp6rf -y, -Huib, p ter, air, etc); --axb (|)6pMy
-aji, imp -H belong {to)\ be yero-Ji. take the shape of
one {of); be a member {of). smth.
npHHaAJie«HOCT|b [pr^inAd- npHHHMlaTbcs! [pr^in^ima-
Pezhn9sM^ -zM^] / -h, pi ttj9] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib-
-H, -eft 1. {mostly pi) tackle CH, npHH|flTbcn [pr^in^attsa]
{fishing, 6ic)\ accessories, ar- perf npHMycb, npHMeiiibCH, p
ticles {ofy, nHCbMeHHbie —h -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp npHMHCb,
writing-materials; 2. belong- npHMHxecb 1. begin, start
ing {to)\ affiliation {to a {doing smth); 2. set (to), get
class, party, etc); member- down {to), begin {smth);
ship {of a party). 3. take root; take {of an inoc-
npHHCCTH see npHHOCHXb. ulation).
npHHHM|aTb [pr^in^imat^] npHHGclHTb [pr^inAs^it^]
imperf -aio, -aeiub, npHH|«Tb imperf npHHomy, npHHOCHuib,
[pr^'in^at''] perf npHMy, npH- p -HJi, imp -i!, npHHec'iTH
Meiiib, p npHHHJi, -HJia, npn- [pr^in^i^s^'t^i] perf -y, -euib,
HHJio, npHHHJiH, imp npHMH p npHHec, -Jia, imp -h 1. bring
1. admit {to), accept {for); {smb a book, etc); fetch {a
'~aTb Ha paSoTy take on, chair, etc); 2. yield, bear
give employment {to smb); {fruit, etc; also fig); 3. bring
2. receive {people); paAymno (in) {an income, etc); 4.: ~HTb
~aTb welcome heartily; 6jiaroAapHOCTb express one's
3. accept (an offer , etc); pass, gratitude.
approve; --aTb KaK AOJi^Hoe npHHyAHxejibHlbiH [pr^inu-
take as a matter of course, d^it^il^niy] a sh f npHHyAH-
accept as one's due; 4. take xejieH, -a, -o, -bi compulsory,
{1} medicine, a bath, etc; enforced; forced {labour).
2) precautions, etc); 5.: —axb npHHyAHTb see npHHyHCAaxb.
MbKD-Ji. CTopoHy with
side npHHy>KA|aTb [pr^'inuzh-
smb, take the part of smb; dat'] imperf -aio. -aeiub,
npH 356 —
npHHyAiHTb[pr''inud*'it*'] perf 1. natural (resources, condi-
npHHy}Ky,. -Huib, p -hji com- tions, gas, etc); 2. inborn,
pel, force, constrain, coerce. innate.
npHHUHn [pr^'intsjp, -b] m npHpocT [pr^'irost, -zd] m
-a, -OB principle; -a growth, increase (of the
^ H3 ^a on principle. population, etc).
npHHflTb see npHHHMaxb. npHCBaHB|aTb [pr^isvai-
npHH^TbCJi see npHHHMaxb- vat^] imperf -aio, -aemb,
CH. npHCBoJHXb [pr^'isvoit*'] perf
npHo6pecTM see npHo6pe- -K), -Huib, p -Hji, imp -H 1.
Taxb. appropriate, take for oneself;
npHo6peTlaTb [pr^'iabr^i^- 2. give, confer, award (a de-
taf"] imperf -aio, -aeiub, gree, rank, etc); ~axb hmh
npHo6pelcTH [pr^iabr'^i^s^t'^i] name (after).
perf -xy, -xeiiib, p npHo6peJi, npMCJiarb see npncbiJiaxb.
-jia,imp -XH 1. acquire, gain npMCJioKHxbCfl see npHcjio-
experience, knowledge etc); HHXbCH.
2. buy, purchase. npHCjioH|MTbC5i [pr^isUn^a-
npHopHTCT [pr^iar^it^et, ttja] imperf -Hiocb, -neujb-
-d] m
-a priority {in discov- CH, npHCJiOH|HTbC5i [pr'^isU-
ering or inventing smth). n^'ittja] perf -wcb, -HiubCH
npHnafljOK [pr^'ipadak, -g] (npHCJIOHHUIbCH), p -UJIC^,
m -Ka, -KOB fit, attack; par- -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb
oxysm. lean, .rest (against smth).
npHnee [pr'*ip''ef, -v] m npHCJiymaxbCfl see npHCJiy-
-a, -OB refrain. IlIHBaXbCH.
npHnHcaxb see npHOHCbi- npHCjiymHB|aTbcsi [pr^'i-
Baxb. slushivattja] imperf -aiocb,
npHnHCbiBJaTb Ipr^ip^isi- -aembCH, npMCJiyui|aTbc»
V9t**] imperf -aio, -aeiub, [pr^'islushattja] perf -aiocb,
npHnH|caTb [pr''ip''isat''j perf -aembCH 1. give ear (to),
-my, npHnHiiieuib, p -caji, listen (to) (fixing one's mind);
imp -uiH 1. add (to a letter, 2. fig give ear (to), lend an
etc); 2. ascribe, attribute ear (to); consider (smb's opin-
(to); put down (assign the ion, advice).
cause of). npMCoeflMHHXb see npHcoe-
npHp6fl|a [pr'^irods] / -bi ;iHHHXb.
1. nature (the external world; npHCoeAHHHTbCfl see npH-
natural scenery); HBJieHHH COeAHHHXbCH.
— bi natural phenomena; npMCoeAHHJflTb [pr^isayid^'i-
2. nature, character; n'^at'*] imperf -hk), -Heuib,
-<> OT ~bi by nature, natu- npHcoeAHHlMTb fpr^'isayid^i-
rally. n^it^] perf -ib, -Hiub, p -hji,
npHpOAHUH Ipr''ir6dniyl a imp -H 1. join, adA (one thing

357 — npH

to another)', annex; 2. elect npHCTHJibHlbig [pr'istal^-

connect, join. nty] a sh f npHcxajien, -a,
npMcoeflHH|HTbCfl [pr^is9- -o, -bi fixed, intent (look,
yid^in^attsQ] imperf -Hiocb, etc); c ~biM BHHMaHHeM with
-HeUIbCH, npMCOeAHHiHTbCH great attention, intently.
[pr^isayid^in^ittsaj per} -ibcb, npHCTaH|b [pr^istan^] / -h,
-HiubC5i, p -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -eft pier, .landing-stage; US
-HCb, -Hrecb 1. join {smb, a dock; wharf.
society, etc); 2. associate (one- npMCTaxb see npHCTaBaxb.
self) *{with), subscribe npHCTpacTH|e [pr^istras^-
stub's opinion, etc). t^iya] n -h 1. liking (for),

npHcnoc66MTb see npncno- weakness (for); 2. bias, par-

C06JIHTb. tiality, prejudice.
npHcnoc66MTbCJi see npn- npHCTpacTHJbiH [pr^istras-
CnOCOSjIHTbCH. niy] a sh / npHcrpacTen, -a,
npHcnoco6jieHH|e [pr^'ispa- -o, -bi partial, biased, prej-
SAbl^en^iya] n -h,-h 1. adap- udiced, unfair.
tation, accommodation; 2. de- npiicTyn [pr^istup, -bj m
vice, contrivance, appliance. -a, -OB fit, attack; touch,
npMcnoco6ji|flTb [pr^ispa- bout; paroxysm.
SAbPat^] imperf -aio, -neiub, npMCTyn|aTb [pr'istupat^]
npHcnoc66|HTb [pr^ispAso- imperf -aio, -aeuib, npHcry-
b^it**] perf -Jiio, -uuih, p -hji, n|HTb [pr'^istup^'it^] perf -jik),
imp -b adapt (to), fit (to), npHCTynHiub, p -hji, imp -h
accommodate (to), adjust (to). begin, start, set about (smth,
npMcnocoSjiJMTbCii [pr^i- doing smth); get down (to),
spasAbl^attja] imperf -Hiocb, set (to); proceed (to).
-HeiubCH, npHcnoc66|HTbCH npHcyflMTb see npHcyjK-
[pr^ispAsob^ittsa] perf -Jiiocb, Aaxb.
-HlUbCfl, p -HJICH^ -HJiaCb, npMcyjKfllaxb [pr^isuzhd^t']
imp -bCH, -bTecb adapt one- imperf -aio, -aeuib, npHcy-
self (to), adjust oneself (to), AJHTb [pr^isud^it^] per/npH-
accommodate oneself (to). cyjKy, npHcyAHiiib, p -hji, imp
npHCTaJBdrb [pr^istAvaf*] -H 1. sentence, condemn; 2.
imperf -ib, -eiub, p -Baji, award (a prize, etc); confer
imp -Baft, npHcraJTb [pr^i- (a degree, etc).
stat^] perf -ny, -Heuib, p -ji, npHcyTCTBHle [pr^isutst^-
imp -Hb 1. stick (to), cling v^iya] n -h presence (in a
(to), adhere (to); 2. put in, place); b qbcM-ji. —Hinsmb's
pull in (to the shore, etc);3. presence, in front of smb;
col worry, pester, annoy; in smb's hearing, before
badger, importune. smb.
npHCTaelKa [pr^istafkaj / npHcyTCTBloBaTb[pr^isutjt-
-KH, -OK ling prefix. yvat**] imperf -yio, -yeiub
npH — 358 —
p -oBaJi, imp -yfl be present imperf -aio, -aeuib, npH-
(at), attend. yHJHTb [pr^'iuch^it^] perf -y,
npHCbiji|aTb [p-r^isHat*'] npHyqHUJb, p -hji, imp -h
imperf -aemb,
-aio, npH- train, school (to smth, to be
cji|aTb [pr^islat^] perf npH- smth).
mjub, npHuj/ieiJib, p -aji, imp npHxofl [pr^'ikhot, -d] m -a,
npHLUjiH send (cawie to go or -OB 1. coming, arrival, ad-
be carried, as viewed by vent; 2. receipts, income.
the receiver). npHXOA|HTb fpr^ikhAd'^it^]
npHcnr|a [pr^'is^aga] / -h, imperf npHxojKy, npHXoAHujb,
^ oath [a solemn promise); p -HJi, imp -H, npM|HTH
mil oath of allegiance; US [pr^iyt^'i] perf -^y, -Aeuib,
oath of enlistment; npHBo- p -me;i, -uiJia, imp -;;h 1.
AliTb Kor6-Ji. K —
e swear come (reach, mostly on foot;
smb in. also of a train, ship, letter,
npHTBOpHTbCfl see npHTso- etc); arrive (of a ship, train,
p^TbCH. letter,- etc); —riib nepBwM
npHTBOplnTbcji [pr^itvA- [BTopbiM u m. d.] come in
r^attsa] imperf -Hiocb, -nemb- first [second, etc] (of a race);
CH, npHTBOpJHTbcn [pr^'itvA- 2. come {to an agreement,
r^ittja] perf -K)Cb, -rimbCH, etc); arrive {at a conclusion,
p -HJIC5I, -rijiacb, imp -HCb, etc); 3.: ~HTb b oxqaHHHe
-HTecb pretend {to be), sham, give way to despair; ^-Hxb
feign, simulate. B y>Kac be horrified; -~rfTb
npHTecHeHH|e [pr^it^i^s^- B HeroAOBaHHe become indig-
n^en^iya] n -h, -h oppression, nant; ~HTb B ynaAOK fall
unjust treatment. into decay;
npHTecHHTb see npHiec- <> —
HTb B rojioBy occur to
HHTb. smb, come into smb's mind;
npHTecH|«Tb [pr^it^i^s^- ~HTb Ha yM occur to smb,
n^'at''] imperf -hkd, -neiiib, come into smb's mind; —htb
npHTecH|HTb [pr^'it^i^s^n^it''] B ceSn come to oneself, re-
perf -K), -Hiiib, p -h;i, imp -h gain consciousness; ^htb b
oppress, keep down. HyBCTBO come to oneself, re-
npHTOK [pr^itok, -g] m -a, gain consciousness.
-OB 1. tributary (of a river); npHxoA|HTbc« [pr^ikhA-
2. flow, influx; indraught. d^ittjaj imperf npHxojKycb,
npHTOM [pr'^itom] cj (and) npHXOAHUJbCH, -HJICH,
besides^ (and) at that. -HJiacb, npH|HTHCb [pr^'iy-
npHTOpH|biH [pr^'itarniy] a p^jrf -jy^zh, -fleiUbCH,
sh f npHTOpeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. p -meJiCH, -lujiacb (well)
1. fit
sickly, saccharine, luscious; (of clothes, etc); 2. (on)
2. fig sugary, luscious. (of dates); 3. impers have to
npHynjaTb [pr'*iuch''at*'j (do smth); eMy npHUJjiocb
— 359 — npH

»AaTb he had to wait; 4. {no ch^i*^satts9] perf npHMemycb,

perf) be {one's relative). npHqemeuibCH, p -ajicn,
npMuen [pr^itsep, -b] -a,m -ajiacb,imp npHMeuiHCb, npH-
-OB trailer {a vehicle). iiemHTecb do one's hair, comb
npHwajiMBJaTb [pr^ich^aPi- one's hair; have one's haii
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, done.
npHHaji|HTb [pr^ich^aPit''] npHHHHla [pr^ich^ina] /
perf -K), -Hiub, p -Hji, imp -h -bi, ~cause {that produces
moor {to). an effect); reason {a cause;
npHHacTH|e [pr^ich^as^- an explanation); yBajKHxejib-
t^iy9] n -H, -H ling parti- HaH ~-a good reason, valid
ciple. reason, good excuse; no toh
npHHCM [pr^ich'om] I cj\ HJiH HHOH ~e for some reason
Ha 3T0M npeAnpHHTHH Tbicnqa or other; no ~e because (o/),
pa66qHX, —• nojioBHHa hs owing {to), on account {of),
HHX-— MceHmHHbi there are one by reason {of).
thousand workers in this fac- npMHHHHTb see npHHHHHTb.
tory, half of them being wom- npHHHH|nTb [pr^ich^'in^at']
en; OH KHXcenep, -~- onbiT- imperf -hio, -neuib, npHHH-
Hbifi he is an engineer, and H|HTb [pr^ich'^in^it^] perf
an experienced one into the -K), -HUIb, p -HJI, imp -H
bargain; cause, occasion; ~-flTb dojib
11 adv. -- TyT H? what on hurt, give pain; ~HTb 6ec-
earth have I to do with it?, noKOHCTBo gi\e trouble, trou-
how on earth do I come in? ble; put to inconvenience.
npHHecaxb see npHMecbi- npHuiHB|aTb [pr^ishivat^]
saTb. imperf -aio, -aeuib, npH-
npHHecaxbCji see npHMecw- luJHTb [pr^ishft^] perf -bib,
BaTbCH. -beuib, p -HJI, imp -eft sew
npHHec|Ka [pr^ich\6sk9] / {on, to).
-KH, -OK hair-cut; hair-do; npHu^eMUTb see npHmeM-
CAejiaxb ~Ky have one's hair JIHTb.
done. npHmcMjilflTb [pr^ish^ii^m-
npHHecbiBlaxb [pr^ich^dst- l^at^] imperf -hk), -neiub,
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, npn- npHmeM|HTb [pr^ish^:i^m^it^]
Hec|aTb [pr'ich^i^sat^] perf perf -JiK), -HUIb, p -HJI, imp
npHqemy, npHqemeiiib, p -aji, -H pinch, squeeze.
imp npHMeuiH do, dress {the npHm,ypHB|aTbcsi[pr''ish^:u-
hair); comb {the hair); brush r^ivattsa] imperf -aiocb,
{the hair); ~aTb kopo-ji. do/ -aembCH,npHm,yp|HTbcsi [pr^i-
dress smb's hair. sh^:ur^itts9] perf -loch, -uuih-
npHHecbiB|aTbC5i [pr^'ich^d- CH, p -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp
sivattsa] imperf -aiocb, -bCJi, -bxecb screw up one's
-aeiiibcfl, npHHeclaxbCfl [pr^i- eyes.
tlpH — 360 —
npHWT [pr^iyut, -d] m -a MacoB yxpa sleep till ten
shelter, refuge. a.m.; an action with a
npHK)|THTb [pr^iyut^it^] harmful result: nporjiHAexb
per} -^y, -xHiub, p -thji, imp [pragl'^i^d^et^] overlook (fail
-TH shelter, give refuge. to see); 6. the perfective as-
npHaxejilb [pr^iyat^il**] m pect: nponexb [prAp^'et''] perf
-51, -eft friend (an intimate of nexb.
acquaintance). npo... II pref of nouns &
npMflXHo [pr^iyatna] I adv adjectives meaning 'acting
pleasantry, agreeably; in the interests of, 'being a
II impers predic it's pleasant. partisan of: npo(f)aiiiHcx [pra-
npHflTH|biH [pr^iyatniyj a fAshlst] pro-fascist; npoaMe-
sh /npHflieH, -a, -o, -bi pleas- pHKaHCKHH [prAAm^ir^ikan-
ant, pleasing, agreeable, sk^iy] pro-American.
welcome. np66|a [proba] / -bi, 1. —
npo [pro; in the first pre- trial, test; try-out; 2. sam-
tonic position — prA; in the ple (a small portion); 3. stand-
second pretonic position —
ard {of gold, etc); hallmark;
pra] prep with ace denoting aojioxo 56-6h -—bi 14-carat
the direction of a conversa- gold.
tion or thinking: paccKasbi- npoSerlaxb fprab^i^gat^]
BBTb ~ mo-ji. tell about imperf -aio, -aeiub, npo6e-
smth; tell of smth; — nero JKJaxb [prab^i^zhat^'l perf
3a6biJiH they've forgotten npo6ery, -Huib, npo6eryx, p
a'bout him. -aji, imp npo6erH 1. pass
npo... I pref of verbs de- (running), run by; run (past,
noting 1 movement through or through, along, over); 2. run,

between smth: npoTOJiKnyxb cover (a distance); 3. fig col

[pratAlknut*'] push through look through, skim.
{a cork, etc); nporepexb npo6eji fprAb^el] m -a, -ob
[prat^i^r^et*'] rub through a 1. blank, gap; 2. flaw, defi-
sieve; 2. an action which re- ciency, gap; BOcnoJiHHXb —
sults in a hole, hollow, crack, make up for a deficiency;
etc: nporpbiaxb [prAgrls^t^J meet a lack; fill a want.
gnaw through; npocBepjiHXb npo6HB|axb[prab''ivat^] im-
[pras^v^i^rl^it^] bore, pierce; perf -aio, -aeiub, npo6|Hxb
3. movement past smb, smth: [prAb^it^] perf -bib, -beiub,
npoiuMbirHyxb [prashmtg- p -HJi, -HJia, -HJio, -HJiH, imp
nut''] steal, slip {past, into); -efl 1. make / punch a hole;
4. anaction going on pierce, go through; punch (a
for a certain period: npopa- ticket, etc); breach; puncture
66xaxb BCK) HOMb work all (a tyre, etc); 2. (p np66HJi
night, spend all night work- & -HJI, -HJia, np66HJio & -hjio,
ing; npocnaxb ^o agchxh np66HJiH & -hjih) {no imperf)
— 361 npo

have struck, strike {of a ttja] perf -locb, nposajiHuibCH,

clock); p -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -ricb,
<> — axb
ce6e flopory 1) force -Hxecb 1. fall through, come
one's way through; 2) fig ^own, collapse; 2. fig col
make one's way in life. fail, miscarry; 3. fig col dis-
npo6Hp|aTbC5i [prab^irattsa] appear, vanish;
imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, npo- <> OH rOXOB 6bIJl CKBOSb
6p|aTbCfl [prAbrattja] perf seMJiK) npOBajiMXbCfl he wished
npo6epycb, npo6epembCH, p the earth/ floor would open
-aJicH, -ajiacb, imp npo6e- beneath his feet.
pHCb, npoCepHxecb make one's npoBepHXb see npoBepnxb.
way, thread one's way; elbow npoeeplKa [prAv^erka] /
one's way; steal {through, -KH, -OK verification {the pro-
into, past); ~aTbCH omynbio cess of); checking, check-up,
feel/ grope one's way. control; test, examination.
npo6MTb see. npoSHBaxb & npoeepjaxb [prav^i^r^at^]
6HTb 7. imperf -hkd, -Heuib, npoBe-
np66|Ka [propka] / -kh, -ok p|HXb [prAv^er^it^] perf -k),
1. cork; stopper, plug; 2. fig -Huib, p -HJi, imp -b check
(traffic) jam, blocking; traf- (up), verify; test; -—nxbqacbi.
fic congestion; 3. electr fuze; set a v/atch [clock] to the
<> OH rjiynKaK — Ka col ^ correct time; —
Hxb xexpa^H
he is a blockhead / an ass. correct {student^') notebooks.
npoSjiCMla [prAbPema] / npoBccxH see npOBOAHXb I.
-bi, — problem {a matter of npoBexpHB|axb [prAv^etr^i-
doubt or difficulty). vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
np66|OBaTb [probavat^] im- npoBexplHXb [prAv^etr^'it^]
perf -yK), -yeuib, p -oeaji, imp perf -K), -HUJb, p -HJI, imp
-yfl, no:np66oBaTb [pAproba- -H air {a room, clothes, etc);
vat^] perf 1. taste (/ood); feel ventilate {a room).
{examine by touching); test; npoBHH|HXbCfl [prav^in^i-
2. attempt, try {to do smth). ttsa] perf -ibcb, -HuibCH, p
npo66p [prAbor] m -a, -ob -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb,
parting {in the hair). -Hxecb be at fault; be guilty
npo6paTbCfl see npo6H- {of), commit an offence {in);
paxbCH. -—HXbCH nepeA kcm-ji. do smb
npceaji [prAval] m -a, -oe wrong, wrong smb.
failure, fiasco; miscarriage

npoBOfl [provat, -d] m
{of plans, etc); pi -a, -OB electr wire, lead,
<> y Hero -^ nariJiTH his mem- conductor.
ory is a blank. npoBOAlMXb I [pravAd^it^]
npoBajiHB|aTbCH [prAvaPi- imperf npoBO^y, npoBOfiyiuih,
vattsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib- p -HJI, imp -H, npoBejcxH
CH, npoBajiJHTbCfl [pravAl^i- [prav^i^s^t^i] perf -Ay, -fleiub,

npo 362 —
p npoBeji, -Jia, imp -ah 1. <> ~aTb rjiaaaMH follow
take, lead {smb ikrough, with one's eyes.
into smth); pibt (ships)- npOBOsrjiacMTb see npOBoa-
2. run, pass (one's hand, etc, rjiamaxb.
over smth); 3.: —htb flopory npoB03rjiaiij|aTb [pravaz-
lay out a road; —Hib^eJies- glAshaf^J imperf -aFo, -aemb,
Hyio Aopory build a railway; npoB03rjiac|HTb [pravazglA-
-^HTb Kanaji build a canal; s^it^] perf npOBOBfJiaujy,
-^HTb sjieKxpHMecTBO install -HUJb, p 'liJi, imp -Id proclaim
electrical equipment; install (a republic, etc); enunciate
electricity; ~HTb BOAonpo- (a theory, etc); arb Ji63yHr —
BOA lay water (supply);
on advance / set forth a slogan;
~HTb raa lay on gas (sup- — aib TOCT 3a... drink to...,
ply put in gas pipes; 4. draw
), toast to... propose a toast
(a line, etc); 5. hold (a meet' to...
ing, etc); carry out (reforms, npoBOKauMpHHbiH Iprava-
tests, etc); conduct (lessons, k9tji6nniy] a provocative
etc); ~HTb nojiHTHKy pursue (act, statement, etc).
follow a policy; ~HTb b npoBOKauHJ«[pr9VAkatjiy9]
>KH3Hb implement, realize, / -H, 'H 1. provocation, in-
put into practice; 6. spend, citement; 2. provocation (in
pass; BeceJio '-Hib BpeMH politics, etc).
have a good time, enjoy np6B0ji0K|a [pr6v9l9k9] f
oneself; 7. (no imperf) col -H wire (a metal thread).
cheat, dupe, trick, take in, npoBopHlbiH [prAv6rniy] a
fool; Bbi MeuH He npOBe- sh f npoB6peH, -a, -o, -bi

Aeie you can't fool me. adroit, dexterous, agile;

npOBOAHTb II see npoBO- prompt, quick, swift.
H^aib. nporjiaTbiB|aTb [prAglati-
npoBOAHHK I [pr9VAd''n''ik, V9t''] imperf -aio, -aemb,
-g] m -a, -6b 1. electr con- nporjiOT|MTb [pr9glAt''it^]
ductor; 2. fig bearer, cham- perf nporjioqy, npor;i6THmb,
pion (of ideas, etc). p -ttJi, imp -H swallow (1)
npoBOAHMK II [prsvAd'^n^'ik, food, etc; 2) an insult, etc);
-q] m -a, -6b 1. guide, con- gulp (down).
ductor; 2. rly guard, conduc- npopHaxb see nporoHHib.
tor. npoFHoa |prAgn6s, -z] m
npOBOKJaTb [pr8VAzhat''] -a, -OB prognosis, forecast,
imperf -aio, -aemb, npoBO- nporojiOAlaTbcn [pr9g9lA-
AlMTb [pravAd^if'l perf npo- datls9] perf -anDCb, -aembCH
Bo^y, npoB6Aniiib, p -\\j\ get hungry; feel / be hungry.
imp -H see off; see (smb nporoHJniTb [pragAn'^at'']
home, etc); accompany (a imperf -hio, -jiemb, npo-
woman, etc)-. rHJaib [prAgnat''] perf npo-
363 -^ npo

roHK), nporoHHiiib, p -aji, dv^inuttja] perf -ycb, -embCH,

-ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, imp npo- p -yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp -bCH,
roHH drive away, send away; -bxecb advance {also fig),
dismiss, fire, sack. move forward on further; mil
/ /

nporpaMMJa [prAgramma] also gain ground; —axbCH

/ -bi, ~ program! me); curric- enepeA advance, move for-
ulum; syllabus {in a sub' ward / on / further.
Jecty, schedule {in radio, etc). npoziBHHyxb see npoflBH-
npcrpecc [prAgr'^es. -z] m raxb.
-a progress {of science, etc); npoiiBMHyxbcn see npOABH-
Ao6HTbCH ~a make progress. raxbCH.
nporyji fprAgul] m -a, -ob npOiiejilKa [prAd'^elka] §
truancy {an act of). •KH, -OK trick, piece of mis-
nporyjiJKa [prAgulka] / chief; prank.
-KH, -OK walk {for pleasure); npoflMKxoBaxb see ahkxo-
trip {to the country, Baib. etc);
drive {in a ride
car, etc)r npoAJieBJaxb [pradPi^vat^]
{on a bicycle, etc). imperf -aio, -aemb, npo-
npoAa|BaTb [pradAvat^] im- flji|nxb [prAclPit*'] perf -ib,
perf -K), -emb, p -eaji, imp .'Hmb, p -HJi, imp -H prolong,
-Bafl, npoAlaxb [prAdat^] extend (a ticket, term, etc),
perf m, -amb, acT, -a^HM, npoAJiHXbcsi see A-^HXbcn.
-aAHxe, -ajiy p npoAaJi,
npoAOBOjibcxBeHHbiH Ipra-
-ajia, npojxajio, np6;iajiH imp dAvoPs^'t^v^'inniy] a: Mara- ~
-afl sell' {goods, etc; also fig). 3HH grocery and provision
npoflaejeu, [prsdAv^ets, -dz] shop, food store; CKJiaa ~
m -ua, -uoB shop-assistant, food storehouse.
salesman; seller; vendor. npofloBojibcxBHle [pradA-
npofla}K|a [prAdazha] / -h vol^s^t^v^iya] n -h food-
sale, selling; -^a 6HJieT0B -stuffs, provisions, victuals.
booking {of tickets); a ~e npoAOJiroBaxIbiH [pradalgA-
on sale. vatty] a s/i / ~, -a, -o, -bi ob-
npojiaxb see upojxaBSiTh. long {greater in length than
npoABHrjaxb [pradvigat^] in breadth).
imperf -aio, -aemb, npoflDii- npoAOJiJKlaxb [pradAlzhat**]
H|yTb [prAdv^inut^] perf imperf -aro, ^aemb, npojioji-
-y, -emb, p -yji, imp -b jKJHXb [prAdolzhit''] perf'-y,
1. move on / forward / further, 'Huih, p -HJi, imp -H contin-
push on / forward / further; ue, go on keep on, proceed
extend {to, as far as); 2. fig with.
col promote, further, advance. npoAOji)K|axbCfl [pradAl-
npOABHr|aTbCM [pradv^i- zhattja] imperf -aexcH last,
gattja] imperf -aiocb, -aemb- continue, go, be in progress.
ca, npoABHHlyTbca (pfA- npOA0flweHH|e [pradAbhe'
npo — 364 —
n^'iya] n -h, -h 1. continua- pass through {to), go {to)
tion; sequel {that which fol- {both by vehicle); pass {along),
lows); 2. continued {at the go {along) {both in a vehicle);
beginning of the next portion cover {a distance, in a ve-
of an article, etc); —e cjie- hicle); 2. miss {a stop, etc).
AyeT to be continued {at the npocKT [prAekt, -gd] m -a,
end of a portion of an article, -OB 1. project, design; 2.
etc); --e b cjieAyiomeM HOMepe draft {of a resolution, etc).
to be continued in the next npoexaib see npoesjKaib.
issue; npOKCKTOp [prAzhektar] m
<> B —eduring, tlirougliout, -a, -OB searchlight.
in the course of. np63|a [proza] / -u prose
npo;iojiH<HTejibH|biH [pra- {also fig).
dAlzh+t^il^nty] a sh f npo- nposBHiule [proz^v^ish'^.a]
AOJiJKHieJieH , -a, -o, -bi long, n -a, —
prolonged. nposBynaxb see sBynaTb.
npo;t6ji»MTb see npoflOJi- nposeeaTb see seBaTb 3.
jKaib. nposHMOBaxb see sHMOBaib.
npoiiyKT [prAdukt, -gd] m npospaHHlbiM [prAzrach^-
-a, pi -bi, -OB 1. {mostly pi) nty] a sh f npoapa^eH, -a,
food-stuffs, victuals, provi- -Q, -bi transparent {also fig).
sions; ~bi HHTaHHH food prod- npoHrpaxb see npoHrpw-
ucts, food-stuffs; 2. product Baxb.
(a thing produced, etc); bi — npoMrptielaxb [prAigrivaf*]
ceJibCKoro xosflflcTBa agri- imperf -aio, -aemb, npo-
cultural produce. Mrpjaxb [praigrat^J perZ-aio,
npoAyKu,Hlfl [prAduktjtya] -aeuib lose {a game, etc, or
/ -H production, output; Bb'i- in a game, etc).
nycK npoMbiuiJieHHOH ~h in- npoHrpbiiii fproigrtsh, -zh]
dustrial output. m -a, -efl loss {in a game,
npoesii [prAyest, -zd] m etc); sport defeat; 6bixb b ~e
-a, -OB passage, thoroughfare; be the loser.
-^a Her no thoroughfare. npoH3Be;ieHHle [praiz^v^i^-
npoesAOM [prAyezdam] adv d^en^iya] n -h. work,
col passing,
in passing production {of art, etc); opus,
through; ~
b on the way to. composition; 2. math prod-
npoesjKJaTb [prayi^zh^iat^] uct.
imperf -aio, -aeuib, npoex|aTb npoHseecxH see npoHSBO-
fprAyekhat^] npoe;;y,
perf AHXb 1, 3.
npoe^emb, p -a;i 1. go {past, npoHSBOflHxejibHocxlb [pra-
by, through), pass {by, izvAd^if'il^nasH^, -zM'^JZ-H
through) {both in a vehicle); productivity {of labour, etc).
drive {past, by, through); npoH3BOAMTejibHlbiH [pra-
ride {past, by, through)', izvAd^it^'il^ntyJ a sh f npo-
365 — npo

H3B0AHTejieH -a, -o, -bi pro- s^it^] imperf npoH3Hoiuy,

ductive, efficient; npoHSHocHiub, p -iij], imp -u,
^ •~bie cHjibi econ produc- npoH3Hec|TH [praiz'^n^i^s^t^i]
tive forces. perf -y, -eiub, p npoHSHec,
npoHSBOAJHTb [praizvA- -jia, imp -H 1. pronounce,
d^it^] imperf npOHseojKy, articulate; 2. pronounce, ut-
npoHSBOAHuib, p -HJi, imp -h, ter, say; -—Hxb pe^b make/ de-
npOHSBejCTH [praiz^v^i^s^t^ij liver a speech.
perf -Ay, -Aeuib, p npoHsseji, np0H3H0iueHHle [praiznA-
-Jia, imp -AH 1. make {exper- shen^iya] n -h pronunciation
iments, calculations, etc); {of words, etc).
execute, carry {work,
out npoH30HXH see npoHCxoAHTb
repairs, etc); 2. {no perf) 1, 2.
produce, manufacture; 3.: npoHcxoA|HTb [praiskhA-
— HTb BneqaxJieHHe make ^n d^it^] npoHcxojKy, npoHcxo-
impression; ^HXb uiyM make AHUib, p -HJI, imp -H, npo-
a noise; H30h1xh [praizAyt^i] perf
<> ~HTb Ha CBCT bring into -Aex, p npoH3oiiie;i, npOHSo-
the world, give birth to. uijia, imp -AH 1. happen,
npoH3B6ACTBeHH|biH [pr9- occur, take place; mxo SAecb
izvotjtv^mniy] a production npoHcxoAHx? what's up?;
{attr); '-an npaKXHKa practi- what's going on here?; 2. be
cal (work), practical training; the result {of), take place as
-~oe 3aAaHHe output pro- a result {of); 3. {no perf)
gramme; output target; '-oe come {from) {by origin); de-
o6yqeHHe industrial training. scend {from), come {of).
npoHSBOAcrBJo [praizvotjt- npoHCxo)KAeHH|e [prais-
V9] rt -a 1. production, man- khAzhd^en'^iya] n -h origin;
ufacture; cn6co6 ^a mode birth, descent, extraction.
of production; cpeAcxea ~a npoHcuj€cTBH|e fpraishe-
means of production; opyAHH s^'t^v^iya] n -h, -h incident,
~a implements of produc- event'; accident {an unfortu-
tion; H3Aep>KKH ~a cost of nate event).
production; 2. factory, works; npoHXH see npoxoAHTb.
industry; hohxh Ha ~o be- npOKjiaAbiB|axb [prAkladi-
come a factory worker. vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
npOHSBOJi [praizvol] m -a npojiO)K|HXb [pralAzhtt^] perf
-y, npojioJKHmb, p -hji, imp
arbitrary rule; arbitrariness;
<!> 6p6cHTb
OCraBHTb Ha '- -H 1. lay (a pipeline, etc);

cyAbSbi leave to the mercy build (a tunnel, etc); --axb

of fate. Aopory / nyxb build a road;
npOHSHecTH see npoHsno- make a path [also see
CHXb. <0>]; ~axb ce6e Aopory work
npoH3Hoc[HTb [praiznA- one's way; elbow one's way
npo — 366 —
[also see <>]; 2. interlay nuttsa] perf -ycb, -embCH, p
(lay between); -yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp -ftcb, -h-
^ ~aTb ziopory / nyxb pave lecb miss (one's aim), fail
the way; ~aTb ce6e Aopory to hit, miss the mark {also
make one's way in life; —axb fig)-
HOBbie nyiH blaze new trails. npoMefljieHH|e [pram^i^dl^6-
npOKjiflTHJe [prAkl^at^iya] n^'iya]n -h delay, lingering.
I n -«, -ft 1. damnation, npoMeiKyT|oK [pram^i^zhu-
imprecation; 2. curse, impre- tak, -g] m -Ka, -kob 1. space,
cation; gap; 2. interval, period of
II asanint (also npOKJiHTbe) time (between).
damn!, confoundl npoMOKarejibHlbm [pramA-
npoKOHcyjibTHpoBaTbCJi see kat^iPniy] a: ~?yi 6yMara
KOHCyJIbTHpOBaTbCH. blotting-paper.
npoKypop [prakuror] m -a, npOMOKJaTb [pramAkat^]
-OB public prosecutor, public imperf -aw, -aeuib, npoMOK-
procurator. H|yTb [prAmoknut^] perf -y,
npojierapHaT [praPitar^iat, -euih, p npoMOK, npoMOKjia,
-d] m -a proletariat (the imp -H 1. get wet /soaked/
working class). drenched; npoMOKHyib jip
npojierapHlfi [pral^i^tar^iy] Kocreft get wet / drenched to
m -H, -eB proletarian; -~h the skin; 2. [no perf) let
Bcex crpaH, coeAHHHHxecb! water through, not be water-
workers of the world, unite! proof.
npojieTapcK|HH [pral^i^tar- npoMonlHTb [pramAch^it^]
sk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -He prole- perf -y, npoMOMHUib, p -hji,
tarian. imp -H get (smth) wet; drench,
npojiHB [prAl^if, -v] -a, m soak.
-OB strait(s) (a water-way). npOMToeapIbi [pramtAvari]
npojiHBJaTb [pral'^ivat^j pi -OB (=npoMbiiiiJieHHbie lo-
imperf -aio, -aeiub, npojilHib eapbi) manufactured goods.
[prAl'^it^] perf -bib, -beuib, npOMbiLUJieHHOCT|b [prAml-
p npoJiHji (-HJi), -Hjia, npo- shPmnas^t^, -z^d^] / -h in-
JIHJIO (-HJIO), npOJIHJIH (-HJIH), dustry {1) the mining and
imp -eft 1. spill [a liquid); manufacturing part of a na-
2. shed {blood, tears); tional economy; 2) any branch
<> ~aTb CBCT Ha HTO-JI. of this); Ao6biBaK)maH ~b ex-
throw /shed light on smth. tractive industry; o6pa6aTbi-
npojiojKHTb see npoKjiaAW- Baioman ~b manufacturing
eaTb. industry; KpynHan b large- —
npowax [promakh, -gh] m -scale industry.
-a, -OB 1. miss {in shooting); npOMbiuj.neHHb:ft [prAmtsh-
2. fig blunder; slip (an error). Pmnty] a industrial {enter-
npOMaxHlyTbcii [pramAkh- prise, etc).
^ 2567 — npo

npoH3HTejibH|biM [pFAn'z'i- npooHCbiBJaxb [prAp^isi-

f'lPniy] a sh f npoHSHTejien, vat^] imperf -aeuib,
-a, -0, -bi shrill, piercing, nponHc|axb [prap^'isat^] perf
sharp {voice, look, etc), nponumy, nponuuieuib, p -aji,
npOHUKJaTb [pran^'ikat^] imp npoDHUiH 1. register {ai
imperf -ara, -aeuib, npoHHK- the place of residence); 2. pre-
Hlyxb [prAn^iknut^] perf -y, scribe {a medicine).
-eUIb, p npOHHK, npOHHK- nponoBeAJb [pr6pav'it^,-d^]
jia, imp -H penetrate {into, / -H, -eu sermon preach-
through]) also fig)* go ing.
{through)^ pass {through). nponopuHOHajibHibiH [pra-
npoHuuaTejibH|biH [pran^i- partstAnaPnty] a sh f npo-
tjat^il^'niy] a sh f npoHHua- nopuHOHajieu, -a, -o, .-u pro-
xejieH, -a, Vo, -u shrewd, pen- portional, proportionate.
etrating, acute, perspica- nponycK [propusk, -zg] m
cious; piercing {look, etc). -a, pi -H (-a), -OB (-6b) 1. {pi
nponaraHA|a [prapAganda] -a, -6b) pass (a document);
/ propaganda {dissemina-
-bi 2. {pi -H, -ob) blank, gap,
tion and elucidation of theo- interval; 3. {pi -h, -ob) ab-
ries and ideas). sence, non-attendance.
nponaraHflMpjOBaTb [pra- nponycK|axb [prapuskat^]
pagAn^d^'iravat^] imperf -yio, imperf -aK),~ -aeuib, npony-
-yeiub, p -OBaji, imp -yfi cx[Hxb [prapus^t^it^] perf
advocate, propagandize; pop- nponymy, nponycxHuib, p
ularize {science, achieve- -HJi, imp -H 1. let pass, let
ments, etc). go (past), make way for; let
nponafllaxb [prapAdat''] in, admit; let {smb) out {of
imperf -aio, -aeuib, npona|cTb a room, etc); 2. {no perf) let
[prApas^t^] perf -Ay, -Aeuib, pass (through) {water, 'etc); be
p -Ji, imp -AH 1. be missing, transparent; be pervious to
be lost; 2. disappear, vanish; {water, etc); 3. miss {a lec-
die, pass {of feelings); 3. per- ture, etc); let slip {an op-
ish, die, be done for, be portunity, etc); 4. omit, leave
lost; 4. be wasted {of iime, out, skip.
etc); npopBaxb see npopbmaxb.
< FAe Bbi —ajiH? where have /npopBaxbCfl see npopu-
you been?; ohuih nponajio BaXbCH.
col it is as good as lost. npopbiB [prArif, -v] -a, m
nponexb see nexb 1, -OB 1. mil break-through; 2.
iiponHcaxb see nponHCbi- fig hitch {in work, etc); lag,
Baxb. lagging behind the plan;
nponHc|Ka [prAp^iska] / jiHKBHAHpoBaxb ^
catch up
-KH, -OK registration {at the with the plan; make good
place of residence). (m one's work); BUBecxH npeji-

npH^THe H3 ~a help an en- V9t^] imperf -aK), -aeuib, npo-

terprise out {of serious pro- cjiyiu|aTb [prAslushat^] perf
duction difficulties); help an -aK), -aeiiib 1. hear, listen to;
enterprise catch up with the 2. hear, attend {lectures, etc)*,
plan. 3. (no imperf) miss, not catch
npopbiB[aTb [prarivat^] {what has been said).
imperf -aio, -aeuib, npocMaTpHB|aTb [prAsmat-
[prArvat*'] perf -y, p r^ivat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib^
-aji, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, imp -h npocMOTplexb [prasmAtr^ef^]
break (through) {also mil). perf -K), npocMOTpHUib, p -eji,
npopbiB|aTbCj! [prarivattsa] imp -H 1. look through / over,
imperf -aiocb, -aembcn, npo- run over 2. {no imperf) over- 5

pelaTbcn [prArvattsa] perf look, miss; 3. see {a film,

-ycb, -euibCH, p ajick, -ajiacb, etc); preview {a film, etc).
-ajiocb (-a;iocb), -ajiHCb (-a- npocHyibCfl see npocbi-
jiiiCh),imp -HCb, -Hiecb 1. tear, n^TbCH.
become torn, burst; 2. burst npocnaxb see npocbinaxb I.
open; break {of an abscess, npocneKT [prAs^p^ekt, -gd]
dyke, etc); 3. force one's way m -a, -OB avenue {a street).
(through), break (through) npocnpjiraTb see cnpHraxb.
{also mil); 4. fig burst forth, npocp6HHB)aTb [prAsroch^i-
burst out {of anger, etc). imperf vat^]
-aio, -aeiiib,
npocBemeHH|e [pras^v^i^- npocp6H|HTb [prAsroch^it^j
sh^:en^iy9] n -h education, perf -y, -mub, p -hji, imp
national education; enlighten- -b exceed the time-limit;
ment. npocpOHHTb ynjiary fail to
njJoclHTb [prAs^it^] imperf pay in time.
npomy, npocHiub, p -hji, imp npocTepexbcsi see npocxH-
-H, noinpocHTb [paprAs^it**] paxbCH.
perf 1. ask, beg {smb to do npocxHp|axbcH [pras^t^i-
smth, permission, etc); ask rattsa] imperf -aexcH, npo-
for, beg for; -— Hxb mhjioctlihio cxepexbCH [pras^f'i^r^ettsa]
beg, go begging; 2. plead, perf p npocxepcH, npocxep-
intercede {with smb for smb); jiacb stretch {of a forest, etc);
3. invite, ask; ~-axbCH ji,o qero-ji. reach
<> npomy Bac! 1) please!; 2) smth, stretch to "smth.
help yourself, please!; npo- npocxHXb see npouj.axb.
cflT He KypHTb! no smoking, npocxHXbCfl see npomaxbCH.
please! npocxo [prosta] I adv
npocKjioH«Ti> see ckjio- simply;
HHTb II. II impers predic it issimple
npocjiymaxb see npocjiy- {to do smth); it is easy {to
lIIHBaTb. do smth);
npocjiyuiMBJaib [prAslushi- III part intens & r^str cqI;
— 369 -- npo

'- yscac! it's oh -H, pi npOCTUHH, npOCTblHb,

just awful!;
— He pa3o6paTb sto -HM (bed-)sheet.
he simply cannot make it npocbinaxb see npocbi-
out; OH -~ HHqero ne snaex naTb II.
he just knows nothing; npocbinlaxb I [prasipat^]
<> ~ TaK for no particular imperf -aio, -aeiiib, npocn|aTb
reason. [prAspat^] perf -Jiib, -Hiub, p
npocxloH I [prAstoy] a sh f -a./i, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, imp
'—, -a, npocTO, npocTbi {-hi) -H 1. oversleep (oneself); 2.
1. simple; easy {not diff-' cult); {no imperf) sleep (//// or for
2. common, ordinary; plain, a certain time); 3. col (over-
simple; sleep and) miss {a train, etc).
<> ~biM rjiasoM with the npocbm|aTb II [prastpat^]
naked eye. imperf -k\o, -aeuib, npocbi-
npocTolfl II [prAstoy] m -h, n|aTb [prAstpat^] perf -jiio,

-eB standing idle; time -Huib, p -aji, imp -b spill

wasted (standing idle), period {sugar, flour, etc).
of idleness; demurrage {de- npocbm|aTbcsi [prasipattja]
tention). imperf -aiocb, -aeiUbCH, npo-
npocTOKBauila [prastAkva- cHJyTbCH [prAsnuttja] perf
sha] / -H sour milk. -ycb, -euibCH, p -yjicH, -yjiacb,
npocT6pH|biH [prAstorniy] imp -HCb, -Hxecb wake (up),
a sh f npocTopen, -a, -o, -bi awake.
spacious, roomy; loose, wide np6cb6|a [proz^ba] / -u, ^
{clothes). 1. request {1) the act of; 2)
npocTpaHCTBlo [prAstran- what is asked for); o6pau;axb-
stva] n -a space (1) unlim- CH c —OH make a request;
ited room between y MeHH K BaM —a may I ask
room', 2)
smth); 6e3B03flymHoe ~o 1) you a favour?; ~a ne my-
phys vacuum; 2) outer space; Mexb silence, please!; —a ne
nycToe ~o void, space. KypHXb no smoking, please!;
npocTyflHTbCJi see npocry- 2.: ~a o HOMHJioBaHHH ap-
HCaTbCH. peal for mercy, appeal for
npocTy}K|aTbC5i [prastuzha- a pardon.
ttj9] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH. npoxcKJaxb [prat^i^kat^]
npocTy;ilHTbCfl [prastud^ittsa] imperf -aex, npoxelnb [prA-
perf npocTy}Kycb, npocry- t^ech^] perf -ner, -Kyx, p
JlHUIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, npoxeK, {mostly im-
-Kjia 1.
imp -HCb, -HTecb catch (a) perf) flow, run {of a stream);
cold. 2. be leaky, leak; 3. ooze,
npocxynloK [prAstupak, -g] leak; 4. elapse, pass (of time);
m -Ka, -KOB misdemeanour, 5. fig proceed {of a process);
bad deed, bad conduct. ~axb HopMajibHO take its
npocTbiHlfl [prasttn^'a] / normal course.
tipd 370 —
[prAt'est, -zd] m npOTHBHO [prAt^ivna] I adv

-a, protest; BbipasHXb

-OB ^ in a disgusting manner; —
make a protest, remonstrate; naxHyib stink, have a bad/
noABTb —
lodge a protest disgusting smell;
(with some organization). II impers predic it is dis-
npoTecTlosaTb [prat^'istA- gusting/repulsive/repugnant;
vat''] Imperf *-yio, -yeuib, p eMy ~ he is disgusted.
-oeaji, imp -yn protest, re- npoTHBHlbiH [prAt^ivniy] a
monstrate {against). sh f npoTHBen, -a, -o, -bi
npOTCHb see nporeKaTb. nasty, offensive, unpleasant;
npOTHB [prot^if, -v] I prep OH MHenpOTHBeH I can't stand
with gen denoting 1. position him.
opposite smth: ~ Moero oKHa npoTHBorda [prat^ivAgds,
pacTCT 6epe3a there is a birch -z] m -a, -OB gas-mask.
opposite my window; CH^eTb npoTHBOfl^ficTBHle [prat^i-
Apyr ^ APyra sit facing each vAd^'eys^'t^v^'iya] n -Ji, -fi
'other; 2. movement in the opposition, counteraction.
opposite direction: ^ leqeHHn npoTHBonoJi6«HocTlb [pra-
[Beipa, CBeia u m. n.] t^ivapAlozhnas^t^, -z^d'^] f
against the current [wind, -H, -efl 1. contrast, opposi-
light, etc]\ 3. opposition to tionj 2v philos opposite; 3. op-
smb or smth; the fact that posite, antipode, antithesis;
smth is done in spite of smh's npHMan ~b exact opposite;
opinion^ etc. BbiCTynarb -^ nojinan '~b exact antithesis;
npeflJiojKeHHH oppose / come <0> B ~b HeMy-ji. contrary to

out against a proposal; speak smth; B ~b KOMy-ji. unlike

against a proposal; HMeib smb.
qxc-Ji. ~
have smth against, npOTHBono.n6»{HlbiH [praf'i-
mind; ~ bojih against one's vapAlozhniy] a sh f npoiH-
[smb's] will; 4. the fact that BonojiOH^en, -a, -o, -bi oppo-
the objectof the action is to site {side, direction, opinion)-,
be done away with: jienap- contrary, opposed.
ctbo ~
Kamji5i medicine for npOTHBonocTdBHTb see npo-
coughing; fiopoibCH ~ ^a- THBOnOCiaBJlHTb.
lUHSMa fight / struggle against npoTHBonocTaBjilflTb [pra-
fascism; t^ivapastAvl^at^] imperf -mo,
II as an xo^y sto -HeiDb,
adv. h npOTHBOnOCTaBlHTb
CAeJiaTb, OH — I want to [prat^ivapAstav^it''!
a perf
do it, and he is against it/ he -jiio, -HUJb, p -Hji, imp -b 1.
objects to it; 5i coecewi He ~ contrast {smth with smth);
I've nothing against it. 2. oppose {smth to smth).
npOTMBHHK [prAt^ivn^ik, npoTHBopcHHle [praf'ivA-
-g] m -a, -ob 1. opponent; r^ech^'iya] n -n, -h contra-
adversary; 2. mil enemy. diction; npHXOAHTb B -^e c...
~ 371 — npo

come in conflict with...; na- -i5" col teach a (good) les-

xoflHTbCH B ~H
c... be at son.
variance witli... npo(|)eccHOHajibHbiH [praf^i-
np0THB0pe4|HTb [prat^ivA- s^iAuaPniy] a professional;
r^ech^it^] imperf -y, -Hiub, occupational {disease, etc);
p -HJi, imp -h 1. contradict vocational {training, etc).
{stub), gainsay; 2. contradict npocjjeccHJji [prAf^es^iya] /
(smth), run counter (to), be -H, -H profession, occupation,
at variance {with). trade.
npoTKHyxb see npoibiKaxb. npo(j)eccop [prAf^esar] m
npoTOKOJi [pratAkol] m -a, -a, pi -a, -OB professor (a
-OB 1. minutes {of a meeting, teacher).
etc); BecTH —
tal<e the min- np64)Hji|b [prof^il^] m
utes; 2. protocol {diplomatic). -efl 1. profile; 2. speciality (o/

nporyxHyxb s^e TyxHyxb II. an educational institution);

npOTbiK|aTb [pratikat''] im- type {of school); cneuna-
perf -aK), -aeujb, npOTKH|yTb JiHCx uiHpoKoro -~5i special-
[prAtknut^] perf -y, -euib, p ist of broad specialization.
-yji, imp -H pierce (through); npO(})coK)3 [prafsAyus, -z]
transfix. m -a, (=npo4)eccHOHajib-
npOTHrHB|aTb [prAt^ag^i- HbiH coK)3) trade union.
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeinb, npo- npo$coK)3HbiH fprafsAyuz-
TJiH|yTb [prot^i^nut^] perf niy] a trade-union {attr).
-y, npoTHHeuib, p -yji, imp npoxjiaAH|b!H [prAkhladniy]
-H stretch {along or as far
1. a sh f npoxjiaflCH, -a, -o, -bi
as smth); 2. stretch out, reach fresh; cool {also fig).
out, extend; offer, proffer; npoxoA [prAkhot, -d] m
3. {no imperf) col last, lin- -a, -OB passage {1) the act of;
ger, live; 2) a corridor); passage-way,
<0>npOTjiHyTb HOPH col die, ^ pass; aisle; —' saKpbix no
turn up one's toes. passage; --a Hex no passage;
npoTfl)KeHH!e [prat^i^zhe- <> 3a;iHHH —
anat anus;
n^iya] n -h extent, stretch; zool vent; ne aaeaxb -~-a
Ha ~H ACCHTH KHJIOMexpOB (~y) KOMy-ji. pursue smb
for a distance of ten kilo- pestering and badgering him.
metres; Ha BceM ~H all (the ^poxo;^)Hxb [prakhAd^it^]
way) along, the full length imperf npoxoxcy, npoxoAHuib,
(of); p -HJI, imp -H, npOH|xH
<> Ha ~H... for (the space [prAyt^i] perf -Ay, -j\euib, p
of) {several days, etc). npomeji, npoiujia, imp -ah
npOTJiHyTb see npoTHPH- 1. walk {move); go {on foot)
Baxb. {both mostly in a certain di-
npoyH|Hxb [prauch^'it^] perf rection or for a certain dis-
-y, npoyHHuib, p -idJi, imp tance); go {along a certain
npo — 372 —
route in a vehicle); fly (over, npouHTHpoBaxb see uHTHpo-
along); drive (along); sail Baib.
(along); —htb no Mocry cross npoHecTb see qHiaxb.
abridge; ~HTb flBaAUaxb kh- np6H|HH [proch^iy] I a -an,
jiOMexpoB B AeHb cover twen- -ee, -He other (different);
ty kilometres a day; npoft- I! as a noun n p 6 h He pi

flHTe ciofla come over liere; -Hx: Bce ~He (all) the others;
npoHTH cjiaBHbiH nyib cover <> H ~ee et cetera, and so
a glorious path; 2.: ~HTb on; noMHMO ecero ~ero in
MHMO go by, pass (by) (both addition, besides.
on foot or in a vehicle); npoHHiaTb see ^HTaxb.
3. spread (of rumours, etc); npOHHlbiH fproch^nty] a
npomeji cjiyx, mo... it was sh f npoHCH, -a, o, -bi (-h)
rumoured that...; has been
it 1. strong, solid; durable; 2.
rumoured that...; run, lie,
4. fig 'irm {stand, etc); lasting
pass (of a road, etc); 5. pass, (peace, etc); sound (knowl-
elapse, go by (of time); ex- edge).
pire (of a term); slip away npoHb [proch^, -j^] adv
(of time); 6. go off, pass (of away, off; —I go away!,
a performance, lesson, etc); away with youl; ~ oxcfb^al
noBCioAy npoxoAHT mhthhth get out of here!, clear out!;
rallies are held everywhere; ~ c AopoFH! get out of the
7. be over, pass (of a season, way!, make way!;
illness, etc); 8. col study (a <> He — 1) have nothing
subject at school, etc); perf against (doing smth), have
also cover, complete (a sub- no objections to (doing
ject), smth); 2) be willing (to do
npox6)KfHH [prAkhozhty] m smth), would like(^o do smth).
-ero, -Hx passer by. npouijibiH [pr6shUy] I a
npouBerjaTb [pratjv^i^tat^] past (life, etc); last (year,
imperf -^k), -aeiub prosper, etc);
flourish; thrive (of economy). II as a noun n p Ji joe n 6m
npoucHT [prAtjent, -d j m -a, -oro the past.
-OB 1< per cent; percentage, npomafi(xe) [prAsh^:ay(t^i)]
rate; interest (on capital).
2. Int good-bye!
npouecc [prAtjes, -z] -a, m npoiu,ajibHbiH [prAsh^:al^-
-OB 1. process (1) of growth, niy] a parting (words, etc);
etc; 2) technol; 3) a course farewell.
of events); —
pasBHTHH de- npomaHHle [prAsh^.an^iya]
velopment; 2. law trial; pro- n -H, -H farewell; parting,
ceedings; legal action; law- leave-taking;
suit, suit; 3. med'. b jier- — <> Ha ~e at parting.
KHX tuberculosis (of the npomlaxb [prAsh^'.at^] im-
lungs). perf -aK), -aeujb, npocxlHib
373 — ncn

[prAs^'t^it''] perf ~6k b Bbicoxy high jump;

-Huib, p -HJi, imp -OK B ;;jiHHy (long) jump;
-H forgive,
pardon; remit (a debt); npo- ~6k r mecxoM pole vault;
CTH(Te) mchh! excuse me! ~KH B BOAy diving; high
npoiu,|aTbCfl [prAsh^:atts3] diving.
imperf -arocb, -aeuibCH, npo- npbim [prish^:, -zh^:[ m
crlMTbCH [prAs^'t^'ittsa] perf -a, -eft pimple, blotch.
npomycb, -HuibCH, p -hjich, npflfljb [pr^at^, -d''] / -h,
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb, noi- -eftlock {of hair).
npomarbcfl [paprAsh^iattsa] np«)K|Ka [pr^'ashka] / -kh,
perf say good-bye {to), take -CK buckle, clasp.
(one's) leave {of). npHMO [pr^ama] adv 1.
npome [pr6sh'':i] comp of straight {in a direct line);
npocTOH & corresp adv. 2.: CHAexb ~ sit upright /
nposKsaMeHOBaTb see 3K3a- erect; 3. straight, directly {to,
MeHOBaxb. from some place, etc); right
npOHBHTb see npOHBJIHTb. {to); 4. fig frankly, openly,
npoHBji(flTb[prayi^vl^'at^] bluntly.
imperf -hkd, -neuib, npoHBlHTb ^jipnMJOH [pr^i^moy] a sh
[prayi^v^it^] perf -jik>, npo- f — , -a, npHMbi 1.
HBHiub, p -HJI, imp -H 1. straight {line, etc); 2. upright,
show, display, manifest erect; 3. direct {answer, elec-
{some feeling, etc); ~HTb ne- tions, etc); through {train,
peiuHxejibHocTb hesitate, be etc); 4. frank, sincere, out-
in doubt; 2. photo develop; spoken; straightforward;
<> '— «Tb ce6fl 1) prove one's <> ~a5i KHuiKa anat rectum;
worth; 2) prove oneself to be ~6h yroji math right angle.
(a good teacher, etc). npaHHK [pr^an^ik, -g[ m
npyA [prut, -d] m -a, -6b -a, -OB treacle-cake; honey-
pond. -cake; gingerbread.
npy)KMH|a [pruzhtna] / -bi, npMJxaxb [pr^atat^] imperf
^ spring {in a watch, etc; -My, -'leuib, p -xaji, imp -Mb,
also fig). cinpHxaxb [spr^atat^] perf
npyx [prut, -dj -a (-a), m hide, conceal {also fig).
pi -bH, -beB 1. twig, switch; npfl|xaxbCJi [pr^atattja] im-
withe; 2. rod {of metal, etc). perf -^ycb, -qeuibCH, p -xajicH,
nphirjaxb [prtgat''] imperf -xajiacb, imp -^bCH, -^bxecb,
-aio, -aeuib, npbirHJyxb [prtg- c:npflxaxbcfl [spr^atattja]
nut^] perf -y, -euib, p -yji, perf hide, conceal oneself.
imp -H jump, spring, leap; ncHXHHecKJHH [ps^ikh^i-
bound {of a dog, etc); perf ch^'isk'^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne psy-
also take a leap / jump. chic(al), mental.
npbiwIoK [prizhok,' -g] m ncMXOJiorH'ifl [ps'^ikhAlo-
-Ka, -KOB jump, spring, leap; g^iya] / -h psychology.
nrn — 374 —
niHuja [pt^itsa] / -bi, '~- nyabipjb [puzk^] m -h,
bird; fowl; nepejieiHan —a -eft 1. bubble, bladder; 2.
bird of passage (also fig). col blister (on the skin); 3.
nyejiMKJa [publ^ika] / -h anat MoqeBOH --b
public; audience (at the the- urinary bladder.
atre, etc); the spectators. nyjieMex [pul^i^m^'ot, -d]
nySjiHRJOBaTb [publ^ikA- m -a, -OB machine-gun; pyq-
vat^] imperf -yio, -yeiub, p HOH light ~
-oeaji, imp -yfl, o;ny6jiHKo- cxaHKOBbiH medium ma- —
EaTb [Apubl^ikAvat^] perf chine-gun; 6^5 heavy ma-
publish; carry {of a newspa- chine-gun.
per, etc). nyjibc [pul^s, -z] m -a
nySjiMHHbiH [publ^ich^niy] pulse (also fig); pulse rate.
a public (library, lecture, nyji|fl [pul^a] / -h, -b
etc); bullet.
<> ^AOM brothel, house of nyHKx [punkt, -gd] m -a,
prostitution. -OB point (a place); onop-
nyr|dTb [pucjj^*'] imperf HbiH -- mil strong point,
-aio, -aeuib, hc nyraib
[ispu- stronghold; 2. station (for
gat^] perf, Ha nyraxb [napu- recruiting, etc); neperoBop-
gat^j perf 1. frighten, scare; HbiH —
trunk-call office; Me-
2. threaten (smb). AHUHHCKHii — dispensary; 3.
nyrjaxbCM [pugattja] im- item, point; 4.: KyjibMHHa-
perf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH, Hc;ny- UHOHHbiH ~
culmination [the
raxbcn [ispugattj9[ per/, na;- highest point);
nyraxbCJi [napugattja] perf <> HacejieHHbiH settle- —
be frightened; take alarm. ment (a town or a village);
nyrjiHBlbiH [pugPivty] a populated area; inhabited
sh f ~, -a, -0, -bi easi- locality.
ly frightened / scared; fearful nycKJaxb [puskat"^] imperf
(look, etc); shy (animals). -aio, -aeuib, nycx|Hxb [pus^-
nyroBHu|a [pugav^itja] / t^it''] perf nymy, nyciHiiib,
-bi, —
button (a fastening or p -HJi, imp -H 1. let (smb go
ornament). somewhere); allow (smb to go
nyA [put, -d] m
-a, pi -u, somewhere); 2. let (smb) in;
-OB pood (16.38 kg). 3. start, put in action; set
nyAp|a [pudra] / -bi (face) working; set in motion; turn
powder. on (water, etc); 4. bot put
nyAp|HXbCfl [pudr^ittja] im- forth; --axb KopHH take root
perf -KDCb, -HLUbCH, p -HJICH, (also fig);
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb, <> ~axb B npoMSBOAcxBO put
HainyflpHx'bCH [nApudr^ittsa] in production; ~axb e xofl
perf powder (one's face), Bce cpcACXBa ^ pull every
use powder. string, leave no stone un-
— 375 nyx

turned: --axb cjiyx spread a nyxemecxeeHHHK [put^i®-

rumour. shes^t^v^m^ik, -g] m -a,
nycTJOH [pustoy] a sh f ^, -OB traveller (one who trav-
-a, nycTO, nycru 1. empty els); explorer.
{box, etc); uninhabited nyxemecxBHle [put^i^she-
^ .jj^ .g journey,
(house), deserted (town, etc);
2. fig idle (talk, etc)', shal- travel, trip; voyage.
low (person)', -^-bie cjioBa nyxeuiecxeloBaxb [put^i*^-
mere / empty words; shestyvat^] imperf -ywi, -yeuib,
^ -^oe MecTO nonentity; p -OBaji, imp -yH travel,
nepejiHBarb h3 —ore b no- make a journey; voyage.
p6)KHee col ^
mill the wind; nyxjb [put^, -d^l -u, m
beat the air. -efi 1. way, track, path;
nycTbiHH|biH [pusttnniy] a npoHAeHHbiH b —
sh f nycTbiHeH, -a, -o, -bi path; 2. journey, trip; voy-
desert (lands, etc); deserted age; oxnpaBHTbCH / nycTHTb-
(street, etc). CH B ~b set out, start on a
nycTbiH|fl [pustln^a] / -h, journey / trip; naxoAHTbCH
-b desert, wilderness. B —
H be en route, be on
nycTb [pus^t^, -z^d''] 1 one's way; 3. fig means,
part'. —' OH BOHAeTl let him way; mhphhm —-cm peace-
(come) in!; -^
6yAeT no-Ba- fully, in a friendly way;
meMy have your own way;
it Apyroro / hhofo -^h hct
II cj though, even if. there are no two ways about
nycTHK [pus^t^ak, -g] m it; 4. fig way, path; no jie-
-a, -OB trifle (a thing of lit- HHHCKOMy --H aloug the path
tle value); blazed by Lenin; hath no — h
<> ~m! col 1) it's nothing!; qero-Ji. follow the path of
2) nonsense!; 3) never mind! smth; npOHTH -—b ox pa66-
nyxaHHula [putan^'itsa] / Mero Ao MHHHcxpa work one's
-bi confusion, mess, muddle. way up from worker to min-
nyTJaxb [putat^] imperf ister;
-aK), -aemb 1. tangle (threads, <> Bcxaxb Ha ~b 4er6-ji.
etc); 2. confuse, mix (up); embark on the path of smth,
3. confuse, muddle, bewilder. take the road of smth; no
nyxeelKa [put^ofka] / -kh, --H 1) on the way; 2): BaM
-OK accommodation ticket/ no '-H CO MHOH? are you
card; voucher (to a rest- going my way?; npOBO»axb
-home, etc). KOrO-JI. B nOCJieAHHH ~b
nyxeeoAHxejilb [put^ivAd^i- attend smb's funeral; cnacx-
t^il**] m -H, -efi guide-book jiHBoro ~h! happy journey!,
(for travellers). bon voyage!
nyxcM [put^om] prep with nyx [pukh. -gh] m -a (-y)
^en by means of. down (soft feathers);
nym — 376 —
<> HH ~-a HH nepa! good = <C> nycKaib —b b rjiasa col
luck!; B —
H npax utterly = cut a dash, show off.
(defeat, rout); pasGHib b — obiJibHlbiH [piPniy] a shf
H npax rout (smb). ObiJieH, -a, -o, -bi dusty
nyiuHCT|biH [pushlstiy] a (road, etc).
sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi fluffy, nbiTJaxb [pitat^] imperf
downy. -aio, -aeujb torture, torment
nyiij|Ka [pushka] / -kh, (also fig).
-eK gun, cannon. nbiTlaibCji [pitattja] im-
nyiijHHH|a [pushn^ina] / perf -aiocb, -aeujbCH, no:nbi<
-bi furs. xaTbcn [papitattja] per/ try,
nymy person
[push^'iu] 1st attempt; endeavour.
of nycTHTb; see nycKaxb. nbiTJKa [pftka] / -kh, -ok
nnejija [pch^i^la] / -bi, pi torture, torment (also fig);
rmejibi, nweji bee •
(an in- anguish; noABepraxb -— Keput
sect). to torture.
nuieHHUJa [psht^n'^itja] / nbimH|biM [pfshniy] a sh f
-bi wheat; npoBan ~-a spring nbimen, -a, -o, -bi 1. fluffy,
wheat; osHMan ~a winter luxuriant; 2. pompous (words,
wheat. etc); splendid, magnificent.
nmeHJo [pshi^no] n -a nbec|a [p^'yesa] / -bi, --
millet. theat play; mus piece; cra-
nbiji [pil] m -a (-y) ardour, BHTb ~y
stage a play.
fervour; nbK) fp'^yu], nbeuib
^ B —
y cnopa in the heat [p^yosh, -zh] see nHXb.
of an argument; b y cpa- — nb$iH|eTb [p^yi^n^et*'] im-
»eHHsi in the thick of a perf -eK), -eeiiJb, ojnbsiHeTb
fight; B —
y rHCBa in a fit [Ap^yi^n^et^] per/ get drunk;
of anger. get intoxicated (also fig).
nbijijarb [ptlat''] imperf nbflHHu|a [p^yan'^itja] m &
-aK), -aeuib 1. be ablaze; f -bi, ~ drunkard, toper.
flame, blaze; glow [of the nbHH|biH [p^yaniy] I a sh
face, etc); 2. fig burn (with); f ~, -a, -o, -bi drunk, tipsy;
~aTb FHCBOM be in a rage. intoxicated (also fig); na-
nbijiecoc [ptl^'i^sos, -z] m HHTbCH —biM get drunk;
-a, -OB vacuum cleaner. II as a noun n b h h bi |
ft m
nbiJiK|HH [ptlk'^iy] a -an, -oro, -bix drunk man.
-oe, -He, sh f nujioK, -a, -o, n5iTep|Ka [p'^i'^t^'orka] /
-H ardent, passionate, fer- -KH, -OK 1. (a figure);
vent. 2. five, excellent (a mark
nbiji|b [pil*'] / -H dust (a at school); 3. col fiver,
powdery matter); spray (small five-rouble note.
drops); CMexaib ~b c Mer6-;i. HMxepio [p^at^'ira] num
dust smth; collect -ux. -WM, -bix (-0),
~ 377 pa6

b'lMH, (o) -bix five; nac 6biJio n^THHu|a [p^at^n^itja] /

~o there were five of us. -bi, ~
nflTH66pb|e [p^it^ibor^ya] <> y Hero ccMb -^ Ha He^ejie
n -H sport pentathlon. col ^
he is always changing
naTHitecsiTHJiCTHle [p^it^i- his mind.
d^is^it^il^et^iya] n -h, -ft 1. nHTHJo [p^i^tno] n -a, pi
fifty years; 2. fiftieth anni- HHTHa, nnxeH. nnxHaM spot,
versary; fiftieth birthday. stain {aho fig); blotch, blot;
njiTHjiecaTibiH [p^it'^id^i^- <> poflHMoe —6
s'^atiy] num. ord fiftieth; nflT|biH [p^atiy] nam ord
^bie roAW the fifties. fifth; nojioBHHa -~-oro half
nflTHJieTJKa [p^it^il^etka] / past four; eMy ~bift roA he
-KH, -OK five-year plan. is in his fifth year.
nHT|HTbCfl [p^at^ittja] im- nflTJb [p^at'', -d^] num
perf HHHycb, -HiiibCH, p -hjich, card -H, -bK) five.
-HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb, njiTbflec^T [p^id^d^i^s^at,
noinnxHTbcji [pAp^'at^'ittja] -d] nufn card nHiHAecHTH,
perf back, move back. nHTbiOAecHTbK) fifty.
nflT|Ka [p^atka] / -kh, -ok nsiTbcoT [p^i^tsot, -d] num
heel {of the foot). card njiTHCOT, nHTHcxaM, ~,
nnxHaAuaTbiH [p^i^tnattja- HHTblOCTaMH, (o) HHTHCTaX
tiy] num ord fifteenth. five hundred.
n«THaAU,aT|b [p^i^tnattjat^, HHHycb [p^ach^us^, -z^] see
-d^] num card -h, -bK) fifteen. HHTHTbCH.

pa6 [rap, -b] m

-a, -6b work, job; CHHTb c —bi dis-
slave {also fig). miss, sack; 6biTb 6e3 ~bi be
pa^OTJa [rAbota] / -u, pi out of work; nojieBwe ~bi
-bi, -^ 1. work {1) labour; field work; npHHyAHTejibHbie
2) something to do; task, — fenced labour.

duty; 3) something made or paSoTJaxb [rAbotat^l im-

done; 4) phys); o6ii;ecTBeH- perf -aio, -aeuib 1. work {1)
Han ~a social / public work; do work; 2) be employed:
6biTb Ha pyKOBOAHiueft —e be 3) operate, be in action);
one of the leadership; hold —aTb yMHTCJieM work as a
a responsible post/ posit'on; teacher; KeM bm — aexe?
jioMaiiiHHH —a home-work; what do you do?, what's
KypcoBan ~a course /term your occupation?; -—axb Ha
paper; AHnJioMHan ~a grad- Koro-Ji. work for smb; —axb
uation / diploma thesis; 2. HaA HCM-Ji. work at smthj
pa6 — 378 —
^aTb CBepxypoqHo work -06, -He 1. slave (attr); 2. fig
overtime; 2. be open (of a servile, slavish.
library, etc); pa6cTB0 [rapstva] n -a
^ ~aTb Haji coGoH im- slavery, servitude.
prove /
perfect one's profes- paeeHCTBlo [rav^mstva] n
sional skill [knowledge, etc]. -a equality.
paSoTHHK [rAbot^n'^ik, -g] paBHHH|a [rAvn^ina] / -u,
m -a, -OB worker (1) excel- ^ plain, flat country.
lent, skilled, etc, said of paBHOBecHJe [ravnAv^'es^iya]
mental and manual workers; n -51 balance, equilibrium
2) in the field of art, etc); (also fig); nojiHiHqecKoe ~e
HayMHbiH — scientific work- balance of power; AyiuesHoe
er; research worker; schol- ~-e mental equilibrium; bu-
ar; —
HapoAHoro o6pa30Ba- BecTH H3 ^n
1) upset the
HHH, -- npocBemeH.HH educa- balance (of); 2) fig upset
tional worker; oxBeTCTBen- (smb), upset (smb's) equanim-
HbiH —
executive, official; ity.
--H 4)H3HHeCKOrO H yMCTBCH- paBHo;iyuiH|biH [rsvnAdush-
Horo xpy^a workers by hand nty] a sh f paBHo;iyuieH, -a,
and brain. -o, -bi indifferent, apathetic.
paSoTHHula [rAbot^n^itja] paBHOMepH|biH [ravnAm^'er-
/ -bi, ^ (woman- )worker. niyj a sh f paBHOMepen, -a,
pa6oTOcnoc66HocT|b [rAbo- -o, -bi even (distribution,
taspASobnas^t^, -z^'d'*] / -h developmeni , etc); uniform
(great) capacity for work, (motion, acceleration, etc).
efficiency (of a worker). paBHonpaBH|e [ravnApra-
pa66H|iiH I [rAboch^iy] m v'iya] n -Ji equality (of
-ero, -HX worker, workman, rights).
labourer; '-He h cjiyjKamHe paBHlwH [ravnty] a sh f
industrial and office work- paneH, -a, -6, -bi equal (in
ers. amount, size, value, etc);
pa66H|HH [rAboch^iy] a
II paccTOHHHe, '—'Oe o^noMy
-an, -ee, -He 1. workers', KHJioMCTpy a distance of one
working, labour (attr)^ ~hh kilometre; A-nHna ~a AByM
KJiacc the working class; MexpaM the length is two
~ee flBH}KeHHe working-class metres; oxHOCHXbCH k KOMy-Ji.
movement; labour movement; KaK K -—OMy treat smb as
•~HH nocejiOK workmen's one's equal; b --oh cxenenH
settlement; 2. working {time, equally, to the same degree;
clothes, day, etc); npH npo^HX ~bix ycjioBHHX
<«- --He pyKH hands (labour- other things being equal;
ers); '-aa cHjia manpower, <> ~biM oSpasoM equally,
labour power. likewise.
pa6cK|HH [rapsk^iy] a -an, paBHlflTbCfl [rAvn^attja]
— 379 — paa

imperf -niocb, -^euibCJi, stantsiya] / -h, -fl radio

cipaBHHTbCfl [srAvn^attsa] station; broadcasting station.
perf 1. {no perf) dress (corns paAHCT [rAd^ist, -zd] m
into line); 2. {no perf) be -a, -OB wireless/ radio opera-
equal {to), be equivalent (/o); tor.
amount (to); Asa njiioc abb paAHyc frad^ius, -z] m -a,
~HeTCH qeTbipcM two and -OB math radius.
two makes / is / is equal to paAJoBaTb [radavat^] im-
four; 3. col vie (with), com- perf p -OBaji,
-yio, -yeiub,
pete {with); 4. {no perf) fig: imp -yH, o6:paAOBaTb [Abra-
— HTbCH Ha Koro-Ji./no KOMy- davat^] perf make glad/
-jih6o follow suit/smb's exam- happy, cause joy, gladden;
ple. 3T0 H3BecTHe oSpaAOBaJio
pafl [rat, -d] predic -a, MeHH I was happy to hear
-o, -bi: H [oh u m. d.] ^ I the news.
am [he is, etc] glad; ona paAloeaTbcn [radavattsa]
~a STOMy she is glad about imperf -yioch, -yeuibCH, p
it. -oBajicH, -OBajiacb, imp -yft-
paAH [rad^i] prep with CH, -yftxecb, o6;paAOBaTbcsi
gen for the sake of; myxKH [Abradavattja] perf rejoice,
— lor fun; qero ~? what be happy /glad {about smth.
for?; for smb's sake).
-^ ^ 66ra for goodness' paAOCTH|biH [radasniy] a
sake. 'h f paAocreH, -a, -o, -u
paAHO [rad^io] n indecl joyous, joyful; ~oe HSBe-
1. radio, wireless; no ~ CTHe happy / glad news.
over the radio; by radio; paAOCT|b [radas^t^, -z'd^]
2. col radio / wireless set. / -H, -efi joy, gladness; ot
pa^HO... first element of ^H for/ with joy.
compounds pertainin:; to 'ra- paAyrja [raduga] -h, if
dio', 'wireless': pa^HOBemaHHe rainbow.
[rad''iav'*i^sh'*:an^iy9] broad^ paAyiiiH|biH [rAdushniyJ a
casting; pa^HOjiaMna [rad^ia- r/i / paAymen, -a, -o, -u
lamp9] valve; US tube; pa- cordial {welcome etc); --ufl
AHonepeAaqa [rad^'iap^'ir^i^- X03HHH generous / engaging
dach^a] broadcast, transmis- host.
sion; programme {items of pas 1 [ras, -z] m -a (-y),
a broadcast)', pa^HOCBHSb pi ^, -aM 1. time(i) an
[rad^ias^v^as^, -z^] radio/ occasion-, 2) a repeated in-
wireless communication. stance); Ha 3T0T / Ha cefl -^
paAHonpHeMHHK [rad'ia- this time, on this occasion; e
pr^iyomn'ik, -gj m -a, -ob cJieAyiomHH — next time;
radio set; radio receiver. nepBbiH '- the first time;
paAH0CTaHi;H|fl [rad^lA- for the first time; -- b AeHfe
pas - 380 —
[b HCAeJiKD u, m. d.\ once a HHTHTb [razmAgn^it^it^] de-
day [week, etc\\ BCHKHft --, magnitize; 6. an excessive
KorAa... whenever...; oahh character or a' high degree
'- at one point, once; c nep- of an action: pacxeajiHTb
Boro ~-a from the first; hh [raskhvAPit*'] chower praise
--'y not a single time; never; on; pacKpHTHKOBaTb [raskr^i-
2. indecl one (m counting); t^ikAvat''] criticize severely;
<> '^ (h) HaecerAa once pasBOJiHOBaxbCH [razvalnAva-
(and) for all; ne ^several ttja]get excited / agitated.
times, more than once; time pasSaoHTb see pa36aBJiHTb.
and again; ~ Ha ~He npH- pa36aBJi|nTb [razbAvl^'at^]
xoflMTCJi it's not always the imperf -hk), -fleiub, pasSa-
same; e caMbifl ^ be an BJHTb [rAzbav^it^] perf -Ji\o,
excellent fit (0/ clothes, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -h dilute
etc). (a liquid).
pas II [ras, -z] cj denot- pasSerjaTbCH [razb^i^ga-
ing consequence, condition, ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH,
cause or reason: ~ oh 3ao- pa36e3K|aTbC5i [razb^'i'^zha-
poB, oh noHJier c naMH since ttja] perf pasSerycb, -HUJb-
he is well, he'll come with CH, pa36eryTCH, p -ajiCH, -a-
us; ~ OH CKasaJi, to sto jiacb, imp pa36erHCb, pas-
fleftcTBHTejibHO TaK if he has 6erHTecb I. make one's run,
said it, then it's really so; run up {before jumping, etc);
-— xaK... in that case... 2. scatter, run away in dif-
pas..., paso..., pasTj..., ferent directions;
pac... pref of verbs denot- <> y Hero rjiasa ~aK)TCJi he
ing 1. breaking up, divi- doesn't know what to choose
sion: pa3py6HTb [razrub^it^] {when there is a wide choice,
cut (into two, into pieces); abundance, etc).
pacHHJiHTb [rasp^'il^it**] saw pa36HB|dTb [razb^ivat^]
up, cut up; 2. distribution: imperf -aio, -aeuib, pa36|HTb
pasjiHBaib BHHO no 6yTbiJi- [rAzb^it^] perf pa3o6bib,
KaM bottle wine; 3. the pa3o6beuib, p -hji, imp -efi
spreading of an action in 1. break, smash; crash {an
different directions: paa- aircraft, etc); 2. break up /
6pbi3raTb [rAzbrtzgaf*] splash divide into parts; 3. lay out,
(a liquid); 4. achievement of mark out {a garden etc);
a result; pas-bHCHHib [raz''- pitch, set up (a tent, etc);
yi^s*'n^it^] explain, elucidate 4. hurt badly, fracture {the
{smth to smb); pasSorareTb head, etc); 5. defeat, rout,
(razbagAt^et''] become rich; beat, smash {also fig); paa-
5. reversal of an action: pas- 6HTb HaroJiOBy defeat utterly;
jiK)6HTb (raz^j^'ub^'it''] cease — axb apryMCHTbi smash ar-
to love, stop loving; pasMar- guments.

— 381 — pas

' pa36HB|aTbCJi [razb^iva- get /gain an insight into smth,

ttsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeiub- gain an understanding of
CH, paaSlMTbCJi [rAzb^ittsa] smth.
perf pa3o6bK)Cb, paaoSbeiubCH, pasSHTb see pa36MBaTb.
p -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -eflcfl, pasSHTbcsi see pasdnBaTb-
-CHxecb 1. break, get broken, CH.
be broken; crash (0/ an air- pasSoHKHK frAzboyn^ik, -g]
craft, etc); 2. hurt oneself m
-a, -OB robber, highway-
badly, bruise oneself; 3. break man.
up, divide {into groupie, said pa366pHMBJbiH[rAzborch^i-
of people). vty] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi
pasSHpjaxb [razb^irat^] im- 1. legible {handwriting, etc);

perf -aio, -aeiub, pa3o6p|aTb 2. fastidious, dainty, partic-

[razAbrat^] perf pa36epy, ular; discriminating, exact-
pa36epemb, p -aji, -a.7ia, -ajio, ing.
-ajiH, imp pasdepH 1. take pa36pacbiBlaTb frAzbrasi-
to pieces, disassemble, dis- vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
mantle; pull down (a wall, pa36poclaTb [razbrAsat^] perf
etc); 2. take {all the things -aio, -aeiiib throw about, scat-
one by one); buy up {all the ter (about), strew.
goods, food-stuffs); 3. arrange pasSyflHTb see 6yAHTb.
in order; sort out; 4. inves- pa3BajiHB|aTb [rAzvaPi-
tigate, inquire into; consid- vat^] imperf -aio, -aemb,
er,, discuss; 5. make out pa3Baji|HTb [razvAl^it^] perf
(smb's handwriting, speech, -K>, pasBajiHUJb, p -HJi, imp
etc); imperf also try to make -n 1. pull down, destroy;
out; 6. col: ero -^aer Aoca^a 2. fig spoil, mess up {man-
[3aBHCTb u m. n.] he is agement, work, etc).
filled with vexation [envy, pa3BajiHB|aTbC5i [rAzval^i-
etc]; ero ~-aeT 3Ji66a he is vattsa] imperf 'arccb.-aeuib-
overcome with anger; ero CH, pa3Baji|HTbCfli [razvAl^i-
^aer CMex he is bursting i\s^] perf -KDCb, pa3BajiHmbCH,
with laughter. p -HJiCH, imp -HCb,
pasSHplaxbCH [razb^'irattja] •Hiecb 1. crumble, dilapidate;
imperf -aiocb, -aembCH, paso- fall to pieces {also fig); 2.
6plaTbC5i [razAbrattjaJ perf col sprawl, lounge {on, in a
pasSepycb, pa36epeiiibCH, p chair)
-ajicH, -ajiacb,-aji6cb(-aJiocb), pa3BajiHH|a [rAzval^ina] /
-ajiHCb (-ajiHCb), imp pas- -bi, pi -bi, ~
1. pi ruins {of
6epHCb, pa36epHTecb: ~-aTb- a town, etc); 2. col decrepit
CH B qeM-Ji. understand smth; man.
know smth well; imperf paseajiHTb see pasBajiHsaxb.
also examine smth; try to pasBajiMTbCfl see pasBajiH-
understand smth; perf also BaibCJI.
pas — 882 —
pasBC [raz'^v^i] part denot- the work is well under way;
ing surprise: «0h npHexaji». 6opb6a pasBepnyjiacb bo-
«Pa3Be?» "He's come". "Real- Kpyr... the struggle raged
ly?" / "Is that so?"; -^ oh around...; 4. turn, swing
npHexa;i? has he come?; ~ around {of a car, etc).
Bbi He sHaeie? don't you pa3BecTH see pasBOflHXb.
know? paseecTHCb see paseoAHTb-
pa3BeB|aTbCfl [r9zv^i^va- CH.
ttj9] imperf -aercH flutter, pa3BHBlaTb [razv^ivat^] im-
fly {of flags, etc). perf -aK), -aeuib, pa3B|HTb
paBBeflJKa [rAz^v^etka] / [rAz^'v^it''] perf pasoBbib,
*KH, -OK 1. mil reconnais- pasoBbeuib, p -HJi, -HJia, -hjio,
sance; intelligence; 2. intel- -HJiH, imp -eft develop {the
ligence service, secret serv- body, mind, an idea, indus-
ice; 3. geol prospecting. try, etc); promote {cultural
pasBeflHHK [rAz^'v^et^ch^'ik, intercourse, etc).
-g] m
-a, -ob 1. mil scout; pa3BHQ|aTbCH [razv^iva-
intelligence officer; 2. secret ttjaj imperf -aiQCh, -aeiiibCH,
service man, secret agent. pa3B|HTbc$i [rAz^v^ittja] jDg/-/
pasBepHyTb see paaeepTbi- pa30BbK)Cb, pasoBbeiUbCfl, p
Baib. -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -eflcH,
paseepHyTbCfl see paasep- -eftrecb develop {of a child,
TWBaTbCH. industry, etc).
pa3BepTbiB|aTb [rAz^v^or- pa3BMTHle [rAzv^it^iya]./i
ttvat'']imperf -aio, -aeuib, -H development {mental, in-
pa3BepH|yTb [raz^v'^i^rnut*'] dustrial, political, etc).
perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp pa3BHT|6H [razv^itoy] a
-H 1. unfold (a paper, etc); sh f pa3BHT, -a, pasBHTO, pas-
unwrap; unfurl; 2.
unroll, BHTbi 1. developed {industri-
fig show, display {one's tal- ally, mentally, politically,
ent); 3. fig develop {social- etc); 2. intelligent {child, etc);
ist construction, criticism, well-developed {cultured,
etc). etc).
pa3BepTUB|aTbCH [rAz*"- pa3BMTb see pa3BHBaTb.
v^orttvattja] imperf -aracb, pa3BHTbCfl see pasBHBaibCH.
-aembCH, pasBepHJyTbCH pasBjieKJaib [razvl^'i^kaf'J
[raz^v^i^rnuttja] perf -ycb,^ imperf -aio, -aeuib, pa33jiel4b
-euJbCH, p -yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp IrAzvl^'ech''] per/ -Ky, -qeuib,
-HCb, -Hiecb 1, unfold {of smth -Kyr, p pasBJieK, -KJia, imp
folded); become unwrapped; -KH amuse, entertain.
unroll, unfurl; 2. fig pa3B;ieK|aTbCfl [razvlM^ka-
show oneself, display oneself; ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib-
3. fig spread {of a campaign, CH, pa3BjielHbCJi [rAzvl^ech**-
etc)\ paCoTa pa3BepHy.nacb t^9\ peri -Kycb, -seiubca,
— 383 — pas

-KyTCH, p pa3BJieKCfi, -KJiacb, pasBpaTHTbsee pasBpamaxb.

imp -KHCb, -KHiecb have a pa3BpaTH|biH [rAzvratnty]
good time, amuse oneself. a sh f pasBpaieH, -a, -o, -bi
pasBjieneHHle [razvPi^ch^e- depraved, dissipated (life,
n'^iya] n -h, -h entertain- etc); lewd, debauched {person,
ment, amusement; relaxation etc).
(recreation). pa3Bpaiu,|aTb [razvrA-
pasBjieHb see pasBJieKaTb. imperf
sh^'.at''] -aio, -aeiub,
pasBJieHbCM see pasB/ie- pa3BpaT|HTb [razvrAt^it'']
KaTbCH. perf pasBpamy, -Huib, p -hji,
pSLSBOji[rAzvot, -d] -a, m imp -i! corrupt, deprave, de-
-OB divorce; ;iaTb KOMy-ji. — bauch.
agree to divorce smb. pa3B5i3aTb see pasBHSbisaTb.
pa3Bo;iiHTb [razvAd^'it^] pa3B«3HlbiH [rAz^v^aznty]
imperf pasBOH^y, pasBOAHUib, a sh f pasBHseH, -a, -o, -bi
p -HJi, imp -H, pasBejCTH unduly familiar, pert, too
[raz^'v^i^s^t^'i] perf -jxy, free.
-Aeuib, p pasBeji, -jia, imp pa3Bfl3biB|aTb [rAz^v^azi-
-m 1.take, conduct {each to vat^] imperf -aio, -aemb,
his place); 2. pull / bring pa3BH3laTb [raz^v^i^zat^j
apart; ~HTb moct draw a perf pa3B5iH<y, pasBHH^emb,
bridge; raise a bridge; 3. di- p imp pa3BH>KH untie,
lute {a paint, etc); 4. breed, unbind; undo {a knot, etc);
rear {animals, etc); cultivate <> ^axb BOHHy unleash
{plants); 5.: -~HTb KOCTep war.
make a (camp) fire; ^Hib pa3ra;iaTb see pasra^bmaTb.
oroHb light a fire; pa3rajibiB|aTb [rAzgadivat'']
<> -~HTb pyKaMH s? make a imperf -aro, -aeiiib, pasra-
helpless gesture, one's
lift AJaib [razgAdat^] perf -aio,
hands {in dismay or despair). -aeuib guess {a riddle, smb's
pa3Bo;i HTbc Ji ] razv Ad^ittja ]
thoughts, etc); unriddle, un-
imperf pasBOH^ycb, pasBo- ravel.
AHLLbCH, p -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp pa3rap [rAzgar] m -a: 6biTfa
-HCb, -HieCb, pa3Be|CTHCb B ~e be in full swing; be
[rsz^v^i^s^t^is''] perf -j[ycb, well under way; b — ecnopa
-AeuibCH, p pasBejicH, -jiacb, [6HTBbi u m. n.] at the height
imp -AHCb, -jiHiecb 1. di- of the argument [battle, etc].
vorce, get a divorce; 2, mul- pasrjiacHTb see pasrjiamaTb.
tiply, breed {of animals, etc). pasrjiamjaTb [razgUshat^]
pa3BpaT frAzvrat, -d] m imperf -aio, -aeuib, pa3rjia-
-a depravity, lewdness; de- c|HTb frazglAs^it^] perf pas-
bauchery, dissipation; npe^a- pjiauiy, -Huib, p -liJi, imp -ii
BaTbCH --y indulge in lewd- divulge; betray, give away
ness / debauchery. (a secret).
pas — 384 —
pa3roBapHB|aTb [razgAva- imperf -afo, -aemb, pasrpy-
r^ivat'']imperf -aio, -aeuib 3|HTb [razgruz'^it''] perf pas-
1. talk, speak; 2. col be on rpyjKy, pasrpysHuib (-rimb),
speaking terms {with smb). p -HJi, imp -H I. unload, dis-
pasroBop [razQAvor] m -a, charge {cargo; a ship, etc);
-OB conversation, talk; aaen- 2. fig col relieve {smb of
sbiBaib ~
enter into (a) con- part of difficult or extra
versation; 3aBo;;HTb o ~ work).
MCM-Ji. bring smth up {for dis- pasAaJBaTb [razdAvat^]
cussion)', no;t;;ep^HBaTb '- imperf -ib, -eiiib, p -Baji, imp
keep up a conversation; -Baft, pa3fl|aTb [rAzdat**]
<> 6e3 —'Ob! co/ and no argu- perf -aM, -auib, -acT, -a;tHM,
ment!; and no talking back! -aAHTe, -aAyi, p p63Aaji(-aji),
pa3roBop|HTbC5i [rdzgavA- -ajia, px33Aajio (-ajio), poa-
r^ittja]perf -ibcb, -HiiibCH, p AajiH (-ajiH), imp -aft distri-
-HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, bute {to smb, among smb);
-HTecb get / enter into con- give out, dispense.
versation, get talking. pasjiaJBaTbCfl[razdAvattja]
pasroBOpHHK [rszgAvorn^ik, imperf -ercH, p -BajicH, -Ba-
-g] m -a, -ob phrase-book. Jiacb, pasAJaTbCfl [rAzdattja]
pa3roB6pHHB|biH [razgAvor- perf -acTCH, -a^yTCH, p -ajicH,
ch^iviy] a sh f '^, -a, -o, -ajiacb be heard, resound {of
'h\ talkative. a cry, bell, etc); pas^ajica
pa3roHl«Tb [rszgAn^at^] CTyK there was a knock (at
imperf -hk), -neuib, pa30- the door).
rHJarb [razAgnaf*] perf pas- pasflaib see pas^aBaxb.
roHK), pasroHHuib, p -aji, pa3AaTbCJi see pasAaBarbCH.
-ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, imp pas- paaABHrjajb [razdv**!-
roHH 1. disperse, scatter (a gat^] imperf -2iK)', -aeiub,
crowd, etc); dissolve, disband pa3ABHH|yTb [rAzdv^inut^J
(a meeting, etc); 2. speedup, perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp
race (a horse, etc). -b move apart; draw apart.
pasroplaTbCJi [razgArattja] pa3AeB|aTb [raz^d^'i^vat^J
imperf -aercH, pasropleib- imperf -aio, -aeuib, pa3Ae|Tb
cji [razgAF^ettja] perf -htch, [rAz^d^'et^] perf -ny, -Heuib,
p -eJiCH, -ejiacb flame up, p -Ji, imp -Hb undress, strip
flare up {also fig). {smb).
pasropsiHHTbcsi see ropH- pasACBlaTbcii [raz^d^'i^va-
MHTbCH. ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH,
pa3rp6M [rAzgrom] m -a, pa3Ae|TbCfl [rAz'^d^'ettsa] perf
-OB 1. rout, utter defeat {of -Hycb, -HeuibCH, p -jicH, -Jiacb,
the enemy, etc); 2. havoc, de- imp -HbCH, -Hbxecb undress,
struction; complete disorder. strip, take off one's clothes;
pa3rpy%|aTb [razgruzhat^] take off one's coat and hat;

— 385 pas

— aibCH Ao noHca strip to pa3AyMlaTb [rAzdumat^]

the waist; ~aTbCH jiorojia perf -aK), -aeiub change one's
take off all of one's clothes, mind; think better of (doing
strip. smth).
pasAeJi [rAz^d^el] -a, m pa3AyMbiBlaTb [rAzdumi-
-OB 1. partition, division {of vat^] imperf med-
-aK), -aeiub
property, eic); 2. section {of itate, ponder, muse, rumi-
a book, etc). nate; deliberate, consider; He
pasACJiHTb see pasAejiflxb & —an without hesitation.
AejiHTb. pasAyxb see pasAyBaxb.
pasAejiMTbCfl see AejiHXbCH 1 pa3iKeHb see pasjKHraxb,
pasAejij^iTb [raz^d^i^l^at^] pa3iKHr[aTb [razh:igat^]
imperf -^k), -nemb, pasAC- imperf -aio, -aeuib, pas^enb
jiJHTb [raz^d^i^Pit''] perf -yo, [rAzh:ech^] perf pasb-
pasAejiHUib, p -HJi, imp -h x^ry, pa3o>K}Keiiib, pasojKryx,
1. separate, keep apart; 2. p pasjKer, pasojKrjia, imp
share {smb's opinion, etc). pasojKFH 1. kindle {a fire);
pa3AeTfa see paaAeearb. 2. fig rouse, kindle, stir up.
pasACTbCfl see pasAeeaTbCH. pa3jiar|aTb [razlAgat^]
pa3Apa}K|aTb [razdrAzhat^] imperf -aio, -aemb, pa3jio-
imperf -aio, -aeuib, pasApa- JKJHXb [razlAzhit^] perf -y,
>K|MTb [razdrAzhft^] perf -y, pa3Ji6}KHmb, p -HJI, imp -h
-Hiiib, p -HJI 1. irritate, an- demoralize.
noy, vex, exasperate; get on pasjiHB [rAzPif, -v] m -a,
{smb's) nerves; 2. irritate (//le -OB flood, overflow {of a riv-
skin, etc). er).
pa3Apa2KeHH|e [razdrAzhe- pasjiHslaxb [raz^l^ivat^]
n'^iya] n -h irritation. impe'-f -aio, -aemb, pa3Ji|HTb
pa3ApaH(HTejibH|biH [razdrA- [rAz^l^it^] perf pasojibib, pa-
zhtt^il^niy] a sh f pasApa- 30Jibemb, p -HJI, -HAa, -hao,
>KHTejieH, -a, -o, -w irritable, -HJiH, imp -eS 1. spill (a
short-tempered. liquid); 2. pour out {tea, etc);
pa3Apa}KHTb see pasApa- ladle out {soup, etc);
3KaTb. O BOAOH He pasojibeiub col
pasApoSHTb see Apo6HTb. ^ (as) thick as thieves.
pa3AyBlaTb [razduvat^] im- pa3JiHHJaxb [raz^l^ich^at'']
perf -aio, -aeiiib, pasAlyxb imperf -aio, -aemb, pa3JiH-
[rAzdut^] perf -yio, -yeiub H|MXb [raz^l^ich^'it^] pe/-/ -y,
1. blow, fan {a fire, etc); 2. -Hmb, p -HA, imp -H 1. dis-
impers col', y Hero pasAyJio tinguish, tell {smth from
meny [jihuo u m. n.] his smth); 2, make out, discern.
check [face, etc] is swollen; 3. pa3jiH4H|e [rAz^'l^ich^'iya]
fig col exaggerate {the news, n -fl, -H difference {between);
etc); fan {war hysteria, eic). distinction {between); --e sg
pas — 386

harjiijiax difference of opin- also proportions; b 6ojibmHX

ion. [b liiHpoKHX] ~ax on a large
pa3JiMMMTb see paajiHqarb. scale.
pa3„iH4HibiH [rAz^'l^ich^niy] pasrviecTHTb see pasMcmaib.
a sh f pasjiH^eH, -a, -o, -bi pa3MecTHTbc« see pasMe-
1. different [not the same); maibcH.
2. different, various. pasMemaxb see pasMeujH-
pa3jio>KeHH|e [rszlAziie- Baib.
n'^iya] n -h 1. decomposition, pasMciuHBlaTbIrAzm'^eshi-
disintegration, decay, rot; 2. vat^] imperf -aemb,
decay, corruption; MopajibHoe pa3Mem!aTb [razm^i^shat'']
'-e demoralization, moral perf -aio, -aemb stir (sugar,
degradation. tea, etc).
pasjiOMtMTb see paCKJiaAU- pa3Mem,laTb [razm^i®-
BaTb & pasjiaraib. sh'':at''] imperf -aio, -aemb,
pasjiyKJa [rAzlukal / -h pasMCcxlHTb [r9zm''i^s''t^it*']
1. separation, being apart; perf pa3Mem,y, -Hmb, p -hji,
mHTb B ~e c KeM Ji. live apart imp -6 1. accommodate,
from smb; 2. parting (the ac- place, locate, put; quarter,
tion of). billet; ?. place, distribute
pa3JiK)6;HTb [raz^l^ub'^it''] {orders, etc); invest (capital).
perf -jiib, pasjiibSHUJb, p -iiJi, pasMemjaxbca [razm^i®-
imp -H stop loving; love no sh'^iattja] imperf -aiocb,
longer, fall out of love, stop •aembCH, pa3MecT|HTbc« [raz-
liking; like no longer. m^i^s^t^iiisd] perf paswemycb,
pasMax [rAzmakh, -gh] m •limbCH, p -HJicH, -HJiacb,
-a (-y), -OB 1. swing, sweep; imp -ikb, »HTecb find and
yAapHTb c ~y strike v/ith a take seats: find room; find
swing; ocero ~y with
co lodgings
all one's might; 2.: ~ Kpb'i- pa3MK0)K|aTbcji IrazmnA-
jibee wing-span; 3. fig scope, zhatts3l imperf -aeiCH propa-
range. gate, reproduce, breed; mul-
pa3MaxHB|aTb [rAzmakh^i- tiply.
vat''] imperf -aio. -aemb swing pasMHOKeHHJe (razmuAzhe-
{arms, etc); brandish. n^iyal reproduction,
pa3MeHM3!aTb [rAzm*'en''i- propagation.
val m per I -aio, -aemb,
I pasMbimjieKHJe [razmish-
pa3MeH|nTb |r9zm''i^n''at''] l^en'^iya) n ^a, -u reflection,
perf -flKD, -Hcujb change (mon- meditation, musing, rumina-
ey). tion; iiaBOAHTb Ha ~Ji make
pa3Mftp IrAzm'^er] m a, pi (smb) think / wonder.
-bi, -OB dimensions; size
1. pa3MbiiiJJii«Tb [razmisli-
(/) of a room; etc'i 2) of shoes, l^'at^] imperf -hk), -aeurb
etc); 2. degree, extent, pi reflect, meditate, ponder,
387 pas

muse, ruminate; deliberate, attack, criticize severely (a

consider. book, etc).
pasMMTb see mhtb 1. pasHocTOpOHHlHH [razna-
pasHecTH see pasHocHXb. shf pasHocxo-
stAron^'n^'iy} a
pa3HHi;|a [raz^n^itsa] / -bi poHeH, -H, -e, -H many-sided,
difference (between); ~a b versatile; all-round (educa-
OAHH Meip a difference of one tion, etc).
metre; ~a b tom, hto... the pasHbiH [razniy] a 1. dif-
difference is that...; ferent (not the same), 2. dif-
<> KaKaji —a? col it makes ferent, various.
no difference!; what's the pa3o... see pas...
difference? pasoSjiaHJaTb [razablA-
pasHO... first element of ch^at''] imperf -aio, -aeiub,
compounds denoting 'differ- pa3o6jiaH|HTb [razablAch^it^J
ent', 'various': pasHOueex- perf -y, -HUJb, p -iijijmp -h
HbiH [raznAtjv^etniy] multi- expose, unmask.
coloured; pasHoro^iocbiH [raz- pa3o6paTb see p.a36Hpaxb.
nagAlosiy] discordant, disso- pasoSparbCfl see pa36Hpaxb-
nant; pa3Ho66fl [raznAboy] CH.
lack of co-ordination. pasorHaxb see pasroHHXb.
pa3HOBH.iH0CT|b [raznA- pa3orpeBiaxb [razagr^i®-
v^idnas^t^, -z^d^] / -h, -eft vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib,
variety, species. pasorpjeTb [razAgr^et^] perf
pa3HorjiacM|e [raznAgla- -CK), -eemb warm up (food,
s^iya] n -h, -h difference, etc).
discord, disagreement; ~e bo pa303jiHXb see sjiHXb.
BSfJiHAax difference of opin« pa303JlHTbC51 see SJlHXbCH.
ion; ycTpaHHTb --h settle pa30HXHCb see pacxo^HXb-
differences. CH,
pa3Hoo6pa3H^biH [raznAAb- pa30pBaxb see paapuBaxb.
razniy] a sh f pa3Hoo6pa- pa3opBaxBCfl see pa3pbi-
sen, -a, -o, -u various, dif- BaXbCH.
ferent, diverse. pasopHxb see paaopnxb.
pa3Hop6AH|biH [raznArod- pa3opHxbCH see pasopnxbCH.
niy] a sh f pasHopo^eH, -a, pa30py>K|axb [razaruzhat^]
-o, heterogeneous.
-bi imperf -aio, -aeiub, pa3opy-
pa3HoclHTb [raznAs^it^] MJHxb [razaruzhlt^] perf -y,
imfierf pasHouiYf pasHocHiub, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H disarm
p HJi, imp -H, pa3Hec|TH (soldiers, etc).
[raz^'n^i^s'^t^ij perf -y, -eiub, pa3opy»eHHle [razaruzhc-
p pasHec, -Jia, imp -li 1. deliv- n'^iya] n -h disarmament,
er (letters, etc); 2. fig col h nojiHoe ~e gen-
spread (news, etc); 3. col eral and complete disarma-
smash (to piecisy, 4, //^co/ ment.
pas — 388

pasopyiKHTb see pa3opy- storm, war, etc); 2„ burst

{into tears, etc); burst out
pasoplflTb [razAr^at^] im- {laughing, etc).
perf -HK), -Heiub, paaopJMTb pa3pe3 [rAzr^es, -z] m -a,
[rdZAr^it^] perf -ib, -Hiub, p -OB cut, slit; 2.: nonepe4-

