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Two Trains Runnin by August Wilson


Everybody running over there to see him cause he dead. They didn't go see him when he was alive. He
was right up there on Herron Avenue. They wasn't lining up there then. Prophet Samuel used to preach
about hypocrites and that's what half them people is. If you be a hypocrite it don't count with God. He
want you all the time. That's what Prophet Samuel say. God can look into your heart and tell. But see...I
knew Prophet Samuel when he was living. Prophet Samuel wasn't no preacher. He was a prophet like
they have in the bible. God sent him to help the colored people get justice. Whatever Prophet Samuel
prophesied, it come true. He said God was gonna send a sign. That's all he said about that. Said you
would see it, but only the wise men would know what it meant.

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