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1. The claim that animals have rights has been subjected as a matter of debate since the 1970s.

zoos helping or hurting our animals? Should zoos be banned? Do you agree or disagree.

For several years, it has been argued that animals have rights. This was further claimed by not-for-profit
organsiations such as PETA. For over half a century, there is a constant debate about the existence of zoos. A
major concern is to understand if zoos are helping or hurting animals. Many claim that zoos should be made

Every major city has a zoo that has several species of animals. On one hand, it is advantageous for humans as
it not only becomes a medium of income but also entertainment where many families bring their children to
familiarise themselves with these creatures. While we gasp in awe, these animals are caged in a limited area
which is not enough for them. More than often zoos do not provide animals with their natural environment
facility which affects their health seriously. For example, species that are meant to live in colder places are
transported to zoos that are in hotter and dry areas which they cannot acclimatize to easily. Furthermore,
the pollution of city affects the longevity of these animals.

In my opinion, it is similar to the idea where humans are put in the jails without committing any crime and I
strongly believe that zoos should be banned completely. However, animals in sanctuaries where they are
close to their habitat and have enough space to move around should be encouraged. This will not only give
them freedom to live, but also help them to lead a happy and healthy life - which is their right.

2. Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread news & awareness
and for some it acts like a companion. What is your opinion about this?

Television, for decades have been an important part of our life. It is a great way to share news and
awareness about society, economic and political issues amongst many others. Nowadays, there are niche TV
channels for all age groups - educational channels makes information fun and easy to remember for
children, TV series such as Friends or Game of thrones is favourite pastime amongst youth and sports and
news channels for adults. Television is definitely a great medium of learning and entertainment but is
stealing away family time.

The educational and interactive channels are a great medium to learn for children but more than often they
prefer watching their favourite cartoon. In addition, children prefer watching TV over playing in the park
with their friends. This has not only affected their health but also has made them socially averse. Not only
children, but this has affected adults as well - most couples and families spend their evenings and weekends
watching television which in turn has increased insecurity in relationships.

Certainly, I am not against watching television, but it should be in consideration and time limit. Doing
anything too much does more harm than good and so is the case with watching TV. Furthermore, we should
monitor what we or children are watching as it has strong impacts on an individual’s behaviour and thinking

(225 words)
3. Team sports are generally promoted as a great way to keep fit and build character. However,
sporting events such as soccer matches are often accompanied by violence between rival
supporters and other form of antisocial behavior. If sporting events antisocial behavior, can team
sports be really good for us?

For mass and social media, sports events have held particular interest due to the debate it sparks. While
some people think that is an excellent way to be healthy and build character, many believe that sporting
events can lead to antisocial behavior towards rival team.

Such anti-social behaviour can be seen in the fans of many football clubs in Europe. The recognized teams
have a lot of pressure to win every game they play. However, it is important to understand that winning and
losing are two sides of a same coin and thus should be accepted gracefully. More than often, supporters of a
winning team mock the members and supporters of rival teams – and forget that being nasty will not help.

This behaviour is inculcated young when children start following these teams, if the behaviour is not
corrected at the right age by parents and peers, it can be dangerous. The advantages and skills learned due
to team sports outweigh the antisocial behavior at the sporting events, which does not happen all the time.
Moreover, the skills and talent of players must not be overlooked by such antisocial behaviour of fans.
Furthermore, the famous sportsperson who are role models for many must encourage fan to treat everyone
with respect, including their challengers.

(212 words)

4. Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged products or is it the responsibility of

Right packaging ensures that the products are used when required without any wastage. Packaging industry
is highly competitive industry – that is bringing about packaging solutions for all types and different sectors
of industries.

For example, food industry has understood the success right packing can bring and has gone to the extent to
pack their food in trays and in boxes of different shapes and sizes to match that of food. It is not only user
friendly but many consumers claim that is delicious. Further, research suggests that aesthetic appeal of
packaged products makes consumer overlook the health risks packaged food can incur. Thus, increases the
overall value of the item and makes higher sales. However, they tend to overlook that they spend more than
they would otherwise just due to the way it is packed.

After climate change impacts, several manufacturers now claim that use recyclable and recycled products for
packaging. Yet, several items such as vegetables and fruits in supermarkets are packed in plastics (which are
not required) is a threat to environment. Thus, in my opinion, it is the producers must ensure that over
packaging is avoided whereas consumers must dispose these items in the right way or re-use if possible to
curb the environmental damage.

