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Do we really need Federalism now? Is it really the answer that the citizens are clamoring
for? Are we really ready for this? Honestly, even with the short symposium on Federalism and
Charter Change, I am not so sure. Federalism is a political system permitting a large measure of
regional self-rule. It’s not even perfect in the other nations but it is tolerated merely because it
works for now, it is sort of a train towards flexible response to their problems. Can it really reduce
conflict between diverse communities among the Lumad, the Muslim Brothers and the In-
Betweens? If we would stand strong and let positivity rule our lives, then Federalism might just
hold the key to the upliftment of our daily life. Guided inter-jurisdictional competition for
economic stability and longevity would play a vital role in survival.

A student asked during the Q & A: How sure are we that a Federal Leader will be better
at training citizens and how confident are we, that in the federalism world, liberties, freedom,
managing conflict, and maintaining peace will continue to uplift our lives than in this democratic
system we have now. The response seemed to pacify him.

Perhaps what I can only look forward to is the experience where the new government
system can focus on public welfare (positively prioritize the needs of the people). The Government
tends to lose focus at times, especially when they allow crazy fake news to blacken their minds.

Allowing regions to federate and govern themselves is a huge undertaking. But I believe
in the Filipino people, nothing fazes the Filipino people. If Federalism comes, ready or not, the
Filipinos won’t allow it to faze them. Instead, they would learn how to live in it. After all, we are
resilient. On a positive note, Filipinos might as well allow federalism to come in our lives. Who
knows, it might just bring harmony with all our different cultures (Lumad, Muslim & the In-
Betweens). Regionalization of our archipelago is not an easy task but with guidance from the so-
called Federalism Experts, we might succeed and reach the stars with less conflict and animosity.

Besides, if it won’t work for us, someone up there would do something to put us whole
together again. Would “Humpty Dumpty” have a great fall? Or would “Picachu” danced with all
his might and win the crown?

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