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Acceptability of Necrophilia

From the word necro which means a dead body, necrophilia is an

attraction towards corpses and often leads to sexual intercourse. According to
the American DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders,
5th Edition), necrophilia isn’t considered as a kind of mental illness. It falls to
the category called paraphilia. Paraphilia is a condition in which a person’s
sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in
sexual behavior that is extreme. It is basically having a sexual intercourse
with the dead and actually enjoying it.

Although it may sound very intriguing for the most of you because,
obviously it involves corpses. But if we’ll look at the history, there are traces
of necrophilia. Egyptians are so obsessed with the afterlife. With these Gods
and afterlife, ancient egyptians are pretty much shines in this topics.
According to their most important myth, the Osiris myth, Seth or Set is
portrayed as the murderer who killed and the one who cut his own brother
into pieces. Osiris’ wife, Isis reassembled his corpse and resurrected her
husband long enough to conceive their son and heir horus. As you can see,
even in their times of ancient egypt, necrophilic acts are also committed.
That’s why majority of all the beautiful women’s and wives of the high
ranking officials are not given to the embalmers immediately. Instead, the
corpses are exposed to the sun for two whole days before giving it to be

If necrophilia is disturbing enough, necrophilic homicide will twist your

tummies more. Even though these are rare, it still happens. Which the
unwilling victim is killed and then used by these sexual predators. “Enough of
this horror!”-Sigmund Freud.

Most of these necrophilic acts happens in the mortuary. Because one

or two of the assistants or grave diggers are necrophilic. They have the most
access possible to dead bodies which means they can fulfill their fantasies
easier. According to 1989 research on necrophilia, a full 57 percent of the
people studied or worked in a place that had access to the corpse is
necrophilic in some sort.

It sums up for two questions. Is necrophilia acceptable? Is it wrong?

Well, if were not including any cosmological aspects or supernatural
measures, it may be disrespecting because after a love one passed away, it is
considered as a property of the family which will be offending in honor of wjat
they did when they’re living. Although most of the people hide this kind of
desire or sexual fetish, it is undeniably present in this generation which in
some cases, needs attention. What provokes these people from doing it? Is it
pure sexual desire? No! They are fearful of rejection and knowing that it is
dead, it cant resist in their motives.


 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders, 5th Edition

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