5. Many people think that regions affect successful person. What is your opinion about native region
and accomplished person’s influence on the region he belongs to.
There is an old adage – ‘where there is a will, there is a way’. Success does not come easy – it comes after
sheer hard work, dedication and perseverance. Moreover, a lot depends on an individual’s will power and
knowledge. Thus, inner thoughts affect success more than the outer environment. Either from village or a
metropolitan city, nothing can stop an individual who wants to mark a name in the pages of history.

Once successful every individual goes back to its roots – where he belonged to and where he came from.
Successful and accomplished individual proudly give a lot of credit of their success to their town, culture,
friends and family. This is because, that is the place where they have spent their childhood and formative
years. Knowledge and the strong values instilled in them by their parents and teachers have played a major
part in their success.

More than often, the people who are doing well play a major role in the reconstruction of their hometowns.
They want to provide for the facilities such as building schools, libraries and colleges - for younger
generation which were not available to them while they were growing up. Moreover, they share
technological advances via such mediums.

Developing such platform, where exposure meets the will power to succeed; where individuals has
opportunities to reach their full potential will indeed keep on producing successful people.

(230 words)

6. The environment we are living in is in danger due to various who do u think
should be responsible to solve it? Is it the governments, organisation or each individual?

Adverse effects of global warming are seen in form of depletion of ozone layer and climate change has led to
increase in the rate of disasters. Uneven rainfall, cyclones, droughts, heat and cold waves have affected the
lives of people in several ways. We cannot blame or make one entity responsible to solve the issues of
environment. Working as a team we can achieve more. However, government can legislate and enforce the
environment friendly behaviour of individuals and organisations by law.

For example, gas and electricity which is usually provided by government must be produced using renewable
sources of energy such as solar and hydro power. Further stricter laws must be enforced to reduce the
emissions from industries and discarding toxic waste in a nature friendly manner. Government must ensure
that students in schools and universities understand the threat possessed by increasing pollution and are
encouraged to use recyclable products. Moreover, more funds must be spent in R&D to reduce toxic waste.
Furthermore, organisations and government together can introduce programs where they plant trees.
However, making laws is just one part of the coin –execution is even more important.

Such vast scale initiatives cannot be completed by an entity in itself. In my opinion, I believe governments,
organisations and individuals are equally responsible to solve the problem.

(217 words)
7. Tobacco, mainly in form of cigarettes, is one of the most-widely used drugs in the world. Over a
billion adults legally smoke tobacco every day. The long term health costs are high - for smokers
themselves, and for the wider community in terms of health care costs and lost productivity.

Do governments have a legitimate role to legislate, to protect citizens from the harmful effects of their
own decisions to smoke, or are such decisions up to the individual?

Despite of all the harmful effects of tobacco, it is legal in nearly all the countries. Over a billion people across
the world of different age groups smoke cigarettes. Both the active and passive smokers have serious
impacts on health, many suffer from cancer, asthma and other lung and heart related problems – but still it
is not banned.

Often, people start smoking during their college due to peer pressure. However, soon they are addicted to it.
Many smokers have erratic responses about the harmful effects – some say, that they live only once and
thus should enjoy life to the fullest; and others it is all written in destiny. Such behaviour force to think that
governments must intervene and ban tobacco. On the other hand, it was found that many people in
developing and under developed countries were not aware of the adverse effects of smoking – when
realised they gave up smoking.

Governments over years have legislated and reduced the consumption of cigarette over the past years by
levying more tax on cigarettes and some countries increased the age for smoking to 21 years. All adults are
sensible and thus are responsible for the decisions they make. Instead of a forced ban, individuals must act
responsibly and understand that being healthy and living long will let them and their families lead a happy

(223 words)

8. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. Your opinion – good or bad?

Due to westernization and globalization, the concept of shopping malls is now widely accepted and
appreciated amongst people. Shopping malls are big shops where individuals can buy everything under one
roof – from clothing to shoes; from home utilities to office accessories; and food, gaming zone and cinema
halls for entertainment.

