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College of Art and Design November 8, 2018

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO

To Whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of my colleague Jenelle Grosser. I have

mentored, known and worked with Jenelle for 2 years during her time at Cheyenne Mountain
High School. I have known her to be a thoughtful, hardworking and empathetic individual and
artist who gives more than 100 percent to her task at hand.

Jenelle and I together made up the 3D art program at our school, so I was fortunate to work
closely with her. Although she did not have experience in Jewelry making, she was a pleasure
to mentor as she immediately picked up and excelled at any artistic challenge presented to her.
Ah, but I also learned from her! We spent many hours filming and producing youtube videos of
jewelry making, ceramic making and glazing to provide additional support for students who
needed to review the demonstrations so they could succeed in their projects.

Additionally, Jenelle built a fabulous ceramics program at our school, setting up from scratch
(we had a new building built recently and when she started she was teaching ceramics from a
trailer with no running water!) a ceramics and metalwork classroom, with a 2 electric kilns, a
walk in high fire kiln and several smaller raku kilns. We would hold special events, such as raku
firings during finals week that pulled in a significant portion of the student population.

Jenelle has a profound interest and desire to help people and build community. I witness her
activism to help disadvantaged individuals, whether it be from disability or socio-economic
factors. She was well aware of the importance of the student to feel safe and wanted in her
classroom and did everything in her power to provide this to her students. She spearheaded an
“Empty Bowls” program to help support “Care and Share food bank” in our community. This
consisted of year long club activities, as well as soup events and (separately) ice cream socials.
These events were not only brought together community, parents, teachers and students, but
provided much needed funds for Care and Share in Colorado Springs.

Jenelle is pretty fabulous and I can recommend her, without hesitation for your program at CSU.
I think learning arts administration is a direction that will help fuel her goals to bring the
community and arts together in a significant way.


Nancy Roach
Cheyenne Mountain High School

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