-HJi, imp -H 1. destroy (a vil- HbiH ~

cross section; npo-
lage, etc); ravage, pillage; flojibHbiH -— longitudinal sec-
2. ruin {make bankrupt). tion.
pa30p|«TbCfl [razAr^attsa] paspesaxb see paspesaxb.
imperf -Hiocb, -neiubCH, pa- paspesjaxb [razr^'i^zat^]
sop JHTbCji [razAr^'ittsa] perf imperf -aio, -aeujb, paspe-
-ibCb, -HLUbCH, p -HJICH, -H- 3|axb [rAzr^ezat^] perf pas-
Jiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb ruin pejKy, paspeJKemb, p -aji,
oneself, go bankrupt. imp pa3pe>Kb cut {divide
pasocjiaxb see paccbiJiaxb. with a knife, etc); slit.
pasoTpH [razAtr^i] imp of paspemjaxb [razr^'i^shat^]
pacxepexb; see pacTHpaxK. imperf -aio, -aeuib, paspe-
pasoTpy [razAtruJ, paao- uilMxb [razr'^i^shit^] perf -y,
Tpeuib [razAtr^osh, -zh] 1st -HUJb, p -HJI, imp -H 1. al-
& 2nd persons of pacxepexb; low, permit, let; 2. solve (a
see pacxHpaxb. problem, etc); settle {a ques-
pasoHapoBdHHJe [razach^'a- tion, etc); 3. {no imperf):
FAvan^iya] n -h, -h disap- ~H(xe) allow me [us]..., may
pointment (the state or act I [we]..?
of). pa3pem|axbCfl [razr^'i^sha-
pasoHapoeaHHlbiH [raza- ttja] imperf -aexcH, paspe-
ch^'i^rovanniy] a [pa] sh f uijiixbCfl [razr^'i^shlttja] perf
pasoMapoBaH, -a, -o, -bi -HXCH, p -HJICH, -HJiacb 1. be
disappointed, disillusioned. solved {of a problem, etc);
pasoHapoBaxbCfl see paao- be settled {of a question,
qapoBbiBaxbCH. etc); 2. (no perf) be allow-
pa304ap6BbiB|axbCJi [raza- ed {of smoking, etc).
chM^rovivattjaj imperf -aiocb, paspeiueHHle [razr^i^she-
-aeuibCH, pa30Hap|oBaxbcji n^iya] n permis-
-h, -h
[razach^irAvattja] perf -yiocb, sion, permit; solution {of 2.
-yembCH, p -OBajiCH, -0Ba;iacb, a problem, etc); settlement
imp -yficH, -yfixecb get disap- (of a question, etc).
pointed; be disappointed. paspeiuHxb see paspemSxb.
paspawjaxbcn [razrAzhattja] paspeuiMxbCfl see paspe-
imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH, pa3- luaxbCH 1.
pasJHxbCfl [razrAz^ittja] perf pasposHeHHbiH [rAzroz*'-
paspajKycb, -HiubCH, p -h;ich, n^'mnty] a [pa] 1. separate,
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1. unco-ordinated; 2. odd {vol'
break out, burst out {of a umes).
— 389 — pa3

paspyxja [rAzrukha] / -h (a song, etc); study (a role,

(economic) disorganization; etc).
devastation. pas-b... see pas...
paspymjaTb [razrushat^] pas-bCAHHHXb see paateAH-
imperf -aio, paspy-
-aeuib, HHXb.
ui|HTb [FAzrushU^] perf -y, paBTieflHHlHxb [raz^yid^i-
-Huib, p -HJi, imp -b 1. de- n^at^] imperf -mo, -neiiib,
stroy, demolish, ruin; —axb pasiieAHHlHxb [raz^yid**i-
AO ocHOBaHHH raze to tlie n^it''] perf -ib, -Huib, p -hji,
ground; 2. fig destroy, frus- imp -H 1. disconnect, break;
trate, ruin. cut off (wires, etc); 2. sepa-
paspbiBJaxb [rszrtvat^] im- rate, part (smb).
perf -aio, -aeiiib, pasopelaTb pas-besA [rAz^yest, -zdj m
[razArvat^] perf -y, -euib, p -a, -OB 1. departure (of gue^t&y
-aji, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, imp etc); 2.: 6bixb hocxohkho b
-H 1. tear (up) (pull apart); —ax be always on the move,
2. fig break (with); paao- be always travelling about;
psaTb AHnjioMaxH^ecKHeoTHO- 3. rly double-track station
lueHHH break off diplomatic (on a single-track railway).
relations. pas-besxlaxb [raz^yi^-
paspbiBJaTbCJi [razrivattja] zh^:at^] imperf -aio, -aeuib
imperf -aexcn, paaopBlaxbCJi drive around / about, ride
[razArvattsa] perf -excji, p around /about; travel around /
-ajicji,-ajiacb, -aji6cb(-ajiocb), about.
-ajiiicb (-ajiHCb) 1. tear, be- pas'besKldxbCfl [raz^yi^-
come torn; break, burst (of a zh'^-.attsa] imperf -aeMCH, -ae-
rope, etc); 2. burst, explode; xecb, -aioxcH, pa3i>ex|axbcsi
<> y Hero fly ma / cepAi^e [rAz^yekhatt^a] perf pasii-
~aexcfl his heart is breaking. e^eMCH, pasTsCAexecb, paa-b-
paspflfl [rAzr^at, -d] -a, m CAyTCH, p -ajiCH, -ajiacb,
-OB 1. category, rank; kind, -ajiHCb 1.depart (of guests,
sort; 2. class, grade, rating. etc); 2. pass one another (of
paayM [razum] m
-a 1. rea- vehicles in a narrow street);
son (the power to think); 3. col run / slide apart (of/
2. reason, common sense; skis, etc).
mind, intellect, intelligence. pa3i>flCHeHH|e [raz^yi^s^-
p'aayMHlbiH [rAzumnfy] a n^en^'iya] n -h, -h explana-
sh f paayMeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. tion, elucidation.
clever, intelligent; 2. reason- paaiijicHHxb see paatHC-
able, rational, sane, wise. HHXb.
pa3yHHB|axb [rAzuch^ivat^] pas-bHCHlflxb [raz^yi^s*-
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, pasynliixb n^at^] imperf -hk), -neuib,
[razuch^it^] perf -y, p^ay- pa33>flCH|iixb [raz^yi^s*'n''it^]
HHiiib, p -HJI, imp -H iearn I perf -K), -HUib, p -HJI, imp
pas — 390 —
-Ji explain, elucidate (smth ~ 1. shell (o/ invertebrates);

to smh). 2. sink {under a tap).

pasbirpaib see pasbirpbi- paw a [rama] / -bi,
frame ^
BaTb. {of a picture, etc).
pasbirpbiBlaTb [rAzlgrtvat^] paM|Ka [ramka] / -kh, pi
imperf -aio, -aeiub, pasbi- -KH, -OK 1. small frame,
rp|aTb [raztgrat^] perf aio, frame {of a picture, etc); 2. pi
-aeiub 1. draw {decide by fig limits, bounds; BbixoAHTb
chance)', raffle; 2, col kid 3a --KH exceed the limits
{for amusement)', play a prac- {of); jtepjKaibCH b Kax keep—
tical joke on. within the limits / bounds
pasbicKarb see pasbiCKH- {of); B ~Kax saKOHa within
Baib. the law.
pa3bicKHB|aTb [rAzls^k^i- pan la [rana] / -bi, — wound.
V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, paHCHbifi [ran^miy] I a
pa3biCK|aTb [raziskat^] perf wounded, injured;
pasbimy, pasbimeiiib, p -aji, n as a noun paHeH|biHm
imp pasbiLUH look for, search -oro, -bix wounded man, cas-
for; perf also find. ualty.
pan [ray] m
pan paradise. paHJHTb [ran^it''] perf &
paHKOM [rAykom] m -a, imperf -lo, -Hmb, p -hji, imp
-OB ( =
paH6HHbIH KOMHTei) wound, injure.
district committee, paHH|HH [ran^n^iy] a early
committee of the Communist (/) morning, etc; 2) spring,
Party. etc; 3) fruit, etc).
paJfOH [rAyon] -a, -ob m pano [rana] I adv early;
1. area, region; b '-e K^iHHa II impers predic it is early;
in the vicinity of Klin, in cnaTb eme — it is too early
the Klin area; 2. (adminis- to go to bed;
trative) district. <0> ~ HJiH nosAHO sooner or
pafioHHbiH [rAydnniy] a later.
district {attr)\ area {attr). paHbUje [ran^sht^] I comp
paK I [rak, -g] m
-a, -ob of pano;
zool crayfish, crawfish. II adv 1, beiove {earlier); oh
paK II [rak, -g] m -a med ymeji ~ nac he had left
cancer. before us; — BpeMCHH earlier

paKCTJa [rAk^eta] / -bi, — than necessary; ahead of time;

rocket; xnissWo^ {guided); -~-a- 2. formerly, in the past, pre-
-HocHTCJib carrier-rocket; aa- viously.
nycTHTb ~y launch a rock- pac... see pas...
et. pdcja [rasa] / -bi, — race
paxerlKa [rAk^'etka] / -kh, {a distinct ethnical stock).
-OK sport racket. pacKaHB|aTbcsi [rAskaiva-
paKOBHHJa [rakav^'ina] / -bi^ ttja] imperf -awcb, -aeuibCH,
391 — pac

pacKa|flTbCJi [rAskayattsa] p -biJi, imp -OH 1. open (a

perf -K)Cfa, -euibCH, p -hjich, window, book, etc); 2. re-
-HJiacb, imp -HCH, -Hiecb veal, discover, disclose.
repent, feel remorse; regret, pacoBbiH [rasaviy] a racial.
deplore. pacnafl|aTbC5i [raspAdattjaJ
pacKajieHHbiH [rsskAPon- imperf -aeicH, pacna|cTbcsi
niy] I pa: -- AOKpacHa [rAspastsa] perf -aeicH, p
red-hot; -jicH, -Jiacb t. disintegrate;
II a scorching, burning hot. chem dissociate; 2, fig break
pacKasiTbCfl see pacKaH- up, come to an end.
BaXbCH. pacnaxMBJaxb [rAspakh^i-
pacKJiaAbiBJaTb [rAskladi-
imperf -aK),
vat^] -aeuib,
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, pacnaxH|yTb [raspAkhnut'']
pa3jioiK|HTb [razlAzhft^] perf perf -y, -emb, p -yji, imp
-y, pasjio^Hiub, p -HJi, imp -H throw open, fling open;
-H L put {things in a num- open wide.
ber of places); distribute pacneHaxaxb see pacne^a-
{things among a number of xbieaxb.
places); —axb eemn no Mec- pacneHaxbiBJaxb [rasp^i^-
TaM put things in their prop- ch^attvat^] imperf -aio,
er places; 2. lay out, spread -aeuib, pacneMaxjaxb [ras-
{paper, etc); 3. make, build p^i^ch^atat^] perf -aio, -aeiub
{a fire). unseal; open {a letter, etc).
pacKjiaHHBlaTbcn [rAskla- pacnHcaHH'ie [rasp^isa-
n^iv9ttj9] imperf -aiocb, n^iya] n -h, -h time-table,
-aeuibCH, pacKjiaH|«TbCfl schedule; no — lo according
[rAsklan^attja] perf -Hiocb, to the time-table.
-HeuibCH exchange greetings pacnMcaxbcsi see pacnHCbi-
{with smb); make one's bow; BaXbCH.
lift one's hat {to smb). pacnHCJKa [rAsp^iska] / -k-h,
pacKOjiOTb see KOJioib II. -OK receipt {a document);
pacK6n{KH [rAskopk'^i] pi CAaxb KOMy-Ji. ^xo-Ji. noji,

-OK excavations {in archeol- ~Ky make / have smb sign for
ogy)- smth.
pacKpacHTb see pacKpa- pacnHCbiBlaxbCsi [rAsp^'ist-
UIHSaTb. vattsa] imperf -arocb, -aemb-
pacKpauiMB|aTb [rAskrashl- CH, pacnHCJaxbCfl [rasp^'i-
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, sattsa] perf pacnHuiycb, pac-
pacKpac|MTb [rAskras^it^] nHiueiiibCH, p -ajiCH, -ajiacb,
perf pacKpamy, -Hiub, p -hji, imp pacnwrnHCb, pacnHuiH-
imp -b colour, paint. xecb 1. sign (one's name);
pacKpbiBJaTb [raskrivat^] —axbCH B noJiyqeHHH qero-Ji.
imperf -aio, -aeuib, pacKpjbiTb sign for smth; 2. col regis-
[rAskrtt^] perf -oio, -oeuib, ter one's marriage.
pac — 392 —
pacnjiaTJa [rAsplatg] / -bi C5I, pacnojio%|Hxbcsi [raspa-
1. payment {the act of); 2. lAzhtttja] perf -ycb, pacno-
fig atonement (for a wrong). Jl6>KHmbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb,
pacnjiaxHTbCM see pacnjia- imp -HCb, -Hxecb settle (down),
^HBaTbCH. make oneself comfortable
pacnjiaHMBlaxbCM [rAspla- {somewhere).
ch^'ivattja] imperf -aiocb, pacnojioKeHHle [raspalA-
-aeuibCH, pacnjiaT|HTbCJi zhen^iya] n -h, -h 1. arrange-
[rasplAf'ittja] perf pacnjia- ment, disposition; 2. situ-
qycb, pacnJiaTHLUbcH, p -hji- ation, location, position; 3.
CH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb favour, inclination; nojibso-
1. pay off, pay back; pay eaxbCH qbHM-Ji. -^eM enjoy
the bill; settle accounts; smb's favour, be liked by
'-aTbCH no cqexy pay (up) smb.
a bill; —
axbcn c ^oJiraMH pacnoji9}KHXb see pacnojia-
pay off one's debts; 2. fig raxb I.
col pay (smb) out; get even pacnojiOKHXbcn see pacno-
(with smb); be quits (with jiaraxbCH.
smb); 3. fig pay {for one's pacnopjiflHxbcji see pacno-
fault, etc). pH>KaxbCH 1, 3.
pacnjibiBMax|biH [rAspHf- pacnopfl>KlaxbCfl [raspo-
ch^atiy] a sh f ^ , -a, -o, -bi r^i^'zhattsa] imperf -aiocb,
diffuse {style, etc); dim, -aembCH, pacnopJiAlHXbCfl
vague (idea, etc). [raspar'^i^d^ittja] perf pacno-
pacnojiarjaxb I [raspaU- pJIHCyCb, -HUIbCH, p -HJICH,
gat**] imperf -aio, -aeuib, -HJiacb, imp-HCb, -Hxecb 1.
pacnojiOKJMXb [raspaUzhit^] order, give orders (that
perf -y, pacnoji6>KHmb, p -hji, smth be done); perf also
imp -H 1. dispose, arrange, have {smth done); 2. {no
place, put; napK pacnoJi6>KeH per/) give orders, give instruc-
B ueHXpe ropoAa the park is tions, be in charge, boss; 3.:
situated in the centre of the •—axbCH MCM-Ji. use smth
city; 2.: pacnojiojKHXb kofo-ji. {in some way, said of money,
B CBOK> nojibsy win smb's property, etc).
favour; win smb over; ~axb pacnopfl}KeHHle [raspar^i^-
Koro-Ji. K
ce6e gain / win zhen'^iya] n -h, -ft instruc-
smb's favour. tion, order; oxAaxb —-e give
^ pacnojiarjaxb II [raspaU- instructions / orders; flo oco-
gat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub ~H 6oro until further notice;
have smth at one's disposal, ~H <> B HbCM-ji. at smb's
have smth available, have disposal; Hiviexb b CBoeM
smth to spare. —'H have at one's disposni.
pacno;iar|axbC5i [raspaU- pacnpaBJa [rAsprava] / -bi
gat^a] imper[ -aiocb, -aeuib- massacre, slaughter; use of
393 — pac

violence (against smb); re- prastrAn^attja] imperf -hct-

prisal(s). CH, pacnpocTpaHJiiTbCH [ras-
pacnpaBHTb see pacnpaB- prastrAn^ittja] perf -htch,
JIHTb. p -HJicH, -HJiacb 1. spread (of
pacnpaBJi|flTb [rasprAv- news, a disease, rumour, etc);
Pat**] imperf -A\o, -fleuib, 2.: ero ejiacxb He ^nexcH na
pacnpaB|HTb trAsprav^it^] 3T0 this is not within his
perf -JiK), -Huib, p -HJi, imp -b authority / power / commis-
straighten (out), smooth oiit; sion; saKOH He —flexcH na
•<> --flTb Kpujibfl spread 3TH cjiy^aH the law does not
one's wings. apply to these cases; the law
pacnpeiiejiHTb see pacnpe- does not affect these cases,
fleJiHTb. pacnycK|aTb [raspuskaf*]
pacnpefleji|flTb [rsspr^id^i^- imperf -aro, -aeiiib, pacny-
l^at^] imperf -hk), -Heiub, CT|HTb [raspus^t^it^] perf
pacnpeflejiJHTb [raspr^id^i^- pacnymy, pacnycTHuib, p -hji,
l^it^J perf -K), -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. dismiss, break up
imp -H distribute, allot; (a meeting, etc); disband (an
—HTb CBoe epeMH '
regulate organization, etc); 2. col
one's time. slacken the discipline of;
pacnpocTpaHeHHie [rsspra- spoil (a child); 3. col set
strAn^en^'iya] n -h spreading, afloat (a rumour).
diffusion; propagation, dis- pacnycK|aTbCfl [raspuska-
semination. ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aenibCH,
pacnpocTpaHeHHbiH [rospra- pacnycT|HTbCJi [raspus^t^i-
strAn^onniy] a {pa\ wide- ttja] perf pacnymycb, pac-
spread, common. nyCTHUIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb,
pacnpocTpauHTb see pac- imp -HCb, -Hiecb 1. blossom
npocTpaHHTb. out, open; come out, break
pacnpocTpaHHTbCfl >ee pac- into leaf; 2. col become un-
npOCTpaHHTbCH. disciplined / unruly.
pacnpocTpaH|flTb [raspra- pacnycTHTb seepacnycKaxb.
strAn^at^] imperf -hio, -neuib, pacnycTHTbCH see pacny-
pacnpocTpaH|HTb [rasprastrA- CKaXbCH,
n^it^] perf -ib, -HUib, p -hji, pacnyiaxb see pacnyxH-
imp -H 1. spread
[news, eaxb.
knowledge, influence, ru- pacnyTHi;|a [rAsput^itsa]
mours, disease, etc); dissemi- / -bi bad roads, impassablli-
nate, propagate; popularize ty of roads (because of slush);
(advanced methods of work, the season of bad roads.
etc); 2. give out (a smell, etc); pacnyxbiBJaxb [rAsputivat'']
3. circulate (a document, etc); imperf -aio, -aeuib, pacny-
distribute (books, etc). x|axb [rAsputat^[ perf -aio,
pacnpocTpaH|flTbCfl [ras- -aeiub 1. untangle, disentan-
pac 394

gle, untwine; 2. fig puzzle paccKalaaxb [raskAzat^] perf

out, untangle, unravel. -jKy, paccKa^euib, p -aaji,
pacnyiueHH|biH [rAspu- imp -HCH tell, narrate, relate,
sh'':inty] a [pa] sh f pac- give an account of;
nymeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. undis- <> ~aH
KOMy-ji. (ApyroMy)
ciplined; spoilt {child); 2. col = it to the marines.
dissolute, loose, immoral. paccjieAOBaHH|e [rAs^s^l^e-
paccBCT [rAs^'s^v^et, -d] davan^iya] n -h, -h investi-
m -a, dawn, daybreak.
-OB gation, inquiry {into); na-
pacceHB|aTb [rAs^'s^eivat^] 3HaqHTb --e order an investi-
imperf -aio, -aeuib, pacc^jsiTb gation / inquiry {into).
[rAs^s^'eyat^J perf -yo, -euib, paccjieAJOBaTb [rAs^s^'Pe-
p -HJi, imp -H disperse, scat- davat^] perf & imperf -yio,
ter; dispel, dissipate {also -yeiiib, p -OBaji, imp -yft
fig)- investigate,inquire into.
pacceHB|aTbc$i [rAs^s^ei- paccMaTpHB|aTb [rAssmat-
vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiub- r^ivat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
CH, pacce|HTbcsi [rAs^s^eya- paccMOTplexb [rassmAtr^et'']
tts9] perf -locb, -eiubCH, p perf -K), paccMOTpHuib, p
-HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -hch, -eji, imp -H 1. examine, scru-
-Hiecfa 1. disperse, scatter; tinize; 2. consider (a matter,
dissipate {also fig)\ 2. fig etc); 3. perf) consider,
divert/ amuse oneself. regard {as); 4. {no imperf)
paccepA|HTbC5i Iras^s^i^rdi- discern, see clearly, make
ttja] perf paccep>Kycb, pac- out.
CepAHIIIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, paccnpauiMBJaTb [rAsspra-
imp -HCb, -Hiecb get / become shivaf*] imperf -aio, -aeiub,
angry. paccnpoc|MTb [rassprAs^it^]
pacceflHH|biH [rAs^s'^eya- perf paccnpomy, paccnpo-
niy] a [pa] 1. scattered cHuib, p -HJi, imp -H ques-
{here and there); diffused tion, ask questions of; ask
(light, etc); 2. {sh f pacceHH, questions {about), make in-
-a, -o, -bi) absent-minded; quiries {about).
— biH BsrjiHA vacant glance. paccpoHJKa [rAssroch^ka]
pacceflTb see pacceHBaxb. / -KH, -ck: npcAocxaBHTb
paccesiTbCfl see paccenBaxb- ^-Ky Ha roA grant a year
CH. for installments;
paccKas [rAskas, -z] -a, m <> B ~Ky by installments;
-OB 1. account, narrative; 2. on an installment plan.
story, narrative. paccTa|BaTbC5i [rastAva-
paccKasarb see paccKasbi- ttja] imperf -ibcb, -embCH, p
Baib. -BajicH, -Bajiacb, imp -Baftca^
paccKasbialaib ["Askazt- -BaHTecb, paccTJaTbCJi [tas-
vat^J imperf -aw, -aeujb, tattjaj perf -anycb, -aHeiUb-
-- 395 pac

CH, p -ajiCH, -ajiacb, imp -aHb- oAHHaKOBOM —

H at the same
CH, -aHbxecb 1. part {with distance; at regular intervals.
stub); leave (one's country, paccxpaHBJaxb [rAstraivat**]
etc); 2. fig give up (an idea, imperf -am, -aeiiib, paccxp6|-
etc). Hxb [rAstroit^] perf -lo,
paccraBHTb see, pacciaB- -Huib, p -HJI, imp -H 1. put
JIHTb. into disorder, disturb, throw
paccxaBjilflTb [rasstAv- into confusion; axb pnAii—
l^at^] imperf -hk), -neuib, break the ranks; 2. shatter
paccTaBJHTb [rAsstav^it^] (nerves, etc); disorder (one's
perf -JIK), -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp health); paccxpoHXb Mcejiy^oK
-h 1. arrange, place (in a cause indigestion; 3. upset,
certain manner)', nxb cexH — frustrate, disturb (smb's
set / spread nets; 2. place plans, etc); 4. upset, put out
apart, move apart (one's (smb).
legs, etc). paccxpaHBJaxbCH [rAstrai-
paccTaxbcfl see paccxaeaxb- vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib-
CH. CH, paccxpolHXbCJi [rAstroi-
paccxerHB|axb [rAs**t^6g^i- ttja] perf -locb, -HUJbCH, p -hji-
vat^l imperf -aro, -aeuib, CH, -H,nacb, imp -hch, -flxecb
paccxerHJyxb [ras^'t^i^gnut^] 1. fall to the ground, be up-
perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h set (of plans, etc); 2. get up-
undo, unfasten (a ^oat, etc); set; be upset; 3. get out of
unbutton; unhook; unclasp; tune (of an instrument).
unbuckle; unzip. paccxpeji [rAstr^'elj m -a 1.
paccxerHBJaxbCJi [rAs^t^o- shooting (down) (of a demon-
g^'ivattja] imperf -aiocb, stration, etc); 2. execution
-aeiubCH, paccxerHlyxbCfl (by shooting).
[ras^f'i^gnuttja] perf -ycb, paccxpejiMBJarb [rAstr^ePi-
-euibCH, p -yjiCH, -yjiacb, imp vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, pac-
-HCb, -Hxecb 1. get undone/ cxpeji'jHXb [rastr^'i^l^at^] per^
unfastened (of a coat, etc); -HK), -Heuib 1. shoot (down)
get unbuttoned; get unhooked; (a murderer, etc); 2. use
get unclasped} get unbuckled; (up) (cartridges).
2. undo / unfasten / unbut- paccxpoHTb see paccxpa-
ton / unhook one's coat [shirt, Hsaxb.
etc], paccxpOHxbCfl see paccxpa-
paccxernyxb see paccxern- HSaXbCH.
saxb. paccxpOHCTB o [ rAstroyst-

paccierHyTbCfl see paccxe- va] n -a, 1.-^

PHBaXbCH. confusion; npHBOAHXb b ~'0
paccxoflHHle [rastAyan^iya] put into disorder, throw into
/I -H, -H distance (also fig)- confusion; 2.: ^o HcejiyAKa
space, room (between); Ha stomach disorder, indigestion;
pac 396 —
3. derangement, frustration paccbin|aTb [rasstpat*'] im-
(0/ plans, etc). perf -aio, -aeujb, paccbinjaTb
paccyjTHTejibHlbiH [rassud^'i- [rAsslpat^] perf -jikd, -jieiiib,
t^iPniy] a sh f paccyAHTe- p -aji, imp -b 1. spill {sugar,
jieH, -a, -0, -bi reasonable, flour, etc); 2. pour out, pour
judicious, wise sober-minded. {sugar, flour, etc, into sacks,
paccyAJOK [rAssLidal<, -g] etc).
m -Ka reason {the power
1. pacTanjiHB|aTb I [rAstapPi-
to think); 2. reason, common VBi^] imperf -aK), -aeuib, pac-
sense; mind, intellect. TonlHTb [rastAp^if*] perf
paccyiK;ilaTb [rassuzhdat^] -JiK), pacTonHiiib, p -Hji, imp

imperf -aio, -^euib reason -H kindle, light {a stove).

{think things out); reason pacTan»iHB|aTb II [rAstap-
{about), discuss; argue l^ivaL**] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
{about). pacTon|MTb [rastAp^it''] perf
paccyiKAeHHle [rassuzhd^'e- pacTonHujb, p -Hji,
-jiK), imp
n^iya] n -h, -h reasonmg; -H melt, render (down).
2. argument, discourse. paciajiTb see xaHTbl, 3, 4.
paccHHTarb see paccMHibi- pacTBop [rAstvor] m -a,
BaTb 1, 2. -OB chem solution.
paccHHTaTbCfl see paccqHXbi- pacTBOpHTbcii I see pacTBo-
paccHMTbiB|aTb [rAsh^iitt- paCTBOpMTbCH II igg pBC-
vot^] imperf -aro, -aeuib, pac- TBOpHTbCH II.
CMHT|aTb [r8sh*':itat*'] perf pacTBOplflTbCfl I [rastvA-
-aio, -aeiiib 1. calculate, rate; r^attja] imperf -HercH, pac-
He paccHHTaxb cbohx chji TBop|HTbCJi [rastvAr^ittjaJ
overrate one's strength; 2. perf pacTBopHTCH, p -hjich,
discharge, dismiss; 3. {no -HJiacb open {of a door, etc).
perf) mean, intend; expect pacTBOp|flTbcsi II [rastvA-
(to do smth.); 4. {no perf) r^attja] imperf -HexcH, pac-
count {on), reckon {on). TBOp|HTbCJi
, [rastvAr^'ittja]
pacc4HTbiB|aTbcji [rAsh^:i- perf -HTCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb
tivattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib- chem dissolve.
CH, paccMHTldTbcji [rosh^.i- pacTeHHJe [rAS^'t^'en^iya] n
tattj9[ perf -aiocb, -aeiubCH -fl, -H plant {a vegetable or-
settle accounts. ganism).
paccbiJi|aTb [rasstlat^] im- pacxepeTb see pacTHpaxb.
perf -aio, -aeiiib, pa30CJi|aTb pacxepJiHHbiH [rAs''t^er*'a-
[razAslat''] perf paaoiujiib, niy] a [pa] embarrassed, con-
pa 30111 Jieiub, p -aji, imp pa- fused, perplexed; at a loss.
aouiJiH send, dispatch {letters, pacTep|flTbCJi [ras^t*'i^r*'a-
etc, in different directions). ttsaj perf -aiocb, -neuibCH
pacchinaTb see paccbinaTb. become confused, become
— 397 — pac

embarrassed, become perplex- pacxporjaxb [rAstrogat^j

ed, lose one's head; be ta- perf -aK), -aeuib move, touch,
ken aback. stir.
pac|Tii [rAs^t^i] imperf -Ty, pacxHTMBJaxb [rAs't^ag^i-
-Teuib,p poc, pocjia, imp -th vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiub, pac-
1. grow up {of children, etc); xflH|yxb [ras^'t^i^nut''] perf
2. grow, increase, mount. -y, pacxHHeujb, p -yji, imp -h
pacTHpjaTb [ras^t^ir^t"'] 1. stretch {rubber, leather,
imperf -aio, -aeiub, pacTepexb etc); 2. sprain, strain, pull;
[ras^t^i^r^et''] perf paaoTpy, 3. drag out (a report, etc);
paaoTpeiub, p pacrep, pacxep- prolong {pleasure, etc).
jia, imp pasoTpH 1. grind {to pat:x«rHBlaxbCJi [rAs^t^a-
powder, etc); 2. massage, rub. g^'ivattsa] imperf -aiocb,
paCTHTeJIbHOCT|b [rAS^'t^'l- -aembCH, pacxJiHlyxbCfl [ras**-
t^iPnas^t^, -z^d^] / -h vege- t^i'^nuttja] perf -ycb, pacxH-
tation, verdure. HeujbCH, p -yjiCH, -yjiacb,
pacTHTejibHbiH [rAs^t^it^il^- imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1. be drag-
niy] a vegetable {diet, oil, ged out, draw in length;
etc); ^ MHp the vegetable 2. stretch oneself, sprawl.
kingdom. pacxflHyxb see pacxHrHsaxb.
pacTOjiOHb see TOJioMb. pacxHHyxbCji see pacxarw-
pacTonMTb I see pacTanjiH- BaXbCH.
Baib I. pacxa}KHB|axb [rAskhazht-
pacToniiTb II see pacranjiH- vat*"] imperf -aw, -aeuib walk/
BaTb II. stroll about; strut about;
pacToprjaxb [rastArgat^] pace {the floor).
imperf -aio, -aeuib, pacxopr- pacxoA [rAskhot, -d] m -a,
H|yxb [rAstorgnut^] perf -y, pi -bi, -OB {mostly pi) ex-
euib, p pacxopr {-yji), pa- penses, expenditure;
cxopFJia, imp annul, can-
-h <> BBCCXH KOrO-Jl. B — - put
cel, dissolve
abrogate, {a smb to expense.
treaty, agreement^ etc). pacxoAJMXbCJi [raskhAd^i-
pacxop)KeHH|e [rastArzhe- ttja] imperf pacxoHtycb, pac-
n^iya] n -a. annulment, cancel- XOAHUIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb,
lation, abrogation; dissolu- imp -HCb, -Hxecb, paaofiixHCb
tion (of a marriage, etc). [razAyt^is^] perf -Aycb, -Aeuib-
pacxop6nH|biH [rsstArdp- CH, paaoiuejicji, paaouiJiacb,
nfy] a sh f pacxoponen, -a, imp -AHCb, -AHxecb 1. go away,
-o, -bi prompt, quick, effi- depart {of guests, etc); dis-
cient. perse, break up {of a crowd,
pacxpaxja [rAstrata] / -bi, etc); 2. fail to meet, miss
^ embezzlement, peculation. each other {said of two mov-
pacxporaHHbiH [rAstrdga- ing people, cars, etc); 3. part
niy] a [pa\ moved, touched. {cease associating); drift apart
|)ac — 398 —
(of people); get divorced; be -H 1. estimate, assess; 2. fig
divorced; diverge, branch
4. qualify, regard, consider; KaK
off; 5. fig d'lUev {in opinion); Bbi -—aexe axo saivieqaHHe?
y Hero cjiosa He pacxoi^HTCH what do you think of this
c AeJioM his words and deeds remark?
are never at variance; 6. be paci^eHlKH [rAstsenk^'i] pi
sold out; be out of print; be -OK {sing pacueHK|a / -h)
spent (of money, etc); 7. fig rates, prices.
fly into a rage / temper; pacHecaxb see pacqecbisaxb.
let oneself go. pacnecbiBlaxb [rAsh*':6st-
pacxofljOBaxb [rAskhoda- vat^j imperf -aio, -aeiub,
vat*'] imperf -yio, -yeiiib, p pacHejcaxb [rash^i^sat^] perf
-OBaji, imp -yft, HsipacxoAo- -my, pacqemeuib, p -caji, imo
Baxb [izrAskhodavat^] perf -uiH 1. comb {the hair); 2.
spend, expend; iise (co/isume); scratch raw {the skin).
perf also use up, run out of. pacHex [rAsh^:6t, -d] m
pacxowAeHHie [raskhAzhd^e- -a, -OB 1. calculation {also
n^iya] n -ji, -h divergence, technol); estimate {prelimi-
difference {of opinion, etc); nary calculation); 2. settling-
discrepancy. (of accounts) {with); no 6e3-
pacxoxo|TaTbcji [raskhakhA- najiHWHOMy -— y by written or-
tattsa] perf -^ycb, pacxo- der {of buying, etc); 3.: Aaib
xoMeuibCH, p -xajicfl, -xajiacb, ~ discharge, dismiss; B3HXb
imp -qHCb, -qHxecb burst •~ quit, leave one's job; 4..:

into laughter, burst out laugh- Hex —a AeJiaxb axo col it's
ing. not worth the trouble / doing
pacusecxH see pacitBexaxb. this;
pacuBex [rAstjv'^et, -d] m <> npHHHMaxb B — take into
-a 1. bloom, blossoming, consideration / account; 6wxb
efflorescence; 2. fig heyday, B --e c KCM-Ji. be quits with
flourishing, golden age; 6yp- smb; B ~e Ha hxg-ji. count-
Hbifi — rapid growth, astound: ing on smth. calculating on
ing growth; b ~e chji' in the smth; H3 ~a at a rate {of).
prime of life. pac4exjiHB|biH [rAsh^iof*-
pacuBex|,axb [rastjv^i^ta^''] l^iviy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi
irnperf -aip, -aeiiib, paci;Be|- econornical (perso/i); prudent,
cxii [rastjv^i^s^t^'i] perf -xy, circumspect.
-xeiiib, p pacuBeji, -Jia, imp pacuiHpHXb see pacuiHpHXb.
-XII 1. blossom (out), bloom; pacuiMpl«xb [rashiir^at'']
2. fig flourish, prosper. imperf -hio, -neuib, pacuiH-
pacueHHB|axb [rAstjen^i- p|HXb [rAsh:fr^it''] perf -k),
vat''] imperf -aio, -aeiub, -Huib, p -HJi, imp -b widen,
pacueHJHXb [rastst^n^it''] perf broaden, enlarge, expand,
•K), pacueHHiub, p -h;i, imp extend.
— 399 — pe6

pacuiH^poeaTb see paciim- -Jiacb, -jidcb (-jiocb), -JiHCb,

4)p6BbIBaTb. (-JIHCb), imp pBHCb, pBHXeCb
paciuH(})p6BbiB|aTb [r8sh:i- 1. tear {become torn); 2. burst
froviv^t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, {of shells, etc); 3. fig be dy-
pacuiH(|)p|oBaTb [rashiJfrA- ing, strain (/o do smth); ^xb-
vat^] perf -yio, -yeuib, p cji B 6oH be spoiling for a
-OBaji, imp -yfl decipher {also fight.
fig). pBeHHJe [rv^en^iya] n -h
pacmenjieHHle [rash^:i^p- zeal, fervour, ardour, enthu-
Pen^iya] n -a phys, chem siasm.
splitting; fission; breaking pBex [rv^ot, -d] see
up. pBaxb II.
pa(})HHaA [raPinat, -d] m pBH [rv^i] see pBaxb I.
-a lump sugar. pBMCb [rV^is^, 'Z^j, pBH-
pauHOHajiHsauHJsi [rgtsia- xecb [rv^it^'is^, -z^] see
nal^'izatsiya] / -h rationali- pBaxbCH.
zation; improvements {in pBoxja [rvota] / -bi vomit-
production, technique, etc). ing, vomit.
pauHOHajibH|biH [ratjtAnal^- pBy [rvu], pBCuib [rv^osh,
niy] a sh f pauHonajieH, -a, -zh] see pBaxb I.

-0, rational {expedient).

-bi pBycb [rvus^, -z^J, pBeiub-
pea [rva], pBoe [rvof, -v] csi [rv'^oshs^'a] see pBaxbCH.
see poB. pearMpjoBaxb [r^iAg^'ira-
pBaH|bijf [rvaniy] a torn vat^] imperf -yio, -yemb,
{coat, etc); lacerated {wound). p -oBaji, imp -yfl 1. biol,
pBaJTb I [rvat^] imperf chem react; 2. react {to), res-
psy, pBeiiib, p -ji, -jia, pBajio, pond {to).
pBajiH, imp pBH, nopEJaxb peaKXHBHbiH [r^iAkt^ivnty]
IpArvat^J perf -y, -euib, p a jet {attr) {engine, etc).
-aji, -ajia, imp -h 1. tear, peaKUHOHHibiM [r^'iAktjtdn-
rend; 2. {no perf) pick {flow- niy] a sh f peaKUHoneH, -a,
ers, etc); 3. fig break (off) -o, -bi reactionary.
{with); peaKUHlsi I [r^i^aktsiya] /
<> —Tb 3y6bi extract teeth, -H, -H reaction {to).
pull out teeth; '--xb h mc- peaKHH|si II [r^i^aktsiya] /
xaxb col ^
be in a rage. -H pol reaction.
pBaxb II [rvat^] imperf peajiHSM [r^iAl^izm] m -a
pBex, p pBajio, BbipBJaxb realism.
[virvat^] perf -ex, p -ajio peajibHJbiH [r^'i^al^ntyj a
impers vomit, throw up; ero sh f peajieH, l.real
-a, -o, -bi
psex he is vomiting, he vom- {facts, etc); 2. practical, real-
its. istic; practicable, feasible.
pBa|xbCfl [rvattj9] imperf pe6eH|oK [r^i^b^'onak, -g]
pByCfa, pBeuibCH, p -JICH, m -Ka, pi pe6axa, pe6flx, pe-
— 400

6HTaM child, kid; baby, in- perHCTpaxypla [r'lg^istrA-

fant {also fig). tura] / -bi, — registry {an
peSpjo [r^'i^bro] n -a, pi office).
pe6pa, pe6ep, pe6paM anat, perHCTpHploBaxb [r^'igist-
technol rib; r^iravat^l /mper/ -yio, -yeinb,
<0> cxaBHTb Bonpoc ~6m put p -oeaji, imp -yft, 3a!perH-
a question point-blank. cxpHpoBaxb [zar^ig^istr^'i-
pe6flTa [r^i^b^ata] see pe- ravat^J perf register, rec-
6eH0K. ord.
pee [r^of, -v] m -a 1. roar perHCxpHp|oBaxfaCji [r^ig^'i-
{of animals, the sea, wind)', str^iravattsa] itnperf -yiocb,
2. col howl, weeping. -yembC5r,p -oeajiCH, -oeajiacb,
peBJexb [r^i^v^et^] imperf imp -yftcH, -yiiTecb, saiperH-
-y, -eiEb, p -eji, imp -h 1. roar cxpHpoBaxbCfl [zar^ig^istr^i-
{of animals, the sea, wind)', ravattsa] perf 1. register
2. col howl, weep. oneself, register one's name;
peBH3H|H [r^i^v^'iz^iya] / 2. register one's marriage.
-H, -H I. inspection [an offi- perjiaMeHx [r^i^glam^'mt,
cial examination, check-up)', 2. -.d] m -a time-limit {at a
revision {distorting changes). meeting)', regulations of pro-
peBMaTH3M [r'^ivniAt^izm] cedure, standing order {at a
m -a med rheumatism. meeting).
peBHHB|biH [r^i^vn^'iviy] a peryjiMpjoBaxb [r^igul^ira-
sh f '^, -a, -o, -bi jealous vat^j imperf -yK), -yeuib, p
{wife, etc). -oeaji, imp -yfl regulate
peBH|oBaTb [r^ivnAvat^] {speed, prices, etc).
imperf -y\o, -yeiiib, p -oeaji, peryjiflpHlbiH [r^'igul^arnty]
imp -yft feel jealousy {of a a sh f peryjiHpeH, -a, -o, -u
lover)', be jealous of {one's {life, army). regular
wife, etc). peAaKXHp|oBaxb [r^idAkt^i-
peBHOCTJb [r^evnas^'t^, ravat^] imperf -yio, -yeiiib,
-z^d^] / -H jealousy {of a lov- p -oeaJi, imp -yft, oxjpeAaK-
er); MyKH ---H torments of xHpoBaxb [Atr^idAkt^iravat'']
jjealousy. perf edit.
peBOjiiouHOHep [r^ival^u- pcAaKxcp [r^i^daktar] -a, m
tstAn'^er] m -a, -ob revolu- -OB editor; oTBexcxBeHHbiH -^
tionary. editor-in-chief.
peB0jiK)U,H6iiH|biH [r^'ivaPu- pCAaKUHlfl [r^i^daktjtya] /
tjionnty] a sh f peBOJiiouHo- -H, -H 1.: noA —eft... edited
HCH, -a, -o, -bi revolutionary by.s.; 2. wording {new, fresh,
{movement, etc). etc, of a text); 3. variant,
peBOjiibuH|fl [r'^ivAl^'utjiya] reading {of a hook); 4. edi-
/ -H, -H revolution {1) pol; torial board; editorial staff;
2) a complete change). 5. editorial office,

401 peK

pcuHcIna [r^i^d^iska] /-KH, -08 reserve(s) (1) mil; 2) of

-OK radish. raw materials, etc).
peAKlHH [r^etk^iy] a sli f pesHHla [r^
peAOK, -a, -o, -H 1. thin, (india-)rubber.
sparse, rare; 2. rare {guest, oc- pe3HH|Ka [r^i^z^inka] / -kh,
currence, etc). -OK 1. eraser {of rubber);
peflKOCT b [ r^etkas^t^ -z^d^ ]
, 2. elastic.
/ -H, -eft rarity; pesMHOBbiH [r^i^z'^inaviy] a
<0- Ha~h A66pbiH [KpacM- rubber {ball', etc).
Bbiiiu m. n.] of rare kindness pe3K|HH [r^esk^iy] a -aH,
[beauty, etc\\ very / excep- -oe, -He, sh f pesoK, -a, -o, -h
tionally kind [beautiful, sharp {wind, words, change,
etc]. etc); harsh {contrast, voice,
pence [r^ezhi^] comp of person, etc); short {temper,
peAKHH and corresp adv. manners, etc); —hh sanax
pejKHM [r^i^zhlm] m -a, -ob strong smell.
1. regime (also pal)', ^ hh- [r^'izAputjiys]
TaHHH diet; co6jiiOAaTb no- / -H, -ft resolution 7^/ ci
CTejibHbiH '— tned keep one's meeting, etc); BbinecxH ~k)
bed; 2. technol rate, condi- pass / adopt a resolution;
tions {of temperature, etc); 2. decision,, conclusion, brief
<^ —
aKOHOMHH economy, pol- instructions {written on an
icy of economizing. application, report, etc); na-
pewHCcep [r^izhis^or] m jiojKHTb —-K) write brief in-
-a, -OB producer {of a play, striictions, write one's deci-
etc). sion / conclusion {on an appli-
pe)Ky [r'^ezhu], pcHceiub cation, report, etc).
[r^'ezhash, -zh] see pesaxb. pe3yjibxix [r^izul't^t, -d]
pe)Kb [r^esh, -zh] see p§- m -a, -OB result; Ao6HXbCH
3a TK. x6p6mHX -^OB achieve good
pea] ax b [r^ezat^] imperf results; make a good showing;
pe»cy, pesceuib, p -aji, imp make good progress;
pe>Kb, Baipeaaxb [zAr^ezat^] <> B ~e as a result {of).
perf \. {no perf) cut {1) di- pefic [r^eys, -z] m -a, -ob
vide with smtfi sharp; 2) trip'' run; av flight.
cause pain, as of a string); peK|d [r^i^ka] / -h, ace -y
2. kill, slaughter (ca///e, etc); (p^Ky), pi peKH, -aM(pe- — ,

3. {no perf): ~axb cjiyx jar KaM) river {also fig).

on the ears; ---axb rjiaaa irri- peKBM3Hp|0Baxb [r^'ikv^iz^i-
tate the eyes. ravat^] perf & imperf -yra,
pe3B|biH [r^'ezviy] a sh f -yeuib, p rOBaJi, imp -yfi
'-', -a, -o -bi 1. frisky, requisition {property).
sportive; 2. fast {horse). peKjiaMJa [r^'i^klama] / -bi,
pesepB [r^'i^z^erf, -v] m -a, ^ I. advertisement, ad;
pCK — 402

theat h\\\\ 2. publicity, ad- t^iraval^] imperf -yio, -yeuib,

vertising. p -OBaji, imp -yft, oxipeMOH-
peKOMeHflauH|n [r^ikam^'i^n- THpOBaTb[Atr^imAn^t^ir9V9t^]
dat^tya] / -h, -h recommen- perf repair, refit, overhaul.
dation (/) advice or praise; peHTa6ejibH|biH [r^i^nta-
2) a letter of recommendation). b^'il^niy] a sh f peHiaSejieH,
peKOMCHAloBaxb [r'^ikam^in- -a, -o, -bi non-deficient, pay-
dAvat^] perf & imperf -yK), ing {concern, etc).
-yeiub, p -oBaji, imp -yft rec- peHTieHOBCKlHH [r^i^ntg^e-
ommend (/) speak in favour nafsk^iy] a -aa, -oe, -He
of; 2) advise). X-ray {attr); —ne Jiyqii
peKOHCTpyKi;H|n [r^ikAn- X-rays; ~hh chhmok radio-
struktjiya] / -h reconstruc- graph.
tion. pen! a [r^epa] / -bi turnip.
pcKopjl [r^i^kort, -d] -a, m penepxyap [r^ip^irtuar] m
-OB record {the best perform- -a theat repertoire, reper-
ance); nociaBHTb /
yciaHOBHTb tory.
^ set a record. pcnexHp!oBaxb [r^ip^i^t^i-
pejiHrHoaHJbiH [r^iPig^ioz- ravat''] imperf -yio, -yeuib,
niy] a sh f pejiHrHoaen, -a, p -oeaji, imp -yft theat re-
-o, -bi religious {1) beliefs, hearse.
etc, 2) person, etc); -~biH o6- penexHUH|ji [r^ip^'i^t^itjiya]
pHA religious rite/ ceremony. / -H, -ft theat rehearsal.
pejiHrHla [r^i^l'^ig^iya] / penopxajK [r^ipArtash, -zh]
-H, -H religion {belief in and m
-a, -eft eyewitness account
worship of God or gods). {of a match, etc); reporting
pejibc [r^el''?, -z] m
-a, {for the press or radio).
-OB rail (for trains, etc). penopxep [r^ipArt^or] m -a,
peM|eHb [r^i^m'^en^] m-nn, -OB reporter, news-man.
-Heft strap (of leather, etc); penpeccHlfl [r^i^pr^'es^iya]
(waist-)belt. / -H, -ft repression {.against)
peMecjieHHHK [r^i^m^es^Pi- noAEepraxbCH --'HM be perse-
n^ik, -g] m -a, -ob 1. (handi-) cuted, be subject to repres-
craftsman; 2. fig mediocre sions.
worker [artist, etc] penpoflyKxop [r^iprAduktar]
peMecjieHi m -a, -OB loud speaker.
I'mniy] a: ~oe yqnJiHme penyxauHJfl [r^iputatsiya]
trades school. / -H reputation, repute; ;;o-
peMecjijo [r^im^i^slo] n -^, po}KHXb CBoeft ^eft value
pi peMecjia peMeceji, peMec- one's reputation.
jiaM trade, handicraft. pecHMuja [r^i^s^n'^itsa]- /
peMOHT [r^i^mont, -d] -a m -bi, '— eyelash.
repair(s); b ~e under repair. pecny6jiHK|a [r^'i^spubPi-
peMOHTHp|oBaTb [r^'imAn^- kaj / -H, ^ republic.
403 pRH

pecny6jiHKaHCK|HH [r^ispub- peujeHH|e [r^i^shen^iya] n

l^ikansk^iy] a -aH, -oe, -He -H, -H 1. decision {of a commit-

1. republican; 2. republic's, tee, etc); resolution {of a meet-

all-republic (attr). ing); judgement {of a court);
pecTopaH [r^islAran] m -a, verdict {of a jury); npHHHTb
-OB restaurant. ~e 1) make up one's mind,
ped}6pM|a [r^i^forma] / -bi, come to a decision; make a
'-' reform; jieueyKHan —a decision; 2) pass a resolution;
monetary / currency reform. BhinecTH --el) deliver judge-
peueHSHJn [r^i^tsen^z^iya] ment; return a verdict; 2)
/ -H, -H review, criticism; pass a resolution; 2. solution
theat notice {in the precis). {of a problem, etc); settle-
peuenr [r^i'^tsept, -bd] m-a, ment {ofa question, etc);
-OB recipe; med prescription. 3. conclusion {a judgement).
pcHHOH [r^i^ch^noy] a river peuieT|Ka [r*'i^sh6tk9] /
(attr); riverain; riverine; ~ -KH, -OK grating, grate; fend-
TpsMBaH river bus. er; fire-guard;
peH|b fr^ech^, -j^] / -h, <> sa —'KCH col in jail; no-
-eft speech; npHBeTCTBeHHan caAHTbsa ^Ky col jail, put
'--b salutatory address, speech into prison.
of welcome; o qeivi ~b? what peuiHTejibHOcxlb [r^'i^sht-
are you talking about?; o6 t^iPnas^t^, -z^d^] / -h reso-
9T0M H --H He 6hiJio there luteness, resolution.
was no question of this; o6 peiiiHTejibH|biil [r^i^^shi-
3T0M He MOJKCT 6bITb H ~H t^iPnty] a sh f peiiiHTejieH,
this is out of the question. -a, -0, -bi 1. decisive {major
peui|aTb [r^i^shat^] imperf deciding); 2. determined, de-
-aio, -aeiub, pem'|HTb [r^'i'^- .
cided, resolute; 3. resolute,
shft^] perf -y, -Huib, p -hji, firm.
imp -H 1. decide, resolve; peuiMTb see pemarb.
make up one's mind; 2. solve peuiHTbcsi see pemaTbCH.
(a problem, etc); settle {a p)KaB|eTb [rzhav^it^] im-
question, etc). perf -eeT rust {of iron, etc).
peui|aTbC5i [r^i*^shatts9] piKaBHHHJa [rzhafch^ina] /
imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, pe- -bi rust {on iron, etc).
ui|HTbC5i [r^i^shfttsa] perf pjKaxb [rzhat^] imperf
-yCb, -HIlJbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, pjKex, p pjKaji neigh.
imp -iicb, -HTecb make up pwH [rzhi] see po^b.
one's mind, determine; ven- pHHr [r^ink, -g] m -a, -ob
ture, dare. ring {for boxing, etc).
peuiaiomlHH [r^i^shayu- pHH|yTbcJi [r^inuttja] perf
sh^-.iy] a \pa] -an, -ee, -He -ycb, -euibCH, p -yjiCH, -yjiacb,
decisive {battle, step, etc); imp -bCH, -bxecfe rush (head-
deciding {vote, etc)^ long), dash.
pHC 404 —
pHC [r^is, -z] m -a rice. II part 1. exactly, sharp,
pMCK [r^isk, -zg] m -a risk; 2.: ~ HHMero col absolutely
nojtBepraTbCH — y run risks; nothing, just nothing.
HATH na -' run the risk (o/); p6BH|biH [rovnty] a sh f
run risks; c — om hjih >kh3- poBeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. flat,
HH at the risk of one's life. even, level; 2. str£.ight {line,
pHCKHyxb see pHCKoeaTb. etc); 3. even, equal;
pHCK|oBaTb fr^'iskAvat^] <> —blM CHeTOM HHMCrO
imperf -yio, -yeiijb, p -oBaji, col absolutely nothing, just
imp -yfl, pHCKH|yTb [r^isk- nothing; jujin -—ore CMera to
nut^] perf -y, -euib, p -yji, make it even {of an amount,
imp -H
1. risk; run the risk etc).
(o/); imperf also run risks; por [rok, -g] m -a, pi -a,
'— OBaxb rojiOBOH risk one's -OB 1. horn {of a deer, etc);
neck / life; 2. dare; perf also 2. horn, bugle; Tpy6HTb b —
venture. blow the horn.
pHcjOB^Tb [r^isAvat^] im- pofl [rot, -d] m -a, pi -u,
perf -yK), -yeiiib, p -oBaji, -OB 1. family, kin; sto y
imp -yfi, HaipHCOBaib [nar^i- HHX B —y this runs in their
SAvat^] perf 1. draw, paint; family; 2.: 6biTb --om H3...
2. fig depict, paint; 3. fig come from... {by origin); 3.
picture, imagine. kind, sort; bchkofo ^a all
pHcyH|oK Tr^isunak, -g] m kind of, of all kinds; 4.: -'
-Ka, -KOB drawing, picture; saHHTHH trade, profession; 5.
figure (a numbered picture in ling gender; 6. biol genus;
a book). O — qejioBeHecKHH family
pMTM [r^itm] m -a, -ob of man, human race; -- bchck
rhythm. mil (fighting) arm; h3 —a b
pHTMHHH|biH [r^itm^ich^- -^ from generation to gener-
nty] a sh f pHTMH^eH, -a, ation; Ha ^y HanHcaHo be
-0, -bi rhythmical. predestined; b HeKoropOM —-e
pH4)M|a [r^'ifma] / -bi, —' to some degree; b CBoeM ~-e
rhyme {in a verse). in his [their, etc] way; ht6-to
p66k|hh [ropk^iy] a -an, B 3T0M ~e something of the
-oe, -He, sh f p66oK, -a, -o, kind; njiTb [uiecxb u m. d.]
-H timid, shy. jier 6t pOAy five [six, etc]
pOB [rof, -v] m pBa, pi years old.
pBbi,pBOB ditch (a trench). pOAHJibH|biH [rAd^iPnty] a:
poeecHHK [rAv^es^n^'ik, -g] '-HH AOM maternity house /
m a, -OB coeval {of the same hospital; ~oe oxACJieHHe de-
age); mm ~h we are of the livery room {in hospital).
same age. poAHHla [rod^ina] / -bi
poBHo [rovna] I adv regu- homeland, motherland, na-
larly, evenly; tive land.
405 pOM

po;iHTeji|H [rAd^it^iPi] pi po3KAeHH|e [rAzhd^en^'iya]

-eft parents. n birth {of a child);
-H, -H 1.
poA|HTb [rAd^'it*'] perf & 2. birthday.
imperf poHcy, -Hinb, p perf po«;iecTBl6 [razhd^i^stvo]
-HJl, -HJia, -HJIO, -HJIH, p n -a Christmas; na -^6 at
imperf -hji, -HJia, -hjio, -hjih, Christmas.
imp -H 1. give birth to; 2. powy[rAzhu] see poAHXb.
fig give rise to; 3 bear {of pO)Kb [fosh, -Zh] / pJKH,
soil, etc). instr -K) rye; osHMan win- —
pOA|HTbCJi [rAd^ittja] perf ter rye; nposaH ^ spring rye.
& imperf -htch, p perf p63|a [roza] / -bi, — rose;
-HJICH (-HJ1CH), -HJiaCb (-HJiaCb), rose-bush.
-HaoCb (-HJlOCb) -HJlHCb (-H- posAaji [rozdal] p of pa3-
jiHCb), p imperf -hjich, -HJiacb, AaTb; see pasAaBaxb.
-HJIOCb, -HJIHCb, imp -HCb, p630B[biH [rozaviy] a sh f
-Hiecb 1. be born; 2. fig come ~', -a, -o, -bi pink, rose-col-
into being. oured; rosy;
pOAHHK [rAd^n'^ik, -g] m 0 BHAerb Bce b ~om cbc-
-a, -OB spring {of water). xe / uBCxe see through rose-
poflHloH [rAdnoy] I a I. -coloured spectacles.
own {uncle, etc); ~6h 6paT posbirpbiui [rozigrish, -zh]
brother; —an cecrpa sister; m -a, -eS 1. drawing {of a
2. native {town, etc); 3.:moh lottery); 2. sport: ^ Ky6Ka
— OH (my) dear, (my) darling cup tournament.
{an address); pOH I [roy] m pon, pi
II as a noun p o ^ h bi e I
poH, poeB swarm.
pi -bix relatives, relations; pOH II [roy] see pbiTb.
MOH — bie my relatives; my poHCsi [roys^a], pOMxecb
people. [royf'is^, -z^] see pbixbCH.
poACTBCHHHK [rotst^v^m^- pOKOBOH [rakAvoy] a fatal
n^ik, -g] m -a, -ob relative, {hour, mistake, etc).
relation. poji|b [roP] / -H, -efi role,
poflCTBCHHlwH [rotst^v^m- part;
niy] a sh f poACTBen, -a, -o, <> 3X0 He Hrpaex --H it is of
-bi kindred, related. no importance.
pOAlbi [rodi] pi OB child- pOMaH [rAman] m -a, -ob
-birth, delivery. • 1. novel; 2. col love-affair,
pojKlaTb [rAzhaf*] imperf romance.
-aio, -aenib col give birth to. poMaHc [rAmans, -z] m -a,
po)Kfl|aTb [rAzhdat^] imperf -OB romance, song.
-aio, -aeiiJb=poAHTb 1, 2. pOMaHXHHecKlHH [ramAn**-
poxcAiarbCfl [rAzhdattja] t^ich^'isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibCfl=po- romantic.
JlHTbCfl, pOMauilKa [FAmashkaJ [

pOH — 406 —
-KH, -CK ox-eye daisy; camo- magnitude {of a problem fac-
mile. ing smb, etc).
poHlflTb [rAn^at^l imperf pOT [rot, -d] m pxa, pi
-HK), -neiiib, ypoHlHTb [ufa- pxbi, pxoB 1. mouth {in the
n'^it*'] perf -k>, ypoHHiiib, p head); 2. fig col mouth {to
-TAJi, imp -H 1. drop, let fall; feed);
2.: ~HTb CBoe aoctohhctbo <> He Gpaxb B ~- not touch
lose one's dignity. {wine., etc); pasMuyB — col
ponoT [ropat, -d] m -a mur- agape, gaping.
mur, grumble. pox a [rota] / -u, — mil I

ponTJaTb [rAptat^] imperf company; troop {of mechaniz-

ponmy, ponmeiub, p -aji, imp ed cavalry).
ponmH murmur, grumble. p6m|a [rosh^'-.a] / -h, ^
poc [ros, -z], pocjia [rAsla] grove {a small wood).
see pacTii. poH) [royu], poeiub [royash,
poc a [rAsa] / -bi, pi pocbi, -zh] see pwib.

dew (on grass). poiocb [royus**, -z^j, p6-

pocKoiuHlbiH [rAskoshnly] euibcsi [royashs^'a] see pbixbCH.
a sh f pocKomeH, -a, -o, -bi poflji|b [rAyaP] m -h, -en
1. luxurious, sumptuous; 2. (grand) piano.
col splendid, grand. PC<1>CP [er-es-ef-es-er] ab-
p6cK0iu|b [roskash, -zh] / brev if) (=PoccHHCKaH Co-
-H 1. luxury; 2. splendour, BexcKan 4>eAepaxHBHayi Co-
greatness. UHaJiHCXHqecKan Pecny6jiHKa)
pocjibifl [rosHy] a tall and RSFSR (Russian Soviet Fed-
stalwart. erative Socialist Republic).
pocnycK [rospusk, -zg] m pxa [rta], pxoB [rtof, -v]
-a dismissal {of parliament see pox.
etc). pxyxjb [rtut'', -d''] / -h
poccHHCKlHft [rAs*'iysk**iy] mercury, quicksilver.
a -an, -oe, -He Russian, Rus- py6aui|Ka [rubashka] / -kh,
sia's. -eK shirt; chemise;
pocT [rost, -zd] m -a (-y) <> poAHXbcji B —KC be ^
1. growth {of a plant, etc); born with a silver spoon in
2. growth, increase, rise, one's mouth.
development, expansion; py6e« [rub^esh, -zh] -a, m
3. height {of a person)', Bbi- -eft \» boundary, border; 2.
coKoro [HHSKoro] ~a tall mil line, objective, position;
[short] {person); no —y ac- <> 3a ~6m abroad.
cording to height; b ~ qe- py6|eu [rub^etj, -dz] m -ua,
jioBCKa of man's height; -UOB 1. hem, seam; 2. scar
<> BO BCCb ~ 1) upright {on the skin).
{of standing)', 2) full-length py6HH [rub^'in] m -a, -oa
{portrait)', 3) fig in all its min ruby.
— 407 — pyK

py6|iiTb [rub^it^] imperf <> ~a 66 pyKy hand in

-jiK), py6Hmb, p -HJi, imp -h, hand; y nero pyKH onycKa-
c!py6HTb [srub^it^] perf hew, loxcsi ^ he is losing heart;
hack, cut; chop (up); mince; HMexb 30j!oxbie pyKH be ^
fell, chop down. master of one's craft; ;^ep-
py6jilb [rubP] m -h, -efi xaxb B —
ax control, have in
rouble. hand; Bsnxb ceSa b pyKH
pyranjb [rugan^] f-H swear- pull oneself together; Swxb
ing; bad language, abuse. 6e3 Hero-Ji. KaK 6e3 — feel
pyrjixb [rugat^] imperf helpless without smth; h3
-aio, -aenib, Bbipyrjaxb [vtru- nepBux [h3 Bxopbix] ~ at
gat^] perf -Sim, -aeiiib scold,
1. first [second] hand; axo eMy
abuse; reprimand; 2. criticize Ha pyKy this serves his pur-
severely. pose; Ha pyKy hchhcx col
pyrlaxbcfl [rugattsa] imperf light-fingered, pilferer; axo
-aiocb, -aeiubCH, Bbipyr|aTbCfl coujjio eMy c '— co/ he ^
[vtru^attsa] perf -aiocb, got away with it; noA ~6h
-aeuibCH 1. swear, curse; im- at hand; no — aM! col it's a
perf also call names; 2. {no bargain!, settled!
perf) quarrel bitterly; abuse pyKaB [rukaf, -v] m -a, pi
each other. -a, -OB 1. sleeve; sacyqHXb
pyflja [ruda] / -bi, pi pyAti, ~-a roll up one's sleeves; 2.
— ore; AoCbiBaxb ^y
extract branch, arm {of a river); 3.
ore. technol hose.
pyflHHK [rud^n'^ik, -g] m pyKOBOflHxejilb [rukavAd^i-
-a, -OB mine {to get ore). t^iP] m
-H, -eft leader, head;
py3Kb|e [ruzhyo] n -h, pi instructor {of a circle, etc);
py>Kb5i, py^eft, py^L^M gun, KjiaccHbiH —
b home teacher,
shot-gun; oxoxHHqbe -^-e fowl- class master.
ing-piece; pyKOBOA^Hxb [rukavAd^it^]
<> noji ~eM under arms. imperf pyKOBOJKy, -HUib, p
pyKJa [ruka] / -h, ace py- -HJI, imp -H 1. lead, guide,
Ky, pi pyKH, ~-, -aM hand be at the head {of); 2. direct,
{1} of the arm; 2) possession, supervise.
control; 3) handwriting; 4) pyKOBOACXBlo [rukAvotstva]
col side, direction); arm {the n -a, -^ 1. leadership; 2.
limb); AepHcaxb [hccth u m.n.] handbook, manual.
Ha -—ax hold [carry, etc] in pyKOAejiH|e [rukAd^el^iya]
one's arms; /^epscaxb b ~ax needlework, fancy-work.
n -H
hold in one's hands [also see pyKonHcjb [rulop^is^, -z^\
O]; HAXH noA pyKy c KeM-Ji. f -H, -eft manuscript.
walk arm-in-arm with smb; pyKOnoiKaxHle [rukapAzha-
xporaxb ~aMH touch {put the t^iya] n -h, -ft handshake,
hand on smth); handclasp; o6MeHHBaxbCfl '^a-
pyji 408 —
MH c KCM-Ji. shake hands pyHJefl [ruch^ey] m -bH,
with smb. -bCB brook, stream.
pyjieBOH [rul^i^voy] I a pyH|Ka [ruch^ka] / -kh,
steering, rudder (attr); -CK 1. dim
of pyKa; 2. han
II as a noun p y ji e B^jo h m die; knob
(of a door, etc)
-dro, -bix 1. helmsman, man arm (of a chair); 3. penfhold
at the wheel; steersman; 2. fig er); aBxoMaTHqecKaji / caMO
leader. nHiiiymaH ---Ka fountain-pen
pyjijb [rul^] m -h, -en py4H|6H [ruch^noy] a
rudder (of a boat, etc); steer- hand (attr), arm (attr); — bie
ing-wheel; handle-bars; helm Macbi wrist watch; 2. manua
(of a boat; also fig). (labour, etc); 3. tame (ani
pyiMbiH [rumin] m -a, mat, bird).
-^ Rumanian. pyui|HTbCJi [rushlttja] im
pyMii'iHCK|HH [rumlnsk'^iy] perf -HTCH 1. fall in, col
a -an, -oe, -He Rumanian. lapse, cave in; 2. fig fal
pyM«H|ei; [rum^an^itj, -dz] to the ground, be destroyed
m -ua (high) colour; blush, pbiSja [riba] / -bi, — fish
glow, yAHTb —y angle, fish;
pyMflH|biH [rum^aniy] a ^ HH —a HH Mflco col nci
sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi rosy, rud- ther nor flesh, neither
dy (cheeks). one thing, nor the other
pynop [rupar] m -a, -ob KaK ~a B BOAe ^
in one's
1. megaphone, speaking- element.
-trumpet; 2. fig mouthpiece. pbi6aK [ribak, -g] m -a,
pycjijo [rusb] n -a, -- riv- -OB fisherman;
er-bed; fig also channel. <> — ^a BHAMT H3AajieKa
pyccK|HH [rusk^iy] I a prov sbirds of a feather
-aH, -oe, -He Russian; flock together.
II as a noun pyccKlnft m pbiSHlbiH [rlbniy] a fish
-oro, -Hx Russian. (attr); fishing (industry, etc);
pyxHlyTb [rukhnut^] perf ~bfe KOHcepBbi tinned /can-
-y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h ned fish.
1. collapse,crash down, pbiSojioB [ribAlof, -v] m
tumble down; 2. fig fail, be -a, -OB angler, fisher.
destroyed (of plans, etc). pbiAJaTb [rtdat^] imperf
pyHJaTbCfl [ruch^attja] im- -aK), aeuib sob.
perf -aiocb, -aeiUbCH, nopy- pbi>K|HH [rlzhiy] a -an,
HlHTbCJi [paruch^ittsa] perf -ee, -He, sh f —, -a, -e, -h
-ycb, nopyMHUjbCH, p -hjich, red-haired, red.
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, nrecb pbiji [ril], pb'ijia [rila] see
vouch (for); answer (for); pUTb.
guarantee, warrant; assure, pbijicfl [rlls'^a], pbijiacb [rt-
promise. las^, -z^\ see pbiibca.
409 —
pbiH|oK [rinsk, -g] -Ka, m pioKsaK [r^ugzak, -g] m -a,
-KOB 1. market(-place); 2. -OB rucksack, knapsack.
market (opportunity of sell- pibM}Ka [r^umka] / -kh, -ok
ing); --OK c6biTa (commodi- wineglass.
ty) market. pji6HH|a Ir''i^b'in9] / -h,
pwTb [rit^] imperf poio, ^ mountain ash.
poeiiib, p pbiJT, pbiJia, imp pHA [r^at, -d] m -a (-y)
pOH dig (fl hole^ etc). (with Aea, TpH, qeibipe pH-—
pbiTbCfl [rtttja] imperf p6- Aa), pi -hi, -OB 1. row, line;
K)Cb, poeuibCH, p pbiJicH, pbi- 2. theat row; 3. number
Jiacb, imp poHCH, poHTecb (of), handful (of), series (of);
dig {in smth); rummage, ran- 4. mil file; line, row; 5.: b
sack. ^ax... in the ranks (of)...;
pbixjijbiH [rIkhUy] a sh f <> H3 --a BOH BbIXOA^IU,HJ{
^, -a, -o, -bi 1. friable; extraordinary, unusual, out-
loose (earth); 2. flabby. standing.
pbmap|b [rftsar^] m
-h, -en psiAOBOH [r^idAvoy] I a 1.
1. hist knight; 2. fig chival- rank and file; 2. ordinary,
rous person. common;
pbmar [rich^ak, -g] m -a, II as a noun pHAOBJoft m
-OB 1, technol lever; mil private, man.
2. fig -oro, -bix
lever, key factor. pflAOM [r^adam] adv 1.
pbm|aTb [rich^at^] imperf side by side, beside; CHACTb
-lAuih, p -aji growl, snarl. ~ c KCM-ji. sit next to smb;
pbnHJbiH [r^'yaniy] a sh f AaBaft CHACM ^ let's sit to-
^, -a, -o, -bi zealous; invet- gether; 2. next (to), near;
erate (smoker, etc). near by.

c [s, z], CO [so; in the a model, pattern, source, etc:

first pretonic position sa; — HHcaib nopxpet c kofo-ji.
in the second pretonic posi- paint smb's picture; nepese-
tion .— S9] prep I with gen CTH c pyccKoro translate from
denoting 1. movement from Russian; 6paTb npHMep c ko-
somewhere: myM c yjiHUbi a ro-Ji. follow smb's example;
noise from the street; npHH- 3. smth (time, an object, etc)
TH c co6paHHH cornie from a marking th? beginning of an
meeting; c6p6cHTb/co cxojia action, measurement, etc: oh
throw off the table; yflrH c padoTaei c BOCbMH qacoB he's
nocTa leave one'sf post; 2. been working since eight
the fact that smthj is used as o'clock; c AByx ao ccmh from

— 410

two to seven; oh 6yAeT pa- 66TaTb c KCM-Ji. work with

CoiaTb TaM c-Man he'll work smb; paarooapHBaTb c KeM-Ji.
there beginning with May; talk to / with smb; MaTb c ot-
OH HaqHCT pa66TaTb c Mapia UOM mother and father; mm
[c noHejiejibHHKa, c hhth na- c to66h you and me; 2. pos-
cob] he'll begin to work in session or presence of smth:
March [on Monday, at five COJIAai C BHHTOBKOH a soldicT
o'clock]; Haqaib c nero-Ji. with a rifle; xjie6 c MacjiOM
begin with smth; c rojiOBbi bread and butter; KHHra c
flo Hor from head to foot; KapTHHKaMH picturc-book; 3.
4.: c MHHyibi na MHHyiy means, manner, or an accom-
every /any minute (0/ a pos- panying action: BepHyxbCH c
sible action); co ahh na ;;eHb nocjieAHHM aBx66ycoM return
any day, any time (of a pos- by the last bus; c yjibi6Kofi
sible action); 5. cause or rea- with a smile, smiling; c hh-
son: c ropH for grief; co xepecoM with interest; 4. aim,
3Ji6cTH out of spite; ycrarb c purpose: o6paxHXbC5i c
;iop6rH be tired after a jour- np6cb6oH make a request; 5.
ney; 6. permission or con- simultaneousness: Bcxafeaxb c
sent: c qbero-Ji. noseojie- BOCxoAOM cojiHua get up with
HHH with smb's permission; the sunrise; 6. state, condi-
c Mbero-Ji. with
o;io6peHH5i tion: ^^o c xo66h? what's the
smb's approval, with smb's matter with you?; c pa66xoH
consent; 7. the fact that smth Bce B nopHflKe the work is
is employed as a unit in cal- going on all right; 7. con-
culation, that smb must pay gratulations, greetings: noa/i-
smth: oHTHaAuaxb ueHTHepoe paoHXb c qeM-ji. congratulate
c reKTapa fifteen metric cent- on smth, c Hobhm toaom! a
ners per hectare; c sac nnxb happy New Yearl; 8.: 3x0
py6jieH you must pay five npoHAex c ro^aMH [c Boapa-
roubles; 8.; esHTb c 66k) take cxom] this will pass with the
by storm; 9. : c mchh ao- years [age].
BojibHO I've had enough; I'm c..., CO..., c-b... pref of
fed up; verbs denoting 1. converging
II with ace denoting approx- movement; connexion, joining
imateness: c neAejiio (for) at one point: c6eraxbCfi
about a week; Ty^a Cyaex [z^b^i^gattjs] come running,
c KHJiOMerp it is about a gather {running); cbeajKaxbCH
kilometre from here; eejiH- [s^yi^zh*':atts3] come togeth-
qHHOH c AOM the size of a er, gather (by vehicle); CKpen-
house; c eac pocTOM about jiHXb [skr^i^pl^at^j fasten (to-
your height; gether); pin (together); crpe-
III with instr denoting \. as- 6axb[zgr^i^bat^] rake togeth-
sociation or joint action: pa- er, rake up; 2. movement from

411 caM

above: cnphirnyxb [sprlgnut^] caAOBHHK [sAdovn^ik, -g]

jump off, jump down; 3. re- m -a, -OB gardener.
moval from a surface, pi ace caAOBOACXBlo [sadAVotstva]
etc: c6pHTb [zbr^it^j shave n -a horticulture, gardening.
off; CKOcHTb [skAs^'it^] mow cajKla [sazh9] / -h soot,
down; cocTporaxb [sastrA- smoke-black, smut; b ~-e
gat**] pine off / away; 4. the sooty.
perfective aspect: c^eJiaTb cajKJaTb [sAzhat^] imperf
[z^d^ebt''] perf of aejiaxb. -aio, -aeiub, nocaAlMXb [p9SA-
ca6|ji5i [sabl^9] / -jih, -ejib d^it^] perf nocaHcy, noca-
sabre. AHUJb, p -HJi, imp
seat, -H 1.
carHTHpOBaTb see arHTHpo- offer a seat; 2. embark, en-
Baxb 2. train; 3. set (to work, write,
caA [sat, -d] m -a, pi -b'l, etc); ^kih Koro-Ji. sa KHHry
-OB garden (with trees and make smb get down to his
flowers); ropoACKofi -' the books; 4.: ~aTb b xiopbMy
gardens. put into prison; ~axb noA
caAJHTbCfl [sAd^ittja] im- apecx arrest, put under ar-
perf caHcycb, -HoibCH, p -hji- rest; — axb
nxHuy b KJiexKy
CH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb, cage a bird; ~axb co6aKy na
cecTb [s^es^t^] perf cAjxy, uenb chain a dog; 5.: ~axb
CHAeuib, p ceji, cejia, imp xjie6 B neqb put the bread
CHAb 1. sit down; sit up into the oven; 6. plant (flow-
(from a reclining position); ers, trees, etc).
'^HXbCH 3a cxoji sit down to caHcycb [sAzhus^, -z^] see
table; sit down a table;
at CaAHXhC5I.
~HXbC5i oSe^axb sit down to cajiax [sAlat, -d] m -a, -ob
dinner; 2. take, board (a ship, 1. bot lettuce; 2. salad.
plane, etc); get (in, into a car, caji|o [sal9] n -a fat (of a
etc); '-'HXbC5i Ha jiomaAb hog, etc); grease, lard.
mount a horse;
3. get down cajiOH [sAlon] m -a, -ob
(to one's books, work, etc); salon; saloon (in a hotel,
4. alight (of birds, insects); etc).
'-HXbCJi Ha Hacecx go to caji4)eTlKa [sAlf^etk9] /
roost; 5. land (of a plane); -KH, -OK (table-)napkin, ser-
6. set (of the sun, moon); viette.
7. fall (of the fog, mist); set- cajiiOT [sAl^ut, -d] -a, m
tle (of dust); 8. settle, sink -OB salute (of guns, etc); npo-
(of buildings); 9. contract, H3Becx^ '-' ABaAUaxbib apxHJi-
shrink {of cloth); jiepHHCKHMH aajinaMH fire a
•^ cecTb B Kajiouiy col get ^ salute of twenty salvoes.
into a mess, disgrace oneself; caM [sam] prondefm -oro,
cecTb KOMy-ji. Ha uieio col -OMy, -oro, -HM, (o) -6m, ca-
s sponge on smb. Ma /, caMO n, caMH pi denot»
caM - 412 —
ing the fact that a person is vol^niy] a sh f caMOAOBo-
the direct source or object of jien, -a, -o, -bi self-satisfied,
an action; also used emphat- complacent, smug.
ically: H ~ MHxaji 3TO I caMOKpMTHK|a
read [samAkr^i-
it myself; Tbi -' BHJieji ee? t^ika] / -H self-criticizm.
did you see tier yourself?; oh caMOjiex [samAl^ot, -d] m
~ CAeJiaJi 3T0 he did it him- -a, -OB aircraft, plane; -—om
self, OHa -^-a CAeJiaJia sto by air.
she did it herself; mbi h —
caM0JiK)6HBlbiH [samaPub'^i-
BHAeJiH 3T0 we saw it our- viy] a s7i / ~, -a, -o -bi
selves; Bbl ~H MHiaJlH 3T0? proud, ambitious; touchy.
did you read it yourself?; did caMOJiibSHie [samAl^ub^'iya]
you read it yourselves?; ohh n -H self-respect, pride; Ji6«-
— H Bce noHHJiH they under- Hoe —e false pride; 6ojie3-
stood everything themselves; iieHHoe ~-e morbid pride;
H BHAGJi ero ~or6 I saw him maAHTb Mbe-Ji. ~-e spare
personally; oh ^ BHHOsaT smb's vanity.
it's his own fault; caMOMHeHHJe [samAmn'^e-
«0> OH ~ He CBOH he is not n'^iya] n -h (self-)conceit,
himself, ~6 coSofi pasyMeer- presumption; cxpaAaib ~eM
csi it goes without saying. be conceited.
caMJa [sAma] pron f -oh, caMOHaAeJiHH|biH [samanA-
-OH, -oe (-y), -OH, (o) -oh d^'eyahiy] a sh f caMonaAe-
see caM. HH, -a, -o, -bi self-sufficient,
caM|eu [sAm^etj, -dz] m presumptuous, presuming.
-ua, -HOB male (of animals); caMoo6jiaAaHMleIsamAAblA-
cock (of birds); buck {of deer, dan^'iya] n -h self-control,
etc); dog (of foxes, etc). self-possession; composure.
csiM\u [sam^'i] pron pi -hx, caMoo6pa30BaHH|e [samA-
-HM, -HX, -HMH, (O) -HX See AbrazAvan'^iya] n -h self-edu-
caM. cation.
caivilKa [samka] / -kh, -ok caM0o6cjiy}KHBaHH|e [samA-
female (of animals); hen (of Apsluzhtvan'^iya] n -Ji self-
birds); cow (of elephants, -service; MarasHH —-h self-
etc); doe (of deer, etc). -service shop.
caM|6 [sAmo] pron n -oro, caMOonpeAejieHHle [samA-
-OMy. -oro, -i5m, (o) -6m see n
Apr^'id'^i^l'^en'^iya] -h pot
caM. self-determination.
caMOfleHTejibHocTib [samA- caMOOTBepweHHlbiH [samA-
d''ey9thl''n9s''t'', -z'^d''] / -h Atv^'erzhaniy] a sh f caMO-
amateur talent activities, OTBep>KeH, -a, -o, -u self-sac-
amateur performances; seqep rificing, selfless.
~H amateur concert. caMOpOAJOK [samArodak, -cj]

CaMOAOBOJIbHJblH [S8m9dA- m -Ka, -KOB 1. native/ virgin

— 413 — can

metal; ~ok aojioxa nugget the same; tot —hh yejicseK

(of gold); 2. fig a person of the very person, the same per-
natural gifts, a rough di- son; Ta —an KHHra the very
amond. book; Ta me —an KHHra, hto
caMOCTOflxejibHO [samastA- y Te6H the same book as you
yaf'iPna] adv independently; have; sto tot ~biH wejioeeK,
without assistance; on one's KOTopbiH HaM HyjKeH he is
own. the very man we want; sto
caMOCTOHTejibH|biM [sama- >Ke ~-oe the same; e / na
stAyat^il^niy] a sh f caMO- TOM }Ke —
OM MecTe in the
CTOHxejieH, -a, -o, -hi inde- same place; b to me — oe
pendent, self-dependent, self- BpeMH, KOFAa... just when...;
-sufficient; ~biH qejioBCK 1) 2. the very {essence, etc);
independent person; 2) a man B -~oM ueHTpe in the very
of independent views; —oe centre; b ~om
naqajie at the
Hccjie;tOBaHHe independent re- very beginning; b ~6m npo-
search; original research. uecce pa66Tbi in the process
caMoy6HHCTBlo [samaub^iy- of the work itself; c —oro
stva]n -a, — suicide; koh- yTpa from / since early morn-
HHTb HCH3Hb — OM Commit ing; jio —'OroBe^epa till late
suicide. in the evening; until night; ao
caMoyBepeHH|biH [sama- ~0H CTaHUHH right up to the
uv^er^miy] a sh f caMo- station; okojio —
oro^OMa just
yeepeH, -a, -o, -bi self-con- next to the house; ao ~oro
fident, self-opinionated, cock- AOMa all the way home; 3. /

-sure. used to form super I: ~biH \

caMoynpaBjieHH|e [sama- KpacHBbiH the most beautiful; \
uprAvl^en^iya] n -h self-gov- —biH jiyquiHii the best; -^hh )

ernment; opraHbi MecTHoro CTapbiH the oldest;

~H institutions of local gov- <> B -'DM flcjie indeed; na
ernment. ~0M ACJie actually; as a
caMoyHHTejilb [samauch^i- matter of fact.
t^il^] m -H, -CH self-instruc- canaTopHlH [sanAtor^'iy] m
tor, manual of self-education. -H, 'CB sanatorium; nyTCBKa
caMOHyBCTBH|e [samAch^u- B ~M sanatorium voucher.

s^t^v^iya] n -h: KaK same caHJH [san^i] p/ -eft sledge,

-— e? how do you feel?; y He- sleigh; exaTb na — hx drive
ro xopomee [njioxoe] —e he in a sledge.
feels well [bad]; ~e 6ojib- caHHiap [san^'itar] m -a,
Horo yjiymuHJiocb [yxyAuiH- -OB hospital attendant; mil
jiocb] the patient feels better medical orderly; stretcher-
[worse]. -bearer.
caM|biH [samty] pron def caHHTapHbiH [san^itarnty]
1. (with 4em pron) the very, a sanitary, medical; --< no-
can — 414 ^
e3A hospital-train; — caMo- run downstairs; 2. run away,
jiei ambulance plane. escape.
cehIkh [sank^'i] pi -ok col c6eM [z^'b^ey] imp of c6\iih\
sled; KaxaTbCH na ^Kax go see c6HBaTb.
sledding. cSeiicji [z^b^eys^'a], cSefi-
caHTHMCTp [s9n'*t*'im^etr] xecb [z^'b^eyt^'is'', -z^J imp of
m -a, -OB 1. centimetre; 2. c6HTbCH; see cSHBaibCH.
tape-measure. c6eperaTejibH|biM [z^'b^'ir^i®-
canep [sAp^or] m -a, -ob gat^il^niy] a: —an Kacca
mil field engineer, sapper, savings-bank; ~aH KHH>KKa
pioneer. savings-bank book.
canor|M [s9pAg*»i] p/ canor, c6eper|aTb [z^b%^i^gat'']
-aM {sing canor m -a) (high) imperf -aio, -aeiub, ceepeJHb
boots, Russian boots; [z^b^i^r^ech^'Jp^r/ -ry,->Kemb,
<> noA ~6m under the heel. -ryx, p c6eper, -rjia, imp
canowHHK [sApozhn^ik, -g] -PH 1. save, preserve; 2. save
m -a, -OB shoemaker, boot- (up), lay by, put by.
maker; cobbler. c6epe»(eHH|e [z^'b^'ir^i^zhe-
capaJH [sAray] m -h, -eB n^'iya] n -h, pi -ji, -ft 1. saving
shed, barn {also fig); — h up, preservation; economy {of
AJiH ceHa hayloft. strength, etc); 2. pi savings,
capaHnja [sarAn^'ch^a] / -h economies.
zool locust. c6HB|aTb [z^'b^'iyat^] im-
capa(|)aH [sarAfan] m -a, perf -aio, -aeuib, c6HTb
-OB sarafan {a woman's gar- [z^b^it^] perf co6bK), co-
ment). 6beiiib, p c6hji, imp c6eH 1.
capAHH|a [sArd^ina] / -bi, bring down {with a blow,
~ sardine. shot); —axb c hop knock
caTHH [sAt^in] m -a sa- smb down, strike to the
teen. ground; ~aTbH6.noKH CAepe-
catHpla [sAt^ira] / -bi sat- Ba shake off apples from the
ire; lampoon. tree; c6HTb caMOjiex shoot
caxap [sakhar] m -a (-y) down a plane; 2. confuse, get
sugar substance); TpocT-
{a smbc-onfused, put out; cCnxb
HHKOBbiH ^ cane-sugar; CBeK- CO CMCxa get smb confused
jioBHqHbiH ~- beet-sugar; Kyc- while he is counting; c6HXb
KOBOH ~ lump sugar. c xaKxa put out of time; 3.
cSerlaxb [z^b^'i^gat^] im- knock together {a box, boards,
perf -aio, -aeuib, c6e%laTb etc); 4. churn {butter); whip
[z^'b^i^zhat^] perf c6ery, {cream);
-Hiiib, c6eryT, p -^ji, imp <> -— axb u,6Hy beat down the
c6erH 1. run down {from price; --axb c xojiKy confuse,
above); ^aib c ropbi run down get smb confused; c6Hxb
a hill; --aib c JiecTHHUbi cnecb c Kor6-;i. take smb ^
— 415 — cea

down a peg (or two); cShtb -^ qaH tea-picking; --' CBe-

c nyTH lead astray. AeHHH gathering of informa-
c6MB|aTbC5i [z^b^ivattsa] tion; 2. receipts, takings,
imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, collection; noJiHbift ~ theat
cSHTbCM [z^b^ittsD] perf co- full house; Aejiaxb xopouiHe
6bibcb, co6beiiibCH, pc6hjic5I, ~-bi theat get good box-office
c6HJiacb, imp c6eHCH, cSefi- returns; 3. tax, duty, dues;
Tecb 1 be / go awry, be all on
. xaMOJKeHHbiH -' custom-house
one side; 2.: c6HTbCH c jyo- duty; rep6oBbiH — stamp-
poFH / c nyxH lose one's way, -duty; 4. gathering, assembly,
go astray {also fig)\ 3. get meeting; -— b xpH qaca we
confused, lose one's train of meet at three; 5. pi prepara-
thought; 4.: c6HTbCH b Ky^y tions;
bunch, huddle together; <> Bce B --e all are here.
<^ c6HTbC5i c Hor col be run c66pHHK [zborn^ik, -g] m
off one's legs; cSiiTbCJi c -a, -OB collection {of stories,
HorH fall out of step. articles, etc),
c6HTb see cdHBaxb. c6pacbiB|axb [zbrasivat^]
c6HTbCH see cSHeaxbCH. imperf -aio, -aeuib, cSpoclHib
c6jiH)K|aTb [zbPizhat''] im- [zbros^it^] perf c6p6my,
perf -aK), -aeiiib, c6jiH3|HTb -Hiiib, p -HJI, imp -h 1. throw
[zbPiz^it^] perf c6jiH»cy, down, Ihrow off, drop; 2. fig
-Huib, p -HJi, imp -h draw /
throw off {the yoke, etc); 3. col
bring together. throw off {one's clothes, etc)\
cSjiHMJaTbCH [zbPizhattja] kick off {one's boots, etc);
imperf -aiocb, -aeuitCH, c6jih- O —axb CO ch€t6b leave out
slHTbCfl [zbl^fz^it'tsa] perf of one's reckoning.
c6jlHHCyCb, -HUlbCH, p -HJICH, c6yflexcfl[zbud^ittj9] 5d per-
-Hjiacb, imp
-bCH -biecb 1.
, son of c6bixbCH; see c6biBaxb-
draw together, come nearer, CH,
approach; 2. become good c6biB|axbCJi [zbtvattja] im-
friends. perf -aexcH, c6M|TbC5i [zb(-
c6jiH3HTb see cSjiHHcaxb. ttja] per/ cSy^excH, p -jich,
c6.iH3MXbCJi see c6jiH)Kaxb- -jiacb come true, be-^realized,
CH. c6biT [zbit, -d] m -a econ
cSoKy [zboku] adv at the/ sale, market;
one side; on one side; from one <> HaxoAMTb ce6e —
side; bha ~ side-view; Bcxaxb mand a ready market, sell
~ stand at the side; cxoHXb ~ well.
stand (a little) to one side; c6biTbC5i see cdwBaxbCH.
060HXH ~ pass round. CBaAb6|a [svad^ba] / -bi,
c6op [zbor] m -a, pi -w, CBaAe6, -aM wedding; wed-
-OB 1. collection {the process ding party; cnpasjinxb —-y
of): ^ ypOHcaH harvesting; celebrate a wedding;

CBa 416 -^

<> AO ~bl SajKHBCT col ^ CBefi [s^v^ey] imp of CBHib;

never mind. see BHTb.
CBajiHB|aTb [svaPivat*'] cBCKjija [s^v^okb] / -bi
imperf -aemb, cBaji|HTb
-aio, beet, beetroot; KopMOBan ~a
[svAl'^it^] perf -ib, ceajiHiiib,mangel(-wurzel).
p -HJi, imp -H 1. cBeK|op [s^v^'okar] m -pa,
down / over; bring down,
pi -pu, -poB father-in-law
fell; 2. fig: 6ojie3Hb CBajiHJia {husband's father).
ero the illness confined him CBCKpoBlb [s^v^i^krof'',
to bed; 3. dump {unload); heap -v^] / -H, -efl mother-in-law
up, pile up; 4. fig blame {husband's mother).
{stub), lay the blame {on smb). CBeprjajb [s'^v'^i^rgat''] im-
cBajiHB|aTbCJi [sval'^ivattja] perf -aio, -aemb, cBeprHiyib
imperf -aKDCb, -aembCH, cea- [s^v^ergnut^] perf -y, -emb,
ji|HTbcsi [svAl^ittja] perf p CBepr (-yji), cBeprJia, imp
-K)Cb, CBaJlHmbCH, p -HJICH, -H overthrow {a government
-lijiacb, imp -HCb, -HTecb 1. etc); cBeprHyxb c npecrojia
fall {from above); fall down, dethrone.
tumble down, collapse; 2. CBep)KeHH|e [s^'v^i^rzhe-
fig col fall ill {and be laid n^'iya] n -h overthrow {of
up); a government, etc).
<> CBajiHTbCM KaK CHer Ha CBepKJaTb [s'^v^'i'^rkat^] im-
rojiOBy col ^
come like a perf -aio, -aemb, cBepKHlyrb
bolt from the blue. [s^v'^i^rknut^] perf -y, -emb,
CBajiMTb see CBajiHBaxb & p -yji, imp -H 1. sparkle,
BaJlHTb I. twinkle, glitter; 2. flash
ceajiHTbcsi see CBajiHsaTbCH. {of light, the eyes, etc); CBepK-
ceapHTb see oapHTb. Hyjia MOJiHHH there was a
CBapKTbCfl see BapHTbCH. flash of lightning.
CBefleHH'ie [s^'v^'ed'^m^iys] CBepjiJHTb [s^v^i^rl^it'']
n -H, p/-5i, -H 1. p/ informa- imperf -ib, -uuih, p -hji, imp
tion, intelligence; no ne- ~hm -H 1. technol drill, bore; 2.

qaTH according to the press; fig prey on one's mind;

no MOHM —HM to my knowl- haunt.
edge; 2.: npHHHMaib k ~io CBcpjilo [s^v^i^rlo] rt -a, p/
take into consideration / ac- cBepjia, cBepji, cBepjiaM auger,
count. borer, drill, perforator.
CBewlHH [s^v^'ezhty] a -an, CBCpHyTb see CBepxbiBaTb.
-ee, sh f ^, -a, -6, -h
-He, CBepHyxbcji see CBepxbi-
(-H) 1. fresh {1) products, etc; BaXbCH,
2) face, voice, etc); co ~hmh CBepCTHHK [s^'v^ers'^n^'ik,
CHJiaMH with renewed strength/ -g] m -a, -ob coeval {of the
vigour; 2. \aiesi {information, same age); mm c hhm '-h we
etc). are of the same age.
— 417 CBC

cBepTJOK [s^v'ortak, -g] m CBepxypoHHbiH [s^v^irkhu-

-Ka, -KOB package, parcel. roch^niy] I a overtime
cBepTMBlaTb [s^v^ortivat^] {work);
imperf -aio, -aeiiib. cBCp- II as a noun CBepxypoq-
H|yTb [s^'v^'i^rnut^] perf -y, H bie pi -bix overtime mon-

-euib, p -yji, imp -h 1. roll ey.

up {the carpet, etc); —axb CBcpxi ecxecTBeHHbifi
nanHpocy roll a cigarette; [s^v^erkhyi^s^t^es^t'v^'mniy]
2. fig curtail {production, a supernatural.
etc); 3. turn {to CBecTH see csoAHTb I.
the right,
etc); CBepHyib c AoporH turn CBecTHCb see csoAHTbCH.
off the road; leave a road; CBCT I [s^v^et, -d] m -a
<> CBepHyxb uieK) KOMy-Ji. (-y) light (/; phys; 2) oppo-
col wring smb's neck; cBep- site of darkness; 3) a lamp,
Hyxb rojiOBy KOMy-ji. col etc); npH ~e... by the light
screw smb's head off. (0/)...;
CBepTbiB|aTbC5i [s^v^orti- <> B ~e... in the light {of)...;
vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeiiib- npeflCxaBjiflTb htg-ji. b bw-
CH, CBepH|yTbC5i fs^v^i^rnu- rojiHOM ~e show smth to
ttsa] perf -ycb, -eiubCH, p advantage; nyxb ~ at day-
-yjicH, -yjiacb, imp -HCb, break^ HH ~ HH sapfl very
-Hxecb 1. curl up, roll up, early (in the morning).
coil up; 2. curdle, turn {of CBex II [s^v^et, -d] m -a
milk, cream); coagulate {of 1. world, universe; cxpaHbi
blood). ~a the cardinal points; 2.
cBepx [s^v^erkh, -gh] prep world, society; BceMy ~y h3-
with gen 1. besides, in ad- eecTHO, qxo... it is common
dition to; 2. denoting the knowledge that...;
exceeding of a rate, quota, 0- nosiBjinxbcn na be—
limit, etc. paSoxaTb — chji born; BbmycKaxb b ^^ publish,
work beyond one's strength;. issue {books, etc); release
'-' njiana in excess of the {films); xox ~the other
plan; — nporpaMMbi in ad- world; hhhxo na ~e no pow-
dition to the programme; 3.: er on earth; hh sa hxo Ha
-- ojKHAaHHH beyond expec- •—e not for the world; py-
tation. Ha hcm — cxohx raxbcfl ^
CBepxy [s^'v^erkhu] adv 1.
swear like a bargee.
from above; Biopan cxpoKa CBexlaxb [s^v^i^tat'J im-
^ the second line from the perf -aex impers dawn; ~aeT
top; -~ BHH3 downwards; 2. day is breaking, it is dawn-

from higher quarters; ing.

