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Performance Task No. 1

Rehabilitation Action Plan Portfolio

Submitted by:
Delos Santos, Daniel M.

Submitted to:
Ms. Carren May G. Pama LPT

July 11, 2019
(some images) © Nicholas Barilea


Its been so many years since those pathways are reformed and enhanced to be
concrete for the benefaction of everyone in the vicinity, it also bought convenience for
those who find ease in taking shortcuts to their respective destinations and it also serves
as an alternate route for persons with disabilities ( especially pertaining those who wield
equipment like that of wheelchairs ) if the primary route is blocked, hindered, trafficked
by any means. It may be rare if we observe cases like this but considering people with
disabilities’ safety and security, it must be one of our priorities. As of now, current state
of the said area is rugged and craggy. Therefore I’ve come up with a solution of
rendering a maintenance around the area from the mean time to put consideration to the
Department’s financial state in preparation for the full restoration and renovation of the
pathway and the area around it. Furthermore, I would like to propose the utilization of
the whole area, turning dead spaces beside the pathway into a mid-class greenhouse
system or a Highly Fortified Agricultural Biotechnology Facility because I believe that
these ideas can bring forth convenience not just for students but for every individual in
the vicinity. Installing up an Agricultural Biotechnology Facility can push people beyond
their input traits and pushing individuals to focus on delivering consumer health benefits.
Indeed, application of Biotechnology in Agriculture has a big impact on being one step
ahead from others. In addition, Biotechnology can make one’s foundation more
prosperous due that Biotechnology uses enzymes and micro-organisms to make
bio-based products in sectors such as chemicals, food ingredients, detergents, textile,
bio-fuel, and most of all, essential matter in all aspect and fields, what we always
use…paper. Therefore I highly encourage to grasp my ideas for the betterment of our
Institution, making our lives easier, and making the most of it. ANIMO!!!

The image shows the vast

top view of University of St.
La Salle, Bacolod. The
location of the area that is
planned to be rehabilitated is
considered by the most as
“Patio” and it is surrounded
by walls and buildings.
Therefore, it is defined as an
Odo- an open area surrounded
walls and buildings. It is
located by a red line for
specific observation.

Patio / Odo

PLAN: Project Patio Rehab

The architect would like to propose the following regime to be executed under
quintessential conditions.

1) Fix, reconstruct, rehabilitate the pathways in order to lessen or minimize the

harm bought to students by the rugged, cracked, and craggy condition of the pathways.

2) Observe maintenance due that they have minor error, technical fragile devices,
and unorganized environment like ( tree leaves pile overtime, electric/water hose scatter,
cracked marble/ concrete benches, not functioning lamps *especially at night*, etc )

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