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The hidden dangers of sugar

Daily, we consume sugar in almost every food that we eat, however we cannot
imagine the amount of sugar we consume for sure and the amount that is healthy to our
body. The OMS recommends eating 25 g of sugar daily to maintain a healthy diet. The
worried about the blood glucose levels is fundamental once sugar can be a trigger for
chronical diseases.

Firstly, we need to pay attention in our diet. It is not a simple thing to do and
requires time to search for information. The every day’s rush make us blind about
important information. When we go to the supermarket, almost never we read the
information about the food that we are buying. The label content has information about
the food components and the level of important ingredients for the human body. It is
necessary read them all and judge if they have excessive levels of carbohydrates and
sugarcane. Those components hide the sugar that in excess bring dangers to the human
body. To overcome this scenary, it is mandatory to have a diversified diet, with few
industrialized products and free of excess.

Secondly, together with information about food, we have to be aware about the
risks of the excessive consume of sugar. It is well known that sugar can affect the healthy
in a negative way. Obesity, cardiovascular problems, hypertension, diabetes and even
cancers can be triggered by high levels of sugar in the blood. Besides them, sugar can
bring in addiction. It is a drug that it is legal and we can find in every supermarket in its
usual formula. Therefore, we have sugar in high levels in some drinks and foods that we
often consume. For instance, soda, industrialized food, biscuits. Again, it is mandatory
invest money in natural foods to run against the problems that sugar can bring.

Lastly, we need to search for balance in the diet to maintain a healthy life. The
extremes are never good, so the equilibrium is the best way to follow. For sure, we have
to highlight the attention to some specific ingredients such as sugar. Thus, one of the
most important thing that we can be clear in our minds are that sugar can decrease our
life expectations.

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