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1. Wap to save the record of n number of employees using arrays.

2. Wap to demonstrate 2-d arrays.

3. Wap to to find sum of each row in a 2-d array.
4. Wap to demonstrate constructors.
5. Wap to demonstrate constructor overloading.
6. WAP to demonstrate inheritance
7. WAP to demonstrate abstract class.
8. WAP to demonstrate this keyword.
9. WAP to demonstrate various constructors and methods of class
10.WAP to demonstrate "throw", “throws" and “finally” keyword.
11. WAP to demonstrate method overloading.
12. WAP to demonstrate user defined exceptions
13. WAP to read and write data from/into a file.
14. WAP to find factorial using lambda expressions.
15. WAP to modify string using different methods
16. WAP to create your own package.
17. WAP to count number of objects in a class.
18.WAP to demonstrate collections.
19.WAP to demonstrate awt buttons and event handling in java.
20. WAP to demonstrate various exceptions in java.

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