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CET A US005607708A United States Patent 19 (11) Patent Number: 5,607,708 Fraser et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 4, 1997 [54] ENCAPSULATED VOLATILE FLAVORING 4,880,646 11/1989 Lew et al. MATERIALS 22RHR140 12/1985 Senos et 406/90 ‘3/990 Baal ea. {75} Inventors: Mark S. Fraser, Fullerton; Kenneth C. ay aaa os Goodnight, Seal Beach, both of Calif.; 002” oe Sones 2/1991 Lew Chel W. Lew, San Antonio, Tex. Son aa [73] Assignee: Hunt-Wesson, Inc., Fullerton, Calif. Sed OTHER PUBLICATIONS [21] Appl. No.: 378,874 Taylor, A. H., “Encapsulation Systems and Their Applica- [22] Filed: Jan. 24, 1995 tions in the Flavour Industry,” Sep. 1983, Food, pp. 48-52. Dalezak, Judie D. “Microencapsulation and Encapslstd Related U.S. Applicaton Data Ingrediens,” Food Technology, Apr. 1988 Southwest Research Insitute, “S,.RU Research Advances {63} Coninution of Ser. No. 952267, Dec. 14, 1992, aban- New Product,” Encapsulation News, vol. 1, No. 2, 2nd

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