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Kerala Tourism

Ayurveda tourism as can be understood from the name is a form of tourism

that involves Ayurvedic treatment to the tourists. Ayurvedic treatment in India
has been growing at a tremendous rate in the recent times because of the fact
that the cost of treatment is on the lower side as compared to the other
countries of the world such as USA and UK. This is the reason as to why people
from all round the world come to India to find an effective solution to a
number of their health concerns. Ayurvedic tourism has been long popular in
India but Kerala is the only state of the country where this form of tourism has
been flourishing for a long period of time. Now, if you face any kinds of health
issues or concerns and want an effective remedy for the same, it would
certainly be a very good idea to go for a Kerala Ayurveda tour.

Facts You Should Know About Ayurveda in Kerala

At any point of time, you plan for a Kerala Ayurveda tour, you should
necessarily know a few of the most important facts about the same which are
as listed below.
1. Kerala is India’s only state that has used Ayurveda as the mainstream
medicine. Most importantly, the state of Kerala has a number of
Ayurvedic medical colleges and hospitals spread throughout the state.

2. Ayurveda of Kerala is quite popular because of the five prolonged

treatment which is termed as panchakarma. This form of treatment
includes the use of some medicated oils, milk, Ayurvedic herbs along
with a special diet for the purpose of treating various types of health
issues as well as illnesses.

3. The Ashtangahridaya is a classical medicinal text on which the

foundation of Ayurveda is laid. Vagbhata who is the author of the same
was a disciple of a Buddhist physician who received very little
recognition in the country. It is considered that a few of the brahmin
families were the first Ayurvedic physicians. The descendants of these
families still continue to carry the title of ashtavaidyan. In the recent
times, this holistic science and approach to healing is carried out
throughout the nation of India.

4. The oldest form of healthcare system or treatment is nothing other than


5. The Indian state of Kerala has the most number of Ayurvedic hospitals,
colleges as well as practitioners as compared to any other place in the
whole world.
Thus, going for a Kerala tour is just not complete without Ayurvedic tourism.
This will not only provide you with a dream vacation but also will offer a
complete rejuvenation of the body, mind as well as the soul.

Top Rejuvenation Therapies in Kerala

So, when you intend to plan a Kerala tour, it would be a very good idea to
select an Ayurveda package Kerala. But prior to the selection of the package,
you should have a clear idea about the rejuvenation therapies on offer.
 Immunisation of the body and treatment for longevity which is referred
to as Kayakalpa Chikitsya
 Sudation of the body or the Sweda Karma
 Slimming of the body
 Beauty care therapies
 Therapies for physical as well as mental well being includes meditation
and yoga
 Therapies for overall treatment which is he panchakarma treatment

Ayurvedic Treatments in Kerala

The Ayurveda package Kerala includes the following Ayurvedic treatment:-
 Traditional Ayurvedic treatment for the eyes that are Akshitarpana or
Netravasti and Snehapana
 Ayurvedic treatment for the ears which is known as Karnapoorana
 Therapy for the purpose of curing the aliments of back area that is
 Medicated oil massage treatment or the Abhyanga Snana
 Shirodhara which is also referred to as Moordhanya Dhara with the help
of medicated oils
 Pouring of herbal powder all over the body for sloughing off the dead
skin cells so present that is Udwartana
 Sarvangadhara with the help of milk
Now, it is quite clear as to what Ayurveda tourism of Kerala has on offer and
hence if you have still not opted for it, just go ahead and plan for a Kerala
Ayurveda tour.
Suggested Tours: Kerala Ayurvedic Tour – 10N/11D

Also Read:
 An Incredible visit to wonderful Kerala Backwater destinations
 This summer move towards the verdant hill stations of God’s Own
Country -Kerala
 Shopping in Kerala

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