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Plot Twist 2020:

The Real Collusion Story and Why It Happened

Michelle Conaty & Hazem Farraj

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.”

George Orwell, 1984

1984 in 2016
I remember feeling as if someone had struck a chord inside me the first time I saw Orwell’s
quote. At the time, I didn’t know who Orwell was and I had no real understanding of what his
dystopian novel, ​1984,​ was about. I had recently taken the revolutionary act of revealing to my
father for the first time that I was no longer a Muslim and that I could not live the way he had
raised me. I grew up in a very strict Islamic household and questioning the teachings of Islam
or the actions of the prophet Muhammad was not tolerated. In its essense, Islam is all
encompassing. It is not just a religious belief; it touches every aspect of life. Being Muslim was
who we were, not just what we believed. Years prior, when I first started to question my Islam,
I threw myself into my Islamic prayers. I dedicated myself to becoming a better Muslim.
Despite my best efforts, Islam left me feeling empty. I questioned how I could have gone
wrong and what was I missing to make me feel this way. The internal conflict felt, when
confronted with facts that contradict current thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes is known as
cognitive dissonance. This internal discomfort forces us into altering our beliefs. It’s this
struggle that motivates us to learn and grow, if we are capable of an honest evaluation of both
the new information we discover and our beliefs.

I had resolved my internal conflict eventually when I found peace in the words of Jesus, but I
had hidden my beliefs from my family for a long time. I was and am very fortunate to have the
American Constitution and laws that protects Exmuslims from being “officially” punished under
Sharia law for apostasy. The simple truth is that although I would likely not be put to death for
my disbelief, I knew that telling my father the truth would, at the very least, mean I would be
outcast from my family. The first ‘opportunity’ I had to move out of my father’s home came
when I was seventeen. My father had agreed to let me go away for college, despite his
reservations about it. I jumped at the chance to live away from home, to live with a certain
amount of freedom. The window of opportunity didn’t stay open for long. Before I could even
start classes, my father had changed his mind and refused to sign my financial forms for the
school. The deadline to withdrawal from classes loomed over me as I tried, to no avail, to
convince my father to let me stay. I cannot remember a time in my life that I spoke back to my
father or defied him. My refusal to obey him and my declaration that I was no longer a Muslim
was my first revolutionary act. 3 hours away and a few weeks after my initial escape from
home, I was demanded to return home. I refused.

My father was in a rage at such disobedience and was commanding me to return. He

screamed into the phone; his profanities became increasingly more creative as his anger
grew. In contrast to him screaming at the top of his lungs, all I could manage was to tell the
simple truth- or try to. All I could manage was a stuttering, “I cannot come back home.”
Waiting for his rage to settle once again, I said, “I cannot live the [Muslim] way you raised us.”
The truth was out there. I had no idea what would happen next. All I knew was that I could not
continue to live a lie. To my conscious awareness, it was the first time I ever even spoke back
to him. “You have 12 hours to return! If you are not here by the morning. You will forever be
cast out of the family.” He hung up the phone and all I could hear was the ringing in my ear
and my beating heart. I was overwhelmed with the thought of having to go home and live in
never ending reverence of him and tribal culture. It was clear to me that I had no choice but to
take the drastic step of running further away from home, away from family and everything I
knew. Within minutes, I was on my way to the greyhound bus station.

Ultimately, I would arrive in Winfield, Alabama, to the only place I could think of that I knew I
would be safe and quiet enough to settle myself. I would learn later that Winfield was the
hometown to the United States’ first casualty in the “War on Terror”, ​Johnny Michael Spann​.
This small town with a population of 2000 welcomed me with open arms after losing one of
their own. The irony and prophetic connection stunned me when I first learned this. My first
revolutionary act started me on a 17-year personal journey of personal growth, spirituality, and
of truth-seeking. Life makes a lot more sense now than it did that day 17 years ago. I still have
to remind myself that what I’ve been through could have destroyed me. But it didn’t and here
we are.

Instead, I have learned to change my perspectives, to evaluate new information, to listen to

new ideas, to experience new cultures, and to understand that with new information, we can
choose to ignore conflicting ideas, or we can learn and grow from them. Although I had
already turned from Islam and was a Christian, I was driven to study theology and I delved into
my studies and earned a Master of Theology. I spent years studying the lives of both
Mohammed and Jesus to find reflections of myself somewhere in between their words. By
studying different theologies, I can better understand other people. I was secure in my faith
because I had been strong enough to question the “universal deception” I had been taught. As
I grew in my Christian faith, my soul began to heal. With the help of psychotherapy, my mind
began to heal.

It was only when my soul and my mind were settled that I was able to start honestly evaluating
the public narrative about the world in general. For years we have been told a public narrative
that contradicts actual events. Many of us feel confused by the conflicting information and find
it easier to just tune out the noise. I think it’s apparent to most Americans that we are in a
viscous struggle with ourselves. We are divided by political party, race, religion, gender,
sexual identity, and on and on it goes. Public debate has been replaced with unsubstantiated
accusations and name calling. It feels at times as if we can’t even agree on what words mean
anymore. When is a baby a baby? When is a terrorist radicalized? Why were we being
scolded for recognizing that the self-proclaimed Islamic State follows Islamic teachings? Too
much didn’t add up. We are all so sure that we are “right”, that those who disagree with us are
“ignorant” or worse. There is a divide in the nation that we will never be able to heal until we all
admit that the “universal deception” that governments, the media, the pundits, the elected
officials, and our schools have been intentionally crafted for the sole purpose of dividing us.
While we were busy pointing fingers at each other, individuals on both sides of the political
spectrum have been engaged in deadly activities on a global scale. If we are brave enough to
finally take an honest look at the past few years, we have the opportunity to be revolutionary.
By telling the truth, we can excise the rot in our government and in our society.

“Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or
indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it”
George Orwell - Why I Write

How do we then take topics like politics and religion and bring value? Topics like radical Islam,
or the Trump Russia investigation, or any other divisive topic how much more difficult it is to
come to an objective conclusion. How do we know what is truth when we can’t agree on what
even the most basic topics? Orwell’s 1984 was a dystopian novel that was supposed to serve
as a warning against a totalitarian government. Make no mistake, Orwell was a self-described
“democratic socialist” but was fiercely anti soviet-style communism. There is no point in
arguing whether Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin were socialists or communists or left-wing or
right-wing because the words have lost their meaning. Economic socialism versus social
programs and who controls the method of production are irrelevant. We can look at each
ideologies platforms and actions to see that they are all totalitarian under the dressing of
whatever label you want to give them. Their ideologies and goals are similar to the current
Democrat Party platform and we can see the parallels throughout history to the Democrat
party’s actions and similar totalitarian ideologies. Interestingly, Orwell wrote an insightful piece
titled ​Politics and the English Language​ that may be helpful in identifying how semantics are
used to craft a narrative and how words like “Hitler” or “Nazi” or “Fascist” can lose their
meaning over time.

Throughout my journey, I encountered a great deal of variety of beliefs and opinions on the
topic of Islam. As an Exmuslim, the psychological dissonance between what I knew Islam to
be and what the media was telling America Islam was during the Obama administration
became intolerable. I know now that I (and you) have been victims of an intentionally
deceptive narrative. There is a reason that Obama and Hillary and the Left-Wing media
refused to acknowledge the growing chasm between Western and Middle Eastern values.
23% of American Muslims disinherit Islam yet advocacy for Shariah law continues to be
entertained within our country. According to The Economist, the ​number of Exmuslims in
America is rising​. 23% of Americans raised as Muslims no longer identify with the religion.
Most of them are young second-generation immigrants who have come to reject the religion of
their parents. Some, however, are older when their crisis of faith arrives, already married to
devout Muslim spouses and driving children to the mosque to study the Koran at weekends.
The vast majority, whether young or old, are silent about their faithlessness.”

In my journey, I have met somebody’s grandchild experiencing the crisis of Islam while living
in Mecca. I’ve also met somebody’s 63-year-old grandfather who was silently suffering in
Canada because his household was drowning in Islamic Sharia. For many years, I have said
that the greatest civil rights movement is being birthed. This civil rights movement is the
Exmuslim movement because it supersedes nationality, boundaries, cultures and languages.
Pew Research​ sheds some light on this, claiming: the share of American who leave Islam is
offset by those who become Muslm. Among Americans who were raised Muslim but no longer
identify as Muslim, 55% say they have no religion or are agnostic, 22% identify as Christian,
21% identify as “something else”, and 3% report not knowing. Meanwhile, back in the public
spaces, Islam was growing. Looking back, the obvious dissonance between reality and the
mainstream narrative only points to disinformation and propaganda.
To really come to an objective conclusion on complex topics, we must remember that there is
more that unites us than divides us. Two people can look at a Rorschach ​inkblot​ and see two
different things. One sees a group of angels flying around an orb where another sees a devil’s
wicked grin. The impression reflects the viewers’ own psyche, which is formed by the
information they have and their personal experiences. Looking through this framework, it is
easy to see how two people can look at Islam and one will see a perfectly peaceful, tolerant
(though misunderstood), religion and the other will see a totalitarian, brutal religion that
sanctions and incites acts of cruelty unparalleled in any other major world religion. These are
the conversations which I felt I had to invest my energy. In my quest to find truth and my
search for justice I have experienced great toils and struggle, I have come to a whole new
understanding of just how much deception we have been fed. I am grateful to have the
opportunity to share the unvarnished truth with all who are courageous enough to journey
along in search of truth. I set out to tell the truth about my experience and to provide a voice to
the Exmuslims that feel isolated and alone like I had for so many years. We exist. Mainstream
media may have ignored us but we are still here. Amongst us is a new Middle East and I am
determined to do my part in resisting the Shariah driven laws which permeate those countries.

Starting the conversation about the Exmuslim experience is still a priority for me. For those
interested ​Al’amriki: the American​ is the documentary I personally directed which featured the
bravery and stories of people like myself who escaped radicalization. The world was
confronted with the growing threat of ISIS and I found myself advocating on behalf of the
women taken as sex slaves by ISIS and speaking out against the intentional deception the
media and our government were hiding behind. Shockingly, the experiences forced me to
confront traumatic events in my past that I had buried long ago. I suddenly found myself face
to face with those old traumatic memories and took the chance to learn and grow from finally
coming to terms with my history. I was eventually diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder (CPTSD). I had no framework for what psychological trauma was and
experiencing the symptoms during this chaotic time in my life was challenging. How does one
heal an unseen wound in the brain which impacts significant parts of one's life? Dealing with
the symptoms of CPTSD is difficult. I have had to define a new “normal” and do the best I
could with the tools available.

One day, I was running late to my therapy session, so I sent a quick to text my therapist,
Shelly, saying, “Running late but I’m on the way. Looking forward to continuing the chat about
A response came immediately. “Wrong Shelly. But, if you ever have any questions about
PTSD, I am happy to help. I’m am a counselor and I work primarily with active duty military or
veterans with substance abuse issues and PTSD.” A few years earlier, when I was running
around Capitol Hill and running after our elected officials to deal with the radical Islam crisis
we were facing, this Shelly had been researching the corruption in DC and was determined to
expose all officials responsible for the geopolitical conflicts they continuously get us into with
illogical, or nefarious justification. I was determined to take down the Muslim Brotherhood and
whomever was responsible for propping them up. Shelly offered to do some research for me
on the Muslim Brotherhood. At that point, I didn’t know much about her except that she was a
military veteran and had a huge love for her country. We stayed in touch and it wasn’t long
before we realized that our government swamp monsters, and the Muslim Brotherhood were
showing up together in scandals and global conflicts. Only time would reveal how much Shelly
and I had in common. This document is made possible by her tireless work of researching,
reading and note taking. Together we made a good team and could work complementary to
one another. She sees numbers, details and data while I see the big picture, personalities and
cultural misunderstandings. Together we created this masterpiece. It will surely gain national
attention, so we hope that you take advantage of our tireless work. Our intention is simply to
bring clarity to our nation and unity back to our citizenry.

It was clear to me when Facebook and the social media giants began to silence the Exmuslim
online community. Posts began disappearing for us long before Conservatives began being
deplatformed. Public officials and the elite which I had encountered were usually repulsed at
the suggestion that Exmuslims be taken seriously. Amazingly, I would often offer my proof and
cite myself but to no avail. The dehumanization of critics to Islam by the biggest platforms is
well intended on keeping the main narrative strong and steady. However, with the passage of
time and the Russia Hoax, America at large is unaware about what really is going on. As an
Exmuslim, I had no idea that this search would lead me to the Democratic Party. Look no
further than Hillary’s UN Blasphemy Laws against those who criticize Islam. No independent
thinker will ever forget Obama boldly declaring “the future must never belong to those who
slander the Prophet of Islam.” But what do these have to do with Radical Islamic and the
Russia Hoax? Everything. I just did not know their connection to it.

At the time, I was an inspirational speaker and on Christian TV with my own show. But on
August 3 of 2014, the world was introduced to ISIS. They wanted their Caliphate [Islamic
State] and this was the first time I heard about the Caliphate since I was taught about it in
Islamic School. It was unnerving to know that bad people were so organized and so
professionally brutal. I could relate to the Yazidi and the Christian victims of Radical Islam.
Soon my life choice in career began to feel strange. Suddenly, staring into a blinking red dot
while the ethnic minorities were being attacked contrasted our bipolar lifestyles. This mattered
to me because we encountered like persecution and this type of religious aggression is what I
had been so familiar with. For me, it would make more sense to engage the monster that had
manifested itself as an “Islamic State,” and for me that was more ‘logical.’

That was the start of my documentary that shows the other side of the ISIS narrative. In the
process of researching Radical Islamic extremism, I uncovered more facts about the last ten
years of history. Things from Benghazi, ISIS, Clinton crimes, Russia, Iran and the Muslim
Brotherhood. What I began to see is that the past must be reinterpreted. The signs demanded
it and the new information began leading me in a new direction. Soon, I was given special
access to the FBI. I was able to interview and learn from now retired Special Agent Joe
Testani whose team foiled a New ​Year’s Eve attack that was planned for Times Square​ in
2014. In a context of fake news, Testani and his team would have to endure media criticism
that somehow they were creating terrorists. Nowhere is this gap between news and truth more
evident as it related to this story as is a post by the Democrat & Chronicle writer David
Andreatta. While the good guys at the FBI were saving American lives, the news site
published this: ​Andreatta: The truthiness about Lutchman​. The title speaks for itself but
Testani’s leadership was vindicated when ​Lutchman pleaded guilty to: conspiracy to provide
material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). On January 26, 2017, ​Judge
Geraci sentenced Lutchman​ to 20 years in prison and 50 years supervised release.

I learned from lawyers who understood the psychology of trauma and painted a much clearer
picture than what the public knew. Friends and family members of convicted ISIS terrorists
would even share their own perspective. To say that I would get a lesson on Radical Islam is a
huge understatement. For the first time in my life, I was touching the awkward elephant in the
room. The thing which had caused me to look over my shoulder for years was now standing in
front of me. Often, I’m asked if it was scary. The answer to this is quite complex. Was it scary?
Sure. For me, though, the scariest aspect of it all was seeing the resemblances between what
I called cultural and what Western Civilization called illegal. Now seeing more clearly than ever
before, I had to come to grips with the fact that I had way too many commonalities with ISIS
recruits. No, I wasn’t a terrorist. But I began to understand how a human can transition from
what we would call ‘normal’ to becoming a killing robot void of consciousness. In some
freakish way, I could actually understand it. The reason I could is because I had the same
wounds which entangled these fragile personalities with bad company.

To make it all the more exciting, CBS’s Alternative Programming Department had approached
me to collaborate on a new show idea that I had. Things looks promising but in order to
continue with negotiations, one of their contacts had suggested that I commit to a steady dose
of therapy. In my mind, that was no big deal. I’ll go attend a few meetings and that’s a small
order for a big opportunity. The first session was awkward. Staring at the therapist waiting for
the first question, she finally spoke.

“Tell me about your mother.” I answered boldly and very honestly - so I thought. “Were doing
ok. We don’t talk much because of life but I have forgiven her, and all is perfect!” “Ok great!
Tell me, Hazem, how does your eldest sister Sanat feel about your parents divorcing.” Before
those words could flow from her mouth to my ears, I was arrested in my soul and burst out in a
deep travail. It was awkward, messy and very shocking to me- even as it was happening.
When I came to myself, I asked “what the heck was that??” I had never experienced such an
emotional rush like that. The therapist replied to my question and stunned me, “You have
created such a protection mechanism in your mind. The walls around your heart are so high
but all it takes to move beyond that false sense of protection is arriving to the trauma via a
different medium; in this case being Sanat, your sister.” To say I felt duped would not be
sufficient to describe the feelings. What else was my mind hiding from me? What else is
stored up in me that I have no idea is inside of me? It would eventually lead me down a rabbit
hole which demanded that I re-interpret my Christian experience.

Within the next few years of therapy, meditation and prayer, and a conscious renewing of my
mind, new questions surfaced as to the validity of Church mentors which I had served for so
many years. In the end, I now know that not every relationship I once held dear was real. In
fact, because of this process, I deliberately stepped away from Christian ministry and ended
my TV show. A big shocker for me, and still is, is that the same dysfunctions of what ISIS
recruiters employed to win recruits was essentially the same mechanism which attracted me
to these non-authentic relationships. My best evaluation of those relationships was lacking
and quite frankly skewed. Unintentionally, and unaware but my interpretation of these spiritual
leaders was free of any real healthy constructive criticism. I wasn't fighting in a jihad war, but I
was taking orders and “submitting” to my spiritual leadership.

Only time, experience and healing would make some of these toxic spiritual relations come
into a clearer light. The most authentic parts of key leaders in my life was simply transactional.
How could I miss it so bad and for so long? It is important to know that this is not in any way
an accusation or an attack on church. There was far more healing to happen in my soul than
dysfunction. Each time dysfunction would happen, it made more sense to dismiss it rather
than engage the roots of the dysfunctions. How much of my Christian experience was real?
How much of it was fake? For me, the red letters of Jesus were real. For me, the spiritual
climate which I lived in and created for myself was very real. Throughout this time, I would
speak weekly to congregations across the US and internally emotions of anxiety would flood
my mind and manifest in my body. My unseen struggle would grow and begin to be somewhat
debilitating. I can recall that panic attacks would interrupt whatever I was doing. From my
perspective, it looked like a pre diabetic condition but multiple tests and medical analysis over
the last 5 years would reveal that I was dealing with a hidden culprit. How do I try to explain a
condition which is largely unseen? When someone bruises themselves externally one sees
the physical impact visibly. In the world of PTSD, the bruise is hidden on the inside of your
very powerful brain. We cannot see the one who suffers with PTSD like we do a person who
has a cast or a bandage. This makes the process feel incredibly vulnerable.

17 years into my journey though, the bigger picture comes together and I can see a little
further. Could we defeat the Radical Islam? The answer is yes. Will we defeat Radical Islam?
The answer is yet to be seen. I believe that 2020 is a crossroads for America but one would
hardly know due to the drama and instigating news cycles. This is why we must revisit the
recent past. We must look with fresh eyes and reinterpret the narrative which was fed to us
against our own will.

