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Yates 1

Megan Yates

Professor Dunham

English 1201

23 May 2019

Raynaud’s Syndrome

I actually have this rare phenomenon called Raynaud’s Syndrome. It causes my toes to

lose blood flow and go numb anytime I get cold. Although I have this syndrome, I do not know

much about it, which is why I want to dig deeper into it and learn more about it.

Like I previously stated, I do not know much about Raynaud’s Syndrome. I feel

indifferent about this subject to be honest. It’s something that affects me every winter. I do not

know why it happens to me and if there is something particular about me as to the reason as why

I get it. I think this syndrome is very sporadic. I do not think there is something connecting the

individuals who get it—but this is something I want to look into and learn about in my research.

I believe this syndrome is something that is more annoying than harmful. I do not know the long

term effects of it, even if there is any. I know a few people with this syndrome, and they all tend

to agree with me on the fact that it’s something that is just a burden rather than a serious issue.

There are many things I want to learn on this topic. Is there a connection between the

individuals who have it? Are there long term affects? Is it something serious that should be more

payed attention to? I am really looking forwards to digging into this condition I have.

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