<> ^ AOHMsy from top to CBexJHxb [s^v^i^t^it^] im-
bottom; CMOTperb Ha Koro-ji. perf cseqy, CBexHUib, p
--^ BHH3 look down on smb. -HJi, imp -H 1. shine {of the
CBC — 418 ~
sun, etc); burn (of a lamp, cBHflexejibcxB|o [s^v^id^e-
etc); 2. give some light, t^iPstva] n -a, —
1. evidence,
flash a light (to enable a indication, proof; illustra-
person to see). tion; HpKoe ~o graphic proof;
cBexiHTbcji [s^v^i^t^ittja] 2. certificate {of marriage,
imperf cBexHUibCH, p -hjich, etc); ~o o pojKAeHHH birth-
-HJiacb shine {of stars, etc); -certificate.
B AOMax cseTHTCH orHH there CBMAexejibcxB|oBaxb [s^v^i-
are lights in the windows. d^et^iPstyvat^j imperf -yio,
ceexjio [s^v^i^tlo] impers -yeiiib, p -oBaji, imp -yft
predic it is light; na ^Bope testify {to); witness {show);
coBceM ~ it is broad day- —yioiuHH qcM-ji. indicative
light. of smth.
cBCTJilbiH [s^v^etUyl a CBHHJeu [s'^v^in'^etj, -dz]
sh f CBexeji, -a -o, -bi 1. m -ua lead {a metal).
light {not dark); light-col- CBHHMHla [s^v^in^ina] / -bi
oured; ~bie KpacKH light col- pork.
ours; 2. fig bright, radiant; CBHHJOH [s^v^inoy] a: ~6e
3. fig'- ^-bm yM / ~aH rojio- MHco pork; ~6e cajio lard;
Ba bright mind; ~aH JiHq- —an Koxjiexa pork chop; —aH
Hocxb pure soul; bright per- K6>Ka pigskin.
son; cbhhcxb|o [s^v^instva] n
«0> —OH naMJixH in fond mem- -a col swinishness; swinish
ory. trick.
CBexo{l)6p [s^v^itAfor] m CBHHUOBlbiH [s^'v^'intjoviy]
-a, -OB traffic-lights; signal a lead; leaden {also fig); ~aH
lights. npHMo^Ka Goulard water.
cBeHJa Is^v^i*^ch^a] / -h, CBHHb|q Is^v^in'^ya] / -h,
pi cee^H, -eft {'^), -aM 1. pi CBHHbH, CBHHeft, CBHHbHM
candle; 2. electr candle(-pow- pig, swine; hog; sow;
er); JiaMno^Ka b xpHAUaxb <> nOflJlOKHXb ^-K) KOMy-JI.
— eft bulb of thirty candle- col ^ play a^ dirty trick on
-power; 3. med suppository. smb, queer smb's pitch.
cBeuuaxb see Beiiiaxb II. CBHpen|biH [s^v^ir^epiyl a
CBHAaHH|e [s^v^idan^iya] sh f -^, -a, -o, -bi fierce,
n -H, -H meeting, appoint- ferocious.
ment, date; Hasnaqaxb --e CBMCT [s^v^ist, -zd] -a m
make an appointment; whistle; singing {of birds);
<> AG ~fl! good-b^ei; ao whine {of bullets).
CKOporo ~h! see you CBHCxjexb
soon! [s^v^is^f'et^J
ceHflexcji[b [s'^v^'id^et'^il^] imperf CBHmy, -Hiub, p -eji,
m -H, -eft witness, eyewit- imp -H, CBHCxHJyxb [s^'v^'is-
ness; Bbicxynaxb —cm be a Inut*'] perf -y, -euib, p -yji,
witness. imp -H whistle, give a whis-

— 419 CBO

tie; sing (of birds); whine imp -H, CBejCTH [s^v^i^^^t^i]

(0/ bullets); cBHcxeib b cbh- perf -Ay, -Aemb, p cseji, -jia,
CTOK blow a whistle. imp -m 1- take, conduct
CBHCTJOK [s^v^istok, -gj m (smb down a hill, downstairs,
-Ka, -KOB whistle (an instru- etc); 2. remove, take out
ment). (a stain, etc); ^. bring /throw
CBHTb see BHTb. together; 4. reduce (Vo), bring
CBoSoflja[svAboda] / -u, (to); CBecTH K myxKe turn into
— freedom, liberty; ^acjio- a joke; cBecra pasroBop Ha
sa freedom of speech; oxny- qxo-ji. lead the conversation
CTHTb Ha --y set free; npe- to smth; 5.: y nero CBejio
AOCTaBJIHTb KOMy-JI. nOJIHyK) Hory he has a cramp in the
— y give smb a free hand; leg;
'(^ jieMOKpaTHHecKHe —-bi dem- <> —'HTb Ha Hex bring to
ocratic liberties; Ha — naught; ~HTb cqexbi c kcm-ji.
1) at large, free; 2) at lei- get square with smb; rjias
sure. He -'Mxb c Koro-Ji. not to
cbo66aho [svAbodna] I adv take one's eyes off smb; xu
1. freely, easily, with ease; Mcna B MorHjiy CBCAeuib
»iyBCTB0BaTb ce6H — feel at you'll be the death of me.
ease; oh ^ roBopHX no-(})paH- cBOAlHxb II [svAd^it^] im-
uyacKH he has a perfect com- perf CBOJKy, CBOAHiUb, p -hji,
mand of the French language; imp -H take, takeout (to the
2. loose (of clothes); theatre, etc).
II impers predic: b aBT66yce cBOAHXbCJi [svAd^ittsa] im-
6biJio —
there were few peo- perf CBOAHTCH, CBecxiicb
jgbybjegb^bj'gbj '
ple in the bus. pe/-/ cBCAexCH,
cBo66AH[biH [svAbodnty] a p cBejiCH, cBCJiacb come (to)y
sh f CBodoAeH, -a, -o, -u. 1. amount (to), boil down (^0);
free (people, trade, etc); 2. AejioCBOAHXCH k cjieAyiouieMy
free (not busy); vacant (seat, the matter comes to the fol-
etc); 3. spare (tinie, money, lowing.
etc); B '-bie MHnyTbi at odd cBOAlKa [svotka] / -kh, -ok
moments; 4. loose, loose-fit- summary, compendium, re-
ting (of clothes); port; onepaxHBHan ~Ka mil
<> HejiOBCK --0H npo4}eccHH war communique; --'ka no-
professional man; --wii yjiap roAbi weather report.
sport indirect free kick. CBo|e [svAyo] pron n -ero,
cBOfl [svot, -d] m
-a, -ob -eMy, -e (-ero), -hm, (o) -cm
1. code (of laws, etc); 2. arch, see CBOH.
vault; 3.: He6ecHbm fir- ^ CBoeBpeMeHH|biH [svayi^-
mament. vr^em^mty] a sh f CBoeBpe-
CBOA|HTb I [svAd^it^] im- MeneH, -a, -o, -u timely,
perf cBOHcy, CBOAHUib, p -hji,
CBO 420

cBoeo6pa3HlbiH [svayiAb- sion; CMOTpeTfa — Ha Koro-ji.

razniy] a sh f cBoeo6pa3eH, look down upon smb.
-a, -o,
-bi original, distinc- cBflsaxb see cBHSbiBaxb &
tive; peculiar {person, etc). BHSaXb.
CBOH [svAi] pron pi -x, -m, CBfl3|Ka [s^v^ask8] / -kh,
^ (-X), -MH, (o) -X see -OK 1. bunch {of keys); sheaf
CBOH. {of papers); 2. anat chord;
cbo|h [svoy] I pron poss rojiocoBbie ^-kh vocal chords.
m -ero, -eMy, -ft (-ero), -hm, cBM3biB|aTb [s^v^'aztvat^]
(O) -CM, CBOH /, CBOe Al, CBGH imperf -aK), -aeuib, CB5]3|aTb
pi referring to the doer
1. [s^V^i^zat^j per/ CBHHCy, CBH-
of action: jiiofiHTb ~k) jKeuib, p -aji, imp cbh>kh 1,
cecTpy love one's sister; oh tie/ fasten together, bind;
jik)6ht ~er6 6paTa he loves ~aTb B yseji make a bundle;
his brother; ohh jiib6HT -— hx 2. connect, link; stot Bonpdc
poACTBeHHHKOB they love their xecHO cBHsan c j^pyrftM this
relatives; 2. one's own; y hhx problem is bound up with
— H ManiHHa they have a car another; axo CBHsano c 6ojib-
of their own; y nero —
hkhh- iiJHMH pacxoAaMH it will en-
ra he has his own book; tail / involve great expense;
II as a noun cboh pi -x 3. fig bind {by promise, etc);
one's people {relatives); ~axb no pyKaM h HoraM 0
*0* OH 3Aecb --H HejiGBCK he bind hand and foot.
is quite at home here; he is CBJi3|b [s^v^as'', -z^] / -H,
everybody's friend here; —ero pi -H, -eft 1. tie, bond, con-
pojua. kind of, sort of; yMe- nexion; npHqHHHaji —b causal
pexb ^iPi CMepTbK) die a relationship; 2. connexion,
natural death. relation; xepnxb ---b c... lose
cBOHCTBeHHlwfi [svoys^t^- touch with...; 3. pi connex-
v^inniy] a sh f CBOHCTBen, ions; 4. liaison, love affair;
-a, -o, -bi peculiar {to), char- 5. communication {by radio,
acteristic {of); etc); 6. technol tie, coupling;
<> MejioBCKy —o 0UJH6aTbC5i 7. mil (inter)communication;
it is human to err. signals; liaison;
cbohctbIo [svoystva] n -a, <> B ~H c 3XHM in this con-
^ characteristic, peculiarity; nexion.
property {of a substance). cBJimeHHHK [s^v^'i^sh^-.en''-
'cBo|fl [svAya] pron f -eft, n'^ik, -g] m -a, -ob priest,
-eft, -K), -eft (-eio), (o) -eft see clergyman.
CBOH. cB5imeHH|biH [s*'v^i^sh'':en-
CBbicoKa [svlsAka] adv in niy] a sh f cbhuuch, -a, -o,
a haughty / condescending -bisacred {duty, etc).
manner; o6pamaTbCH c kcm-ji. crM61axbCfl [zg^'ibattja] im-
'^ treat smb with condescen- perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, co-
421 ae

rHlyxbCJi [sAgnuttsa] perf an examination; 6.: oh c/na.^

-ycb, -eiiibCH, p -yjicn, -yjiacb, eft py6jiH he gave her

imp -HCb, -Hxecb bend / bow two roubles change.

down; stoop, crouch. CAalBaxbCfl [zdAvattj9] im-
crHHTb see rHHXb. perf -KDCb, -eillbCJI, p -BajICH,
croBapHB|aTbCJi [zgAvar^i- -eajiacb, imp -BaflcH, -Bafixecb,
V9tts9]imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, cflajxbCJi [zdattsa] perf -mch,
CrOBOpiHTbCJI [zg9VAr''ittj9] -IIIbCH, -CXCH, -AHMCH, -AH"
perf -ibcb, -HiiibCH, p -hjich, xecb, -AyxcH, p -jich, -jiacb,
-HJiacb, imp -Hiecb 1.
-HCb, -JiHCb, imp -HCH, -Hxecb sur-
arrange {to do smth); come render, yield, give in; ~Baxb-
to an arrangement / agreement; CH Ha MHJiocTb no6eAHxejiH
2.: C HHM JiePKO CrOBOpHXbCH surrender at discretion.
he easy to deal with.
is cjiaxb see c^asaxb.
croBOpHHBlbiH {zgAvorch^i- cjiaxbcsi see cAaBaxbCH.
viy] a sh f -a, —
-o, -bi
, CAaM|a [zdach^9] / -h 1.:
compliant, tractable. ~a xjie6a rocyAapcxBy grain
crop|aTb [zgArat^] imoerf deliveries to the state; —a
-aK), -aeiiib, crop|eTb [zgA- BHaeM letting, hiring out; —a
r^et^] perf -ib, -Huib, p -eji, B apeHAy lease; 2. mil surren-
imp -H 1. burn down /out; der {of a town, village, etc);
— axb j\OTJ\k be burnt to ashes; 3. change {money returned);
2. be consumed, be used up <> AaBaxb ~H col hit /kick
{of fuel); 3. fig burn {with back.
shame, desire, etc). CABHr [z^d^v^ik, -g] m -a,
cropSHXbCfl see ropSHXbcn. -oB 1. displacement, shift
cropHHa [zgar^i'^ch^a] adv {a change in position); 2. fig
rashly; in a fit of temper. change (for the better), prog-
crymeHHlbiH [zgush^:6nniy] ress, improvement; 3. geol
a [pa]\ ~oe mojioko con- displacement, fault.
densed milk. CAejiaxb see AeJiaxb.
CAa|Baxb [zdAvat^] imperf CAejiaxbCfl see AeJiaxbCH.
-K), -eiiib, p -Baji, imp -Baft, cAejiJKa [z^d^elk9] / -kh,
c;ia|xb [zdat^] perf -m, -iiib, -OK transaction, deal, bar-
-cx,-AHM, -AHxe, -;^yx,p-Ji, -jia, gain;' 3 aKJiiOHHXb ~Ky make
c;tajio, c^ajiH, imp -ft 1. hand a bargain.
in {papers, documents, etc); CAepjKaHHlbiH [z^d^erzha-
return, turn in; —Baxb ;tejia niy] a [pa] sh f cAepscan,
turn over one's duties; 2.: -a, -o, -bi reserved, discreet;
-— Baxb B apeHAy lease; 3. mil -— biH oxBex restrained an-
surrender {a town, village, swer.
etc); 4. deal {cards); 5.: CAepjKaxb see CAepjKHBaxb.
— eaxb sKsaMCH take an exam- CAepxcaxbCJi see CAep^H-
ination; c;;axb SKaaMen pass Baxbc^i.

CRQ 422

c;iep)KHB|aTb [z^d^'erzht- <> OHa xopouia coSoii she is

V9t^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, pretty, she is good-looking;
cflepJKJaTb [z^<^^'frzhki^\ per ejviy He no —e he doesn't
-y, CAepsiHuib, p -aji, /mp -h feel quite himself; npo ^a
keep back, restrain, hold in to oneself (not aloud).
check; —aib CMex suppress ceB fs^ef, -v] -a (them
laughter; period of) sowing.
<> cflep«aTb cjioBO be as good cesep [s^ev^ir] m
-a north;
as otie's word, keep one's K —
y ox... to the north of...;
word. Ha ~e in the north; na ~
CAepJKHBlaTbCfl [z^d^erzhi- northward(s).
V9ttj9] imperf -aiocb, -aeiub- ceBepH|b!H [s^ev^irniy] a
CH, cAep>K|aTbCfi [z^d^i^r- north, northern; caMbifl —hh
zhatts9] perf -ycb, c^ep- the northernmost; ~-oe cHHHHe
H<HmbCH, p -ajicH, -ajiacb, imp northern lights.
-HCb, -HTecb control oneself, ceepibrla [s^i^vr^ugs] / -h,
hold oneself in check. ~- sevruga {a kind of stur-
ceaHc [s^i^ans, -z] m -a, geon).
-OB show, performance {at the cero [s^i^vo] gen & ace of
cinema); ~ oAHOBpeMeHHoii ceid, gen of cne; see ceft I.
Hrpb'i simultaneous exhibition ceroAHfi [s^i'^v6d''n''9] adv
{in chess). today; ~' yxpoM this morn-
ce6e [s^i^b^e] dat & pr of ing; — BewepoM this evening;
ce6H. tonight;
ceSecTOHMCCT b [s^ib^ i^stoi-
<> He saBTpa any day
mas^'t^, -z^d^] / -h econ now; Ha ~ to date.
(prime) cost, cost price; npo- cer6;iHsimHlHH [s^i^vod^-
Aasaxb no —h sell at par. n^ashn^iy] a today's; ~Hft
ceSjfl [s^i^b^a] pron reft AeHb today; na ~hh A^Hb at
gen & ace {no nam), dat -e, present; to date.
instr co66h (co66k)), pr {o) -e ccAlexb [s'^i^d^et^] imperf
oneself {or another form in -eK), -eeiiib, nojcejieTb [p9-
the corresp person); He yx- s^i^d^et^] perf go / turn grey
pyjKflaxb ~H spare oneself; {of hair).
OH He yxpy>KAaex '—h he ctj\.ti\6 [s^i^dlo] n -a, pi
spares himself; KaKyio aa^a- cejxjia, ce^eji, ceA^aM saddle.
qy oHa ~e nocxasHJia? what ce^loH [s^'i^doy] a sh f -',
task did she set herself?; h -a, ceAo, ceAbi grey, grey-
CKaaaji ~e, qxo... I told my- -haired.
self that...; B3HXb Ha ~hox- ccAbMloH [s^i^d^moy] num
BexcxeeHHOcxb assume respon- ord seventh; eMy nomeji —oh
sibility; ona o6paxHJia na ~h roA he is in his seventh year;
BHHMaHHe she attracted our eMy -'OH AecHXOK he is past
[their, his, etc] attention; sixty; s -—om qacy after six.
423 — ceM

cesoH [s^i^zon] m -a, -ob ceji [s^el], cejia [s^ela] p

season (0/ the year). of cecxb; see ca^HXbCH.
cefi I [s^ey] pron dem m cejie^lKa [s^i^l'^otka] / -kh,
cero, ceMy, ^
(cero), chm, -OK co/=cejibAb,
(0) ceM, CHM / ceft, CHe n ce- cejie3eH|Ka [s^iPi^z^onka]
ro, CHH pi CHX this; Ha / -KH anat spleen.
— pa3 this time; ;tocer6Bpe- cejiHxp|a [s^i^Pitra] / -u
MCHH Up to now, till now; saltpetre, nitre.
Ao CHX nop 1) up till /to ceji|6 [s^i^Io] n -a, pi ce-
now; hitherto; 2) up to this Jia, ceji (big) village;
point; up to here. <> HH K ~y HH K ropofly col
cefi II [s^ey] gen of chh; ^
neither here nor there, out
see ceft I. of place.
cefi III [s^'ey] see c^nxb. cejibAlb [s^ePt^, -d^] / -h,
cefiwac [s^i^ch^as, -z] adv pi -H, -eft herring; KonqenaH
1. now, right now; this min- ~b red herring; kipper;
ute; TOJibKO -' just now; <> KaK ~H B SoHKc ikc ^ 1

only now; 2. presently, soon; sardines, like herrin,qs in a

OH ~ npHACT he'll be here barrel.
soon. ce;ibCK!Hfi [s^el^sk^iy] a
ceKper [s^'i^kr^et, -d] m
-an, -oe, -He rural; village
-a, -OB secret; Aepscaxb wto-ji. (attr); ^aa MecxHccrfa coun-
B ~e keep smth secret; bu- try-side;
Aaxb —betray a secret; ne <> ~oexo3flHCTBo agriculture.
cocxaBJiHXb —a be no secret, CejIbCKOXOSflfi CTBCHHblH
be general knowledge; [s^'il^skakhAz^ays^t^'v^mniy]
<> no ^y confidentially, se- a agricultural; farming (attr).
cretly; HH ;tjia Koro He —-, cejibcoBer [s^il^sAv^et, -d]
HTO... it is no secret that..., m
-a, -oB (= cejibCKHft cobcx)
it is common knowledge village Soviet (an organ of
that... local government).
ceKpexapHar [s'lkr^itar^'iat, ceM [s^om] pr of ceft I.
-d] m -OB secretariat(e).
-a, ceMa(|)6p [s^imAfor] m -a
ceKpexap|b [s^ikr^i^tar^] m -OB semaphore.
-H, -eft secretary. ccMrja [s^omga] / -h salm-
ceKpeTH|bifi [s^i^-'kr^'etnty] on.
a sh f ceKpexen, -a, -o, -bi ceMeHH|ufi [s^i*^m^eyniy]
secret, confidential. a 1. domestic, family (attr);
ceKT|a [s^ekta] / -bi, ~ -^oe nojioacenne family sta-
sect. tus; B ~-0H odcxaHOBKe in do-
ccKyHflja [s^'i^kunda] / -h, mestic surroundings; 2. fam-
'- second {a time unity, (man, etc).
ily (attr)
<> (oflHy) —
y wait a moment; ceMe$cxB|o [s^'i^m^eystvaj
CHK) ~yjust a moment. n -a, ~ family (also bioL).
ceM — 424 —
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Sene-
s^atiy] nam ord
seventieth; galese.
—bie roAbi the seventies. ccHJo [s^ena] n -a hay;
ceMHJierlKa [s^'im'^ii^etka] / CTor —a hayrick, haystack;
-KH, OK 1. seven-year school; KOCHTfa ~o cut the grass for
2. seven-year plan. hay; CKJiaAbmaxb o e cTora —
ccMHaAuaTufi [s^i^mnattja- cock hay.
tty] nam ord seventeenth; ceHOKOc [s^mAkos, -z] m
CMy nomeji -^ yoj\ he is in -a haymaking, haymowing.
his seventeenth year. ceHcau,H|5i [s^i^nsatsiya] /
ceMHafluaTJb [s^i^mna- -H, sensation {1) excite-
ttjat^, -d^i nam card -h, -bio ment; 2) smth sensational).
seventeen. c6HTa6pib [s^i^n^f'abr^] m
[s^i^mu] dat of cePi I.
ceiviy -H SeptemlDer.
ccMlb [s^em^] num card -VL, cepja [s^'era] / -bi 1. chem
-bK) seven; sulphur; 2. ear-wax.
<> ^bSefl — OAHH OTBCT
prov C6p6, [s^erp, -b] m -a, -os
^ as well hanged for a Serb, Serbian.
sheep as for a lamb; y ~h cep6cK|HH [s^'erpsk^iy] a
HflHeK flHTfl 663 Fjiasy prov -an, -oe, -He Serbian.
^ too many cooks spoil the cepeaHT [servant, -d] m -a,
broth; ~b pas oxMepb —
-OB sideboard.
OflHH OTpe»b prov look ^
cepBM3 [s^i^rv^is, -z] m -a,
before you leap. -ob: CTOJioBbiH ~ dinner-set;
cdMbitecMT [s^em^'d^'is^at, qaHHbiH ~- tea-set.
-d] num card ceMH/tecHXH, cepfleHH|biH [s^i^rd^ech^-
ceMbioAecHTbK) seventy. nty] a sh f cepAe^en, -a, -o,
ccMbcoT [s^'i^msot, -dj num -bi 1. heart {attr); anat car-
card_ceMHc6T, ceMHCTaM, —-, diac; ^biH npnnaAOK heart at-
ceMbiocTaMH, (o) ceMHcxax sev- tack; 2, cordial, sincere; biH —
en hundred. qe.noBeK warm-hearted person;
ceMb|fl [s^i^m^ya] / -h, pi oKaaaTb ~biH npHeM accord a
ceMbH, ceMeft, ceMbHM family cordial welcome.
{mostly of people); cepflHT|biM [s^i^rd^'itiy] a
<> B ^e He 663 ypofla prov sh f — -a,
, -o, -bi angry,
s it is a small flock that cross.
has not a black sheep. cepfliHTbCfl [s^'i^rd^ittja]
ceM|fl [s^em^a] n -eHH, pi imperf cepjKycb, cepAHuibca,
-em, -HH, -enaM bot seed {also p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, imp -HCb,
fig). -Hxecb be angry, be cross.
C6Heraji|eu [s^m^i^gai'^it^, cepAJue [s^ertja] n -ua, pi
-4z] m -bua, -bueB Senegal- -ua, -eu, -uaM heart (/) an
ese. organ; 2) fig soul); npHHcaTb
ceHerajibCK|HA [s^'m^'i^gal^- K — uy press to one's bosom;
425 CXCH

*0> OT Bcero ~ua from the cecTp|a [s^i^stra] / -h, pi

bottom of one's heart; bccm cecxpbi, cecxep, cecxpaM 1.
~u,eM with all one's heart; sister; ABOibpoAHaH ~a cous-
npHHHMarb hto-ji. 6jiH3ko k in; 2. sick-nurse; trained nurse.
~uy take to heart; nojio»a cecxb see ca^HibCJi.
pyKy Ha —ue quite candidly; cex|Ka [s^etka] / -kh, -ok
CKpenfl --i^e ss reluctantly; 1. net, netting, mesh; 2. col
no — uy (no
cepjiuy) after string-bag; 3. grid (on a map);
one's own
heart; oxjierjio ox 4.: xapH4)Ha}i ~Ka (tariff)
'^ u,a feel relieved; c rjias jio- scale.
jiofi — H3 ~ua BOH prov out cexjb [s^et^, -d^] / -h, pi
of sight, out of mind. -H, -eft 1. net {also fig); pbi-
cepe6p|6 [s^ir^i^bro] n -a 6oji6BHaH —b fish-net; 2. net-
silver (1) a metal; 2) ware, work {of railways, etc).
coins) . [s^eyu], ceeuib [s^e-
cepe6p5iHlbiH (s^i^r'^ebr^a- yash, -zh] see cenxb.
niy] a silver; --bie najiejiun cefljiJKa [s^eyalka] / -kh,
silverware; e ~oh onpaee -OK seeding-machine.
silver-mounted. ceji|xb [s^eyat^] imperf
cepejiHHla [s^ir^iM^ina] / ceio, ceeiiib, p -Ji, imp ceii,
-bi middle, midst. noicejixb [pAs^eyat^] perf
cepHcaHT [s^i^rzh^nt, -d] sow {also fig).
m -a, -OB mil sergeant. cjKajiJHXbcsi [zh:aPitt§a]
cepH|5i [s^'er^iya] / -h. -h perf -KDCb, -HIUbCH, P -HJICH,
series; KHHo4)H;ibM b n^CKOJib- -HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb take
KHx —'HX serial film. pity, feel compassion.
cepn [s^erp, -b] -a, -6b m cxaxbifl [zh'.attyj a [pa]
sickle, reaping-hook; h — condensed, compressed.
MOJioT hammer and sickle; cwaxb I see cJKHMaxb.
<> — jiyHbi crescent. c%axb II see )Kaxb II.
cepjbiH[s^erty] a sh f --, cjKer [zh:ok, -g] p of
-a, -o, -bi 1. grey; 2. fig dull, CHcewb; see OKHxaxb.
monotonous; 3. fig col igno- CHceHb see cHcnraxb &
rant. jKe^b 1.
cepbrja [s^i^r^ga] / -h, pi CHCHrjaxb [zh:igat^] imperf
cepbFH, ceper, -aM ear- -aK), -aeuib, cwenb [zhiech^]
-ring. perf coHcry, coHCJKeuib, p
cepbesHlbiH [s^i^r^yozniy] cjKer, coacrjia, imp cojkfh
a sh f cepbescH, -a, -o, -bi burn, burn down / out; ^axb
serious {interest, etc); grave B KpeMaxopHH cremate.
(look, etc). CHCHMJaxb [zhitmat**] im-
ceccH|fl [s^es^iya] / -h, -fi perf -aK), -aeuib, CHcalxb
session, sitting; BbiesAHaH —-h [zhiat''] perf coJKMy, co-
cy;ia assizes. JKMeUIb, p -JI, imp COHCMll
426 —
squeeze; compress; —axb 3y6bi one [s^iye] pron nseec&k I.

clench one's teeth; ^aib- b CM«y [s^izhu] see cHAexb.

oe-bHTHHx hug (smb). CHM [s^'ii] pron pi see cen I.

csaiiH [zzad^i] 1 adv behind cMJiia [s^'ib] f -hi, pi -bi, ~

(at the back, in the rear); 1. strength, force; Hafinpaib-
from behind; from the end; CH ~- gather strength; AeJiaxb
II prep with gen denoting qxo-ji. qepes ~y force oneself
position, location at the back to do smth; ~a Ayxa [xapax-
of smth behind. xcpa] fortitude; 2. technol,
cHrapja [s^igara] / -bi, ^ phys power, force; --a xh-
cigar. ^ecxH gravity; 3. law va-
cHrapeTJa [s^'igAr^eta] / -bi, lidity, strength; ocxaBaxbCH s
— cigarette. ~e remain valid; remain in
cHPHaji [s^ignal] -a, -ob m force; 4. pi mil force; strength;
signal (&j/ a gesture, mechani- <> Bbi^HTbCM H3 be ex- —
cal device, etc); ~
B03Aym- hausted {said of people); H3o
HOH TpeBorH air-raid alarm. Bcex —
& BceiMH -^aiviH with
CHAeH'|be [s^'id^en^ya] M-bH, all one's might; b y because—
-HH seat {a chair or of a of, on account of, owing to;
chair). B --y o6cxoHxejibcxB owing
CHiieTb [s^id^et^] imperf to the force of circumstances;
CH:«y, cHAHUib, p CHAeJi, imp ox ~bi col at the utmost; He
CHAH 1. sit, be seated; ~- Ha noA —-y beyond one's power;
cxyjie sit on a chair; b ^ outside one's competence; be-
KpecJie sit in an arm-chair; yond endurance.
~ 3a cTOJioM sit at the table; cHJiofi [s^ilay] adv by force.
sit at table; noA^^aB hofh
~- cHjioc [smiles, -z] m -a silo,
sit cross-legged; ~ Ha Kop- silage.
TOMKax squat; 2. be [experi- cHjibH|bifl [s^iPniy] a sh f
ence a certain condition); be CHJie.H (cHJien), -a, -o, -bi (-bi)
engaged (in); stay {somewhere 1. strong, powerful; violent
for a long time); ~ 6e3 AeJia {storm, etc); 2. impressive,
have nothing to do, be idle; powerful {speech, play, etc);
~ 6e3 Aener be without mon- 3. good {at); well- versed {in).
ey; — 3a KHHfOH read a book; CHM [s^im] instr of ceft I.
sit over a book; -^ AOMa CHMnaxHHHJbiH [s^impA-
stay at home; ^ b TiopbMe t^ich'^niy] a sh f cHMnaxHMen,
be in prison; — HoqaMH sit -a, -0, -bi nice, winning, at-
up nights; 3. fit {well, etc, tractive.
said of clothes). CHMnaxHlfl [s^impaf'iya] f
CHA^HJHH [s^id^'ach^'iy] a -H, -H liking {for smb); sym-
-aH, -ee, -He 1. sitting {pos- pathy {for smb); qyBCXBOBaxb
ture, etc); —He wecia seats; ~io K KOMy-ji. feel drawn to
2. sedentary {life, etc). smb, have a liking for smb.
— 427 CKB

CHMyjiHp|oBaTb [s^imuPi-
cKasycMJoe jskAzuyamaya]
ravat^] perf & n -oro, -bix ling predicate.
imperf -yio,
-yeuib, p -oBajT, /mp.-yH sim-
cKaKJaTb [skAkat^] imperf
ulate, sham, feign. CKaqy, cKa^emb, p -aji, imp
cHM(|)OHHqecK|HH fs^'imfA- CKaqH I. skip, jump, hop; 2.
n^icli^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He gallop (of a horse).
symphonic; symphony (atir). cKaji|a [skAla] / -b'l, pi
CHHHH [s^'in^iy] a blue, CKajibi, ~- rock, cliff.
darl< blue. CKaMeHK|a [skAm^'eyka] /
CMHflK [s^in''al<, -g] m -a, -H, cKaMeeK CKaMbH. =
-OB bruise; — noA rjiaaoM CKaMb|n [skAm^'ya] / -h,
black eye; pi -H (cKaMbH), cKaMefl, * -Am
<> ~H ^0J^ rjiaaaMH shad- bench, seat;
ows under the eyes. <> ~^fl nojicyflHMbix law the
CHpeH |b [s^ir^'en^] / -h li- dock; CO uiKdjibHOH -^h since
lac; lilac-bush. one's school-days.
CHpH|eu [s'^ir^iyats, -dz] m cKaHflaji [skAndal] m -a,
-Hua, -Hues Syrian. -OB scandal, row; ycTpoHTb----
cHpHHCK|HH [s^ ir^iysk^ iy] raise a row; KaKoft --! what
a -an, -oe, -He Syrian. a disgrace!
cHpoTJa [s^irAta] m & f -hi, cKapjiaTHH|a [skarlAt^ina]
pi CHpoTbi, CHpoT orphan. / -bi med
scarlet fever.
CHCTeM|a [s^is^t^ema] / -bi, CKaxepTlb [skat^irt**, -d^]
— system (of education, etc); / -H, -eft table-cloth;
BOHTH B — y become the rule. <> ~-bK) flopora col good^
cMCTeMaTHHecK|HH [s^'is^t^i- riddance.
a -an, -oe,
mAt''ich*'isk''iy] cKaHKaMH [skAch^kam^i]
-He systematic, methodical. adv 1. by leaps and bounds;
cHT|eu [s^it^'itj, -dz] m -ua 2. by fits and starts.
(-uy) cotton print, calico, CKanlKH [skach^k^i] pi -eK
chintz. horse-race.
CHTyauH|H [s^ituatjiya] / CKaHJoK [skAch^ok, -g] m
-H, -H situation (circum- -Ka, -KOB jump, bound, leap
stances). (also fig).
CHx [s^ikh, -gh] gen of cKBaxHH|a [skvazhina] /
chh; see cen I. -bi, ^
chink, slit; 6ypoBaH
CMfl [s^iya] pron f see — a bore hole, boring well;
ceft I. He4)THHaH -^-a oil-well;
cHfl|Tb [s^iyat^] imperf -lo, <> saMOMHasi —a keyhole.
-eiub shine, beam (also fig). cKBCp [skv^'er] m -a, -ob
cKaaaxb see roBopHXb 2. (small) public garden.
CKasiKa [skaska] / -kh, -ok CKBepHlwH [skv^erniy] a
tale, story; B0Jim66HaH --Ka sh f CKBepCH, -\, -0, -u bad,
fairy-tale. nasty.
CKB — 428

cKBOsHflK [skvAz^n^ak, -g] •

down one's life; CHiierb cjio-

m -a,-OB draught {in a room, »a pyKH col be idle.
etc); Ha ~-e in a draught. CKJiaAbiBJaTbcsi [skladiva-
CKB03b [skvos^, -z^] prep ttsa] imperf -aK)Cb, -aeuibCJi,
with ace denoting movement cjio»|HTbCfl [slAzhtttja] perf
through smth through. -yCb, CJIO^HUIbCH, p -HJICH,
CKBOp|eu [skvAr^etj, -dz] m-rijiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1.
-ua, -u6b starling (a bird). form, take shape; arise (of a
CKCJier [sk^i^l^'et, -d] m -a, situation, etc); o6cTOHTejib-
-OB skeleton. CTBa cJiojKHJiHCb SjiaponpHHT-
CKHii|Ka [sk^itka] / -kh, -ok Ho the circumstances are fa-
rebate, discount, abatement; vourable; y Hero cjiojKHJiocb
Aejiaxb ~Ky 1) give a reduc- MHeHHe, MTo... he formed the
tion; 2) fig make allowances; opinion that...; 2. col club,
CO —'KOH at cut rates; co pool (money, etc).
~KOH B... at a discount of... cKjioH [sklon] -a, -ob m
CKjiaji I [sklat, -d] m -a, slope (of a hill, etc); otjiophh
-OB storehouse, warehouse; '-- gentle slope;
mil dump, depot. <> Ha ---e jier in one's declin-
cKJiafl II fsklat, -d] m -a: ing years.
— yMa mental make-up, cast CKJioHeHHJe [sklAn^en^iya]
of mind. n -H, -H ling declension;
CKjiaA|Ka [sklatka] / -kh, <> MarHHTHoe ~-e magnetic
-OK 1. fold, crease, pleat; b declination.
'-'Ky pleated; 2. wrinkle, fur- CKJIOHMTb see CKJIOHHTb I.
row; 3. accident (of the CKji6HH0CT|b [sklonnas^t'*,
ground). -z^d^] / -H, -eft inclination
cKjiaiiHOH [skUdnoy] a fold- (to), disposition (to, for),
ing, collapsible. bent (for); tendency (to); —b
cKJiaAMHH|a [sklat^ch^ina] K H3biKaM gift for languages;
/ -bi: KynHTb [c^ejiaTb] hto-ji. nHxarb --b m KOMy-ji. feel
B ~y club together to buy kindly disposed towards smb.
[doj smth. CKji6HH|biH [sklonnty] a
CKjiaAbiBJaTb [skladWat^] sh f CKJioHeH, -a, -o, -bi in-
imperf -aK), -aeuib, cjiow:iHTb clined (to), disposed (to), li-
[slAzhit^] perf -y, CdHo^KHuib, able (to); OH CKJioHCH AyMaxb,
p -HJi, imp -H 1. put togeth- qro... he is inclined to think
er, heap, pile; --'aTb semn that...
pack one's things; 2. math CKJioH|«Tb I [sklAn''at'»] im-
add (up); 3. compose (songs, perf -HIO, -Heillb, CKJIOH|HTb
poems, etc); 4. fold (up) (a [sklAn^it^] perf -ib, -Hiiib, p
newspaper, etc); -HJI, imp
-H 1. incline, bend,
<> cjioK^Tb opymiit lay down bow; fig persuade, try to
arms; cjiojKHTb rojiosy s
lay win over (to one's side).

— 429 — CKO

ckjiohIhtb II [sklAH^at^] ttj9] perf -arocb, -aeuibCH die/

imperf -hk), -Jiemb, npoicKjio- pass away.
H«Tb [praskUn^at^] perf ling CKonHpoeaTb see Konnpo-
decline. BaTb.
ck661kh [skopk^i] pi -ok CK0p6|b [skorp^, -b^] / -h
{sing CK66K|a / -h) brackets, sorrow, grief.
parentheses; KpyrJiwe -—kh CKopee [skAr^eya] I comp
round brackets, parentheses. of CKopbiH & corresp adv; Kan
cKOBopo;i|a [skavarAda] / MOJKHO ^ as soon as possi-
-bl, pi CKOBOpOAbI, CKOBOpOA, ble; as quickly as possible;
-aM frying-pan. II adv rather sooner; —
CKOBOpOA Ka [skavArotka] /
coBceM yHAy, ^eM corjia-
-KH, -OK C0/=CKOBOpOAa. mycb Ha 3to I'll sooner go
CKOJIb3|HTb [skAPz^it^] away than agree to it; oh ~'
imperf cKOJihmy, -Huib, p -hji, noxoHc Ha MaTb he's more
imp -H, CK0jlb3H|yTb [skAl^z- like his mother; he rather
nut^J perf -y, -euib, p -yji, resembles his mother;
imp -H 1. slip, slide; glide <> -~ Bcero most likely.
{on water, ice, etc); 2.: —HXb CKOpjiyn|a [skarlupa] / -bi,
BsrJiHAOM throw a cursory pi CKOpJiynbi, CKopjiyn, CKop-
glance; JiynaM shell {of an egg, nut,
<> ~HTb no noBepxHOCTH be etc); oHHmaTb ot ^bi shell.
superficial. CKopo [skors] I adv quick-
CKOJibSKJHH [skoPsk^iy] a ly, fast;
-an, -oe, -He, sh f cKOJibSOK, II predic soon, shortly; -'
-a, -o, -H 1, slippery (also BecHa spring will soon be
fig); 2. fig: --an TeMa tick- here.
lish matter. CK6pocT|b [skoras^t^, -z^d^]
CKOJibSHyxb see cKOJib- / -H, -eft speed, rate; phys
3HTb. velocity; MaKCHMajibHan ^b
cKOJibKJo [skol^ka] adv & top speed; ^osBOJieHHan --b
pron inter & rel {pron: -hx) esAW speed-limit; naSHp^Tb
1. how much; how many; — b gain speed; nepefixH na
2. as much as; as many as; ApyryK) --b change gear.
'-' xoMeiub / yroAHO as much CKOpHHTbCH see KOp^HTbCH.
[many, long, etc] as you cKdpjbiH [skoriy] a sh f
like. ~, -a, -bi 1. quick, fast,
CKOMnpoMeTHpoeaTb see speedy; near, forthcoming;
KOMRpOMeTHpOBaTb, B, ~0M BpeMeHH before long,
cKOH4)y3HTbCfl see KOH(J)y- in a short time;
SHTbCH, O —aa noMomb 1) (emer-
CKOHueHTpHpoeaTb see koh- gency) first aid; 2) ambu-
UeHTpHpOBaXb. lance (car); na ~yio pyKy in
CK0H4[aTbCfl [skAn^ch^a- haste; in an off-hand man-
CKO 430

ner; n,o ~oh bctpchh! see you 1. hide /conceal (oneself); oh

soon! CKpbijiCH B xojine he was lost
CKOCHTb 1 see kochth I. in the crowd; coJiHue CKpbi-
CKOCHTb II see KOCHTb II. jiocb 3a xyqaMH the sun was
CKOT [skot, -d] m -a cat- hidden behind the clouds;
tle, live-stock; nJieMeHHOH ~ 3Aecb qx6-xo ~aexcH there is
pedigree cattle. smth behind that; 2. escape,
ckotoboactbIo [skatAvotst- steal away; CKpbixbCH nesa-
V9] n -a cattle-breeding, ani- MexHO slip away.
mal husbandry. CKpbiTH|biH [skrftnty] a sh
CKpHn [skr^'ip, -b] m -a, f CKpbixeH, -a, -o, -bi re-
-OB squeak, creak; crunch {of served, reticent, secretive.
the snow, etc). CKpbiTb see cKpbiBaxb.
CKpHnan [skr^ipach^, -j^] cKpbiTbCJi see cKpbiBaxbCH.
m -a, -eft violinist CKyAHlbiH [skudnty] a sh f
CKpHn|eTb [skr^ip^'et^] im- CKyACH, -a, -o, -bi scanty,
perf -jiK), -Huib, p -eji, imp poor, meager; -~bie CBeAGHHH
-H squeak, creak; crunch {of scant information.
the snow, etc); CKpHnexb ay- CKyK|a [skuka] / -h bore-
6aMH grit one's teeth. dom, tedium; HaroHHXb --y
CKpHnJKa [skr^ipka] / -kh, Ha Koro-Ji. col bore smb; Ka-
-OK violin, fiddle; Hrpaib na Kan —a! what a bore!
'-Ke play the violin. CKyjibnxop [skul^ptar] m
CKpOHTb see KpOHTb. -a, -OB sculptor.
CKpoMHibiH [skromniy] a s/z CKyjibnxypla [skul^ptura] /
/ CKpoMeH, -a, -o, -bi modest, -bi, -- sculpture.
unassuming; --bm o6e;t fru- CKyn|6H a sh f
gal dinner; no MoeMy -'OMy ~, -a, -o, stingy, nig-
-bi 1.
MHeHHK) in my humble opin- gardly, miserly; 2. fig chary
ion. {words, etc).
CKpwBlaTb [skrtvat''] im- CKyHJaxb [skuch^at^] im-
perf -^K), -aeiub, cKpbilrb perf -aio, -aeuib 1. be bored;
[skrtt^] perf cKpoio, CKpo- 2.: ~axb o kom-ji. miss smb.
eiub, p imp CKpOH hide,
-Ji, CKyMHo [skushna] I adv bor-
conceal; hold back {informa- ingly, tediously;
tion, etc); —axb mo-Ji. ox 11 impers predic it is dull/
Koro-Ji. keep smth from smb; boring; eMy --- he is bored.
He —
^xb xoro, qxo... make CKyHHlbiH [skushnty] a sh
no secret of the fact that... f CKyqeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. dull,

CKpbiBlaTbCfl [skrivattsa] boring, tiresome; 2. bored;

imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, noqeMy xbi xaKofi ~biH? what
CKpbiJTbCfl [skrtttsa] perf makes you sad unhappy? /

CKp6l0Cb, CKpoeiUbCH, p -JICJI, cjia6|eTb [sUb^'et''] imperf-

-Jiacb, imp CKpoHCH, cKpoflxecb -eio, -eeuib, 0:Cjia6eTb [asIa-
431 cjie

b^et**] perf weaken, grow ce6H OTBeiCTBeHHOCTjj lay

weak / feeble. down the responsibility.
cjiadHTejibHJoe [sUb^it^'iP- cjiaAKlHH [slatk^iy] I a -aji,
n9y8] n -oro, -bix purgative, -oe, -He, sh f cjia^OK, -a, -o,
laxative. -H 1. sweet {also fig); cnaxb
cjia6ocT|b [slabas^t^, -z^d^] — HM CHOM be fast asleep;
/ -H, -eft 1.weakness, feeble- 2. fig honeyed {praises, etc);
ness, debility; qyBCTBosaTb II as a noun cjiaAKJoe
~b feel poorly /weak; b mh- n -oro dessert.
Hyry — h in a weak moment; cjiaiu,e fslash^:i] comp of
2. weak point / side {of a book, cjiaAKHH & corresp adv.
etc); 3. weakness {for). cjieBa [s^Peva] adv from
cjiaSjbiH [slabiy] a sh f the left; on / at the. left; to the
~, -a, -o, -bi 1. weak, fee- left {of); — HanpaBO from left
ble; slack, loose; 3. weak,
2. to right.
thin {tea, etc); 4. poor {speak- cjierKa [s^Pi^khka] adv
er, student, etc); ~aH ot- 1. somewhat, in some degree;
roBopna lame excuse; 2. gently, lightly, slightly.
<> -~oe MecTo weak point; cjicfl [s^'Pet, -dj m -a (-y),
HaxoflHTb ~oe MecTO find ^ dat pi -bi, -OB 1. track,
the joint in the armour. footprint; nanacTb na find —
cjiaeja [slava] / -bi 1. glo- the tracks; scent the trail;
ry, fame; AocTHrnyTb ~bi win 2. trace, sign, vestige; ne
fame; 2. fame, name, repu- ocxajiocb H —a not a trace
tation; A66paji ~a good remains;
name; npnoSpecTH AypHyio <> c6HBaxb CO ~a put off
•--y fall into disrepute; the tracks; put off the scent;
O BO ~y to the glory of; saMcxaxb -— w cover up one's
Ha —
y col excellently, very tracks.
well indeed. cjieflJHxb [s^Pi^d^it^] im-
cjiaBH uii [slavnty] a sh f
I perf cjie^y, -Huib, p -HJi, imp
-H 1. watch, keep under ob-
cjiaBeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. glorious,
famous; 2. col nice {child, servation; BHHMaxeJIbHO ~HXb
person, etc). watch closely; ~HXb HcnoA-
cjiasfiHHH [slav^i^n^'in] m xHiiiKa 3a KeM-Ji. spy on smb,
-a, pi cjiaBHHe, cjiaBHH Slav. shadow smb; 2. follow {asto-
cjiaBflHCK|HH [slAv^ansk^iy] rg, the thread of smb's
a -aH, -oe, -He Slav. thoughts, etc); ~ lixb sa hojih-
cjiar|aTb [slAgaf^] imperf XHKOH keep up with politics;
-aio, -aeuib, cjiojk Hxb [sIa- 3. look {after), take care {of);
zhtt^] perf -y, cjioJKHiub, p keep an eye {on); ~HXb sa
^HJi, imp -h: --aib c ce6H xeM, qx66bi... seeto it that...;
06H3aHH0CTH / nojiHOMOMHH re- <> ~HXb sa coSoH look after
sign (one's duties); —
axb c one's health; be very partic-
cjie — 432 —
ular about one's dress cjieflcxBHJe I [s^Petjt^-
[looks, etc]. v^iya] n -h, -h consequence,
cjie;ioBaTeji|b [s^l^edava- corollary; npHmina h —e phi-
f^il*"] m -H, -eft inspector, in- los cause and effect.
vestigator. cjieflCXBHie II [s^'l^etjt^-
cjieflOBaxejibHO [s^l^'edava- v^iya] n -h, -h law investi-
t^il^najc/ consequently, there- gation, inquiry; inquest; npo-
fore. H3B0AHTb —e
hold an inves-
cjieAloBaxb [s^Pedavat*'] tigation; HaxoAHTbCH noA
imperf -yio, -yeuib, p -oeaji, ~eM be under examination.
imp noicjiejiQBaTb [pA-
-yft, cjieAywmlHH [s^l^eduyu-
s^Pedavat^] perf 1. follow, sh^-.iy] a [pa] -an, -ee, -He
go after; -— oeaTb aa kcm-ji. next, following; ~-hm 66pa-
no nnxaM follow hard on 30M in the following way;
smb's heels; 2. follow {in — hh! next, please!
succession); come next; Jiexo cjieaja [s^'Pi^za] / -bi, pi
~yeT 3a bcchoh summer fol- cjiesbi, cjiea, -aM tear {in the
lows spring; 3. follow {the eye); aajiHXbcn —aMH burst
example fashions, etc);
of, into tears; cMenxbCH ao cjie3
comply {with rules, etc); laugh until one cries; Aocjie3
—OBarb npHHUHuaM adhere to o6haho enough to make any-
principles; 4. {no perf) be body cry; ^aMH ropK) ne no-
bound {for a port, etc); 5. {no MOHceuib ^ what's the use of
perf) ensue, follow {as a re- crying over spilt milk;
sult, consequence); KaK yer — CKB03b cjiesbi tearfully.
H3 cKasaHHoro as it follows cjie3|axb [s^l^i^zat^^J im-
from the above; 6. {no perf) perf -aio, -aeuib, cjie3|xb
impers: euy —yei hohth xy- [s^Pes^t*'] perf -y, -euib, p
fla he ought to go there; ~, -Jia, imp -b 1. come / get
-'yex noMHHXb, hxo... it down, alight; ~axb c Jioma-
should be remembered that...; AH dismount; 2. col get off
sxoro —
oeajio ox^HAaxb it {a train, tram, etc); 3. col
was to be expected; o6pa- peel (off), come off {of paint,
maxbCH KyAa ~yex apply to skin, etc).
the proper quarter; 7. {no cjienHXb see JienHXb 2.
perf) impers: cKOJibKO c Hero cjienHJyxb [s^'l^'epnut''] im-
—-yex? how much must he P^f'f -y. -euib, p cjien, caenjia,
pay?; imp -H, oicjienHyxb [As^'Pep-
<> KaK --yex properly. nut^] perf become /get
c;ieflOM [s^'Pedam] adv. ha- blind.
XH -- 3a KeM-ji. follow smb cjienloii [s^Pi^poy] a shI

closely;xoAHXb -^ aa KeM-;i.- f '-', -a, -o, -bi {also

dog smb's steps, follow smb fig); ~6h Ha oahh rjia3 blind
around. jl in one eye;
433 — CJIQ

II as a noun cjienjofi m gift of eloquence; homh-

-oro, -bix, cjienjan / -oh, HHTC Moe—o mark my words;
-bix blind person. HapymHTb ~o break one's
cjiecapjb [s^'l^'esar^] m -h, wdrd; 2, speech, address {at a
pi -H (-H), -eft (-eft) metal- meeting); saKJUo^HiejibHoe ^o
-worker, iron-worker; lock- summation, concluding re-
smith; ~b-MOHTa^HHK fitter. marks; AaTb '-o give the
cjiMBJa [s^l^iva] / -bi, — floor; B3HTb -—o take the
plum; plum-tree, floor;
cjiHB|aTbcsi [s^Pivattj9]/m- <> Ha —ax in words; c nep-
perf -aeTCH, cjiHlxbCfl [s^l^i- Boro —a at once, immedi-
tts9] perf cojihCTCH, p -jich, ately; no (ero) — aM accord-
-jiacb 1. come / flow together ing to (him); ^ ner 1) it

{of rivers, streams, etc); goes without saying; 2) words

2. fig merge, amalgamate fail me; oh He naxoAMJi —
(of establishments, organi- words failed him; o e ~o —
zations, etc); 3. fig blend, word for word; —o sa cjiobo
merge {of colours, sounds); little by little.
<> cjiHTbCfl BOCAHHO become cjioBOM [slovam] parenth
one. in a word, in short.
cjihbIkh [s^Pifk^i] pi -ok cjior [slok, -g] -a, pi -h, m
cream {also fig); c6HTbie -—kh -OB ling syllable.
whipped cream; CHHMaTb ~kh cjiojKHTb see cKJiaAHBaxb &
skim the milk [also see <>]; cjiaraxb.
<> — KH oSmecTsa cream of cjioKHTbCfi see cKJia^bi-
society; CHMMarb ~kh take BaxbCJi.
the cream off. cji6}KH|uJi [slozhniy] a sh f
cjiH3|b [s^l^is-^, -z^] / -H cji6»:eH, -a, -o, -u 1. com-
mucus; slime. pound; -—oe npeAJioHCCHHe
cjiHTbCji see cJiHsaTbCfl. ling compound sentence;
cjiMuiKOM [s^l^ishkam] adv complex sentence; 2. compli-
too {much, few, etc); oh He cated, intricate; —bift Bonpoc
-- yMCH he's far from clever; knotty problem.
<> 3T0 (yw) ~! it's a bit cjioIh [sloy] m -h, pi -h,
thick! -CB 1. layer {also fig); stra-
cjiOBaplb [slAvar^] -h, m tum {also fig); tohkhh —ft
-eft 1. dictionary; glossary; thin layer/ film; 2.: mHpOKHe
HCKaTb cjioBO B --6 consult a —H HacejieHHfl broad sections
dictionary; 2. vocabulary. of the population.
cjiOBecHbiH [slAV^esniy] a cjiOMarb see JioMaxb.
verbal, oral, wordy. cjioMaTbCfi see JioMaibca 1.
cjioBJo [slova] n -a, pi -a, cjioH [slon] m -a, -6b
^ 1. word {J) a unit of 1. elephant; 2. chess bish-
speech; 2) a promise); Aap -^a op.
cjiy — 434

c;iyr|a [sluga] tn -ri, pi keen ear; aScojiibTHHft '- per-

cjiyrH, ~ servant (also fig); fect pitch; Hrpaib [neib] no
BepHbie cJiyrH faithful servi- ~y [sing] by ear; 2.
tors. (pi -H, -OB) rumour, hearsay;
cjiy>Kam|HH [sluzli9sh^:iy] xoAHT —H, qjo... it is ru-
m [pa] -ero, -hx employee; moured that...;
office worker; rocy^apcTBeH- <> OH eecb cSpaTMjicfl b ^
HbiH ~HH civil servant. he is all ears.
cjiym6\sL [sluzhba] / -bi, ~ cjiynalfl [sluch^ayj m -h,
1. hath na —-y -eB 1. case, instance; 2.: b
service, work;
go to (one's) work; no ^eJiaM OTAeJibHbix ~-HX sometimes;
—'M on official business; AJiH AaHHoro ~5i for the pre-
2. (special) service; ^a nyxH sent instance; b npoiHBHOM
track maintenance; ^a abh- ~e otherwise; b JiyqmeM —e
meHHH traffic management; at .best; b xyAmeM --e at
O COCJiy»HTb KOMy-Jl. xopo- worst; b ~e KpaftHeft Heo6-
luyio -^-y 1) do smb a good xoAHMOCTH in an emergency,
turn; 2) stand smb in good in case of emergency; 3. oc-
stead; nocTaeHTb mto-ji. Ha casion, chance, opportunity;
— y HCMy-ji. place smth at BocnoJibsoBaTbCH (yA66HbiM)
the service of smth. ~eM seize an opportunity;
cjiy)Ke6H|biH [sluzhebniy] a 4. event, incident, occur-
1. official (duties, etc); office rence; HecHacTHbiH '-H acci-
(attr) (hours, etc); 2. auxil- dent; c HHM npoH3ome;i ne-
iary; --oe cjioBo ling form- c^acTHbiH ~H he met with
-word, functional word. an accident; 5. chance; no
cjiyx|HTb [sluzhlt^] imperf cqacTJiHBOMy -— lo by a lucky
-y, cJiy>KHmb, p -hji, imp -h, chance;
noicjiywHTb [pasluzhit''] perf <> B -—e Hcro-Ji. in case of
1. work (a^), serve (as); oh smth; B ~e, ecjiH in case,
cjiyjKHT SyxrajixepoM he works if by chance; hm b kocm e —
as an accountant; 2. serve, on no account, by no means;
devote oneself to the service no '-K) HCro-ji. on the occa-
of; ~HTb BepoH H npaBAOH sion of smth; KyniiTb no lo —
serve faithfully; Hib HCKyc-— buy by chance.
CTBy devote oneself to (the cjiynaiiHo [sluch^ayna] I

service of) art; 3. be, serve adv by chance, accidentally;

(as an example, etc); be OH -' OKaaajiCH TaM he hap-
used (for a certain purpose or pened to be there;
as smth); II parenth by any chance;
<^ MCM Mory ~HTb? what Bbi, — HesH^exe, rj\e oh? do

can I do for you? you by any chance know

cjiyx [slukh, -gh] m -a (-y) where he is?, do you happen
1. ear, hearing; tohkhh ~ to know where he is?
— 435 — CMC

cjiyMafiH0CT|b [sluch^ay- -y, -rnub, p -aji, yicjibimaTb

nas^t^, -z^d^] / -h, -efl 1. [usHshat^] per/ 1. hear (smth,
chance, fortuity, luck; CMa- smb); 2. (no perf) hear (well,
CTJiHBaH ^-b sheer luck; 2. etc); OH n/ioxo -~ht he is
philos chance. hard of hearing; 3. hear (of),
cjiyHaHHfbifi [sluch^aynty] get news, be told (of); 66jib-
a sh f cjiynaeH, -a, -o, -bi me o HCM He -'ajiH he was
1. accidental, casual, chance no more heard of; h -—aji,
{attr); 2. chance (attr), inci- qio Bbi yea^aexe I hear
dental; —
biH 3apa6oTOK odd you're leaving.
jobs. cjiiOHJa [s^Puna] / -b'l sa-
cjiyHlaxbCfl [sluch^'attjg] liva.
imperf -aexcH, cjiyH|HTbCH cjik)h|h [s*Pun^i] pi -eft
[sluch^ittsa] perf -htch 1. col slobber; nycKaxb ~h
happen, occur, come to pass, slobber; —h
TCKyi his [her,
come about; qT6-HH6yAb ~h- etc] mouth is watering.
jiocb? anything the mat-
is cjiMKOTJb [s^'Pakat'', -d*'] /
ter?; 2. impers: euy [une -H slush, mire.
u m. d.] — ajiocb BCTpeqaxb CMasaxb see cMasbmaxb,
ee he [I, etc] happened to CMasbiBJaxb [smazivat^]
meet her from time to time; imperf -aio, -aemb, CMaslaxb
he [I, etc] used to meet her. [smazat^] perf cMa>Ky, cMa-
cjiyuiaxejilb [slushat^iP] m sceuib, p -aji, imp CMascb
-fl, pi -H, -efl 1. hearer, 1. grease, oil, lubricate;
listener; pi audience; 2. stu- — axb HOAOM paint with io-
dent {of some courses, etc); dine; 2. fig col slur over
mil cadet. (a question, etc).
cjiyiii|aTb [slushat^] imperf cMaKJOBaxb [smakAvat^]
-aK), -aeiub, nolcjiyuiaTb [pA- imperf -yK), -yemb, p -osaji,
slushat^] perf 1. listen to, imp -yfl col savour, relish
hear; 2. (no perf): — aib jick- (also fig).
u,HH attend lectures; 3. obey, cMejiH [s^m^i^l^i] imp of
listen to (advice, etc); 4. (no CMOJioTb; see MOJioxb.
perf) law hear (a case); CMejiocx|b [s^m^elas^'t'*,
<> '-aio! hullo! (in answer- -z^d^] / -H boldness, courage,
ing a telephone call); bu audacity;
— acTe? are you there? (used <> B3flXb HE ce6H —b Cfle-
in telephone conversations). jiaxb Hxo-ji. take the liberty
of doing smth;
cjiyiii|aTbCsi [slushattsa] f'm- ^b ropoAa
perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, noicjiy-6epex prov fortune fa- ^
uiaTbcn [pAslushatt^a] perf vours the brave.
obey; listen to, take, follow CMeji|bifl [s^m'^eUy] a sh f
(advice, instruction, etc). '-, -a, -o, -bi bold, coura-
cjibiiuiaTb [sHshaf'l imperf geous, daring, audacious.

CMC 436

cMCJiib [s^m^'i^l^u], cmc- <> Ha BOjiocoK OT ~H vvithin

fleiiib [s^m^'el^ish, -zh] 1st a hair's breadth of death;
& 2nd persons of cMOJioTb; 6biTb npH CMepTH be dying.
see MOJioTb. cMec|b [s^m^es^, -z^] / -h,
CMeHJa [s^m^ena] / -bi, — -efimixture, compound; med-
1. change, changing; replace- ley, jumble.
ment act of); 2. shift
{the CMerja [s^'m^'eta] / -bi, ~
(in a
factory, school, etc); estimate {of expenditure and
3. young / rising generation; income).
roTOBHTb ce6e —y prepare CMeraHla [s^m^i^tana] / -bi
one's successors; 4.: ~a smetana {thick sour cream).
6ejibH change of linen [un- CMexb [s^m^ef"] imperf
derwear, clothes]; CMCK), cMeeuib, noxMeTb [pA-
<> Ha ~y
KOMy-ji. to replace s^m^et^] perf 1. dare; be
smb. bold enough; He CMefixe SToro
CMCHHTb see CMeH^Tb. APJiaxb! don't you dare do
CMeHJnTb [s^m^i^n^at^l /m- it!; 2.: He -- have no right (/o

perf -HK), -Hemb, cMeH|MTb do smth).

[s^m^i^n^it^] perf -ib, cmc- CMCX [s^m^'ekh, -gh] m -a
HHUIb, p -HJl, imp -H 1. (-y) laughter, laugh;
change, replace; 2. replace <> eMy He ao —a he is in no
(smb for a time); take over mood laughter; 6e3 —y
for (smb); col jokes apart; -~a paAH col
<0> CMCHHTb rnee na MHJiocTb for the sake of fun, in jest;
^ let mercy season justice. '-' fla H TOJibKo col it's ^
CMCpKldrbCJi [s^m^i^rkattsa] enough to make a cat laugh.
imperf -aeicH impers get cMeuiaHHJbiH [s^'m^eshaniy]
dark. a [pa] mixed, miscellaneous;
CMepT6jibH|biH [s^'m^i^rt^eP- joint {commission, etc).
niy] a sh f cMepiejien, -a, CMemarb see cMeiiiHBaTb &
-o, -bi' 1. mortal, deadly; fa- Memaxb II 2, 3.
tal {wound, etc); 2. fig ex- CMeiuarbCfl see CMeuiH-
cessive, extreme {boredom, BaXbCH.
etc). CMeujHB|aTb [s'^m^eshfvat'']
cMepTH|biH [s^m^'ertniy] I imperf -aio, -aemb, CMe-
a sh f cMepTCH, -a, -o, -bi ui|aTb [s^'m^i^shat^] perf -aio,
1. mortal {of man); 2. death -aemb- 1. mix (up), mingle,
{attr); —an KasHb capital blend; 2. lump together,
punishment; bring in disorder; 3. confuse,
W as a noun cMepTH|biH confound, mix (up).
m -oro, -bix mortal. CMeuiMBjaTbcsi [s^m'^eshi-
cMepT|b [s^'m^'ert^, -d''] / vattja] imperf -awcb, -aemb-
-H, -eft death; HacHJibCTeen- CH, cMeuj|aTbC5i [s^'m^i^sha-
Haa -^b violent death; ttja] perf -aiocb, -aeujbCH get

437 CMy

mixed, mix, mingle, blend; cxeeHHOH caMo;;eHxejibHOcxH

be mixed; cMeiuaxbCH c toji- festival of amateur arts.
noH mingle in the crowd. CMoxp|exb [smAtr^et^] im-
CMeuiHJOH [s^'m^'i^shnoy] a perf -K), CMOXpHUIb, p -eji,
sh f CMemoH, -a, -6, -bi 1. imp -H, noicMOxpexb [p9-
smAtr^et^] perf 1. look (at);
ridiculous, ludicrous; 2. fun-
ny; B 3T0M Hex HH^ero ~6ro cMoxpexb b okh6 look out of
it's no laughing matter; the window; CMoxp^xb BCJie;t
<> AO ~6ro to the point of KOMy-ji. follow smb with
absurdity. one's eyes; 2. look (after),
CMel^TbCJi [s^'m^i^yattsa] take care cMoxpexb aa
imperf -ibcb, -eiubCH, p -hjich, pa66xaMH superintend work;
-HJiacb, imp CMeftcH, CMeflxecb CMoxpexb 3 a nopHAKOM keep
1. laugh {when amused, ete)\ order; 3. look-through (mag-
chuckle; 2.: —nxbCH na^ KeM- azines, etc); 4. see (a film,
-jih6o laugh at smb; mock at performance, etc); watch (a
smb. make fun of smb; TV program, etc); 5. exam-
<> xopoiiio --excfl xox, kto ine (a patient); 6. (no perf)
— excji nocjieAHHM prov he fig follow smb's example,
laughs best who laughs last. imitate; He --h Ha nero nev-
cMHpHo [s^'m^irna] adv er mind him; he is no exam-
1. quietly, still; 2.: — ple for youfollow; to
attention!, 'shun! (a military 7. (no perf) face, look (into,
command). on, over); aom CMOxpHX na
CMHpH|biH [s^m^irniy] a yjiHuy the house faces the
sh f cMHpeH (cMHpeH), -a, -o, street; 8. (no perf): '~'H(xe)I
-bi quiet, mild, tame, gen- look out!, take care!; —h
tle. He... take care not to (fall,
CMOJi|a [smAla]
/ -bi, pi etc), mind you don't (lose it,
cMOJibi, — pitch, tar.
resin; etc);
cMOJioxb see MOJioxb. <0> CMoxpetb B rjiasa onac-
cMOpK|axbcsi HocxH look danger in the
imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, bm- face; KaK Bbi Ha axo CMOxpn-
cMopK|axbcsi [vtsmarkattja] xe? what do you think of
per} -aiocb, -aeiubCH blow it?; ~H y MeH«! you dare!;
one's nose. ^H, KaK 6bi xy«e He 6wjio
cM0p6AHH|a [smArod^ina] / see smth worse doesn't hap-
-bi currant(s); currant shrubs. peo.
CMopu^HXb see Mopmnxb 2. cMOHb see Moqb.
CMOpU^HXbCfl see MOpmHXb- CMyrji|biH [smugliy] a sh f;

C5I 2. ~, -a, -o, -bi dark, dark-

CMOTp [smotr] m -a, pi -bi, -complexioned, swarthy.
-OB 1. (pi -bi, -6b) review (of cMyxHxb see CMymaxb.
forces, etc); 2,; -' xy^OXie- CMyxHTbCfl see cMyu^arbCJi,
CMy — 438 —
CMymjaib [smush^'iat^] im- bation; npHBO/iHTb B ~e per-
perf -aio, cwyr htb
-aeiiib, turb; 2. confusion, disarray.
[smut^it''] perf CMymy, -Hiiib, CMJlTb see MHTb 2.
p -HJi, imp -H 1. confuse, CMflTbCM see MHTbCH 1.
embarrass; 2. disturb, trou- CHa [sna], chob [snof, -v]
ble; ~aTb AyiueBHbiH noKoft see coH.
disturb tlie peace of mind. CHa6AHTb
see CHa6>KaTb.
CMyiu,|aTbCfl [smush^:atts9] cHa6>K|aTb [snAbzhat^] im-
imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, cMy- perf -aK), -aeiiib, cHa6A|HTb
TjMTbCH [smut^ittja] perf [snAbd^it^] perf CHa6>Ky,
CMymycb, -HLUbCH, p -h;ich, -Hujb, p -HJi, imp -H supply
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -HTecb be {with), provide {with), fur-
confused, be embarrassed; nish {with).
get confused, get embar- CHa6}KeHH|e [snAbzhen^iya]
rassed. n -H supply, provision.
cMbicji[smisl] -a (-y) m cHapy^H [snAruzhf] adv
1. sense, meaning; ue HMeib from the outside; on the
•—a make no sense; Becb — outside.
B TOM, HTO... the point is .CHapflfl [snAr^at, -d] -a, m
that...; B H3BecTH0M ~e in a -OB 1. mil projectile; (artil-
sense; 2. sense, point (m, of lery) shell; ynpaBjineMbiH ^
doing smth)\ ue HMeei ~a guided missile; 2. spor/ gym-
(it) is of no use; nastic apparatus.
<> sApaBbiH —
common sense; cHapfl»eHH|e [snar^i^zhe-
B no.iHGM --e cjioea in n^iya] n -h equipment, out-
the true sense of the word; fit.
B -'C as regards, in rela- cHanajia [snAch^ala] adv
tion to. 1. firstly, at first; first {be-
CMUHJOK [smkh^'ok, -g] m fore some other thing); from/
-Ka, -KOB bow {for playing at the beginning; 2. all over
the violin, etc). again.
cMflrHJaTb [s^'m^'i^khch^at'^] CHer [s^'n^'ek, -g] -a (-y), m
imperf -aemb, CMflrM|HTb
-aio, pi -a, -OB snow;
[s'^m^i^khch^it''] perf -y, <> KaK ~
Ha rojioBy col =
-Huib, p -HJI, imp -H soften; like a bolt from the blue.
mollify; allay; tone down; CHerHplb [s'^n^i'^g^'ir'*] m
mitigate; —axb npHroBop -H, bullfinch.
commute a sentence; -— axb CHeronaA [s^n^igApat, -d] m
yAap cushion the blow; -a, -OB snow-fall.
—• axb HanpjjjKeHHe ease ten- cHejKHHKa [s^n'M^zhlnka] /
sion; ~aTb 6ojib soothe -KH, -OK snow-flake.
pain. CHecTH see CHOCHXb & Hec-
cMflTeHHJe [s'^m^i^t^en^'iya] TH 6.
n -a 1. commotion, pertur- cHecTHCb see HecxHCb 3.
— 439 — CHH

cHHjKJaTb [s^n^izhat^] im- cline all responsibility; —

perf -aio, -aeuib, cHHaJHTb npeA.'ioHceHHe withdraw one's
[s^n^iz^it''] perf CHHJKy, -Huib, motion; 3.: -^axb ypo^afi
p -HJi, imp bring down, reap gather in the harvest;
-b 1. /

lower, make lower; 2. reduce 4.: ~aTb KonHK) make a copy

{speed, one's expenditure, etc); {of a document, etc); ---aTb
lower, cut {prices, etcu MepKy c Koro-Ji. take smb's
CHHJKiaTbCfl [s^'n^izhattsa] measurements; 5. photograph,
imperf -awcb, -aeuibcn, chh- take pictures; ~aTb (JjHJibM
3|HTbC5i [s^n^iz^ittsa] perf film) shoot a film; 6. rent,
CHH>KyCb, -HmbCH, p -HJICH, take (on lease);
-HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb 1. go <> —
axb c ywera strike off
down; come down {both to a the register; —axb noKasa-
lower place); 2. be reduced HHsi c Koro-ji. take smb's
{of prices, etc); 3. sink {of evidence; KaK pyKOH chsijio
the water level, etc); fall {of col ^
it vanished as if by
temperature, etc). magic {of pain, etc).
cHH}KeHH|e [s^n^izhen^iya] cHMMJaxbCH [s^n^imattsa]
n -H, -H lowering; drop, fall; imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH,
reduction {of prices, etc); ~e cHfl|xbCfl fs^n^attja] perf chh-
ypoBHH npoHSBOACTBa drop in MyCb, CHHMeUIbCH, p -JICH,
production. -JiaCb, imp CHHMHCb, CHHMH-
CHHSHTb see CHHJKaib. xecb 1.: KpbiuiKa JierKo '-aex-
CHMSHTbeJI see CHHJKaXbCH. CH the lid can be easily re-
CHHsy [s^n^izu] adv 1. from moved; -— axbCH c HKopH weigh
below; BxopaH cipoKa ~ the anchor; 2. have one's photo-
second line from the bottom; graph taken;
-~ BBepx upwards; 2. on the <> — axbcfl c ynera be struck
initiative of the masses; Kpn- off the register.
THKa — criticism from below; CHHMH [s^'n^im'i] imp of
<> ~ AOBcpxy from top to CHHXb; see CHHMaxb.
bottom, CHHMHCb [s^n^im'is^, -z^],
CHHMJaTb [s^n^imat^] im- cHHMHxecb [s^n^im^it^is^, -z^j
perf -aio, -aemb, CHfl|Tb imp of cHHXbCH; see chh-
[s^n^at^] perf cHHMy, chh- MaXbCH.
MeiUb, p -Jl, -Jia, CHHJIO, CHH- CHHMJOK [s^n^'imak, -g] m
jiH, imp CHHMH 1. take down -Ka, -KOB photograph, picture.
{a picture from the wall, etc); CHHMy [s'n^imu], CHHMeuib
take off {one's clothes, the -zh] 1st & 2nd
cream, etc); remove {an item persons of CHHXb; see CHHMaxb.
from agenda, etc); 2.:
the CHHMycb Is^n^imus*", -z^],
'-axb ocaAy raise the siege; cHHMeuibCH [s^n^im''ishs*'aj
-—aTb aanpex lift a ban; —axb l^t & 2ndpersons of cHflxbca;
c ce6H OTBCTCTBeHHocTb de- see CHHMaxbca.
CHH — 440 —
cHHCxo;iHTe;ibH|biH [s^n^is- <> ~a Ha ccHe dog in the
khAd^it^il^nty] a sh f chhcxo- manger; ycxaji khk ~a col
AHTejieH, -a, -o, -bi 1. conde- he is dog-tired; oh Ha sxom
scending; 2. indulgent, leni- ~y cbcji col he knows it^
ent. inside out; box r^e —a sa-
CHHJTbCfl [s^n^ittja] imperf pbixa col =
there's the rub,
-TCH, p -JiCH, -jiacb: eMy [eft that's where the shoe pinches.
u m. d.] —Jiocb, qxo... he coSeceflHHK [sab^'i^s^ed''-
[she, etc]dreamt that... {dar- n^'ik, -g] m
-ob interlocu-
ing sleep); eMy [eft urn. d.] tor; OH HHXepeCHblft [CKyHHblft]
^jiCH coH he [she, etc] had — he is good [bad] company.
a dream. co6Hp|axb [sab'^irat^] im-
CHOBa [snova] adv anew, perf -aio, -aeiiJb; co6p|axb
again, over again; naqaxb -— [sAbrat^] perf co6epy, co6e-
begin all over again. peiiib, p -aji, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH,
CHon [snop, -b] -a, -6b m imp co6epH 1. gather (togeth-
1. sheaf {of grain); 2. fig er), collect; --axb ypojKafl
shaft, beam {of light). reap / gather in the harvest;
CHOcjHTb [snAs'^it''] imperf 2. convoke, convene; 3. as-
CHomy, CHOCHiub, p -hji, imp semble {a machine, etc); 4.:
-H, cHeclxH [s'^n^i^s^'t^'i] perf ~-axb Koro-Ji. B Aopory / b nyxb
-y, -euib, p CHec, -Jia, imp equip/ fit out smb for a jour-
-11 {no imperf) take (a letter
1. ney; 5. collect (/) faxes, etc;
to the post-office, etc); 2. take 2) stamps, etc); ~axb rojioca
{downstairs, etc); 3. blow off collect votes; canvass votes;
{a roof, etc, said of a storm, co6paxb KBopyM muster a quo-
etc); carry / sweep away {a rum; 6. col: ~-axb na cxoji
dam, etc, said of floods, etc); lay the table; 7.; coSpaxb
4. tear / take/ pull down (o/d Bce CBoe My>KecxBO muster up
houses, etc); 5. fig endure, one's courage; co6paxb nocjieA-
bear, put up with. HHe CHJibi gather one's last
cH6c|Ka [snoska] / -kh, -ok strength.
foot-note. co6Hp|axbCji [sab^irattsa]
CH6cH|biH [snosniy] a sh f imperf -awcb, -aeiiibCH, co-
CHOceH, -a, -o, -bi tolerable, SplaxbCJi [sAbrattja] perf co-
fairly good. 6epycb, co6epembCH, p -a;ica,
CHJITb see CHHMaTb. -ajiacb, -aji6cb(-ajiocb), -ajiftcb
CHflTbCfl see (-ajiHCb), imp co6epHCb, co6e-
CO see c. pftxecb gather, assemble,
CO ,, see c... meet; 2. intend, be going {to
co6aK|a [sAbaka] / -h, ~ do smth); be aboul {to do
dog {an animal); roHwaa —a smth); perf also make up one's
hound; -^a-HmeftKa sleuth- mind {to do smth); 3.: co-
-hound; 6paxbCH c AyxoM screw up
441 — COB

enough courage, pluck up etc); ~e co^HHeHHA collected

one's courage/ spirits; co6paTb- v^orks; noJiHoe ~e coHHHeHHfi
CH c cHJiaMH summon enough complete works.
strength; ~aTfaCH c mbicjijimh co6paTb see co6HpaTb.
collect one's thoughts. co6paTbCJi see co6HpaTbCH.
C06jia3HHTeJIbH|blfl[S9blAZ^- c66cTBeHHOCT b [sobstv^i-
n^it^il^niy] a sh f co6jia3- nas^t^, -z^d^] / -h 1. prop-
HHTCJieH, -a, -o, -h\ 1. seduc- erty (possessions collective-
tive, seducing; 2. tempting, ly); 2. ownership.
alluring. c66cTBeHH|biH [sobstv^miy]
co6jia3HHTb see coSjiasH^xb. a (one's) own; ~biMH pyxaMH
co6jia3Hi«Tb [sablAz^n^at^] with one's own hands; no
imperf -hk), -neuib, coSjias- ~0My jKejiaHHK) of one's own
H|MTb [sablAz^n^'it^] perf -kd, free will;
-Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. entice, <)- HMH o-oe/mg" proper name;
allure, tempt; 2. seduce. ~0H nepcoHOH in person;
co6jiK);i|aTb [sabPudat^] B --OM CMwcjie in the true
imperf -aio, -aeuib, coSjiiocth sense.
[sabPus^t^i] perf co6jiioAy, co6biTH|e [sAbft^iya] n -h,
co6jiK)Aemb, p co6jik)ji, co- -H event, development; no-
6jiiojia, imp
co6jiioah observe cJieAHHe —
H latest develop-
(the law, traditions, etc); keep ments.
(the order, etc); --axb AHCTy co6bib [sAb^yu], co6beuib
keep a diet. [sAb^yosh, -zh] 1st & 2nd
co66h [sAboy] instr of ce6A. persons of c6inb; see c6HBaTb.
co6ojie3HOBaHH|e [sabAl^ez- co6bK)Cb [sAb^yus'', -z^],
navan^iya] n -h, -if condo- co6bembcfl [sAb^yoshs^a] 1st
lence; BbipasHTb —e present & 2nd persons of c6HTbCH; see
one's condolences. c6HBaTbCH.
c66ojilb [sobal^] m -h, pi COB a [sAva] / -bi, pi cobm,

-H (-H), -eH sable (animal -- owl (a bird).

and fur). coBepui|aTb [say^i^rshat^]
co66p[sAbor] m
-a, -ob 1. imperf -aio, -aeuib, coBcp-
cathedral; 2. hist council, m|HTb [sav^i^rshtt^] perf -y,
synod. -HUib, p -HJI, imp -H accom-
G06610 [sAboyu] instr of plish, perform (a feat, etc);
ce6H. commit (a crime, mistake,
co6paHHle [sAbran^iya] n etc); nyxemecTBHe go
-H, -H 1. meeting, gathering; on a trip / journey; go on a
2. assembly (a state organ); voyage.
3aKOHO;HaTejibHoe '— e legisla- coBepui^HHO [sav^i^rshenna]
tive assembly; yqpeAHTejib- adv absolutely, quite, totally;
Hoe —
e constituent assembly; -- He3HaK6MbiH qejiOBCK per-
3. collection (of paintings, fect / utter stranger; 3to He- ^

COB - 442 —
bo3m6}kho it's out of the ques- coBex|oBaxb [sAv^etavat**]
tion. imperf -yio, -yemb, p -OBaji,
coBepuieHHOjieTHHH [sav^ir- imp -yft, nojcoBexoBaxb [pa-
shanAl^et^'n^'iy] adult, of the sAv^etavat^] perf advise; give
full legal age. advice; counsel.
coBcpiuetiHlbiH I [sav^i^r- coBex|oBaxbCfi [sAv^etava-
shenniy] a sh coBepmeHeH, ttsa] imperf -yiocb, -yeuibCH,
-a, -o, -bi 1. perfect, most p -OBajicH, -0Bajiacb,Wmp -yft-
excellent; 2. absolute, com- CH, -yflxecb, nojcoBexoBaxbcsi
plete, Utter. [pasAV^'etavattja] perf 1. con-
COBepIUeHHUH II [s9v'i^- sult (smfe); seek advice/ coun-
shenniy] a ling: ^ bha per- sel; 2. put together heads.
fective aspect. C0BexcK|HH [sAv^etsk^iy] a
coBepuieHCTB oBaxb [sav^ i^r-
-an, -oe, -He Soviet (attr).
shenstyvat^] imperf -yio, coBcmaHHle [sav^i^sh^-.a-
-yeuib, p -oBaji, imp -yfl, n'^iya] n -h, -h conference,
y icoBepiueHCTBOBaTb [usav^ i^r- meeting^ (of official, etc, to
shenstyvat^] perf perfect, im- discuss smthy, npoHSBOACxBen-
prove. Hoe ~-e production meeting.
coBepuiiiTb see coBepuiaTb. coBemaxejibHbiH[sav^i^sh^:a-
coBecTJb [sov^is^t*', -z^d**]/ t^il^'niy] a consultative, de-
-H conscience; HeMHCTan b — liberative; -^ rojioc deliber-
guilty conscience; yrpbiaeHHH ative vote.
~H pangs of conscience / re- coBemjaxbCji [sav^i^sh':a-
morse; ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuibca
•O* flJIM OMHCTKH ~H Col for confer (with), consult (with).
conscience's sake; 6e3 saspe- coBMccxHxejibcxB|o [sav-
HHfi --H col shamelessly; no m*'i^s''t^it*'iPstva] n -a plural-
^H roBopfl to be honest. ism (the holding by one per-
coBex [sAv^et, -d] m -a, -ob son of more than one office)-,
1. advice, counsel; no ero -— pa66xaxb no -'y pluraiize.
on his advice; nocjiymaxbCH coBMecxHXb see coBMemaxb.
Mbero-ji.'-a take smb'sadvice; coBMecxH|biH [sAvm^'esnty]
2. council; CoBex BeaonacHO- a sh f coBMecxeH, -a, -o, -bi
cxH Security Council; 3. Soviet joint, combined; --an pa66xa
{the, organ of state govern- team-work; -—oe o6yMeHHe
ment in the USSR}', Cobcx co-education.
flenyxaxoB xpyAH^HXCH Soviet coBMem|axb [savm^'i^-
of Working People's Deputies; sh^:at^] imperf -ara, -aemb,
BepxoBHbiH CoBex CCCP Su- coBMecx|Hxb [savm^i^s^t^'it'']
preme Soviet of the USSR; perf coBMemy, -HUJb, p -hji,
CoBex CoK)3a Soviet of the imp -H 1. combine (work
Union; Cobcx HauHonajibHo- with study, etc); 2. pluraiize
cxeH Soviet of Nationalities. (hold more than one office).

443 — dtor

coBHapxos [s9vnArkh6s, -z] corjiacHTbc« see corjia-

m -a, -OB (=coBeT HapoAHoro maTbCH
xo3HHCTBa) Council of Nation- corjiacHo [sAglasnaJ prep
al Economy. with dat according to; under
coBOKynHocT|b [savAkup- {some law, etc).
nas^t^, -z^d**] / -h totality, corjiacHbiH I [sAglasnIy] a
the aggregate, the sum to- ling consonant.
tal. corjiacH|biH II [sAglasnty]
coenaAiaTb [safpAdat^] im- a sh f corjiaceH, -a, -o, -bi
perf -aex, coBna|cTb [sa- 1. {only sh f) predic: h [tw
fpas^t^] perf -act, p -Ji coin- u m. d.] corjiacen Ha sto
cide {with), concur {with). I [you, etc] agree to it; h [tm
coBpaxb see Bpaxb. u m. d.] corjiacen CAeJiaTb
coBpeMCHHHK [s9vr'i^m^en^- 3T0 I am [you are, etc] ready
n^ik, -g] m -a, -ob contem- to do it; 2. {only sh f) pred-
porary. ic: 6biTb ~biM agree {with
C0BpeMeHH|biH [savr^i^m^en- smb, smthy, h corjiacen c hhm
n*y] a sh f coBpeMeHCH, -a, I agree with him; 3. harmo-
-o, -bi 1. contemporary {liter- nious, concordant.
ature, etc); ~-oe noJioHceHHe corjiacoBaxb see corJiacoBW-
present situation; 2. modern, BaTb.
up-to-date. corjiacoBbiBlaxb [saglAsovi-
coBceM [sAfs^em] adv quite, vat^] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, co-
entirely; — He to nothing rjiac|0BaTb [saglasAvat^] perf
of the kind; '— He to, mto h -yio, -yemb, p -OBa.n, imp
xoTeji not in the least what -yft co-ordinate {one's ac-

I wanted; — hct not at all; tions, etc); 2. seek agreement

OH He — noHHMaex sto he {with smb about smth); co-
does not quite understand it; FJiacosaTb Bonpoc c kcm-ji.
OH -- He noHHMaeT sToro he come to- an agreement with
does not understand it at all; smb on a matter.
— HOBbiH brand-new; yexaTb corjiaiujaTbcfl [saglAshattsa]
— leave /go away for good. imperf -aiocb, :aembCH, co-
coBXos [sAfkhos, -z] m -a, rjiacJHTbCJi [saglAS^ittja] per/
-OB state farm. corjiaiuycb, -HUibCH, p -hjich,
COBbH) [SAV^yU], COBbeuib -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -HTecb 1.
[sAv^ydsh, -zh] 1st &: 2nd per- agree {to), consent {to); 2.
sons of CBHTb; see BHTb. agree {with), concur {with);
corjiacH|e [sAglas^iya] n -h concede {to smb); corjiacH-
1. consent,, assent; MOJiqa- Tecb, HTO... you must admit
HHe —
3HaK '-fl silence gives that...
consent; c 66inero —'H by corjiauieHH|e [saglAshe-
common consent; 2. accord, n^iya] n -h, -h 1. agreement,
concord, harmony. understanding; npHxoAHTb k
cor 444

-— K) come to an agreement; imperf coAepjKHiUb, p -aji,

come to terms; 2. agreement, imp -H keep, maintain,

covenant; saKjnomiTb -^e sign support, provide for; 2. con-

an agreement. tain (chemical substances,
corHyxb see rHyxb 1. useful informMtion, etc);
corHyrbCfl see crHfiaibCH. 3. keep (in order, etc); ~-axb
corpeBjaTb [s^gr^i^vat^J B HcnpaBHOcxH keep in work-
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, corp|eTb ing order; 4.: ~axb a xiopb-
[sAgr^et^l perf -eio, -eeuib Me [noA cxpa>KeH] keep in
warm, heat. prison [under arrest].
corpeBlaxbCJi [sagr'^i^va- coeflHHeHHle [sayid^'in^'e-
ttj8] imperf -aiccb, -aeiiibCH, n^iya] n -h, -ft 1. joining,
corpjeTbcfl [sAgr^ettja] perf junction; combination, join-
-eiocb, -eeujbCH warm oneself, ing together; mccxo —h
warm up, grow warm. joint, junction; 2. chem com-
corpexb see corpesaxb. bination; 3. mil forma-
corpexbcsi see corpesaxbCH. tion.
c6fl|a [soda] / -bi chem coeAMHHXbsee coeAHHHxb.
soda; nHXbeBan —a baking coeAHHHxbcsi see coeAH-
soda. HHXbCH.
cojieHCXBMle [sAd^eys^t^- cocAHHinxb [sayid^in^at'']
v^iya] n -h assistance, good imperf -hk), -Heuib, coeAH-
offices. HJiiXb [sayid^in^'it^] perf -k),
coAeHcxBloBaxb [sAd^eyst- -Huib, p -HJi, imp -H 1. unite,
yvat^] perf & imperf -yio, join (the ends of a wire, etc);
-yemb, p -osaji, imp -yft as- 2. connect, link; 3. c/zem com-
sist, help; promote, contrib- bine.
ute (to), make (/or); ^osaxb coeAHHJqxbCfl [sayid^'in^a-
pasBHXHio facilitate develop- ttsa] imperf -HWCb, -neiubCH,
ment. coeAHH|HXbC5i [sayid^in^'ittja]
coAepwaHHJe [sad^i^rzha- perf -K)Cb, -viuibC9i, p -hjich,
n'iya] n maintenance,
1. -HJiacb, imp -Hxecb
upkeep; pacxoAti no -—k) 1. join, formjunction;
maintenance costs; 2. pay, 2. get through (by telephone);
salary, wages; oxnycK 6e3 3. unite.
coxpaHeHHH -~5i leave with- co)KajieHHie[sazhi^l^en^iya]
out pay; 3. content, sub- n -H, -H 1. regret; Hcnbixbi-
stance; 4. contents {of a play, Baxb — e regret, feel regret;
etc); subject-matter, 5. con- 2. pity, compassion; h3 — h
tent (the amount contained); out of pity;
~e aojioxa the gold content; <> K ~K) unfortunately.
<> 6bixb Ha ~H
y Koro-Ji. be co)Kaji|exb {sazhi^l^'et''] im-
kept / supported by smb. perf -eK), -eeuib regret, de-
coAep»|axb [sad'^i^rzhat''] plore; OH ~eex, 4X0 He npH-
445 — COK

uiejipaHbiue he wishes he -eafi 1. realize, understand,

had come earlier. be (fully) aware / conscious

comrii [sAzhg^i] imp of of; 2. recognize, acknowl-

CHce^b; see c^Hraxb. edge (one's mistakes, etc).
co}Krjia [sAzhgla] p of co3Ha|BaTbC{i [saznAvattja]
cjKeHb; see Cia^Hraxb. imperf -ibcb, -euibCH, p -eajicH,
co)Kry [sAzhgu], cojKJKeuib -eajiacb, /mp-BaftcH,co3HlaTb-
[sAzh:6sh, -zh] 1st & 2nd per- CH [sAznattja] perf -aiocb,
sons of cjKeqb; see c^Hraib. -aeuibCH confess, own (up).
coiHdviH [sAzhm^i] imp of co3HaHH|e [sAznan^iyaJ n
c^axb; see OKHMaxb. -H consciousness; --e Ac3Jira
cojKMy [sAzhmu], coJKMeuib sense of duty; '-e bhhm
[sAzhm^'osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd feeling of guilt; npHXOAHTb
persons of CH^axb; see c^HMaxb. B —
e recover consciousness.
C03KHH [sAzhn^'i] imp of co3HaTejibH|biH [sAznat^'iP-
CH<axb; see scaxb II. nty] a sh f cosnaxejieH, -a,
cojKHy [sAzhnu], cojKHeuib -0, -bi 1. conscious (being,
[sAzhn^osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd etc); 2. conscientious, con-
persons of c«axb; see ^axb II. scious; ~bift pa66qHH class-
co3BaTb see co3biBaxb. -conscious worker; 3. delib-
cosBesAH e [sAz^ v^ez^d^ iya]
erate (deception, etc).
n -H, -H constellation. cosHaxbcji see cosHaBaxbCH.
coanaJBaTb [sazdAvat^] im- coBpeBlaxb [sazr^i^vat^]
perf -K), -eiiifa, p -eaji, imp imperf -aio, -aeuib, co3p|exb
-Baft, C03A|aTb [sAzdat^] perf [sAzr^et^] perf -ero, -eeiiib
-m, -auib, -acx, -ajmM, ripen, mature (also fig).
-aAHxe, -aAyx, p cosAaJi, -ajia, cospexb see cospesaxb &
cosAa^no, cosAaJiH, imo -aft spexb.
1. create (produce); set up, co3biB|aTb [sazivat^] im-
establish (a committee, etc); perf -aio, -aeuib, co3B|aTb
2.: OH cosAaH ajih axoro he [sAzvat^] perf cososy, co3o-
is cut out for it. p -aji, -ajia, -sljio,
co3AaHH|e [sAzdan^iya] n imp C030BH call (to-
-H, -ft 1. creation, making gether), summon; convene,
(the process of); 2. creation, convoke; invite (guests).
work; 3. col creature (poor, COHXH see cxoAHXb I.
lovely, etc). COHXHCb see CXOAHXbCH.
cos^axb see cosAaeaxb. COK [sok, -g] m -a (-y),
cosHAaTejibHJbiH [saz^ida- -OB juice (of fruit, etc); sap
t''iPnly[ a sh f cosHAaxejien, (of a plant);
-a, -o, -bi creative, construc- <> B nojiHOM ~y
in the prime
tive. of life.
cosHaJBaTb [saznAvat^l im- coKOji [sokal] -a, -ob m
perl -K), -euib, p -bslji, imp falcon.
COK — 446

coKpaxHTb see coKpamaxb. solid / reliable man;4. corpu-

coKpaiujaTb [s9krAsh^:at^] lent; 5. col considerable,
imperf -afo, -aemb, coKpa- sizable.
TJHTb [sakrAt^it^] perf co- cojiHcx [sA^ist, -zd] -a, m
Kpamy, -Hiub, p -hji, imp -h -OB soloist.
1. shorten [a speech, etc); coji|HXb [sApit^'l imperf -ib,
abridge [a book, etc); 2. re- cojiHuib (-Huib), p -HJI, imp -H,
duce, cut (down), curtail; iiojcojiMXb fpasAPit^] perf
coKpaxHTb BABoe cut by half; 1. salt; 2. pickle; salt (down).
— axb uixaTbi cut down the c6jiHeHH|biH [soln^'ich^niy]
staff; 3. col dismiss, lay off. a sh /cojineqeH, -a, -o, -bi sun
coKpameHHJe [sskrAsh'^.e- {attr); sunny; solar;
n^iya] n -h, -h 1. shortening <> ~bie nacbi sun-dial; —biii
{of the working day, etc); y;iap sunstroke; ~oe cnjiexe-
c ~HMH abridged {hook, etc); HHe anat solar plexus.
2. reduction, curtailment; c6jiHu|e [sontja] n -a,
3. abbreviation; 4. contrac- ~ sun.
tion {of muscles). cojiOB|eH [salAv^'ey] -bH, m
coKpOBHmIe [sAkrov'^ish^a] -bCB nightingale.
n -a, —
treasure {also fig); cojioMja [sAloma] / -bi

<> HH 3a KaKHe col not ~a straw {for thatching, etc).

for all the riches in the cojioMeHHlbiH [sAlom^miy]
world. a straw {attr); —an Kpbima
coKpyiiiHxejibH|biH [sakru- thatch;
shft^iPniy] a sh f coKpymH- <> ~-asi BAOBa grass widow.
xejieH, -a, -o, -bi shattering, COJlOH Ka [sAlonka]
crushing; HaHocHXb ^bift y^ap -OK salt-cellar.
deal a crushing blow. cojijb [sol^] / -H, -eii
cojiraxb see Jiraxb. 1. salt {1) used for season-
cojiflax[sAldat, -d] m -a, ing, etc; 2) chem); noBa^
~ soldier {of an army); pri- peHHan ~b common salt;
vate, man. 2. fig point {the main idea
cojieHbiii [sA^oniy] a sh f of a story, joke, etc).
COJIOH, COJIOHa, COJIOHO, c6- cojibexcfl [sAl'^yottsa] 3rd
jioHbi salt {fish, water, etc); person of cjiHXbCH; see cjih-
salty, salted; pickled. BaXbCH.
cojiH;iapHocxib [sal'^idar- coMHeB|axbCJi [samn^'i^va-
nas^t'', -z'^d''] / -h solidar- ttsa] imnerf -aiocb, -aeiubCH
ity. doubt, be uncertain;
cojiHAH|biH [sAl'^idnty] a O MOJKexe He — axbcn col
sh f cojiHAeH, -a, -o, -bi you need not worry {about),
1. solid, sturdy; 2. profound, you may rely {upon).
deep {knowledge, etc); 3. re- coMHeHHie [sAmn''en''iya]
liable, sedate: ~biH qejioeeK n H, -H doubt; axo He noj\-
— 447 coo

jiemm --lo it is beyond view; make one's observa-

doubt; tions; y Hero cboh ~h he
<> 6e3 --fl without / beyond has reasons of his own.
doubt, undoubtedly. coo6pa3HxejibH|biH [sAAbrA-
coMHeTC« [sAHin^ottsa] 3d z^it^iPnty] a sh f coo6pa3H-
person of CMHXbCH; see MHXb- xejieH, -a, -o, -bi quickwitted,
CH. sharp.
coMHH [sAmn^i] imp of cooSpasHXb specoo6pa^axfa.
CMHTb; see mhth. coo6u],a [sAApsh^:a] adv
coMHHTejibH|biH [sAmn^i- together, jointly.
t^iPniy] a sh f coMHHiejieH, coo6m|axb [sAApsh^:at^]
-a, -o, -bi 1. doubtful, ques- imperf -aio, -aeuib, coo6-
tionable; 2. dubious {charac- u;|HTb [sAApsh^'.it^j perf
ter, etc); shady (reputation, -y, -Hiub, p -HJI, imp -H re-
etc)i port, communicate, impart,
coMHy [sAmnu], coMHeiub inform {of); --axb noAp 66-
[sAmn^'osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd HocxH give the details {of);
persons of CMHXb; see MHXb. KaK ~aK)x as it is report-
coH [son] m cna, pi chm, ed.
CHOB 1. sleep, slumber; bo coo6ui,eHH|e [sAApsh^'ie-
CHe, cKB03b ^ in one's sleep; n^iya] n -r, -h 1. report, in-
ero KJioHHT KO CHy he feels formation, communication;
sleepy; 2. dream {during no —-K) TACC according to
sleep); BHAexb qxo-Ji. bo cne TASS,''TASS reports {that...);
dream about smth {during 2. communication {railway,
sleep); telegraphic, etc); service {air,
<> Ha ^ rpHAymHH s be- railway, etc).
fore going to bed. cooSiJUHTb see coo6maxb.
coHHUH [sonnty] a sleepy, co66iu,HHK [sA6psh^:n^ik,
drowsy. -g] m -a, -ob accomplice, part-
coo6pa3K|aTb [sAAbrAzhat^] ner.
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, coo6pa- coopyAHTb see coopyxcaxb.
3lHTb[sAAbrAz^it^] pert coo6- coopywjaxb [sAAruzhat^]
pa>Ky, 'Huib, p -HJi, imp -h imperf -aio, -aeuib, coopy-
1. consider, ponder, deliber- AJHTb [sAArud^it*'] perf coo-
ate; 2. understand {know or py»cy, -Huib, p -HJI, imp -h
grasp what is meant); xo- build, erect.
pouio ~axb grasp quickly; coopyHceHHJe [sAAruzhe-
njioxo ~axb be slow to grasp. n^\yd\n -h, pi 1. build-
-h, -h
coo6paxeHH|e [sAAbrAzhe- ing, erection {the process
n^iya] n -h, -fir 1. understand- of); 2. building, structure,
ing, grasping; 2. considera- construction; pi also instal-
tion, reason; BbiCKaaaxb cboh lations.
-^fl express one's point of COOTBeTCTBeHHO [SAAt-
coo 448

v^etst^v^inna] I adv accord- -b compare {in consi'dering

ingly, correspondingly; smth).
II prep with dat in conform- conpHKOCHOBeHH |e [sapr^'i-
ity with, in accordance kasuAv'^en^iya] n -h, -ft 1. con-
with {an order, etc). tiguity; 2. mil contact.
COOTBeTCTBH|e [sAAtv^etjt^- conpOBO}KA|aTb [sapravAzh-
v'^iya] n -h, -h accordance, dat''] imperf -aK), -aeiiib ac-
conformity, correspondence; company {smb on his walk,
-0> B ~H c HCM-Ji. in accord- one's explanations with ges-
ance with smth. tures, etc); escort; convoy,
COOTBeTCTB|QBaTb [SAAt- conpOTHBjieHHje [saprat^iv-
v^etjtyvat^] imperf -yio, Pen^iya] n -h resistance; op-
-yeuib, p -OBaji, imp -yft position, opposing.
correspond with), con-
{to, conpOTHBJijflTbCfl [saprat^iv-
form be
{toy, in keeping l^attja] imperf -niocb, -Hemb-
{with); --OBaTb jteftcTBHTeJib- Cfl resist, oppose; ~HTbCH
HOCTH correspond to the facts; HaxHCKy Bpara stand up to
—oeaTb Ha3HaqeHHK) answer the enemy.
the purpose; ^osaTb o6cTa- cop [sor] m a (-y) litter,
HOBKe fit the situation. sweeping;
COOTBeTCTByK)m[HH [SAAI- <> BblHOCHTb — H3 H36bl Col
v^etjtvuyush^:iy] a \pa\ -an, ^ wash one's dirty linen in
-ee, -He suitable, appropriate, public.
proper; o6paTHTbCH b ~ee copaTHHK [sArat^n^ik, -g]
yqpejKAeHHe apply to the m -a, comrade-in-arms,
proper quarters; nociynaxb companion-in-arms.
~HM 66pa30M act accord- copBaTb see cpbrnaxb.
ingly. copBaTbCM see cpbiBaibCH.
COOTCHeCTBeHHHK [SAAt^e- copeBHOBaHH|e [sar^ivnAva-
ch^is^t''v^in*'ik, -g] m -a, -ob n^'iya] n -h, -h 1, competi-
compatriot, fellow-country- tion, emulation; 2. sport
man. contest, competition; ot66-
coOTHouieHH|e [sAAtnAshe- poqHbie —H elimination tri-
n^iya] n -h, -h correlation; als; ~Ji Ha Ky6oK cup cbqi-
ratio {of 2 to 7, etc), petition;
conepHHK [sAp^ern^ik, -g] <> cou,HajiHCTHHecKoe so- ~e
m -a, -OB rival; He HMexb cialist emulation.
— OB have no match. copeBH|oBaTbCfl [sar^'ivnA-
conocTaBHTb see conocTae- vattja] imperf -yiocb, -yeiub-
JlHTb. CH, p -OBajicH, -OBajiacb, imp
conocTaBji|flTb [sapastAv- -yHCH, -yftjecb compete, emu-
Pat^] imperf -hk), -neuib, late.
conocraBlHTb [sapAstav^it^] coplHTb [sAr^'it^'l imperf
perf -Jiw, -Hiub, p -h;i, imp -K), -HUib, p -HJi, imp -H,
— 449 —
HaicopHTb [nasAF^it^] perf -aeillbCJI, COCpCAOTOMlHTbCfl
litter, make litter; [sasr^idAtoch^ittjaJper/ -ycb,
<> —HTbfleHbraMH co/ squan- -HiubCH, p -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp
der one's money. -bCH, -bxecb 1. concentrate,
copoK [sorak, -g] num card mass (of troops); 2. concen-
-a forty. trate (on a subject, etc).
copOKia [sAroka] / -h, ^ cocxaB [sAstaf, -v] m -a,
magpie {a bird). -OB 1. composition (o/ a sufe-
copoKOBJoH [sarakAvoylnum stance, etc); XHMHqecKHH ^
ord fortieth; — bie roAw 1) chemical composition;
the forties. 2) chemical compound; bxo-
copoHJKa [sAroch^ka] / -kh, AHXb B ~ form (a) part (of);
-eK: MyjKCKan ~Ka shirt; 2. staff, personnel; composi-
H^eHCKan -~Ka chemise; hoh- tion, membership; qHCJieHHbiH
HaH ~Ka
night-dress; — numerical strength; ko-