This document is that reinterpretation because the news has lost its credibility. We must now
take another look at what was happening in our country and why the Russian Trump
accusation was ever hatched. I will be providing links and information to back these claims
and in fact, the objective reader must draw a conclusion. I have enough information to
conclude that the reason for the 3-year disinformation propaganda campaign by the Left was
not just a farce but something much more sinister. The Russian Hoax was actually a deflection
to hide the true crimes by the Obama administration. The Russia Hoax was necessary for all
the criminals involved to continue their globalized crimes without interruption. So hungry for
power, the administration intentionally continued choosing to compromise US National
security by willfully perpetuating the false narrative that Trump colluded with Russia. With
Hillary losing the 2016 elections to Trump, this was effectively the official public demise and
the beginning of the end for those who perpetrated the false narrative of Trump Russia
Collusion. Her losing the election was not just another President being elected, rather, it was
essentially a prequel to the truth about the true Russian collusion which will likely make more
sense after reading this.
Every time Hillary Clinton and her team pursued the false claim that Russians collaborated
with Trump, she was in actuality still pursuing mutual interests for Putin. 30 million taxpayer
dollars later- which could feed a lot of homeless Veterans, was used by the Deep State to take
back the Oval Office from we the people, not Donald Trump. This document is a compilation of
various news articles and posts which offer more details as to why the Russia Trump
accusation was born but let's agree on one thing. Let us not add to the noise but sincerely try
to add value not anger.

We the People
Everyone is already so ANGRY. Spend any time watching the news or scrolling through social
media and the division is palpable. Suddenly, it seems we can’t agree on anything and
everyone is determined to make others see things the way we do. Unfortunately, we aren’t
talking to each other, we are talking over each other. There is plenty of finger pointing and
name calling, but very little actual conversation. The election of President Trump revealed a
very deep divide in the country most hadn’t even realized was so pronounced. The truth is, we
have all been the victim of mass deception, designed to prevent his election or to remove him
from power because he is a threat to the status quo. They aren’t fighting President Trump.
They are fighting YOU. Elected officials have forgotten that government obtains its power from
the consent of the governed. WE THE PEOPLE fell asleep. Activist judges have become
commonplace and the judicial branch has been abused by political operatives using litigation
to obstruct the proper function of government. Congress seems entirely incapable of passing
legislation or a budget. They are too busy investigating the party not in the majority, putting on
a circus show to trigger whatever emotion will get you to the polls to vote them back in, or
pushing the agenda of the lobbyists that control absolutely every decision on the Hill.

When it comes to foreign policy, it is easy to point the finger at President Clinton for missing
intelligence that would have prevented 9/11. It is easy to point the finger at President Bush for
the war in Iraq. It is easy to point the finger at President Obama for the rise of ISIS and
destabilization in the world. Specifically, in the Middle East. It is easy to point the finger at
regimes for fostering terrorists or at Islam itself. The truth is, they are all at fault. All proxy wars
require providing financial support, training, and weapons to the proxy armies. All actors in
proxy wars are operating for their own purposes. Islamist terror groups do not fight proxy wars
because they are interested in helping the US achieve our goals, they fight because they
share a common enemy with whomever is providing the logistical support. That being said,
there is a huge difference between supporting local groups in conflict with a common enemy
and providing support to your own enemy. Each of these administrations made horrific foreign
policy decisions. None are absolved of the responsibility of those decisions. What informed
their decisions though? Who were their advisors? What intelligence did they have? Who
helped form their policies?

A President’s cabinet can tell you a lot about the quality of his counsel. Cabinet members tend
to rotate through agencies, appointments, administrations, media, think-tanks, NGOs,
foundations, and government contract companies. The Presidency is only four years long. The
names of the organizations change, but the people that spend a career in “public service”
don’t change all that much. We currently have people in advisory roles that have been
whispering in our elected officials’ ears since WWII. Who REALLY is running the country?
Welcome to the swamp.

Whichever team wins the Presidency gets to choose the flavor of the swamp for four years.
So, for four years this swamp gets to lavish their special interests groups with goodies, gets to
control the intelligence, and has the power of the Presidency. Trump’s special interest group is
America. He owes no favors. He is using the power of the office to restore the proper
constitutional authorities of all three branches. What they are mad about is the loss of the
intelligence apparatus. Why? Because he is going to expose the abuse of this power by both
parties going back for decades, but weaponized against the American people in a conspiracy
to commit sedition. He is cutting off the ability of the swamp to get rich on proxy wars they
create. Why are world leaders so mad? Because every country’s swamp has been playing the
same sick game. The swamp survives on war and division. Meanwhile, WE THE PEOPLE
can’t even get the government to perform its basic functions.

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, your representatives should actually
represent your values and interests and that they should advocate for you. Our military force
should never be used to topple regimes in order to extend our power and influence. Our
government shouldn’t provide logistical support to our enemies or to provide them a place in
DC. The Obama administration did all it could to provide aid, comfort, and arms to our
enemies. Our government was weaponized against American citizens to keep the duly elected
president from performing his constitutional responsibilities. They attempted to frame him as a
Russian agent. Crimes have been committed. The world is waiting for the declassification of
the documents they created to keep the American people to elect the President they choose.

Let’s stop being ANGRY. Stop pointing fingers and stop being manipulated by false narratives
and political talking points. We don’t have to agree on everything. We DO have to work
together to get the government to function as it was designed to. The only way to do that is to
recognize that there is a rot in our government that has taken away the power of WE THE
PEOPLE and that it festers across party lines. The Russia Hoax is the perfect framework for
examining this rot because the participants in the seditious plot have been participating in
criminal abuses of power and violating the rights of American citizens for decades and we
simply were unaware. The participants are from both parties and many of them have been
involved in so many events together that it becomes impossible not to see the coordinated
actions they take to cover their crimes.

While the country waits for the declassification of the FISA documents, or the imaginary
smoking gun evidence that President Trump is a Russian agent, news breaks every day that
prove that the swamp is being drained and order is being restored. When the truth of the
corruption and criminality of our government officials and our media and people start being
indicted, will you be scared and confused, or will you be relieved? That all depends on how
comfortable you are with relinquishing your control to the same people that have continuously
made horrific decisions in your name versus your desire to take your country back.
The Muslim Brotherhood: Friend or Foe?
Despite their extensive involvement in our politics and our government, many Americans are
not familiar with the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is a transnational terrorist
organization that employs Popovic-like tactics to topple regimes. What had become known as
the Arab Spring was a template for how regime change is done and is a cookie cutter template
mostly taken from Popovic. The Tunisia Revolution “spread” to 5 countries: Libya, Yemen,
Syria, Bahrain and Egypt. Ultimately, the Syrian Civil War, the Iraqi Insurgency and
proceeding Iraq Civil War were byproducts of their psychopathic agenda. According to their
own materials, Islam is their objective. They declare that Allah is their God, that the Quran is
their holy book. Jihad is an honor for this geopolitical Sharia machine and dying in the cause
of Islam is the ultimate nirvana for them. The terrorist organization was founded in March of
1928 by a man named Hassan Al-Banna. Their logo has remained the same since its
founding. It includes two swords and the word “Prepare,” themed from Surah 8 of the Quran;
The Spoils of War. Their blueprint for America was obtained by the FBI/MI in multiple raids
and was later added as evidence in a 2008 Holy Land Terror Trial. The FBI uncovered their
strategy on infiltrating the United States with conspiracy to sabotage “from within.” The raid
happened at one of the homes of a MB operative who resided in a D.C. suburb. Their goal:
Make America Muslim. The ​Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan for America​ discovered in
1991 is translated in part and available online. One line in particular I want to bring to your
attention is this. It boldly declares on Page 7:

“The Muslim Brotherhood must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad
in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable
house by their hands and the hands of the believers… [W]e must possess a mastery of: the
art of ​‘​coalitions​’,​ the art of ​‘absorption’​ ​and the principles of ‘c
​ ooperation​.”​

Herein is where the two worlds clash head on. This, to me, is where you need to begin paying
attention. The art of coalitions, absorption and cooperation sounds less sinister than it really is.
In reality, the recent past could be summed up in these three brilliant yet sinister strategies:
coalitions, absorptions and cooperation; all of which we will discuss further along. The FBI
began looking into the Holy Land foundation’s financial ties to Hamas; a declared terrorist
group. Hundreds of interviews, hundreds of boxes of documents and everything from bank
records to audio/ video were confiscated. This would be the largest terror financing case in the
history of America.

It's important here to note that prior to discovering the original document, approximately one
year prior; the world was just introduced to a bazaar replacement to the United Nations
Declaration of Independence of Human Rights (UNDHR) which was enacted at the UN in
1948. The ​UNDHR​ was a Universal response to avoid more war in a weary Post WW2 era.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation​ is a coalition within the United Nations. They are 57
member states within the United Nations and their replacement to the 1948 UN Declaration
should cause alarm to any supporter of human rights. A simple comparison of the two
documents reveals the distinct contrast of the UNDHR and its counter declaration: ​The Cairo
Declaration​ on Human Rights in Islam. The very first of the text states one of its objectives is
to affirm “freedom and the right to a dignified life ​in accordance with the Islamic Shariah.​
The below are actual articles from the Cairo Declaration. It should concern every freedom
loving citizen that our governing bodies allowed this to happen unchecked.

(a) Life is a God-given gift and the right to life is guaranteed to every human being. It is the
duty of individuals, societies and states to protect this right from any violation, and it is
prohibited to take away life except for a Shari’ah-prescribed reason. (b) It is forbidden to resort
to such means as may result in the genocidal annihilation of mankind. (c) The preservation of
human life throughout the term of time willed by God is a duty prescribed by Shari’ah. (d)
Safety from bodily harm is a guaranteed right. It is the duty of the state to safeguard it, and it is
prohibited to breach it without a Shari’ah-prescribed reason.

(a) Woman is equal to man in “human dignity,” and has rights to enjoy as well as duties to
perform; she has her own civil entity and financial independence, and the right to retain her
name and lineage. (b) The husband is responsible for the support and welfare of the family.
(a) As of the moment of birth, every child has rights due from the parents, society and the
state to be accorded proper nursing, education and material, hygienic and moral care. Both
the fetus and the mother must be protected and accorded special care. (b) Parents and those
in such like capacity have the right to choose the type of education they desire for their
children, provided they take into consideration the interest and future of the children in
accordance with ethical values and the principles of the Shari’ah. (c) Both parents are entitled
to certain rights from their children, and relatives are entitled to rights from their kin, in
accordance with the tenets of the Shari’ah.

“.... every man shall the right, within the framework of the Shariah, to free movement and to
select his place of residence. And if persecuted, is entitled to asylum in another country. The
country of refuge shall ensure his protection, unless asylum is motivated by an act against

Enlightenment is not encouraged.
Everyone shall have the right to enjoy the fruits of his scientific, literary, artistic or technical
production and the right to protect the moral and material interests stemming therefrom,
provided that such production is not contrary to the principles of Shari’ah.

(d) There shall be no crime or punishment except as provided for in the Shari’ah. (e) A
defendant is innocent until his guilt is proven in a fair trial in which he shall be given all the
guarantees of defense.

Everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely in such manner as would not be
contrary to the principles of the Shari’ah. (b) Everyone shall have the right to advocate what is
right, and propagate what is good, and warn against what is wrong and evil according to the
norms of Islamic Shari’ah. (c) Information is a vital necessity to society. It may not be exploited
or misused in such a way as may violate sanctities and the dignity of Prophets, undermine
moral and ethical values or disintegrate, corrupt or harm society or weaken its faith. (d) It is
not permitted to arouse nationalistic or doctrinal hatred or to do anything that may be an
incitement to any form of racial discrimination.

Article 24:
All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shariah.

Article 25:
The Islamic Shariah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification to any
of the articles of this Declaration.

It’s notable that this Declaration happened during James Baker’s tenure as Secretary of State
under President George H.W. Bush. This will also connect later to Secretary Clinton who
would instigate an update to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights that many saw
as an attack on free speech. I also think it’s interesting that's the same James Baker who was
also Counsel for the DOJ in 2005 and testified to Congress about the Patriot Act one day after
then FBI Director Mueller testified for the same thing. As you study the recent past, it begins to
be clear that the same actors and same networks of the DC establishments have a social
infrastructure of power. Many times, these actors are rotated and cycled through various
government institutions and that process removes those actors from suspicion or obvious
conflicts of interest.

Who is James Baker? Baker ​served as the FBI’s general counsel during the FBI “Crossfire
Hurricane” investigation into candidate Donald Trump​ and his campaign. As the FBI’s general
counsel, Baker was responsible for providing legal advice to senior leaders of the FBI,
including Comey and McCabe, on the legal aspects of these investigations and to act as a
liaison between the FBI and the DOJ. His testimony in front of the Committee on the Judiciary,
Joint with the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight hearing on October 3rd and
18th 2018 provides insight into the internal discussions and irregularities in the criminal
investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s illegal server and felony handling of
classified information as well as the investigation into the presidential campaign of Donald

During testimony, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who along with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)
had been questioning Baker, paused to outline his concerns, telling Baker, “everything about
this investigation seems to have been done in an abnormal way, the way that you have gotten
the information, the way that Peter Strzok got information, the way that Bruce Ohr was used,
the way that Perkins Coie actually came in and gave you information.”

Meadows noted that, “with all this stuff that we are talking about…you ought to look at this with
a jaundiced eye, would you agree?”

Baker responded​: “I had a jaundiced eye about everything, yes. I had skepticism about all this
stuff. I was concerned about all of this. This whole situation was horrible, and it was novel, and
we were trying to figure out what to do, and it was highly unusual.”

Jim Baker met multiple times with ​Michael Sussman​, a lawyer he once worked with at the
criminal division of the DOJ and is now a partner at Perkins Coie. Perkins Coie is the law firm
the DNC hired, who in turn hired the opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, that was
responsible for the creation of the Steele Dossier. During at least one of those meetings,
Michael Sussman provided Jim Baker with the allegation that there was communication
between servers in Trump Tower and Alfa Bank in Russia. This information was not true.

Michael Sussman was the lawyer the DNC CEO Amy Dacey called at Perkins Coie on April
28, 2016, after discovering the “hack” of their servers. Sussman’s bio on the Perkins Coie
website describes him as “a nationally-recognized privacy, cybersecurity lawyer”. After Dacey
contacted Sussman about the DNC “hack”, he immediately contacted Shawn Henry of
Crowdstrike, the cyber security firm that provided the FBI with the only information about the
servers and the “hack” they ever examined, as the FBI has never examined the DNC servers

In a letter to US Attorney John Durham, Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan of the
conservative House Freedom Caucus cited a previously undisclosed portion of Baker's
transcript where his lawyer interjected to say: "​he's been the subject of a leak investigation
that is ... still active​ at the Justice Department."

Holy Land Trials and Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups

FBI Archives​ of the convictions obtained through the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and
Development provides a brief description of what the Holy Land trials were about:
The FBI’s fight against terrorism funding paid a big dividend yesterday when five former
leaders of a U.S.-based Muslim charity were convicted of funneling more than $12 million to
the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

Guilty verdicts on all 108 counts against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development
were announced in federal court in Dallas, Texas, representing the largest victory against
terrorist financing in the U.S. since the 9/11 attacks.

“For many years, the Holy Land Foundation used the guise of charity to raise and funnel
millions of dollars to the infrastructure of the Hamas terror organization,” said Patrick Rowan,
Assistant Attorney General for National Security. “This prosecution demonstrates our resolve
to ensure that humanitarian relief efforts are not used as a mechanism to disguise and enable
support for terrorist groups.”

The FBI first got involved in the Holy Land case nearly 15 years ago. In 1994, we began
looking into the organization’s financial ties to Hamas. During the investigation, our agents
traveled the globe to conduct more than 100 interviews, to sort through hundreds of boxes of
documents (including many Arabic documents), to view hundreds of video and audio tapes in
Arabic, and to review thousands of pages of bank records.

Noting that the FBI’s top investigative priority is counterterrorism, Robert E. Casey, Special
Agent in Charge of our Dallas office, applauded yesterday’s verdicts and put terrorists on
notice: “The FBI will continue to keep the country safe by actively investigating all forms of
terrorist threats, whether that threat manifests itself in the planning or execution of a violent
terrorist act or other crimes that provide support to terrorist organizations.”

The Holy Land Foundation, based in a Dallas suburb before it was shut down in 2001,
provided about $12.4 million in funding to Hamas-controlled organizations in the West Bank
and Gaza.
The Holy Land Foundation, based in a Dallas suburb before it was shut down in 2001,
about $12.4 million in funding to Hamas-controlled organizations in the West Bank and Gaza.
Fighting terrorism by choking off its funding source is one of the many techniques we use to
proactively disrupt and dismantle terrorist enterprises before they strike. The case against
Holy Land was investigated by one of our Joint Terrorism Task Forces, which bring together
local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.

In December 2001, three months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. Treasury
Department designated Holy Land as a “Specially Designated Terrorist” group. We raided the
organization’s Texas headquarters, seized its assets, and shut down its operation. At the time,
Holy Land was ranked as the country’s largest Muslim charitable organization.
Hamas was designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. in 1995, and that made
contributions to the group illegal. The 108 counts the Holy Land defendants were convicted of
yesterday, including providing material support to Hamas and money laundering, carry stiff
sentences. No sentencing date has been set.

During the trial, the government presented evidence that Holy Land Foundation and the five
defendants provided approximately $12.4 million in support to Hamas and its goal of creating
an Islamic Palestinian state by eliminating the State of Israel through violent jihad. Evidence
was also presented that several of the defendants have family members who are Hamas
leaders, including Hamas’s political chief, Mousa Abu Marzook.

These cases uncovered a wide network of organizations and individuals that were all tied to
the Muslim Brotherhood through various front groups and non-governmental organizations.
Many of these front groups were specifically named as “unindicted co-conspirators.” The
cases show the complex web of Muslim Brotherhood organizations and their ability to
coordinate their activities on a global scale, with far-reaching implications.

U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations​, or USCMO, is a powerful MB Super Group officially

formed in March of 2014, during the peak of the northern offensive of ISIS. Essentially, the
USCMO is nothing short of a Muslim Brotherhood Super Political Action Group made up of
CAIR and dozens of other front groups.

“The vision of the US Council of Muslim Organizations is that America’s Muslims will be
socially successful in direct proportion to how well we do three things:
● Streamline “all-way” communication between and among our local and national
● Build a laser-focused, consensus-based national vision
● Cooperate in mobilizing the Muslim populations of our local communities and that of
our fellow Americans for the good of all”
Mission: to open effective communication and coordination spectrums between all American
Muslim organizations; To help solidify these mutually crucial relationships and to create and
sustain an urgent, collective sense of direction. – USCMO Vision and Mission Statement

The USCMO’s official ​list of member organizations​ include many of the same front groups
named in the Holy Land trials as unindicted co-conspirators. The member groups include
LEGAL FUND OF AMERICA); NAIT- North American Islamic Trust; and the MSA: Muslim
Student Association MSA which was founded in 1963 at the University of Illinois. MSA is the
result of a larger Saudi backed effort to create international Islamic Organizations.