All the major cities have these shopping malls. Families and individuals prefer malls over small shops as it is a
one stop destination for their needs. Further, exciting deals and offers on items make consumers too difficult
to resist. Not only does it give consumers many options to choose from it makes the shopping experience a
lot more fun than before.

However, it has had a strong impact on the small scale shop owners as everyone prefers going to malls for
shopping. For example, a small grocery shop at the corner of the street might not have all international
brands of sauces and chocolates to pick from. Thus, those shops are used for daily errands. People are more
aware about the brands and thus avoid buying brand-free items. Such mentality has made it difficult for the
new start ups to penetrate the market as they generally have low capital to advertise and develop a brand
In conclusion, small shops have lost value and thus consumers of the past few years. However,
understanding the competitive markets and the needs of the localites’– they should have products to suit
their demands so that people choose their shops reliably.

(247 words)

9. Pros and cons of extreme sports

Fifteen years into the new millennium and extreme sports such as sky diving, mountaineering expeditions,
river rafting and snorkeling amongst many others are gaining popularity. Many adventurers say that such
activities give them a ‘high’ they want, while others indulge in the activity to look ‘cool’.

Jumping from a plane at a height 31,000 feet can sound very erratic but many people do it to get an
adrenaline rush – ‘the high’. Life has become very predictable and thus boring. To break this monotony,
many individuals take up adventure sports; to do something completely different and unexpected.
Moreover, researchers also claim that repetitive or similar extreme sports do not give individuals the same
level adrenaline rush that they got at first. Thus, the next extreme sport adventurers pick is often even more

Undoubtedly such sports are very dangerous and life threatening. There have been incidences in past when
individuals have suffered serious injuries and some have even lost lives. Thus, governments have made very
stringent laws to ensure everyone’s safety.

Being an extreme sport enthusiast myself, in my opinion, individuals must take up these adventurous sports
after ensuring that the organization or the tutor that they have tied up with ensures their safety and takes all
possible measures for the same.

(211 words)

10. Company’s top level authorities should get their employees in decision making process. Discuss

For donkey’s years, there is a constant debate that employees must be involved in decision making process.

Often new start-ups and small scale companies take opinions of their employees before making important
decision. This bonds the team like a family and there has been a steady growth of the company. Further,
they are aware of the current situation which makes them act responsibly. Moreover, opinions from
employees bring fresh perspective to the top level management team and sometimes problems that look
very tricky can be solved very easily.

However, it is not always recommended for every decision made. Certain sensitive information must not be
disclosed, for example, how to address the loss incurred by an organisation? Such topics can make the junior
employees panic and spread rumours about company in the market; and these situations must be carefully
Democratic management has been successful. Though including all employees in the decision making
process will be difficult and tedious, but the results are positive. In the recent years, many companies and
organisations are adopting this technique and reaping benefits. It makes employees feel strongly about the
company and accountable for the decision made which in turn ensure their productivity and efficiency.

(201 words)

11. With growing internationalization, will English lose its dominance?

Due to advances in technology and globalization, the world has become connected and reachable. English is
most widely spoken language across the world. However, there are predictions that like Latin, English will
lose its global dominance.

For decades, English is used widely for all the economic, technological and political dealings between the
countries. Travelers travelling across the world rely on English. Moreover, increasing number of schools has
English as a compulsory subject in addition to their native language. Thus increase in the number of non
native English speakers throughout the world. In developing countries such as India and Sri Lanka amongst
many others give English language is given more importance. Those who cannot speak fluent English are
often looked down upon.

On the other hand, countries like Japan and China (who is also the world’s greatest population) are creating
a strong mark in the global economic market. All of these countries give utmost importance to their cultures
and thus still have not accepted English as a first language. Therefore, those who countries who want to be
economically connected to these countries must either have interpreters or learn their language. Many
native English speakers are now learning Hindi and Chinese as an optional language.

In my opinion, I feel English has been accepted as a language of international communication will never lose
its supremacy but will evolve where new words from other languages are borrowed and accepted – making
it a global language.

(241 words)

12. Ineducation system, is assessment through formal written examination still valid?

Whether assessment of an individual via written exam is not enough to test all skills of an individual is an
ongoing debate for decades for academicians and educationist.

