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The General orders you to send the message “LOWER POWER.”

...various nearby odd­shaped objects glow with distinct colors...use the six­button harmonic
broadcast device included in the field scanner to communicate with the Iotan ship.

Use the 3D object you built in puzzle 7 to find the Iotan characters for "LOWER POWER":

Each glyph is featured in three objects. Those objects have exactly one color in common; that is
the color that corresponds to the glyph.

Tap the Scan button in ClueKeeper and then aim it at the landing pad (on page 2). You'll see a
spaceship and a control panel along the bottom of the screen.
Tap on the ship's lowest porthole, enter the color sequence for the glyphs that form the desired
Iotan characters (BB GR GY GG GR GY), then tap the porthole to submit the sequence.

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