Brotherhood Terror & Finance Cases

Maroufidou v. Sweden​, UN Human Rights Committee, Communication No. R.13/58 (1981)
United States v. Abu Marzook, 2006 WL 250008 (N.D. Ill.); United States v. Marzook, ​383 F.Sup.2d
1056​(N.D. Ill. 2005) (Hamas) (over 100 reported cases deal in some way with membership in,
cooperation with or financing of Hamas)
United States v. Gilbert, ​244 F.3d 888​(11th Cir. 2001) (gaming facility as money laundering enterprise)
United States v. Hammoud, ​381 F.3d 316​(4th Cir. 2004); ​405 F.3d 1034​(4th Cir. 2005) (Hizballah)
United States v. Talebnejad, ​342 F.Supp.2d 346​(D. Md. 2004) (Hawala case)
United States v. Uddin, ​365 F.Supp.2d 825​(D. Mich. 2005) (Hawala case)
Arrêt du 12 décembre 2005​(Switzerland)

Muslim Brotherhood Member Criminal Offences Include:

Randall Ismail Royer (​weapons and explosive charges​)
Bassam Khafagi (​bank and visa fraud​)
Ghassan Elashi (​terrorism financing of Hamas​) and
Nabil Sadoun (​deported for ties to terrorist groups​).
542 Total: Terror Court Cases: ​

Terror Designation
CAIR: Council on American Islamic Relations was ​designated as a Muslim Brotherhood
terrorist group​ by the United Arab Emirates in 2014- a year before Senator Ted Cruz’s official

In 2017, Senator ​Ted Cruz from Texas re-introduced legislation​ to declare the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) and the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist organizations. It would
“require the Secretary of State to submit a report to Congress on the designation of the
Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.”

Senator Cruz is on record as to why he introduced such bills to begin with. He says, “I am
proud to reintroduce these bills that would codify needed reforms in America’s war against
Radical Islamic terrorism. This potent threat to our civilization has intensified under the Obama
administration due to the willful blindness of politically correct policies that hamper our safety
and security. One must ask why such obvious threats were left unchecked for so long.
Senator Cruz was not successful the first time around under the Obama Administration during
his ​2015 bill​.

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of US Government

Given the Muslim Brotherhood’s stated goals of infiltration of our government in order to turn
America into an Islamic State, their association and support for terrorist organizations, and the
engagement in criminal activities over the years, one has to question the intentions behind the
open embrace the Obama gave the organization during his administration. Make no mistake,
the Muslim Brotherhood’s efforts at infiltration and influence in our government did not start
with President Obama’s administration.

Warnings of the dangers of Muslim Brotherhood’s intentions to infiltrate our government were
largely ignored during the Bush administration. During the Holy Land trials, prosecutors
named the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, among other well-known Muslim
organizations, as ​unindicted co-conspirators​. Despite this designation, these organizations
have continued to enjoy unfettered access across certain areas of our government. For
example, ISNA remained one of two ecclesiastical endorsing agencies used to vet Muslim
chaplain candidates for the military.

In October of 2003, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security
held a hearing on ​Terrorist Recruitment and Infiltration in the United States Prisons and
Military​ as an Operational Base. The opening statement from John Kyl, a US Senator from the
State of Arizona reveals that the terrorist had already infiltrated our gov:

“There have been an increasing number of instances in which Wahhabists have successfully
penetrated key U.S. institutions, such as the military and our prison system.
As several recent media reports have noted, the two groups that accredit and recommend
Muslim chaplains to the military--the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Science and an
organization under the umbrella of the American Muslim Foundation--have long been
suspected of links to terrorist organizations by the Federal Government. Another group
accused of ties to Islamic extremists, the Islamic Society of North America, refers Muslim
clerics to the Bureau of Prisons….one of the key architects of the U.S. military's chaplain
program, Abdurahman Alamoudi, was arrested and charged with an illegal relationship with
Libya, long a state sponsor of terror. Authorities have also charged Captain James Yee, a
Muslim clergyman who was once stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, with two counts of
mishandling classified information.
Additionally, the New York State prison system promoted a Muslim cleric to a position that
allowed him to supervise the hiring and firing of all prison chaplains. He was later removed
from his job when officials discovered he was an Al-Qaeda sympathizer who incited prisoners
against America… “
Dr. Michael Waller​ testified to the Subcommittee and clarified three points.

1.​ F
​ oreign states and movements have been financing the promotion of radical political Islam
within America's armed forces and prisons.

2.​ ​Radical Islam preaches extreme intolerance and hatred of American society, culture,
government, and the principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, and it seeks the ultimate
overthrow of the Constitution.

3.​ T
​ errorists have exploited America's religious tolerance, and the chaplain programs in
particular, as key elements of infiltrating the military and the prisons.
In 2004, just one year after the Senate’s hearing on the recruitment and infiltration of Muslim
Brotherhood members into our prison system and military, Department of Defense ​Inspector
General Joseph Schmitz made a series of recommendations for vetting​ chaplain nominees
that were not implemented by the Defense Department. These questionable alliances seemed
to go unnoticed for many years. In a follow up letter some 6 years later, to Sen. Diane
Feinstein, the Chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the former Inspector
General Joseph Schmitz outlined what he believes is the potential risk to national security
posed by the military’s current chaplain vetting system. He also argued that the 2008 Holy
Land Foundation terror fundraising trial in itself should be enough to reconsider the
organizations currently tasked with endorsing chaplain candidates.

The FBI severed ties with CAIR in 2004, making the determination that the unindicted
co-conspirator in the Holy Land Trial was no longer “an appropriate liaison partner” because of
evidence linking the organization and its founders to Hamas. "In light of that evidence, the FBI
suspended all formal contacts between CAIR and the FBI," Richard C. Powers, an assistant
director in the FBI's Office of Congressional Affairs, wrote in a letter to Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ).

During the Obama administration, members of the Muslim Brotherhood were given unique
access and input into government policy making and were often placed in critical positions of
power. Furthermore, the Obama administration’s foreign policy appears to have been heavily
influenced by Muslim Brotherhood ideals, organizations, and individuals. Often, the Muslim
Brotherhood’s stated goals for regime change in the Middle East was indistinguishable from
those of the Obama administration. This became horrifyingly obvious in the warnings our
military intelligence agencies reported on in 2012 in regard to Obama’s intentional arming of
“rebel groups” and the rise and fall of ISIS. When one examines the decisions made by the
Obama administration with the benefit of hindsight, a very sinister picture emerges. While it
may have been easy to view questionable decisions as failures in intelligence gathering,
misunderstandings, or just plain incompetence at the time events were unfolding, a clear
assessment of history makes those excuses unlikely. Rather, if the decisions were intentional,
there is a case to be made that foreign powers heavily influenced US domestic and foreign
policies. Just who is running our country, exactly? How deeply embedded is the Muslim
Brotherhood in our institutions now?

The Muslim Brotherhood’s sinister strategy of implementing the “art of cooperation” began
before Obama’s inauguration. It wasn’t revealed until much later, thanks to ​leaked documents​,
but President Obama’s transition team kept lists of Muslim and Asian candidates for job
placements within his administration. The email chain revealed that in this process, Middle
Eastern Christians were purposefully excluded. Interestingly, the leaked documents show that
there was concern that some of the Muslims suggested would not survive media scrutiny, with
one aide writing,
“High-profile Muslim Americans tend to be the subject of a fair amount of blogger criticism,
and so the individuals on this list would need to be ESPECIALLY carefully vetted.” She
continues, “I suspect some of the people I list would not survive such a vet.”

The Obama administration followed through with their intended goal of placing Muslims in
government positions. There are many Muslim Brotherhood operatives. In key government
jobs, who enjoyed strong influence over U.S. policy, according to the Investigative Project on
Terrorism and the Center for Security Policy in Washington. While there are undoubtedly
many Muslim Brotherhood members currently occupying official US Government offices, the
backgrounds of some of these members sheds light on the very real danger of allowing MB
members to be in government positions at all:

Rashad Hussain A ​ rticle Discover the Networks Rashad Hussain

Imam Mohamed Magid ​Article Discover the Networks Mohamed Magid
​ rticle Discover the Networks Mohamed Elibiary
Mohamed Elibiary A

White House visitor logs​ show that throughout the Obama Administration, officials conducted
a number of meetings with groups that have close ties to Islamist terrorist groups; and that
pushed the administration to reduce anti-terrorism investigations​. At least 20 such meetings
occurred throughout the Obama era as while further actions on terrorism finance cases
appeared to dry up. Given the FBI’s declaration that CAIR was not an appropriate partner in
2004, one has to question the warm welcome afforded them in Obama’s White House.

After the Holy Land trials, there was widespread expectations that further prosecutions of
Muslim Brotherhood organizations and individuals for terrorist and other criminal activities,
would soon follow. Those expectations died with Obama’s appointment of Attorney General
Eric Holder in 2009 when further prosecutions were frozen inexplicably. Additionally, despite
the ​FBI’s formal severance of ties with CAIR​, Attorney General Eric Holder, the highest law
enforcement officer in the land, openly gave support to a terrorist linked group in Michigan by
delivering a ​keynote speech​. Former terrorism prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, a critic of CAIR,
said he was disappointed but not taken aback by the FBI’s parsing of its ban on “formal
contacts” with the Muslim group. “I wish I could say I’m surprised but I’m not remotely
surprised,” McCarthy said. “The last administration was guilty of it; this administration is guilty
of it—they have determined it is more important to have what it can publicly hold out as ties to
the Muslim community than it is to be careful about who you have the ties with.”

The Muslim Brotherhood’s influence on the Obama administrations foreign policies is clearly
seen in the policies in Egypt during the Arab Spring.

The Muslim Brotherhood had been banned in Egypt since 1954, but its members are
permitted to hold positions in Egypt’s parliament. Muslim Brotherhood members run as
independents and in 2007, made up the largest opposition bloc in parliament, making up
one-fifth of its seats, and was the most powerful opposition to President Hosni Mubarak, a US
ally. In 2007, Democrats were making the argument that the Bush administration needed to
engage Syria to solve some of the conflict in the Middle East. The Bush administration
rejected the Democrats’ proposed approach and had accused Syria of aggravating the conflict
in Lebanon. This approach being pushed by the Democrats during the Bush administration
was fully embraced by the Obama administration. This resulted in catastrophic upheaval
throughout the Middle East and spurned multiple civil wars and untold bloodshed throughout
the world.

One example of the Democrat efforts to engage the Muslim Brotherhood was when ​House
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer met with the Muslim Brotherho​od​’s​ parliament leader, Saad
el-Katani, in Egypt. Muslim Brotherhood spokesman, Hamdi Hassan confirmed that the two
had met and discussed developments in the Middle East and the Brotherhood’s opposition
efforts in Egypt. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer met with the Muslim Brotherhood’s
parliament leader, Mohammed Saad el-Katatni, at the parliament building and then again at
the U.S. ambassador to Egypt, Francis Ricciardone’s residence, according to Brotherhood
spokesman, Hamdi Hassan. U.S. Embassy spokesman John Berry confirmed that Hoyer met
with el-Katatni when he attended a reception at Ricciardon’s home with other politicians and
parliament members. Additionally, Berry stated, "It's our diplomatic practice around the world
to meet with parliamentarians, be they members of political parties or independents," Berry
said. "We haven't changed our policy with regard to the Muslim Brotherhood as an

The art of cooperation is seen clearly here. Jamal Khashoggi was a Muslim Brotherhood
fanatic who was portrayed as a humble human rights advocate by the Washington Post. This
opinion piece displays his avid support for the terrorist organization. Though his brutal death is
completely unjustified, Khashoggi was in bed with many terrorists and himself was an MB
political Operative. To Khashoggi and his MB friends, the: ​US is wrong about the Muslim
Brotherhood​ and with access to media platforms like Washington Post and the New York
Times, the disinformation and confusion grows.

The Arab Spring: Covert Regime Change

The Arab Spring was presented to the public as a phenomena of mass grass-roots revolutions
across the Middle East in an effort to throw off tyrannical governments in pursuit of
democracy. I myself had believed this as well. According to the public narrative, the movement
began on December 17, 2010 in Tunisia, when a fruit vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi set himself
on fire in front of a government office to protest his recent arrest for failing to obtain a permit to
sell his produce. Street protests spread throughout the country and the Tunisian government
was officially overthrown on January 14, 2011 when President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
resigned and fled to Saudi Arabia. It wasn’t long before protests arose in Egypt, Oman,
Yemen, Syria and Morocco. What has become known as the Arab Spring spurned the Libyan
Civil War, the Syrian Civil War, political upheaval and violence across the Middle East, and the
rise and splintering off of ISIS.

In evaluating regime change operations throughout the world, it is important to have an

understanding of how the “rebels” become inspired to join a movement to overthrow their
current government, to understand how these groups are supported financially and by whom,
and to understand the tactics and templates they’ve used successfully in the past. Most
importantly, understanding the roles that non-government organizations, school connected
groups, and private intelligence groups play in orchestrating these “grass-roots” movements
into a revolutionary force capable of toppling a government. By evaluating the mechanics of
regime changes, it becomes clear that there is rarely a lot of evidence of these movements as
being truly grass-roots, leading one to question​ if the locals aren’t joining a movement, who is
rallying the ‘rebels”?​ How do foreign countries determine which rebel groups are true
representatives of their country’s desires? More often than not, it seems, Western countries
become involved in a local issue based on a resolution developed at the United Nations. The
military actions required to achieve the UN’s Resolutions stated goal are decided at the U.N.
To correct this loophole, expect big changes soon to the UN.

Have you ever heard of Srda Popovic? I didn't think so. Popovic created a powerful template
for regime change that has been used by the CIA repeatedly as a method of ensuring a covert
ousting of governments around the world. Popovic founded a student protest group called
Otpor! (which means Resistance!) Eventually, he got political and created a new organization
called The Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (​CANVAS​), that overthrew
Slobodan Milosevic in 2000. This is a CIA backed organization and has played a role in over
50 CIA Color Revolutions around the world. ​US Army Col. Robert Helvey and Gene Sharp
train NATO and the CIA how to use these “nonviolent” revolutions​ In all, Popovic and Otpor!
received over $41 million US tax dollars for their “democracy-building” campaigns. Popovic
refuses to reveal the full sources of his funds claiming they are private and non-governmental.

Arab Spring revolutionaries attended State Department conferences, workshops, US

embassy visits, direct meetings with HRC, Condoleezza Rice, John McCain, Barack Obama,
and Serbian trainers from CANVAS, and “democracy building foundations” paid for by the
State Department.

“The Arab Spring” was assisted by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Obama’s 2008 internet
campaign team, who provided encryption technologies and social media skills. Approximately
10,000 Egyptians took part in NED and USAID training on social media and lessons on
nonviolent organizing techniques prior to the Tahrir Square uprising in Egypt. In Libya, key
US assets engineered the overthrow of Gaddafi. Some participated in the same State
Department trainings as the Middle East opposition activists and instigated nonviolent
Facebook and Twitter protests to coincide with the 2011 uprisings in Tunisian and Egypt.
Between 2005 and 2010, the State Department funneled $12 million to opposition groups
opposed to Assad.

In Syria, opposition activists received US training in cyberactivism and nonviolent resistance

beginning in 2006. Ausama Monajed, is featured in the 2011 film ​How to Start a Revolution
about a visit with Gene Sharp in 2006. Monajed and others worked closely with the US
embassy, funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). This is a State Department
program that operates in countries (such as Libya and Syria) where USAID is banned. In
February 2011, these groups posted a call on Twitter and Facebook for a Day of Rage.
Nothing happened. When nonviolent techniques failed to produce an uprising, like in Libya,
they and their allies (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Jordan) were all set up to introduce
Islamic mercenaries to declare war on the Assad regime.

• ​USAID​ (US Agency for International Development) – State Department agency charged with
economic development and humanitarian aid with a long history of financing destabilization
activities, especially in Latin America.

•​ NED​ (National Endowment for Democracy) – national organization supported by State

Department and CIA funding dedicated to the promotion of democratic institutions throughout
the world, primary funder of IRI and NDI.

• ​IRI​ (International Republican Institute) – democracy promoting organization linked with the
Republican Party, currently chaired by Senator John McCain and funded by NED.

• ​NDI​ (National Democratic Institute for International Affairs) – democracy promoting

organization linked with the Democratic Party, currently chaired by Madeline Albright and
funded by NED.

• ​OSI​ (Open Society Institute) – founded by George Soros in 1993 to help fund color
revolutions in Eastern Europe. Also contributed major funding to Arab Spring revolutions.

• Freedom House – US organization that supports nonviolent citizens initiatives in societies

were liberty is denied or threatened, financed by USAID, NED and the Soros Foundation.

• ​CANVAS​ (Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies) – center originally founded
by the Serbian activists of Otpor who the US funded and trained to overthrow Slobodan
Milosevic and who were instrumental in training Arab Spring activists. Funded by Freedom
House, IRI and OSI.

Financing Regime Changes

In 2010 the US Administration under President Barack Obama developed a top-secret
blueprint for the most ambitious and far-ranging series of US-backed regime change across
the Islamic Middle East. In August 2010, six months before Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution was
launched by the Washington NGOs including the NED, the Soros Foundations, Freedom
House and others, ​President Obama signed Presidential Study Directive-11 (PDS-11)​,
ordering Washington government agencies to prepare for “change.” The change was to be a
radical policy calling for Washington’s backing for the secret fundamentalist Islamic Muslim
Brotherhood across the Middle Eastern Muslim world.

To draft the contents of PSD-11, a top-secret task force was established within the Obama
National Security Council (NSC), headed by Dennis Ross, Samantha Power, Gayle Smith,
Ben Rhodes and Michael McFaul.

The Top-Secret PSD-11 report that the Task Force drew up was partially revealed in a series
of legal Freedom of Information Act requests to the State Department. Released official
documents revealed that the National Security Council (NSC) Task Force had concluded that
the Muslim Brotherhood was a “viable movement” for the US Government to support
throughout North Africa and the Middle East. A resulting Presidential directive ordered
American diplomats to make contacts with top Muslim Brotherhood leaders and gave active
support to the organization’s drive for power in key nations like Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and
Syria, at the 2011 outset of the “Arab Spring.”

The PDS-11 secret paper came to the bizarre conclusion that the Muslim Brotherhood’s brand
of political Islam, combined with its fervent nationalism, could lead to “reform and stability.” It
was a lie, a lie well known to the Obama PSD-11 Task Force members. The members of the
Obama Administration National Security Council PSD-11 Task Force that recommended a US
Government embrace of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Islamic countries of the Arab
Middle East, knew very well who they were dealing with.

Gaddafi fought to retain power. However, he could do little more than to rail at the Western
powers and their new partners; the Muslim Brotherhood. For months, Gadhafi and his
followers struggled to hold off rebel forces, which were well-armed thanks to Qatar and the
West. Most importantly, had the U.S. through NATO opposed their effort, their plan would
have been quashed. Since it was not, one is left to assume that President Obama agreed
with their motives and supported them. Former Secretary of State Clinton too demonstrated
little interest in actually solving the conflicts in the Middle East. The conflicts have served as a
major source of money for the Clinton Foundation fundraising, of which Qatar had been a
dependable source practically since its founding. Her actions and involvement in Obama’s
disastrous foreign policies were crafted by advisors and career government officials with
questionable allegiance to America.

Individuals like Secretary Clinton’s personal advisor, Huma Abedin; President Obama’s
advisor, Valerie Jarrett; and Former Ambassador to Egypt (August 2011-2013) Anne Woods
Patterson seem to have a lot of influence on America’s foreign policy, despite their
questionable histories, relationships, and alliances they have with people and groups that
have interests and goals that do not align with those of our country.

Another likely source of influence in Obama’s administration despite not being officially in the
administration is ​Gehad el-Haddad​. As is the case with many of Clinton’s associates,
El-Haddad has an interesting resume and personal and business relationships with individuals
and organizations that don’t align with the interests of the United States. It is not uncommon to
see associates of the Clintons rotate through official government positions, through
non-governmental organizations, various activist groups, and other jobs that place them in a
unique position to further the goals of the Clintons.

