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‫آفاق التجارة والصناعة التحويلية في‬

‫‪ ‬قطاع الطاقة المتجددة في اإلمارات العربية المتحدة‬

‫‪2 | P a g e  ‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬

‫‪ ‬‬

‫‪  ‬أھمية و معالم إنجازات ‪.‬قطاع الطاقة المتجددة في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة‬
‫‪ ‬‬

‫سوف يلعب قطاع الطاقة المتجددة في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة دورا مھما في االقتصاد‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫المستقبلي من حيث التنويع واالستدامة ‪ ‬‬
‫تم اإلعالن عن ‪ ‬مشروع محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للطاقة الشمسية في يناير ‪ 2012‬تماشيا مع رؤية‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫وتوجيھات صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء‬
‫حاكم دبي‪ .،‬كما تدعم استراتيجية دبي المتكاملة للطاقة ‪ 2030‬تنويع مصادر الطاقة في دبي وزيادة‬
‫حصة الطاقة المتجددة في اإلمارة ‪ ‬‬
‫تقوم ھيئة كھرباء ومياه دبي بتشييد ‪ ‬مجمع الطاقة الشمسية الذي يعد أحد أكبر مشاريع الطاقة‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫المتجددة في المنطقة بطاقة إنتاجية ستبلغ ‪ 3000‬ميجاوات في عام ‪ :2030‬المرحلة األولى‪13 :‬‬
‫ميجاوات أطلقت في ‪ 22‬أكتوبر ‪ ، 2013‬المرحلة الثانية‪ 200 :‬ميجا واط سيتم إطالقھا في أبريل‬
‫‪ 2017‬باإلضافة إلى ذلك تعمل الھيئة على ثالث مبادرات أخرى ذات صلة وھي ‪ ‬‬
‫مركز للبحث والتطوير‪ (R & D) ‬مع مرفق الختبار الطاقة الشمسية ‪ ‬‬ ‫‪o‬‬
‫مركز لإلبتكار ‪ ‬‬ ‫‪o‬‬
‫جامعة و‪• ‬مركز تدريب‬ ‫‪o‬‬
‫المصدر‪ :‬كتيب ھيئة كھرباء ومياه دبي ‪ ‬‬
‫‪ ‬تعمل مؤسسة دبي لتنمية الصادرات بصفتھا رئيس فريق الدعم الحكومي في إطار إستراتيجية دبي‬
‫الصناعية مع ھيئة كھرباء ومياه دبي في توعية الصناعات حول كفاءة استخدام المرافق و وتنظيم‬
‫جائزة لالعتراف بالصناعات الخضراء ‪ ‬‬

‫إمكانات الطاقة المتجددة في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة ‪ ‬‬

‫‪ ‬‬
‫‪ ‬تتميز دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة ببنية تحتية جيدة لتطوير الطاقة المتجددة تتمثل في توفر آليات‬
‫دعم وبنية أساسية ومرافق تمويلية ‪ ‬‬
‫‪ ‬إن استخدام الطاقة االمتزايد مع الحاجة إلى تنويع االقتصاد يعطي قوة الستراتيجية الطاقة المتجددة‬
‫التي اعتمدتھا الحكومة‪ ،‬كما أن أحد العوامل اإليجابية لتطوير القطاع ھو إنخفاض التكلفة الرأسمالية‬
‫حيث أن اإلمارات سجلت أدنى عطاءات على مستوى العالم سواء في مناقصات بناء القدرات في‬
‫أبوظبي أودبي‪ . ،‬وعلى الرغم من ذلك‪ ،‬فإن أحد نقاط القوة الرئيسية إلستخدام الطاقة المتجددة في‬
‫دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة تتمثل في الحماية من أثار ھبوط أسعار النفط‪  .‬‬
‫‪ ‬وعالوة على ذلك‪ ،‬فإن تطوير اإلطار التنظيمي للطاقة المتجددة مقرونا بإعتماد إمارة دبي رؤية ألذكى‬
‫مدينة في العالم و االستخدام المكثف لتكييف الھواء ستفتح فرصا ممتازة للطاقة الشمسية ‪  ،‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫‪3 | P a g e  ‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬

‫‪ ‬كما أن ھناك أشكاال أخرى من استراتيجيات الطاقة تسير قدما بالتوازي مع الطاقة الشمسية بما في‬
‫ذلك إنتاج ما مجموعه ‪ 5،600‬ميغاواط من الطاقة النووية بحلول عام ‪  ،2020‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫‪ ‬وفقا لتحليل ‪ ، BMI‬تتفوق دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة في ميدان الطاقة المتجددة افي منطقة‬
‫الشرق األوسط وشمال أفريقيا‪ ،‬نظرا لإلمكانات العالية والتكلفة التنافسية ‪ -‬ودمج السياسة المتجددة‬
‫مع سياسات أخرى مثل استخدام األنظمة الذكية والمدينة الذكية ‪ ‬‬

‫الوضع الحالي واإلسقاط المستقبلي لقطاع الطاقة المتجددة في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة ‪ ‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫‪•  ‬وفقا ل ‪ ،BMI‬فإن ‪  ‬حجم الطاقة المتجددة في اإلمارات العربية المتحدة يبلغ حاليا أقل من ‪500‬‬
‫ميغاواط‪ ،‬وسوف يزداد بسرعة إلى حوالي ‪ 2400‬ميغاواط في عام ‪ 2022‬مع توليد حوالي ستة‬
‫تيراوات ساعة‪ ،‬وتھدف الخطة إلى الوصول إلى ‪ 5000‬ميغاواط بحلول عام ‪  2030‬‬
‫‪ ‬بينما ‪• ‬يبلغ توليد الطاقة المتجددة حاليا حوالي ‪ ٪1‬من إجمالي توليد الطاقة ‪ ،‬لكنه يتوقع أن يلمس ‪٪4‬‬
‫بحلول عام ‪ ،2020‬وھو ھدف مثير لإلعجاب‬

‫القدرات اإلنتاجية في مقابل التوليد‬

‫‪7.000‬‬ ‫‪3,000.0‬‬
‫‪6.000‬‬ ‫‪2,500.0‬‬
‫التوليد مليار واط‪/‬ساعة‬


‫القدرات ميغاوات‬
‫‪1.000‬‬ ‫‪500.0‬‬
‫‪0.000‬‬ ‫‪0.0‬‬
‫‪2016e‬‬ ‫‪2017f‬‬ ‫‪2018f‬‬ ‫‪2019f‬‬ ‫‪2020f‬‬ ‫‪2021f‬‬ ‫‪2022f‬‬

‫االقدرات ‪Capacity, Non‐Hydroelectric Renewables, MW, UN Data/BMI Calculation  ‬‬
‫للطاقة المتجددة )ميغاوات(‬
‫توليد (‪Generation, Non‐Hydropower Renewables, TWh, EIA      ‬‬ ‫مليار وات ‪/‬ساعة(‬
‫الطاقة المتجددة‬
‫‪4 | P a g e  ‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬

‫توليد الطاقة المتجددة اإلمارات‬

‫‪1.000‬‬ ‫‪4.000‬‬
‫‪0.900‬‬ ‫‪3.500‬‬

‫إجمالي التوليد مليار واط‪/‬ساعة‬

‫نسبة الطاقة المتجددة‬
‫‪0.600‬‬ ‫‪2.500‬‬
‫‪0.500‬‬ ‫‪2.000‬‬
‫‪0.400‬‬ ‫‪1.500‬‬
‫‪0.100‬‬ ‫‪0.500‬‬
‫‪0.000‬‬ ‫‪0.000‬‬
‫‪2016e‬‬ ‫‪2017f‬‬ ‫‪2018f‬‬ ‫‪2019f‬‬ ‫‪2020f‬‬

