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I, Letter/mail: 1. Dit hang 3. Su khuyén nghi 1. account~ tai khoan. I. a variety of ~ I loat (=various) 1. appropriate~ thich hop 2. bill~ héa don 2. additional ~ bd sung/thém 2. assign~ giao/chi dinh 3. cancel~ hily bd 3. affordable ~ chiing/thich hop phai 3, attentive~ cham cha, cha y 4. charge ~ tinh phi 4. available ~ c6 san 4. attitude~ thai d6 5. confirm ~ x4c nn 5. clearance sale ~ ban xa hang 5. certificate~ gidy ching nhan 6. fee ~ phi 6. complimentary ~ mién phi (=free) 6. considerate~ thin trong, chu dio 7. no later than~ khong mudn hon 7. consumer =ngudi tiéu ding T. cooperation~ su cong tae 8. place an order ~ dat hing 8. eligible~ du diéu kién 8. demonstrate~ _chimg minh, cho xem/cho thay 9. purchase ~ mua 9. exceed~ vrgt qué 9. endeavor ~ cb ging, SYN: attempt 10. refund ~ hoan tién 10. free of charge~ khong t6n phi (=at no cost) 10. exemplary ~ guong miu, miu mye 11. reserve ~ dat truée TI. bulk~ 86 Iugng lon 11. potential ~ tiém nang 12. return ~ tra lai 12. installments~ sy tra gop 12. promising ~ day hita hen 13. ship ~ giao 13. including~ bao gom 13, qualification ~ du tw cach/kha ning 14, submit ~ ndp 14. inventory~ hang ton kho 14. reference~ sy tham khao, sy gidi thigu 15. verify ~ xde nhin 15. invoice~ héa don 15. referral ~ gidi thigu Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 4. Sy cim on/sy xin Iai 5. Mua/giim gid 6. Kinh doanh T. apologize~ xin Idi 1. limited~ han cl han 6 gidi 1. approval~ sw thong qua/chap thuan 2. as a token of appreciation ~ nhu thé hign sy cam kich 2. markdown~ gidm gid 2. bid~ tra gid/dau thau 3, be delighted to~ vui mimg dé lam gi 46 3. office supplies~ van phéng phim 3. boost~ thuc day, ting 4, damaged~ hur hai/honz, 4, promotional~ khuyén mai 4. distribution~ sy phan phéi 5, defective~ Idi, SYN faulty 5, redeem~ 6i lai (tien doi véi hing héa) 3. endorsement~ sy tin thinh 6. delay~ hoan lai = postpone) 6. reduced rate~ gidm gid 6. expansion~ sy mé rong 7. enclosed~ duge dinh kém/kém_ theo 7. renew~ gia han, lim méi 7. expense~ chi phi = ost) 8. grateful~ biét on 8. retailer~ nha ban 1é 8. facilitate~ lim cho dé dang/tign loi 9. in recognition of ~ nhw thé hign sur cam kich/eéng nhan 9, souvenir~ do tru niém 9, feasible~ kha khi 10. invaluable~ v6 gid 10. special offer~ gidm gid dic biét 10. figure~ sd liu © number) 11. on behalf of ~thay mat I], store eredit~ phigu doi hang 11. license~ gidy phép 12. patronage~ sy lui téi cua khach hang quen, sit bao tro 12. take advantage of= tn dung Igi thé 12. market share~ thj phan 13. regretfully~ that dang tiéc, lay 13. vendor~ nha cung cp 13. profitable~ cd loi nhuan (= lucrative) Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh 14. voucher~ phidu qua tang (gift certificate) 14. warranty~ bao hanh 14. release~ phat hanh I. catering~ dich vy an uong 1. appointment~ cude hen 1. allot~ phan bo. 2. celebrate~ ky nigm 2. access~ quyén sit dung/truy cap 2. approximately~ xap xi 3. commemorate~ ky niém 3. accommodation~ chd 6, noi & (= lodging) 3. asset~ tai san 4. in honor of trong sy vinh danh/dé vinh danh 4. sign up for ~ding ky cho 4. budget ngan séch 5. on-site~ tai chO 5. assistance~ sy hé tro 3. contribution~ sy dong gép 6. organize~ t6 chite 6. amenity~ tién nghi 6. financial~ tai chinh 7. participant~ tham gia 7, convenience~ thuan tién 7, fundraising~ gay quy 8. present~ co mavhién din 8. dealership~ dai ly 8. immensely~ hét stic/vo cing 9. proceedings~ chudi sz kign 9, authorized~ quyén duge ty 9. monetary donation~ quyén gop tién 10. reception~ tige chiéu dai 10. expire~ hat han 10. possess~ sé hiru II. register~ ding ky, ghi danh II. extend~ mé rong 11. proceeds~ tign thu duge (su kign,....) 12. select~ chon 12. maintenance~ sy bao trifduy tri 12. project~ dy 4n 13. take place~ dign ra 13. reliable~ dang tin cy 13. property~ ti san . venue~ dja diém 14. termination~ cham dit 14. reimburse~ hoan tién Ngurbi soan: Quan Minh

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