For example, el-Haddad’s employment as the City Director for the William J. Clinton
Foundation (August 2007-August 2012) overlapped with his employment as the
English-language spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, which began in February 2011. He
is the son of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader, Essam El-Haddad. He is a Senior Advisory
on Foreign Affairs to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party. He has
been a senior advisor and a media spokesperson for the Muslim Brotherhood and was a
strategist and spokesperson for the presidential campaign of Egyptian President Mohamed
Morsi. Egyptian authorities arrested el-Haddad in September 2013 on charges including
plotting to bring down the constitution, establish an “alternative government” and plotting to
kidnap Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. As disturbing as this resume is, el-Haddad’s situation is the
norm, rather than the exception, when it comes to Clinton associates.

On Jan. 13, 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave an interesting speech in Doha,
Qatar.​ The speech turned out to be a remarkably prescient speech where she says: "The
region's foundations are sinking into the sand," she warned. If you do not manage to "build a
future that your young people will believe in," she told the Arab heads of state in the audience,
the status quo they had long defended would collapse. The very next day, Tunisia’s dictator
was forced to flee the country. Almost two weeks later, hundreds of thousands of Egyptians
thronged Cairo's Tahrir Square demanding that then-President Hosni Mubarak step down.
Over the following week, Clinton and her colleagues in the Barack Obama administration
engaged in an intense debate over how to respond to this astonishing turn of events.

Who is John Brennan?

John Brennan and his disdain for the President was aired nightly throughout the mainstream
media over the duration of the Russia Hoax. It turns out Brennan has enough damning
evidence against him, and his past also demands a second look. He received a B.A in Political
Science from Fordham University which provides internship ​programs for the CIA​ and is a
major recruiting university for intelligence agencies and think tanks. He would obtain his M.A.
from the University of Texas at Austin. With a concentration in Middle Eastern studies, he
spent his junior year abroad learning Arabic and taking courses at the American University in
Cairo. When considering his tenures all throughout DC, he becomes a key player and his
motives for undermining Donald Trump are exposed. We know that in the 1976 Presidential
Election, Brennan ​admitted that he voted for the Communist Party​. He viewed it as a way “of
signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change...”

From 1981-1992Brennan joins the CIA’s analytic branch, directorate of intelligence (DI). What
is interesting here is that his connection to Obama doesn’t begin recently at all but rather goes
back years. In a fundraiser speech from 2008, ​Obama stated​ that he “traveled to Pakistan
when I was in college—I knew what Sunni and Shia was [sic] before I joined the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee. . ..”

Brennan, Brezynski, & Obama in Pakistan: 1981

In 1981, reportedly after visiting his mother and sister Maya in Indonesia, Obama went to
Pakistan for “about three weeks.” As a student, Obama visited Larkana for a partridge hunting
session. He traveled with Wahid Hamid and staying in Karachi with Mohammed Hasan
Chandoo’s family in Karachi while also visiting Hyderabad as well.

According to a ​2008 report in the New York Times, reporter Larry Rohter questioned the
Obama Campaign​ about Obama’s 1981 trip to Karachi. They responded: “Mr. Obama visited
Pakistan in 1981, on the way back from Indonesia, where his mother and half-sister, Maya
Soetoro-Ng, were living. He spent ‘about three weeks’ there, Mr. Obama’s press secretary, Bill
Burton, said, staying in Karachi with the family of a college friend, Mohammed Hasan
Chandoo, but also traveling to Hyderabad, in India.”

Much suspicion has surrounded the whereabouts of Obama’s very interesting life. We all
remember when the Birther movement was a main topic of discussion during the Obama
campaign and well into his presidency. A 2009 controversial poll by Kos/Research2000
revealed that a mere 42 percent of Republicans think that Obama was born in the United
States. According to ​Politico​, the poll found that the rest believe either that Obama wasn't born
in the U.S. (28 percent) or aren't sure whether he was (30 percent). Known as the ​Queen of
the Birthers, Orly Taitz​ spearheaded the controversy. I mention her now not to rehash the
already squalled birther message but something interesting here to note is that she produced
evidence that Obama started Columbia University in 1982 not 1981​.

The new information obtained by Orly Taitz was a screenshot of what the site calls a ‘Degree
Verification Response.’ The page shows that Orly successfully completed a request for
information where she provides the name and date of birth of Obama. The page shows that
the information Orly provided was his name and date of birth and the university to search was
Columbia University. This information verified was that on 5/17/1983 Barack Obama was
awarded a B.A. at Columbia University with the major course of study being Political Science.
It stated that Obama’s dates of attendance were 9/1/82 to 5/31/83.
This leaves a wider time-gap than the 3 weeks claimed by the Obama Campaign after his
fundraising speech claim to have visited Pakistan. Ultimately, the mainstream narrative would
have to be based off a written ​testimony by Phil Boerner​, Obama's roommate from the fall of
81. The University did confirm Obama was an alumnus. In a world of fake compromised news
and media echo chambers, the decision is yours to decide.

To me, the toxicity levels in the mainstream news is very alarming. The good thing however is
that tens of millions of sane citizens have taken to doing their own homework and putting the
puzzle together. This ​video interview​ of Lawrence O’ Donnell degrading his guest. ​Even a
controversial guest​ as Taitz, shows he is dogmatic and steering the conversation while
discrediting her.

Despite what you believe about Taitz, Obama and his birthplace, the safest antidote for
ignorance is always cold hard facts. Without a level playing field to share and debate; to
express the facts; or lack thereof, we will never recover from a fake news era. This means
recommitting our belief of freedom of speech and press. If the Degree Verification is real, and
so far, has not been debunked, this means that a former President of the United States lied to
the whole nation about his whereabouts for a whole year September 1981 until September
1982. While Taitz was going after Obama for social security fraud, the ​official complaint
submitted to the DC court​ suggests that a one-year absence is the best-case scenario, as
young Obama could still get his university credit by reciprocity or through extern studies. As
there is no record of Obama residing anywhere else in the United States from September
1981-September 1982, or attending any other university, by way of simple deduction it
becomes clear that his visit to Pakistan lasted not a month or two, as he claims, but over a

Nowhere is the Pakistan visit as detailed as it is on The Conservative Treehouse ​site​. It

connects both CIA operatives Brennan and Brzezinski in Pakistan at the same time Obama
was there. The writer sarcastically expresses suspicious irony of how both men end up on the
Obama advisory team in 2008, 26 years later. What are the odds,” he asks?

In 1981-1982 Pakistan was ruled by a ruthless radical Muslim leader general Zia Ul Hac, who
came to power as a result of a military coup. He announced himself as a Chief Martial Law
Administrator and ruled the country via the system of iron fist terror. The Supreme court of
Pakistan, apparently afraid for their lives, found such rule to be acceptable due to a
“necessity” doctrine.

During the 2008 election, the passport records of candidates Obama, Clinton, and McCain
were illegally accessed by employees of ​Brennan’s Company, The Analysis Corporation​ while
he was acting as an advisor to the Obama campaign. Was this breach done to cover evidence
of Obama’s time in Pakistan? And why would this trip need to be hidden?

Operation Cyclone
What was Brzezinski up to in Pakistan during that time? As President Carter’s National
Security Advisor, Brzezinski is responsible for the CIA Operation Cyclone, an effort to arm,
train, and fund mujahideen to fight Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Charlie Wilson’s war was a
CIA operation all along. Former CIA Director Robert Gates says in his memoirs that the
American secret services assisted the Afghan mujahideen six months before the Soviets
invaded. AFrench reporter asked Brzezinski about that in an interview in 1998, he replied,
“Yes. According to the official version of the story, the CIA began to assist mujahedeen in the
year 1980, that is, after the invasion of the Soviet army against Afghanistan on December 24,
1979. But the truth that remained secret until today is quite different: it was on July 3, 1979
that President Carter signed his first order on the secret assistance to Kabul’s pro-Soviet
regime opponents.

Operation Cyclone ended ten years after it started, when Soviet forces finally withdrew from
Afghanistan. Iran went from being a US ally to the Islamic Republic under Khomeini. The
operation left behind a vast network of logistical support for terrorist groups. Everything we
see unfolding today in the Middle East is a result of, and a recreation of, the tactics used by
Brzezinski. In a lot of ways, this period of time looks similar to what we saw during the Obama
administration, but magnified. CIA Director Allen Dulles had intended the CIA to be a covert
action organization, unaccountable to anyone. Kissinger had perfected the art of avoiding
direct CIA involvement by engaging others to do the work for you in Vietnam. Thirty years of
covert regime changes and assassinations resulted in congress reigning in the CIA. For years,
Henry Kissinger, France’s Count Alexandre de Marenches, chief of French Intelligence, The
Shah of Iran, King Hassan II of Morocco, President Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt and Kamal
Adham, head of intelligence for Saudi Arabian King Faisal formed the Safari Club. The Safari
Club members had been acting informally since the early 70’s, protecting the CIA operations
from Congressional oversight. From the time between Watergate until the end of President
Carter’s administration, the Safari Club was able to direct CIA operations overseas through
military and intelligence officers.

CIA Director Richard Helms was the Ambassador to Iran and was able to get Prince Turki and
Saudi intelligence head, Sheikh Kamal Adham, to provide support services for their shadow
CIA group. The Safari Club ran their operation out of the US embassy in Tehran. Sheikh
Kamal Adham provided intelligence financing by setting up a network of banks. With the
approval of CIA George Bush, Adham turned what ​TIME magazine​ ​ described as "a small
Pakistani merchant bank, into a worldwide money-laundering machine, buying banks around
the world in order to create the biggest clandestine money network in history." the Bank of
Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), Adham used the BCCI to merge the Safari Club's
objectives with "every major terrorist, rebel, and underground organization in the world." A
2001 Time magazine report found that the bank functioned as "a vast, stateless, multinational
corporation that deploys its own intelligence agency, complete with paramilitary wing and
enforcement units, known collectively as the "black network:'" a black network that would
threaten, bribe or assassinate anyone it needed to turn Afghanistan into the place to trap the
Soviet Union in their own Vietnam. The BCCI is still being used by terror organizations and the

Brzezinski also developed a “plan for Europe” that included NATO’s expansion to the Baltic
republics, a dream that came true when three of them joined NATO in 2002. During the 90s he
was the special envoy of the American President to promote the most important oil
infrastructure project of the world: the Baku-Tbilissi-Ceyhan pipeline which was his best
opportunity to prevent the resurgence of Russia. His activities were designed to assist
individual nations to maintain war in the area, like in Afghanistan, to weaken the Soviet Union
and to keep it way from the Caspian Sea. Interesting how we are still dealing with the same
issues today with NATO, pipelines, and terrorist groups toppling regimes. Brzezinski’s son,
Mark Brzezinski is a major player in the Democrats’ foreign policy program and was an
advisor to John Kerry during his presidential run. Kerry and his running mate John Edwards
were obsessed with Russia and chose Russia’s nuclear disarmament as their main priority.
Almost as if the long-term plan is to ensure perpetual war.

Charlie Wilson's War: The Man Behind the CIA's Biggest Covert Operation Congressman
Operation Cyclone Arming Mujahideen

From 1982 to 1984, John Brennan served as a political officer at the US embassy in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia. Osama bin Laden’s birthplace. This afforded Brennan certain privileges and
authorities worthy of note. Being an official liaison between the Bill Clinton appointed
Secretary of State’s Department and the CIA; Brennan would be tasked with visa approvals
from Jeddah. Brennan had a variety of analytic assignments in the DI’s Office of Near Eastern
and South Asian Analysis before directing terrorism analysis at the Director of Central
Intelligence’s Counterterrorist Center in the early 1990s.

In 1984, Sheik Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian religious scholar, establishes Makhtab al

Khadimat (MAK) — the Office of Services — in Peshawar, Pakistan to recruit an Islamic army
to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden provides financial support to Azzam’s
organization. Bin Laden establishes Al Masadah (“The Lion’s Den”), a training camp for
Persian Gulf Arabs. CIA Alec Station Unite Head, Michael Scheuer, asserts that from
1980-1989, about $600 million is passed through bin Laden’s charity fronts, the majority goes
through MAK. Most of the money comes from donors in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf to
supply the mujahideen. Mohammad Yousaf, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI)
commander claims, “It was largely Arab money that saved the system,” since so much of the
aid given by the CIA and Saudi Arabia was siphoned away before it got to Afghanistan. “By
this I mean cash from rich individuals or private organizations in the Arab world, not Saudi
government funds. Without those extra millions the flow of arms actually getting to the
mujahidin would have been cut to a trickle.” CIA money was actually funneled through MAK.
By 1985, there were MAK branches in 30 US cities to allow Muslim-Americans to donate
millions of dollars to support the Afghan war against the Soviet Union.
Bin Laden begins associating with Egyptian radicals who advocate a global jihad beyond
Afghanistan and befriends Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Al-Qaeda is
established in 1989 and operates out of Afghanistan and Peshawar, Pakistan. 1989 is the
same year Soviet Forces withdrawal from Afghanistan after a 10-year war. Their withdrawal
inspires the jihadis to believe they can be victorious around the world. Azzam was killed in a
car bombing, creating conflict in Al-Qaeda between those that think the jihad should focus on
an Islamic state in Afghanistan, and those who side with bin Laden, who wants to expand the
jihad worldwide. The extremist win control.

1992 Al-Qaeda Expands Their Terror Network

According to ​The US Indictment of Osama bin Laden​ , between 1992 and 1996 Al Qaeda
makes overtures to Iran and Hezbollah to take part in a global war against the U.S. The
indictment alleges that Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, an Al Qaeda leader, met with Iranian
officials and that Al Qaeda sent members to Lebanon to receive training from members of
Hezbollah. American officials also claim that around this time bin Laden’s group begins an
effort to secure components for chemical and nuclear weapons.

From 1994-1995, Brennan was the CIA's ​daily intelligence briefer at the Bill Clinton White
House​. His proximity to the Clintons is nothing hidden but seldom talked about during his
media appearances defaming Trump as a traitor. From 1996-1999, he served as the
Executive Assistant to the CIA Deputy Director George Tenet before being station in Jeddah
from 1996 -1999.

June 25, 1996 Khobar Towers Bombing: An Intel ‘Failure’

As the CIA station chief in Riyadh,​ ​Saudi Arabia, John Brennan missed intelligence that could
have prevented the bombing of the Khobar Towers that killed 19 American service members
and injured nearly 500 others. Brennan’s team came under “heavy criticism for their lack of
preparation and foresight for what was considered an intelligence failure.” According to the
New York Times​, "significant shortcomings in planning, intelligence, and basic security left
American forces in Saudi Arabia vulnerable." President Bill Clinton created a task force to
study the Khobar Towers bombing and assess threats elsewhere. The Assessment Task
Force was led by General Downing. Retired Air Force Lieutenant General James Clapper
served as the head of the intelligence assessment team. The task force was not asked to do a
criminal investigation but was to report instances of malfeasance to the chain of command.

Downing's team reported​ that the chain of command: "did not provide adequate guidance and
support to the commander” who "was ill-served by the intelligence arrangement within his
command...” Not ironically, from 1999-2000 he was the Chief of Staff to then-CIA Director
George Tenet.

December 25, 2009 Underwear Bomber

Northwest Airlines Flight 253: Christmas Day underwear bombing attempt. Nigerian Muslim
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab​ fails to detonate plastic explosives sewed into his underwear
onboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 en route from Amsterdam to Detroit over US territory
with 290 on board. Passengers wrestled the bomber to the floor of the cabin and put out a fire.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to blow up Northwest Airlines flight 253 using plastic
explosives sewn into his underwear while en route from Amsterdam to Detroit. And after the
2009 attempted Christmas Day underwear bombing of a Northwest Airlines passenger jet as it
was landing in Detroit, Brennan “confessed” he had “let the President down by
‘​underestimating a small group of Yemeni terrorists​’ and not connecting them to the attempted
bomber.” Had the bomber been successful, it would have been a terrible tragedy on Christmas

Remember that as we study the recent past and the actors, it gets clearer how these same
actors are rotated and cycled through various government institutions distancing them from
suspicion or conflicts of interest. At the 7:30 mark of this ​video speech given by Brennan​ in
2010, he states: “and during a 25-year career in government, I was privileged to serve in
positions across the Middle East — as a political officer with the State Department and as a
CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, I saw how our Saudi partners fulfilled their
duty as custodians of the two holy mosques of Mecca and Medina. I marveled at the majesty
of the Hajj and the devotion of those who fulfilled their duty as Muslims by making that
privilege — that pilgrimage."

This tells us two things we need to know. 1) Brennan admits to being a political officer with the
State Dept while simultaneously the Jeddah Station chief. The second thing here to note is 2)
Brennan has an affection and admitted pro-Islamic bias. As a political officer for the Dept of
State, Brennan would be granted authority to issue visas from his CIA station.

The Daily Mail reported on John Guandolo’s claim that Brennan converted to Islam​. Guandolo
who retired from the FBI in 2008, said in a radio interview that John Brennan visited the
Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina accompanied by Saudi officials who may have
persuaded him to convert while working as the Jeddah CIA Station chief. The mainstream
media discredited Guandolo as an anti- Islamic fear monger from ‘​beyond the fringe​.’
However, WikiLeaks released an email chain which proved Guandolo’s claims weren't just
true regarding Muslim Brotherhood partiality in the Obama administration but that it was
happening ​since 2008​.

Part of the 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion, one Greg Ford announced that the chief of the
CIA station in Jeddah, overrode blatant concerns and ordered that the visas of the 19
plane-hijackers be stamped. ​At 1:32:47 into the interview​, Ford begins to discuss ISIS and
how it was created. When a listener called in with a question about 9/11. Ford said: “All 19
hijackers? Where did they get their visas stamped before they came to this country to launch
9/11? They got their visas stamped in the CIA station in Jeddah. The second in command
said, ‘No way, absolutely we are not going to stamp those visas.’ And the fellow who was in
charge overrode those concerns ordering those visas to be stamped in Jeddah.” The fellow in
charge of the CIA post in Jeddah was Brennan.

The ​911 Commission Hearing Report​ states: "Since the passports of 15 of the hijackers did
not survive, we cannot make firm factual statements about their documents. But from what we
know about Al-Qaeda passport practices and other information, we believe it is possible that
six more of the hijackers presented passports that had some of these same clues to their
association with Al-Qaida.

The National Review published ​A 9/11 Anniversary Primer​ by K. Lloyd Billingsley. It was boldly
subtitled: A neglected report shows how the U.S. government was a travel agency for
terrorists. It mentions the of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United
States. ​The Staff Report​ was released on August 21, 2004; a Saturday and the same day the
9/11 Commission disbanded. In a strange disclaimer, executive director Philip Zelikow says
the report “does not necessarily reflect” the views of the commissioners. Zelikow leaves
readers to speculate about the details…. This report details the 911 hijackers entered the US
33 times over 21 months through 9 airports. An obvious link to how has to land back on
Brennan. I must agree with the National Review writer who wrote his article way back in 2004:
“If it is going to be, this belated document the 9/11 and Terrorist Travel Report confirms that
government “ignorance, incompetence, and arrogance” facilitated Islamic terrorists in their
quest to murder Americans on 911. As someone who has steered away from 911 Truther
debate, this new information should cause alarm and great concern as to why Brennan would
be in proximity to so many “intelligence failures.”