<> B ~Ke
po;iHTbCJi be ^ MaHAHbm — the comn;iand;
born with a silver spoon in PHAOBOH H CepH<aHXCKHH —
one's mouth. enlisted men, other ranks; --'
copT [sort, -d] m -a, pi HcnoJiHHxeJieft theat cast; 3.
-a, -OB 1. quality, grade; train (on a railway).
nepBoro [sToporo] —-a first- cocxaBHXb see cocxaejinxb.
-rate [second-rate]; 2. sort, cocxaBJi|flXb [sastAvPat^]
kind; ~
Ta6aKa brand of to- imperf -hk), -aeuib, cocxa-
bacco. BJHXb [sAstav^it^] perf -jik),
coc|aTb [sAsat^] imperf -y, -Hmb, p -HJI, imp -h 1. put
-euib, p -aji, imp -h suck. together (two tables, etc); 2.
coceA [sAs^et, -d] -a, pi m compose, compile (a diction-
-H, -eft neighbour. ary, etc); draw up (a letter,
coccAHHH [sAs^ed^n^iy] a plan, etc); form (a sentence',
neighbouring; next, adjacent. a group, etc); make (a math-
cocHc|Ka [sAs^iska] / -kh, ematical table, etc); 3. form
-OK sausauge; frankfurter. (an opinion, idea, etc); 4.:
cocKaKHB|aTb [sAskak^'i- 3X0 ~5iex TJiaBHyK) xpyAHOcxb
V9t^] imperf -aro, -aeuib, co- this is / presents the main
cKOHJHTb FsaskAch^it^] perf difficulty; 5. amount to, be
-y, cocKOMHiiib, p -HJi, imp equal to {a certain number);
-H 1. jump off, jump down; — Hxb B cpeAHCM average; axo
2. come off, fall off, break off. -^-Hex HJixbAecnx pyfijiefl it
cocjiaTb sec ccbiJiaxb. makes fifty roubles;
cocjiaxbCfl see ccbiJiaxbCH. <> cocxaBHXb KOMy-ji. KOMna-
cocH|a [sAsna] / -bi, pi HHKJ.keep smb company.
cocHbi, coccH pine-tree. cocxaBH|6H [sastAvnoy] a
cocpeAOTOHHelaxbCfl [sasr^i- 1. component (part, etc);
dAt6ch''iv9tt§8] imperf -aiocb, 2. compound, composite.
coc 450 —
coCTORHH |e[sastAyan^iya] COCHHTaTb see CHHTaXb 1.
n -H, -H 1. condition;
state, COTBOpMTb see TBOpHTb.
MOpa.JihHoe -^e morale; b He- coTKarb see TKaxb.
BMeHHCMOM ~H 1) beside one- cotIha fs6t^n^9] / -HH, -en
self; 2) not answerable for 1. one hundred; 2. col a hun-
one's actions; 2. fortune, dred roubles; 3. hist sotnia
wealth, prosperity; (a cossack squadron).
<> 6biTb B —
H be in a posi- coTpM [sAtr^i] imp of cie-
tion, be able {to do smth.). pexb; see CTHpaxb I.
cocTo«TejibH|biH [sastAya- coTpy [sAtru], coxpeuib
t^iPniy] a sh f cocTOHreJien, [sAtr^osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd
-a, -o, -bi 1. well-to-do, well- persons of cxepeib; see cth-
-off; 2. well-grounded {argu- paxb I.
ment, claim, etc). coTpyAHHK [sAtrud''n''ik,-g]
cocTo|aTb [s9stAyat^] im- m -a, -OB 1. collaborator;
perf -K), -Huib, p -flji 1. con- 2. employee, worker;- ^
sist {of), be made (o/); coJibCTBa embassy official.
2.consist {in), lie {in); 3.: coTpyAHHHlaTb [sAtrud^n^i-
— HTb wjieHOM be a member; ch*'9t''] imperf -aio, -aeiub
'-HTb Ha cJiyjK6e be in the 1. collaborate, co-operate;
service;-~HTb na HxcAHBeHHH 2. contribute {to a newspa-
be smb's dependant; -~HTb per, etc); write {for a newspa-
B 6paKe be married. per, etc).
cocTolflTbca [s9stAyattj9] coTpjiceHH|e [s9tr^i^s^e-
perf -HTCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb n''iy9] n -h, -h shaking, con-
take place {of a meeting, cussion.
performance, etc); cAeJiKa —h- coTJbi [soti] pi -OB honey-
jiacb the deal went through. comb.
cocxpajiaHHle [sastrAda- coTbiH [sotiy] num ord
n^'iya]n -h compassion, pity; hundredth.
H3 qyBCTBa -^-h out of com- coyc [sous, -z] m -a (-y),
passion. -OB sauce, dressing.
cocrpHTb see ocxpHTb, coywacTHle [s9uch^as''t^iy9]
cocTMBaHHle [sas^t^'i'^za- n -H complicity.
n^iya] n -h, -h contest, com- c6xH|yTb [sokhnut^] imperf
petition; match {a game); -y, -eiiib, p cox (-yji), coxjia,
jibiJKHbie -'H skiing competi- imp -H 1. dry, get dry; get
tion. parched; 2. fig col pine
cocyfl fsAsut, -d] m
-a, -ob {away).
vessel (/) a hottle,etc; 2) anat); coxpaHHTb see coxpaHHTb.
KpoBeHocHbiH —
blood-vessel. coxpaHHTbCM see coxpa-
cocymecTBOBaHMJe [s9su- HHTbCH.
sh'':istvAvan''iy9l n -h co- coxpaHJflTb [sakhrAn^'at*']
existence. imperf -^k), -neiiib, coxpa-
— 451 — COK)

HjHTb [s8khrAn^it^] perf -k>, coqjia [sAch^la] po/cqecxb;

-HLUb, p -HJi, imp -H 1. keep, see CHHTaxb.
preserve; maintain {order, c6MH|biH [soch^niy] a sh f
etc); —HTb Ha naMHTL keep coMeH, -a, -o, -u 1. juicy,
as a souvenir; 2. keep, retain, sappy, succulent; 2, fig rich
preserve; —htl xjiaAHOKpoBHe {colours, voice, etc).
keep cool. coHTM [sAch^t^iJ imp of
coxpaH|flTbCsi [sakhrAn^a- cqecTb; see CHHiaTb.
tts9] imperf -siiocb, -HeuibCH, COHTy [SACh^tu], COHTeUIb
coxpaHJHTbcsi [s9khrAn^ittja] [sAchM^osh, -zh]' 1st & 2nd
perf -K)Cb, -HIlIbCH, p -HJICH, persons of c^ecxb; see cmh-
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb 1. xaTb.
remain {in one's possession, COHyBCTBH|e [sAch^us^t^-
memory, etc); y MeHH coxpa- v^iy9] n -H sympathy {for
HHJiHCb xopouiHe BOCnOMHHa- those in distress, etc).
HHH o6 3T0M I havc good coiue.i [sAshol], couiJia
memories of this; 2. col; oh [sAshla] p of cohth; see cxo-
xopomo —HJicji he is well- AHTb I.
-preserved, he wears his age coiuejicji [sAsh61s^9] co- ,

well. uijiacb [sAshlas^, -z^] p of

couHajiHSM [satsfAlMzm] m COHTHCb; see CXOJlHTbCH.
-a socialism. coiiijiH [SAshl^'i] imp of
COUHaJlHCTHHeCKlHH [S9tsi9- cocjiaxb; see ccbiJiaxb.
l^is^t^fch^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, coiujiMCb [sAshPis'', -z^],
-He socialist; ~oe 66mecTBO coiujiHTecb [sAshPit^'is^, -z^]
socialist society. imp of cocjiaxbCH; see ccbi-
co[j[HajibH|bifi [s9tjlal^nly] jiaxbCH.
a social {problems, science, couiJiK) [sAshl^u], coiujieuib
etc); — oe
o6ecneHeHHe social [sAshPosh, -zh] 1st & 2nd
maintenance. persons of cocJiaxb; see ccbi-
coucopeBHOBaHHle [sotssg- jiaxb.
r^ivnAvan^iya] n -h, -h coiujiibcb [sAshl^us^, -z^],
(=coi;HajiHCTHqecKoe copee- couijieuibcn [sAshl^dshs^9]
HoeaHHe) socialist emula- 1st & 2nd persons of co-
tion. cjiaxbCH; see ccbiJiaxbCH.
coHeTaHHJe [S9ch^i^tan^iy9] couibH) [sAshyu], couibeiub
n -H, -fi combination {of [sAshyosh, -zh] 1st & 2nd
words, etc). persons of ciiiHXb; see lUHxb.
coMHHeHHie [s9ch^in^e- comypHTb see mypnxb.
n^iy9] n -h, -h composi comypHTbCfl see mypHXbCH.
lion, composing; 2. compo- coH)3 [sAyus, -z] m -a, -ob
sition {literary, musical, etc); 1. union, alliance; 2. alliance,
work, writing; H36paHHbie h — agreement; 3. union {of
selected works. states); CoBexcKHH Cok>3 the
COK) 452

Soviet Union; 4. organization, sleeper; KpenKO — Tb be fast

union, league; npo4)eccHO- asleep;
HajibHbiH trade— union; <> ~Tb H BHjueTb dream of,
5. ling conjunction. crave for; oh chmt KaK ySii-
coibsHHK [sAyuz^'n'ik, -g] TWH ^ he is dead asleep.
m -a, -OB ally. cneKTaKji|b [s^p^'i^ktakP]
coib3H|biji [sAyuzniy] a m -H, -eft play, performance.
1. {powers,
allied etc); 2. cneKyjiHp|oBaTb [sp^ikul'i-
Union {attr) (republics of the ravat^] imperf -yio, -yeuib, p
USSR, etc)- -oeaji, imp -yft 1. speculate,
cnajibHWH [spaPniy] a profiteer, gamble; 2.fig iurn
sleeping {bag, car, etc). to account, profit (by); play
cnajibHlfl [spal^n^3] / -h, (on smb's feelings, etc).
cnajieH bedroom. cncKyjiflHT [sp^'ikul^ant, -d]
cnacjaTb [spAsat^] imperf m -a, -OB speculator, profiteer.
-aio, -aeiub, cnac|Tii [spAs^'t^i] cnejienaTb see nejienaTb.
perf -y, -euib, p ^, -Jia, imp cneji|biH [s^p^eliy] a sh f
-H save {smb's life, smth — -a, -0, -bi ripe {fruit, etc).

from fire, etc)', rescue {a cnepeflH [s''p*'er''id''i] 1 adv

drowning man, etc), in front, at "the front, from
cnac|aTbC5i [spAsattsa] im- the front;
perf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, cna- II prep with gen denoting po-
cJTHCb [spAs^t^is''] perf -ycb, sition, location at the front
-euibCH, p cnacca, -Jiacb, imp of smth in front of, at the
-licb, -HTecb save oneself, front of.
escape; oh [a u m^ d.] eAea cnexb I see neib 1.

cnaccH he [I, etc] made a cnexb II [s^'p^et^] imperf

narrow escape, it was a nar- cneei ripen (of fruit, etc).
row escape. cneuHajiHCT [sp^itjtAl^ist,
cnaceHH|e [spAs^'en^iya] n -zdj m -a, -OB specialist,
-H \. rescuing, saving; 2. res- expert.
cue (of a drowning man, cneuHajibHOCT|b [sp^'itsiaP-
etc); fig salvation.
3. nas^t^, -z^d^] / -h, -eft pro-
cnacHdo [spAs^ibs] int fession, trade, speciality (of
thank you, thanks. a scientist, etc); npHo6pecTH
cnacHTeji|b [spAs^it^iP] m —b acquire a profession;
-H, -efl rescuer, saviour. learn a trade.
cnacTH see cnacaxb. cneuHa,iibHlbift [sp^it§ia]''-
cnacTHCb see cnacaxbCH. niy] a sh f cneuHajieH, -a,
cnaJTb [spai^] imperf cnjiio, -o, -bi special (correspondent,
cnHUJb, p ji, -jia, cnajio, etc).
cnajiH, imp chh sleep, be cneuilMTb [s^p^i^shtf*]
asleep; yoiAWBaTb ^Tb put imperf -y, -Hiub, p -hji, imp
to bed; qyiKo ^Tb be a light -H 1. hurry, make haste;
453 -^ cno

^HTb Ha noesA be in ahurry -Hxecb, p -HjiCH, -Hjiacb, tmp-

to catch the train; ne -—HTb -Hxecb unite, rally,
take one's time; 2. be fast, cnjiecxH see njiecxH 1.
gain (of a timepiece); cnjiexHHH|axb [spl^et^n^i-
<> He --a leisurely. ch^'at^ ] imperf -aio, -aeuib,
cneuiHlbiH [s^p^eshniy] a cnjiexHHHaxb fuAspPet^-
sh f cnemeH, -a, -o, -h 1. n^'ich^at'] perf gossip, talk
urgent, pressing; b ~-om no- scandal.
pHAKe quickly; 2, special, cnjiex|Hsi [spl^6t^n*'9] /
express {delivery, etc). HH, -en gossip, piece of
CHH [s^p^i] see cnaxb. scandal
cnHH|a [s^p^ina] / cnjioxKxbca
-bi, see cnjia^H-
ace cnHHy, pi cnHHbi, ~- back eaxbCH.
(of the body); 3a qben-Ji. -~6ft cnjiOHeHJHbiH [splAch'^on-
behind smb's back {also fig). niy] a {pa\ sh f —, cnjio-
cnHHJKa [s'^p^inka] / -kh, qena, cnjio^ieHO, cnjioqeHbi ser-
-OK back {of a chair, etc). ried, solid, united.
cnHpaji|b [s^p^iral^] / -h, cnjioiuHloH[splAshnoy] a
-eft spiral; ~bK), no ~h in 1. compact; all-round,
a spiral. complete; cxpana ~6h rpa-
cnMpT [s^p^'irt, -d] m -a MOXHOCXH a country of uni-
(-y) alcohol, spirit(s). versal literacy; ~bie neflopa-
cnHcaTb see cnHCbmaxb. ayMCHHH continuous trouble;
cnHcjOK [s^p^isak,
-g] m 2. col: —oft B3Aop sheer non-
-Ka, -KOB list, roll; —-ok y6H- sense; -~6e yAOBOjibcxBHe
Tbix H paneHbix casualty list. sheer joy / pleasure.
cnHCbiB|aTb fs^p^isivat^] cnjiouib [splosh, -zh] adv
imperf -aro, -aeiiib, cnHclaxb completely, entirely; all over;
[s^p^'isat^jperf cnHuiy, cnn- <> — H pHAOM & -- Aa pn-
meiiib, p imp chhuih 1.
-aji, AOM quite often.
copy (from a book, etc); 2. cnjiK) [spPu], cnHUib
crib, copy; 3. write off, de- [s^p^ish, -zh] see cnaxb.
falcate. cnofi [spoy] imp of cnexb;
cnHHJKa [s^p^ich^ka] / -kh, see nexb.
-eK match {for lighting a cnoKOHHlbifi [spAkoynty]
fire); a sh f cnoKdeH, -a, -o, -bi
<0 xyflOH KaK ~-Ka col ^ 1. quiet, calm, tranquil;
thin as a rake. ~bift 66pa3 JKH3HH quiet life;
cnjiae [splaf, -v] m -a, 2. easy-tempered; composed
-OB alloy. {manner, etc);
cnjiaHHB|aTbcsi [splach^i- <> ~0H hohh! good night!;
vattsa] imperf -aexcH, -aeMCH, 6yAbTe -~bi! don't worry!;
-aexecb, cnjiox|HXbCfl [splA- CO —OH coeeCTbio with a
t^ittsa] perf -hxch, -hmch, clear conscience.

cno — 454

cnop [spor] m -a (-y), -ob ties; MysbiKajibHbie ~-h apti-

argument, controversy; de- tude for music.
bate, discussion; aaieBaxb ~- cnoc66H|biH [spAsobniy] a
start an argument; sh f cnocooeH, -a, -o, -bi 1.
<> ~y HCT it goes witliout capable {of)', oh cnoc66eH Ha
saying. Bce he is capable of anything;
cnopjHTb [spor^it^] imperf 2. able {person); gifted {for).
-K), -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp -b, cnoH) [spAyu], cnoeuib [spA-
noicnopHTb [pAspor^it^] perf yosh, -zh] 1st &. 2nd persons
1. argue, dispute; 2. debate, of cnexb; see nexb.
discuss; 3. col bet, wager. cnpaBa [sprava] adv from
cn6pH|biH [spornty] a sh f the r;giit; on / at the right;
cnopeH, -a, -o, -bi disputable, to the right {of); — najieBO
contentious; — uh sonpoc from right to left.
(point at) issue, outstanding cnpaBeA..iH3luH [sprav^i^d''-
question. Piviy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -u
cnopT [sport, -d] m -a 1. just; impartial, fair; 2.
sport(s); saHHMaTbCJi ~om go true, correct; justified {suspi-
in for sports; JibijKHbiH -- cions, etc).
skiing; eoAHbiH ^ cnpaBHXbC5i
aquatics; see cnpaa-
rpe6H6H ~ rowing. JIHXbCH.
cnopTMBHbiH [spArt^ivniy] cnpaBJKa [sprafka] / -kh,
a athletic {games, etc); sports -OK 1. information, reference;
{attr) {society, car, etc); ~ o6pamaxbCH sa ~koh apply
3aji gymnasium, gymhall. for information; 2. certificate
cnopTCMeH [spArtjm^en] m (a document).
-a, -OB athlete, sportsman. cnpaBji|flxbCJi [sprAvl^a-
cn6co6 [sp6s9p, -b] m -a, ttjaj imperf -niocb, -HeuibCH,
-OB way, mode; method, cnpaBjHTbCfl [sprav^itt^a]
means; ApyrHM •— om in a dif- perf -jiK)Cb, -HmbCH, p -hji-
ferent way; — ynoxpedjieHHJi CR, -HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb
directions for use {an inscrip- 1. cope with {a task, etc);
tion on a. medicine, etc). 2. manage, handle; perf also
cnoc66HOCT|b[spAs6bn9s''t^, get the better of {one's feel-
-z'^d^] / -H, pi -H, -eH 1. abil- ings, e/c); c HHMxpyAHO cnpa-
ity {to do smthy, capacity BHXbCH he is difficult to man-
{for containing, ab-iyprbing, age/handle; 3. ask {about),
etc); nponycKHan ~b xpanc- inquire {about).
nopxa transport carrying ca- cnpaBOMHHK [sprav9ch^n''ik,
pacity; noKynaxejibHan -—b -g] m -a, -ob reference book.
HacejieHHH purchasing capac- cnpaBOHH|biH [spravach^.-
ity of the population; 2. niy] a\ ^oe 6iop6 inquiry
{mostly pi) ability, aptitude; office; —bifl MaxepHa.i ma-
yMCTBeHHbie ^h mental facul- terial for reference only.
— 455 — cpa

cnpaiuMBJaTb [spr^shivat^] cnycTHUib, p -HJI, imp -h

imperf -aio, -aeiiib, cnpoc|HTb 1. let /
get down, lower,
[sprAs^'it^] perf cnpoiuy, cnpo- down; 2. launch {a ship);
cHiub, p -HJi, imp -H 1. ask 3. unleash, unchain, let
{smb his name, etc); inquire loose; --axb c uenH unchain
{about, etc); 2. wish / want {a dog); 4. drain {water);
to see {smb); want / desire let off /out {steam, etc);
to speak {to smb); oh ---aji 5. fig col squander, waste
Te6H he wanted to see you; {money);
he wanted to speak to you; 0- ~axb KypOK pull the
3. col hold responsible {for trigger; cnycxiixb nexjiio drop
smth); c eac 6y;iyT —axb aa a stitch; cnycx« pynaea in a
3T0 you will be held respon- slipshod manner, anyhow.
sible for that. cnycKlaxbCfl [spuskattja]
cnpoc [spros, -z] m -a (-y) imperf -aracb, -aeuibCH, cny-
econ demand; -- h npefljio- ct|HXbCJi [spus^t^ittja] perf
MceHHe demand and supply; cnymycb, cnycxHuibCH, p
nojibsoBaibCH 6ojibmHM ~om -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp .-ricb,
be much in demand; -Hiecb 1. go down, descend;
<> 6e3 ~a col without per- come down {of people); ~axb-
mission. CH no jiecTHHue go downstairs;
cnpocMTb see cnpauiHBaTb. come downstairs; 2. go down-
cnpHrjaTb [spr^i*^gat^] im- stream {along a river); 3. fig
perf -aK), -aeuib, npojcnpsi- fall {of night).
raxb [praspr^i^gat^] perf ling cnycxHxb cnycKaxb.
conjugate. cnycxHXbCfl see cnycKaxbCH.
cnpAJK^HMJe [spr^'i^zhe- cnycxfl [spus^t^a] prep
n^iya] n -h, -ft ling conju- with ace denoting
time: ~
gation. rojl after a year, a year later.
cnpflxaxb see npHxarb. cnyxHHK [sput^n^ik, -g] m
cnpRxaxbCM see npHxaxbcn. -a, -OB 1. companion, friend;
cnycK [spusk, -zg] m -a 2. fellow-traveller, compan-
(-y),-OB 1. lowering, letting/ ion; 2. astron satellite;
getting down; descending, de- 3. sputnik, satellite.
scent; 2. launching {of a cpaeHcHMle [srAvn^en^iya]
ship); 3. descent {a way n -H, -H 1. comparing, com-
downward); otjiophh lKpy»- parison; 2. simile, idiomatic
toh] ~ gradual[steep] de- comparison;
scent; gentle [steep] slope; <> no ~K) c... in compari-
<> He Aaeaxb KOMy-ji. --y son with...
col give smb no quarter. cpaeHHBlaxbl [sravn^ivat*]
cnycKJaxb [spuskat^] -aio, -aenib, cpaBH|MXb
im- imperf
perf -aio, -aeiiib, cnycxJHXb [srAvn^it^] perf -ib, -Huib, p
[spus^f'it^] perf cnym.y, -HJI, imp -H compare {with, to).
cpa — 456 —
cpaBHMB|aTb II . [sravn^i- tion in the middle part of'.
v^i^] -aemb,
itnperf -aio, cpeflHeasHarcKHH [sr^ed^'n^i-
cpaBH nrb [srAvn^at^] perf Az'^iat^k^'iy] Central Asian;
-HK), -Hemb make equal {to, 2. smth pertaining to the
with); equalize, even. middle period of: cpe/tHeee-
cpaBHHBJaTb III [sravn^i- KOBbiH [sr^'id^'n^iv'^i^koviy]
vat''] itnperf -aio, -aemb, medieval; cpeAHeaHrjiHKCKHH
cpoBHJHTb [srAvn^at^] perf [sr^ed^n^iAngPiysk^iy] Mid-
-HKD, -Heuib make level, lev- dle English; 3. an average
el. quantity, figure: cpeAneMe-
CpaBHHTCJIbHO [^^FAvn^it^iP- CHMHbiH [sr^ed*'n^im''es''9ch''-
na] adv comparatively. niy] average monthly.
cpaBHMTb "^ee cpaBHHBaxb I. cpeflHJHH [sr^ed^n^iy] a I.
cpaBHflTb see cpaeHUBaxb II. middle; medium; ~hh pocT
cpaBH^TbCsi see paeHHTb- medium height; ~hh xex-
c« 3. HHqecKHH nepcoHaji medium-
cpa)K|aTbCJi [srAzhattsa] - level technical personnel;
imperf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH, cpa- 2. average, mean; ~hh sa-
slHTbcn [srAz^'ittsa] perf cpa- pa6oTOK average earnings;
)KyCb, -HUIbCH, p -HJICH, -H- ~flH BeJmqHHa mean quan-
Jiacb, imp -liCb, -Hiecb fight tity; 3. col middling, so-so,
[with an enemy, etc); wage average;
a battle. <> ~HH poA neuter gender;
cpajKCHHle[sFAzhen^'iya] n — He Bena the Middle Ages;
-«, -H battle. ~ji« uiKOjia s_econdary school;
cpasHTbCfi see cpa>KaTbCH. ~ee o6pa30BaHHe secondary
cpasy [srazu] adv 1. at education; Bb'iuie ~ero above
once, at one stroke; 2. right the average; hchto ~ee col
away, straight away; straight something in between.
off. cpeflCTB|o [sr^et^tva]n -a,
cpefl|a I [sr^'i^da] / -b'l, ace pi -a, ~ 1. remedy; pa^H-
-y, pi cpe^bi, ~
1. surround-
KajibHoe ~o drastic remedy;
ings, environment; e HameH 2, {mostly pi) means {of con-
—e in our midst; 2. biol, veyance, etc); HcnojibSOBaib
phy^ medium. Bce ~a ^
leave no stone
unturned; 3. pi means {mon-
cpeA|a II [sr^'i^daj / -b'l,

ace cpe;;y, pi cpeAU. ^,

ey); funds; jKHXb He no
~aM live beyond one's
cpcflH (sr^'i^d^i] prep with cpe3aTb see cpeaaxb,
gen among, amongst;
1. 2. in cpe3;aTb [sr'^i^zat^] imperf
the middle (of). -aio, -aemb, cpe3|aTb [sr^'e-
cpeflHc... first element of zat**] perf cpe>Ky, cpe>Kemb,
compounds denoting 1. posi- p -aji, imp cpejKb 1. cut off

— 457 era

(with a knife); 2. col fail 2. fall {losing one's hold);

smb an examination).
{at 3. fig col fall through, mis-
cpoBHHTb see cpasHH- carry;
Baxb III. <> copBaxbCfl c sisMKa escape
cpOK [srok, -g] m -a (-y), one's lips.
-OB 1. period, space of time; ccopla [ssora] / -bi, quar- —
term {of study, etc), 2. term —
rel, squabble; 6biTb b
{of payment, etc); paHbuie ~a c KeM-ji. be on bad terms
before the appointed time; with smb; saTenib ~y start
ahead of time; b MecjmHbiH a quarrel.
— within a month; no HCTe- cc6p|HTbCfl [ssdr^ittja] im-
qeHHH ^a when the time perf -K)Cb, -HIIIbCH, p -HJICH,
expires; — om Ha hhtl Jiei -HJiacb, imp -bCH, -biecb, noj-
for a period / term of five ccopHTbCJi [pAssor^ittga] perf
years; k ~y, s ~ in time; quarrel, squabble.
B yKasaHHbiH -^ by a speci- CCCP [es-es-es-er] abbrev
fied date; {m) (=C0K)3 COBexCKHX Co-
O Ha ~' for a period / term; UHajiHCTHHecKHx Pecny6jiHK)
flafi(Te) — col have patience. USSR (the Union of Soviet
cpoHHJbifl [sroch^nty] a sh Socialist Republics).
f cpoqeH, -a, -o, -bi urgent, ccyAJa [ssuda] / -bi, —
pressing; —an xejierpaMMa loan, advance-money; Aaib
express telegram; —mh aanaa — y grant a loan.
rush order. ccbuilaxb [ssilat^] imperf
cpy6MTb see py6HTb. -aK), -aeiub, cocjijaTb [sAslat**]
cpbiB|aTb [srtvat*'] imperf perf couiJiK), couijieuib, p -aji,
-aio, -aeuib, copB|aTb [sArvat^] imp coiujiH exile, banish.
perf -y, -eiiib, p -aji, -ajia, ccbijijaTbCJi [ssHattsa] im-
-ajio, imp -h 1. tear
-ajiH, perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, co-
away, tear off, tear down; cjijaTbcsi [sAslattsa] perf co-
pluck {a flow?r, etc); 2. fig iiijiK)Cb» couijieiiibCH, p -ajicH
frustrate, upset; wreck {talks, -ajiacb, imp coiujiHCb, couijih-
etc); foil {plans, etc); dis- Tecb 1. refer {to), cite, quote;
rupt, hamper {work, etc); cop- 2. plead, allege {a headache,
Baib neperoBopbi wreck the etc, as an excuse).
talks; 3. fig col vent {one's ccbiJi|Ka I [ssllka] / -kh,
anger, etc, upon smb). -OK exile, banishment.
cpuB|aTbC5i [srivattja] im- ccbiji|Ka II [ssllka] / -kh,
perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, cop- -OK reference {to a source).
B|aTbCfl [sArvattja] perf -ycb, era [sta] see cxo.
-embCH, p -ajicH, -ajiacb, cxaBJHXb [stay^it^] imperf
-ajiocb (-ajiocb), -ajiHCb -jiK), -Huib, p -Hji, imp -b,
(-ajiHCb), imp -HCb, -Hiecb nojcxaBHXb [pAstav^'it^] per^'
1. break loose, break away; 1. put, place, set; 2. mount,
era 458 —
install; — htb Te;ie(J)6H have 2. fig clash, come into col-
a telephone installed; 3. apply lision {of interests, etc);
{a compress, etc); the at4. 3. fig run into, clash into;
stage, produce; raise (a
5. come across {quite unexpect-
question, etc); —
HTb bo- edly); —aXbCH C Tpy^HOCTHMH
npoc nepeA KeM-ji. bring meet with difficulties.
smb's attention to a question; CTaji|b [staPl / -H steel
— HTb Ha o6cy^AeHHe bring {iron with carbon); HepH<a-
up for discussion; ~HTb ycjio- Beroman --b stainless steel.
BHH lay down terms; 6.: shi- cTaHflapTHJbiH [stAndartniy]
coKo ~HTb Koro-Ji. think a sh f cxaHAapieH, -a, -o, -bi
highly of smb; 7. organize, 1. standard {dimensions, etc);

put right (a business, etc); ~biH AOM prefabricated

«0>~HTi> rojioc KOMy-ji. train house; 2. fig stereotyped
smb's voice. {idtas, etc).
cTaB|Ka I [stafka] / -kh, CTaHOB|HTbCJi I JstsnAv^i-
-OK 1. stake {in gambling); ttja] imperf -jiibcb, ciaHO-
2. rate (of wages, etc); BHUibCH, p -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp
<> AC'/iaTb — Ky Ha Koro-ji. -HCb, -HTecb, cxaTb [staf*]
(na HTo-ji.J stake on smb perf cxaHy, cxanemb, p cxaji,
[.mth]. cxajia, imp cxaub 1. stand,
cxaelKa II [stafks] / -kh, take one's stand; —HibCH Ha
-OK General Headquarters. Ubmo^KH stand on tiptoe;
cxaflHOH [stad^'ion] -a, m •— HTbCH B o^epeAb queue up;
-OB sport stadium. 2. {no imperf) stop {of a
cTaAH|$i [stad^iya] / -h, -h watch, etc); peKa cxajia the
stage, phase. river is ice-bound;
CTafljo [stada] n -a, pi -a, <> cxao-bHaynex be register-
~ herd {of cattle); flock {of ed; get registered; cxaxb na
sheep). HKopb anchor; sa hcm acjio
cxaJK [stash, -zh] m
-a length cxajio? what's the hitch?; bo
of service; napTuftHbiH — Hxo 6u xo HH cxajio at all
length of party membership. costs; by all means.
cTanaH (stAkan] m
-a, -ob cxaHOBJHXbCJi II [stanA-
glass {for drinking); v^ittja] imperf -jiibcb, cxano-
<> 6ypa B --e boabi a ^ BHUJbCH, p -vLJicsi, -HJiacb, imp

storm in a teacup. -HCb, -Hxecb, cxaxb [stat^J

CTajiKHB|aTbCJi [stalk^iva- perf cxany, cxanemb, p cxaji,
ttS9] imperf -arocb, -aeuibCH, cxajia, imp cxaHb become,
cT0jiKH|yTbC5i [stAlknuttj;^] get, grow {also impers); cxa-
perf -ycb, -eiiibCH, p -yjicn, HOBHXCH xeMHo it is gettmg
-yjiacb, imp -ricb, -Hiecb dark; oh cxaji nHcaxb he took
1. collide, come into colli- up writing.
sion; clash (o/ troops, etc); cxaHiOK [stAnok, -g] -Ka, m
459 — Cfe

-KOB mach'ne-tool; TKauKHH {at school); 2. senror, head

~6k loom; ne^aTHbift ~6k {attr);
printing-press; xoKapHbifl ~6k II as a noun
1. c x a p h h m |

iathe; (})pe3epHbiH ~6k mill- m -hx chief, person in

ing machine. charge; kxo s^ecb hh? —
CTSLHuula [stantsiya] / -h, who's in charge here?; 2
-H 1. station {of a railway, cxapm|He pi -hx elders.
etc); ysjioBan -— h railway cxapjbiH [stariy] \ a sh f
junction; lOBapHan ~h goods- ~', -a, -o (-6), -bi (-bi) 1. old
-Station; 2.: Tejie4)6HHaH —a {not new); 2. ancient, outdat-
telephone exchange; onbiTHan ed;
~H agric experimental sta- II as a noun 1. cxapjoe
tion. n -oro: npHHHMaxbCH sa ~oe
CTapaHH|e [stAran'^iya] n lapse into one's old ways;
-H, -H endeavour, effort; dil- KXO ~oe noMHHex, xoMy rjias
igence; application {in work). BOH prov ^
let bygones be
CTaplaxbCfl [stArattsa] im- bygones; 2. cxapjue pi
perf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, noicra- -bix the old;
paxbcfl [pastArattsa] perf en- <> Aeea spinster.
deavour, try, seek; axbCH— cxaxHcxHKJa [stAt^is^t^ika]
H30 Bcex CHji do one's best; / -H statistics.
— axbCH Bbmrpaxb BpeMH play cxaxyjsi [statuya] / -h, -h
for time. statue.
cxapjexb [stAr^et^] imperf cxaxb I see cxaHOBHXbCH J.
-6k), -eeuib, nojcxapexb [pa- cxaxb II see cxanoBHXbCH II.
stAr^et^j perf, yicxapexb cxaxbla [stAt^ya] / -h, cxa-
[ust'Ar^et^] perf 1. (nocxa- xeft 1. article {in a maga-
pexb) grow / become old, zine, etc); 2. article, clause
age; '
2. (ycxapexb) become {of an agreement, etc).
obsolete {of words, machin- [staya] / -h, -h flock
ery, etc); become old-fash- {of birds); shoal {of fish);
ioned {of views, styles, etc). pack {of wolves).
cxapHK [stAr^ik, -g] m -a, cxBOji [stvol] -a, m
-OB oldman. 1. trunk {of a tree); 2. bar-
cxapHHH|MH [stAr^inniy] a rel {of a gun); shaft {of a
ancient, old; old-fashioned. pit, lift, etc).
cxapocTJb [staras^'t^, -z^'d^] cxe5|ejib [s't^eb^il^] m
/ -H old age. -jiH, -jieH stem, stalk.
cxapyx|a [stArukha] / -h, cxeKjiio [s^t^i^klo] n -a, pi
'- old woman. cxeKjia, cxeKoji 1. glass {a sub-
cxapuilHH [starshiy] I a stance); OKOHHoe ~6 windovv-
-aH, -ee, -He 1. elder; oldest; -pane; 2. glassware;
eldest; senior; '-He KJiaccbi ^ yBCjiHHHxejibHoe ~o mag-
senior clas;3es, upper grades nifying glass.
cxe 460

CTCJiH [s''t*'i^l'"i) see cxjiaiL. ttS9] imperf -Hrocb, -aembCH,

cTejiJMTb Is^'t^'i^l^it^] im- noicxecHwxbCfl [pas^f'iVn^a-
perf -K), ciejieiiib col= tt^a] perf 1. (no perf) feel shy;
CTjiaxb. 2. be /feel ashamed {to do
cTCJiK) [s^'f'i^Pu], cxejieuib smth);
[s^f'el^ish, -zh] see cxjiaxb. «C> He -~flxbcfl B cpeflcxBax
cxcMHexb see xeMHexb 2. be unscrupulous, not have
cxcHJa [s^t^'i^na] / -bi, ace many scruples.
cxeHy, pi cxeHbi, ~, -aM wall cxHJijb I [s^t^il^] m
-H, -eft
(of a house, etc); style {in architecture, etc).'
<> npHwaxb Koro-Ji. k ~e cxHJi|b II [s^f'iP] m-H, -eft:
col ^ drive smb into a cor- HOBbift -~-b new calendar {Gre-
ner; jieaxb Ha cxcHy col ^ gorian calendar); cxapbift b —
be beside oneself. old calendar {Julian calen-
cxeHra3ex|a [s^t^mgAz^'eta] dar).
/ -bi, ~' (=cxeHHaH rasexa) cxHJiflrja [s'^t^il^agaJm-Hfo/
wall newspaper. teddy boy.
cxeHorpdMMJa [s^'t^inAgram- cxHwyji [s^'t'imul] m -a,
ma] / rbi, ~ shorthand report, -OB stimulus, incentive.
cxeHorpa^HcxJKa [s^'t^ina- cxMneHAHlfl [s^'t^ip^'en''-
grAf'istlo] / -kh, -ok steno- d^iya] / -h, -ft (student) al-
grapher. lowance, grant, scholarship.
cxeneHJb [s'^t^'ep^m''] / -h, cxHpjaxb I [s^t^irat^] im-
-eft 1. extent; b eme
degree, perf -aio, -aeuib, cxepjexb
66jibiiieH ~H
an even great-
to [s''t^i^r''et^l perf coxpy, co-
er degree; 2. degree (aca- xpeiiib, p cxep, cxepjia, imp
demic or honorary); npHcy- coxpH 1. wipe off, clean;
flhxb yqcHyK) ~b confer a erase, rub out; ~axb nujib
degree; 3. math power; 4. dust; 2. rub sore; cxepeTb h6-
ling: cpaBHHxejibHan ~b com- ry get foot sores;
parative degree; <> cxepexb c jiHua scmjih
O B BUCLueA —^H exceedingly, wipe out, raze to the ground.
extremely. cxHplaxb II im-
cxeji|b [s^'t^ep*', -b**] / -h, perf -aw, -aemb, BbicxMp|axb
-eft steppe. [vls''t''irat^] perf -aio, -aeuib
cxepexb see cxHpaxb I. wash, launder.
cxepe|Hb [s^t^'i^r'^ech^] im- cxHx [s^'f'ikh, -gh] m -a,
perf -ry, ->Keiiib, -ryx, p cxe- pi -H, -OB 1. verse; 2. pi
pSr, -r;ia, imp -fh 1. guard, verses, poems; poetry.
keep watch over; 2. watch cxHXHHH|bift [s*'t''ikh''iyntyl
{for). a sh f cxHxfteH, -a, -o, -bi 1.
cxepwIcHb [s''t''erzhan^l m elemental, natural; 2. spon-
-HH, -Heft pin, pivot. taneous {speech, movement^
cxecHJHTbCfl [s''t^i^s''n*'a- etc).
— 461 — cxa

cthxhIsi [s^t^ikh^iya] / -h, CT0Ji6|eu [stAlb^etj, -dz] m

-fi elements (of nature); -ua, -uoB column {oj figures,
<> 6iiiTb B cBoeH ~H be in in a newspaper, etc).
one's element. CTOJieTH|e [stAl^et'iya] n
CTMxoTBopeHHle [s^t^ikha- -fl, -ft 1. century; 2. centenary.

tvAr^en'iya] n -h, -h poem cTOjiHu|a [stAPitsa] / -h,

(a short composition in verse). — capital, metropolis.
cTjiaJTb [slat^] imperf cie- cTOjiKHOBeHHje [stalknAv^e-
jiK), cTejieiUb, p -Ji, imp cie- n'^iya] n -h, -h collision,
JiH, noiCTjiaTb [pAslat^] perf clash {also fig); Boopy}KeH-
spread (a cover^ etc)\ Tb — Hoe ~e armed conflict.
nocTejib make the bed {be- CTOJiKHyxbCJi see crajiKH-
fore going to sleep). BaXbCH.
CTO [sto] nam card era hun- CTOJioBlan [stAlovaya] / -OH,
dred. -wx 1. dining-room; 2. dining
CTor [stok, -g] -a, pi -a, m establishment; saBOACKaH -^an
-OB stack, rick. canteen.
cTOHMOcTJb [stoimas^t^, CT6;ibK|o [stoPka] adv &
-z^d**] / -H, -eft 1. cost, price; pron {pron: -hx) so much; so
66mm ~bio B AecHTb pyCjieft many; eme ~o (>Ke) as much
to a total value of ten rou- again; as many again;
bles; 2. econ value; npH6a- <> —
o cKOjibKo as much as;
BoqHan ~b surplus value. as many as; He ~o..., CKOJib-
CTOJHTb [stoit'] imperf -k), Ko... not so much... as...
-Huib, p -HJi 1. cost {of an CTOjinp [stAl^ar] -a, m
article)', be worth {a rouble, joiner {a worker in wood).
etc); 3T0 eMy ~-hjio 6ojibm6ro ctoh [ston] m
-a, -ob moan,
TpyAa it cost him much ef- groan.
fort; 2. deserve, be worth; 3. CTOH axb [stAnat^] imperf

impers be worth {reading, -y, CT6Hemb, p -aji, imp -h

seeing, etc). 1. moan, groan; 2. fig suffer,
ctohkIhA [stoyk^iy] a -aH, languish.
-oe, -He, sh f cxoeK, -a, -o, -h cTopoJK [storash, -zh] -a, m
1. stable {gas, etc); 2. fig pi -a, -eft watchman, guard;
steadfast, steady, staunch. jiecHOH ~
forest warden; tk)-
CTOJi [stol] -a, m
-6b 1. peMHbifi ^
table (a piece of furniture); cTopO)K|HTb [starAzhft^]
2. board {meals); cooking, imperf -y, -iiuib, p -hji, imp
cuisine. -6 guard, keep watch over.
CTOJ16 [stolp, -b] -a, -6b m CTOpOH|a [star Ana] / -m,
1. post, pole, pillar; 2. fig ace CTOpOHV, pi CTOpOHU,
column {of water, air, etc); CTopoH, -aM 1. side {left,
<> nosBOHOHHbiH anat ~ wrong, etc); BnyTpeHHHH ~i
backbone, spine. inside; BHeuiHHa ~a outside;
CTO — 462 —
jiHuesaH —5 MaiepHH right — HTb nepeA KeM-ji. face smb
side of material; c BHeuiHeH (of problems, etc); 6. fig
'-bi on the outside; Ha toh stand (for), uphold (a cause,
— e across, on the other side; etc); 7.: CT6H{Te)! 1) stop!;
yKJiOHHTbc^ B CTOpoHy devi- 2) wait a moment!; 3) col
ate; 2. land, place; poAnan -^a let me see (when trying to
native land; 3. party (in an remember smth);
argument, etc); law side; <> (XBepAO) —flTb Ha CBOeM
BbicoKHe AorosapHBaiomHecH (firmly) hold one's own;
CTopoHbithe High Contracting ~-«Tb HaHbCM-ji. nyxH stand /
Parties; 4. side, aspect {of be in smb's way; — axb naa
a matter, problem, etc); Ayuiofl y Koro-ji. col ^
HNieXb CBOH XOpOUJHe CTOpOHbl worry the life out of smb.
have one's good points; ero cxonH|HH {stAyach'^iy] a
3HaiOT c xopouieft ~bi he en- -an, -ee, -He 1. standing,
joys a good reputation; stand-up; 2. stagnant (water,
"0 B cTopoHy aside, to one etc).
side; BcraTb he Hhw-n. cto- cx65iiu,|hh [st6yash^:iy] a
poHy take sides with smb; [pa] -an, -ee, -He col: axo
c qLCH-ji. —
bi on smb's part; AeJio ~ee it's worth while;
CO cBoefi ~w
51... for my 3X0 ~HH 4)HJibM the film is
part I ,.; c oahoh — m..., worth seeing.
c. flpyroH ~bi on the one cxpa^laxb [strAdat^] im-
hand..., on the other hand. perf -aio -aemb, noicxpa^axb
cTopoHHHK [stAron^n^ik, -g] [pastrAdat^j perf \. (no perf)
m -a, -OB supporter, adherent; suffer (from a disease, etc);
partisan (of peace, etc). 2. suffer (1) from drought,
CTOMHiKa [stAyanka] f -kh, etc; 2) for a cause, etc).
-OK stand, stop; parking (for cxpa)K|a [strazha] / -h
or of cars); mooring (for or guard, watch;
of ships); ~Ka TaKCH taxi- <> 6bixb / cxoRXb Ha --e. be on
-stand. guard; stand guard (over);
CTOjflTb [stAyat^] imperf -k>, 6paxb nofl -^-y take into cus-
-Hiub, p -flji, imp
stand-if 1. tody.
(on the feet); 2. stand, be, be cxpaHJa [stxAna] / -bi, pi
situated; 3.: ~ht luyM there cxpaHbi, 1. ~
country (the
is a noise; —ht Mopoa there territory of a nation); land
is a frost; ~ht xopoman no- (of socialism, etc); 2. coun-
roiia we are having a spell try, nation.
of fine weather, the weather cxpaHMuja [strAn^itsa] /
keeps fine; 4. -stop, be at a -H, ~page (in a book etc).
standstill; paSoxa ~ht the cxpaHHJbiH [strannty] a sh
work has stopped; qacbi ~ht f cxpanen, -a, -o, -bi strange,
the watch has stopped; 5.: queer, odd.

463 CTp

CTpaHCTBJoBaTb [stranst- adv headlong {of rushing, etc).

yvat''] imperf -yio, -yeiub, cxpeMHTejibHlbiH [str^'i^m^i-
p -OBaji, imp -yft wander, t^iPniy] a sh f cxpeMHxejieH,
travel. -a, -o, -bi swift, impetuous.
CTpacTH|biH [strasnty] a sh cxpeMJiixbCfl [str^i^m^ittsa]
f CTpacTeH, -a, -o, -bi passion- imperf -Jiibcb, -HuibCH, p -hji-
ate, ardent. CH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb
CTpacT|b [stras^t 'd^]/ seek, aspire {to), strive {for);
-H, -efl passion (1) for music, long {for).
etc, 2) strong love). cxpeMJieHM|e [str^i^mPe-
cTpax [strakh, -gh] -a m n^iya] n -h, -h aspiration
(-y), -OB fear, fright; h3 ^a {for), striving {for).
out of fear; cxpHJHb [str^ich^] imperf
(m pHCK) at -ry, -H^euib, -ryx, p -r, -rjia,
one's risk; on one's own re- imp nojcxpHHb
-FH, [pA-
sponsibility; noA -~-0M CMep- str^'ich^] perf cut {hair);
TM on pain of death. shear {sheep); ~qb narojio
CTpaxoBaHMJe [strakhAva- cut (hair) close to the skin;
n^'iya] n -a insurance ~qb HorxH pare one's nails.
(against accidents, etc). cxpHJHbCJi [str^ich^s^'a] im-
CTpamH|uH [strashniy] a perf -rycb, -HcembCH, -ryxcH,
sh f cTp^iueH, -a, -o, -bi (-b'l) p -rcH, -rjiacb,- imp -rHCb,
terrible, frightful, dreadful, -FHxecb, nojcxpMHbCH [pA-
ugly {face, etc^. str'^ich^s^a] perf cut one's
CTpejija [str^i^la] / pi
-u, hair; have one's hair cut.
CTpeJibi, ^ 1. arrow; shaft cxp6r|HH [strog^iy] a -an,
{aho fig); 2.: MqaxbCH ~6h -oe, sh f -—, -a, -o, -h
^ run like a deer; 3. technol 1. {parents, etc); se-
derrick {of a crane). vere {look, etc); 2.: —He qep-
CTpe«ilKa [str^'elka] / -kh, Xbi JiHua regular features.
-OK 1. pointer, indicator; ar- cxpoeHHJe [strAyen^iya] n
row (a sign); hand {of a -H, -H 1. building, construc-
timepiece); 2. railway switch. tion {anything built); 2.
CTpejijoK [str^i^lok, -g] m structure {of matter, etc).
-Ka, -KOB shot, marksman; cxpoace [strozhi^] comp of
rifleman. cxporHH & corresp adv.
cTpejioHHHK [str^'elach^n^ik, cxpoHxcjibcxelo [strAit^il^-
-g] m -ob switchman.
-a, stva] /x- -a, --
building, I.
CTpejib6|a [str^i'^l^ba] / -u constructing, construction
shooting, firing; OTKpbiXb -— {also fig); pasBepnyxoe -~o
open fire. KOMMyHHSMa comprehensive
cTpeji|flTb [str^i^l^at^] im- building of communism; 2.
perf -HK), -Heuib shoot, fire. construction site; (construc-
cxpeMrjiae [str^'i'^mgjaf, -v] tion) project.

CTp — 464 —
CTpolHTb [stroit^] imperf -a, -OB student {of a higher
-K), -Hiub, p -HJi, imp -H, educational establishment or
no:cTpo;iTb [pAstroit*'] perf a junior college)
1. build, construct {also fig); cxyK [stuk, -g] m -a, -ob
2. mil form (up); knock, tap, rap; rumble {of
«0> — MTb rjiasKH col make wheels).
eyes (at). CTyKJaTb [stukat^] imperf
CTpolH [stroy] m -h, pi -h, -aio. -aeiub, cxyKHJyxb [stuk-
-68 1. system (of a state, nut^l perf -y, -euib, p -yji,
etc); 2. {pi -H, -ee) m// for- imp -H
1. knock, tap, rap;
mation; 2. col hit, strike; 3. {no im-
<> BBOAHTb B '-fi put into perf) col: CMv Hyjio nHXb- —
service / operation. AecHT he is fifty.
CTpoHKla [stroyka] / -h, cxyKJaxbCH [stukattja] im-
CTpoeK 1. building, construct- perf -aiocb, -aeiUbCH, cxyK-
ing, construction; pa66TaTb H|yxbcji [stuknuttja] perf
Ha ~e work on a construc- -ycb, -eiubCH, p -yjicH, -yjiacb,
tion job; 2. building under imp -HCb, -Hxecb col knock
construction. {against), bump {against);
cxpoHHlbiH [stroynty] a sh —HyxbCH rojioBOH o ;iBepb
f crpoeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. slen- strike one's head against the
der {youngster, etc); well- door.
-proportioned; 2. harmonious cxyKHyxb see cxyKaxb^
{system, etc). cxyKHyxbCji see cxyKaxbCH.
cxpoKJa [strAka] / -h, ace cxyji [stul] -a, mpi -bH,
-y (CTpOKy), pi CTpOKH, ~, -bCB 1. chair {a piece of fur-
-aM line {of a text). niture); 2. med stooI{s).
cTpoH'iKa [stroch^ka] f -kh, cxyneHJb [stup'^en^] / -h,
-eK = cTpoKa. pi -H, -eft 1.a lad-
step {in
CTpyKTypja [struktura] / -bi, der, etc); 2. {pi gen -eft)
^ structure {of an organiza- stage {in development):
tion, etc). cxynjaxb [stuch^at''] imperf
CTpyHJa [struna] / -bi, pi -y, -Huib, p -kn, imp -h, nol-
cTpyHbi, ^
string {in musical cxynaxb [pastuch^at**] perf
instruments). 1.knock, tap, rap; —axb Ky.ia-
see rpycHTb.
cxpycHTb KOM bang one's fist {on the
CTpyJM [struya] / -h, pi table); 2. perf) chatter
CTpyH, -H, cTpyHM 1. jet, {of teeth); make a noise {of
spurt; 2. fig: ~h ceexa an engine, etc).
stream / beam of light; cxyH|axbCJi [stuch^'attja]
•^ BHecTH }KHByK) —K) ^ in- imperf -ycb, -HiiibCH, p -ajicH,
fuie a new spirit {into); put -ajiacb, imp
-HCb, -Hxecb, no;-
spirit {into). cxyMaxbCR [pastuch^'attja] perf
CTyACHT [stud^ent, -d] m knock, tap.
— 465 cyiK

CTbifl [stit, -d] m -a shame inal); —

an omH6Ka miscar-
(a sense embarrassment);
of riage of justice; ~biM nopH^-
noxepHTb ~ be lost to all KOM in legal form.
sense of shame. cyfljinb [sud^it^] imperf
CTWAlHTbCM [stid^ittja] cy>Ky, cyAHuib, p -hji, imp
imperf cTbi>Kycfa, -HiubCH, p -H 1. law try; 2. judge {smth);
-HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, HaCKOJIbKO OH MOJKex ~HXb
-Hxecb be ashamed {of). to the best of his judgement;
CTMAHO [stidna] impers 3. sport referee, umpire;
predic it is a shame; it is <> cyA« no BccMy to all ap-
shameful; eMy '- he feels pearances.
ashamed. cyfl|Hxbcji [sud^ittsa] im-
cTflrHBlaxb [s^t'ag^ivat''] perf cy>Kycb, cyAHUibCH, p
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, cxsiHlyxb -HJICH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb,
[s^f'i^nut^] perf -y, CTHHeuib, -Hxecb be at law {with).
p -yji, imp -H 1. tighten cyAHlo [sudna] n -a, pi cy-
{a knot, etc); 2. draw up Aa, cyAOB naut vessel, craft.
{forces, etc); 3. pull off cyAopor|a [sudaraga] / -h,
{one's clothes); 4. {no imperf) ~ cramp, convulsion.
col pinch, steal. cyAopojKHlbiH [sudarazhnty]
cy666x|a [subota] / -bi, ~ a sh f cyAopoHcen, -a, -o, -u
Saturday. convulsive, spasmodic(al) {al-
cyG-bfRX [subyekt, -gd] m so fig).
-a, -OB 1. philos subject; 2. cyAox6AH|biH [sudAkhodniy]
col fellow, person. a sh f cyAox6AeH, -a, -O) -m
cyrpoS [sugrop, -b] -a, m navigable {river, etc); --biH
-OB snow-drift. uiAioa shipping lock.
cy;t [sut, -d] m
-a, -6b 1. cyAb6|a [sud^ba] / -bi, pi
la\y-court, court; 2. trial {of cyAb6bi, cyAe6, cyAb6aM fate,
a criminal). destiny; cyAb6H Hap6A0B the
cy^aK [sudak, -g] -a, -6b m fortunes of nations;
pike perch, zander. <> KaKHiviH ~aMH? col fancy
cyflaHJeu [sudan^it^, -dz] m meeting you!
-u,a, -ueB Sudanese. cyAb|fl [sud^'ya] m -h, pi
cyAaHCK|HH [sudansk^iy] a cyAbH, cyAeft, cyAbHM 1. judge;
-an, -oe, -He Sudanese; Su- xpexeficKHH — H arbitrator;
danic. 2. sport referee, umpire.
cyfleSHlbifi [sud^ebniy] a cyeeepHlbiH [suyi^v^erniy]
judicial {proceedings, etc); fo- a sh f cyesepeH, -a, -o, -u
rensic {medicine, etc); court superstitious.
{attr); ~oe
cjicacxbhc inves- cyexja [suyi^ta] / -br fuss,
tigation, examination; ~oe bustle, hustie.
paaSHpaxeJibCXBo lawsuit; cyiKAeHH|e [suzhd^en^iya] n
'-UH nponecctrial (o/a crim- -H, -H judgement, opinion.
cyxc -~ 466 —
cywy [suzhu] see cyjmih. cynpyr|a [supruga] / -h, ^
cywycb [suzhus*', -z^] see spouse, wife.
CyAHTbCH. cypryq [surguch**, -j^] m
cyK [suk, -g] m -a, pi cyqbH -a sealing-wax.
(-h), cyMbCB (-6b) bough. cypoBJbiH [surovty] a sh f
cyKHJo isukno] n -a, pi ^, -a, -0, -bi severe, stern;
cyKHB, cyKOH, cyKHaM cloth, ~biH KJiHMai rigorous climate;
broadcloth; ~bie roAbi BOHHbi grim years
<> nojio«HTb HTO-ji. nofl —6 of the war; ~aH >KH3Hb hard
shelve smth. pigeon-hole life.
smth. cycraB [sustaf, -v] m -a,
cyMaciL'e;iiu|HH [sumAshet- -OB anat joint.
shiy] I a -an, -ee, -He mad, cyT|KH [sutk^i] pi -OK day
crazy {also fig); {twenty-four hours); Kpyrjibie
II as a noun cyMacuie^- — KH round the clock.
ihIhh m -ero, -hx madman; cyTOJioK|a [sutalka] / -h
cy M a cui e jimja H / -eft,. -hx commotion, turmoil.
\ madwoman. cyxyjijbiH fsutulty] a sh f
cyMaxoxja [sumAtokha] f — , -a, -o, -bi round-shoulder-
-H bustle, turmoil. ed, stooping.
cyMeplKH [sum^irk^i] p/ -eK cyTJb [sut^, -d'*] / -H es-
twilight, dusk. sence, gist; crux, kernel {of
cyMJeTb [sum^et^] perf -eio, a problem, etc);
-eemb be able {to do smth); no ~H ^ ;iejia as a matter
manage, succeed {in doing of fact.
smth). ey(J)jiep [sufPor] m -a, -ob
cyMJKa [sumka] / -kh, -ok theat prompter.
bag {for shopping, etc); hand- cy(i)(|iHKc [suf^iks] m -a,
bag; XOSHHCTSeHHaH — Ka -OB ling suUix.
s.hopping-bag. cyxapjb [sukhar^] -h, m
cyMM|a [summa] / -h, ^ -eii dried crust.
sum, sum total. cyxloH [sukhoy] a -an, -de,
cyMpaK [sumrak, -g] m -a -He, sh f ^, -a, cyxo, cyxH
dusk. dark. 1. dry {sand, climate, cough,

cyMpaMHJbift [sumrach^niy] etc); 2. dried, dry; 3. cold

a sh f cyMpaqen, -a, -o, -bi {reception, etc); dried-up {per-
1. dark, dusky, cloudy; 2. fig son).
gloomy, sulky. cyxonyxHwii [sL'khAputnty]
cyHAyK [sunduk, -g] m -a, a land {attr) {forces, etc).
-OB trunk, box, chest. cyHbsi [sucb^'ya] see cyK.
cyn [sup, -b] m -a, pi -u, cyui|a [susha] / -h land
-OB soup. {opposite of water).
cynp^r [supruk, -g] -a, m cyme [sush**^] comp of cy-
-OB spouse, husband. xoH & cor res p adv.
— 467 — cxo

cyuieHbiH [sushonfy] a dry, cxBaxMTb see cxBaTbiBaxb &

dried. XBax^xb I.
cyui'iHTb [sushi t^] imperf cxeaxMXbCfl see XBaxaxbca.
-y, cyuiHinb, p -hji, imp -h, cxBdT|Ka [skhvatka] / -kh,
Bbicyiij|HTb [vfsushit^] perf pi -KH, -OK skirmish, close
-y, -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp -H dry fight; pyKonauiHaa —Kahand-
{wet things, etc). -to-hand fighting; 2. pi fit
cymecTBeHHlbiH [sush'^:e- (of pain); labour {of child-
s^t^v^inty] ash f cymecxBen, -birth).
-a, essential, material;
-o, -bi cxBaxbiBJaTb [skhvativat^]
important, vital. imperf -aio, -aeuib, cxBaxjiixb
cymecTBHxejibHJoe [su- [skhyAt^it*"] perf cxsaqy,
sh^'.i^s^t^v^it^iPnaya] n -oro, cxBaxHuib, p -HJI, imp -h 1.
-bix ling noun, substantive. snatch, seize, grip; 2. col
cyiu,ecTB|6 I [sush^'.i'^stvo] catch {a disease).
n -a essence {of a matter, etc); cxcMJa [skh^ema] / -bi, —
<> no —y 1) to the point; diagram, sketch, scheme,
paccMoxpexb npej^jiojKeHHe no cxoAiHXb I [skhAd^it^] im-
-—y examine the proposal on perf cxoscy, cxoAHUib, p -hji,
its merits; 2) as a matter of imp -H, cohIxh [sAyt^i] perf
fact, practically speaking. -Ay, -Aeiub, p coiiieji, comjia,
cymecTBJo II [sush^'n^stvo] imp -AH 1. go down, descend;
n -a, cymecTB being, crea- come down {of people); get
ture. off {a tram, etc); 2.: cokxh
cymecTBloBaTb [sush^iist- c AoporH leave the road;
VAvat''] imperf -yio, -yeuib, 2) get out of the way; HXb c —
p -oeaji, imp be;
-yft exist, pejibcoB go /run off the rails,
--^yex MHeHHe, ^xo... there is be derailed; 3. come off, peel
an opinion that... off {of paint, dirt, etc); 4.
cymHOCTJb [sush^mas^t^, col pass, go off successfully;
-z^d^] / -H essence, main Bce couiJio 6jiaroiiojiyqHo
point; B —'H, no CBoeft -^w everything went off smoothly;
virtually; 5. be taken {for smb);
<> B —'H (roBopfl) practi- <> ~MXb CO cueHbi leave the
cally speaking. stage; hc — h c iwecxa on the
C(iep|a [s^'f^era] / -bi, ~ spot.
sphere; b bhciuhx ~-ax in the cxoAlHXb II [skhAd^it^l
higher quarters. perf cxoJKy, cxoAHiub, p -hji,
c(])opMHpoBaxb see 4'opMH- imp -H go {somewhere and
poBaxb. return); ~Hxb nocMoxpexb go
c4)OTorpa^MpOBaTb see ^o- and see; —HXb aa qeM-ji. go
TorpacJjHpoBaxb. and fetch smth.
c(})oxorpa4)HpoBaTbc$i see 4)o- cxoA|HXbCfl [skhAd^i'ttsaJ
Torpa4)HpOBaxbCH. imperf cxo>Kycb, cxoAHiubca,
cxo 468 —
p -HJiCH, -6jiacb, imp -HCb, HCCXH 3a / Ha ^
HCfO-JI. put
-HTecb, coH|THCb [sAyt^is''] it down to smth; npHunxb
perf -Aycb, -AeuLibCH, p co- Ha cBoii ^ take smth as re-
luejicH, coiiiJiacb, imp -^ikb, ferring to oneself.
-;iHTecb {face to face); cnexMHK [sh*':6t^ch^ik, -g] m
2. meet, gather, assemble; -a, -OB technol counter; .sjickx-
3. becomeintimate (with); pHqecKHH [rasoBbift] -— elec-
4. agree (sy/Y/i smb in or
fig tricity [gas] meter.
about smth); coHXHCb bo mhc- cHHxjaxb [sh^iitat*'] imperf
HHHX be of the same opinion; -aK), -aeiub, cojcHMxaxb [sa-
5. coincide, tally. sh'':itat**] perf, cnecxb
cxoactbIo [skhotjtva] n -a [sh^ies^t**] perf coqxy, co-
likeness resemblance; simi- qxeuib, p cqeji, coHJia, imp
larity (of qualities, etc). coqxH 1. (cocqHxaxb) count,
cueHJa [stsena] / -bi, 1. — compute; ~axb b yMe do men-
theat stage; 2. scene (of a tal arithmetic; 2. (c^ecxb)
play, etc); 3. col scene, row; consider, think, believe; oh
ycTpaHBaxb --y make a scene. ~aex, qxo... he believes
C4acTJiMB|biH [sh^:i^s^Pi- that...
vty] a sh f c^acTJiHB, c^acx- cHHxjaxbCJi [sh^:itattj9] im-
.HHBa, CMaCTJIHBO, cqacTjiHBbi; perf -aKDCb, -aeuibCH, noicMH-
1. happy {childhood, etc); 2. xaxbCfl [pash^'ntattsa] perf
lucky, fortunate; 1. consider, take into consid-
<> ~o ocTaBaTbcji! good luck! eration, reckon {with); He
{said by one who is leaving). —axbCH c KeM-ji. refuse to
ciacTble fsh^:as^t'*ya] n -h cons-ider smb's opinion; axo
1. happiness; 2. luck, good He ~aexcH it doesn't count;
fortune; 2. {no perf) be considered/
<> K -—K) fortunately; no —lo reputed; oh --aexcH xopouiHM
as luck would have it; Hwerb yqHxeJieM he is considered a
~e have the good fortune. good teacher.
c«ecTb see CMHiaib 2. ciueft [sh'.ey] /mp o/ cuiHXb;
CHCT [sh^:ot, -d] m -a (-y), see uiHXb.
pi cqeia, cMexoB 1. calcu- ciuHXb see uiHXb.
lation, count; BecTH ~ count, cb... see c...
keep count {of); 2. bill, ac- c-beAJaxb [s^'yi^dat'*] imperf
count; 3. fin account; JiHue- -aio, -aeuib, cbcjcxb [s^yes^t**]
BOH —personal account; 4. perf -M, -ujb, -ex, -AHM, -jiyi-

score {in- a game); 5. mus xe, -flHx, p -Ji, imp -lub eat
tact, time; (up).
<«• KpyrjiuM ^ OM in round c'beA66HlbiH [s'yi^dobnty]
numbers; 3a ~ 1) at the ex- a sh f c-beAofieH, -a, -o, -m
pense of; 2) owing to; b ko- eatable; edible.
HewHOM ~e in the end; ox- c-besA (s^'yest, -zdj m -e,
469 — rai

-OB congress {of a party, etc); cbipocT|b [str^s^t^, -z^d^]

conference, convention. / -H dampness.
cbesAlHTb [s^yez^d'^it^] cbipbje [sir^yo] n -h tech-
perf c'be3>Ky, p -aji,
-Huib, nol raw material(s).
imp -H go (somewhere by ve- cbiTHlbiA [sttnty] a sh f
hicle for a short time); make cbixeH, -a, -o -bi nourish-
a short trip (to); ~HTb k poA- ing, satisfying, filling; ~biH
HbiM go to see one's relatives. o6kA substantial dinner.
cbeMJKa [s^yomkaj / -kh, CbiT|biH [sfiiy] a sh f ^,
-OK 1. survey (of land, etc); -a, -o, -bi satisfied, replete;
2. shooting {of a film). OH ~' he has had his fill, he
cbecTbsee cbe^aTb & has had enough.
ecTb I 1. cbiii;HK [sfsh'':ik, -g] m -a,
cbiBopoT|Ka [stvaratkaj / -OB detective, plain-clothes
-KH, -OK 1. whey; 2. serum. man.
cbirpaxb see Hrpaxb 2. 3. CSKOHOMHTb See SKOHO-
cbiH [sin] m -a, pi -oBba, MHTb 1, 2.
-oBeft, -oBbHM son. cK)Aa [s^uda] adv here, to
cbinjaxb [slpat^] imperf this place; no>KajiyHCTa, -^
-jiio, -Jieuib, p -aji, imp -b this way, please.
pour (sand, flour, etc). cK))KeT [s^uzhet, -d] -a, m
cbinjb [sip^, -b^j / -H -OB subject, plot.
rash, eruption, cK)pnpH3 [s^urpr^is, -z] m
cbip [sir] m
-a, pi -bi, -ob -a, -OB surprise (smth. unex-
cheese. pected).
cbiploH [siroy] a sh f ~, cflAy [s^'aduj, c^aeuib [s^a-
-a, cb'ipo, cbipbi L damp; sod- d^ish, -zh] 1st & 2nd per-
den (ground, etc); 2. raw, un- sons of cecTb; see ca^HTbCH.
cooked; underdone; 3. fig csiAb [s^at^, -d^] imp oi
raw (composition, etc). cecTb; see caAHTbCH.

xa [ta] pron f xoh, xoh, xaeypexJKa

[tabur^etka] /
xy, XOH, (o) XOH see xox. -KH, -OK stool (a seat with-
xa6aK [tAbak, -g] m -a (-y) out a back).
tobacco; tobacco-plant; hk)- xaAJKHK [tAdzhfk, -g] m -a,
xaxejibHbiH snuff. — -OB Ta(d)jik.
xaSjiexJKa [tAbr°etk9] / XaA)KUKCK|MM [tAdzhik-
-KH, -OK tablet (of medicine). sk'^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne Ta(d)ji.k.
xa6jiHi;|a [tAbPitjal / -bi, xas I [tas, -z] m -a, pi -U,
'*' table (of figures, etc). -OB basin, wash-bowl.
ras 470

ras II [tas, -z] -a, pi m xbi He ~ 3xo you did

-bi, -OB anat pelvis. it the
in wrong way; a^ecb
TaHHCTBeHHJblH [lAin^S^t^- Mx6-xo He — smth is wrong
v^'inniy] a sh f TaHHCxBen, here; ~ h roBopib [j\ejia]o
-a, -o, mysterious, secret;
-bi u m. n.\> am I right [doing
enigmatic. it right, etc]}; hmchho ^
xafi [tay] see raHTb. exactly, just so; xomho in ~
xafirla [tAyga] / -h taiga exactly the same way; -^ jih
{dense forests in the north of (3xo)? is that so?; ne jih? —
Asia and the north-east of isn't that so?; y>Ke hosaho,
Europe)^ He ~ JIH? it's late, isn't it?;
raHKOM [tAykom] adv se- OH corjiaceH, He ~ jih? he
cretly, surreptitiously, on the agrees, doesn't he?; 2. so, to
quiet; ~
ot kofo-ji. without such a degree; -- xewHo, ixo
smb's knowledge; behind H HHqero ne BH>Ky it is so
smb's back; yftxH -^ steal dark (that) 1 can't see any-
out. thing; 3. without taking (nec-
TaHHJa [tayna] / -bi, — 1. essary) measures; 6ojie3Hb
secret (of the -state, etc); se- He npoHAex -- the illness
crecy; Bbi/taeaTb —-y let out a will not pass without proper
secret; aep^axb b keep ^e treatment; sxo eMy ~' ne
(smth) secret; ;toBepHXb cboh npoHAex he'll pay for it, he
—bi KOMy-Ji, take snib into won't get away with it; -^
one's confidence; 2. mys- 9X0 He npoHAex the matter
tery, secret; enigma; riddle. will not rest there; it will
TaHHwii [tayniy] a secret, have grave consequences;
clandestine. II cj 1. then, in that case;
raK [tak, -g] I adv 1. so, He ceroAHH, — safixpa if

(in) [that]
this way, like not today, then tomorrow;
this, thus; cAeJiaftxe sxo ~, exaxb exaxb if we are
KaK OH aeJiajix do it the way to go, let's; so let's start /
he did it; oh ~ neji, qxo 2. so, then [in summing up);
see BocxHmajiHCb HM he sang ~ xbi coFJiaceH? so do you
in such a way that every- agree?; 3. and, but; roBopHJi
body admired him; he sang so H, — xbi He cjiymaji I told
well that everybody admired you so, and you wouldn't
him; oh roBopHJi •—, KaK listen; 4.: qx66bi so as; —
Hy>KHo he spoke the way / as ~ Mxo so tiiat; — KaK as,
it was necessary; cflejiaft ~ since;
>Ke do it in the same way; III part denoting 1. indiffer-
OH roBopHJi -', KaK 6yflxo... ence, lack of a definite at-
he spoke as if /though...; titude, etc: «^^o c xo66h?»
nycxb Bce ocxanexcH — let «TaK». "What's the matter
everything remain as it is; with you?" "Nothing in par-
— 471 — TaM

ticular"; «noqeMy tm oTKa- ona He -—ofl qejioRCK she is

3ajiCH?» «TaK». "Why did you not the sort of person;
refuse?" "Because"; 2. affir- <> Kxo Bbi --OH? who are
mation yes; 3. restriction, you?; 4X0 ~6e? 1) what's
emphasis: a h —
jtyiviaio, hto the matter?; 2) sorry?; what
OH npae as to me I think he did you say?; what's that?;
is right; cMy Jier -- tpha- Hxo —oe..?: qxo ~6e «ro-
uaxb he" is thirty or so; poAKH»? what is "gorodki"?;
^ BOX —! 1) that's right!, HXO xyx ~6ro? col nothing
that's the way!; 2) quite so!, unusual / extraordinary about
even sol; -- box now then, it!; ~HM oSpasoM 1) in such
well then, and so; -^--xo box a way; 2) parenth thus; flo
so and that's that; h -- h --OH
/ cxencHH to such an
CflK this way and that; h ~ extent / a degree.
as it is; ~' m denotes intensi- xaKCH [tAks^i] n indecl
fication: y Hee — h jibioxch taxi(-cab).
cjiesbi she's shedding floods xaKx I [takt, -gdj m -a,
of tears; — h ecxb so it -OB mus
time, measure; tact;
is; ~... H denotes disbelief, ox6MBaxb '— beat time; c6HXb-
doubt: -^ OH 3T0 h c^eJiaex! CH c —a get out of time.
catch him doing it!, he'll do xaKx II [takt, -gd] m -a
it, like hell!; h ne never — tact (indealing with people).
(contrary to what was expect- xaKXHK|a [takt^ika] / -h
ed); —
Hex denotes indigna- mil tactics {also fig).
tion: ^ Hex, OH He corjia- xaKXHHecK|HH [tAkt^ich'^i-
maexcfl but he won't agree, sk'My] a -an, -oe, -He mil
in spite of everything he tactical.
doesn't agree; Hasbieae- ~ xaKXHHHlbiH [tAkt^ich^nty]
MbiH so-called; xaK ce6e so-so, a sh f xaKxii^eH, -a, -o, -bi
middling; not up to much. tactful.
xaKJKC [tagzha] adv also, xajianx [tAlant, -d] m -a,
too, as well; either (in neg -OB 1. talent, gift; 2. a man
sentences); a h as well— of talent, gifted person.
as. xajiHlsi [taPiya] / -h, -h
xaKJOH [tAkoy] pron dem waist, waistline; xoHKan —h
& def -an, -6e, -He 1. suchi slender waist njiaxbe b ~io
MHe HpaBHx'cH —He usexfai a dress closely fitting in the
I like such flowers; ona ~a5i waist.
KpacHBan! she is so beauti- xajioH [tAlon] -a, m
ful!, she is such a beautiful coupon (1) of a ration book;
woman!; 2. col a sort of; 2) a check).
that sort of, like this /that; TAM [tam] adv there, in
«ropOAKH» — 3X0 -—aH
Hrpa that place; — /Ke in the
"gorodki" is a sort of game; [ same place; ibid;
TEM — 472 —
<> ~ H CHM here and there; along; ~axb
KaiuxaHu m3
HH ~ HM CHM neither here orHM ^
be a cat's paw.
nor there; —
r^e cj where
, TACC ftass] abbrev (m)
(denoting position). (= Tejierpa4)Hoe areHicTBo
TaM6m\Ha [tAmozhn'^a] / CoBCTCKoro CoK)3a) TASS
-HH, -eH custom-house. (Telegraph Agency of the So-
TaHJeu [tan^itj, -dz] m -ua, viet Union).
pi -ubi, -ueB 1. dance [on the xaxapJHH [tAtar^in] m
stage, etc); 2. pi dance, danc- -HHa, pi -bi, -^ Tatar.
ing-party. xaxapcKJHH [tAtarsk^iy] a
TaHK [tank, -g] -a, -ob m -an, -pe, -ne Tatar.
mil tank, xaHJKa [tach^ka] / -kh, -ck
TaHKHCT [tAnk^ist, -zd] m wheelbarrow.
-a, -OB tankman, member of xamlHxb [tAsh^'.it''] im-
a tank crew. perf -y, xaiuHuib, p -HJi, imp
TaHUJeBaTb [tantjAvaf*] im- -H a concrete action, move-
perf -yK), -yeuib, p -esaji, ment in a definite direc-
imp -yS dance {to music). tion —
1 2, 3 [c/ xacKaib 1
, 2] ,

TanoHJKH [tapach'^k^i] pi 1. carry {a sack of coal, etc);

-eK {sing TanoMK|a / -h) slip- drag, lug, pull [a heavy ob-
pers; sport shoes. ject over the ground); 2. col
xapaKaH ftarAkan] m -a, carry, take {things some-
-OB cockroach. where); 3. col drag (smb); in-
TapejiJKa [tAr^'elka] / -kh, vite {smb to the theatre, etc);
pi -KH, -OK 1. plate {a shal- urge {smb to come along, etc);
low dish); 2. plateful, plate 4. col steal, pilfer.
(of); 3. pi mus cymbals; xaw [tayu], xaeiiib [tayash,
<> 6wTb He B cBoefi ~Ke col -zh] see xanxb.
^ be not quite oneself, be xaHXb [tayat^j imperf xaK),
out of sorts. xaeuib, p xaHJi, imp xaft,
TapH(J) [tAr^'if, -v] m -a, pacjxaflxb IrAstayat^j perf
-oB tariff. I, melt, thaw; 2. {no perf) im-
xacKlaxb [tAskat''] imperf pers: xaex a thaw has set in;
-aK),-aeuib [cf xamHTb 1, 2, 3] 3. fig melt away, dwindle;
1. carry {a sack of coal, etc); 4. fig melt {with pleasure,
carry about {smth heavy); etc),
drag, lug, pull {a heavy ob- xBepA|MXb[tv^'i^rdMt''] im-
ject over the ground), aib — perf XBepH<y, -Hlllb, p -HJI,
BOAy fetch water; 2. col car- imp -H say / repeat over and
ry, take {things somewhere); over again, reiterate; o6 9xom
carry about / along; 3. col — jix Bce it's the talk of the
steal, pilfer; town [village, etc].
<> OH ejieHorn ~aex col he xBcpflo [tv^'orda] adv firm-
can hardly drag himself ly, firm; ^
peuiHXb be de-
473 — TCK

termined, resolve; -— sanoM- & TBopor [tvorak, -g] m -a

HHTb remember well; ~ cto- (-y) tvorog (a sort of dry,
HTb Ha Horax be steady on granulated cream cheese).
one's feet {also fig). TBOpHecKJHH [tvorch^i-
TBepflibiif [tv^ordiy] a sh f sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He creative.
'—, TBep;;a, -o, -bi 1, hard, TB6pHecTB|o [tvorch^istva]
siiif (not soft); solid [not liq- n -a \. creation (the process
uid); firm, strong; 2. fig of); creative work; Hap6;;Hoe
firm, steadfast; unwavering; ~o people's art; 2. works (of
unflinching; — bift jiyxoM un- a writer).
flinching; —
aH yeepeHHOCTb TBolfl [tvAya] pron f -reft,

firm belief; —-bie anaHHH -eft, -K), -eft (-eK)), (o) -eft see
sound knowledge; 3. stable TBOH.
{prices, etc); Te [t^e] pron pi Tex, tcm,
<> '-WH 3HaK hard sign {the Te (Tex), TCMH, (o) Tex see tot.
Russian letter «'5»). T. e. Itoyes^t^, -z^d^] ab-
TBepjKe [tv^orzhi^] comp of brev (=t6 ecTb) i. e. (=id
TBep/ibiH & corresp adv. est), that is, that is to say.
TBOJe [tvAyo] pron n -ero, TeaTp [t^i^atr] -a, -ob m
-eMy, -e (-ero), -hm, (o) -cm theatre; onepHbift opera- —
see TBOH. -house; '^ h khho stage and
TBOH [tvAi] pron pi -X, screen;
-M, -' (-x), -MH, (o) -X see <> — BOeHHWX AeHCTBHH
TBOH. theatre of war; anaTOMiiHe-
tbo|h [tvoy] I pron poss CKHH -- dissecting-room.
corresp to xbi m -ero, -eMy, TeaTpajibHJbiH [f'lAtraP-
-H (-ero), -PIM, (O) -CM, TBO« nty] a 1. theatre (attr), the-
/, TBoe n, TBOH pi your; atrical; 2. fig theatrical, af-
yours; thy; thine; fected, melodramatic.
II as a noun tboh pi -x Te6e [t^i^b'^e] dat & pr of
your people (relatives). TbI.
TBOplHTb [tvAr^it**] imperf Te6fl [t^i^b^'a] gen & ace
-K), -Kuib, p -HJi, imp -H, of TbI.
cojTBOpHTb [sstvAr^it^] perf TCSHC [tez^'is, -z] -a, -Ob m
1. create, produce; 2. do, thesis (in argument).
make; --HTb qy^eca work TCK [t^ok, -g], TCKjia [t^'i^k-
miracles; —HTb cy^H pacnpa- la] see Teqb I.
By administer justice. xeKCT [t^ekst, -gzd] m -a,
TBopJHTbCJi [tvAr^ittja] im- -OB text (of a book, etc);
perf -HTCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb —' necHH words of a song;
col happen, take place, go noAJiHHHbiH ~ the original
on; qxo a^ecb ~-htch? what's (text).
happening here?; what's up? TCKCTHJlbBblH [f'i^ks^t^il''-
TBopor [tvArok, -gi m -a (-y) niy] a textile (attr).
TeK 474 —
TeKym|HH [t^i^kush^:iy] a 6bixb npejiaHHbiM AymoH h
[pa] current (events, etc); — OM be devoted body and
present-day; soul; jiepjKaxb b MepHOM ~e
<> —MH pCMOHT routine re- ill-treat.
pairs; --HM CHCT account xejiocjioweHHle [t^ibslAzhe-
current, n^iya] n -h build {of a per-
TejieBHACHHle [t^il^i^v^i- son).
d^in^iya] n -h television. xejiflXHHJa [t^i^Pat'^ina] /
TejieBHsop [t^il^i^v^izar] m -hi veal.
-a, -OB television set; cmot- xcM I [t^em] I adv with
pCTb —
col watch TV, see comp so much the {wonse,
in; no —
y on television. better, etc);
TCJierla [t^i^l'^ega] / -h, ~ II cj with comp: hgm panb-
(horse-)cart, waggon. me, ~ Jiy^me the earlier,
TejierpaMMJa [t^il^i^gram- the better;
ma] / -bi, — telegram, wire, <> ~Cojiee, Hxo... the more
cable. so as..., especially as...
xejierpacj) [t^il^i^graf, -v] xeM II [f'em] I instr of
m -OB 1. telegraph;
-a, 2. tel- TOT & to; see tot;
egraph office. 11 dat of Te; see tot.

TejiewJKa [t^i^Peshka]/-KH, xcMJa [t^ema] / -m, ^

-CK 1. small cart; handcart; subject, theme; topic.
2. technot truck. TeMH [t^em^i] pr of xe;
see TOT.
xejiCHloK [t^i^l^dnak, -g] m xeMHJexb [t^i^mn^ef'l im-
-Ka, pt Tejiflia, tcjiht calf
perf -eex, noixeMHexb [pa-
{a young cow or bull).
t^'i^mn^et''] perf, cixeMHexb
xejiecfjoH [t^il'^i^fon] m -a,
[s^t^'i^mn^et^l perf 1. (noxcM-
-OB telephone; Me>K;tyrop6n- HCTb) darken, grow /become
HhiH '^ trunk-line; noAOHiri dark; 2. impers get dark; 3.
K ~y answer the telephone; (no perf) loom, be visible
n03B0HHTb KCMy-JI. HO — y (of some dark object).
ring smb
nonpocHTe, no-
up; xcMHOxja [t^imnAta] / -b'l

>KajiyHCTa, k ~y FleTpoBa dark, darkness; b e in the —

may I speak to Petrov, dark; KaKan —a! how dark it
please; y — a hullo {said in is here!
answering a telephone call). xeMHJbiH [t^omnty] a sh f
xejilo [t^ela] n -a, pi -a, xeMeH, xeMHa, tcmho (-o),
— -£M body {1) of man; 2) TeMHbi (-bi) 1. dark (colour,

a piece of tfiatter); xeep/ioe hair, etc); 2. fig dark, ob-

— o phys solid; »H;iKoe ~o scure, vague; ~oe mccto b
phqs liquid; He6ecHoe '-o TCKCTe obscure passage in a
heavenly body; text; 3. //^ suspicious, shady;
<> B ~e col stout, plump; ~oe AeJio fishy business;
— 475 — rep

4. fig ignorant; illiterate, xenjio II [t^i^plo] I adv

uneducated. warmly {also fig);
TeMn [temp, -b] m -a, -ob II impers predic it is warm;
I. rate, speed; tempo, pace; B 3TCM najibTo ^ the coat
-^ pocTa rate of growth; He is warm; eMy [efi u m. d.]
CHH>KaTfa --OB keep up the — he [she, etc] is warm.
pace; 2. mus tempo. xenjioxla [t^iplAta] / -bi
TeMnepaMBHT [t^'imp^i^ra- 1. phys heat; CAHHHua —bi
m^mt, -d] m -a, -ob temper- thermal unit; 2. warmth {of
ament {a passionate dispo- the air, etc); 3. fig warmth;
sition). affection; aymeBHaH —a
TeMnepaxypja [t^imp^irA- warm-heartedness.
tura] / -bi, — temperature; xenjioxoA [f^ipUkhot, -d]
-—a KHneHHH boiling-point; m -a, -OB motor ship vessel. /

^a 3aMep3aHHH freezing- xenji|biM [t^opUy] a sh f

-point; y Hero —a he has/ lencT, xenjia, -o (xenjio), -bi
is running a temperature. (xenjibi) \. warm {weather,
t6hhhc [tenuis, -z] m -a etc); lukewarm {water, etc);
tennis; HacxojibHbiH -' table- 2. fig warm, cordial; affec-
-tennis. tionate; ~WH npHCM cordial /
TeHJb [f'en^] / -h, -eft 1. warm welcome,
shade {comparative darkness); xepexb imperf
B —
H/noA-^bK) in the shade xpy, p Tep, xepjia,
(o/); 2. shadow (/) from' an imp TpH 1. rub {one's eyes,
object, etc; 2) a ghost, appa- etc); 2. rub, polish; 3. rub
rition); Teaxp --eH galanty sore, chafe; 4. grate, grind.
show; 3. fig vestige, shade, xepsjaxb [t^'i^rzat^] imperf
shadow; hh ---h coMHeHHH -aio, -aeuib 1, tear / pull to
not a shadow of doubt; pieces; 2. fig torment, prey
<> 6pocaTb — b Ha Koro-ji. on one's mind.
cast aspersions on smb; jiep- xepMHH [t^erm^in] m -a,
jKaxbcji B ~H keep in the -OB term {a special word),
background /shade. xepMOMcxp [t^i^rmom^itr]
TeopeTH4ecK|MH [t^iAr^i^- m -a, -OB thermometer.
t^ich^isk^iy] a -asi, -oe, -He xepMoc [termas, -z] m -a,
theoretical. -OB thermos (bottle).
Te6pH|a [t^i^or^iya] / -h, xepnejiHB|biH [t^irp'^i^Pi-
-H theory. viy] a sh f --', -a, -o, -bi
xenepb [t^i^p^er^] adv now; patient {showing patience).
at present; nowadays. xepneHHJe [t^i^rp^en^iya]
xenjijo I [t^i^plo] n -a 1. n -H 1. patience, endurance;
phys heat; 2. warmth, heat; forbearance; 2. patience, per-
ABa rpa^yca -~-a two degrees severance;
above zero, +2° C. <> §10 nepenojiHHJio naiuy
rep 476

ero -^a ^ it was the last — thecarriage is crowded;

straw. HM —B 3T0H KBapxHpe this
Tepn|eTb [t^i^rp^et^] im- flat is too small for them;
perf TepnHUib, p -eji,
-jiK), HM —CH^exb they are sitting
imp -H 1. suffer, endure; 2. too tight; 2. it is tight; b
stand, bear, suffer, tolerate, njieqax it —
is tight across

put up with; H ero xepneTb the shoulders.

He Mory I can't stand him; xecHoxla [t^isuAta] / -bi
<> BpeMsi xepnHT there's closeness, narrowness, small-
plenty of time, there's no ness, tightness; KaKan -^a!
hurry; acjio hc repnHT the what a cram!, how crowded
matter is urgent. it is here!
TepnHM'|biH [f'i^rp^imiy] a xecHJbiH [t^esniy] a sh f
sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi 1. toler- xeceu, -a, -o, -u (-bi) 1. nar-
ant, forbearing (person); 2. row (passage, etc); cramped;
tolerable, bearable (thing). small (room, etc); 2. small,
Teppac|a [t^'i^rasa] / -bi, ~ tight (clothes, boots); 3. close,
terrace. compact; ~biM cxpoeM
TeppHTopHjfl [t^ir^itor^iya] shoulder to shoulder; 4. fig
/ -H, -ft territory. close, intimate.
xeppop [teror] m -a terror, xecxjo [t^esta] n -a dough,
terrorism. paste; Cfl66Hoe —o fancy pas-
Tep|jiTb [f'i^r^at^] imperf try; cxaBHXb -—o make dough.
-Hio, -Heuib, noiTepaxb [p9- xecx|b [t^es^t'', -z^d*"] m
perf lose (1) a book, -H, pi -H, -eft father-in-law
money, etc; 2) one's sense of (wife's father).
humour, patience, etc); shed xexJKa [t^otka] / -kh, -ok
leaves, --HTb BpeMH
etc); aunt.
waste HHqero ue
time; bh xexpa;i|b [t^i^trat^, -d^] /
—Heie you lose / miss nothing -H, -eft notebook, writing-
by it; -book, exercise book, copy-
<> He ~«Tb rojiOBbi keep -book.
one's head. [t^ot^a] /
xexjji -H, -eft
Tep|«Tbcsi [t^i^r^attja] im- col aunt; 2. aunt, aunty
perf -Hiocb, -HeujbCH, noJTe- (form of address); 3. woman,
pqjbCJi [pat^i^r^attja] perf 1. dame.
be /
get be at a loss,
lost; 2. xex [t^ekh, -gh] gen, ace
lose one's presence of mind. & pr of xe; see xox.
TeccMlKa [t'^i^s^'omka] / xex... first element of com-
-KH, -OK tape, ribbon, braid. pounds pertaining to "technol-
recHO [f'esna] I adv 1. ogy*', "technics": xexMHHHMyM
tight, close(ly); 2. -fig inti- [t^ekhm^'in^'imum] (required)
mately; minimum of technical knowl-
II impers predic 1.: b Barone edge.
— 477 THX

xexHHK [t^ekhn^ik, -g] m a sh f xHnftqeH, -a, -o, -bi

-a, technician, mechani-
-OB typical, characteristic.
cal engineer. XHnoBOH [t^ipAvoy] a stand-
xexHMKJa [t^ekhn^'ika] / -h ard {attr), model {attr), pat-
1. techniques, technics; HavKa tern {attr).
H ~a science and engineer- XHnorpa(i)M|5i [t^ipAgra-
ing / technology; 2. technique f^iya] / -H, -H printing-house,
{method of procedure)', 3. printing-works.
(technical) equipment; ma- XHpa* I [t^irash, -zh] m
chinery; -a, -eft drawing {of a lottery,
<> ~a 6e3onacHOCTH safety etc);
arrangements. <> BUHXH B -^ have served
xexHHKyM [t^ekhn^ikum] m one's time; become superan-
-a, -OB junior college, nuated.
TeHeHH|e [t^i^ch^en^'iya] n xHpaw II [t^irash, -zh] m
-51, -ft 1. flow, course, run; -a, circulation
-eft {of a
'-e Aeji course of affairs; 2. newspaper); edition {so many
flow, current, stream; 3. fig copies).
current, trend, tendency; [t^ire] n indecl dash
<> B ^-e during; for {some {in writing).
time). xHxyji [t^itul] -a, -ob m
TCMb I [t^ech^] imperf le- title {1) of a nobleman, etc;
qeT, TCKyx, p xeK, xeKjia 1. 2) a title-page).
flow, run, stream; gush, pour; fMcJ) [t^if, -v] m -a med
KpoBb xe^ex H3 paHbi blood typhus; CpwiuHoft — typhoid
is oozing from the wound; fever; cunHoft -~- typhus.
y Hero m
Hocy xenex he has XHXJHH [t^ikh^iy] a -an,
a running nose; 2. fig pass -oe, -He, sh f —
-a, -o, -h ,

{of time); BpeMH xenex 6bicxpo 1. quiet {footsteps, etc); soft,

[Me;i;ieHHo] time flies [drags gentle; still, serene; low,
on]; 3. leak, be leaky. faint; 2. quiet, calm, peace-
xeH|b II [t''ech^ j^] / -h, ful; 3. slow, unhurried; slack,
-eft leak; Aaxb ~b spring a sluggish;
leak. <> b OM— OMyxe nepxH b6-
xemja [t^6sh^:a] / -h, ~ jiMxcsi = still waters run
mother-in-law (ziy//e's mother). deep.
xHPp [f'igr] m -a, -ob tigers xHxo[t^ikha] I adv \.
xHHJa [t^ina] / -u mud, quietly, softly, gently; si-
slime, silt; mire. lently; 2. quietly, calmly,
XHH -b]
[t^'ip, -a, -ob m peacefully; 3. slowly; slug-
1. type, class; model, pattern; gishly; 4. col; ~! 1) silence!,
species; 2. col fellow, char- hush!; 2) gently!, careful!;
acter. II impers predic 1. it is

xMflMHHJwM [t^'ip'^ich^nty] !>

quiet; 2, the weather i^ calm*
THUI 478

THiue [t^ishi^l comp of th- to II [to] pron n Toro,

XHH & corresp adv. TOMy, TO (TOro), TeM, (o) TOM
THuiHH|a [t^ishina] / -bi see TOT.
quiet, silence; calm, piece; -TO [ta] part 1. intens:
— a H cnoKOHCTBHe peace and 3Toro-TO H H xoTeji that's
quiet; coS.riioAaTb keep ~y exactly what I wanted; b
quiet; keep silence. t6m-to h flejio that's just it;
TKaHJb [tkan^] / -h, -eft r^e-TO OH ceftqac? where is
1. cloth, fabric, material; he now, I wonder?; 2. form-
MarasHH —eft drapery shop; ing indefinite pronouns or
2. hiol tissue. adverbs when added to kto,
TKalTb [tkat^] imperf TKy, qTO, etc: kt6-to somebody,
TKeuib, p -Ji, -Jia (TKajia), someone; r^e-To somewhere,
-JIO -JIH, imp TKH, COTK|aTb in some place.
[sAtkat^] perf-y, -eiub, p -aji, to66h [tAboy], toSojo [tA-
-ajia (-ajia), -ajio,-ajiH, imp -h boyu] instr of th.
weave (a cloth, threads). Toeap [tAvar] m -a, -ob
TKan [tkach^, -j^] m -a, goods, wares; merchandise,
-eft weaver. commodity; npo^oBOjibCTBeH-
TKH [tk^i] see TKaib. Hbie — bi food-stuffs; npo-
TKy [tku], TKeuib [tk^osh, MbimjieHHbie ~bi manufac-
-zh] see TKaxb. tured goods.
TJieJTb [tl^et^] imperf -ex, TOBapHm,[tAvar^ish^:,-zh^:]
p -Ji i. rot, decay, putrefy; m -a, -eft 1. comrade; friend,
2. smoulder {also fig). mate; companion {of a person);
TO I [to] cj \. introducing colleague; ~ no pafioTe fel-
the main clause that follows low-worker, colleague; — no
a preceding clause of condi- opyjKHK) comrade-in-arms; 2.
tion: ecjiH Te6e He xoneTCJi, Comrade {form of address).
TO He xojxii Ty;ia if you are TOBapMmecKJMH [tAvar^i-
unwilling, (then) you may sh^:isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He 1.
not go there; paa Taw, to h comradely, friendly; 2.: -^an
noHAy if so, then I shall go; BCTpeqa sport friendly match;
2.: TO..., TO... now... now...; <> — MH cyfl comrades'
sometimes... sometimes...; He court.
TO..., He TO... either... or...; TOBapH|biH [tAvarnfy] a 1.
He TO 3HMa, He to Becna half econ commodity {attr) {cir-
winter, half spring; to jih..., culation, etc); marketable
TO jiH... whether... or. .; {surpluses, etc); 2.: ~bjft
<^ (aa) H to and even then; CKJiaji warehouse.
OH npoqHTaji CTaTbib To.ibKO Torfla [tAgda] adv then
o^HH paa, Aa h to he (/) at that time; 2) in that
read the article only once, case);
and even then hurriedly. <> -^ KaK whereas.
— 479 TOJI

Toro [tAvo] gen & TOjiKHyxb see TOjiioTb.

ace of
TOT & to; see tot. TOJiKJoBaxb [talkAval*'] im-
TO ecTb [toyos^t^, -z^d^] perf -yK), -yeuib, p -oBaji,
cj that is, that is to say. imp -yft 1. interpret (the law,
TOHte [tozha] I adv also, etc); jioHCHo ~0BaTb misinter-
too, as well; either (in neg pret; 2. col explain, make
sentences); h [mh u m. d.\ clear; 3. col talk about, dis-
— so am [do, have, must, cuss; converse; ~OBaTb o ;;e-
etc] I [we, etc]; neither am jiax talk business.
[do, have, must, etc] I [we, TOJiKOBJbiH [tAlkovty] a sh
etc]; f — , -a, -o, -bi 1. sensible,
II part: th —
xopom! col intelligent; — bifl qejioBCK a
you are a nice one, you are! man with a good head on
toh [toy] gen, dat, instr his shoulders; 2.: —bift cjio-
& pr. of Ta; see tot. Bapb an all-English [ali-Rus-
tok [tol<, -g] m -a (-y), -ob sian, etc] dictionary.
electr current. TOJiKOM [tolkam] adv col
TOKaplb [toksr^] m -h, pi plainly, clearly; sensibly.
-H (-H), -eft (-eft) turner, lathe TOJijOKb [tAloch^] imperf
operator." -Ky, -qeiub, -KyT, p -ok, -KJia,
TOJiK [tolk, -g] m
-a (-y), imp -KH, paciTOjioHb [rastA-
pi -H, -OB 1. col sense {smth loch^] perf pound, grind;
sound, wise, or reasonable), <> ~64b BOAy B cxyne ^
use, usefulness, utility; hto beat the air.
—y? what's the use?; h3 TOJinja [tAlpa] / -bi, pi
SToro He BbiH^eT -~y nothing ~ TOJinbi, crowd, throng.
will come of it; 2-. {mostly TOjin|HTbCfl [tAlp^ittsa] im-
pi) talk, rumour(s); perf -HTCH crowd, throng.
<> c --0M intelligently, with TOJiCT|eTb [tAlst^et^] im-
sense; 6e3 xcjiKy to no pur- perf -eKD, -eemb, nojTOJicTeTb
pose; B3$iTb B — ^
under- [patAlst^et^] perf grow fat.
stand. TOjicrlbiH [tolstiy] a sh f
TOjiKJaTb [tAlkat^] imperf —, -a, -o, -bi (-bi) \. thick
-aio, -aeuib, TOJiKH|yTb [tAlk- {book, etc); ~aH najiKa stout
nut^] perf -y, -eiiib, p -yji, stick; 2. stout, fat, corpulent;
imp -H 1. push, shove; 2. fig <> —an KHuiKa anat large
incite, instigate; --aTb ua intestine.
npecTynjieHne instigate to TOJiHJoK [tAlch^ok, -g] m
crime. -Ka, -KOB 1. push; jerk, jolt,
TOjiK|aTbc« [tAlkattsa] im- shock; 2. fig impetus, stimu-
perf -aKDCb, -aeuibCH 1. push lus; 3T0 nocjiyjKHJio fljiH Her6
(one another); He --aftcH!, ~k6m it spurred him,
He ~aftTecb! don't push!; TOjime [t61sh'':i] comp of
2. col loaf /gad about. TOJiCTbift ^ corresp adv.
TOJl — 480 —
TOJim,HHla [t9lsh^:ina] / -bi TOMy [tAmu] dat of tot
1, thickness (of a book, etc); & to; see tot.
2. stoutness, corpulence. TOH [ton] m
-a, pi -a (-u),
TOJibKo [tol^'ka] I part de- -OB lone (/) mus, phys; 2) of
noting 1. restriction, limita- displeasure, etc, 3) in paint-
tion only, but; 2, inten-^ifi- ing)',
cation'. KaKHX '-' khhf hct <> '^OM HHKc 1) mus one
y Hero! what books has he tone lower; 2) in calmer
not!; KOMy ~
ona He noMO- tones {of the voice)', noBbi>
rajia! whom has she not help- cHTb ^
raise one's voice;
ed!; saqeM [oTKyAa u ni. n.] CHHSHTb / c6aBHTb —• sing
'—... why [where, etc] on small; nonacTb b -— hit the
earth...; 3. prohibition, threat'. right tone; xopoiuHH [AypHOHJ
nocMefi --! don't you dare!, — good [bad] form {of behav-
if you dare!; '- nonp66yH iour).
B3HTb 3To! if I catch you tohkIhh [tonk^iy] a -an,
taking this!, just try to take -oe, -He, sh f tohok, -a, -o,
it!; thin {book, etc); fine,
-H 1.
II cj \. introducing an ad- delicate; slender, slim; 2. del-
ditional thought'. Mbi noHAeM icate, subtle; dainty; 3. keen
Ty^a, —
HCMHoro oTAOxneM- {senses); 4. subtle {critic, ar-
we'll go there, only first tist, etc); --HH Ha6jiio;ia-
we'll rest a while; we'll go Tejib keen observer; 5. subtle,
there after a short rest; 2.: shrewd, astute.
'- Bbi yexaJiH, KaK oh no3Bo- TOHHJa [tdnns] / -bi, ton ~
HHJi hardly had you left when {one thousand kilograms).
he gave us a ring; 3.: -— 6bi TOHHejijb [tAnel**] -h, m
if only; -eft Tynnejib. =
«^ -^ HTO just now, just; TOHlyTb [tAnut^] imperf
'- ero H BHAe.iHl col and -y, Tonemb, p -yji, imp -h,
that was the last we [they, noiTOHyTb [patAnut^] perf,
etc] saw of him! y;TOHyi;b [utAnut^] perf
TOM I [tom] m -a, pi -a, 1. sink, go down {of a ship,
-OB volume, tome. etc); 2. drown, get drowned;
TOM II [tom] pr of TOT 3. fig be lost.
& to; see tot.
TOHbuie [ton^sht^] comp of
TOM|HTbcji [tAm^ittja] im-
TOHKHH & corresp adv.
perf -jiibcb, -HiiibCH, p -hjich,
-H.nacb, imp -HCb, -HTecb lan- Ton|HTb I [tAp^it''] imperf
guish; pine {for); ~HTbCH -jiK), Tonnmb, p -hji, imp -h
>Ka>KAOH 1) be parched with heat (a stove, etc).
thirst; 2) fig thirst (for)', II [iAp^ii^] imperf
-^HTbca no HCMy-ji. yearn for* TOHHUlb, p -HJI, imp -H
smth. melt, render (down).
481 — TOP

