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grayed out process also can indicate a limited Petrel license package. When opening Petrel, the Explorer panes have a default positioning but the panes have free placement and grouping, It is possible to move the panes to user-defined locations. 1, Right-click the heading of the Input pane and click the option Floating. Hide Auto Hide 2. The Input pane is now released from the locked position with the other panes. You can move the Input pane individually within the Petrel window using the left mouse button on the pane heading and holding down the button while dragging the pane. To return it to the default position, right-click the pane’s heading and click Floating to deactivate the function. The Input pane returns to its default location. 3, Right-click the Processes pane heading and select Hide. To redisplay the pane, select View > Panes > Processes. The pane is now be visible in its previous position. 4, Right-click the Input pane heading and select Floating. Click and drag the Input pane within the area of the other panes While moving the pane, a pane navigator becomes visible when you drag the pane aver lower located panes or upper located panes. Patel Fundamentals Peiel Basics +61 a $3. We Tops » BL Fauit Sticks (Time) » BEL. Fauitpolygons (Time) 5. Try to move the pane around (click, hold, and drag) within the upper pane navigator. The pane navigator's boxes indicate a possible pane location. These turn blue while dragging the pane over them, indicating where the pane will be located if you choose to drop the pane at that specific location. Drop the Input pane in the center box of the upper pane navigator. The Input pane is now located at its previous position. 6. Italso is possible to click and drag a pane from its location without using the right-click menu. Click the Input pane heading and drag it in the display window. Notice that all the panes with the same position as the Input pane were moved together with the Input pane. ae Fevelbases Patel Fondonaras + Mode! © 1 Fautmodel f @ 3Time | AAD Wells $3.0 Tops Bi Interpretation folder BL Time Bil Fiters folder } Surfaces Depth Functions Tops 8: Development srategies Fis Polygons 1 ‘Uncertainty modeling wihout 30 gid Error Sutace BaseCase_Depth Tops Completion operatons. Rock physics functions, 7. Drag the panes back to the default location. Drop them into the upper box of the pane navigator. eset ardor Patrol Basics © 6

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