‫‪Generation, Geothermal, TWh, EIA‬‬

‫‪Generation, Non‐Hydropower Renewables, % of total electricity generation, ‬‬
‫نسبة الطاقة المتجددة إلجمالي الكاقة ‪EIA/BMI Calculation ksfm‬‬

‫أنتعاش التجارة في قطاع الطاقة الشمسية في اإلمارات ‪ ‬‬

‫• تشھد دبي ‪ /‬اإلمارات العربية المتحدة نموا سريعا كمركز للتجارة والخدمات في مجال الطاقة‬
‫الشمسية وخاصة مع أفريقيا وآسيا‪ ،‬مستفيدة من البيئة اإلستثمارية الممتازة للتجارة والصناعة‬
‫في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة‪ .‬حيث تعمل أكثر من ‪ 40‬شركة في مجال الطاقة الشمسية‬
‫في دبي واإلمارات العربية المتحدة‪ ،‬وتعمل ھذه الشركات في السوق المحلية‪ ،‬فضال عن‬
‫السوق اإلقليمية وخاصة أفريقيا وآسيا ‪.‬وھناك إمكانيات جيدة لدبي لتطور دبي مركزاً إقليميا ً‬
‫ممتازاً لتصدير وإعادة تصدير إمدادات الطاقة الشمسية والخدمات المرتبطة ‪ ‬‬
‫• الخاليا الشمسية )تسمى أيضا الخاليا الضوئية( تحول الطاقة من أشعة الشمس مباشرة إلى‬
‫الكھرباء عن طريق تأثير الضوء‪ .‬وتجمع الخاليا إلنتاج وحدات الطاقة الشمسية‪ ،‬المعروفة‬
‫أيضا باسم األلواح الشمسية ‪ ،‬وقد زاد التقدم المحرز في تكنولوجيا معالجة الخالياومرافق‬
‫اإلنتاج اآللي من كفاءة تحويل الخاليا للطاقة‪ .‬حيث تصل األن إلى ‪  .٪15‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫• يتم تغليف ھذه الخاليا بين غطاء من الزجاج و لوح إثيلين فينيل أسيتات لتوفير أقصى قدر‬
‫من الحماية من أشد الظروف البيئية‪ .‬بينما يتم تثبيت األجزاء في إطار من األلومنيوم‬
‫المؤكسد لتوفير القوة الھيكلية وسھولة التركيب والتجھيز بالتوصيالت الالزمة ‪ ‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫• • تظھر خريطة التجارة لمركز التجارة الدوليةأن الواردات ‪ ‬من سلع الطاقة الشمسية والسلع‬
‫المساعدة لإلمارات بلغت ‪ 2.58‬مليار دوالر أمريكي والصادرات ‪ 950‬مليون دوالر‬
‫أمريكي وإعادة الصادرات ‪ 330‬مليون دوالر في عام ‪ 2016‬ما يجعل إجمالي حجم تجارة‬
‫‪5 | P a g e  ‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬

‫‪4‬مليار دوالر أمريكي‪ ،‬ومن المتوقع أن يرتفع ھذا‬ ‫منتجات الطاقة الشمسية يقترب من‬
‫الحجم بشكل كبير بالتوازي مع التوسع المتوقع لقطاع الطاقة الشمسية في دولة اإلمارات‬
‫العربية المتحدة خالل السنوات العشر القادمة ‪ ‬‬
‫• علما ً بأن الصادرات وإعادة الصادرات تذھب أساسا إلى أفريقيا ودول آسيا المجاورة ولكنھا‬
‫تشمل بعض الدول األوروبية أيضا مثل ألمانيا والمملكة المتحدة‬

‫أھم وجھات الصادرات وإعادة الصادرات من سلع الطاقة الشمسية من اإلمارات تبين إمكانية‬
‫تطور دبي كمركز إقليمي لتوريد سلع الطاقة الشمسية والخدمات المرتبطة‬
‫‪6 | P a g e  ‬‬
‫‪ ‬‬

‫قطاع الطاقة المتجددة سيلعب دوراً ھاما ً في تنويع الصناعة واإلقتصاد في اإلمارات‬
‫‪ ‬‬

‫• تظھر بيانات جمارك دبي أن إجمالي التجارة في دبي بلغ خمسة مليارات درھم ) ‪1.2‬‬
‫مليار دوالر( من سلع الطاقة الشمسية في عام ‪ ،2016‬ولكن التصنيف يشمل محوالت‬
‫كھربائية التي ال نستطيع فصلھا ألننا ال نملك إحصاءات من ثمانية أرقام‪ .‬أمريكي تمكن‬
‫من ذلك كذلك وفقا إلحصاءات دبي‪ ،‬فإن وجھة الصادرات ھي أساسا بلدان أفريقية‬
‫وآسيوية في المنطقة ‪ ‬‬
‫• • األھم من ذلك ھو أن التجارة والصناعة في قطاع الطاقة الشمسية ال تقتصران على‬
‫منتجات الطاقة الشمسية المباشرة‪ ،‬بل يشمالن أيضا كميات كبيرة من المنتجات المرتبطة‬
‫بھا لتجميع الھياكل الشمسية بما في ذلك صفائح األلومنيوم والزجاج والبالستيك والفوالذ‬
‫المقاوم للصدأ وسبائك الصلب ‪ ،‬والحديد‪ ،‬وأكثر )انظر القائمة الكاملة من رموز النظام‬
‫المنسق ووصف المنتجات في الجداول أدناه (‪ ،‬وبلغت الواردات المساعدة من المعادن‬
‫المختلفة حوالي ‪ 1.9‬مليار دوالر أمريكي في ‪ 2016‬بحسب مركز التجارة العالمي‪.‬‬
‫ويمثل ھذا الحجم إمكانات جيدة الستبدال الواردات من خالل إقامة صناعات جديدة أو‬
‫تنويع الصناعات القائمة ومن المتوقع أن قطاع التصنيع والتجارة سوف يتنوعان لتلبية‬
‫احتياجات مدخالت قطاع الطاقة الشمسية من السلع والمواد المساعدة و في نھاية المطاف‬
‫يؤثر ذلك بشكل إيجابي على تنويع ونمو الناتج المحلي اإلجمالي ونمو الصناعة‬
‫واستدامتھا في المستقبل بينما يعتبر قطاع األلمنيوم ھو القطاع النموذجي الذي سيتعين‬
‫إعادة ھيكتلة لتوريد إحتياجات الطاقة الشمسية من المواد الھيكلية المساعدة‬
7 | P a g e  

‫حصائيات تجارة دبي من سلع الطاقة الشمسية‬. 