Relying on what is written in exam cannot prove that the candidate understands everything that is taught.
Further, candidates with English as not their first language often struggle with these exams. Moreover,
students in India are often taught to memorize answers without understanding. Such practice can gain
students high marks but very less understanding. Thus, only a written assignment is not enough to assess the
knowledge. Nevertheless, written exams are essential. It is a good indicator to judge if the candidate has
read thoroughly and understood. Further, usage of examples from real life situations or remembering it from
somewhere read indicates his analyses and application.
Fifteen years in the millennium and the employer’s expectation from prospective employees has risen
drastically. They prefer candidates who can multi-task and can work in a team. Thus schools and universities
are now adapting other methods of assessment such as group coursework, presentation and experiments
amongst others. Such activities will hone their skills in team work but improve their communication skills
and help in increasing confidence. Further, having to submit these assignments at different times will teach
them time management and aligning their priorities.

In conclusion, I believe written examinations are only valid when clubbed with other methods of

(244 words)

13. Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for their
personal life. Discuss
Different people get success in different fields. Some people work long hours to get success,
but others feel that spend free time for joy than Wealth. Which style closely relates you and
explain your views?

“There is a price to pay for everything” is an old adage. Globalization, increasing competition and advances
in technology has lured people to materialistic luxuries. Everyone wants big homes to live in, branded
clothes and shoes to wear; and high end luxury cars to drive. For which the price to pay is work harder and
longer hours.

To achieve aforementioned luxuries, people have started working very hard. At work, employees are given
very difficult targets with tight deadlines which tie them to their workplace. Such models are often incentive
based. Many companies are now paying employees on performance based only. Such people are always
worried about work and often go home very late or take their office work to their homes. On the other hand,
businessmen lead a stressful life too – increasing inflation and competition makes it difficult for them to
attract consumers.

This behaviour not only affects their personal lives drastically but is detrimental to their health. They do not
spend time with their families and often the children do not get to spend time with their fathers except
Sunday. On Sunday too, they want to rest and charge themselves for the busy and stressful week ahead.
Such stories are very common in India where there is cut-throat competition in every field. Such working
hours make them unhappy and insecure in life.

To conclude, anything done too much is not good. Thus, both employees and employers should have a work
life balance to increase efficiency in work and happiness in life.

(252 words)

14. Talk about pros and cons of this era as it is full of daily inventions.

The industrial revolution has spread all over the globe. For over a century now, there has been an increase in
the number of new things invented and used. This has affected the world in both good and bad ways.
‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ is a very old adage. Whether it is airplanes to travel distant places or
taking a holiday to moon or sending message with a click of a button – anything is possible. Machines are
invented to perform various tasks that make our lives easier, some inventions make it better and let us live
healthier. Life threatening diseases have now found cures due to advancements in technology and the
longevity of humans have increased.

Despite all the benefits of inventions, it has made people overly dependent. For instance, people cannot
stay without their mobile phones for even a day. There has been a change in behaviour when they do not
have their phones with them – some say they feel ‘incomplete’ without them. Such dependence often leads
to new types of psychological diseases. Further, there has been a steep rise in the technological waste that is
having detrimental effects on environment. If this is not curbed or treated carefully, future generations will
have to suffer.

In conclusion, there are many inventions that were luxuries when invented but now have become a
necessity. With changing climatic conditions and needs of 21st century, it is impossible to lead life without
certain inventions.

(242 words)

15. Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad?

All of us want to live life king size. A life led by celebrity is aspired by all of us at some point in our lives. Many
of us start imitating celebrities thinking that acting like them will make us one. However, we forget that they
became celebrities after a very long journey of hard work, dedication, failures and perseverance.

For many of us, celebrities are role models. Learning from their experiences and life will help us achieve our
goals. All successful people are passionate about something; copying this can do wonders. Celebrities inspire
students at school to be a human being and make them realise that if they can do it – so can we. Such
inspiration is necessary when growing up.

However, many people overlook the difference between the good and the bad; and the impacts such actions
will have on their lives. Several fans start following every action of their favourite screen idol blindly. Some
start smoking while others sport a certain hair style or dance move to impersonate their favourite star. This
makes them look ‘cool’ amongst peers. But sometimes certain actions may be derogatory.

In conclusion, in countries like India where celebrities are given a position of God; have a lot of responsibility
on their shoulders.They must ensure that their actions do not spread wrong message.