TonJHTb III [tAp^'it^] im- trade {attr); commercial;

perf -jiK), Tonumb, p -hji, imp — biH (|)jioTmerchant fleet;
-H, noiTonHTb [patAp^it^] — an ceTb network of shops,
perf, y.iTonHTb [utAp'^it^j trading network.
perf sink (a boat, etc);
1. TOprnpeA [tArkpr^et, -d] m
2. drown {a person, animal); -a, (= ToproBbiH npe;t-
3. fig col ruin. CTaBHiejib CCCP) trade rep-
TonjiHBJo [topPiva] n -a resentative of the USSR.
fuel; >KHAKoe ~o fuel oil; Toprnpe;iCTB|o [tArkpr^etjt-
TBepAoe ~o solid fuel. va] n -a, -^ (= xoproBoe
T6noji|b [topal^] -h, pL m npeflCTaBHTejibCTBO CCCP)
-H, -eft poplar. Trade Mission of the USSR.
Tonop [tApor] -a, -6b m TopmecTBeHHlbiH [tArzhe-
axe. s^'t^v^mnty] a sh f xopjKecT-
TonoT [topat, -d] -a m BeH, -a, -o, -bi 1. festive,
footfall; tramping, stamping; gala; 2. solemn {pledge, etc);
clatter {of hoofs). ceremonial.
Tonxlaxb [tAptat''] imperf TopmecTBlo [tarzhi^stvo] n
Tonqy, Tonqeiub, p -aji, imp -a, TopjKecTB 1. festival,
TonqH 1. trample down; tread fete; 0KTH6pbCKHe ~a October
under foot; 2. col make dirty celebrations {to mark an
{with one's feet, boots); anniversary of the Great
3. fi^ trample, ride rough- October Socialist Revolution
shod over. in Russia); 2. triumph, victo-
ToprjoBaTb [targAvat^] im- ry; 3. triumph, exultation.
perf -yK), -yeuib, p -oeaji, TopMos [tormas, -z] m -a,
imp -yft deal {in), trade
1. pi -a, -OB 1. technol brake;
{in); iTade{with); sell {goods); 2. {pi -bi, -OB) fig obstacle,
— oeaTb onTOM [b posHHuy] hindrance.
sell by wholesale [by retail]; TopMoalHTb [tarmAz^it^]
2.: MarasHH — yex jxo ceMH imperf xopMOJKy, -Hiub, p -hji,
(qacoB) the shop is open till imp -H, saiTopMosHTb [zatar-
seven p. m. mAz^it^] perf 1. technol
TOprloBaTbCft [targAvattja] brake, apply / put on the
imperf -yiocb, -yeuibCH, p brake; 2. fig hamper, hinder,
-OBajicfl, -oBajiacb, imp -yflcH, impede.
-yH'recb 1. bargain, haggle; Topon|HTb [tarAp^it^] im-
2. fig col argue, wrangle. perf -JIK), TOpOHHrnb, p -HJI,
Toprosleu [tArgov^'itj, -dz] imp -H, npJTOponHTb [pata-
m -ua, -ueB merchant, dealer; rAp^it^j perf 1. hurry, hasten,
trader;, tradesman. urge on; 2. {no perf) precipi-.
ToproBJijji [tArgovPa] / -h tate, expedite.
trade, commerce. ToponlMTbCH [tarAp^ittja]
ToproBlbiii [tArgoviy] a imperi -jiibcb, TopdnHuibca,
Top — 482

p -HJica, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, Ta KHHra that book; to okho

-Hiecb, noixoponHTbCfl [pa- that window; Te jho^h those
tarAp^ittsa] perf be in a hur- people; hh — hh ApyroH
ry, hasten. neither; h ~ H Apyroft either,
ToponjiHB|biH [tarApl'^iviy] both; ~HJiH jipyroH either
a sh f —, -a, -o, -bi hasty, {one of two); ~ TKe (caMbiH)
hurried.. the same; 2. the other; na
TOpneji|a [tArp^eda] / -bi, TOH cTopone on the other
~ mil torpedo. side; 3. the right; ne to the
Tppx [tort, -d] m -a, -ob wrong thing; ne coBce.M to
(big fancy) cal<e. not quite the right thing;
Top(|) [torf, -v] m -a peat. not quite the same thing;
TOpHiaxb [tArch^'at''] imperf 4.: —..., KOTopbiH... the...
-y, p -aji, imp
-HUJb, -h that...; 3T0 Ta KHHra, koto-
1. stick out, stand out; show, pyK) Tbi MHe o6emaji? is this
be seen; 2. col stick {at home, the book (that) you promised
etc); ~aTb nepe^ rjiaaaMH me?;
always be before smb's eyes; II as a noun to n Toro
OH ~HT TaM UeJIblMH AHHMH 1. that, those; to 6biJi Tpy;;-
he hangs about the place for HbiH jieHb that was a diffi-
days on end. cult day; to 6bijiH TpyjxHbie
TOCKJa [tAska] / -h 1. mel- flHH those were difficult days;
ancholy, depression; anguish; c TCM with that; o tom about
2. boredom, tedium; HasoAHTb that; 2.: to, mto... the fact
--y Ha Koro-ji, bore smb to that...; what..., that which...;
death; 3. longing, yearning; III as part of cj: bmcctq
— a no poAHHe homesickness, Toro, MT66bi... instead of..,;
nostalgia. c TeM, MT66bi... in order to...;
TocKjiuB|biH [tAskl^iviy] a in order that..., so that...;
sh f '^, -a, -o, -bi dreary, nocji'e Toro, KaK... after...
dull; sad, melancholy; ~oe {in clauses of time)-, j[o Toro,
HacTpoeHHe low spirits. KaK... before... {in clauses
TocK|oBaTb [taskAvat''] im- of time); nepejx TeM, KaK...
perf -yvD, -yeujb, p -o^aji, before... {in clauses of time);
imp -yft 1. be sad / melan- k ToMv jKe besides, moreover;
choly, miserable, 2. long
feel' into the bargain; h 6e3 tofo
(for), pine (/or), miss; -~o- as it is;
Baxb no jiouy be homesick. <> flo Toro..., HTO... so...
TOCT [tost, -zd] m
-a, -ob that...; Ao TOFO »:apKO, mto
toast (to smb's health, etc). TpyAHO pa66TaTb it is so hot
TOT [tot, -d] I pron dem m that it is difficult to work;

Toro, TOMy, ~ tcm,

(Toro), TCM caMbiM thereby; hm to
(O) TOM, Ta /, TO n, TC pi HH ce 1) neither one tiling
1. that; — CTOJi that table; nor the other; 2) so-so; hm
483 rpa

c Toro HH c cero all of a -i^] adv col exactly; word for

sudden; for no reason word, the exact replica of.
soever. ToiuHJMTb ftAshn^it^] im-
TOM'|HTb [tAch^it^] imperf perf -HT, p -HJio impers: ero
-y, TOHHiiib, p -HJi, imp -H, [ee Li m. d.] ~ht he [she,
HaixoHHTb [natAch^lt^] perf etc] feels sick/ is nauseated.
sharpen {a pencil, etc); grind t6ii^|mm [t6sh^:iy] a -an,
{a knife, etc); strop; ~HTb -ee, -He, sh f ^, -a, -e, -h
HHCTpyMeHTbi set tools. 1. emaciated, gaunt; 2. fig
TOHJKa [toch^ka] / -kh, col empty; 3. poor, meagre
-eK 1. point (a dot, speck); (vegetation, etc).
— Ka nepeceqeHHH point of xpaela [trAva] / -bi, pi
intersection; 2. full stop; xpaBbi, —' grass; copHan ~a
point (in writing); dot (in weed(s),
mathematics, etc); —Ka c sa- xpaB|MXb ItrAv^it^] imperf
HHTOH semicolon; ~Ka aa-
3.: -JiK), TpaBHiub, p -HJi, imp -H,
MepaiaHKH freezing-point; ~Ka Bbixpaelnxb [vttrav^'it^] perf
KHfieHHH boiling-point; 4.: or- -JIK), -HEIb, p -HJI, imp -H,
HesaH —Ka mil fire emplace- saixpaBMXb [zatrAv^'it*'] perf
ment; ToproeaH ~Ka shop 1. (BbixpasHTb) poison, exter-
(where goods are sold); US minate with poison; 2. (33-
store; stall (for selling things); xpaBHTb) hunt (with horses,
<> CTEBHTb — KH Haj^ «H» dot hounds); bait (bears, etc)\
one's and cross one's 3. (saxpaBHTb) fig persecute,
"t's"; nonacTb b (caMyio) hound, bait.
~Ky col ^
hit the nail on xpareAH|ji [trAg^ed^iya] /
the head, hit the mark; -H, -H tragedy.
C^iDMHyxb C MepTBOH -—KM xparH4ecK|HH [trAg^ich^'i-
get going; — Ka b —Ky col sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne tragic,
exactly, precisely. tragical.
TGHHO I [toch^na] adv xpaKxop [traktar] -a, _pl m
exactly, precisely; correctly, -hi (-a), -OB (-6b) tractor; ~
accurately; punctually; ~
b Ha KOJiecHOM xoAy wheeled
nnxb at five sharp. tractor; ryceHHqnbiH cater- —
TOMHo II [toch^na] cj as if, pillar tractor.
as though. xpaMBaJH [trAmvay] -h, m
TOHHibiH [toch^nty] a sh f -CB 1. tram, tramway; US
To^eH, -a, -0, -bi 1. exact, street-railway; 2. tram-car;
precise, accurate; -~bie npH- US streetcar.
66pbi precision instruments; xpaHCJiHUH|ji[trAnsPat^iya]
~biH pacMCT BpeMCHH accu- / -H, -H transmission, broad-
rate timing; 2. punctual cast; relay (of a broadcast).
(people). xpaHcnopx [transpart, -d]
TOHb-B-TOHb [toch^ftoch'*, -a, m
-OB I. transport (the
Tpa 434

system and means of); trans- quire {time, attention, etc,

portation; — rpysoB goods for doing smth); Ha 3to
traffic; 2. consignment, sliip- ~yeTCH MHoro jiener it will
ment; 3. mil transport, train.' take a lot of money, a lot
TpaHiuelfl [trAnsheya] / -h, of money is required for this,
-H mil trench. it requires a lot of mon-
Tpan [t-rap, -b} m -a, -ob ey.
gang-plank, gangway; ship's TpeBorja [tr^i^voga] / -h,
ladder. -^ 1. alarm, anxietyj Bbisbi-
TpaT|HTb [trat^it^] imperf Baxb ^y cause anxiety;
Tpaqy, -Hiub, p -hji, imp -b, 2. alarm, alert.
HCiTpaTHTb [istrat^it^] perf, TpCBOJKlHTb [tr^i^vozhit^]
noixpaTHTb [pAtrat^it''] perf imperf -y, -Huib, p -hji, imp
spend, expend; waste {one's -b, BclxpeBOiKMTb [fstr'^i^vo-
time, etc). zhit^] perf, no|xpeB6}KHXb
rpayp [traur] m -a mourn- [patr^i'-Vozhit''] perf 1. (Bcxpe-
ing. B6>KHTb) worry, trouble, cause
TpeSoeaHHle [tr^ebavG- anxiety; 2. (noxpcBOJKHXb)
n^iya] n -h, pi -h, -h 1. demand disturb, bother.
{an urgent request); claim {for xpeB6«H|biH [tr^'i^vozhniy]
smth rightfully due); re- a sh f xpeBOJKeH, -a, -o, -bi
quirement; HenoMepHbie ~h 1. anxious, uneasy, troubled;

exorbitant demands/ require- 2. disturbing, disquieting;

ments; no ~io Koro-ji. at alarming.
smb's demand / request; ocia- xpe3B|biM [tr^'ezviy] a sh f
HOBKa no ~io stop by re- — -a,
, -o, -bi sober {]) not
quest; 2. {mostly pi) aspira- drunk; 2) fig temperate, sen-
tions.desires; 3. order, requisi- sible).
tion {for equipment, etc). xpcM [tr^om] dat of xpn I.
Tpe6oBaTejibH|biH [tr^'eba- xpeMCxaM [tr^omstam] dat
vat^il^niy] a sh f rpefioBa- of xpHCxa.
TCJieH, -a, -0, -bi exacting, xpcMfl [tr^i^m^a] instr of
exigent; particular, fastid- xpH I.
ious. xpcMJicxaMM [tr^i^m^'asta-
TpeSjoBaxb [tr^ebavat**] im- m'^i] instr of xpricxa.
perf -yK), -yeiub, p -oBaji, xpeHH|e [tr^'en'^iya] n -h,
imp -yft, noiTpeSoBaTb [pA- pi -H, -H 1. friction, rubbing;
tr^ebavat*'] perf 1. demand; 2. {mostly pi) fig friction,
2. require, call for; 3To -~yeT conflicts, clashes.
BpeMCHH it takes time. xpeHHp|oBaxb [tr''m*'irA-
Tpe6|oBaTbCfl [tr^'ebavattja] vat''] imperf -yK), -yemb, p
imperf -yexcH, p -OBajicH, -OBaji, imp -yft, HalxpeHMpo-
-oBajiacb, noiTpefioBaTbCfl [pA- Baxb [natr^m^irAvat^] per^
tr^'ebavattja] perf need, re- train (sportsmen, etc).
— 485 — TpH

TpeHHploBaxbCJi [tr^in^irA- -g] m -a, -ob math trian-

vatts8] imperf -yiocb, -yembCH, gle.
p -OBajicH, -OBajiacb, imp xpex [tr^okh, -gh] gen, ace
-yftcH, -yHTecb, HairpeHMpo- & pr of xpH I.
BETbcsi [natr^in^irAvattsa] xpex... first element of
perf train (oneself), be in compounds pertaining to
training. three: xpexcMeHHbiH [tr^okh-
TpeneTJaxb [tr^ip**i^tat*']/m- s^m^ennty] three-shift {attr};
perf Tpenemy, xpenemeuib, p xpexcjiojKHbiH [tr^okhslozh-
-aji, imp TpenemH 1. flutter, niy] trisyllabic.
palpitate, beat; 2. tremble, xpexcox [tr^okhsot-, -d] gen
thrill; quiver; —
axb or pa- of xpHcxa.
flocTH [oT yjKaca] thrill with xpexcxax [tr^okhstakh, -gh]
joy [horror]; —aib nepe^ pr of xpncia.
KCM-Ji. tremble in smb's pres- xpem|axb [tr^i^sh^: at^] im-
ence. perf -y, -Hiiib, p -aji, imp -h,
xpecK [tr^esk, -zg] m -a xpecH|yxb [tr^'esnut^] perf
crash, crack, crackle; -ex, p -yji I. {no perf) crack,

<* c —
OM npoeajiHXbcsi col crackle, creak; 2. {no perf)
fail ignominiously, turn out fig col chatter, jabber; 3. col
a complete fiasco. be on the point of collapse;
xpecKJa [tr^'i^ska] / -h cod <> rojiOBa ~Hx col I have a
(-fish). splitting headache; ~axb no
xpecHJyxb [tr^esnut^] perf BCCM uiBaM col be going /fall-
-y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h ing to pieces.
1. crack {of an egg, cup, etc); xpemMHia *[tr^esh^:ina] /
burst {at the seams, etc); -bi, ~
1. crack, split; fissure,
2. col hit hard, strike; 3. see cleft; 2. fig split, breach,
xpeinaxb 3. rift.
xpecx [truest, -zd] m -a, xpH I [tr^i] num card xpex,
-OB econ trust. xpeM, ^
(xpex), xpeMH, (o)
xpexlHM [tr'et^iy] I num xpex three.
ord -bH, -be, -bH third; eMy XpH II [tr^i] see xepexb.
—HH TOA he is in his third xpHfiyHJa [tr^ibuna] / -bi,
year; y^ce --hh qac it is — 1. platform, rostrum;
past two; 2. fig tribune; 3. stand {at
II as a noun xpexbje n a stadium).
-ero, -HX third course, des- xpH6yHaji [tr^ibunal] m -a,
sert; -OB (military) tribunal.
<0>H3 — bHX pyK =
indirectly. xpHAUax|biH [tr^'ittjatty}
xpexjb [tr^'et^, -d^] / -h, num ord thirtieth; -^bie roAU
pi -H, -efl a / one third; abc the thirties.
-^H two thirds. xpHAuaxlb [tr^ittjat^, -d^l
TpeyrojibHMK [tr^iugoPn^'ik, num card -h, -hK> thirty.
TpH — 486 —
xpHiKflbi [tr^izhdi] adv three xpocxHHK[trAs^n^ik, -g]m
times, thrice. -a, -OB hot reed, rush;
xpHKO [tr^iko] n indecl <> caxapHbiH ~ sugar-cane.
1. tricot {a woollen cloth); xpoxyap [trafuar] -a, m
2. pair of) tights; (stocki-
(a -OB pavement; US sidewalk.
net) knickers. xpy [tru], xpeuib [tr^osh,
TpHKOTajKHJbitt [tr^ikAtazh- -zh] see xepexb.
niy] a knitted; ~bie HSAejiHH xpy6|a [truba] / -bi, pi
knitted wear. xpy6bi, ~ 1. pipe, tube;
TpHHafluaxbiH [tr^inatts8- chimney; funnel {of a ship,
tiy] num
ord thirteenth. etc);BOAOCTOHHan —a gutter;
TpHHa;m,aT|b [tr^inattsat^, 2. mus
trumpet; horn;
-d^] num card -h, -bio thir- <> BbiJiexexb B -^y col ^ go
teen. smash.
TpMcxa [tr^ista] num card xpy6|Ka [trupka] / -kh, -ok
TpexcoT, TpeMcxaM, -~ xpeMH- , 1. (small) tube {of metal, etc);
cxaMH, (o) xpexcxax three 2. (telephone) receiver; 3. to-
hundred. bacco-pipe.
xpHyMtf) [tr^iumf, -v] m -a, xpy A [trut, -d] m -a,' pi
-OB triumph; c ~om in tri- -bi, -OB 1. labour, work; ox-
umph; with signal success. pana ~a labour protection;
xporaxejibH'ibiH [trogat^il''- 2. (mos^/i/ p/) trouble, effort,
niy] a sh f xporaxejieH, -a, pains; 3. (scientific) work;
-o, -bi touching, moving; pa- <> 6e3 —a without effort;
thetic. c ~6m with difficulty; esnxb
xporlaxb [tro'gat^] imperf Ha ce6« -^ take the trou-
aio, -aeiub, xpoHJyxb [tro- ble.
nut^] perj -y, -euib, p -yji, xpyAJHxbCfl [trud^ittja] im-
imp -b 1. touch {with the perf xpy>Kycb, xpyAHuibCH, p
hand); 2. bother, disturb; He -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb,
— aft ero leave him alone; -Hxecb work {at smth); toil,
3. fig touch, move, affect; labour;
~axb AO cjie3 move to tears. <> He ~Hxecb! don't both-
xpole [troys] num collect er!
-HX, -HM, -HX (-e), -HMH, (o) xpyAHJwH [trudniy] a sh f
-Hx three; m^ Bcex ~hx xpyAen, -a, -o, -bi (-bi) diffi-
for all three. cult, hard; arduous.
xpOHHOH [trAynoy] a three- xpyAOBJOH [trudAvoy] a
fold, triple. working {population, etc);
xpojiJiefiSyc [trAJ^eybus, -z] labour (attr); ~bie AenbrH
m -a, -OB trolley-bus. hard-earned money; ~bie
xpoHyxb see xporaxb. noABHTH feats of labour,
xponHHina [trAp^'inka]/ -kh, <> ~afl KHHJKKa work-book
-OK path(way). {service record).
— 487 — TyA

TpyAOJAeHb [trudAd^en^] m TpK)M [tr^um] m -a, -ob

-AHH, -AHGH workday unit naut hold.
(on collective farms). TpHn|Ka [tr^apka] / -kh, pi
Tpyflocnoc66H|biH [truda- -KH, -OK 1. rag {of cloth);
spAsobniy] a sh f Tpy;;ocno- duster; pi col clothes; fin-
c66eH, -a, -o, -bi able-bodied, ery; 3. milksop, spine-
able to work. less person.
Tpyji«m|HHCji [trud^ash^:iy- TpHCJTH [tr^i^s^t^i] imperf
s^9] [pa] I a -ancH, -eecH, -y, -emb, p ^, -Jia, imp -h
-HecH working {masses, etc); 1. shake {a tree, one's head,
II as a noun Tpy;;Hm|HH- etc);2. impers: ero —-eT ox
c H m -erocH, pi -hcch, -hxch xojioAa he is shaking / shiver-
^worker, working person; pi ing with cold; ero — er ox
working people. cxpaxa he trembling with
TpyiKeHHK [truzhan^ik, -g] fear; 3. col jolt {of a wagon,
m -a, -OB toiler. etc).
Tpyn [trup, -b] m -a, -ob Tpjic|THCb [tr^i^s^t'is^] /m-
dead body, corpse; carcass perf -ycb, -euibcn, p xpHCCH,
{of an animal). -jiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb
Tpynnja [truppa] / -w, — 1. shake {with laughter, etc);
troupe, company {of actors, 2. tremble, shiver, quiver;
etc). OH Becb —
excH he is trembl-
Tpyc [trus, -z] m -a, -ob ing all over; 3. be jolted,
coward. —
jog; 4. fig col: XHCb na^
TpycHK|H [trus^ik^i] pi -ob pe6eHK0M dote on one's child;
shorts; bathing trunks. -~XHCb Ha^ KaTKAOU KOneHKOH
Tpyc|HTb [trus^it^] imperf grudge every penny.
Tpyiuy, -Hmb, p -hji, imp -b, xy [tu] dat of xa; see xox.
ciTpycHTb [strus^it^] perf be xyajiex [tuAPet, -d] m -a,
afraid, fear, dread; be fright- -OB 1. dress, attire; 2. toilet,
ened. dressing; 3. dressing-table,
TpycjiMBlbiH [trus^Piviy] a toilet-table; 4. lavatory, wa-
sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi cowardly; ter-closet; public convenience.
timid, faint-hearted. xySepKyjies [tub^irkuPos,
TpycocT|b [trusas^t^, -z^d^] -z] mtuberculosis.
/ -H cowardice, cowardli- xyrjoH [tugoy] a -an, -6e,
ness. -He, sh f ^, -a, -o, -h tight,
Tpyc|bi [trust] pi -6b shorts; taut;
bathing trunks. <> —OH Ha yxo col hard of
TpymoSja [trush^:6ba] / -bi, hearing.
^ 1. slum; 2. out-of-the-way /
xyaa [tuda] adv there, to
remote place. that place;
TpioK [tr^uk, -g] m -a, -ob <> ~
h cK)Aa hither and
trick, stunt. thither; hh ~ hh ciOAa neither
rym — 488

here nor there, neither one" <> '-OH yro.1 math obtuse
way nor the other. angle.
Tysce [tuzhi^] comp of ly- xyp6HH|a [turb'^ina] / -bi,

roH & corresp adv. ~ turbine.

xyseMJei^ [tuz^em^its, -dz] xypeuK|MH [tur^etsk^iy] a
m -ua, -ueB native, indigene. -an, -oe, -He Turkish.
TyjioBMmje [tul9v^ish^:8] n xypHcx [tur^ist, -zd] m -a,
-a, -- trunk, body. -OB tourist; hiker.
xyjiyn [tulup, -b] m -a, -ob xypKMCH [turkm^en] ni -a,
sheepskin (coat). -OB Turkmen.
TyMaH [tuman] m -a, -oe xypKMCHCKJHH [turkm^en-
mist, fog, haze; sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne Turk-
<> y Hero b~
rojioe^ his men.
mind is in a e rjia-
fog; ~ xypHHp [turn^ir] m -a, -ob
3ax a mist before one's eyes. tournament.
TyMaHH|biH [tumanniy] a xypjOK [turak, -g] m -Ka,
sh f TyManeH, -a, -o, -bi -OK Turk.
1. misty, foggy; 2. fig ob- xypHaH|Ka [turch^anka] /
scure, vague, -KH, -OK Turkish woman;
xyHflpla [tundra] / -bi tun- Turkish girl.
dra {the vast, level, treeless xycKjilbiii [tuskliy] a sh f
plains of the arctic re- ~, -a, -o, -bi 1. dim, dull;
gions). 2. fig dull, dreary.
xyHHclei; ftun^is^itj, -dz] xyx
[tut, -d] adv col here,
m -ua, -ueB Tunisian. in this place; kto — ? who's
xyHHCCK|HH [tun^issk^iy] a there?;
-aH, -oe, -He Tunisian. <> ~ «e on the spot; there
xyHHCJiIb [tuneP] -h, m and then; He ^-xo 6biJio =
-eft tunnel; subway {for pe- nothing of the kind.
destrians). xy(j)|jiH [tufPi] pi -ejib
xynHK [tup^ik, -g] m {sing Ty^ji\n f -h) shoes; ao-
-OB 1. blind alley; 2. fig MaiuHHe --J1H slippers; JiaKH-
blind alley, impasse, dead- poBaHHbie ~JiH patent-leather
lock; aaBecTH kofo-ji. b ~ shoes; saMuieBbie --jih suede
lead smb up
a blind alley; shoes.
-0"(no)cxaBHXb Koro-Ji. e ~ xyxjilbiH [tukhliy] a sh f
nonplus smb; cxaxb e ~ be ~, -a, -o, -bi rotten, bad,
nonplussed. addle(d).
xynjOH [tupoy] a sh f —, xyxH|yxb I [tukhnut''] im-
-a, -o, -bi 1. blunt {knife, perf -ex, p xyx (-yji), xyxjia,
pencil, etc); 2. stupid, slovv- noixyxHyxb [pAtukhnut''] perf
-witted; narrow-minded; ~6fl go' out {of fire, lights).
qejioBeK dullard; 3. dull xyxHJyxb II [tukhnut''] im-
ifiain, etc); perf -ex, p xyx, xyxjia, npoj-
— 489 — T5I3K

TyxHyxb [prAtukhnut^] perf TbMJa [t^ma] / -bi dark,

go bad, rot. darkness (also fig);
xynja [tuch^a] / -h, — <> ^Si KpOMeuiHan pitch
1. (black) cloud; 2. fig swarm, darkness.
host; cloud (of dust, etc). TK)K [t^uk, -g] m -a, -6b
Tyui|HTb [tushit^j imperf package, bundle; bale (of
-y, TyiuHiub, p -HJi, imp -h, goods).
noJTyuiHTb [p9tushft^] perf TiojieH|b[t^ul^en^] m -a,
put out, extinguish; col turn -eftzool seal.
off {the light). TtojibnaH [t^u^l^^pan] m -a,
TmaTejibHJbifi [ch^sh^:a- -OB tulip.
t^iPnty] a sh / Tmarejien, TiopbM|a [t^ur^ma] / -bi, pi
-a, -o, -bi careful, thorough; TK)pbMbI, TK)peM, TibpbMaM
—an noAroTOBKa thorough prison, jail.
preparations. THrja [t^aga] / -h 1. tech-
TmecjiaBH|biH [ch^sh^-.i^- nol traction; thrust (of rock-
slavnty] a sh f imecjiaBeH, ets); 2. thirst (for), craving
-a, -o, -bi vain, vainglorious. (for); 1)ent (for), inclination
TmeTH|wH [ch^sh^:etniy] a (to), propensity (to).
sh f TmereH, -a, -o, -bi vain, TnrocTH|biH [t^agasniy] a
futile. sh f THFOCTeH, -a, -o, -w
TH [ti] pron pars sing 2nd painful, distressing; burden-
person Te6a, Te6e, Te6H, to- some, onerous, wearisome.
66h (to66k)), (o) Te6e you; TJiroTlHTb [t^igAt^'if'l i^'
thou; Tbi roTOB? are you perf -Huib, p -HJI, imp -h be
ready?; Te6a m6hiJio jipua you a burden, oppress, weigh
weren't in; y ledn ecxb pyq- heavily; oAHHOMecTBO —
Ka? do you have a pen?; ohh ero his loneliness Oppressed
aaHHMajiHCb y Te6H? did they him.
study at your place?; Te6e TSirOTlHTbCil [t^igAt^itts9]
xojioAHO? are you cold?; h imperf inromycb, -HiiibCH, p
Te6fl BHAeJi I saw you; kto -HJiCH, -Hjiacb, imp -HCb,
6biji c to66h? who was with -Hxecb feel (smth, smb) as a
you?; Mbi roBOpHJiH o Te6e burden.
we spoke about you. TsiKCjio [t^izhi^lo] I adv 1,
TbiKB|a [ttkva] / -u pump- heavily (burdened, etc); 2.
kin. seriously, gravely: danger-
TWJi [tH] m -a (-y), pi -bi, ously, badly;
-OB mil rear. U impers predic: eMy ~
Tbic5iH|a [tfs^ach^a] -h, 1) he feels miserable / wretch-
instr -eft (-bio), pi -h, ~ I ed; 2) it is hard / painful
nam card a / one thousand; for him (to do smth).
II / a thousand; ~h jhoach T$iiKeji|biH [t^i^zhoUy] a
thousands of people. sh f --', TflJKejia, THiKeji6,
T533K 490

Tyi>KeJibi1. heavy, weighty; 5. impers: ox okoh THHer x6-

2. heavy, hard, difficult; draught
jioflOM there is a cold
3. heavy, severe (punishment, from the windows; 6. impers
etc); ~oe HcnbixaHHe ordeal; long (for), feel an inclina-
4. grave, serious (illness, tion (towards); MeHH thhct
etc); ~biH y;^ap AOMOH I feel like going home;
blow; 5. distressing, painful I'm homesick; ero THHei k
(thoughts, etc); ~oe qyecT- ApysbHM he misses his friends'
Bo misgivings; 6. difficult company;
(people). <> —yxb Ha 6yKCHpe tow;
Tfl)KecT|b [t^azhas^t^, -z^d^] — yrb BpeMsi drag out time;
/ -H, -eH 1. phys gravity; 2. resort todelaying tactics;
load, weight; 3. heaviness, — yxb sa jisbiK col make
weight, burden. (smb) say smth; ~yxb KaHH-
TfljKKJHH [t^ashk^iy] a -an, xeJib col procrastinate.
-oe, -He, sh f TH>KeK, -a, -o, x5iH(yxbCJi [t^i^nuttja] im-
-H 1. heavy, hard (work, etc); perf -ycb, xflHeuibCH, p -yjiCH,
2. serious, grave (crime, dis- -yjiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb,
ease, etc); 3. painful, dis- noixMHyxbCfl [p9t^i^nutts9]
tressing. perf 1. (no perf) stretch, ex-
TjiH|yTb [t^i^nut^] imperf tend; 2. (no perf) stretch (of
-y, THHeiiib, p -yji, imp -h rubber, etc); 3. stretch one-
1. pull, draw; drag, haul; 2. self; 4. (no perf) drag on,
lay (a cable, etc); 3. delay, last a long time; hang heavy
protract, procrastinate; yib — (of time); 5. reach out (for),
c oTBeroM delay one's answer; stretch one's hand (for); 6.
He ~h! hurry up!, be quick!; (no perf) move slowly; 7. (no
4. col make go, force to go; perf) strive (after), aspire (to).

y [u] prep with gen denot- care, etc: ^HXb y poOTxejiefi

ing 1. proximity: cxoHXb y live with one's parents; ocxa-
cxeHbi stand by the wall, HOBHxbCH y ApyseH put up at
stand at the wall; y caMoro one's friends, stay with one's
MopH close to the sea; 2. friends; y nac 1) at our
possession: y Hee ceexjihie so- place; 2) in our country; y
jiocbi she has fair hair; y Me- ce6H (iioMa) at one's place,
HH Hex BpeMCHH I have no at home; 4. source or origin:
time; y Hero 6ojihx roJioBa ysHaxb mo-Ji. y Koro-Ji. learn
he has a headache; 3. living smth from smb; Kynnxb qxo-ji.
at smb's place, in smb's y Koro-Ji. buy smth from
— 491 y6o

smb; y 6yKHHHCTa — aright of sanctuary; 2. mil

buy at asecond-hand book- shelter, dug-out.
shop; npocHTb noMomn y- ko- y6eH [ub^ey] imp of y6HTb;
ro-Ji. beg smb for help. see y6HBaTb.
y... pref of verbs denoting ySepH [ub^i^r^i] imp of
1. movement away from smth: yfipaxb; see yCHpaxb.
yrHaxb [ugnat^] 1) drive away ySepy [ub^i^ru], y6epeujb
(cattle, etc); 2) steal (a car, [ub^i^r^6sh,-zh] 1st & 2nd
etc); yjieTeib [uPi^t^et^] fly persons of y6paxb; see y6H-
off / away; leave by air; 2. paxb.
covering all over, completely: ySHBJaTb [ub^ivat^] imperf
ycbinaxb [usipat^] strew -aio, -aeiiib, ySHXb [ub^it^]
[with), bestrew {with); 3. the perf y6bK), y6bemb, p y6uji,
perfective aspect: yKpacxb imp y6eH 1. kill (a living
[ukras^t^] perf of Kpacib. being); murder, assassinate;
ySerjaTb [ub^i^gat^] imperf 2. fig col waste (time, mon-
-aio, -aeiiib, ySemjaTb [ub^i^- ey, etc);
zhat^] perf y6ery, -Huib, y6e- <> 3xa Mbicjib --aex Menn
ryx, p -aji, imp y6erH 1. run the thought breaks my heart.
away, make off; 2. escape y6HHcxB|o [ub^iystva] n
(from prison, etc); 3. col boil -a, —
murder, assassination;
over (of milk, etc). manslaughter.
ySejiHTejibRJbiH [ub^i^d^i- y6HHu,la [ub'^iytja] m & f
t^il^niy] a sh f ySeAHTejien, -bi, — killer (a person); mur-
-a, -o, -bi 1. convincing, con- derer, assassin; murderess.
clusive; 2. earnest (request, y6Hp|axb imperf
etc). -aio, y6p|axb [ubrat^]
ySe^HTb see ySeJKAaTb. perf y6epy, y6epemb, p -aji,
y6e)KaTb see ySeraxb. -ajia, -ajio, -ajin, imp y6epH
y6e)Kfl|aTb [ub^i^zhdat^] 1. take away, carry away;
imperf -aio, -aeuib, y6e;ilHTb take out of the way; put
[ub^i^d^it^j perf -Hiub, p -hji, away (hide); —axb co cxoJia
imp -H 1. convince (smb of clear the table; ~axb Bemn
the necessity, etc); 2. per- Ha Mecxo put things in place;
suade, induce. 2. gather harvest,
in (a
y6e)KAeHH|e [ub^i^zhd^e- crops); 3. clean; do;
n^iya] n -h, -h 1. persuasion put (a room, etc) in order;
(the process of); 2. belief, ~axb nocxejib make the bed
conviction; ;^eHCTBOBaTb no (after it has been used); 4.
~K) have the courage of one's decorate, adorn.
convictions. ySHXb see y6HBaxb.
y6e)KHm|e [ub^ezhish^:a] n ySorJHH [ubog^iy] a -an,
-a, ~ 1. refuge, asylum; -oe, -He, sh f — , -a, -o, -h
TaifHoe —e hide-out; npaeo wretched, miserable, poor.
y6o — 492 —
y66p|Ka [uborka] / -kh, with certainty; b hojihoh
-OK 1. tidying up, doing up; ^H, Hxo... in the firm belief
putting (a room, etc) in or- that...
der; 2. harvesting, gathering yBepeHHJbiH [uv^er^'mty]
in. a \pa] sh f yBepeH, -a, -o,
y66pH|a5i [ubornays] / -oft, -bi assured, sure, confident;
-MX 1. lavatory; water-closet; —
an pyKa steady hand;
My>KCKaH ~aH gentlemen's <> 6y;ib(xe) yBepeH(,bi) you
room; AaMCKan —an ladies' may rely on it.

room; oCmecTBeHHan —an yBepHXb see ysepnxb.

public convenience; 2. theat yBep|HXb luv^i*^r^at^] im-
dressing-room. perf -HK), -Heuib, yBep|HXb
y66pmKu|a [uborsh^iitja] / [uv^er^'it^] perf -lo, -Huib, p
-bi, ~ office-cleaner; maid -HJI, imp -b assure {smb)\
{at a hotel); charwoman. convince, persuade.
ySpaxb see y6HpaTb. yBccxH see yBOAHXb.
y6biT|oK [ubitak, -g] m
-Ka, yBHflexb see BHAexb 1, 3,
-KOB loss, damage; sabiCKH- 4, 5.
eaxb ~KH claim damages; yeMAexbCH see BH^exbCH.
<0>6biTb B —
Ke lose {in a yBjieK|axb [uvPi'^kat''] im-
business, etc). perf -aK), -aemb, yBjijenb
ySbib [ub^'yu], ySbeuib [uvPech*'] perf -exy, -eqeuib,
[ub^yosh, -zh] 1st &2nd per- -CKyx, p -CK, -CKJia, imp -ckh
sons of y6HTb; see ySHsaxb. 1. carry {smb) along {said
yBawacMWH [uvAzhayamty] of a crowd, etc); 2. fig carry
a [pa] honoured, respected; (smb) away {said of a book,
^ ToeapHu; dear friend {a etc); fascinate, captivate; 3.
form of address). fig allure, entice away.
yeawlaxb [uvAzhat*'] im- yBJieKJaxbcsi [uvl^'i^kattja]
perf -aK), -aeuib respect, hold imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, yB-
in respect, esteem. ji|eHbC5i [uvl^ech^'s^'a] perf
yeaxceHHle [uvAzhen^iya] -eKycb, -eqeiiibCH, -CKyxcH, p
n -H respect, esteem. -eKCH, -eKJiacb, imp -CKHCb,
yeeaxH see yeoanxb. -eKHxecb 1. be carried away
yeejiMMHElaxb [uv^i^l'^ich^i- {by a story, etc); be keen
vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, {on smth); 2. be captivated
yeejiHHlHXij [uv^i^l^ich^it^j {by), be enamoured {of smb).
perf -y, -Hiiib, p -hji, imp -b yBJieHeHHJe [uvl*'i^ch*'e-
1. increase; enlarge, extend; n'^iya] n -h, -ft 1. enthusiasm,
2, magnify {with a lens, etc); animation; 2. passion, incli-
enlarge {a photo). nation; 3. love, fondness {for
yBepeHHOcxjb [uv^'er^i- smb).
nas^t**, -z*'d^] / -h confi- yBjieHb see yBjienaxb.
dence, assurance, c —bio yBJie4bC}i see yBjicKaxbcH.
493 — yro

yBOfl|MTb [uvAd^it^] imperf making deeper; 2. cavity,

yBOH<y, yeo/iHuib, p -hji, pit, recess, hole, hollow; de-
Imp -H, yBe|cTM [uv^i^s^t^i] pression {in the ground, etc).
perf -j\y, -Aeiub, p yeeji, -ji3, yrjiySjijflTbCJi [uglubl^a-
imp -AH 1. take away, lead ttja] imperf -Hiocb, -neiiibCH,
away; 2. steal {horses, etc). yrjiy6|HTbcfl [uglub^ittja]
yeoslHTb [uvAz^it^] imperf perf -jiibcb, -HuibCH, p -hjich,
yBOJKy, yBosHuib, p -hji, imp -Hjiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1.
-H, yBe3|TH [uv^i^s^t^i] perf deepen, become deeper {also
-y, -eiub, p yeea, -jia, /mp fig); 2. go deep {into), plunge
-H 1. take / drive away; 2. kid- {into) {the forest, etc); 3. fig
nap, abduct. be absorbed {in study,
yeojiHTb see yeojibHHTb. thought, etc); yrJiy6HTbCH
yBOjibHeHH|e [uvAl^n^e- B pasMbiuiJieHHH be lost in
n^iya] n -h, -h release, dis- thought.
charge, dismissal; superannua- yrjiM [ugPa], yrjiefi [ugPiy]
tion, pensioning off; npeAynpe- see yrojib.
AHTb o6 ~h give notice {to a yrHerlaxb [ugn^i^tat''] im-
worker, employee). perf -aK), -aeiiib oppress {a
yeojibHlflTb [uvAl^n^at^] colonial people, etc; also fig).
imperf -hk), -neuib, yB6ji|HTb yrHCTeHlHbiH [ugn^i^f'on-
[uvol^it^] perf -lo, -Hiub, p niy] a [pa] sh f ~, yrHere-
-HJI, imp -b 1. dismiss, dis- Ha, yrHeTCHO, yrneTeHbi 1. op-
charge; yeojiHTb B OTCiaBKy pressed {peoples, etc); 2. de-
retire; 2. {no imperf): ysojib- pressed, low-spirited.
Te MeHH OT He06X0AHM0CTH... yroBapHB|aTb [ugAvar^i-
spare me the necessity {of). vaP] imperf -?k), -aeuib,
yBbi [uvl] int alas! yroBop|HTb [ugavAr^it^] perf
yraflaxb see y^a;^bIBaTb. -K), -Hiiib, p -Hji, imp H per-
yra;ibiB|aTb [ugadivst''] im- suade, talk into, induce.
perf -aK), -aeuib, yrafljaxb y^»^,\vnh [ugAd^it*'] perf
[ugAdat''] perf -aio, -aeiiib yro>Ky, -Huib, p -hji, imp -h
guess {the meaning, etc). col 1. see yro>KAaTb; 2. col
yrjia [ugla], yrJioB [uglof, fall {into), get {into); bang
-v] see yroji. {against); strike {against);
yrjiepofl [ugl^i^rot, -d] m run {into a tree, etc); ~HTb
-a chem carbon. rojiOBOH B flBepb strike one's
yrjiOBOH [uglAvoy] a 1. head against the door; ~HTb
corner {house, room, etc); B TiopbMy find oneself in
2. phys, math angular. prison.
yrjiy6HTbC5i see yrjiy6jiHTb- yroAHo [ugodna] 1 predic:
CH. ^T0 BaM -^P what can I do
yrjiySjicHHle [uglubl^en^i- for you? {in addressing a
ya] n -h, -h 1. deepening, customer); what would you
yro — 494 —
like to have?; Kan BaM ^ as perf -aio, -aeuib, yrocT|HTb
yoa choose /
please; [ugAs^t^it^l perf yromy, -Huib,
II part used with inter & p -HJi, imp -H entertain
ret pron and adv with the {guests); treat {to an ice-
meaning of 'any (whatever)': -cream, etc).
KTO — anybody; rAe -- any- yromeHHle [ugAsh^:en^iy8l
where, wherever one likes n -H entertainment, treat-

{denoting position); Ky^a — ing; 2. refreshments.

anywhere, wherever one likes yrpo>K|aTb [ugrAzhat^] im-
(denoting direction); KaKOH perf -aio, -aeuib threaten,
-- any; mo -^ anything, menace.
whatever one likes. yrposla [ugroza] / -u, ^
yro«fl|aTb [ugAzhdat^] im- threat, menace; cxasHTb no;;
perf -aio, -aeuib, yrofli^Tb —y jeopardize {an undertak-
[ugAd^it^] perf yrojKy, -Huib, hhmh naeHCJia
ing, etc); najx
p -HJi, imp -H please, oblige, -~a rojioAHOH CMGpTH they
humour, play up {to smb)\ were threatened with starva-
Ha Bcex He —Hiub there's no tion.
pleasing everyone; eMy ne yrpWMlbiH. [ugr^'umiy] a
— Huib he is hard to please. sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi sullen,
yroji [ugal] m yrjia, pi gloomy, morose.
yr.ibi, yrjioB 1. corner {1) in yflaJBaTbCJi [udAvattja] /m-
a room, etc; 2) of a street); perf -eicH, p -BajicH, -sajiacb,
H3-3a yrjia round the corner yaalxbcsi [udattja] perf -ctch,
(from behind) [also see <>]; p -jicH, -jiacb 1. turn out
2. home (the place where one well, be a success; 2. impers:
lives); He HMexb CBoero yrjia eMy [eft u m. d.] y^ajipcb aa-
be homeless; 3. corner, part KOHMHTb paCoxy he [she, etc]
of room; 4, math, phys
a succeeded in completing his
angle; uqa npHMbiM yrJiOM at [her, etc] work; eMy [eft
right angles; u m. d.] He y;iaji6cb HaftxH
<> H3-3ayr.iia underhandedly. KHHpy he [she, etc] failed to
yroji6BH|biH [ugAlovniy] a find the book.
criminal {offence, etc); penal yjiajiHTb see yAaJiHXb.
'{laws, etc); —
oe npecjie^oBa- yAajiHTbCfl see y^ajinxbCfl.
HHe prosecution; yflajil«Tb [udAl^at^] imperf
<> ~biH poBbicK Criminal -HK), -Heuib, yflajijiixb [udA-
Investigation Department. l^it^] perf -K), -Huib, p -HJI,
yrojib [ugal^] m yrjin (yr- imp make leave, send
-H 1.

jih), pi yrjiH, yrjiefl (yrjieft) away; ~HXb Koro-ji. h3 kom-

coal; Haxbi make smb leave the
<> ApeeecHbiH ^
charcoal. room; 2. remove, extract;
yrocTHTb see yromarb. ~HXb 3y6 have a tooth pull-
yromlaxb [ugAsh^:at^J im- ed (out).
495 — yflH

yAajijaTbCM [udAl^attsa] im- -HUIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb,

pe*'f -HK)cb, -neuibCH, y^a- imp -bCH, -bxecb 1. strike
jiJHTbCfl [udAl^ittsa] perf {against), bump {against);
-ibCb.-HUIbCH, p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, yjxapvnhca fojioboh o6o ixo-ji.
imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1. move off/ strike one's head against
away; —
HibCH ox TeMbi wan- smth; 2. fig col go in {for),
der from the subject; 2. re- addict oneself (to);
tire, withdraw, go away. <> ~flXbCa
H3 OAHOH Kpafl-
y^ap [udar] m -a, -ob 1. HocxH B ApyryK) go from one
blow {1) a hit, stroke; 2) a extreme to another.
misfortune); punch {with the yAaxbcsi see yAasaxbCH.
fist); kick {with the foot); yaanla [udach^a] / -h, ^
mTpa4)H6H ~' free kick {in good luck, good fortune;
football); oi6mh ~ parry a piece of luck; success {in
blow; 2. stroke {of the bells, life, etc); jKejiaxb —h wish
etc); ~ rpOMa thunderclap; good luck.
3. (apoplectic) stroke;^ yAaHH|biH [udach^niy] a
<> 6biTb B —
e col =
be at sh f y^a^eH, -a, -o, -bi 1.
one's best; craBHTb noA ~ successful {attempt, experi-
jeopardize {an undertaking, ment, etc); 2. good, apt
etc). {choice, comparison, etc).
yjtapcHHJe [udAr^en^iya] n yABaMBJaxb [udvaivat^] im-
-H, -H 1. accent, stress; 3HaK perf -aio, -aeuib, yAEOJHxb
— H stress; 2. fig emphasis, [udvoit^] perf -lo, -HUib, p
stress; ^ejiaxb ~-e emphasize. -HJI, imp -H double, redouble.
yAapHTb see y^apjixb. yAepjKaxb see y;iepH<HBaxb.
yAapHxbcji see y^ap^xbCH. yAepjKHBJaxb [ud^erzhtvat^]
yAapi^Tb [udAr^at^] imperf imperf -aio, -aemb, yAep-
-HK), -neuib, yAapJHTb [uda- m\a.Tb [ud^i^rzhat^] perf -y,
r^it^] perf -k), -Huib, p -hji, yAepJKHiub, p -aji, im.p -h 1.
imp -b 1. strike, hit; punch retain, hold; not let go;
{with the fist); kick {a ball, yAepmaxb b pyKax hold fast;
etc); lash {a horse, etc); slap 2. hold back {from), keep
{smb in the face, etc); 2. (from); 3. deduct {from the
strike {at the rear, at the wages, etc).
enemy, etc; also fig); yAepH [ud^i^r^i] imp of
-0 y^apnTb no KapMany col yApaxb; see yAHpaxb.
2^ hit hard; cost a pretty yAepy [ud^i^ru], yAepeuib
penny; bhho y^apHjio eiviy b [udM^r^osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd
rojiOBy the wine went to his persons of yApaxb; see yAH-
head. paxb.
yAaplflxbcsi [udAr^atts9J im- yAHBMxejibHlbiii [ud^iv^i-
perf -Hiocb, -HembCH, yAa- t^iPnty] a sh f yAHBiixejien,
pjMXbCji [udar^ittja] perf -locb, -a, -0, -b| 1. astonishing,

ym — 496 —
surprising; — oe coenaAeHHe HHXfa eMy xaK nosAHo? is it
miraculous coincidence; hh- all right if I call him up at
qero — oro small wonder; 2. such a late hour?
wonderful, marvellous. yA66H|biH [udobniy] a sh
yflHBMTb see yAHBJiHXb, f yA66eH, -a, -o, -bi 1. com-
yflHBHtbCH see yAHBJiHibCH. fortable, cosy; handy (thing);
yAHBJijflTb [ud^'ivl^at''] im- 2. convenient, opportune;
perf -HK), -aeuib, yflHBJHTb —biH cjiyqaft opportunity.
(ud^iv^'it^] perf -jiib, -Hiiib, yAoSpeHMJe [udAbr^en^iya]
p -HJi, imp -H astonish, sur- n -H rii 1. fertilizing, ferti-
prise, amaze. lization; 2. fertilizer.
yAHBjilflTbCJi yAoScxBJo [udopstva] n -a,
imperf -niocb, -neuibCH, 1. ynH- ~
comfort (a state of
BJiiTbcsi [ud'^iv^'itlja] perf ease); 2. convenience (a use-
-JllbCb, -HUIbCH, p HJICH, ful appliance); KBapxHpa co
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -rixecb be BceMH ~aMH flat with every
astonished / surprised/ amaz- convenience.
ed; wonder {at). yAOBjiexBopHxejibHlbiH [uda-
yflMpjaxb [ud^irat^] imperf vPitvAr**it^il*'niy] a sh f
-aio, -aeuib, yApjaxb [ud- yAOBJiexBopHxejien, -a, -o, -u
rat**] perf y^epy, yAepeuib, p satisfactory.
-aji, -ajia, -ajio, -ajiH, imp yAOBjiexBopMxb see yAOBJiex-
yAepH col run away, bolt, BOpflXb.
take to one's heels; escape yAOBjiexBoplHXb [udavl^it-
(from). VAr^at''] imperf -hio, -nemb,
yAHJxb [ud^it''] imperf y>Ky, yAOBjiexBopliixb [udavPitvA-
yAHiub, p -ji, imp ~ fish, r^'it^] perf -k>, -uuib, p -hji,
angle. imp -H 1 satisfy, gratify;
yAJiHHHXb see yAJiHHHXb. comply with (a request, etc);
yAAHHJflXb [udl^'in^'at^l im- 2. meet (the requirements^
perf -HK), -HeUIb, yAJIHHJHXb etc).
[udl^in^'it^] perf -ib, -Huib, yAOBOJIbCXBHle [udAVol^-
gb^fa^bjygj ^
p -HJi, imp -H lengthen, make 1^ pleas-
.jj^ .g
longer; prolong (a term, line, ure (delight, joy); k 66m,eMy
etc). — K) to everybody's delight;
yAoSHO [udobnaj I adv com- 2. amusement, diversion;

fortably, conveniently; <> acHXb B CBoe --e enjoy ^

II impers predic 1. feel / be life.
comfortable; eMy ~ he is yAocxaHBlaxb [udAstaivst'']
comfortable; 2. it is conven- imperf -aio, -aeuib, yAocx6|-
ient, it suits {one); MHe — HXb [udAstoit''] perf -k),

npHHXH B nnxb it is conven- -HUJb, p -HA, imp -Pi 1.

ient for me to come at five; award (a prize, etc); confer

3, it is proper; -^ jih 3bo- (an honorary degree, etc); 2,
— 497 y«e

favour (with), honour {with); persons of yexaxb; see yes-

OH a He YAocTOHJia ero otbc- >Kaxb.
TOM she did not deign to an- ye3>KaH [uyi^zh^:ay] imp
swer him. of yexaxb & yeamarh; see
y;]^ocTOBepeHHle [udastav^i^- yesmaxb.
r^'en^iya] n -h, -h 1. certifi- yesjKJaxb [uyi^zh^:at^] im-
cation, attestation {the pro- perf -aK), -aeuib, yexjaxb
cess of); 2. certificate (a doc- [uyekhat^] perf ye^y, yeAeuib,
ument); -—e JTHHHOCTH iden- p -aji, imp yea^aft leave,
tification card. go away, depart;
yAocTOBepHTb see yAocxo- <> Ha 3X0M flajicKo He yeiieuib
BepHTb. col it won't take you far,
yAOCTOBeplnTb [udsstav^i^- you won't achieve much by
r^at^] imperf -hk), -neiiib, it.

yAOCTOBep|HTb [udastAv^e- ym I [ush, uzh] m

r^it^] perf -lo, -Huib, p -hji, ymeik zool grass-snake.
imp -b certify, attest (that...), y)K II [ush, uzh] I adv=ymk\
— HTb JIH^HOCTb KOFO-Jl. prOVe II part intens 1.: oweHb
smb's identity; ~HTb Mbio-Ji. ym MHoro acji y Hero he has
noAHHCb witness smb's sig- too many things to do; 2.:
nature. yjK ecJiH ACJiaxb, xo A^Jiaxb
yAOCTOHTb see yAOCiaH- xopoiuo if you are to do it,
Baxb, you must do it properly; y>K
yflo^lKa [udach^ka] / -kh, 6h-xo 3Haex he is sure to
-eK fishing-rod; saKHHyxb ^* know; yjK KaK oh cxapa^cn!
Ky cast the line {also he really tried it hard!
see <>]; ywajiHxb see JKajiHXb.
<> saKHHyxb --Ky col sug- y>Kac [uzhas, -z] I -a, m
gest tentatively; ask tenta- pi -bi, -OB 1. terror, horror;
tively; noHMaxb Ha ~Ky col o6'bHXbiH ~0M terror-stricken;
dupe (stTib);nonacxbcji na 6bixb B ~e be horrified; 2.
~Ky col swallow / take the {mostly pi) horrors {of war,
bait. dismay, consternation;
etc); 3.
yApaxb see y^Hpaxb. II as an adv col terribly,
yAyuiJiHBlbiH [udushPiviy] horribly, awfully; — KaK -

a sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi 1. suf- ^apKo terribly hot.

focating, choking, stifling; yma.cH\biK [uzhasnty] a sh
2.: ~biH raa asphyxiating f yjKacen, -a, -o, -bi terrible,
gas. horrible; awful, ghastly.
yeflHHeHH je [uyid^in^en^iya] yjKC [uzhi^] comp of ysKHH
n -a solitude, seclusion, re- & corresp adv.
tirement. yme [uzhe] adv & part
yeAy [uyedu], ycAeuib already; by this time, by
[uyed^ish. -zh] 1st & 2nd now; ^
He no longer; '^
yiKM 498 —
AaBHO long since, long ago; yHTH see yxoAHXb.
for a long time now. ynas [ukas, -z] m -a, -oe
y«HH [uzhin] m -a, -ob decree, edict.
supper. yKasaHHJe [ukAzan^iya] n
yxHulaTb [uzhinat^] im- -H, -Horder; instructions,
perf -aio, -aeiiib, noiy^HHaTb directions.
[pAUzhinat^] perf have sup- yKasaxejijb [ukAzat^il^] m
per. -H, -eft 1. signpost; finger-
yjKy [uzhu] see yAHXb. -post; 2. indicator, pointer
ysScK [uz^b^ek, -g] m -a, {in a gauge, etc); 3. index
-OB Uzbek. {uf names, etc).
y36eKCKlHH [uz^b^eksk^iy] ynasaxb
yxasbiBaxb. see
a -aji, -oe, -He Uzbek. yKasbiBJaxb [ukazivat^] im-
yaeji [uz^'il] m ysjia, pi perf -avD, -aeuib, yKaajaxb
ysjibi, ysJioB 1. knot {in a [ukAzat^] perf yKa>Ky, yKa-
rope, etc); saBHSbmaTb ysJioM sceiub, p -Li, imp yKa>KH 1,
make a knot, knot; 2.: ~ point {to, at); motion {to);
conpoTHBJieHHH mil centre of 2. point out; indicate, name;
resistance; 3. bundle, pack. 3. explain, point out {how
ysKJHH [usk^iy] a -an, -oe, to do smth); give instructions
-He, sh f ysoK, -a, -o, -h (-h) {as to).
1, narrow {street, etc); tight yKjiaAbiBJaxb [ukladivat^]
{clothes, etc); 2. fig narrow imperf -aio, -aeiiib, yjio^lHXb
{interests, etc); narrow-mind- [ulAzhit^] perf -y, yji6>KHmb,
ed; p -HJi, imp -H 1. lay {on the
<> -^oe MecTo weak point. floor, etc); — axb jiexeft put
ysjia [uzla], ysnoe [uzlof, ^he children to bed; 2. pack
-v] see yaeji (up) {one's things); 3. stow;
ysHalBaxb [uznAvat^] im- pile {logs, etc); 4. lay {rails,
perf -K), -euib, p -Baji, imp etc).
-Ban, ysHJaTb
[uznat^j perf yKJiaAbiB|axbCji [ukladiva-
-aio, -aeiiib 1. learn, get to ttja] imperf -aeuibCH,
know; 2. find out {smb's yjiOKJiixbca [ulAzhittja] perf
address); imperf also inquire -ycb, yjioHCHuibCH, p -hjich,
{about); 3. recognize {an old -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb 1.
friend, etc). pack (up), be packing one's
y30K [uzak, -g] see ysKHH. things; 2. go {into some recep-
yaop [uzor] -a, m
-ob pat- tacle); B 3X0X HIUHK He yjio-
tern {a decorative design). »caxcH Bce Bemn the box
yHAH [uyd^i] imp of yflTH; can't hold all these things;
see yxoAHTb. 3. fig keep {within a certain
yflfly[uydu], yfi^iemb time or other limit); oh ue
[uyd^osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd per- yji6>KHxCH B AecHTb MHHyx he
sons of yfliH; see yxojxuTb. wants more than ten minutes;
499 — yKp

<^ 3T0 He ~aeTCJi b rojioee yKpacHTb see yKpamaxb.

^ it is hard to believe. yKpacTb see Kpacib.
yKjioH [uklon] m
-a, -ob 1. yKpauijaTb [uki'Ashat^] im-
inclination, slope; 2. fig perf -aio, -aeiiib, yKpac|HTb
deviation {also pol); npasbm [ukras^it^]per/yKpamy, -Hiiib,
[jieBbm] ~
right-wing [left- p -HJI, imp -b adorn, deco-
-wing] deviation; 3. fig bias rate, ornament; —axb ejiKy
{practical, technical, etc); dress the New Year's tree.
<> HATH noA ~
go downhill. yKpeoHXb yKpeiiJiHXb.
yKJIOHHTbCfl SeeyKJIOHHTbCH. yKpenjieHH|e [ukr^i^pl^e-
yKJi6HHHB|biH [uklon^ch^'i- n^iya] n -h, -h 1. strengthen-

viy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -u ing, consolidation; 2. mil

evasive, equivocal. fortification (work); npe^MO-
yKjioHlflTbCfl [uklAH^attsg] cxHoe -— e bridge-head.
imperf -niocb, -neuibCH, yKjio- yKpenjijflxb [ukr^i^pl^at^]
HJHTbCfl [uklAn^ittsaj perf imperf -Ak>, -Heiub, yKpen|HXb
-lOCb, yKJIOHHUIbCH (-HLUbCH), [ukr^i^p^it^] perf -jiib, -Hiiib,
p -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, p -HJI, imp -H strengthen;
-HTecb 1. deviate {from the consolidate {power, unity,
course, a subject, etc); 2. avoid etc); 2. fix, make fast; 3. mil
{meeting smb, etc); evade, fortify.
dodge {also fig). yKp6MH|biH [ukromniy] a
yKOJi [ukol] m -ob
-a, sh f yKpoMen, -a, -o, -bi se-
1. prick {a small wound or cluded, quiet; comfortable,
the pain caused by it); 2. in- cosy; -biH yrojiOK nook.
jection- {of' penicillin, etc). yKpon [ukr6p, -b] -a m
yKopeHHTbCJi see ynope- fennel, dill.
HHTbCH. yKpbiB|axb [ukrtvat^] im-
yKopeHlflTbCJi [ukar^i^n^a- perf -aio, -aeuib, yKplbixb [uk-
ttsa] imperf -nexcH, yKope- rit^] perf -6k). -deiiib, p -b'lji,

H|HTbCfl [ukar^i^n^Ittja] perf imp -OH 1. cover {with a

-HTCH, p -HJICH, -Hjiacb take blanket, etc); 2. shelter, give
root {also fig). shelter; conceal, harbour,
yKopHTb see yKopHxb. shield.
yKop|MTb [ukAr^at^] imperf yKpbiBJaxbCfl [ukrivattsa]
-HK), -neuib, yKOp|HTb [ukA- imperf -aracb, -aeuibCH, yK-
r^it^] perf -ib, -Hiiib, p -hji, p|bixbCfl [ukrtttja] per/ -oiocb,
imp -H reproach, reprove. -oeiubCH, p -bijicH, -biJiacb,
yKpaflKOH [ukratkay] adv imp -OHCH, -oHxecb 1. cover /
stealthily, furtively. wrap oneself up; 2. seek
yKpaHHJeu [ukrAin^itj, -dz] shelter, shelter; take shelter /
m -ua, -ueB Ukrainian. cover; 3. escape {smb's at-
yKpaHHCK[HH [ukrAinsk^iy] tention, etc).
a -an, -oe, -He Ukrainian. yKpbixb see vKpuBaxb.
ynp 500

yKpuTbCfl see yKpbmaTbCH, [ulutshtt''] perf -y, -HUJb, p

yKcyc [uksus, -z] m -a vin- -HJI, imp -H improve, make
egar. better, better
yKycliiTb (ukus^'it''] perf yjibi61axbc« [uUbattsa] im-
yKyiuy, yKycHujb, p -hji, imp perf -aiocb, -aembCH, yjibi6-
-11 bite {of a dog, flea, etc) H|yxbcji [ulibnuttso] perf
yjiaejiMBJaTb [ulavl'^ivat*'] -ycb, -euibCH, p -yjicH, -yjiacb,
imperf -aemb, yjioBJHTb
-aio, imp -\\Qh, -Hiecb 1. smile
[ulAv'^it''] perf -j\k), yjioBHiub, {also fig)\ 2. {no perf) fig
p -h;i, imp -h catch / grasp col: eMy [eft u m. d.] sio ue
[the meaning, difference, etc). ~aeTCH he [she, etc] doesn't
yjiajiHTb see y;ia>KHBaTb. like the idea.
yjia)KHBjaTb [ulazhivat''] yjibi6'|Ka [ullpka] / -kh,
imperf -aio, -aeiub,yjiaA|HTb -OK smile {on the face).
[ulad'^it*'] perf yjia>Ky, -mub, yjibi6Hyxbc« see yjibi6axb-
p -HJT, imp -b settle, arrange CH 1.
{differences, etc); ~aTb ccopy yjibXHMaxyM [ul''t''imatum]
make up a quarrel. m -a, -OB ultimatum.
yjieii [ul'^iyl m
y;ibH, pi yjibH [ul''y9], yjibCB
yjihw, yjibee (bee)hive. [lil'^yaf, -v] see yjiefi.
yjiexlaxb [ul'^i^tat''] imperf yM [um] m yivia, yMOB mind;
-aio, -aeujb, yjiexleib [ul'^i^- wit, intellect;
t^'et''] perf yjieny, -rimb, p <> B cBoeM yMe in one's
-eji,imp -H fly off / away; right mind; He b cbgcm yivi^
leave by air. not right in the head; 6bixb
yjiHKJa [ul'^ika] / -h, ~ 6e3 yivia ox Koro-Ji. [ox ne-
evidence, proof {of crime). r6-ji.|co/ be crazy about smb
yjiHT|Ka [uPitka] / -kh, -ok [smth]; ce6e Ha yivie col crafty,
zool snail. with one's wits about one;
y;iHu|a [ul'^itsa] / -bi, ~ cBecxM c yivia drive mad; cofl.
street; Ha ~e 1) in the street; xH c yivia go mad; bu c yivia
2) out of doors, in the open. coiujihI col are you crazy?
yjiMMJaxb [ul'^ich'^at''] im- yMejibiH [um''elty] a able,
perf -aio, -aeujb, y;iH4|iixb skilful, capable.
[ul'^ich'^it''] perf -y, -Huib, p yivicH [um'^on] see yMHbift.
-ViJ\, imp -H convict, expose, yMeHH|e [um*'en''iya] n -a
catch out; ~aTb kofo-ji. bo knack {of smth).
ability, skill;
ji>KH catch smb lying. yMCHbiuIaxb [um'^i^n'^shat'']
yinoBHXb see yjiaejiHBaxb. imperf -aw, -aemb, yivieHb-
yjioKHXb ^ee yKJia^biBaxb. uj|HXb.[um''en''shft''] perf -y,
yjiowiixbcsi see yKjia^bi- -HUib, p -HJi, imp -H &yMeHb-
eaxbCH. iij|MXb [um'^i^n^'shtt''] perf
yjiymuiaxb [ulutshat''] im- -y, -Hiub, p -Hji, imp -H di-
perf -aio, -aeuib, yjiyHu|HXb minish, decrease, lessen; re-
501 yHH

duce {prices, etc); abate (the yMOJi|flxb [umAPat''] imperf

pain, etc); ~aTb CKopocTb -H(o, -Heuub, yMOji|HXb [umA-
slow down; reduce the speed )''it''] perf -K), yMOJiHuib, p
(of)- -uj\, imp -H entreat, implore;
yMepeHH'ibiH [um^'er^inty] supplicate.
a [pa] sh f yMepeH, -a, -o, -bi yMOK) [umoyu], yMoeuib
moderate, temperate. [umoyash, -zh] 1st & 2nd per-
ywepexb see yMHpaxb. sons of yMbixb; see yMbi-
yMecTH|bFH [um'^esnty] a sh Baxb.
f yMecTeH, -a, -o, -bi appro- yMpH [umr^i] imp of yue-
priate; opportune, apt, timely. pexb; see yMHpaxb.
yMe|Tb [um^'et'^] imperf -lo, yMpy [umru], yivipemb [um-
-eiiib be able {to do smth); r^'osh, -zh] 1st & 2nd persons
be good {at smth); oh —ex of vMepexb; see yMHpaxb.
qHxaxb H nHcaxb he can read yMcxeeHHbiH [ums^f'v^m-
and write. nty] a mental, intellectual.
yMHp|axb [um^'irat^] imperf ywbiBajibHMK [umtval''n''ik,
-aio, -aeiiJb, yMcpjexb [um'^i^- -g] m -a, -ob wash(ing)-stand.
r^'et''] perf VMpy, yMpeuib, p yMbiBJaxb [umtvat'' ] /mper/
yMep, -Jia, yiviepjio, yMepjiH, -aK), -aeujb, yMwxb [umlt**]
imp yMpH die, pass away; perf yMOK), yMoeiub, p yubiji,
perf also be dead; imp yMOH wash {one's hands,
<> ~axb ox / CO CKyKH col face, etc);
be bored to death. <> — axb pyKH col wash one's
yMHOKjaxb [umnAzhat^] hands of it.

imperf -3\o, -aeiub, yMH6iK|HXb yiMbicieji [umis^il] m -jia,

[umnozhit''] perf -y, -Huib, -jioB design, intention, intent;
p -HJi, 'mp -h 1. increase, c —jioM deliberately; 6e3 —
multiply, augment; 2. math jia unintentionally.
multiply. yMbixb see yMbmaxb.
ywHOMtHXb see yMHOH<axb & yMb'iujjieHH|biH [umlshl'T-
MH6>KilXb. niy] a [pa] intentional, de-
yMHibifi [umniy] a sh f liberate.
yuen, -a, -o (-6), -bi (-bi) yHecxH see yHOCHXb.
clever, intelligent; sensible yHHBcpMar [un^iv^i^rmak,
{behaviour, etc). -g] m -a,-ob (=yHHBepcajib-
yiMOH [umoy] imp of yMb'ixb; HbiH Mara3HH) department
see vMbiBaxb. shop / store.
yMOjiMXb see yMOjiHXb. yHHBepcajibH|biH [un^iv'^i^r-
yMOJiK m -y: 6e3 ~y [b'^i^z- sal^niy] a sh f yHHBepcajieH,
umalku] unceasingly, without -a, -o, -bi universal {1 ) knowl-
stopping; roBopHXb 6e3 ~y edge, etc; 2) remedy, etc);
talk nineteen to the doz- ~biH cxaHOK general-purpose
en. machine-tool.

yHH — 502

yHHBepCMTex [un^iv^irs^i- depressed, be dejected; lose

t^et, -d] m -a, -ob univer- courage.
sity. yHbiJi|biH [unlUy] a sh f
yHH)K|aTb [un^izhat^] im- ~-, -a, -o, -bi sad, cheerless,
perf -aio, -aeuib, VHHslHTb dismal; despondent, down-
[un^Iz^it^] per/ yHH>Ky, -Hiijb, cast.
p -Hji, imp -b iiumble, liu- yna;i!oK [upadak, -g] m -Ka
miliate. 1. decline, decay;' decadence
yHH)K|aTbC5i [un^izliatts8] {in literature, etc); depression,
imperf -aiocb, -aeuibCH, yHH- recession {in economic ac-
sJHTbCfl [un^iz^ittsa] perf tivity); 2.: —OK CHji collapse,
ymmycb, -HiiibCH, p -hjich, break-down {of the body).
-Hjiacb, imp -bcH, -biecb abase ynaKoeaxb see ynaKosbi-
oneself, humiliate oneself; Baxb.
humble oneself, grovel; stoop ynaKOBbiBlaxb [upAkovt-
{to begging, etc). vat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib, yna-
yHHJKeHMJe [un^izhen^iya] K|oBaTb [upakAvat^] perf -yio,
n -51,humiliation, abase-
-H -^emb, p -OBaji, imp -yfi pack
ment; Tepnexb^fl bear hu- {one's things, goods, etc).
miliation; noABepraxbCH ~jim ynacTb see na^axb 1,
suffer indignity. ynjiaxHTb see njiaxHXb 1.
yHH3HTejibHlbiH [un^iz^i- ynojiHOMOHeHHibiH [upalnA-
t^il^niy] a sh f yHHSHxejieH, moch^iniy] m [pa] -oro, -bix
-a, -o, -bi humiliating, de- representative, delegate;
grading. proxy, authorized agent.
yHHSHTb see yHHJKaxb. ynoMHH|axb [upani^inat^]
yHH3HTbCJi see ynHjKaxbCH. imperf -aio, -aeiiib, ynoMH-
yHHxas fun^itas, -z] m -a, Hlyxb [upam^i^nut^] perf -y,
-OB lavatory pan. ynoMflHeuib, p -yji, imp -h
yHHMTOKJaTb [un^ich^'tA- mention, refer to.
zhat^] imperf -aeiub,
-aio, ynop [upor] m -a, -ob prop,
yHMHxowj HTb [un^'ich'^tozhit^ rest, support {for a gun, feet,
perf -y, -Huib, p -hji, imp -b etc);
1. destroy [enemy tanks, etc); 0> flejiaxb — Ha hxo-ji. / Ha
annihilate, exterminate, wipe HCM-Ji. lay (special) emphasis
out; 2. abolish, do away with. on smth; BbicxpejiHXb b —
yHoclHTb [unAs^it^] imperf fire point-blank; cnasaxb
yHomy, yHocHuib, p -hji, imp HXO-JI. B —
tell smth right
-H, yKcclTH [un^i^s^t^i] perf in the face; CMoxpexb b —
-y, -emb, p ynec, -Jia, imp stare {at smb).
-H 1. take away, carry away; ynopHJb'/H [uporniy] a sh f
2. col carry off {steal). ynopeH, -a, -o, -bi persistent
yHMBlaxb [univat*'] imperf {person, etc); stubborn {re-
^aw, -aeiub lose heart, be sistance, etc).
— 533 yny

ynopcTBJOBaTb [uporst- ynpa>KHeHHJe [uprAZhn^e-

vv9t^] imperf -yio, -yemb, p n^iya] n -h, -h exercise
-oeaji, imp -yft persist {in {1) vocal, gymnastic, etc;
one's opinion, etc); be obsti- 2) in a textbook, etc).
nate. ynpajKHlflTbCH [uprAzhn^a-
ynoTpeSHTejibHibiH [upa- ttja] imperf -Hiocb, -neuibCH
tr^i^b^it^iPniy] a sh f ynoT- practise (the piano, one's
pe6HTejieH, -a, -o, -bi wide- English, etc).
ly used, in common use. ynpasflHMTb see ynpaa^-
ynoTpeSHTb see ynoTpe6- HHTb.
JIHTb. ynpasflHJflTb [uprAz^n^at^]
ynoTpe6jieHH|e imperf -hk), -neiub, ynpas/t-
l^en^iya] n -h use, employ- HJHTb [uprAz^n'^It''] perf -k),
ment, application. -Hiub, p -HJI, imp -H abolish
ynoTpefijilflTb [upatr^i^b- {an institution, custom, etc);
Pat^] imperf -hk), -neuib, abrogate {privileges, etc).
ynoTpe6|HTb [upatr^i^b^it^j ynpaiuHBlaxb [uprashtvat^]
perf -jiK), -Hiiib, p -HJi, imp imperf -aio, -aeuib, y n po-
-H use, make use of, employ; ol HTb [uprAs^it^] perf ynpo-
take {medicine, etc); my, ynpocHuib, p -hji, imp
<> — HTb B ACJio make good -H beg, entreat, urge, coax,
use of. beseech; perf also prevail
ynpaBjiCHHle [uprAvPe- (upon).
n^iya] n -h, -h 1. governing, ynpcK [upr^ok, -g] m-a,
government, administration; -OB reproach, rebuke.
management {the process of); ynpeKJaxb [upr^i^kat^] im-
direction, control; 2. conduct- perf -aio, -aemb, ynpeKH|yTb
ing {of an orche'itra, etc); [upr^i^knut^J perf -y, -emb,
3, office, department, board; p -yji, imp -H reproach, re-
4. control {of a plane, ship, buke, upbraid.
troops, fire, etc); 5. ling ynpocHTb see ynparnHBaxb.
government. ynpyrJHH [uprug^iy] a -an,
ynpaBjiJMTb [uprAvPat^] im- -oe, -He, sh f ~, -a, -o, -h
perf -^K), -Heiub 1. run, op- elastic, springy, resilient.
erate {a machine, etc); drive ynpflMJbiH [upr^amiy] a sh
{a car, etc); steer {a boat, / —', -a, -0, -bi obstinate,
etc); 2. manage, direct, con- stubborn, headstrong.
trol; govern (/} the state, etc; ynycK|aTb [upuskat^] im-
2) one's passions, etc); 3. con- perf -aio, -^enib, ynycTJHTb
duct {an orchestra, etc). [upus^t^it^] per/' yny my, yny-
ynpaBjiHtou^JHH [uprAv- cTHuib, p -HJI, imp -H 1. let
Payush^:iy] m
[pa] -ero, -hx go /slip; let escape; 2. miss
manager, superintendent; --hh {a chance, 'etc);
AejiaMH business manager. <> ynycTHTb H3 bhaV forget,
ypa 504 —
not bear in mind; fail to fl|HTb [usAd^'it^] perf yca>Ky
take into consideration. yca/tHUJb, p -hj\, imp -h 1,

ypa [ura] int hurrah!, hur- seat (a person); make sit

ray! down; ask to sit down; 2
ypaBHeHHJe [urAvn'^en^'iya] set {smb to work, to draw
n -n, -H 1, equalization, ing, etc).
equalizing; 2. math equation. yca}KHB|aTbcsi [usazhiva
yparaH [urAgan] m -a, -ob ttja] imperf -aiocb, -aembCH
hurricane, tornado. yce|cTbCH [us'^estsa] perf
ypaH [uran] m -a chem ycHAycb, ycHAeuibCH, p -jich
uranium. -jiacb, imp ycHAbCH, ycHAb
ypHJa [urna] / -bi, — 1. Tecb 1. take a seat, take
urn {to hold the ashes of the seats, seat oneself; 2. set / set
dead); 2. litter-box, litter- tie (to work, etc).
-basket; 3. ballot-box. ycBaHB|aTb [usvaivaf"] im
ypoBjcHb [ur9v*'m*'jm -un, perf -aio, -aeiiib, ycB6|MTb
-HCH 1. level {of the sea, [usvoit''] perf -lo, -Hiiib, p -h.t
etc); 2. standard {of living, imp -H 1. adopt, acquire
etc); level {of production, {a habit, etc); learn {a
etc); 3. level (gauge). lesson, etc); master {a sub-
ypofl [urot, -d] -a, -ob m ject, etc); '6. assimilate, ab-
1. monster, freak of nature; sorb.
2. ugly person. ycepAHlbiH [us^erdniy] a
ypOiiJiHBibiH [urod^'l'^iviy] a sh f ycepACH, -a, -o, -bi zeal-
sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi 1. ugly, ous; assiduous, diligent, in-
deformed, misshapen; 2. fig dustrious.
abnormal, monstrous. ycecTbcfli see ycaH^HeaTbCH.
ypo>KalH [urAzhay] m -h, ycHjieHH,biH [us^il^'mty] a
-CB harvest, yield, crop;
1. [pa]: ~aa pa66Ta strentious
2. rich harvest, abundant work; ~bie np6cb6bi earnest
crop. requests; BecxH —
yio no^ro-
ypo)KeHieu[urAzhen''itj,-dz] TOBKy intensify / step up prep-
m -ua, -ueB native {of some arations.
town, etc). ycHjiMBJaTb [us^il'^ivat*']
ypoK [urok, -g] m -a, -ob imperf -aio, -aeuib, ycHJiJHTb
1. lesson, class; 2. home-work, [us*'il^it''] perf -k), -Huib, p
lesson, task; 3. teaching pe- -HJi, imp -b strengthen, rein-
riod, lesson; 4. fig lesson; force; increase, intensify,
Aaxb KOMy-Ji. xopomwH ~ step up; amplify {sounds);
teach smb
good lesson.
a ~aTb BHHMaHHe K qeMy-Ji.
ypoHHTb see poHHib. pay more attention to smth;
ycaaMTb see yca/KHBaib. ~aTb HHiepec heighten in-
yca>KHB!aTb (usazhivat''] terest; — aib 6AHTe;ibH0CTb
imperf -aio, -aeuib, yca- enhance vigilance.
505 yen

ycHjiMJe [us^iPiyo] n -n, ycjiOBHlbiii [uslovniy] a sh

-H effort, exertion. f ycjiOBCH, -a, -0, -bi 1. con-
ycHjiHTb see ycHJiHeaTb. ventional {signs, symbols,
ycKOjibsIaxb [uskAl^zat^] etc); ~biH 3HaK prearranged
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, ycKOjibs- signal; 2. conditional {award,
HJyxb [uskAl^'znut''] perf -y, consent, etc); —bift npHfOBop
-eiub, p -yji, imp -h 'I. col slip / law nominal sentence; 3. rel-
steal away; slip, steal {out ative {character, nature, etc);
of the room, etc); 2. fig slip, 4. theat symbolic; 5. ling
escape (smb's attention, etc); conditional;
give (smb) the slip. <> ~biH pe(l)jieKC conditioned
ycKopMTb see ycKopHXb. reflex.
ycKopjwTb [uskAr^at''] im- ycjiyr[a [uslugs] / -h, ~
perf -HK), -HeiUb, yCKOpJHTb service, good turn, office;
[uskor^'it^] perf -lo, -wuih, p npeAJiaraxb cboh -—h offer
-HJi, imp -b 1. quicken, has- one's assistance; OKaaaxb ko-
ten; accelerate; 2. precipitate My-Ji. nJioxyK) -^y do smb an
{events, an occurrence, etc). ill turn;
ycjiOBHle [uslov^iya] n -n, <> MeABCJKbfl ~a co/^ dis-
pi -H, -H 1. condition {that service; ill turn; k eaiuHM
on which smth else depends); '~aM 1) at your service;
prerequisite; o6H3aTejibHoe 2) at your disposal.
— e indispensable / necessary ycjiywjiHBlbiH [usluzhl^'i-
condition; nocxaeHTb ~eM.., viy] a sh f ^, -a, -o, -bi
make it a condition that...; obliging, complaisant.
npH --H, qxo... on condition ycjibimaxb see cjib'imaxb
that..., provided...; 2. term, 1, 3.
stipulation {of an agreement, ycMeui|Ka [us^m^eshka] |
etc); clause {of a contract, -KH, -eK smile, grin; sneer,
etc); 3. p/ conditions; circum- smirk.
stances; 6bIX0Bbie [}KHJIHm- ycH|yxb [usnut''] perf -y,
Hbie] ~H living [housing] con- -emb, p -yji, imp -h fall
ditions; HHnpH KaKHX -^HX asleep.
under no circumstances. ycoBepiueHcxBoeaTb see co-
ycjiOBHxbcfl see ycjioBjiH- BepmeHcxBOBaxb.
BaXbCH. ycneBaeM0cx|b [us^p^i^va-
ycjioBJiHBlaxbCJi [uslovl^'i- yamas^t'', -z^'d^] / -h pro-
vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib- gress, results {in one's stud-
CH, ycjioBJHXbCji [usl6v^ittj9] ies); HH3KaH ~b poor progress /
perf -Jiiocb, -HuibCH, p -hjich, results.
-HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb ycneeiaxb [us^p^i^vat^] im-
agree, arrange {with smb perf -aio, -aeuib, ycnjexb
about smth, to do smth); fix, fus^'p^'et*'] perf -eio, -eeuib 1.

settle {the date, price, etc). have time {to do smth); be

yen 506

in time (for dinner, a train, ycTaleaTb [ustAvat^] im-

etc); 2. (no perf) advance, perf -K), -eiiib, p -Baji, imp
make progress {in one's stud- -Baft, ycraJTb [ustat**] perf
ies, etc); He ~-aTb no apH^)- -Hy, -Heuib, p -Ji, imp -ub
MeTHKe lag behind in arith- tire, get tired; perf also be
metic; 3. succeed, be success- tired.
ful {in an undertaking). ycxajibiH [ustaliy] a tired
ycnex [us^p^ekh, -gh] m -a,
weary, worn-out.
pi -H, -OB 1. success {of an ycTaHaBjiHB|aTb [ustAnav
experiment, person, etc); 2. Pivat^] imperf -aio, -aeuib
pi advancement, progress {in ycxaHOBlHTb [ustauAv^it^
one's studies, etc); perf -jiK), ycxanoBHuib, p -hji
<0 c xaKHM me -—om with imp -H 1. set, put, place; in
equal success, just as well. stall {machinery, equipment
ycneuiHlbiH [us^p^'eshn+y] etc); mount (a gun); 2. estab
a sh f ycnemen, -a, -o, -bi lish {!) laws, order, etc; 2)
successful {mission, etc). diplomatic relations, contact
ycnoKaMBlaTb [uspAkaivat''] etc); 3. ascertain; establish
imperf -aio, -aeiiib, ycno- {a fact, the truth, smb's
KOJHTb [uspAkoit^] perf -kd, identity, etc); 4. determine, fix
-iiuib, p -HJi, imp -H i. calm, {the price, time, etc).
quiet {a child, etc); soothe ycxanoBlKa [ustAnofka] /
{pain, one's conscience, etc}; -KH, -OK 1. installing, mount-
2. reassure, set at ease. ing; 2. technol installation,
ycnoKaHBlaxbCji [uspAkai- plant; 3. aim, purpose, ob-
vattja] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib- ject; BSHxb '-Ky Ha... aim
C5i, ycnoKOJHTbcsi [uspAkoi- at..., have as an object...;
ttS9] perf -K)Cb, -HIlIbCH, p 4. directions, instructions.
-HJICH, -HJiaCb, imp -HC5I, -fi- ycxapexb see cxapexb 2.
Tecb calm / quiet down {of ycxaxb see ycxasaxb.
a sick person, child, etc); ycxHbiH [usniy] a oral
abate, subside; —aibCH Ha {speech, examination, etc);
AocTHrnyTOM ^
rest on lau- verbal (contract, evidence,
rels; OH He ycnoKOHTCH, no- etc).
Ka... he will never know ycx6HHHB|biH [ustoych^iviy]
rest until... a s/i / ~', -o, -a,
-bi stable
ycnoKOHTb see ycnoKaHBaxb. (/) prices, weather, etc; 2)
ycnoKOHTbcfl see ycnoKaH- views, etc); firm, steady.
BaibCH. ycxpaHBJaxb [ustraivat^]
ycrae [ustaf, -v] m -a, -ob imperf -aio, -aeiiib, ycxp6|.HXb
1. regulations, statute(s); ~ [ustroit^] perf -lo, -Hiub, p
napxHH party rules; ~ OOH -HJI, imp organize, ar-
-Pi 1.

UN Charter; 2. mil regula- range {a meeting, exhibition,

tions; manual. etc); give (a reception, etc);
507 — ycy

2. settle, put in order (one's -Hiecb 1. rush, swarm (to);

affairs, matters, etc); 3. 2. be turned (to) (said of
place (a child in school, the eyes, gaze, look).
a patient in hospital, etc); ycxpoHTb see ycxpaHBaxb.
ycTpoHTb Koro-Ji. Ha pa66Ty ycxpoHXbCfl see ycxpaHsaxb-
procure a job / a situation CH.
for smb; ycTpoHXb kofo-ji. ycxpoflcxBlo [ustroystval n
Ha Hoqb put smb up for the -a, •— 1. arranging, arrange-
night; 4, col make (a scene, ment, organizing, organiza-
trouble for smb); 5.: eauie tion; putting in order; 2.
npeAJiojKeHHe mchh -- aeT your lay-out, plan (of a flat, etc);
offer suits me; axo eac ^aei? working principle, design (of
will that suit you?; is it a machine); 3. structure, sys-
convenient to you? tem (of a state); o6inecxBeH-
ycTpaHBlarbcsi [ustraiva- Hoe --o social order; 4.
ttsa] imperf -aiocb, -aeuib- mechanism-, contrivance, de-
CH, ycTp6'|HTbCfl [ustroittsa] vice.
perf -K)Cb, -HIUbCH, p -HJICH, ycxynjaxb [ustupat^j im-
-Hjiaub, imp -HCH, -ftiecb 1. perf -2LK>, -aemb, ycxyn|HXb
come right, straighten out, [ustup^it^j perf -jivd, ycxy-
come out well; 2. get settled, HHmb, p -HJI, imp -H 1. give
settle (in a new flat, etc); up, surrender (one's rights,
ycTpoHTbcH Ha pa66Ty find a etc); cede (territory); 2. yield,
sit-uation; -—aiixecbnoyA66Hee succumb (to force, one's ene-
make yourself comfortable; mies, temptation, etc); ne
OH yMeer — axbCH ^
he ~axb hold one's own; be
knows on which side his inferior (to, in); 4. col abate,
bread is buttered, he is very take off (the price); 5. col
smart. let have (for money, as a
ycTpaHHTb see ycxpaHHTb. favour, etc).
ycTpaH|aTb [ustrAn^at^j ycxyn|Ka [ustupka] / -kh,
imperf -hk), -neiub, ycrpa- -OK concession (in negotia-
HJHTb [ustrAn^it^] perf -ib, tions, etc); HAXH Ha ~kh
-Hiub, p -Hji, imp -H remove make concessions (to smb);
(an obstacle, barrier, etc); compromise (in negotiations,
eliminate (errors, differences, etc); meet half-way.
etc). ycxb|e [us^'t^ya] n -h, -ee
ycTpcMHTbcfl see ycTpeM- estuary; mouth (of a river,
JIHTbCH. etc).
ycTpeMji|flTbcfl [ustr^i^m- ycyrySHTb see ycyry6jiHXb.
Pattsa] imperf -niocb, -neuib- ycyry6ji|flTb [usugubPat^]
CH, ycTpeM|HTbCfl [ustr^i^- imperf -hk), -nemb, ycy-
m^ittja] perf -Jiibcb, -HiubCH, rySJHXb [usugub^it*"] perf
p -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -jiK), -Huib, p -HJI, imp -H
ycbi 508

aggravate (an offence, fault, yxeui|axb [ut^i^shat^] im-

etc). perf -aio, -aeiub, yxeiJu|HXb
ycM [usf] pi ycoB (sing yc [ut^eshit^] perf -y, -Hiub, p
m yea) moustache; whiskers -HJI, imp -b comfort, console.
(of cats, etc); feelers (of in- yxHji|b [ut^iP] -h sal- m
sects); vage, scrap.
<> KHTOBbiH yc whalebone; yxHxjaxb [uf'ikhat^] im-
H B yc He flyxb col not = perf -aio, -aemb, yxMXHJyxb
care a hang. [ut^ikhnut''] perf -y, -euib, p
yCMHOBHTb See yCblHOBJIHTb. yxHX, yxHXJia, imp -h cease,
ycbiHOBji|flTb [usinAvPat^] die down (of a noise, sounds);
imperf -hkd, -neuib, ycbiHO- abate, subside (of a storm,
BJHTb [usinAv^'it^] perf -jiib, etc).
-Hiub, p -HJi, imp -H adopt yxKJa [utks] / -h, yxoK 1.
(a boy). duck (a bird); 2. fig canard,
ycbinHTb see ycbinjinxb. false report.
ycbinji|flTb [usipl^at^] im- yxojiHxb see yxoJiHXb.
perf -HK), -Heiiib, ycbin|HTb yxoji|flXb [utAl^af*] imperf
[ustp^it*'] perf -jik), -Huib, p -HK), -Heuib, yXOJl|HXb [utA-
-HJI, imp -H 1. lull to sleep; l^it**] perf -K), -Hiub, p -HJI,
put to sleep (by reading, imp -H quench (thirst); ap-
etc); make drowsy sleepy;
/ pease (hunger).
2. fig lull (suspicion, vigi- yxoMHxejibH|biH [utAm^i-
lance, etc). t^'il^'nly] a sh f yxoMHxejieH,
ycHAycb [us^adus^, -z^], -a, -o, -bi tiresome, weari-
ycMfleuibCJi [us^ad^ishs^a] 1st some; fatiguing, irksome.
& 2nd persons of ycecxbcn; yxOiMHXb see yxoMJinxb,
see ycajKHBaxbCH. yxoMjii«xb [utAmPat^] im-
ycMjibCfl [us^at^s's], ycH^b- perf -HK), -Hemb, yxoM|HXb
xecb [us^at^'t^is^, -z^j imp of [utAm^it''] perf -Jiib, -Hiiib, p
ycecxbCH; see ycajKHsaxbCH. -HJI, imp -H tire, weary,
yxBcpflHXb see yxsepH^Aaxb fatigue.
2. yxoHyxb see xonyxb.
yxBepiKfljaxb [utv^i^rzh- yxonjaxb [utApat**] imperf
dat''] imperf -aio, -aeiiib, -aio, -aemb roll (in luxury);
yxBcpflJHXb [utv''i^rd^it^] — axb B sejieHH be buried
perf yxBep>Ky, -Hiiib, p -hji, in verdure.
imp -H I. (no perf) assert, yxonHXb see xonHXb HI.
hold, maintain; allege; 2. ap- yxonjiCHHHK [utopPin^'ik,
prove, endorse, sanction (a -g] m -a, -ob drowned man.
decision, plan, etc); ratify (a yxoHHMXb see yxonnnxb.
treaty). yxoHH|flXb [utAch^n^at^]
yxec [ut^os, -z] m -a, -ob imperf -hk), -nemb, yxoH-
rock, crag, cliff. HJMXb [utAch''n''it''l perf -ib,
509 yxy

-Huib, p -HJi, imp -H specify, yxo [ukha] n yxa, pi ymn,

make more definite / accu- ymefi, yuiaM 1. ear {the or-
rate, define more accurately /
gan of hearing); y Hero 6ojiht
exactly. yuiH he has ear-ache; 2. pi
y^rpaxja [utrata] / -bi, ~ ear-flaps {of a cap);
loss {to smb, etc); noHeciH 0 HaBocTpHTb yiiiH prick up
—y suffer a loss; suffer a one's ears; uienraTb na yxo
bereavement. KOMy-ji. whisper in smb's
yTpeHHHH [utr^m^n^iy] a ear; BjiioSiiTbCH no yuiH be
morning (attr). head over ears in love.
yxpeHHHK [utr^m^ik, -g] m yxoA I [ukhot, -d] m -a
-a, -OB theat morning per- departure, leaving; resigna-
formance, matinee. tion {from office, etc); with-
yTp|o [utra] n -a, pi -a, ~, drawal {from a conference,
-aM morning; no --aM in the etc).
morning(s); yxoA II [ukhot, -d] m -a
-^;^66poe --o! good morning! attendance, care {of patients,
{said on meeting). etc); servicing, maintenance
yrpoM [utram] adv in the {of cars, equipment, etc).
morning. yxoaJHTb [ukhAd^it^] im-
yxibr [ut^iik, -g] m -a, -6b perf yxojKy, yxoAHmb, p -hji,
(flat-)iron. imp -H, yflxH [uyt^i] perf
yxa [ukha] / yxH fish-soup. yHAy, yHAeiub, p ymeji, ymjia,
yxajKHBJaTb [ukhazhivat^] imp yHAH 1. go away, de-
imperf -aio, -aeiub 1. nurse, part, leave; 2. resign {a post,
take care {of a child, patient, etc); retire {from the stage,
etc);2. court, pay court {to), etc); 3. get away {from),
dance attendance {on); woo escapepunish- {one's fate,
{a woman). ment,
etc); 4. pass, elapse
yxBafJHTbCfl [ukhvAt^ittsa] {of time, years, etc); 5. be
perf yxBaqycb, yxBaxHmbCH, spent, be consumed {of ener-
p -HJiCH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, gy, time, money, etc); na 9xo
-Hxecb 1. catch, grasp, lay yuijio xpH qaca it took three
hold {of); 2. fig col seize hours; Ha sxo yxoAHX MHoro
{an opportunity, etc); snatch Aener it costs a lot of mon-
{at an idea, proposal, etc). ey; 6. col run /boil over {of
yXHTpHTbCJI seeyxHTpHTbCH. milk, etc); 7. fig devote
yxHTplMTbCM [ukh^itr^'attsa] oneself, give oneself up {to
imperf -Hiocb, -HeiubCH, science, work, etc).
yxHTp|HTbcs! [ukh^itr^ittsa] yxyAui|axb [ukhutshat^]
perf -K)Cb, -HLUbCJI, p -HJICH, imperf aio, -aemb, yxyAuiJHXb
-HJiacb, imp -HCb, -Hiecb col [ukhutshit^] perf -y, -Hiiib,
contrive, manage {to do p -HJI, imp -H make worse,
smth). worsen, deteriorate.
vue — 510 —
yuejijCTb [utsi^Pet^j perf academic year; school year;
-eio, -eeiiib remain intact; ~biH HJiaH curriculum.
come off unhurt; survive; yneji [uch^'ol], ynjia [uch^la]
escape {damage, destruction). p of yqecTb; see ymiTbiBaxb.
yMacTBloeaTb [uch^'ast- yHeHH|e [uch^en^iya] n -h,
yvat^] imperf -yio, -yeiub, p -H 1. learning, studying,
-oeaji, imp -yft 1. take part, training, studies; apprentice-
participate; 2. share, have a ship; 2. teaching(s), doc-
share {in). trine; -^e JleHHHa the teach-
yHacTHJe [uch^as^t^iya] n ing of Lenin; 3.: BoeHHbie
-H 1. participation
part, —H manoeuvres.
complicity {in a crime, etc) yMCHHK [uch^'i^n^ik, -g] m
2. share {in a business, etc) -a, -OB 1. student, learner,
3. sympathy, interest, con- pupil; schoolboy; apprentice;
cern; 2. disciple, adherent.
<> npHHHwaTb ~e b kom-ji. yHeH|biH [uch^onty] I a sh
take interest in smb. / — , -a, -o, -bi 1. learned
yHdcTHHK [uch^as^n^ik, -g] {person); scientific {society,
m -a, -OB participant; ac- secretary, etc); academic (/)
complice {in a crime); con- degree, etc; 2) discussion^
testant, competitor; partner etc); 2. trained {animals, etc);
{in a game). II as a noun yMeH|biH m
yHacTJoK [uch^astak, -g] m -oro, -bix scientist, scholar.
-Ka, -KOB I. lot, plot {of ynecTb see yqwibmaTb.
land); part, section {of a yHCT [uch^ot, -d] m -a 1,
road, etc); sector {of the calculation {of expenses, etc);
front); 2. ward, district; stock-taking; accounting, bal-
3. branch, field {of work, ac- ancing of accounts; 2. tak-
tivity, etc). ing into account {circum-
y4acT|b [uch^'as^t'', -z^'d^] stances, facts, etc); 3. registra-
/ -H lot, fate, destiny. tion, registry; Cpaib Ha '-'

yamiMHCJi [uch^ash^:iys''8] register.

m [pa] -erocji, -hxch student, yHHJiHmIe [uch''il''ish'':3] n
learner, pupil. -a, — school; col-
yneSja [uch^oba] / -bi stud- lege; neAaroPHqecKoe ~-e
ies, studying; nocjiaxb Ha teachers' college.
~y send for a course of yHHTCjiib [uch^'it^il''] -h, m
study [training]. pi -H, -eft teacher, master.
yMe6HHK [uch^'ebn^ik, -g] m yMHTbielaTb [uch^'itivat'*]
-a, -OB textbook, manual. imperf -aio, -aeuib, yMecxb
yMe6HlbiH [uch^'ebniy] a [uch^'es^t''] perf ymy, ymemb,
educational {establishment, p yneji, yqjia, imp ymri take
film, etc); training {appli- into account {circumstances^
ances, ship, etc); —bift vojy etc).
— 511 — 4)aK

yHH|Tb [uch^it^] imperf yiuH6 [uship, -b] m

-a, -ob

yqy, yqHuib, p -ji, imp ~- 1. injury, bruise.

teach, instruct; 2. study, ymH6|axbcsi [ushibattja]
learn; —Tb naHsycTb learn by imperf -aiocb, -aeiubCH, yiuH-
heart. SiHXbCJi [ushib^Ittja] perf
yHHlxbCJi [uch^'ittsa] imperj -ycb, -eiubCH, p yiiiH6cH,
yqycb, yMHiubCH, p -jich, yiiiHSjiacb, imp -HCb, -Hxecb
-jiacb, imp -cb, -xecb learn, hurt oneself, bruise oneself.
study (1) to read, etc; 2) at ymejijbe [ush^iel^ya] n -bH,
the university, etc). -HH, -bHM gorge, ravine;
ynpejKAeHHie [uch^r^i^zh- canyon.
d^'en'^iya] n -h, -h 1. found- ymep6 [ush'^'ierp, -b] m -a
ing, setting up, establish- 1. damage, loss; detriment,
ment; 2. establishment, in- injury, harm; b ~ 3;;op6BbK)
stitution {social, education- to the detriment of one's
al, etc); office {the quarters or health; 6e3 --a ^.hh... without
staff). prejudice to...; 2.: Jiyna Ha
yqxH [uch^t^i] imp of — e the moon is on the wane.
ynecTb; see yMHTbiBaxb. yibx [uyut, -d] m
-a com-
ynxy [uch^tu], ynxemb fort, cosiness {in the home).
[uchMMsh, -zh] 1st & 2nd y5i3BHM|biH [uyi^z'^v^imiy]
persons of yqecxb; see yMHXbi- a sh f --, -a, -o, -u vulner-
Baxb. able {to attack, criticism).
yny [uch^u] see yqnxb. ysicHHXb see yHCHHXb.
yMycb [uch^us^, -z^l see yjicH|Hxb [uyi^s^n^at^] im-
yqHXbCH. perf -HK), -HeiUb, yflCHlHXh
yuieji [ushol], yiujia [ushla] [uyi^s^n^it^] perf -ib, -Hiub,
p of yfixH; see yxo^HTb. p -HJi, imp -H make out, size
yuiH [ushi], yuiefi [ushey] up {circumstances, the situa-
see yxo. tion, etc).