8504  246,291,873 
Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors.  246291872.6 
8541  58,153,318 
Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices; photosensitive semiconductor 
devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into  58153317.7
panels; light emitting diodes; mounted piezo‐electric crystals.  5 
8504  13 
Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors.  3 
8541  8 
Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices; photosensitive semiconductor 
devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into 
panels; light emitting diodes; mounted piezo‐electric crystals.  760478078 
8504  36 
Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors.  6 
8541  6 
Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices; photosensitive semiconductor 
devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into  103219106.
panels; light emitting diodes; mounted piezo‐electric crystals.  3 

‫تجارة اإلمارات في سلع الطاقة الشمسية‬

‫• وفقا لمركز التجارة العالمي بلغ إجمالي واردات مكونات الطاقة الشمسية المباشرة حوالي‬
‫ وبلغت الواردات المساعدة من المعادن المختلفة‬،2016 ‫ مليون دوالر أمريكي في عام‬676
‫ ويمثل ھذا الحجم إمكانات جيدة الستبدال الواردات من‬.‫ مليار دوالر أمريكي‬1.9 ‫حوالي‬
  ‫خالل الصناعات الجديدة أو تنويع الصناعات القائمة‬
List of products imported by United Arab Emirates  
Product group: Solar energy products and auxiliary 
 oSources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE statistics. 
Data based on the partner reported data (Mirror data) are shown in 
Unit : US Dollar thousand 
8 | P a g e  
Code  Product label  Imported  Imported  Imported  Imported  Imported 
value in  value in  value in  value in  value in 
2012  2013  2014  2015  2016 
 TOTAL   All products  261,022,920  294,966,918  298,611,277  287,024,848  207,021,114 
Solar energy products and  2,866,748  2,000,958  2,401,494  1,926,559  2,588,144 
730890   Structures and parts of  660,580  456,581  516,250  496,632  483,597 
structures, of iron or steel, 
n.e.s. (excluding bridges and 
bridge‐sections, . . . 
850440   Static converters  337,746  354,404  439,269  230,161  417,674 
392690   Articles of plastics and articles  522,352  318,600  357,343  250,369  338,400 
of other materials of heading 
3901 to 3914, n.e.s (excluding 
. . . 
847989   Machines and mechanical  345,531  248,637  305,101  167,405  325,109 
appliances, n.e.s. 
854140   Photosensitive semiconductor  39,926  43,033  55,357  50,727  258,453 
devices, incl. photovoltaic cells 
whether or not assembled in 
. . . 
841989   Machinery, plant or laboratory  186,853  64,950  139,373  82,246  237,053 
equipment, whether or not 
electrically heated, for the 
treatment . . . 
850300   Parts suitable for use solely or  110,120  100,247  103,777  119,027  108,215 
principally with electric motors 
and generators, electric . . . 
761090   Structures and parts of  140,899  103,118  104,496  73,715  64,114 
structures, of aluminium, 
n.e.s., and plates, rods, 
profiles, tubes . . . 
711590   Articles of precious metal or of  8,055  2,531  836  614  61,412 
metal clad with precious metal, 
901380   Liquid crystal devices, n.e.s.  40,629  10,062  29,102  19,028  57,015 
and other optical appliances 
and instruments not elsewhere 
specified . . . 
841990   Parts of machinery, plant and  197,804  55,837  66,337  39,847  56,871 
laboratory equipment, 
whether or not electrically 
heated, for . . . 
730441   Tubes, pipes and hollow  70,419  87,844  74,121  30,725  38,033 
profiles, seamless, of circular 
cross‐section, of stainless steel, 
. . . 
850239   Generating sets (excluding  62,197  11,751  20,352  250,200  33,454 
wind‐powered and powered by 
spark‐ignition internal 
combustion piston . . . 
730431   Tubes, pipes and hollow  53,469  55,781  52,830  27,184  24,822 
profiles, seamless, of circular 
cross‐section, of iron or non‐
alloy . . . 
9 | P a g e  
700992   Glass mirrors, framed  13,984  14,777  23,509  16,989  20,939 
(excluding rear‐view mirrors 
for vehicles, optical mirrors, 
optically . . . 
841280   Engines and motors (excluding  9,141  13,244  24,851  13,448  14,513 
steam turbines, internal 
combustion piston engine, 
hydraulic . . . 
730451   Tubes, pipes and hollow  6,168  5,754  9,094  14,451  12,709 
profiles, seamless, of circular 
cross‐section, of alloy steel 
other . . . 
700991   Glass mirrors, unframed  13,544  12,693  14,034  11,249  12,493 
(excluding rear‐view mirrors 
for vehicles, optical mirrors, 
optically . . . 
900290   Lenses, prisms, mirrors and  3,390  2,914  3,113  1,755  5,787 
other optical elements, 
mounted, of any material, 
being parts of . . . 
900190   Lenses, prisms, mirrors and  4,152  4,569  4,508  4,099  4,800 
other optical elements, of any 
material, unmounted 
(excluding such . . . 
741122   Tubes and pipes of copper‐ 14,456  11,728  8,419  6,672  3,656 
nickel base alloys "cupro‐
nickel" or copper‐nickel‐zinc 
base alloys . . . 
741129   Tubes and pipes of copper  6,385  2,693  4,105  4,235  3,535 
alloys (excluding copper‐zinc 
base alloys "brass", copper‐
nickel . . . 
900580   Monoculars, astronomical and  9,432  11,218  1,455  4,688  2,748 
other optical telescopes and 
other astronomical 
instruments (excluding . . . 
830630   Photograph, picture or similar  4,736  4,509  4,292  4,554  1,637 
frames, of base metal; mirrors 
of base metal (excluding 
optical . . . 
741121   Tubes and pipes of copper‐zinc  4,780  3,483  39,570  6,539  1,105 
base alloys "brass" 

  ‫صادرات اإلمارات العربية المتحدة من سلع الطاقة الشمسية والمنتجات المساعدة‬

‫بحسب مركز التجارة العالمية‬2016 ‫• بلغت الصادرات من اإلمارات العربية المتحدة في‬
‫ مليون دوالر‬880 ‫ مليون دوالر أمريكي من منتجات الطاقة الشمسية المباشرة و‬70
‫أمريكي من المنتجات المساعدة المستخدمة لتركيب الھياكل وتجميع منتجات الطاقة الشمسية‬
10 | P a g e  
List of products exported by United Arab 
Product group: Solar energy products and 
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE statistics. 
Data based on the partner reported data (Mirror data) are shown in 
Unit : US Dollar thousand 
Code  Product label  Exported  Exported  Exported  Exported  Exported 
value in  value in  value in  value in  value in 
2012  2013  2014  2015  2016 
 TOTAL   All products  350,123,000  379,488,768  380,339,616  333,362,350  149,481,818 
Solar energy products and  1,182,525  1,221,583  1,321,634  720,373  949,654 
730890   Structures and parts of  392,513  478,395  569,835  332,483  585,794 
structures, of iron or steel, 
n.e.s. (excluding bridges and 
bridge‐sections, . . . 
847989   Machines and mechanical  105,582  102,377  135,023  60,372  66,708 
appliances, n.e.s. 
392690   Articles of plastics and articles  108,298  131,013  94,174  61,481  54,176 
of other materials of heading 
3901 to 3914, n.e.s (excluding 
. . . 
850440   Static converters  184,680  217,436  231,767  50,908  52,029 
761090   Structures and parts of  73,232  42,027  38,138  43,856  44,826 
structures, of aluminium, 
n.e.s., and plates, rods, 
profiles, tubes . . . 
711590   Articles of precious metal or of  7,169  8,405  18,900  42,979  43,941 
metal clad with precious metal, 
841989   Machinery, plant or laboratory  19,585  33,393  22,486  31,954  20,229 
equipment, whether or not 
electrically heated, for the 
treatment . . . 
854140   Photosensitive semiconductor  43,419  34,500  41,021  15,090  17,872 
devices, incl. photovoltaic cells 
whether or not assembled in 
. . . 
841990   Parts of machinery, plant and  25,695  47,226  28,797  10,239  15,316 
laboratory equipment, 
whether or not electrically 
heated, for . . . 
730431   Tubes, pipes and hollow  7,010  13,399  11,795  1,928  11,286 
profiles, seamless, of circular 
cross‐section, of iron or non‐
alloy . . . 
901380   Liquid crystal devices, n.e.s.  34,722  7,895  1,749  3,245  10,243 
and other optical appliances 
and instruments not elsewhere 
specified . . . 
11 | P a g e  
850300   Parts suitable for use solely or  68,181  37,757  43,832  11,966  9,640 
principally with electric motors 
and generators, electric . . . 
850239   Generating sets (excluding  57,772  3,438  8,893  5,372  7,149 
wind‐powered and powered by 
spark‐ignition internal 
combustion piston . . . 
730441   Tubes, pipes and hollow  17,946  23,472  18,997  3,535  4,222 
profiles, seamless, of circular 
cross‐section, of stainless steel, 
. . . 
841280   Engines and motors (excluding  11,985  15,335  39,990  38,332  1,213 
steam turbines, internal 
combustion piston engine, 
hydraulic . . . 
700992   Glass mirrors, framed  3,437  5,768  4,945  1,783  1,201 
(excluding rear‐view mirrors 
for vehicles, optical mirrors, 
optically . . . 
700991   Glass mirrors, unframed  1,751  2,608  3,063  1,810  959 
(excluding rear‐view mirrors 
for vehicles, optical mirrors, 
optically . . . 
730451   Tubes, pipes and hollow  2,646  1,115  1,527  367  696 
profiles, seamless, of circular 
cross‐section, of alloy steel 
other . . . 
741129   Tubes and pipes of copper  482  263  228  88  639 
alloys (excluding copper‐zinc 
base alloys "brass", copper‐
nickel . . . 
900190   Lenses, prisms, mirrors and  2,160  2,655  708  465  488 
other optical elements, of any 
material, unmounted 
(excluding such . . . 
830630   Photograph, picture or similar  1,169  1,334  1,498  802  443 
frames, of base metal; mirrors 
of base metal (excluding 
optical . . . 
741122   Tubes and pipes of copper‐ 10,533  9,157  877  489  247 
nickel base alloys "cupro‐
nickel" or copper‐nickel‐zinc 
base alloys . . . 
900290   Lenses, prisms, mirrors and  1,303  1,391  1,679  615  230 
other optical elements, 
mounted, of any material, 
being parts of . . . 
741121   Tubes and pipes of copper‐zinc  889  983  1,180  178  99 
base alloys "brass" 
900580   Monoculars, astronomical and  366  241  532  36  8 
other optical telescopes and 
other astronomical 
instruments (excluding . . . 
12 | P a g e  

