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Zoom Meeting Application

Zoom Cloud Meeting Application for Computer –

 Download the File (3-4 Mb) – After that click on “Join a Meeting”

 After that Select the “Join” , The Joining Meeting ID – 561-317-3966 and in
the column enter your name, the setting selected if same is better
 Video don’t need to switch you video on.

Zoom Cloud Meeting Application for Mobile –

 Download the File (From Play Store)

 First Screen – Click on the Join Button, you’ll go to the second screen after
 Second Screen – Enter the Meeting Id (561-317-3966), and Put your name
on the area shown.
Select the buttons, and choose the video off as on, so
you don’t start with a video feed, and Keep the other button on
Click on the Join Meeting Button and you’ll move to the third screen
 Third Screen – Major focus will be on the pop us where you have to select “
Call via Device Audio” , this will help you to switch your Micro-phone on
 Fourth / Fifth Screen – You press the button and switch between white and
red Audio Icon’s, red means your Micro-phone is off and White means it’s

Rules for Online Classes

1. Keep your audio (micro phone) off , during the class and don’t draw anything on
the board
2. In case of a bad network you might have a problem with audio, best option will
be leave the meeting and join back on the same ID.
3. Don’t Press any button, while class room and if any problem occur there is a
option to send message to the Instructor, using the More button at bottom of
Screen 3-4-5
4. Recording will be made public within 24hrs, so in case we have a problem, you
can text on the group
5. NOTE – You’ll get a option to ask question after every 5-10-15 min

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