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a machine that changes energy (such as heat from burning fuel) into mechanical motion

: the vehicle that pulls a train

: something that is used for a particular purpose

Full Definition

1 obsolete

a : ingenuity

b : evil contrivance : wile

2 a : something used to effect a purpose : agent, instrument mournful and terrible engine of horror and
of crime — E. A. Poe

b : something that produces a particular and usually desirable result engines of economic growth

3 a : a mechanical tool: such as (1) : an instrument or machine of war (2) obsolete : a torture implement

b : machinery

c : any of various mechanical appliances — often used in combination fire engine

4 : a machine for converting any of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion; also : a
mechanism or object that serves as an energy source black holes may be the engines for quasars

5 : a railroad locomotive

6 : computer software that performs a fundamental function especially of a larger program

en·gine·less adjective



: located inside and towards the center of a boat, car, or airplane

Full Definition

1 : located inboard an inboard engine an inboard spoiler

2 of a boat : having an inboard engine

First known use: 1847



: a boat with an inboard motor

First known use: 1939

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