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phoebe: i smell smoke maybe because someone's pants are on fire

sweet mother of all that is good and pure

sun shining, birds chirping

what a doofus
you're a butt-munch
this game is grotesque
i see what you did there
good night you big freak of nature
you yippity piece of crap
alrighty roo
before the big vein in my head pops

i love you. breathe.

lips moving. still talking.
the world does not stop

hold my cruller (bread)

all right, get a room
congratulations, you've just crossed the line into completely useless
what a weird way to kick me when i'm down
WAH-PAH = whipped
sometimes things don't work out the way you thought they would
oh dear God save me
if i'm the best it's because you made me the best
i was nothing before you
classic sign of love = hug
this is inexcusable. i'm shocked to my very core
i really felt i might kill someone tonight
you're so sweet i'd like to feed you grapes and brush your hair
you're still a fat little kid inside you
smug beluhi bastard
you have a moo point
no uterus, no opinion
don't state the obvious but thank you
don't eat yellow snow
i bruise like a peach
www dot haha not so much dot com
honey, leave it to the pros
there's a thin line between love and hate and i think that thin line is scarf
kiss him you fool
i think i just had a tiny orgasm
i don't know what's going on but i'm excited

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