Page 7 of the ​911 Commission Report​ states that “one consular officer issued visas to 11 of
the 19 hijackers.” Those visas were reportedly approved between the years 1999 and 2001. In
an even more scandalous turn of events as of April 21, 2016, The State Dept. official who
issued visas to many of the 911 terrorists was still employed by the federal government,
according to ​J. Michael Springman​. Springman is unknown but should be. Imagine if
somewhere in this story there is an unknown person who tried to do the right thing. And did.

Springman was the former head of the visa section at the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia. In an interview with PJ Media, he said that Shayna Steinger approved 11 of the visas
granted to the 19 hijackers. Despite her issuing visas to terrorists and giving equivocal
answers to the 9/11 Commission, Steinger is still an FSO,” Springman wrote in his ​book​: ​Visas
for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World​. She was ​appointed and confirmed by the
Senate​ under the Clinton administration in 1999 as Shayna Steinger Singh. Springman
believes he was fired from the Madeline Albright State Department because he questioned
orders to approve visas. He made complaints about this to officials in Riyadh at the embassy
and again in Washington at the Bureau of Consular Affairs.”
A former CIA Officer named John Kiriakou had bad encounters with John Brennan and Robert
Mueller. He claims they "Set Out to Ruin People." ​FNC's Tucker Carlson hosts​ John Kiriakou,
a former CIA Pakistan station chief who was imprisoned for leaking that the CIA waterboarded
terrorists in 2007 in hopes to warn the dangers of an out of control intelligence community.
"When Barack Obama became president, John Brennan became the number two at
the National Security Council, and he asked the Justice Department, Eric Holder, to
secretly reopen the case against me. That went to Robert Mueller. The injustice is
incredible," he said.

Is the Muslim Brotherhood Successful in the USA?

At the invitation of, then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton hosted the conference to help the
United Nations Human Rights Council implement ​Resolution 16/18​ which is seen as an ​affront
to Free Speech​. Awkwardly, she said that the United States was hosting this conference
because the resolution captured “our highest values… enshrined in our Constitution.” In fact,
what the Constitution protects is the freedom to criticize any idea – religious or otherwise and
actually, the Constitution forbids laws that establish any religion as beyond criticism, or as
being especially protected by law. The real authors of 16/18 were members of the
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the real thrust of 16/18 is preventing criticism
of Islam or Muhammad.

Obama himself said that the future must not belong to those who “slander” the Prophet of
Islam. 16/18’s original text simply said that it forbade defamation of Islam and made no
mention of defending any other faith. Following the adoption of the resolution by the High
Commissioner of Human Rights, who expanded it to other faiths as well, there was an ​intense
push by the OIC nations to include “Islamophobia” as especially forbidden.

Purging Law Enforcement of Jihadi Islamic References

A Judicial Watch Special Report​ documents the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) purge
of anti-terrorism training material and curricula deemed “offensive” to Muslims. The curricula
purge occurred following a February 8, 2012, ​meeting between FBI Director Robert Mueller
and various Islamic organizations​. This purge is part of a broader Islamist “influence
operation” aimed at our government and Constitution by Muslim Brotherhood front
organizations. ​While serving as FBI director, Mueller presided over an effort to silence
counter-terrorism experts from discussing the threat posed by radical Islamic
ideologies. Instead of providing the tools his agents needed to fight the ideological war
against the continuing rise of radical Islam in America, Mueller handicapped his
agents because he seemingly prioritized making sure that nobody was offended over
keeping America safe. Radical groups exposed Mueller’s weakness as an opportunity
to deliver a critical blow to the United States’ counterterrorism apparatus following a
series of leaks sent to far-left journalist Spencer Ackerman, who claimed that the FBI
was teaching about radical Islamic terrorism in an “​anti-Islam​” manner. ​To lead its
review, the bureau created a five-member advisory panel that includes three outside
Islamic experts, whose identities the agency will not disclose publicly. After six
months, almost 900 pages of documents were removed from the curriculum. ​The
Mueller FBI not only shielded the identities of these “outside experts,” it decided to
classify​ the purged documents, making it extremely difficult even for prominent
members of Congress to grasp what had happened.

In his “exposé” for Wired magazine, Ackerman argued that counter-terror trainers
were promoting “​Islamophobia​.” One of Ackerman’s key “​sources​" for his reporting
was Mohamed Elibiary, the Obama administration political appointee who is “known
for his almost daily advocacy for the Muslim Brotherhood,” according to the ​Clarion

In the United States, Minnesota is home to the largest Somali community, with the majority
residing in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area (Hennepin and Ramsey counties), as
well as St. Cloud and Rochester. Resettlement of refugees from Somalia first began in 1990.
The number of Somali refugee arrivals nearly tripled ​between 2011 and 2014​. Since 2014,
From 2010 to 2016, more than 47,000 Somali refugees arrived in the United States, with the
majority of arrivals under 45 years of age and roughly equal numbers of male and female.
During this time, Minnesota and New York welcomed the largest numbers of Somali primary
refugee arrivals, followed by Texas, Arizona, Ohio, and Washington.

While these resettlements were happening, another odd phenomenon began to happen. More
men and boys from the​ Somali community in Minneapolis​ had joined – or attempted to join – a
foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.

FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency
al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had
been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS. Both numbers are far higher than
those of other ethnicities who left or attempted to leave the country from amongst the resettled

...Federal authorities say they remain "highly concerned" about the terrorist connection with
the Minneapolis Somalis - even though al-Shabab is struggling against the Somali
government, and the so-called ISIS “caliphate” has crumbled under a sustained U.S.-led
military campaign.

“We are very conscious that there may still be fertile ground for that, and that is could re-start
at any time," one federal official told Fox News. "Based on historical experience, we had (an
uptick) in 2007 and 2008 going for al-Shabab, then a lull. Then, as ISIS came back, we saw a
whole bunch of people no longer headed for Somalia. They were headed for Iraq and Syria.
That really caught us off-guard, we didn’t see that coming. It didn’t make sense to us. We
understood why kids were going back to Somalia but going to Syria was another we issue.”

With by far the largest Somali American population in the United States - estimates of up to
100,000 - the insular ethnic community in Minnesota offers a rich recruiting ground.
Recruitment takes place online as well as face-to-face radicalization, sometimes with
promises of what appears to be legitimate opportunities. They blame the failures of
government on foreign intervention and link it to the reason why most Somalians have
escaped home. To restore a Sharia state and get rid of the government is somewhat

Since then, some 23 men from the Twin Cities allegedly made it to the Horn of Africa,
specifically to take up arms with al-Shabab. "For over a decade, Islamist terror groups have
been able to recruit from Minnesota. This is, in part, because Minnesota has a large Muslim
population compared to other parts of the U.S,” said Robin Simcox, a terrorism and national
security expert at The Heritage Foundation. “However, it is also because there have been
small segments of the Somali community there that have struggled to integrate into the U.S.
Al-Shabaab, and ISIS have exploited this – upon religious, political cultural and identity issues
to offer a compelling alternative to Western democracy.”

Josh Lipowsky, Senior Research Analyst at the Counter Extremism Project ​concurred the
immigrant community in Minnesota has proven to be ripe for targeting​ in recent years by
specifically playing into the card of being something of an outsider and that “society has
shunned them.” Local authorities contend it has been challenging for them to penetrate the
Somali-American community in Minneapolis, who remain a unique immigrant population that
hasn't actively assimilated with the neighboring township. But there are other underlying
causes, officials said.

According to ​Dr. Qanta Ahmed​, the Council on Foreign Relations member Rep. Ilhan Omar is
proving to be an enormous liability to America’s Muslims and should be removed from the
Council. Jeanine Brudenell, who formerly served as the Somali liaison for the Minneapolis
Police Department, told Fox News much of the extremism that has sparked in recent years –
perhaps ironically – stemmed from the crackdown to dismantle local street gangs.

“In trying to lead youth away from joining gangs, many parents were taking their children to the
mosques, which deal with everything, including mental health concerns,” she said. She said
that opened the way for radicalization. In one case, Zakaria Maruf, was known for some time
as a member of the local Somali Hot Boyz gang. Yet he is reported to have become deeply
religious after abandoning the street life, and around 2008 is alleged to have fled abroad. He
was killed in Somalia the following year.

As for Omar, she ​offered sympathy for the 9 Somali’s arrested in 2015​ for trying to cross into
Mexico, as part of a plan to join ISIS in Syria. As the case went to trial the following year, the
then-state representative wrote a letter to the trial judge requesting “compassion” - and lighter
sentencing on behalf of one of the Minnesota men, who were facing 30 years jail time.

Omar's office did not respond to a request for further comment. Meanwhile, authorities have
pushed back against the argument the Somalis arrested crossing into Mexico wouldn't have
done so without the FBI involvement. Officials also said they repeatedly met with the families
of the suspects, cautioning parents about their children's plans - to no avail.

“We would go out and interview people, try for an intervention, and really try to stop those
people from going. But they were determined to go. They were committed. We tried to stop
and could not,” one source said. “We had to prosecute to stop them from going.”

As an activist, this phenomenon isn't new. Exmuslims for many years have been sounding the
alarm of Muslim’s not assimilating into the United States way of life. This dichotomy is
reflected especially in an article from earlier this year where ​Ilhan Omar blamed a 2013 terror
attack on ‘‘our involvement in other people’s affairs​.’’

Omar made the comments during an obscure local television appearance just weeks after four
armed al-Shabab jihadists stormed the Westgate mall in Nairobi in 2013, killing nearly 70
people and wounding 200. “When are we gonna decide or realize that terrorism is a reaction?
It’s an ideology, it’s a means of things, it’s not an entity, it’s not a place, people. It’s a reaction
to a situation,” host Ahmed Tharwat asked then-activist Omar, on the show "Belahdan" on
Twin Cities PBS during a discussion about the experience of the Somali community in the
U.S. following the attack in Kenya.

“Yes,” she agreed. “What you’re insinuating is what nobody wants to face. Nobody wants to
face how the actions of the other people that are involved in the world have contributed to the
rise of radicalization and the rise of terrorist acts.”

Tharwat, who has given a platform to radical activists went on to compare the violence
perpetrated by terror groups around the world to the actions of western governments. “Most of
the people who commit these kind of heinous violence are done by people unelected that are
just fringe of the societies … but the violence done [by] the West is done by the people that
are elected,” he said, prompting Omar to agree that violence committed by the West is
“We’ve heard variations of this argument for decades now. We hear it on 9/11, we heard it
when suicide bombs go off on train stations in London or Madrid,” Robin Simcox, a national
security and terrorism expert at The Heritage Foundation, ​told Fox News​. “The problem the
people who make that argument have is that you can’t possibly logically explain then why
attacks take place in, for example, Cameroon or the Philippines, or Thailand, or China,”
Simcox continued. “This isn’t something dictated by facts or logic, it’s something that is an
ideological position that Omar is obviously determined to take regardless of the facts.”

Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar has a history of controversial talk. She also defends her ​tweet from
2012​ tweet criticizing 'the evil doings of Israel.'

Benghazi: The Difference It Actually Makes

Popovic inspired regime changes have been used by the Muslim Brotherhood and our war
mongering politicians and their effects could not be more destructive. The nation watched in
awe as Hillary Clinton testified about the Benghazi attack which left 4 Americans dead;
including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

The infamous “​What difference does it make​?” quote comes Hillary’s testimony during a 2013
Senate Foreign Relations Committee. There, Republican Senator Ron Johnson pressed the
former Secretary of State to answer a question about the cause of the attack: a very valid and
crucial point that should have been discussed. Instead, she oversimplified her role and
sarcastically deflected with a dramatic show of theatre. “We were misled that there were
supposedly protests and that something sprang out of that – an assault sprang out of that –
and that was easily ascertained that that was not the fact,” Mr. Johnson said in 2013, “and the
American people could have known that within days, and they didn’t know that.” Her response
proved savvy and instead of focusing in on this valid point, she revealed her lack of interest in
the American public knowing the truth.

“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans,” she said. “Was it because of a
protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill
some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?”

It made a big difference. Even as I write this very text, a google search with this quote pulls up
a mosaic of mainstream media salivating over her surviving “a misquote.” The truth is that at
the time of this hearing, there were multiple exonerations of Hillary Clinton by varying
agencies. In order to understand what actually happened in Benghazi, we need to have some
context. As planned by The Muslim Brotherhood, in cooperation with the Obama
Administration and with the support of Secretary Hillary Clinton, the Libyan uprising began
February 10, 2011. One month later, on March 17, 2011 the United Nations Security
Resolution passed ​Resolution 1973​.

Just two days later, on March 19, A multi-state NATO-led coalition which included US, began
a military intervention in Libya against the Libyan Military. So desperate for war, ​Obama
signed authorization for a covert weapons operation to arm Al-Qaeda​ with the intent to
overthrow Qaddafi. In real-time news, our perspectives are very limited as the media chooses
what is or what is not considered to be “news.” In Western minds, when the news discusses
“rebels forces,” we tend to assume those rebels are the good guys trying to remove the
horrible dictator, but the truth is that when Obama authorized weapons to enter the hands of
Al-Qaeda, he was arming the enemy. Not the rebels. Multiple warning had been sounded but
these warnings fell on carless ears. It was on April 5, 2011 that Chris Stephens arrives in
Benghazi as a liaison to the “Libyan Opposition.” Essentially, our Ambassador and other
Americans was sent into a covert operation and with him was joined by a USAID team.

This is where it gets it begins to get interesting. The first public sign of Obama’s covert
operation going bad is in July 25, 2012. Within less than one year and a half, we see the
enemy with big arms that came from Obama’s order to arm Al-Qaeda. The Taliban, another
Radical Islamic terrorist group based in Afghanistan were successful in shooting down a US
Chinook helicopter. How did they do it? With a new generation Stinger missile. Reports of the
Stinger reached the highest echelons of the US command in Afghanistan and became a
source of intense speculation, but no action was taken, and this story got little traction from
mainstream media. Writer Kenneth Timmerman writes in a book about this saying that “The
Obama administration isn’t only giving the Taliban back its commanders — it’s also ​giving
them weapons​.” We now know a bit more information.

The July 25, 2012 incident undoubtedly created a crisis for the Obama administration. The
Stinger missile used to shoot down the US Military aircraft was not a throwback weapon from
the anti-Soviet era, instead, the serial number on the unexploded Stinger traced back to the
CIA and was signed out by the CIA at the time of the attack. S​ources in the US Special
Operations community believe the Stinger fired against the Chinook was part of the same lot
the CIA turned over to the Qataris in early 2011, weapons Hillary Rodham ​Clinton’s State
Department intended for rebel forces​ in Libya.

Secretary of State Clinton sent US Ambassador Chris Stevens to Benghazi to buy back the
US Stinger missiles that fell into the hands of militants. Why? Because the weapons were
intentionally, and illegally​ s​ upplied to the Libyan rebels without Congressional oversight or
authorization. The coverup of the illegal weapons trafficking operation went even further. The
US Department of Justice would charge the State Department licensed arms dealer who was
contracted through the State Department to supply these weapons to the rebels to prevent
him from revealing the true nature of the operation. Their case against him was conveniently
dropped on election day when he no longer posed a threat to the administration.
The pundits consistently tell the public that Secretary of State Clinton was exonerated by the
multiple hearings on the terror attack at Benghazi. Nothing could be further from the truth. The
multiple investigations by the House of Representatives and the Senate uncovered many
criminal activities by both Clinton herself and the Obama administration in general. Clinton’s
own testimony is contradictory.

In October 2015, in Secretary Clinton’s testimony before the House Committee on Benghazi,
she confirmed the fact that Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi to secure the Stingers ‘left
behind’ by Gaddafi: Nobody knew the dangers of Libya better. A weak government, extremist
groups, rampant instability. But Chris chose to go to Benghazi because he understood
America had to be represented there at that pivotal time. ... He also knew how urgent it was to
ensure that the weapons Gadhafi had left strewn across the country, including shoulder-fired
missiles that could knock an airplane out of the sky, did not fall into the wrong hands.

But this claim directly contradicts the testimony she provided to the House Foreign Affairs
Committee in 2013, where she stated Ambassador Stevens went to Benghazi on his own
accord and without guidance from the State Department. Clinton testified “Chris Stevens did
not ask anyone (at the State Department) for permission to go to Benghazi; I don’t think it
would have crossed his mind.” She states that “​That’s why Chris Stevens went to Benghazi in
the first place. ​I asked him to go​.”

Head of US Africom, General Carter Ham testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee
in April 2011: “We do estimate that there were as many as 20,000 of these types of weapons
in Libya before the conflict began.”

The Wall Street Journal reported in 2011 that Qaddafi’s regime believed that an outside
source was supplying anti-aircraft Stingers to rebel fighters there. Then, in December 2012,
the New York Times reported​ that U.S.-approved arms shipments to Libyan rebels had fallen
into the hands of extremists due to lack of oversight. That report, however, indicated that U.S.
officials didn’t object to Qatar shipping Russian and French arms to Libya — but officials
wouldn’t allow Qatar to ship American weapons. That report also lists the CIA, not the State
Department, as overseeing the arming of Libyan rebels in a covert operation called “Timber

Operation Timer Sycamore

It was Secretary Clinton, the Late John McCain and Marc Turi who drew up ​the plan to
coordinate the flow of weapons​ from the US through Qatar into Libya. These weapons ended
up in the hands of enemies of the US, including Al-Qaeda. The Obama DOJ filed charges
against Turi for “non-registered weapons shipments.” Turi’s defense was that the weapons
were unregistered because the State Department and the CIA needed covert cover. CIA
officials have confirmed this assertion. Turi’s email exchanges with members of congress,
military members, and state department employees show that the Obama administration
authorized a covert weapons program called OPERATION TIMBER SYCAMORE, at the
height of the Arab Spring, in 2011. Even more shocking is that this weapons program was run
for at least a year under Patraeus before Obama gave presidential authorization. Turi’s trial
was scheduled for November 8, 2016, the day of the election but the DOJ dropped the case
just days before to avoid discovery and censoring the truth about the covert weapons

Marc Turi: Piecing the Benghazi Puzzle

In January 2019 ​Roscoe B. Davis tweeted​ out that: "Marc Turi is from Phoenix AZ and was a
neighbor of John McCain. McCain who has been on the Senate Arms Committee for years
helped Turi secure billions in arms contracts with the DoD. Then Clinton and McCain came up
with a plan to arm Al-Qaeda to get them to overthrow Qaddafi." It should concern every US
government contractor that Turi was a contracted by the US State department to aid in the
overthrow of Ghaddafi and to support the Muslim Brotherhood member, Mustafa Abdel Jalil.
Justice Minister Mustafa Jalil later formed a coalition of extremist forces within Eastern Libya,
supported by the Muslim Brotherhood members who were released from the Cairo prisons by
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood head Mohammed Morsi; who was staunchly supported by the
Obama and Hillary. After gaining power in Egypt, Morsi opened the prisons and freed the
jailed terrorists from the Brotherhood.

The key person released was Mohammed al-Zawahiri. Sound familiar? It should. Mohammed
Zawahiri is the brother of al-Qaeda’s #2 guy Ayman al-Zawahiri who was and is running
Al-Qaeda from Afghanistan. The Brotherhood, via Mohammed Zawahiri - immediately-
directed many of those Obama authorized weapons from Libya to his brother in Afghanistan
and to their terrorist brothers in Syria. Within weeks, U.S. aircraft operating in Afghanistan
began seeing surface to air missiles used against them for the first time in a decade. And this
is only one reason the 2016 elections results mattered.

So now we see an elaborate collaboration between the Obama Administration, and Hillary
Clinton’s Department of State, the CIA and key players in key positions. Would you believe
there’s more to this story?

