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Favorite classes

Which subjects were you interested in?

I like / liked… I don’t like / didn’t like… I would like to

I’m / l was good at… I’m not / I wasn’t very good at… I can’t / I couldn’t do… at all.
Determiners (Quantifiers)
Words that say
How much / How many

ALL  (All of them are pink.)

MOST      (Most of them are pink.)

SOME      (Some of them are pink.)

A FEW      ( A few of them are pink.)

NONE      (None of them is pink.)

Put in of where necessary.
Put an X if the sentence is already OK.
1. All ________ cars have wheels.

2. None_______ this money is mine.

3. Some_______ people get angry very easily.

4. I have lived in London most______ my life.

5. Some ____ the people I met at the party were very interesting.

6. Many _______ people watch too much TV.

7. Are any ______ those letters for me?

8. Most _______ days I get up before 7 o'clock

9. Jim thinks that all _____ museums are boring.

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