(|)a6pHK|a [fabr^ika] / -h, (t)aKx [fakt, -gd] m -a, -ob
— factory, mill {mostly in fact; jiocxoBepHbiH ~ certain-
li[^ht industry). ty; npHBOOTTb —bi cite facts.
4)a6pHMH|biH [fAbr^ich^niy] 4)aKXHMecK|HH [fAkt^ich^i-
a 1. factory {attr); industrial, sk^iy] 0! -an, -oe, -He actual
manufacturing; ~-oe npoHs- {state of affairs, etc); factual;
b6;;cxbo manufacturing; —an virtual.
MapKa trade mark; 2. factory- (i)aKyjibxex [fakul^t^et, -d]
-made. m -a, -OB faculty, de-
^aji — 512

partment {in a university, (|)aiiiH3M [fAshfzm] -a m

etc). fascism.
(^ajibCH(])HKai;H|$i [fal^s^i- (l)auiHCTCKlHH [fAshtssk^'iy]
Pikatsiya] / -h, -h falsifica- a -an, -oe, -He fascist {attr).
tion, forgery; counterfeit. 4)eBpaji|b [f'i^vral^] m -h
0ajibiuHB|biH [fAPshfviy] a February.
sh f ^, -a, -0, -bi 1. false, (}}eAepajibHbiH [f'ld^i^raP-
forged, counterfeit; 2. false niy] a federal.
(note, etc); 3. false, affected, 4)eAepaTHBHbiH [f^id^irAt^iv-
insincere. niy] a federative.
^aMHJiH|fl [fAm^'il^iya] / -h, (t)eHepBepK [feyi^rverk, -g]
-H (sur)name, family name. m -a, -OB firework(s).
(|)aMHjibflpH|biif [fam^iPyar- (|)ejibeT6H [f^il^'yi^ton] m -a,
nty] a sh f ^aMHjibnpeH, -a, -OB newspaper satire.
-o, -bi unceremonious, famil- ())eHOMeHajibH|biH [f^ma-
iar. m^i^naPnty] a sh f 4)eH0Me-
(|)aHep|a [fAn^era] / -bi najien, -a, -o, -bi phenome-
veneer; plywood. nal, outstanding.
(})aHTa3Hlji [fAntaz^iya] / (|]eoAajibH|biH [f^iAdaPniy]
-H, -H 1. fantasy, fancy; a feudal; — bie nepe^HXKH
imagination; 2. fancy, dream; survivals of feudalism.
3. col fancy, whim; eMy npH- (|)epM|a [f^erma] / -bi, -
iiiJia B rojioBy —
h he took farm, farmstead; ~a Kpyn-
it into his head; 4. mus Horo poraioro cKoxa cattle-
fantasia. -breeding farm.
(|)aHTacTHMecKlHH [fantA- (|)epMep [f^erm^ir] -a, m
s^t^'ich^'isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -OB farmer.
-He fantastic. ())ecTHBaji|b [f^is^f^ivaP] m
(|)apla [fara] / -bi, ~ head- -H, -eft festival, fete.
light. 4)eTpoBbiH [f^etraviy'l a
tJjapxyK [fartuk, -g] -a, m felt {attr).
-OB apron (a garment worn (|)exTOBaHH|e [f^ikhtAva-
in front to protect the clothes). n^iya] n -h sport fencing.
(i[)ap(|)6p [fArfor] m -a 1, 4)Haji|Ka [f'ialkaj / -kh,
china, porcelain; 2. china- •OK violet.
-ware. 4)Hryp|a [f^igura] / -bi, ^
(|)apui [farsh, -zh] m -a 1. figure {1) of a man, etc;
stuffing {in cooking); mhchoh 2) in geometry; 3) a person;
~ force-meat. 4) in dancing); 2. chess-man,
(t)ac6jilb [fAsol^] / -H hari- piece.
cot, kidney bean?. (})H3HK [f^iz^'ik, -g] m -a,
())ac6H [fAson] m -a, -ob -OB physicist.
fashion style; CHHib ~ njia- f|}H3HK|a [f'^Iz'^ika] / -h
TbH copy a dress. physics.
513 — ij)jie

(|)H3HOji6rH,si [f^iz^iAlo- ^HjibM [f^iPm] m -a, -ob

g^iya] / -h physiology. film, motion picture; xyAO-
(jlHSHOHOMHiH [f^iz^lAnO- ^ecTBeHHbiH — feature film;
m^iya] / -h, -h physiognomy, jlOKyMeHTajibHbiH -^ docu-
face. mentary; XpOHHKajIbHblH ~
4}H3MHecKJHH [f'iz^ich^i- news-reel; nojiHOMeipaHCHbift
sk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -He 1. — full-length film; KopoTKO-
physical {strength, etc); -~-hh Meipa^HbiH -^ a short.
Tpy;t physical / manual la 4)HjibTploBaTb [f^'il^trAvat^]
hour; 2. physics (attr), phys- imperf -yio, -yeuib, p -oBaji,
ical; ~HH Ka6HHeT physical imp -yft filter, filtrate.
laboratory. ^HHaji [f^inal]-a, m-ob
(|)H3KyjibTypla[f^iskuPtLir9] 1. finale;sport final; bhh-

/ -bi (=4^H3HHecKaH KyjibTypa) TH B ~

qualify for the final.
physical culture, physical (|)HHaHcoBbiH [f^inansaviy]
training; saHHMaxbCH --oft go a financial; ^o;^ ~ fiscal
in for athletics. year.
^HSKyjibrypHMK [f^iskuP- (})HHaHc|bi [f^inansi] pi -ob
turn^ik, -g] m -a, -ob athlete, finance(s).
gymnast. (l)MHHui [f^in^ish, -zh] m -a,
(|)H3KyjibTypHbiH [f^'iskuP- -eft sport finish.
turniy] a: —
saji gymhall; 4)HHH [f^in]m-a, -ob Finn.
~ napaii sports parade. (i)HHCK|HH [f^insk^iy] a -an,
^HKTHBH|biH [ f^ikt^ivnty ] -oe, -He Finnish.
a sh f 4)HKTHBeH, -a, -o, -w 4)H0JieT0BbiH [f^iAl^etaviy]
fictitious, fake, sham. a violet.
(j)HjiHaji [f^iPial] m -a, -ob (i)HpMla [f^irms] f -bi, -'
branch {of a firm, etc). (bus'ness) firm.
(|)HJiHH [f^iPin] m -a, -ob (|)jiar [flak, -g] -a, -ob m
eagle-owl. flag {of a country, etc);
4}HjiHnnHH|ei; [f^iPip^i- <> noA ~0M 1) in the name
n^itj, -dz] m -ua, -ues Fili- {of); 2) under the guise {of).
pino. (J)jiarMaH [flagman] m -a,
4)HJiHnnMHCK|HH [f^il^ip^in- -ob naut 1. flag-officer; 2.
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -HePhilip- flagship.
prine, Filipino. ^jiaKOH [flAkon] m
-a, -ob
(})HJIOJIOrHHeCK|HH [f^iblA- bottle {of perfume, etc).
g^ich^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He 4)JiaHr [flank, -g] -a, -ob m
philological. mil flank, wing; o6ohth c
^HJioc6(])H I
$1 [f^ilAsof^iya] ~a outflank.
/ -H philosophy. (})jiaHeji|b [flAn'^eP] / -h
(|)hjioc64)ck|hh [f^ilAsof- flannel {a material),
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne philo- (|)jieHT|a [fPeyta] / -bi, ^
sophical. flute (a musical instrument).
4)J1H 514

(|)jiHrejilb [fl^ig^il^] m -h, 3) ling); 3. uniform; 4. tech-

pi -H, -eft wing {of a house); nol mould, form;
outbuilding. <> 6biTb B ~e col feel fit,
(|)jioT [flot, -d] m -a, -ob be in good shape.
fleet; navy; pe^Hoft — in- (|)0pMajibH0CT|b [fArmal^-
land water transport. nas^t'', -z^d^] / -h formality.
(|)jiioc [fPus, -z] m -a, -ob ^opMajibHJbiH [fArmaPniy]
med gumboil, swollen cheek. a sh f (|)opMajieH, -a, -o, -u
(|)jiflr|a [fl^aga] / -h, ~ formal {approach, etc).
flask (/or carrying liquids); 4)opMaT [fArmat, -d] m -a,
mil also water-bottle. -OB size {of paper or of a
(jjofie [foye] n indecl foyer, book).
lobby. 4)6pMeHH|biM [form^mly]
(fjoKyc I [fokus, -z] m -a, a 1. uniform {attr); 2. col
-oB focus. regular, downright.
(J)6Kyc II [fokus, -z] -a, m ^opMHp|oBaTb [farm^irA-
pi -bi, -OB 1. (conjuring) vat^] imp erf -yio, -yeiub, p
trick; 2. {mostly pi) col -OBaji, imp -yfl, ci^opMHpo-
whims, tricks. eaxb [sfarm^irAvat^] perf
c|)0JibKJi6p [fAl^'klor] m -a form, {a government, etc);
folk-lore. —OB^Tb x.apaKTep mould the
(j)OH [fon] m -a, -ob back- character.
ground (o/ a picture, etc); (fjopMyjija [formula] / -m,
Ha ~e against the back- -— formula {in algebra, chem-
ground {of). istry, etc); maxim, rule.
(t)OHap|b [fAnar^] -h, -eft m ([)0pMyjiHp|0RaTb [farmuPi-
lantern; lamp, light; KapMan- ravat''] perf & imperf -yio,
Hbift -~b electric torch. -yemb, p -oBaji, imp -yft for-
(JJOHA [font, -d] -a, pi m mulate.
-bi, -OB 1. fund, stock; ~ (J)OpcHp)oBaTb [fArs*'iravat^]
3apa6oTHOH njiaTbi wage perf & imperf -yio, -yeiUb, p
fund; seMejibHbiH cipaHbi ^ -oBaJi, imp -yft 1. speed,
the lands of a country; 2. pi step up, intensify; 2. mil
funds, stocks. force {a river, etc).
(})OHTaH [fAntan] -a, -ob m (|)6pT0H|Ka [fortach^'ka] f
fountain {of water, etc). -KH, -eK fortochka {a small
(l]opeji|b [fAr^'el^] / -h, -eft hinged window-pane).
troutl t|)6c(f)op [fosfar] m -a chem
(})6pM!a [forma] / -bi, -~ 1. phosphorus.
shape, form; KsaApaTHofl ~bi (jDOTo [fota] n indecl col=
square in form; oxpbiBaTb ~y (|)OTorpa4)H5i 2.
OT coAepJKaHHH divorce form (j)OTO... first element of
from content; 2. form {1) in compounds pertaining to 'pho-
art; 2) of government, etc: tography' or 'light*: 4)OTo6y'i
— 515 — <py*

Mara [fotabumaga] photo- ^poHT [front, -d] m -a, -6b

graphic paper; 4)OToaTejibe mil front {also fig).
[fotAAtel^ye] photographer's ^pyKT [frukt, -gd] m -^,
studio; (|)0T0JiK)5HTeJib [fota- -OB fruit.
l^ub^itJ'iP] amateur photog- 4)pyKT6BbiH[iruktoviy] a
rapher; 4)OT03JieMeHT [fota- fruit {attr)\ --
caA orchard.
el^i'^m^ent, -d] photoelectric (|)yHAaMeHT [fundam^mt, -d]
cell; photopile. m -a, -OB foundation, ground-
4)OT6rpa(t [fAtograf, -v] m work {also fig); sayio^KHTb —
-a, -OB photographer. lay the foundation.
(|)OTorpa(|)Hp|oBaTb [fatsgrA- (])yHAaMeHTajibH|biH [fun-
f^iravat^] imperf -yK), -yeiub, dam^i^ntal^nty] a sh f ^yn-
p -oBaji, imp -yfl, c;4)oto- AaMeHTajieH, -a, -o, -bi funda-
rpa^HpoBaxb [sfatagrAf^ira- mental, solid, substantial;
V9t^] perf photograph, take ~bie sHaHHH thorough / pro-
pictures; take a photograph found knowledge; -^an 6h-
of. 6j]H0TeKa main library.
(})OTorpa([)HploBaTbc« [fata- ^yHKU,HOHHp|oBaTb [funk-
grAf'iravattsa] imperf -yiocb, tstAn^ir9V9t^] imperf -yio,
-yembCH, p -OBajiCH, -osajiacb, -yeuib, p -oBaji, imp -yft
imp -yficH, -yftiecb, c:4>o- function, operate.
Torpa(|)HpoBaTbC5i [sfatagrA- (|)yHKi;H|si [funktjiya] / -h,
Pir8V9ttj9] perf col be pho- pi -H, -ft- function {1) of the
tographed, have one's picture pancreas, etc; 2) math); 2.
taken. {mostly pi) functions, duties.
(])OTorpa4)H fl [fatAgraf^iya]
4)yHT [funt, -d] m -a, -ob
/ -H, -Hphotography; 2.
1. pound {a unit of weight);
photograph, picture; 3. pho- <> ~ CTepjiHHroB pound
tographer's studio. sterling,
(|)pa3|a [fraz9] / -bi, — (jpypim [fur ash, -zh] -a m
utterance, sentence. forage, fodder.
(j)paK [frak, -g] -a, -ob m (j)ypa3K|Ka [furashka] / -kh,
dress coat, tail-coat. -eK (peak-)cap; service cap.
t})paKUH|j! [fraktjiya] / -h, 4)ypr6H [furgon] m
-a, -ob
-H pol faction. waggon {with a roof).
(t)paHT [frant, -d] m -a, -ob (i)yT66ji [fudbol] m -a foot-
dandy. ball, soccer.
(J)paHuy3 [frAntsus, -z] m (|)yT6ojiHCT [fudbAl^ist, -zd]
-a, -OB Frenchman. m -a, -OB football-player.
(|)paHUy3CK|HH [frAntsu- 4)yTJi«p [futPar] m
-a, -ob
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, ^He case {for glasses, jewels,
French. etc).
(J)paxT gd] m -a, 4)y(|}aHK|a [fufayk9] / -h,
•OB naut freight. 4)y4)aeK jersey, sweater.
xaji — 516 —

xajiax [khAlat, -d] -a, -ob m XBaji|HTb [khvAl^it^] im-
1. oriental robe; 2. dressing- perf -K>, XBa.THIIJb, p -MJl,
-gown; smock {of a doctor); imp -H, noixBajiHTb [pakhvA-
pa66qHH overall. ~ l^it^] perf praise, commend.
xajiaTH|biH [khAlatniy] a XBajiJHTbca [khvApitt^a]
sh f xaJiaTCH, -a, -o, -bi imperf -tbch, XBajiHiubCH, p
careless, negligent; oe ox- — -HJicH, -HJiacb, imp -HCb, -h-
HOLueHHe K AeJiy neglect of lecb, noiXBajiMTbCJi
one's work. l^ittja] perf co/=xBacTaTbCH.
xajiTyp|HTb [khAltur^it^] XBacxIaxbCJi [khvastattja]
imperf -lo, -HUJb, p -hji, imp imperf -aiocb, noi-
-b col be a pot-boiler, do
1. xBacxaxbCfl tP^I<hvastattja]
hack-work; do smth as a side- perf brag, boaSt.
-line; 2. work in a slipshod xBaxjaxb I [khvAtat^] im-
manner. perf -aio, -aeujb, cxBax|HXb
xaHKJa [khAnzha] m & / [skhvAt^it^] perf cxBaqy,
-H, -efi bigot, canting hypo- cxBaiHiub, p -HJI, imp -h
crite. snatch, seize, grasp, grip;
xaoc [khAos, -z] m -a cha- <> —
axb Ha jiexy be very
os, mess. quick to grasp; ^-axb sa aY-
xapaKxep [khArakt^ir] m -a, uiy tug at one's heart-strings.
-OB 1. disposition, temper, xeaxjaxb II [khvAtat^] im-
character; qejioBCK c ~om a perf -aex, xeaxHXb [khvAt^it'']
character; 2. nature {of the perf xBaiHx impers suffice,
soil, illness, etc). be sufficient / enough; last
xapaKTepMsjtoeaTb [kharak- (out) {a certain period of
t^ir^izAvat''] perf & imperf time); jxener eiviy •
~hjio na
-yK), -yeujb, p -OBaji,imp MecHu the money lasted him
-yft 1. define, describe; 2. a month; mhc He ~aex Bpe-
characterize, ,be characteris- MCHH I am short of time;
tic of. y Hero ~hjio cmcjiocxh... he
xapaKTepHCTHKJa [kharak- had the courage...;
<> axoro eme He -"ajio! col
acter {written by an employ- that's a bit too thickl; xea-
er, etc). xHx! col 1) that will do!;
xapaKTepH|biH [kharAkt^'er- 2) have had enough!;
I 3)
niy] a sh f xapaKrepeH, -a, stop it!, enough of that!
-o, -bi 1. typical {example, XBax|axbCfl [khvAtattja] im-
etc); 2. characteristic, dis- perf -aKDCb, -aeuibCH, cxea-
tinctive; 3. theat character xJHXbCJi [skhvAf'ittsa] perf
(attr) {dance, etc). cxBaqycb, cxeaxHuibca, p
517 — XJIO

-HJICH, -HJiaCb, tmp -HCb, xHxplbiH [kh^itriy] a sh f

-Hxecb snatch {at), catch
1. XHxep, -a, -o, -bi 1. sly. cun-
(at); 2. fig take up eagerly nmg, crafty; 2. col intricate,
{work, reading, etc); involved.
<> -^axbcji sa cojioMHHKy xH[u,HHK [kh^ish^-.n^ik, -g]
catch at a straw. m -a, -OB 1.beast of prey;
xBaxHTb see xeaTaib II. bird of prey; 2. fig plun-
xBOHHbiH [khvoyniy] a co- derer .

niferous. xhiuhhmcckIhh [kh^ish^:n^i-

xBop|aTb [khvArat^] imperf ch^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -ne
-aio, -aeuib col be ill. rapacious, predatory.
XBOCT [khvost, -zd] m -a, xHmHJbiH [kh^ish^-.niy] a
-OB 1. tail {1) of an animal; sh f XHui.eH, -a, -o, -bi 1.

2) of a comet, meteor); 2. end, predatory, raptorial; -~biH

tail, tail-end; rear; 3. col 3Bepb beast of prey; 2. fig
queue, line; rapacious, grasping.
<> noA^Karb ~ have
one's xjiaAH0Kp6BH|biH [khbduA-
tail between one's legs; Bep- krovniy] a sh.f xjiaAHOKpo-
TCTb ~6m cringe. een, -a, -o, -bi cool, compos-
xH>KHH|a [kh^izhtna] / -bi, ed, cool-headed; cold-blooded.
-- cabin, hut, shack. xjiaM [khlam] m -a rubbish;
xHJi|biH[ kh^iliy] a sh f lumber.
~, -a, -0, -bi sickly, puny. xjie6 [khPep, -b] m -a,
XHMHK [kh^im^'ik, -g] m -a, pi -bi (-a), -OB (-6b) 1. bread;
-OB chemist, student of chem- 3apa6axbiBaxb ce6e na — earn
istry. one's living; 2. {pi -u, -oe)
xHMHHecKlHH [kh^im^ich^i- loaf (of bread); 3. {pi -a, -6b)
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He chem- grain, grain crops; Ha Kop- ~
ical; ~afl MHCTKa dry-clean- HK) standing corn; HpoBbie
ing. ~a spring crops; osHMbie
xhmh|si [kh^im^iya] / -h ~a winter crops.
chemistry. xjicB [khl^ef, -v] -a, pi m
xHHla [kh^ina] / -bi qui- -a, -6b cattle-shed; pigsty
nine. {also fig).
xHpypr [kh^'irurk, -g] m -a, xjionjaxb [khl6p9t^] imperf
-OB surgeon. -aio, -aeiub,xji6nH|yxb [khl6p-
xHpyprHJsi [kh^irurg^iya] / nut^] perf -y, -emb, p -yji,
-H surgery {treatment by op- imp -H 1. bang, slam; --axb
eration). flBepbK) slam the door; 2.
xHTpocxlb [kh^itras^'t^, clap {at a concert, etc); ~axb
-z^d''] / -H, -efl 1. cunning, B Jia^omH clap one's hands;
slyness, guile; 2. ruse, strata- 3. flap {the wings, etc); ~axb
gem, trick; nycxHXbCH Ha ~h Kor6-Ji. no cnHHe slap smb
resort to cunning. on the back;
XJIO — 518

<> —
atb yuiaiMH col look ^ imperf -locb, -HiiibCH, p -hjich,
blank, understand nothing. -HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb,
xji6n|oK [khlopak, -g] m HaixMypHXbcji [nAkhmur^'i-
-Ka cotton; cotton-plant. ttS8] perf frown, scowl; 2.

xjionoT|aTb [khbpAtat^] ffg be overcast, grow cloudy,

imperf xjionoMy, xJionoqeuib, XMypjbiH [khmuriy] a sh f
p -a;i, imp xjiohohh, nojxjio- ~, -a, -o, -bi 1. gloomy, sul-
noxaTb [pakhbpAtat^] perf len, surly; 2. fig gloomy,
1. {no perf) bustle about, overcast, cloudy.
toil and moil, be up and x66ox [khobat, -d] m -a,
about; 2. solicit {favours, an -OB trunk {of an elephant);
office, etc, for oneself or proboscis {of insects).
smb); plead {for).
3. xoA Ikhot, -d] m -a (-y), pi
xji6noT|bi [khl6p9tf 1 p/ xjio.- -b'l -OB (-0B) 1. motion,

noT, -aM 1. bustle, fuss; 2. movement, run; speed; aa^-

trouble {inconvenience, extra HHH -- backward motion, re-
work); HaAejiaib KOMy-ji. xjio- verse; Ha —y in motion; in
noT give smb a lot of trou- working order [also see <>];
ble; HecTOHT xjionoT it is not no ~y qacoBOH cxpejiKH clock-
worth the trouble; Bce --bi wise; fig course, develop-
nponaJiH AapoM the efforts ment, progress; -- Mbicjieft
were wasted; train of thought; 3. entrance,
<> y Hero xjionor nojiOH per entry; passage, passage-way;
col ^ his hands- are full. 4. move {in chess, etc)-,

xjionbjfl [khlop^'ya] pi -ee <C> nycxHXb B '-' set in mo-

flakes {of snow, etc). t'on; 6bixb e ^y be in
xjibiH|yTb [khlinut''] perf vogue, be in great demand;
-ex, p -yji 1. gush out, spout, nojiHbiM ~0M in full swing,
spurt; —
y;i AO>K;ib the rain well under way; eMyHCAaioT
came down in torrents; 2.: ~a col they won't give him
TOJina — yjia k Bbixo^y the a chance; Ha ~y in passing,
crowd rushed to the exit. hastily; without sitting down.
xjibicT -zd] m -a, xoAM|xb [khAd^'it^] imperf
-OB whip, lash. xoH^y, xoAHUib, p -Ji, imp -^
xMejijb [khm'^el^l -h 1. m [cf HATH 1, 2] 1. go, walk,
bot hop, hops; 2. drunken- move {along); -^-xb no nnxaivi
ness, intoxication; bo ~k) in 3a follow /tread on
a state of drunkenness. smb's heels; -—xb na jibi>Kax
xMyp|HTb [khmur^'it''] im- ski; 2. go, run {of a bus, etc);
perf -K), -HUJb, p -HJi, imp -b, noea^a cero^Hg ne xoaht
HaixMypHTb [nAkhmur^'it^i there is no train service to-
perf: — HXb 6p6BH knit one's day; 3. visit, attend {school,
brows. lectures, etc); 4. work, go
XMyp|HTbCfi [khmur'*itt§3] {of a watch, etc); 5.; xb —
— 519 xop

B najibTo [b iiijinne u m. n.] xojioA [khobt, -d] m

-a (-y),
wear a coat [hat, etc]; 6. pi -a, -OB cold (low tempera-
move, make a move {in ture); AecHTb rpaAycoB ~a
chess, etc); 7. take care (of), ten degrees below zero,
nurse (a patient, etc); — 10°C; nocHHexb ox ^a be
«0> '-Tb BOKpyr Aa okojio col blue with cold.
= beat about the bush. xojioAHJibHHK [khalAd^iP-
xoAi>6|a [khAd^ba] / -bi n^ik, -g] m
-a, -gb 1. refrig-
walking, pacing; xyAa uHib erator, ice-box; 2. cold stor-
MHHyr —bi it"s a five min- age.
utes' walk. xojioflHo [khobdna] I adv
xoKy [khAzhu] see xoAHXb. coldly {also fig); ~
xosflHH [khAz^ain] -a, m K KOMy-ji. treat smb coldly;
pi xosHesa, xoaneB I. master, II impers predic it is cold;
owner; boss; 2. : oh xopoiuHH ceroAHH ~ it is cold today;
— hie is industrious and eMy —
he is cold.
thrifty; 3. host (entertaining xcjioahIwh [khAlodniy] a
guests in his own home); sh f xojiOAeH, -a, -o, -bi (-bi)
<0> OH caM ce6e ~ he is his cold, cool (also fig);
own master, <> —06 opy«He side-arms.
xosflHHHHJaTb (khAz^ayn'i- xojiocx|6h [khalAstoy] a sh
ch8t^] imperf -aio, -aeuib 1. f xojiocx, -a, xojiocxo, xojio-
keep house, manage a house- cxbi 1. single, unmarried; 2.
hold; 2. plav the master, technol idle, dummy; —oh
lord it. xoA idle running, idling; 3.
xo3flHCTB[o [khAz^aystva] n mil blank (cartridge, shot,
-a, ~I. economy {world, ru- etc).
ral, etc); cejibCKoe '— o agri- xojiocTflK [khalAs^t^ak, -g]
culture; HapoAHoe --o nation- m -a, -OB bachelor, unmar-
al economy; ropo^cKoe -—o ried man.
municipal economy; 2. agric xojicT [kholst, -zd] -a, m
farm; e^HHojiHWHoe —o indi- -OB canvas (1) a coarse cloth;
vidual farm; 3.: 6biTb aaHH- 2) an oil-painting).
TbiM no ~y be busy about xop [khor] m
-a, pi -u (-u),
the house. -OB (-0B) 1. chorus, choir; 2.
xoKKe|H [khAk^ey] m -h chorus (group utterance).
hockey; -^-h c maH6oH ice xopear [khArvat, -d] -a, m
hockey, Canadian hockey; —ft -OB Croatian, Croat.
c M^qoM ice hockey with the xopBaTCK|HH [khArvatsk^'iy]
ball, Russian hockey. a -an, -oe, -He Croatian.
xojiepja [khA^era] f -umed xopoM [khoram] adv in
cholera. chorus.
xojiM [kholm] m -a, -6b xopoH|HTb [kharAn'it^] im-
hill, hillock. perf -K), XOpOHHUIb, p -HJI,
xop - 520

imp -H, noixopoHHTb [pakha- like /choose; xoqeiub He x6-

FAn^it''] perf bury, inter. neuib col willy-nilly.
xopomeHbKlHH [khAroshan''- xoxexbcji [khAt^ettja] im-
k^iy] a -aa, -oe, -He pretty, perf xowexcH impers: mhc x6-
nice; qexcH cnaxb I want to sleep;
^ ^asi HCTopHfl! col ^ a eft xoqexcH noftxri xy^a she
pretty kettle of fish!; —oro would like to go there; she
noHeMHOJKKy col ^
enougti wants to go there.
is as good as a feast. xoxb [khot^, -d^] I cj 1.

xop6iu|HH [ktiAroshty] I a denoting concession or con-

-aH, -ee, -He, sh f — , -a, -6, trast though, although; —
-H 1. good {music, worker, nosAHo, ona Bce >Ke npn^ex
supper, etc); 2. {only sh f) though it is late she will
beautiful, good-looking; come; 2.: MOKpuft, ~ bbihcmh
II as a noun xopomjee n wringing wet; — y6eft, hh-
-ero: mto ~ero? what's the Mero He noHHMaio I don't un-
good news?; nnqero —ero h3 derstand it for the life of me;
SToro He noJiy^HTCH no good II part intens 1, at least;
will come of it. MHC Hy>KHO ~- ABa Maca I want
xopouio [kharAsho] I adv at least two hours; 2. even,
well {1) in good manner or ifyou like; ~ aasxpa tomor-
style; 2) thoroughly); bbi — row if you like, even tomor-
CACJiaeie, ecjin npoHHTaexe sxy row;
KHHry you would do well to -0^ — 6bi 1) I wish; if only;
read this book; 2) even if; eiviy — 6bi hto
II impers predic it is nice, it col he doesn't care; — 6bi h
is pleasant, it is good; mhc — xaK even if it were so.
3Aecb I am comfortable here, xox« [khAf^a] cj denoting
I feel good here; — qxo oh , concession or contrast though,
npHuieji it is nice that he has although; —
meji AOHCAb, mu
come; 6biJio 6bi —, ecjiH 6bi... noexajiH 3a ropOA though it
it would be a good / fine thing was raining we went to the
if...; ^ BaM roBopHTb it is country; oh nosBOHHJi mhc,
all very well for you to say; ~ h qyBCXBOBaji ce6a njioxo
III part affirmative very he rang me up though he felt
Weill, all rightl, good! unwell / in spite of the fact
xOTJexb [khAt^'et*'] imperf that he felt unwell;
xoqy, xoqeuib, xonet, -hm, <> ~ 6bi 1) I wish; if only;
-Hie, -HT, p -eji, saixoTeTb 2) even if; — 6bi h xaK even
[zakhAt^et''] perf want, wish; if it were so.

xoxeib cnaxb want to sleep; xoxox [khokhat, -d] m -a

fl ~e;i 6bi yBHAexbee I'd like (loud) laughter.
to see her; xoxox|axb [khakhAtat''] /m-
<> KaK. -Hxe just as you perfj xoxoHy, xoxo^euib, p
— 521 — xyA

-kji, imp xoxoMH laugh, the mark; y Hero ~-aex apH4)-

scream with laughter; — axb MexHKa his arithmetic is poor.
flo ynajty ^ split one's sides xpoM|6H [khrAmoy] I a sh
with laughter. f ~, -a, -o, -bi lame, limp-
xoHexcsi [khoch'ittsa] see ing;
XOXeTbCH, II as a noun xpoM|6H m
xoHy [khAch^u], xoneuib -oro, -bix lame man; lame
[khoch^'ish, -zh] see xoxeib. boy; xpoM|aH / -oft, -bix
xpa6p|biH [khrabriy] a sh f lame woman; lame girl.
--, -a, -o, -bi brave, valiant, xpoHHKia fkhron^ika] / -h,
courageous. ~ 1. chronicle (a historical
xpaM [khram] m -a, -ob record); 2. news of the day
temple, shrine. {in newspapers, etc); news-
xpaHCHHle [khrAn^en^iya] -reel.
n -H keeping, custody; stor- xpoHH4ecK|HH [khrAn^i-
ing, storage; njiaxa 3a —e ch^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
storage fee; Aaxb KOMy-ji. chronic.
qxo-Ji. Ha ~e leave smth in xpynK|HJf [khrupk^iy] a
smb's safe-keeping. -an, -oe, -He, sh f xpynoK,
xpaH|HXb [khrAn^it^] im- -a, -o, -H 1. fragile, frail;
perf -K), -HUJb, p -HJi, imp -h brittle; 2. delicate {health,
1. keep {old letters, money etc).
in a savings-bank, etc; smth xpycxajijb [khrustap] m -A
in one's memory); 2. safe- 1. cut-glass, crystal; 2. cut-
guard, guard; -glass ware.
<0> ~HXb HXG-JI. B raHHC xpycxjexb [khrus^t^et^] /m-
keep smth secret. perf -Hx, p -eji, xpycxHJyxb
xpanjexb [khrAp^et^] im- [khrusnut^] perf -ex, p -yji
perf -jiK), -Hiub, p -eji, imp crunch.
-H 1. snore; 2. snort {of a xyAiexb [khud^et^] imperf
horse). -eK), -eeuib, no;xyfl.exb [pa-
xpeSjex [khr^i^b^et, -d] m khud^et^] perf
grow thin,
-xa, -xoB 1. spine, backbone; lose flesh, lose weight.
2. mountain range. xyAo [khuda] I adv ill,
xpeH [khr^en] m
-a horse- badly;
-radish. II impers predic: mhc ~ I feel
xpHnjexb [khr^ip^et^] im- ill; eMy npnuijiocb -^ it fared
perf -JIK), -Hiub, p -eji, imp ill with him; he had a bad
-H 1. wheeze; 2. speak hoarse- time.
ly- xyA6%ecxBeHH|biH [khudo-
xpoMJaxb [khrAmat^] im- zhas^t^v^mnty] a sh f xyAo-
per) -aK), -aeuib 1. limp; 2. scecxeeH, -a, -o, -bi artistic
fig col be poor, leave much {taste, etc); ~oe npoHSBeAe-
to be desired, not be up to HHe work of art.
xyfl 522

xyAOMHHK [khudozhn^ik, -g] II asnoun xyAiulee n

m -a, -OB artist; painter. -ero: nepeMena k ~eMy
xyAJoH I [khudoy] a sh f change for the worse; caMoe
— , -a, -o, -bi lean, tliin; ema- — ee the worst (thing).
ciated, gaunt. xyjKe [khuzht^] I comp 1.
xyAJOM II [khudoy] a sh f of xyAOH II & corresp adv\
-', -a, -o, -bi 1. bad, wicked, 2. of njioxoH & corresp adv,
evil; 2. col worn out, thread- II impers predic: euy cxajio
bare; --b'le 60THHKH boots — he is worse;
with holes them. in <> TeiM —
so much the worse;
xyAOiii,aB|biH [khudAsh^:a- — Bcero worst of all.
viy] a sh /—, -a, -o, -bi lean, xyjiHraH [khul^'igan] -a, m
spare. -oB hooligan, ruffian.
xyAiii|HH fkhutshiy] I -an, xyrop [khutar] -a, pi -a, m
-ee, -He super I of xyAoft II -OB khutor (a separated farm);
& njioxoH; farm(stead).

i^anljin [tsapl^'a] f-m\,-ejib uapjb [tjar^] m -h, -eft
heron. tsar; ~b SBepeft king of
uapanlaTb [tjArapat**] im- beasts.
perf -aio, -aeiub, u,apan- ueelcTH [isv^i^s^i^i] imperf
HJyTb [tjArapnut^j perf -y, -xy, -leiub, p UBCJi, -Jia, imp
-eiiib, p -yji, imp -h 1. scratch, -TH 1. flower, bloom {also
bruise; 2. {no perf) col scratch, fig); 2. be overgrown {of a
scribble. pond, etc).
i;apan|aTbcsi [tjArapattja] ueex I [tjv^'et, -d] m -a,
imperf-QKxib, -aeiiibCH scratch, pi -a, -OB colour; ~ jiHua
scrape; scratch oneself. complexion; ocHOBUbie -^-a
uapanHH|a phys primary colours.
[tjArap'^ina] /
-bi, —' scratch, graze. ueex II [tjv'^et, -d] m -a
i^apanHyTb see uapanaib 1. (-y) 1. flower, prime; b ~y
i;ap|HTb [tjAr^it''] imperf in bloom. In blossom; 2. fig
-K), -HUJb, p -Hji, imp -H reign flower, pick;
{also fig). <> BO ^e jiex in the prime
uapcTBJo [tsarstva] n -a, -~ of life.
1. reign {of a monarch); 2. ueexHloH [tsv^'i'^tnoy] a col-
kingdom, realm {also fig); our {attr), coloured;
jKHBOTHoe ~o animal king- <> ~bie MexajiJibi non-ferrous
dom / world. metals.
523 ueH

^BeTl6K [tsv^i^tok, -g] m imp -yft, noiuejiOBaxb [patsa-

rKa, pi -bi, -OB 1. flower, lAvat^] perf kiss.
blossom; 2. pi flowers; kom- Uejl|OBaTbCJI [tj8lAVattS3]
HaiHbie ~bi indoor-plants. imperf -ywcb, -yeiiibCH, p
^BeTyI^|HH [tsv^i*^tush^:iy] -OBajiCH, -osajiacb, imp -yflcH,
a [pa] -aH, -ee, -He h blos- -yHiecb, noiuejioBaTbCfl [pa-
soming, flowering; 2. very tjalAvattsa] perf kiss.
healthy, blooming; y Hero U,eji|biH [tseliy] \ a sh f
~HH BHA he is a picture of — -a, -o, -bi 1. intac4, safe;

health. 2. whole, entire; ^uh Aenb

i;BeTu [tjv^i^tl] see UBe- all day long; — umh qacaMH
TOK 2. for hours on end; 3.: ^bift
UCAJHTb [tst^d^it^] imperf pHA BonpocoB quite a number
uexcy, ueAHiiib, p -hji, /mp -h of questions;
1. strain, filter; 2. co/: ~HTb II as a noun uejijoe n -ore
CJIOBa, —'HTb CKB03b 3y6bl (the) whole;
speak through / with set teeth. <> ^ H HeBpeAHM safe and
UCHjioHlei; [tji^ylon^'its, -dz] sound.
m -ua, -ueB Ceylonese. uejijb [tsel^] / -h, -ch 1.
^eHJIdHCKlHH [tsi'^ylon- target, mark; mil objective;
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Ceylon- nonacTb b ~b
hit the bull's
ese, Ceylon (attr). eye / mark; ne nonacxb b --'b
i;edie6H|biH [tsi^l^'ebniy] a miss the mark {also fig); 2.
sh f uejie6eH. -a, -o, -bi sa- aim, goal, object, purpose;
lubrious, healthy; — biexpaBbi KOHeqnaH —-b ultimate goal;
medicinal herbs. npecjieAOBaxb >-b pursue the
^CJlecoo6pa3H biil [tsal^isA- aim (of); oxBewaxb —h an-

Abrazniy] a sh f uejiecoo6- swer the purpose.

pasen, -a, -o, -u expedient, i^eMCHx [tsi^m'ent, -d] m
advisable. cement. •a
u.ejiHKGM [tsal^'ikom] adv ueHJa [tjl^na] / -u, aco
1. (as a) whole; oh nporjio- ueny, pi uenbi, ^ 1. price;
THJi Bce — he swallowed the cost; BSBHuqHBaxb uenu inflate
whole of it; 2. wholly, com- prices; 2. fig price, worth; >

pletely. <> --OK) XII3HH at the cost

uejiHHJa [tjaPina] / -u new / of one's life; axoMy Hex —'W
virgin soil; no —'C across it is beyond price.
country. i;eH3yp|a [tji^nzura] / -u
uejiJHTbcsi [tsePittS9] im- censorship.
perf -K)Cb, -HUIbCH, p -HJICH, ueHlHXb [tji^n^it^] imperf
-HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb aim -K),ueHHuib, p -HJI, imp -H
{aty,take aim. estimate, value; appreciate;
ueji|0BaTb [tjalAvat^] im- BbicoKo ~-HXb set much store
perf -yio, -yeujb, p -osaji, by; BucoKO ~HXb Koro-ji.
UeH — 524

highly appreciate smb; cjihui- 6e3 Aa^bHeftiuHX —ft col with-

KOM BbicoKo Overrate.
-^-HTfa out any further formalities /
ueHH0CT|b [tjennas^t^, ado.
-z^d^] / -H, pi -H, -eft 1. val- uepK|oBb [tserkaf'', -v^] /
ue, worth; 2. {mostly pi) -BH, pi -BH, -Beft, -BaM church;
valuables. npaBocjiaBHaH —oBb the Greek
ueHHlbiH [tjenniy] a sh f Orthodox Church.
ueneH, -a, -o, -u valuable; uex [tjekh, -gh] m -a, pi
<> -^aji nocbijiKa registered -H (-a), -OB (-6b) shop {at a
parcel (with a statement of factory, etc); npoKaxHbift —
value). rolling shop; c66poqHbifl -^
ueHTHep [tjen^tn^ir] -a, m assembly shop.
-OB metric centner {100 kg). UHBHjiHsauHlfl [tjiv^iPiza-
ucHTp [tjentr] -a, m
-ob tj^ya] / -H, -ft civilization;
centre; AHpeKTHBbi --a direct- culture.
ives of a central body; UHKji [ts*kl] m
-a, -ob 1.
O 6biTb B ~e BHHMaHHfl be cycle; 2.: -— jickuhh [cthxob
the focus of attention. u m. n.] a series of lectures
ueHTpajibHJbiH [tsi^ntraP- [poems, etc].
niy] a central; —bie raaexbi UHKjioH [tjiklon] m -a, -ob
national newspapers; ^•biH na- cyclone'.
naAaiomHH sport centre for- UHHr[a [tjtnga]/-H scurvy.
ward. UHHHHHJbiH [tjin^ich^niy]
uenK|HH [tjepk^iy] a -an, a sh f uHHHHeH, -a, -o, -bi
-oe, -He, sh f uenoK, -a, -o, cynic(al).
-H tenacious {also fig). UMHK [tjink, -g] m -a zinc.
uenji|flTbCJi UMpK [tjirk, -g] m -a, -ob
imperf -HKDCb, -HeuibCH clutch circus (Me show or building).
{at)\ cling {also fig), UHCTepH|a [tjis^t^erna] /
uen|b [tjep^] / -h, pi -h, -bi, — cistern, tank.
-eft 1.chain {also fig); noca- UMTarja [tjitata] / -bi, —
AHTb Ha ~b chain; 2. pi fig quotation, citation.
bonds, shackles; 3. chain of UHTiipioBaTb [tjU^iravat^]
mountains; 4. mil line; imperf -yio, -yeuib, p -OBaji,
5. electr electric circuit. imp -yft, npojuHTHpoBaTb
uepeMOHlMTbCfl [tjar^'i'^mo- [pratjif'iravat^] perf quote,
n^ittja] imperf -locb, -Huib- cite.
CH, p -HjicH, -HJiacb, imp UM(|)ep6jiaT [tjif^i^rblat, -d]
-bCH,-bxecb 1. stand on cere- m -a, -OB dial(-plate), face
mony; He -'bcn! make your- {of a timepiece); CBexHiAHftcH
self at home!; 2. treat with — luminous dial.
lenience, indulge. UH(J)p|a [tsifra] / -bi, ^
uepeMOHHifi [tjar^i^mo- figure, cipher; number, nu-
n^iya] / -h, -ft ceremony; meral.
? b

525 ~ Mac

i^biraH [tsigan]
. m -a, pl-e, <> ubinjiflT no oceHH cHHTa-
'^ Gipsy. K)T prov don't count your
« UbiraHCKJHH [tsigansk^iy] chickens before they are
a -an, -oe, -He Gipsy. hatched.
ubinjieHJoK [tsipl^onak, -g] UbinoHKlM [tsipach^k'^i] pi:
m -Ka, pi ubinjiaxa, ubinjiHX Ha —ax on tiptoe; xoAHXb na
chicken, chick; —ax tiptoe.

HaA [ch^at, -d] m -a (-y) luck!; cxonxb na —ax stand

fumes, smoke. sentry.
nafl [ch^ay] m naH (qaio) HacoBJOH I [ch^isAvoy] a
1. tea {plant and beverage); hour-long, haur's; -an onjia-
2. tea -party; xa payment by the hour.
<> npMrjiacHTb Ha nauiKy nin HacoBOH II [ch^isAv6y] a
ask to tea; aaBaxb Ha col — clock (attr), watch (attr).
give a tip (to a waiter, etc). HacoB|6H III [ch^isAvoy] m
HaHK|a [ch^'ayka] / -h, qaeK -6ro, -bix sentry, sentinel.
(sea-)gull. HacxHiija [ch^i^s^t^itj8] /
HaHHMK [ch^ayn^ik, -g] m -bi, — 1. fraction, particle;
-a, -OB tea-kettle; tea-pot. 2. ling particle.
Mac [ch^as, -z] m
-a (-y) 4acxH|biH [ch^asnty] a 1.
(with ABa, TpH, Hexbipe — particular, special (case, etc);
qaca), pi -u, -6b 1. hour 2. private {property, etc);
(1) sixty minutes; 2) point, — biM 66pa30M privately, un-
period); nOciTopa ~-a an hour officially.
and a half; xpHAUaxb khjio- adv often,
Hacxo [ch^asta]
MeipoB B — thirty kilome- frequently.
tres an hour; —-bi o6ejxa dinner Hacxym|Ka [ch^i^stushka] /
hour / time; aKaAeMH^ecKHft *KH, -CK chastooshka (a hu-
— teaching period (in the morous and topical folk verse

Soviet Union 45 or 50 min- sung in a lively manner).

utes); ABa —-a esAbi oxciOAa Hacx|biH [ch^'astiy] a sh f
it's a two hour journey from — -a, -o, -bi 1. thick {wood,,

here; 2. o'clock; ceMb —6b etc); — biH rpe6eHb fine tooth-

seven o'clock; Kox6pbiH — -comb; 2. frequent {visitor,
what's the time?; 3. one visits, etc); 3. quick {pulse).
o'clock; b nepBOM — y after Hacxjb [ch^as^t^, -z^d*'] /
twelve; -H, -efi 1. part {of a whole);
<> — pacnjiaxbi day of reck- share, portion; 66jibmaH —
oning; B A66pbiH —
good the greater part; most (o/).
Mac — 526

the bulk (of); cocTaBHan ~b nucaxejib, Mbe hmh... the writ-

component; njiaxHTb no -~hm er whose name...
pay by instalments; 2.: caHH- HCK [ch^ek, -g] m -a, -ob
TapHaH — b medical depart- 1. cheque, check; 2. check
ment, yMe6HaH ~b curricu- {at a shop).
lum department; 3. mil unit HejioeeK [ch^iUv^ek, -g] m
{self-contained and independ- -a, -~ man, a human being;
ent); person {a man or woman);
«0 66jibmeH —^bio & no Sojib- BbiAaKDiiiHHCH ^ outstanding
uiefi ~H mostly; for the person; nac 6bijio Aecnib -'
greater / most
part; pearb we were ten.
Ha ~Mpull to pieces; aro hc HejioeeHecKlHH [ch^iUv^e-
no Moefi '-H col it's not in ch^isk^'iy] a -an, -oe, -He 1.
my line/ out of my range. human; 2. humane {treat-
Hac|bi [ch^i^sl] pi -OB time- ment, etc).
piece; clock {on the wall, etc); HejiOBeMecTBlo [ch^ilAv^e-
watch {on the wrist, etc); ch^'istva] n -a humanity, man-
nocxaBHTb ~bi no pa;tHO set kind.
the watch by the radio (sig- HejiK)cTlb [ch^el^us^t^,
nal). -z^d^] /-H, -eft jaw; jaw-bone;
HaxHJyTb [ch^akhnut^l im- jowl.
perf -y, -euib, p qax (-yji), HCM I [ch^em] cj 1. than;
qaxjia, imp -h, sajMaxHyrb jiymue nosAHO, ^^ HHKorAa
[zAch^akhnut^] perf 1. with- prov better late than
er {of plants); 2. pine, waste 2. instead of; ~- CHAexb AOMa,
away. jiyqme noftxH b khho you bet-
naxoTKla [ch^'i^khotka] / ter go to the cinema instead
-H col consumption (a dis- of staying at home; 3. used
ease); cKOpOTCMHaH ~a gal- with comp: ~-..., xeM... the...
loping consumption. the...; — paHbiiie, xeM Jiyq-
Haiu|Ka [ch^'ashlo] / -kh, me the earlier, the bet-
-CK cup {for drinking); 2.
1. ter.
cupful, cup (o/); 3. scale, HCM II [ch^em] instr of
pan. qxo I.
Ham|a [ch^ash^'-.a] / -h, ~ HCM [ch^'om] pr of mxo I.
thicket. HCMOAaH [ch^imAdan] m
Mauie [ch*'ash'':i] comp of -a, -OB trunk {for carrying
H^CTbiH &
corresp adv. clothes); suitcase.
Hero [ch^i^vo] genof ^to\. HeMnHOH [ch^'imp^'ion] m
MCH [ch'ey] pron inter & -a, -OB spor/ champion; title-
rel mMbero, qbeMy, qew -holder.
(Mbero), qbHM, (o) qbCM, hbh HCMnMOHaT [ch^'imp^'iAnat,
/, Hbe n, HbH pt whose; qbH -d] m -a, -OB championship
aro pyqKa? whose pen is it?; (tournament).
— 527 Hep

HCMy [ch^i^mu] dat of nepen [ch^er^ip, -b] m -a,

qxo I. pi -a, -OB skull, cranium;
Henyxja [ch^ipukha] / -h death's head.
col nonsense, rot, rubbish. Hepenaxja [ch^ir^i^pakha] /
HepB|b [ch^erf^, -v*'] -h, m -H, — 1. tortoise; turtle; 2.
pi qepBH, -eft worm {an ani- tortoise-shell.
mal); luejiKOBHqHbiH —'b silk- 4epenMi;|a [ch^ir^i^p^itja] /
worm . -bi tile, tiling; KpbiTbiH —eft
nepBRK [ch^i^rv^'ak, -g] m tiled.
-a, -OB = qepBb. Hepecnyp [ch^ir^i^sh^-.ur]
HepfldK [ch^i^rdak, -g] m adv too {much, bad, etc)',
-a, -OB garret, attic. 3T0 yjK —
that's going too

HepeA|oBaTbCfl [ch^ir^idAva- far!, that's a bit too thick!

ttsa] imperf -yiocb, -yeuibCH, HepemlHsi [ch^i^r^'eshn^a] /
p -OBajicH, -oBajiacb, imp -HH, -eH sweet cherry; cher-
-yflcH, -yflTecb alternate {of ry-tree.
two events, etc); take turns. HepHHKla [ch^i^rn'^ika] /-h
Hepe3 [ch^er^is, -z] prep bilberry; bilberry-bush.
with ace denoting 1. move- HepHHjia [ch^i^rn^ila] pi
ment or position across smth, qepHHJi ink {for writing).
movement over an obstacle, qepHHjibHHula [ch^i^rn^iP-
etc: nepeHTH — Aopory cross — n^itsa] / -bi, ink-pot, ink-
the road, walk across the road; -well.
npbiFHyTb ~ pyqeft jump HepHOBHK [ch^irnAv'ik, -g]
across a brook; npbirnyTb ~ m -a, -OB 1. rough copy; 2.
3a66p jump over a fence; 2. rough notebook.
movement through smth: HepHoscM [ch^irnAz^om] m
npoHTH — jiec walk through -a chernozem, black earth.
a forest; BJiesTb — okho get qepHocjiHB [ch^irnAs^l^if,
in through a window; 3. move- -v] m -a prunes.
ment via some city, etc: exaxbB HepHJbiH [ch^orniy] a sh f
PHry — Mhhck go to Riga via MepeH, qepHa, qepHO (-o),
Minsk; 4. a period of time: qepHbi (-bi) 1. black {1) colour;
^ Mac in an hour; in an 2) envy, etc); — ue mmcjih
hour's time; an hour later; dark thoughts; 2. back {attr);
"^ HCKOTopoe BpeMH after a -^bift xoA backdoor;
while; some time later; 5. <> ~oe ;iepeBo ebony; —we
means of doing smth: coo6- MerajijiM ferrous metals.
mHTb ~ Apyr.a let smb know Hepn|aTb [ch^erpat^] im-
through one's friend; onoBe- perf -aio, -aeuib, HepnH|yTb
CTHTb — rasexy notify through [ch^'i^rpnut^] perf -y, -euib,
a newspaper. p -yji, imp -H 1. draw {water
HepeMyx|a [ch^i^r'omukha] from a well, etc); 2. {no perf)
/ -H bird-cherry tree. draw {inspiration, etc); — axb
Hep 528

CHJibi H3... derive strength qeuiH, noiHCcaxb [pach^'i^saf]

from... perf 1. scratch (to relieve
HepcTB|biH [ch^orstviy] a itching, etc); 2. (no perf) col
sh f ~, qepcTBa, -o, -bi(qep- comb (one's hair).
CTBbi) 1. stale (bread); 2. fig Heclaxbcsi [ch^i^sattja] im-
hard-hearted, callous. perf qeuiycb, qemeiiibCH, p
Mepx [ch^ort, -d] -a, pim -ajicH, -ajiacb, imp qeiiiHcfa,
qepTH, MepxeH devil, deuce; qeuiHxecb, nojHecaxbcsi [pa-
<C> caM '-' Hory cjiomht col ch^i^sattja] perf 1. scratch
^ there's no making head or oneself; 2. (no perf) itch (of
tail of neM — hc
it; uiyxHT the skin).
col ^ you can never tell; -- HecHOK [ch^i^snok, -g] m
suacT 4To! col what the -a garlic.
devil!; k ~y..! col to hell MecxB|oBaxb [ch^estyvat**]
with..!; —
B03bMH / no6epH! imperf -yK), -yeuib, p -oeaji,
col confound (it)!; KEKoro imp -yH do / pay honour to
—a..? col why the hell..?; (smb)] celebrate (a hero, smb's
what the deuce..?; Ha koh anniversary, jubilee, etc).
--..? col why the hell..?; hh HecxHJHH [ch^esniy] a sh f
Hepra col not a thing, noth- qecxcH, -a, -o, -bi honest,
ing at all. upright; fair, just;
HepTJa [ch^'i^rta] / -bi, '- <> ~oe cjioBO word of hon-
1. line (a long narrow mar k)\ our; Aaxb '-06 CJIOBO give
npoBecTH —
y draw a line; one's word of honour, give a
2. border, boundary; --a ro- pledge; ~oe cjiobo! hon-
poAa city boundaries; 3. fig estly!; upon my word!
trait; oTjiHqHxejibHaH —a HecxojiK)6HB|biH [ch^istal^u-
distinguishing feature; b^iviy] a sh f ~, -a, -o, -bi
«> ^u jiHua features [of the ambitious (person).
face)', B 66u^Mx ~ax roughly, Hecx|b [ch^'es^t^, -z^'d^] /
in a general way. -H honour (1) reputation;
HepTCJK [ch^i^rt^osh, -zh] m 2) tribute, respect);
-a, -eH draught, drawing; US <> oxAaBaxb —-b mil salute;
draft; sketch (a rough draw- C --bK) BblHXM M3 nOJlOWCHHA
ing). come out of a situation with
HepTJMTb [ch^'i^rt^it^] im- credit, come off with flying
perf Mepqy, qepiHuib, p -hji, colours; nopa h ~b anaxb
imp HainepTHTb [nach'^i^r-
-H, col one ought not to [must
f'it^] draw, delineate,
perf not] abuse (smb's hospitali-
sketch, diagram. ty, etc).
HepHeHHJe [ch^i^rch^en^iya] HeiBepr [ch'^i'^t^v^erk, -g]
n -H (mechanical) drawing. m -a, -OB Thursday.
HecjaTb [ch^'i^sat^] imperf HexBepeHbK|H [ch''it''v*'i^-
Heuiy, Hemeiub, p -aji, imp r^'en^k'^ijpi: Ha --ax on all

— 529 — 4HC

fours; CTaxb na ~h go down HexocjiOBai;KlHH [ch^'ikha-

on one's hands and knees. slAvatsk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
4eTBep|Ka [ch^i^t^v^orka] / Czechoslovak.
-KH, -OK four (1) a figure; 4e>ieBHu|a [ch^ich^i^v^itsa]
2) a mark at school). / -bi lentil.
'HeTBep|o [ch^ef'v^ira] num HeiiiH [ch^i^shf] see qecaxb.
collect -bix, -biM, -bix (-o), qeiuHCb [ch^i^shls^, -z^],
-biMH, (o) -bix four; hx ^o HeuiHxecb [ch^i^shit^is^, -z^j
there are four of them. see MecaxbCH.
HCTBepTWH [ch^i^t^v^ortty] HeuicKJHH [ch^eshsk^iy] a
num ord fourth; -- qac it is -an, -oe, -ne Czech.
past three (o'cl-ock). Hcuiy [ch^i^shu], Hemeuib
HexeepTlb [ch^et^v**irt^j-d^] [ch^eshash, -zh] see qecaxb.
/ -H, -eft 1. a quarter, a qeiuycb [ch'^'^shus**, -z^],
'fourth; 6e3 ~h
ceMb a quar- Heiueuibcsi [ch^eshashs^a] see
ter to seven; 2. term (a part of qecaxbCH
the school- year). 4eiiiy|fl [ch^ishuya] / -h
hctkImh [chMtk^iy] a sh f scales (of fishes and reptiles).
»ieTOK, qexKa, -o, -h clear, HHH [ch^in] m -a, pi -u,
clear-cut; ^wft no^epK legible -OB rank, grade; noBbiuieHHe
handwriting; --oe aaAaHHe B ~e promotion {to a higher
precise instructions; ~oe hc- rank).
nojiHeHHe sajxauna 4HH|Hxb I [ch^in^it^] im-
performance of a task. perf -K), MKHHuib, p -Hji, imp
HeTHbiH [ch**6tniy] a even -H, oJHHHHXb [Ach^'in^it^l perfy
(number). noiHHHHxb [pach^inMt^] perf
qexbipe [ch^i^tlr^i] num 1. (noMHHHXb) repair, mend;
card qeibipex, qexbipcM, --' 2. (oqHHHXb) sharpen (a pen-
(qcTbipex), .qexbipbMH, (o) qe- cil).
Tbipex four. 4HH|HXb II [ch^in^it^] im-
neTbipecxa [ch^i^ttr^ista] perf -K), p -Hji, imp
num card qexbipexcox, Mexbi- -h: — HXb npenHxcxBHH KOMy-ji.
pexcxaM, —', MexbipbMHcxaMH, put obstacles in smb's way;
(o) qexwpexcxax four hundred. — HXb cy;t H pacnpasy mete
HCxbipHaAuaxbiH [ch^i^tlrna- out justice and punishment.
tts9tty] num ord fourteenth. HHHOBHHK [ch^luovn^'ik, -g]
4exbipHa1iuax|b [ch^i^ttrna- m -a, -OB 1. official, function-
ttsat^, -d^] num card -h, -bio ary; 2. bureaucrat.
fourteen. 4HcjieHH0cx|b [ch^is^l^i-
Hex [ch^'ekh, -gh] m -a, -ob nas^t^, -z^d^J / -h number,
Czech. quantity, strength; —bio b cxo
Hex|6ji [ch^i^khol] m
-jia, qejiOBCK one hundred strong.
-jioB case (a protective cover); 4MCJiHxejibH|oe [ch^is^l^i-
slip-cover. t^il^naya] n -oro, -ux ling

numeral; KOJiHMecTBeHHoe — oe [ch^fstiy] a sh f

cardinal number; nopnuKOBoe ~, -a, -o,
-bi (-bi) 1. clean
~oe ordinal number. {unsoiled); 2. pure {gold, etc);
HHCJilHTbcn [ch''is''l''itts9] ~aH coBecTb easy conscience;
i mpe r f p -hjich,
-loch, -Huibcfl, 3. clear, net {profit, weight,
-HJiacb be reckoned, be put etc); 4.: ~oe coBnaneHHe mere
(among a person's friends, coincidence; ~aH cjiyqaflHocxb
etc); — HTbCH B cHHCKe be on mere pure chance;

the list; KHHra ~htch aa hhm <> ~oe nojie open country/
the book is down in his name. field; —an paCora neat job.
HHCJijo [ch*'isl6] n -a, pi HHTajibHifl [ch^ital^'n^a] / -h,
MHCJia, MHceJi, MHCJiaM 1. num- MHiajieH reading-hall, read-
ber (1) whole, fractional, ing-room.
etc; 2) sum, aggregate; 3) HHTJaTb [ch^'itat''] imperf
ling);MH6>KecTBeHHoe ~6 ling -aK), -aeiub, npoinHTaTb [pra-
plural (number); 2. date {the ch^'itat''] perf, npo4|ecTb
day of the month); KaKoe [prAch'^es^'t^] perf -ry, -reuib,
ceronHH ~6? what date is it p -eji, -jia, imp -th 1. read
today?; b nepBbix HHCjiax Man {a book, etc); ~aTb BCJiyx
in the first days of May; 3.: read out loud; 2. deliver, give
6biTb B —
e... be among..., be {lectures); 3. recite {poetry,
one of...; oahh h3 hx ~a one etc).
of them; b tom ~e... includ- HHx|aTb [ch^'ikhat''] imperf
ing...; -aio, -aeujb, HHXHJyTb [ch^'ikh-
<> npeeocxoAHTb ~6m out- nut**] perf -y, -eiiJb, p -yji,
number. imp -H sneeze.
HHCTiHTb [ch*'is''t*'it^] im- HHiu,e [ch''ish'':i] comp of
perf MHiuy, -HUJb, p -hji, imp MHCTbiH & corresp adv.
-b, noiMHCTMTb IpAch^is'^t^it*'] HHmy [ch''ish'':u] see mu-
perf 1. scour;
clean, ~HTb CTHTb.
meTKOH brush; 2. peel {fruit, HjieH [ch^l'^en] m -a, -oe
vegetables); scale {fish); shell member {1) of the Communist
{nuts). Party, etc; 2) math); ~bi
HHCTO [ch^'ista] I adu clean- npeAJio>KeHH5i ling parts of the
ly; neatly; sentence.
II impers
predic it is clean. MOKlaxbCfl [ch''6k9ttj9] im-
HHCTonji6TH|biH [ch^'istA- perf -aiocb, -aeiiibCH, hok-
plotniy] a sh f MHCxonjioreH, H|yTbCfl [ch'^oknuttja] per^
-a, -o, -bi neat, clean, tidy -ycb, -eiubCH, p -yjiCH, -yjiacb,
{person). imp -Hcb, -Hiecb touch /clink
MHCTOcepfleHHibiH [ch^'ista- glasses {with smb).
a sh f mhcto-
si'i<^rd*'ech''niy] MpesBbiMaHH biii [ch'T^'izvi-
cepAGMeH, -a, -o, -bi candid, ch'^ayniy] a sh f MpesBbiqaen,
frank, open-hearted. -a, -0, -bi extraordinary
— 531 — 4T0

{meeting, measures, etc)-, ex- ~ H3 3Toro? col what of it?;

treme (danger, actions, etc); K weiviy? what for?, why?; axo
—bie nojiHOMOMHH emergency HH K HeMy it is of no use, it
.powers; '-oe nojiOKCHHe is no good; —
6bi hh what-
state of emergency. ever; HH BO ~ He CXaBHTb
HpesMepHJbiJi [ch'^r^i^zm^er- Koro-Ji. not care a pin for
nty] a sh f ^pesMepen, -a, smb, make no account -for
-o, -bi excessive. smb; yflxH hh c hcm go away
4TeHH|e [ch^t^en^iya] n -h, empty-handed; hh sa — hh
-ft 1. reading {of books, etc); npo ~ col for no reason at
2.: ~-e jieKUHH lecturing (a/ all.
a university, etc). HTO II [shto] cj that; h
HTH|Tb [ch^t^'it^] imperf 3HaK), — OH CKOpO npHflCT
my, -uib, p -ji, imp -~ hon- I know that he will soon
our, revere; '-Tb Mbio-ji. na- come; oh CKasaji, ~ oh npn-
MHTb revere smb's memory, ji<kT he said he would come;
HTO I [shto] I pron nero, H paA, ~ BH>Ky Bac I'm glad
qeMy, —-, neM, (o) mcm 1. in- to see you.
ter & rel what; — sto? what HTO 6 see MT66bi.
is this?; h He snaio, -^ sto HToSbi [sht6bi],HTo6 [shtop,
I don't know what it is; o -b] cj & part denoting pur-
HCM AyMaexe? what are you
Bbi pose, desirability, possibil-
thinking about?; ~? sorry?; ity, etc: OH Bce
BCTaji, —
2. rel: oh He npHmeji, — BH^ejiH ero he rose (so) that
OHeHb cTpaHHo he hasn't come, everybody could see him;
which is very strange; 3. rel HyjKHO, -— OH nonieji Ty;ta it
that; 3T0 Bce, ~ n anaio this is necessary that he should
's (that) I know; tot jKe
all go there, it is necessary for
^ejioBCK, -— npHXOAHJi B^iepa him go there; He MOJKeT
the same man that came yes- 6biTb, — OH noTepHJi kjhomI
terday; H 3HaiO, '^ OH HMeeT he can't have lost the key!;
B BHAy I know what he means; He flyMaio, -~- sto eMy noHpa-
4. indef anything; ecjiH — BHJiocb I don't think he liked
cjiymiTCH if anything happens; it; H xoqy, ~ Bbi houijih c
5.: —OH 3a MejiOBCK? what HaMH I want you to come with
sort of man is he?; sto sa ~ us; H npHexaji, — noroBopHTb
KHHra? what kind of book is c BaMH I've arrived (in order)
it?; -- 3a KHHra! what a to talk to you; oh b3hji TaKCH
book!; — He ono3AaTb he took a taxi
II as an adv inter why; ~ not to be late.
tm TaKOH rpycTHbiH? why are ht6-jih6o [shtoPiba] pron
you so sad?; = nT6-HH6yAb.
<0 — iK(e) why; well; Hy h HTO-HHSyflb [shton^ibut^,
'^ jK(e)? col well, what of it?; -d''] pron indef nero-HHdyAb
— 532 —
something; anything (in inter MyflaK [ch^udak, -g] m -a,
sentences). -OB eccentric man, crank.
mt6-to I [shtota] pron in- HyflecHlbiH [ch^ud^esniy] a
def qero-TO something. sh f qy;teceH, -a, -o, -bi 1.
ht6-to II adv col miraculous,
[shtota] wonderful; 2.
1. somewhat; MHe lovely, beautiful, marvellous,
— HesAopoBHTCH somehow wonderful.
I don't feel well; oh — pac- MyflH|6H [ch^udnoyl a sh f
cTpocH he is somewhat upset; HyjieH, -a, -6, -bi col odd,
2.: ^ H sToro He homkhd strange, queer.
I don't think I remember it; HyflHJbiH [ch^udniy] a sh f
— 3Aecb He TaK it looks as qyAen, -a, -o. -bi 1. wonder-

if something is wrong here. ful, marvellous; 2. lovely,

Mxy [ch^'tu] see MTHTb. beautiful.
MyBCTBeHHJbiH [ch^us^t^- nyfljo [ch^uda] n -a, pi
v^mniy] a sh HyBCTBen, -a, -eca, -ec, -ecaM miracle; won-

-o, -bi sensual (pleasures, etc); der, marvel.

'-oe BocnpHHTHe perception HyflOBHmHibiH [ch^udo-
by the senses. v^ish^-.niy] a sh f qyAOBH-
HyBCTBHTCJIbHlblH [ch'U- men, -a, -o, -bi monstrous.
s^t^v^it^il^niy] a sh f ^yB- HywloH [ch^uzhoy] a -aH,
CTBHiejieH, -a, -o, -bi 1. sen- -6e, -Ke 1. smb else's, belong-
sitive, susceptible; ~oe MecTO ing to smb else; noa ~hm
tender spot; 2. sensible, per- HMeneM under an assumed
ceptible; --an yrpaxa painful name; strange,
2, foreign,
loss; —'biH yaap telling blow. alien; ~6h qejioBCK stranger.
[ch^ustv9] n -a, Hyji|KH [ch^ulk^i] pi -OK
— sense (1) of hearing, smell, (sing Myji]6K m
-Ka) stockings.
etc; 2) of pain, responsibil- HyMJa [ch^'uma] / -bi plague,
ity, etc); feeling, sensation; black death.
opraHbi ~
organs of sense; HyxKlMH fch^utk^iy] a -an,
4' o6MaH ~
illusion, delu- -oe, -He, sh f qyiOK, -a, -o,
sion; 6e3 ^
unconscious, in- -H sensitive, keen (ear, etc)\

sensible. 2. delicate, tactful; --oe ot-

4yBCTB|oBaTb {ch^ustyvat*'] HouieHHe tactful approach;
imperf -yio, -yemb, p -osaji, <> ~HH coH light sleep.
imp -yfi, noiHyBCTBoeaTb Hyxb [ch^ut^, -d^] I adv
[pAch^ustyvat^] perf feel, \. hardly; — cjiuuiho can
sense, have a sensation of; hardly be heard; 2. slightly,
<— OBaxb TOJiojy feel hungry; a little; ^
MCHbiue a little
'^OBaTb ce6H o6H>KeHHbiM feel less;
hurt. II cj as soon as; -~' xojibKo
HyryH [ch^ugun] m -a cast as soon as;
iron. <> ~
Hc almost, nearly; oh
533 — tua;t

~ He ynaji he nearly fell; -' Hbero [ch^yi^vo] gen & ace

HC almost, nearly; mto — of ^efl, gen of ^be; see
at every trifle; —
qyib slight- qeft.
ly, a little. HbCH [ch^yey] gen, dat,
Hyxble [ch^ut^yo] n -h instr & pr of m>5i; see
1. {the sense of
scent smell); ^efl.
2. fig flair, scent. HbCM [ch^yom] pr of qeft
Hy4eji|o [ch'uch^ib] n -a, & qbe; see ^eft.
-- 1. stuffed animal; stuffed HbCMy [ch^yi^mu] dat of qeft
bird; 2. scarecrow. & Mbe; see Mefi.
Hyuilb Ich^ush, -zh] / -h Hbeio [ch^yeyu] instr of
col nonsense, rot; hccth -^-b MbH; see ^eft.
talk nonsense. HbH [ch^yi] pron pi -x, -m,
HyHTb [ch^uyat^l imperf ~ (-X), -MH, (o) -X see qefi.
HyK), qyeiiib, p MyHJi, noi- HbHM [ch^yim] instr of ^e^
HysiTb [pAch^uy9t^] perf & Hbe; see qefl.
smell, scent {also fig); ~ HbK) [ch^yu] ace of HbH;
6eAy scent trouble. see qefl.
Hbe [ch^yo] pron n Hbero, Hbfl [ch^ya] pron f qbefi,
qbCMy, --, HbHM, (o) ^heu see qbeii, HbK), Mbefi (MbCK)), (o)
qbCH see qeft.

uia6ji6H [shAblon] -a, -ob m imp -H 1. step; stride, stride
1. pattern, mould; templet; along; march; pace, walk;
2. fig cliche; padoxaTb no perf also take / make a step;
~y work unimaginatively. 2. fig move ahead, make
mar [shak, -g] m
-a (-y) progress.
{with ABa, TpH, qeibipe —
uiaroM [shag9m] adv at a
mara), walking
pi -u, -6b 1. step pace; slowly, at
{!) in walking, etc; 2) foot- a slow pace;
fall); poBHbiH ~ even stride; <> — Mapui! march!, for-
2. fig step, measure; ward!
<> -^ 3a ^OM step by step; uiaHK|a [shayka] / -h,
Ha KaxAOM ^y at every luaeK gang, band.
step, everywhere; ne otxo- uiajiaui [shAlash, -zh] -a, m
flHTb Hii Ha ~ OT Kdro-ji. not -eft hut {made of branches,
move a step from smb's^side. etc).
uiar|aTb [shAgat^J imperf uiajilHTb [shAPit^] imperf
-aio, -aeuib, uiarH|yTb [shAg- -K), p -iiji, imp
-Huib, -H
nut^] perf -y, eiub, p -yji, play pranks; be naughty.
tiiaji 534 —
luajiocrlb [shabs^t^, -z^d^] uiaxMax 1. chess; 2. chess-men
f -H, -eft prank (of a child). and chess-board.
uidjiyu [shAlun] -a, -6b m maxx|a [shakhta] / -bi, ~
naughty / mischievous boy. (coa}-)mine, pit.
uiajijb [shal^l / -", -efi maxxep [shAkht^or] m -a,
shawl. -OB (coal-)miner.
uiaHTajK [shAntash, -zh] m mamJKa I [shashka] / -kh,
-a blackmail. pi -KH, -eK 1. draughtsman
uian|Ka [shapka] / -kh, -ok {a piece); US checker; 2. pi
cap {a covering for the head)', draughts; US checkers.
<> '-KaMH saKHflaeM! = mam|Ka II [shashka] / -kh,
we'll win an easy victory / -eK sabre, sword.
hands down! mea [shva], meoB [shvof,
map [shar] m
-a {with ABa, -v] see uioB.
TpH, MCTbipe —
map a), pi -bi, meefl [shv^et, -d] m -a, -ob
-OB ball, sphere, globe; .Swede.
<> BosAyuiHbiH — balloon; mBeACK|HH [shv^etjk^iy] a
np66HbiH — pilot /trial bal- -an, -oe, -He Swedish.
loon; xoTb ~6m noKaTH col =
mBeHHJbiH [shv^eyniy] a
quite empty. sewing {industry, etc); ~aH
mapJK [sharsh, -zh] m -a, MaiiiHH(K)a sewing-machine;
-eft cartoon, grotesque, cari- -— afl (|)a6pHKa clothes factory.
cature. mBeHu,ap [shv'^i^ytjar] m -a,
iiiapHKonoAiiiHn«HK [shar''!- -OB porter, door-keeper, com-
kapAtshlpn^ik, -g] m -a, -oe missionaire.
bail-bearing. mBefiuapleu [shv^i^ytja-
iiiap4) [sharf, -v] m -a, -ob r^itj, -dz] m
-na, -ueB Swiss.
scarf; muffler, comforter. mBCHuapcKJHH [shv^i^ytjar-
luaxlaTbcsi [shAtattsa] im- sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Swiss.
perf -aeuibCH 1. be/
-aK)Cb, mBbipHyxb see lUBbipHXb.
get loose {of a nail, tooth, mBHp|flXb [shvir^at^] im-
etc); be unsteady {of a chair, perf -HK), -neuib, mBbipHJyrb
table, etc); 2. reel, stagger [shvtrnut^] perf -y, -euib, p
{on one's feet); 3. col lounge -yji, imp -H col fling, hurl,
about, loaf; -~aTbCH 6e3 AeJia toss;
idle about. <> ~«xb flCHbrH / ACHbraMH
max I [shakh, -gh] m -a, squander money.
-OB shah. mBbip|«xbCH [shvir^attjs]
max II [shakh, -cih] -a m imperf -HK)Cb, -neiubCH col
chess check; —
h Max check- fling, throw, hurl; — nxbCH
mate. KaMHHMH throw stones (at each
maxMaxMCT [shakhmAt^ist, other).
•zd] m -a, -OB chess-player. meBejijiixb [shav^i^Pit^J
uiaxMaibi [shakhmstt] pi imperf -ib, -HUJb (mefieAHUib),
— 535 — uiec

p -HJi, imp -H, uieBejibHlyxb jnenxjaxb [shi^ptat^] imperf

[shav^i^l'^nut^] perf -y, -eiub, iiienMy, uienqemb, p -aji, imp
p -yji, imp -H move, stir; LuenqH, menH|yxb [shi^pnut^J
--HTb ry6aMH move one's lips. perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h
uieBeji|MTbCfl [shav^i^l^ittsa] whisper.
imperf -locb, -HuibCH (uieBe- uienxlaxbCfl [sht^ptattsa]
JIHUIbCH), p -HJICH, -HJiaCb, imperf uienqycb, menqeuibCH,
imp -HCb, -Hxecb, uieeejib- p -ajicH, -ajiacb, imp uienqncb,
H|yTbC5i [shav^i^l^nuttsa] perf LuenMLxecb whisper, talk in
-ycb, -eiiibCH, p -yjicH, -yjiacb, whispers.
imp -HCb, -HTecb move, stir. luepeHrja [shi^r^enga] / -h,
uieeejibHyTb see meBejiHib. ^ rank (0/ soldiers, etc).
uieBCjibHyTbca see uicBe- mepoxoBax|biH [sharakhA-
JIHTbCH. vatiy] a sh f ^, -a, -0, -u
iiiCAeBp [shi^devr] m -a, -ob rough, rugged.
masterpiece. uiepcx|b [shers^t^, -z^d^] /
luefi [shey] see muTb. -H 1. hair {on the skin of an
uieji [shol] see hath. animal); 2. wool (/) of the
uiejiecT [shel^'ist, -zd] m -a sheep, etc; 2) used for knit-
rustle, rustling; murmur {of ting, etc); 3. worsted; woollen
the wind). stuff.
luejiecTJeTb [shal^i^s^t^et^] uiepcxjiHloH [shars^t^i^noy]
imperf -nmb, p -eji, imp -h a woollen; —
bie Beiu,H wool-
rustle {of leaves, silk, etc); lens.
mejiecTexb crpaHHuaMH rustle iiiepmaB biH [shi^rshaviy] a

pages. sh f —, -a, -0, -bi rough

uiejiK [sholk, -g] m -a (-y), {not smooth).
pi uiejiKa, mejiKOB silk {the uiecx [shest, -zd] -a, -6b m
thread or stuff); na luejiKy pole {a long rod).
silk-lined. mecxBHJe [shes^t^v^iya] n
uiejiKOBbiH [sholkaviy] a -H, -H procession, train.
silk {attr); mecxHAecflx|bifi [shas't^i-
•^ OH cxajiKaK '— col ^ d^i^s^atiy] num ord sixtieth;
he has become as mild as ~bie roAH the sixties.
a lamb. iiiecxHaAuaxuH [shi^snattsa-
uiejiyxja [shalukha] / -h tiy] num ord sixteenth.
shell, husk; scale {of fish); uiecxHafluaxlb [shi^sna-
peel, ttsat^, -d^] num card -h, -bio
uiennyxb see menxaxb. sixteen,
uienox [shopat, -d] m -a uiecxjOH[sht^stoy] num
whisper. ord sixth; nojioEHna --dro
uienoxoM [shopatam] adv half past five.
in a whisper, under one's iuecx|b [shes^t^, -z'd']
breath. num card -h, -bib six.
uiec 536

uiecTbflecflT [shaz^d^i^s^at, uiHnoBHHK [shipovn^ik, -g]

-d] num. card mecTHAecnrH, m bot dog-rose.
uiecTbioAecHTbK) sixty. uiMpe [shlr^i] comp of uih-
luecTbcoT [shi^ssot, -d] nam poKHH & corresp adv.
card mecTHCOT, luecTHCTaM, -^, iuHpHH|a [shfr^ina] / -b'l
mecTbiocTaMH, (o) mecTHCxax width, breadth; --oft b nHXb
six hundred. MexpoB five metres wide.
uie(j)[shef, -v] -a, -ob m lUMpMla [shi'rma] / -bi, '-
1. col principal, head, chief; screen (/) a folding partition;
2. patron (a factory, etc, giv- 2) fig camouflage).
ing help to a school, collec- uiMpoK'iHH [shirok^iy] a -an,
tive farm, etc); 3. chef, head -oe, -He, sh f ^, -a, -6 (-o),
cook. -H (-h) 1. wide, broad; 2. fig
uie(l)CTBloBaTb [shefstyvat^] broad, widespread {support,
imperf -yio, -yeiub, p -oeaji, etc); wide-scale {construction,
imp be patron (of) have
-yft etc); extensive {opportunities,
the patronage (of) [cf mecj) 2]. etc); ~oe o6o6meHHe sweep-
[sheya] / uieH, mefl
uieJi ing generalization; xoBapbi
anat neck; ~oro noxpe6jieHHH consumer
<> cjiOMaxb ce6e meio col goods;
break one's neck; cHjierb na <> ~aji Haxypa generous
iiieey Koro-Ji. col be on ^ nature.
smb's hands, be a burden to uiMpoxja [shtrAta]/ -bi, pi
smb; BbirHaxb / BbiTOJiKarb LUHpoXbl, lUHpOX, UJHpOXaM
Kor6-;i. B meio col chuck smb 1. breadth {of views, etc); —a

out. yMa breadth of mind; 2. geog

iiiHji [shtl], lUMjia [shila] latitude.
see ujHTb. uiHXb [shtt^] imperf lubio,
lUMJijo [shlb] n -a, pi -bH, lUbeuib, p uiHJi, ujHJia imp
-bee awl; meft, ciuMxb [sh:it^] perf
<0> -^a B MciuKe He yxaHiub combK), couibeiiib, p cujhji,
prov ^
the truth will out. cuiHJia, impcmeft sew; make
iiiHH|a [shina] / -bi, — {a shirt, etc); -^ ce6e njiaxbe
1. tyre, tire; 2. med splint. I) make a dress; 2) have a
uiHHCJilb [shin^'el''] / -h, -en dress made.
greatcoat, overcoat {as an iuH(])p [shtfr] -a, m
article of uniform). 1. code, cipher; 2. pressmark.
uiHn [ship, -b] -a,m -6b uiH(})p6BaHHbiH [shifrova-
1. bot thorn; 2. technol ten- niy] a {pa\ cipher {attr),
on, pin. ciphered.
iiiHn|eTb [ship^'et^] imperf iuhuiIke [shishka] / -kh, -eK
-JiK), -Huib, p -eji, imp -H 1. bot cone; 2. bump, lump;
1. hiss {of a snake, etc); spit 3. col big bug, VIP.
(©/ a cat); 2. sizzle; fizz. iuKaji|a [shkAla] / -bi, pi
-- 537 -^ mna

uiKajibi, —, iiJKajiaM scale (/or shl^ifAvat^J perf grind (a

measuring); CKOJibanmaH -~-a lens, etc); polish {metals^
sliding scale. etc; also fig).
lUKaxyjilKa [shkAtulka] / iijjiK)3 [shl^us, -z] m -a,
-KH, -OK box, casket. -OB sluice, lock.
uiKa([) [shkaf, -v] m -a, pi uijiK)n|Ka [shl'^upka] / -kh,
-bi, cupboard; njiaiHHOH
-OB -OK (ship's) boat; cnacaiejib-
'- wardrobe; khhjkhhh -^ Han —Ka lifeboat.
bookcase; HecropaeMbift ~ safe [shPapa] / -w, -'
(for money, etc); cxeHHoft
~ 1. hat {with a brim and a
built-in closet. crown); 2. col duffer, gawk.
liiKOJija [shkob] / -bi, ~ lUHyp [shnur] m -a, -6b
school; cypoBan ^a h<h3hh 1. cord {a thick string);
the hard school of life; npofl- 2. electr flex.
TH xopoiuyK) -^-y 1) be well lUHyploK [shnurok, -g] m
trained; 2) fig gain wisdom -Ka, -KOB lace, shoestring.
by experience; uiOB *[shof, -v] ujBa, pi m
<> Bbiciuan ^a
higher school. mBbi, mBOB 1. seam {in
uiKOjibHHK [shkol^n^ik, -g] clothes) stitch {in embroid-

m -a, -OB schoolboy. ery); 2. technol joint, jointing;

uiKOJibHlbiH [shkoPniy] a <> HaKjia;ibiBaTb lUBbi mcd
school (attr); ~oe sAaHHe put in the stitches.
schoolhouse; -^•biii ynynejih uioKHp|oBaTb [shAk^iravat^J
school-teacher. imperf -yw, -yeiub, p -OBaji,
uiKypja [shkura] / -bi, ~ imp -yft shock, scandalize.
skin, hide; uioKOjiaA [shakAlat, -d] m
•<> flpaxb —
y c Koro-Ji. col -a chocolate.
exploit smb; Hcnbixaxb hto-ji. iiiopox [shorakh, -gh] -a, m
Ha c66cTBeHHOH -~-e col have -OB rustle, rustling.
felt smth on one's own back; luocce [shosse] n indecl
flpoxfarb sa cbok) ~y
col ss highway, highroad; motor
be afraid of getting into road; macadam road.
trouble. luoTjiaHfljeu [shAtlan^d^itj,
uijia [shla] see H^m. -dz] m-ua, -ueB Scot, Scots-
lujiaK [shlak, -g] m
-a slag, man.
dross. moTJiaHflCKjHii [shAtlan-
lujiaHF [shlank, -g] -a, ob m sk^iy] a -anj -oe, -He Scot-
hose (a flexible pipe or tube). tish, Scotch.
ujjieM [shl^em] m
-a, -ob uio(j)ep [shAf^or] -a, -oe m
helmet, headpiece. chauffeur, driver.
uijiH [shl^i] see hath. lunar a [shpaga] / -h,
uijiH4)|oBaTb [shPifAvat^] sword, rapier.
imperf -yio, -yemb, p -osaji, uinajija [shpab] / -u, '^
imp -ya, 0TiiiJjiH4)0BaTb [At- rly sleeper; VS tie.

uinH — 538 —
uinHjibKJa [shp^il^ka] / -h, luxonjaxb [shtopat^] imperf
iiinHJieK 1. hairpin; 2, fi^ -aK), -aeuib, sajuixonaxb [za-
col caustic remark; noAny- shtopat^] perf darn, mend.
CKaTb ~-H KOMy-ji. liavc a mxonop [shtopar] -a, -ob m
dig at smb. 1. cork-screw; 2. av spin.

uinHOH [shp^'ion] -a, -ob m uixopia [shtora] / -bi, —

spy, secret agent. blind, curtain; cnycxHXb ~bi
uinHOHajK [shp^iAnasli, -zh] draw .the blinds.
m -a espionage. mxopM [shtorm] -a, m
uinpHi; [shpr'itj, -dz] m (strong) gale, storm.
-a, -es syringe. ujxpa^ [shtraf, -v] m -a,
lunpoTbi [shproti] p/uinpoT -OB fine, penalty.
{sing uinp6T|a / -bi &uinpOT iiJxpa(j)|oBaxb [shtrafAvat^]
m sprats.
-a) imperf -yK), -yeuib, p -OBaji,
uipaM[sliram] m -a," -ob imp -yft, oluixpacpOBaxb
scar [on the skin). [AshtrafAvat^l perf fine,
uipH(}}T [siir^ift, -vd] m make (a person) pay a fine.
-a, pi -b'l (-bi), -OB (-ob) uixyKJa [shtuka] / -h, —
print, type; KypcHBHbifl ~ 1. piece (any single thing);
italics. AecHTb ~ nanHpoc ten ciga-
uixaS [shtap, -b] m -a, pi rettes; 2. c.-)/ thing (an object
-bi, -OB mil staff, fieadquar- or phenomenon); mto sto aa
ters. —a? what sort of thing is
uiraivin [sfitamp, -b] m -a, this?; 3. col trick, ruse; prank;
rOB stamp, mark, seal;
1. <> BOX xaK ~a! col that's a
2. technol punch, stamp; nice thing!; b x6m-xo h ~a!
3 fig cliche. col that's just the point!
uiTaHJbi [shtAnI] pi -6b col uixyKaxyp [sht-ukAtur] m
trousers, breeches; US pants. -a, -OB plasterer, pargeter.
mxax I [shtat, -d] m -a,
iiixyKaxypJHXb [shtukAtu-
-OB state
territorial(a and
r^it**] imperf -k), -Hiiib, p
administrative unit).
-HJi, imp -b, oimxyKaxypHXb
uiTax II [shtat, -d] m -a,
[AshtukAtur''it''j perf plaster,
-08 staff, establishment.
uixaxcK|MH [shtatjk^iy] I a
-an, -oe, -He civil, civilian; ujxypM [shturm] m -a, -ob
II as a noun mxarcK hh |
assault, storm; 6paxb — om
m -oro, -Hx civilian (not a capture by storm.
military man). mxypMan [shturmsnl m -a,
mxencejilb [shteps^il^] m -OB naut, av navigator, nav-
-H, pi -H, -eft electr 1. plug; igation officer.
2. col socket (for a plug). luxypMloeaxb [shturmAvat*]
mxHJi'ib [shf'il*'! "^ -^t -6" imperf -yio, yeuib, p -obslji,
naui calm. imp -yft storm, assault.
539 — mea

lUTbiK [shtik, -g] m -a, KCM-Ji. make fun of smb;

-pB bayonet. 2. {no perf) trifle {with),
luySja [shuba] / -bi, ~ fur play (zai/M); 3THM He luyiHT
coat. don't trifle with this.
uiyM [shum] m -a (-y), -ob iiiyTjKa [shutka] / -kh, -ok
noise; hubbub, uproar; 1. joke, jest; oTAejiMBaxbCH
<> -- B ymax buzzing in the -^-KaMH OT laugh
ears; Haflejiaxb -—y cause a smth off; He ao —ok he
sensation; MHoro h3 hh- ~a is in no laughing mood;
Hcro much ado about noth- 2. trick, prank; practical
ing. joke;
myMJeTb [shum^et^] i/72p(?r/ <> 3T0 He ~Ka it is no joke;
-jiK), -Huib, p -eji, imp -H ~K.H B CTOpGHy col joking
1. make a noise, be noisy; apart; ne na ~Ky paccep-
2. col kick up a row. flHTbcfl be very angry; c hhm
luyMHlbiH [shumniy] a shf ~KM njioxH he is not to be
iiiyMeH, -a,-o, -u 1. noisy; trifled with; he is a danger-
loud, tumultuous; 2.: biH — ous customer; Ka jih CKasarb —
ycnex sensational success. ^ it's not so easy.

uiypmlaTb [shurshat^] im- mypH [shut^a] adv 1. easi-

perf -y, -riuib, p -aji, imp ly, without an effort; 2. in
-H rustle {of leaves, silk, etc); jest, for fun.
--aTb 6yMaroH rustle papers. uiyny [shuch^u] seemyxmh.
iiiyT|HTb [shut^it^] imperf luxyHJa [shkhuna] / -u, —
uiyMy, iiiyTHmb, p -hji, imp naut schooner.
-H, nojmyTHTb [pashut^it^] uibK) [shyu], uibeuib
pert 1- joke, jest; ^HTb HaA [shyosh, -zh] see lUHTb.

maBCJilb [sh^:i^v^eP] m
merojibHyxb see merojiHTb 2.
bat sorrel. merojiJHTb [sh^:igAl^at^]
ii;aA|HTb [sh^ii^d^it^] im- imperf -hk), -nemb, merojib-
perf maxcy, -Huib, p -HJi, H|yTb [sh^:igAPnut^l perf -y,
imp -H, noimaAHTb [pash^ii^- -euib, p -yji, imp -A col 1. {no
d^'it^] perf spare {oneself, perf) be a dandy; ~HTb
smb's life, etc). B HOBOM najibTo sport a new
lUeeeTJaTb [sh^'.ib^i^tat^] coat; 2. fig show off, pa-
imperf u\e6eny, me6eqeuib, rade; make a show {of).
p -aji, imp me6eHH 1. twit- meApibiH [sh^:edriy] a sh
ter, chirp; 2. /<^ col chatter, f ~, -a, -0,-bi generous,
prattle. liberal; lavish {gitts^ etc);
m,evi 540 —
—OH pyKOH lavishly, unstint- -OK brush {of bristle, wire,
ingly. etc); nojioBan — Ka broom
meii [sh^:ey] see mH. {for sweeping).
meK|a [sh^:i^ka] / -h, ace um [sh^:i] pi men, maM,
meny, pi mcKH, meK, -aM mH, maMH, (o) max shchi
cheek (of the face). {cabbage soup); CBCJKHe mn
meKOTJaTb [sh'^iikAtat^] im- cabbage soup; KHCJibie uxn
perf meKo^iy, meKoqeiub, p sauerkraut soup; aejienbie uxu
-aji, imp meKOHH, no;m,e- sorrel soup.
Koxaxb [p9sh^:ikAtat^] perf mHn|axb [sh^:ipat^] imperf
1. tickle {also fig); 2. im- -JiK), inHRJieiiib, p -aji, imp
pers: b Hocy meKoyex my -jiH, iu,HnH|yxb [sh^iipnuf^l
nose tickles. perf -y, -euib, p -yji, imp -h
mejiKJaxb [sh^-.olkat^] im- 1. pinch, nip, tweak; 2. {no
perf -aK), -aeiiib, mejiKH|yTb perf) bite {of- the frost, etc);
[sh^:61knut^] perf -y, -euib, AbiM mnnjiex rjiaaa the smoke
p -yji, imp -H 1. flick, fillip; makes the eyes smart; 3. {no
mejiKHyxb Koro-Ji. no HOcy perf) browse, nibble {grass,
give smb a fillip on the etc); pluck {a goose, etc).
nose; 2. crack, click, snap; ii],Hn|axbC5i [sh^:ipattj9]
chatter {of the teeth); —axb imperf -jiibcb, mnnjieiubCH, p
HSbiKOM click the tongue; -ajiCH, -ajiacb, imp -jiHCb,
~axb opexH crack nuts. -jiHxecb col pinch, nip; pinch
mejiMJOK [sh^:i*''lch*'6k, -g] each other.
m -Ka, -KOB 1. flick, fillip; u^Hnnyxb see mnnaxb 1.
2. click, crack, snap; 3. fig mHnu|bi [sh^:iptst] pi -6b
col slight, snub. tongs; pincers; --bi a^h aa-
mejijb [sh^:eP] / -h, -ch bhbkh curling-irons; XHpyp-
1. chink, crack; slit, slot; rriqecKHe ~bi forceps.
2. mil slit trench. lUHx [sh^:it, -d] -a, -6b m
ii;eH|6K [sh^;i^n6k, -g] m 1. shield; 2. technol panel,
-Ka, -KOB puppy, pup; whelp, board; pacnpeAeJiHxejibHbifl —
cub. switchboard;
u;enexHJibH|biH [sh^:ip^i^- <> noAHnxb Ha -- ^ laud to
t^'il^niy] a sh f menexHJieH, the skies, make a hero of,
-a, -o, -bi overscrupulous, make much of.
punctilious. myKJa [sh^:uk9] / -h, ^
iu,en|Ka [sh^:epk9] / -kh, pike (a fish).
-OK chip, sliver, splinter; iu,yn|axb [sh'':up9t''] imperf
<* xyfloif KSLK --Ka thin as a -aK), -aeuib, no;iu,ynaxb [pA-
lath. sh^iup^t''] perf feel, touch
in;exMHla [sh':i*t**in9] / -bi {for examination).
bristle. ii^yp|HXb [sh'':ur^it^l im-
ii^eT|Ka [sh^:(5tk9l / -kh, perl -K), -HiiJb, p -HJi, imp
541 — 3K0

-b, coimypHTb [sAsh^:ur^it^] imperf -locb, -HuibCH, p -hji-

perf'. —'HTb rjiaaa screw up CH, -HJiacb, imp -bCH, -bxecb,
one's eyes. coimypHTbCM [sAsh^:ur^itts8]
myplHTbcsi [sh':ur'itts9] perf screw up one's eyes.

SBaKyauHJfl [evakuatsiya] / etc); B AByx ~ax in dupli-

-H evacuation {of troops, cate; 2. specimen (o/ an msec^,
civilians, etc). etc).
3BaKyHp|oBaTb [evakuira- 3KHna« I [ek^ipash, -zh] m
vat''] perf & imperf -yio, -a, carriage, equipage.

-yeiub, p -oBaji, imp -yfi 3KHnaiK II [ek^ipash, -zh]

evacuate {troops, civilians, m -a, -eft crew {of a ship,
etc). etc).
[evAPutjtya] /
9B0JiK)i;H',fl 3KOH6MHK|a [ekAndm^ika] /
-H, evolution
-H {gradual -H 1. economic structure;
development). economy {of socialism, etc);
9roH3M [egAizm] m -a 2. economics.
ego'sm, selfishness. 3KOH6M|HXb [ekAnom^it^]
aroHCT [egAist, -zd] m -a, imperf -Jiio, -Huib,
p -hji,
-OB egoist, selfish person. imp -b, c':3KOH6MHXb [sekA-
9H [ey] int col {impolite) nom^it''] perf 1. economize,
hi!, hey!, I say. use sparingly; 2. economize
aKBaxop [ekvatar] '
-a, m {on), save {on); 3. {no perf)
-OB geog equator. economize, be economical;
sKsaMCH [egzam^in] m -a, cut down expenses.
-OB examination, test; Bcxy- 3K0H0MHHecK|HH [ekanAm^i-
HHTejibRbiH '— entrance ex- ch^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
amination; BunycKHOH fi- — economic.
nal(s); -^ Ha axTecTax ape- 3K0H0MHHH|bIH [ekSHA-
jiocxH examination for the m^ich^niy] a aKOHOMH^eH, -a,
school- leaving certificate; -o, -bi economical {machine,
npHHHMaxb --'bi give exami- etc).
nations. 3KOH6MH|f! [ekAnom^iya] /
SKsaMeHJoBaxb [egzam^i- -H economy, parsimony, sav-
nAvat^] imperf -yio, -yeuib, ing; co6jiK)Aaxb — K) econo-
p -oBaji, imp -yft, npojaKsa- mize; be economical; m^ —h
MCHOBaxb [praegzam^mAvat*'] BpeMCHH [Aener u m. n.] to
perf examine (a student). save time [money, etc]; 6opb-
3K3eMnjiflp [egzempPar] m 6a ABH»eHHe 3a ~K) econo- /

-a, -OB 1. copy {of a book, my drive;

dKO 542 -^

<> nojiHTMHecKan ~Ji politi- 3KcnopTHp|oBaTb [ekspAr-

cal economy. t^iravat**] perf & imperf
9KOH6MH|biH [ekAnomnty] -yio, -yeiub, p -OBaji, imp
a sh f SKOHOMCH, -a, -o, -bi -yft econ export.
economical; thrifty {person). SKcnpecc [ekspr^'es, -z] m
3KpaH [ekran] m -a, -ob -a, -OB express (train).
(cinema) screen. SKcnpOMTOM [ekspromtam]
SKCKaeaTop [ekskAvatar] m adv impromtu, extempore.
-a, -OB technol excavator; 3KCTpeHHJbiH [ekstr^'miy]
iiiaraiomHH walking exca-— a sh f SKCipeH, -a, -o, -bi
vator. 1. special, exceptional, ex-
3KCKypcHjji [ekskurs^iys] / traordinary; ~biH Bb'mycK
-H, -H 1. excursion; trip, special edition; 2. urgent.
outing; 2. party of excur- sjieraHTHlbiH fePi^gantnty]
sionists. a sh f ajieraHTCH, -a, -o, -bi
SKcneflHUHiJi [eksp^i^d'^i- elegant, smart.
tjiya] / -H, -H expedition; 1. 3jieKTpH()}HKauH|si [ePik-
cnacaxejibHan ^-h rescue tr^if^ikatjtya] / -h electrifi-
party; 2. dispatch office. cation.
SKcnepMMeHT [eksp^'ir^'i- 3jieKTpH4)H^HploBaTb [el^'ik-
m''ent, -d] m -a, -oe experi- tr^'if'it^lravat''] perf & im-
ment. perf -yR), -yeuib, p -oBaji,
3KcnepT [eksp^'ert, -d] m imp -yH electrify {railways,
-a, -OB expert, specialist. etc).
3KcnepTH3|a [eksp^i^rt^iza] sjieKxpHHecKlHH [ePi^ktr^'i-
/ -bi, — ' 1. examination, min- ch''isk*'iy] a -an, -oe, -He
ute inspection [by experts); electric(al).
2. commission of experts. 3jieKTpMMecTBlo [ePi^ktr^i-
3KcnjiyaTai;H I
SI [ekspluAta- ch^'istva] n -a 1. electricity;
tsiya] / -H 1. exploitation 2. electric light.
{of people)', 2. exploitation ajieKxpo... first element of
\of a coal-mine, etc); opera- compounds pertaining to 'elec-
tion, running; maintenance tricity': BJieKipoannapaxypa
{of a building, etc). [ePektrAAparAtura] electrical
3KcnjiyaTHp{0BaTb [eksplu- equipment; electrical appli-
Af'iravat^l imperf -yio, -yeuib, ances; 3JieKxpon6e3A [el^ektra-
p -oBaji, imp
-yft 1. exploit poyast, -zd] electric train;
{people)', exploit {a coal-
2. sjieKxpoAHHaMHKa [ePektra-
mine, etc)', operate, run. d^inam^ika] electrodynamics;
SKcnoHar [ekspAnat, -d] m sjieKxpoxexHHK [el^'iktrA-
-a, -03 exhibit {in a museum, t''ekhn''ik, -g] electrician.
etc), 3jieKxpocxaHUH|fl [el''iktrA-
SKcnopT [ekspart, -d] m -a stantstya] / -h, -h- electric
econ export; exports. power-station.

543 — 9Ta

ajicMCHT [el^i^m^ent, -d] m 3nHAeMHifl [ep^id^em'Mya]

-a,pi -bi, -OB 1. element {of / -H, -H epidemic [also fig).
a larger whole); 2. pi ele- 3nH36A [ep^izot, -d] m -a,
ments (o/ learning, etc); -OB episode.
3, chem element; electr cell; annjioT [ep'^ilok, -g] m -a,
rajibBaHiiqecKHH ~- galvanic -OB epilogue.
pile. 3n6x|a [epokha] / -h, ~
ajieMCHTapHibiH [ePim^i^n- epoch; age, era.
tarniy] a sh f sjieMeHxapeH, spa [era] f spbi, sp era;
-a, -o, -bi elementary (also fig). Ao HameH spbi B.C.; Hamefi
SMajiMpoeaHHlbiH [emaPi- apbi A.D.
r6v9nly] a [pa] enamelled; spyflHUHJH [erud^it^iya] /
enamel (attr). -H erudition, learning.
3Maji|b [emal^] / -h, -ch scKaAPla [eskadra] / -bi, -^
enamel. naut squadron.
3M6jieM!a [embPema] / -bi, 3CKaApHJilbji [eskAdr^il^ya]
'— emblem. / -bH, -HH (air) squadron.
3MHrpaHT [em^igrant, -d] m 3CKaflp6H [eskAdron] m -a,
-a, -OB emigrant. -OB cavalry squadron.
aMHrpHplOBaxb [em^igr^ira- scKajiarop [eskAlatar] m
vat^] perf & imperf -yio, -a, -oB escalator, moving
-yeuib, p -oBaJi, imp -yfi emi- staircase.
grate. 3CKH3 fesk^is, -z] m -a,
3M0UH0HajibH|uH [emstjiA- -OB sketch, study {in paint-

nal^niy] a sh /sMouHonajieH, ing); 2. draft (of smth to be

-a, -o, -bi emotional. constructed).
3HeprHHH|biH [energ^ich''- 3CTa(|)eT!a [estAf^eta] / -bi,
niy] a sh f SHepriiqeH, -a, — sport relay-race; nepeAaib
-o, -bi energetic; ~bie Mepbi --y pass the baton.
drastic measures. scTeTHHecKJHM [cstet^ich^i-
3HeprHiji [energ^iya] / -h sk^iy] a -aH, -oe, -He aes-
energy; lenjioBan ~h thermal thetic(al).
energy; H^HSHeHHaH ~h vital scTOHJei; [eston^its, -dzj m
energy. -ua, -ueB Estonian.
SHxysHasM [entuz^iazm] m 3ct6hck|hh [estensk^iy] a
-a enthusiasm. -an, -oe, -He Estonian.
3Hi;HKjioneAHHecK|HH [en- 3CTpaA|a [estrada] / -bi, —
tsiklap^iM^ich^isk'^iy] a -aa 1. stage, platform; 2. variety

-oe, -He encyclopaedic. (art).

3HUHKJioneAH|5i [entjiklA- 3CTpaAHbiH [estradniy] a va-
p^ed^iya] / -h, -h encyclo- riety {attr), vaudeville (attr)
paedia; 3Ta [eta] pron f 3toh,
<> xoAflHan -—H col walking 3T0H, Biy, 3T0H, (o6) 3T0H
dictionary. see 3T0T.
9Ta — 544

9Ta)K [etash, -zh] m -a, -eft (o6) -M, 3Ta /, 3T0 n, 3TH pi
floor, storey. this; ~T
CTOJi this table;
arawepiKa [etAzherka] /-kh, 9Ta Baaa this vase; ~- okho
-OK bookstand; what-not. this window; sth .aioAH these
aran [etap, -b] m -a, -ob people;
1. stage, phase; 2. sport lap. II as a noun axo n -ro this,
3TM [et^i] pron pi -x, -m, these; that, those; it; mto ~?
~ (-X), -MH, (o6) -X see what is this?, what is that?,
3T0T. what is it?; -~ KHHra this is
3THKla [et^ika] / -h ethics. a book; that is a book; it is
STHKerlKa [et^ik^etka] / a book; -- khhfh these are
•^KH, -OK label (on a bottle, books; those are books; h -'TO
etc). He BHAeji I didn't see it; oh
axHM [et^im] I instr of —My He BepHT he doesn't be-
3T0T & 3T0 II; see stot; lieve it /that; c sthm with
II dat of 3th; see stot. it / that; o6 ~m about it / that.

aTHMH {et^im^'lj instr of 3Ty [etu] ace of sia; see

9th; see stot. 3T0T.
3THM0Ji6rHlH [et^imAlo- 3TK)A [et^ut, -d] -a, -ob m
g^iya] / -h etymology. 1. sketch (m painting)', 2. mus

axHx [et^ikh, -gh] gen, ace etude, exercise.