Al’amriki: the American​ is the documentary I personally directed. Throughout the process of
creating it, I had 4 years of ups and downs and interesting times to say the least. One
particular thing that happened is worthy of mention here. One day I met a lady who felt the
need to warn me due to the nature of this intense topic? “Don’t you know that the Obama
“regime” will kill your ass?” [Actual words.] The fear stemmed from the recent Sony hacks
which happened. This individual had insider information and was graciously concerned with
my safety. The concern wasn't that terrorists would attempt to harm me but that the Obama
‘regime’ would. According to this person, the North Korean’s were not responsible for the Sony
hacks; Obama was and this individual knew it firsthand. Race baiters Rev. Al Sharpton and
Jesse Jackson were also instrumental in the abusive handling, blackmail and release of Sony

Cyber security experts Kurt Stammberger, Researcher Marc Rogers, and Kim Zetter, a
security journalist at Wired magazine, ​have expressed doubt​ that North Korea might not be
behind the attack. Cybersecurity expert Lucas Zaichkowsky said, "State-sponsored attackers
don't create cool names for themselves like 'Guardians of Peace' and promote their activity to
the public. Kim Zetter of Wired magazine called released evidence against the [NK]
government ''flimsy.” Former hacker Hector Monsegur, who once hacked into Sony, explained
to CBS News that exfiltrating one or one hundred terabytes of data "without anyone noticing"
would have taken months or years, not weeks.

More Deep State Negligence

Could it be that the mainstream narrative which we were given by the news was intentionally
deflecting the true story? We know that there was a 13-hour standoff in Benghazi. We know
that stand down orders were given by Hillary Clinton. We also know this big piece of
information has not been broadcast far and wide by the mainstream news or journalists. How
is Robert Mueller linked to this whole debacle? This assigns motive for Robert Mueller to help
in the takedown of Donald J. Trump. It was Mueller himself as the Director of the FBI who
gave the stand down order given to Robyn Gritz by the slimy Andrew McCabe. Gritz was
prepared and ready to respond to the Benghazi operation. For seasoned FBI agents,
McCabe’s stand down order was hard to process. After several interruptions, McCabe told the
room — then-​FBI Director Robert Mueller had approved the official “stand down for now”
stance​, another FBI official familiar with the meeting confirmed. Obstruction of Justice? Yes
and enough to dismiss the Special Council’s attempt to remove the 45th President of the
United States.

But that's not all. The night of the attack a US Army Commando Unit was to a Naval Air
Station in Sicily, Italy. Hillary’s State Dept. claims they didn’t arrive in Italy until the attack was
over. ​That was a lie​. "There were people everywhere,” said the witness, who was on the
ground that night but wished to remain anonymous. “That flight line was full of people, and we
were all ready to go” to Benghazi. Only they were waiting [in Italy] for the order. It never came.
Diplomatic security service agents/regional security officers informed dc there was a terrorist
attack as it began, about 3:40 et. Pentagon officials informed Leon Panetta by 4:30 et. The
pentagon sent a drone instead of the commandos and It took more than 20 days to allow the
FBI into Benghazi to collect evidence.

Mueller gave the stand down order to Robyn Gritz essentially making Gritz a whistleblower.
Eventually ​she was harassed by her superior: Andrew McCabe​. In turn, Gritz filed a
harassment complaint against her supervisor. True Pundit was the first to break the news and
they did it 300 days earlier than anyone else. On March 7, 2017 they ​reported​ that FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe boasted to a crowded conference room “Fuc* Flynn and then we
fuc* Trump.”

As it related to Benghazi, what is being hidden is actually worse than what we assumed we
knew. The media has been complicit and truly destructive in its partiality to dogma and politics.
Another aspect of Benghazi that seems to be hidden from the mainstream media was the
State Dept’s disinterest in securing the Benghazi compound. Once you delve deep into the
details of the past Obama and Hillary era, a bigger picture unfortunately begins to make sense
forms. You then begin to see that just in the topic of foreign policy; SO much was willfully
sabotaged. All that we knew in regard to Benghazi was a concoction of media propaganda
and political theatre.

We often just assume that our leaders are doing their best jobs to keep our country safe. How
could we have saved 4 Americans from being killed? This is not a philosophical question.
Actually, a real practical one at that. How could we have ensured a better chance of survival?
Security. The least our Ambassador deserved and the lives of 3 others; is that their security
guards turned on them. Follow the details and it leads to a contract between the State
Department and a UK security firm called Blue Mountain Group. The facilitator was a man
named ​Muhammad Alamar​ who was tied to a massive ​Unaoil bribery scandal​. The Clinton
Dept of State was warned a full 3 months prior to the attack. The warning: Guards Are Leaving
Posts due to increasing fear. Despite having ​no legal license to operate​ in Libya, BMG still
hired untrained, unvetted locals. The State Department then intentionally hid documentation
about the contracts and licensing issues with BMG. The cover up by the Obama
administration and by Clinton continued; despite a State official describing the Benghazi
security issue as an “emergency situation.” Their genius strategy included blaming the attack
on a video for a whole week, deletion of SoS emails, and obstruction in the congressional
hearings that followed. Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a court order in a
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit ​Judicial Watch vs U.S. Department of State​. It's
important to remember Susan Rice’s duplicitous AM morning news circuits where she
deliberately lied to you the American people. Perhaps even the most shocking aspect of this
was that as LTG. Michael Flynn is juggling a corrupt and rogue FBI, under the leadership of
Robert Mueller and Andrew McCabe, it seems he was sounding the alarm about the
consequences of making such decisions. ​General Michael Flynn would be one of very few
leaders trying to warn the US​ of the dangers of what was to come: ISIS. LTG Flynn also
officially supported Gritz and this is the beginning of the Deeps States removal of Flynn.

Who Can We Trust?

John "Tig" Tiegen​ was there and says guards turned on Americans: “The guards who were
hired were locals who were part of Ansar al-Sharia and Al-Qaeda groups operating in
Benghazi. Whoever approved contracts at the State Department hired Blue Mountain Group
and then allowed Blue Mountain Group to hire local Libyans who were not vetted.”
The role BMG played in protecting the security of the Benghazi Consulate first came to light
shortly after the September 2012 terrorist attack when State Department spokesperson
Victoria Nuland emphatically denied on September 18, 2012, that State had hired any private
firm to provide security at the American mission in Benghazi. The department later retracted
that claim.

Trust the SPOT REPORT which was received by multiple agencies on the morning of the
Benghazi attacks. The official documents states that this was a coordinated terror attack the
morning you and I were being misinformed by a compromised mainstream media system. All
State Dept bureaus received the same spot report. These institutions included the NSS, OSD,
NMCC, JCS, CIA, OSC, NCTC, DHS, DNI. This means NONE of them refuted the public
disinformation campaign. With this context, it's easy to see how Michael Flynn was
consistently a thorn in the flesh of the Obama-Hillary machine. From defending Robyn Gritz
against McCabe and Mueller to constantly warning the effects of such big arms smuggling by
the Obama administration, Flynn’s DIA ​warnings were detailed and substantial​. Unfortunately,
they were ignored.

In an even more odd twist, On November 10, 2017 the ​Wall Street Journal reported​ that it
allegedly received information from ​“anonymous sources”​who said that General Flynn and his
son Michael were involved in a plot to kidnap a Muslim cleric and return him to Turkey. Under
alleged plan, Flynn and his son were to be paid millions to forcibly remove Fethullah Gulen
from U.S. and deliver him to Turkish custody. Prior to Flynn’s attack from the Mueller probe,
he began to bring attention to the ​Clintons links to Fetullah Gulen​ by sharing a video of Bill
Clinton expressing his ultimate support for what is essentially yet another Muslim Brotherhood
terrorist. He has enjoyed the guise of progressivism but in fact is an Islamist hardcore. Here is
the Video shared by Flynn where Bill Clinton claims Gulen is his friend.

Gulen portrays himself as a moderate, but he is in fact a radical. He has publicly boasted
about his “soldiers” waiting for his orders to do whatever he directs them to do. If he were in
reality a moderate, he would not be in exile, nor would he excite the animus of Recep Tayyip
Erdogan and his government. In an opinion piece for the Hill, Flynn compared Gulen to the
Muslim Brotherhood and equated Gulen as “​Turkey’s Osama Bin Laden​.” ​The primary bone of
contention between the U.S. and Turkey is Fethullah Gulen, a shady Islamic mullah residing in

To add insult to injury, American taxpayers are helping finance Gülen’s 160 charter schools in
the United States. These schools have been granted more H1-B visas than Google. It is
inconceivable that our visa officers have approved thousands of visas for English teachers
whose English is incomprehensible. A CBS “​60 Minutes​” program documented a conversation
with one such imported English teacher from Turkey. Several lawsuits, including some in Ohio
and Texas, point to irregularities in the operation of these schools. BuzzFeed also ​reported​ on
the ‘secretive Turkish movement buying Influence in the US.’
But as of June 15, report from ​NeonRevolt​, it looks more and more that Flynn was entangled
with Gulen intentionally. Could this have been the Deep State sending more intimidation
tactics to Flynn but done in an insidious way? What is one reason to use Gulen against Flynn?
Could it be that amongst the disinformation campaign launched by the Mueller team, they
were also attempting to stabilize the reputation and standing of Gulen himself. In an article on
ArabNews.Com by Abdelrahman Al-Rashed, ​the sticky similarities between Gulen and the
Muslim Brotherhood​ are highlighted.

Al-Rashed writes: “The leader of this group, Sheikh Fethullah Gulen, is accused of plotting this
first attempt to seize power through a coup. Erdogan’s government has asked the US
government to hand over Gulen.... Whoever attempted to overthrow the legitimate Turkish
government, belongs to an Islamic political group that used some of its secret members who
serve as officers and employees in the government or even in the prime minister’s office, and
relied on a secret organization that includes judges and teachers.”-a template already used by

Real Collusion: Uranium One, Skolkovo & Putin’s Blackmail

Uranium One
On June 8, 2010, Rosatom, Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation, announced a $1.3
billion bid for a majority stake in Canada’s Uranium One. Its assets included 20 percent of
American reserves of the main ingredient in atomic bombs. Hillary was one of nine
federal-agency chiefs in which; Robert Mueller would be one of the signees. Further solidifying
his motive to down Donald Trump.

CFIUS is composed of the leaders of 14 U.S. government agencies involved in national

security and commerce. In 2010, these included Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and
Attorney General Eric Holder, whose Justice Department and its lead agency, the FBI. The
FBI was also conducting the investigation of Rosatom’s ongoing U.S. racketeering, extortion,
and money-laundering scheme. This means there is NO WAY that the FBI, DOJ and
subsequently ​Obama had to know​ about the scandalous deal. They knew and were complicit.
As America’s chief diplomat, Hillary could have stopped it, but she didn’t. Despite top
Republican ​lawmakers’ grave reservations​, CFIUS approved Rosatom’s offer and handed the
Kremlin one fifth of U.S. Uranium supplies. This places ​Obama, Clinton, Mueller and Holder​ at
the center of new Congressional probe.

Before, during, and after CFIUS’s review, author Peter Schweizer in his book Clinton Cash;
calculates that “shareholders involved in this transaction had transferred approximately $145
million to the Clinton Foundation or its initiatives.” All told, the companies and investors in
these Russia-strengthening deals gave the Clinton Foundation between ​$152 million and $173
In a 2010 interview on Russian television​, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that
the Obama administration wanted travel and business to increase between Russia and
America and that the Obama administration wanted to "help strengthen Russia."

March 2012 President Barack Obama was ​caught on camera​ assuring outgoing Russian
President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues
like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election. Obama, during talks in Seoul, urged
Moscow to give him "space" until after the November ballot, and Medvedev said he would
relay the message to incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Vekselberg, one of Russia's richest men, served as president. It was an attempt to create
Russia's own Silicon Valley. Vekselberg's firm Renova donated between $50,000 and
$100,000 to the Clintons. Despite many warnings, Hillary Clinton and her friends approved
one of the worst deals in American history. Michael Carpenter was the Deputy Director of the
State Department's Office of Russian Affairs and later served as the Director for Russia at the
National Security Council in 2013 and 2014. He is ​on record stating​ that “Skolkovo was one of
the projects that was launched under the auspices of the reset... In particular it appeared to
me to be an effort to gain intellectual property from U.S. firms and gain advantages ... that
could come back to hurt us. That was my intuition.” But ​instead, Hillary pushed Skolkovo​ as a
high-tech corridor in Russia “modeled after our own Silicon Valley,” Her State Department paid
for 22 top American venture capitalists to tour Skolkovo in May 2010. State convinced Cisco,
Google, and Intel, among others, to open shop in Skolkovo and by 2012, 28 “Key Partners”
from the U.S., Europe, and Russia supported this project.

The U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program (2013) warned “Skolkovo is arguably an
overt alternative to clandestine industrial espionage.”

This means that Hillary Clinton and team whether knowingly or not, acted as agents of a
foreign power against the interests of the USA. Whether the Clintons were aware of how close
they tread to the bounds of treason or not doesn’t negate the fact that there was some motive.
It was either ignorance. It was either corruption/greed or it was simply to disempower
American interest. As a patriot and grateful citizen, all three are offensive. ​17 of the 28 'key
partners’ made donations​ to the Clintons totaling b​ etween $6 million and 24 $million​.

The US Army warning on 2003 stated essentially that Russian and Skolkovo were essentially
threats and nobody in Washington DC bothered to check this threat’ except our military: “
Although military activities are not an official cluster of activity, the Skolkovo Foundation has,
in fact, been involved in defense-related activities since December 2011, when it approved the
first weapons-related project—the development of a hypersonic cruise missile engine. The
project is a response to the U.S. Department of Defense’s Advanced Hypersonic Weapon,
part of the Prompt Global Strike program.”

After the 2016 election, ​the US Air Force released a report​ stating that the United States is
vulnerable to future attack by hypersonic missiles from China and Russia and is falling behind
in the technology race to develop both defensive and offensive high-speed maneuvering arms,
according to a 2016 Air Force study. It is ​the first U.S. military study to sound the alarm about
an arms race​ quietly underway for several years to develop hypersonic missiles for both
strategic nuclear weapons and conventional rapid strike systems.

Research conducted in 2012 on Skolkovo by the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program
at Fort Leavenworth declared that the purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a “vehicle for
world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine,
energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology.” Moreover, the report said:
“the Skolkovo Foundation has, in fact, been involved in defense-related activities since
December 2011, when it approved the first weapons-related project—the development of a
hypersonic cruise missile engine. . .. Not all of the center’s efforts are civilian in nature…”

Lucia Ziobro, a top FBI agent in Boston, explained in 2014: “The FBI believes the true motives
of the Russian partners, who are often funded by their government, is to ​gain access to
classified, sensitive, and emerging technology​ from the companies.”

James Baker
James Baker served as the FBI’s general counsel during the FBI “Crossfire Hurricane”
investigation into candidate Donald Trump and his campaign. As the FBI’s general counsel,
Baker was responsible for providing legal advice to senior leaders of the FBI, including Comey
and McCabe, on the legal aspects of these investigations and to act as a liaison between the
FBI and the DOJ. His testimony in front of the Committee on the Judiciary, Joint with the
Committee on Government Reform and Oversight hearing on October 3rd and 18th 2018
provides insight into the internal irregularities in the criminal investigation of former Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton’s illegal server and felony handling of classified information.

During testimony​, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who along with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)
had been questioning Baker, paused to outline his concerns, telling Baker, “everything about
this investigation seems to have been done in an abnormal way, the way that you have gotten
the information, the way that Peter Strzok got information, the way that Bruce Ohr was used,
the way that Perkins Coie actually came in and gave you information.”

Meadows noted that, “with all this stuff that we are talking about…you ought to look at this with
a jaundiced eye, would you agree?”
Baker responded: “I had a jaundiced eye about everything, yes. I had skepticism about all this
stuff. I was concerned about all of this. This whole situation was horrible, and it was novel, and
we were trying to figure out what to do, and it was highly unusual.” But Baker’s story doesn't fit

Jim Baker met multiple times with Michael Sussman, a lawyer he once worked with at the
criminal division of the DOJ and is now a partner at Perkins Coie. Perkins Coie is the law firm
the DNC hired, who in turn hired the opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, that was
responsible for the creation of the Steele Dossier. During at least one of those meetings,
Michael Sussman provided Jim Baker with the allegation that there was communication
between servers in Trump Tower and Alfa Bank in Russia. This information was not true.

Michael Sussman was the lawyer the Democratic National Convention CEO Amy Dacey
called at Perkins Coie on April 28, 2016, after discovering the “hack” of their servers.
Sussman’s bio on the Perkins Coie website​ describes him as “a nationally-recognized privacy,
cybersecurity lawyer”. After Dacey contacted Sussman about the DNC “hack”, he immediately
contacted Shawn Henry of Crowdstrike, the cyber security firm that provided the FBI with the
only information about the servers and the “hack” they ever examined, as the FBI has never
examined the DNC servers themselves.

In a letter to US Attorney John Durham, Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan of the
conservative House Freedom Caucus cited a previously undisclosed portion of Baker's
transcript where his lawyer interjected to say: "​he's been the subject of a leak investigation
that is ... still active​ at the Justice Department."

BLACKMAIL: How Putin Got Uranium and US Technology.

Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control
of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian
nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering
designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according
to government documents and interviews.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to
gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as
2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes
and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents

Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former
President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, ​sources told The

The racketeering scheme was conducted “with the consent of higher-level officials” in Russia
who “shared the proceeds” from the kickbacks, one agent declared in an affidavit years later.

Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ)
continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American
public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period
when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial
nuclear ambitions.

The first decision occurred in October 2010, when the State Department and government
agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States unanimously approved
the partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear giant
Rosatom, giving Moscow control of more than 20 percent of America’s uranium supply.

When this sale was used by Trump on the campaign trail last year, Hillary Clinton’s
spokesman said she was not involved in the committee review and noted the State
Department official who handled it said she “never intervened ... on any [Committee on
Foreign Investment in the United States] matter. “The Obama administration and the Clintons
defended their actions at the time, insisting there was no evidence that any Russians or
donors engaged in wrongdoing and there was no national security reason for any member of
the committee to oppose the Uranium One deal.

“The Russians were compromising American contractors in the nuclear industry with
kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised legitimate national security concerns. And
none of that evidence got aired before the Obama administration made those decisions,” a
person who worked on the case told The Hill, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of
retribution by U.S. or Russian officials.

But FBI, Energy Department and court documents signed in 2014 and 2015 and reviewed by
The Hill show ​the FBI in fact had gathered substantial evidence well before the committee’s
decision​ that Vadim Mikerin — the main Russian overseeing Putin’s nuclear expansion inside
the United States — was engaged in wrongdoing starting in 2009; a whole year before the
Obama Administration approved the controversial deal in 2010. The alleged Uranium One
deal was directed by and provided benefit to ‘senior officials back in Russia.

The Obama administration’s decision to approve Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One has
been a source of political controversy since 2015 with little public outcry except for a very
frustrated Sean Hannity; whom Media Matters labels a “​conspiracy theorist​,’’ and a “​harbinger
of Trump and Barr’s coming propaganda​.”
Can a society be ruled and governed by a hidden force protected by layers of authority and
access? The answer to this is yes. I saw the Muslim Brotherhood control the Sharia machine
and a bewitched and hypnotized middle East is beginning to awaken from it. If it is possible
anywhere on Earth, is it than possible in the greatest most liberating country on the Earth?
Yes. Is this big web of crimes all related to our nightly news? Yes. Connecting all the dots,
Hannity’s rage soon become justified and his clarion call revealing “​Deep State Panic​” takes
on a much more realistic impact.

