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The Strategic Trade Act 2010 is a law that control the export of a country.

They control all the

transit, shipment, export and any related activities and also control the sensitive stuff like guns,
bombs or dangerous chemical that get into Malaysia. One of the point is to fight terrorism,
nuclear attack and any weapon that can cost a massive harm to the country like radiological.
The STA not only dealing with bad stuff but also in managing the beneficial stuff like oil or gas,
telecommunications and many more.
Strategic items means items with high supply risk and high profit impact are named strategic
items and should be treated with a strategic mind. It is vital for the own organization to secure
the supply of these items and also to influence the supplier in a direction that is most beneficial
for the buying company. It is advocate to develop partnership relations with suppliers. *
By the definition itself shows how important this act to a country or even to an organization in
managing their company. Malaysia is not the only country that apply this act as it has been
started practically used in other country too including the ASEAN region. It is an important
things as it helps in protecting the safety to trade between the countries.
This act is in line with the kerajaan Malaysia satgi hang bubuh

m&f=false page 432 SE: strategic item

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