  ‫إعادة التصدير من اإلمارات العربية المتحدة لسلع الطاقة الشمسية والمنتجات المساعدة‬
‫ بلغت قيمة إعادة تصدير سلع الطاقة الشمسية‬،‫• ووفقا لخريطة التجارة لمركز التجارة الدولية‬
2016 ‫ مليون دوالر أمريكي في عام‬274 ‫ مليون دوالر أمريكي والمدخالت المساعدة‬55

List of products re‐exported by United 
Arab Emirates  
Product group: Solar energy products and 
Sources: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE 
Unit : US Dollar thousand 
ode  Product label  Reexported  Reexported  Reexported  Reexported  Reexported 
value in  value in  value in  value in  value in 2015 
2011  2012  2013  2014 
TOTAL   All products     108,846,048  120,718,568  124,089,801  60,290,386 
Solar energy products and     711,129  654,074  690,326  329,122 
847989   Machines and mechanical     99,091  79,008  103,246  50,785 
appliances, n.e.s. 
850440   Static converters     183,938  217,418  228,984  47,366 
730890   Structures and parts of     70,989  72,016  63,178  43,311 
structures, of iron or steel, 
n.e.s. (excluding bridges and 
bridge‐sections, . . . 
711590   Articles of precious metal or of     7,169  8,405  18,856  41,706 
metal clad with precious metal, 
392690   Articles of plastics and articles     62,372  85,839  78,308  34,623 
of other materials of heading 
3901 to 3914, n.e.s (excluding 
. . . 
841989   Machinery, plant or laboratory     14,935  30,931  22,276  31,431 
equipment, whether or not 
electrically heated, for the 
treatment . . . 
841280   Engines and motors (excluding     11,916  15,089  30,379  21,847 
steam turbines, internal 
combustion piston engine, 
hydraulic . . . 
761090   Structures and parts of     14,096  10,358  11,829  13,750 
structures, of aluminium, n.e.s., 
and plates, rods, profiles, tubes 
. . . 
850300   Parts suitable for use solely or     68,082  37,749  43,496  11,795 
principally with electric motors 
and generators, electric . . . 
854140   Photosensitive semiconductor     31,938  15,013  15,981  7,884 
devices, incl. photovoltaic cells 
13 | P a g e  
whether or not assembled in 
. . . 
841990   Parts of machinery, plant and     8,854  11,874  21,729  6,647 
laboratory equipment, whether 
or not electrically heated, for 
. . . 
850239   Generating sets (excluding     57,532  3,314  8,582  5,069 
wind‐powered and powered by 
spark‐ignition internal 
combustion piston . . . 
730441   Tubes, pipes and hollow     17,145  23,127  18,712  3,476 
profiles, seamless, of circular 
cross‐section, of stainless steel, 
. . . 
901380   Liquid crystal devices, n.e.s.     34,722  7,894  1,684  2,608 
and other optical appliances 
and instruments not elsewhere 
specified . . . 
700992   Glass mirrors, framed     3,049  4,400  4,241  1,727 
(excluding rear‐view mirrors for 
vehicles, optical mirrors, 
optically . . . 
730431   Tubes, pipes and hollow     4,866  13,247  10,892  1,502 
profiles, seamless, of circular 
cross‐section, of iron or non‐
alloy . . . 
700991   Glass mirrors, unframed     1,170  1,456  1,362  943 
(excluding rear‐view mirrors for 
vehicles, optical mirrors, 
optically . . . 
900290   Lenses, prisms, mirrors and     1,195  1,386  954  609 
other optical elements, 
mounted, of any material, 
being parts of . . . 
741122   Tubes and pipes of copper‐    10,533  9,157  877  489 
nickel base alloys "cupro‐
nickel" or copper‐nickel‐zinc 
base alloys . . . 
900190   Lenses, prisms, mirrors and     2,160  2,650  708  465 
other optical elements, of any 
material, unmounted 
(excluding such . . . 
830630   Photograph, picture or similar     1,000  1,141  853  426 
frames, of base metal; mirrors 
of base metal (excluding optical 
. . . 
730451   Tubes, pipes and hollow     2,646  1,115  1,272  365 
profiles, seamless, of circular 
cross‐section, of alloy steel 
other . . . 
741121   Tubes and pipes of copper‐zinc     889  983  1,179  178 
base alloys "brass" 
741129   Tubes and pipes of copper     482  263  216  85 
alloys (excluding copper‐zinc 
14 | P a g e  
base alloys "brass", copper‐
nickel . . . 
900580   Monoculars, astronomical and     360  241  532  35 
other optical telescopes and 
other astronomical instruments 
(excluding . . . 

  ‫ المرفقات‬Appendices

Solar Energy Manufacturers in the United Arab Emirates 

Bhatia Brothers offers Solar PV and Solar Water Heating solutions for both
industrial and residential use. Solar PV systems offered include off grid as
well as grid interactive systems. Also offered are solar PV products like
camping lights, battery chargers, emergency lights etc. and now solar
powered actuators and power packs for RTUs. Major projects
completed/under execution include 91KW for Dubal and one MW for EEMC
in Dubai. Solar Water Heating systems are from reputed manufacturers
and range from 150 liters /day to 300 liters /day for villas as well as large
forced circulation systems for hotels & factories.

 Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, distributor

 Product types: photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems,
photovoltaic modules, solar lighting systems, solar power packs.
 Service types: design, installation, construction, engineering, project
development services, site survey and assessment service, contractor
services, maintenance and repair services
 Address: P. B No 18406, Jaffa, Dubai, UAE United Arab Emirates 000000
 Telephone: +97148132678
 FAX: +97148864108
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Bhatia Brothers
15 | P a g e  

Hollandia Solar
Hollandia Solar is a reliable supplier and integrator of renewable energy
products and solutions. Hollandia Solar's mission is to provide reliable,
long lasting solar solutions. With over 30 offices world-wide spread over
10 countries our professional team includes Electrical Engineers, System
Designers, Technicians and other skilled persons, all with a passion for
solar and wind energy. Hollandia Solar excels in off-grid solutions. Our
goal is complete customer satisfaction. The Company believes in after sales
services and availability of spares at all times. The Company has invested
in significant inventory levels to ensure quick deliveries and replacement
when needed. Hollandia Solar has expertise in various types of Solar
Solutions from...

 Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, system design and system
 Product types: Solar panels, photovoltaic, solar batteries maintenance free
(GEL), solar charge controller, Inverters, DC lighting, Solar Street Lights, LED
Lighting, Indoor and Outdoor Lighting, Solar Refrigerators, Solar Water
Pumps, Solar Fans, Solar Air Conditioner, AGM batteries, LED lights, solar
billboards, DC to AC inverters, Solar off grid, on-grid, sola....
 Service types: consulting, design, installation, project development
services, research services
 Address: Unit 1101 Executive Heights, Damac Tower, TECOM, Dubai, UAE
United Arab Emirates
 Telephone: +97144548490
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Hollandia Solar

Al Yousuf Green Tech

Al Yousuf GreenTech (AGT) is one of the leading companies able to provide
exceptional energy saving solutions through multiple leading brands to
fulfill todays�™s highly demanding market in terms of saving and
monitoring energy in any building that we occupy. AGT provides complete
building and home automation using the expertise with some of the
leading brands in the business. We provide solutions with Indoor &
Outdoor LED lights, efficient Air-conditions, solar lights, light sensors,
controls and accessories. All our brand partners share the same features;
Energy saving and high quality. In renewable energy sector, we are
emerging as one of the leading solution providers in UAE with full turn-key
solutions for our clients, from kW to MW ra...

 Product types: photovoltaic systems residential, solar street lighting,

photovoltaic systems commercial, portable power systems, solar water
pumping system components, solar water heating systems, DEWA approved,
Roof top Solar Solution Providers.
16 | P a g e  
 Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering, project
development services, maintenance and repair services, testing services
 Address: The Curve Building, Sheikh Zaid Road, Near NB Metro Station,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates P. O Box 25
 Telephone: +97143397177
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Al Yousuf Green Tech

Petroarmour Trading FZE

Petroarmour provides energy efficient LED Lighting solutions for industrial,
outdoor and commercial projects. We specialize in implementing
comprehensive energy efficient LED lighting solutions that dramatically
reduce energy, maintenance and servicing costs.

 Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer, distributor

 Product types: LED lighting, energy efficient lighting, energy efficient
appliances, LED light bulbs, fluorescent lighting, solar street lighting, Energy
Saving Solutions.
 Service types: installation, construction, research services
 Address: 3310B Amberjem Tower, Al Swan, Dubai, Ajman United Arab
Emirates 932
 Telephone: +971 043255725
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Petroarmour Trading FZE

YAMING was established in 1923 as the first lamp manufacturing
enterprise in China, Yaming produces a comprehensive line of lighting
products including lamps, control gear, fixture and other lighting
components. Yaming is a round integration combined with R&D,
manufacturing, marketing, sales, contracting and EMC. Yaming has been
dedicated in developing energy-saving products, including superior LED
lamps and fixtures, to contribute to the green lighting industry. Green
lighting for Yaming is not pure energy saving, it involves smartest
intelligent lighting control, best visual comfort level, most exciting lighting
effect and the easiest product choice. Yaming products have been exported
to over 90 countries and regions worldwide. Our custom...

 Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier

 Product types: LED lighting, LED light bulbs, energy efficient lighting, solar
street lighting, DC lighting, HID lamps.
 Address: Headquarter, Silicon Oasis, Dubai United Arab Emirates PO Box
 Telephone: +971 564469528
 Web Site:
17 | P a g e  
 E-mail: Send Email to Yaming

JNC Solar
JNC Solar ''The power of the sun in your hand''Welcome to JNC Solar
Company located in Dubai the leading solar energy solutions provider and
solar system integrator in the MENA region. We provide solar energy
solutions for all your power requirements our goal is customer satisfaction
so we invest in after sale services and we assure you that you will receive
the best services in the Industry. because we make customers not sales NC
has a great experience in various types of solar solutions and we translates
our experience into a well-developed strategies that make a difference and
drive results our products includes: Solar (panels air conditioner water
pumps fans), Batteries (Lead acid, AGM, GEL, VRLA ), LED Lights (indoor-
outdoor), Solar. . .

 Business type: Manufacturer, Wholesale/retail supplier, Exporter

 Product types: Solar (panels air conditioner water pumps fans), Batteries
(Lead acid, GEL, AGM, VRLA ), LED Lights (indoor- outdoor), Solar
photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic modules monocrystalline silicon, DC to AC
power inverters, solar charge controllers, solar street lighting, Solar PV
Mobile light towers for Construction Sites and remote areas. .
 Service types: Design, Installation, Engineering, Consulting, Project
development services
 Address: Cornish Road - Sheikh Hameed Bin Rashed Al Nueimy, Ajman,
Ajman United Arab Emirates 4294
 Telephone: +971 (052) 8744 944
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to JNC Solar

Nizine LED Lights Dubai

Nizine with more than 15 years of experience in offering turnkey interior
LED lights in Dubai, UAE covering our customers in the Middle East and
North Africa region. Our services support our clients covering hotels, hotel
apartments, offices, shopping malls, swimming pools and gardens. We
understand the corporate needs of our valuable clients and offer the
branding and corporate identity solutions, which include brand strategy
planning and implementation. We also design, build and manage projects
for internationally custom-built displays and modular system exhibition
stands with beautifully crafted custom stands, which embrace your
company's vision and values. We specialize in innovative design solutions
covering both aesthetic and engineering...

 Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter,

18 | P a g e  
 Product types: LED lighting, solar lighting systems, LED light bulbs, solar
garden lights, solar street lighting, LED Panel, Indoor, Outdoor & Underwater
 Service types: consulting, design, installation, engineering
 Address: #1415 Churchill Tower, , Business Bay, Dubai United Arab
Emirates 27715
 Telephone: +971 50 387 1680
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Nizine LED Lights Dubai


Welcome to E-Solar. With over 20 years' of field experience, our mission
has been solving energy problems in rural and urban areas whether in
Africa, Middle East or Australia.

 Business type: Solar Energy products developers and manufacturers

 Product types: photovoltaic modules, solar systems, backup power
systems, solar water pumps, solar batteries, charge controllers, solar
refrigeration, and DC-AC inverters.
 Address: P.O. Box 5232, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
 Telephone: +971 (09) 2282550
 FAX: +971 (08) 4481460
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to E-SOLAR MIDDLE EAST

Eco FutureLab FZE

SUNSHINE is FREE - 100% Direct Solar Powered Air Conditioners, No More
Electricity Needed Water Pumps, Highway Lighting Refrigerators, Freezers,
all 100% powered Direct by Solar Technology - Supplying Kenya, Tanzania,
Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Morocco, Algiers, Tunisia, . . . 100% Solar
Powered Air Conditioners 100% Solar Powered refrigerators Solar
Powered Highway Lighting Solar Power for Homes Solar Powered water
Pumps. Solar Powered Autonomous Intelligent Signs, Solar Powered
Highway Lights