Why? In total, 9 public officials deliberately approved the Uranium One deal or participated
somehow in the process. Then-Attorney General Eric Holder was among the Obama
administration officials joining Hillary Clinton on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the
United States at the time the ‘deal.’ Multiple current and former government officials told The
Hill they did not know whether the FBI or DOJ ever alerted committee members to the criminal
activity they uncovered. Commenting on these events, Trump stated: "That's your real Russia
story. Not a story where they talk about collusion and there was none. It was a hoax. ​Your real
Russia story is uranium​." The biggest twist of all is that Robert Mueller, the ‘special counsel’
who led the probe into alleged Russian interference in the election, was the head of the FBI
when it investigated Russia’s possible Uranium One linked extortion. Mueller's placement as
Special Counsel despite his many conflicts of interests makes him less interested in Hillary
winning but more interested that Trump doesn’t win. He is too linked to too many Clinton
scams and is entangled. In my personal objective opinion, Robert Mueller is too suspicious.

Who Is Robert Mueller, Really?

According to the ​ACLU​, the 11 years as Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller’s has a long
history of malfeasance and ​routinely violated federal law and the Bill of Rights​. As head of the
FBI, Mueller would have had to have known and approved Uranium One. To ignore that it
happened under his watch is silly and if indeed it did slip past a sitting director of the FBI; he
has no business as Special Counselor. George W Bush appointed, you can find Mueller in
close proximity to most things Radical Islam and Muslim Brotherhood related.

Mueller took over the FBI one week before the 9/11 attacks and he was “worse than clueless”
after 9/11. Only 3 days after 911, Mueller said “The fact that there were a number of
individuals that happened to have received training at flight schools” here is news, quite
obviously. If we had understood that to be the case, we would have — perhaps one could
have averted this.”

But then three days later he suddenly flips announcing: “There were no warning signs that I’m
aware of that would indicate this type of operation in the country.” Lawmakers would find
concern with Mueller’s Misstatements surrounding 911 because they clouded the FBI Chief’s

The New York Times published an article about ​Mueller’s ‘misstatements,’​ which scrutinized
his first nine months as FBI Director. Mr. Mueller admitted I have made mistakes occasionally
in my public comments based on information or a lack of information that I subsequently got.''”
He was referring specifically to a widely publicized Sept. 14 statement in which he offered
assurances that the bureau had no warning that terrorists might be training in American flight
schools. On Sept. 17, Mr. Mueller went further, saying he knew of ''no warning signs'' of any
sort of attack. This later proved to be ​a false statement​.

A Minneapolis agent, Coleen Rowley, would accuse Mueller and other senior F.B.I. officials
that they “intentionally shaded the truth during a Minneapolis local FBI investigation into one of
the 911 terrorists; Zacarias Moussaoui.

Mr. Moussaoui, who has been charged with conspiring in the Sept. 11 attacks, was arrested in
Minnesota in August. Ms. Rowley said F.B.I. headquarters had obstructed the work of the
local office in determining if Mr. Moussaoui was a terrorist.

It seems he was given a free pass by Senator Dianne Feinstein and according to the ​report by
NYT​; Senator Grassley dismissed the accusations against Mueller stating ''I believe that his
heart is in the right spot,'' ultimately placing blame on senior aides to Mueller.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat a member of the Judiciary and Intelligence
committees at the time, said she was perplexed by some of the inaccuracies that have been
uncovered in Mr. Mueller's public statements, and that she was concerned that they might
reflect an unwise decision to ''take on the burden of defending what has been done in the
past.'' Then dismissed any concern as “a few first chaotic weeks on the job. I have no
concerns that he is up to the task,” suggesting the new director be given a fair chance to prove

But according to Ms. Rowley, when Mr. Mueller and his deputies repeated the comments in
the weeks that followed. The Minneapolis agents ''faced the sad realization that Mueller’s
remarks indicated ​he tried to protect the F.B.I. from embarrassment​.'' This was the beginning
of his FBI career.

Under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI tried to discredit another story, publicly countering that
agents found no connection between a Sarasota Saudi family and the 2001 terrorist plot. Files
obtained by reporters in the course of their lengthy probe reveal that federal agents found
“many connections” between the family and “individuals associated with the terrorist attacks
on 9/11/2001.” The FBI was forced to release the once-secret reports because the news
group sued in federal court when the information wasn’t provided under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA).

Court documents show that as FBI Director Mueller worked to cover up a connection between
a Florida Saudi family and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The documents reveal that Mueller was
involved in publicly releasing deceptive official agency statements. A Florida journalism
nonprofit uncovered. Court documents show that though Mueller received a briefing on the
Sarasota, Fl case of Saudi the FBI continued to publicly deny it existed and it appears that the
lies were approved by Mueller.

The end of his career proves suspicious as well. In 2013 Judicial Watch exclusively obtained
droves of records documenting how, under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI purged all
anti-terrorism training material deemed “offensive” to Muslims after secret meetings between
Islamic organizations and the then-FBI chief. Having seen the terror of 911, Mueller should be
held even more to account as acting FBI director but instead was given consistent free
passes; under both parties.

Assuming it did slip past an aloof FBI Chief, the deal would have been supervised by
then-U.S. Attorney ​Rod Rosenstein​, an Obama appointee who served as President Trump’s
Deputy Attorney General until May 2019. Justice Department documents show that “Between
2009 and January 2012, Mikerin “did knowingly and willfully combine, conspire confederate
and agree with other persons … to obstruct, delay and affect commerce and the movement of
an article and commodity ​(enriched uranium) in commerce by extortion​,” a November 2014
indictment stated. The first kickback payment recorded by the FBI through its informant was
dated Nov. 27, 2009, the records show.

“As part of the scheme, Mikerin, with the consent of higher-level officials at TENEX and
Rosatom (both Russian state-owned entities) would offer no-bid contracts to US businesses in
exchange for kickbacks in the form of money payments made to some offshore bank
accounts,” Agent David Gadren testified.

The investigation proved a gold mine for Putin, in part because it uncovered a new Russian
money laundering apparatus that routed bribe and kickback payments through financial
instruments in Cyprus, Latvia and Seychelles. A Russian financier in New Jersey was among
those arrested for the money laundering, court records show.

The case also exposed a serious national security breach: Mikerin had given a contract to an
American trucking firm called Transport Logistics International that held the sensitive job of
transporting Russia’s uranium around the United States in return for more than $2 million in
kickbacks from some of its executives, court records show. In 2014, Mikerin, the Russian
financier and the trucking firm executives were arrested and charged.

Ronald Hosko, who served as the assistant FBI director in charge of criminal cases when the
investigation was underway, told The Hill he did not recall ever being briefed about Mikerin’s
case by the counterintelligence side of the bureau despite the criminal charges that were
being lodged. “I had no idea this case was being conducted,” a surprised Hosko said in an

Likewise, major congressional figures were also kept in the dark. Former Rep. Mike Rogers
(R-Mich.), who chaired the House Intelligence Committee during the time the FBI probe was
being conducted, told The Hill that he had never been told anything about the Russian nuclear
corruption case even though many fellow lawmakers had serious concerns about the Obama
administration’s approval of the Uranium One deal.

“Not providing information on a corruption scheme before the Russian uranium deal was
approved by U.S. regulators and engage appropriate congressional committees has served to
undermine U.S. national security interests by the very people charged with protecting them,”
he said. “The Russian efforts to manipulate our American political enterprise is breathtaking.”
An FBI informant told three congressional committees in a written statement that: ​Moscow
routed millions of dollars to America to benefit Bill Clinton's charitable efforts while Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton quarterbacked a “reset” in U.S.-Russian relations​.

Indictment Affidavit
Warrant Affidavit
Mikerin Plea Deal

Douglas Campbell, said he was told by Russian nuclear executives that “Moscow had hired
the American lobbying firm APCO Worldwide specifically because it was in a position to
influence the Obama administration, and more specifically Hillary Clinton.” Democrats have
cast doubt on Campbell’s credibility, setting the stage for a battle with Republicans over his
testimony. The contract called for four payments of $750,000 over twelve months. APCO was
expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort
to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative
decisions on everything from Uranium One to the U.S.-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation

Nick Merrill, a spokesman for Clinton, said Campbell’s account was simply being used to
distract from the then ongoing investigations into President Trump and Russian election
meddling. The Trump Russia accusation has now been settled so the Clinton organization
may want to offer the public a fresh reason since this is left undone.

In his written statement, Campbell accused Obama administration officials of making

decisions that ended up benefitting the Russian nuclear industry, which he said was seeking
to build a monopoly in the global uranium market to help President Vladimir Putin seek a
geopolitical advantage over the United States.

“I obtained documentary proof that Tenex was helping Rosatom win CFIUS approval,
including an October 6, 2010 email … asking me specifically to help overcome opposition to
the Uranium One deal,” testified Campbell. Campbell told lawmakers the purchase of Uranium
One assets and the securing of billions of new uranium sales contracts inside the United
States during the Obama years were part of the “Russian uranium dominance strategy.”
The man who may be responsible for allowing tremendous Russian corruption on U.S. soil to
continue ​— and even intensify — ​during the Obama administration was leading the Russian
Hoax investigation.
Environmental Collusion
Over the past years, US oil companies were not allowed to drill due to concerns of global
warming. This made us more dependent on oil imports. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, who
chairs the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee released a report exploring
Russia’s motive for disrupting America’s energy sector. Russia benefits from stirring up
controversy about U.S. energy production,” Smith said in a press release. “U.S. energy
exports to European countries are increasing, which means they will have less reason to rely
upon Russia for their energy needs. This, in turn, will reduce Russia’s influence on Europe to
Russia’s detriment and Europe’s benefit. That’s why ​Russian agents attempted to manipulate
Americans’ opinions about pipelines, fossil fuels, fracking and climate change​. The American
people deserve to know if what they see on social media is the creation of a foreign power
seeking to undermine our domestic energy policy.” Smith’s report describes the Russian
scheme to use nonprofit entities to influence and sway U.S. public policy and public opinion
against fracking. The evidence in the report shows that Russia has been using U.S.
environmental groups to spread what Smith aptly describes as “propaganda” to undermine
America’s natural gas revolution.

Over the last several years, many articles have been written documenting how Russian
groups funneled money into U.S. environmental organizations, which, in turn, was used to
oppose fracking in the U.S. and the construction of new pipelines. Fracking and pipelines
make the U.S. cleaner and also give us more energy independence at a lower cost to U.S.

The Russians understandably fear the growth of the U.S. energy industry because it
undermines their own (which accounts for 40 percent of their GDP). The environmental groups
used the Russian monies to lobby against U.S. consumers and support their Democratic
allies. Much of this took place while Robert Mueller was head of the FBI; and since
government law enforcement agencies monitor foreign funds coming into the U.S., one
wonders why the FBI was silent.

The letter also pointed out that the CIA and FBI “report that China imposes stipulations on
financial support to academic institutions, think tanks, and non-profits in the United States to
‘reward pro-China viewpoints’ and to discourage research or advocacy that would damage
China’s global image or standing.”

There is concern “about the NRDC’s role in aiding China’s perception management efforts
with respect to pollution control and its international standing of environmental issues in ways
that may be detrimental to the United States.” “NRDC press releases, blog posts, and reports
consistently praise the Chinese government’s environmental initiatives and promote the image
of China as a global environmental leader.”
The letter goes on to make several other key points, including: “When engaging on
environmental issues concerning China, the NRDC appears to practice self-censorship, issue
selection bias, and generally refrains from criticizing Chinese officials. By contrast, the NRDC
takes an adversarial approach to its advocacy practices in the United States. The disconnect
between the NRDC’s role as ‘thought leader and trusted adviser to our partners in China’ and
its approach to environmental advocacy in the United States is disconcerting.”

The letter details charges against the NRDC, including probable major violations of U.S. law in
33 footnotes, and requests extensive documentation regarding the NRDC China-related

Back during the campaign, even then-Secretary Hillary Clinton spoke about “phony
environmental groups” that “were funded by the Russians.” She should know, given the tens
of millions of dollars that flowed ​from Russia into the Clinton Foundation​ and into the pocket of
her own campaign manager, John Podesta.

In March of this year, the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology produced a
report on “Russian Attempts to Influence U.S. Domestic Energy Markets by Exploiting Social
Media.” The committee acquired many documents from American social media companies
that “confirmed that Russian agents were exploiting American social media platforms in an
effort to disrupt domestic energy markets, suppress research and development of fossil-fuels,
and stymie efforts to expand the use of natural gas.” The real political collusion scandal is that
the Russians were funding environmental groups that were, in turn, ​supporting Democratic

Louis Freeh
Armed with a law degree and later a Master’s in Criminal Law, he was an FBI special agent in
the New York City field office and at FBI headquarters. He then worked successively at the
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York as an assistant U.S. attorney,
chief of the Organized Crime Unit, deputy U.S. attorney and associate U.S. attorney.

In 1991, President George H.W. Bush appointed him a judge for the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York. Two years later, he answered a call from President Bill Clinton,
and he became the fifth director of the FBI. Freeh was the FBI director during the Khobar
Towers, the Unabomber, the Centennial Olympic bombing, Ruby Ridge and Waco
investigations amongst other landmark historic events.

He served from September 1993 to June 25, 2001 and would be succeeded by Robert
Mueller. As it relates to the Russian Hoax, Freeh’s connection to the Russian owned firm
Prevazon is suspect as well. ​Prevazon earlier this year hired former FBI Director Louis Freeh
to help settle a major money-laundering case with the US government. for roughly $5.9
Prevazon is also represented by Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with top
Trump campaign officials in June 2016 at Trump Tower to lobby for repealing the 2012
Magnitsky Act. This now infamous meeting was seen early on as the snare which would take
down Trump. Was Louis Free used by Mueller and the Democrats to finally ensnare the
Trump team by setting up a meeting to look like collusion? Ultimately, no charges were
brought to the Trump team but in the memories of many Americans, the infamous Trump
Tower meeting “with Russians” solidified the mainstream narrative of unproven Russian

Congressional Concerns Dismissed

Though there have been some attempts by congress to investigate the questionable alliances
and activities within the Obama administration, there has not been much traction. During the
course of the previous administration, Congress made many attempts to express its concerns.
One such example is that on June 13, 2012, the Deputy Inspector General Ambassador
Harold W. Geisel received a​ letter of concern from 5 congressman​. Now all former
congressmen, the five Representatives were: Trent Franks, Michele Bachmann, Louie
Gohmert, Thomas Rooney, and Lynn Westmoreland. The concerns expressed in this letter
she light on many of the concerns expressed in this document. Such concerns included the
Muslim Brotherhood secret agenda; questionable links of Hillary Clinton to Muslim
Brotherhood leaders. concerns about the OIC demands for the restrictions of freedom of
expression, so as to preclude “blasphemy” against Islam and its adherence as part of the UN
Resolution 16/18. In addition to this letter of concern, those same 5 congressmen and
congresswomen also wrote to the Acting Inspector General, Cahrles Edward’s about the
aforementioned risks with Muslim Brotherhood operatives within kep positions of the
government. The acting inspector general was briefed about the role of the now failed and
quite bazaar Obama “strategy” of “CVE,” Countering Violent Extremism.How does someone
defeat a foe unnamed? It is impossible.

Those who received the investigatory letters included:

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State

Ileana Ros Lehtinen, Chairwoman, House Foreign Affairs Committee
Charles K. Edwards and Lynne Halbrooks; Acting Inspector Generals (2012)
Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence

Keith Ellison’s bazaar final response dated July 18, 2012 sheds tremendous concern on how
our internal affairs happen. According to Ellison a “careful review” accuses congresswoman
Bachmann of not providing ‘credible evidence’ for her claims. He accuses her of using guilt by
association and ultimately dismisses the concerns as our other leaders were copied on the
communications. This means those leaders also neglected these valid concerns. What was
Ellison’s cited proof? Fake news.

Our US government leaders allowed Ellison to quote from ThinkProgress, RightWing Watch
and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Does this look and feel and sound familiar? It should.
The last time that government officials used to fake news to implement their political agenda
was in 2016. It was called the Russia Hoax. In this exchange between congress, we see
another template for fake news and disinformation. How can Ellison be allowed to quote
activist Leftist platforms without being held to a higher level of scrutiny. Seeing this DC culture
for what it is, it is easier to see how than the Deep State plays. Disinformation, propaganda
and deflection are all employed when observing the reasons for why the Democrats created
such an espionage operation upon Trump.

Basically, in order to impact the US legislative branch of government, the Muslim Brotherhood,
or Russia, would need a willing and a complacent part to function for social proof of validity
and for creating pubic hype. In turn, that political party would need a willing and complicit
[specific] voter demographic to champion that demographics specific values and culture.

The objective part of me has to draw a conclusion. I have enough sourced and credible
information to conclude that the reason for the 3-year disinformation propaganda campaign by
the Left also known as Russian Hoax was not just a farce but something much more sinister.
The Russian Hoax was actually a deflection crucially necessary for all the criminals involved to
continue their globalized mob culture without interruption. So hungry for power, the Obama
Administration and Hillary Clinton intentionally continued choosing to compromise US National
security by willfully perpetuating the false narrative that Trump colluded with Russia. With
Clinton losing the 2016 elections to Trump, this was effectively their official public demise and
the beginning of the end.

Her losing the election was not just another President being elected, rather, it was essentially
a prequel to the true Russian collusion which likely makes more sense after reading this.
Every time Hillary Clinton and her team pursued the false claim that Russians collaborated
with Trump, she was in actuality still pursuing mutual interests for Putin. 30 million taxpayer
dollars later- which could feed a lot of homeless Veterans was used by the DC swamp to take
back the Oval Office from we the people, not Donald Trump.

I believe the Democratic party is on its deathbed- for now. Their sole objective, if they survive
until 2020, is not to pass legislation but rather it is to obstruct and deflect the truths in this
document from coming out. Essentially, there is no time, energy or even a probable plan to
circumvent the budding consequences of the Trump 2016 victory. Their malfeasance and
criminal activity have been ongoing, and the mainstream media has been covering for them.
The only sane and logical thing to do, in their minds, is to save their Democratic day is to
regain control of an alternative narrative and “finally impeach” once and for all.

Without the legal grounds for an actual legitimate impeachment, the Democrats will have no
choice but to engage a proxy impeachment. This too is a farce. They are only stalling in
hopes that this all would be washed out by all the noise. I encourage you to stay bold and take
a step back to look at the big picture. When you do, you will see what I see when looking at
this epic sized ‘Rorschach’ test. My hope is that we will be bold in seeing the truth.