& pr of 3th; see stot. 3(|)H6n [ef^iop, -b] m -a,
aio I [eta] part 1. used -OB Ethiopian (a native of
with the predicate: BocKpe- Ethiopia).
ceHbe BbixoAHOH AeHb 3(t)H6ncKlHH [ef^iopsk^iy] a
Sunday is a day off; ^cth — -an, -oe, -He Ethiopian {per-
— name 6yAymee children taining to Ethiopia).
are our future; 2. intens col. 34)Hp [ef^ir] m -a 1. ether
mo — BaMH? what is the
c {upper regions of space); nepe-
matter with you?; r^e — bu AasaTb B -~- broadcast; b ~e
6biJiH? where have you been? on the air {of a wireless broad-
3T0 II [eta] pron n -ro, cast)', 2. {pi -bi, -ob) chem ether.
-My, -- (-ro), 9THM, (o6) -M 3(J)(|)eKT [ef'ekt, -gd] m -a,
see §TOT. pi -bi, -OB 1. effect; 2. {most-
3Toro [etava] gen & ace of ly pi) theat effects.
3T0T, gen of 310 II; see stot. a4)4)eKTHBH|biH [ef'i^kt^iv-
aioH [etay] gen, dat, instr niy] a sh f 34)4)eKTHBeH, -a,
& pr of 3Ta; see stot. -o, -bi effective, efficacious,
3T0M [etam] pr of stot & effectual.
3T0 II; 5ee 3T0T. 3X0 [ekha] n axa echo.
axoMy [etamu] dat of stot aiiiejiOH [eshi^lon] m -a,
& 3T0 II; see stot. -OB 1. mil line, wave, eche-
aToJT [etat, -d] I pron dem lon; 2. rly train; BOHHCKHft
m -ro, -My, -t (-ro), sthm, -^ trcop-train.
545 —

loSHJielfi [yub^iPey] m -h, ibHrja [yunga] m -h, —
-eB anniversary; jubilee; ot- ship's boy, cabin-boy.
MCMaTb ~H celebrate an anni- ibHOCT|b [yunas^t^, -z^d^]
versary . / -h youth, adolescence.
io6K|a [yupka] / -h, k)6ok fOHOuija [yunasha] m -h,
skirt {a garment); hhjkhhh -eft youth, young man.
^a petticoat. lOHbiH [yuniy] a sh f kdh,
lOBejiHpHlbiH [yuv^i^l^irniy] K)Ha K)Ho, lOHbi young, youth-
a 1. jewelry (attr)', -— bifi ful; lOHbie roAW the green
MarasHH ^bie h3- years.
AejiHfl jewelry; 2. fig fine, ropHAHHecKJHH [yur^id^i-
minute; '— an paSoxa 1) subtle ch^isk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He
workmanship; 2) fine piece juridical; legal; —-hh (|)aKyjib-
of work. xei department of law;
lor [yuk, -g] m ibra south; <> ^aH KOHcyjibTauHH legal
K ibry OT... to the south of...; consultation office.
Ha ibre in the south; na lor lopHCKOHcyjibT [yur^iskon-
south-war d(s); noexaxb na lor sul^t, -d] m -a, -ob legal
go south. adviser, jurist.
iorocjiaBCK|HH [yugAslaf- lopHCT [yur^ist, -zd] m -a,
sk^iy] a -an, -oe, -He Yugo- -OB lawyer; npo4)eccHH —a
slav(ian). legal profession.
ib)KHbiH [yuzhniy] a south K)cthi;h|si [yus^t^itsiya] /
(attr),southern; caMbifl ~ the -h justice {1) administration
southernmost. of law, 2) law-courts as a
lOMop [yumar] -a m hu- whole).
mour. K)TH|TbC5i [yut^ittsa] im-
iOMOpHCTHMecK|Hfi [yum9- perf loqycb, -uibCH, p -jich,
a -an,
r^is^t^'ich^isk^'iy] -oe, -jiacb, imp -Cb, -Tecb be
-He humorous, comic. cooped up.


51lya] I pron pers sing studied at my place; y mchh

Isf person mchh, MHe, Menn, Hex KapaHAama I have no
MHofl (mhok)), (o6o) mhc I; pencil; mhc xojioaho I'm cold;
51 saHHT I'm busy; Menn xbi MeHH BHAeJi? did you see
He 6biJio j\6ua I wasn't in; me?; oh 6biJi co mhoh he was
Mbi saHHMajiHCb y Mena we with me; o6o mhc about me;
fi6jf -^ 546

II as a noun n fndecl (the) flAepHwii [yad'irnty] a nu-

ego, (the) I; clear.
<> fl 6yAy He n, ecjiH... col MAOBHTlbiH [yidAv^itty] a
my name is not... if I... sh f -^, -a, -o, -u 1. poison-
fl6jiOK|o [yabbkaj n -a, pi ous; toxic; 2. //^ poisonous,
-H, — apple (fruit);
, -aM venomous.
<> rjiasKoe ~o anat eye- HApjo [yi^dro] n -a, pi
ball; ~^o pasAopa apple of HApa, HAep 1. kernel (also
discord. fig); nucleus; 2. spor^ shot;
n6jioH|si [yabbn^'a] f -h, TojiKaTb ~6 put the shot;
-b apple-tree. 3. shot, (canon -)ball.
SIBMTbC}] see HBJIHTbCH. HSBJa [yazva] / -bi, --- ul-
nBK|a [yafka] / -h, pi -h, cer, sore (also fig).
HBOK 1, presence, attendance; ji3BHTejibHlbiH [yi^z^'v^i-
2. secret address. t^il^niy] a sh f asBHTejieH,
flBjieHHJe [yi^vl^en^iya] n -a,-o, -M caustic, biting, spite-
-H, -H 1. phenomenon; occur- ful.
rence; 2. theat scene. ji3biK [yi^zlk, -g] m -a,
siBjiibcb [yi^vl^'us^, -z^] Jst -OB anat tongue (also fig);

person of HBHTb^iH; see hb- 2. tongue (food); 3. language,

JIHTbCH. tongue; 4. mil col identifi-
$i3jifl|Tbc^ [yi^vPatt^a] im- cation prisoner;
perf -K)Cb, -euibCH, p -jich, <> y Hero ^
oth^jicsi his
-Jiacb, imp -HCH, -HTecb, tongue failed him; y Hero ^
siBH|TbC5i [yi^v**ittj9] perf xopouio noABeuieH col he^
HBJIKDCb, HBHUIbCH, p -JICH, has a ready tongue; y Hero
-jiacb, imp ap-
-Cb, -Tecb 1. -^ He noBepHCTcn cKasarb
pear, present oneself; come, 8T0 ^ he won't have the
arrive; ~TbC5i Ha pa66Ty re- heart to say it; y Hero -^
port for work; HBHTbCH c no- Meuiercji cKasarb axo col he
BHHHefi law give oneself up; is itching to say it; aro cjiobo

2. be, turn out to be; sto BepTHTGJi y MCHfl Ha ~ c col

'— eicH AOKaaaiejibCTBOM ero the word is on the tip of my
BHHbi it is proof of his guilt. tongue.
RBHbiH [yavniy] a evident, fl3WK03HaHHle [yizikAzna-
obvious; visible. n^iya] n -h linguistics.
flBOK [yavak, -g] see HBKa. jiHHHHula [yi^ishn^itja] /
nroAJa [yagada] / -u, -bi, -— omelette; ~
fried eggs;
berry (small fruit); scrambled eggs.
<> Hauaero nojin —a col ^
jiHUlo [yi*-'ytj6] n -a, pi
one of our kind. HHua, 5IHU,, HHuaM egg; biol
siA [yat, -d] m HAa (n^y), ovum; ^6 BCMHXKy soft-boil-
HAOB poison (also fig). ed egg; '-o BRpyryio Jiard-
BACp [yad^'ir] see HApo. -boiled egg; CBapHXb* ^6
547 nii^ii

BCMHTKy [BKpyTyio] boil an flpoBlbie [yirAVi'ya] pi -bix

egg lightly [hard]; spring crops.
<> 3T0 BbieACHHoro ~a tie jipOK [yarak, g] see npKHH.
it is not worth a flpocxH|wH [yarasniy] a
. brass farthing. sh f jipocxeH, -a, -o, -bi furi-
HKo6bi [yakabi] cj & pari ous, violent, fierce.
allegedly, supposedly; as if, npocxlb [yaras^t^, -z^d^] /
as though. -H fury, rage; npHHXH b --b
SKOplb [yakar^] m
-h, pi -h, fly into a rage; npHBecxH e
-eft naut, technol anchor; — b infuriate; bhc ce6H ox
electr armature. ~H beside oneself with rage.
flKyx [yi^kut, -d] m -a, -ob flpyc [yarus, -z] m -a, -oe
Yakut. theat circle; tier.
HKyxcKJHH [yi^kutjk^iy] a jip4e [y archil] comp of Hp-
-an, -oe, -He Yakut. KHH & corresp adv.
«Ma [yama] / hmh, hm pit, MCCH [yas^m] see hchhh.
hole; Bbirpe6HaH — cesspool; [yas^l^i] pi
flCjilH eft I.

Mycopnasi -~ refuse pit; manger, trough; 2. creche,

<> B03AyiiiHa5i —^ air-pocket. (day) nursery.
5iHBap|b [yi^nvar^] -h m ncH|biH a sh f
January. Hcen, -a, clear (/)
-o, -bi (-bi)

flHxaplb [yi^ntar^] m -h sky, etc; 2) idea, etc); distinct

amber. {writing, etc); serene {smile,
sin6H|eu [yi^pon^itj, -dz] etc).
m -ua, -ueB Japanese. flcxpe6 [yastr^ip, -b] -a, m
5in6HCK|HH [yi'^ponsk^iy] a pi -a (-bi), -OB (-ob) hawk.
-an, -oe, -He Japanese. flxxja [yakhta] [ -bi, —
flpK|HH [yark'^iy] a -an, -oe, yacht.
-He; sh f HpoK, -a, -o, -h 1. nMeHKla [yi^ch^eyka] / -h,
bright (light, etc); — nftoroHL HMeeK 1. biol cell; 2. cell,
blazing fire; 2. fig striking, (small) group / unit.
graphic {example, etc); bril- flMMeH|b I [yi^ch^m^en^]-m
liant (talent, etc); —an Jinq- -H bot barley.
HocTb brilliant person. H4MeH|b II [yi^ch^m^'en^]
fyi^rllk, -q] m -a, m -H, -eft sty.
•OB label; tag; npHKjieHXb — flmepHi;|a [yash^:ir^itj9] /
label {also fig). -bi, ~ lizard.
MpMapJKa [yarmarka] / -kh, amHK [yash^:ik, -g] m -a,
• -OK fair, market. -OB box {of wood, etc);

apM|6 [yi^rmo] n -a yoke MycopHHH ~ dustbin; 2. draw-

{also fig). er {in a desk etc).

The Tables and Lists that follow present the most important
grammatical information about Russian words. They are in-
tended to aid the user in producing the correct Russian forms
and in analyzing Russian forms into their component parts.
The Tables contain the inflectional paradigms of the major word
classes. The Lists of Suffixes are divided into two parts: The
firstpart contains the inflectional endings (case, gender, number
and person); the second part, the most important suffixes used
in the formation of Russian words.
— 551

o- s^cx
ca >. o\o S § TO 3 1 o
ex ex ex ex ex TO
-o -o "O -o -o "
\o \o o
vo \o ,^
1 ct!
o '
CO ~

1 o-
s cx

W >>TO o'S « cQ s CO s.Jn

ex ex o- d, a. * OO TO^^
cx ex cxD, *
i5 TO
t-, U C-, C-, C_ ci-
U t- u u

<L) v(U ^<D ^O) Ml> •^T' (-1 , ,

35 K K K K S-
X X S X x<^


.« » ^ -, 1 g'
cx'^ca ^>> cx-o o '^ -O -TO -^ -TO o
to) ex cx:<D ex » ci,cx ex Ci, ex S
oa ca cQ pa m
o o o o o '::^
« « « « «>2.
o tf
tec - In u
« OQ S „ S 3
c 'U3 -O H
-TO -ja -eg

O <J CJ O CJ vS- U U U U (J <^

- S S 5

•S.§ cx cx cu cx a,c?^
o o o o o >2. o o o o o ^
^0) X

-eg ->,vcg -.Q M

>=;c^ t^ t^ c^ ^ ^O .TO -O -TO §
o o o o o -^
ca pa (B cQ cQ >ii. oa pa oa oa cQ 3^

i S « ^|:s

— 552 —
•§ -O) MS 1 5
K a; K K K y
-TO ->>
^C cj
ja « J3 J3 J3 ->,
y 3- 3- ff 3< o
g |3i -iC iil^ ^ ->,^>.->.->,->,^_^
>. >> >> >> >.'o^ CJ W CJ o o o
s <J O o o u <>
»^ ,—«,

^ .^K 15
":;^ s '>^ K OJ K K v>.
ja ^ J3 J3
H o
t-. J3
H H H E- ^
CX Q. a. CU Q. cx D--;r-
00 C C c c c c c -S
^ X
c; s
•>^ %-o 03 S S S
C ;^ TO >> o ct
a s s s s s
c O 'O
f=C t^ §§§§§2
a> X
Cu S -TO
s^2 ,- CD s „ s a.
u, ,-»v
J< a, cu
TO >>
©a -Q *0 -TO 'J3 -TO
a. a, o. a, cu
TO -TO -TO TO -TO - — CU C^ C^ C^ CO

3 a a a a a>£- a a a a 35:
i CuO
^ 3 „ CQ S „ S >.
^o ^^ ^
(/) '^
^ TO >. J3 -O -TO J3 -CO CO
>^->. ->, >,^>. o
— a ^>1 >> >.->, >>'3
— en CO CO en 00 - CO en CO 00 CO v_^

CQ S 03 i i
TO >> TO o a. >« :« >a aj
H H H H 2'S
£ O-
•" H H H \o
D- Q- CX a, Q,^ K
\o \o VO \o o .S- VO VO \0 VO VO ^
on X
a S o ffl S a S §-
s TO >> TO O H -TO ^O -TO 'O -TO ^
a- a. O- Cl O- g ci- CU cx CL a, 5
S o o o o o ^o O O O O O o
^ H H H H H "^ H H H H H &
til ii ->
-i: ii ii is; ^ ii ii r;
-O'O 'O ^O ^O o^ o g- o o o'o
(=( (=t ct r^ ct^

S 'O CO S CQ S ex,
TO >,TO O ^2 2 'O -O -TO
-TO o
CL Q- a- a, Q-^ CX Cl, CU Q- a, Bj
O'O 'O ^o 'O "3^ -o o O O O ^_^
m 03 CQ 03 CQ vi' 03 03 CQ ca CQ o

o c
- ;,^-- s c *">
o ^ a
<^ "^ ~-»
^o^ Q"^^^
C3 CJ t/5 -O CJ -o
— 553 —

eg >, C3 o ^05
K a K « K m
CQ 03
oa CQ
S s S S S O <U
"K ^K
« "Cs

"K 'K ^K ^R ^R


O O O O O '^ O O O O O '^
X X X X X ci-

eg ^^ ca o K S E
a K
ffi E « ffi
-s ^s ^s ^s 'S ex O) eg eg CL,
K « CR K w 1=^ m 'R ^R 'R ^R 'R m
CU O- CI. CU CU cx, o, cx a. ci, "<
o o o o o ^_ o o o o o '5^ ^^
ca Ba cQ aa 03 ^ CQ oa CQ CQ CO

C3 >> O
eg S E
s s 5 s s ^2 O) eg eg ja
K K K K K H E E S a K .^
vK -R ^R ^K -R u ^R -R ^R ^R ^R y
Q ja gQ J3 J3 OJ
t- H H t- H H E? H £
H e5 H H£ Oh
CJ O O O U Oh scj a u u a cj *
CL CU CU CI, d,-^ CX Oh o- o- d.-^
W M M « W vH-
.E eg O E
>> eg S E
•3 K E E K K eg S S eg
^S ^S ^S ^S ^S i< eg _ eg i<
c E E E E E «
E W E W E ^
tt S
t< S f=i
2- S- ««
t=L 1=1 Cl
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S^
C^ CQ C^ CO CO ^eg ^eg ^cg ^cg »cg ^_^
d. O- Oh Cl, Oh O

eg >, eg o 3- s
E S E K E o S SO5:
'S ^s ^s "S "Se
t< « c< t< tt o
c[ t< t^ O
o o o o o o O 'O O 'O o ^
e c c c c u c e a c c P
CJ CJ CJ CJ o ,_.
o o o o o ^ o o o o O o

i S « ^|:s i ^
o § Q
r>^ r^
»a< J~; 'sr
— 554 —
2« « 2 2 f^

« ^
o o o o o ,^ CO CO CO CO
CQ CQ oa CQ CQ o
S £ S £ §S
o ^R-2^.i| s a
x .s S S 2
2 2 2 2 2^O 'S vot 'R 'S 'R 0)
K K K I E O-
4) (U
CL o, Q, a,
ci.-ii' 2 2 2 2 2^

w K X
S«2£|^ « 2 2

K X X K X 'o'
CO S55S5°; _
Si 3

Ci£ v(L) 3 X
C "^ ^i^ -R

^ ^^R.2 ja,i o a
1s Isli K K K K ^ ^
QJ *
s s s s u cj a D
-r^ Qj
(3J (jj

« « « « « o u
c >S- S S S S S "3^
« « « « « ^

^ -R -2 JD ID CL 'S
-R -S 'K '^
t? t? t; c; C5 c- c; r- c- c:
>^ >> >> >. >,'r-
a, cx o- Q, CL-S a- CL a. Oh D->ii-

f. 'R
-§ K
s «
J5 -R -2 'R lOJ O
« ,a ^ S 2
•S »<U 'R ^0) 'K O
_e 'co'
i=( t< ti fct ef m K ei X Pt c=C m
S S ^ ^ ^
o o o o o -Q-
S ^ S i^
O O O O O 'o'
CO CQ CQ CQ CQ w' oa CQ CQ CQ pa -c-

o S a ^ gS

555 ^
<v =§
^ Ji R 2 J3 S C -R
« 'Rs 'R -Rsoa

c e G c e ,^ C3 c a a c ..^^

^ S S
R o 3 »a
K a
<u ja a ja o) ^ca a a; R ^f3
-K» c^ «^ t; c- t- H c; "^ «^ c-
^- «
isi « t<: « fcS « ««
tii »
•5 C •»4
'C^ -ca -ca '03
H H H t- H
"-ca ^
« iij « «
tx: a « ic; ^ji; i(:

§ CU d) <U d). (U
c e e c c 3"
<y Ol o) o) a; _^
^ IS
c o u u o o --^
a a a a a
o o o u u ^
^ 3 X
u (U R
c :r C3
"=5 a "=3

H »a S s ^
ja K 2 ja S
3 e; t; t^ c; c^
2 ,

S.5 tjje ^^^^?i^g w ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^s

c G3
ca CO
u u u u
S- Ui nj ca C« C« C3
u u u u u
"^ vs ^S ^S 'S ^S 3
^^ ^a ^a ^a ^a ^a _,

_ «j
^S^^Se „_<

c( t<

c c 3 S
3" ja « 2 R i^s
"=? (^ t- c^ c;
oj <u
a* (D Ol >i
^s ^a ^a -a ^a
3- -r ffi 3- jr
a a S s a r^

^ (V
3 a c;
O »a S »3 S 0^
C a cQJ K a> R t;:
^— e e c c? Cs
^^1^^^^ ^ s g s S-s
R R R K R _. R R R R R _.
^^^^^^^^^^3 '^^S^^'^^^e

i s « ^|s
556 —


>0 'O ^O 'O 'O '^
X X X X x~!z^

J3 ^ ^ S S
K K a K a* -co
tofi Oi E K cu X « S -CU 'W S 'K
1 s s s S S
-co -ca -TO -TO -TO Q
^ E E E E E
2 2 2 2 2^

-TO TO TO -TO TO ,-,

X a x m X <Z^

OJ E E <u X ^
C -OJ-D -IJ -OJ -<D E E E E E g-
CU CU CU cx cu'3^ TO
-Qj v4J -OJ .<Li -4) ^^
a« CX CU Cu O-
t, t- u u. t,

fS 2 »s 2 OJ
2 K S -cu 'K -QJ ^K ^
J3 D;
CU CU a, CU a.
0^ vQ^ ^QJ *^^

-QJ (U <U <U <U
CQ 03 CQ m CQ o CQ


^ 2 ex 2 =s !S cu
jc w 2 0? a; ^c^ S ,s
-(U ^K -(U 'K TO
a» E E E E E E E E E E C
cx CU Q, cx a, CU CU Cu CU cu
C C C c c
E C c c
TO /-v

i s Q ^|s
— '

— 557

0) TO
:<: s t*:

Is- TO >, t£!O '3 s o ra s TO "2
o is: ii o Q,
ii: is: ii ^ u:
-a E I a: a: x E a: s X X
^S '3 ^3 '3 '3 -5^ '3 ^3 '3 '3 ^3 -^
a. a, a- Q. a.>i> a, o- cu a. o~<i^


tS U
TO >. 5
O •©< S O c^ S P3
IIT 1- t: u u u, u u u u I- -e-
« TO ••TO 'TO TO 'TO "TO "TO "TO "TO "-TO
01 4i,^^^o
c; r; c^ c; c; 'T'-
<Ii TO
•a c
c .^ 3
— X
x; ii D, TO
S E a H
^ >. ro o -oj
TO s s:s

o ^ 1^ ^ is: :i!i TO TO TO ^
K K K 5 K OJ H H H t- f-
XI :(L) :QJ :<U'"^ .•(!; :aj "O:^K -R 'K 'K
VO VO VO \0 \0 _, \o \o vq xo VO ^_^
(LI OJ QJ O) QJ '^ OJ OJ O) OJ CU 'g"
cu a, a, a, o-^S^ a, o, a, a, ou-ii'

-^ X
s «
«3 >,TO O 3^ S O TO O CO 3^
isj is: « « s fai « « « « « jS
1^ s s s is s ,S s s s s s 2
V V V V V % jj.3< jr tr 3" '2
A A A A A ^ ^Q ja ja jj ja S
^ ^ "^ e; t^ t? «=? t^ 1=: c^
"TO ^TO "TO "TO "TO '^ >r*
S 2 S 2 2v2. S S 2 s s>2.
— 558


-is M
O) X
S t=;

^ ic;
« « m
c^ "=5
S 5
-eg o

^ (^ "=; c? c; t^

^§ § S § § 2

s .-2
a m 2 S ^
S ^
-eg -o
-eg -eg -eg Jrp
u u c_ u u .i^
c (U (U (V OJ (V ^
C3 ex cu a, CL Q- _^ CX CX Oh CX O- _,
C .QJ vO) -CU v<U -O)
VO \o VO \o \o
-id- vovovSvoxo^.

cfl 2 S eg
qJo -eg ^>> 'O \o ;:: -O -eg -s -eg vO
it: « « bi « eg « lit; ii « ii: eg
-eg eg eg -eg eg H eg eg H
eg eg eg
\0\0 VO >o \o .^ VO VO VO VO VO ._
^^^ eg
eg eg eg
eg f> egeg eg eg eg o
H H H H H v2.
aV 1

<« a
« c X

se s 5 ta S S c;
c !^^ « -eg ->, « -o 5 -S -o ^S OJ

« «
it: vo i*:
-eg -eg
c "^ •=;
^^ c- cj c;

vSiSvSvSvSS vSv^vSvSvS^
S -0)
u. S t-^
e S w 03 S CQ 2 ^
S -eg "^.-cg -o ex -2 -O -eg -O -eg ^
u U U U L, 03 u t- t- (-. U 03
c eg eg eg eg eg eg eg eg eg eg
"^ CX Q, Q, ex O,'^ CX O- CX cucx-^
03 DQ CQ CQ CO vS' D3 03 83 03 CQ vT^

Nom Gen Dat Ace

Abl o S a ^"22
559 —

c -'TO S'i
TO >, ^5 S OJ so tS TO H
'cT ^^ S ^ ^ « ^ S S ^ ^ «
1 "TO 'TO 'TO
c c c
c c
'TO 'TO vcO 'TO 'TO cn
c c e c c _
s s s s s i;::^ S S S S S (n"
jsi « « « M *§ « w « w « o
cn cn cn cn cn -^^
<D cn cn cn cn >;>

(U X
TO S ^ s ^
TO >, TO £ 2
3 .CO '0) 'TO 'OJ 'TO X
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'O
O O O O O "^ H ^ « S ^ S o
o- Oh cl cu a, a O O O O O H
C 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O ^^
'^O O o O
s t; t3 & S3 e- H H H H 'o'


5 a js s « s a
>,ca £ 2
a a a a a .g a a a a a .5
2 2 2 ^0 2 5
'S 'S 'S 'S 'S o
^ «=f "<
'S 'S 'S ^S 'S
anm Hi X m X
t<« c<
o o
o o

X X x3.


o S cs ^ g^


^ s «
.g 'TO'>. JI 'S -O) 'TO 'S 'TO 2
^ =±: TO ^ ^ ^ ^
o O O O O -q"
^_ ^ ^ ^ ^
TO «« X X X X x<i^
^ ^iS 3
tiZ) TO

c«;5 c X
3 'TO
s ^
TO 03 'TO '>,'TO 'O 'S '<U 'TO -O) vcO

c « ^ ^ ^ ^ o^ ^ ^
^ ^
a> OJ
cu >--'

c c
— 560 —
•^ ^
c >> S dJ CO S CO '2

CO <u'2 3< 3* IT ff 3- S
\m3 H H H H H

C .Sc
4> -a

rims CO
2 S 2 S 2>£'

fS 3
J2 X
(A <-• c CO
^ t S
s a"
* CO
c« >.co
a a ^ a ^'^ S (U CO QJ CO ^
a a a ^ ^'^
'CO 'CO 'CO 'CO 'CO ^ s s s s s ffl

c a- 0,0, a- cxg



Cj~ 1 S a ^|:s

3* S 3"
Is X5 'CO '>, 'O S 'S .o) 'CO 'S 'CO 2
3^ 3^ 3- 3- 3- 3* 3- 3- 3- 3*
CO « K K CK ts <r^ tS K K D? K 'T^
S 2 s s s>2. S 2 S 2 S-S
'•a CO

£ S c
3" =
'^ S
CO 'CO '>^'C0 'O Cl- 'S v(U 'CO '<U 'CO Cl-
3* 3* 3" 3" 3* CQ 3" 3* 3< 3" 3" CQ

= 25 c^ c^ c^ cc C^
CQ -ii-
o- a, o, Oh-q^

3 O

s = 1 S a ^|S

— 561

a ,

»_ CQS „ S R
o =f
«3 >i
nf rf
|s a
ojTO ja TO o
a a a a ^o) X
c K R K
<1 O U o CJ o o o a o -f
c v(D -OJ vOJ voj .cj ---^
a C3
voj ^oj ^a> ^oj
S S S S •1° § s s s s S
a X
> o S TO
c », CQ S H- S ^
c x: TS TO >. ?
a a a a a
ja o) J3 TO
Ci ^
^ ^<c
-TO a

O) (U J3 >Q J3 >Q ja ^2
^ Ui
c; t^ c; t=^ C3
2 t^ >=? C
.«^ C:;

-TO '^
^TO ^TO 'TO "-TO "-TO
•a «/)

c c e G c a a a c
--TO "-TO
C ^ C ^ a
_ ,
>> TO (U.g Q I M ^ I
'»* a* 3 QJ .1-1
ri- 5 a
a a a^^ CD TO gj TO .S
»0 "to &, rO (1)

•?; s s s s *^
a a t:^ a a 2^

o -OJ -O) y(V vQJ vO) -^

^ K a a a X vT- ><u vQj .<iJ 'r-
C3 -a a a a-S
? - S 03 S i
c TO •>^ TO 3J C TO (U TO C
c -^ ^ rf a ^ =f a a a^oS
b (i>
^ ja ja ja ja ja f<
O > 1=; >=: ^
~ TO
1=3 «^ c; TO
c vdJ .ni -o) v<u SO) c^
i=r^ >=:C « t< 1=^ i=t l=f CQ TO



O § Q O ^^

a»ia s
« - CQ S ,« S a
s -a a. CO
a-«3->> ^^o ^ ja -o -TO hQ -TO o)

:!=; ex -o) a a-5j a ci- a a a a a ou
A£ co
a- CL o- Oh o->i£/
d) '-^
Cl Q. CU
<u CU QJ
cx, CL>c:^
to IM
"^•^ — -<u
a ""^

C la '= „ S
a O
-TO '>^-TO -O 'JQ -O
-TO -O
x:^ tuO
tj a a a avo
v(u ss »a ss »a
a a a a
ss »s »a »a =s rl,

^ C o o o o o 'S" o o o o o '3^
Q ^ VQ \o \0 VD VO vX' vo vo vo \o \o <-^
? X
r^ a; -a
„ CQ :S CQ S O
Zi -TO ->.-TO 'ja -o -TO ^q-TO ,^_
<u c a a a a a a H a^^
H H H H axo
-CU :::f

H H H H o
^ =^
0000 o O O O O ^-t'

o S Q ^ ^S
^ <

— 562 —
S «
00 s s s
^ ^ 5 CI-
m S
S S R S K ^p
s s s = s s t: S s s s S ^
o- ex a, a- cu 2 a, D- o- o- a. i2
>0 ^O 'O ^o ^o =S 'O ^o ^o ^o ^o S
— H H H H H «3
H H H H H S^
"^ X :5 X I X

^ — X X K K K ^
o S o o oS
C ^ X
(U \st
s _3 «
c-o <-0
Lc a 03 S m S CL
3 C cS u) sS CR 2 K OJ 'W s <u K a; K 'f^
O a; a — S S S S S H S S S S S H
Q, cu a- cu o- ^ cx D. CL a, cx ^
= x: ? cq ••TO ^TO ^TO vTO ^TO "2; 'TO 'TO 'TO 'TO 'TO 5
(U *-• ir'
k^ ir- \r- fr- H H H H H 2
c (U O O QJ CI. CU o) O) o; a; a> CL
-^ c^ c
c; t^ c; c: >=; «^ e^ c; e

o o o o o
§•« ex D, a. a, cx•7^
c c tn c c S c c c c c S
S G "^
o C o J^ ^|:s
"ti "::?
S <3 1 s «

TO S eg

»^'R^2«.g 1 'S
m S
:<U 'K 'S 'K s
eg TO 'TO TO I- TO TO TO TO TO tr-

a 3 a 3 3_ 3 3 3 3 3
^ = s s s s •^ s s s s s '^

r* '
"^ Ci TO '<!» 'R
c sr _> A TO S J5

3 5! D" u, S S !3*

Id sS 'K '2 ^S
i<X> ^ •S
id) 'K 'S 'K >>
j: ja ja Q-
C u 'cu
s' 3"
ja 'cu
D" y
3- 3- 3- ET
— c/:
CX O. Ou cx

c"o X
3 C ^ v(U
O ^ en S ta S e
c a »= 'K '2 'K XL) O 'S lO 'K .<U 'K O
vQj .a J3 ja J t^ J3 ja J J3 J3 'S
cQ cQ oa m en o
o o
ca CQ CQ CQ ffl

r o o o o O o o o o o o
'^ ^ c^ ^ t^
O O O o
o o^ ^ ^. ^ ^ ^. f^
o o o o o ^
O O o o o >ii. o o o o o S
S c o "*-»
o ^ a «j ^ Ji Nom Gen Dat Ace

— 563

cu R
S S3"
«« K 2»S S'>,
CO TO TO P3 t^
S <U K S K '>-i
3* D* y cr B* (J cr y 3" S" 3* a
^>.^>.'>,v>^^>,_ '>,'>,->.'>,'>,

CJ f1
^-' SSS55S
g ^
O. 1
c >^

iJ X
!c <^ •TO
S Hi
»s K 2
§ « g, S
S S3
K S R Q^
vTO ^TO 'TO 'TO 'TO r" 'TO 'TO 'TO 'TO 'TO >->^

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ S "^
c biO

l c
00 3

a X
^ <u R
'O S 'O
»s ts 2 K ^ 0^ CO S 03 S o-
s~ 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O <-
S oj R <u R <l^

\^ 'O
'O ^^ '-
^^ 'O
v^^ 'O
c CL cu a- ex d-.-^ a- ex ex a, a,_^
-^ o) oj oj a; Qj o o) oj a; a; o)
u 1- U U U ^i'

a 3
j= a
-§ X
a <u •R
S bf .g
'O _
-t 5
»S R 2 =s S 'S <(L) 'R 'S 'R

^ Ci ~*^ CJ "S •-»

c) ^ a ^ <;
— 564

-0) TO
•S CO , ^ s is:

Xi S O s s^o
'O ^ca '>.'0 ^O TO K TO C3 TO
id a.
1 I X E X
ii ^ bi « ic "5
^ a o ac E X (^
o o o O O w

c 3 ^ CO S ^
>>o s s s
«-> <->
^^ t>£ o ca o^aj t-i
TO c TO w TO ^^
C "^ t^c^
n ^ s- 3 ^ S ^ c: c^ 9-
cj o a "*'
V, ^
v^ -<D >-QJ
'^ ,
o *
U O tJ CJ v(D
S a
"-QJ «.(L> v(U ^O) ^OJ
a- cu 0,0- CL-^ o- cx cx cx cx-^
cx, C/D
« « « « «

•5 -o
c _aj
on X
n -<u TO
c; S 1^
a> ^ y s s,y
TO c; TO TO TO 5
^ r^ f^ f^ ^ V c; S 1=^ •=: c^ i^
o o a u a ^_ a cj o o cj ^^
s s s s s 3^
V V v :r <i^
vs -s -s -s -s
:r :r 3- sr 3-

o S a 5:^ aS
565 —

1 Oh
« S i « i .g-
ja ja ja J j3 5

o- ex ex ex ex _, ex ex ex ex a- '-
oi o) o) a» (D o ^OJ ^(L -<D ^<U vO) o
c c: c e c 3

(-. CO CO CO CO o
>=; "^ c- «=: >=3 ^^ <=3 c; 1^ C5 >^ -v
0) QJ cu O) OJ o
u a u u a -id- '8 'S 'S u u -S

CO -. -co

.5 CO
^O y
-co <p~,-o
CQ ^
u -CO "CO -co -co
"oT H H H H H 3
c OJ OJ Qj (u OJ ca
cu 3 ^ ^ 3 &^ a! §§^3gjl
(0 C/D
_c S S S S S S S m «>£.

1 X
C 'O 'CO
So O)

II III g o) Qj
S 2 S S S3.
cu o) <u ';:r

§ H
O CO >>o O ^ CO CO CO CO o
CQ CQ oa oa CQ .1^ CQ CQ CQ Oa CQ CQ
'a~ H H H H H ^
oa n CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ oa CQ OQ ll
ff ff ff S" en --> :j. p. -r B* pr <i
' s '

— 566 —

^ x3
S J 5- 5- Ja
4> 'O vTO '>.^0 'O "". t^ TO C^ TO f^
EJ rJ ^ i:^ :J =f X t:^ =f X^O
^ j3 ja ja J3 u: Q ^0) Ja -Q J2 :si

"=: c^ c; c: "=3 1^ t5 t^ t^ C^

X >ii iti i< -x ^
u« X
— s ^

— ^— S^O S S VQ
a o) en >, dj (u 1^ i_ TO TO TO TO
!* X hr ^ S ^ « ^
'O ^0 'O 'O
^ _ ^ « ^
'O 'O 'O 'O '?^
Si S

V c c^

r^ S £f
g OJ TO >> QJ <U TO a' TO TO TO ^<U
_ tf ^U =J rf =:f fr EJ 5; :^ ::J ::f ^
^' CO X X X a: I g X X X X X 2
v(U v<i; .Qj ^O) vO) 5 vd) vq; vO) ^O) 5
"^ "^ c; c; c^
r^ c;
c^ c; t^
C c c n c e>2.
-Q- -5^



•Si 1

s ^ S 2 ii
S S (U S "rt •ca "C« S
^~v XX X '<"
R O) CD tS OJ ex,
igj a; o) (u cx,
S S 2 S S m S S 2 S S ffl

— »4) "OJ "D "CJ"4>

a- Oh cxo, cx'^^
, ,

cu cu o-cu a-'o'

p CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ ">-^

—C (U CU
CO «=: X c-

K 2 S^R
C .S S SoC
c c "^ <U (U CU "R ^$ 'K ^K ^CR

S ^ 5j= "§^§^§^§-§s
^ == "^ ^ 5^
c c c c c ci-

Instr Instr
Nom Gen Dat Ace Abl Nom Gen Dat Ace Abl
3 V



(u K 2 a; I'S R (U R R R 'TO
ja ja ja ja J 2
-a b- H ^ b'
^ ja ja ja ja ja c;
>-TO •TO ^TO 'TO 'TO
H H H H S- X
^CO ^C^ ^CQ ^CO ^CTS

c c c c c -S- X C C C Cv°^
s X
Qj tx 2 0) o) '5
R sS
a S S S S S X
-R 'R 'R 'R 'R C^ b- b' b- b- b' •^
K X X X X 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R ^5
Q X X X X X ^^
.5 TO CO CO 00 CO CO ^*-^
c X

•§1 C/5 OJ
ja ja
a R
«s 1 R R ^^
t^ t^ c; t^ c? >> ja ja .ia

»(ij -aj vflj 'OJ "CU >-^ "^ >=^ t; "^ «^ >^
•QJ •CJ -OJ 'flJ -D , ^


R »S R R
. il
R ,g
ja s ja ja ja c.
X C C C X ^
vQ 'O 'O ^O 'O -^
« « « « « « « «
t£j ^S' 5<i

»OvTO'>,^0^0 5 S S
c S" P* 3< 3- 3< 3< C
VC3 'TO C^

B u.
«=; c?t=i^ t:; c;

c c c c c-2^
J TO TO ™ CO 5
••S *S *« 'S ^s « •s ^x -s 's 's
p** c r^ c; f- t^ c; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
<=i r^
s X S S S S ,— X S X S S .--.
O '

c ^ ^ S ^ ^>2.

Nom Gen Dat Ace Abl
— 568

'ca '2 v(u 'ps^-o ^ 3

1 if
'O O ^O O 'O -^
« « « « «>2^ i< X a X m -^

Oh S Oh
„ »s o « S - s O
^S -o) >-.*o t,
o, a, o, ex cx^^ cx Oh cx o. ex^^
2 2 2'2£2: '2 2 2^2 2^
^ a 1
E ^ X
(A ca s ca
s ^ S '>>
eg 2 <u >> o ^>, a eg a eg
CQ m CQ CQ PQ vo eg
CQ 03 OQ CQ CQ vo
is: ^ jij ^ ;x: iii X m i^ >i
^' fc ^ vo vo vo vo vo >i:i- vo vo vo vo vo -2-
•a I*-
c o
. il
o « vQ 'O vQ 'O ^o o
" a; ex Oh ex ex CX^^ ex ex o, ex o,^^
S S S S S o s s s s s o
CJ a o o o -S- CJ(J CJ CJ o ^ii'

n -*-

eg 3 o) >> o '^ 3 eg c^ ^
vo vo vo vo vo "- vo vo vo \0 VO *-^
^2 ^S ^3 'S ^2 -^ ^3 3 ^3 3 ^3 -^
ex ex ex o, aH>S'

o g a ^ g>o
— 569 —

3 s 3 s §
-TO 'S -<u >i>.o S-
^ K
a O
a EC a EC a
^0 H
a- ^
o- o, 0.0,0,0.0.0
O O 'O o ^
o o o o o --^

« g 3 a
r:^ -TO 'U3 «.qj 'Si^'O o «J 33 "O
K EC a K K O

s ^3
„ i
1 3 -a »TO -TO <u

D, 0- 0- 0, 0-,^ TO
OJ O) O) (U O)
1 c 0* cr tr cr 0-3

-O) OJ -CU -(D -(D
\o \o \o \o \o <:>

-TO 'ja -0) ••>i'0 c; ja 'TO jj -TO t;

s s s s s ^
— .


C^ K s Q. 2 'S 'i s X
"^ s:K -cb
X X X X X = X a> 3: X X c
.oj -a> '<v -cd -oj •^ v<U ^OJ '11 -QJ
c c c c c S >cij
c c c c c S

1 K S (U 2 'S^ S J K S K t-
Q- a, D, a, c,^ O. Cl Q, a, D,_
•a -»^ ^ « o
u _
! U U U (-

oc X
S 1=3

1 j3 2 J3 S C
u cKs <u 2 0)^2 S t; tK c; K ^CO
=^ =^ «^ c; =^
<v ^ (V
<=i ^ <=i
c c c c c _ c c c c c '5'
-rt 'CO -w3 -TO -ca

<N O X
0^ K3 K
^ o K s
(u 2 a! = s J K ja K 3:
>K o -CC
X X I I 5i X X X X X ci-

•K -S-<U 2 :(U OJ X c^ K S K -(U
i 1^ ^ c; ^
<=: "^ 1=; -<U"^ t^ cj fO
S S S 2 2 _ :s
2 2 s 2
OJ -OJ -OJ -(Li

m CO en en cv ^ CO CO CO CO CO -

I 1 X s'x
0! ^S
-CU ^2 :S i -X 'a> 'CK -s ^R 3
X X X X X c X X X X X ^
u a a a a a ^ a a a a a §
<U <U <V d) (V <U (V <U d) (U
(^ c; c^ r^ c^^
1 :£ iti X i:c is: zi'

^oQ *=«: - ^
— 571

a> TO
tf s :^
»s s: S § s
3 a; >> (U K
;=r H
i::^ r::r i=r ^^§=f§?
s s s S S 'O
s s s S S 'C)
K X X K K ^ X M a K xvo
(_ f« f_ ^ c^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "^
5 f-,
"•O"O -O '•O 'O ^ .fc
-o 'O 'O ^o -o a.
-^ vo \o \o vo
TO ro TO
VO vo
TO TO •^

C<) aj TO
^« s S „ S c
S ^
§ s ^ ^1^5, ja TO
Ef :^ :J =J =f
ja TO .>,

s s s s c^^O
s ,-:r s s s s s ,-r-
c; t;
c? C5 ^ t^ "^ c^ s?^

CO „ X
w; TO TO
^ 3 zi u-
S =3

C _
c ^TO 'JD v<u
^ ^ zi zi
v>,.o ^
r^o c.
£, sj
av(u x.o)
5 rf «^ ^
^ cr.
05 CO CQ CQ CQ o
o o o o o ci-
o 03
CQ ^
^o -x-

TO 3 0) >-. (D t; 3 3 1 '1
^ sf ::J =J a S o :J a a 5:J cf
^S ^S 'S -S ^S 'S -s ^S ^S -S
^ ^ ^ ^ K U

O O O O O ,-.
1 llllh H H H H H o


^ s S Cf
C3 N- »S ^S S
TO 3 0) >. S f- 3 TO TO H
.§ cf tr tj :j a' c a Ef =f Ef =f c
5 ^s ^s ^s ^s ^s 'S S ^S S ^S -_
^ 5££££S £^££^3

o ^ o G ^-o


t iv.
2 1 o
^s -<u >~'-o *
vca S 'TO
c -§ u u u u u ^^ u u u,
c •!= <3 O O O 'O O '^ 'O O O •o o
c ? X X X X X -z. X X s X X
> a (V TO

c TO s (u >» o "2 S S
vjj TO TO '=5
is: id isi « « >=
« « « « =
cr a- 3- 3" 3" ^^ 3* 3* 3* ir 3* ._^

•ro «ca •TO "TO 'TO
c c c c c i, o
15 c c c c c vi


Q 2 2 ^
<^ TO S O) >i O ^O S « TO « 2'o
c g « bi i(J ii ^ <=[ « S ifi
a* s* s"
vQ 'O 'O 'O 'O '^
y _ 3< 3*
'O 'O 'O

^ ^ t=C t< 1^

<u \~
> eg
Q iC
^ 2 ^
S tX 2
a "c 3 TOs a> >> o "'^ S TO S W vca

ID c m X iii m is: ^ « O « « bS c

^^ c
>=i t=i <=i <=t i=i
^ e; t^ >^ c; e;
'TO 'TO 'TO 'TO 'TO o
^ • —
c c c c c ^(-,
c e c e c 4:^
c CA)

w 0) {'. TO

u s ixS

2 2 ^
c 1/3 s TO S O) >, O 'TO S « TO « TO ^«0
u _G « « « « « ^ « O « O iC -
«=; f^ f^ c^
'TO 'TO 'TO 'TO 'TO o
c; t^ c; e- c;


a X 2
T3;:r^ ? 2 2'S
O/ CO TO S (i; >, O K S TO S TO X
^' t- r* U U. U Ui U ^ u u u u u is;
=^ a 'S 'S 'S 'S 'S 'S S -S 'S ^S
c X a K K a -;:r X X X X X -^
S-H. « ii « « vii. !«: m m X a 3- >:i

— —>

o c
2 2'>»
>?i S X
S 0) >. O S
TO 2
o J;;
'>. >,'>, >,'>,'r-^
c •^ 2 2 2 2 S S 2 2 2 2 23

:5: ^ ^ -^ ^=1: ^coQ-=C'i:-=c

, ' '

— 573
vO) S '

^R 'S .(u ^2 'S S S ts ^ *S R .5.

C At ja s 3 sja
ct ^ § § t<^
cc^ r< 5 §i^R
^ o
>.>>>,>,>> o
'>. >.'>. >>^>,
o a u o o -^
s Si
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S vS
5 >' u. ja ja ja cj X
ca 2 2 S 2 S
tU QJ D (U <U O
X ja
2 2 2 2 2
vO) ^0) o
u o cj a o —
vO) <U -<l)
a o o a o-i
,. ,


•K "Q
«1 3 ^S 5S 'R ^S 'R W
.„_ —
'5; ^<V
^ ja jQ H
:(U P3

*Q «^

CI. c/:)
-Q H
^ C^ C^ (>\i ^^-^
Q. j2^?i^f2iS^x
CO .^^'R
ca en a
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o o a o a O O CJ CJ H H O
o o -_-
•a X
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J] s ^
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J ja ja S
'R 'S ^<u
CO ja JJ ffl
ja .$ j: <<u ja S
X X X X X ^ X X X X X g
n 4> s s s s s ^
E- x: CO cQ ca cQ cQ o
(J a u (J u — U
OQ ca
o o o o
&-.E 1 S « ^|:s
:^ CD Q -^ >H -^ :^ oQ -s: ^ -^

^ '2
1" 2 1-
•K ^S >(U .-S

2 2 2 2 2 o
CO CO CO CO 0) --i^ COCO CO CO CO — -




Cp > (O) (O)

R s 2 ^ .
CO S^ o) a;
K go. 'CO CO
H H — O
"-co "-co


c CO
SCR ^S <(V ^2 to; H s « R s R e-
0,0, a, a- o,^
O CJ U CJ o -^

liaili 1 S a ^1^
— -- .



-a U .TO

•m 'S -<v '>-.»o o

3* D- D" a- 3* 5" 3" 5" 3- 3* ^
<y oj <u oj a* , — .<L> OJ at vO) (U..^
u u u O O
o ^
CQ P3 CQ 03 CQ CQ ca
U CJ -_^ o u CJ CJ

— X
^S s g
'j^ a ^
a >,—
CJ — s a
^ 'S >. S Sv>,

Z! .(73 ^S .<U >i^O ^ l->

S eg S 03 cf
c tl£ a 3 a a
>, >. >!'>. >.
3_O 3 3 a a 3 3
to '^ C ct ct c:( ct c^ .^ nt c^ n-zL
^ E
a 1=1 «=(



- — sS QJ S S ^
JD '>.'0
•P3 'S .0) S
S ^ ^ t^ ^_ S ^ ^ S S_
2 S S 2 SS


s 5 .-
^ ^
03 C3S O) >i <U ^ S TO S TO ;S
^ ^ S ^ S ^ ^ S S ?^

'2 '3 '3 ^S -3 -^ ^3 3 '3 '3 '3 -5^

^ =: f: ^. ^ S

o fe a ;i ^^ ^ i g a ^|:s
< o Q -^ ^ -t:
575 -

<4j X
c K
-Q '^
1- K S OJ 2 'S ::='s^gr-
H H H H H ._^ H H H H H^
ij s<V
iCU i<U !a>
H H H H >r- o i<V
-.(V •<v i<V i<U
f- H H o 3
3 X
fct = «<
3 ^.^ 0. =S ^ =S 2 -R
^ C/D TO o; s <u
2 0/ 1=^
X <u tR a> ^
ci K
«=f cc t=t c^ §^
-tS -0? ^CC
=t ^ §^
-K -K
5? f=t e< i=t «=l <=t^--

s s S C tj
O a «j to ""-•
S c ;2 ^j 'S
o ^ a a S ^
C lo
^OQ^^^ «;j

X X X X X QJ X X X X X S. 57
-K -tK -o; -K -o; X -K -K -K -K X
II TO 0,0,0,0. cx^^
o) a* <u oj oj o
X X X X X v2-
0,0,0.0, O,^^
<U QJ <u o; o

= a X X X X X vli.
^ «» ^ 0-1
^ CO
.1 c
*«* C
^ 3 TOX <U >.0 >,
« « us « ^ rt^
X N^ TO TO a
a (V ii <v i< >>

' 1 TO
a a a a 3 -i a a a a 3.5
O KM < cC rt cC tt ct ^ c( ct ct rt cC^
o c

^ CO -TO
s g
1 .=
X3 TO -X ^o; S ->^-o -X -4) -TO -qj -TO <U
is TO
a a a a a ^
a a a a a ^
OQ oa oa uj 03


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ O^

•CS 3 h C
TO X qj 33
>-. <u

S »X
S 1
TO g

a a a a a 2 Q.
o O O O Q O
X X X X X -r- X X X X X -^
S c -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 S -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 £
c S a Qo 2 S
— —

576 —
s X

X2 ja s s j3
ja X s
s»s so
X vca X
.o) 'TO
p" 3* D" 3" n* 3"
D* D*
o o o o -Q^
ff D*
c^ TO X X X X X >S
X X X X X sS-
it 'TO
c s 3
S .(U -TO vO) 'TO a
3 3 3 3 3^
Mbllllb MblUIH MblUIH MblUIb

'2 2 2 2 2^;:^
2 S S S S>2'

£ 5.
1 S « ^|:o

s K
^.^ ^ ^=3 S e;
CJ g'O
ja s aa u3 ja ^o S CU K S K VO
=^ t^
O 'O 'O O 'O 'o'
C3 t^ c^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '^^
vo \o \o vo vo ci.

•a X
s 'K
^ c s c
J s s J5 ja ^ f-;
X 'OJ 'K S 'K ^
c c c c c •

C C C C C "
II , H H H H H ^^
a* vQj -o)

oj v(u

o a U -S-o^
c^ .<u <u o) -a> a> ^^
H H H H H 3^
o a cj a o <>
f £ a
C c a 's
= ^ TO

^ 3
2 2 x!§'|!g^|
5§§S S| t=C
3 3 3 3 3
O 'O ^O 'O 'O -^ 'i§§§§2
S C ^ "^ S -^ "o "t^ ^
o $5 a ^ to
2<i ;_)
O c
$j <3 G ^^
:$: OQ -^t: ^ ^^q :^OCi"=i:^^
577 —


1 cxaporo cxapbiM
cxapoe cxapOMy cxapoe


1 2
c 0.
c o t -TO

X 2 oj 2-TO
—V S 2 S 3 2 H
1 «^TO 'W -C^ "TO "Cd
ft a, Q, a, B. «-•
-TO -TO -TO "W -TO ^v

5 s& t; S£

i. all. lis
-TO 'CO -eg -TO -TO -TO
1 t; t3 s D s &£
o^' 2I TO

e< t=C t=C < <

•I § :^ §§S§ §^ a
o iiii io

1 TO
§ i § § § ^-
c 1 0000
2 2 2 2 2

S ?^ ^-c
578 —

o >> ffi

2 ^
OJ q; OJ OJ s ^5^
I X K K X F^
*=< ?f ^ ^ t< ^
.0) vo vO) -0) '«L) -_
a, 0.0-0, O- o
CJ O CJ O o >ii-

tS O)
CC et c^
^o) -a> -oi
<U be

H a:
c( ct
X s

s s
I ac X X
c:[ cf KC
vflj vflj
vO) vo; ^

o- o. o- o. O- O- O- O, O- O- o
u o o o O U CJ o u u -^

•5 »s 2 s« 2 s §
c S (U <D X a; s vo)
a K X X X X o.
cC ef cf rf ct ct
vqj ,_^
>aj -o) "-a;
E 0-0-0,0,0.0-0
o cj o u o u ^

i § a ^ I S Q ^ "^S

n >^ X
<v u 'S (u S 'S
X X X X X ,_^
'S ^S 'S 'S
H H H t-
'S o
h- ^
3 •S o

cqO o >> o H
c 1 X X X X X ^^ THXHX




CO X X X X X X ^^
CO o) t- S a; S g
^ ^2
'2 ^£o
o o o o o >=t

a .5 o- a, o, o, o,.^
^ 1 •a
M 1^2 ^2'^ '2|
o o o o o «=(
i o, o, a.o< o,^.^ 0) X 2 oT 2 O
g ^S ^S \S ^S 'S G,

»s 2 s « 2 2 o
o o o o o o "=<

0.0- 0,0. o, o,^^

O S Q ^ g^ 1 S a ^1^
— 580 —

o >> - i
^ ¥ i 1 g g
vS 'S
03 oa
J .i
1 X
1 9S
S' ea (i> (u "^ 0) ca X ^
i S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0) X S a7 S •.$

1 v(U 'OJ K(U 'OJ ,^

v(U s s s S X S
OQ 03 oa OQ O
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
'00 'oa '0"
'oQ^oa 'm
U vT-

3 « 2 2« 2 ^S
1 03 03 03 CQ 00 03 3^

s ^ S s ^
jj. 3. p. g. p.3

ca "^
c 1 s s s ^ ^ X S
V OJ <u S >,
3- 3" 3" D" tr >S 'X 'X 'X 'X 'X ff
S « S S S^

'O «o 'O 'o »o 's 5?
^ ^ S ^ ^ ^
a- o" 0" a" s" a- -zi-

Table 33
Adjectives with stem ending in soft sibilants (q, m.)

Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Neuter

Norn rOpHMMH ropHqan ropaqee ropnqHe

Gen ropyiqero ropHHefl ropHHero FopaqHX
Dat ropnqeMy ropnqeH ropHHeMy ropnqHM
Ace rOpHMHH, ropHqyK) ropnqee Fopjiqne,
ropHMero ropnqHX
Instr ropHHUM ropH.qefl ropjiqHM ropHqHMH
Abl (o) rOpHMCM (o)ropHqeH (o) ropHqeM (o) ropaqHX

Table 36
Adjectives with stem ending in u

Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Neuter

Norn KyUblH KyuaH Kyuee Kyubie

Gen Kyuero Kyuefl Kyuero Kyubix
Dat KyueMy Kyuefl KyueMy KyUbIM
Ace KyubiH, KyuyK) Kyuee , Kyubie,
Kyuero Kyubix
Instr KyubiM Kyuefi KyiibiM KyUblMH
Abl (o) KyueM (o) Kyuefi (o) KyueM (o) Kyubix

Table 37
Possessive adjectives ending in -hA, -hn, •be

Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Neuter

Nom BOJiqHH BOJiqbH BOJiqbe BOJiqbH

Gen BOJiqbero BOJiqbefi BOJiqbero BOJiqbHX
Dat BOJiqbCMy BOJiqbefl BOJiqbeMy BOJiqbHM
Ace BOJiqHH, BOJiqbK) BOJiqbe BOJiqbH,
BOJiqbero BOJiqbHX
Instr B6jiqbHM BOJiqbeH BOJiqbHM BOJiqbHMH
Abl (O) BOJiqbCM (o) BOJiqbeH (O) BOJiqbCM (O) BOJiqfaHX

Table 38
Possessive adjectives ending in -hh, -uh, -ob, -es

Singular Plural

Masculine Feminine Neuter



Table 39



Abl (06) OAHOM (06) OAHOH (06) OAHOM (06) OAHHX


Nom ABa ABe rpH qcTbipe

Gen AByx AByx ipex qcTbipex
Dat AByM AByM TpeM qexbipeM
Ace ABa. ABC, TpH, MCTbipe,
AByx AByx Tpex MCTbipeX
Instr AByMH AByMH TpeMH qeibipbMH
Abl (o) AByx (o) AByx (o) Tpex (o) qcTbipex

Table 39, continued

c) d) e)

Nom nHTb HHTHaAUaTb nHTbflecHi OHTbCOT

Instr HHTblO OHTHaAUaTbR) nHTbK)/ie- OHTblOCTa-
Abl (o) nHTH (o)nHTHajiua- (o) univ^A^- (O) HHTHCTaX

g) h)

Nom CTO ABeCTH nojiTopa, noJiTopacTa

Gen CTa AByXCOT no.riyTopa nojiyTopacTa
Dat era jlByMCTaM nojiyropa nojiyTopacTa
Ace CTO ABeCTH, nojiTopa, nojiTopacTa
AByXCOT nojiTopbi
Instr CTaMH flByMHCTaMH nojiyTopa noJiyTopa-
Abl (o) CTa (o) /iByxcTax (o) nojiyTO- (o) noJiyTO-
pa pacTa


Nom ABoe HHTepo 66a 66e

Gen flBOHX nniepbix o66hx o6eHx
Dat ABOHM HHTepblM o66hm c6eHM
Ace flBoe, njiTepo, 66a, o66hx 66&, o6eHx
Instr ABOHMH OHTepblMH o66hmh 06eHMH
Abl (O) flBOHX (o) HHTepblX (o6) o66hx (o6) o6eHX
— 584 —
Table 40
Personal, reflexive and possessive pronouns


Nom H TbI Mbl Bbl

Gen MeHH Te6H Hac sac
Dat MHe Te6e HaM BaM
Ace MCHH Te6H Hac Bac
Instr MHOH to66h HaMH BaMH
Abl (060) MHe (0) Te6e (0) Hac (0) Bac



Gen ero, Hero ee, nee hx, HHX ce6H
Dat eMy, HCMy eft, Heft HM, HHM ce6e
Ace ero, Hero ee, Hee hx. HHX ce6H
Instr HM, HHM eH, HeH HMH HHMH C066h
Abl (0) HCM (0) Heft (0) HHx (0) ce6e



TBOe, CBOH, CBoe) cboh) cboh)
Gen Moero Moeft MOHX
Ace MOH, Moero, MOe MOK) MOH, MOHX
Instr MOHM Moeft MOHMH
Abl (0) MOeM (0) Moeft (0) MOHX


Nom Ham, name Kama (Bama) HamH (Bamn)

(Bam, same)
Gen namero Hamefl HamHX
Dat HameMy Hamefl HamHM
Ace Ham, Hamero, namy HamH, HamHX
Instr HamHM Hameft HamHMH
Abl (0) HameM (0) Hameft (0) HamHX
— 585

S H X « <2
X s .
a; c; a>
a; c; a; a; ca
oa cQ m oQ oa >z>

s X
s 9S
= 't
= s
j: s
^_^ CQ

\o 0)
H H H o-
O >s >s _

-cr> 'CD -o) ^cn -cn R a;2 <u •£v8

o o a S u -2.
,^-^ 03 DQ CQ oa 03
sS 'S .i 1 ^o
to o o >. Oyo -vo^>> . <v <" - -^
H^S jQ U g jfl U
-S -Ct) VCD v(D
a; u u <u

11 IS

o>. -§ CEMHX

H ^ H H o
-cn -Ch
-<T) <cr» ^(T -iii'
o a u
S ^-^ »s
^ 1 u ^'O
O S u _ ^j*

»s »s
'>» 'O

o §
<u <u a» (X> o ^o -o
^0) v(y s(U a -TO
S S 2 2 -S


O CJ CJ O ss
SI'S S ^ 1 ^
sss ^o S^o'>^ o
scu <a) -a> vO; vO) t- S 2 i s i
- O O

1 K K K X X ^ TO
S S S s S
•O ,_», a o a o o -r^
S S =^ s
«<u o
H t?
a» D o
^s a s s s

a" 3" 3"y vX'-^.

3* 3*
3* ^S
'O o
'5' S
S 1°
« « O sS
<U O) sS
s ^^
o '2's^2 S s
o o o
« M w ssl
3* ^S
1 S"^B ig-^^
^ OCj^ II :5:OQ'^ ll
586 —
Table of
Present tense imperfective aspect and
future tense perfective aspect
Infinitive Sing u 1 a r Plural
n Ist person 2nd person 3d person

42 6paTb 6epy 6epeiub 6epyx

43 Bbl6paTb Bbi6epy Bbi6epeiiib Bbi6epyx
44 pa3o6paTb pasSepy pa36epeujb pa36epyx
) 6pbi3>Ky 6pbi3>KeiiJb 6pbi3>Kyx
45 6pbi3raTb
\ 6pbi3raK) 6pbi3raemb 6pbi3raK)x
46 6pK)3>KaTb 6pi03>Ky 6pK)3>KIimb 6pK)3}Kax
47 Aep>KaTb Aep>Ky ;iep>KHuib Aep>Kax
48 BHSaTb BH">Ky BH>KeilIb BH>KyX
49 oTpesaib OTpe>Ky oxpe>Kemb oxpe>Kyx
50 BsopBaib B3opBy BSOpBeiUb B3opByx
51 BCiaTb BCxaHy BCxaHeiiib Bcxanyx
52 Bbi;iep>KaTb BbiAep>Ky Bbi;iep>!<HLLIb BbiAep>Kax
53 BblSBail. BbOOBy BblSOBeiUb BblSOByX
54 BbinacTb Bbinaiiy Bbinajiemb Bbina;;yx
55 KJiaCTb KJiajiy KJia^emb;iyx
56 BbinHcaTb BbinHLuy BbinHLuemb BbinHLuyx
57 riHcaib nHUjy nHUiemb nnmyx
58 BbipsaTb BbipBy BbipBeiUb Bbipsyx
59 BbiCKasaTb Bb'iCKa>Ky BbiCKa>Kemb BbicKa>Kyx
60 Bbic.naTb BblLUJlIO BbiuiJieiub BblUIJlIOX
62 Bbicbinaxb BblCbin^HK) Bbicbinjieiub Bbicbinjiiox
63 iiaBaxb Jiaib Aaemb Aaibx
64 KynaTb(CH) Kynaio(cb) Kynaeiiib(CH) KynaK)x(cH)
64a B3iKynaTb(cH) BbiKynaK)(cb) BbiKyna- BbiKyna-
eiub(cH) K)X(CH)
65 paSoraxb pa66xaio pa66xaeiiib paSoxaiox
65a BbipaSoiaib BbipaSoxaK) Bbipa6oxaeiub Bbipa6oxaK)x
66 ApeMaib /ipeMJiK) ;ipeMJiemb jipeMjiiox
67 OTOSBaXb 0X30By oxsoBeiub oxsoByx
68 SBaTb 30By 30BeiUb 30Byx
69 MaxaTb Mamy Mameiub Mamyx
70 MeiaTb Meqy Meneiub Meqyx
71 exaxb e;iy e;iemb ejiyx
72 Bbiexaib BbieAy BbieAeiub BbieAyx
73 Tpeneiaxb xpenemy xpenemeiub xpenemyx

Verb Forms

Past tense Imperative

Sing u 1 a r
Plural Singular
Masculine Feminine

6paji 6pajia 6pajiH 6epH

Bbi6paji Bbi6pajia BbigpajiH Bbi6epH
pasoSpaj] pa3o6pajia pa3o6pajiH pasSepii
1 6pbI3>KH
6pbi3raji 6pbi3rajia 6pbi3rajiH
\ 6pfai3raH
6pHD3>KaJl 6pK)3>Kajia 6pK)3>KaJlH 6pK)3>KH
Aep>Ka;i Aep}Kajia jxepvKanu Aep>KH
BHsaJi B5i3ajia BHSajlH BH>KH
OTpesaji 0Tpe3ajia oxpesajiH oxpe>Kb
B30pBaJI B3opBajia B30pBaJIH B30pBH
BCTaJT Bcxajia BCXajlH BCXaHb
Bb'i^epjKaji Bbi;tep>Kajia BbiAep>KajiH BbiAepJKH
BbI3BaJI Bbi3Bajia BbI3BaJlH BblSOBH
Bbinaji Bbinajia BbinajiH Bbina^H
Kjiaji Kjiajia KjiajiH KJiaflH
BbinHcaji BbinHcajia BbinHcajiH BbinHiuH
nHcaji nHcajia nHcajiH nHUIH
Bbipeaji Bbipsajia BblpBaJlH BblpBH
BtiCKa3aji BbiCKa3ajia BbiCKasajiH BblCKaJKH
Bbicjiaji Bbicjiajia Bb'lCJiajlH BbllUJIH
OTocjiaji OTOCJiajia oxocjiaJiH OXOUIJIH
Bbicbinaji Bbicbinajia BbiCbinaJiH Bbicbinb
AaBaji Aasajia AaeajiH ;taBaH
Kynaji(cH) Kynajia(cb) KynajiH(cb) KynaH(c5i)
BbiKynaji(cH) BbiKynaJia(cb) BfaiKynaJiH(cb) BbiKynaH(c5i)

pa66Taji padoTajia pa66xajiH pa66xaH

Bbipa6oTan Bbipa6oTajia Bbipa6oxaJiH Bbipa6oxaH
;ipeMaji ApeMajia jipeuajin /ipeMjiH
0T03BaJI 0T03Bajia 0X03BaJIH 0X30BH
3Baji 3Bajia 3BaJIH 30BH
Maxaji Maxajia MaxaJiH MaUIH
MeTaji Mexajia MexajiH Me^H
exaji exajia exajiH (noe3)KaH)
Bb'iexaji Bbiexajia BbiexajiH Bbie3}KaH
Tpenexaji Tpenexajia xpenexajiH xpeneiHH

— 588 —

Present tense imperfective aspect and
future tense perfective aspect '

Infinitive Sing u 1 a r Plural

1st person 2nd person 3d person

74 6e>KaTb 6ery 6e>KkUJb 6eryx

74a Bbi6e}Ka7b Bbi6ery Bbi6e}KHmb Bbi6eryx
75 npHTaib npHqy npHqeiiib npnqyx
76 cjibiuiaxb cjibimy CJlbllUHIUb cjibimax
77 cnaxb cnjiK) cnHiub cnHx
78 BbiKapaS- BbiKapaSKa- BbiKapa6Ka- BbiKapaSKa-
79 Hcaxb >KMy JKMeiUb >KMyx
80 pa3>KaTb paaojKMy paaojKMeiub paaoHCMyx
81 BblHCaXb BblJKMy Bbi>KMemb BblJKMyX
82 jKaxb jKHy >KHeiUb HCHyx
83 HCKaXb Hmy Hmeiiib Hiuyx
84 KOBaXb Kyib Kyeuib KyiOT
85 KJieBaxb KJIIOK) Kjiioeinb KJIIOlbx
86 K0Jie6axb K0Jie6jiK) K0Jie6jieiiib K0Jie6jiK)x
87 Haqaxb Haqny Haqneiub Haqnyx
88 pH<axb P>Ky pjKeilib pjKyx
89 CKaKaxb cKaqy CKaqeuib CKaqyx
90 xbiKaxb xbiqy xbiqemb xbiqyx
91 jiraxb jiry j]>Keiijb jiryx
92 cbinaxb Cbinjiio Cbinjieuib Cbin.FlK)X
93 cxoHaxb cxoHy cxoHeiiib cxoHyx
94 rnaxb rOHK) rOHHlUb rOHHX
95 Bbirnaxb Bb'irOHK) BbirOHHUIb BbirOHHX
96 o6orHaxb o6roHK) ofirOHHUJb cdroHHX
97 paaornaxb paaroHK) paaroHHUib paarOHHX
98 6ejiexb 6ejieio 6ejieemb 6ejieK)x
99 o6eccHJiexb o6eccHjieio o6eccHJieeiiib o6eccHJieiox
100 Bejiexb BejiK) BeJIHLUb Bejiflx
101 CMoxpexb CMOXpib CMOXpHlUb CM6xp5IX
102 6epeMb 6epery 6epe}Keiiib 6eperyx
103 neqb neKy neqeiub ncKyx
104 Bbixeqb BbixeKy Bbixeqeiub BbixeKyx
1 6jiecxHiiib 6jiecxHx
105 6.necxexb 6jiemy
\ 6;iememb 6jiemyx
106 Bepxexb aepqy BepxHiub BepXHT


Past tense Imperative

Sing u 1 a r
Plural Singular
Masculine Feminine

6e>Kaji 6e>Kajia SeJKaJiH 6erH

Bbidewaji Bbi6e>Kajia Bbi6e}KaJiH Bbi6erH
npHxaji npHxajia npHxajiH npHMb
cjibiiuaji cjibimajia cjibimajiH
cnaji cnajia cnajiH cnH
BbiKapa6- BbiKapa6Ka- BbiKapa6Ka- BbiKapa6-
KajiCH jiacb JlHCb KafiCH
jKaji >Kajia HcaJiH 5KMH
pasjKaji pa3>Kajia pasjKajiH paaojKMH
BbijKaJi Bbi>Kajia BblJKaJlH BbI}KMH
jKaji jKaJia >KaJiH }KHH
KJiesaji KJieBaJia KJieBajiH KJIKDH
K0Jie6kJi K0Jie6ajia K0Jie6ajiH K0Jie6jIH
nemaji Hanajia HaMajiH HaqHH
pjKaji pjKajia pjKaJiH p5KH
CKaKaji cKaKajia CKaKajiH CKaMH
TbiKaji TbiKajia TblKaJIH TUHh
jiraji jirajia jirajiH JIFH
cb'maji cbinajia cbinajiH Cbinb
rnaji FHajia rnajiH rOHH
BwrHaji Bbirnajia BbirnajiH BbiroHH
o6orHaJi o6orHajia oGornajiH o6roHH
paaornaji pasornaji^ pasornajiH pasroHH
6eJieji 6ejiejia 6eJiejiH
o6eccHJieji o6eccHJiejia o6eccHJiejiH
Bejieji BCJiejia BejiejiH BejiH
6epgr 6eper;i^ 6eperjiH 6eperH
ncK neKjia neKJiH neKH
BbixeK BbixeK Ji a BbixeKjiH BbixeK H

djiecxeji 6jiecxejia 6jiecxejiH 6jiecxH

Bepxeji sepx^jia BepxejiH Bepxii


Present tense imperfective aspect and

future tense perfective aspect

Infinitive Sing u 1 a r Plural

n tst person 2nd person 3d person

107 rJiHflexb rJIH>Ky rJIHAHlUb rJlHAHX

108 BbirjiHAexb Bbir;i5i>Ky BbirJIHAHUlb BbirjlHAHT
109 06HAeTb(CH) o6H>Ky(cb) 06HAHmb(CH) o6hahx(ch)
111 BJieSTb BJiesy BJie3eiub BJie3yx
112 BbIJie3TH BbiJiesy Bbijie3eiiib BbiJie3yx
113 HeCTH Hecy Heceiiib Hecyx
114 BblHeCTH BbiHecy BbiHeceuib BbiHecyx
115 rpeMCTb rpeMJiib rpeMHiiib rpeMHx
116 AeTb Aeny ACHenib ACHyx
117 aasKceTb saoHiiiy 3aBHCHIlIb 3aBHC5IX
118 saMepexb saMpy saMpeiiib saMpyx
120 lepneib xepnjiK) xepnHiiib xepnax
121 TepeTb(cH) xpy(cb) xpeiiib(cH) xpyx(cH)
122 BbixepeTb Bb'ixpy Bbixpeuib Bbixpyx
123 pacxepexb pasoxpy pa30xpyx
124 cxepexb coxpy coxpeiiibcoxpyx
126 ABHHyXb(CH) ilBHHy(Cb) ABHHemb(cH) ABHHyx{CH)
127 3H6HyXb 3H6Hy 3H6Hemb 3H6HyX
128 BbirjiHHyxb BbirjiHHy BbirjiHHenib BbirJiHHyx
130 rHyxb(cH) rnylcb) rHeiub(c5i) rHyx(c5i)
131 jxyrh AyK) Ayeuib Ay'iox
132 BHHyXb BHHy BHHeiUb BHHyx
133 xoxexb xoqy xoqeuib XOXHT
134 xpycxexb xpymy xpycxHuib xpycxHx
135 KHIlieXb KHiuax
/ BbI3AOpO-
[ Beeuib
137 Bbijiexexb BbiJieqy BblJieXHIUb Bb'lJieXHX
138 Bbiqecxb Bb'mxy Bbiqxeiub Bbiqxyx
139 yqecxb yqxy yqxeuib yqxyx


Past tense Imperative

Si ng u 1 a r
Plural Singular
Masculine Feminine

rsisijieji rjiHjiejia rjiH^ejiH rjiHAH

BbirjiHAeJi BbirjiHAeJia BbirjiHjtejiH BbirjiHjlH
o6HAeJi{cH) o6HAeJia(cb) o6HAeJiH(cb) 06HAb(CH)
BJie3 BJie3Jia BJie3JiH Bjie3b
BbiJies BbiJiesjia BbIJie3JIH BbIJie3H
Hec Hecjia HeCJlH HeCH
BblHeC BbiHecjia BblHeCJIH BblHeCH
rpeMeji rpeMejia rpeMejiH rpeMH
Reji flejia jiejiH ACHb
saBHceJi saBHcejia 3aBHcejiH SaBHCb
saMep 3aMepjia saMepJiH 3aMpH
Tepnej] Tepncjia xepnejiH- xepnH
Tep{CH) Tepjia(cb) xepjiH(cb) XpH{Cb)
BbiTep Bbirepjia BblXepJIH BblXpH
pacrep pacTepjia pacxepJiH pa30xpH
cxep CTepjia cxepjiH COXpH
;iBHHyji(c5i) flBHHyjia(cb) ;iBHHyjiH(cb) ABHHb(CH)
35i6, 3H6HyJl 39.6 Jia 3h6jih 3h6hh
BbirjiHHyji BbirjiHHyjia BbllJIHHyJlH BbirJIHHH
rHyji(cH) rHyjia(cb) rHyjiH(cb) rHH(Cb)
jyyji AyJia flyjiH Ayfi
xoxeji xoxejia xoxejiH —
xpycxeji xpycxejia xpycxejiH xpycTH
~ ~ KHUieJIH ~
Bbi3;topoBeji BblSAOpOBCJia BbI3;iOpOBeJIH BfaI3;iOpOBb

BblJieTCJl BbiJiexejia BbiJiexejiH BblJieXH

Bbmeji Bbiqjia BblMJlH Bb'lHXH
yqeji yqjia yqjiH yqxH
— 592 —

Present tense imperfective aspect and

future t 2nse perfective aspect
Infinitive S i n g LI lar Plural
^ 1st person 2nd peison 3d person

140 peBCTb pCBy peBeiub peByx

141 onepexbCH o6onpycb o6onpeiubCH o6onpyTCH
142 oxnepeTb OTonpy oTonpeuib OTonpyr
143 HanpflMb Hanpnry HanpH>Kemb HanpHryT
144 menh }Kry JKHteUIb >KryT
145 o6>Keqb o6o>Kry o6o>K}KeiiJb o6o}KryT
146 KaHTbCH KaKDCb KaeuibCH KaWTCH
147 ToponHTb ToponjiK) ToponHiiib ToponHT
148 6eCHTb(CH) 6eiiiy(cb) 6ecHiiib(cH) 6eCHT(CH)
149 6p6CHTb 6p6iuy 6p6cHiiib 6p6C5IT
150 Bbl6pOCHTb Bbi6pomy Bbl6pOCHIlIb Bbl6pOCHT
151 SecnoKOHTb eecnoKOHD SecnoKOHUib SecnoKOHT
152 6pOAHTb 6po>Ky 6p6;iHiiib 6p6;iHT
153 BOSpOAHTb BospoMcy Bosipomuih B03po;tHT
154 Bbiropo/iHTb Bbiropo>Ky BbiropOAHlllb BbiropoAHT
155 rjia^HTb rjia>Ky rji^muih rjia^HT
157 UeJlHTb(CH) uejiK)(cb) UeJIHLUb(CH) UeJIHT(CH)
158 yKOpe- yKopeHK)(cb) yKope- yKope-
HHTb(CH) HIimb(CH) hht(ch)
160 Apa3HHTb iipasHib ;ipa3HHmb Apa3HHT
161 B03BpaTHTb BosBpamy B03BpaTHIUb B03BpaTHT
162 BnycTHTb Bnymy BnycTHiiib BnyCTHT
163 Bb'inycTHTb Bbinymy BbinycTHiiib BbinycTHT
164 B0306H0BHTb B0306hOBJIK) B0306H0BHmb bo3o6hobht
165 BbinpHMHTb BbinpHMJIK) BbinpHMHIUb BbinpHMHT
167 Bb'inpaBHTb BbinpaBJIK) BbinpaBHUJb BbinpaBHT
169 KynHTb KynjiK) KynHiUb KynHT
170 BbiKynHTb BbiKynJiK) BblKynHLUb BbiKynHT
]71 Boopy- Boopy>Ky(cb) Boopy- Boopy-
>KHTb(C5l) >KHIlIb(CH) >KaT(CH)
172 Bb'lKJIIOMHTb BbiKjiioqy BblKJItOMHIUb BblKJIlOMaT
— 593 —

Past tense Imperative

Sing u 1 a r
Plural ^1 n
o 1
g u 1
Masculine Feminine

peeeji peBCJia pesejiH peBH

onepcH onepjiacb onepjiHCb o6onpHCb
oxnep oxnepjia OTnepjiH OTOnpH
Hanpnr HanpHFjia HanpnrjiH HanpHTH
o6>Ker o6o>Krjia o6o>KrjiH o6o>KrH
ToponHJi ToponHJia TOpOnHJIH TOponH
6ecHJi(cH) 6ecHJia(cb) 6ecHJiH(cb) 6ecH(cb)
6p6cHJi 6p6cHJia 6p6CHJIH 6pocb
Bbl6pOCHJI Bbi6pocHjia Bbl6pOCHJlH Bbl6pOCb
6ecnoK6HJi eecnoKOHJia eecnoKOHjiH eecnoKOH
6po;iHJi 6poAHJia 6pOAHJIH 6po;iH
BoapoAH^ BOSpOflHJia B03pOAHJlH B03po;iH
Bbiropo;tHJi BbiropoAHJia Bbiropo;iHJiH BbiropoAH
rjia^HJi rjia;iHjia rJiajlHJiH rjiaAb
BajiHJi BajiHJia BaJIHJIH BajiH
UejIHJl(CH) uejiHJia(cb) UeJIHJlH(Cb) uejib(c5i)
yKOpeHHJl(CH) yKope- yKope- —
ApaSHHJI ;tpa3HHjia Apa3HHJIH jxpasm
B03BpaTHJl B03BpaTHJia B03BpaTHJlH BoaepaTH
enycTHJi BnycTHJia BnycTHJiH BnycTH
BbinycTHJi BbinycTHJia BbinycTHJiH BbinycTH
bo3o6hobhji B0306H0BHJia bo3o6hobhjih B0306hOBH
jia JIH
BbinpaBHJi BbinpaBHJia BbinpaBHJiH BbinpaBb
KynHJi KynHJia KynHJiH KynH
BbiKynHJi BbiKynHJia Bb'iKynHJiH BbiKynH
Boopy- B00py>KH- B00py>KH- B00py}KH(Cb)
>khji(ch) Jia(cb) JlH(Cb)
- 594


Present tense imperfective aspect and

future tense perfective aspect ;

Infinitive Sing u 1 a r Plural

^ 1st person 1
2nd person 3d person

173 yqHTb yqy yqHUib yqax

174 rpaHHHHTb rpaHHqy rpannqHiiib rpanriqax
175 ;;ojio>KHTb jXOJioiKy A0Jl6>KHIIIb AOJiojKax
178 ;te>KypHTb AejKypio Ae>KypHiub iie>KypHX
180 BHTb BbKD Bbeuib BblOX
181 c6HTb C06hK) co6bemb C06bK)X
182 pasSHTb pa3o6bK) pa3o6beiiib pa3o6bK)x
183 06jlHTb 060JlbK) o6ojiheuih o6o;ibKDT
184 0T6HTb 0T06bK) OTo6beiiib 0X06bK)X
185 06HTb o6o6bK) o6o6beiiib o6o6bibx
186 Bbl6HTb Bbi6b:o Bbi6beiiib Bbl6bK)X
187 rOCTHTb roiny rOCTHIUb rocxHx
188 BbipaSHTb BbipajKy Bbipa3Hmb BbipaSHX
189 rpesHTb rpe>Ky rpesHiub rpe3Hx
190 yB03HTb yBOHiy yB63Hmb yBOSHX
191 rp03HTb rpoJKy rposHiiib rp03HX
192 KaXHTb Kaqy kaTHiiib KaXHX
193 HHCTHTb qrimy qHCTHIlIb qHCXHX
193a BbiqHCTHTb BbiHHmy BbiqHCTHllIb BbiqHCXHX
194 >KHTb JKHBy }KHBemb JKHByX
195 6pHTb 6peK) 6peeiiJb 6peiox
196 THHTb rHHK) THHeUlb rHHK)X
197 nOHTb noK) noHuib noHT
198 SaTBHTb 3aTaK) 3aTaHmb 3axaHT
199 orjiacHTb orjiaiiiy orJiacHiiib orjiacflx
200 CTpHqb crpHry cxpHHceiub cxpHryx
201 yiIJH6HTb yiiiH6y ymndemb yiiiH6yx
202 MOJlOTb MejiK) Mejieiiib Mejiiox
203 6op6TbCH 6opK)Cb 66pembCH 66pKDXCH
204 TOJioqb TOJlKy xojiqemb xoJiKyx
205 ^AOCTHMb AOCTHrny AocTHrHemb AocxHrnyx
206 3aHTH saHAy 3aHAemb saHAyx
207 HATH HAV HAeiiib HAyT
— 595 —

Past tense Imperative

Sing u 1 a r
Plural Singular
Masculine \

yqHJi yqHJia yqHJiH yMH

Ae>KypHJi ;ie>KypHJia Ae>KypHJiH AeHcypb
c6hji c6Hjia c6hjih c6eH
pa36HJi pa36HJia pa36HJIH pa36eH
66J1HJ1 66JIHJIH o6jieH
ot6hji 0T6HJia 0T6rjiH 0T6eH
o6hji o6HJia o6hjih o6eH
Bbl6HJI BbiSHJia Bbl6HJIH Bbi6eH
Bbipa3HJl BbipasHjia Bbipa3HJIH Bbipa3H
rpesH.i rpe3Hjia rpe3HJiH
yB03HJI yB03Hjia yB03HJIH yB03H
rp03HJI rpo3HJia rp03HJIH rpo3H
6pHJI 6pHJia 6pHJIH 6peH
noHJi noHJia nOHJIH noH
saxaHJi saTaHJia 3aTaHJiH 3aTaH
orjiacHJi orjiacHJia orjiacHJiH orjiacH
yuiHS yiijH6jia ymiiSjiH yiiiHdH
6op6jiCH 6op6jiacb 6op6jiHCb 6opHCb
sameji samjia saiujiH 3aHflH
meji uiJia lUJIH HAH

Present tense imperfectlve aspect and

future t ense perfectly* as|)ect
Infinitive Singular Plural
« 1st person
2nd person 3d person

208 Db'lHTH BbiHAy BblHAeuib BblHAyx

209 DCKpblTb BCKpOlO BCKpoeiiib BCKpOlOX
210 6bITb 6yjiy 6yAeiub 6yAyx
211 Bbl6bITb Bb'i6y;iy Bbi6y;ieiui. Bbi6yAyx
212 eCTb eM euib CAHX
213 rpbI3Tb rpbiay rpbiaeiub rpbi3yx
214 AaTb AaM Aaiiib Aa^yx
215 Bbi;taTb Bb'iAaM Bbl^aillb BbiAaAyx
216 KpaCTb KpaAy Kpa^t^LUb KpaAy-r
216a BLIKpaCTb BbiKpa^y BbiKpaAeuib BbiKpaAyT
217 n;ibirb n^biBy nJibiHemb iiJibiByx
218 rpecTH rpe6y rpe6euib rpe6yx
219 necTH Bejxy BCAeiiib BeAyT
220 BblBeCTH HblBCAy Bb'iBeAeujb BUBCAyX
221 aanacTH aanacy aanacemb 3anacyx
222 60HTbCH 6oibcb 60HlUbCH 60HXCH
223 BaJlHTb(CH) BaJlHK)(Cb) BaJlHeLUb(CH) BaJlHK)x(CH)
224 CeHTb ceio ceeiiib CeKDX
225 BbicMeaTb BblCMCK) BbiCMeeiiib BfaicMeiox
226 Kaiii./inTb KaiiiJiHio KamjiHeiiib KaiUJlHlOX
227 CMGHTbCJI CMClbCb CMeeujbCH CMeibxcH
228 aacTpnib sacrpHiiy sacxpHHeuib 3acxpaHyx
229 K;iHCTb(CJl) KJlHHy(Cb) KJlHlieiUb(CH) KJiHHyx(afl)
230 H3-bHTb n3biMy HbblMeUJb H3bIMyX
231 MHTb Miiy Mneiub MHyx
232 IIOAHHTb noAiiHMy noAHHMeiub noAHHMyx
233 HaHHTb naflMy HaftMomb HaflMyx
234 CThlTb CTtJuy CXblHCIllb cxbinyx
235 BblMblTb BtJMOK) BblMOeiUb BblMOlOT
237 BCaXH Besy Beseiiib Beayx
238 BblBeSTH BbiBcay BbiBeaeiub BbiBejyx
239 CeCTb cH^y cHAeuib CHAyi
240 pacTH pacxy pacxeuib pacxyx
241 Bb'ipaCTH Bupacxy BbipacxeuJb Bupacxyx
242 UBCCTH UBCxy UBexeiiib ueexyx
597 —

Past tense Imperative

Sing u I a r
Plural S 1 n g Li 1 a r
Masculine Feminine

Bbime/i BbiuiJia BblUIJlll BbiH;;H

BCKpblJl BCKpb'lJia BCKpblJlH BCKpOH
6biJl 6biJia 6bIJlH 6yAb
Bbl6bIJI Bbi6biyia Bbl6bIJIH Bbi6yAb
eji ejia ejiH eiiib
rpbi3 rpbisjia rpbiBJiH rpbi3H
<aaji Aajia flaJiH JkaPi
BbiAaji BbwaJia BbiAajiH Bb'ijiaH
Kpaji KpaJia KpajiH KpaiiH
BbiKpaji BbiKpa.ia BblKpaJIH BblKpaAH
njiuji njibiJia njibiJiH njibiBH
rpe6 rpe6jia rpefijiH rpe6H
Beji BCJia BejiH Bern
Bbmeji BblBCJia Bb'lBCJlH BblBCAH
aanac sanacjia sanacJiH sanacH
60flJlCH 6oH;iacb 60HJIHCb 66ftcH
BaJlHJl(cH) Baji^Jia(cb) BaJIH;iH(Cb) BaJlflfl(CH)
ceHJi ceHJia CeHJIH cefl
KaiilJlH,/! KaujJiHJia KamjiHJiH KamJiHH
aacipHji aacTpHJia sacxpHjiH 3aCTpHHb
KJlHJl(CH) KJIHJia(Cb) K;ifl^H(Cb) K.lHHH(Cb)
H3TjHJ1 HS'bHjia HS-bHJlH H3bIMH
MHJl MHjia Mfim\ MHH
CTblJl CTbijia CTb'lJIH CTblHb
BblMblJl Bb'iMbiJia Bb'lMblJIH BblMOft
Bes sesjia BeSJlH Be3H
BblBOS BbiBesjia Bb'lBe3JlH BblBCBH
ceji cejia cejiH CHAb
poc pocjia POCJIH pacTH
BblpOC Bbipocjia BbipOCJlH BbipaCTH
UBCJI UBCjia UBe/lH ur^eTH
- 598 —

Present tense imperfective aspect and

future tense perfective aspect
Infinitive Singular Plural
^ 1st person 2nd parson 3d person

243 rojiocoBaxb rojiocyK) rojiocyeiiib rojiocyicx

244 TpeSoBaxb xpe6yK) xpeSyeiub xpeoyrox
24b perHcxpHpo- perHCxpHpyK) perHcxpH- perHCxpHpy-
caTb pyeiiib K)X
24b HOMCBaXb HoqyKD HOMyeiub Hoqyiox
247 Boesaxb BOICK) Boioeiub BOK)K)X
248 MOMb Mory MO>KeLUb Moryx
249 jieqb jiHry jia>KeiiJb Jiaryx
250 nexb noK) noemb noK)x
— 599


Past tense Imperative

Plural Singular
Masculine Feminine

roJiocoBaji rojiocoBajia roJiocoBajiH rojiocyfi

xpeSoBaji Tpe6oBaJia Tpe6oBajiH xpe6yH
perHCTpripo- perHCrpHpo- perHCxpHpo- perHcxpHpyH
Baji BaJia BaJiH
HOMeaaJi HoqeBajia HoqesajiH Hoqyfl
Boesaji BoeBajia BoeBajiH BOIOH
Mor MorJia MOrJIH
jier jierjia jierjiH JIHF
neji nejia nejiH noH

A. Inflectional Endings

I. The Noun
1. Masculine and Neuter

Case Indication Examples

Nom see Dictionary

Gen see Dictionary

Aaii 3Ty KHHpy Majib^HKy. Give

this book to the boy. Oh ryjiH-
Dat -y, -K)
ei no nojiK). He is wallting in
the field.

same as Nom
for inanimate
nouns and as
Gen for animate

3a saBOAOM jiec. There's a for-

est behind the works. Onti ;;o-
BOJibHbi 9THM caHaxopHCM. They
Instr -OM, -CM
are pleased with this sanato-
rium. Ona npHe^eT ahcm n63>Ke.
She'll come in a day.

Tboh omkh b qeMOAane. Your

spectacles are in the suit-case.
Oh ceHMac Ha co5paHHH. He is
-e, -H
at a meeting now. Mbi fobo-
pHJiH ero Spare. We spoke
about his brother.
— 602


Case Indication Examples

3th CTOJibi HeAoporne. These

tables are not
expensive. F^e
-bi, -H {m)
ero yqeHHKH? Where are his pu-
Nom pils? KaK AeJia? How are things?
riojifl noKpbiTbi CHeroM. The
-a, -SI (/!*)
fields are covered with snow.

Gen see Dictionary

3rHM saBOAaM HyjKHbi pa66qHe.

These plants need workers.
Dat -aM, -HM H o6emaji fleTJiM noA^pKH. I
promised presents to the chil-

same as Nom
or Gen

Oh Jiib6HT qafl cnHporaMH. He

likes tea with pies. Ona saHH-
Instr -MH
MaexcH uejibiMH ahhmh. She stud-
ies all days long.

roBOpHJiH ero AeJiax. We
discussed his affairs. HoA-bexajio
Pr -X HecKOJibKo HeJioBCK Ha jioma-
AHX. Several people on horse-
back rode up.

* The few cases of masculine nouns having this ending are

indicated in the Dictionary.
603 —
2. Masculine Ending in -a, -a and Feminine

Case Indication Examples

Nom see Dictionary

Gen see Dictionary

Cxpane HyncHbi KBaJiH(|)HUHpo-

BaHHbie pa66m\e. The country
needs skilled workers. K njio-
ma^H npHJieraei napK. A park
Dat -e, -H adjoins the square. H AaJi H^yp-
Haji STOMy KDHoiue. I gave the
magazine to this youngster. Oh
noexaji k ahac. He went to his

Mbi yBH^ejiH npHMyio Aopory. We

saw a straight road. H Jiio6jiib hx
-y, -K) ccMbK). I like their family. H .^lo-
Ace or same as 6jik)CBoero fle^yiiiKy. I love my
Nom grandfather. KouiKa noiiMajia
Mbiuib. The cat caught a mouse.

Ona B35iJia KapaHAam npaBOH

pyKOH (pyKOK)). She
took the
pencil with her right hand. Oh
Instr -H, -K)
yexaJi c ceMbefi. He went with
his family. HoJie sacenno pojKbio.
The field is sown with rye.

OhH rOBOpHJIH 06 3T0H ^eHmH-

Hc. They were talking about
that woman. CnojibKo ;^om6b na
Pr -e, -H njioma^H? How many houses
are there on the square? Mm sa-
jiBHjiH 06 3T0M npH cy^te. We
said it in the judge's presence.


Case Indication Examples

9th cxpaHbi pacnoji6>KeHbi b

A(|)pHKe. These
countries are
Nom -bl, -H situated in Africa. 3th k)ho-
iiiH —CTYAeHTbi. Tiiese young-
sters are students.

Gen see Dictionary

Oh BcerAa ycTynaeT Aopory

jKenmHHaM. He always
way for women. CyAbJiM 6biJio
Dat -aiM, -«M TpyAHO npHHHTb peiueHHe. It
was difficult for the judges to
come to a decision.

same as Nom
for inanimate
Ace nouns and as
Gen for ani-

MnorHe UTHUbi JieTaiox CTaHMH.

Many birds fly in flocks. Oh
Instr -MH CAeJiaji 3T0 CBOHMH pyKaiwH. He
made it with his own hands.


Pr -X
HHKOB. There are many hunt-
ers in these villages. 3t2l o6h-
3aHH0CTb jie;«HT na CTapocTax,
It is the duty of the monitors.
— 605 —
II The Adjective

3. Feminine, Neuter, and Plural Endings

in Relation to the Masculine Form

Masculine Feminine Neater
(m, /, n)

-biii -aa -06 -bie

KpaCHBblH KpacKBan KpacHBoe KpacHBbie

jiec KapTHHa 3AaHHe 3AaHH5I
a beautiful a beautiful a beautiful beautiful
forest picture building buildings

-HH* -5151 -ee -He

BeCeHHHM BeCeHH5151 BeceHHee BeceHHHe

AeHb noroAa yTpo AHH
a spring spring a spring spring days
day weather morning

-OH -an -oe -bie

CoJIbHOH 6ojibHa5i 6oJibH6e 6oJibHbie

a sick boy a sick girl a sick baby sick

* For feminine, neuter, and nominative plural forms of adjec-

tives ending in -hh preceded by r, k, x, k, ui, h, m see Dictionary.
606 -~

4. Declension
a. Masculine and Neuter

Case Indication Examples

Nom see Dictionary

y MeHH KpacHoro KapaH-

Aama. I no red pencil. r;^e
Gen -ro npoTOKOJi nocJiejiHero co6paHHH?
Where are the minutes of the
last meeting?

Mbi noAomjiH k 6ojibiu6My ^oMy.

We approached a big house,
Dat -My no cHHeMy He6y nJibiJiHo6jiaKa.
Clouds were floating along the
blue sky.

same as Nom;
for adjectives
Ace modifying ani-
mate nouns
same as Gen

MaJibMHK pasMaxHBaJi KpacHbiM

(|)jia>KK6M.The boy was swinging
Inst -bIM, -HA a little red flag. Ona Bcerjia hh-
mex CHHHM KapaHAamoM. She al-
ways writes ith a blue pencil.

H MHoro cjibimaji 06 stom hhtc-

pecHO cneKxaKJie. I have heard

Pr -OM, -CM
much about this interesting
play. Tbi 6biJi Ha nocjieziHCM co-
6paHHH? Were you present at
the last meeting?
— 607

b. Feminine

Case Indication Examples


She has no red kerchief. Zlan
MHe HeMHoro xopomefi 6yMarH.
Gen Give me some good paper.
Dat -OH, -efl ACBoqKe? How old is this little
girl? Ohh CH/^ejiH Ha KpacHBofi
jiyjKaflKe. They were sitting on
a beautiful lawn. Oh comeji na
nocjieAHCH ocxaHOBKe. He got
off at the last stop.

Oh qHTaeT pyccKyio KHHry. He

is reading a Russian book. Ona
Ace -yiO. -K)K)
CAeJiajia shmhiok) iiianKy.
She made herself a winter cap.

Ha CKaMeHKe CH;iejia AeeoMKa

c KpacHOH cyMo^KOH. A j^irl
-OH (-OK)) with a red handbag was sitting
-efi (-eio) on the bench. Mh nacjiajKAa-
jiHCb xopomefi noroAOH. We
were enjoying fine weather.
— 608 —
c. Plural

Case Indication Examples

B 3T0H KHHre MHoro CMeUlHblX

paccKaaoB. This book has many
funny stories. B stom ropo^e
Gen Majio 6ojibmHx ;]om6b. There are
few big houses in this town.
Pr Mbi roBopHjiH HOBbix KapxHHax.
We spoke about new pictures.
Oh HHKor^a ne roBopHX o qy-
>KHx AeJiax. He never talks about
other people's affairs.

3x0 m6»:ho AOsepHXb xojib-

Ko cepbesHbiM jiioAHM. Only
serious people can be trusted
Dat -bIM, -HM with this matter. XopoiuHM yqe-
HHKaM npenoAHecjiH KHHfH. Good
pupils were presented with

same as Nom;
for adjectives
Ace modifying ani-
mate nouns
same as Gen

Oh yBJienaexcH apH(})MexHqecKH-
MH saAa^aMH. He takes a great
interest in sum.s. Cxojibi 6bi;iH
Instr -MH
noKpbixbi 6ejibiMH JiHCxaMH 6y-
MarH. The tables were covered
with white sheets of paper.

5. Deg r^es of Comparison

Comparative Superlative

-ee a. -aHUi, -eflui -|- adjective ending:

CTapbiH old -^ BejiHKHH great -^ BejiMqafiiuHH the
cxapee older greatest
Ba^HbiH important -^ BaHCHewiuHH
the most important
h. with the help of "caMbiH":
KpacHBbiH beautiful -^ caMbiH Kpa-
cHBbiH the most beautiful

III The Verb

A. 6. Present Tense (imperfective aspect),

Future Tense (perfective aspect)

Person and
Indication Examples

ist person see

sing Dictionary

2nd person see

s-ing Dictionary

Mtc oh jiejiaer? What is he

doing? Oh jik)6ht KaxaxbCH
Ha jibi>Kax. He likes to ski.
3rd person
-ex, -HT
Oh c;ieJiaeT 3to saBxpa. He'll
sing do it tomorrow. Oh pasSyAHx
tcSh b ceMb. He'll wake you
at seven. Oh hohact ly^a co
mhoh- He'll go there with me.

Person and
Indication Examples

Mbi ymiM pyccKHH 5i3biK. We

study Russian. Mbi qacio
i^e.iaeiM xaKne ynpajKnenHH.
1st person
We often do such exercises.
pl Mbi noroBopHM sasipa. We'll
speak tomorrow. Mbi Hsy^HM
3Ty npo6jieMy. We'll study
this problem.

^T0 BbiBHAHTe? What do you

see? 3aqeM Bbi H^exe xy^a?
What are you going there
for? KoFAa sbi nofliiexe xy^a?
2nd person
-xe When will you go there?
Bbi yBHAHxe aasxpa.
You'll see him tomorrow.
Bbi noeAexe aBx66ycoM? Will
you take a bus?

Oh« qacTO 6epyx sxh JKyp-

najibi. They often take these
magazines. Ohh ryjiaiox no-
cjiey>KHHa. They go for a
walk after supper. Ohh qacxo
cMoipnx pyccKHe 4)HJibMbi.
They often see Russian films.
rioqeMy ohh Kpnqax? Why
3rd person -yx, -K)x, are they shouting? Kor^a ohh
pl -ax, -flx B03bMyx 3XH raaexbi? When
will they take these news-
papers? Ohh He onosAaiox.
They won't be late. Ohh npo-
CMoxpflx cxaibH B cy666xy.
They'll look through the arti-
cles on Saturday.OHH nojiyqax
xejierpaMMy cero^HH. They'll
get the telegram today.
— 611 —
Note: The future imperfective is formed with the help of
the verb "Cbrrb" in the future tense plus the infinitive of
the finite verb:
Oh 6yAeT qHTaxb. He will be reading.

7. Past Tense

Suffix Ending Examples

m K
Oh 6biJi TaM. He was there.
f -a Oh a 6biJia TaM. She was
n. -0 OHCbMo 6bijio TaM. Tl.e let-
terwas there.
Pl '
-H Ohh 6biJiH TaM. They were

8. Conditional-Subjunctive Mood
Past tense forms -|- particle "6bi" or conjunction "qT66bi":
51 6bi nouie.i Ty^a. would go there. H xony,
I mo^u ohh
nouiJiH TyAa. I want them to go there.

9. Imperative Mood
Singular: -h, -h, -b
Plural: -xe
roBopH(Te) no-pyccKH. Speak Russian. OTAbixafllxe)
peryjiflpHO. Rest regularly. BcTaHb(Te)! Stand upl

10. The Participle

Active Voice

Present Tense m -\- adjective ending
Past Tense m + adiective
^ '
— 612 —
Passive Voice

Present Tense M-f adjective ending
hh -{-adjective ending BH/icHiibiH
P t Ten^e
T -j-adjective ending bsAtue
Note: Participle declensions and degrees of comparison
as for corresponding adjectives.

It. The Verbal Adverb

Imperfective Aspect Perfective Aspect
-a, -a -B
CTyna npoMHiae

Note: Verbal adverbs derived from perfective verbs

end ng in -en are formed with the help of -(b^iiih: no-

B. 12. Verbs Ending in -cm in the Infinitive

-Cfi is added to the regular ending if preceded by a con-
sonant, or -cb if preceded by a vowel: cnacaTbca, cna-
B. Word-forming Suffixes

In this List the suffixes are given in boldface type and the
endings, if at all, in standard type. The italicized words immedi-
ately following the suffix (or the ending) denote the part of speech
formed with its help, e. g.:
-a-Tb, -H-Tb imperf verbs...
[Read: -a-xb, -H-xb forming imperfective verbs...]
-aac m nouns...
[Read: -ajK forming masculine nouns...]

-a-Tb, imperf verbs, derived from prefixed verbs of

-fl-Tb the perfective aspect'.
sajiesaTb [zal^i^zat^j ( ^
saJiesJTb ^
get {into), penetrate {into);
BbicejiHTb [vis^i^l^at^] ( -«- BwceJilHTb -^ ce-
jiHTb) evict {tenants).

-aw m nouns, denoting 1. an action-.

TpenajK [tr^i^nash, -zh] ( ^
2. a quantity:
KHJiOMexpaHC [k^ilam^'i^trash, -zh] (
<- khjio-
MeTp) distance in kilometres; the number of
-anei; see -eu I.

aHHH see -hh.

-aHT, m nouns, denoting a person who does the action

-am, expressed by the basal word or is in some re-
-CHT lation to what is expressed by the basal word:
KBapxHpaHT [kvart^irant, -dj ( -^ KBapTHp|o-
Baxb) lodger;
oKKviiaHT [Akupant, -d] ( ^
invader, occupationist;
anejiJiHHT [Ap^'i'^Pant, -dl ( ^
onnoHCHT [ApAn^ent, -d] ( ^- onnoH|HpoBaTb)
opponent {in a debate, etc).

a augm with the meaning 'having in abun-

dance, in excess' the quality expressed by the
basal word:
rjiasacTbiH [gUzastty] ( -«- rJiaa) big-eyed;
goggle-eyed; sharp-sighted.

-ax-biH a, possessing or characterized by a certain qual-

6opoAaTbiH [bsFAdatiy] ( ^ 6opoA|a) beard-
KJieTMaxbifl [kPet^ch^'atiy] {<- KJieTK[a)

-arop see -xop.