16. Any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society

It is an era of inventions. Technological advances have made our life easier. From taking a holiday to moon to
sending messages with a click – everything is possible. One such astonishing invention is Smart phones.
Smart phones are mobile phones that are not only used for calls and texts messages but many other
features. They are like mini computers with internet that allows users to download various applications that
can help them at work, home and to stay connected with their friends and families. There are endless
applications for entertainment such as games and music; utilities such as compass and flashlight; and
productivity such as health and fitness apps to track the number of miles you have run or the amount of
calories consumed. It is altogether a new world.

Consequently, smart phones have made people socially averse. Many people shy away from communicating
to people when they meet or over the telephone as they find it easy to talk via texts or online messages or
tweets. During social events, many are gluedto their phones to stay updated, missing all the fun they can
have when they are with people.

Too much of anything is bad. Undoubtedly smart phone have changed the lives of people in a good way but
have increased several psychological diseases.

(216 words)

17. Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more positive for their future
aspect or have some adverse effects. Agree or disagree?

In today’s connected world learning a second language opens up a window to opportunities for children.

Many researchers have proved that children below seven years of age are inclined to learn a new language
easily. Lessons of new languages are introduced them without even realising they are learning – children
following the adventures of the hero in the story book they are reading. At this age, they can easily imitate
the accents and adopt the pronunciations of native speakers. Further, it also sharpens their analytical and
critical thinking skills which will help them in future.

However, it must be ensured that the language is taught in right accents. More than often, children learn the
new language in the accent of their native language. For example, Japanese often speak English with a thick
Japanese accent. It becomes difficult for the global users of that language to understand them when adults.

In culturally diverse countries like India, it is a common practice for children to learn three or four languages.
Understanding the advantages, many schools in developed countries are teaching a second language at
school from three years of age. This has put an academic pressure on the children and more work for
parents but all the efforts are worthwhile.

(207 words)

18. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss pros and cons impacts.

15 years into the new millennium and the world is connected like never before. Better connectivity and
increased communication is due to technological advances. This had a great impact on the lives of people,
especially on the world of business.
Increasingly, companies are adopting new methods of communication such as video conference. It works
over the internet where clients or executives from all over the world can video chat with each other on
computer or smart phones. This is cost effective, saves time spent on travel and speeds up the processes. It
is proved productive, as meetings are short and effective with rich collaboration from employees and
decisions are made faster.

Consequently, this connectivity increased work pressure on employees as they are expected to be a part of
the video conferencing as they are reachable. As this mode of communication is mainly used for foreign
clients and executives, some employees have to function in odd hours to match that of client’s time zone. In
developing countries like India, employees of small and medium sized companies who deal with foreign
clients have to connect with them after working hours. This has not only affected their family lives but has
led to health related problems.

In summary, the methods of communications have changed for good, but sometimes employees are

(218 words)

19. In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as well.

Low air fares have increased international holidays. Every year, people all over the world take summer or
Christmas holidays to different countries. Often, people choose destinations with lower currency value than
theirs. This way tourist has more money to spend during holidays.

Tourism has become a major industry for developing countries. Governments of many developing countries
are encouraging tourism as it provides business to all sectors such as entertainment, shopping, food and
local transport and travel. It has become a lucrative mode of income for people. Countries like Thailand,
Nepal and Sri Lanka amongst many others have benefited the citizens and have drastically improved their
standard of living and education.

Despite the advantages of a thriving tourism industry, we cannot overlook the damage it can do. Developing
and under developed countries tend to lose their traditional culture and values. They tend to adopt
lifestyles, languages and food to match that of travellers. For example, in India, people are very influenced
by the western culture and often look down upon Indian folk dance, handicraft work and languages. This can
cause stress in the traditional culture and lead to animosity towards tourists.

To sum up, tourism can change the lives of people. However, governments of the developing and under
developed countries must conserve their cultural heritage – which is the main attraction for people to travel.

(222 words)

20. We should spend money on space research and travel or should resolve earth problems.
Economists and environmentalist often claim money should be spent on resolving problems of earth rather
than space research. If we had such attitude, there would have been no America and the lives of people
would not have been so easy.

Space research is a very interesting subject. Scientists for decades are trying to find traces of life on other
planets. Others are interested to know about the formation and number of stars, planets and galaxies. Many
governments, companies are investing heavily to find more about space.