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” h ​ ttps:// ​ eorge
Orwell 1984
“Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism,
as I understand it” h​ ttp:// ​ eorge Orwell Why I Write​George Orwell Politics and the English Language

THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: FRIEND OR FOE?​Article Dec 2015 Wilson Center One, Interconnected, Middle East

Region ​ he Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan for America 1991 ​ 948 United Nations Declaration of Independence of Human Rights (UNDHR) ​ 7 Member States of the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation ​ airo Declaration on Human Rights ​ ull text of the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in
Islam ​ OCUMENT Oct. 3, 2018 Committee on the Judiciary, Joint with
the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight Jim Baker Transcript ​
rticle March 26, 2019 EpochTimes Concerns About FBI Probe, PreElection Contacts with Mother Jones Reporter​Article Dec 2016 NYT The Perfect Weapon: How Russian
Cyberpower Invaded the US
Baker is now currently under criminal investigation for felony leaks​Article
January 15, 2019 by Laura Jarrett Former FBI General Counsel James Baker under criminal investigation VISION AND MISSIONU ​ SCMOV ​ ision and Mission ​ SCMO Member Organizations Act.pdf​Senator Ted Cruz Bill to designate the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) as a terrorist organization​Senator Ted Cruz Bill to designate the
Muslim Brotherhood as a ta terrorist organization​on record ​ 015 bill to designate the IRGC and the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist
organizations text​ Article May 2009 FBI Explains Its CAIR Cut Off ​ ttorney General Eric Holder
delivered a keynote speech to a group in Michigan linked to the Muslim terrorist group
ng-for-it/?utm_term=.7222f9105ba1​Article Aug 2018 WP by Jamal Khashoggi The US is wrong about the Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab world is
suffering for it ​ rticle April 7, 2007 NBC Hoyer met with Muslim
Brotherhood Member House majority leader twice met Egyptian lawmaker from banned group
DOCUMENT RAND The Muslim Brotherhood, Its Youth, and Implications for US Engagement
​ rticle Jan 31, 2017 GatestoneInstitute Muslim Brotherhood Front
Organizations, U.S. and Canada

HOLY LAND TRIALS AND MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD FRONT GROUPS​2008 FBI Archives Convictions Returned in Holy Land Cases​ USCMO VISION AND MISSION​ USCMO Official List Member Organizations



Maroufidou v. Sweden​, UN Human Rights Committee, Communication No. R.13/58 (1981)

United States v. Abu Marzook, 2006 WL 250008 (N.D. Ill.); United States v. Marzook, ​383 F.Sup.2d 1056​(N.D. Ill. 2005) (Hamas) (over 100 reported
cases deal in some way with membership in, cooperation with or financing of Hamas)
United States v. Gilbert, ​244 F.3d 888​(11th Cir. 2001) (gaming facility as money laundering enterprise)
United States v. Hammoud, ​381 F.3d 316​(4th Cir. 2004); ​405 F.3d 1034​(4th Cir. 2005) (Hizballah)
United States v. Talebnejad, ​342 F.Supp.2d 346​(D. Md. 2004) (Hawala case)
United States v. Uddin, ​365 F.Supp.2d 825​(D. Mich. 2005) (Hawala case)
Arrêt du 12 décembre 2005​(Switzerland)


Randall Ismail Royer (​weapons and explosive charges​)

Bassam Khafagi (​bank and visa fraud​)
Ghassan Elashi (​terrorism financing of Hamas​) and
Nabil Sadoun (​deported for ties to terrorist groups​).
542 Total: Terror Court Cases: ​


designated a terrorist organization by the UAE Act.pdf​IRGC Terrorist Designation Act​Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist
Designation Act​Senator Ted Cruz Press Release introducing legislation to designate the IRGC and the
Muslim Brotherhood as terror organizations
​ 015 Bill Text

Senate Judiciary Committee on Homeland Security Hearing Terrorist Recruitment and infiltration in the United States and Military as an Operational
Base ​ 004 Department of Defense Inspector
General Joseph Schmitz Recommendations for vetting Defense Department Chaplain Nominees. Citing National Security Concerns and the 2008
Holy Land Foundation Trial​Article April 7, 2007 NBC Hoyer met with Muslim
Brotherhood Member House majority leader twice met Egyptian lawmaker from banned group​2008 FBI Archives Convictions Returned in Holy Land Cases May 7​, 2009 FBI Cuts off Ties with CAIR due to its ties to the terrorist
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Ties with Hamas linked Muslim Front Group, AG Eric Holder Delivers Keynote Speech to terror linked group in Michigan​Article October 24, 2016 DailyCaller
Leaked Documents Show President Elect Obama’s Transition Team Kept Lists of Muslims for Top Jobs and Excluded nonMuslims​Article December 5, 2013 Investors Radical Islamist
Officials find Home in White House​English translation of Egypt’s Rose El Youssef
Magazine Article A Man and 6 of the Brotherhood in the White House​White House Visitor Logs​Rashad Hussain Muslim Brotherhood Member in Obama’s Administration​Imam Mohamed Magid Muslim Brotherhood Member in Obama’s Administration​Mohamed Elibiary Muslim Brotherhood Member in Obama’s Administration ​ 012 DOCUMENT RAND the Muslim Brotherhood, Its Youth,
and Implications for US Engagement​ Article April 5, 1012 DailyBeast Egypt’s Muslim
Brotherhood Woos Washington
ng-for-it/?utm_term=.7222f9105ba1​Article Aug 2018 WP by Jamal Khashoggi The US is wrong about the Muslim Brotherhood and the Arab world is
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THE ARAB SPRING: COVERT REGIME CHANGE​ enter for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) ​ rticle March 2015 the Guardian Meet Srda
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t/5663991​Article Dec 2018 Global Research Obama, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood. The PSD 11 Secret Blueprint to Implement Regime Change
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Potential Uprisings​June 7, 2011 Department of Defense News Obama Gadhafi Must Step Down as Arab
Spring Resumes ​ rticle the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch Gehad El-Haddad​Article Oct 2015 Foreign Policy the Hillary
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kind of president would she be?​Article Apr 2015 American Center for Democracy Hillary Clinton Libya and
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SL​Article Nov 2016 Reuters Clinton’s Charity Confirms Qatar’s 1 million dollar give while she was secretary of state.
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the United States has Unfinished Business in Ukraine and Iraq
The Albert Einstein Institution: non-violence according to the CIA​», Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, January 4, 2005.
The numerous reports and documents published by these committees are available online on the following website: T ​ he Assassination Archives and
Research Center​.
New York Intellectuals and the invention of neo-conservatism​ », Denis Boneau, Voltaire Network, November 26, 2004.
The NED, the networks of democratic interference​ », Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, January 22, 2004. ​ he NED was relying in Eastern Europe on the Free Congress Foundation (FCF), operated by Republicans. Later on, this
organization disappeared and was replaced by the Soros Foundation, operated by Democrats, with the assistance of which the NED would plot new
regime changes ​ ocument Report Color Revolutions Center for Strategic and
International Studies​Wikipedia List of Color Revolutions​Document
DIA Color Revolution Russia Military Power Report 2017
CANVAS and NATO in the US LED WAR IN SERBIA h ​ ttps://
False reasons to intervene in Iran​ Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, February 12, 2004.
​ oltaire Network, June 21, 2004.
The American Enterprise Institute in the White HouseV ​ emarks by the President on the
Death of Mummar Qaddafi October 20, 2011​ DOCUMENT SEP 2016 US
1984-1989 BRENNAN VARIETY OF ANALYTIC ASSIGNMENTS​Article December 2009 TheAtlantic

White House Grants Ethics Waiver to John Brennan TAC and TIDE ​ rticle February 2013 In Brennans Private Sector Stint a Chinese Connection​Article March 2008 Passports Probe Focuses on Worker
BRENNAN ​ rticle January 7, 2013 TheGuardian
John Brennans extremism and dishonesty rewarded with CIA Director nomination Obamas top terrorism advisor goes from unconfirmable in 2008 to
uncontroversial in 2013 Reflecting the Obama Legacy

PURGING LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING MATERIAL OF ISLAMIC REFERENCES ​ enator Ted Cruz June 29, 2016 Cruz Hearing Exposes the Obama Admin’s History of Purging
References to Islamic Terror
Article June 29, 2016 TownHall Cruz Hearing Exposes Obama Admin’s History of Purging References to Islamic Terror

​ ttps://
Full Transcript: h ​ illary Clinton transcript October 2015 House Hearing on Benghazi​ DOCUMENT Jan 23, 2013 Clinton Testimony Open Remarks
Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee


DOCUMENT December 30, 2012 United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Flashing Red A Special Report
on the Terrorist Attack at Benghazi ​
60 Minutes ​

cle Feb 2019 Fox News How Minneapolis’ Somali Community Became the Terrorist Recruitment Capital of the US ​ rticle
February 4, 2019 FoxNews Ilhan Omar once blamed ‘our involvement in other people’s affairs’ after al Shabab attack on Kenyan mall
422002/​ Article Nov 10, 2018 SCTimes By Voting, Somalis commit to Minnesota and younger generations


uncovered bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow​ Article April
2015 NYT Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

check What we know about the Uranium one deal​Article Dec
2018 Politifact Complex tale involving Hillary Clinton, uranium and Russia resurfaces
DOCUMENT June 9, 2010 Uranium One to Acquire Two More Kazakh Mines from ARMZ and To Pay Special Dividend to Minority Shareholders of
at least US$ 1.06 per Share


uncovered bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow NEED TO INCLUDE​Article February 7, 2018 The Hill
Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress​Article Oct 1, 2018 The Hill
FBIs 37 Secret Pages of Memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One
Hillary Clinton
Uranium One deal
Peter Strzok’s “stop Trump” texts
Steele dossier
first disclosed last fall
Vadim Mikerin
$500,000 speech
an epic New York Times exposé in 2015​ Rod Rosenstein ​ obert Mueller
President Trump
Jeff Sessions
prosecutor from Utah was named
declassification order​Article Oct 2017 USAToday Fact
check What we know about the Uranium one deal

2018 Politifact Complex tale involving Hillary Clinton, uranium and Russia resurfaces
The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership
with Facebook.)h ​ ttps://

​ ttp://
h ​ rticle October 17, 2017
Newsweek FBI Kept Russian Bribery Plot Under Wraps Before Obama Administration Approved Nuclear Deal with Moscow ​ rticle Oct 25, 2017
Newsweek Obama Administration Granted Visa to Russian Nuclear Official in Bribery Scheme Linked to Clinton’s State
Department h ​ ttps://​Article October 18, 2017 NYPost Senate Opens
Probe into Russia Nuclear Bribery Case
The Senate Judiciary Committee has opened an investigation into the Russian nuclear bribery case — demanding federal agencies disclose if they
knew the FBI had u ​ ncovered corruption before the Obama administration approved a uranium deal with Moscow​.
Obama administration knew about Russian bribery plot before uranium deal
​ rticle
January 12, 2018 Reuters US Charges Maryland Businessman with Bribing Russian Official

ERIC HOLDER ​ rticle May 28, 2013 Top 10 Eric Holder scandals​ rticle Nov 11, 2009 Politico
Despite ban, Holder to speak to CAIR-linked group

LTG MICHAEL FLYNN​Article August 7, 2015

ForeignPolicyJournal Rise of Islamic State was ‘a willful decision’ Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn​ rticle January 7, 2016 LRB Military to Military Seymour M. Hersh on US
intelligence sharing in the Syrian war

LIBYA ​ rticle March 31, 2011 Reuters Exclusive Obama authorizes

secret help for Libya rebels​ Article October 4, 2016 Obama DOJ drops charges against
alleged broker of Libyan weapons Arms dealer had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s talks about arming anti-Qadhafi rebels. ​ rticle French exPresident
Nicolas Sarkozy charged in campaign funding investigation
confidante.htmlA ​ rticle May 21, 2015 Telegraph Britain hid secret MI6 plan to break up Libya from US, Hillary Clinton told by confidant Sidney
Blumenthal, a long-time friend of the Clintons, claimed David Cameron backed a French plot to create a break away zone eastern Libya​Worse Than Benghazi is a sideshow. Hillary Clinton’s real scandal is her role
in pushing the war against Libya.​Article April 2015 AmericanCenterforDemocracy Hillary Clinton Libya and the
Clinton Foundation
US Department of State Freedom of Information Act Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results for Clinton Sarkozy;beginDate=%27amp;endDate=%27amp;publishedBeginDate=%27a
confidante.htmlA ​ rticle May 21, 2015 Telegraph Britain hid secret MI6 plan to break up Libya from US, Hillary Clinton told by confidant Sidney
Blumenthal, a long-time friend of the Clintons, claimed David Cameron backed a French plot to create a break away zone eastern Libya​ Article October 4, 2016 Obama DOJ drops charges against
alleged broker of Libyan weapons Arms dealer had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s talks about arming anti-Qadhafi rebels.

SYRIA​Article September 17, 2013 Time The Rise and Fall of Elizabeth OBagy
What the fall of the Free Syrian Army’s front woman in Washington tells us about America’s love affair with rebel groups and its ignorance of the
Middle East ​ rticle June 19, 2013 CNN U.S. military presence in Jordan
quietly grows ​ rticle July 8, 2013 CNN Syria is a '10-year issue,' top general says DEMPSEY​Article July 18, 2013 CNN Syrian
opposition questions Taliban rebel role​Article December
ASSAD ​ rticle September 3, 2009 TheGuardian Sarkozy visit to Damascus signals thaw in
g-massacres.html​ Article January 3, 2012 Telegraph Syria Nicolas Sarkozy demands Bashar al-Assad step down after ‘disgusting’ massacres ​ ct 6, 2012 - Officials in Saudi Arabia
and Qatar said they were withholding heavier weapons in ... Citing U.S. Fears, Arab Allies Limit Syrian Rebel Aid ... While they have publicly called
for arming the rebels, they have held back, officials in both ... them from providing shoulder-fired missiles but warning about the risks. ​ ec 17, 2012 - Syrian rebel success in capturing government
armories is rendering increasingly ... Western nations, particularly the United States, remain highly nervous of ... they also want access to early
warning systems as well as arms such as ... and this week's meeting of the anti-Assad “Friends of Syria” France said it ...
nd-the-middle-east/2013/03/16/be56f724-8db7-11e2-b63f-f53fb9f2fcb4_story.htmlM ​ ar 16, 2013 - Decisions by France and Britain to step up support
for Syrian rebels ... Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, are privately acerbic in their assessment of U.S. dithering. ... “We would hope the Americans
would join us” on Syria, the official said. ... proposals to arm the rebels, supported by then-leaders of the State​ un 14, 2013 - US and European officials were to meet with Free Syrian
Army leaders in ... Britain and France said the findings squared with their own conclusions, however. ... with UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon
warning that adding arms to the .... EST, to discuss U.S. Move to Arm Syria Rebels.​ un 29, 2013 - The missiles,
American officials warned, could one day be used by terrorist groups ... to arm the Syrian rebels might be interpreted by Qatar, along with other ...
The United States has little leverage over Qatar on the Syria​Article August 23, 2014 azcentral McCain rips claim
he posed for photo with ISIS fighters​Sep 30, 2014 - He finally found refuge here in Qatar and built his business and contacts
slowly. ... Because there were no established rebels when the uprising started, Qatar ... For years, U.S. officials have been willing to shrug off
Doha's proxy network .... for arming jihadists in Syria and Palestine, was invited by Qatar's ...​ an 26, 2015 - Plagued by Red Tape and Skimpy
Supplies, U.S. Shifts Program's Focus .... Photo: Agence France-Presse/Getty Images ... Some military officials warned that the CIA risked creating
warlords and undermining cohesion in ... from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.​Aug 2, 2016 - Hillary
Clinton's Benghazi Debacle: Arming Jihadists in Libya . . . and Syria ... As U.S. armed forces attack ISIS in Libya, WikiLeaks is poised to ... As some
of us not-so-giddy types had warned would happen, Libya then .... and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said. .... By David
French. ​ ov 26, 2016
- Qatar will continue to arm Syrian rebels even if Donald Trump ends U.S. backing ... Some Western officials worry that Gulf states, dismayed at
effective Russian ... “We want to have the U.S. with us, for sure, they have been our ...​Apr 7, 2017 - Here is a look at how the United States
has dealt with the violence in Syria ... Several allies — President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela ... In remarks to reporters at the
White House, Obama warned Assad's regime ... States to arm and train rebels in Syria to fight the Islamic State in the region. ​ ct 17, 2017 - Whereas more than 100 nations—over half the
states in the ... States, France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, and ... for arming the Syrian opposition, and Qatar urged Arab
troops to get involved. ... Arming the Rebels. In .... Official U.S. strategy was now to weaken Assad so much that he ... ​ rticle January 15, 2018 BBC Syria War Turkey denounces US terror army plan for border ​ rticle August 10,
2014 TheAtlantic Hillary Clinton ‘Failure’ to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS​Article March 5, 2018 WorldinWar Timber Sycamore​Article June 26,
2016 NYT C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say ​ rticle August 2, 2017 NYT Behind the Sudden Death of
a $1 Billion Secret C.I.A. War in Syria ​ rticle July 7, 2014 Politichicks The Road to Benghazi Operation Zero
Footprint​Article June 28,
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Terrorists ​ rticle January 10, 2018 BrandonTurbeville Was Timber
Sycamore the Program That Created ISIS? ​ rticle December 14, 2018 Voltaire Operation Timber Sycamore continues​Article JusticeIntegrity Senator, Pentagon Unit U.S.
Helped Al Qaeda, Predicted ISIS

​ OCUMENT December 11, 2014 JudicialWatch State Department Documents Show Its Security Contractor
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The Benghazi Brief Three Year Anniversary
​ rticle June 27, 2015 FoxBusiness Exclusive the Arming of Benghazi

IRAQ​Article May 18,

2015 Politifact Obama refused to sign plan in place to leave 10,000 troops in Iraq, Bush says​Article October 7, 2016 FP The Mess Obama Left Behind in
Iraq​Article November 2, 2014 WashingtonInstitute Behind
the US Withdrawal from Iraq​ rticle Did Obama Really Cut and Run and Abandon Iraq to ISIS

​ rticle June
2016 CNN State Department doctored video to hide Iran deal
​ rticle July 30, 2003 CBSNews Bush Won’t Reveal Saudi 9 11 Info
MISCELLANEOUS​Article March 2018 TheAmericanConservative Muslims Leaving Islam

​ rticle Pew Research Aug 2017
Muslims and Islam Key Findings in the US and Around the World

RUSSIA ​ rticle Oct 2017 The Hill FBI

uncovered bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow​Article Feb 7, 2018 The Hill
Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress​Article Oct 1, 2018 The Hill
FBIs 37 Secret Pages of Memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One​Article Oct 2017 USAToday Fact
check What we know about the Uranium one deal ​ rticle Oct 31,
2017 The Heritage Foundation 7 Questions the Justice Department Must Answer About Uranium One and Clinton Foundation ​ rticle October 17, 2017
Newsweek FBI Kept Russian Bribery Plot Under Wraps Before Obama Administration Approved Nuclear Deal with Moscow ​ rticle Oct 25, 2017
Newsweek Obama Administration Granted Visa to Russian Nuclear Official in Bribery Scheme Linked to Clinton’s State Department ​ rticle October 18, 2017 NYPost Senate Opens Probe into
Russia Nuclear Bribery Case ​ rticle
January 12, 2018 Reuters US Charges Maryland Businessman with Bribing Russian Official ​ rticle October 20,
2017 Investors Obama Administration Hillary Covered Up Their Deep Corrupt Ties to Russia ​ rticle October 2017 NatReview
The Obama Administrations Uranium One Scandal ​
rticle March 26, 2019 EpochTimes Concerns About FBI Probe, PreElection Contacts with Mother Jones Reporter ​ rticle April
2015 NYT Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal​Article Dec
2018 Politifact Complex tale involving Hillary Clinton, uranium and Russia resurfaces​Pre
ss Release April 25, 2018 Judicial Watch New Clinton Emails Reveal Classified Docs, Clinton Foundation Connections

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