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Daydreaming has some historical background.

Daydreaming is something that has

been occurring for centuries. Some of our greatest scientists, activists, and
mathematicians were once found daydreaming.
For example, Albert Einstein was failing in math, and was almost
kicked out of college for daydreaming. Einstein's daydreaming may have been the
secret of his incredible creativity. He maintained that he discovered the theory of
relativity by gazing at sunbeams on a summer day, and fantasized about what it
would be like to ride on them. Another example of daydreaming would be Winston
Churchill. While living in political exile, he imagined or daydreamed what
leadership of his country would mean to him. The exercise helped him to plan and
prioritize in advance. It gave him a head start when he fulfilled his dream and
became head of state in Britain during the war years. Another person would be
Martin Luther King Jr. He used daydreams to create a vision for the future. He had
to daydream to motivate others. He had to mentally remove himself from his present
worries, and think of a better place to be. In fact, some of our civilization's
greatest advances in engineering, medicine and physics began with a conscious
Sleeping dreams and daydreams are similar because they are an
expression of our wishes and fears. They can project our longed-for triumphs, such
as overcoming a difficult challenge. It may also project our worst fear like
dreaming of something that frightens you the most.
The difference between sleeping dreams and daydreams is that daydreams
can consciously be brought under control. You cannot control sleeping dreams.
Sleeping dreams occurs naturally even if you remember them or not. Therefore, you
can use daydreams to deal with problems and uncertainties in your lives.

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