Undoubtedly, this inquisitive nature of human has undoubtedly led to many discoveries and inventions
which improved our lives. However it has also increased pollution and has adversely affected environment
on Planet Earth. Depleting ozone layer of the atmosphere and climate change has increased the number of
disasters have affected millions. If this is not controlled, the future generations will have to pay a heavy

On one hand we have Earth is ever changing – from Ice age to Stone Age to today. On the other, curious
researchers are spending exorbitant amount on space research. In my opinion, it will be interesting if
researchers can find a way to solve the problems of earth from space technology.

(202 words)

21. Reason of decline in Library day by day.

We live in an information age. Technology changed the lives of people in more than many ways. One such
change was the way people read books. In my opinion, there are two major reasons for the shift in

Firstly, there has been a change in preference in the mode of reading books, electronic books (e-books) are
gaining popularity. E-books can be downloaded on smart phones, tablets and reading devices such as Kindle
and Kobo. These small, sleek and user friendly devices can store millions of e-books on all sorts of topics. A
lot of people read while travelling on trains and buses – devices are very convenient as readers no longer
need to carry heavy books.

Secondly, Google was introduced with the advent of internet. The search engine answers all questions and
queries. People find it easy to use and it is spontaneous. On the other hand, finding right books in libraries
on time can be difficult and reading through pages to find answer can be time consuming. This is one my
major reason for the library shutdown in many cities.

In my opinion, unfortunately libraries will keep losing importance. Advances in technology will keep changing
our lives and new devices that make our lives easy will lure us.

(217 words)
22. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education- Einstein. What does he mean by
that? And do you think he is correct?

‘The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education’ said Einstein. Like operating system sets up
the way the computer will function, education sets up our brain. Most of our actions and thoughts are a
result of our education system. Unfortunately, this hinders creativity and creates barriers between right and

Einstien was a school drop-out as he was not able to learn what was taught at school. Everyone called him a
failure and stupid before he made his inventions. This is the same way we treat our children when they do
not perform well at school. We often fail to understand their condition and scold them. But we must
understand some children are god gifted and have in born knowledge and talent. Sometimes they bring a
fresh perspective or a new mind-set to subjects which can be different from the regular regime. Instead of
shutting them down, we must give them free space where they can express themselves and their energy.

Instead of producing robots at schools, the education system must be made flexible so enough importance is
given to creativity and thought. The madness and passion that Einstein had to invent something new is
important. Children with these traits must be encouraged.


23. Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad

Overseas education is gaining popularity in many countries including India. Every year thousands of Indian
students go to western countries to study. While some feel that education is better than the local colleges or
universities in India, others feel that it is very difficult to get an admission in reputed Indian colleges due to

Studying in a foreign land brings a number of advantages. The most obvious is that it broadens our mind.
Experiencing new culture, speaking languages in different accent, celebrating new festivals, meeting people
with different backgrounds, adapting to their cuisines and seeing a complete different way of life is an
enhancing experience that builds confidence and flexible.

However, studying in a different country is quite expensive. The university fees and the costs of living are
generally high. It imposes financial burden on student's families. Many students have to borrow large
education loans in order to pay tuition fees. Another disadvantage is that students have to live away from
their family and friends.

Like every side has two coins, studding overseas has its own gains and disadvantages. It is a rich experience
that opens a window full of opportunities if students overcome or find ways to adjust to challenges.


24. "Value added by travel in Education. Is travel a necessary component of education or not? Will
scholar sitting at home have more knowledge than one who travels? "
Many schools and universities have included trips as a part of their curriculum. Some academicians and
parents argue that this leads to increase in the costs of education, but the rich experiences and knowledge
gained on these journeys are assets for travellers.

Travel is an important part of education. The most obvious advantage is that it broadens the mind.
Experiencing a new culture, meeting people from different walks of life and trying their cuisines are rich
experiences. Travellers face unexpected situations which brings them out of their comfort zone – that is
where they learn the most. This cannot be learnt within the four walls of the rooms.

On the other hand, many argue that reading books can give you all knowledge. Book readers can travel all
the countries with the characters of the story. Agreeable, but that is a world with the author’s perspective.
Besides, practical learning is always more beneficial than theoretical knowledge. Given an opportunity, all
the readers would want to go themselves and see the places described in the books and movies.