 Business type: Manufacturer, Wholesale supplier, Exporter, Distributor

 Product types: Eco Future Labs FZE is a Pinoneer the Renewable Energy
Business since 1989, initially supplying Ghana, and South Africa and Ethiopia
with Technology. SUNSHINE is FREE-100percentage Solar Powered
submersible water Pumps-100percentage Solar Powered Water Pumps-
100percentage Solar Powered Water Treatment Systems-100percentage
Solar Powered Reverse Osmosis Systems-100percentage Direct Solar
 Service types: Consulting, Engineering, Research services, Contractor
services, Certification services
19 | P a g e  
 Address: London - Dubai - Lagos - Accra -, United Arab Emirates PO Box
 Telephone: 00971567912014
 FAX: 00447092101460
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Eco FutureLab FZE

Elsy Industrial Systems

Elsy Industrial Systems FZC is the subsidiary of ELSY s. r. l / Italy, which
specializes in the renewable energy systems. The manufacturing plant is in
Milan / Italy, the products are1. Turnkey Solar PV Systems2. Charge
Controllers, PV Panels3. Uninterrupted Power Supplies (Industrial Grade /
Medical Grade / IT Grade) four. Battery Chargers (Industrial Grade 12V,
24V, 48V, 110V) five. Batteries (VRLA & Nickel Cadmium) six. Static
Frequency Converters (50/60 Hz 50/400 Hz) seven. Static & Servo Voltage
Stabilizers (0. 5 kVA to 3000 kVA) eight. Catholic Protection

 Business type: Manufacturer

 Product types: Photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems, batteries
VRLA, battery chargers, uninterruptible power supplies UPS, DC to AC power
inverters sine wave, UPS, Battery Charger, Frequency Converter, AVR.
 Service types: Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Installation
 Address: A4-55, SAIF Zone, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates 122126 Sharjah
 Telephone: +971-6-5528773
 FAX: +971-6-5528774
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Elsy Industrial Systems

Eurostar Communications LLC

We EUROSTAR, is a large group based in Dubai, A leader in the digital
satellite industry and diversified into Consumer Electronics and Power
Back up product ranges. Based on the past 25 years' accumulation of
experience, Eurostar become a most preferred brand in Middle East, Africa,
and CIS & Indian subcontinent and has truly become a global business
entity. Considering well-known established brand name for our satellite
and consumer electronic range, we do have very good opportunity to
establish Eurostar brand in Power back-up solutions as well. Our
worldwide presence ensures faster support and service. Our Product range
Includes - Power Inverter, Solar Hybrid Inverters, Online UPS, SMF
Battery, Solar Panels, Solar Charge Controller, DC Solar...

 Business type: manufacturer, exporter

 Product types: solar lighting systems, solar charge controllers, photovoltaic
modules, batteries lead acid deep-cycle, hybrid power systems, DC to AC
power inverters sine wave, Power Inverter, Solar Hybrid Inverters, Online
20 | P a g e  
UPS, SMF Battery, Solar Panels, Solar Charge Controller, DC Solar Kit, Solar
Lantern, Renewable Energy Hybrid OFF grid AC Power Pact etc.
 Address: Al Owais Business Tower, Baniyas Road, and Deira. P. O. Box
51098, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
 Telephone: +971 4 2257333
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Eurostar Communications LLC

Eurostar Solar Energy

Eurostar Energy (Eurostar Solar Energy) is a leading solar energy solution
provider and solar system integrator in the Middle East and Africa Region.
We offer low maintenance customized modular solutions designed
perfectly to suit your requirements. Having tie ups with category leading
brands, we are in unique position to supply the reliable solar energy
products at the most competitive rates. Our solar power, on grid and off
grid, generation solutions are ideal for remote applications, rural
electrification programs, and power requirements for residential and
commercial applications, traffic management solutions and Green
buildings. It is a �ONE STOP' solar energy solution provider for all your
power requirements. We have local presence in most of the Middle East
and Africa region.

 Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, importer, system

 Product types: solar traffic lighting systems, photovoltaic modules, solar
water heating systems, solar street lighting, solar lighting systems, backup
power systems, solar water pumping, solar obstruction lights, solar home
lighting kits, solar green building solutions, Solar On grid systems.
 Service types: consulting, installation & commissioning, Turnkey projects.
 Address: 4th Floor, Al Owais business tower, Deira, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates 51098
 Telephone: 0097142257333
 FAX: 0097142266202/ 0097142259949
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Eurostar Solar Energy

Fiber Optic & LED Lighting Supply & Installation

 Business type: exporter, importer

 Product types: Fiber Optic & LED Lighting.
 Service types: Supply & Install
 Address: PO Box 23682, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
 Telephone: +97143477330
 FAX: +97143477335
21 | P a g e  
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to FibrePros

Green Crystals Solar & Energy Solutions (Green Crystals)

Green Crystals Solar & Energy Solutions (green Crystals) is a sustainable
energy provider in the MENA region that designs, assembles, manufactures
and promotes solar energy and energy saving technology and sells a
variety of related solar products and components, energy saving lighting
for commercial, industrial and residential application. The company offers
clients a total package of turnkey EPC solutions for solar on-grid and off-
grid systems, commercial & industrial automation, portable back-up power
systems, solar air-conditioning, billboard lighting and consultancy services
for sustainable energy and green buildings. In addition, green Crystals
offers its own range of products for the government- solar traffic products,
solar CCTV sur...

 Business type: manufacturer, distributor

 Product types: LED lighting, photovoltaic cells, solar traffic lighting systems,
solar street lighting, portable power systems, photovoltaic systems
commercial, Designer Custom Solar Street lighting, Power Backup Solutions,
Mounting Hardware, On/Off-grid power.
 Service types: design, installation, engineering, project development
services, contractor services
 Address: Jazirah Al Hamra, RAKIA Free zone Industrial Park, Ras Al
Khaimah, United Arab Emirates 10052
 Telephone: +971 7 2444151
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Green Crystals Solar & Energy Solutions (Green

Interconnect Solutions Ltd

Interconnect Solutions Ltd (ISL) is a UK based company and a leading
provider of Power & Telecom Solutions and Accessories for GSM Network &
Telecom Operators, Private Service Providers, OEMâ s, Gov & Industrial
Sector with regional Hub/Ware houses in UAE from where we deliver
globally. ISL products & services are registered with major telecom
operators like Etisalat, Du, Huawei, Safaricom, KDN, Ericsson, Coolcat
Engineering, Compliance, Green Future, Konan Telecom, NSN, Warid, Zain,
Telenor, Wataniya, Alcatel, Roshan etc. in the Asia, Middle East and Africa
region. Interconnect Solutions Ltd (ISL) UK has three brands to meet your
needs:I-POWER : covers a wide range of Uninterrupted Power Supplies,
Batteries, Automatic Voltage Regulat...

 Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter,

22 | P a g e  
 Product types: uninterruptible power supplies UPS, batteries lead acid, solar
electric power systems, hybrid power systems, backup power systems,
batteries emergency backup, RF components, Feeder cables, connectors, in-
building solutions, high quality Coaxial Cables, Coaxial Connectors, PCM
Cables, Optical Patch Cords, Optical Pigtails, Optical Connectors, ODFs, ....
 Service types: installation, project development services
 Address: SAIF Zone, Sharjah, Sharjah United Arab Emirates 9508
 Telephone: +971 6 5579960
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Interconnect Solutions Ltd

Kaltech Energy Solar Water Heaters

Kaltech Energy solar water heaters will provide free hot water round the
clock, Solar collector receives energy from the sun and heat the water. The
hot water will be available in the thermally insulated storage tank for use.
Kaltech Energy manufacture two types of solar water heaters Integrated &
Split types.

