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July 8-14: O’Rourke Knows Who’s Listening

Beto O’Rourke, a Democratic candidate from El Paso, Texas announced his run for the
2020 Presidency bid earlier this year. His main policy goals include access to healthcare for all,
criminal justice reform, climate change, and a stark change from Trump’s immigration policies.
This week, most of Beto’s Twitter feed has surrounded just that. His Twitter is filled with videos
of him calling out Trump for what’s happening in detention centers, that are aimed specifically at
immigrant voters. The videos are in Spanish, captioned over in English, which shows that
O’Rourke is aware that his demographic is not only English-speaking Caucasion voters, but
rather, the actuality behind what America is filled with, diversity. His Instagram, on the other
hand, is much more light-hearted. Instead of outlining a clear policy goal, he fills his feed with
photos and videos of him meeting and talking with a variety of activist organizations, mainly
youth-centered. This shows that O’Rourke is targeting another specific demographic group, the
youth, who he knows will be crucial for him to get far in this election.

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