In conclusion, travelling gives practical knowledge. Such learning cannot be forgotten – it sinks deep in the
minds of travellers. This increases confidence and flexibility in adapting ourselves to situations.

(204 words)

25. Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some negative and
positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

We live in the information age. Advances in technology have changed impacts of mass communication. The
mediums used for mass communication have increased – from radios to television to print and online media.
Online media is gaining popularity and unlike other methods, it provides a platform to share and exchange
ideas and opinions.

With the advent of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, the speed with which the news
travels has increased dramatically. Everyone online is aware about the happenings in the world. It provides a
platform to share ideas, exchange thoughts and opinions about various issues. Discussing an issue with
various perspectives can lead to better decisions made for the society.

With great power comes great responsibility. The power is in the hand of the creator of information. Some
information is blown out of proportion to make sensational headlines while others are biased and
misleading. The power is strong enough to transform the ideas, beliefs and mindsets of people. This is a
threat to society on the long run.

In conclusion, mass communication has led to the shifts in the lives of individuals. People are more aware,
but the question is do we really need all that information?

(200 words)

26. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who
cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Agree or Disagree?
We live in a fast paced world of changing technology. A new phone becomes obsolete within 6 months and
people will adapt new technology. This time frame will continue to decrease. Everyone will have to follow a
learning cycle where they can learn, unlearn and relearn.

Back in the days, people who were unable to read and write were called illiterate. With everyone being
educated, this definition is changing in the developed countries and percolating amongst literate. There is a
paradigm shift in the requirements of the employers. Employers expect employees to transform and adapt
themselves techniques easily. Some methods will be out-of-date thus people have to unlearn them and learn
to new and better methods. They have keep relearning it till a change is needed.

Take my example for instance, the subject accounting is often updated with new and better techniques of
accounting. While studying accounting at university, we had to unlearn the methods to prepare a Balance
Sheet and Profit and Loss Sheet taught in Year 1 as new techniques were introduced. In Year 3, we had to
learn new techniques. If we did not unlearn the old technique we would have failed our exams.

To sum up, people who cannot follow this cycle of learning will be considered illiterate and slow.
Increasingly, more people are attending universities at the later stage of their life. In this way they keep
updated, employable and develop skills of learning cycle which will be eventually required in all aspects of

(250 words)

27. Our planet is suffering from multitude problem, which one is the biggest problem and things to do
to resolve it.

On one hand, technological and industrial advances have made human life easy. However this has increased
the carbon emissions, toxic waste pollution and climate change. This has led to increase in the frequency and
intensity of disasters all over the world. Millions of people from various countries have suffered.
Unfortunately, the developing and the under developed countries have to suffer more.

In the race of becoming a developed country, developing countries such as India have unplanned
development. They are replacing lush green forests with concrete jungles. However, they can replant the
trees in other places instead of cutting them. Further, this has led many rivers to flood villages and cities
during monsoon. Such activities have disturbed the lives of the people and have caused adverse effects on
ecology and ecosystem. There are various stories about wild animals attacking villages for food in such

The only way to balance the ecology is to plant more trees. The greener the countries will be the better will
be the quality of life. There is an increase in the understanding and awareness as now people celebrate
world environment day. On such events many students at schools and universities to plants trees and
encourage them to perform same activity with their families.

To sum up, the climate change is a major issue. If this is not solved then our future generations will have to
pay for it.

(233 words)
28. Human behaviours can be changed by laws. However few do not agree with it. State your
reasons and discuss.
29. Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on offer and discounts, and in what
ways this can impact on their reputation."Should consumer goods companies concentrate on
quality or special discounts and offers to promote their products?
30. You are given climate as the field of study. Which area will you prefer? Explain why u picked
up the particluar area for your study
31. In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with the notion of
compulsory voting? If Voting is compulsory in democratic society, what conclusions can we
draw about ‘Nature of democracy?’
32. It is argue that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
33. Parents should be held legally responsible for there childrens acts. What is ur opinion?
support it with personal examples....
34. Some people think placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public
schools that need additional funding, but others think it exploits children by treating them
as a captive audience for corporate sponsors. Choose which position you most agree
with and discuss why you chose that position. Support your point of view with details
from your own experiences, observations or reading.

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