 Business type: manufacturer, importer

 Product types: solar collectors flat plate, solar water heaters for domestic &
commercial application. .
 Service types: design, installation, engineering
 Address: 309, Dubai Tower P. O Box No:92652, Deira, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates United Arab Emirates
 Telephone: +97142567 708
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Kaltech Energy Solar Water Heaters

Light-tek is a leading lighting manufacturer and supplier of lighting
system, lighting equipment, LED lighting supplier, LED products, with A to
Z solutions for lighting projects of small and large scale projects, Light-tek
is represented in over 5 countrys worldwide and have supplied for
countless projects and also has a large retail distribution network in UAE
and over 25 countries worldwide, LED lighting is available in every design
and model from Track lights, Spot lights, ceiling lights, cabinet lights, LED
outdoor lights, LED indoor lights, LED chandeliers, LED pendants, Light-tek
light fixtures and LED light fixtures are widely used in UAE, the Middle
east, Europe and African markets, besides LED lighting system, light-tek
also offers...

 Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter,

importer, distributor, electric utility
 Product types: LED lighting, photovoltaic systems, alternative home and
building construction materials, LED light bulbs, solar lighting systems, diesel
23 | P a g e  
electric generators, Lighting equipment, led lighting, lighting fixtures, led
lights, electrical accessories, electrical supplies, electrical products, energy
saving lamps, energy saving bulbs, energy saving ....
 Service types: design, installation, construction, engineering, project
development services, architectural design services, contractor services,
maintenance and repair services, recycling services
 Address: Zaabeel street, Showroom N9, Al Shraifi building, Bur Dubai,
Opposite karama post office, Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates 63830
 Telephone: 0097143962336
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Light-tek

LUBORN Middle East, LLC

LUBORN Lighting is a leading company in the field of design, development
and Manufacturing of High Quality LED Lighting Products based in
Thailand. LEDs & Solar LED Street Lighting products are new revolutionary
products that adapts the energy efficiency, environment friendly, cost
saving and could produce significant energy savings on large scale.
Manufacturing LED Solar Street Lighting, LED Street Lighting, LED Outdoor
Lighting, LED Indoor Lighting. To know more about, please visit or mail us

 Business type: manufacturer, exporter

 Service types: design, installation
 Address: PO Box 84857, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 84857
 Telephone: 042717306
 FAX: 042717396
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to LUBORN Middle East, LLC

Microsol International
Microsol International LL FZE is the Middle East's premier solar cell
manufacturer. Located in Fujairah, UAE, Microsol is the first solar cell
manufacturer in the UAE and the largest in the Middle East. The company is
ISO 9001-2000 certified and is currently in the final stages of acquiring
ISO 14000 certification. Microsol established its solar cell line in 2003 and
currently has a capacity of 150MW per annum. With growing demand from
its existing customers and a steadily growing client base, the company
plans to double its production capacity in the coming years. All our
Monocrystalline and polycrystalline cells are certified internationally by
(VDE) German certification body, In addition to all our modules, which are
certified international...

 Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, distributor

 Product types: photovoltaic cells monocrystalline silicon, photovoltaic cells
polycrystalline silicon, photovoltaic modules monocrystalline silicon,
24 | P a g e  
photovoltaic cells polycrystalline silicon, solar water heating systems, solar
street lighting.
 Service types: consulting, installation, research services
 Address: #205 - 208, Fujairah Free zone, Phase - II, P. O. Box No. 4940,
Fujairah, United Arab Emirates 4940
 Telephone: 00971507614231
 FAX: 0097192281758
 Web Site:

Midland Trading LLC

Solar thermal systems, Sole the oldest solar thermal company in Europe,
invented thermosiphon technology in 1974 also the integrated parabolic
solar system. Supplied systems in the UAE for the Burj Khalifa, Dubai
sports complex. Major projects for serious clients. Sole have a
representative in the UAE to support our products.

 Business type: manufacturer, distributor

 Product types: solar thermal energy, solar air heating system components,
solar collectors flat plate, solar water heating components collectors flat
plate, solar water heating components storage tanks, solar water heating
systems, Solar air-conditioning systems.
 Service types: consulting, design, project development services
 Address: Al Quoz, Dubai, UAE United Arab Emirates 112273
 Telephone: 00971 50 4416954
 FAX: 043386804
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Midland Trading LLC

Solitaire Solar International L L C

Solar water heaters.

 Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter, distributor

 Product types: solar water heating systems.
 Service types: installation, project development services
 Address: Damascus Street, Dubai, Al Qussais United Arab Emirates 19165
 Telephone: 0097142583396
 FAX: 0097142583397
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Solitaire Solar International L L C

Tergeo International
TERGEO is a premier supplier of Solar products in Middle East and Africa.
We are a professional organization and work with some of the leading
global players in the Solar business. We provide original products at the
most competitive price. We offer services across the region through our
25 | P a g e  
partners. We have a strong network of partners who provide us installation
and retail support. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to be
part of our distribution network. We have ready stock and we assure you
that you will receive the best service in the Industry.

 Business type: Manufacturer, Distributor, Wholesale Supplier, Exporter,

Importer, Retail Sales.
 Product types: Photovoltaic Modules, LED Lighting ( Indoor, Outdoor ),
Batteries (Lead acid, AGM, GEL, VRLA )Solar Inverters, Solar Air Cooling
Systems, Solar Charge Controllers, Solar Lanterns, Solar Lighting Kits, Solar
Refrigerators/Freezers. .
 Service types: Design, Installation, Construction, Engineering, Project
Development Services
 Address: PO Box 121239, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
 Telephone: +97165308775 / +971559487317
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Tergeo International

Truelite Energy Innovations LLC

Truelite is a brand incorporated in the US, for Green Energy Products,
focusing on LED Lighting, Solar Off Grid Home and Industrial Solutions.
Truelite is a synergy of global leaders in the field of solar power
generation, LED Lighting and Solar Home and Industrial Solutions to
formulate the best product for every market conditions. Our Products are
carefully chosen from the best quality components across the world and
adapted and tested to suit the local conditions of every country we sell.

 Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier

 Product types: backup power systems, LED lighting, remote home power
systems, solar street lighting, solar garden lights, telecommunications power
 Address: Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
 Telephone: +971 4 3883377
 FAX: +971 4 3883578
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Truelite Energy Innovations LLC

Vista Eco Solutions

Vista Eco Solutions offers energy efficient and water management
solutions through various quality solar and wind products to residential
and commercial customers. Vista Eco Solutions provides the latest
technologies in solar thermal water heating systems, water desalination
and treatment, solar photovoltaic energy systems for rooftops, solar parks
and street lighting. Vista Eco Solutions is the authorized distributor in UAE,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Oman of Austrian Gasokol GmbH and Energetica
26 | P a g e  
Energietechnik GmbH, German SolarWorld AG, Italian Sile S. p. A and CMG
Solari. We provide the state-of-the-art solar and wind products and the
highest quality of full service turnkey projects including; planning, design,
installation. . . .

 Business type: distributor

 Product types: solar water heating and solar pool heating systems, solar
photovoltaic energy systems for residential & commercial, building integrated
PV (BIPV), solar street lighting & LED, solar thermal water desalination and
wind turbine energy systems.
 Service types: Solar water heating, solar thermal desalination,
photovoltaics, LED, wind turbines, design, engineering, contractor services
 Address: Al Barsha Horizon, Office 402, Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia 34797
 Telephone: +971 4 456 0075
 FAX: +971 4 421 4940
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to Vista Eco Solutions

WAROM Electric Middle East (SolarIn)

Solar Energy, Solar Power Systems suppliers, Solar Panels, Solar inverter,
Solar charge controllers, Solar street lights, Solar water pumps, Solar
thermal heating systems, Solar outdoor lights, Solar garden lights.

 Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier

 Product types: photovoltaic cells monocrystalline silicon, solar charge
controllers, solar lighting systems, solar thermal electric power systems,
Solar power systems.
 Service types: design, installation, engineering
 Address: 2602 Single Business Tower Business Bay, Sheikh Zayed Road,
Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates 122705
 Telephone: 043808007
 Web Site:
 E-mail: Send Email to WAROM Electric Middle East (SolarIn)

Accutrol Systems General Trading L. L. C

 Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter,
importer, electric utility
 Product types: solar air heating system components, solar air heating
systems, solar attic vents, Solar Heating systems Dubai, Arison dubai, State
water heaters Dubai, Reflex Calorifiers Dubai, Calpak solar systems Dubai.
 Service types: installation, engineering, project development services,
testing services
 Address: International City - Dubai RUSSIA � BLDG. V13 - S11, Dubai,
Dubai United Arab Emirates 118259
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 Telephone: 04-4572790
 FAX: 04-4572791

Alternate Energy Solution Providers

 Business type: manufacturer, exporter
 Product types: solar electric power systems, LED lighting, DC lighting, DC
powered appliances, water pumps, backup power systems, Solar Cieling
Fans, Solar Sewing Machine Systems, Solar Cooling System.
 Service types: consulting, design, installation
 Address: Electra, Abudhabi, United Arab Emirates
 Telephone: 00971501786198

Binseddiq International
 Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
 Product types: solar thermal electric power systems, solar street lighting,
solar roofing systems, solar tracking systems, solar lighting systems, solar
air heating system components, aviation, marine, oil, gas, environmental,
instrumental, industrial, safety products, systems , services.
 Address: Beit Al Mutawa Building, Near Navy Gate, Abu Dhabi, TCA United
Arab Emirates 3568
 Telephone: 02 6444220
 FAX: 02 6444226

Solar water heating

 Product types: Evacuated types solar water heaters.

 Address: Tulip Inn, Cornish, Ajman United Arab Emirates 79013
 Telephone: +971 06 740 7702
 E-mail: Send Email to JNC

Neo-Neon International LLC.

 Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter, distributor
 Product types: LED lighting, LED light bulbs, solar lighting systems, energy
efficient lighting, energy efficient homes and buildings, solar lighting
 Service types: design, installation, architectural design services
 Address: Rm. 104 Al Kamda Building Zabeel Business Center, Dubai, United
Arab Emirates Post Box: 115228
 Telephone: +971 4 3356608
 FAX: +971 4 3356605
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Specialized & Interactive Systems LLC

 Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter,
 Product types: photovoltaic systems, DC to AC power inverters,
photovoltaic modules, solar charge controllers, solar water pumping systems,
solar water heating systems, Power Backup Systems, DC-DC Converters, DC
Lighting, Solar Garden Lights, Solar Outdoor Lighting, AC & DC Refrigerators
& Freezers, Batteries, Cathodic Protection Systems, Portable Power Systems,
Remote Home Power Systems, Aviation Obstruction Lighting, Intelligent
Traffic Systems, Custom Designed Systems.
 Address: P.O. Box 20374, Showroom # 4 Plot # 795, Airport Road, Garhoud
Area, Dubai -, Dubai United Arab Emirates P.O.
Box 20374
 Telephone: +971-4-286-8002
 FAX: +971-4-282-3397

 Almaden MENA FZE, located in Dubai Silicon Oasis Freezone, is

a manufacturer of ultrathin frameless double glass PV modules.
Additionally Almaden MENA FZE is also a solar EPC contractor, solar project
developer and solar project investor in Middle Eastern solar markets and
 Almaden MENA FZE is 100 % owned by China ChangZhou Almaden Co,Lts , a
public share listed company in China (Stock Code: 002623). For more
information about Almaden in China please click here .
 Since 2015 Almaden has successfully developed 280MW of solar projects
(including 80MW in 2015 and 200MW in 2016). Most of these projects are
located in China and other countries in Asia.
 Once Almaden Mena FZE will start the production of our ultrathin frameless
double glass PV modules in Dubai we will also initiate our marketing and
project development business unit and solar EPC contracting services in
Dubai .
 Our state of the art Dubai solar module assembly site will be completed
during the second half of 2016 and then ready to supply PV modules Made in
Dubai to the Middle Eastern markets and beyond

PTL Solar™ offers world class energy efficient / renewable energy solutions for
solar lighting, residential solar housing systems, solar farming, solar
transportation, solar power backup systems and solar aviation operations. In
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, many companies like Scania, Aramex, CEVA
Logistics, AW Rostamani, MARS and Government bodies like DEWA (Dubai
Electricity & Water Authority) are opting GRENLite™ Solar Lighting technology
for external lighting system
29 | P a g e  

Solar Panels dealers in Dubai 


Nazeer Basha Syed Mechanical & Engineering Equipment Trading LLC 


 Phone+971‐4‐2243543 
 Fax+971‐4‐2243534 
 Box No.379670 
 EmirateDubai 
 AreaDeira 
 LocationDeira, Nasser Sq, Bhnd Mount Royal Hotel 
Amber & Waseem General Trading 


 Phone+971‐4‐5517169 
 Fax+971‐4‐5517268 
 Box No.414247 
 EmirateDubai 
 AreaBusiness Bay 
 LocationBusinessbay, Lake Central Tower 
Al Hamas Trading Company LLC 


 Phone+971‐4‐3350020 
 Fax+971‐4‐3356648 
30 | P a g e  
 Box No.19546 
 EmirateDubai 
 AreaKarama 
 LocationUmm Hurair Rd, Pyramid Centre, Opp Al Nasr Cinema 
Jubilee Store LLC 


 Phone+971‐4‐2271064 
 Fax+971‐4‐2231338 
 Box No.14837 
 EmirateDubai 
 AreaDeira 
 LocationDeira, Nasser Sq, Gargash Centre 
Specialized & Interactive Systems SIS LLC 


 Phone+971‐4‐2862616 
 Fax+971‐4‐2862617 
 Box No.20374 
 EmirateDubai 
 AreaRashidiya 
 LocationAl Ramool Area, Opp Geap Intl 
Technical & Trading LLC 


 Phone+971‐4‐3168000 
 Fax+971‐4‐2279325 
 Box No.325 
 EmirateDubai 
 AreaDeira 
 LocationDeira, Nr Taxi Stand 
31 | P a g e  

 Phone+971‐2‐6195000 
 Fax+971‐2‐6794609 
 Box No.2946 
 EmirateAbu Dhabi 
 AreaSalam Street 
 LocationBldg # 5, Nr Lulu Centre 
Apex Power Concepts Trading 


 Phone+971‐4‐2231185 
 Fax+971‐4‐2271505 
 Box No.378542 
 EmirateDubai 
 AreaDeira 
 LocationDeira, Baniyas Rd, Nr Rivera Hotel 
Jubilee Store LLC 


 Phone+971‐4‐2271064 
 Fax+971‐4‐2231338 
 Box No.14837 
 EmirateDubai 
 AreaDeira 
 LocationDeira, Nasser Sq, Gargash Centre 
Capsol Solar Energy Systems 


 Phone+971‐4‐2668782 
32 | P a g e  
 Fax+971‐4‐2668782 
 Box No.87179 
 EmirateDubai 
 Area  
 LocationDeira 
Bahmani General Trading Company LLC 


 Phone+971‐4‐2298687 
 Fax+971‐4‐2298606 
 Box No.86362 
 EmirateDubai 
 AreaDeira 
 LocationDeira, Mount Royal Hotel Bldg, S/R # 2 
Value Addition FZC 


 Phone+971‐6‐5578956 
 Fax+971‐6‐5578957 
 Box No.8153 
 EmirateSharjah 
 AreaSaif Zone 
 LocationSaif Zone 

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