-au,H-H / abstract nouns, denoting an action:

KOJiJieKTHBHsauHH [kaPikt^'iv'^izatsiya] ( -^koji-
jieKTHBH3|HpoBaTb <- KOJiJieKTHb) collcct iviza-

-aM-HH see -yn-uu.

-ea-Tb imperf verbs, derived from prefixed verbs of the

perfective aspect:
ysnaeaTb [uznAvat^] (
^ y3Ha|Tb ^ sHaxb)
1) learn, get to know;
find out (smb's
address); imperf also inquire (about);
3) recognize [an old friend, etc).

-CB-OH see -OB-blH.

-CB-blH see -OB-blH.

-eeax-biH see -OBax-blH.

-eecK-HH see -OBCK-HH.

-CK see -OK.

-CMOCXb see -MOCXb.

-CHH-e see -HH-e.

-CHK-a see -OHK-a.

-eHH-blH a rel:
HMymecxBCHHbiH [imush^:is^t^v^inniy]
(-«- HMymecxBlo) property (attr).

-CHCK-HH, a, meaning 'of or from a place, district, vil-

-MHJK-HH lage, etc':
neHSCHCKHH [p^en'^z^insk^iy] (
-f- IleHaja)
Penza (attr);
flepeBCHCKKH [d^ir^i'^v^ensk^iy] (-^nepeB|HH)
rural; village {attr);
HJiTHHCKHH [yalt^insk^iy] (^^Jixja) Yalta

-CHT see -aHT.

-CHb-e see -HH-e.

-eHbK-a see -oHbK-a.

-eHbK-Hfi a augm & dim,also expressing endearment:

CJia6eHbKHH [slab^in'^k^'iy] ( -«- cjia6|biH) rath-
er weak; on the weak side;
CHHeHbKHH [s^in^m^k^iy] ( -«- chhjhh) blue.
-ecTB-o see -ctb-o.

-ecTb see -ocTb.

-eu,I, m nouns, denoting a person 1. coming from, or

-aHei;, residing in, a country, city, place, etc.
-oeei; jieHHHrpaflcu, [Pin'^ingrad^its, -dz] ( -^ JleHHH-
rpa;i) Leningradian, inhabitant of Lenin-
nepyaweu [p^iruan^it^, -dz] ( -^ Flepy) Peru-
2. belonging to some organization, party, etc,
or working at some department'.
HcnojiKOMOseu [ispAlkomav^itj, -dz] ( -t- hc-
nojiKOM) worker of an executive committee;
pecny6jiHKaHei; [r^ispubPikan^its, -dz] (-s-pec-
ny6jiHK|a) republican.

-eu, II m nouns dim, expressing smallness in size,

endearment, sympathy, or derision:
xJieSei; [khPeb^its, -dz] (-5- xjie6) small loaf
of bread;
6paTei; [brat^its, -dz] ( <- 6paT) 1) brother;
2) old man /chap {form of address).
-cMK-a see -o^K-a.

-e4K-o n nouns dim:

KOJiewKo [kApech^ka] ( -«- KOJibjuo) ringlet.
- 616 -
-H-e, n nouns, denoting a state, condition, or quality
-b-e expressed by the basal word:
ocTpoyMHe [AstrAum^'iya] ( ocTpoyM|HbiH)^
HeHacTbe [n^i^nas^f'ya] ( HeHacTJHbifl)^
rainy foul weather;

6eccHJiHe [b^i^s^s^il^iya] ( <- SeccHJiblHbm)


HBa-Tb, imperf verbs, derived from prefixed verbs of

-WBE-Tb the perfective aspect:
aaceHBaxb [zAS^eivat^] ( ^
sace nib -^ ceHib)
noAnHCbiBaxb [pAtp^'istvat''] ( ^ noAnHCJaTb
-f- HHcaxb) sign {a letter, etc).

M3M m abstract nouns, denoting a doctrine, sys-

tem, or practice; an action, condition, or quali-

peajiHSM [r^'iAl^izm] {<- peajiJHCT) real-

onxHMHSM [Apf'irxi^izm] ( -^ onTHMJHCT) op-
TypH3M [tur^'izm] (^Typjricx) tourism;
-HK I m nouns, denoting 1. a person who does the
action or follows the occupation expressed by the
basal word:
XHMHK [kh^im'^ik, -g] (^xhmjhh) chem-
pjiasHHK [glAz^n^ik, -g] ( -«- rjiasHlofl)
2. a person characterized by the quality ex-
pressed by the basal word:
osopHMK [AZArn'^ik, -g] ( ^
030pH|6H) mis-
chievous person, mischievous boy;
OTJIHMHHK [Atl''ich*'n''ik, -gl ( ^
excellent pupil; excellent student;
3. things the characteristic feature of which
is expressed by the basal word:
TynHK [tup^'ik, -g] ( -f- Tynjoft) blind
rpyaoBMK [gruzAv^ik, -g] (^rpysoeloH)
lorry; US truck.

-HK II, m nouns dim:

-4HK jioMUK [dom^ik, -g] ( ^
aom) small house;
TBosAHK [gvoz^'d^ik, -g] ( -e- reosAb) tack,
small nail;
6JIHHHHK [bl^in^ch^ik, -g] ( «- 6jihh) small
pancake; fritter;
KOJiOKOjibHHK [kalAkorch^ik, -g] ( -t- kojio-
KOJi) handbell, bell.

-HH, m nouns with the meaning 'of a certain na-

-aHHH, tionality; residing in, or coming from, a cer-
-flHHH, tain country, city, place':
•jiflHHH, ocexHH [As^i^f'in] ( <- OceTlHH) Osset;
'HaHHH ropo>KaHHH [garAzhan^in] (-«-r6po;t) towns-
man, city-dweller;
erHHTHKHH [yig^'lpt^an^in] ( -t- ErHnex)
KHCBjiflKHH [k^'iyi^vPan^in] ( -t- Khcb) inhab-
itant of Kiev;
xapbKOBHaHHH [khar^kAfch^an^'in] ( -^ Xapb-
kob) inhabitant of Kharkov.

HH-a / nouns, denoting the result of an action:

uapanHHa [tjArap^ina]
( -^ uapanlaib) scratch,


-HHK-a / nouns dim, denoting individual objects:

nbiJiHHKa [piPinka] ( -(- nujih) speck of dust;
necqHHKa [p^'i^sh^iinka] ( -f- necoK) grit,
grain of sand.

-HHCK-HH see-encK-m.
-HCT m nouns, denoting 1. a person connected with
or devoted to some specific occupation, profes-
sion, etc:
KapHKaiypHCT [kar^ikatur^ist, -zd] ( -<- KapH-
Kaxypja) caricaturist, cartoonist;
nopxpeTHCT [partr^i^t^ist, -zd] ( -f- nopTpex)
2. an adherent or supporter of some doctrine,
custom, practice, etc:
KOMMyHHCT [kamun^ist, -zd] ( -«- K0MMyH|H3M)
ryiviaHHCT [gumAn^ist, -zd] ( -t- ryMaHJHSM)
— 618 —
-HCT-uu a, having or characterized by the qualities
expressed by the basal word:
xeHHCTbiH [t^i^n^istty] ( Teiib) ^
ropHCTbiH [gAF^istty] ( <- rop|a) mountainous,
aaoTHCTbiH [Azot^istiy] ( -^ asox) nitrous.

-HU-a I / nouns 1. forming feminine from masculine

nouns denoting a person's occupation:
MacxepHua [mas^t^i^r^itjaj ( -«- Macxep) seam-
stress; milliner;
neBHU,a [p^i^v^'itsa] ( -e- neB|eu) singer {a wom-
2. denoting the female sex of animals:
jibBHua [Pv^itja] ( -e- jieB) lioness.

-HU-a II f nouns dim:

KaujMua [kAshftj9] <- ( Kaiii|a) thin gruel;
qacxHua [ch^i^s^t^itja] ( -«- qacxb) fraction,
-HU-e see -u-e.
-HHecK-HH a 1. having or characterized by the quality
expressed by the basal word:
MaxepHajiHcxHHecKHH [mat^ir^iAPis^t^ich^i-
sk'^iy] ( -«- MaxepHajiHcx) materialist(ic);
2. pertaining to the science, art, etc, expressed
by the basal word:
reorpacjDHHecKHH [g^iAgrAf^ich^isk^iy] ( -^ reo-
rpa4)|HJi) geographical.

•HHK-a / nouns dim, also expressing endearment:

cecxpHHKa [s^i^str^ich^k8] <-cecxp|a) (. little
sister; (my) dear sister.

-HiuK-a m 8c f nouns dim:

MajibMHuiKa [mAPch^ishka] ( -<- MajibqiHK)

urchin, boy;
cuHHiiiKa [sin^ishks] ( -<- chh) sonny;
acMjiHuiKa [z^i^mrishka] ( -<- scmjiIh) a small
plot of poor land.

-HDiK-o m & n nouns dim:

ropoAHuiKO [garAd^ishka] ( -<- ropoA) (god-
-forsaken) little town;
HHCbMHiiiKo [p^'is^m^ishka] ( -<- nHCbMJo) short
letter; unimportant letter.
— 619 —
•Hm-a / nouns augm:
pyHHma [ruch^ish^:a] ^
pyKJa) huge hand;

rpHSHma [gr^i^z^ish^:a] (
<- rpnsb):
na yjiHue
rpH3Hii;a it's terribly muddy outside.

-Hiu-e m & n nouns augm:

jXOMuuxe [dAm^ish^:9] ( <- j[ou) huge house;
nHCbMHu;e [p^is^m^ish^iaj ( <- nHCbMJo) very
long letter.

-K-a I / nouns I. forming feminine from masculine

nouns denoting a person's occupation, a repre-
sentative of a nation, nationality, etc:
HcnaHKa [ispanka] ( <- HcnaHJeu) Spanish
apMHHKa [arm^anka] (
<- apMHH|HH) Armenian
cKpHnaMKa [skr^ipach^ka] ( ^ CKpHoaq) vio-
linist (a woman);
KOMCOMOJiKa [kamsAmolka] ( ^ KOMcoMOJijeu)
member of the Komsomol (a girl);
2. denoting a process or action:
BapKa [varka] ( <- Bap!HTb) cooking;
3. denoting an instrument, tool, etc:
-repKa [t^orka] (^Tepjexb) grater;
4. denoting the result of an action:
Bbi^yMKa [vidumko] ( BbiAyMJaTb)^ inven-
tion; device.

-K-a II / nouns dim:

KuMHaxKa [komnatka] ( -«- KOMHaTJa) small
flopojKKa [dAroshka] (-«-Aop6r|a) path,

K-HH a 1. having the sense of 'suitable for the

action' expressed by the basal word:
KOBKHH [kofk^iy] ( <- KOBJaxb) malleable,
2. having, possessing the natural qualities
expressed by the basal word:
SBOHKHH fzvonk^iyj ( <- 3boh) ringing, clear
{voice, etc).

-jiuB-UH a with the meaning 'having

1. a tendency to'
what is expressed by the basal word:
BopMJiHBbiH [vArch^Piviy] ( "r- BopqjaTb)
grumbling, peevish;
sacyuiJiHBbiH [zAsushPivty] ( ^ 3acyx|a)
droughty, arid;
2. denoting the presence of a large degree of
what is expressed by the basal word:
AOJKAJiHBbiH [dAzh^-.Piviy] ( <- AomAh) rainy;
TajiaHTjiHBbiH [tAlan'^t^l^iviy] ( -^ xaJiaHT)


-jibH-UH a, denoting suitability for the purpose expressed

by the meaning of the basal word:
KonHpoBajibHbiH [kap^irAvaPniy] ( -«- KonHpo-
Ba|Tb) copying;
cyiuHjibHbiH [sushtl^'niy] ( -^ cymH|Tb) dry-

•jibiuHK see -mHK.

-jibmHu-a see -mHu-a.

-MOCTb, / abstract nouns, denoting possibility of, pre-

-CMOCTb disposition to, or the degree of what is express-
ed by the basal word:
pacTBopHMOCTb [r9stvAr^im9S^t^, -z^d^]
( -«- pacTB0pH|Tb) dissolubility;
3a6ojieBaeMocTb [zabal^i^vayamss^t^, -z^d^]
( -«- 3a6ojieBa|Tb) sick rate;
conpoTHBJiHeMocTb [saprat^ivl^ayamas^t^,
-z^'d^] ( fr- conpoTHBJiH|TbCH) resistablHty; electr

-H-HH a, denoting relation to time or place:

BeqepHHH [v^i^ch^ern^iy] ( <- Benep) evening
{paper, dress, etc);
BepxHHH [v^erkhn^iy] ( •<- Bepx) upper.

-H-biH a, having, possessing, or characterised by the

quality expressed by the basal word:
npHBbiHHbiH [pr^ivkh^niy] ( <- npHBbiM|Ka)
habitual, usual;
ceMeHHbiH [s^i^m^eynty] (-<- ceMbJH) domestic,
family {attr).
- 621 -
HH-e, n abstract nouns, denoting 1. an action or pro-
-Hb-e, cess:
-CHH-e, npeno^aBaHHe [pr^ipsdAvan^iya] ( ^ npeno-
-CHb-e ^^aea'Tb) teaching;
o6MejieHHe [Abm^i^l^'en^iya] (
^ o6Mejie|Tb)
KpHBJiHHbe [kr^ivl^'an^ya] ( ^ KpHBJiH|TbCH)
wriggling; making faces;
npHoSpexeHHe [pr^'iabr^i^t^en^iya] (
-5- npH-
o6peTJatb) acquisition, acquiring;
rjia>KeHbe [glazhan^ya] ( ^
rJia;i,|HTb) ironing,
2. the result of an action:
npHKaaaHHe [pr^ikAzan^iya] ( •<- npHKaaalxb)
3. mechanisms, devices:
saacHraHHe [zazhtgan^iya] ( <- aajKHralxb)

HHK m nouns, denoting 1. a person following some

occupation or possessing certain qualities:
MHCHHK [m^i^s^n^ik, -g] ( <- mhc|o) butch-
er; saBHCTHMK [zAv^is^n'^ik, -g] (^saBHCTb) an
envious person;
2. objects connected with the meaning express-
ed by the basal word (sometimes with the
prefixes na-, HaA-, noA-):
rpa^ycHMK [gradus^n^ik, -g] (
<- rpa^yc)
noflOKOHHHK [padAkon^n^ik, -g] ( -e- okhjo)
3. vessels, containers:
MaHHHK [ch^ayn^'ik, -g] ( -e- qaft) tea-kettle;

HHu-a / nouns, denoting a woman following some

niicaTejibHHua [p'isat^ipn^itja] ( <- nHcaxejib)
lady writer, authoress;
KOJixosHHua [kAlkhoz^n^itja] ( -e- kojixos) col-
lective farmer (a woman member of; a collective
— 622

-HOCTb / abstract nouns, denoting a quality, state, or

paAHoaKTHBHOCTb [rad^iAAkt^ivnas^t^, -z^d^]
( -(- paAHoaKTHB|HbiH) radioact ivity;
He6pe>KH0CTb [n^i^br^ezhnas^t^, -z^d^] ( -e- ne-
6pe}KlHbiH) carelessness.
-Hy-Tb perf verbs, derived from imperfective verbs
without prefixes and denoting a momentaneous
seBHyxb [z^i^vnut^] ( <- 3eB|aTb) yawn (in
TpoHyib [tronut^] ( -e- Tp6|raTb) touch {with
the hand);
KpHKHyTb [kr^iknut^] (-e- KpHMJaxb) give a cry.
Hb-e see -HH-e.

-OB-Ofi see -oB-biH.

OB-blH, a,having the quality characteristic of what is
-OB-OH, expressed by the basal word:
-CB-blH, ;^y66BbiH [duboviy] ( -f- fly6) oak;
-^B-OH MexoBOH [m^ikhAvoy] ( -«- Mex) fur lattr);
sapoAbimeBbiH [zArodishaviy] ( -«- aapoAuui)
noJicBOH [p9l^i^v6y] ( -«- n6ji|e) field (attr).
OBaX-blH, a with the meaning 1. 'possessing to some
-CBaX-blH extent' the qualities expressed by the basal word:
wporoBaxbiH [daragAvatiy] (-^Aopor|6H) a
little too expensive;
CHHCBaxbiH [s^in^i^vatiy] ( -e- chhIhh) bluish;
2. 'having, in accordance with' the natural
qualities expressed by the basal word:
cyKOBaxbiH [sukAvatiy] ( <- cyK) branchy,
with many boughs;
MOJio;;u,eBaxbiH [malattsi^vatty] ( -e- mojioacu)
dashing, sprightly.
-OBCU see -eu.

-OBCK-HH, a, having, possessing, or characterized by the

-CBCK-HH qualities typical of what is expressed by the
basal word:
cxapHKOBCKHH [star^'lkofsk^'iy] ( -e- cxapHK)
KopoJicBCKHH [karAl^cfsk^iy] (
-^ Kopojib)
royal, king's; queen's.
623 —
m nouns dim, also expressing endearment'.
•CK jiHCTOK [l^istok, -g] ( ^ jihct) small leaf;
neiyiiioK [p^itushok, -gj ( <- nexyx) cockerel;
pyneeK [ruch^i^yok, -g] {<- pyqelfi) tiny
brook, streamlet.
/ nouns dim, expressing 1. derision, contempt'.
AyiuoHKa [dushonka] (-^-Aymia) (mean) soul;
2. endearment:
cecTpcHKa [s^i^str^onka] (^cecrpja) little
sister; (my) dear sister.

-OHbK-a, f nouns dim, also expressing endearment:

-eHbK-a 6epe30HbKa [b^i^r^ozan^ka] {<- Cepeaja) little
beautiful birch;
AymeHbKa [dushan^ka] (-«- Jiyuija) my dear.
-OCTb, / abstract nouns, denoting quality, state, or
-eCTb condition:
njiaHOBOcTb [planavas^t^, -z^d^] (-f- njiano-
BJbiH) planned character; development accord-
ing to a plan;
apejiocTb [zr^elas^t^, -z^d^] (-«- apejilbifl)

maturity, ripeness;
CBe>KecTb [s^v^ezhas^t^, -z^d^] (-e- cBejKlHH)
freshness; coolness.
/ abstract nouns, denoting quality, state, or
KpacHora [krasnAta] (-t- KpacHlbifl) redness;
necxpoxa [p^'istrAta] (-^ necxpjbiH) diversity
of colours.

-OHK-a, / nouns dim:

-CHK-a jieHxoHKa [Pentach^ka] {<- JieRxJa) narrow
ribbon; short ribbon;
KouieHKa [koshach^ka] (-e- K6m|Ka) pussy-cat.
-CK-Hfl, a 1.having, possessing, or characterized by the
-CK-OH qualities typical of what is expressed by the
basal word:
6paxGKHH [bratsk^iy] (-«- 6pax) fraternal;
ropoACKOH [garAtjkoy] (^ ropoA) urban,
town (attr), city (attr); municipal;
2. with the meaning 'of or from a place,
district, village, etc':
capaxoBCKHH [sAratafsk^iy] (-^ CapaxoB) Sa-
ratov (attr).
624 —
-CK-OH see -CK-HH.
-cTB-0, n abstract & collective nouns, denoting a quality,
s/a/e, or occupation:
aBTopcTBO [aftarstva] { <- aBTOp) authorship;
yqeHHHecTBo [uch''i^n''ich''istv9] ( <- y^ieHHK)
pupilage; apprenticeship;
CTyAeHqecTBo [stud^en^ch^istv9] ( -«- ciyAeHT)
1) the students; 2) student days;
BopoBCTBo [varAfstvo] {<- BopoBlaxb) stealing,
KOBapcTBo [kAvarstva] ( -«- KOBap|HbiH) insid-
iousness, perfidity.
-Cfl perf & imperf verbs 1. denoting an action di-
rected at the subject:
yMbiBaibCfl [umivattja] ( -e- yMbmaxb ceSa)
wash (oneself);
2. reciprocal action of two or more
denoting a
people or things:
BCTpexHTbCfl [fstr^'et^ittja] ( -^ BCXpeTHTb)
meet {of people, lines, etc);
3. that are passive forms of transitive verbs:
CTpoHTbCH [stroittja] ( -«- cxpoHib) be built.
-TCJib m nouns, denoting a person's occupation:
BocnHxaxejib [vasp^itat^il''] ( -«- BocnHxa|xb)
MeMxaxejib [m^i^ch^tat^il^] ( -f- Menxalxb)
-TCJibH-HH a, denoting 1. the presence of the quality ex-
pressed by the basal word:
OAo6pHTejibHbiH [AdAbr^if'iPnty] (<- oj;66-
pHJxb) approving;
ynoxpe6HTejibHbiH [upatr^i^b^it^il^nty]
-«- ynoxpe6Hlxb) widely used, in common use;

2. suitability for the purpose expressed by the

meaning of the basal word:
ocBexHxejibHbiH [As'^v'^i^t^it^il^niy] {<- ocse-
THJrb) illuminating.

-TOp, m nouns, denoting the agent or doer of an action:

-axop /iHpeKxop [d^'ir^'ektar] ( -<- AHpeKJUHH) direc-
tor, manager;
aPHxaxop [Ag^itatar] ( -*- arHxjauHH) propa-
gandist; canvasser.
— 625 - •

-yH m nouns, denoting the agent or doer of an action:

6ojiTyH [bAltun] ( -«- SoJixjaTb) talker, chat-
terer; gessip, tattler.

-yn-bH / nouns, denoting the agent or doer of an action:

BopMyHbH [vArch^un^ya] ( ^ Bopq|aTb) grum-
bler {a woman).
-yp-a / abstract & collective ncuns, denoting an occu-
pation, science, art, or a group of persons fol-
lowing some profession:
a/^BOKaxypa [AdvakAtura] ( ^ aABOKaT) 1) le-
gal profession, the bar; 2) the lawyers, the bar;
apXHTCKiypa [Arkh^it^i^ktura] ( <- apxHieK-
T|op) architecture.

yM-HH, a with the meaning 'having, possessing, or

-K)H-HH, characterized by the quality expressed by the
-an-HH, meaning of the basal word:
-jiH-HH naxywHH [pAkhuch^iy] ( -e- nax|HyTb) smelly;
ropioHHH [gAr^uch^iy] {<- rop|eTb) combusti-
jieJKawHH [Pi^zhach^iy] (
<- Jie}K|aTb) lying
{of position);
BHCH4HH [v^is^ach^iyj ( <- BHc|eTb) suspended.

•yiDK-a, m & f nouns dim, also expressing endearment:

-lOuiK-a ReAyuiKa [d^edushka] ( ^ aga) granddad;
TexymKa [t^otushka] ( -«- tctIh) aunty;
AHAKJiiiKa fd^ad^ushka] ( -s- ahaJh) (my dear)

ym-HH, a augm:
-lom-HH SoJibiuymHH [bAl^shush'^:iy] ( -«- SojibuijoH)
huge, great big;
3JiibmHH [z^l*'ush^:iyj ( <- 3ji|oh) very angry.
n nouns dim:
3epKajibi;e [z^erkal^tja] ( -f- sepKajilo) small
AepeBuo [d^ir^i^ftjo] ( ^ AepeB|o) small tree;
njiaxbHue [plat^itja] (
<- njiarbje) dress for
a little girl.

see -a-e.

see -HH.

-Har-biH a augm with the meaning 'made of, looking

like' what is expressed by the basal word:
6peBeHHaTbiH [br^i^v^en''ch''8t*y] ( -«- 6peBH|6)
yaopHarbiH [uzorch^atty] ( <- yaop) figured,

-HHB-biH a with the meaning 'tending to, inclined to

the action' expressed by the basal word:
saAyMHMBbift [zAdumch^'ivty] (^ 3aAyM|aTbca)
thoughtful, pensive; melancholy.

•HHK I see -mHK.

-MHK II see -HK II.

-MHU-a see -mHu-a.

-ui-a / nouns, denoting 1. a woman following some

ceKperapma [s^'ikr^'i^tarsha] ( -^ ceKperapb)

secretary [a woman);
2. the wife of fhe person expressed by the bas-
al word:

reHepajibuia [g^m^'i^raPsha] (
<- renepaji)
general's wife.

-uiHK, m nouns, denoting 1. a person's occupation:

-HHK, KOHTopiuHK [kAntorsh'^'.ik, -g] ( -«- K0HT6p|a)

-Jibui^HK clerk;
nyjieMeTMHK [pul^'i^m^'ot^ch^ik, -g] ( -^ nyjie-
mct) machine-gunner;
nepeeoaqHK Ip^'ir^i^vosh^nk, -g] ( -<- nepe-
B03|HTb) ferryman; boatman;
noAHHCHMK [pAtp^ish^iik, -g] ( -f- noAHHclbi-
BaTbCH) subscriber (to a newspaper, etc);
saCacTOBiuHK !z8bAst6fsh'':ik, -g] ( -t- 3a6a-
CTOB|aTb) striker;
eojiejibiuMK lbAl''el''sh'':ik, -g] ( -«- Cojiejib)
sport fan;
2. instruments, mechanisms, devices:
goMSapAHpoBiuHK [bambard^irofsh^'rik, -g]
( <- 6oM6apflHpoBlaTb) bomber;
cMexMHK lsh^:6t''ch''ik, -gj ( -*- cnex) lechnol
627 —
-lUHH-a / abstractnouns, denoting certain social phe-
nomena, trends, often derisive, negative:
o6biBaTejibm,HHa [Abivat^iPsh^iina] ( -^- o6hi-
Baxejib) Philistinism.

>mHU-a, / nouns, denoting a woman occupied in some

-HHU,-a, trade, pf ofess ion:
rapziep66u;Hu.a [gard^i^ropsh^ritsa] ( <- lapAe-
p66) cloak-room attendant {a woman);
6y4DeTHHua [buf^et'ch^itsa] ( <- 6y^eT) bar-
noAaBajibiuHua [p9dAvaPsh^:it^9] ( ^ noAa-
BaJTb) waitress {at a dining establishment).

biBa-Tb see -HBa-Tb.

WUIK-O n nouns dim^ also expressing endearment:

aepHbiiuKO [z^ornishka] ( -^aepHJo) small

b-e I see -H-e.

b-e II n nouns, denoting a place, region (with the

prefixes b3-, sa-, noA-, npe^-, npH-);
BSMOphe [vzmor^ya] ( <- M6p|e) seaside; sea-
shore; beach {of a sea);
no6epe>Kbe [psb^i^r^ezhya] (
<- 6eper) (sea)
coast, seaboard;
npeflropbe [pr'^i^dgor^ya] ( -e- ropja) foothills.
K)H-HH see -yq-HH.

K)UJK-a se^^ -yuiK-a.

lOm-HH see ym-HH.
fl-Tb see -a-Tb.

SIHHH see -HH.

•flHT see -aHT.

JIH-HH see yq-HH.


Lecturer in English Phonetics
Moscow State Institute
of Foreign Languages
The Type of Pronunciation Represented

The pronunciation represented in this dictionary is typi-

cal of educated Russian speech in its not too rapid collo-
quial and not too slow public discourse styles.

The Phonetic Alphabet

The phonetic alphabet employed consists mostly of those
Latin letters and their combinations which, in certain
English words spelt conventionally, stand for speech-sounds
similar to Russian sounds.
English-speaking users of the dictionary should bear in
mind, however, that although there is similarity of vary-
ing degree between certain Russian and English sounds,
there is not, as a matter of fact, a single sound in Russian
quite identical with any English sound. Therefore it
should always be remembered that Russian and English
sounds denoted by the same Latin letters and their com-
binations are actually different. These points of difference
are described in this Guide and should be observed
by English-speaking learners of Russian as closely as
Those Russian sounds which bear no resemblance to any
English sounds whatsoever are denoted by special symbols,
most of which are taken from the alphabet of the Inter-
national Phonetic Association (IPA).

Comparison with English Pronunciation

Russian pronunciation is compared in this Guide mainly
with Southern English, or Received, Pronunciation (RP),
General American (GA) and Eastern American (EA) Pro-

- 632 -

y—^ cu
X2CO J5 3
-^3i! ^ revi Zeu regi

1^ CO > CO

u u, 3
O o. c
C 0,0
c? <s. ^3 "a
-^ 00
c lever ozone azure

o CO !> CO
•a >fl

, ,

> — X> |T3 cn

CO "^

c^ s^
--N c
0^ ^ s. i3 -a ^
O CO ^ 'O CD 'S.
CO 2]N]-g 05
Vw ^SO-f-^ N^^
^ 2
E c 5;
Q. c ,^-v 0) (D

3^ u<
a, 00
-uj: §)
3 <« 3
C« CO «= CO.C
^c C/5
csi cfl

E -N

1 I-,
0) -ii
0, tar shor loch (Scot
a. fine sun

1 < -C CO c/)

^^H-I T3
•a V] d
^5 J —
^ ^'

"^ On^^risS
— 633 —

^ C

3 o
E c z; 0^
CO o >>

^.^ SI c >'
w T3

m O W *-
2 2 0; OJ
c Ex: >

E c:i-r >;
.^ CO cd
a <Z
3 03 p__ o
^"^ ^)t c
^' o (/)
o Fc^^l


c^ 1 ^

^_^ C 1
x: '


1 \% CJ

o ^
- 634 -
B. Vowels

(un- Approximate pronunciation

(a) (b) (a) (b)

[a] [A] (in EA) quite unknown
(without y,
[0] 19] November sofa
(without u) ago
In] — pulley —
li] — chintzes —
— police —
— Dell
[i^l intermediate
between [i] and [e]
vn — intermediate
between [4] and [e]
— city (in RP)

Russian Unobscured Vowel Sounds

Represented by the Letters a [a], o [o], y [u], bi [i], s [e]

As faras the distinctness of vowel quality is concerned

vowel sounds in Russian, as in English, fall into two class-
es: strong, distinct, unobscured vowels, which occur mostly
in stressed syllables, and weakened, obscured vowels,
which can only occur in unstressed syllables. However,
some unobscured vowel sounds in Russian, as in English,
can also occur in unstressed syllables.
Both an unobscured and an obscured vowel sound is rep-
resented in Russian spelling, as- in English, by one and
the same letter. Table 1 deals with unobscured vowels,
some of which occur in unstressed syllables as well.

The unobscured vowel sound of a Russian vowel letter
represents its sound value 1, which always coincides with
the vowel sound pronounced in the alphabetical name of

the letter, e. g. a iS [a], o is [o], y is [u], bi is [i], a is [e].

- 635

Table' 1

Russian Pronunciation and reading rules

Aa = 1. [a]
Like the first element of the RP
Ja diphthong [au], as in now, the EA
[a] [a] in father, or the RP [a] in cut
(but a little broader than [a]).
Shorter than [a in father, but longer than [a]*.
ai=[a] only under stress.
E.g. Aa [a] The Russian letter a
a [a] and, but
al [a:] ahi, eh!

Like o in obey, November, molest

(when no [u] is pronounced after
it and when not obscured to [a]).
Preceded in Russian by a faint
[u] — glide.
= [o] only under stress.
E.g. Oo [o] The Russian letter o
[o] about prep
01 [o:] oh!
Note. In a few loan-words o = [o] in an unstressed
syllable as well.

Like « pat, pulley, but a

in full,
little and more back. The
lips in Russian are more rounded
and protruded,
[u] both in stressed and unstressed syllables.
E.g. yy [u] The Russian letter y
y [u] by, with, at prep
yl [u:] int

* Variations in the length of Russian vowel sounds never distin-

guish words otherwise alike. Russian vowels are considerably
lengthened only In emotional speech, as In interjections (the iengtl?-
mark used in this dictionary is [:]).
- 636 —

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

No English sound even remotely

^ J

resembles this characteristically

[i] Russian vowel. In pronouncing [i]
the central part of the tongue (the
one opposite the middle of the roof of the mouth) is
raised high in the form of a hunch, and the lips are
spread. Keeping the lips in this position, aim at pro-
nouncing a vowel intermediate in quality between the
sound [u] in pull and the sound [i] in pill, but nearer
to the latter.

bi=:[i] both \n stressed and unstressed syllables.

E.g. bi [i] The Russian letter w

Like e in well, bell. Still more

like the Russian [e] is the first
element of the RP diphthong [ea]
as in where, bare.

3=[e] both in stressed and unstressed syllables.

E.g. 33 [e] The Russian letter a
3! [e:] eh!

Sonorous Consonants (Sonorants) [m], [n], (IJ, |r], [y)

Represented by the Letters m [em], h [en], ji [el], p [er], h

The Russian [m], [n], [1], [r] and [y] are similar to
their English counterparts, as in man, month, health, very
and yes respectively.
But the Russian [m], [n] and [1] are never so long as
their English counterparts after a stressed short vowel in
word-final position (cf English with Russian MaM mam
[ream] fern, gen, pi of the noun meaning mamm.a, mammy).
Sound value 1 of a Russian consonant letter is always
the consonant sound pronounced in its alphabetical name.
637 —

Thus sound value 1 of the letter m [em] is [m] (M = [m]),


H [en] is [n], etc.

The letters m [em],
h [en], ji [el] and p [er] have
their sound value are pronounced as [m], [n], [1] and
1, i.e.
[r] respectively, in the following positions:
(a) before the letters a, o, y, bi, a;
(b) at the end of a word;
(c) after any vowel letter;
(d) before a non-palatalized consonant;
(e) after both non-palatalized and palatalized conso-
nants (for palatalization, see p. XLVII).
The letters m, h, ji and p are pronounced as sonorous
consonants in all positions.
Table 2

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

Mm = 1. [ITi]
Practically the same, and as short
in all positions, as m in map, fa-
[em] moas.

E.g. M M [eiTl] The Russian letter m

yM [urn] mind, intellect
yMa [uma] of the mind (gen, sing)
yMy [umu] to the mind {dat, sing)
yMOM [umom] by the mind (instr, sing)
yMbi [umf] minds [nom, ace, pi)
yMaM [umam] to the minds {dat* pi)
Mbl [mi] we
MaMbi [mami] mammies {nom, pi)
MaMbi mamt] of mammy {gen, sing)
yMa Mbl u mami] at mammy's (place) {gen, sing)
MaMy [mamu] mammy {ace, sing)
MaM [mam] mammies {gen, ace, pi)

Note I. For the position of word accent in Russian, as in

English, there are no invariable rules: the accent in diffe-
rent words may fall on any syllable (initial, final, penultimate,
^1 nam I
!—^<— —w^———^ II
L i i I
- Ill
I l l 11 n il i r ii ma m n ix—tMM—

etc.).Therefore it is necessary for tlie foreign student to

learn the accent of every word individually. Since the
accent is not marked, as a rule, in the conventional spel-
ling oi Russian words, in this dictionary it is indicated in
the transcription of words of more than one syllable by
the acute and grave stress marks placed above the vowel
letters, primary stress and ['] for secondary
i.e. ['] for
stress. monosyllables pronounced in isolation is
Stress in
taken for granted and not marked.
No^.c 2. Syllable division in Russian differs in many
cases from English syllable division. The principal dif-
ference consists in the following.
When there is only one consonant between two Russian
vowels, the point of syllable division is always between
the first vowel and the consonant, e.g. yMa [u-ma] of the
mind, intellect (m, gen, sing). Syllable division after or
within an intervocalic consonant characteristic of English
words with a short stressed vowel separated from a following
vowel by one consonant sound (e.g. Spanish, very, city,
honest, study) is foreign to Russian. Cf MaMbi fma-mi] with
its English equivalents mammies, mummies. Syllable divi-
sion is marked in this dictionary, where necessary, by a
hyphen, e.g. [u-ma].


sound Pronunciation and reading rules

1. [n]
Like n before th in month, tenth.
The Russian [n] is a dental conso-
en nant, i.e. it is articulated by the
blade of the tongue touching the
back of the upper teeth while the
tip of the tongue is lowered and

E.g. H H [en] The Russian letter h

OH [on] he
-- 639 -

y Ahhu [u annt] at Anna's
OH y AHHbi [on u annt] he is at Anna's (place)
AHHy [annu] ace of Anna
Ha [na] on prep
HaM [nam] to us
HO [no] but
MHy [mnu] (I) crumple
yiMHa [umna] (she clever

VMHO [umno] it clever


yMHbi [umnl] (we, you, they) are clever

Like / before th in health, al-

though, i.e. articulated by the
tongue-tip against the back of the
upper teeth.
Care should be taken not to replace
the non-palatalized very "dark"
Russian [1] by the "clear" English
[1] which in RP occurs before vow-
els. as in last, learn, etc.

E.g. Jl Ji [el] The Russian letter ji

[mal] small (sh f of a, m)

. MOJI [mol] pier
MOjiy [molu] to the pier {dat, sing)
MOJIU [molt] piers (nom, ace, pi)

jiyna [luna] moon

jiyHU [lunt] of the moon (gen, sing)
Jiyay [lunu] moon (ace, sing)
jiyHbi [lunt] moons (nom, pi)
jiyn [lun] of moons (gen, pi)

Mbl Jl [mtl] (I, he) washed

* Double consonant letters in some Russian words are pro-

nounced as a single short consonant sound like nn in announce,
whereas in others as a single but prolonged consonant sound, as
nn in unnatural, unnamed or mm in room-mate (and not as mm in
Prolonged geminated consonant sounds are shown in transcrip-
tion by doubling the corresponding phonetic symbol. Cf ou y Auhu
[on u anniJ {gen) he is at Anna's {place).
— 640


sound Pronunciation and reading rules

1. [r] There is no consonant in RP or GA
and EA like this Russian sound. The
closest approximation to it is the rol-
[er] led, or trilled, Scottish [r], i.e. a
consonant articulated by a rapid suc-
cession of taps of the tongue-tip against the teeth-ridge.
A semi-rolled, or one-tap [r], similar to the Rus-
sian intervocalic [r], is used between vowels by many
RP speakers, as in marry, very, sorry, hurry.
The Russian [r], unlike its RP counterpart, is pro-
nounced in all positions, i.e. before consonants and at
the end of words as well. In word-final position it is
usually devoiced, especially after a voiceless consonant.
E.g. P p [er] The Russian letter p
paMbi [rami] frames
paHU [rani] wounds
ypa! [ura:] hurrah!
ypaji [ural] the Urals
poM [rom] rum
9pbl [eri] eras
M3p [mer] mayor
Pyp [rur] Ruhr
m= i.[y] Like ,)f in yield, yes, boy, employ.
t Li

E.g. MaS [may] May

MOH [moy] my, mine
moh! [moy] (thou) wash!
MHOH [mnoy] by me
jiaH [lay] barking
paH [ray] paradise
pOH roy] swarm
pofi! roy] (thou) dig!
JiyHOH [lunoy] by the moon {instr, sing)
yMHblH [umniy] clever
641 —
Palatalization of Consonants in Russian

Palatalization is caused by raising the front of the

tongue to the height of the [y] or [i] sound at the same
time when the other organs of speech are held in position
for the primary articulation of the consonant, e.g. while
the lips are closed for [m] or the tongue-tip is pressed
against the back of the upper teeth for [n] or [1].
In RP, slightly, or semi-, palatalized consonants are the
sound of the letter 1 in value, million and the sounds of
the letter s in sure and pleasure. However, in pronouncing
Russian palatalized consonants the front of the tongue is
raised stillhigher.
A close enough English approximation to a fully pala-
talized consonant is the sound of the letter n before y and
i in the words vineyard and onion.
A palatalized consonant occurs in Russian not only
before a vowel of the same word, but also in word-final
position and before a consonant. This presents great diffi-
culty to the English-speaking learner.
Most consonant letters in Russian denote both non-pal-
atalized and palatalized sounds. Whether a consonant let-
ter represents (and should therefore be pronounced as)
a non-palatalized or palatalized sound is indicated by the
letter that follows. Thus a consonant letter followed by the
vowel letters a, o, y, bi, a dealt with in Table 1 repre-
sents, as a rule, a non-palatalized sound.
That a consonant letter in word-final position or before
a consonant represents a palatalized sound is indicated in
Russian spelling principally by the letter b (the "soft"
sign). A small-type "soft" sign placed above the line and
after a consonant symbol is used in this dictionary to indi-
cate a palatalized consonant sound in any position, e.g.
MOJib [mol^] {clothes-)moth, jibHa [Pna] of flax [gen, sing).
Most consonant letters pronounced as palatalized sounds
are considered in this Guide to have sound value 2. Cf
A. [m] A. [n] A. [1] A. [r]

^2. [m^], ^2. [n^], ^2. [P], ^2. [r^]

Palatalization plays a significant role in Russian: a

non-palatalized consonant and its palatalized counterpart
distinguish from each other words otherwise alike. Cf mo„i
[mol] pier, uojib [mol^] clothes-moth.
— 642 —
It is, therefore, extremely important for the English-
speaking learner to master Russian palatalization, which
is extremely difficult for him in word-final position, as in
MOJib [mol^] {clotlies-)moth, jianb [lan^] doe, roe{-deer)
and before a consonant (except [y]), as in Jibna [Tna] of
flax. To master palatalization in these positions the fol-
lowing hints might prove helpful.
Pronounce the English consonants [1], [n] in the v/ords
million, vineyard pressing the tongue-tip against the back
of the upper teeth ^and not against the teeth-ridge) and
simultaneously raising the front of the tongue still higher
than for [y], prolong the [1] and [n] sounds, then stop at
the end of the first syllable before beginning the [y] sound
of the following syllable. Thus the syllables [mir-] and
[vin*"] will be pronounced. Then say the Russian words
MOJib [mol''] moth, jianb [lan^] doe, jibHa [l^na] of flax as
if they were followed by the [y] sound, but do not actually
pronounce -the latter.

Table 3

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

M = 2. [m^l (1) Before b;

H = 2. [n-] (2) Before a palatalizing letter
2. [1-] (see examples in Table 4).
2. [r-1

E.g. 0Mb [on1^1 The river Om

jianb [la 1^1 doe
paHb [ra n''] early time, early hour
jibHy [1^ nu] to flax (dat, sing)
MO Jib [m(d1^] clothes-moth
HOJib [no r] \ i zero
Hyjib [nu 1^] / \ nought
pyjib [ru P] rudder; steering-wheel
jiapb [la r''] chest, bin, box
— 643 —
Unobscured Vowel Sounds Represented by the Palatalizing
Letters a [ya], e [ye], e [yo], h [i], k) [yu]

In Russian spelling, each of these letters performs si-

multaneously two functions. Its first function is to repre-
sent a vowel sound, e. g. [a], [e], [o], [i] and [u] respec-
tively, when the letter has sound value 1. Thus the first
sound values of the palatalizing and non-palatalizing let-
ters are the same (except bi and h). Cf

Ma] U[al jl^l | = [e t°'

H [ya] J e [ye] J e2 [yo]
[vol i

\ But: 1

y [U] I H[i]:=[ll
K) [yu]J H [i] = [il

The second function of each of the letters a, e, e and

K) is to indicate at the same time that the preceding con-
sonant letter represents a palatalized consonant sound
(hence the term "palatalizing" vowel letters)*.
It is extremely difficult for English-speaking learners
of Russian to pronounce a palatalized consonant correctly
before a vowel sound. They should bear in mind that when
a Russian consonant letter is immediately followed by a
palatalizing vowel letter, no [y] or [i] sound should be
inserted between them. Thus the word jien flax should be
pronounced [Pon] and not [l^yon].
A very close English approximation to a palatalized
consonant not followed by a [y] sound before a vowel is
the sound [n] in new which is pronounced almost as [n^u:]
and not [n-f-yu:'],
pronunciation of the syllables hh,
as in when you [wen
yuj. Thus the
as in hhhkd [n'^an^u]
ace sing of nurse can be represented as [n^a] -j- [n^u] and
not ['n-|-ya] + [n-hyul-
The consonant [y] is, however, pronounced between a
palatalized consonant and a vowel sound when the consonant
letter is followed by b, e. g. SyjibOH [buPyon] broth.

* As a reminder of this function, a small-tvpe "soft' sign will

be printed above the line and before a vowel symbol when it is
used in isolation, e.g. [^e], [i>aj, etc.

Table 4

sound Pronunciation and icadinj^ rules

After a palatalized consonant more
advanced (fronted) than la| denoted
by llie letter a, and resembles the
lyal first element of the RP diphtonf^
laij, as in ice, atje (r.-^yes). B(>tween
two palatalized consonants |cil is still more front and
resembles the RP vowel sound |.el, as in man.
fl= l'*a| only in stressed syllables.

E.g. IVIM |ll''al plant-louse

py.'iji |rul'';'i| of the rudder, stecring-
-wlieel {^en, sing)
py.;iM |rul'':i| while steering with the
pyjiMM |rur'am| to rudders {dat, pi)
HblpMHt lnir''ayl (thou) dive!

After a palatalized consonant a

(• little closerthan lei represented by
^^ 9 and resembles \q\ in men. CI
M 3 p Imerll mat/ors and Mepbi

Im^'eril measures. Between two pa-

latalized consonants the Russian lei is still closer, e.g
MCJi b lm''er'l shoal.
e = l''el only in stressed syllables (with the exception
of some loan-words in which e:=:le] i\fter a hard con-
sonant and in unstressed syllables).
E.g. MCJI m''ell chalk
Me Jib m"el»'l shoal (nam, ace, pi)
MepiJ Ini'^eril measures
Mep lm''erl of measures (gen, pi)
OH HCM jon n''enil he is dumb

Miie Inm'-el to me
jieiil li'vyl (thou) pourl
jiyue llun'-el to the moon (dat, sing)
yMe liMn''el about Ihe luind {pr, sing)
pyjieil lrul"eyl of the rudders (gen, pi)


sound Pronunciation and reading rules

1. ["0] After a palatalized consonant more
advanced (fronted) than [o] denoted
Se by the letter o. Between two pala-
talized consonants [o] is still more
front and resembles the RP vowel
sound in learn (cf jich [I'^on] flax).
e can only occur in a stressed syllable.*

E.g. OH yMCH [on um'^on] he is clever

JieH [Pon] flax
pyjieM [rul'^om] by (with) the rudder,
steering-wheel {instr,
MHCM [mn''om] (we) crumple
JieH Mbi [Pon mf flax scutched
MHeM mn'^om] (we scutch flax)

HH=r 1. [i] Like the RP

vowel [i] represent-
ed by e eve and
in in police. i

Care should be taken, however, not
to finish the Russian [i] with a
faint [y] sound, as is done by some
English speakers in pronouncing the English [ij,
as in me [miy], se e [siy], etc. Nor should the Russian
vowel [i] be repla ced by the English vowel [i] repre-
sented by the lett er in //, ///, did.

M^ [i] both in s tressed and unstressed syllables and

occurs with this sc)und value not only after a palata-
lized consonant of the same word but also at the be-
ginning of a word pronounced in isolation or when a
preceding word e nds in a palatalized consonant and
both words are pre)nounced without the slightest pause
between them.

* In ordinary printing and handwriting^ the letter 6 is usually

replaced by the letter e whose pronunciation as [''oJ is then infer-
red from the meaning of the words.
^ 646 -

E.g. Hh |i| The Russian letter h

[i] and cj
HM [iml to them
HMH [im'^il by (with) them
HJi I ill silt
HJiH lil''il or cj
pyjiH frul'^il rudders, steering-wheels
[nom, ace, pi)
pyjiHl [rul'^il (thou) steer!
MejiH Im^'el'^il shoals {nom, ace, pi)
HMCJiH [im'^el^il (we, you, they) had
HMeJi [irn^el] (I, he) had
MHjibiH Im'^iltyl nice, sweet
OH MHJi Ion m'^ill he is nice
MH.abi [m'^iH] (we, you, they) are nice
MHJiH [m^il^'il miles (nom, ace, pi)
MHp [m^irl world; peace
MHpbi [m^irtl worlds (nom, ace, pi)
MHHHMyM [m^'in'^imum' minimum
Mejib H MOJi [m^el'' i mol] the shoal and the pier
pyjiHMH [rul'^am^i] by (with) the rudders
{instr, pi)

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

H = 2. [i] When M occurs after a non-pal-

atalized consonant belonging to
the same word or to the preceding
word and there is no pause between the two words.

E.g. OH H Mu [on * mtl he and we

OH MHji H yMCH [on m^'il i um'^onl he is nice and
HM H HaM [im i naml to them and to us
M3p H Mbi [mer i mt] the mayor and we
Moji H Mejib [mol f m''ell the pier and the
— 647 -

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

K)io = 1. [^u] After a palatalized consonant

JO H^ more advanced (fronted; than [u]
denoted by the Russian letter y.
[yul Between palatalized consonants the
Russian [u] is still more front and
resembles the English vowel [u] (without the preceding
[y]) in mutiny.
10=::: [^u] both in stressed and unstressed syllables.
E.g. JlKDMHriaJl [l^'um^'inal luminal (a sedative)
HIOHH [n^un^i] snivel {col)
HHHKD [n^an^u] nurse {ace, sing)
pyjiK) [rul^u] to the rudder {dat, sing)
MHpKD [m^ir'^u] (I) reconcile {smb)

Sound Value 2 of the Letters a, e, e, 10


the letter,


are not preceded by a consonant

ji =
and 10
letter, each of them represents a combination of two sounds:

[y] plus the vowel sound of the alphabetical name of

[ya], e = [ye], e=[yo], io = [yu].

Table 5

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

51 = 2. [ya] At the beginning of a word;

e = 2. [ye]
(2) After a vowel letter;
2. [yo] After the ".soft" sign b;
K) = 2. [yu]
(4) After the "hard" sign t*.*

* -b performs a purely disjunctive function, i.e. indicates that

a following vowel is preceded by the syllable-initial sound [y]. As

to the consonant letter before t., it is pronounced in most words
as a palatalized sound, e.g. HS-bHH [iz^yan] flaw, defect. Only in
some words does it indicate that the preceding consonant is hard.
— 648 —

E.g. Hh [ya] The Russian letter «

H [ya] I

HMbl (yami] pits, holes (in the ground)

HP [yar] steep river bank
Hjibfl [il"ya] Elijah
6yHH [buyan] rowdy, ruffian
HS-bHH [iz^yan] flaw, defect

Ee [ye] The Russian letter e

eM (yem] (I) eat
eji [yel] (I, he) ate
ejib lyei'1 fir(-tree)
e;iH [yepi] (we, you, they) ate; firs

Ee [yo] The Russian letter e

JlbCM fl'-yom] (we) pour

K)k) [yu The Russian letter \o

lojia lyu a] whirligig; a fidget(-ing
K)H(-blH) [yun(-iy)] young, youthful
OH K)H [on yun] he is young
pOKD [royu] (I) dig
MOIO [moyu] (I) wash
HMCK) [im'^eyu] (I) have
JlbK) [i^yu] (I) pour

Hard and Soft Voiceless and Voiced Consonants

Represented by the Letters n [pe], 6 [be],

T [te], fl [de], K [ka], r [ge], (|)[ef], B[ve], c [es], 3 [ze],

ui [sha], m [sh'':a], m [zhe], x [kha], u, [tse], h [ch''e]

Most of these letters represent both non-palatalized and

palatalized consonant sounds in the same positions in which
the hard [m], [n], [l] and [r] and the soft [m''], [n''], [I'']
and [r''] are denoted by the letters m, h, ji and p respec-
Therefore sound value 2 of the letters listed above,
649 -

is the palatalized counterpart of the consonant pronounced

in the alphabetical nanie of the letter, e.g. n = [p''],

6=[b^j, etc.
However, some of the above letters represent, irrespec-
tive of their positions, either only hard consonants
1, 2 1, 2 1,2
(uj [sha] = [sh], m [zhe]^[zh],
1,2"^ [tje]=[tj])
i; or only
soft ones (m [sh'^ia] = [sh'^:], h [ch^e] = [ch^]).

Peculiarities of Russian

Voiced and Voiceless Consonants

One and the same of the above- listed letters in differ-

ent positions can be pronounced both as a voiceless and
as a voiced sound, which in its turn can be hard or soft
(with the above exceptions). This adds two more sound
values to Russian consonant letters Thus most consonant
letters Russian have four sound
in which can be
examplified by the letters 6 and n:
1. [b] >1. [p]
2. [b^] n .
^2. [p'^l
3. [p] [pe] >3. [b]
4. [p^]
-—-~>4. [b'']

A consonant letter with

voiced non-sonorant in its
alphabetical name (e.g.
is pronounced as the lat-
6 [be])
ter 's voiceless (hard or soft) cognate (i.e. has its sound val-
ue 3 or 4, e.g. 6 [be] —
3. [p] and 4. [p"^], 3 [ze]r=3. [s],
4. [s^]) in the following positions:

(1) Inside a word before a voiceless consonant, e.g.

3y6KH [zupk^'i] (pretty) little teeth;

(2) At the end of a word:
3 8

(a) before a pause, e.g. 3y6 [zup] tooth, jio6 [lop]

forehead, rjiyCh [glup^j depth, jiyr [luk] meadow, rjiaa

[glas] eye;
- 650

(b) when an immediately following word begins


with a voiceless consonant, e.g. Jiyr KyoHJiH [luk kup^il^i]

ihey bought the meadow;
(3) At the end of a word when an immediately follow-
ing word (except a preposition) begins with a vowel, a so-
norant (m, h, ji, p, h) or b and both words are pronounced

without the slightest pause between them, e.g. jiyr y pewKH

[luk u r^ech'^k^i] the meadow is near the {little) river, jiyr

Maji [luk mal] the meadow is small, ;iyr bli KynHjiH [luk
vt kup^il^i] you bought the meadow.
1 1

But: H3 peMKH [iz r^ech^k^i] out of the river, b hcm

[v n^om] in him.
In all other positions such a consonant retains its
voiced sound values (i.e. 1 and 2, e.g. 6 [be] l. = [b],
2. [b^]. r [ge] = l. [g], 2. [g^]). Cf.
3 1

Jiyr Ma/r [luk mal] the meadow is small, Jiyr 6bi;i Maji

[lug bil mal] the meadow was small, Ji6hi [Ibi] foreheads,

3y6bi [zubi] teeth.

A consonant letter with a voiceless sound in its alpha-
betical name (e.g. n [pe]) is pronounced as the latter's
voiced (hard or soft) cognate (i.e. has its sound values 3
and 4, e.g. n [pe] 3. =
[b] and 4. [b^], c [es] == 3. [z],
4. [z^]) before a voiced consonant both of the same and of
an immediately following word when both words are pro-

nounced without the slightest pause between them, e.g. cyn

6biji BKycHbiM [sub bil fkusntm] the soup was tasty, cxenb

3HM0H [s^t^eb'' z^imoy] the steppe in winter, c rop [z gor]

from the mountains, npocb6bi [proz^bt] requests.
In all other positions such a consonant retains its
voiceless sound values (i.e. 1 and 2).
English-speaking learners must pay particular attention
to the above peculiarities in the use of voiceless consonants
and voiced non-sonorants in Russian speech.
Firstly, in contrast with English, a voiced non-sonorant
can never occur at the end of a Russian word before
^ ^
- 651 --

a pause: it is replaced by its voiceless cognate. Cf the

English word snob with its Russian equivalent cho6 [snop].
Secondly, when a voiced non-sonorant and a voiceless con-
sonant come together inside a word or at the junction of
words pronounced without a pause between them, the first
sound must become assimilated to- the second in the matter
+ — + + —
[zl+[pl —
of voice, e.g. [b] [p] . [p]
[sl-f [p], ls]
[p], [p] [b]
. [b] -f [b],
[bl—>[z]-f[b], etc. This type
of assimilation is very rare in English, whereas in Russian
it is a general phonetic law. It affects not only a single
consonant but two and more. Cf npocbSbi [proz^bi] requests
2 3

and npocb6 k HaM hct [pros^p k nam n^et] there are no

requests to us*

Peculiarities of Russian Plosives (Stops)

Unlike the English voiceless plosives, their Russian

counterparts ([p, p^, t, t^, k, k^]) are never aspirated and
are pronounced in this respect like the English [p, t, k]
after [s] or before an unstressed vowel.
When a Russian stop ([p, p^, b, b^, t, t'', d, d^, k, k\
g, g^]) occurs immediately before another stop, a nasal
([m, m^, n, n^]) or an affricate ([ch^, tj]) which has a
different point of articulation, this stop is fully exploded,
i.e. the articulating organ is quickly removed from the
point of articulation before the closure for the second con-
sonant has been formed, whereas an English stop in this
position remains unexploded, i.e. the articulating or^an
is removed from the point of articulation only after the
closure for the second consonant has already been formed,
or, in other words, during the stop-stage of the second con-
sonant. Cf soup-kitchen and cyn-KOHCoMe [supkonsome]
consomme; lag behind and jiyr 6biji Maji [lug bil mal] the
meadow was small; football and ^yrQoji [fudbol].

* The following device is used in this dictionary as a reminder

to replace a word-final voiceless consonant by its voiced cognate

or vice versa wherever required by this phonetic law: jio6 flop, -b]
4 1 2
forehead, pfl6b 'r^^ap^, -b^] ripple;s, cyn [sup, bj soup, crenb
[s^t^epi', -b^J steppe, c [s, -z] with, from.
652 -
Table 6

Their 1
sound Pronunciation and reading rules 1


nn=r 1- [P]
^n 3.
The Russian [p] and fbl are
[pel 4. [b^]
respectively like the English' iin-
asp rated [p] in sport, helper and
R6 = 1. [b] the intervocalic [b in about.


E.g. On [pe] The Russian letter n

OH ynaji [on upal] he fell down
non [pol] floor; sex
nbiJib Iptl''] dust
HHJi [p^il] (I, he) drank
nHJia [p^'ila] (she) drank
nHJiH [p^il^l] (we, you, they) drank
nsp [per] peer {lord)
jiaMn [lamp] of lamps {gen, pi)

B6 [be The Russian letter 6

6aji [ba ]
6biJi [bil] (I, he) was

6hji [b^l] (I. he) beat

6biJia [b'^ila] (she) was
6biJiH [bll'^ii (we, you, they) were
6HJIH [b^ilM] (we, you, they) beat
py6jib [rubl''] rouble
py6jiH [rubl^'i] roubles
;ik)6jiio [Publ^uj (I) love
6bio [b^yu] (I am) beating
6K)po [b^yuro] bureau
jio6 [lop] forehead
pH6b [r^'ap''] ripple/s
cyn 6biJi [sub btl it was fish soup
pbi6HbiH rtbnty]
— OD 5 —

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

Tt=: 1. [t]

Mm 2.
3. [d]
The Russian [t] and [d] are
[te] 4. [dN C^n<;nn?intQ Qimilar \n +ha
dptltCil 1

JXa = 1. [d] voiceless unaspirated [t] in eigh\t\th

2. dij and voiced [d] in width., breadth
S) i} d 3.

[de] 4. Hi)

E.g. Tt te] The Russian letter x

TaM tarn] there {place)
ra tal that (fern, nom)
TO to] that {n nom)
TU tn thou
TpH tri] three
HCT n^et] no
TOT tot] that (m, nom)
6paT i
brat] brother
mn^ot] (he, she, it) crumples
5beT 1
b^yot] (he, she, it) beats
MHyT [
mnut] (they) crumple
6bIOT [
b^yut] (they) beat
MOiOT moyut] (they) wash
MHTb m^at^] to crumple
MblTb ,
mit^] to wash
6bITb bit'] to be
6HTb bMt' to beat
yHTH uyt^i to go away
HHTb p^at'] five
9TH etM] these
Te 1
t'e those
t'otM] aunts {nom, pi)

JiA [
de] The Russian letter a
Aa da] yes
AOM dom] house
— 654 -

6yAy [budu] (I) shall be

AbiM [dim] smoke
AJiH [dl^a] for prep
AHH [d'^n^i] days
AeHb [d^en^i day
AeiH [d^et^i] children
HACT [id^ot] (he, she, it) goes
AHAH [d'^ad^i] uncles (nom, pi)
OH 0T6biJi [on odbil] he (has) left
MHe 6biTb [mn^e bid^ I should (have) be(en)

6bi xaM bi tam] there

OH paA TaM [on rat tam he is glad to be there
6bITb btt^]
6yAb TBM [but'' tam] (thou) be there
HATH [it^'t^'i] to go

Russian sound Pronunciation and reading rules
letters values

Kk = 1. [k] The Russian [k] and [g] are

2. [k''] practically the same as the unas-
3. [g] pirated [k] in skulk, marker and
[ka] 4. [g^] the intervocalic [g] in a^asp respec-
The palatalized counterparts of
[k] and [g] are formed by pressing
1. [g[
the central part of the tongue
Tz 2.
3. [k] against the middle of the roof of
the mouth (somewhat like [k] in
[gel 4. [k'']
skew and [g] in argue).
E.g. Kk [ka] The Russian letter k
KaK [kak how
KyAa [kud i] where (to)
pyKa [ruk£i] hand; arm
TKaTb [tkat ^] to weave
TKyT [tku t] (they) weave
KTO [kto; who
KeM [k^'ei n by whom
TKCT [tk^'c)t (he, she, it)" weaves
KHHO [k^iri6] cinema
— 655 —

Fr [ge] The Russian letter r

jiyra [lugal meadows
roA [got] year
roAbi [godi] years
ropbi [gori] mountains
TAe [gd^e] where (place)
rjiy6b [glup-] depth
rwjx [g^itl guide (of tourists)
Mor [mok] (I, he) could
jiyr [luk] meadow
KaK 6bITb? [kag bit^] what am I (are we) to do?
r^e Mor oh [gd^e mok where could he (have) be(en)?
6bITb? ^on bit^]
jiyr Maji [luk mall the meadow is small

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

1. [f] The Russian [f] and [v] are

2. [P] practically the same as [f] in fine,
3. [V] life and [v] 'n lever respectively.
[ef] 4. [v*^]
E.g. O 4) [ef] The Russian lettertj)

1. [v] 4)aKT [fakt] fact

2. [v^] (|)yHT [funt] pound

jiH(|)T [l^ift] lift, elevator
3. [f]
[ve] pii4) [r**if] reef
4. [P]
Py(|)b [ruf^] Ruth
Bb [ve] The Russian letter b
B y, -f] in, at prep
Bbl, Bbl vi] you
BaM, BaM vam] to you
BHA [vMt] view, sight
yjioB ulof] catch noun
KpOBb krof''] blood
jih4)t 6bi;i Pivd btl the lift was downstairs
BHH3y vn^izu]
Py4]b 6biJia Ruth was at the cinema
[ruv^ btla
B KHHO f kMno]

y^oBSbijiMaji [ulovbtlmal] the catch was small

KpoBb Aaji OH [krov^ dal on] it was he who gave (the) blood

— 656 —

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

Cc = 1. [s]
2. [s^]
C C 3. [z]
[es] 4. z^l The Russian [s] and [z] are
dental consonants, respectively si-
milar to [s], [z] immediately before
33r= 1. [z] or after th, as in sixth, withstand,
2. [z^] who's[z] there?
3 ? ' 3. (s]

[ze] 4. [S-]

E.g. Cc es] The Russian letter c

c ;s, -z] with, from prep
caA sat] garden
caM sam] (I. he) -self
H np HAy caM ya pr^idu sam] I shall come myself
OH njDHACTCaM onpr^idMtsam] he will come himself
caMH sam^i] (we, you, they) -selves
ACTH npHjiyi d^et^i pr^idut the children will come
ca VI sam^i] themselves
COJIb [sol^] salt
Cbip sir] cheese
cyn sup] soup
cap ser] sir
CTeniI 1 s^t^ep^] steppe
ceMb s^em^] seven
CHJIbl s^ili] forces
Hac nas] us
Bac vas] you {ace, sing, pi)
Becb v^es^] (the) whole, all
CHflb! s^at^] (thou) sit downl
ciOAa s^uda] here (direction)
- 657


33 [ze] The Russian letter 3

3a [za] for pr2p
3BaTb [zvat^] to call
30HH [zont] zones
3y6 [zup] tooth
3y6bi [zubi] teeth
P03bl [rozt] roses
3HMa [z^ima] winter
SeMJlH [z^emPi] lands
3Aecb [z^d^es^] here (place)
H3K)M [iz^um] raisins
3HTb [z^at^l son-in-law
B03 [vos] cart(-load)
CKB03b [skvos^] through
303 6hUl MaJI [voz bJl mal I
was small
the cart(-load)
CKB03b AbIM [skvoz^ dim through
c rop [z gor] from the mountains
npocbSbi [proz^bi] requests
BeCb AGHb [v^ez^ d^'en^ 1 the whole day

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

1. [sh]
W Ul
3. [zh]
The Russian [sh] and [zh] are
[sha] respectively like the sounds of s in
1. [zh] sure and z in azure or sh in ship
and s in pleasure, but they are
3 [sh] quite hard, whereas their English
[zhe] counterparts are slightly palatalized.
This dark colouring of the Russian
[sh] and [zh] is due to raising the back of the tongue
towards the hard palate while the front is lowered and
the tongue-tip is pressed against the teeth-ridge

ui=:[sh] and >K=r[zh] before all vowels, including h,

(which is pronounced as [t] after them) as well as e, e
and K).


E.g. QIui [sha] The Russian letter ui

mar [shak]. step
uiyM [shumj noise
lUOK [shok] shock noun
mejiK [sholk] silk
mecTb [shesH^] six
yiiiH [Lisht] ears
Ham [nash our(s)
Bam, Bam [vash] your(s)
6pomb [brosh] brooch
KyAa Tbi [kuda Vi where are you (art
HAemb? id^osh] thou) going?

>K>K [zhe] The Russian letter m

jKaib [zhat^] to press, to squeeze
H >KMy BaM fya zhmu vam I shake your hand
(Bamy)pyKy " (vashu) ruku]
>KAaTb [zhdaP] to wait
>Ke3Ji [zhezl] rod, bajton
JKCJITblH [zholtfy] yellow
>KH3Hb [zhiz^n^] life
)KHTb [zhie] to live
OH >KHBeT [on zhiv^'od he lives here
3;iecb z^d^es^]
mejiyjih zholut^l acorn
>KypHaji zhurnal] magazine, journal
>KK)pH [zhur^'i] jury
py>Kbe [ruzhyo] (shot)gun
pOJKb [rosh] rye
peJKb! [r^esh] (thou) cut!
HO>K [nosh] knife
6pomb sjiecb [brozh z^d^es' the brooch is here
HO>K 6bi;i Tyn nozh btl tup] the knife was blunt
po>Kb rycTa rozti gusta] the rye is thick
659 —

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

The Russian [sh^:] and [zh^:]•

are respectively like the sound of s

in sure and z in azure, but they
[sh^:a] are still more palatalized and pro-
longed, i.e. in articulating [sh^:]
and [zh^:] the front of the tongue
is raised still higher than in the case of their English

m=r[zh^':] only at the end or a word before a voiced

non-sonorant (except b).
Besides, »» before h has a variant pronunciation

E.g. mm [sh^:a] The Russian letter m

me^pbiH [sh^:edriy] generous
mil [sh'^-.i] cabbage soup
njiau; [plash*^:] raincoat
6opm [borsh^:] beetroot and cabbage soup,
Momb [mosh' might noun
6opm 6biJi [borzh^: bil the borshch was tasty
BKyCHbIM fkusnim]
BO>K}KH [w6zh^:i] the rein(s)
APOJK^KH [dr6zh^:i] yeast

The Russian [kh] is the same

the Scottish sound of the letter
combination ch in loch. It is artic-
ulated by -the back of the tongue
raised towards the soft palate as in the case of fk], but
so as to form, instead of the complete closure of [k],
a narrow slit-like passage through which the air from
the lungs is forced with a sound of friction.
— 660 —

The consonant [gh] has the same place and manner

of articulation as [kh], except that it is voiced.

x = [ghj only at the end of a word before a voiced

non-sonorant (except b).
The palatalized counterpart of [kh], namely [kh^],
has the same place of articulation as [k^] and sounds
like the h which many English speakers pronounce in
huge, human (the IPA phonetic symbol is [g]).
E.g. Xx [kha] The Russian letter x
xaKH [khakH] khaki
XOJIJl [khol] (entrance) hall
xyAOH [khudoy] thin, lean
xjie6 [khlep] bread, loaf
HX [ikh] their(s.)
B yMax [vumakh] in the minds
B pyKax [v rukakh] in the hands
B py6jiHX [v rubl^akh] in roubles
XHXpblH [kh'^itriy] sly, cunning
OH XHxep [on kh^it^or] he is sly
XHMHK [khMm^ik] chemist (not druggist)
B CHJlbHMX [f s^il^ntkh, ia strong firm hands
KpenKHX kr^epk^ikh
pynax rukakh]
BOX HX AOM [vot igh dom] here is their house
HX ;iexH [igh d^etM their children are here
3Aecb z^d^es^]

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

The Russian [ch^] and [j^] are

% t
respectively like ch in cheese and
j in ajar, but they are more pala-
[ch^e] talized than their English counter-
parts, which is due to a higher
position of the front of the tongue,
q=:[j^] only at the end of a word before a voiced
non-sonorant (except e


E.g. qq [ch^e] The Russian letter h
qac [ch^as] hour
qeft [ch''ey] whose (m nom, ace, sing)
qbH [ch^'ya] whose {fern nom, sing)
qbe [ch'^yo] whose {n nom, sing)
qbH [ch'^yi] whose {nom, ace, pi)
Hoqb [noch'^] night
iioqb [doch''] daughter
KJlKDq [kluch^] key
me KJiroq? gd^e kluch'^] where is the key?
K;iK)q 3;iecb kluj^ z'^d^'es^] the key is here
Hoqb 6biJia [noj^ bila it was a damp night

CblpOH siroy]

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

1X11=-- The Russian [ts] and [dz] are

1. [tjl
respectively like ts in tsetse {fly)
% '^ 3. [d^z]
and dz in adze, but they are not
[isej combinations of two separately pro-
nounced sounds ([t-f s] and [d+z]);
they are each a single sound (an
U = [ts] even bel ore H, which .s pronounced as [i]
after it.

i;=:[dz] only at the end of a word before a voiced

non-sonorant (exce pt B).
E.g. Uu [tje] The Russian letter u,

uejib [tjeP ] aim, purpose

ueHip [tsen tr] centre
UHpK [tjirli] circus {show)
UbiraH [tsig an] gipsy (man)
UBex [tsv^ et] colour
q-reu Ich*^ ^etj] reader, reciter
qreu [ch^'i.''edz the reader (reciter) is here
3Aecb z^ d^es'']
— 662

Obscured Russian Vowel Sounds

Represented by the Letters a, o, e, si

The obscured Russian vowel sounds, which can only occur

in unstressed syllables, are [a], [a], [i^], [i^] and [ij. They
are represented in spelling only by the letters a, o,e, and a.
The meanings of unstressed morphemes with these
letters in them remain the same as under stress.

Table 7

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

[A] Like the RP [a] represented by

)= 2.
the letter u, as in the phrase quite
unknown pronounced with no stress
on un [An]. Thus [a] is an [a]-like sound, but weaker,
shorter and a little closer (higher) than the stressed [a].
Cf caMa [sAma] {she) herself with [sAmd:] in some are
and OHa [Ana] she with [Ana:] in quite unarmed.
= [A]: (1) In the first pretonic syllable when pre-
ceded by a hard consonant;
(2) At the beginning of a woi-d, i. e. when
not preceded by any consonant and no matter how far
removed from the stressed syllable.
E.g. caMa [sAma] (she) herself
Majia [mAla] small, little {sh f of a)
KaKOH [kAkoy] what kind, which
luarH [shAg^i] steps
>Kapa [zhAra] heat(-wave)
UapH3M [tsAr^fzm] tsarism
AOMa [dAma] houses
ropa [gAra] mountain
Hora [HAga] foot; leg
H0>KH [nAzht] knives
KOFAa [kAgda] when
KOTOpblH kAioriy] which {m nam, sing)
annapai ApArat] apparatus
E.g. OHa [Ana] she
OHH [An^i] they
o6biKHOBeHHbiH [Ab tknAv^ennly] usual, customary
663 —

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

= 3.
Like the RP neutral vowel [9] re-
:| presented by the letters a in again,
cadet and o in concurrent. In pre-
tonic syllables (i. e. those which precede the stres-
sed syllable) the Russian [9] has a faint shade of the
[i] sound, like the English [a] between [k] and [g] in
back again. At the end of a word it has a faint shade
of [a], like the RP word-final [a] in sofa [soufa] and
runner [rAna]. Cf runner [rAna] with pana [rana]
wound and paHO [rana] early, and concurrent [kankAr-
ant] with KOHKypeHX [kankur^ent] competitor.

(1) In the second and other pretonic sylla-

bles (except the 1st) when preceded by a
hard consonant;
(2) In post-tonic syllables after:
(a) a hard consonant;
(b) the soft consonants represented by the
letters 4 and m.

E.g. caMOJieT [samA^et] airplane

napoxoA p^rAkhot] steamship
MOJIOKO [pialAko] milk
xopouio [kharAsho] good, well
Ma Ma [mama] mammy
Anna [anna] Anna
paHa [rana] wound
paHO [rana] early
3Ta eta] this {fern nam, sing)
3T0 eta] this [n nom, ace sing)
njioxo [plokha] bad(ly)
KOMHara [komnata] room
HaqaT [nach^at] (is) begun (m)
poma [rosh^-.a] grove
664 —

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

5. Unlike any English sound. It is

vowel (not a diphthong),
a single
intermediate in quality between [i]
and [e]. There is a strong tendency in Modern Russian,
especially in the speech of the younger generation, to
pronounce [i^] very much like [i].
a=[i^] in the 1st pretonic syllable after w and m.

E.g. qacbi [chM^si] hours; clock

tiacTHua [ch^i^s^t^itsa] particle
maAHTb [sh^:i^d^it^] to spare (life)

Like the English [i] represented

by the letters a in tonnage,
e in begin and pocket, i in
porridge and many. It is a little more open
y in
(lower) and retracted as compared with [i].
a=[i]: (1) In the second and other pretonic syllables
(except the 1st) after h and m-
(2) In a non-final post-tonic syllable after 4.

E.g. qacoBOH [ch^isAvoy] hour-long, hourly

qacTOTa [ch^istAta] frequency
nomaJKena [pash^-.izhi^na] (she is) spared
HanaTbi [nach^itt] (they are) begun
HanajiH [nach^il^'i] (we, you, they) began

* The omission of a number indicating a sound value means

that the letter in question is devoid of the sound value with this
number, which other letters have. See sound values 4,6 and 8 of
the letier e.

— 665


Unlike any English sound It is a

single vowel, intermediate in quality
between [i] and [e], but tending
slightly more to [ej

a=[f] in the 1st pre+onic syllable after ui, m and u,

(usually before a soft consonant). In some words [a]
may be pronounced after these letters instead of [F], in
others [i"] is the only norm.

E.g. jiomajxeu Hei [lashiM^ey n^et] there are no horses

HOJiexb [zhfl^'et^j to pity, to be
sorry for...
c jxBajxmTbK^ [z dvattji'^t^yu with twenty rou-
pyojiHMH rubPam^i] bles

sound Pronuncialion and reading rules

3. 19] (1) After UI, m and u,:

(a) in the second and other pretonic syllables;

(b)in post-tonic syllables;
(2) In a final post -tonic syllable in nouns n, mm,
sing after a soft consonant.

E.g. luenxyHbi [ shaptunf whisperers

B JKCJiyflHX [v zhalud^akh] in acorns
uejiOBaib [tj9lAvat^] to kiss
OH Bbimeji [on vtshal] he went out
c My^eM [s muzham] with the husband
c nxHueH [s pt^itj9y] with the bird
Mope [m6r^9] sea
— 666 —

Their rules
sound Pronunciation and reading

syllable after:
In a post-tonic

(a) a vowel;
(b) the "soft" sign b;

flo6poe jxeJio
y Hee ABoe^
(xpoe) fleieH
y Hee Hex ^ ^''
6paTbeB brat^^n

pretonic syllable
In the first
e= 5. IH er a palatalized

ImM^n^a] me {ace)
E.g. MeHfl you (thou) {ace)
Te6H she was leading

[Ana v'^i^la
oHa BeJia children
Ipach^i^mul why
noMCMy cheek

pretonic syllable:
e= lyi^l 1
In the first

of a wor
(a) at the beginning
(b) after a
(c) after b;
(d) after t*.

food, meal
E.g. e^a to wage war
BoeBaxb edible
CbeAoSHbift objective
ussian Their
sound Pronunciation and reading
values rules

soft consonant:

(a) in the second and other

pretonic syllables (except
the 1st);
(b) in post-tonic

pe^b nepe-
Be;ieHa '^
r.e xe.e4.0H?
Vid^'i^nal *^k
'^ ^^^s
[gd^et^^l^iek] wh'erf
L the"' t'Jfe'

B ^CTblpeX
U ch^itlr^oqh in four villages
/^epeBHHx d^ir^i^vn^akh]
meKoraib [sh^'iikAtat^]
B ;ioMe \o tickle
[v dom^i]
BOCeMb in the house
fvos^im'l eight
(you) go!, come!


(c) after t,.

eeponeeu unit
[yivrAp'ey9t§J European (man)
Hae;tHHe Elizabeth
s».», sSL
— 668 —

sound Pronunciation and reading rules

e= 9. [¥] After m, m and ^:

(a) in the first pretonic syllable;

(b) at the end of unstressed flex-
ions of pr sing o all genders, dat sing [em and the
comp degree.

E.g. menxaTb shi'ptat^] to whisper

jKeHa zht^na] wife
ueHa tji^na] price
B Haiue f ch^ashi^] in the cup
uyme A muzhi^] about the husband
B CHTUe f s^ittjt*^] in chintz
B JI0>Ke v lozhn in the (theatre) box
Ha yjiHue nA uPitsf'^] in the street
MCHbUie m^en^'shj^] less, smaller
bPizht"] nearer

«= 3. [^al
In post-tonic syllables after a
soft consonant.

E.g. HHHH [n^an*'9] nurse

HMH [im^9] (first) name
AHAH id^ad^9] uncle
TCTH lt''6t^9] aunt
AHAHX [a d^ad^9kh] about uncles
TeTHM [t^6t^9ml to (the) aunts
C HHHHMH [sn^an^9m^i] with nurses
OHH JII06hT [An^i Pub^9tl they love
-^ 669 —

51 = 4. [ya] In post-tonic syllables:

(a) after a vowel;

(b) after b.

E.g. 6ojibiiiaH [bAl^shaya a large room

KOMHaia komnata]
6paTbH [brat^ya] brothers
py)KbH [ruzhya] (shot) guns
poH aeMJiio [roya z^emPu] (while) digging the

H= 5. IH^] In the first pretonic syllable, aft-

er a soft consonant.

E.g. HHXaK []D^i^tak] five-copeck coin

MHCHOH Ti^i^snoy
[l bul^yon] broth, beef tea

H= 6. [yi«] In the first pretonic syllable:

(a) at the beginning of a word;

(b) after a vowel;

(c) after l;
(d) after -b.

E.g. H3bIK [yi^zfk] language; tongue

HHBapb [yi^nvar^j January
OH SaHBHJI [on zayi^v^il] he stated
HbHHerb [p^yi^n^'et^l get drunk
OH og-bHBHJI [on Abyi^v^il] he announced
— 670 —

H~ '7- (1) In the second and other pretonic

syllables (except the 1st) after a
soft consonant;

(2) In a non-final post-tonic syllable;

(3) In a final post-tonic syllable
before a soft consonant.

E.g. HHTHjieTKa [p^it^iPetka] five-year plan

MHCHHKH [m^is^n^ik^'i] butchers
njiaHbi npHHHTH [plan* pr^in^i- the plans are
til accepted
pbl6aKH BblTH- [ribAk^i vft^i- the fishermen
HyjiH ceib nul^i s^et^l drew out the net
naMHTb [pam^it^] memory
flCBHTb [d^ev'-it*'! nine
fleCHTb [d^feht^j ten

, , , In the second and other pre-
^' ly^^ 1 tonic syllables (except the 1st):

(a) at the beginning of a word;

(b) after a vowel;
(c) after b;
(d) after t*.

E.g. 5i3biKH [yizik^i] languages; tongues

H3biK0B0H [yizikAvoyl linguistic
3T0 HMH ync- [eta im^i this has been un-
Heno uyis^n^i^no] derstood by them
9T0 6bijio HM [eta b*la im this was explained
oe-bHCHeHO Abyis^'n^i^no' to them
OHa 6biJia [Ana bila she was intoxicated
onbjiHeHa Aji^ym^i^na]
671 —



one II Si
window contrary
TO o "> TO
one, another
o"o c
the the far store by CO CO
one -t-»
on for on as in

c >4

Vi N
S::^!^ < ex -a ^I"^
•< < <

o o

cac^ca^o o oo Is

1 A

, , 11

- ,

— 672 —
^ u
f2 ca CO
s: ^
(A c
"^ t^
^ *-•
a; 3^ !<1

•'-'-*-' JZ
§s •^•5.

>,— >.

vn^cg nV.
J2-J=; ^)J^
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ui ^ JH-a
L_l| 1
N X5

B c K O

S «5 O c;
o en
O) 0)
\o vo o \o



z^-^— /—'—

3 3 ^ «
. a ,

673 —
<v o u>
^ <U .— 1 CO J3
3 (
ji: J2 -^
s {or
sq CO

c3 to to
washing 2|
(on) el 3
O wants
^ CO

is self)


to he he •^ CO

S "

^ — .a"' 1 ll>
3) J)
3 ^-5 11
> ex,
^ '£. £. c/) "g 2S
l__l l_-J
X 5 «&
<v H O
« ?5 (b C TO

CO OJ si 1

H 1
o cr O
:(U CO
CQ C O C O O u ni t3 C
M ?ij .. .-~.

o ~*
^ ^ "-«»

'^ <^

^ Ci.

~ ^^"^ ^^

i^ TT J3
J3 c^ — (V) -w
^) i^
^-S in ^ 7"*.


o «
OS s sg =^ s y 3-
H (=t H Kl
' —

— 674 —
1 course
•S TO <*- J^
.f «
u_ ^ ^. s f^
u (/5 -^^

ii ^>-
«^ 0£ CO 3J
pu -.EV^ >> >> t.
Anna what
noth some beca
O W o 8
0-1 c/5


— 1 (T)
-4-> p_,

11 J3
o x:
c^2S ^^1
< <: c
1 ^1 r

si C/) ja
§§ Si§J
x< * g5g£c
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. «u <i)

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hn] nly
,1/^, o_ 175 o ^

''— ' '^-^


ffi H i^ cr
' P* u. [_




S5 cu
43 to

•a —


cx a.


«^|o 1
s S ja CQ
O K ca o CO

c^ en e a:
1 C3
11 O S a =f O
CO •*«»

^ c/; "3

^ « «u 3


ac ca
K o
e 1 CQ

black torn)
himself (jacket)
house (along


(broad) some

his pieces
day do was

see)? coat
dilapidated saved
is us
white coffee,

wide stream
(to (he has
long the
whom give to
he the
a a a a

? ? ? ^1 II 'TO

II "^ ^£

T3 ^
E E — -r ^ E r-
r^ <V

> c o^TO CO 'TO ^

"f rD 'O -;2 ^.o) -s H i |l
'O ex

rt. o a w
o as'S o
K cx>.
1 .

1 1 i 1 if2 iiC TO

1 § 1 - o ^o
1 1 1 1 §
pron gen, m,



sing; sing)
m, n,


2 s
677 —
Words with Two Stresses

Words with two. stresses (primary and secondary) are, in

contrast with English, rather rare in Russian. They are
long compound words, mostly technical and scientific terms,
like paAHOjioKauHH [rad^ialAkatjiya] radar, the so-called
compound-contracted" words, like napTSH/ieT [pardb^il^et]
party [membership) card, and words with certain prefixes,
like nocjicBoeKHbiH [pos^PivAyennty] post-war (a, m, nom,
sing), TpaHcaTjiaHTHHecKHH [transAtlAn^f^ich^isk^iy] transat-
English-speaking learners must avoid giving secondary
stress to the second or third pretonic syllable of a long
Russian word, as they do in pronouncing long English
words. Cf demonstration [demanstreijn] with its Russian
equivalent ^eMOHCTpauHH [d^imAnstratjiya] or electrification
[ilektrifikeijn] with 3jieKTpH4)HKauH5i [el^iktr^'if^ikatjiyg].

Sentence Stress
The following are some of the most important points of
difference between Russian and English sentence stress.
Personal and possessive pronouns very often bear a pri-
mary or secondary stress in a Russian sentence, especially
when followed by unstressed syllables. Cf mm nepe;]iaBajiH
nocjie^HHe HSBecxHH [ml p^ir^idAvaPi pAs^l^ed^n^iya iz^-
v^es^t^'iya] with you've been listening to the news.
Some monosyllabic prepositions, like Ha [na] on, for, up,
H3 [iz, -s] out of, from are stressed before certain nouns
while the noun itself is not stressed, and both words are
pronounced like a single word with the vowels of the noun
obscured, e.g. na ropy [nagaru] uphill, h3 Jiecy [iz^'Pisu]
out of the forest.
Some words, such as the relative pronoun KoiopbiH
[kAtoriy] which (m, nom, sing), usually bear secondary
Some words, such as the conjunctions ho [no] but, to...
TO... to...] now... now,
[to... are never stressed but their
vowels remain unobscured, e.g. ho 6bijio noa^HO [no bib
pozna] but it was (too) late, to AO>KAb, to cojinue [to dosh^:,
to s6nts9] now wet (rain), now fine (sunshine).

Russian differs from English not only in the form of its
speech-tones, but also in their uses. Thus the fall in pitch
— 678 —
in the falling tone is less sharp and starts from a lower
level in Russian than in English, and this tone is used not
only in sentences expressing categoric" assertions, special
questions*, commands and exclamations (the same as in
English), but also in those expressing polite requests or
invitations, which are pronounced in English with the ris-
ing or the falling-rising tone. Cf

Mbl rOTOBbl.

Kyfla Bu HAeie?


KaK KpacHBoI


^^* pi'

* f. e. those beginning with an interrogative pronoun or adverb,

e. g. who, what, when, where, etc.

The rising tone used in Russian interrogative sentences

expressing ordinary, matter-of-fact general questions* is
quite different in form from the rising tone used in English
sentences of the same type. The Russian rise is steep, rapid
and reaches a very high level in the last stressed syllable
of the word in which it takes place. The English rise in
this case usually starts from a low level, begins in the
second half of the last stressed syllable and is rather slow. Cf

(Mne) qHTaib?

If the word in which the rise takes place ends in an

unstressed syllable (or syllables), the steep and high Russian
rise is followed by a slow descent in the final unstressed
syllable(s). In an English word of this type the last stressed
syllable is pronounced on a low level pitch while the rise
occurs in the final unstressed syllable(s). Cf

Bu roTOBbi?

This English typical of ordinary yes or no questions

in English, may be used in a Russian general question only
when it implies at the same time perplexity, doubt or sur-
prise, e.g.

(Mne) qHTaxb? (Do you really mean)

I must read?

i. e. those requiring yes or no for the answer.


Bbi roTOBbi? (Do you really mean to say)

you are ready?

English-speaking learners must take special care not to

use this type of rise in an ordinary general question in
Russian, because it is likely to sound strange, and even
comic, to the Russian ear.
Both types of rise may be used, however, in a non-final
sense-group in a Russian sentence, e.g.

Ilocjie o6e;ta
OH ry jiaer.

or or

A d9,

The falling-rising tone, as in the second variant of the

firstsense-group in the above sentence, should also be avoid-
ed in speaking Russian.
Any more detailed description or a more exact represen-
tation of Russian intonation, as, indeed, of the whole sound
system of Russian, would be beyond the scope of the pres-
ent work.

By Morris Halle

As is well known, Russian, unlike English, has an orthography

that consists of a small number of general rules to which there
are few exceptions. Learning to read Russian is, therefore, only
a minor hurdle for the Russian first grader. In certain cases,
however, this very regular orthography tends to obscure the
grammatical structure of the words. It both hides true connec-
tions among certain forms and suggests false connections among
others. Since the foreigner learning Russian inevitably is heavily
dependent on the written word, he is all too frequently misled
by this regular orthography, and his time is needlessly wasted.
It is my hope that the comments below will help the learner
avoid at least some of these false paths.
Many Russian consonants appear in two distinct varieties,
palatalized and nonpalatalized. consonants are
produced by placing the tongue in a position that is appropriate
for the sound [p] as in "you" or [i] as in "ski," while the rest
of the vocal tract is simultaneously made to assume the primary
articulation of the consonant in question. In producing non-
palatalized consonants, the primary consonant articulation is
accompanied by a retraction of the tongue somewhat like that
in producing the sounds [w] as in "water" or [u] as in "tune."
We shall call consonants that appear in both varieties before
all vowels paired consonants and distinguish them from unpaired
consonants, which appear in only one variety before a given
vowel. Russian has 24 paired consonants: ^

pB ft
tdszn Ir
51, v^ m^* t^ d^ s^ z^ n^ l^* r^

1 The symbols employed in this essay are those in "A Guide

to Russian Pronunciation," immediately preceding.

and 9 unpaired consonants:

k g kh ch^ sh zh sh^:^ ts y

A. The Orthography of Paired Consonants

The Russian alphabet does not possess separate consonant
letters to distinguish from nonpalatalized paired
consonants. Instead, palatalization or its absence in a paired
consonant is signaled by the following letter. If the consonant
stands before a vowel, palatalization or its absence is indicated
by the following vowel letter, and for this reason the Russian
alphabet has twice as many vowel letters as there are distinct
vowels in the language. The five letters a a bi ^ o y indicate
that a preceding paired consonant is nonpalatalized; the letters
H e H^ e* K) that it is palatalized. E.g., Bdji "billow" —bhji
"limp"; h6c "nose" —
nee "(he) carried"; hmji "ardor" —
nHJi "(he) drank." If the paired consonant is not before a
vowel —
i.e., if it stands before a consonant or at the end of a

word —
palatalization is signaled by a special letter, the "soft-
sign" B, which is written after the consonant. The absence of
a "soft-sign" in this position indicates that the paired consonant
is nonpalatalized. E.g., h^jib "dust" —
hbiji "ardor"; b^cb
"all" —
B^c "weight"; r6pBKa "bitter" —
r6pKa "little moun-
tain" (pej.) •

An immediate consequence of this spelling convention is that

suffixes beginning with a vowel will appear in two graphic forms,
one after stems ending in palatalized consonants and the other
after stems ending in nonpalatalized consonants. iVloreover,
Russian has grammatical forms in which the stem appears with-

2 It would have been more correct to regard sh^: as the pho-

netic reflex of the sequence shch^. To motivate this departure

from strict correspondence with the spelling system would take
us too far afield, and we shall, therefore, regard sh^: as a single
' The letters h and bi represent the (single) vowel /i/, in spite

of rather striking phonetic differences in the reflexes of this

vowel in position after palatalized and nonpalatalized consonants.
4 The diaeresis is written only when the vowel is stressed and

even then is frequently omitted. More on the spelling of /o/

will be given later.

out suffix —
or in more technical language, in which the stem
appears before a zero suffix. The zero suffix will be represented
by the "soft-sign" if the stem ends in a palatalized consonant,
but will remain unrepresented in the orthography if the stem
ends in a nonpalatalized consonant.^ It is, therefore, not sur-
prising that the Russian declension, which consists primarily in
adding vocalic suffixes to consonantal stems, should present a
highly varied picture at first sight. Once the way in which
Russian is spelled is taken into account, however, much of the
variety in the spellings is revealed as a reflection of a much
simpler underlying system.
As shown in the following table, the case suffixes of a masculine
noun ending in a nonpalatalized consonant such as ctoji
"table" are (with the exception of the gen. pi.) exactly identical
with those of a masculine noun ending in a palatalized consonant
such as p;^jTB "steering wheel." The same holds true (with-
out exception) of the case suffixes of feminine nouns with pala-
talized and nonpalatalized stems; e.g., pLi6a "fish" and hhhh

Singular Plural

Norn. Ace. CTOJI pyJiB CTOJ16 pyjiH

Gen. CTOJid, pyjiH ctoji6b pyjiefi
Dat. CTOjiy pyji6 CTOJI^M pyjiHM
Instr. ctoji6m pyjiGM CTOJidMH pyjIHMH
Prep. CTOJie pyjie CTOJidx pyjiax

Nom. pLi6a HHHa PLi6li HHHH

Gen. p^i6i>i HHHTT PLI6 HHHb
Dat. pbi6e HflHe pbi6aM HflHHM
Ace. pbi6y HHHIO pbi6 HHHb
Instr. pH6ofi HHHefi pbi6aMH HHHHMH
Prep. pLi6e HHHe pbi6ax HHHHX
The preceding table requires two further comments. (1) It
will be observed that the suffix /e/ of the prep. sg. and of the
dat. sg. fem. has one, instead of the expected two representations.

5 In the gen. pi. masc, nouns with stems ending in a pala-

talized consonant take a different suffix than nouns with stems

ending in a nonpalatalized consonant.

Rather than the expected ctoji6 and pbi69 we get cTOjie and
pBi6e. This is because in Russian words only palatalized paired
consonants can appear before the vowel /e/.^ (2) In the instr. sg.
suffix of fern,(second declension) nouns, the suffix -oft is paral-
leled by expected -efi. This is due to the fact
-efi instead of the
that Russian spelling does not distinguish unaccented /o/ and
/e/ in position after palatalized consonants.^ This explains also
the appearance of the letter e in the nom./acc. sg. suffix of neuter
nouns with stems ending in a palatalized consonant, e.g., nojie
"field," M6pe "sea." The letter e here represents unaccented
/o/ as is clear by comparing it with neuter nouns such as 6ejii.e
"laundry," and okh6 "window," where the suffix is accented,
and MecTo "place," where the stem ends in a nonpalatalized

B. The Orthography of the Unpaired Consonants

1. The Transcription of /y/

At the endof a word and in position between a vowel and
a consonant, /y/ is transcribed by the letter fi, e.g., rep6fl "hero,"
KO(J)eiiHfl "coffee house."
At the beginning of a word, where /y/ is obligatorily followed
by a vowel, the vowel letter represents both the vowel and the
preceding /y/. The letter used to represent the two sounds
isthe vowel letter which elsewhere^signals palatalization in the
preceding paired consonant, e.g., ejiKa "Christmas tree," a^

8 The vowel /e/ follows nonpalatalized consonants in foreign

words,- but in most of these the letter e, rather than the expected
3 is written; e.g., Ka6ape "cabaret," Kamne "scarf." The letter
9 appears in only a few words, of which c^p "Sir" and M^p
"mayor" are the most common.
^ the suffix is accented, the expected -eft is written; e.g.,
seMjieft "land," Kjiemngfi "claw" (of shellfish).
8 Russian orthography has always had difficulty with the
vowel /o/ after palatalized consonants. As was remarked by
Academician A. I. Sobolevskij; "The Old Russian scribe did
not know how to transcribe o after these consonants (just as we
still do not know how to transcribe it)." JIeK^I^I no hctophh
pyccKoro asLiKa (Moscow, 1907), p. 61. On further difficulties
with this vowel, see below.

"poison," e^y "(I) travel," lor "South," also j^aro "(I) give,"
aae'M "(we) give," ctoht "(they) stand," hx "their." ^
In position between a consonant and a vowel, /y/ is repre-
sented by either the "hard-sign" -b or the "soft-sign" b. The
former is used after prefixes (Russian as well as foreign), the
latter is^used elsewhere; e.g., noAtgM "rise," oe-LeKT "object,"
but jil6t "pours," cTaTta "article," Sejibro "laundry" (dat.
Taking these conventions into consideration the exact paral-
lelismbetween the case forms of nouns with stems ending in
/y/ and other nouns becomes immediately apparent:
army fish hero table
Nom. Sg. dpMHH pBi6a Nom. Sg. rep6ii ct6ji
Gen. Sg. dpMHH pli6li Gen. Sg. rep6fl cTOjid
Ace. Sg. dpMHK) pbi6y Dat. Sg. rep6K) ctoji^
Instr. Sg. dpMHefi: p66oS Instr. Sg. rep6eM ctoji6m
Gen. PI. dpMHfi p66 Nom. PI. repdn ctojili

singing place
Nom. Sg. n^HHe m^cto
Gen. Sg. neHHH M^CTa
Dat. Sg. neHHK) M^cTy
Instr. Sg. n^HHBM MecTOM
Gen. PI. neHHfi m^ct

At the end of Russian, words certain consonant sequences are

not admitted, and a vowel (either /e/ or /o/) is inserted before
the last consonant. Thus, for instance, in place of the expected
gen. pi. cyaB6 (cf. nom. sg. cyHi>6d), we have cfji,e6 "fate^"
instead of 6kh, 6koh "window," or instead of k63ji, kos^ji
"billy goat." Among the consonant clusters that require the
insertion of a vowel before the zero suffix are those ending in /y/.
Hence, the gen. pi. forms of cxaTta (= /stat^ya/) "article,"

9 Certain foreign words do not follow this rule. In these words,

/y/ transcribed by the letter fi; e.g., fi6A "iodine," Hbio fl6pK

"New York," rather than ejs, and Htro EpK.

1° Since
/y/ is always palatalized, the vowel following it is
usually transcribed by the letters signaling palatalization in
paired consonants. Exceptions to this rule are found in the
spelling of foreign words; cf., ftn. 9.

ceMBit (= /s^emVa/) "family," and cbhhbh (= /sv^in^ya/)

"pig" are, respectively, not craTfi (= /stat^y/), ceMfi
(=/s^em^y/), cBHHft (= /sv^in^y/), but cxaTeii, cbm^jS, cbh-
H^fi;^^ i.e., fornis that parallel exactly the above-mentioned
cyAe6, OKOH, Koaeji.

2. T/j^ Transcription of Vowels after Unpaired Consonants

The rules for the spelling of vowels after unpaired consonants
are poorly motivated from the point of view of modern Russian.
This is the area where Russian schoolmasters lord it over their
pupils, who in these cases have only their memory to fall back on.
After /k/ /g/ /kh/, the vowels are represented by h, e, a, o, y.
After /y/, the vowels are normally represented by h, e, h, e, ^.
In a few foreign words we find also o; e.g., Hbk) li6pK, "New
York," li6fl" iodine," K0MnaHi.6H "partner."
After the remaining unpaired consonants /ch^ sh zh sh^: ts/,
/a/ /e/ /u/ are represented by the letters a e y; e.g., KapaH^amd
"pencil" (gen. sg.), 06 OTi^e "concerning father" (prep, sg.),
"comrade" (dat. sg.)
The vowel /i/ is represented by the letter h after /ch^ sh zh
shV; e.g., Mojinfi "be silent," mHTb "to sew," hchtb "to live,"
n^HT "shield." After /ts/ the vowel /i/ is represented by h
in declensional suffixes; e.g., Kyi^Lifi "docktailed," Mojioai;^
"good fellows," neBHBi "singers," whereas in stems both h and
Bi appear; e.g., i^fipK "circus," but ^BI^dH "gypsy"; i^H(j)pa
"figure," but i;bipk)jibhhk "barber." In any event, this is a
purely arbitrary convention that must be learned by rote since
the consonant [ts] is always nonpalatalized and the following
/i/ is pronounced [+].
The most complicated rule governs the representation of /o/
after /ch^ sh zh sh^: ts/. At the beginning of a declensional
suffix which adjoins a stem ending in any of these five consonants,
o is written if the suffix is accented, e is written if the suffix is
unaccented. As a result, in the declension of the comparative
degree of the adjective 66jiBmHfi "bigger" the suffixes are spelled

" Asomewhat special spelling rule requires that when the

stress does not fall on the last syllable, the inserted vowel be
transcribed by h, hence r6cTHii "(woman) guest" (gen. pi.).

with e, while in the declension of the positive degree 6ojii>m62

the suifixes are spelled with o:

Gen. Sg. 66jii>mero 6ojibm6ro

Dat. Sg. 66jibmeMy 6ojibm6My
Prep. Sg. 66 jibmcM 6ojibmoM

1 the declension:

njieH6 "shoulder'
JIH^6 "face"
jiHn,6M "face" (instr. sg.)
hohc6m "knife"
6opm6M "beet soup
Bene "common council" (in old Novgorod)
cepA^e "heart"
cepA^eM "heart" (i nstr. sg.)
MymcM "husband' (instr. sg.)

TOBdpnmeM "comrade" (instr. sg.)

This rule holds only for the declensional suffixes; it is not ob-
served in the conjugation of the verbs where /o/ in accented
suffixes i^ represented by e, and by e in unaccented suffixes;
e.g., BBAeM "(we) lead," neneM "(we) bake," mohccm "(we) can,"
jieaeM "(we) crawl."
In the majority of roots, o is written after hc, m, m, i;, h, ii
the stress falls on the /o/ in all derived and inflected forms; if
the stress is not fixed on the /o/, e or e is written. Hence, we
find o in H6KaTbCH "to clink glasses," m6pox "rustle," but e
and e in jKejiTbifi "yellow," adj., jKSJiTeTb "yellow," vb., menoT
"whispers,"^ noun, menT^Tb "whisper," vb., jKtoi "women,"
nom. pi., jKeHbi "woman," gen. sg.^^

3. The ''soft-sign" after in ac h m

After m
Ht H m
the "soft-sign" b is written in forms with
a zero suffix of 3rd declension feminine nouns to distinguish
these from forms with zero suffix of other nouns, e.g.,

12 In foreign words, this convention does not hold; e.g.,

moKOJidA "chocolate," mocce "highway," mo^ep "chauffeur."
3rd Declension 2nd Declension
Mbimb "mouse" Kpbim '
'roof" (gen. pi.)
Jl6HCb "lie" K6m 'skin" (gen. pi.)
H6Hb "night" 'cloud " (gen. pi.)
B^mb "thing" p6m 'grove " (gen. pi.)

1st Declension
KaMbim "reed"
h6hc "knife"
Bpd^ "physician
66pm "beet soup

The "soft-sign" thus functions as a purely grammatical, rather

than as a phonetic marker. It appears in this function also in
the infinitive forms in nh and in the 2 sg. pres.; e.g., 6epeHb
"save," ne^b "bake," uoud^h "help," Beaemb "(you) carry,
drive," BH^Hinb "(you) see," x6^emb "(you) want."

3 lEt.2 QMMDEbSB 1
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